The Leader Newspaper Edition 832

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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020 Tel: 637 227 385

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A m o nu m e n t a t g r o u n d z e r o m a r k s t h e f i r s t a n n i v e r s a r y o f DA N A

lmoradí remembers the floods of a year ago with a tribute to all those who worked to contain the catastrophe.


On the first anniversary of DANA, the people of Almoradí have unveiled a monument at ground zero, the site where the Segura River broke through its retaining

banks and caused devastation across the community. "In recognition of all the heroes who helped alleviate the consequences of the floods that devastated our town from

September 12 to 15, 2019," reads the plaque that was unveiled on Saturday in a commemoration marking 12 months since the disaster. Continued on Page 2


Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Continued from Page One

Isabel Bonig


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The event was attended by the President of the Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, the Territorial Director of the Generalitat in Alicante, Antonia Moreno, Isabel Bonig the President of the PPCV, and the mayor of Almoradí, María Gómez. All of those attending the ceremony emphasised the importance of not forgetting the catastrophe that occurred last year and of working towards the future needs of the Vega Baja to ensure that this type of event does not affect the region with such severity every again. The unveiling of the monument is part of a number of actions that will take place in the coming days in towns across the Vega Baja in commemoration of the first anniversary, which include photographic exhibitions and the presentation of talks and documentaries, one of which, told first hand by those who suffered, will be shown on TVE next Thursday, September 17. Apart from the controversies that are still with us twelve months after DANA, particularly with the aid that has yet to reach the region from the different layers of government, the Almoradí City Council considered that the first thing that had to be done was to pay tribute to all the people who helped the town to recover from the catastrophe. It was for this reason that the commemorative

British Government statement on residency in Spain If you are legally resident in Spain before the transition period ends on 31 December 2020, you will be able to stay. You must register as a Spanish resident if you want to stay in Spain for more than 3 months. Children must also be registered with their own residency document. If you are living in Spain before 1 January 2021 and register as a resident after 6 July 2020, you will be issued with a biometric residence card called a Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE). This card will prove your rights under the

stone and plaque were positioned in the riverbed, under the Algorfa bridge, at the point where the first breakage occurred, releasing 11.5 million cubic metres of water to flood Almoradí, initiating in the most dramatic cold drop for 150 years, which claimed six lives in the Veja Baja del Segura in September 2019. At Saturday’s event, the president of the PPCV, Isabel Bonig, was also present. She called for more investment to be made in the Vega Baja being especially critical that promised works and aid for DANA "has still not arrived." "Almoradí and the entire Vega Baja need more investment, not hot air from politicians," she demanded. Bonig expressed her grief saying that "there has been a lot of suffering" in this region, "many people fought through those dark days and today is a day to remember and pay tribute to all those heroes who joined forces and helped the entire community, many completely anonymously." Withdrawal Agreement. If you registered as a resident before 6 July 2020, you will have a green A4 certificate or credit card-sized piece of paper from Extranjeria or the police. This is still a valid document and will prove your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement, including after the transition period ends. You can exchange your paper residence document for the new TIE but you are not obliged to. The green paper residence certificate and the new biometric TIE card will continue to be equally valid in proving your residence status and rights in Spain. But, the Spanish government advises that the biometric card is more durable and may simplify many of the administrative processes.


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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Scooters being unloaded in Cabo Roig

Electric Scooters continue to cause c o n f l i c t i n a b s e n c e o f re g u l a t i o n s he fit of electric scooters in the urban fabric continues to constitute a conflict amongst pedestrian and road users, with the increasing presence of this Personal Mobility Vehicle (VMP) on our streets generating a crisis of coexistence.


presenting a mounting danger on our streets and pavements.

By means of a transitory instruction published by the DGT in December 2019, there is already a series of criteria aimed at users of electric scooters, town councils and other authorities, intended to set the standards by which these vehicles may be used within the current traffic regulations.

In the guidelines issued by DGT last year scooters may not be used on pavements or in pedestrian areas, they are only authorised to transport a single person on each vehicle, and users must also wear a helmet, but they are purely guidelines and often ignored, so until the Orihuela Council completes and issues its own municipal ordinance they will continue to be a public danger to pedestrians and to traffic on our pavements and on our roads.

On the Orihuela Costa these vehicle can be seen on our roads, our bicycle lanes and on our pavements in increasing numbers. From the numbers that are currently circulating it would appear that the Orihuela City Council has granted permission to selected companies to rent such vehicles out, even though it has not developed or published the necessary traffic ordinance to ensure that they can be used safely, thereby minimising risks in both road and pedestrian safety. At the moment many users are totally oblivious to the guidelines and would not seem to know whether they can travel on pavements, whether they can share bicycle lanes, the maximum speed at which they may travel, how many people may travel on each scooter, what license and insurance documentation should be held, and whether safety helmets or clothing must be worn. These are just some of the issues that need to be considered in the Municipal Ordinance. Last December the Orihuela PSOE Group presented a motion for the modification of the regulations at the plenary session. However, although the measures were approved, the Ordinance has still not been amended, and that is why we are now seeing these vehicles

Riders, in many cases, don’t hold any form of license, they are completely untrained in the use of the road, and many more are unaware of road and traffic signs.

And as it is unclear as to whether the police can apply sanctions, are unilling to do so, or must wait for the ordinance to be approved, it seems unlikely that the situation will change anytime soon.



Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

CaixaBank and Bankia merger waiting for ‘rubber stamp’ The merger between CaixaBank and Bankia has now been provisionally agreed and will go ahead subject to the approval of the Boards of Directors of both banks toward the middle of this coming week. The union will result would give rise to the two banks combining their 6,500 branches spread across Spain, slightly more than 6,300 of its two main competitors, Santander and BBVA. Of the combined staff, numbering 51,536 personnel, it is now thought that redundancies will be between 58,000, rather than the 15,000 first muted, but they will not be put into effect until next year.

Body of a woman found on La Estaca beach in Orihuela Costa The fully clothed body of a woman was found by early risers on Saturday morning washed up on Playa La Estaca adjacent to La Zenia Hotel. The Guardia Civil and health services were called to the scent with paramedics confirming the death on their arrival. Although the circumstances surrounding the death are not known speculation is that the woman suffered a heart attack while out walking along the beach. The body has been transferred Alicante where it will undergo an autopsy.

Former Parliamentarian joins Orihuela council staff Having lost his parliamentary seat at the last election, Juan Ignacio López-Bas Valero will now take on the position of manager of the Orihuela Cultural society form Monday, the body organisation responsible for cultural programming in the municipality. This municipal department is currently directed by Councillor Mar Ezcurra, who as a member of Ciudadanos, worked for López-Bas during the last legislature PSOE Councillor, Carolina Gracia, said that this position has always been filled by municipal officials. She says that it is "curious that the proposal specifies that the position will not be remunerated while Mr. López Bas, as an advisor, will be paid 46,000 euros per year."


Torrevieja University Hospital said to be currently treating just 16 Covid Patients

Torrevieja University Hospital is currently treating sixteen patients for coronavirus, 15 on the ward and one in the Intensive Care Unit. During recent days the number of patients for the virus has been fluctuating daily between a total of 15 and 20, although, on Friday there were understood to be a total of 206 who are self-isolating and receiving treatment at home. The percentage of covid patients at the present time is much lower than it was during the peak of the first wave of the pandemic, at the end of March and beginning of April, although the numbers have been gradually increasing in recent weeks.

Of the 953 cases registered since March, according to the latest statistics produced by the Ministry of Health, Torrevieja accounts for most of the cases (603, 63% of the total), although there have also been important outbreaks in Pilar de

Classmate of Princess Leonor tests positive for coronavirus A friend of Princess Leonor has tested positive for coronavirus which she is understood to have caught via family transmission from her parents. Princess Leonor, who is in her fourth year at the Santa María de los Rosales private school, must now quarantine for a fourteen-day period following the confirmation.

Sources indicate that the Princess will follow the regulations, as will as the king, queen and the Infanta Sofía. The Princess Leonor only returned to school last Wednesday, while the Infanta Sofía resumed her studies on Friday. Princess Leonor will now undergo a PCR test "follow-

The Torrevieja health department, which encompasses eleven municipalities, has now exceeded 950 infections since March, amongst which there have been 60 deaths, the most recent one on Friday.

The Torrevieja health department, which supports eleven municipalities, has exceeded 950 infections since March.There have been 60 deaths from coronavirus, the most recent on Friday. Deaths and infections are concentrated in Torrevieja.

Whilst the numbers clearly show an upward trend, it is not as abrupt as it was in March, despite the fact that the number of covid cases detected in the last 14 days represents more than 20% of the total of those diagnosed since the pandemic began.

According to sources from Zarzuela Palace, the school has recommended to parents that the students in the same class do not attend for the next two weeks.

la Horadada (137 positives since March) and Guardamar del Segura (56).

In the months of March and April, the hospital housed up to 60 patients, when it was necessary for two patients to share a room for the first time since the hospital opened its doors fifteen years ago. At the same time the Intensive Care Unit was overwhelmed.

At the busiest times, the Hospital had a separate ICU for Covid patients, with 18 beds, as well as a second ICU for seriously ill patients with other pathologies, and it also provided a surgical recovery area for ICU patients. Meanwhile the CEO of the Hospital has invited all of the eleven mayors supported by the Torrevieja Health Department to a meeting by Videoconference, which is scheduled to take place next Wednesday, when he will report on the current situation of covid care in the region. ing the protocols established by the health authorities". The same sources have said that "also following sanitary regulations, the King and Queen, for the moment will maintain their official activities."

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Torrevieja council refuse to reduce Aquópolis rental The local government has rejected a request from the water park, Aquópolis, part of the multinational group Parques Reunidos, to reduce the annual rental that they pay for the use of the municipal land, on which the facility was built in the mid-eighties. That fee of 248,000 euros was set in 2016, five times the amount that the council had received prior to that date. The company says that their income has been severely affected by the health crisis with the season limited to just July and August when they would normally operate from midJune to late September.

Two year old girl tests positive in Cartagena Nursery A two-year-old girl, a student at the La Milagrosa nursery school in Cartagena, has tested positive for covid-19, as a result of which the school has been forced to close. The contagion was known on Friday morning and twelve classmates and two members of staff have been quarantined. The family notified the centre on Friday morning following which the management has contacted the parents of her twelve classmates, students in a classroom of children aged 2 to 3 years, so that they could keep their children at home in quarantine while they await instructions from Public Health.



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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020



Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Demonstration outside Torrevieja Hospital


The Torrevieja Salud works council and members of the hospital workforce staged a five-minute strike on Thursday at the Torrevieja University Hospital to demand that the Department of Health meet with the workers' representatives to discuss the future employment of the medical staff in the department.

During the demonstration a document was read in which it was said that the Ministry must decide on the future of the Torrevieja University Hospital and the working conditions of the staff in the event that the management is taken over by the Department of Health ».

San Javier Ciudad del Aire' will attract 124,000 tourists a year The strategic project 'San Javier, Ciudad del Aire' promoted by the San Javier City Council and based on the municipality's aeronautical tradition, could receive 124,000 annual visitors and generate 5.4 million euros of direct income, in addition to creating 16 to 33 direct jobs and generating a hotel occupancy rate of 1.5 points in the municipality. The results are part of a study carried out by a team from UCAM team that was presented to the council last week, along with the director of the Murcia Region Tourism Institute, Juan Francisco Carrasco and the coordinating councillor of the 'San Javier, Ciudad del Aire' project, Rubén Pérez .

Violations of students & abuse of power at Murcia Bullfighting School An instructor from the Murcia Bullfighting School, who posed as a physiotherapist so that he could touch female students, aged between 11 and 17, has been arrested for assaulting and sexually abusing at least eight students at the centre, using a 'modus operandi' based on abuse of power and deception. Boys were taken home with the excuse of showing them videos of bullfights. Once at his home, he showed them pornographic videos and carried out sexual acts. The teacher was arrested and detained by the National Police last Tuesday

The music ban is not only ruining many holidays, it is also crippling livelihoods By Andrew Atkinson VILLAMARTIN PLAZA remain 'unplugged' - with the ban on music remaining in place at the venue - amid a crackdown on live music throughout the Costa Blanca south. Problems arose this month when former Hot Chocolate lead singer Greg Bannis was stopped by the police from going on stage at the Plaza moments before his performance was to begin. Following the incident Casey Shaddock President and spokesperson for Villamartin released a statement saying their situation was in the hands of lawyers On September 7 another statement was made by the plaza, that music remained banned, denying hopes of artistes and spectators returning to the popular

venue. Villamartin Plaza announced on September 10 that the fight goes on with a ban on live music still in place, until further notice. One disappointed visitor to Spain, Tracey Fullbrook, now back in the UK, said: "Myself and my best friend were there on September 3, ready for some 'Hot Chocolate' on our last weekend, celebrating our 50th birthday year. "We were gutted on the night following the cancellation, and since we've returned to the UK we are now having to quarantine for 14 days. "I'm totally upset that our night was ruined, by one complaint. The plaza is a wonderful place and the management do so much to make it that way. "Thank you for all that they do and their weekly

updates, that help us feel a part of what is happening, even when we are not there. You are fabulous and have our total support." Villamartin Plaza is among venues who have been told that live music is banned, including Los Montesinos, and Lo Crispin, to name a few. For the businesses in and around the plaza, as they were just beginning to get back onto their feet, the reality is that the legislation is not only ruining the summer holidays, it is crippling their livelihoods too. A statement from Villamartin Plaza said on September 10: Cancelled until further notice. Fighting the City Hall!

Flood of applications from Guardia Officers looking for the easy life Flood of requests from Civil Guards applying to move Officers who serve in the Vega Baja say they are "saturated" because the region "is failing." The agents attribute the problem to the lack of police in the region, which they estimate at approximately 200, despite the amount of crime.

The Barracks in Torre de la Horadada

According to Civil Guard sources, there are about 60 agents who are currently waiting for a move. Many more have also applied but their applications have not been approved The Professional Association of the Civil Guard, Jucil, says that work overload is the major reason that officers are moving, due to the reduced workforce, and although officers that leave are usually replaced the numbers stay the same. In the Callosa de Segura barracks, there will be seven agents leaving this month, although following pressure from the seven mayors that the callosino barracks serve, the Government say they will send 14 new civil guards after the mayors said they are absolutely fed up with the insecurity. Cristian Martínez, Jucil provincial secretary, says his officers are also fed up and their work often suffers because, while attending one incident they are often quickly moved to another. Jucil also criticises the fact that the Ministry counts temporary civil guards, who are still learning their duties, as part of the barracks' establishment, which increases the number of officers in each station. “It is completely unrealistic because newly recruited agents need us to teach them, which means that we have an even bigger workload”, Cristian Martínez complains. Violent crime is also growing in the region. For this reason, the Jucil Professional Association has demanded that the Judicial Police teams be increased. Towns across the region continue to grow, but the Judicial Police strength has not


Banco de Sabadell exploring its options

VILLAMARTIN PLAZA Entertainment Unplugged

The union said that it has tried four times in recent months to meet with the minister, Ana Barceló, without getting any response.

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changed for 20 years, according to the same sources. Agents assigned to the region attend all the incidents with absolute professionalism, but they are overwhelmed, and this causes a despair that leads many to ask for a change of location to a more peaceful area. The Ministry of the Interior is currently considering the closure of police posts with aan establishement of fewer than 25 agents, redeploying them to larger barracks, news that has been well received by the union because they say it will allow better control of manpower and an increase in the number of patrols they are able to put on the streets.

Spain’s Banco de Sabadell SA is exploring strategic options as consolidation talks take hold in Europe’s fragmented banking markets. The lender, based in Alicante, has been working with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in recent months on options including a sale or merger, asset disposals or buying a smaller competitor. The bank is looking at deals that would allow it to save costs and reduce exposure to small and medium-sized business loans, although the plans are being kept private. Discussions have also looked at options for its U.K. business TSB Banking Group Plc, our contact said.

Bidding process for Coastal Sports Centre drags on The PSOE has denounced the delay in the provision of sports activities for residents of the coast. Councillor Patricia Menárguez said that she fails to understand why, in mid September, the biding process for the management of the Playa Flamenca Sports Centre has still not been finalised. She said that this is yet another example that Orihuela Costa continues to be one of the last priorities of the Orihuela city council, as is also the case that we can see in the lack of urban cleaning and services. The Sports Centre has now been closed for 17 months.

Orihuela Culture launches workshop at the Circo Theatre The Councillor for Culture, Mar Ezcurra, has announced a Municipal Theatre Workshop which will run during the afternoons from October to June 2021 “The workshop will comprise of three different groups: 6 to 12 years of age, 12 to 16 years and young adults from 17 years of age”, the councillor said, who also explained that“ the workshop will hold theoretical-practical activities in which students will work on aspects such as body expression, and interpretive techniques”. “Theatre is a fundamental element for expressing and socialising, which is why it is a perfect tool for children and adolescents, as it helps them to have a deeper knowledge of themselves, she said.”



637 227 385

Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020


Minster warns that Murcia health system close to collapse


he Minister of Health, has called for the public to comply with quarantines and not to attend mass events so as to cut the rate of infections.

If the current rate of coronavirus infections continue, Murcia’s health system could be in a state of collapse in about two weeks’ time. This was said on Monday by the Minister of Health, Manuel

Villegas, after a meeting of the Covid Monitoring Committee, chaired by the head of the regional Executive, Fernando López Miras.

not put a policeman with every one of us, so we must all be extra responsible."

The situation is very worrying, with a significant increase on cases in recent weeks. As such Villegas calls for public responsibility, although he acknowledges that this month “we have also had a considerable increase in PCR tests, which results in the detection of more active cases”. Health professionals insist that it is essential that members of the population who have tested positive or who have been in contact with a confirmed case should remain in quarantine and not go to work.

The announcement by Manuel Villegas won’t be helped by the latest coronavirus figures for the Murcia released on Saturday which showed one new death and 448 new infections in the Region. The death was that of an 87-year-old man from Murcia, with previous pathologies, which takes the total number of deaths since the pandemic began to 173 people.

However the counsellor points out that "the risk may be worse than we think, since 40 percent of the cases are asymptomatic." "At this rate the health system will collapse as happened in the first wave, " says the head of Murcia Health, who is critical of the public for situations such as the one experienced last weekend with a party at a barbecue in Lorca with more than a hundred people, situations that "are totally irresponsible, and that put families and all of Murcian society at risk." Villegas insists that in two weeks the hospital situation will be difficult and we will be in an emergency due to a resurgence of the pandemic, but "you can-

Lorca, Murcia and Jumilla continue to worsen in active cases and there have been 5 hospital admissions The new cases have all been reported following PCR test, of which 81 are in the municipality of Lorca, 70 in Murcia, 33 Jumilla , 29 Cartagena , 29 inTorre Pacheco , 29 in Totana , 22 Molina de Segura, 19 Yecla, 10 Alcantarilla, 9 in the town of Alhama de Murcia, 9 in Caravaca de la Cruz, 9 in Cieza, 9 San Javier , 8 Ceutí, 8 San Pedro del Pinatar, 7 Archena, 7 Cehegín, 7 Mazarrón , and 6 in Mula. The remainder are scattered across various other locations. Currently, there are 5,854 people fighting the virus at this time in the Murcia Region, 344 of which are hospitalised with 60 of them in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


Keep your opinion of yourself to yourself … I have the highest admiration for modest people; those men and women who prefer to ‘hide their light under a bushel’. Even though this columnist has a lot to be modest about – in all humility, I have to admit to being a current member of the Dizzie Dean school of ‘It ain’t braggin’ if you’ve done it!’ However, if I had to do it all over again, I would project myself in a more modest module. Let me give you a couple of examples of highachieving modest men I have known. For fifteen years now I have sat beside the same guy during football matches in Croke Park. Tyrone man, Michael Slevin and I have become friends over that time and I have gotten not only to know Michael, but many members of his family as well. I got to know his girl-friend, Orla; then his wife Orla, and then Oisin’s mother, Orla. If Michael has a fault it is that he is gentle and too soft-spoken (not a northern characteristic I hear you holler!) and I have to strain to hear what he says during the matches. What Michael and I have most in common is our love of everything GAA and naturally these topics take up most of our chatting time. I would have ‘mentioned’ in passing that I had won an U-14 hurling schools championship medal. Well … ‘it ain’t braggin’ if you’ve done it!’ A couple of years back I was chatting Michael’s father during the half-time break. Talk came up about the recently retired – and one of the all-time greats, Sean Cavanagh; and his long service to Tyrone. ‘Aye … he was on the team with Michael that won the All-Ireland U-21.’ ‘WHAT??’ With that, Michael returned to his seat, as I

Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

exclaimed; ‘You have to be the most modest man I have ever met …. An All-Ireland medal … and you never mentioned it?’ Michael just smiled and said; ‘I’m not a bit modest at all … I have two of them … 2000 & 2001!!!’ See what I mean? That’s class – and the difference between yours truly and modest Michael.

Kalanchoe plants - Widows Thrill - are thick-leaved succulents that are often seen in garden centres and most end up as potted plants. Kalanchoe can be planted outdoors in areas of the garden here in Spain, mimicking their native land

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“It’s not bragging if you can back it up.” Muhammad Ali

Several years ago I had a friend called David. David was, and still is a vet. The newly qualified vet, along with his newly qualified teacher-wife set off on their honeymoon. On the cruise they connected with another young Irish couple – as one does. Naturally, they asked each other what they did in the day job. David was so enthusiastic about his new small-animal clinic that he talked about it a lot. Annmarie talked teaching and told many stories out of school. ‘What do you do?’ David asked his new friend when they sat down to their first evening dinner. ‘I’m a carpenter’, the man replied. Well, in fairness, I suppose there isn’t much room for a wide-ranging discussion to that answer. The carpenter’s wife stayed at home with their two small children and ‘answered the phone sometimes!’ A couple of weeks after coming home and blissfully settling into married life, David was watching the nine o’clock news on RTE one evening when suddenly he screamed out for Annmarie to ‘come quick.’ There on the screen, in full living colour, was their ‘carpenter friend’ being interviewed. The guy was the MD of Ireland’s largest kitchen cabinet manufacturers, announcing a major export deal; and according to the reporter, the company was worth 400 million … in old money! David told me that this taught him a valuable lesson about being too quick to sell himself. Mrs Youcantbeserious is not like me. She is a modest person and never leads with stuff about

Garden Felix - Kalanchoe - Windows Thrill ‘Starry flowers blooming in winter to spring’


of Madagascar, or tropical Africa. The clusters of tiny flowers produce a large bloom on stems, above the majority of the foliage. The deep green, scalloped leaves of the kalanchoe are just as attractive as the flowers. The sculpted foliage persists after bloom and provides for a handsome plant with the starry flowers

herself or her family. How many times has she said to me on the way home, ‘you had no need to tell them that.’ ‘It ain’t braggin’ if you’ve done it,’ I usually reply. Modesty, I suppose, is being able to suppress one’s ego and making it clear that you don’t know everything. There is nothing wrong with telling your story; but at least consider the possibility that the other fellow may have a better tale to tell! Forty years ago I was very friendly with an old guy called Bartle. Bartle had a wonderful saying, which I never forgot and oft times repeat: ‘A humble man cannot be hurt.’

Don’t Forget One of the most difficult mountains for people to climb is the one they make out of a molehill *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

I didn’t learn enough humility from Bartle, but the fact that I am telling you about it now could be an indicator of the ‘new modest me …’

Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

long-lasting and bloom in winter to spring.


Kalanchoe plants require well-drained soil and a minimum temperature of 60 degrees. Maintenance care is low and the succulent has few disease or pest problems.

Cut off spent flower stems and pinch back leggy growth, to force a compact plant.

Strong sunlight can burn the tips of the leaves, therefore, place pots in partial sun to light shade

Water the plant deeply and allow to dry out completely, before further watering. Fertilise once a month during the growing season with a houseplant food.



Covid-19 detected at San Fulgencio sports centre José Sampere, the mayor and Sports Councillor of San Fulgencio has announced the closure of the municipal sports centre and Nuevo Cañaveral stadium, after the detection of a positive case of coronavirus among the players of the local football team, Sporting San Fulgencio. The Consistory has closed the facilities to carry out a thorough clean and disinfection of the facility as well as the suspension of classes of the Municipal Sports Schools. The mayor said, "the risk of contagion is not very high, since the player was only at the stadium for the friendly match that took place last Saturday, 5 September, but there will be no sport played until next Tuesday as a preventive measure ”. The player had mild symptoms and is already receiving treatment.

Alicante bus drivers on strike from 15th Sept Staff of the Municipal Transport Company (EMT) will go on strike starting next Tuesday, September 15. The decision was taken at a meeting of members as it seeks to

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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020


Work on new Pilar de la Horadada School begins in October

The stadium will be closed until Tuesday

The company JOCA has won the tender, with an investment of more than six million euros, for a new secondary school in Torre de la Horadada The mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, José María Pérez Sánchez, met with Emilio Lorenzo Cazorla, CEO of the JOCA Ingeniería y Construcciones SA, in order to coordinate the start of construction. Cazorla also spoke to managers of the Pilar de la Horadada Council with who his company will have to coordinate construction which, with the contract already signed, they plan to start building in October. The Councillor of Health has activated the relevant protocol and has notified everyone who might have had contact with the in recent days, so that they take any necessary health measures and start their quarantine. "We are now very aware of the evolution of this case and we will be closely watching any update of the situation," said Sampere. The mayor said that he wants to convey a message of tranquillity as, according to the health authorities, all cases of the contagion are fully controlled." San Fulgencio is one of the municipalities

negotiate a collective agreement with the management. Strikes will start with partial stoppages of 2 hours during different time slots: from 7 to 9 am, from 4 to 6 pm and from midnight to 2 in the morning. These partial stoppages will take place on September 15, 17, 22, 24 and 29 and October 1.

in the Vega Baja with the lowest incidence of Covid-19, with a total of 10 cases and two deaths throughout the whole of the pandemic, and with just three active cases in the last fourteen days. The mayor said he also appreciated "the exemplary compliance of the public with the sanitary security measures that are being carried out", also insisting on the need to continue with these procedures "such as frequent hand washing, the mandatory use of masks and respect the safety distance” as a measure to prevent further contagion.

In addition, if an agreement is not reached before the end of the planned stoppages, the workers will continue on strike during the month of October, increasing the time of the stoppages to 4 hour slots. These stoppages, which will start at the same time, are scheduled for October 7, 14, 21 and 30.

The meeting also decided on a strike calendar for the month of November and December, which includes six-hour strikes. In the month of November they are scheduled for 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30; and for the month of December they will be held on 4, 8, 11, 18, 24 and 31st.

At the meeting, JOCA has promised to employ workers and companies from Pilar de la Horadada in the construction of the new building. The mayor thanked Snr Cazorla for the gesture, "particularly in the situation we are currently in, where many companies have lost business. We want to help our entrepreneurs as much as we can." Mayor José María with Emilio Lorenzo Cazorla

The new IES will cost 6,230,087.16 euros to be paid by the Generalitat Valenciana through the Edificant Plan, with a build period of 14 months. JOCA, a Spanish engineering and construction company with more than 40 years of experience in the sector, has agreed to extend the guarantee period beyond two years by five more years, thus setting the guarantee period at 7 years.


Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020


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ANSWERS Week 831 QUICK ACROSS: 1 6 Charity; 7 Banal; 9 Brood; 10 Impound; 12 Deferential; 14 Connotation; 18 Distort; 19 Glory; 21 Stuff; 22 Pungent. DOWN: 1 Shirk; 2 Groove; 3 Sty; 4 Cavort; 5 Gainsay; 8 Amnesty; 11 Lecture; 13 Society; 15 Notify; 16 Oblige; 17 Wrong; 20 Put. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Auction; 7 Tomes; 9 Denim; 10 Notable; 12 Restraining;

ACROSS 3. Feeble (9) 8. Dash (4) 9. Hoodwink (9) 10. Go back (6) 11. Cut (5) 14. Divide (5) 15. Trim (4) 16. Moor (5) 18. Aggregation (4) 20. Dismay (5) 21. Material (5) 24. Particular (6) 25. Atonement (9) 26. Rip (4) 27. The accused (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 20

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24.

14 Quarter-deck; 18 Tedious (9) Insipid (9) Scheme (4) Imposing (5) Ease off (6) Market (4) Soup (5) Personnel (5) Restorable (9) Spur on (9) Asylum (5) Conflict (6) Destined (5) Spindle (4) Soft feathers (4)

Stripes; 19 Bores; 21 Green; 22 Release. DOWN: 1 Puree; 2 Strike; 3 Son; 4 Domain; 5 Decline; 8 Towards; 11 Steeper; 13 Mutters; 15 Reined; 16 Crowed; 17 Leash; 20 Net.

ACROSS 3. It’s ten men having wrong opinion (9) 8. 18 going back to school (4) 9. Does it open all doors to education? (6,3) 10. Song of praise from the man (6) 11. Even both ways (5) 14. Teach one’s entourage? (5) 15. Enid goes back to eat (4) 16. Stingy when drunk? (5) 18. Observe one of the other vowels, perhaps (4) 20. There’s plenty going round the world in it these days (5) 21. Demand and get some complex activities (5) 24. Tradesman to get cards from (6) 25. Shelter against attack - as 100 come out to assume control (4,5) 26. Agitate in prison (4) 27. The gambler is leaving richer (6,3)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which controversial and expressive man was given the nickname 'Jack the dripper'? 2. Who was born "Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta" on March the 28th 1986? 3. What cake derives its name from the French word for lightning? 4. Damon Lindelof, J. J. Abrams and Jeffrey Lieber are responsible for creating which phenomenon? 5. The name for which notorious criminals, once responsible for the murder of countless thousands of innocent people, means 'deceivers'? 6. Who were stripped of the European Champion Club's Cup they won in 1993 after a bribery scandal involving their president, Bernard Tapie? 7. The surrender of which tribal leader in 1886 was effectively the end of the Indian wars in the US? 8. The following are the depressing last words to which hit songs? a. All he left us was alone. b. I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late. c. Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain. d. They're all wasted. e. Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground. 9. Which island, named after a Dutchman, is often said to have the cleanest air in the world? 10. Name the cult holed up in Waco, Texas, many of whose members were killed when the FBI stormed their compound after a 51-day siege.

DOWN 1. Pit danger on the way out (9) 2. With the speed of express mail? (4-5) 4. Made up cheese (4) 5. Let it form the heading (5) 6. Noted as outstanding (6) 7. One editor’s requirement (4) 9. I object to worker, as intended (5) 11. Fair and not weighing much (5) 12. 51 find skill to be the reverse of an asset (9) 13. Rest cruel teachers in higher education (9) 17. Wrote about a tall structure (5) 19. Skilled person was formerly saucy (6) 22. Presumably they have something to sing about (5) 23. The colour of a stretch of water (4) 24. Fade out, being unable to hear (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) 11. What is the national flower in each of the following countries? a. Austria b. India c. Japan d. Belgium e. Turkey 12. Collins, Burgundy, Highball, Yard and Shot are all examples of what? 13. The film 'Chariots of Fire' charts the rivalry between which two great British sprinters? 14. What is the name of the great open bowl of the Pacific Ocean on New Zealand's north coast? 15. The following are the first words to which hit song? (Original was No1 US, No 8 UK) "She was afraid to come out of the locker" 16. Death: a: Which novelist drowned herself in the River Ouse in 1941? b: Who was shot from behind by Bob Ford in 1882? c: Who is believed to have died after allowing an asp to bite her breast? d: Which great poet was killed one week before the WWI armistice? e: In which city is Jim Morrison buried? 17. What were the three previous names used by British soldiers for the game known as badminton? 18. Actors Dwight Schultz and Dirk Benedict both make cameo appearances in which 2010 Ridley Scott-produced movie? 19. Name the nine countries with a border on the Baltic Sea. 20. Rome's Trevi fountain featured in what 1954 Jean Negulesco film?



637 227 385

Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Bishop Carlos to welcome local churches into the Anglican community By Maggie Dew

The Anglican Parish of Churches in the Community, which includes Campoverde Church and San Fulgencio Church, is delighted to announce that we are about to embark on an exciting new phase of our mission to take our message of the Good News of Jesus Christ out into our communities.

to meet and chat to Bishop Carlos in the café next to the church, followed by lunch In The Olde 9th Bar Restaurant. Anyone who wishes to attend the lunch please let Marguerite Jackson know on

Bishop Carlos Lopez Lozano is coming to formally welcome each of our Churches into the Anglican Church in Spain (Iglesia Espanola Reformada Episcopal) on Sunday September 20.

Starting at 6pm on September 20th, our service in Campoverde will take place in the Church Garden next to the Church, in order to safely accommodate all who wish to attend. Afterwards, there will be a chance to meet and chat to Bishop Carlos in the garden where light refreshments will be available.

This is a great honour to us and, as far as we know, is the first time a Bishop has visited either Campoverde or San Fulgencio. We want all our communities to have the opportunity to meet him and join with us in this celebration.

SAN FULGENCIO Starting at 10am on September 20th, our service in San Fulgencio will take place in the Catholic Church in the square in the village. Afterwards there will be a chance

Covid, strikes and 23,000 missing teachers. The return to school didn’t get off to a good start. Classes began on Monday (albeit in a staggered manner) with students from almost all communities (more than eight million children).


We want everyone in our communities to feel a part of this occasion, whether you are Church-goers or not. Our Churches are here for everyone in the good times

At each Church (details below) Bishop Carlos will preach at a Service of Holy Communion to include readings from the bible, prayers and hymns you know and love. He will be assisted by Rev Terry Baxter, our Priest, and members of the congregation. At the service, Bishop Carlos will formally licence our Priest, Lay Readers and Assistant Lay Readers into the Anglican Church in Spain. After each service there will be a chance to meet and chat to Bishop Carlos informally and to share in refreshments. Details for each Church are as follows:


Services will be held on Sunday September 20 starting at 10am in San Fulgencio and 6pm in Campoverde and the bad and all the bits in between. The photographs show Bishop Carlos above and Rev Terry Baxter to the left.. Further information about the service from Rev Terry Baxter on, Andrew Briant (for San Fulgencio) on, or Maggie Dew (for Campoverde) on

While some parents decided not to take them to class for fear of contagion regardless of the warnings of the General Prosecutor's Office (in Santoña only 116 of the 965 students attended the Cantabrian town’s 3 schools), they join the hot educational autumn announcements by teaching unions of strikes across the country, as well as a report from the CSIF union denouncing the government for the fact that 23,000 teachers are missing out of the 38,000 promised across the communities.


Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and

Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th September, but please check beforehand. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information please QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club

will be held at the Cooper’s Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada, on Tuesday 15th September 2020. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the Covid19 allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information, Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join

our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of


all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare

CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597..

Benijofar Spiritualist Centre set to go virtu al By Andrew Atkinson Spiritualist Linda Sheppard: Benijofar Spiritualist Centre Zoom service


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enijofar Spiritualist Centre evenings that have been cancelled since the coronavirus pandemic in mid-March are set to go virtual, via Zoom. (ID: 8451471869 - Password: 3uf5TE)

"We don't believe the Spiritualist Centre will open again this year, with the coronavirus situation, which has broken our hearts," Martin Dean told The Leader. Martin and his partner Jillian have held the popular spiritualist evenings for many years, with different hosts appearing weekly. "We miss the Spiritualist Centre evenings and miss so much all those that attended weekly over the years," said Martin. "There is light at the end of the tunnel. Spiritualist Len Cox and his wife Annette have set up a Benijofar Spiritualist Centre Zoom Account, a great idea, as we can have our meetings and keep in touch with everyone," said


International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708

Martin. "I know technology is a scary thing, but it's a good thing. Len and Annette have shown us how it all works," said Martin. Martin and Len will be at the bakery, during 10am-2pm on Thursday, September 10, to show how to download the app and how to use it. Big groups are not allowed at one time, due to coronavirus health and safety, and therefore a few people at a time will recive tuition. Please take along the device you will be using. "I can't thank Len and Annette enough for all their hard work and dedication to get it started," said Martin. The first Zoom Spiritualist service will be on Tuesday, September 15 opening at 6.50pm for a 7pm start, with Spiritualist Linda Sheppard. "It will be a great way to start our Zoom Spiritualist service. If anyone needs advice or help please contact us and we will be glad to help. "I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Keep safe and take care. We love and miss you all at the Benijofar Spiritualist Centre," said Martin.



637 227 385

Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020


Costa Blanca Scooterists hit Benidorm T his summer Costa Blanca Scooterists decided on a long weekend in Spain’s bestknown holiday resort. The original plan was to re-visit Ibiza, scene of a couple of great holidays in recent years, but due to Covid 19 and other scary stuff made this trip unadvisable: so ‘Benners’ it was! In mid-July nine stalwart CBS members set off from the Torrevieja area: evergreens Pete and John were joined by some with previous, like Phil, Barry, Dave S and Andy. Newbies this year were Mike, Dougie and Steve.

trip for some: The Guadalest Motor Cycle Museum.

For €3 per person, you can enter a world of the world’s motorized two-wheel past. If you happily happened to be an old Sixties Mod like this writer, you saw scooters you had once ridden years ago and some, including Bubble Cars anyone could only ever dream of riding.

Along with scooters and motorbikes there were a few cars, military exhibits, gramophones, typewriters, and model cars and scooters and other intruig-

and pictures of Benners, captured with the scoots in the foreground. Then sallying forth further along the coast CBS hit Calpe and its huge rock, a lovely town for lunch, followed by the delights of Altea in the afternoon. This is a beauty of a Spanish town right by the sea, again with great views: the town seemed a little busier and perhaps somewhat happier than Benidorm? Another great day in the saddle was completed by a bar/restaurant meal visit to watch Real Madrid

more than enough to keep anyone happy.

Sadly we lost big Steve on the way home on his spluttering Besbi, but good ol’ Linea Directa sorted out the necessary get-you-home and scoot-togarage details well for a Sunday. That’s what insurance is for... Summary: it wasn’t Ibiza, but CBS had a load of fun and laughs as usual, proving that where there’s a will there will always be a way – and these guys are good at it. Hopefully we’ll do another one next year, the lads are already looking forward to it!

Scoots ranged from Dave Solan’s iconic 50s Vespa right up to Piaggio’s finest today, four lovely GTS’s, with the odd Scomadi, Lambretta and a Besbi thrown in. The three/four hour journey along Spain’s coastal path, the N332 was negotiated safely via Alicante, Campello and San Juan with a couple of belly/fuel top-ups en route – a lovely coastal run with great views along one of the best Costas in Spain. At first sight Benidorm is amazing, with skyscrapers everywhere. Our hotel was nearly right on the front, and the nifty nine were booked into three apartments with three beds in each. Twin bedrooms plus another bed in a lounge, each also with a small kitchen – and 11 jaw-dropping floors up.... Not so good points were hard beds and no aircon – and it was hot. The hotel pool was adequate but if you wanted the sea the new Pandemic rules dictated you went along the Prom to a designated area, waited, paid €10 and received a ticket. That entitled you to three hours on the beach with designated sunbeds and a brolly. CBS? Yes to the pool for some - no to the beach for all...

Members of the CBS Scooterists looking out over the impressive Benidorm skyline

We had in our midst some experienced regular ‘Benner-dwellers’ who know the place well. So after a shower and change CBS headed along the police-manned front (checking for those sinners without masks) for a great meal and brilliant entertainment. This was in a lively restaurant called Romans, right on the front: here the class act was a solo singer called Pablo Orlando Bloom who packed a punch in both English and Spanish. This one-man show kept us all entertained while enjoying a hearty meal, fantastic fun. His personal rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody about visitors to Spain will long stay in the memory... The next day was the Biggie with much travel and activity planned, and CBS were happily joined by our Dave Niker from nearby Agost for the day. Next door to the hotel the biggest-Beni-bellybusting breakfast a hungry man could ask for was consumed by all (€4.90!) and off we all went, north up into the stunning hillsides that surround Benidorm.

ing memorabilia. There is also a large well stocked model and souvenir shop with appropriate tee shirts and also a local crafts shop selling all sorts of lovely foods and gifts - wine by the container and honey, plus a restaurant although we didn’t try this. If you like a day out and very well-cared for twowheeled historical heaven, this place is an essential visit for you. That evening our serial Benidormers took us for a Benners walk.

The GTS’s in our midst easily leapt up the sometimes steep slopes with the 125s struggling to keep up, but we all stayed together as a good group should do. Where were we headed? Well, to a little fortress tucked up in them thar’ hills called Guadalest.

This very unusual entertainment citadel normally hosts all sorts of events like carnivals and parades all year and is full of fascinating characters: like Frank Gallagher from ‘Shameless’ who owns a bar and ‘V’ signs everyone who passes to encourage folk in (we were...).

If you’ve been before you’ll know all about this place, a real gem with loads of Spanish history to back up its stunning location.

On our evening stroll taking in this strange night life our guides pointed out huge monstrosities looming out in the dark that we passed. Normally these large hotels are heaving with holidaymakers at this time of year, but... well, we are living in Covid 19 weird times, aren’t we?

CBS spent several hours taking it all in, the newbies were fascinated, and even if you’ve been before there’s always something new to learn and see in Guadalest. Coming back down from the dizzy delights CBS were treated to what proved the highlight of the

On the third day CBS rose again, and once more suitably stuffed took a ride up, up and away high up above the city with some unbelievable views

Frank and Pete get beaten by Man City in the semi-finals of the Champions League - you could taste the wounded silence of the watching Madrileans and hear the cheering noise of the Barca fans from a distance away. Sadly the final day dawned and CBS started for home – the trip had been great with some brilliant scootering and stunning scenery,


LOCAL NEWSBITES Torrevieja U3A Groups Fair Despite all the problems of the past few months the Torrevieja U3A group is proceeding with the Annual Groups Fair. As a result of our usual base at the CMO building still being off-limits, we will be holding a reduced version at Hi Life Bar and Restaurant, Calle Salvador Dali 20, Via Park 1 This will take place on Monday September 28th starting around 11.00 a.m. Masks will need to be worn at all times and all sanitation services will be available. Social distancing will need to be maintained and visitor numbers will be monitored to ensure compliance with all safety regulations. Food and Drink plus bathroom facilities will be available inside the bar. We hope to see as many old and new 'friends' as possible and hope you will enjoy your visit.

Eucharist celebrated in honour of Virgin of Los Dolores

Due to the coronavirus situation in the Barrio de Los Dolores, Callosa-Catral, it has not been possible to celebrate its 2020 festivals in honour of the Virgin of Los Dolores. A Eucharist has been celebrated in memory of the deceased of the neighbourhood and for the priest D. José Ruiz Costa, who was formerly in this parish and recently passed away. D. Jose Ruiz Costa was also promoter of the construction of the neighborhood church. The songs of this homily were sung by Carmen María.

Torrevieja takes legal action against Generalitat The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, has said that the Torrevieja City Council, is taking legal action against the Valencian Generalitat following their refusal to allow serological tests to be carried out on the 1,500 teachers and staff working in the municipal educational centres. He said that the tests were being carried out in order to generate greater peace of mind and security for the families of the more than 11,000 students who have already started the school year. The action was forwarded to the court of contentious appeal by the city’s legal defence team.

Back to school in Pilar de la Horadada The mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, and the councilors of Education and Public Services, Pedro Miguel Moya, and Adrian López respectively, visited the CEIP Martin Artigot, Maria Moliner, Virgen del Pilar, and Mediterráneo, where they held meetings, last Monday, with the heads and staff of each of the centres to coordinate the start of the academic year next Monday, September 7. The mayor, José María Pérez, said that it was found that all schools were applying the security protocols established by the health authorities. The Council has provided each school with a COVID protection and safety kit, with masks, hydrogel, paper for drying hands, disinfectant cleaning products, and has also installed clean points at all entrances and exits.

Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Orihuela Council approves recoverable leave for staff with confined children


637 227 385


Councillor Luisa Boné said that municipal workers may choose to employ flexible hours

Luisa Boné has announced a new measure that "offers solutions and provides facilities" to workers who have to remain at home in order to provide care to their children, who have been confined because of the coronavirus. She said that the procedures have now been unanimously approved by the General Negotiating Table and all its members. Boné pointed out that “with the children returning to school there is a lot of uncertainty and concern among parents about how to deal with those cases in which their children must stay at home due to preventive isolation as a result of Covid-19 and we must be able to offer solutions and provide facilities to workers who may find themselves in that situation”. The councillor said that "depending on the job, the municipal employee may work flexible hours or change their shifts, in order to perform the tasks. There is also the option of teleworking and ultimately they can request recoverable paid leave”. The recoverable paid leave option consists of accumulating up to 75 hours that will have to be recovered within a maximum period of

three months. The 75 hours period relates to the number of working hours that coincide with the two weeks that the child may be in isolation. Boné added that masks have been distributed and serological tests have been carried out on all municipal employees. She said “The council is also going to improve the telephone service that is available to the general public and we are going to provide the necessary facilities to our employees to overcome this pandemic without reducing the quality of services”.



637 227 385

Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020


NEWS G N I T R O SP BITES Damon Hill congratulates Alonso on move ties and moved to Scunthorpe in the eighties, played in a Clive Lloyd World XI versus West Indies celebrity cricket match at Preston North End Deepdale stadium in September 1986. Botham and a plethora of cricket stars, including West Indies and former Kenya National Cricket team coach Baptiste, and West Indies star Roger Harper, played at Deepdale on the former plastic pitch in the old third division. The wicket was produced and prepared by French company En Tou Cas, and at that time the latest white cricket balls from Australia were used. One ball went into the Pavilion stand roof, with Baptiste and Botham knocking the ball out of the ground! Following the match the players went into the now demolished Guild Club, that had a free bar.

IAN BOTHAM AND VIV RICHARDS: Best friends and brothers.

Brothers in Arms Andrew Atkinson looks back at Ian Botham playing in a Clive Lloyd World XI versus West Indies celebrity cricket match 34 years ago at Preston North End Deepdale stadium in September 1986 and his 'brotherly love' for Windies icon Viv Richards. Quote: 'Viv is not really my best friend he's more like a brother - were part of each others family', Ian Botham SIR Ian Botham OBE and Sir Viv Richards, KNH, OBE, are like brothers, said former England cricket star Botham, talking about legendary West Indies ace Richards.

"Viv is not really my best friend - he's more like a brother - and were part of each others family," said Botham. Richards, regarded as one of the greatest batsmen ever in cricket, is the godfather of Botham's son Liam, born in 1977: Botham said: "Viv is a huge part of my life. We've travelled together from our early days at Somerset and shared a house for 10 years - we had some great times." Botham, 'Beefy', and his wife Lady Kathy, also have two daughters. Daughter Sarah owns a restaurant and wine bar in Almeria. Botham, who established a wine company in Melbourne, joined Yeovil Town in the late seven-

Harper was on the boundary by the South Paddock - signing an autograph book - when the ball suddenly flew towards him. Casually, Harper handed the book and pen back, before taking the catch. He then threw the ball back, and completed the autograph signing! Botham, 64, said of Richards, 68: "We were living life to the full, on and off the cricket field, and doing our bit for county and country." Richards played his last Test against England in 1991, scoring 8,540 runs in 121 Test matches: "Viv was the finest batsman I've ever seen live, he was supreme with a bat in his hand and I don't know a bowler in the world who treasured another wicket, more than his.

Former Formula 1 driver Damon Hill took to social media to congratulate Fernando Alonso’s timely decision to join Renault for the next two seasons. The Brit believes that the two-time world champion has failed to make the right decision in the past when he had the choice to move to other teams. "Just love the idea that Fernando Alonso might have finally chosen to move to a team at the right time," Hill posted on Twitter. Renault are team on the rise with their engine being close to reaching the standards set by Mercedes. The French team currently sit six in the Constructors' table with 59 points.

'UK Swing' Mini Order of Merit Rasmus Højgaard claimed the top spot in the UK Swing Order of Merit standings following his victory at the sixth and final event, the ISPS HANDA UK Championship. The top 10 in the standings after the ISPS Handa Wales Open - Horsfield, Detry, Sullivan, Højgaard, Paratore, Langasque, Välimäki, Otaegui, Syme and Harding - qualified for the U.S. Open at Winged Foot.

Rubiales confirmed for RFEF Presidency Luis Rubiales is set to secure a second term as Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) President after being confirmed as the sole candidate for the position.

"There has always been that healthy competitiveness between us, especially when we faced-off against each other.

Rubiales became RFEF President in May 2018 and took over from the suspended Ángel María Villar Llona.

"He was the best friend I could have wished for growing up in the game. Since we both finished playing he's still been at my side for all the important times in life, and vice versa."

Villar, who had been in the role since 1988, was arrested following a corruption investigation and also stepped down from his positions as vice-president at FIFA and UEFA.


Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Slow road back from Lockdown

England batsman Dawid Malan has seized the number one position in the MRF Tyres ICC Men’s T20I Player England batsman Rankings after a Dawid Malan fruitful home series against Australia, which England won 2-1.

Trainer Nick Alexander's scheduled runner Always Tipsy was a non-runner at Perth on September 7, thwarting the first outing for the 11 year old in 427 days. "Tipsy was in good form over course and distance last summer, latterly posting results of 212, but he’s had a year off since," said Alexander.

"Not surprising, but we deliberately chose

The 33-year-old left-hander has progressed four places after a series-topping run aggregate of 129, which included a player of the match effort of 66 in the first fixture. Malan, whose previous best ranking was second in November last year, is now eight rating points ahead of Pakistan’s Babar Azam. the slow road back from lockdown, which should hopefully pay dividends through the winter. "I’m delighted that we are going strong with the yard busier than ever and a great team of staff working hard to prepare what I very

much hope is our strongest team of horses. "Fingers crossed we receive the prerequisite helping of luck - and that most importantly the dreaded Covid 19 retreats to allow everyone who loves this sport to enjoy a great season of jump racing," said Alexander.

Three jump fixtures moved from Southwell after deaths Southwell’s next three jump fixtures transferred to Hexham, Ffos Las and Lingfield By Andrew Atkinson

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14


• Bairstow, Buttler, Rashid, Richardson and Starc also gain in latest rankings update

By Andrew Atkinson

"He’s had 427 days off - and the trainer has had 186 days off, nearly six months prompting some to speculate re: my demise.

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ALWAYS TIPSY: Last ran over a year ago. Image courtesy Kelso Racecourse

“Fingers crossed the dreaded Covid 19 retreats to allow everyone who loves this sport to enjoy a great season of jump racing” - NICK ALEXANDER

"Being a year older he probably needs some respite from the handicapper as well," said Alexander, based at Kinneston, Fife.


The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) has announced that Southwell’s next three jump fixtures have been transferred to Hexham, Ffos Las and Lingfield. The switch has been made following casualties of horses at recent meetings at the Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, East Midlands course. Fatalities include Avarchie, Swarez and Booyakasha on August 24; Lost On You and Croco Bay on August 10 and Elysian Prince on July 30. Meetings have been switched from Southwell to Hexham September 15; Ffos Las October 1 and Lingfield Park on October 22. "All three afternoon fixtures will be seven race cards with the opportunity to divide to eight races if required. Entry and declaration deadlines will be as normal.

Southwell racecourse

"Race conditions, times and other fixture information for Hexham will be available via the Racing Admin site, "The race programme for the two subsequent fixtures will be confirmed. All three cards will be similar to those originally programmed, with slight changes where required to accommodate the change of region," a BHA spokesperson told

The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Jackson Pollock, 2. Lady GaGa - an American singer, songwriter, fashion designer, pianist and performance artist. 3. Éclair. 4. LOST - the US TV Series. 5. Thugs or Thuggee. 6. Olympic Marseille. 7. Geronimo (Apache). 8. a. Papa was a rolling stone (Temptations) b. Paranoid (Black Sabbath) c. A horse with no name (America) d. Baba O'Riley (The Who) e. Goodbye yellow brick road (Elton John) 9. Tasmania. 10. Branch Davidian. 11. a. Edelweiss b. Lotus c. Chrysanthemum d. Red Poppy e. Tulip. 12.

Types of Glasses (Collins and Highball are both tumblers, Burgundy is a wine glass, yard glass is a yard long and shot glasses are for shots). 13. Harold Abraham and Eric Liddell. 14. The Bay of Plenty. 15. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. 16. Death: a: Virginia Woolf b: Jesse James c: Cleopatra d: Wilfred Owen e: Paris. 17. Shuttlecock, Battledore and Poona (or Poonai). 18. The A-Team (2010). 19. Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Sweden. 20. Three Coins in the Fountain

Malan’s teammates Jonny Bairstow and Jos Buttler have also made headway. Bairstow has gained three slots to reach a career-best 19th position after scoring 72 runs in the series while Buttler has moved from 40th to 28th after scoring 121 runs in two matches, which also won him the player of the series award. For Australia, captain Aaron Finch’s 125 runs in the series have helped him retain third position. Glenn Maxwell also holds on to his sixth position among batsmen while gaining one slot to reach second position in the list of all-rounders led by Afghanistan’s Mohammad Nabi. England leg-spinner Adil Rashid has gained two slots to reach seventh position after finishing as the most successful bowler in the series with six wickets, while Australia left-arm spinner Ashton Agar’s five wickets have enabled him retain third position, behind the Afghanistan spin pair of Rashid Khan and Mujeeb ur Rahman. Australia fast bowler Kane Richardson has moved into the top 10 for the first time in his career after taking three wickets in the series while his compatriot Mitchell Starc (up seven places to 18th) and England’s Mark Wood (up 41 places to 79th) have also made notable gains. Meanwhile, Australia have reclaimed the top spot in the MRF Tyres ICC Men’s T20I Team Rankings after briefly conceding it to England during the series. Australia started the series 10 points ahead of their rivals at 278, but were overtaken after losing the first two matches, when both were on 273 points, with England ahead on decimal points. Australia, who were number one for the first time in this format at the time of the annual update on 1 May this year, are now on 275 points and England on 271.



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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Las Ramblas Golf Society Monday’s ‘Counter Game’ was the version where the number of player’s scores to be recorded was known in advance. With 104 points it was Paul Brown, Ian Moir, Joyce McClusky and …………me! taking the honours. Just 4 points behind us were Nick and Donna Campbell, Petina Murray and Reg Akehurst. Wednesday and it was serious business as we played round 3 (best 4 rounds out of 6 to count) of the Club Championship individual Stableford. In the men’s section Bryan Neal served his cause well by winning on the day with 38 points. He was closely followed by Ken Robertson and Graham Murray who both managed 36 points. The lady’s section was won on the day by Joyce McClusky who also

McCafferty's of Cabo Roig Golf Society March Report – Roda 8th September 2020

Results for w/c 7.9.20

scored 36 points. Three players supplemented their incomes today by scoring a ‘2’ namely Mark Western, Bryan Neal and Hendrick Oldenziel.

16 of us made the short trip south to be greeted with a bit of a breeze that picked up as the day went on, however, the sun was shining nicely. The course itself was in exceptionally good condition, nice fairways and quickish running greens and it was a pleasure to play on. The format of the day was Stroke Play to a maximum of 5 over par and that limitation certainly helped a few golfers as there were a fair few 9's recorded on Par 4's!

We ended the week with a ‘Change Partners’. Winning with a respectable score of 85 points (the record is 94) were Ken & Liz Robertson, John Shervell and Mike Mahony (with no ‘e’). Behind them with 80 points were Nigel Price, Paul Brown, Albert and ‘new boy’ Richard McGarvey.

Back at the bar, Barney did his usual selling and the recipient of the scratch card 20€ was Mick Phelan. NTP's: Well, what can we say? Only two NTP's were claimed, but that is hardly surprising considering the 2nd was some 201 yards to the pin with a stiff breeze into our faces. Anyway, Ernie and Blue stepped up to claim their sleeve of balls for their efforts on the 7th and 11th respectively.

This week’s quote comes from a certain Henry Beard who commented, ‘When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.’ How very true.

Two's Pot: Hardly surprising, there were no 2's recorded so that means we now have a DOUBLE roll-over, totalling 58€ carried over to next weeks game which is at La Finca, and with 20 already booked in, the Two's pot will be a healthy 98€ plus a few more Euro's from those that haven't played and need to cough up the extra 2 or 4€ if they want to take the pot on the day.

Pues hasta la semana que viene

There were quite some tidy scores, there were also some crappy ones too and the Silver Division was a close affair with Dan The Man Courtney claiming the CBNC 3rd spot with a nett 79. Coming in with 78, Mick Coady accepted the runners-up slot in that Division and that man again, the Captain, Ernie Wilson took the honours with a nett 77.

Peter Reffell

La Marina Golf Society 18 Members of the La Marina Golf Society played at the Las Ramblas Golf Course, for the La Marina Masters Trophy. The course was challenging and for some members, it was their first time playing the course.

The Gold Division wasn't as close as their Silver counterparts and the CBNC went to Lars Kristiansen with a net 78. The Runner up with a nett 75 was Brian Kiernan and the clear winner was the current Order of Merit leader, Barney McCaffrey with a fine 72. Mike the Dane Lausch took the coveted Overall Winners brown envelope with a steady knock for a nett 71. Mikes 80 was the lowest Gross score on the day.

The winner of the La Marina Masters Trophy with 33 points was Sarah McCabe, Barry Thoroughgood was second with 32 points and Jimmy Scott third with 31points.

Happy Golfer: This was a close-run affair but the delighted Gabi Middleton stepped up to claim the bottle of wine for her nett 97. There was a Singles Match Play game played and the winner was Blue Smith, beating John Saunders 4 & 3. Blue goes on to play Niall Murray in the Semi Final.

Only 2 of the par 3's had nearest the pin winners, which were won by Alan Craig and Gerry McCabe.

Next week we are off to La Finca and we have 24 places of which 20 has already been taken.

La Marina Golf Society is always pleased to welcome new players.

The week after, the 22nd, a short trip to Villamartin and then we close September with a visit to Vistabella.

For more details, please contact Club Secretary Jeff Wiszniewski at

By Steve Higgins

GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps

What Next for Local Golf Courses? You only have to watch TV or read a newspaper to see that since the end of August the rates of covid-19 have increased dramatically across all the countries in Europe as people spend more time We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €98 €100 €100 €125

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy


together indoors rather than outside in the fresh air. The travel restrictions and 14 day quarantine rules were applied for any country exceeding 20 infections per 100,000 inhabitants and figures now in many countries are approaching 10 times that figure and even the UK who set the figure now exceeds the figure they set for other countries. Unless there is a dramatic change in circumstances or other countries open air bridges on a more regional rather than country wide basis there will be no tourists for many months to come and it is highly likely that some elements of the golfing industry along with hotels and bars ,etc will simply no longer exist. Most local golf courses had already written off October and Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga West La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas

€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €126 €50 €114 €118 €45

Single Green Fee + buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

November for tourists, relying heavily on existing members and golf societies BUT with the latest news reports this could now last into at least Spring 2021 and with all due respect which industry can last that long without financial income? I am sure that the local courses will do what they have to with many extending late Summer and Autumn deals until the end of 2020 BUT will that be enough to temp a dwindling number of golfers? I guess that only time will tell and i am sure the next few months will be difficult for everyone involved and I doubt that the local golfing industry will be the same again but lets all hope we are all here healthy and safe if a little poorer for the experience. Las Pinaillas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villamartin Vistabella

€40 €70 €136 €35 €82 €98 €112 €35 €136 €113

Green Fee (incl single buggy) Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy (after 3,30pm) Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy from 2pm

For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020

Valencian Bowls Championships gets underway on Wednesday Competition winners from the 2019 Valencian Championships

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LEADER NEWS G N I T R O SP BITES Guilló and Segovia join Orihuela coaching staff


Sergi Guilló and López Segovia are the latest edition to the Orihuela CF coaching staff for the coming season.

Linea Directa will be sponsoring the tournament for the 5th occasion The 12th Valencian Lawn Bowls Championships, sponsored once again by Linea Directa, gets underway at both Greenlands and La Marina Bowls Clubs on Wednesday. For many competitors this will be the first meaningful bowls they have played since lockdown was introduced across Spain in March. At that time all bowling was brought to a halt and it is only very recently that it has resumed with club internal events and competitions. According to National Director, Bob Donnelly, entries are slightly down on previous years, with many bowlers still reluctant to take part in the competition whilst there is so much uncertainty, but every precaution to ensure the safety of the competitors is being taken and with everybody acting sensibly it should be an enjoyable competition. Tournament Director John O’Brien said that it is sure to be a learning curve for all competitors, with the need to ‘socially distance’ whilst sharing a rink with others, but if everyone abides by the COVID19 Protocol, which has been issued to all clubs and bowlers, and which has the approval of local town halls, it will surely be just as successful and enjoyable as always. The tournament get underway at 10am on Wednesday morning with the Mixed Triples competition at both venues and rather appropriately it will the holders John and Caroline Smyth and Peta Rhodes of the Emerald Isle who get the tournament underway with their preliminary round match in which the National Director, Bob Donnelly, is in the opposing team. Together with Eddie Cowan and Iris Cutting of San Miguel, the threesome should provide stiff opposition for the holders. A mouth-watering quarter final awaits between the holders and perhaps the champions in waiting, AnnMarie Stevenson, Drew Gerrard and Colin

The pair will join manager Gerard Albadalejo as he attempts to improve on the dismal showing by the team last season when they finished at the bottom of Segunda 2b only avoiding relegation because of the abandonment of the league. They replace José Carlos Hernández, Fleki and Pedro Quesada who will not continue at the club. Lindgren, should both triples progress to that stage. On Friday both venues will host the Mixed Pairs competition before switching to the Ladies and Gents Pairs competitions on Tuesday 22nd.

Last years Men’s Finalists, Martin Foulcer and Peter Morgan

The two blue ribbon events, the Gents and the Ladies Singles, currently held by Peter Morgan and Jacqui Johnston, both of Quesada, will get underway two days later. While Jacqui chose not to defend her title Peter will have a bye in the preliminary, before meeting the winner of the Taffe/Donnelly match in round one. Tie of the preliminary round, two former champions, Martin Foulcer of Vistabella and Colin Lindgren of the Emerald Isle, will meet at Greenlands on 22nd starting at 10am.

Paco Herrero will be the goalkeeping coach and Francisco Zapata will complete his ninth season at the club as kit man.

Female footballer Yuki Nagasato to play in men’s game Yuki Nagasato will play for the Hayabusa Eleven men's side in a historic move which could pave the way for the federated existence of mixed teams.

Matches throughout the tournament are played on a daily basis at both venues with morning sessions getting underway at 10am and afternoon at 2pm. However the semi final and final stages will be played at Greenlands only from Saturday 26th through to Tuesday 29th with the presentation ceremony taking place on that final afternoon.

The Japanese striker, who won the 2011 World Cup and the silver medal at the 2012 London Olympics with her national team, was loaned out by her parent team, the Chicago Red Stars, until the 2021 season. Nagasato will be the first woman to play for a men's team in Japan and one of the few to have tried it around the world.

Entry to both venues is absolutely free throughout the entire fortnight.

LA SIESTA BOWLS CLUB Members Run Club by Alan Carr La Siesta Bowls Club are currently playing internal morning competitions on Tuesdays ( Yardstick) and Thursdays ( 3-2-1) which in the past two weeks have seen some excellent bowling from the members, these games are in preparation ready for the start of the league season which begin in October. La Siesta also hold Chicken and Egg days every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm all are welcome, so come along and pass the afternoon away playing a game of bowls and win some prizes. Last weeks winners were Avril Randall (Chicken), Jim Eastwood (Wine) & Mike Bull (Eggs). All are also welcome to play in a rollup every Saturday ( except the 3rd October) 9.30 for 10am. Anyone interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club, run by the members, are welcome to call the Club President (George) or Club Captain (Wendy) who will be pleased to give you any information you may require to assist you in making that decision. We hope to see new members in the very near future. George Richardson 865 77 2498 or Wendy Ralph 633 068 399

LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB This weeks report is a bit light what do you want first the good news or the bad news. The good news is the Valencian Championships start on 16th and will be held at only two venues, ourselves and Greenlands. These are held over 10 days and there will be some great bowling to watch and all for free. Our committee should be congratulated on securing this prime event, and for Don Fowkes in particular for taking on the task of co-ordinator. Other members of course will be called upon for various tasks, including marking singles games. Please don't miss the opportunity of shar-

Guilló, a former Elche player who retired only 4 years ago because of injury, is appointed as the second coach while Manuel López Segovia will be responsible for the physical preparation of the team.

ing this event even if it is only as a spectator and good luck to all those involved especially those from La Marina BC. The bad news is our playing green will be closed to visitors and members during this period. Following this bad news is the fact that the club will not be completing in the Winter League this season which has been reduced to 6 pairs (12 bowlers per club). The good news is Don has devised an internal 1,2,3 league for Wednesdays and this has been well received by the membership.

SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB Reminder to all members and visitors that Vic's hamper competition has now moved to its traditional time of 9.30 for 10.00 am on Saturday morning. Last week's competition was won by the pairs combination of Terry Bayliss and Irene Everett. Well done to both.

The final good news is that trips can now be played within the new protocol but is restricted to a maximum of 30 players on the green at any one time ie:5 trips only.

Don't forget to get your name down for the Egg Cup Challenge against La Siesta on the 23rd and 27th September and our game against San Luis Legionnaires on 21st September which will be followed by a BBQ.

By Dave Hadaway

Good bowling to all.



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Promotion to be celebrated at Monte presentation Monte are to present trophies and medals to their squad and technical staff, following promotion during COVID-19 season Quote: 'As a supporters club we feel that although we have been unable to have an end off season awards dinner, we will be presenting all trophies and a medal to each member of the squad, including technical staff at the first home game, providing spectators are allowed into the ground'.

Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020


Thader continue to impress Pre-Season authority early on. She booked the hosts keeper for handling outside the box, setting out her stall, of which both teams wisely took note. On the half hour mark, San Miguel´s big striker was put through on goal, but he lacked composure, blasting the ball skywards.

Racing San Miguel.........0 Thader CD......................1 A midweek 9pm ko in San Miguel´s Montesico Blanco Stadium, was the setting for Thader Rojales second pre-season friendly. San Miguel just missed out on promotion from Regional divison 1, losing their last match before the season was suspended.

They are renowned as being a team with a mean defensive record, and so it proved. A lady referee took charge, stamping her

Although not the most entertaining match, Thader ensured victory was theirs, courtesy of a 70th min powerfully headed goal by substitute Juan, as their defence held firm.

By Andrew Atkinson Newly promoted Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 club CD Montesinos are to present trophies and medals to the squad and technical staff, following promotion during the COVID-19 affected 2019-20 season. "As a supporters club we feel that although we have been unable to have an end off season awards dinner, we will be presenting all trophies as usual, plus a medal to each member of the squad, including technical staff for their efforts last season," said supporters club President Eddie Cagigao. "We are looking to do this at perhaps the first home game, providing spectators are allowed into the ground," said Eddie. The CD Montesinos Supporters Club Committee held a much delayed meeting in August, due to Spain's State of Alarm: "As a Committee we are working in the background, to bring any information we have. "From the Club President there are no protocols in place for any games at the moment, supporters numbers, spacings, masks, etc. "So nothing can be decided, especially about entrance fee, or season tickets," said Eddie. Pre-season training got underway on September 1, with manager Jesus Santander training three evenings a week with the squad at the Municipal stadium. "The Valencia FA have given us a provisional kick-off date around October 17, or whatever nearest Saturday/Sunday that is. No details are known, which group, or teams we are in," said Eddie. Eddie added: "We need an AGM, but due to restrictions, and the supporters who are still in their own countries, it is not known when to hold the AGM, or indeed where. "The Supporters Club is here to support CD Montesinos financially. To that end we need sponsorships, and advertising. There is a possible increase of Membership fee to 10 euros, which needs to be discussed by the members, or the Committee making the decision it feels best. "We still need volunteers to help on the Committee and at the ground and welcome your input. Interested parties can contact me at:

Atletico Catral............0 Thader CD.................2 The strangely named Mun Field Stadium, saw the rematch against Catral last Saturday evening. There was never going to be a repeat of the 4-0 drubbing from the previous week, for Catral came out with a more determined mentality. Lloyd came close to opening the scoring on 15 mins, his long-range free kick was pushed aside for a corner. Midway through the first half, things got a bit heated. When Villa was hauled back, a free kick was awarded to Thader, but he very unwisely chose to take revenge. Although both players were prevented from doing each other serious harm, the referee

Elche back at Pinatar Arena Elche CF are back at Pinatar Arena for their pre season training camp prior to the start of the new LaLiga campaign. The franjiverde team returns to the San Pedro del Pinatar Football Centre having gained promotion to the First Division team, which they also prepared for at the same venue. However with only 12 players retained from last season they have had to boost their party with the addition of 10 players promoted from the reserves. The club will play 2 friendly matches during their stay at Pinatar Arena, where they will be until 19 September.

instructed both managers to substitute them, possibly saving them from being sent off at a later stage. Diego found Quino with a delightful cross field assist, enabling the veteran striker to slot the ball past Catral´s keeper for the opening goal on 27 mins. Adrian pulled off a great save on the stroke of half time, enabling his team to take a slight advantage into the interval. Another audacious Lloyd free kick, this time just inside the visitor's half, inched over the bar, as Thader went in search of a 2nd goal. They didn´t have to wait long, for Jose made up for his initial miskick in front of goal, by slamming the ball home at the second attempt. With time running out, it looked like Catral would score a consolation goal, but when


On Saturday, Elche beat UCAM Murcia 2-0 while next Saturday they will play Atlético Baleares behind closed doors, although this match lookl like being cancelled in favour of an alternative friendly with FC Barcelona in the Trofeo Joan Gamper at the Camp Nou..

Exclusive report by Chief sports editor Andrew Atkinson on Elche Bodega that preciously guards hundreds of scarves from throughout the whole of Europe in the wake of Elche FC returning to La Liga. Coming soon ONLY in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader newspaper.

faced with a 1 on 1, Thader´s sub keeper pulled off a blinding save to deny them. Straight up the other end, a long ball found Jose in a similar situation, but his inability to control the ball, allowed Catral´s keeper to avert the danger. So, that´s 3 games, 7 goals, and 3 clean sheets, which must make Thader manager Raul Mora a happy man. Now for the real test!! On Wednesday, ko 9pm, Thader travel to Alicante to play div 3 side Hercules ´B´. Last season, Thader had 2 really tough matches against Preferente league winners Independente Alicante, who went on to lose in the play offs. This coming season, they will be in different groups, but on Saturday 19 September, ko 7.30, Independente will visit Moi Gomez Stadium in Rojales, for warm up game number 5.



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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th September, 2020


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