The Leader in Spain 10 October 22 – Edition 940

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president of the Moors and Christians Association has replaced Emilio Bascuñana at the top of the Partido Popular list for the May 2023 elections.

His selection was confirmed on Saturday by the PPCV electoral committee when it announced the list of candidates for the entire Valencian Community.

Bascuñana meanwhile, had declared his intention to withdraw from mainstream politics during the previous evening.

Since the motion of censure on April 25, that ousted the PP from government, the former President of the Red Cross had returned to his previous vocation as a family doctor at the Álvarez de la Riva health centre in the city.

He said that he had planned to make the announcement of his retirement at a meeting of the Orihuela PP on Saturday, at which time he would communicate to his pedáneos and collaborators his intention to step aside, "But unfortunately, due to deadlines that have been imposed I have been forced to bring forward the statement that I wanted to share with all of you tomorrow ", he stated in an interview on local television on Friday night.

CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO JOSÉ VEGARA PP CANDIDAJOSÉ VEGARA PP CANDIDA TE TE FOR ORIHUELA MAFOR ORIHUELA MA YOR YOR No 940 Monday 10th - Sunday 16thOctober 2022 637 227 Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper



He also said that his intention had always been to serve just two terms as leader, “and no more" but "not make it public until now." In the same message he said that he would remain until the end of the current legislature" and "provide his wholehearted support to the new PP leader".

José Vegara, meanwhile, had repeatedly denied his intention to enter politics, but his party insists that, "although he has no political experience, he is exactly what Orihuela needs to achieve a strong government."

“He is a man of consensus who can garner votes beyond the electorate faithful and we are sure that he will lead the party in regaining the mayor's office in the municipal elections next May.”

Local businesswomen and former PP councillor for the Coast, Sofia Alvarez, was quick to come out in support of Vegara, posting on social media, “Without a doubt, he is a very wise choice! Congratulations to the candidate and to the Popular Party of Orihuela.”

Woman dies after overturning car in Dolores canal

In accepting the nomination on Saturday, Vegara told PP supporters, “I take this important step because of a feeling of responsibility, my love for Orihuela and a commitment to my people. I could not say no, and my previous hopes of a vocation in public service can now be fulfilled”.

He added, “Now is time the time for Orihuela to move forward with one voice. If we are united we will be stronger, and we are now all pushing in the

up completely overturned in a canal next to the road.

The incident occurred at about 5:30 a.m. when the authorities received notice of a traffic accident on the CV-855.

The driver of the vehicle,in which two young women were traveling,lost control,ending up upside down in a canal that runs alongside the road.

One of the occupants was injured with bruises but the other young woman was seriously injured and trapped in the vehicle unable to get out.

same direction which is essential for the union of the party and our recovery of the government.”

In his address to the meeting, former mayor Bascuñana added his support saying that the new leader is very fortunate. "We have many qualified people in the PP with an ideal profile and we now also have a candidate who is undoubtedly the best so we should all be very happy”.

Members of International drug network arrested in Orihuela

Members of a drug network that operated from Spain to the rest of Europe have been arrested in Orihuela

In a joint operation with Customs Surveillance of the Tax Agency,agents of the National Police have dismantled a Polish-Danish criminal organization allegedly dedicated to drug trafficking from within Spain to the rest of Europe.

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A woman died in the early hours of Saturday morning in Dolores after losing control of her vehicle,which ended

The emergency personnel performed CPR on her but she died before she could be released from the car.

on Concert

During the summer, Torrevieja town hall attempted to pass the town off as a concert venue, with a number of events taking place in the parque de Antonio Soria, taking over much of the car park normally used for the weekly Friday market.

Concerts would attract around 7,000 to 8,000 participants, which is seen as a ìsuccessî, as those participants bring revenue to the town, spending in local businesses, according to the government team.

So this year Torrevieja town hall decided to end the summer with a final concert given by the famous rapper Quevedo, number one on Spotify, and which would, they say, bring even more revenue into the town.

The Los Verdes green party questioned the arrangement, costing 197,000 euro, but according to the Partido Popular (PP) governing board, they would take a commission from ticket sales and subsequently get a favourable return on their investment of public money.

However, the townhall were not set to get a return on all ticket sales, as the promoter would get the full revenue from the first

Spain’s best selling rapper, Quevedo

7,500 ticket sales, then 50% thereafter, but in total just 8,016 tickets were sold.

While the Los Verdes representative, Israel MuÒoz, said that the council will get back approximately 5,000 from their involvement of the evening costing 197,000 euro, the PP councillor for Youth, Domingo Paredes, said that it has been the most popular concert in the history of the town, although, when pressed to do so, he failed to acknowledge how the 192,000 euro loss could have better been spent on municipal services that benefit all of the 80,000 resident tax payers, rather than just 8,000 ìvisitorsî to the town.

A total of 16 people have been arrested in the Alicante population of Orihuela,as well as the Malaga towns of Alhaurín de la Torre,Fuengirola,Marbella and Málaga,in the Murcian municipalities of Los Alcázares,Mazarrón and Murcia,and in the Barcelona towns of Premiá de Dalt and Barcelona.

The investigations,which began during the summer of 2020, were initially centred around a woman who had lived in Marbella for decades,and who was preparing a shipment of cocaine from South America to Spain.According to the Alicante National Police,this woman lived in a mansion of more than 3,000 square meters valued at around three million euros.

Due to her economic capacity and the relationships she had with national and foreign criminals,the investigation focused on her with the aim of gathering evidence,not only of activity related to drug trafficking,but also the money laundering,of capital that could derive from the crimes against public health.

She was linked to a man who had been convicted in 2014 for smuggling 200 kilograms of cocaine into Denmark,and who was part of a Polish organization,based in Spain,specialized in sending large quantities of narcotic drugs by road from Spain to the Nordic and Central European countries, including Germany,Poland,Norway and Denmark.

The organization,which was led by a Dane,was made up of Polish citizens,many of them with criminal for drug trafficking and the use of violence.

There was also a drug deal detected in a London pub,coordinated by an investigator of British origin who was in Malaga.This Metropolitan Police arrested two people as they were exchanging one kilogram of cocaine and five kilograms of marijuana.

Four members of the Polish organization were also arrested, just as they were preparing the shipment on a farm in Malaga.A weapon,cryptocurrency,a number of vehicles and various drugs were seized.Eleven further individuals were also arrested.

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Images courtesy PPFacebook: FP- Bascuñana congratulates Vegara Below - Vegara accepts his nomination
Torrevieja blows 200,000 euro

C.L.A.R.O. and P.I.O.C. at loggerheads despite common ground

TheOrihuela Costa vote has never been that strong, with less than 2,300 people turning out to have their say at the last municipal election.

At that time there was just the one party working exclusively for the coast, C.L.A.R.O., but now, with the recent arrival of PIOC onto the scene, the vote is in danger of being split, with the race for support developing into a battle between the two, as to which will carry the mantle on behalf of residents of the coast.

Unfortunately, Orihuela city based politicians tend to look after their own and regardless of who is in power, Partido Popular, PSOE or Ciudadanos, the coast is largely ignored.

In the last four years municipal support for the Orihuela Costa has deteriorated enormously and as parks continue to be overgrown, refuse continues to pile up by the side of bins, potholes on our roads grow increasingly deeper, none of the major political parties appears to have any inclination to act on our behalf.

And now the two coastal based groups also seem to be at odds with each other.

In a C.L.A.R.O. Press release that was issued on Friday, and that has been uploaded in full at, they state that the new political party, PIOC (Partido por la Independencia de Orihuela Costa), is based on the misunderstanding that independence for Orihuela Costa is possible. “It is not”, they say, “and the leaders of the party know it. But they will not admit it”.

They go on to explain what they call ‘the reality of the situation’ as set out in Spanish law 7/1985 and Valencia law 8/2010, stating that while independence of part of an existing municipality is legally possible, the conditions in the case of Orihuela Costa make it impossible.

In outlining the procedure C.L.A.R.O. explain that, initially, a petition for independence must be signed by at least 50% of the resident (empadronado) population. Each signature must be validated and paid for by a Notary (perhaps E10 per signature) or by the Secretary of the Town Hall in Orihuela city.

In the case of Orihuela Costa the number of signatures required to support such a petition amounts nearly 15,000.

Considering that the total Orihuela Costa vote in municipal elections is less than 2,300 (and of course not all would be in favour of independence), this would require another 12,700 signatures from a less politically active population, that is

often absent for various periods of the year in the case of non-Spanish. And the time allowed would not be unlimited. This alone is virtually impossible.

C.L.A.R.O. say that they are convinced of the impossibility of independence for Orihuela Costa (and, since, basically, the same conditions apply, so too does the lesser status of local autonomy, Entidad Local Menor).

PIOC, meanwhile, believes that both parties do have many of the same ambitions and as there is undoubtedly strength in unity they continue to offer CLARO a 4 year alliance to achieve the goals of securing representation in the municipal government. The party states, “We are not offering CLARO a marriage until death do us part. It's just an alliance for the next 4 years.”

A spokesperson told the Leader that, “together we could get at least 3,000 voters, which would be equivalent to 3 Councillors.”

They say that C.L.A.R.O.'s analyses are flawed and with the next elections scheduled to take place in May 2023 there is absolutely no time for a legal debate, adding that while Orihuela is losing 200 voters every year, Orihuela Costa is gaining around 800 new registered citizens so, in 15 years, or even sooner, there will be more people registered in Orihuela Costa than in the rest of the Orihuela municipality at which time the calls for greater autonomy will be even more appropriate.

The PSOE currently holds the office of Mayor with just 6,000 votes. PIOC believes that in 15 years time the Orihuela Costa could count on 10,000 votes? “Perhaps when that time comes, Independence will not be necessary”, they say.

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Union Denounces Conditions at Orihuela Courts

The Asociación Unificada de Guardias Civiles (AUGC) in Alicante, the union representing Guardia Civil officers, had denounced the “painful conditions” in which the officers must work due to the “terrible forecast and planning” of building work that is being carried out to improve the facilities in the judicial headquarters of the City of Orihuela, which make it “impossible to provide a security service with guarantees”.

It said that in the Custody Centre for detainees the cells are occupied by several people and they must also be used by the staff in charge of carrying out the transfer of prisoners from the Foncalent and Villena prisons, while they wait, often for several hours to be dealt with in the different Courts of the Palace of Justice.

The maintenance work has been carried out inside the detention centre since May, during which time the custody agents

must remain standing inside, surrounded by construction material, machinery, sacks of cement, heaps of sand, bricks, rubble, etc.

They have no alternative other than to listen to the heavy blows and thunderous noises produced by the tools of the workers as they use drills, saws, moto-picks, etc., as well as withstanding bad smells and the intense dust, affecting both breathing and sight since they lack any kind of protective equipment.

This same situation is also suffered by the prisoners deprived of their liberty who are in the custody of the agents, as well as their lawyers when they meet with their clients prior to their hearing.

All of this, they say, puts their honour, privacy and image at risk, since the maintenance workers at the site are able to listen to the private conversations between officers, detainees and their lawyers.

Guardamar del Segura Health Centre Reinforces Services

The mayor chairs

Torrevieja Department of Health has made a significant organisational and staffing effort to strengthen the Primary Care work teams that cover Guardamar del Segura.

The health centre has been allocated two new doctors and two nurses, one of them in paediatrics, reducing medical care quotas below 1,500 patients per assigned doctor.

The Guardamar del Segura health centre will continue to offer care in the morning and afternoon. In addition, the radiology service will now be in operation from 8am to 3pm and it is expected that in the coming days the presence of specialties will resume in the centre itself, thereby avoiding unnecessary trips to the hospital.

The new additions will make it possible to offer better care to patients and their families, reduce delays in care and meet a better approach to chronic

Campaign to stop bullying in Torrevieja schools

Torrevieja has announced a municipal campaign against Harassment and School Absenteeism.

There are two objectives of the initiative, the first is to raise awareness and prevent bullying, a problem that is prevalent inside all educational centres as well as outside them through social networks, while the second initiative emphasises the importance of attending class to avoid school absenteeism.

Elche Could Become the Home of Spanish Aerospace

The president of Valencia, Ximo Puig, has given his support to Elche as a candidate to be the headquarters of the Spanish Aerospace Agency, or Agencia Aeroespacial Española.


The restoration of health programs will allow them to improve on the levels seen prior to the start of the pandemic.

For Ximo Puig, the city meets all the requirements to host the headquarters: from the leading national company in the sector, such as PLD Space, to infrastructures such as the Airport.

Other cities across Valencia are also

expected to put themselves forward, including Alicante, which Puig has said he would also support, but his main bet is Elche.

"We will support all the Valencian cities that apply to have the headquarters, but the Generalitat's commitment is for Elche", he affirmed.

The campaign was explained at a press conference by Ricardo Recuero, Councilor for Education, Abel Moya, director of the IES Mare Nostrum;Nalian Cantero , director of the campaign, and Gloria García, social worker from the Department of Education.

Spain struggling to cope with skyrocketing food prices amid inflation

A survey by consumer organisation OCU has found that Spain recorded prices of food items rising an average of 15.2% over the last year, the highest annual rise in 34 years.

Skyrocketing commodity prices which have been further fuelled by the crisis in Ukraine have led to a surge in cost of living, which includes food and grocery items.

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Guardia officers and prisoners have to endure apalling conditions
a meeting to discuss staffing levels

Challenge to N332 speed limit in Campoamor


Miguel Sánchez Flores has been working as a taxi driver in Orihuela Costa since 1999 in which time he has received at least three fines for driving at more than 80 kmh along the N332 through Campoamor.

Each fine has cost him 100 euros and speaking to the Spanish press he said he doesn’t rule out more in the coming days.

“I know there are many people who are being fined as they travel along this same stretch of road,” he said, with several of his colleagues and many residents of the coast also receiving fines for traveling at more than 80 kilometres per hour.

In his case, he already adds three violations, each of them of 100 euros.

However, he plans to challenge the sanctions because he insists that the signage is not correct. Specifically, there is a sign that indicates the end of the 70 kilometres per hour limit, so from then on, on a road with such signage, with a double carriageway and a hard shoulder that is one and a half metres wide, traffic is allowed to travel at 100 kilometres per hour.

There are no signs that indicate otherwise. However, Sánchez Flores says that the three fines imposed on him, as have also been the case with other drivers, indicate that "there is a specific limitation set by the signal", when this is not the case.

He states that the "infractions" were commit-

ted on September 17 and 18, adding that the radar cameras have been connected since mid-September and that the prosecutions since then have been regular and considerable.

For this reason, he insists that if the authorities wish to limit the speed to 80 kmh along that particular section, the General Directorate of Traffic must sign it accordingly, because "fines

Trafico have confirmed that the limit along the stretch in question is 90kmph

network in Spain.

The differing speed limit, dependant on the width of the hard shoulder, was removed, and the generic maximum permitted speed limit was set at 90 kilometres per hour, reducing it from the previous 100 kmph, on roads where no other restrictions are in force, in other words, where there are no signs.

From that point on, the 100 kilometre per hour limit was an exception, which, if it applied, would be clearly signposted, as is the case on the modernised N-332 as it passes Benidorm, for example.

So, unlike his assertion, the maximum permitted speed limit on the stretch of road in question is not 100 kilometres per hour, as he suggests, but the generic limit of 90. He is correct though, that if the road authorities wish to limit the road to 80, then it must be signposted.

are being imposed for travelling at the speed that the road allows" given its characteristics, he argues while emphasising his experience behind the wheel as a professional driver for over 23 years.

Unfortunately, however, José Miguel seems unaware that the law changed in January of 2019, when new maximum permitted speed limits came into force on the secondary road

He also describes the N-332 as it passes through Torrevieja as insufferable.

While still waiting for the improvements that have been promised, he states that he cannot offer a good service to clients who go, for example, to the Alicante-Elche airport, whilst remembering also the difficulties and traffic jams that the ambulances have to endure as they travel to the University Hospital of Torrevieja.

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A man died on Thursday evening at about 7:20 p.m. after being hit by a train at de la avenida de Elch, near El Palmeral. The deceased, a 56-year-old resident of Alicante, went to the area with the intention of fishing and was in the company of his wife and his daughter, who had remained in the the park .

After crossing avenue and climbing over a small wall that separates the rails from the rest of the road, the man tried to cross the tracks on foot and was run over by a train travelling along the line between Alicante and Cartagena.

Five patrols of the Local Police and health services attended the site bur medical staff were only been able to confirm the death of the man. Traffic was held up in the direction of Alicante for over an hour while the body was removed.

ADIF sources said that the incident also caused delays on the railway line running between Valencia and Cartagena. The accident also affected the movement of the long-distance rail line from

Barcelona and three neighborhoods of the Murcia/Alicante line.

The area in which the accident occurred is a black spot at which, with Thursday’s tragedy, nine people have lost their lives in the last 20 years. Although it is protected by a fence that prevents access to the tracks, there are often holes or damage to its wire mesh that leaves the area open to access.

FEMPwarn that Torrevieja Police is undermanned by at least 51 Officers

The recommendation of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) is two agents for every thousand inhabitants,and as such,Torrevieja,with a population close to 90,000 inhabitants,regularly rising above 100,000,should employ at least 200 local police officers.

Renfe short and medium distance trains to remain free for all of 2023

The Spanish government has announced plans to keep Renfe short- and medium-distance train tickets fully subsidized for all of 2023, extending the measure already in place from September to December of this year.

The transport budget will be increased by 41.2% up to e700 million.

Most of this will go to Renfe to cover the subsidisation of the tickets.

Spain has the highest high school dropout rate in the European Union

Spain has the highest high school dropout rate in the European Union, according to the findings of OECD. Spain's rate of 28% is in stark contrast with EU's 12%. In 2021, 28 percent of people aged 25 to 34 in Spain hadn't completed the sixth form/high school education or a grado medio (the equivalent in terms of vocation training).


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) paid twice the energy costs and 50% more in material supplies in the second quarter of this year, which has reduced their profitability to 2014 levels, according to the Cepyme indicator.

According to Cepyme, 55% of the fall in net return on assets is due to the Covid-19 crisis and 45% can be attributed to inflationary struggles.

First possible crater caused by meteorite found in Almeria

Torrevieja Local Police should have at least 51 more policemen than it has.The "official" organisational chart details a total of 187 officers,but the actual staff number is 120 agents and 17 officers,in total 136.

According to Juan Antonio Moya,the Union representative of of the Workers Commission,and himself a police officer,the availibility and functions of many of these officers is also limited with 45 of them employed only on a temporary basis as a result of which they cannot carry weapons or perform a number of regular duries.

Of the 120 available agents,because of age or illness,only 87 are available to perform normal duties

Orihuela Health sterilizes 85 cats

The presence of stray cats in different parts of the municipality has increased in recent years, as a result of


which the campaign "Sterilization of cats without owners" was recently launched by the Orihuela Council.

According to experts, the first possible crater caused by a meteorite in Spain has been discovered and it is located in the Albabia-Tabernas basin in Almeria.

The crater was buried 1,000 metres deep and is about four kilometres in diameter.

It is likely to have been caused by a meteorite which crashed to earth eight million years ago.

as a local administration”, explains Luis Quesada, Councillor for Health. However, the councillor fails to advise the areas in which the current campaign is being carried out. Nor does he explain the future feline colonial plan of the municipality that he states will be put into operation, however, if it does maintain these animals in adequate conditions from the point of view of health and well-being, as he claims, they will be most welcome.


Subsidised by the Diputación de Alicante at a cost of 6,891.44, the campaign aims to "sterilise stray cats, to avoid their uncontrolled reproduction, which due to their unsocial behaviour, are unable to adapt to living with families in closed home environments and can thereby pose hygienic-sanitary problems

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It is thought that a further 15 agents could leave the force by the end of the year
which we must attend



what the conflict was between two Russian women is not known, but the one thing that is certain is that one of them died and was allegedly killed by the other.

She was hit on the head and set on fire, after being soaked with petrol.

It happened in 2015 in a town near Moscow but after seven years the alleged murderer, who has been on the run from Russian Justice, has now been located and arrested in

Alicante by the National Police.

The Russian fugitive is a 40-year-old woman, the subject of an international arrest warrant (OID) who was hiding in an address on Calle Garbinet in Alicante. She will now have to answer to Russian authorities once her extradition is processed by the High Court.

She is accused of murder and faces a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison, according to data provided by the Alicante National Police.

The arrest was carried out by agents of the Organized Crime Group after they received information from Interpol about the international arrest warrant issued by the Russian authorities on the woman who was thought to be residing in the province of Alicante.

According to the warrant, the detainee had a conflict with another woman and while they were on a car trip together, the fugitive stopped the vehicle and inflicted a strong blow to her companion’s head.

The woman is in police custody awaiting extradition

She then dragged her into a ravine, doused her with petrol and set her on fire, causing her death.

Following an investigation the Police discovered an address in Alicante where the wanted woman was thought to be residing.

Following her arrest the woman was taken to Alicante police station and was later placed at the disposal of the central court of Instruction number 6 of the National Court.

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Can We be Sure of Anything Now?

Celebration of National Day on Playa Flamenca Esplanade

There will be an afternoon of celebration and fun taking place on Wednesday to which members of the public, of all nationalities, are invited.


really understand much of what I am about to write, so perhaps if you do, you might kindly explain it to me later. I don't imagine any 'spoiler alerts' will be necessary for what follows.

Professor Stephen Hawking -- see what I mean? -- is on record as saying, "When it began, the universe is thought to have had zero size." (Sounds like a dress for a very skinny model.) Were there any witnesses who could confirm that? A minute or so later the temperature would be "a thousand million degrees," and I reckon any bystanders would be long gone, if they had an ounce of sense, and a large jar of sun cream.

It's difficult to be sure of anything nowadays. Does the FN key on my new laptop still mean 'Function', or is it now the abbreviation for 'Fake News'?

When I first spotted the sails of a ship coming over the horizon, and only later saw the hull, I immediately realised that the earth might be round, or at least not flat. Later the same day -- how is this for a coincidence? -- an eclipse cast the earth's round shadow on the moon, and confirmed my earlier suspicion, a word we astronomers sometimes cautiously employ.

I'm aware that one or two people had allegedly figured this out before me, but you couldn't always trust those old scientists.

They thought the earth was stationary and planets whirled around it like spinning tops, which hadn't even been invented yet!

"For the next million years or so, nothing happened." What did Professor Hawking expect, estate agents? Scientists, there's just no telling them, is there?

All material objects are an illusion, believed one philosopher, or at least he did until he stubbed his toe on a large stone, causing him to stumble and grasp a nettle. He also claimed space and time didn't exist, but I have neither the space nor the time to go into that here.

As a would-be (now has-been) athlete, I used to be convinced I could measure the speed of light by running alongside it, at sunrise, say. It was only when I moved out of running shorts into long trousers and learned that light travels at 186,000 miles per second that I realised why I always finished in the silver medal position, and seriously out of breath.

We live in a galaxy that is a hundred thousand light years across. I never stood a chance, with only my brother's pair of canvas trainers at my disposal on alternate days.

An ex-forger of my acquaintance once said to me his career was ruined by "rheumatism and combustible ink." Seeing my puzzled expression, he added, "You just can't be sure of anything these days, who was going to be fooled by euro notes that burst into flames, or scorched dollar bills?" I'm glad I never asked to borrow any money from him. But really, blazing euros and charred greenbacks?

I told you I didn't know what I was talking about.

The activities will begin at 12.30 with the raising of the National Flag following which there will be a tribute to the local police, orchestral music, fireworks and childrens activities.

The event will be brought to a close by the councillor for Festivities and the President of AIDOC at 3pm.

More than 70 passengers are left at the airport by Ryanair

Although Ryanair delayed it’s flight from Castellón to Stansted by 30 minutes last Tuesday, the airline is being criticised by the National Police for leaving 70 passengers at the airport, despite the fact that the policemen due work the security gates arrived late, so the passengers were unable to be processed through to departures.

However a spokesman for the police trade union said, "The lack of foresight on the part of the Provincial Police Station and the excess of work caused the incident."

When contacted by the press the National Police has declined to comment.

Campoamor urbanisation cut off from Orihuela Costa by heavy rain

Once again there are many residents in Campoamor urbanisation having to take a long detour in order to get to shops, centro salud and and other amenities as a result of heavy rain.

The road that runs under the viaduct is flooded yet again, as it is following almost every period of rain, with many people concerned that it will remain so for most of the winter. Residents were particularly critical of the ‘Concejalía de Infraestructuras’ which they say has had plenty of time to resolve the situation but continues to sit on it’s hands.

Shady is a great character of 7 months old. He would love his forever home, full of love and cuddles.

Is that you?

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As a result of development works the open-air car park is now closed to the public, meaning that over the next few months more than 300 parking spaces will be lost in the city centre.

The President of the Valencian Community

was in Torrevieja on Wednesday where he attended the opening of the modernised fish market.

“A large part of the local economy is linked to the fish market and the fishermen. This new project (of the new zone and leisure centre 'Puerto de Torrevieja') can now get

underway in earnest. It begins from a position of strength and will now develop into a great centre following an investment that will exceed 20 million euros”, he said. He added that the development will turn the port of Torrevieja into an emblematic space in the city, which will promote residential tourism and many other productive sectors of the Vega Baja Puig attended the ceremony along with the Regional Minister for Territorial Policy, Public

Works and Mobility, Rebeca Torró, the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, and the businessman Enrique Riquelme, who heads the group of company’s that have been awarded 50 year concession.

Eduardo Dolón explained that a second phase of the port project will now begin with the construction of an underground car park for 600 vehicles along with the demolition of the old facilities of the fishing sector and warehouses.

As a result of the works the open-air car park is now closed to the public, meaning that over the next few months more than 300 parking spaces will be lost in the city centre.

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Dolon with Ximo Puig and inset is the new leisure port.

‘The best little country in the world.......’


up and chests out – we’re a free country!’ With those words, Master Lawlor, used sometimes try to smarten us up as we ‘slouched’ against the classroom wall during Irish reading. That fact might have been one of the few positives of the day, but our teacher often considered it worth a mention!

My mother had a message in a similar vein: ‘Ireland is the best little country in the world’, was a life-long peroration of hers. In adulthood, her sons would good-naturedly tease her about this dogma. ‘Why then did four of your six sons have to leave it?’ one of us would ask. It made no difference; the final word from Mam was always the same; ‘we still live in the best little country in the world!’

I was reminded of the wonderful spot where we took root on this planet in a conversation I had in my yard with a good friend this morning. Jerry is not a sentimental sort of guy who dishes out praise willy nilly. For this reason I was a tad surprised when he uttered a sentence loaded with conviction; “I’ll never give out about this country again,” proclaimed my friend. We had talked about what the Ukrainian civilian population are being forced to endure, through no fault of their own. We spoke of ‘man’s inhumanity to man’; of how bad things happen to good people and how it does appear that the evil of the few can triumph over the good of many.

While we were at it, we got around to all the natural disasters afflicting the world. Devastating weather damage in Florida, South Carolina and eastern Canada. Drought, famine and wildfires across sections of the Globe and more flooding in Pakistan. How blessed we are in where we live. I know we have a housing crisis – and it is easy for those of us with a house, to sometimes gloss over this stain on our country; but nobody is bombing or shooting at us. There is nobody starving in Ireland (as in

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

not being able to source food to sustain life). Where there is hunger, there is an underlying cause and help is always available.

We have a benign climate, where weather conditions should not kill anyone. People care about people and ‘giving a hand’ is a national pastime.

It may sound like a cheesy old cliché, but you should count your blessings. For a hundred years, since the foundation of our State, democracy and all of our political parties have served the country well. This, despite the fact that our system of government was born out of the bitterness of civil war. Democracy and the peaceful handing over of power after elections is the greatest system of rule in the world – and it is now something we cannot take for granted.

the Republican Party are fascists. Trump regularly praises Vladimir Putin – calling him ‘savvy’ and a ’genius.’ In Brazil you have Berlusconi – ‘The Trump of the Tropics.’ With huge rallies and Nazi style flag-waving, these three men are the pied pipers of evil that they have managed to wrap in the cloak of nationalism. There is loads of evidence that Putin has had a part to play in his ‘blood-brothers’ rise to prominence. Russian interference helped fuel the January 6th rebellion in America and really it was Vladimir, and not Boris (“Trump Light” – especially when it came to telling the truth) who ‘got Brexit done.

Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.

Fascism is rearing its ugly head once more. It’s as if history is determined to repeat itself. In the late 1920s and early 1930s it was truly remarkable how fascism sprung up in several different countries at the same time. Hatred and aggression seemed to be ‘in the air.’ Fascist bullies like Hitler and Mussolini were connected like blood brothers – no pun intended. Well, my friends, it’s back. The nice name for it is ‘a move to the far right.’ Italy has just returned a chip off the old block in Giorgia Maloni Donald Trump and his wing of

GARDEN FELIX Impatiens bloom profusely all season long

Impatiens flowers are bright annuals that can light up any dark and shady part of your garden.

Growing impatiens is quite easy, as they can be propagated from seeds, or cuttings, very easily.

However, they are very sensitive to lack of water and will wilt quickly, if not watered.

You can use impatiens

flowers as bedding plants, border plants, or in containers.

They enjoy moist, but well draining soil, and partial to deep shade. They do not do as well in full sun.

Place the impatiens plant in a hole at least as deep and wide as the rootball, sitting at the same level in the ground as it did in the pot.

You can plant impatiens flowers

quite close to one another, 5-10 cm apart. The closer they are planted together, the faster the plants will grow together, to form a bank of lovely impatiens flowers.

Impatiens flowers do best when fertilised regularly. Use a water soluble fertiliser every two weeks, through spring and summer.

You can also use slow release fertiliser at the beginning of the spring season and once more half way through summer.

Impatiens do not need to be deadheaded, as they self clean their spent blooms and will bloom profusely all season long.

A lovely young woman in Iran, Masha Amini, was tortured and beaten to death by male policemen because the rulers didn’t like her showing a bit of her face and hair. The bravery of the women who have gone on the streets to protest her death says everything about the strength of feeling and anger at her death. That numbers of men (mostly young) have gone onto the streets in support of women’s rights shows the whiff of change in these barbaric States.

There you have a few facts to dwell on, dear readers; but principally, I want you to agree with my mammy when she said that, ’we live in the best little country in the world!

Don’t Forget

If you don’t enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more?

PAGE 10 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022 PAGE 11www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Thanksgiving Service in Campoverde for our Pets


Studio 32 are well into rehearsals for the most challenging production that they have done so far.

‘A Night on Broadway’will consist of nine mini productions with 27 musical numbers from shows that they have put on over the past 13 years.

In that time Studio32 has donated over 40,000 euros to local charities.We have assembled a great cast to bring you an extravaganza of musical numbers and dance.

Pictured are Cast members Justine Cook,Lonee Hopwood and Barbara Eastaff who will be performing in various numbers throughout the show.You will not be disappointed so book your tickets now using our online booking service outlined below.

The show will run at the Cardenal Beluga Theatre,San Fulgencio, between the 10th,11th and 12th of November.

experience working in the theatre backstage,in lighting,sound etc and in particular who have experience working with costumes.

If you are that person and would like further information on our theatre company and rehearsal

times,or you would like to book tickets for our show please visit our website:

Alternatively you can call 679 062 272 or book tickets online,email

On Sunday October 2,Campoverde Church in the Community held its much-anticipated and very popular annual Pet Thanksgiving Service in Campoverde Church Garden.

Each year Campoverde Church holds this service on the Sunday closest to St Francis' Day,October 4. Maggie Dew,Church Warden,said,“Campoverde Church in the Community knows how important people’s pets are to them.

That’s why,every year,we hold a special service of Thanksgiving and Blessing for Our Pets in the Garden.

Each year we put together a very special service full of prayers,songs and readings of thanks,that draw out the comparison of the unconditional love our pets show us with the unconditional love of God for us.”

This year,35 people and their pets (all dogs this year) gathered in the beautiful Church Garden for this delightful celebration,led by Pip Shail with music by Mike Shail.

The photos show just a few of those who joined in. Everyone behaved impeccably! After the service of thanksgiving,we all shared in refreshments.

During the service a collection was taken,all of which is to be given to local animal charities.

We are always looking for people to join our group (especially men) who can,or have aspirations to sing,dance and act,or who have

TR TR E E AS AS U U R R E IE I S S LAN LAN D D the Pthe P anto anto

Longawaited tickets are now on sale for the next very funny performance by the Rojales

Pantomime Group of Treasure Island to be performed at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulcencio on the evenings of December 1st and 2nd,curtain up at 7.15pm and a matinee performance on Saturday,December 3rd at 2.15pm.

For only 10 per adult and 5 per child you can enjoy lots of raucous singing,fabulous dancing,slapstick comedy.....together with lots of funny surprises,and we won’t even charge you extra to join in with the ‘boos’ and the ‘he’s behind you’ shouts that we expect from our audience participation......oh yes we do!

Join us as Long John Silver and his motley crew sail away to the Caribbean to search for buried treasure, accompanied by Mum (whose a man) and her son Jim (whose a woman) only in pantomime!

Will they find it....and what adventures do they encounter on their journey.You just have to join us to find out and you can do so by purchasing tickets from the following outlets

Card Place,Benimar; Post Room,Benijofar; Post Box,Dona Pepa; Post Box,Entre Naranjos; Cards and More,La Marina; Carpet Heaven,Los Montesinos; Bargain Books,San Miguel; Help Vega Baja,San Miguel; Quesada Computers, Quesada

Or to reserve tickets on the night email

All ticket money will be donated to various local charities.

PAGE 12 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Property sales fall as a result of slump in £- e exchange

Property viewings and potential sales have been hit on the Costa Blanca - amid the slump in the euro/sterling exchange rate.

"August was quiet, as usual, with the holiday season in full swing - but we expected to see a busy September," an employee of a Costa Blanca estate agency told The Leader.

"Viewings arranged for early October have been cancelled - due to the euro/pound exchange rate dipping," they said.

House viewings and sales are also reportedly collapsingas mortgage market chaos makes UK home moves impossible for many buyers.


Themayor,José Sampere,has handed over 21 bulletproof vests valued at more than 16,000 euros,for all local police officers.

This new equipment has been purchased by the Department of Security at a cost of 16,317 euros.The mayor said that,"we need to have a well-prepared and well-equipped police force,equipped with the right equipment to carry out their work".

The vests will also protect against sharp objects,with a resistance of 24 joules.


Last Saturday the town also celebrated the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels,patron saints of the Local Police,with the presentation of decorations and

medals in the Town Hall,in recognition of the work carried out in 2022,honoring those agents with 25 years of service,and also thanking them for the work they do every day to maintain security in the municipality.

Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022 PAGE 13www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



1.Ceaseless (12)

7.Less (5)

8.Grip (5)

9.For each (3)

10.Boundary (9)

11.Keep (6)

12.Cordiality (6)

15.Atoning (9)

17.Lair (3)

18.Youngster (5)

19.Rinse (5)

21.Archbishop (12)


1.Callowness (12)

2.Flow (3)

3.Put in (6)

4.Go with (9)

5.Jumped (5) 6.Fear (12)

7.Deserve (5) 10.Flirt (9)

13.Decoration (5)

14.Busybody (6)

16.Cost (5) 20.Unwell (3)


ACROSS: ACROSS: 4 Discard; 8

Rabies; 9 Festive; 10

Mocked; 11 Poorly; 12 Condense; 18 Vitality; 20 Immune; 21 Ballot; 22

Bargain; 23 Better; 24 Statute.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Grimace; 2 Abscond; 3 Recede; 5 Inexpert; 6 Cotton; 7 Revile; 13 Novelist; 14

Violate; 15 Mystery; 16 Impact; 17 Nugget; 19 Awaken.


ACROSS: ACROSS: 4 Earldom; 8 Orator; 9 Shingle; 10 Pumice; 11 Roused; 12 Concrete; 18 Optimist; 20 Resort; 21 Aerial; 22 Ruction; 23 Plight; 24 Stylist.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Compact; 2 Garment; 3 Concur; 5 Adherent; 6 Line up; 7 Oilmen; 13 Emotions; 14 Vikings; 15 Athlete; 16 Result; 17 Portal; 19 Ideals.


1.Is it made by one who takes a quick photograph? (4,8)

7.Course connections (5)

8.Operated by the footplateman (5)

9.Margaret to prevent increase in price (3)

10.Professional class about to produce original model (9)

11.Made a profit, as the trawlermen did (6)

12.Still an adverse effect on broadcasting (6)

15.If one interrupts the examiner, there will be a witness (9)

17.Tending to be put back among present participles (3)

18.Preparation that makes one red in the face (5)

19.Shelter in the street from wintry precipitation (5)

21.Does it reflect fluctuating pressures (7-5)


1.It will cause gradual deflation in the sphere of transport (4,8)

2.What debt-collectors do is finished, we hear (3)

3.Particular convention provided by regular clients (6)

4.Club fan to have a late meal with strong ale (9)

5.Strangely, no even money bet could be so described (5)

6.Changes about the start of the contest causing disputes (12)

7.Clue lacking gravitas (5)

10.Head of state I'd introduce all round (9)

13.It's proposed as a little rum comes around (5)

14.Being very flimsy, its use has to be modified (6)

16.Acertain relish for what impertinent children may use (5)

20.Definite amount of work in the flower garden (3)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 20)

1. Which animal does a Hippophobe fear?

Which is further south Folkstone or Southampton?

Which American sportsman was said to be earning more than the US president in 1925?

Which species can be Fairy Black footed and crested?

Which game uses flattened iron rings thrown at a hob?

Where is Fibrin found in your body?

Which group had hits with Homely Girl and Kingston Town?

Which sport is Claire Francis famous for?

Which actor played the lead in The Full Monty?

In which Chinese City can you see the Terracotta Army?

What letter is next to qwerty on a Computer Keyboard?

Who wrote over and over again: I will not yell she's dead during roll call?

13. What type of animal was selected to test the first electric toothbrush?

14. Which royal owned the Rolls Royce Errol Flynn lost in

a poker game in Monte Carlo?

15. What are O.J. Simpson's first names?

16. Which 35 island state is joined to Saudi Arabia by a causeway?

17. Where was Elizabeth Taylor staying when she first set eyes on Larry Fortensky?

18. Which country has the highest child marriage rate?

Which popstar showed her taste by painting the Castillo del Lago in Hollywood red and yellow?

20. In a pub, which would be the odd one out; Old Speckled Hen - The Famous Grouse or Wild Turkey?

Which blind singer supported The Rolling Stones on their 1972 American tour?

What is a baby cod called?

What did Harry Enfields character Loadsamoney do for a living?

What did Dorothy steal from the Wicked Witch Of The West in The Wizard Of Oz?

Which is the Worlds tallest mammal?

Where in London is the statue of Eros?

In the Theatre where are the Flies?

28. For what type of structure are Conway, Beaumaris and Harlech famous?

If you sail to France from Newhaven where do you normally land?

How many black squares are there on a chessboard?

PAGE 14 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 939
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 20 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE?
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022 PAGE 15www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Sadness and Joy at Hondón Valley RBL

Former Orihuela Councillor receives Provincial Promotion

106 immigrants arrive by boat in Cartagena during 48 hour period

September Branch meeting was full of mixed emotions as the death of our Patron Queen Elizabeth II was marked with a prayer, minute silence and memories of her 70 year reign.


Both the Chairman and President remembered occasions of meeting both the Queen and other members of the Royal Family.

The Book of Condolence was available for members to sign, previously displayed at the Town Hall with the co-operation of the Hondón de los Frailes Ayuntamiento.

They had also given permission for the laying of floral tributes in memory of the late Queen.

It was also the 16th Anniversary for the Branch and a cake in the shape of a poppy was sliced for members.

The Chairman then gave an entertaining talk about his long service in the Police Force in Scotland, recounting many humorous occasions as well as traumatic events.

The Branch is looking forward to several major events in the next couple of months

with the annual Poppy Ball, a Golf Day at the beginning of November and the Remembrance Service.

Details of events can be obtained from the Secretary on

Former Orihuela councillor, Juan Ignacio LópezBas, will be the new provincial coordinator of the Ciudadanos (Cs) political formation in Alicante.

Juan Balastegui and Jordi Roig will be the new secretaries of Organisation and Institutional Action in the province, respectively.

This was agreed last week by the permanent committee of Cs, a decision with which it covers the vacancies.

LÛpez-Bas, Balastegui and Roig will be in charge of the party in the province of Alicante until the refoundation process when the party will adopt a new name or structure.

With the appointments, Ciudadanos fills the gaps in the provincial leadership after the dismissal of Javier GutiÈrrez, Jes˙s Herrero, and CÈsar MartÌnez. The dismissal of the three was justified with the aim of revitalising the party in the Valencian Community.

GutiÈrrez was very critical of the support of the Cs councillors in the vote of no confidence that took the Mayor's Office from the PPin Orihuela, with whom they shared a government team.

He always insisted that the councillors of Cs did not have authorisation to sign the vote of no confidence, only to leave the local government.

The three new appointments were made as a result of their commitment to the Ciudadanos project so that it continues autonomously, in addition to what may happen in the refoundation process.

LÛpez-Bas is currently a deputy in Congress, in which he acts as spokesman for Science, Innovation. Universities, Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.. He has also been a councillor in Orihuela.

Balastegui is the spokesperson for Cs in Benidorm and Roig is a councillor for the formation in San Vicente del Raspeig.

During the 48 hrs prior to Friday agents of the Civil Guard and members of the Maritime Rescue (Sasemar) intercepted nine boats with 106 immigrants on board on the coast of the Region of Murcia, according to sources from the Government Delegation.

On Thursday eight boats with 89 immigrants on board were intercepted, 71 of them men, seven women and eleven minors while on the previous day they intercepted another boat with 17 immigrants on board, 15 miles south of Monte de las Cenizas, in Cartagena. On board were 14 men, two minors and one woman, all of them Algerians and in good health.

They were all transferred to the temporary care center for foreigners (CATE) in Cartagena, where they were cared for by Red Cross volunteers and were guarded by National Police agents.

After 72 hours, they will be transferred to accommodation of non-governmental organizations that work with the central government or to a detention centre for foreigners (CIE) for their subsequent expulsion from Spain.

Pest Control demands in Torrevieja

The Independent councillor, Rodolfo Carmona, has asked the Ayuntamiento to strengthen current preventive treatments "in anticipation of the hatching of mosquitoes and cockroaches after the last rains."

Carmona said that we must "establish the work to be undertaken and improve our

effectiveness in combatting" these pests "in all areas where the council has previously detected outbreaks of this

"Unfortunately, in Torrevieja, we have this recurring problem and we must take action based on previous experience," he said. In addition, he proposes to promote workshops aimed at schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 on the problem of mosquitoes.

PAGE 16 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
the lagoons last year
Photo shows: Peter Broadbent – founding member and past President – cutting the cake, with Chairman Joe Logan. FILE IMAGE: Cartagena Maritime Rescue (Sasemar)

The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at:

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Come Join The Band' The

Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

The October Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 20 October at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.

The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with prob-

lem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966.

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association.

Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;

Massage and more for begin-

and the more mature.

Call me on:603 245 646


The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2021 Ford Puma ST-Line Hybrid which is on Special Offer priced at just 22,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers.

PAGE 17ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022
Torrevieja transexual female, Daniela, Spanish speaker.
Items wanted or for sale, announcements, notices.



proof is needed – of the media’s misleading version of events.The experts and the Opposition Parties,with the help of the media,fell over themselves in their contradiction of the Government planned tax changes.

In the early spring of 2022,the then Chancellor stood at the Dispatch Box in the House of Commons and in his Budget speech raised a variation of taxes including National Insurance contributions. There was uproar from the specialists and so-called experts.The BBC excelled itself in its rage about raising taxes,not one of its programmes had a good word for it.It was the same across the media with,in the main,no support whatsoever of the proposals.

Barely six months passed after mob rule had destroyed a Prime Minister,screaming and shouting as if they were in the sixteenth century,with a group gathered around a ducking stool encouraging the victim to be immersed in the slimehence voting took place to change control of the party.

The new Prime Minister,Liz Truss,made it quite clear in her speeches before being elected,that as the leader she would reverse the earlier budget and make tax cuts,with some approval from the specialists that it was the right thing to do.

However,in the recent mini budget announced from the Dispatch Box,when exactly that happened,there was uproar from all quarters saying that it was wrong.

The very pundits that said raising taxes was mistaken,are now saying the opposite with hurricane force,including the opposition party whose early thoughts were the reverse and that it was wrong to raise them.

Gone are the times when reporting could be trusted with an explanation of the simple facts,now it is all sound bites ‘he said that’‘they said that’all with the emphasis that the person giving an opinion is some sort of expert and is right,no matter their background.

Mob rule,encouraged by the media in its desire to sensationalise and print in a negative way,burnishing every event that some dreadfulness is about to happen, encouraging people to think with the same pessimistic attitude.

Time will tell if the new government is right in its thinking.In the meantime it should be encouraged in its efforts to bring prosperity to the country.I am also sure that with time the new Prime Minister will blossom out and her real personality will come to the fore as she

gets to grips with her new role.

Since writing this some of the taxes have been reversed.

Escalating Cost

I have made it clear in the past in this column,I am not a lover of the electric car as my thoughts are that they are nothing more than this period ‘must have’.On the other hand,I do accept that they are a move in the right direction,to eliminate the fumes caused by fossil fuelled vehicles.

There have been many stories concerning the cost of producing the batteries, which in my opinion reverses the savings in the wonder of this means of transport.

There is also the question of disposal of these acidic,sulphurous items when they become useless.Just imagine two or three million dead batteries piled up in a field,leaking fluid.

I have another thought and that is one of a con trick – no,that is being too harsh –for I read and hear of people saving vast sums on running costs,but … these running costs are not set in stone and sooner or later prices will rise.I wonder how long before taxes,or the greed of the electric suppliers,make it uncomfortable.

Let us look at it another way.It takes a few minutes to fill a diesel or petrol car,a lot longer for an EV,motorway service areas will have to have hundreds of these filling machines to satisfy the need if every vehicle was electric.Who will pay for all that development – the electric vehicle owner of course and at what cost?

I understand for one thousand pounds one can have an electric point fitted to your house to charge your new toy.For that amount of money,I can fill my car with diesel ten times and drive for nearly five thousand miles - another cost to be added to owning a green machine. An interesting article on Facebook – if it can be believed – is that Hyundai has started production in Australia,producing cars propelled by hydrogen with zero emission of gases,just water.

This seems a different way forward,and the right way as these cars produce their own power to operate the motors.They have extended journey times before the

need for refuelling and then it only takes a short time.Which is totally different to the car that needs an electric supply pumped into it.

Running Around

It was a wonderful sight in the restaurant: three young children,I guess three, five and seven,sitting with their British parents and grandparents enjoying the meal and joining in with the conversation of the elders.

Of course,young children should be encouraged to run around and play and at another table the two children about two and three were allowed to do exactly that – never mind the risk of running into a person serving hot food.

Sitting at another table a couple had arrived who I guess were maybe in their thirties,they sat down opposite each other and immediately head bowed looking at their mobiles,this continued through drinks and then the meal.

I can’t help wondering why they were sitting together.

Perhaps they were sending messages to one another.Take care percy chattey

PAGE 18 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Mind the Gap12-0Tipsy Toad Tiaras

Hub Hyenas10-2Danny´s Bar

Fallen Angels6-6Freakie Taverners

Ck1 Lads7-5Milo´s

Pint Dep Queens3-9Ck1 Ladybirds

Domino´s DespP-PAngel´s Delights

El Capitan12-0Hub Hellraisers

Tipsy Toad Top3-9C.C.´s Flyers

C.C.´s Bees8-4Leeson St. Trotters

League Table P Pts Legs


El Capitan3634

Hub Hyenas3631

CC's Flyers3628 Milos3427

Tipsy Toad Toppers3426

Ck1 Lads3421

Ck1 Ladybirds3418

Freakie Taverners3316

Fallen Angels2313

Danny's Bar2210

C.C.´s Bees3210

Leeson St. Trotters3010

Domino's Desperados207

Pint Depot Queens307

Tipsy Toad Tiaras306 Angels Delights201 Hub Hellraisers300

Highest Check-Outs: Olly Walker El Capitan 130, Javi De Gea Milo´s 121, Darren Sanderson

Mind The Gap 116, Matt Smith CC`s Flyers 114, Mark Ellis Hub Hyenas 104, Chris Logan El Capitan 100, Phil De Lacy Tipsy Toad Toppers 98, Suso Madrid CC`s Flyers 96

180's: Mark Ellis Hub Hyenas, Dave Jennings CC`s Bees, Matt Smith CC`s Flyers, Edmundas Klimonis El Capitan


The Gap were missing big guns James Brown and Sam Salt this week but it wouldn´t have made any difference to the hammering the Tiaras took.

No 180´s yet for last season´s league winners but good all-round performances once again. Paul Moody bagged 4 triple-figure scores (3 x 100,

140) and finished all 4 of his games earning him POTM.

Bliss Wright´s game is going from strength to strength (3 x 100 and two check-outs) ensuring she certainly deserves her place in the top team.

The Tiaras also managed a 140 courtesy of POTM Tracey Simpson, Simone de Lacy a 133 and a ton or so each from Pat Schofield and Eliz Cowan.

At least three legs saw the ladies having a go for a check-out but they lost their nerve before any damage was done.


After just 3 weeks, there have been more match postponements than the whole of last season.

Extenuating circumstances are acceptable and understandable, other reasons NOT.

Social postponements, where a date is known in advance, should be submitted for approval and played in advance.

POTM for Dannys' John Giggs D16 and Smith D1 were the visitors leg winners. Mark Ellis providing 3 winning legs, 3x100 earning him POTM. Alex Nikolov recording 3x100,140 and a yellow card for unsporting behaviour.

Wands, Ronnie Bowden and Maggie Morgan found the 3 Queens doubles. Birds were 2-4 up at the break, courtesy of Angie Philpott, Sharon O'Rourke and Angie Mullen gaining 2 doubles. Dons Ralph earned Birds a point, O'Rourke D20 taking the 7th leg and match. Mullen 138 closing the match on D2. POTM - Ralph.


" Raisers" have the unenviable record of yet to win a leg, unfortunately for them they have played 3 of the best teams to date. Sue Spiers top scored for the Hub to earn POTM. Ed Klimonis can still do it even at his age hitting a maximum in the triples. other decent scores meriting Caps POTM. A showboat finish from Chris Logan overshadowed Ed's maxi, requiring 100, there is only one way to go for the flamboyant Logan D20, 20, D20. Exhibition stuff !!!


(5). The travelling Freakies gaining the other 4 through Trevor Morris D8, Bryan Livsey D8, John Boden, 95,97, D9, and Karen Morris D20. Angels Steve Godwyn nailing a 165, but losing the leg.

A disappointing away performance from Dannys allowed the Hyenas to ensure the draw after just 6 legs.

Only 3 players found the treble with regularity, Steve Lumb, birthday girl Karen Raffell and Bob Smith. Hyena Alan Havelock on the other hand hit too many, busting 141 in the pairs, partner Bob Taylor getting him out of trouble on D10.

Foster D4, added a 3rd winning double in the 1st single, followed by a Mitch Halliday85,100,D7. The match now 3-5, Angels moved up a gear, wins from Billy Dolling, Shaun Blakeston and Tony Spiers making it 6-5. Sharon Frain D17 levelling. POTM - Foster and Boden.


Fair to say Milos had the edge in 3 figure scores, but out gunned on the outer ring. Highlight of the drawn 1st half, in the 2nd triple, Cain Garcia 121, and Javi de Gea also 121, but taking the leg, S20,T17,Bull. Great darts.

Lads took their match total to 7, winning the 1st four singles, Terry David, D1, Ginge Lewis,D7, Paul Green,D2 and Steve Monk, 95,85,95. 49 out on D16. The 11th and 12th legs to Milos de Gea, 83,122,D4 and Garcia 140,D4. POTMMonk - de Gea.


The "Birds" were too strong for Queens, the hosts suffering their 3rd successive defeat. Debbie Wright earned POTM although Ali

This tussle would have been closer had Toppers been at full strength, but take nothing away from Flyers they are a good outfit and difficult to beat. Flyers deservedly 2-4 up at half time, Suso Madrid and Matt Smith finding the treble with ease, Paddy Winterbourne and Lee Maiden outing for Toppers.

Graham Solomans D16 was the lone singles for Toppers, Smith D20 edging out Maiden in a real belter for Flyers 6th leg, Madrid D20 claiming both points in a 4 ton thriller with Andy Gildea. Chelsea Campbell 131, D10 concluded the game in yet another close encounter Against Phil de Lacy. POTM - Winterbourne - Suso Madrid.


A D6 opener from Ken Skinner was the only time Trotters found themselves in front. Bees flying into a 3-1 advantage via Dave Jennings on a 74 out, Bruce Admiral D8 and Paul Christopher, 140,100, D4 adding the 3rd. Amanda Skinner closing the half with a 67 out on D20.

Trotters won 2 of the first 3 singles Barry Shingler 140,140,D16 and A.Skinner 100,D20 making it 5-4. They were to be their last as Jennings 140,134, D10, Christopher D4, and Liam Lumb 95,140,D2, wrapping up the match.

POTM - Christopher - Amanda Skinner.

Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022 PAGE 19www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Hosts Angels won just two legs in the opening half, via Darren Foster on D10 and a D1,S1D1 Karen Collins with birthday girl Karen Raffell POTM-Darren Foster and John Boden Mark Ellis - Hub POTM

Mike Probert talks Golf

course being completed which opened for a time as a pay and play golf course but closed just a few years later and lay dormant for some time.


on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

‘Around and about the Courses – New Sierra Golf ’ New Sierra Golf was initially planned to be opened in 2008 as a par 72 18 holes golf course located between Balsicas and La Tercia just off the San Javier-Murcia Motorway but the economic down turn at that time resulted in only a 9 hole golf

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:


AlendaÄ150Two Green Fees & Buggy

AlicanteÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

Altaoana VillageÄ140Two Green Fees & Buggy

AltorrealÄ120Two Green Fees & Buggy

BonalbaÄ118Two Green Fees & Buggy CampoamorÄ168Two Green Fees & Buggy

The course has since re-opened under new more progressive management and although still only a 9 hole course there were plans to open as a full 18 hole lay-out in November 2022.

The current 9 holes are pleasant to play with what are probably the best greens in the area and they have good practice facilities with a driving range, chipping area and excellent putting green and although the clubhouse is small the staff are extremely friendly.

Here in Spain in 2022 we have experienced the hottest summer for more than 100 years and this has impacted on the re-

Don Cayo (Altea)Ä110Two Green Fees & Buggy

El PlantioÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

El ValleÄ69Single Green Fee

Font Del LlopÄ158Two Green Fees & Buggy

Hacienda D AlamoÄ57Single Green Fee

La FincaÄ110Single Green Fee

La MarquesaÄ64Single Green Fee

La SerenaÄ1102 Green Fees & Buggy (from 3.32pm)

La TorreÄ69Single Green Fee

Las ColinasÄ85Single Green Fee (from 3pm)

Las RamblasÄ1092 Green Fees & Buggy (from 4.00pm)

LorcaÄ95Two Green Fees & Buggy

Lo RomeroÄ89Single Green Fee

La Marina Golf Society in Alicante

6.10.22 Alicante Golf Course was the venue for this weekís La Marina Golf Society Match where two cups were being contested for. Whilst thunderstorms were predicted, we were fortunate to get around with only a slight drizzle.

The first Cup up for grabs was the La Marina Challenge Cup, over the past few months the members had been involved in a knockout competition during their normal matches and it was the final day today where Sarah Mc Cabe and Tony Moore headed out first to compete for the cup.

The remaining players were competing for the Vegafiba trophy and a big thank you to Snr Alacatara Benitez for sponsoring todayís event.

Following the game, the members met up at the La Marina Sports Complex for a well-earned cold beer and for Club Captain Jeff Wiszniewski to hand out the


Sarah McCabe won the Challenge Cup

prizes. First up was a share in the twos pot which went to Sarah McCabe, Gary Garbett and Bill Allen. The nearest the pin winners were as follows, for hole 3 Lesley Cullen, hole 6 Sarah McCabe, hole 12 Bill Allen, and hole 17 John Grint.

In third place for the Vegafiba trophy was Jimmy Scott with 38 pts,

second place was Vic Smith with 42 pts and the winner of the Vegafiba trophy with 44 pts was Gerry McCabe and just to keep it in the family Sarah McCabe won the Challenge Cup 7/6 to take home the prize. Well-done to all our members for a terrific dayís play. Our next game on the 20th October is a Texas Scramble at Altorreal.


Ruth,4. Penguins,5.Quoits,6.In the blood,7.UB40,8. Sailing,9.Robert Carlisle,10.Xian,11.U,12. Bart Simpson,13.A dog,14.Prince Rainier,15. Orenthal James,16.Bahrain,17.The Betty Ford Clinic,18.Niger has the highest child marriage rate in the world where 75 percent of girls aged under 18 were married,with 36 percent of them being younger than 15 years old,19.Madonna, 20.Old Speckled Hen is a beer,and the other two are whiskies.21.Stevie Wonder,22.A Codling, 23.Plasterer,24.Her Broomstick,25.Giraffe,26. Piccadilly Circus,27.Above the stage where the scenery is hoisted,28.Castles,29.Dieppe,30.

development plans to complete the additional 9 holes and the revised completion programme will now be between July and September 2023 and we will keep you informed of any further changes or updates to these plans.

New Sierra Golf does however boast the lowest priced green fees in the Murcian Region and until the 15th November 2022 we can offer the following special 18 holes prices subject to tee time availability:

Two Players and Buggy = Ä78

Fours Players and Two Buggies = Ä154

Call Mike Probert on (00 34) 661345931 to make a booking

#VisitMurcia#CostaCalida#RegiondeMurcia#CostaCalidaMak esYouHappy

Mar MenorÄ50Course Closed unto 31/10/22

New Sierra GolfÄ82Two Green Fees & Buggy

Puig CampanaÄ124Two Green Fees & Buggy

RodaÄ1502 Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.30pm)

SaurinesÄ57Single Green Fee

Villaitana LevanteÄ102Single Green Fee

Villaitana PonienteÄ71Single Green Fee & Buggy

VillamartinÄ1842 Green Fees & Buggy

VistabellaÄ1642 Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.00pm)

DEAL OF THE WEEK: La Serenañ 2 players and buggy Ä138

For Bookings/info Mike at quoting


Captain’s Day

Las Ramblas – Thursday 29th Sept 2022

Alfies Golf Society Captain'sDay match this year had a last-minute change of venue due to the booked course being closedat short notice. I must thank our Match Secretary, Wayne Stevenson, for sterling work to rearrange the booking andbook us in at Las Ramblas.

On the day 25 players and guests took on the challenge that is Las Ramblas. The weather was good and the course in reasonable condition considering it had recently had heavy footfall andthe greens had been top dressed.

Las Ramblas was up to its challenging best with only one player matching net par.

The presentations and prize giving was completed at the Captain's Day Dinner, which was held at La Finca by QFC at Lomas de Don Juan. It was an excellent venue. We were well looked after by the management and attentive staff, so many thanks to them.

Blind Pairs was won by Eddie Morning and Mal Green, each receiving e5. Gary Armstrong and Amrit Dawidow won e20 each from the football cards. The Captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, and the fund currently stands at e1,596.05.


N P Hole 6 went to Dave Steward, N P in 2 Hole 9 went to Tony Hall, N P in 2 Hole 15 went to Gulli Kristjansson, N P in 3 Hole 18 went to Gulli Kristjansson

All the above won a 10 Voucher for Lo Romero Golf Course, and a bottle of red wine donated by Mick the Grip Reeves

The Longest Drive Hole 11 was won by Peter Muschott – bottle of Brandy

The Best Net score Hole 16 was won by Gulli Kristjansson with h/cap 10 – bottle of Brandy

The Silver Division runner up was Steven Youngs with 30 points – Lucky Lion e12.50 voucher

The Silver Division winner was Rita Potters with 32 points – Lucky Lion e25.00 voucher

The Gold Division runner up was Ove Collin with 26 points – Lucky Lion e12.50 voucher

The Gold Division and Overall winner was Gulli Kristjansson with 38 points –Lucky Lion e25.00 voucher

There was an extra Captain’s prize this month for Best Buggy Group (3 scores to count) won by Mike Morris, Gulli Kristjansson and Shaun Staplehurst. The Captain presented each of them with a bottle of wine.

Our next match is at Saurines de la Torre on Thursday, 27th October. This will be the Memorial Trophy and RBL Poppy Day.

Please contact our Secretary, Sandie Hall to check availibility at:

PAGE 20 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Thirty Two
reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
WINNER: Gulli Kristjansson
7&6 to take home the prize


counting, as long as they were inside the 2ft/60cms stick measure!


1st. October was San Luis OPEN mixed triples one day competition. It was a different format to our usual 2 day event, with 5 groups of 4 teams just playing their own group players over 12 ends with the winners decided by points gained.

The different twist was that as well as the usual 2 points for a win, all teams got 1 point for each end they won. This meant that a team could win all their games on shots scored but still lose overall on points for winning fewer ends, challenging!!

Winning teams: 1st) June & Keith Jones & Martin Foulcer, 2nd) Dave Morrison GL, 3rd) Sandra & Neil Burrows & Scott Malden, 4th) Phil & Mary Lockley & Dave Webb, 5th) Ray Robson CB. All 5 group winning teams got their entrance money returned.

Thanks to Stewart for organising the event, also everyone who helped in any way & Oasis staff for keeping us well supplied with hot & cold food & drinks during the day.

Although we did have a safety break, through the heat of July/August, Keith didn’t want us to get completely out of practice so in September we started the 5 week internal leagues “Hot Rod”: 2 wood triples, over 14 ends with all shots

Frustrating when your bowl finished just outside but an excellent, fun way to focus on our drawing skills.

On Tuesday 4th, we played the last of our “Hot Rod” matches with the “CHRYSLER” team: Capt. Pat Reilly, Margaret Morrison, Chris Jackson & Ralph Jones crossing the line in first place.

On Thursday 6th the “Aussie Birds” internal league finished (based on normal Aussie Pairs game: 2 pairs, with 8 bowls per team, playing 12 ends and normal rules so only the winners shots count).

The “EMU” team: Capt. Pat Reilly, Giuseppe Galelli, John Dowell & Sheila Cammack, kept their heads above ground to win, Cheers! everyone.

San Luis BC welcomes new members of ALL playing abilities and our internal leagues have given us a chance to get to know our current new members so we’re ready to work together in the full winter season leagues ahead.

For more information, come along to watch on club or match days, or contact Club Captain June Jones: / 691 903 773.

IMAGES: San Luis Open

Torrevieja Darts

Ladies Organisation

4th October - Founders Format Week 1

Friendly Chicas2 - 7Friendly Temps

Tipsy Tigers3 - 6Gap Girlz

Whacky Allsorts4 - 5CK1 Ladybirds

Primadonnas3 - 6Dolly Mixtures


Friendly's Temps17

Gap Girlz16

Macklin's Dolly Mixtures16

CK1 Ladybirds15

Whacky Allsorts14


Tipsy Tigers13

Friendly's Chicas12

Hot Darts: Mitch Halliday (PD) 140, 106, Cynthia Jevons (GG) 140, Sheelah Cooper (PD) 137, Sandra Crabbe (LB) 136, Ann Bartlett (FT) 133, Sarndra David (LB) 133, Simone de Lacy (TT) 133, Donna Ralph (LB) 133, Amanda Skinner (GG) 128, 100, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 126, 100, Tracey Simpson (TT) 122, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 121, Chris Greenwood (WA) 121, June Hawkins (FC) 108, Bliss Wright (GG) 100 x 5, Elizabeth Cowan (TT), Angie Mullen (LB), Amanda Townsend (FC), Sue Wade (FT) 100

Highest Check-out: Amanda Skinner (GG) 91

Least Darts: Bliss Wright (GG) 20

Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022 PAGE 21www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Brazilian,only for his agent to intervene at the eleventh hour and take his client to the Nou Camp.

The Catalans found a way to raise over £50 million for Raphinha,and just like that,the club had assembled one of the best squads in Europe for the upcoming season.

Naturally,the question is what cost has this summer spending spree come at in the long run? According to Barcelona, the club had the means after pulling various economic levers throughout the off-season which enabled them to fund their extravagant splurge during the transfer window.

It was quite a vague explanation but ultimately involved selling off TV rights as well as a stake in their licensing and merchandising operation.It's not quite the family silver but at the same time,the club has agreed to forgo large future profits in order to fund the here and now.

Yes,it feels desperate,somewhat ill-advised,and not entirely conventional,but as of early season,there is legitimate evidence to suggest that the gamble has paid off.

Although Xavi’s team is comfortably keeping pace with Real Madrid at the top of La Liga,their Champions League form has not been quite so encouraging.

Despite scoring five against Viktoria Plzen and being favorites to advance to the Group of 16,after only three games they are now closer to the Europa League than the knockout stages of the most prestigious competition in Europe.

After losing to Inter Milan their fortunes are now at an extremely critical stage.

But many people are saying that it’s still relatively early days in the 2022/2023 campaign for this newly remodelled Barcelona team,which,domestically at least,looks to have an insatiable appetite for scoring.

As they now jostle for supremacy in La Liga after last season,when the Catalan giants were never in contention,next up for Barcelona is their ‘El Clasico’ showdown in Madrid on Sunday 16 October.


Football Club was the subject of many humorous one-liners over the course of the 2022 summer transfer window as the football community tried to make sense of the goings-on at one of the most famous institutions in sport.

Indeed,the world of football looked on utterly astounded as the club,arguably the most in debt in any global league, continued to miraculously hoover up the game’s best talent.

Incredibly,some of the world’s most coveted players arrived one after the other at the Nou Camp following the conclusion of last season.

First,there was Robert Lewandowski from Bayern Munich and Raphinha from Leeds United.Tellingly,Raphinha could have taken his pick from any Premier League club but ended up turning Arsenal and Chelsea down. Indeed Arsenal came extremely close to signing the

Costa Blanca Independent Pool League

El Raso Mixtures defeated The Goof Shot Boys 8-2 to return the best result in week three of the Costa Blanca Independent Pool Winter league.

The division 2 fixture saw El Raso's Andy Flynn, Andy Trefry, Chris Lusty, Tony Bishop and Alan Perkins rack up wins, with Jon Nixon and Ian Smith taking consolation frames for GSB.

Mixed Spice gained a 6-5 away win at Cab Buddies, with Paul Howard, Colin Lewis, Sandie Lewis and Paul Hockey winning for MS; Luke Preece, Richard Wood, Michael Howe and Martin Burke winning for CB.

The Dream Team gained a 6-4 win against The Jokers, with Craig Lambert, Gary Dack, Kevin Williams and Mark Brooks returning wins for the victors.

The Taverners defeated Kennys Crusaders 7-3, with Paul Wilson, Paul Nixon, Alan Commons, Gary Hibbert and Paul Jones returning wins.

In Division One, Hals Heroes defeated The Flaggers 6-4, with Kim Bryan, Matt Bushby, David Pope, Tim Wright and Eddie Marsh returning wins; Steve Ansell and Martin Sutch taking two frames apiece for the losers.

The Excellence returned a 6-4 win against The Almoradians with Dave Baker, Sean Norris and Darren Mountain racking up wins for the victors.

The Young Boys returned a 7-3 away win at The Rancheros, with John Smythe, Stan West, Tony Coyle, Pete Cleaver and Tony Margerum winning for the visitors.

The Shakers went down to a narrow 5-6 home defeat against Super Beer Monsters, with Al Scoefield, Sammi Agius, Gino Agius, and Graham Mills racking up winning frames for SBM.

Coach Xavi will again have a major selection headache with several key players nursing injuries.Frenkie de Jong, Memphis Depay and Hector Bellerin are all doubtful and Barca have a big problem in defence with Ronald Araujo, Jules Kounde and Andreas Christensen all out injured.

But such excuses can only be played out for so long and Xavi knows that next Sunday’s derby is a game that he cannot afford to lose with the club’s summer spending spree quite possibly taking them toward potentially catastrophic consequences down the line.

Valencia Rugby to host South Africa at Villajoyosa

Tuesday 11th October at Villajoyosa Rugby Stadium

At 17.30 at Under16 level and 19.00 at

Under18 level

Free entrance

The Danie Rossouw (former Springbok)

Selection is currently enjoying their Spanish tour, and will be entertained by Valencia in Villajoyosa on 11 October

Previously they will have played in Barcelona against San Cugat and Buc Selection

The Valencian Community squad will include players from La Vila, Denia, Alicante and Valencia Clubs

The games are organized by the Costa Blanca Club de Rugby and Federacion Rugby Comunidad Valenciana with the support of the Ayuntamiento de Villajoyosa

Anyone wishing to go along will find

Villajoyosa Rugby Stadium situated at Carretera El Pantano, Villajoyosa. Just take the motorway AP-7 exit N 66. Make a date and mark off your diary for the 11th October

If you need more information please contact Ignacio Davila, Whatsapp 608 068 208 or

PAGE 22 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Following Friday night’s victory over World Champions USA at Wembley on Friday,which maintained Sarina Wiegman’s unbeaten run as England manager,England Women will return to the scene of two of their most memorable UEFA EURO 2022 victories when they welcome Czech Republic to Brighton tomorrow evening,Tuesday 11 October.

England last faced Czech Republic in November 2019 when Bethany England,Beth Mead and Leah Williamson were all on the scoresheet in a 3-2 victory away from home.

Following a short break they will then continue their preparation for the World Cup,to be held next summer in Australia and New Zealand,when their final matches of 2023 will see them meet fellow FIFA Women’s World Cup finalists Japan and Norway in San Javier next month.

The Lionesses are to spend the final international camp of the year at the Pinatar Arena football centre as they look to close out a positive year on a


It all began with victory in the inaugural Arnold Clark Cup in February,followed by the historic UEFA Women’s EURO success in July and will next see the United States and Czech Republic travel to England for matches in October.

The first of the November fixtures in Spain will be Japan on Friday 11 November (KO TBC),followed by a meeting with Norway,who Sarina Wiegman’s squad met during the EURO group stage,on Tuesday 15 November (KO TBC).

England last faced Japan in the 2020 edition of the SheBelieves Cup in the United States with England coming out on top with a 1-0 victory in New Jersey.

Norway were drawn in Group A alongside England at this summer’s EURO with an historic 8-0 victory in Brighton securing the Lionesses progression to the quarter-final.The fixture will see the return of Hege Riise who took charge of England on an interim basis

in 2021 before leading Team GB to the last eight of the Tokyo Olympics.

Auckland/Tamaki Makaurau will host the Draw for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ on Saturday, 22 October 2022.

Taking place in Aotea Centre, the Draw will reveal the match fixtures for the 32 teams competing in the ninth edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand in just over a year

England head coach Sarina Wiegman said: “I am really pleased we can continue to test ourselves against strong opposition,especially as we are fully focused on our preparation for the World Cup.

“Japan are one of the best teams in Asia and offer a different style of play to what we are used to.Norway had a difficult summer,however they qualified directly for the World Cup and I am confident they will bounce back. They have always proven to be a

strong opponent,and the staff and players will look forward to welcoming Hege again too.

“With both teams wanting to make a good impression as they build towards a major tournament,it will be a great opportunity to see where we stand.

“Furthermore,I hope a change of scenery and good climate for that time of year can contribute to keeping the players fresh after what has been an exciting and at the same time intense year for all.”

Tickets for the games against Japan and Norway will soon go on sale through Both opponents have qualified for next summer’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand,with the final tournament draw to be held on Sunday 22 October hosted in Auckland.

The choice of Pinatar Arena as the venue for these two matches by The FA demonstrates the organisational capacity of the Pinatarense sports centre and continues to improve its reputation as an international football venue.

Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October 2022 PAGE 23www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
PAGE 24 Monday 10th - Sunday 16th October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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