The Leader Newspaper 27 March 2023 – Edition 964

Page 10



In the event that the group gets elected in May, Pablo Samper, candidate for mayor of Sueña Torrevieja, has publicly presented the latest ambitious project to improve the town, this time for the pedestrianisation of the urban area of Torrevieja, which in his words "will totally change the image of the centre of the city and adjoining areas, encouraging the return of people to the streets.

Thus, pedestrianised streets will replace cars with families, adults and children who will walk and play in areas with zero pollution and without risks of being run over, in an environment surrounded by urban gardens, plants and trees. This latest announcement follows on from the other ambitious plans to remodel the park and surrounding area at Torrevieja railway station, closed down in the 70’s and now a small park with a skateboard area and exhibition hall. One of the obvious benefits of this latest proposal is that of removing traffic from the centre of the town and reducing pollution, something which Torrevieja is particularly suffering from.

According to data collated by the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Torrevieja is one of the worst towns in the province in terms of air quality. With a score on average of 79, the air quality is generally “acceptable”, although there may be moderate health concerns for a small number of the population, such as people who are sensitive to ozone, or who may experience symptoms of a respiratory condition.

Despite Low Emission Zones (ZBE) becoming mandatory in all municipalities with more than 50,000 residents, from January of this year, Torrevieja has still not taken any public steps to improve it’s air quality.


964 Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023
227 385
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in our 20th year of keeping people safe
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Journalists 600 228 616


Other than putting a document out for public consultation to create the ZBE in the area around Ramon Gallud in the town, no further progress has been made. According to the town hall, this is because they are awaiting clarification on a number of points, points which are not affecting other municipalities which are already taking the necessary action. This delay is doing absolutely nothing to improve the air quality.

That said, pedestrianisation, the removal of vehicles for the most part, brings on another potential problem, one which has been a challenge for many years, which again has been left unsolved, this is the lack of available parking. The town hall argues that there are plenty of parking spaces in Torrevieja, you just have to pay for them, and whereas street parking was paid for some years ago, but quickly withdrawn, more recently an information network which points drivers to the paid-for car parks was installed, including informa-

tion on the number of available spaces, but that system also seems to have been abandoned, as it simply does not work.

The question unanswered in the proposal; where would the cars go? The plans do make provisions for residents who have parking spaces in the existing buildings, as there would still be permitted access for those residents, by means of number plate identification cameras or limited resident access cards, as well as the control of loading and unloading points.

Despite the unanswered question, Samper says that "it is an exciting and ambitious project, presented by Sueña Torrevieja, the political party, that for the first time clearly defines the parameters of the model of city that we want to achieve, which is something we have been working on for years.

Initially we intend that the area is defined between the streets calle Orihuela and Rambla Juan Mateo, and San Pascual and Paseo Vistalegre, leaving exit and entrance roads to the urban area, as well as


" Out of Control

loading and unloading areas, for access to residents and emergency services".

In the pedestrianisation project, a series of targets stand out, among which are the pedestrianisation of connections with the new points of attraction that will be created, such as the Mercado de Abastos (La Plasa), the Port and the Station Park, which as mentioned, will undergo modernisation if the group are elected.

The plan would also, it is hoped, lead to the recovery of the commercial centre of the town, which has been deteriorating for many years. The constant movements of residents and visitors around the town will be enormously attractive for merchants and entrepreneurs, which will immediately imply a revaluation of all properties, both commercial, (many of them are closed today) and homes.

Samper concludes by stating that "this project will be complemented with the creation of a network of bike lanes that will connect the city centre with all the urbanisations of the municipality, a defini-

tive boost to public transport that uses clean energy, with greater frequency and quality and the implementation of large car parks and dissuasive parking areas in addition to those already mentioned".

A downward spiral threatened

She began to harm herself

Fearful now her boyfriend gone

She'd be left upon the shelf

Social media made it worse

Her peers were all so slim

So beautiful so perfect

Happy living in their skin

So close to ending all she knew

The autumn leaves gave hope

The seasons change and nature gives

A chance for life to cope

Each season very different

Like every human soul

Nobody better than the next

No media control

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tried to help her

Encouraging her to eat

But they were up against her

So were lost in their defeat

The doctor didn't help at all

Nor help to fix her mind

Her friends once so supporting

Now had left her way behind

The light beyond the tunnel

Simply flickered then went out

The world she knew was hostile

Nothing good to shout about

But then one sunny autumn day

When leaves began to fall

She realized she wasn't fat

She wasn't fat at all

So gradually she blossomed

Taking each day at a time

Not fat, not thin just special

A young woman in her prime

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Her reflection didn't please her She felt that she was fat
Though weighing in at just six stone Had contradicted that
But image was a demon That tortured her each
So food held no desire for
It just got in the way

Having detected attempts to reopen the Chiringuitos Orihuela Council has sent a patrol of police officers to seal up the beach bars on the Orihuela Costa. The facilities have been closed since 1 January, when the contract, including provision of sunbeds, umbrellas and water sports, was terminated, after an extension was made in extremis on 31 December, 2021 and despite the fact that Chiringuitos del Sol had submitted a request for a 12 month extension, while the new tender document was written and the contract awarded.

And the bars will continue to remain closed over the busy Easter holiday period, because, although the specifications for a new tender are ready, the any decision cannot be made in time, despite the fact that in January, Antonio Sánchez, the councillor for beaches, clearly stated that they would be reopened for that date.

At that time the forecasts were that the tender would be published that same month and the evaluation of the offers

would then be carried out in February, with the award proposal being made in March. But now it would seem that they might not be ready for the start of the summer, given the complexity of a contract in which many bidders are likely to be involved.

Despite the councillor for Beaches stating in the Municipal Plenary of 24-22023, that "in the next few days the tender will be launched and by the end of February the toilets will be operational,” the beaches are still without toilets, one of the most important services demanded by members of the public. Having failed miserably he is now promising that portable toilets, with three daily cleanings, will be available on all the beaches at Easter, along with the renewal of footbaths and walkways, and, from 1 to 10 April, a lifeguard service.

We understand that the new tender will be similar to the previous one, with an amount of about 900,000 euros payable to the council for four

years, and the possibility of extending it for two more years.

Meanwhile, Chiringuitos del Sol, the company that has operated the service since 2018, has asked the council for compensation to offset their economic losses due to storm Gloria, the DANA of 2019, the pandemic and inflation .

It is necessary to highlight the great negative impact that the lack of beach bars and toilets has on tourism on Orihuela Costa and the city of Orihuela, the main economic engine of the municipality, an impact that the mayor and her councillors either don’t care about, or are unaware of.

It is unacceptable and incomprehensible that, in the more than 14 months since the contract ended those responsible have not been able to organise a tender.


All they seem capable of doing is collecting their fat salaries at the end of every month and posing in front of a camera. Anywhere else they would accept the fact that they have badly let the public down and resign.

Do you think that the council should have extended the contract until such time as the new agreement was ready?

Email us your view at:

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Four officers were sent to tape up the beach bar at Cabo Roig

Everything You Need to Know About Emergency Lights

Warning triangles have been in use in Spain for a number of years now, but they are being phased out, to be replaced by flashing emergency warning lights, known officially as the V16 beacon.

Tragically, far too many people have been killed on the roads whilst carrying out the protective action of placing warning triangles, thus the V16 reduces that risk as you no longer have to walk into the path of traffic to advise other road users of the hazard. Currently, you have a choice of using either the warning triangles or a flashing beacon, but on 1 January 2026, only certain flashing lights will be permitted.

However, there are currently two different versions available on the market. One has been around for a couple of years, the other only released this year. The difference is that the new versions offer “connected” technology, whereas the original ones do not. In 2026, only the connected beacons will be permitted, so be careful you don’t buy an older one if you want it to last beyond that deadline.

There are currently only four models of the connected type on sale. They are Help Flash IoT, Flash LED SOS, PF LED ONE V16, and DP-EL2022-C1.


The device should be stored in the glove box, accessible and charged.


In the highest possible part of the immobilised vehicle, guaranteeing its maximum visi-

bility. The specifications on its design require that it can be kept stable on a flat surface; but, if due to the height it is not possible to access the roof of the vehicle, the V16 device must be equipped with some means, such as a magnet, that allows it to be placed on the driver's door.


Since January 2023, connected lights are being sold, however, connectivity will not be mandatory until January 1, 2026. Until then, the traditional triangles or V16 beacons can continue to be used without connecting.


Although models with and without connection can currently coexist, the objective of connectivity is to communicate the activation,

deactivation and geopositioning of the signal. Sharing the coordinates of your position that will help us protect you, spreading the word that there is a vehicle in difficulty to other vehicles that approach the scene.


The light beam will make you visible from 1 km away. In addition, if the beacon is equipped with connectivity, the rest of the vehicles will receive the information on through browsers, mobility applications or onboard computers, and through the Variable Message Panels on the roads.


The device will integrate inside its casing all the elements necessary for its operation,

including communications, without having to resort to external elements such as mobile phone applications or the like.

Regarding the duration of the service, the legislation establishes a minimum connectivity availability of 12 years, the cost of which is already included in the sale price of the V16, so you will not have to pay any type of additional fee. Of course, it is important to observe the expiration date, which you will find printed both on the packaging and on the device itself.


No. Only the brands and models published in the Certified Brands and Models section are those that have passed the certification process are legal.

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The light should be placed in the highest possible part of the immobilised vehicle, guaranteeing maximum visibility.
Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The Guardia Civil have arrested four people, including an Irishman who was on bail, pending the investigation into his alleged murder and motorway burial of a friend in La Siesta, Torrevieja, in 2018.

During the arrests the police seized almost 90 kilos of drugs that were being sent, disguised as car parts, in packages to the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States.

The investigation by the Civil Guard in Paiporta (Valencia) places Wayne PW, who was free on bail at the time, as the leader of an organisation based in Torrevieja, that was sending drugs to the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States through parcel companies.

The parcels were identified as containing vehicle parts and sent from automotive companies that turned out to be fictitious.

A total of 89 kilos of hashish and marijuana were found in different packages intercepted at a parcel transport company in the Valencian town of Picanya, at Barajas airport in Madrid and in Wayne's home, where a pistol and silencer and a quantity of ammunition was also seized.

The alleged murderer of the Irish drug dealer, Carl Carr, in September 2018 in Torrevieja has now been accused of drug trafficking, belonging to a criminal organization and illegal possession of weapons. Carr’s murder is said to have been over a suspected “love triangle” after which he was beaten to death, before his body was dumped by the AP7 motorway, between Benijofar and Algorfa. His remains were eventually found nearly five months after he went missing.


La Fonteta, site of an ancient Phoenician port city, in Guardamar, has resumed guided tours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in a bid by the municipality to diversify sun and beach tourism and publicise one of the best-preserved archaeological sites in the Mediterranean.

The site is a peculiar archaeological complex, a cultural landscape built in a pine forest, with the sand dunes having made it possible to "freeze" this Phoenician settlement from the 8th century BC, with a defensive wall with turrets and the remains of houses, one of the best preserved in the southeast of the peninsula, and a 10th century Caliphate rabita, one of the few conserved in the Peninsula.


The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councilor for Parks and Gardens, Antonio Vidal, visited the new pump track on La Siesta Park last week.

Together with the URDECON construction site manager, José Manuel Fernández, and the technical director of the construction of the Pump Track, Christian Tidow, they were keen to see, first-hand, the progress.

Tidow said that “when complete we will have the largest fully tarmacked track in the world, a pioneer in Spain. Once it is finished, it will have twice the surface area, allowing fans of any roller sport to use and enjoy the track”.

La Zenia Traffic Study to Direct Future Road Plans

The Department of Infrastructures in Orihuela has carried out a study of traffic, mobility and parking in La Zenia in order to guide traffic reorganisation projects in the coming years.

According to the councillor, Ángel Noguera, the study focused on determining "the possibilities for decongesting traffic at the N-332 roundabout, improving internal circulation, as well as improving accessibility and pedestrian and bicycle traffic at the same time that illegal parking is discouraged”.

The study identified the need to simplify traffic movement in the area to the north of Avenida de la Playa, so that the pavements can be widened to improve accessibility for pedestrians, in addition to improving signage.

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Irishman Wayne PW appearing in a Torrevieja court Forensic officers searching the grave

Torrevieja earthquake plan close to approval

Alot has been written about earthquakes recently, with particular regard to the anniversary of the Torrevieja 1829 quake that caused almost 400 fatalities across the Vega Baja region, and yet the town that was the epicentre, the one most at risk of a repetition, still does not have an approved earthquake plan.

According to the Valencian Community emergency plan for seismic risk, published in 2011, Torrevieja, together with Los Montesinos, Rojales and Benijófar, are the municipalities with the highest seismic risk both due to the probability of a high intensity earthquake and its possible consequences on buildings, infrastructure and personal injury.

The plan also underlines that in a hundredyear period in Torrevieja we could expect an earthquake with an intensity of 6.5 degrees, with one of 8.5 every 500 years.

Just last Thursday evening, just before midnight, we had another warning as a seismic storm of 3.1 degrees with an epicentre just over 10km from the coast of Torrevieja and Guardamar del Segura, was felt up and down the Vega Baja coastline.

Thankfully, according to Proyecto Mastral el Tiempo Torrevieja there were no reports of personal or material damage.

Since the Valencian plan was introduced, 11 years have passed, three large earthquake drills in Torrevieja have taken place, there

have been hundreds of micro-earthquakes, but the municipality still lacks a basic protocol for action in the event of a major earthquake. Thankfully though, it is not too far away, and is currently the subject of public consultation after being completed by the company Semerpro Emerg for a cost of 18,029 euros (VAT included).

The document was delivered in February for validation by the Ministry of the Interior of the Generalitat, but unfortunately the

autonomous administration returned it stating that it could not give it the go-ahead without it first having undergone a period of public exposure and consultation.

The disbursement of public money that the City Council has had to make is almost residual for the investments it makes annually. Any neighborhood party supposes double what he has had to dispose of for this procedure.

The councillor for Security and Emergencies,

Federico Alarcón, said that when he assumed the powers, at the beginning of the current term, he found an outdated local emergency plan, although without that plan, the seismic risk plan could not have been prepared. Thankfully, now, coinciding with the earthquake drill and the anniversary of the earthquake of March 21, 1829, the plan has been made available for public consultation, for a period of 30 days, in the Boletín Oficial de la Provincia.

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Electronic cigarettes, a.k.a. Vapes, because the user inhales vapour, are available in many flavours. They sound to me like a modern version of Craven 'A' cigarettes, whose advertising slogan was "Smoke Craven 'A' For Your Throat's Sake."

You can start your day puffing on a cereal vape, then mid-morning coffee and scone vapes, perhaps nibble at a doughnut flavour or inhale a cocktail vape at lunchtime. Followed by a peppermint vape if you are the designated driver. Could we one day have different flavours of vaccine? Imagine an armful of tulips from Amsterdam, or Belgian chocolates coursing through our immune system. Chanel No. 5 would soon revitalise our sense of smell, and fish and chips could reinvigorate our taste buds, especially when laced with malt vinegar and one or two pickled onions. A person can dream, can't he?

In modern times, we like to sweeten pills, or make them easier to swallow. This is perhaps a reaction against the days when castor oil was thought to cure all ills but tasted horrible.

No wonder, since it was used in the manufacture of brake fluid, paint, ink, and wax polish. And as a lubricant for bicycle pumps.

Some parents used to discipline their children with a spoonful of castor oil, colonial officials dosed recalcitrant servants with it, and in Central Africa it was widely prescribed as a punishment for being too sick to work. Not the best alternative to a benefits system.

Today, there are various ways to turn something bland or unpleasant into a more attractive purchase. Food additives

make products easier on the eye, a bit like eye makeup does. Margarine, which in its natural state is white, changes to resemble creamy yellow butter by the use of a colouring agent.

Many synthetic colouring agents have been banned from food but permitted in cosmetics. The barefaced cheek of those manufacturers.

Thickeners add body to foods, but possibly thicken our bodies as well. Preservatives protect food from the effects of oxygen, so heaven protect us from preservatives, I say. And although it is claimed that some additives make food last longer, that hasn't been my experience.

Emulsifiers can prevent two unfriendly liquids, such as oil and water, from divorcing, so that your salad dressing tastes smooth. Would that work equally well in couples therapy, I wonder? And in the case of stabilisers made from seaweed -- no, that would just make you feel seasick.

As far as I know, it is still the case that only royal personages are permitted to eat swans, so should a king or queen ever invite you to dine, I'm afraid it will be corned beef sandwiches for those of you below the salt.

At least until such time as a swanflavoured vape becomes available. By royal appointment, naturally.

The Ministry of Education has tendered an investment of 775,973 euro in the CEIPLos Dolses school on the Orihuela Costa, for improvements in the Infant and Primary playgrounds, the gym and in the dining facilities, as well as to correct deficiencies in the building's facades, in the fence and in the dividing walls with adjoining plots.

Companies now have until the end of the month to bid for the work, which is expected to take place during the school holidays in the summer, so as to minimise disruption.

The number of children registering for education on the Orihuela Costa continues to increase, doubling in five years, without investment to grow or even improve the facilities and the infrastructure. The area has a diverse population, with around 85% of the 700 students at the school being immigrants. Recently, the school converted a teachers' room into a classroom, as well as the avant-garde library that they opened in 2019 to unite the students of 56 nationalities.


Benji and Shylar’s owner sadly passed away and they need a new home.

Benji is a pug cross, born in 2015, Shylar is a female beagle cross, born 2018. They are both chipped, vaccinated and sterilised. Both are

good with other dogs and very loving. Call: 645 469 253

Tyson loves company of people.

He is around one year old, big and strong, just waiting to be adopted by the right family.

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For more info 966 71 0047 / 688 792 515
The 1950’s - Lining up in the school playground for a weekly tablespoonful of castor oil

6 4 Y e a r O l d B r i t i s h W o m a n

Murdered on Orihuela Costa

A64-year-old British woman has been murdered during the early hours of Sunday morning in Orihuela Costa, in a case that has its origin in sexist violence. The alleged perpetrator, her husband, has been hospitalised for injuries, which are thought to have occurred prior to his arrest.

The events unfolded at 03:50 on Sunday morning, when a neighbour called the Civil Guard. On attending the incident at the home of the British couple, thought to be in the La Florida area of Orihuela Costa, the officers found the lifeless body of the woman, who appeared to have died from stab wounds. On arriving at the scene, they arrested a 69-year-old man who was trying to flee the home. He is now in hospital for what appears to be a stab wound to the abdomen.

The man has previously appeared in the Viogen database, a government system for the monitoring of cases of gender-based violence, for an assault that took place in 2019. It was opened by the Civil Guard but then became inactive the following year due to the failure of the victim to lodge a formal complaint.

The delegate of the Government in the Valencian Community, Pilar BernabÈ, explained that, at that time, no judicial measures were launched, so the case became inactive in 2020.

It is understood that the couple have resided in Spain since 2017.

Public toilets being installed on Torrevieja promenades

Torrevieja has opened a contract for the installation of public toilets in the centre of the city. The planned investment exceeds 319,000 euros, and was announced by the secretary of the local government board Federico Alarcón.

The facilities will be located on the Vista Alegre promenade, the Waldo Calero plaza, on the Juan Aparicio promenade by the Arturo Gómez plaza, in the Doña Perfecta park and the Encarnación Puchol de La Mata plaza.

Demands for toilets were originally made during the first term of mayor Eduardo Dolón, who announced the investment in 2014 but failed to act on it.

In the same government meeting, the tender for the drafting of a contract for the remodelling of the Plaza de la Constitución was also announced, although no details were given as to it’s appearance.

The Civil Guard is currently gathering information about this murder, which points to it being a case of sexist violence, according to BernabÈ. If confirmed, the number of women murdered in similar circumstances would rise to 11 in 2023 and 1,195 since 2003.

Salinas de Torrevieja Webcam unveiled

A new webcam in the Salinas de Torrevieja can be watched live through their YouTube channel with views of the wonderful environment alongside the pink lagoon and the impressive mountains of salt. Panoramic views of the sunset and sunrise will be made, amongst others, including flamingos and different birds that inhabit the park. New webcam:

More live webcams

Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The murder occurred just before 4am yesterday morning (Sunday)

This is better than Fionn’s Salmon of Knowledge!

There I was cruising along in my motoring car, keeping to my own side of the road, with the wireless on. Only for the fact that I was driving, I would have jumped out of my own standing with what I suddenly heard coming over the airwaves. The lovely Katie Hannon was interviewing … let’s not be sexist here, Lads … the lovely Katie was interviewing the lovely minister for health, Stephen Donnelly.

The interview caused me to swerve into a layby – thankfully, on my own side of the road.

The minister stated that it has now been proven beyond doubt that people’s memories are not performing as well as they used to. We are not talking just about old people ( leaving aside the fact that there is no such thing as old people, when you get to my age); no, the minister reeled figures off the top of his head to show that all age groups are being affected by poor memory retention.

When pressed by Katie as to the reason for this – which is ‘gan dabnt’, a health crisis, Mr Donnelly, explained that the available data suggests that our brains are not being exercised sufficiently, due to the ‘push button’ society we now live in. ‘A lot of people have never even heard of mental arithmetic,’ said the minister; …’if you don’t use it, you lose it.’

I did hear or read about this previously – but I can’t for the life of me, remember where or when.

It transpires that our esteemed minister for health has the problem under control and it is his proposed solution that left both myself and Katie momentarily speechless. I wrote it down…

The good news for you lazy-brained lot is that there are supplements you can take to improve your memory, focus, mental energy, and problem-solving skills.

These supplements are called ‘nootropics’. I’ll tell you the names of a few of these supplements – but you won’t remember them … yet! It doesn’t matter, as long as you get the stuff into you.


Four Brits arrested for drug trafficking in Malaga

A gang has been broken up that shipped drugs to central European countries, mainly the Netherlands.

937 kilograms of hashish and another 53 of ecstasy were seized in a house that the gang used as a nursery for narcotics in Mijas.

Four Brits were arrested for their alleged involvement in drug trafficking and belonging to a criminal organisation.

There is Phosphatidy Iserine and then there is Bacopa Monniera; a herb used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Huperzine is extracted from a plant and guaranteed to make you a candidate for ‘The Chase’. You don’t need any more detail … just take the stuff.

This recital of information was just Minister Donnelly’s warm up act for his big announcement.

The Government has decided to add all of the above supplements to our bread. Every bakery in the country has been mandated on the correct amount of brain food that should be included in every sliced pan.

Katie, with the clock beating her, had two final question for her guest. Firstly was this an EU directive; to which the minister replied; ‘no it isn’t … but this way, the Irish can retain their standing as the smartest race in Europe’. Finally, Katie thought she had him, when she asked; ‘why put it in the bread … surely people can just take the supplements with their morning Cod Liver Oil’? ‘They wouldn’t remember to take it,’ concluded the minister.

I eased my vehicle back out into the slow lane – deep in thought. As luck would have it, I came upon a shop on my side of the road and there, delivering bread, was the best bread salesman in the country. He was delivering today’s bread today when I nabbed him in the doorway.

‘I can’t believe what I have just heard on the radio about what yiz are putting in the bread; is this some sort of joke or what?’

‘We don’t joke about our bread’, said Adrian. ‘Those of us on the inside have been eating the new formula for the past three months.’ ‘And do you see any difference’, I asked? ‘Any difference …’ he replied; ‘up until three months ago I could only tell you how Mayo footballers faired out since 1951, but ask me now the score of every match for the past 72 years and I’ll tell you; or would you like to be reminded on how badly you scored when you played on my team in a squash tournament final in 1990?’

‘Could I please have two sliced pans and a brown cake’, I

Price of butane gas drops 5%

The Government has updated the price of the orange butane cylinder, which will now cost 16.78 euro, a reduction of 5%.

The price has fallen for the third consecutive month, as in November it stood at 19.55 euro and in January 18.58 euro. By law, prices must be updated on the 3rd Tuesday of odd months.

Butane gas sold in petrol stations is sold under a free market agreement, and is not subject to the regulated tariff.

asked meekly…

I arrived home and bounced in the back door; a memory loaf under each oxter and a brown cake in my left hand. ‘What are you looking so happy about,’ enquired Mrs Youcantbeserious. Then the downside of the breakthrough hit me: The wife too will be eating this bread – and she already has the memory of an elephant and the nose of a bloodhound where I am concerned. It could be a burdensome April …


Because I am not on social media, you might like to know that I had porridge for my breakfast this morning, followed by a slice of toast and marmalade and two mugs of tea.


The Spanish water reserve is at 51.7 percent of capacity. The reservoirs currently store 28,971 cubic hectometres (hm?) of water, increasing in the last week by 241 cubic hectometres (0.4 percent of their current total capacity).

Maximum Rainfall was seen in Santiago de Compostela with 70.9 mm (70.9 l/m?).

New racial discrimination hotline to be launched

The Government is about to put into operation a new telephone number, 021, for victims of racial or ethnic discrimination, according to the Minister, Isabel Rodríguez.

In her statement the minister said, “we condemn all attitudes and manifestations that call into question the multiple positive contributions that ethnic diversity has in society."

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Mayoral Candidate Critical of Torrevieja May Fair Cancellation

Samper says that "the Antonio Soria Park with 300.0000m2 could have hosted the Fair with enough space for all its booths,without harming the Friday market,in the same way that the Paella Contest has been held every year with more success".

He adds that "this decision of the mayor and the councillor of Fiestas will significantly affect the attendance at the Fair and consequently tourism and consumption in our city"

Intro of trolleybuses

Further to Frank Emm's letter in issue 963. A more economical and quicker build would be the introduction of trolleybuses along the coast.

The city of Rome introduced a second line of trolleybuses in July 2019. They have been very successful. Many towns and cities in Europe are now expanding their trolleybus systems or introducing news ones as well as in Eastern Europe and Mexico.

PABLO SAMPER, candidate for mayor of Sueña Torrevieja,said that "the mayor of Torrevieja has demonstrated his lack of foresight and made a serious error in the organisation of the Feria de Mayo 2023,resulting in reducing it in space,dates and causing serious damage to the participants and the tourism of our city,even knowing for more than a year and a half that the works of the port would begin and it would not be possible to carry it out in the port area".

He concluded by stating that "as always they will try to sell us the idea that everything organised and designed by the PP government is wonderful, while they continue in failing to delivertheir electoral promises,the lack of investment,the lack of visible results in the introduction of the cleaning and garbage collection contract.Now we can add the incomprehensible and erroneous decision they have made about the organisation of the the Tribute to the May Fair as they have called it this year,with only 7 small booths in the Parque de la Estación".

St Patrickís Day Parade

I've been attending the Cabo Roig Saint Patrick's Day Parade since 2015 and I must say that each parade has been better than the one before.

I drive down from Villamartin and struggle to find parking but it's always been worth it. There is always an electric atmosphere in the bars on the strip and I must say that there is never any trouble but mostly the entertainment is always world class.

The best part, for me and my friends, is the parade itself. The acts and floats are always enjoyable and worth the effort we make to abandon our usual haunts and attend the Cabo Roig Spectacular UNTIL THIS YEAR that is. What a fiasco. I was embarrassed in front of my friends at the total lack of organization and the meagre display that unfolded. The participants themselves were interesting but there were so few of them. There was only one float, 4 groups of 6 or 7 showgirls, a big group of men in uniform with dour faces, a sweet kiddy dance group, 2 or 3 cartoon characters and the usual Zenia Boulevard group. That was it, the parade was a FLOP. I'm sure the bars and restaurants made a fortune but they better save up for a very lean

Saint Patrick's Day next year because thousands, like me, will not be bothered again.

The fable of the goose that laid the golden eggs comes to mind. The organizers (if there was any) just killed the goose that laid those golden eggs because of lack of effort, organisation and probably investment.

It was sad to see the end of something that was so good, the 15,000 or so people who went to the trouble of being there this year witnessed something wonderful die. It was painful to watch. Cabo Roig Parade RIP.

Blue disability badges

I read with interest your column on Disabled Blue Badges in Spain.

The article was fine by the way, but I wish to impart my own situation with you. I am disabled in that I cannot walk.

I firstly I went to my doctor. I then had to go to Los Arcos hospital to be examined and obtain a report on my disability.

Said report was to be sent to Social Security in Cartagena. (I live in San Pedro del Pinatar) for grading of disability.

Many months went by. I heard nothing. A friend of mine contacted Social Security in Cartagena.

I went for an appointment with IMAS in Cartagena. A very helpful lady looked at all my documents, including my medical report, checked on her computer and declared that they had not received any documents regarding my case. The lady took photocopies of all my documents and advised me it would be another 6 to 7 months before I hear any more.

That was 8 months ago, so to summarise I have been waiting almost 2 years.

No badge and unfortunately my health has deteriorated more.

In conclusion the process is not plain sailing



Ref: 001562 e425,000


Totally refurbished 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa with large southfacing terrace.

Airconditioning and heating, all new windows, completely insulated. Underbuild with 2 additional rooms. Garage and access to seperate garden area, part of which is used for bed and breakfast.

Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
letters letters

Arts & Culture


Jerry Herman’s energetic Hello, Dolly, is a musical filled with charisma and heart.

Dolly Leviis a widow, a matchmaker, and also a professional meddler, but everything changes when she decides that the next match she needs to make is to find someone for herself.

Set in Yonkers, New York City at the turn of the century, Hello Dolly is boisterous and charming from start to finish. The cast are working extremely hard to make sure that this will be a show to remember for all the right reasons.

& Crescendo International Choir

Plans Three Free Concerts in April

To book tickets online for our show please visit our website , email or call Linda on 679 062 272 For those of you unsure of how to use our system you can call into The Post Box in Dona Pepa, or Quesada Tech where someone will be on hand to assist you with booking tickets.

You could also come along to one of our rehearsals at Casa Contenta, Rojales, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:30pm and 9:30pm where someone will be available to assist you.

Songs the choir plans to perform include Make You Feel My Love, made famous by Adele, I Say a Little Prayer for You, first made popular by Dione Warwick, The Rose, sung by Bette Midler and Hallelujah by Leon Cohen. The group will be singing City of Stars, from the popular film LALALand, winner of six Academy Awards in 2017. For its grand finale, the choir will sing a medley of six songs from the highly popular musical Les Miserables. So donít miss it!

Crescendo International Choir has planned three concerts in April. The first one will be held Saturday, April 1 at Salt Church in Los Montesinos at 18.00. Admission will be free but there will be a bucket collection for charity when exiting the church. Doors open at 17.30.

Two more concerts will be given after Easter. One will be Saturday, April 15 at Santiago Apostol Church in Benijofar. This performance should take place around 20.00, after the mass. This free concert will feature a bucket collection upon exiting the church. Funds raised will be used to support the town hallís social services department.

Thirdly, Crescendo International Choir will be performing at La

Siesta Evangelical Church in La Siesta Urbanization, Torrevieja, on Monday, April 17 at 18.30. There will also be a bucket collection at this free concert in support of the churchís charity work.

The choir now has a new president named Robin Myers. He took over as the leader of this group in February 2023 from outgoing president Mary Mitchell. She served as choir president for 13 years. Although no longer president, Mary continues to sing in the choir.

For more details about the choir or its upcoming events, please check out You can also follow the group on Facebook at CrescendoTorrevieja. Or if you have questions, email

The choir would be delighted to have more singers, especially basses. This international group sings a variety of songs ranging from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, mostly in English or Spanish. Rehearsals typically take place at Rincon de Miguel in Los Montesinos on Mondays between 17:45 to 20:00. All singers are welcome!

PAGE 12 Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
‘Hello Dolly’ will be coming to the Cardenal Beluga Theatre, San Fulgencio from 31 May to 3 June Former President Mary Mitchell receiving a gift from the choir as thanks for all her hard work from Robin Myers, new choir President.

Working week of Civil Servants to be reduced to 35 hours

Gabriela Bravo, the Minister of Public Administration in the Valencian Generalitat, has changed her opinion about the feasibility of reducing the working day of civil servants to 35 hours a week. The proposal was rejected when first made in January by the UGT, but now Bravo is studying it’s introduction. The economic impact is currently being analysed to define whether it would be acceptable for the regional budget, with sources suggesting that the first numbers presented to the Ministry are favourable to its launch.

If the working hours of public employees were reduced, the authorities would have to hire additional staff to cover the hours


By Staff reporter

Torrevieja Councillor Rodolfo Carmona has highlighted the 'shame' of the Calle Maese Pedro Park, next to Residencial Altos del Sol.

"We are not here to say what others want to hear, but rather to tell the truth, what

Garden Felix

Persian silk treeumbrella from the sun!

Albizia julibrissin - the Persian silk tree - is a hardy fragrant tree, with bottlebrush pinkwhite flowers that are very elegant and fernlike leaves.

Well known for attracting bees, as it has nectar/pollen rich flowers.

It makes an excellent tree for a shelter from winds, in a very sunny spot - because it loves the heat and its flowers will be even better!

Fire destroys cars in Torrevieja

Firefighters from the Provincial Consortium of Alicante attended a fire in a garage in Torrevieja.

lowing out of the building on calle Morriones.

that were lost, especially in the public facing positions, and although there are still no official figures, the unions indicate that around 4,000 positions would be affected with hiring then carried out through temporary employment exchanges.

The change in Bravo’s position comes just one week after the Department of Health reached an agreement on the same terms with the unions for all statutory personnel. Health Minister Mínguez agreed with the union majority (the CESMCV-SAE abstained) to implement the 35-hour working day progressively; something that will become effective for the entire workforce of around 60,000 personnel, in

60,000 Civil Servants would have their hours reduced

The emergency services were alerted at 3:47 a.m. on Wednesday, sending fire fighters to the scene where smoke could be seen bil-

The fire was declared under control after an hour, and fully extinguished an hour after that, although two cars parked in the garage were totally destroyed.

January 2025.

With this agreement, the Community will join the list of eleven Autonomous Communities that have already, or are about to introduce, a similar pact, with the majority of Civil Service unions, UGT and CCOO, applauding what they call a “21st century Administration”.

can be clearly seen what many neighbours have to put up with every day.

"At Calle Maese Pedro Park, next to Residencial Altos del Sol, the first word that comes to mind is shame," said Rodolfo.

"To love your city is not to be silent, it is about raising your voice.

"It is understanding that many more of us want a better Torrevieja," he said.

Very easy tree to grow, because it requires practically no care, apart from pruning out any damaged growth in the spring.

To reduce the size, or balance branch growth, wait until it's finished flowering. However, letting branches spread out freely is what will give it the most beautiful stature, as it naturally grows to form an umbrella-like shape.

Plant in well draining soil, in a west or south facing position. It will grow to around 8m in height with a 4m spread, so think of it's mature size when planting.

To enhance blooming you can add granulated flower tree or shrub fertilizer in the spring. Simply scratch the ground a few cms deep around the trunk and bury a few handfuls of flower fertiliser. Then re-cover with the soil and water in thoroughly.

Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 963



Imperceptible; 8 Bewilder; 9 Keep; 10 Gifted; 12 Detail; 14 Series; 16 Climax; 18 Waif; 20 Rapacity; 22 Corroboration.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Imbecile; 2 Depict; 3 Acid; 4 Sporadic; 5 Ticket; 6 Clue; 11 Describe; 13 Inaction; 15 Infirm; 17 Incite; 19 Agog; 21 Pore. CR CR YPTIC YPTIC



6.Direct (7)

7.Cherub (5)

9.Ovum (3)

10.Perfect (9)

12.Exorbitant (11)

15.Meat-eating (11)

17.Give in (9)

19.Intelligence (3)

21.Togetherness (5)

22.Criminal (7)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


1.Branch (5)

2.Pig-pen (3)

3.Settee (4)

4.Similar (9)

5.Rustic (7)

8.Splinter (6)

11.Clear (9)

13.Gorge (6)

14.Slander (7)

16.Sprite (5)

18.Wicked (4)

20.Cunning (3)

one's lips; 8 Ill-treat; 9 Itch; 10 Divers; 12 Wagers; 14 Answer; 16 Dynamo; 18 Mars; 20 Numerous; 22 Sit on the fence.

DOWN: 1 Emulsion; 2 Scathe; 3 Sore; 4 Bestowed; 5 Flying; 6 Epic; 11 Serenity; 13 Rum punch; 15 Wisdom; 17 Nursed; 19 Amid; 21 Meek.


6.Observes the wrong section (7)

7.Kind of key army officer (5)

9 and 19Ac. Route for those who take flight (6)

10.Torn material given some value (9)

12.Go quickly to get insured, as hunted ones do (3,3,5)

15.So party line is amended by an individual character (11)

17.Sluggish game that eventually produces an explosive conclusion (4-5)

19.See 9 Across.

21.Fuels are if uncontrolled (5)

22.Charges a levy, we hear (7)


1.Drenches the timber in the ship (5)

2 and 20Dn. Game requiring a light touch with a whip (3-3)

3.Guided by a consort of Zeus (4)

4.More than one idler has a bet when a boxing-match is seen inside ... (9)

5.... but we still keep flapping around! (7)

8 and 16Dn. Gas containers (6,5)

11.The sort of toil a man does in his estimation? (5-4)

13.One is found in last piece of decoration on the gable (6)

14.Rich water supply not working (4-3)

16.See 8 Down

18.To adduce as proof in one sense, by the sound of it (4)

20.See 2 Down.

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. What were Google's top four search terms for the year 2022? (Strangely, the World Cup was not one of them!)

2. A 'blessing' is the collective noun given to which fabled creature?

3. What is the defining characteristic of someone who suffers from Hypertrichosis?

4. Which enchanting role have both Edmund Gwenn and Richard Attenborough played in film?

5. For those of you with a sweet tooth, what are the two typical ingredients in 'Ganache'?

6. The following line is from which famous film? "Charging a man with murder in this place was like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500"

7. Which male tennis player reached the finals of every US Open between 1982 and 1989?

8. What is a 'dendroglyph'?

9. James Bond's mother Monique Delacroix was born in which country? a. Switzerland, b. Canada, c. France 10. The following words are from which Christmas songs? a. Here we are as in olden days; happy golden days of yore. b. Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight. c. The mood is right, the spirit's up. d. With a note saying 'I love you' I meant it. e. But instead it just kept raining, a

veil of tears for the virgin's birth

11. The Pacific Islands are usually divided into three enthnogeographic groupings. Can you name them?

12. Name the artist who painted each of the following works of art. a. The Starry Night (1889), b. Primavera (1477-78), c. Garden of Delights (1505-1510), d. Snow Storm-Steam Boat off a Harbour's Mouth (1842)

13. The first found remains of an Australopithecus afarensis are better known as what? Four letters

14. David Helfgott is the central character in which 1996 critically acclaimed film?

15. What do each of the following acronyms stand for? a. Scuba, b. JPEG, c. POTUS, d. Taser

16. Starkey, Ed Teynte, Bill Jukes, Cecco, Noodler and William Slank all lend which man a hand?

17. Of the chemical elements of the Periodic Chart, what is the minimum number of symbols that it takes to correctly spell the Capital of Iran?

18. Which so called profession made Matthew Hopkins (ca. 1620-1647) famous and infamous in 17th century England?

19. With the aid of the following lyrics, name the girl in each song. a. Jubilation, she loves me again. b. She's got it, yeah baby she's got it. c. She's just a girl who claims I am the one. d. She just can't be chained to a life where nothings gained. e. She is like a cat in the dark and then she is the darkness

20. In which language do each of the following mean 'Thank you'? a. Dank je. b. Komapsumnida (Ko map sum nee da). c. Gratiam habeo. d. Efcharisto

PAGE 14 Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www.

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain


Los Montesinos - La Herrada

2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria.

Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995

Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.

Cello Lessons required for mature student. Call David Last on 638 108 078

people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Experienced cook required for The Laughing Leprechaun, Cabo Roig. To apply call +34 651 135 687 or email CVto: laughingleprechaun23@gmail .com

Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and

Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

Walker Rollator, perfect condition. 55 Euros. Mil Palmeras, Tel. 628 110 078

PAGE 16 Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

In the latest in our series of talks with Gitte Lund Thomsen, the Councillor for International Residents in Torrevieja, we would like to explain the benefits of obtaining a digital signature, and how you can do so in Torrevieja.

There is no obligation to obtain a digital signature, but the need for one is becoming increasingly greater.

As administrative functions are gradually turning from face-to-face remote operations, the digital signature provides for secure access online, via a computer or other device, such as a mobile phone.

For example, an update in the Valencia health app means you can access your medical history via the app, but only if you have a digital signature.

In Torrevieja, a new service was launched recently so that you can obtain a copy of your Padron Certificate online and automatically, without having to queue for hours at the physical office. Again, this can only be done with a digital signature.

In order to obtain a digital signature, you can use a third-party company, but you should make sure they are trusted, as once they have your signature, they will have access to a whole range of personal information.

In Torrevieja, Gitte explains that one of the easiest places to get a digital signate is in one of the SUMA offices around the town. This may be the case beyond Torrevieja as well, and you can always check.

Generally speaking, you need to book an appointment. This can be done via their web-

site,, available in English, and you can choose the office that suits you best.

They may handle your request without an appointment, but that depends on how busy they are, so there is no guarantee, and if you just turn up, they may send you away, so an appointment is always better.

There is also the option to have the digital signature issued at the town hall offices. Next door to Torrevieja town hall (to the left of the main building in the Plaza de la Constitución, where there are large metal gates), is an administrative office that will issue the digital signature, and you do not need an appointment.

However, this office is usually very busy, more so than ever at the moment, and so there may be a wait before you are dealt with. Of course, there is no harm visiting the office and assessing the queue yourself to decide if it’s worth the wait, or you may just prefer the SUMA option. Both options are free.

The International Residents Department in Torrevieja can attend to residents in English, as well as French, German, Scandinavian, Russian, Bulgarian, and, of course, Spanish. You can email them direct, at:, and you can make an appointment to visit them in person via the website,, where you should look for the Residentes Internacionales Oficina Pangea, and you can visit them in La Mata town hall, or the office in La Siesta, calle Paganini, again, by appointment.

Email Address Correction

The Leader has been running a series of articles in conversation with Gitte Lund Thomsen, the Councillor for International Residents in Torrevieja.

Unfortunately, in the last two articles, the email address we printed was incorrect, and should in fact be at:, so ending in .eu, not .es as printed.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023



This book covers all of Prince Harry´s life nearly up the present day. In the first two-thirds of the book, preMeghan (that’s not the ´M´ word by the way) we follow our young man´s rather indulgent lifestyle through his role as the selfproclaimed spare part to the Monarchy, while his elder brother prepares to be our future king.

Harry is a man’s man - by this I mean that as a result of attending an all-boys boarding school, Eton (all boys), no Uni, and then lengthy service in the Army he is totally used to male company during the first thirty years of his life. Holidays with the lads (and a few ever-present bodyguards) occur regularly: skiing, safaris, North Pole, South Pole, Las Vegas, Botswana, Australia, and many more, these are not official duties expected of Royals. The male bodyguards, there for the young man’s protection all add to a strange lifestyle unlike other young men of his age.

Perhaps unsurprisingly then H´s language is ripe - but is it necessary in print? Yes, I know today many people swear regularly but to me it´s easier and better to make your point in writing without it - for me far too frequent ´f´s found, my friend. The coarse one has also developed an unfortunate habit of putting one’s young foot in it from time to timewho can forget the ´Heil Harry´ headline displaying him in a Nazi uniform for a fancy dress party.? Oh and we are regaled with stories of H being snapped naked playing pool in Vegas with some young courier ladies present - guess who originated the game?

As we´re on the subject of naughties we need to get something understood: ´Willy´ and ´Harold´ are the brothers´ affectionate nicknames for each other, OK? But when I’m referring to Harry´s willy I mean his royal appendage - and shock-horror that even gets a few mentions, this willy is clearly not a spare part in H´s growing life. Firstly we get the schoolboy circumcision stuff, Roundhead v Cavaliers (snigger), but then as grown-ups, allegedly, Harry´s willy raises its head again when featured as being frozen, North Pole job - do we need to know all that H? Now there’s talk of a new willy warmer becoming a future must-have on icy trips? Cool Harry… Oh, and just one thing as we´re on the subject? I know what a bell-end is, but do all your readers? Obviously the pen is mightier

Part 1


life is crisply dealt with

than the sword (old joke).

Yes, we see girlfriends in H´s life but seemingly no really meaningful relationships. There’s Chelsy from South Africa, Cressida, Caroline and several more young ladies that form part of the identified ´Throne syndrome´, but apart from envying brother William and wife Kate’s happiness Harry seems resigned to the bachelor life. Virginity-loss is somewhat imaginatively dealt with, Jilly Cooper style: young stud taken-in-hand and elsewhere by an older experienced lady, field-behind-a-pub job, like you do.

Amazingly, and credit to our man the subject of one James Hewitt and his supposed parental part in Royal life is crisply dealt with, Harry stating the agreed affair with his mother was actually later after his birth. Fair enough, mate I believe you, good shout. More innocent surprises include bargain-buying one´s own clothes in TK Max, drying them on radiators, hasty food shopping (for one) in the local supermarket with vital baseball cap low.

Harry is well fond of a drink, admiring ´delicious Vodka´, Rum and Coke, Red Bull and various forms of Tequila. Fair enough you might say, but his ¨High´ness’s drug usage of joints and weed, right up to the present day seems excessive. At one time his boast was even doing a whole bag of weed - erm, how big´s a bag H, do tell? Lately our Harry has moved into therapy big time and after enlarging about his usage the therapist observes that

it´s a wonder our hero isn’t a drug-addict. Really?

Proud to serve, Sir - in the Army, at last Harry seems to have found his niche in life, and it rightly forms a good part of his book. The Spare Officer persists in asking to go to the front in Afghanistan to do his duty to Granny and his country, and although very hush-hush he eventually succeeds. But rather unwisely we learn about the unheroically killing twenty-five of the Taliban with vastly superior fire power, covered in fairly graphic detail. Then one busy radio night our hero is aware that suddenly ´Red Fox´ is being excitedly targeted, before suddenly realising the enemy know of his presence and are planning to take him out: abrupt end of army service. What to do now then Harold? Ah yes, the Invicta Games for badly injured military personnel, many who have lost limbs fighting for their country. Credit given for that our Harry, home popularity and respect guaranteed. Smart move son.

In the family Dad, or Pa as he is know to his boys, doesn’t come out terribly well, portrayed as a rather remote figure in his own Shakespearan-loving world, and thus definitely not designed or equipped to be a modern father. Of course Charles´ ex-wife´s terrible death left him even more helpless to cope adequately as a single parent. Yes, Camilla proved to be his salvation both as a husband and future king but his wife definitely does not seem to be the ideal step-mother to his

sons. The two were happy for Pa but didn’t want he and Camilla to be married: overruled… William, he who will be king one day seems typically big brother to his younger sibling with the usual competitive rivalries. Their Mother´s tragic passing affected both boys deeply, who can forget their sad walk behind the coffin, but it would seem William has coped better over the years, perhaps his own marriage and parenthood has helped him in life.

The Family’s understood, agreed, hated enemies are the press, and the loathsome everpresent paparazzi: both make Royal life a constant battle. The Windsor motto is ´Never complain, never explain´, and let´s face it, there’s been a huge amount to try and keep schtum about. Think of Camillagate calls, Fergie´s foolishnesses - and more recently Andrew´s antics: shudder…

So up until now, 2016 aged 32 Harry seems to have got the non-complaining message, despite there being plenty to moan about as he grew up. Pa always gives his son the same advice ´Don’t read it, dear boy…´ - and he should know. So Harry appears, so far to be able to handle it.

In conclusion, the ´M´ word for this piece - is ´Mummy´. The mention of her name is never far away from Harry´s narrative to date, underlying a sad, constant thread through his life.

To be continued… When Harry met Meghan.

PAGE 18 Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The subject of one James Hewitt and his supposed parental part in Royal

Murder Mystery baffles the RNA

The ensemble acted out their parts expertly, ensured that they misled the audience with lots of clues, including some plausible deniability. A huge ‘well done’ must go to the performer who played the murdered victim, for laying on the floor in full view, it what can only be described as a haphazard position; while everyone else was comfortably seated.

The complete cast, including script writer, deserve a ‘humongous’ well done for their performance along with their dedication in staging these events, all in the aid for their chosen charity of the Torrevieja Alzheimer’s Association.


Martyn Hughes, the youngest of six children, arranged a trip to Benidorm with his five siblings in what is the first time they've all been on holiday together!

Yet again some 38 Shipmates (S/M’s) dropped anchor for another social event, but this time with a twist, as not only did they have some scran (matelot term for meal) but also were challenged with a ‘who done it’.

After enjoying the food at the Lakeview Bar & restaurant in Ciudad Quesada, they enjoyed a Murder Mystery performance from The Stagestruck Players in aid of charity.

The Players received a standing ovation for a not only challenging, but also a hilarious ‘who done it’, with the appearance of their Inspector Clouseau type character, who Peter Sellers would have been proud of, attempting to take charge of the investigation.

After the performance and interrogation by the French Detective the 38 S/M’s cross-examined all suspects, which made everything so much clearer and resulted in 100 different opinions of ‘Who Done It’ – some S/M’s could not make up their minds even though they were working as teams!!!!!

The team that took the prize of Two Bottles of Wine was the Deathers family, who successfully identified the collusion of both culprits who committed the hideous murder.

Thanks to Social Secretary, Sally Miller, for expertly putting together another enthralling event as we excitedly look forward to more events.

More info on the RNA from Secretary, Steve Hemingfield on Mob/What’s App: +34 711 01 1373.

"I’m the youngest of six children, two of them are in their seventies, and never, ever, in our lives have we been on a holiday together," Martyn Exclusively told The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader newspaper. Welshman Martyn, father of Championship club Preston North End defender Andrew, said: "I organised a trip to Benidorm in March for usno wives, no husbands, only brothers and sisters."

Cardiff born Martyn, who travels across the UK to watch Andrew play, returned to Spain after visiting Benidorm last year, having watching Preston play La Liga side Getafe in a pre-season friendly at Campoamor. Martyn said: "Growing up

there was no TV in those days. There was another boy, David, in between Glyn and Gareth, who sadly died, just 6 weeks old.

"Ever since we left school we have always been in full time employment.

"My eldest sister worked until she was 72! The others are still working, with the two middle brothers working for the Railway, and the youngest sister having three

jobs on the go!".

The family Hughes is, Carol, 73, Leonard, 72, Glyn, 70, Gareth, 68, Marian, 67, and Martyn, 64.

"They were so excited, although my two sisters were hesitant in going, as they have little money between them," said Martyn.

"Andrew stepped in and paid for everything for them - to make sure the visit went ahead.

"We had T-shirts made, with the names 'Family' and 'Hughes' for the big occasion," added Martyn.

Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

QBC ROUNDUP by Steve Hibberd

QBC held their club non c of c championships on an unexpected wet and miserable Saturday, which fortunately didn¥t dampen the quality of bowling on display. First up was the 2 wood singles, won by TMorgan, who beat M Ward by 21-20. They were fortunate enough to finish before the rain started, but not so lucky were the menís trips, which went the distance in an enthralling match.

By the narrowest of margins, G Phillips, M France & Jason P, beat B Armstrong, D Collings & TVoisey. Although the rain had abated by the afternoon session, conditions were far from perfect. Well done to K Bowles who beat PMorgan in the handicap singles, also to B Armstrong & M Ward, who triumphed over D Collings & G Carnell.

Greenlands Bowls Club Championships

Last week saw the culmination of the clubs internal championships. Some fantastic bowls were played ,enjoyed by great support from the members. The winners were as follows :-

We wish all the winners best wishes for the Champion of Champions which will be played at Greenlands . We also congratulate the gallant losers and all who took part to make this a great club event, without you it just would not happen.

We thank all the members who contributed to making this event the success that it was. Also a very big thank you to our Captain who due to illness was left high and dry to organise it all, great job Pete.

Mens Singles - Peter Bonsor.

Ladies Singles - Jackie Johnson.

Mens Pairs Derek Toozer and Roger Farrington

Ladies Pairs - Fay Beattie and Jacqui Johnston

Mixed Pairs - Peta Lyndsey Rhodes, Andy Miles

Mixed Triples - Peta Lyndsey Rhodes, Lisa Bonsor, P.Bonsor

Mixed Rinks - Sue Bosworth, Graham Shoots, Andy Miles Dave Morrison


At Monte Mar Bowls Club on a lovely sunny morning on the 24th March 2023 Quesada Swallows played Javea Green Eagles for the North v South trophy as winners of the Southern league and Northern league respectively. T he match was watched by supporters from both clubs. The match was played on a points only basis with overall shots not counting.

After 10 ends Javea Green were leading on 3 rinks and losing on 2. Quesada rallied and with only 3 ends left were winning on 3 rinks, drawing on one and losing on one with the scores very close on 2 of the rinks.

With one end to go it was nail biting time as it all came down to the result on one rink to decide the winner. If Javea tied it would have meant an extra end had to be played.

Fortunately for Quesada they bowled some superb bowls to hold 3 shots to be in a winning position by one shot with the last

bowl to be played by the Javea Green skip.

His bowl came to rest perfectly requiring a measure by the Umpire. The measure went the way of Quesada who therefore won the event and the trophy. On the green after the match the Southern

league Division A winners trophy and the North v South trophy were presented to the Quesada Swallows Captain. A lovely meal was provided and enjoyed by all in the Belfry opposite Monte Mar complex.

San Luis - 5 time winners of Premier 20 Knockout

To update our history: since the inception of the Premier 20 Knockout competition in 2008/09, 8 different clubs have won the trophy but only San Luis has won it more than twice, now making it a record 5 times!!

WOW what a morning, watching our San Luis home team playing against some of Greenlands very experienced and competitive players, was exhausting!

It just shows how important team work is (as well obviously, as skill, strong nerves and good luck) because all of our players contributed in different ways.

Some team members didn’t win on this day but still kept battling and others had had success, or put up a great fight in previous rounds, which all contributed to San Luis getting through to this final.

There were some untidy heads, some incredibly close heads, some “oh dear where’s that shot gone to?”, some “I can’t look” shots – “did they miss?” and “we’ve picked up how many?!!” so plenty of entertainment for the spectators, even better that we were enjoying the warm sunshine.

We won the Pairs & Triples at home & the Pairs, Triples & Rinks away = 10 points – 6


Singles – Neil Morrison, Pairs – Kath Reid & Ian Kenyon, Triples – Neil & Sandra Burrows & Scott Malden, Rinks –Giuseppe Galelli, Bob Bromley, John Dowell & Dave Webb.


Singles – Bill Webb, Pairs – June & Keith Jones, Triples – Dee

Success comes and goes; in 2015/16 we won the Premier 20 for the 3rd time, + the Winter League (Orcas), & the Berleen league, the Southern league, the South Alicante winter league Div B (Trekkers), 2016 - South Alicante Summer league (Wellingtons) & VCL (Falcons).

Like many other clubs we’ve had some struggles, particularly since the Covid period hit us all, losing players through changes of circumstances, Brexit, and sadly ill health. Some weeks more time could be spent in health appointments than actually playing out on the green (speaking for myself; where did the last 20 years go?).

We may not have topped any leagues this season but, as a team the brilliant BLUES are still a force to be reckoned with, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone involved and here’s to next year! Sheila Cammack

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Hoey, Caroline & John Smyth, Rinks –Jane Hamill, Tricia & Pat Reilly & Stewart Hamill. NAIL BITER - The match result came down to just one rink Giuseppe missed the team photo as he was away uncorking the champagne




CC’s Flyers7-5CC’s Bees

Hub Hyenas6-6Mind The Gap

Tipsy Toad Toppers9-3El Capitan


Danny´s Bar6-6Freakie Taverners

Fallen Angels5-7Ck1 Lads

Milo´s4-8Leeson St Trotters


Domino´s Despos4-8Tipsy Toad Tiaras

Pint Depot Queens5-7Hub Hellraisers

Ck1 Ladybirds9-3Angel Delights



Hub Hyenas3522

Mind The Gap3421

Tipsy Toad Toppers3419

CC's Flyers3318

CC´S Bees3115

El Capitan3113


Ck1 Lads3521

Leeson Street Trotters3419

Danny's Bar3318

Freakie Taverners3318


Fallen Angels3116


Ck1 Ladybirds3626

Tipsy Toad Tiaras3623

Domino's Desperados3220

Angel Delights3215

Hub Hellraisers3212

Pint Depot Queens3012

MOST 180´S: Mark Ellis & Dave Rowlinson x 5.

THIS WEEK: Paul Christopher CC’s Bees, Matt Smith CC’s Flyers, Ben Kernahan El Capitan, Andres

Llamazares El Capitan, Sam Salt Mind The Gap, Jay Wilkinson Hub Hyenas, Wayne Houston Tipsy Toad Toppers, John Rodford Tipsy Toad Toppers

HIGHEST FINISH TO DATE: 154 - Mario Garcia -

Freakies. THIS WEEK: Paul Moody, Mind The Gap 115 T20-15-D20, Dario Sierra, Hub Hyenas 98 T20D1, Alejandro Alcazar Milo´s 91 T17-20-D10


Hub Hyenas v Mind the Gap

Nice to see Sam Salt back on the oche after his 4 week sojourn to the Far East, a little jaded, but still capable of a 180. Gap, despite finding more trebles

in the opening 6 than Hyenas, the scoreboard read 3 apiece. A 98 out from Dario Sierra, a maxi from Jay Wilkinson and 4 tons from James Brown the best of the bunch.

Pete Spence got hyenas in front with a 2-0 win, quickly cancelled out by Brown with a similar score to include a 74 out, 3 further tons and POTM. Paul Moody made it 4-5 with 3 tons inc. a 115 out. Mark Ellis hit 3x140 against Salt's 180, but got 2 of the 3 legs available, now 5-5. Darren Sanderson ensured a point for Gap, Sierra overcoming a lively Che Liam 2-0 for POTM and a draw.

C.C. Flyers v C.C. Bees

A real nail biter this one, the result in the balance until the 11th and 12th legs. Chelsea Campbell using her favoured D16 twice in her 11th leg victory scoring 100,134, 4x80+, in addition to 3 earlier tons, for POTM. Andy Flavell getting the better of Paul Tollafield in 3 legs with a 65 out.

Matt Smith blitzed Bees skipper Liam Lumb 2-0 in 18 and 13 darts, his scores of 100,125,2x140,180 and D16 to close would stun anyone.

Paul Christopher won Bees POTM virtue of a 0-2 win over Jesus Madrid, the Bee recording 137,3x140 with a 2nd leg D10, following an earlier 180. Best finish, a Suso Madrid S20,T15,D20.

Tipsy Toad Toppers v El Capitan

Yet another Div 1 cracker. Wait for it, 52 tons or more, 10 x140, 4 x180, Toppers edging out the Caps in the ton department for bragging rights, 2 maxi's each. What is quite unbelievable is Toppers won all 1st half's legs, Caps being no slouches, must have wondered what hit them.

The visitors came back strongly winning the 1st three singles through Andres Liamazares 1-2 over Graham Solomans, Vycka Bobinas 1-2 over Lee Maiden and Ed. Klimonis 0-2 over Paddy Winterbourne.

Wayne Houson wacked in 6 tons for a 2-1 victory

and POTM over Arold Klimonis for the 7th and winning leg. John Rodford closed the match, overhauling Ben Kernahan, both hitting 180.



Milos v Leeson Street Trotters

Barry Shingler must have wondered what he had to do in the 2nd triples, scoring over half of the 701, (125,93,133) but still losing to an Allejandro D17. Milos were 4-2 up at the break, additional outs from Rory Byrne, Fabian and Raul Rocamora. Trotters success via Mark Farmer and Ken Skinner. Milos didn't add to their 1st half total, Trotters winning all 6 singles, the best of which the opener between Javi de Gea and Farmer, 4 tons or more from each player, Farmer edging out de Gea in the 3rd leg on 89.

Shingler got the visitors to 6 legs and a point, beating Rocamora 2-0, prior to a 1-2 win from Amanda Skinner over Alex gaining a 2nd leg 91 out, Skinner taking the 3rd on D3.

Fallen Angels v C.K.1 Lads

Lads were 3 up after the triples courtesy of Kevin Woods, Steve Mullen and Bill Leaves, Steve M. Dalton adding 2 tons, Billy Dolling's 95,100,121 wasted for Angels. The hosts took 2 of the 3 available pairs via Steve Godwyn 98, D19 and Graham White 100,D1, Dolling hitting another ton. Woods finding a Lads double Les Adams contributing 2x100, for 2-4.

Lads,Dalton and Adams increased their advantage ,the former outing on 87, for 2-6. The hosts moved up a gear taking the next 3 through James Mackay 2-1, Graham White 2-1 and Mike Tierney 2-0, the score now 5-6. The 2 Steves, Godwyn and Mullen faced each other in the 12th, Mullen taking the 3rd leg for both points. POTM - Dolling - Adams.

Dannys Bar v Freakie Taverners

ended, Dannys taking the remaining 3, via Steve Lumb, Dave Stevens, both 0-2 and a real belter, Smith needing 3 legs to overcome Livsey. POTMLumb - Willis.


Dominos Desperados v Tipsy Toad Tiaras. Darts etiquette suggests the player retrieves their darts and exits to the right of the board, with much coaching and slight intimidation, Dom´s eventually got the hang of this. Ray Hayes (100, D16) got them their first point but the Tiaras took all the rest in the first half, outscoring the hosts and finding their finishes quickly.

Desperate for any edge, the Tiaras were served magnificent homemade pizzas, and with slightly greasy fingers, they lost their grip in the first two singles, Damo Lambert nailing (98, 1-D2) and POTM Akash Panchal (100, 140, D6) the second. Pat Schofield got the Tiaras an assured match point (83, 85, 6-D3). Lisa Ivill converted this to to a win with D20 and POTM Tracey Simpson claimed her the 3rd check-out of the night on D13 to put the final nail in the coffin.

One must also mention the entertaining performance of Despo Michael Langan who after 3 turns during his singles, failed to score in double figures and then hoyed BULL-16-BULL and eventually a D10 to give them a total of 4 legs.

C.K.1 Ladybirds v Angels Delights

Freakies 2-4 half time advantage didn't materialise into an expected victory as Dannys reversed the scoreline for the draw, which both teams may well have taken before starting.

At 1-4 down Jane Wills and partner Bob Smith pulled out the stops, Smith producing 100,125, 140,D8, to keep Dannys in the reckoning. Bryan Livsey and Mario Garcia ensuring the half time lead. Ernie Willis increased Freakies lead in the 7th on D16, Simon Todd reducing the deficit with a 2-0 over Garcia. Sharon Frain got the better of Paul Robinson 0-2 for at least the draw, which is how it

Birds made it 3 straight wins and remain top of Div. 3. Delights must have known what was coming after Sharon O'Rourke's flashy D10,D15 out in the opening leg. Birds capitalised winning 5 of the first 6, Sue Christie helping herself to 2 of them. Henni Oortwijn D3 Delights only win in the 1st half. Oortwijn found the same double to open the singles, the following 4 going Birds way, Donna Ralph top scoring and achieving the draw and POTM, Gena Wood hitting Birds 7th leg and 2 pts. Steph Knowles top scored for Delights, Oortwijn their POTM.

Pint Depot Queens v Hub Hellraisers

Lesley Dolling was in fine form for Raisers finding the outer circle 3 times and her teams highest score of 106 for POTM. Rachel Broadhead won Queens POTM with a flurry of high scores in the triples and an excellent singles victory on D15. Debbie Wright recorded Queens highest score of 117 and an out in the 2nd triple. Dolling found D16 for a Raisers point, Sue Spiers the match winner.

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023
Steve Lumb and Ernie. POTM Dario and James. POTM


Primadonnas8 - 15Tipsy Tigers

Ladybirds7 - 15Gap Girlz

Friendly Chicas9 - 13Wacky Allsorts

Dolly Mixtures7 - 15Friendly Temps


Gap Girlz12178


Tipsy Tigers12142


Friendly Temps12128

Friendly Chicas12117

Dolly Mixtures1299

Wacky Allsorts12101

All the away teams came up trumps this week, but none maxed-out with all 18 legs that were on offer.

The Gap Girlz took the Ladybirds to task despite missing one of their ¥Top 4` in a match that saw 8 ton or ton+ totals.

Only 3 games went to a 3rd leg decider so hopefully both teams enjoyed an early night. Similarly in San Miguel, the Tipsy Tigers found their form, winning the three pairs games 2-0 but facing more opposition in the singles with some excellent nail-biter performances.

Mitch Halliday was the Primadonna that took the first win for the ¥homies¥ and had an

LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY Lo Crispin Golf –Spring Cup

A good turn out of 35 members (including 3 playing for Handicap) and 1 guest 'teed it up' at El Plantio in the Society's first 'major' of the year on 22nd March. The weather was good and the breeze was mostly moderate. The course however was a rather different story.

The majority of the fairways were quite threadbare in places. The greens, or most of them were a little lumpy in part and of inconsistent speeds, also the tee boxes were a little scruffy. Nevertheless, most players seemed to enjoy the day, even if they were not so happy with their scores ! We returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, as always, where we were served with a good selection of Tapas and the day's prizes were distributed.

impressive 21 darter in her 2nd singles leg. Simone de Lacy was ecstatic with her 99 checkout in the final singles, feeling the need to show off her lucky vest.

Dolly Mixtures have three new signings due to a much diminished team giving them a boost, with Pat Redwood scoring 105 in her doubles and Barbara Bryce (pictured) and Lesley Justice cashing-in in their singles with 2 legs apiece. The Wacky Allsorts soldier on with a skeleton crew but are playing very well with the few they have.

HOTDARTS: Pat Schofield (TT) 140, Amanda Skinner (GG) 140, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 138, 126, Elaine Willis (GG) 134, Eileen Askew (TT) 127, Simone de Lacy (TT) 121, 101, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 121, 100, Sharon Crane (TT) 116, Angie Mullen (LB) 116, Alison Webster (FC) 114, 101, Lorraine Veale (DM) 111, Ann Wharton (FT) 107, 100, Pat Redwood (DM) 105, Selma Dyer (DM) 101, Chris Greenwood (WA) 104, Sue Christie (LB) 102, Groa Bryndis (PD) 100

HIGH CHECKOUT: Simone de Lacy (TT) 99 (T19-10-D16). BULLFINISH: Sheelah Cooper (PD) 3 - Bull, LEASTDARTS: Mitch Halliday (PD) 21 dart finish

23.03.23 - Avery warm morning greeted the members of the La Marina Golf Society for their match at Roda Golf Course, the course was up to its usually high standard and the greens were challenging.

Whilst 20 members played their Stableford matches, a few players were also competing in their match play game for the society's annual knock-out cup.

In first place and winning today's game was


Costa Blanca Independent Pool League 2023 singles knockout competition got underway this month.

Results: Colin McDonald 2-1 Paul Jones; Dave Baker 0-2 John Smyth;

Nearest the pins were Paul Crump for hole 2 and 7, Gordon McLagan for hole 11 and Gill Ludkiewicz for hole 13.

The day also saw Lyn Young, Alan Janes, Jimmy Scott, and Vic Smith win and go through to the next round of the knock- out cup. Afterwards the members stayed at the

Gino Aguis 1-2 Jimmy Bryce; Martin Curran 1-2 Tony Dunn; Rob Pearson 0-2 Craig Lambert; Sean Norris 2-0 Bobby McDonald; Stan West 0-2 Darren Mountain; The Jokers 5-6 Full Monte Azul; Tony Coyle 2-1 Mick Margerum.

1st. Place - Steve KIng 33 pts off 18 and winner of the Spring Cup, 2nd - Ian Stuart 31 pts. off 15, 3rd - Barney Barningham 30 pts off 27 (on count back), 4th - Janet Candlin 30 pts off 41

The Guest Prize, including those members playing for Handicap was won by Bob Dunn with 33 pts off 12


Carp-R-Us travelled to the Embalse de Argos for Round Two of their Murcia Series. They were treated to a beautiful Spring day with temperatures in the mid-twenties although a stiff breeze picked up in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the fish didn’t really respond to the warm weather and although everyone caught, the fishing was quite a struggle.

N.T. P. on Par 3s - Hole 7 - Steve King, Hole 9Ian Stuart, Hole 14 - Bob Dunn, Hole 18 - Bob Dunn

The 2s Pot which included a double 'roll over' was won by Steve Carter, Ian Stuart and Richard Brady, who each collected 27 euros.

The Free Game Draw was won by Peter Marsh. Finally, our next game, an Individual Stableford competition is at Saurines de la Torre Golf, Roldan, Murcia on 5th. April.

Steve Harrington (Hcap and Membership Sec).

As there were only a few fishing everyone was pegged on the warm side with Willy Moons running out winner with 15.12kg caught using his usual method feeder technique. Second was Steve Fell with 11.08kg again using method feeder and wafters. Third was Alan Smith who had a late run of fish on corn to put 9.62kg on the scales. Fourth with a single carp was Graham Patterson with 1.94kg. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca

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Dolly Mixture, Barbara Bryce, cashed in with two legs against Friendly Temps Jimmy Scott with 34 points, closely followed by Vic Smith with 33 points and Dave Slightam with 32points.


On a cold Sunday evening back in early November, Thader can think themselves very unlucky not to have left Alicante with at least a point, when they went down 3-2 in a hugely controversial match.

CD Thader .. .........2

CF Ind Alicante ....2

Fast forward to a sunny Sunday morning/afternoon in late March, when they did indeed secure a well-deserved point, against an experienced CFI side.

Before start of play, Thader sat 11th on 33 points, whilst their visitors were 6th on 45 points, some 10 points off the last play off slot.

Due to fathers day forcing a blank weekend for non league football, Thader's last run out was 2 weeks ago, at near neighbours Almoradi, in a 1-1 draw.

There were 3 changes from the last match. Out went Rosquin, Calderon & Dani Lucas, to be replaced by Rulo, Quino & Berni. An explosive start, saw Fran score a well worked goal after only 9 mins, to give the hosts an early lead. Unfortunately, the lead was short lived, for following a disputed penalty award, Chacopino made no mistake with his spot kick.

Worse was to follow less than 5 mins later, when a defensive blunder was punished by Ruano, whose goal put CFI in the driving

seat. A Pedro Juan header sailed agonisingly over the bar, as Thader battled hard to square proceedings.

Pedro Juan went even closer on 35 mins, but his shot hit the side netting, when it looked to all intents and purposes that it had levelled the scores.

Just before half time, CFI were convinced they had extended their lead, but thankfully, it was ruled offside.

Early in the 2nd half, Pascual replaced Javi, then on the hour mark, Jony made an entrance for captain Lloyd. Jony's first contribution was to almost present CFI with a gift, but his blushes were spared, when team mates scrambled the ball to safety. He almost made amends with a long range shot that fractionally missed the target.

Next it was Fran's turn to present CFI with a goal scoring opportunity, but once again, the danger was cleared.

Up the other end, a cross by Ruben was firmly headed over the bar by Juan.

Although CFI went close with a fine longrange drive, it was Thader who made it 2-2 on 87 mins.

Referee Garcia interpreted that a handball inside the CFI box was intentional, leaving Pedro Juan to coolly dispatch the resulting penalty.

Pedro could indeed have won the match deep

into stoppage time, had his goal bound effort not been well saved by CFI's keeper Pablo. As per normal there were a fair number of bookings for both sides, but that's Spanish football for you!!

Next weekend, Thader have a long trip to 2nd place La Nucia 'B', and will be looking for revenge from a narrow defeat back in November. Check CD Thader facebook page for further details.

Lights, camera, action, in Montesinos!

Los Montesinos football teams were filmed by Telfy television at the Municipal Stadium as part of the town's sports development.

Players and coaches from the Cherub, Prebenjamin, Benjamin 2013-14, Alevin 2011-12, Children 2009-10, Cadet, Female Child and Female Valenta 2nd Regional, were all featured as part of the Telfy network, sports programme Club Deportivo Telfy, with presenter Jose Antonio Lopez Egio.


1.Wordle, India vs England, Ukraine, Queen Elizabeth, 2.Unicorn, 3.(lots of) Hair, everywhere, 4.Kris Kringle in 'Miracle on 34th Street'.5.Chocolate and cream.6.Apocalypse Now.7.Ivan Lendl.8.An engraving in a tree trunk. 9.a.Switzerland.10.a.Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas.b.The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire).c.Wonderful Christmas Time.d.Last Christmas.e.I believe in Father Christmas.11. Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. 12.a.Van Gogh.b.Sandro Botticelli.c. Hieronymus Bosch.d.JMW Turner.13.

Lucy.14.Shine.15.a.self contained underwater breathing apparatus.b. joint photographic experts group.c. president of the United States.d. Thomas A.Swift's electric rifle.16. Captain Hook.Pirates in Peter Pan.17. Four (Te-Tellurium, H-Hydrogen, RaRadium, N-Nitrogen).18.Witch Hunter. He gave himself the unofficial title 'Witch Finder General'.19.a.Cecilia (Simon and Garfunkel), b.Venus (Shocking Blue), c.Billie Jean (Michael Jackson), d.Ruby Tuesday (Rolling Stones), e.Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac).20.a.Dutch, b. Korean, c.Latin, d.Greek

Monday 27th March - Sunday 2nd April 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
An explosive start saw Fran open the scoring for Thader on 9 just mins Players with Telfy sports presenter Jose.
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