The Leader Newspaper Edition 842

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D O YOU WANT TO S E LL YOU R P R OP E RTY? NO SALE - NO FE E Tel: +3 4 617 537 8 6 6 No 842

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

or email: property@spanishrivier

Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper


rime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has announced that on Tuesday the Council of Ministers will approve his ambitious vaccination strategy against Covid19, with the provision that “a very substantial part of

He made the announcement on Friday during a presentation on the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for the Spanish Economy, at the Würth La Rioja


He added that Spain will be

"Our forecasts, under almost any reasonable scenario, show that a very substantial part of the Spanish population will be able to be vaccinated, with all guarantees, within the first half of the year," said Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

"the first country in the European Union, along with Germany" to have a complete vaccination plan against Covid-19. Continued on Page 2


the Spanish population is vaccinated, with all the guarantees, by mid-2021”.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020



637 227 385 PROPERTY

637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

What the Prime Minister did not offer, however, were the details about how this strategy will be carried out, whether it will be mandatory to be vaccinated or who will be the first to be vaccinated. However, he did say, “We have been working since September on the plan, which will be approved next Tuesday by the Council of Ministers. We are prepared. Our forecasts are that, in almost every scenario, a very substantial part of the population will be able to be vaccinated with all the guarantees during the first half of 2021.” "We are ready," he said, adding that Spain had a "significant logistical network" to ensure supplies would be distributed to its entire population of 47 million people. His words came as major pharmaceutical companies closed in on vaccines against the virus which has infected more than 55 million people and caused more than 1.3 million deaths worldwide. US giant Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech have taken the lead alongside US firm Moderna, with the EU saying it was hoping to have both vaccines approved for use by the end of this year. Last month, Health Minister Salvador Illa said the government had also authorised the purchase of 31.5 million doses of a Covid-19 vac-

cine currently being developed by the University of Oxford and British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. The government is also awaiting the outcome of Pfizer/BioNTech's bid for US regulatory approval for its vaccine after large-scale trial data showed it was around 95 percent effective against Covid-19. One of the key issues to resolve now will be who will have priority in the process. In the Balearic Islands, the Minister of Health, Patricia Gómez, said on Saturday that people in care homes and health personnel, as a vulnerable group "at high risk", will be the first in their community, something that will no doubt set the tone across the country. There is also the question as to whether the vaccination will be mandatory, since there are contradictory versions about the power of the State, within the current regulatory framework to impose forced vaccination. At the Ministry of Health, however, they believe it will not be necessary to force people to have vaccinations because society is sufficiently aware of the severity of the virus. Spain has been badly hit by the pandemic, suffering more than 1.5 million confirmed infections -- the EU's second-highest number after France. The virus has also claimed almost 45,000 lives in Spain, the fourth highest toll after the UK, Italy and France.

Members of the Orihuela Costa & District Branch of the RBL following the annual Poppy Appeal count in Mil Palmeras on Sunday morning. Co-ordinator Eddie Coleman said that once again he would like to thank local supermarkets, businesses, bars and restaurants from whom, despite problems of their own, the response has been magnificent.


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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020 Unfortunately, the service at the Playa Flamenca Post Office has always been very poor



walked to the front to see what the delay was, I was shocked to see he Orihuela Costa postal service has hit a new low in the last the shutters were closed. A printed sign announced that at 10.50 the month and with only 5 weeks to Christmas the situation is doors would close for a deep clean which lasted 40 minutes. Once likely to get worse. Businesses and private individuals are the shutters opened a cheer arose from the over 30 frustrated people frustrated by the total lack of respect for their time by postal service waiting outside. management and employees. More staff are obviously needed to handle the Christmas period, and more importantly the Many of the people in the queue were elderly, one lady current staff need to more considerate and efficient. “Members of staff recently had a hip replacement and was so fatigued she Longer opening hours should also be considered. had to go home. When I finally entered the office, I was Rachael runs an efficient business in Playa Flamenca for over 15 years, here is her story:

were standing around chatting while only one was serving the customers.”

“On Monday 16th November, l found 2 yellow post office slips in my post box and duly visited the local post office, beachside in Playa Flamenca. I arrived at 1.10pm and joined a queue of about 20 people, all observing the 2m social distancing regulations. After one hour the manager announced that he would be closing the doors at 2.30pm. At exactly 2.30pm the manager stated “we are now closed” in a stern voice and demanded that those inside the post office leave and come back tomorrow. I was next in line to be served after queueing for 1 hour 20 minutes. A Dutch gentleman objected loudly and was physically manhandled out of the post office by post office employees. I returned at 10:45am on Tuesday 17th November, there was 20 people in front of me. After 30 minutes the queue had not moved so in frustration, I

shocked to see 3 members of staff but only one was serving customers, the other 2 were talking.

After waiting 1 hour 35 minutes (now 12.20pm) I was finally served but then the computers crashed, so I had to wait another 10 minutes. Like many others this Covid year, I make many purchases online, 20% of which just disappear, so to get refunds its advisable to use PayPal.” Too much time is being wasted posting letters and cards or collecting parcels and registered letters. This effects hard-hit businesses who are now struggling to stay open. It is frustrating for private individuals who have enough problems to contend with (travel restrictions, quarantines etc.) and this is a blatant health hazard, crowding up the footpath beside the post office for up to 2 hours in the same queue. Shame on the Orihuela Costa postal DIS-service. Raymond Kearney President OC Avanza Business Association



Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020

Man arrested following Torrevieja explosion that destroyed 14 homes


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Market Traders on the edge he Councillor for Markets, Víctor Bernabéu, has held a meeting with representatives of Orihuela’s market traders who wanted to appraise him of current situation with markets throughout the municipality.


The traders spoke of their concern about the restrictions imposed by the Ministry of Health, which currently limits the occupation of markets to 50% of their usual positions. "The situation is seriously affecting the labour and economic sector on which many families depend," he explained.

The alleged perpetrator was arrested in Torrevieja on Saturday morning A 50-year-old man, with a criminal record and a history of mental illness, was arrested on Saturday morning after being recognised by staff in a Pharmacia in the north of the city, after his photo was distributed across social networks. They immediately notified the Civil Guard The agents have now detained him in the Civil Guard barracks where he is understood to be making a statement. The man, from Torrevieja, has been on the run since the explosion occurred early on Thursday morning. It is understood that he was felt to be a threat by his neighbours after he said on a number of occasions that he would blow up the building. The residents had made several complaints to the police about the threats, the most recent one a day before the explosion. The incident ocurred on Thursday morning in a first floor apartment in Torrevieja, causing a large shock wave across many parts of the town. The explosion occurred at 217 de la calle Diego Ramírez with the Street and much of the surrounding area cordoned off for much of the weekend.

two people inside the house were brought out unharmed, CICU sources confirm. They reportedly found nine butane bottles, three camping gas bottles, several paint cans and gasoline cans in the property. A spokesman for the bomberas reported butane bottles were strategically distributed around the home, which is located at the first floor at the intersection of Avenida Diego Ramírez and Calle Apollo. “The explosion, was very powerful, has devastated the entire house, even the dividing wall of the adjacent house.”, according to the Provincial Consortium of Firemen of Alicante. No injuries were reported in the blast which caused significant damage to 14 homes on the same floor, totally destroying at least two, along with other minor damage. Many residents of the building expressed their indignation as they waited on the street, very concerned about the state of the houses which they were unable to re-enter until mid-afternoon. Six of the families were moved to local hotels because of a risk of collapse caused by the damage to their homes.

Councillor Bernabéu chatting to a market trader He said that the Department of Markets had to establish a new criteria for the organisation of market pitches every 15 days, in order to comply with the regulations imposed by the Department of Health. He stated that the restrictions must remain in force until at least next December 9, after which we will have to wait before we know "what are the new measures decreed by the to see how it is possible to better coordinate the stalls in the Orihuela markets. The objective is to try to help this group of business people that have been directly affected by this health crisis situation since the very beginning of the pandemic.”

Mormons ‘Reach Out’

Firefighters worked long into the day among the rubble, although the

Fallow deer rescued in San Fulgencio A female fallow deer was rescued last week by the Local Police, Civil Guard and Firefighters after it had fallen into the water of the "La Culebrina", and was in danger of drowning. The Councilor for Animal Welfare, Ana Mª Villena, said "Our priority was for the health and well-being of the animal, and we had to try to get it out of the water." She explained how the emergency services worked with members of the local community to affect the rescue The animal was taken to the nearby Río Safari zoo in Elche for aftercare and veterinary examination before being released back into the wild.

The deer was taken to the nearby Rio Safari Zoo

Bars and Restaurants re-open in La Manga


he Murcia Community has authorised hoteliers in La Manga, which is part of the municipality of San Javier, to open their terraces to 75% capacity as of last

Saturday. Mobility between the two areas of the coastline is also allowed as it is considered to be a 'single territory', although it is managed by two different municipalities,

so residents of San Javier, who also have permission to cross into Cartagena, are again unified. The announcement was made after the regional government meeting on Thursday.

THE RBL CONCERT BAND Based on the Orihuela Costa, we are seeking a principal trumpet. More information from David Last on 638 10 80 78

The President of Torrevieja ‘Reach Out Extiende de Mano’, David Young, presenting Bishop Mauricio Delmastro of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints with a Certificate of Appreciation following a most generous donation of 20,000 euros and 2,000 facemasks to the charity recently. David said that the donation was an absolute ‘lifeline’ without which the future of the homeless charity would have been in jeopardy.



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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


Ryanair cancel flights from Newquay to Alicante-Elche until spring Flights by Ryanair from Cornwall Airport Newquay to AlicanteElche have been cancelled - until the spring - due to EU travel restrictions. Ryanair said that increased flight restrictions imposed by EU governments mean it’s not possible to operate the service.

Cornwall Airport Newquay said that sales to both Alicante and Faro, operated by Ryanair for next summer, are still available. In a statement, a spokesperson for Ryanair said that passengers with tickets booked to Alicante-Elche airport affected by the cancellation have been notified of their options. “Due to increased flight restrictions imposed by EU Governments, air travel has been heavily affected. As a result, Ryanair has reduced its winter schedule taking capacity down to 40% of the prior year. "Both the Alicante and Faro routes from Newquay remain on sale for the for the Summer 2021 season, at the same frequency as was operated prior to the pandemic, and we fully expect both routes to recommence in the Spring," said a spokesperson. The news of flight cancellations until March for the routes comes days after Cornwall’s business chief said the airports temporary closure, due to the coronavirus restrictions and lack of demand was devastating. Kim Conchie, Chief Executive of Cornwall Chamber for Commerce said that the airport remaining open was key to the county’s future.

By Andrew Atkinson “If we’re serious about Cornwall as a place for green industry, renewable energy, and manufacturing we need to demonstrate we have the infrastructure to provide for it. “Businesses which can’t trade during lockdown aren’t affected, but those like Watson-Marlow in Falmouth with international customers are very reliant on the airport to fly people in. “When it’s open, Newquay airport is full of business people, and people from the public sector, going up to London and elsewhere. “Obviously, this year has taught us we can do a lot more online, but you do need to see people in the first instance to create chemistry and trust. "When times are tough, it’s an extra imposition not to have it open," said Kim Conchie.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020



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C4's A Place in the Sun presenter Scarlette, helping UK couple Mark and Caroline find a home on the Costa Blanca south.

By Andrew Atkinson LeaderExclusive Exclusive Leader


his year has not turned out like anyone expected, including a new church set up especially for English speaking people. Salt Church Los Alcázares opened its doors on Sunday 5th meeting in Bar-Restaurante Las Claras in the Los Narejos area of the town. Since then COVID-19 the restrictions caused by COVID-19 has seen the congregation move to virtual church services. Indeed, they have now met more online than in person. However, Pastor Andy Neale is not deflated by this situation, “We believe the timing was right to start then and so the timing is right now to continue online.”

Join the SAT friends scheme!

Salt Church are a friendly group made up of a variety of church backgrounds who gather for Bible centred teaching and contemporary style praise and worship. “Everyone is welcome and if you would like to join with us or sneak in at the back for a look, then contact us for the link and password.” CONTACT DETAILS: follow us on Facebook: saltchurchlosalcazares or watch us on You Tube: Salt Church Los Alcazares You Tube

on TV programmes Stars In Your Eyes, A League of Their Own, The Paul O'Grady Show, Children In Need, the Alan Titchmarsh Show and Dancing A Place in the Sun glamour presenter Scarlette on Ice, said: "I normally like to do my job and Douglas was having fun on the Costa Blanca help people finding homes and properties. south during filming at Villamartin Plaza on "I've never really seen myself as a celebrity to be Monday - after temperatures hit 26 degrees. honest!". "I love it - I love being here in the Property seeker Mark said: "I was sunshine in the middle of 'It's the first time I've ever here 18 years ago. I've been to November - everybody's happy," felt like a celebrity here in other areas but I like the Costa Scarette told The Leader. Blanca south - I'm always drawn Spain. I've never really C4's A Place in the Sun presenter back here. seen myself as a celebrity "I love playing golf, so who wouldScarlette, who was helping UK couple Mark and Caroline as the to be honest!' n't want to be here? A brilliant pair set their sights on finding a Scarlette Douglas place to play golf." home in Spain, said: "Villamartin Wife Caroline said: "I've never Plaza is always buzzing - I like coming back been here before. I've seen pictures and videos here." it's even better than I thought it would be. Being Hundreds of people turned up to watch TV and here is so much better. I'm impressed." West End Musical Theatre star Scarlette, with Casey Shaddock Villamartin Plaza President and many having their photographs taken with the spokesperson said: "We got A Place in the Sun to celebrity after filming. initially come many years ago and now they film Scarlette, 32, who has been a reporter for BBC's here quite often." The One Show and Points of View said of her preScarlette, who has been a backing dancer for senting career on A Place in the Sun: "I've been CeeLo Green, Paloma Faith, Craig David, and was with A Place in the Sun for five and a half years a backing singer and dancer in the 2015 now - my first show was on June 1st, 2015." Eurovision Song contest, has a passion for properSpeaking about her celebrity status label, Scarlette, ty development and has fronted A Place in the Sun who has worked as a Musical Theatre performer, - Summer Sun and Winter Sun - on C4. starring in West End shows, including the X"Back-to-back filming is taking place in Spain Factor West End Musical 'I Can't Sing', said: "It's with A Place in the Sun and new show My Dream the first time I've ever felt like being a celebrity Derelict Home in the Sun," said Scarlette. here in Spain - everyone was around me taking "I will probably be back in the UK for Christmas photos!" I haven't been back to England during the four and Scarlette, who has appeared in Ant and Dec's a half months filming here in Spain," said Scarlette. Saturday Night Takeaway TV show, and featured

Torrevieja Solidarity Calendar By Andy Ormiston

Show your support for SAT by becoming part of our Friends scheme today. As a Friend, you will receive newsletters, information about forthcoming events, special offers and more. All the donations we receive through the Friends scheme go towards providing our dogs with the care they need and finding loving homes for them. The easiest way of joining the scheme is filling out the form on the website or alternatively, you can pick up a paper form at any one of our shops or the kennels.

Everyone will be glad to see the back of this year and we hope that the 2021 calendar will herald fresh beginnings. Now in its 16th Edition, once again this colourful calendar provides useful information about national and regional holidays and fiestas, cultural events, places to visit and useful telephone number - as well as U.K. and Irish Bank Holidays. Thanks to the patronage of Alamo International, Aroca Seiquer lawyers, and Atlas Insurance Agency, MAPFRE Insurance, Currency Direct. The calendar is available FREE to several charities and organisations to raise funds for their projects, but because of the financial crisis there are no donations available as in past years. Principally they are available from the shops and centres of AGE CONCERN, HELP, AEEC , MAABS, AFACANCER, AFA ALZHEIMERS ASSOCATION, AIMEPP, ALPE, NUEVA FRATERNIDAD, CARI-

TAS TORREVIEJA, ROYAL BRITISH LEGION, REACH OUT, as well as from groups in Orihuela Costa and la Marina (K9, CRUZ ROJA). The calendar on average raises over 8.000 Euros for diverse needy causes each year and this will be the sixteenth calendar. This year we have learned the importance of our frontline workers with so much flooding and COVID19. There is a second line. Made up of volunteers and associations that touch almost every aspect of our lives offering support in a variety of ways. Part of the aim of this calendar is for them to have calendars that can be used to generate donations, or be used as prizes. This 2021 calendar is about the Costa Blanca; each month with colourful photos of Costa Blanca by Phil Friar. A feature this year includes black and white Photos and short text about Torrevieja’s history. So there’s almost 100 photos in the calendar. For additional information contact email:



637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


NEW GENERATION VEHICLES FOR LOCAL POLICE FORCES total of 16 latest generation vehicles have been procured by Torrevieja’s Local Police Unit in recent days, with the handover of 11 cars taking place on Friday.


The vehicles are on a four-year lease and are fully equipped with the latest technologies in safety and efficiency.

Five vans will be will be added to the number in the coming days.

In Pilar de la Horadada the Department of Public Safety has received two new vehicles on a rental contract, with an option to buy after the end of the contract.

The contract for the 16 vehicles involves a total investment of 702,000 euros (VAT included), over the four year period.

The two vehicles are Nissan Qashqai model, with automatic transmission, with one of them enabled to transport detainees. The vehicles will be used for 36 months under a lease by the Local Police, and then the administration may choose the purchase option to buy. The monthly cost is 1,617 euros, while the purchase options are 7,000 and 5,000 euros respectively.

BRITISH FUGITIVE ARRESTED IN SAN FULGENCIO A 34-year old Englishman was arrested by the National Police in San Fulgencio on Wednesday, in compliance with a European Arrest issued by UK authorities. Agents of Group II of Organized Crime of the Judicial Police of the Alicante Police Station were in possession of the warrant which requested international police cooperation in response to the individual who was fleeing justice from the Kingdom United. Following preliminary investigations into his whereabouts, the agents located his address in San Fulgencio. In carrying out the arrest the National Police agents were assisted by the San Fulgencio Local Police. Although the individual was not carrying and identification the agents were able to recognise

him by one of his tattoos of which they had a photograph issued from UK. The fugitive is charged with causing grievous bodily harm, making death threats and committing damages, events that occurred in 2019 in South Ockendon, Essex, when he allegedly forced the door of the house in which his son lived. He attacked his ex-partner beating her in the face and all over her body while also threatening her with death, for which he faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. Fortunately the victim was able to escape thanks to the help of a neighbour. The detainee was placed at the disposal of the Central Court of Instruction number Five of the National Court where he will remain while the European Detention Order is processed.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020

Go with your gut feeling and make it snappy …


hen people talk of ‘impulsive decisions’, they generally use a tone of disapproval – as if there is something inherently wrong with making a fast decision. I totally disagree with this conclusion. The overly cautious person will procrastinate, to avoid taking a risk and it is risk-takers who find solutions, find a better way, and do well for themselves, their community and their country. The ‘snap’ decision is more often than not the ‘lucky’ one. I can tell you that some of the best decisions I have ever made were made on no more than a hunch and usually in the proverbial ‘split second’. Conversely, the good ones I missed were those I mulled over for too long: “The opportunity of a lifetime must be grasped during the lifetime of the opportunity” and so on. Too much time given to anything is time wasted – and this can include waiting on expert advice and analysing the thing until your head is spinning. Of course you need to be informed, but the most important ingredient is your own belief in what you are doing. As well as giving your proposal too much time, you can also get bogged down with too much information. This information will establish all the things which can possibly go wrong; it will stunt your enthusiasm, stifle your hunch if you let it and possibly talk you out of your plan. The more successful deals I ever accomplished were impulsive and if I were to listen to the experts, they certainly couldn’t work and would not make money. I remember a better man than me working for years in Canada (There were many of them!) and he saved all his money with the sole focus of coming back and buying a farm. Six years of working every hour available and John (not his real name) had more than enough money to fulfil his dream. In fairness, he was pretty tight with his dollars. He walked every farm that was for sale and went to every auction. John was the under-bidder more often than a paid puffer, but the land was always making a bit too much for his liking. This went on


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for a few years, the land was getting dearer and before he knew it, John couldn’t afford to buy the land and he never owned a farm – simply because he was too cautious. Watch a poker school in action and see how the cautious player will read his cards too long, his timid eye shifting from his hand to the pot in the centre. You know that at best he is just going to ‘look’, even with a hand that would have been worth more and the longer he thinks about it, the more likely he is to ‘fold’. Contrast this with the player who is going to raise the stakes; no hesitation here and you are looking at your likely winner. How often do you see a good hurler on the ball with ‘too much time’ and he makes a bags of it: Time to weigh up too many options, so he waits until he is “hooked”, fumbles the ball, or hits a wasted puck. That same man can excel throughout the match with his snap decisions under pressure and when he doesn’t have time to think it through. My son fell into a flooded stream when he was two and a half years old – after the classic turning our backs on him for five minutes. His bright yellow anorak was bobbing up and down as Ian floated on his mouth and nose in the water. His Mother cleared four strands of barbed wire and I too jumped into the river. We would both have been within the qualifying times and heights for that year’s Montreal Olympics and Pamela said, on looking at the paling next day, that had she been offered ten thousand Euro, she would not have been able to figure a way to cross it; but the snap decision worked and it was the right one. (I think!!!) Love at first sight is far more common than the calculated weighing up and down of the ‘condition’. One good example of this was digs I stayed in 20 Martin Bay, Thompson, Manitoba in 1967. Our landlords were a delightful couple, Jules and Toni, who had been very happily married for thirty years. They got married, three weeks to the day, from their first meeting.

Don’t forget

In times of war the important battles are won by the generals who have a hunch and make a snap decision. The decisive instant moves while under pressure have written history: Iron crosses, Purple Heart and bravery commendations are mostly earned for snap decisions.

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

First impressions are often best. Don’t be afraid to go with your gut feeling and fortune does favour the brave. You won’t get it right all the time, but if you keep snapping away at it you will be the winner.

Garden Felix: Grow and care for Gladioli ladioli - often called Sword Lillies due to their long, pointed leaves - have distinctive tall flower spikes emerge in the summer months, coming in a range of colours.


border or in containers, an excellent cut flower, requiring good draining soil and full sun with the originating from hot, dry climates, including the Mediterranean.

Perfect for bringing colour to a sunny

Plant gladioli in spring.

If you’re planning to use them for successional colour, plant a handful - a week apart - from March onwards, to extend the colourful display. Water well during the growing season with a tomato

People don’t accidentally stumble into failure: They think their way into it.

Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

or comfrey feed every two weeks.

fewer, or no flowers at all.

It's advisable to stake the plants, before the flower spike emerges, for support.

Gladiolus is one on the August birth flowers and are sometimes called ‘Sword Lilies’ although In the language of flowers, Gladiolius signifies Remembrance.

Maintain the gladioli flowering by dividing clumps every few years in autumn, as this will avoid weaker plants of



637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


Freddie ‘Parrot Face’ Davies remembers Des O’Connor Royal Army Pay Corps. "The young comic was Des O’Connor - and outside the stage door of the Empire I accosted him. "He kindly suggested that, like him, I should try to become a Butlins Redcoat," said Freddie. "As soon as I was demobbed in January 1958 I applied for an interview and somehow I got the job!," said Brixton, London born Freddie.

Freddie 'parrot face' Davies talks about Des O'Connor, following his passing. By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive DES O’Connor was one of the main reasons why Freddie 'parrot face' Davies became a Redcoat at Butlin's over 60 years ago, the 83 year-old star has revealed.

Des O’Connor worked alongside stars such as Sinatra Barbara Streisand and The Beatles

"During my national service I badgered a young comedian I had seen on stage at the Newcastle-on-Tyne Empire," Freddie exclusively told The Leader. "I frequented the Empire during my time as a National Service Private in 1957," said Freddie, who served in the

"I started in early May 1958 and became the Tombola caller - Bingo - a job which surprisingly taught me how to interact with an audience. "I did this for two consecutive years and was also doing sketches in the Redcoat show," said Freddie. "My six years at Butlin’s turned out to be the best possible apprenticeship for anyone aspiring to be a performer. "When I left the company in 1963, within 12 months I had appeared before 20 million people on Opportunity Knocks - and was on my way to becoming a household name a bit like Dettol!," quipped Freddie. Freddie, 83, and Des O'Connor, 88, have a combined age of 171, with both of their careers beginning as Redcoats.

Being a Redcoat saw you on the frontline staff at Butlin's holiday camps in the UK with duties ranging from adult entertainers or children's entertainers, to Stewarding. Sir Billy Butlin, who opened his first Butlin's in Skegness, celebrated their 85th anniversary in 2020.

O’Connor helped Freddie to become a Redcoat at Butlin's Famous designers of the Redcoat uniform include Jeff Banks and Zandra Rhodes. A number of famous entertainers who have been Redcoats include Davies, O'Connor, Jimmy Tarbuck, Michael Barrymore, Jimmy Cricket and Ted Rogers, that gave them a path of joining the Equity trade union, thus allowing to perform throughout the industry. O'Connor, CBE, born in Stepney, East London, comedian, singer, and TV presenter from 1954, worked alongside top stars, including Frank Sinatra, Adam Faith, Liberace, The Beatles, Shirley Bassey, Barbara Streisand and Cilla Black. He was evacuated to Northampton

during the second World War, completed his National Service in the Royal Air Force, and worked as a Redcoat at Butlin's in Filey. Davies, evacuated to Seend, a small village in Wiltshire, at the start of WW2. He began his career at Butlin's in 1958, and found stardom after appearing on Opportunity Knocks in 1964, said: "I only ever wanted to be a comedian, that was my dream, my ambition in life. "It was set in stone in my tiny brain, that is what I wanted to do from a very early age of ten, after I had visited the Salford Hippodrome on Cross Lane, Salford, now greater Manchester. O'Connor died peacefully in his sleep in hospital last weekend where he was recovering after taking a fall at his Buckinghamshire home. "Des O’Connor was my first mentor. It stood me in fine stead and I was soon on my way to success. "His advice was invaluable. I also did several Des O’Connor TV shows - my regret was that he could not recall our first meeting," said Freddie.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


637 227 385




ANSWERS Week 841

ACROSS 1. Lewd (9) 8. Sick (3) 9. Impoverished (11) 11. Present (7) 12. Sword (5) 13. Fertiliser (6) 15. Card game (6) 17. Tapestry (5) 18. Increase (7) 20. Unwilling (4-7) 22. Japanese sash (3) 23. Wrong (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 21.

Target (3) Period (5) Embellished (6) Guardian (7) Naughty (11) Positioning (9) Co-sharing (11) Colleague (9) Decide (7) Suds (6) Seed (5) Flightless bird (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 7 Handle; 8 Carton; 10 Protect; 11 Tract; 12 Leer; 13 Merry; 17 Rogue; 18 Face; 22 Bower; 23 Upright; 24 Select; 25 Falter. DOWN: 1 Shapely; 2 Uncover; 3 Sleep; 4 Mastery; 5 Atlas; 6 Unite; 9 Strenuous; 14 Correct; 15 Haughty; 16 Fetters; 19 Abuse; 20 Swell; 21 Broad. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Vacant; 8 Plaice; 10 Routine; 11 Piece; 12 Ears; 13 Stint; 17 Seine; 18 Poop; 22 Pulse; 23 Laertes; 24 Spread; 25 Kennel. DOWN: 1 Oversee; 2 Acquire; 3 Annie; 4 Sloping; 5 Biped; 6 Revel; 9 Rectangle; 14 General; 15 Content; 16 Epistle; 19 Spasm; 20 Alarm; 21 Seven.

ACROSS 1. Sickened that Sid turns up with two other men (9) 8. Spanish cry from some Poles (3) 9. Bolt is again changed on the vessel (7,4) 11. Knife the horse on film (7) 12. Build upright (5) 13. Ill-treated the American in a plot (6) 15. Part of the head church (6) 17. Student in a crowd to see the composer (5) 18. Solicit some material, say (7) 20. RAF chaplain in the government? (3,8) 22. Like a small animal (3) 23. One not needing to hear about real pride (3-6)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. According to the US postal service and the Citizen's Stamp Advisory Commitee, what kind of person shall not be honoured on a US postal stamp? 2. Onychophagia is a common habit particularly for many near the end of a sporting event. What is Onychophagia? 3. What was John Steinbeck's travelling companion Charley? 4. In film, the inventive Major Boothroyd is simply known under which other name? 5. For some beginners, Pratt, Shelby and Windsor can be confusing examples of what? 6. In which books or films would you find the following 'lands'? a. Sandleford, b. Houyhnhnms, c. Bacteria, d. Calormen, e. Isla de Muerta. 7. What colour stick does a manicurist use? 8. Which actor has been nominated twice for an Academy Award for playing a US President? 9. Other than English, what are the six most spoken languages in Australia? 10. George Jung and David Tsung are both credited with the invention of which after dinner success? 11. Rex Harrison's son Noel, Edward Woodward, Alison Moyet, Sting, Terry Hall, Petula Clark, Jose Feliciano, Vanilla Fudge and the Muppets have all covered which Academy Award winning song? 12. Which infamous warrior's title translated meant Ocean Ruler?

DOWN 2. She gets aid, somehow (3) 3. Noun I write out to describe the workers (5) 4. Certainly not loose leggings (6) 5. See what the bishop's flock is (7) 6. A successful snooker shot might bear fruit (6,5) 7. One doing casual work on a lock can be enticing (9) 10. In English, s'il vous plait (2,3,6) 11. Trunks suffering erosion on a tree, say (9) 14. Captivate during the tenth rally (7) 16. Be sparing with the first man in the list (6) 19. Innocent Ivan goes out East (5) 21. A girl from Stevenage (3)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 13. In the TV series Star Trek, how many crew members were aboard Capt Kirk's USS Enterprise? Plus or minus 20. 14. The following words are from songs with 'S U N' somewhere in the title. Can you name the song? a. Quando para mucho mi amore, b. And this house just ain't no home, c. Mystic crystal revelation, d. A cheap holiday in other peoples misery, e. The tax mans taken all my dough 15. Which former ward attendant in a psychiatric hospital wrote 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest'? 16. Ira Hayes is one of the five struggling men in which famous photo? 17. The name of which playful mammal stems from the Greek word for womb? 18. Named after shipwrecks and the bleached bones left on the shoreline by whalers in days gone by, the Skeleton Coast is still found today off which continent? 19. The following words in different languages all mean what? Gehve, Qahwa, Sourj, Koohii, Kape 20. Dreaming of sunshine: a. Which city in Florida is home to Disneyworld? b. Where would you be if you flew into Arrecife airport? c. Which Indonesian tourist centre was rocked by a terrorist attack in 2002? d. Which resort on the southwest coast of India is a destination of choice for European hippies and travellers? e. Where you would you be if you were holidaying on Oahu island?



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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


Mayor Bascuñana meets with the Minister of Health Pascual Flor es to The Councillor for Health, José Galiano spoke of the latest data from he mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, held a meeting this Wednesday


with the Valencian Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, in the municipality of Orihuela, provided by Public Health. He said that Orihuela. Also present at the meeting were the Councillors for from November 9 to 15, the Orihuela Health Department has had Health and Emergencies, José Galiano and Víctor Valverde. 556 new cases, which is 25% less that the numbers compared to the Following the meeting, Bascuñana reported that he had made a numprevious week, when it stood at 728. ber of important points to the Minister. The Orihuela centre and districts have registered 130 new cases, He said he was told that the situation in Orihuela with respect to which represents a considerable decrease, falling from 270 in the last COVID-19 is improving and although “it is good news, we cannot three weeks. lower our guard, we have to be responsible if we are to avoid anothThe Torrevieja Health Authority has registered a rise with 379 new er spike in infections." cases, compared to 288 the previous week. The mayor said that he also raised the issue of hospital transfers to The cumulative incidence in central Orihuela currently stands at 226 Barceló arguing that the current transfer of patients from the Vega cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while in Orihuela Costa it is 300 per Baja Hospital to Villajoyosa is not working in anybody’s best inter100,000 inhabitants. ests when it would be much easier and efficient to move them to the nearest hospital. He said that another of the issues discussed was the expansion of the Vega Baja Hospital "which we have been waiting for. He said that we must be allocated the necessary budget so that it can be carried out as soon as possible." Bascuñana and this councillors of Health and Emergencies, demanded once again her commitment to the construction of a new Orihuela Costa Health Centre, "because Orihuela needs it", while the extension was also demanded again of the SAMU ambulance service on the coast in order that it provides a 24 hour emergency service. He added that "we have asked the Minister Barceló to support and expedite all these requirements of Emilio Bascuñana with the Valencian Minister of Health, our municipality that we have Ana Barceló, and Councillors for Health and been demanding for years." Emergencies, José Galiano and Víctor Valverde. COVID-19 data

cost Torr evieja another 750,000 €

The transfer of the replica Pascual Flores schooner to the Nao Victoria Foundation will cost the Torrevieja City Council 750,000 euros and last for a period of five years. The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, signed the agreement at the end of last November, stating that the expense to the city was 150,000 euros although he failed to mention that it was 150,000 euros per year over a five-year period. Sueña Torrevieja questioned the expense, stating that negotiations carried out whilst it was in office came to an annual agreement of 100,000 euros, however sources close to the government team now say that it will be 150,000 euros per year because of the level of maintenance and repair that the ship needs. The Nao Foundation has now moved the ship to its workshops in Punta Umbría (Huelva) for a repair that will take six months and that includes the installation of the new three masts, which rotted due to lack of maintenance during the years that the boat was moored in Torrevieja harbour.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally

Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. They will return in January on the 3rd Thursday evening. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis start-

ing at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la


637 227 385

Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the


Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We hope to reopen in January when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708



637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020



Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020

My wife and children have fallen in love with Spain Andrew Atkinson's Part 4 Leader Exclusive interview with Strictly Come Dancing star VINCENT SIMONE STRICTLY Come Dancing star Vincent with Torrevieja based Katie Street in Quesada Photo: Helen Atkinson

STRICTLY Come Dancing star, Costa Blanca based Italian born father-of-two Vincent Simone has everything he ever dreamed of in life. "I have everything in life and I am blessed," said Vincent, engaged to wife Susan in December 2013, prior to their marriage at Castle Leslie in County Monaghan in 2015. The couple moved to Susan's home City of Londonderry, Northern Ireland in 2017, to be in the Derry countryside, near to her parents, brother and sister, prior to moving to Spain. "We don't have much time to visit Londonderry but it is always in our minds. "Our wedding day was amazing and Castle Leslie is an amazing place, with the hills and the mountains. "I'd like to think our wedding day was the best. My wife arranged everything - bands, singing and dancing - and a Cuban band. "The people are really nice in Northern Ireland and I met lots of friends. I loved my time in Londonderry," said Vincent. His future schedule is the 2021 UK and Ireland tour The Ballroom Boys Act Two with Ian Waite, which is in the lap of COVID-19. "There is nothing you can do with the coronavirus situation at present, we will just have to wait and see what happens," said Vincent. Vincent, who shot to fame after a plethora of titles, including the UK Professional Ten Dance champions in 2002-06 and UK Ballroom Champions, said: "Being a dancer is the hardest job in the world. "There were times when I thought I wouldn't make it. The fact that I made it makes me feel blessed. CHA-CHA-CHAT! Leader reporter Andrew Atkinson with Vincent Simone Photo: Helen Atkinson

"My biggest achievement in my dancing career is becoming the Negracha Club UK Argentine Tango Champions in 2006". Asked about his biggest disappointment, after a long pause and deep thought, he said: "I have been blessed and I can honestly say that I have not been disappointed with anything." Vincent, 41, brought up in Puglia, Italy, to his dancing teaching parents, who became Italian champion aged 12, has teamed up with Georgia born star, Torrevieja based Katie Street. "I was at a car wash in Punta Prima and a lady approached me to say there is an ideal dancing partner for me in Spain - Katie Street. "Katie is a Latin-American dancer from Georgia and was the Georgia dancing champion. "We had met before, in Sweden! She had never done Argentina dancing - it is very difficult and a completely different style," said Vincent. Looking towards Christmas, Vincent said: "The family will celebrate Christmas and New Year in Spain. "As for the future? Nobody knows what the future holds, with the coronavirus situation. "At present it is a really bad time for everyone. I don't know what the long term future holds. My children go to school in Spain and we are a happy family. "If I can I will try and balance the work out, between here and the UK. Hopefully I will go on tour - whether that happens? I don't know. "Meanwhile I will be in Spain, indefinitely. My wife and children have fallen in love with the weather - Spain is a beautiful place."


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Red card for ex-PNE prodigy Max in Strictly Come Dancing marching orders! EX-footballer, The Wanted pop star Max George, was given his marching orders in the current BBC series of Strictly Come Dancing, with many viewers taking to media - alleging he was given a 'red card' for swearing live on TV. Show co-host Claudia Winkleman had to apologise after former Preston North End youth prodigy Max shouted: "f***ing get in!". Singer, songwriter and actor Swinton, Greater Manchester born Max, 32, lead singer of boy band The Wanted, partnered Australian pro dancer Dianne Buswell in Strictly Come Dancing. He was voted in the bottom two, with judges Craig Revel Horwood and Anton Du Beke voting to keep Eastenders star Maisie in the comTHE WANTED pop star Max petition. Head judge Shirley would George with Australian dance have voted for Max, currently in a partner Dianne Buswell relationship with Stacey Cooke, former wife of ex-Manchester United star Ryan Giggs. After co-presenter Tess Daly asked tained a career ending injury at Preston North End: him about his time on the show, Max said: "I've "I started playing football from a young age but, loved it. It's all down to Dianne, she's been literalafter being forced to quit through injury, music ly amazing. was my only other passion." "For me to get through 90 seconds of a dance for Max, set to sign a two-year contract with The four weeks is a credit to her, she's just unbelievLilywhites, quit football and joined English boy able." band ‘Avenue’, making his singing debut. Max, whose football career ended due to injury, Following disbandment of ‘Avenue’, he became a said: "I've got to say, all these guys over here are member of ‘The Wanted': "It was either football or the nicest group of people ever. I love you all!'. music. I knew I wanted to do one or the other - I Dianne said: "He has done four incredible dances guess the decision was made for me,” said Max. and I know how nervous you get, but you've come out here every week. "I know you always say you want to do me proud and oh my goodness you've done me more than proud - so well done. "I also want to say thank you to the judges, Anton you were incredible. Thank you so much." Absent judge Motsi Mabuse, who was replaced by ballroom dancer Anton, due to being in isolation in Germany, revealed if she had been in the judging seat, she would have saved Max. Professional dancer Mabuse, 39, told BBC Radio 2 she would have sided with head judge Shirley and kept Max in, saying: "I saw that Max had a very difficult routine, he had to control himself quite a lot." Max said of his time at Deepdale, where he sus-



637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020

Orihuela Costa Sports Centre finally set to re-open T

Bernabéu added that the purpose of this service is to provide sports programs, activities and schools, rescue and first aid services in the swimming pool, and auxiliary services of main-

NEWS G N I T R O SP BITES Going into the final match of the Carp-R-Us Autumn Series three anglers were in contention to win the trophy. The match was held on the Rio Segura at Jacarilla/Bigastro and was won by Dave Hutchinson with 11.84kg from peg 10 caught on pole using bread and corn.

he total amount of the contract amounts to 877,337 euros (VAT included) and will last for two years, extendable for one additional year.

However he failed to mention that it has taken him very nearly two years to do so while 30,000 residents were only able to use a limited facility.


Carp-R-Us Autumn Series

The Councillor for Sports, Víctor Bernabéu, announced on Tuesday that the Orihuela Costa Municipal Sports Centre will be reopen in the next few days, after the council finally completed the procedure for the award of the new management contract to the company Vectoris SL.

The councillor said that "we have now fulfilled our commitment to offer the best service with all the guarantees to the residents of the coast and users of these facilities with the imminent opening of the centre."

Second was Dave Sutton fishing feeder and maggots with 9.00kg from peg 6. Third was Roy Buttress with 6.90kg from peg 7 (feeder and corn) and fourth Alan Priest on peg 12 who caught 3.76kg (feeder and maggot).

tenance, cleaning and access control in the sports facilities. He recalled that in April 2019, the company that previously managed the centre abandoned the management “and we had to take the reins to keep the facilities open as during these long months a number of different clubs in the area and users have been able to enjoy their sports

Scotland Women’s Cricket pull out of La Manga trip

activities in this magnificent centre ”, while also emphasising that the Department of Sports has also repaired the different surfaces, courts and spaces that were very damaged. Bernabéu also highlighted that this new contract will provide 22 jobs, between attendants maintenance and cleaning services, lifeguards and a technical director.

Mare Nostrum Handball selection

"Despite significant work and planning from Cricket Ireland, Cricket Scotland, the venue and sports bodies in both nations to mitigate risks, Cricket Scotland advised that the decision to withdraw from the series was made due to concerns at the continuing and evolving high levels of the virus in Scotland, and in light of updated specialist advice received on the risks to the players in the current circumstances.

Richard Holdsworth, Ireland’s High Performance Director, said: "It was with great regret that we had to inform our players and support staff that Scotland has withdrawn from the tour on the eve of departure." "The tour was important to start building the players' loads as preparation for next year's World Cup Qualifier.. We shall take stock of the situation, and look to re-engineer our plans as soon as possible," he added.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.

First Down Syndrome athlete to finish triathlon 21-year old Chris Nikic, from Florida, swam 3.5 kms in open waters, cycled 180 kms and ran another 42 kms before completing the race in Panama City Beach last Saturday. Three years ago, his father encouraged him to exercise more. Training initially began with one press-up a day but was closely followed by thousands more, leading up to the historic achievement.

Scotland have pulled out of the upcoming limited-overs cricket series against Ireland women at La Manga amid concerns about COVID-19.

Ireland was set to play three T20Is and two 50-over matches against Scotland at La Manga Club in Spain.

This meant that Jackie Breslin won the series with 210 points, a well-deserved success for an angler who has worked hard to improve. Second was Dave Sutton with 208 points, third Steve Fell (205) and fourth Richard Crawshaw (200).

Nikic was given the 17-hour time all athletes get to complete the race, which he finished in 16 hours, 46 minutes and nine seconds, earning official recognition from Guinness World Records.

The Mare Nostrum Torrevieja Handball Club, together with the Valencian Community Handball Federation, held a selection day coaching program last weekend at the Torrevieja Sports Palace. About 150 players from the cadet and infantile teams trained under the orders of the federation coaching staff with assistance from the club itself.

Manchester United hit by cyber attack Premier League giants Manchester United said that they were hit by a cyberattack on their systems but are not "currently aware of any breach of personal data associated with our fans and customers".

They introduced the players to the “FerFutur” program that allows the recognition of young talent from Valencian Community clubs for their subsequent selection into the different Valencian Community teams, which compete annually in different tournaments across the country where they have enjoyed a great deal of previous success.

The club also said they have taken swift action to contain the attack and is working with expert advisers to investigate the incident and minimize the ongoing IT disruption.

Last season Mare Nostrum was the 3rd club in the Community with the most youth players (257), being one of the few clubs that competes at the national level with its 1st team made up of 100% players from the local area.

Zidane frustrated with Real Madrid's schedule

This, together with the results obtained annually by the feeder clubs, makes Mare Nostrum a regional and national handball benchmark.

Zinedine Zidane has expressed his frustration with Real Madrid's schedule for the rest of the year.

The club would like to thank the Valencian Community Handball Federation and the Trinidad Alfonso foundation for their assistance together with the Torrevieja sports department for making their facilities available.

Los Blancos will have to play 11 games in 40 days. He said that due to tight schedule, there is not time for recovery. There will be no Christmas break this season. Real Madrid is 4th in LaLiga Santander.

McGregor to return to Octagon in January The UFC has announced that Irishman Conor McGregor will come out of retirement and will face American Dustin Poirier in Las Vegas on 23 January 2021. The 32-year-old beat Donald Cerrone in his most recent fight at UFC 246 in January, which gave him a 22-4 record in mixed martial arts. He earlier beat Poirier in the opening round of their first meeting in Las Vegas in 2014.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.

Around and About the Golf Courses and Update The Covid-19 virus continues to have a serious impact across the whole spectrum of the Spanish economy but there is at least some encouraging news in respect of vaccines that could be available for some people before the turn on the year and with a major roll out in the Spring of 2021. Until then the local golf courses need to find a way just to survive and all are responding in different ways not being helped by the current cross border travel restrictions between the Murcian and

Valencian communities. Below is an update for some courses in these regions: Costa Blanca North and Torrevieja. In general all the courses remain open and many with special deals although those courses with hotels tend to have the hotel closed until further notice. Alicante Golf is now re-opened to the public with tee times available until 3.30pm and the golf reception has now also re-opened. The courses in the Torrevieja area are all open but with significantly reduced numbers, except for perhaps Vistabella and the others are relying heavily on members and local golf societies to generate income. Lo Romero continues to close on Sunday’s and Monday’s throughout November and December.

Price €98 €120 €100 €157 €45


Mike Probert talks Golf

In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs and regions but within Murcia itself there are travel restrictions between towns, municipalities and health districts all of which impact greatly on the local golf courses. Those courses with hotels tend to have the hotels closed until further notice. Within the GNK group of course both Alhama and Hacienda Riquelme remain closed with any bookings being taken at El Valle and La Torre. Unfortunately I now also have to report that within the UGolf group of courses Saurines has been forced to close until further notice and while Mar Menor is open 7 days per week, Hacienda Del Alamo is now closed on Sunday’s and Monday’s.

Murcia Not only does Murcia have closed borders to other communities

We will keep you updated of any changes in future articles but there will no short term change in these circumstances until a vaccine is rolled out and airbridges between countries are re-established.

El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero

Mar Menor €48 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €82 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & buggy (after 2pm) Saurines €48 Single Green Fee Villamartin €148 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €113 Two Green Fees and buggy from 3pm *Deals of the week: Villaitana with two green fees and buggy on the Levante course for only €70 and €50 on the Poniente course. La Manga North and South with two green fees, buggy and lunch for only €150. For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)

637 227 385

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Single Green Fee + buggy

€98 €59 €90 €48 €164 €41 €126 €50 €134 €118 €45 €126 €78 €154

2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy

New Society joins Costa Golfing fraternity

Las Ramblas Golf Society

NEXT UP FOR SMILING JACKS: La Finca on 3 December

Results for w/c 16.11.20 With two teams both scoring 120 points it needed to go to a countback to decide the winners of Monday’s ‘Bowmaker’ (that’s the best 3 scores out of 4 to count on each hole). After the calculations had been made and all the postal votes counted, Ron Phipps, Petina Murray, Trevor Pullyblank and guest, Helge Fillespen, just edged out Nigel Price, Bryan Neal, John Shervell and Joyce McClusky. President Dave Pulling

I’m sure there will be some sort of legal challenge regarding handicaps being made on behalf of the runners up!

‘Two ball better ball’ was the format for Wednesday’s Memorial Day competition. With an outstanding 48 points and the cries of ‘four more years’ ringing in his ears, it was our very own President, Dave Pulling, together with his chief of staff, John Drakesmith, who got their names onto the Honours Board for this year. It should be noted this was Dave’s first trophy win since his inauguration back in 2016. Perhaps he was just ‘Biden’ his time! Missing out by just one single Electoral College vote were Paul Brown and Marja Oldenziel and in 3rd place, with 46, it was Mark Western partnered with Pete Dunn. Proving that the opinion polls don’t always get it right it was myself, Mark Western and Petina Murray who achieved a landslide victory in Friday’s ‘Yellow Peril’. With 148 points we ‘Trumped’ AnneMarie Weisheit, Nigel Price and Friedel Knebel who finished on 143. Finally, I was a bit confused when Mike Mahony described one of his very many putts as a ‘Salman Rushdie’. I think he meant an impossible read! Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

The latest golf society to join the bustling Costa fraternity has been in existence for rather less than 3 months in which time it has enjoyed almost half a dozen outings and attracted 24 members across the whole range of standards. But what I find to be the most surprising aspect of it all is that Smiling Jacks, one of the most well established expat watering holes on the coast, has taken so long to form a society, despite many of it’s patrons discussing the matter for as long as I can remember. But cometh the hour, cometh the man, and albeit 20 years after first opening, in Graham Shaw the bar has now found an individual willing to take on the mantle of society organiser. Graham described the society as social and friendly. “We are a group of sportspeople who simply enjoy being in the great out-

doors and as such we cater for golfers of all abilities from the very beginner to the single figure handicapper. We play at least once every month and the details are always available behind the bar. Prizes are always donated so the entry fees are kept to an absolute minimum.” If you would like to join this most welcoming of society’s the next match will be played on 3 December at La Finca where a round of golf, a buggy and post match food back at Smiling Jacks, will cost a very modest 55 euro, not bad at all for a course where a current green fee is presently in excess of 100 euro. More information is available on the Smiling Jacks Golf Society Facebook page or you can contact Graham on either 642 157 939 (WhatsApp) or by email at: Alternatively you can simply add your name to the list behind the bar.



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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020

La Marina Bowls Club Saturday 14th Nov 2020, and I rather grew up or turned into my Mother, not certain which. Winter 1954 I remember it well the school under 11's had to catch 2 buses to play football at Aldershot Manor Park. It must have been one of the coldest days in history we played this game in cold and wet conditions. Changed into our clothes (no showers) and caught 2 buses home. Our fingers were so cold we could not button our shirts, flys, or shoelaces we must have looked like rag, tag and bobtail, but we were happy. Mother could never understand, she would say “they should not let you play on days like this” Mothers never understood!!. However 14th November 2020, a miserable morning in Spain not cold, not raining just a light drizzle but importantly no sun. I should be up at the club to report on the competitions, but today Mum's advice

with Dave Hadaway

makes sense. I sent Shirley up to play and said I might follow later. Well at 11.30 I convinced myself the weather was not that bad and I went up to see the second half of the games and what a fool I had been, there was at least a dozen folk watching and what an exciting 3 games were going on. 2 men's singles and 1 ladies pairs. The men's singles between Tom Spencer and Alex Maurrice and Don Fowkes and John Rae were 2 of the best games I have seen in a long time, real television stuff, Alex beating Tom 21-17, and John overcoming Don to win a final end 21-20. The Ladies Pairs, Anne Stone and Carol Smith versus Margaret MacLaughlin and Shirley Hadaway were 6-6 at 12 ends when I arrived, then Anne & Carol, our reigning champions found their rhythm and went on to win 17-12.

SMGS at La Finca 18th November, 2020 Given how the virus continues to ravage the country, it was a remarkably healthy turnout of 36 members and 3 guests who made the short trip to La Finca. As always, the course was in impeccable condition. The fast greens, however, were not to everyone's taste. “Like putting in a bath!” remarked a dejected slow-green specialist who had putt-putt-putted his way around the course. The World Handicap system means that some low handicappers who have basked in their high status now find themselves with a double digit handicap. Oh the ignominy of it all! To be fair, the rest of the group shamelessly accept the windfall of

On Monday the two captains arranged a friendly game between the Explorers and Pathfinders, if the scores did matter the Pathfinders were clear winners 8-4 and overall shots 97-85 but bowls was the true winner and thank you Captains for arranging the event. Barclays Winter League. - in the words of Eric Morecombe all the right results but not necessary in the right order, all five results were 6-2 on points. But the lowly Tigers bear the Koalas the Lambs lost to the Dolphins, the Collies beat the Seals, the Lions beat the Monkeys and perhaps predicable to form, the Pandas beat the Bears. These results leave the top 4 teams – Lambs, Lions, Koalas, Dolphins, with 3636-34-34 points and the Pandas close behind on 31

strokes that has been bestowed upon them. Fairways at La Finca are amongst the widest in the region and water hazards are as common as oases in the desert. It therefore caused much consternation when a member announced he'd lost 13 balls. Another shock was that the final group which teed off at 1pm managed to avoid using Davy Lamps to finish their round. It appears that society golf can played to a faster beat when darkness threatens to prematurely end a round of golf! Near perfect weather conditions should have led to high scoring but back-tees and aforementioned slick greens meant most players endured an overpar points total. Rob Fyfe recorded the best score of the day, the

In assn with Sapphire Props and Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 32 players visited the established course at La Finca taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The course was in generally good condition and enjoyed by all. Gold Division: 1st - Graham Mason, 2nd – Marcus Clements Silver Division: 1st – Brian Elkington, 2nd – Colin MacDonald Bronze Division: 1st- Paul Fairbairn, 2nd – Barry Dexter Football Card – Tony Robson, Jacks Prize – Mike Dann Nearest the Pins – Gordon Smith (2) & Mike Bradley (2) Best Guest – Mike Bradley After the game we returned to the Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for a welcome snack prepared by the bar and the prize presentation and we give our thanks for their support and our sponsor Sapphire Properties. Our next society fixture is the social day at Vistabella on the 2nd December 2020 followed by the society Christmas Competition at Las Colinas on the 18th December 2020. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at

Best guest award went to Bjorn Neuman. Nearest the pin winners were: Richard McCann, Lars Kristiansen, Tim Cleverley and Sten Ronsen Bronze category winners 3rd Marit Ronsen – 33 points, 2nd Mick Roscoe – 35 points, 1st Lee Eastman – 37 points Silver category winners: 3rd Rock Loveday – 34

Unión Deportiva Aspense scored after five minutes to lead 1-0 at half time.

UD Aspense 'A' 2-2 Racing San Miguel By Andrew Atkinson

Racing's Matheus scored an equaliser to level the score at 2-2. On 79 minutes Racing's, Sergio Ruiz was sent off, when receiving a second yellow card.

Racing San Miguel took a point in the 2-2 draw away against Union Deportivo Aspense 'A' in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 10.

Also in the 1st Regional Division league leaders CD Montesinos suffered a 3-1 away defeat at third place CF Rafal.

Racing were left with a mountain to climb, when going further behind on 75 minutes, to trail 2-0. A never-say-die attitude bore fruit as Racing ebbed back into the game and reduced the arrears through Dani O'Rourke.

Callosa Deportivo CF and CF Sporting San Fulgencio shared the points in a mid-table 1-1 draw while Catral and Orihuela Deportiva beat Muxtamel and Hondon Nieves by the same scoreline, 1-0. In the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 17 on Saturday top of the table CF Atletico Algorfa gained a 4-0 win against third place visitors Bigastro CF. However they were replaced at the top of the table by the newly formed Torrevieja outfit Sporting CostaBlanca who hammered Crevillente on Sunday afternoon. Other Group 17 results saw Horadada share the spoils at Sp Saladdar 2-2 and Inter Santa Pola beat Formentera 4-0.


Sapphire Golf Society at La Finca

Silver Category fox plundering 40 points. Gold's David Rowe wasn't far behind with a magnificent 37 just weeks after 'winning' the Abacus for worst score. Losing on countback was John Osborne while the second best loser, David Alderdice, lurched home with a fine 36. In Bronze Category, Lee Eastman hit a great 37 with second place Mick Roscoe just 2 shots behind.

O'Rourke and Matheus earn Racing San Miguel point at UD Aspense

R San Miguel line-up in the 2-2 draw against UD Aspense

points, 2nd Richard McCann – 37 points, 3rd Rob Fyfe – 40 points Gold category winners: 3rd David Alderdice – 36 points, 2nd John Osborne – 37 (losing on countback), 1st David Rowe 37 points. Abacus winner was Ian Merga who humorously waved a white towel at the 12th hole. A big thanks to staff at La Finca and the same thanks to The Corner Flag bar, the presentation venue. Next week's game is at Vistabella. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website: or simply give Captain Mick Roscoe a call on 649 226 955.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


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PLAYER SPOTLIGHT The Unbelievable Andre Wing

after losing 2 of their 3 matches. ** Gerwyn Price and Jonny Clayton, recently crowned World Cup champions, both progressed from the same group.

World Darts Scene The Boyle Sports Grand Slam of Darts concludes this Tuesday (24th) after nine days of sharpshooting from the worlds best. Broadcast by Sky Sports from the Ricoh Centre, Coventry, two times and defending champion Gerwyn Price aspires to make it three and once again lift the magnificent Eric Bristow trophy, he won last year in Wolverhampton.Three times champ Michael van Gerwen, through to the last sixteen, is chasing Phil Taylors tally of six "Slams". The field of thirty two participants are split into 8 groups of 4, playing each other in a "round robin" format, the top two from each progressing to the last 16. Group stage is best of nine 501, with winning legs all important in a loss, as leg difference counts The " Gap " lounge bar, La Zenia, is situated adjacent to the roundabout and alongside numerous other commercial enterprises. The area is ideal for day to day shopping, the Gap providing a welcome respite. Why not enjoy one of James Browns specialitys' an " Espresso Martini " currently favoured by Bradley Walsh.

in the event of any ties. lt's possible to lose 2 matches and still qualify. The tournament then changes to a straight knockout for the 2nd round first to 10 of 19legs, leaving just 8 players. Quarters, semis and final are then determined by a first to 16 of 31 leg marathon. Tuesday nights winner will receive a £ 125,000 cheque from the £ 550,000 pot, runner up £ 65,000. Darts is certainly moving on, fourth place in the group stage still means a £ 4,000 payday, to keep the bank manager happy, plus the possibility of a nice £ 25,000 bonus for a nine darter.

Grand Slam Snippets ** lan White and Adam Hunt, 1st players in Slam history to qualify from group stage,


The Gap

Joining James behind the ramp, is partner Bliss, hosting and playing for the three dart teams enjoying the Gap as their home venue. Having successfully run Gogartys bar for 16 years, James determined it was time for a

change, choosing the premises now known as The Gap. A popular golf society run by Maurice Flint, meets three times a week, (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday ) recently visiting Villa Martin with a hefty 56 entries. Sounds a pretty busy society, but new members are always welcome to improve their handicap at El Valle, Lo Romero and La Finca, 3 other courses, usually on the society's play list. For those who enjoy a vino, James offers a good selection of wines by the glass, in this friendly establishment. Why not try a table outside to watch the world go by, or join the regulars inside for some local banter.

The OWS Thursday Dart League provided a welcome donation of 100 euro to the Orihuela Costa Poppy Appeal last week. The photo shows League Chairman Paul Durrant handing over the cash in the Tipsy Toad to local coordinator Eddie Coleman.

** Lisa Ashton (England) and Mikuru Suzuki (Japan) although unsuccessful and on their way home gave very creditable performances. Particularly Suzuki who had 4 match darts against Gerwyn Price, before the Welshman nailed D10. The girl from Japan had already posted a 135 and 116 finish in the contest. ** lan White's 5-1 victory over Dirk van Duijvenbooe required only 5 winning darts, a 100% record rarely seen. ** Simon Whitlock continued his fine run of recent form, achieving 10 maximums in his 3 group games. ** My P.D.C. spy tips Michael Smith to win his 1st major, who seems to be overcoming his inability to finish the job after doing all the hard work. Recent Winter Series victories prove the point. However when pressed for an alternative, 007 named 6 from 10 PDC ranking event victor this year, Price, as most likely to take the 125k. Reason, he is by far the fittest of the bunch, so important, particularly after the squeezing and number of tournaments recently and yet to play, due to the pandemic. Behind the scenes in The Gap

Having travelled extensively throughout Europe, Andre determined it was time to settle down some 11 years ago, Spain being his first choice. Originally from Frankfurt, his children Vivienne (21), Luna (20), Patrick (28), and Nicholas (14) currently enjoy Germany. The interior / exterior design and decoration wizard, previously ran 4 betting shops, what's the odds on that? Require a translator? don't go any further, German (obviously ), Yugoslav, English (of course) and a decent command of Spanish, are all in the locker. His love of darts is unquestionable, daily matches via video link with best pal Simon Williams, helped to keep his eye in during " lockdown," although his statuesque throwing style remains intact, but better suited to a museum piece. Naming Peter Wright as his fave pro player, l wonder if a "Mohican" is on the cards for the likeable Frankfurter, don't bet against it. Like many of us, Andre's music tastes go back a decade or two, his to the 80's, but pretty varied, Simply Red, Michael Buble, plus the requisite "R n B" in the collection. Socially it's rare to see him without a "rum n coke" ( don't forget the ice), whether playing darts or eating at his regular haunt, Fairways. lf at home it's Schnitzel a personal favourite. Top of the artists "bucket list" is a family cruise around the Caribbean, during which a 10,000ft sky dive is a must. Assuming he survives the ordeal, another is scheduled, as 3rd, is a week with Bengal Tigers, more like 30 minutes if he's lucky. Finally if you enjoy a real belly laugh ask his best pal to impersonate the amiable German, it's hilarious and "unbelievable" (a fave term), the exaggerated darts stance, arm waving and funniest accent ever, is all in his repertoire. The one laughing the most, Andre.



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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


Comedy of errors spell disaster for Thader T

he Callosa CF kitman obviously hadn´t done his homework, for when the match referee correctly deemed that his team's shirts were too similar to those of Thader, another set was not immediately available.

CD Thader Rojales ........0 Callosa Deportivo...........4

As the only alternative was to drive back to Callosa and collect a different set, last Sunday mornings match kicked off 40 minutes later than published. Although fans weren´t permitted entrance to this preferente match at Benijofar stadium, a dozen or so diehard Thader fans, found an outside vantage point behind one of the ends. Thader could have taken the lead inside the first minute, an exquisite through ball found Linus, but his goal bound shot was well saved. A delightful cross found Juampe unmarked at the far post, giving the Callosa front man a straightforward opening headed goal on 10 mins. When Linus was crudely hacked down on 12 mins, Lloyds´ resultant free kick from just outside the box was just too high. Slack marking by the Thader defence on 25 mins, was responsible for Mirete being given oceans of space, before slotting the ball past Adrian to double his sides advantage. Quino appeared to have been fouled in the penalty area on 28 mins, but the ref was unimpressed. Miguel was lucky not to be given a 2nd yellow card on 36 mins, for a cynical foul, as the hosts breathed a sigh of relief. This triggered a heated verbal response from both sets of players

and officials in the stand. Rafa´s accurate shot on 42 mins was well saved by the Callosa keeper near the foot of the post, then with time ticking away, Juampe had a great chance to double his goal tally, but he somehow contrived to shoot wide of an open goal.

The Thader lineup at home to Callosa

Nino and Juan were introduced as Thader subs before the 2nd half commenced, both probably wishing that they had stayed on the side-line! A horrendous back pass within seconds of kick off, resulted in Victor Garcia gratefully accepting the gift, before his unchallenged run culminated in a powerful drive past a shell shocked Thader keeper.

make it 0-4.

When a Linus cross was handled in the area on 55 mins, a lifeline was thrown to an understandably demoralised Thader team. But that was before sub Nino made a pig's ear of the resultant penalty, which sailed high over the opponent's bar. Raul Mora introduced 2 more subs, in an effort to turn things around, but unfortunately it had the opposite effect. Matters weren´t helped by a totally inept referee, who by missing so many blatant fouls, was indirectly responsible for players eventually seeking revenge. Another Lloyd free kick was saved on 63 mins, but the Thader captain could only look on in horror as yet another defensive error was seized upon. Ventura picked up the wayward pass, strolled without restraint towards goal, before unleashing a drive past Adrian to

Four Medals for Torrevieja Rhythmic Gymnasts in Nationals

Claudia Ticehurst won bronze with the ball exercise

Ekaterina Pankratova was yet another gymnast who was debuting at this level and in the championship, achieving a magnificent ninth position, after a great hoop exercise. Getting into the top ten of the Alevín 2009 category is no mean feat.

Lucia Garcia took bronze with the hoop apparatus

Lucía García Oñate, took the bronze medal in the 2005 cadet category with the hoop apparatus following an excellent performance.

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

Other Preferente Group 6 games saw wins for Murada, Almoradi, Orihuela and Redovan leaving Thader languishing just one place off the bottom

The national reputation of the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club has grown dramatically in just 4 years, thanks to the great work being done by Jennifer, a former international gymnast herself, and the other club coaches.


In the same category, Karolina Luchynets and Asia Bonelli were debuting in the event, with the pair achieving excellent eleventh and thirteenth positions, respectively.

Both Nino and Nano came close to scoring a consolation goal, but the game ended on an unsavoury note, when Juan was shown a straight red card for a reckless challenge. Next weekend, Thader are away at UD Ilicitana who were hammered 8-1 at Santa Pola on Sunday (check CD Thader facebook time for details of this match).

In the juvenil category 2003-2004 there were also good performances with the club apparatus from Letizia Martí and Ana María Rincón.

he Spanish Individual Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship held at the Centro Nacional Colonial Sport in Alfafar (Valencia), saw magnificent results achieved by the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club as the Torrevieja gymnasts won four bronze medals in the tournament.

Meanwhile young gymnast, Claudia Elizabeth Ticehurst, performed well in the ball exercise managing to win the bronze medal in the Infantil 2008 competition.

By now, Thader had lost their shape, but that didn´t stop Kike being introduced as sub number 5. He hadn´t been on long, before his close-range effort hit the post.

Alina Standret, won the bronze medal in the 2006 cadet category after a spectacular hoop exercise while the smallest gymnast participating from the Torrevieja club, Diana Temerbulatova, also debuting at this level, won the bronze medal in the pre benjamin category, after a magnificent and elegant hands-free exercise.

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. A living person. 2. Nail biting. 3. French Poodle. 4. 'Q' (Bond films). 5. Necktie knots. 6. a. Watership Down, b. Gullivers Travels, c. The Great Dictator, d. The Chronicles of Narnia, e. The Pirates of the Caribbean. 7. An 'orange stick'. 8. Sir Anthony Hopkins. In Nixon and Amistad. 9. Mandarin (2.5%), Arabic (1.4%), Cantonese (1.2%), Vietnamese (1.2%), Italian (1.2%), Greek (1.0%), 10. The Fortune

Cookie. 11. The Windmills of your Mind. 12. Genghis Khan. 13. 428. 14.a. Sun King (Beatles), b. Ain't no sunshine (Bill Withers), c. Aquarius Let the Sunshine In (The Fifth Dimension), d. Holidays in the Sun (Sex Pistols), e. Sunny Afternoon (Kinks), 15. Ken Kesey, 16. Raising the flag on Iwo Jima. 17. Dolphin. from delphy's "womb". 18. Africa. (off the coast of Namibia) 19. Coffee. 20. a. Orlando, b. Lanzarote, c. Bali, d. Goa, e. Hawaii, US



637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th November, 2020


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