No 924 Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
The consequences of the environmental deterioration of the Mar Menor in economic activities include the loss of tourists to other coastal areas, the reduction in the value of homes and the increase in the failure of local business, according to a study from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT). For the thesis, carried out by Dr. Genoveva Aparicio, satellite images have been used to correlate chlorophyll levels with the evolution of tourism and the results of companies, from various sectors, located around the salty lagoon, according to the report. The results show that when water pollution worsens, coastal tourists move to other destinations. "Once a certain level of environmental contamination is exceeded, tourists perceive its negative effect and this negatively influences their expectations," explained the researcher. The thesis has also found a correlation between pollution and business failure in different activities, not only those related to tourism. The director of the research, Mari Luz Maté, explained that improving the quality of seawater has "a positive and significant impact on the probability of survival of companies in most of the sectors". In this way, "envi-
ronmental pollution has more impact on the failure of companies than other characteristics, such as their age or their assets", she said. According to the study, companies in the agricultural sector also have a greater probability of failure if pollution levels are higher and the environmental factor also plays a relevant role in the survival of construction companies. "In the case of companies in the tourism and real estate sector, we found that pollution does not have a significant effect. However, the distance to the beach is a relevant factor, increasing the probability of bankruptcy of companies located near to the beach, which may be an indirect indicator of the relationship with environmental deterioration", they added. Compared to the south of the Alicante coast, the prices of homes in the Mar Menor show value which is 45 percent less in the period 20152021, according to a Bank of Spain report from autumn 2021, that is also cited in the thesis. In monetary terms, the houses in the Mar Menor would cost up to 500 euro less per square metre than those in the south of Alicante. The global quantification of this environmental deterioration and property value rises to 4,1 billion euro.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
637 227 385
Phil ‘Powers’ the O.W.S Darts League to R.B.L Donation ADVERTISING SALES
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Following the successful auction of "The Power and the Glory" artwork, by Chelsea Campbell, at the O.W.S. darts league presentation, Danny’s Bar team captain Bob Smith, finally took possession of the iconic work from league chairman Paul Durrant. The funds raised, a princely sum of 300 euro and have been donated to the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the Royal British Legion and it’s Poppy Appeal. Bob, a former serving soldier for 35 years, seeing active service in the Falklands, Northern Ireland, the Gulf, Belize and Kenya, now leads a more sedate life playing golf and darts, but he is still very much involved in fund raising for the R.B.L. Forthcoming golf events, raising much needed funds for the Legion, and for The On Course Foundation, are still very much part of his social activities. The One Way Services darts league resumes in September. Any team wishing to participate in the popular Thursday league should express their interest prior to the A.G.M. in mid August, to The photo shows Bob Smith receiving the artwork from OWS League Chairman, Paul Durrant. The sum of 300 euro was presented to Orihuela Costa RBL Chairman Kevin Reardon directly after the handover.
29 CENTURIES OF HISTORY UNDER GUARDAMAR DUNES In July, Guardamar will open it’s guided tours around the spectacular site of La Fonteta, with a Phoenician settlement and a Caliphate rábita preserved under the sand. In the same way as the lava and ash buried Pompeii to keep it for posterity, the sand from the dunes of Guardamar made have preserved a Phoenician settlement since the 8th century BC and a caliphal rábita with 21 small oratories from the 10th century and now visits will shortly be available to the public at the extraordinary site.
The gates of La Fonteta, the main site, reveal the Phoenician settlement with a defensive wall, it’s towers and the remains of dwellings from the 8th century BC. And so far, only 10% of the land has been excavated, in an archaeological exploration that dates back to the eighties. One of the best conserved Phoenician sites in the whole of the Mediterranean
FULLY QUALIFIED BEAUTICIAN LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT Manicure. Pedicure. Facial treatments. Massage. Waxing. Hair dressing. M OV I N G T O R O J A L E S A R E A Call me, Cristina Jagoba. on whats app +353 (0)860590612 Email
The Phoenician port city of La Fonteta The City Council of Guardamar has taken a risk, allocating a major investment, financed with European funds, for the conservation and musealization of its important archaeological sites . Very few municipalities can offer a tour of Iberian, Phoenician, Roman and Muslim settlements in such a small area and with such a level of conservation. Tourism has already set prices for guided tours of these sites.
Mayor José Luis Sáez says that some challenges remain, such as refurbishing the archaeological museum, now located in a basement, as well as the move of two emblematic pieces: the Lady of Guardamar, a bust of Iberian origin discovered in the 1980s at the site of Cabezo Lucero and the tombstone with kufic characters of the founding inscription of the Rábita Califa l in 944, when Abd al-Ramán III was Caliph, now exhibited in the museum of Santa Clara de Murcia. "But recovering these pieces will not be easy, perhaps we can only opt for their temporary transfer," said Sáez.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
Motor fuel could reach 3 euro per litre as the price increases currently being suffered are not going to end for some time. In fact, it's going to get worse, as they increase to even more worrying levels. This is something that was always expected considering the spring that we have already suffered in this respect. So much so, that this summer, experts say that record prices will be reached where levels of 3 euros per litre could even be exceeded. This has been said at a press conference by Nacho Rabadán, general director of the Spanish Confederation of Service Station Entrepreneurs. This would be equivalent to spending a total of 150 euro to fill a 50-litre tank, that is, 50 euro more than what it cost to fill a tank in June 2022. “Refineries have maximised their diesel production because demand far exceeds supply and their refining margin when processing diesel is also very high, but now summer is coming in the northern hemisphere and with it an increase in demand for petrol and there is simply not enough". According to the International Energy Agency, this growing escalation is very likely to continue steadily in the event that no unexpected changes occur, particularly with the situation in Ukraine. "Price outcomes will largely depend on the degree to which existing sanctions imposed on Russia, any possible future sanctions and independent corporate actions, affect Russia's oil production or the sale of Russia's oil on the global market." Also to be taken into effect is that, due to the pandemic, a large number of refineries were closed. This brought with it a series of consequences that could be seen due to the drop in world stocks of diesel and other distillates. There has not been such a drop since 2008. That is why the European multinationals in this sector have made it known that Europe is in a crisis situation and there is the very real possibility of a shortage that could affect fuel. If that situation does arise, a state of fuel rationing would almost certainly be introduced. To this situation must also be added that of Algeria. «The refining industry is intensive in the use of gas and with current gas prices, 60% of the operating costs of a refinery are go to pay the gas bill. So all the ingredients in the shaker are pointing to a result of a sky-high priced cocktail.” A situation like this could end in the so-called destruction of
demand. This refers to the fact that when the price of fuel rises to exorbitant levels, the interest in obtaining fuel gradually disappears. Such a situation can then contain prices to some extent. For the moment it is not known if the supposed arrival of the three euro litre will appear, however, for the next month of July, it is estimated that the price will continue to rise by a small percentage of 0.35% for petrol and for diesel, 0.31%. FUEL DISCOUNT For more than two months, the rise in gasoline has affected drivers' pockets on a daily basis and the questions are recurrent. When will the price of gasoline go down? Why does it continue to go up? In recent weeks, gasoline and diesel have seen significant growth and have reached alltime highs. A rise that affects even more considering the cost of daily journeys and long car trips. To alleviate the consequences of the energy crisis, on Friday, April 1, a reduction of 20 cents per litre was introduced by the Government. That day, the average price of 95 gasoline was 1,819 euros, compared to 1,854 euros for diesel A. Diesel has contained prices in recent days, but gasoline has almost eliminated the saving factor of the state subsidy. Initially, the government measure was extended until June 30, but it has now been extended for up to three more months. The discount is applied at the time of payment, and that is why gas station panels still reflect market prices.
SPAIN IS FACING ITS THIRD SUMMER OF COVID. One week into the summer, the seventh wave of Covid sees Spain in a worse situation than at it was the end of last year. The ICUs are not currently under pressure, with just 342 beds occupied by Covid patients, but the current rate of hospitalisation is far worse than those of neighbours France, Italy and Germany, with the virus suffering a new upswing. This time last year the total number of people hospitalised was under 3,300. Now, it exceeds 6,700, more than double. The number of weekly deaths at 157 is also double that of a year ago when it was 82. With 120 Covid admissions per million inhabitants in seven days, the country far exceeds Italy's 31, Germany's 34 and France's 42, according to 'Our World in Data' . HEALTH MINISTRY BACKTRACKS ON FOURTH VACCINE PLAN Meanwhile, Spain’s health ministry backtracked after the head of the department, apparently incorrectly, announced that a fourth Covid vaccine doses would be available to everyone this autumn - for now, they confirm, they will only be for people over 80, nursing home residents, and people who are immunocompromised.
Bigastro Woman Charged with murder of 2-year old son The 32-year-old Albanian who was arrested on Monday by the Civil Guard for killing her two-year-old son in Bigastro has been sent to prison.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
637 227 385
Valencia confirms dates for 2022-23 School Year The Ministry of Education, has published the school calendar for the next academic year 2022-2023, thus confirming that schools will return after the summer on Monday 12 September, which will be the first day of class for students in Infant, Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Education, both in Basic Vocational Training (FPB) and in intermediate and higher degree qualifications. For the first time, the classes of Infant, Primary, ESO, Baccalaureate, FP and also those of the official language schools (EOI) will finish all at the same time. Thus, the last day of class for the next academic year 20222023 will be Wednesday 21 June. Students of the training programs of basic qualification (PFQB) and the FPB of second opportunity, will also finish classes on June 21. The Ministry has published this calendar after listening to the whole educational community, teachers' unions, employers, the families and the students. In the case of both the PFQBs and the second-chance FPBs, classes for the 2022-2023 academic year will begin on Wednesday 14 September. Adult Education (FPA) will begin
on Monday, September 19, and end on Friday, June 16. In music and dance arts education, elementary and professional; professional teaching of fine arts and design, and special sports instruction, classes will begin on Wednesday, September 21 and end on Friday, June 16. The Christmas holidays for teachers and students are set from Friday 23 December to Friday 6 January, both days included, and Easter, from Thursday 6 to Monday 17 April, also both included. The next academic year 20222023 will have regional holidays on: Wednesday 12 October, Tuesday 1 November, Tuesday 6 and Thursday 8 December, and also Monday 1 May.
It should be borne in mind that this is the common school calendar for the whole region, from which each council can add three local non-school days, as well as local holidays, in case any of the two days that belong to each municipality is held on a school day. Therefore, now the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year has been published in the DOGV, the municipal school councils (CEM), which are the highest body of the educational community in a municipality, or the town councils, with regard to small towns that do not have CEM, will complete their own calendar with their local holidays and non-school days.
GARBAGE, GARBAGE EVERYWHERE Whether you are living or visiting the Orihuela Costa, undoubtedly you have noticed the incredible amount of trash, both in and out of the bins.
The mother, with a long history of drug addiction, said that the child had hit his head when he was playing under a table, but an autopsy revealed that he suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest but that death was not due to natural causes. He had bruises on his neck and injuries consistent with previous episodes of ill-treatment.
As a contribution to the community, Rotary Punta Prima International will be picking up litter along the 332, at 10:00 AM, Sunday June 26. We will meet by the Burger King and work south. Come for as long as you can. Depending
on the weather, we may only be an hour. Everyone is welcome and all help appreciated. Bring your gloves, other equipment supplied. For more information email or call: Valerie mobile: +34 643 713 979. Christine - mobile: +34 693 523 905 FB: RotaryPuntaPrimaInternational
SUNDAY SHOPPING BACK UNDERWAY Shops that are located in the tourist areas of the Valencia Region were able to open their doors again on Sundays from yesterday, 19 June, according to the regulations of the Generalitat. A spokesperson for the Asociación Nacional de Grandes Empresas de Distribución (ANGED) in the Valencian Community, Joaquín Cerveró, explained that "from Sunday, June 19, all businesses in the areas of great tourist influx in the cities of Valencia, Alicante and the rest of the Valencian Community will be able to open their doors uninterruptedly until January, thus returning to social and commercial normality. He has anticipated that in 2022 the Community will receive 10 million foreign tourists, who will leave an income of more than 9 billion euro. “A large part of this expense is directed to face-to-face commerce in Valencia, Alicante and Castelló. All this supported by the growing weight of the online channel in our sector, which complements a better service to our customers through omnichannel”, he commented.
Once the violent death of the child and the mother's attempted suicide were confirmed, the court ordered the transfer of his twin brother to the Alicante General Hospital where he was examined to see if he also had any internal injuries, where it was verified that there were also signs of previous injuries, for which the Civil Guard has now charged the mother with murder and another of causing injuries to the family environment for the other child. The event occurred last Saturday night in the town of Bigastro. The emergency services received a call alerting them of a two-year-old child who was foaming at the mouth and had dyspnoea. At first, the mother said that her son had accidentally hit himself under a table while he was playing, and was not breathing. On their arrival the Emergency Services could only confirm the boy’s death. Initially the mother was admitted to the psychiatric wing of the Vega Baja Hospital after trying to kill herself by taking pills, but upon her discharge she was arrested by the Civil Guard.
Linda is a fun, 3 month old, who is just waiting for her forever family Is it you? For more info 966710047 (leave a message) / or WhatsApp 688792515
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
637 227 385
Life Was Cheaper Way Back When Watching the steady rise in the level of prices and the staggering fall of money's purchasing power, it is all too easy for elderly sages (you're making me blush!) to compare the past favourably with the present. "The past is a foreign country," wrote L.P. Hartley in his novel 'The GoBetween.' "They do things differently there." And he said a mouthful there, even if he was chewing the end of his pen at the time. When I describe my early years to members of the younger generation, they look at me as if I'm talking about a different century. And come to think of it, that is exactly what I am doing. You can't erase the past but you can reinterpret it and pull down its statues as you come to view its heroes in a different light. Read history without your rose-tinted glasses, is my advice. Were you trying to cheer yourself up by buying them? History, like people, doesn't always age well. The past, arguably, had its moments. There were no parking meters, but then hardly anyone owned a car. We
didn't have global warming but neither were there Winter Fuel payments for pensioners. People may not have laughed more, but they scowled less. Jobs were available, unemployment benefits less so. And there were trams capable of travelling backwards. Best of all, some might say, families dined together at tables, using cutlery, rather than fingers for pizza and creaking jaws for king-size burgers. How swanky was that?
sophisticated toys work, as we all are. Although I used to be able to change a blown fuse or bring a dead car battery back to life with jump leads. It is the future that has turned out to be a foreign country, different from the one most of us envisaged, where we were lottery winners who played in a band and won Nobel prizes in our spare time, however did we manage all of that? It has recently been a world of masks and lateral flow tests and keeping other people at arm's length, except nurses with needles in their hands.
Not possessing so many gizmos and woofers and tweeters and multi-track dubbing, popular music had to be more inventive in times gone by. When did you last find yourself humming a rap lyric as you sat watching a beautiful sunset? Sunsets were visible in those days without intervening high-rise buildings. And there was no smog in Hong Kong Harbour, to name but one, and one could sit and watch the ships depart, even at sunset.
Life was cheaper in the past -- ask any war veteran -- and unlike now, shopping was just a thing you had to do, rather than a hobby. But just like now, vaccination was free, whether we liked it or not. Life is much dearer now, double entendre intended, which is, I suppose, why very few people refuse a jab or four. Don't buy one, then get three more free. I wish some shops had offers like that.
Kids are more tech-savvy nowadays, when it comes to sitting bleary-eyed in front of Xboxes and PlayStations, but are ignorant as to how those
CAMPOAMOR PRESENTATION OF 11 BLUE FLAGS The Minister of Ecological Transition, Mireia Mollà, together with the mayor of Orihuela, Carolina Gracia, and the vice president of Adeac, Virginia Yuste, bestowed 158 blue flags that recognize the quality and services of beaches and marinas across 45 municipalities on Tuesday. The ceremony took place at the Dehesa de Campoamor Yacht Club where the mayor spoke of the role of the blue flag, saying that it was a real opportunity to promote municipalities, which motivates a responsibility for the protection of natural environ-
ments. “We are talking about recognition of the quality of water, beaches and the services that are found in the area. And this recognition is transformed into real opportunities to promote these locations and our own cities. They act as powerful poles of attraction for the power of transmission of excellence and confidence to those who live in these coastal areas and, especially, to those who come as tourists”. “Today we received 11 blue flags plus a further blue flag for the marina precisely here
in Campoamor. We are the first municipality in the Valencian Community and the second in all of Spain with the most blue flags”, said the mayor. In addition, Gracia spoke of the need and obligation to care for our natural surroundings, tourism and care for our environment, which must always go hand in hand.” Blue flags were collected for 11 beaches at Punta Prima, Cala Bosque, La Caleta, Cala Capitán, Aguamarina, Campoamor, Barranco Rubio, Cala Estaca, Cala Mosca, Cala Cerrada and Mil Palmeras.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
SPAIN: A COUNTRY OUT OF HOLLYWOOD Robert and wife in Denia (statue allegedly commemorating 50 year anniversary of filming of John Paul Jones)
If you are looking for a bit of added value this summer; if multiple landscapes, varied gastronomy and good weather are not enough, you might be interested in a bit of film tourism. If Spain is already a fantastic country for you, it's also worth knowing that many foreign films have been shot here. In fact, according to the website some 900 films and 40 series have been shot in English, and the number continues to grow. This non-profit project is run by retired his-
tory and English teacher Robert Yareham, born in London, but 40 years in Valencia, and now a 'Brexile' with Spanish nationality. Part of the project is called ‘Pueblos de Película’, and consists of talks with other film experts, and has included writers such as John Carlin (author of the book on which the film Invictus, with Matt Damon, is based) Victor Matellano (author of El Hollywood Español and director of several films) Laura Tejerina (an expert in film tourism), Ramón Herrera (with several books on filming in Navarra) Jaume Palau (expert on James Bond
and Game of Thrones filming), Margarida Araya (expert on Sir Laurence Olivier), Sergio García (co-founder of the Sad Hill Cemetery project), Eugenio Fontaneda (Fontaneda Foundation). Some of the towns where conferences have already been given are Oropesa, Toledo; Berlanga de Duero, Soria; Valladolid; Loarre, Huesca; Cardona, Barcelona; Jávea, Alicante; Hondarribia, Guipúzcoa; Lara, Burgos; Begúr, Girona; Cuenca; Sigüenza, Guadalajara; Chinchón, Madrid; Uclés, Cuenca; Sajazarra,
La Rioja; Ampudia, Palencia; Sitges, Barcelona and Covarrubias, Burgos. A passion for Spain, where his wife, three children and grandson were born (and perhaps also a fear of flying) means that Mr Yareham spends his holidays touring Spain. This summer he will be in the provinces of Toledo, Salamanca, Zamora and Ourense, photographing locations for films such as Doctor Zhivago, Terminator (Dark Destiny), Goya's Ghosts, Valle de Espadas or Romasanta.
‘Everything counts.... Athlone’s Kevin Fahy, presented a Brian Treacy management course in Newland’s Cross, well over 20 years ago. You may have heard me on about that week-long ‘studenting’ previously, but it is well worth another mention. I signed up – principally because I knew Kevin and he was very persuasive! In fairness to myself, I already knew a lot of what was taught on the course, but I still came away a smarter man than when I entered. Several of the ‘themes of the day’ stuck with me, including, ‘Everything Counts.’ But first can we park all that I learned from Kevin, and tell you about one useful lesson that I taught him? (When I got hired to write this column, there was never a mention of modesty being listed as a necessary qualification!) The subject of the day was the ‘Difficult Customer.’ The class of around 30 was brainstorming to come up with answers as to how to deal with various challenging scenarios. ‘The customer is always right’, was bandied about from table to table. I asked, what if you are trying to deal with a customer that cannot be satisfied, what do you do?
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
One day some years later I met Kevin Fahy on the street in Mullingar. After the usual pleasantries and small talk, Kevin brought up my contribution to the ‘difficult customer’ class. “You were of course right in what you said that day!” he said. Praise indeed, from a man I admired! One of the most important lessons I learned on that course is that ‘everything counts.’ How often do we hear, ‘that doesn’t matter’, or ‘it’s only a little thing.’ For every action there is a reaction, and also for every inaction there is a consequence. I know my staff used laugh and ridicule me for being too finicky; but my answer always was that the day that the least important set of rules go by default, the next layer will follow soon thereafter. We all know the story of the battle that was lost for the want of a nail. The horse lost the nail, then the shoe and misfortune followed misfortune until the battle was lost. This reminds me of a somewhat similar story. Back in the day when ploughing was done by a ploughman with a pair of horses – or in the case of my father, one horse and a ‘one horse plough.’ Anyway, I digress:
I was told there is no such person. I asked, ‘what if somebody masquerading as a customer just doesn’t like you, ‘has their knife in you’, and just enjoys giving you a hard time? ‘You have to give them something … let them feel they won,’ I was told. The following was my final word that day … which may have shocked some young business college graduates on the course: “I know I cannot win by proving somebody wrong from my side of the counter; but I am only prepared to take so much. Deep down in me somewhere … it could be at the bottom of my stomach; but somewhere down there inside me, I reserve the right to tell somebody who has tested every other reasonable avenue, that the best thing they can do now is to
‘Everything Counts’, no matter how big or how small. Adopting this philosophy will give you greater awareness and self-discipline. It is simple, yet very powerful if you think about it. Even what you say and your every thought has a direction. Two simple words, but there is a depth of wisdom therein.
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
‘f**k off!.”
A large farmer near us employed a ploughman. One evening, the ploughman was seen limping across the yard after a hard day’s work. ‘What’s wrong with you’, asked his boss. The workman, expected kudos for his answer: ‘I had a stone in my boot and I didn’t want to waste time taking it out’, he said. The farmer fired the ploughman on the spot, saying, ‘If the stone was in the horse’s hoof, you wouldn’t have stopped to take it out either.’ Everything counts!
637 227 385
Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
GARDEN FELIX - THYME., Over 50 varieties and fragrances Thyme - fragrant ornamental thyme - and culinary thyme varieties, can add a savory note to summer soups, grilled meats, and vegetables with its pungent, clover flavour.
I sometimes watch those ‘Air Crash Investigation’ programmes on TV. Most do not have a good ending. The happy stories of ‘Sully’ and ‘Freefall – The Gimli Glider’
are very much the exception. One such crash investigation I recall was that of a Japan Airlines Flight, which crashed with the catastrophic loss of more than 500 lives. The cause of the disaster was found to be an improperly installed steel plate during routine repair work. The mechanic felt there was no need for all the rivets to be replaced and he only inserted every second one. Over time, the metal plate expanded and came loose, causing the aeroplane to fall from the sky. After the result of the enquiry was announced, the Japanese fitter believed he was honour-bound to kill himself and another life was added to the fatalities. A costly example of the truism that ‘everything counts!’ DON’T FORGET Some pursue happiness – others create it!
when the soil is completely dry. Prune the plants back in the spring and summer, to contain growth, in early spring fertilise with organic matter. Every three to four years the plant will need to be divided or replaced, as older plants are woody and the leaves are less flavourful.
Thyme is a low-growing hardy perennial, a fragrant herb, with small, fragrant leaves and thin, woody stems, with culinary varieties being evergreen.
Take a cutting, by clipping a three-inch cutting from the very tip of a stem, apply rooting hormone on the exposed portion of the stem, and plant it in either sterile sand or vermiculite.
There are over 50 varieties, all with different fragrances and flavours, the herb being drought and pollinator friendly - if you let thyme plants flower, bees love this herb.
Roots will emerge within about six weeks. Transfer to a small pot, let the root ball form, and then transfer to a larger pot, or directly to your garden.
Thyme can grow in the ground or in a container, with new leaves emerging in early spring, thriving in full sun and needing well-draining soil.
Harvest thyme is just before the plant flowers, simply cut off the top five to six inches of growth, leaving tough, woody parts.
It hates having 'wet feet' - so water deeply only
Always leave at least five inches of growth, so
that the plant will continue to thrive. Trim thyme, whenever it gets leggy and try not to wash the leaves, as it will remove some of the essential oils. Burning thyme can help rid insects in your house.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
Tourism Director visits Ukrainian Training Course in Torrevieja The training seeks to provide professional qualifications, so that Ukrainians arriving into the area will be able to take on jobs in the Tourism Sector and better integrate into their new environment. he general director of Tourism in the Valencia region, Herick Campos, visited the CdT tourism centre in Torrevieja this week, to see how the participants in the training program aimed at Ukrainian refugees is progressing.
Campos said that "92 people from Ukraine have already taken part in the courses that have been taught at the CdT in Torrevieja" and explained that "we are going to start shortly with new courses in Torrevieja in which another 80 refugees from Ukraine will be able to participate". "This will mean that 175 refugees will be able to have complementary training at the CdT Torrevieja", said Campos, who added that the objec-
the Ministry of Health has barely lasted two weeks in the post. The new coordinator of the service has left office, sources from the management of the health department have confirmed. Reports say that the person in question "has decided to develop other personal training projects not linked to the hospital".
One of the emergency management additions brought in to Torrevieja Hospital by
One other departure is an emergency doctor with the most experience in the service, almost fifteen years. José Peris left the service a few days ago, exhausted from a situation for which said he saw no solution.
New schedules for Alicante and Corvera Airport Bus Services tive of these courses is "to facilitate labour integration for the duration of the stay of the Ukrainian refugees among us". It should be noted that the courses are taught in the Ukrainian language with material in their mother tongue, they are free, face-to-face and are organised in those CdT centres around the region where there is a minimum number of necessary students. Campos highlighted that from the Generalitat "we work to promote the best tourism training through our CdT, from where we open a wide range of training. In addition, these centres are also a space for innovation and meeting for everyone employed in the tourism sector".
The express bus service that links Torrevieja with Alicante-Elche Airport will be operating a new timetable from 27 June. From that date, the bus will depart Torrevieja at: 07:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 and 20:00. The return service will depart Alicante-Elche Airport at: 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00 and 21:00. The same timetable will operate every day. You can also buy tickets for the Torrevieja to Alicante-Elche Airport bus service from their website,, where you can also get more information on all their other local services.
CORVERA AIRPORT BUS SERVICE The long-awaited bus service between Cartagena, Murcia and Corvera also got underway last week with 12 daily buses as follows: Murcia - Corvera: 8.30am; 12.30pm; 7pm Corvera - Murcia: 11.25am; 2.55pm; 9.25pm Cartagena - Corvera: 10.30am; 2pm; 9.25pm Corvera - Cartagena: 9.10am; 1.10pm; 7.40pm
RYANAIR CABIN CREW IN SPAIN VOTE TO STRIKE IN MASS WALK-OUT As though the airport delays and flight cancellations are not already causing dismay among European holidaymakers, travellers in Spain could face yet more chaos after Ryanair cabin crew voted to hold six days of strikes during June and July demanding “guarantees of decent work conditions for all personnel.” Ryanair currently operates out of 20 Spanish airports which could all be brought to a virtual standstill if workers affiliated with two Spanish unions, USO and SITCPLA, go ahead with their threatened action, scheduled for 24, 25, 26 and 30 June, as well as on the first two days of July. However, a spokesperson from Ryanair said “We do not expect widespread disruption, as most staff are affiliated with different unions who have reached agreements with Ryanair. “We believe that the strike calls will not be supported by our Spanish crews.” The two unions meanwhile claim otherwise as they threaten to coordinate action with other Ryanair staff in Belgium, France, Italy and Portugal. Travel experts claim that after 191,000 airport staff were made redundant during ‘lockdown,’ as travel demand surges once again, airports and airlines are too short-staffed to handle the passengers in such large numbers. The airline industry say that they have launched a recruitment drive, but Air Council International - Europe's trade body for airports - predicts that delays are
inevitable at two-thirds of European airports this summer. With thousands of flights cancelled over the past month, the strike is the latest to beset European travel. Last week, industrial action forced multiple budget airlines - including Ryanair - to cancel flights to and from Italy, while a Thursday morning strike meant that Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport had to scrap 100 flights. And during June, hundreds of British Airways staff at London’s Heathrow will vote on whether or not to walk off the job to protest pay conditions with GMB - the union leading the UK strike action - warning that British Airways, which has already been forced to scrap 8,000 flights from its MarchOctober schedule, will face a “gruelling summer of travel chaos” if the company doesn’t offer staff a pay hike.
1960 - Eddie Cochran was at No.1 with the single 'Three Steps To Heaven'. The American singer had been killed almost 3 months earlier in a car crash while touring the UK. 1963 – 13 year old Stevie Wonder first entered the charts as Little Stevie Wonder with 'Fingertips Parts One and Two.' 'Fingertips' featured a young Marvin Gaye on drums. 1969 - American singer and actress, Judy Garland, died aged 47. She made more than two dozen films and famously played Dorothy in the 1939 film 'Wizard Of Oz', where she also sang 'Over The Rainbow'.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
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1998 - Baddiel, Skinner & Lightning Seeds went to No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Three Lions '98' released for the football World Cup ‘98. 1999 – Eric Clapton put 100 of his guitars up for auction at Christie's in New York City to raise money for his drug rehab clinic, the Crossroads Centre in Antigua. His 1956 Fender Stratocaster named Brownie, which was used to record the electric version of ‘Layla’, sold for a record $497,500 (over £400k). The auction helped raise nearly $5 million for the clinic. 2000 - 39 year old Karen McNeil who claimed she was the wife of Axl Rose and that she communicated with him telepathically was jailed for one year for stalking the singer. 2004 - Organisers at a Paul McCartney gig hired three jets to spray dry ice into the clouds so it wouldn't rain during the concert. The gig in Petersburg, Russia, was McCartney's 3,000 concert appearance. He had performed 2,535 gigs with the Quarrymen and The Beatles, 140 gigs with Wings and 325 solo shows.
it's fully grown." 2019 - A fan who went into labour at Pink’s concert in Liverpool successfully gave birth at the venue – and named the newborn after the pop star herself. Two medics, who were on duty as crowd doctors, took the fan to the stadium’s first aid room, where they delivered the baby.
2009 – Michael Jackson died at the age of 50, after suffering heart failure at his home in Beverly Hills. The eighth child of the Jackson family, he debuted with his brothers as a member of The Jackson 5 in 1964. Dubbed ‘The King Of Pop’ he is regarded as one of the best selling music artists of all time.
1976 - TV talent show winners from Liverpool ‘The Real Thing’ were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'You To Me Are Everything', the group's only No.1 hit. 1989 - George Michael received the Silver Clef Award for outstanding achievements to British Music.
2011 - It was reported in the Irish press that U2’s Bono’s wandering peahen was causing havoc for some south Dublin residents. The peahen, the less spectacular coloured female partner to a male peacock had arrived in the Ard Mhuire housing estate in Killiney near to where the singer lived. One newspaper ran the headline: "Bono's cock drives me nuts". Local woman Susan McKeon said she first noticed the bird at night. "It had a tiny head and a huge body. It was actually quite ugly but I don't think
George and Brenda Stanhope, Greg Bannis and Andrew Atkinson
A NIGHT ON BROADWAY S32 are pleased to announce that they are now planning their Autumn show which will be a celebration of award winning musicals and will be called ‘A Night on Broadway’.
You Sexy Thing Los Montesinos resident Brenda Stanhope celebrated her 81st birthday on June 12 - with a surprise concert by former Hot Chocolate lead singer Greg Bannis in Quesada. Leader reporter Andrew Atkinson arranged a meet and greet with friend, Murcia based Greg, lead singer with Hot Chocolate for 18 years, who sang 70s hit 'You Sexy Thing' especially for Manchester born Brenda. "Congratulations to Brenda in celebrating her 81st birthday. She's a lovely lady. It was a pleasure meeting her," said Greg.
We are always looking for people to join our group who can, or have the aspirations to sing, dance and act, or who have experience working in the theatre backstage, in lighting, sound etc and in particular who have experience working with costumes. If you are that person and would like further information on our theatre company or you would like to book tickets for our show please visit our website to book tickets online, email: or call 679 062 272’
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 923
ACROSS 1. Abdicate (4,4) 5. Side (4) 9. Stinging insect (4) 10. Long-necked animals (8) 11. Fruit (5) 12. Blow up (7) 13. The masons, for example (6,7) 18. Without equal (8) 19. Flat-bottomed boat (4) 20. Performer (7) 21. Stiff (5) 22. Paddles (4) 23. Status (8) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
Trudge (7)
Well-liked (7)
Very pale (5,2,1,5)
Ensure observance of (7)
Enigma (7)
French (6)
Opera singer (7)
Maker (7)
Join up (6)
Unstated (7)
Strain (7)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Recess; 4 Schism; 9 Centre-forward; 10 Strange; 11 Apple; 12 Stick; 14 Devon; 18 Allot; 19 Admirer; 21 Extraordinary; 22 Rudder; 23 Demean. DOWN: 1 Racist; 2 Congratulated; 3 Siren; 5 Corsage; 6 Inappropriate; 7 Midges; 8 Often; 13 Cottage; 15 Career; 16 Parry; 17 Crayon; 20 Maize. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Tester; 4 Viewer; 9 Exaggerations; 10 Shivers; 11 Negus; 12 Gnome; 14 Heats; 18 Roans; 19 Hapless; 21 Puts on one side; 22 Perish; 23 Knight. DOWN: 1 Theism; 2 Station-master; 3 Eagle; 5 Intense; 6 Wool-gathering; 7 Resist; 8 Crush; 13 Mascots; 15 Wrap up; 16 Throw; 17 Ascent; 20 Paean.
ACROSS 1. Give an account of rice beds, perhaps (8) 5. Stylish like some French ices (4) 9. Silver artist in India (4) 10. Fish straying out (8) 11. Another name for a sail that’s put around (5) 12. One who prefers the cream? (7) 13. Daffodils and tulips jumping out of bed? (6,7) 18. Possibly metering the soldiers (8) 19. Spreading like wildfire? (4) 20. Former husband a metre out from the furthest point (7) 21. Killed and cooked snail (5) 22. Playwright having to wash up (4) 23. Striving snake I telephone (8)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Who's first film (THX1138) flopped in 1971? 2. Bearbrass, founded by John Batman, was the original name of which city? 3. A computer programming language named after 17th century French mathematician? 4. The Soldiers Song is the National Anthem of what Country? 5. The French call it "La Mort aux Trousses", what is the title of the Alfred Hitchcock film in English? 6. What is Defecolagnia? 7. A girl's name, a pass made by a bullfighters cape and a Dutch radio station. Eight letters 8. What branch of mathematics is named for the Latin for pebble? 9. According to the poem who dug the grave for cock robin? 10. TV: what was the full name of the butler in "soap" - later became a spin-off? 11. What is a Paradiddle? 12. A Curofact is a sexual fetish about what?
DOWN 2. Urge to throw a drink (7) 3.
Indian food a man has at one (7)
Careless sandwich-maker? (13)
Possibly hire one female character (7)
Yes coot can be exchanged for prairie wolves (7)
Fashionable girl has to leave one colour (6)
13. Shows or hides (7) 14. Great trouble for the soldiers at Cowes? (7) 15. Figure it’s less sensitive (6) 16. Bird that is an awful brawler (7) 17. Rowdy disrupting the funfair (7)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 13. Thumb Lock, Mongolian Release, Mediterranean Draw, what sport? 14. Who famously failed an audition for "Fame" because they were not pretty enough? 15. Gift question: What Musical instrument is named after the Greek for "wooden sound"? 16. What Hollywood star was the inspiration for Bugs Bunny? 17. In Iceland it is called "Glima", in Iran "Kushti", in Turkey "Yagli" and in Russia "Sambo", what? 18. What sporting trophy is named after the US secretary of war in the 1920s? 19. What English word meaning disaster comes from Italian for flask? 20. The Sea Cook was the original title of which very famous novel? 21. What type of creature is a Thickhead? 22. On which Mediterranean island was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
OP ‘CROSSING THE STRAIT’ REOPENS Following a closure that lasted for two years, Spain has resumed Operation ‘Crossing the Strait’, which will allow movement between the continent of Europe and Africa for three months. Operation Crossing the Strait is the largest migration movement between the two continents. The operation was implemented in 1986 to facilitate the movement of people via the Strait that separates Europe and Africa. The Strait was originally shut back in March 2020 and remained like that until April due to a political dispute between the two countries and the COVID-19 pandemic. However, now that Spain has decided to resume THE operation, MoroccanS living in Europe will be able to return home for their summer holidays, reports.
According to Euractiv, more than three million North Africans are expected to visit their home countries this summer, from June 15 until September 15. Therefore, this seasonal migration has been called by the Spanish government as one of the biggest flows of people across the two continents.
The operation will allow shipping companies, ports, and hotels to recover from the losses registered in the last two years.
The biggest flow of people reaching Morocco is expected from June 27 until July 3 as schools in Europe go on summer break. The same source explains that the port of Algeciras, as well as the port of Tarifa, are two key points of the operation due to their proximity to the Port of Tangier in Morocco and Ceuta. The operation also affects ports in southern Spain and northern Morocco, such as Motril in Granada. The latter expects to serve around 150,000 passengers bound for the Moroccan
Boy drowns after arm caught in a pool suction pump in Alicante A seven-year-old boy drowned in a swimming pool in Cabo de las Huertas, Alicante after his hand got caught in one of the bottom drains, the safety grid of which had become dislodged. Neighbors and local police officers jumped into the pool in an attempt to rescue the minor but were not able to free him until the power supply had been cut and the suction system of the sewage treatment plant had stopped working. After removing the boy from the pool they tried unsuccessfully to revive him butthe SAMU could only certify his death.
cities of Nador and Ahucemas and the Spanish city of Melilla.
police officers. The authorities have said that
In order to make sure that everything goes smoothly, Spain has deployed more than 15,000
planned and without any incidents despite their
they are confident that the process will go as previous dispute.
The National Police has opened an investigation to clarify the circumstances of the drowning and have collected witness reports from urbanisation residents who claim that it is "negligence" on the part of the maintenance company, since the grid of the drain was "damaged and deteriorated".
Woman pulled from sea in La Mata
The tragic accident occurred around 2:45 p.m. last Wednesday in an urbanization on Calle Oceano, in the Residencia Bulevar Cantalar. There were three children in the pool at the time although the lifeguard was not there as at 2:30 p.m. she had begun her break.
The CICU was alerted that a woman had been pulled unconscious from the water on La Mata Beach in Torrevieja. A SAMU unit and an SVB unit travelled to the scene of the events. Members of the lifeguard service had performed cardiac massage on the swimmer.
The boy had his hand trapped in a drain and since the treatment plant was running he was not able to remove his arm due to the power of the suction.
The medical services managed to stabilize a 68-year-old woman who had been dragged out of the sea on Thursday morning at La Mata beach, but on arrival at the Torrevieja Hospital she had died
The SAMU medical team continued with advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other recovery techniques and were able to stabilize her, but upon her arrival at the Torrevieja Hospital she had died.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733 La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is
one). For more info see our website at: Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2020 Ford Focus ST3 petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 37,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
GENERAL Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934.
MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert
Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The JuneMeeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 21 July at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Guest speaker. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to
SHARE THE COST OF BUYING AN APARTMENT I am looking for someone to share the cost of buying a 2 bed apartment in Los Alcazares. Total cost is 100k so 50k each.
Please contact Fintan on +353 86 878 1317
637 227 385
visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966.
Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;
PERSONAL Diana from Greece. 47 year old lady. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Beautiful, sweet, natural body. Private apartment. Calle Gil Vallejo 5, Torrevieja. Call 663 817 943 Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050. Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy
in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year. Do massage erotic with happy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
NADIA... SO SWEET MONDALVIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 276 205
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
ANA SEXY AND ELEGANT Spanish lady. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English.
HELEN... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON. Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.
Tel. 665 736 488
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
FALKLANDS VICTIMS REMEMBERED AT LA SIESTA MEMORIAL SERVICE La Siesta church was the venue on Tuesday for a coming together of local Veterans Associations on the 40th anniversary of the ending of the Falklands War. The congregation included three former merchant and servicemen who served in Op Corporate, the UK mission to reclaim the islands, Pipe Major Brian Day, formerly of the Scots Guards, Kevin Bridge who served with 9 Para Squadron RE and Peter McWatt who was a cook on the North Sea Car Ferry that went to war, the Norland. With RBL, RNA and RMA standards piped into the church by the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums, the service, led by Father Richard Seabrook, got underway
with a short hymn, followed by his welcome and introduction. Fr. Seabrook spoke of the many friends that he still has in Argentina saying that it is important to remember the dead and injured from both sides, as well as those many veterans who, though they survived, still suffer from the affects of the Falklands War, where 255 British personnel, 649 Argentines and three civilian Islanders were killed in the 74 days of bitter fighting. Following the Exhortation, Bugler Mark Benton played the last post after which there was 2-minutes of silence in honour of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Pipe Major Brian Day playing during the laying of the wreaths Falklands Vets, Brian Day, Peter McWatt and Kevin Bridge
Following the Reveille Pipe Major Brian Day played a soulful lament after which the reading was given by the Chairman of the Royal Naval Association, Tony Jenkins. There was a lively rendition of the National Anthem followed by the Kohima Epitaph, after which The Military Standards were paraded out of the church to the Garden of Remembrance for the Laying of Wreaths, with Pipe Major Day playing in the background, a poignant ceremony led by DD Veteran Joe Billet. As the La Siesta service was brough to an end The Royal British Legion was holding the UK’s main commemorative event to mark the end of the conflict at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.
Joe Billet lays the first wreath
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
‘Blondenurse’ is one ‘handle’ being used on Tik Tok to recruit emergency doctors for Torrevieja hospital, the username of an ‘influencer’ in Murcia with over 350,000 followers.
More than 500 sailors will take part in the classic 'Tabarca Vela Diputación de Alicante' regatta, which is scheduled to take place from July 7 to 10. The twenty-sixth edition will also include one of the four Iberdrola Women's Sailing League events, reserved for the class J80.
The new service head is using social networks, including Instagram and Tik Tok, to try to attract doctors at the start of the busy summer season.
The 'Tabarca Vela Diputación de Alicante' trophy is a high-level cruiser regatta, included in the official national calendar and a prelude to the Copa del Rey.
In the opinion of José Juan Zaplana, Alicante regional deputy of the PP, who holds Ximo Puig directly responsible for the situation “this is a demonstration of the desperation of the health authority.”
Potential to create Province of Cartagena The president of the Partido Popular in the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, has said that he "likes" the proposal of creating the Province of Cartagena. In fact, in many aspects, he believes that "it would be very good for Cartagena and also for the Region and, therefore, for Spain."
Reckless driver arrested in Gran Alacant Local Police in Santa Pola have arrested an individual after he was found to be driving recklessly and putting the lives of others in danger.
‘Blondenurse’ on TIK TOK
At first it seemed like a good idea, but now, with the wave of criticism that the Torrevieja health department receives on a daily basis, it seems as though it is not going to end well at all. The management of the University Hospital of Torrevieja has said that since last October it has been carrying out an active search for health professionals, especially doctors for the Emergency Service. They have confirmed that conventional
Orihuela town hall has put out to tender the contract for the rental of 9 vehicles and the acquisition of personal protection equipment for the collection of prunings this summer for an amount of 48,725.13 euro (IVA included). The contract will be used to provide equipment to the 100 workers (90 workers and 10 agricultural foremen) who are going to be hired thanks to a subsidy from SERVEF, which allocates 417,606 euro to adapt green spaces in districts and on the coast of the Orihuela municipality.
The identify campaigns by several recruitment company portals offering jobs to Nursing staff to in Norway with conditions that far exceed those offered in the Community and in the rest of Spain, and with salaries of 4,000 euros per month.
Black flags denote the two worst beaches in Alicante As every year, Ecologists in Action has presented it’s Black Flags to the worst beaches in Spain a total of flags of which two are in the province of Alicante. The beaches that have been awarded black flags are Cala Lanuza and Cala Baeza, located in El Campello, due to contamination, while Calpe's "Colossus" project has received a black flag for poor environmental management.
recruitment methods are not working so, in the absence of results, the new Emergency Department has resorted to social networks and the spontaneous and informal language of Tik Tok and Instagram. ‘blondenurse’, the username of a health "influencer" from Murcia with 350,000 followers, draws attention to the Torrevieja situation saying that "Emergency doctors are needed at the Torrevieja Hospital.” The "tiktok" clip then shows a nurse and the new head of the ER in an office where, smiling, they go on to present the conditions that Torrevieja can offer for emergency physicians. "An idyllic place, with long contracts, temporary internships where you can do many things and learn a lot. We have many beaches and beer, everything close at hand. It is a spectacular place to come and work,” adds a nurse. A short, direct, casual message of less than a minute.
1,500 square metres, as well as a 110-space car park, where two recharging points for electric vehicles are available. The new establishment has been built under demanding energy efficiency standards within the framework of Lidl's commitment to sustainability and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions to minimise the environmental impact of its business. In this way, the property incorporates an installation of nearly 1,000 square metres of photovoltaic panels that will generate 25% of the building's energy consumption, as well as LED lighting, among other sustainable measures. Loreto Serrano, Mayor of Santa Pola, visited the supermarket chain's new establishment together with Lidl's sales and expansion and real estate managers in the region, Daniel Lirio and Javier Samaniego respectively. Serrano said that "for Santa Pola it is great news and a boost to the local economy as well as a great joy to have Lidl with the generation of new direct and indirect jobs in Santa Pola, in addition to the commitment to the products of our region that are exceptional".
Orihuela publishes Tender for Summer Action Plan
Valencia’s College of Nursing warned the Ministry of Health 0n Friday that the lack of nursing staff will worsen in the coming months "because the job insecurity that the Health Administration has established is promoting the emigration of nurses to other European countries where better conditions and salaries are offered”.
The driver was arrested in the Gran Alacant urbanisation after he was observed driving around roundabouts in the opposite direction, and at high speed, then colliding with other vehicles.
Norway campaign to attract Valencian Nurses
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Tabarca Regatta in July
López Miras made the comments in response to a question from the media when asked if he plans to include the creation of the Province of Cartagena in the electoral program.
DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET CHAIN LIDL continues with its expansion plan in the Valencian Community with the opening of a new store in Santa Pola. The new store, located on carretera de Elche, has been opened, leading to the creation of 34 new direct jobs and thus consolidates the company’s presence in the region through the modernisation of its network of stores and its commitment to generating wealth and local employment. For the project the company has invested more than 3.8 million euro in its construction and equipment. This new large, modern and sustainable supermarket brings the number of Lidl stores to a total of 74 in the Community. It has a sales area of more than
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
ONE HUNDRED The joy of travelling and seeing new places is in most people’s blood and on arrival fitting in with the new environment including nature's crawly things. Certainly, expats find their new home an exciting change and when we first arrived, I was not certain about the Geckos climbing up walls shooting their tongue out to catch their lunch or perhaps dinner, but they are harmless and keep the parasites down. Twice a year there is the small job of swapping the bed cover for the change of the season and so it was this Spring. The summer version had been stored in a sealed bag when it had returned from the laundry – we duly opened it and laid it on the bed. There is one creature which are not even nice to look at and moves with its hundred legs moving in unison at the speed of Lewis Hamilton driving around Silverstone – I wonder if they ever get rheumatism in one of the legs, just a thought – with their crusty coat they are difficult to deal with especially as they have a nasty bite giving pain and large swelling of the skin. It was a warm night, so we only needed the duvet over us, and it was not long before we were both sound asleep and dreaming in our own worlds. It was some time later I felt something crawling over me, we jumped out of bed and there it was in the middle on the white sheet about four inches long, suddenly it put its legs into gear, and it was off. I don’t know anything about Centipedes or how they live but having thought it was just a one off we went back to bed and once again slept, although now we were dreaming of legged creatures and it was shortly after there was another one, a small one creeping up my back. Jean took it off and threw it. It was a troublesome night and losing count of the invaders. Our only conclusion was they must have made themselves comfortable in a nest during the winter months in the stored duvet, even the following day there was one on the floor feeling very poorly after the extensive spraying during the night. I would think it is now looking for a new home in the adjoining campo. Be careful before you go to bed tonight and make sure there is nothing else in it.
INFLATION Here we go again on the merry go round of governments trying once again to stop pollution. Sound familiar? The EU I guess following the British lead are – not to mislead the reader, as currently it is a proposal – to ban the selling of new petrol and diesel cars by the year 2035. I am not certain how this thought process came
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
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about or how they came to that conclusion, but the inclination is electric vehicles are better than the two they want to ban. Didn’t they say diesel cars were the best thing since sliced bread and natural gas boilers were the answer and now, they are both for the scrap heap. It seems to me unless there are vast improvements in technology by the given date, many of the problems of owning an electric vehicle will be the downfall. Also, how will they deal with the ramifications of the resulting chaos as it is going to be a difficult time for many people. Across the land there are many small, also large engineering firms, whose income and living are based on the combustion engine, I would suspect, even now as more and more electric vehicles are being sold their skills are on the decline and eventually will not be needed. The Chancellor is going to have a problem balancing his figures as less VAT and fuel duty is collected, surely that money, which is a large portion of income for the country, will have to be replaced. It will have to come from somewhere - will he be tempted to impose tolls on roads as in the centre of London, where it can cost £12.50 a day just to take your child to school or maybe a severe road tax just to buy a car and keep it annually. Certainly, it will be totally different to the financial grants available now. How will the petrol stations replace their income and profit margins? Assuming current vehicles will still be able to be used at the given date, will it be possible to purchase fuel for those cars still using fossil liquids on their day to day travelling? It was in 1865 that the German mechanical engineer Karl Benz designed and built the first vehicle with a combustion engine, since that period the development aimed at improvement has been relentless so much so that countries and companies rely on the revenue created by this stunning development. Vast petroleum processing plants and storage facilities are in place also oil tankers at sea, all will become totally useless creating vast unemployment. Perhaps they will be painted white as in ‘white elephant’. There are too many ‘ifs and buts’ in my view and the result of the exercise will be inflationary and a rate of decline in money value that has not been seen for a very long time. The reason I say that is because the ‘green industry’ is forcing prices up now coupled with the conglomerates who control the supply of most things.
HOMEWARD I wrote last week of a couple whose flight was cancelled and had to wait a day and added expense to arrive here in Spain. Going home was worse, their ‘Easy’ Friday midnight flight
was cancelled at the boarding gate. They were
dred and so kilometres to Malaga to get a
offered an alternative for four days later. To get
Ryanair flight home to arrive Sunday evening.
home they hired a car and drove the three hun-
Take care. chattey
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
Jill as usual came up trumps with the raffle and we thank her for that.
Great start to the week with our Open Aussies Pairs Competition. Played in a fantastic if not extremely hot environment, which resulted in Pearl Houghton having to retire due heat exhaustion. We hope you recovered well Pearl.
John" BBQ" Rosati kept everyone fed and we have had no reports of salmonella to press, Thank you John.
From start to finish it was played in a friendly but competitive manner and considering the heat a great standard of bowling was achieved throughout the day. The Winners were John and Belinda Archer from Bonalba and the runners up were |Alan Phillips and Nige Thompson from Javea. Well done to both pairs. I would also like to thank all who entered and trust you had a great day. These days as we all know don’t just happen. A lot of hard work goes in to ensure the smooth running so I would like to thank Peter Bonsor, our Club Captain, for all his hard work ensuring the success of this event, with him and his team of helpers doing a great job. Unfortunately I was hospitalized at the time which meant a lot more work for Pete and I thank him for that. Also thanks to the members who rallied round with the cleaning prior to the event thus ensuring it was at its best. If I have forgotten anyone I apologise.
LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB by Dave Hadaway We have now completed the summer season and can publish final results. Our last game in the harrier division was against Monte Mar, where we won by 10 points to 2, with a shot difference in our favour of +29. Really quite a spectular win especially as Mont Mar ended up winning the Division and we ended up in second place - final league table points were Monte
Thanks to Enrique and his staff for keeping the drinks flowing and also to Julia for presenting the prizes all in all a great day. Next up we have the final game of the Come and Go league on Friday (report next week). Watch this space for more coaching Clinics and internal competitions throughout the summer We have two visiting teams booked in, Indalo on Sunday 4th September and a touring side Victoria from England on Tuesday 11th October so watch the notice board for these sheets going up.
2022-2023 will see Greenlands Bowling Club making BIG changes. With a New Carpet confirmed around the 17th August before the Winter Season, New Coloured Uniforms and a whole new selection Policy designed specifically to promote "Competitive Teams" and provide "Social Bowling" equally to all our members. Membership is now more flexible and available for 3,6,7 or 12 Months. Non-residents can pay the 6-month price and split their membership into 2 periods of 90 Days. We offer regular "Professional Coaching" to our members from any one of our 3 Internationally approved coaches and conduct structured coaching clinics covering all aspects of the game throughout the Year, the next scheduled one being “Head Building & Reading”. "GO GREENMACHINE" ONWARDS AND UPWARDS.
I must also mention that The European Bowls Championships in AYR, Scotland are due to start on the 9th July. We will have Peter Bonsor, Lisa Bonsor, Chelski Shootsie and Carole Broomfield (names on board) representing Spain and we wish the all the very best
All welcome to Saturday Morning roll up and Bottle drive, pay your green fees plus 1 euro for competition and you’re in.
We truly are, “The Club Moving Forward” on the Costas.
Chris Dewar.
New Bowlers wishing to try our sport contact John Rosati, Tel. 688 709 362 or Peter Bonsor 711 020 846, to ensure we have people there to look after you.
Mar 60, La Marina 56 so even if we had won the game outright our congratulations would have still been sent to Monte Mar for topping the League Table. In the VCL league, we ended up third with 43 points, but Greenlands were run away winners with 76. Our Congratulation to Greenlands for a successful campaign. In closing the season we should congratulate Margaret Finlayson and her helpers for running these two teams to a successful conclusion with good league positions.
6 Gold medals for Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gym Club in Autonomous Championships In the juvenile category, Julieta Ivanova won the Provincial gold medal and also became the Autonomous Champion in hoop. Federation Level Basic Teams: In the juvenile category, the gymnasts Naira Torres and Olivia Ticehurst, achieved first position in the team event and were proclaimed Provincial and Autonomous Champions, after performing the ball and hoop exercises, respectively. Individual Medium Federation Level: In the juvenile category, Ilona Boychuk, won the Provincial gold medal and was Regional Runner-up in the hoop exercise. In the children's category, Milana Vasileva, won the Provincial silver medal finishing as Regional Runner-up. Individual Advanced Federation Level:
Naira Torres achieved gold with her team mate Olivia Ticehurst Last weekend, the Provincial and Autonomous Championship for basic, intermediate and advanced levels in the individual and team events was held in Jávea (Alicante), where the Torrevieja Club entered nine of its gymnasts in the different categories, obtaining the following results Individual Basic Federation Level:
In the juvenile category, Ameliya Karim, won the Provincial gold medal and the Regional Sub-championship with the club apparatus. In the junior category, also with the hoop apparatus, Elena Pankratova won the Provincial gold medal and finished as Regional Runner-up. Advanced Federation Level Teams In the juvenile category, the gymnasts Africa Castillo and Ainhoa Egea, achieved first position in teams and were proclaimed Provincial and Autonomous Champions, after performing excellent rope and hoop exercises, respectively.
VISTABELLA BOWLS CLUB REPORT - WEEK ENDING 17TH JUNE by Brian Zelin Congratulation to Vistabella Saxons in the VCL North /South Play of at MonteMar Bowls Club, against Javea Green on Wednesday 15th June, Winning on all Rinks to lift the Trophy. Men's Singles, Martin Foulcer 21-20, Ladies Singles, Mo Foulcer 21-19, Pairs, Richard Willey, Ian Kenyon 20-13, Trips, John Goddard, Maggie Furness, Eric Bishop 20-9, Rinks, Lynne Bishop, Barbara Brown, Paul Durham, Arthur Brown 15-3. What a Winter and Summer Season Vistabella Bowls Club have had, Vistabella Albatrosses Winning the South Alicante Winter League, Vistabella Lanzadores coming 2nd in the Southern League, Vistabella Winning the Premier 20 Knockout, Vistabella coming 2nd in the South Alicante Summer League, Vistabella Saxons Winning the VCL League, Vistabella Saxons Winning the VCL against Northern Winners Javea Green, in the South v North Final. A big thanks to all the Captain's, Vice Captains, and 3rd Selectors for all their hard work and not forgetting the Players of all the Squads including the Division B&C teams in making Vistabella Bowls Club the Bowls Club it is today. That's it from me for the time being, Sue & Myself wish you all a great Summer, and see you all at the beginning of October, when we start all over again.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
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What a great day out we had at Roda golf last week. A fantastic greeting and a well prepared golf course in a little warm area of where we live. Firstly I'd like to thank the staff at Roda golf for a very nice laid out and immaculate course which we really enjoyed. A big shout out also goes to Ger and Al for looking after us. Also big thanks to Louisa Hone for stepping up for her mum and producing our great food. We had 3 nearest the pins today. 2 were won by Peter Whittaker and at the other you were all rubbish. In second place but no cigar and on countback with 32 points was our very own Kevin Quinn Our winner today with 34 points was the famous super Leeds fan Thomas Burke, well done and MOT. The raffle was won by none other than Julie's son Nicky Hone The next event will be at VISTA Bella on 7th July Smiling Jack's marching on together
Mike Probert talks Golf ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the
biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this
in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
AROUND AND ABOUT - ALTAOANA In 2005 the Mosa Trajectum golf resort located just 12 minutes from the centre of Murcia City but which stands at the foot of the Sierra de Carrascoy natural park and designed by Stirling & Martin was opened to the public featuring 27 holes called the Stone, Pine and Olive Courses with the Stone course in particular very testing and demanding for all standards of golfer. Ultimately due the economic crisis of 2009/2010 the course and facilities were closed and returned in a great part back to nature but I can now gladly report that having
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €134 2 Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €82 2 Green Fees & Buggy Altorreal €80 2 Green Fees & Buggy (Holes 10-18 played twice) Bonalba €90 2 Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €136 2 Green Fees & Buggy
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor
€90 €82 €45 €112 €47 €65 €52 €110 €45 €60 €97 €78 €50 €50
The winner of the Founders Trophy was Vice Captain Iain Lyall with 43pts
16.06.22 – A brilliant day of golf was had by all at the Lo Romero Golf Course, where the members of the La Marina Golf Society met to compete for the Founders Trophy. The weather was very hot and so was the scoring, however, the two’s pot managed to stay in tack for another week. The winner of the Founders Trophy was our Vice Captain Iain Lyall with a great score of 43 points. Second, on countback with 37 points was Gary Garbett with Elspeth McDavitt taking
CARP R US Round four of the Carp-R-Us Summer/Autumn series was fished on The Pond (El Bosque Animado) on a hot but pleasant day. Water levels can be hit and miss at this venue but today the level was good. Ther match was won by Terry Screen with 12.48kg caught switching between pole and feeder and using pellets as bait. Second was Willy Moons re-opened a few years ago as a 9 hole pay an play the course is now open as an 18 hole layout consisting of 9 holes from the former Olive course and 9 holes from the former Pine course and the resort is now known as the Altaona Village. The Altaoana Village course offers challenges to golfers of all standards and has a number of tricky holes that must be played strategically but a number of the holes offer really good birdie opportunities for the better golfers. They have a good driving range, new buggies and a bar restaurant called the HUB which offer food and drink for the apres golf, BBQ’s
2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee (From 1pm) Single Green Fee
the third spot. Nearest the pin winners were, Alan Craig for hole 5, Steve Warner for hole 7, Gary Garbett for hole 12, and Iain Lyall for hole 15. The draw for the semi-finals of the knockout cup took place, which saw Iain Lyall take on Tony Moore and Sarah Mc Cabe take on her husband Gerry Mc Cabe. A big thank you to the Sports Complex at La Marina for our after-game refreshments. with 11-38kg caught using pellet waggler or feeder tactics. Third was nick Bastock who switched between pole, pellet waggler and feeder for 10.88kg. Fourth, by 0.02kg was Alan Smith with 8.38kg. Further info about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca and live entertainment on the terrace in the summer months. The greens will be hollow tined from the 4th to the 8th July 2022 but if you would like to book a round before or after the maintenance, we at The Leader in conjunction with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services can offer you a special price of only e95 for two players and buggy. Calling all local GOLF SOCIETIES, there are plans for a society invitation day at Altaoana to be held in September 2022 and we will keep you updated with any developments in this respect.
New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
€82 €98 €115 €47 €80 €58 €115 €112
2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.06pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)
Hollow Tine Watch: Alenda, Lo Romero. Villamartin, New Sierra Golf, Campoamor, Bonalba, Vistabella, El Valle, La Finca, Roda and Villaitana Poniente. For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
MARTA CELEBRATES ITALY SERIE A CHAMPIONSHIP EXCLUSIVE - San Javier football star Marta has been crowned ‘The Queen of Italy’ after leadeing her team, Citta di Falconara to the Women's Serie A 2021-22 Championship.
San Javier born Citta di Falconara football star Marta Peñalver is celebrating winning the Women's Serie A 2021-22 Championship in Italy.
tions. "Congratulations to the club of the president Marco Bramucci, to the staff and to all the players." Momi Marchegiani said: "Passion, sacrifices and dedication always pays off. Congratulations to all of you, and the wonderful players." Giuliana Bufarini said: "You are all magical and I love you. To the next championship." Massimo Marchetti said: "You made me proud to have been part of it.
"Remember each of these players - because they have written an indelible page in the history of Futsal.
"It is an honour and I am moved by the mere thought of what you have achieved.
"The Champions of Italy. Citta di Falconara the Queen of Italy," said a club spokesperson. Marta, capped by Spain, has played a major role in Citta di Falconara success this season, with fans jubilant in glory.
"Thanks that will never end. A big hug to Marco Bramucci, who has always believed in it, in spite of everything and everyone at the cost of sacrifice battles and wars, against windmills and those who were glued with the attack to the armchairs.
Danilo Cecconi said: "You are the pride of Falconara, you have given us a dream made up of unique emo-
"Chapeau to all - it is an honour to have cheered for you."
Costa Blanca Independent Pool League 2021-2022 Presentation and Finals night By Andrew Atkinson Costa Blanca Independent Pool League held their end of season 2021-2022 Presentation and Finals night this month. The doubles final between Sean Norris/Darren Mountain (Happy Days Too 'A') versus David Steven’s/Peter Cleaver (Olde 9th) saw Norris and Mountain lift the trophy, following a narrow 3-2 win. The singles final featured Darren Mountain (Happy Days Too 'A') versus
Colin MacDonald (La Hacienda) with Mountain winning 3-0. The presentation of League and Cup competitions was presented by sponsors of the league Lord and Lady Steven’s (Guardian Anti Piracy Security) and owner Izzy from the (Olde 9th). Division 1 Champions: Happy Days Too 'A' (Benimar); runners up Floyds (Formentera). Division 2 Champions: The St George (Catral); runners up Cafe Almoradi 'A' (Almoradi).
Division 1 and 2 winners Challenge Cup went to Happy Days Too 'A'. League Knock out Cup Champions Floyds (Formentera); runners Up Olde 9th Young Boys (Rojales). Plate Knock out Cup Champions: La Hacienda (Lo Crispin); runners up Cafe Almoradi 'A' (Almoradi). League Cup winners v Plate winners went to Floyds (Formentera). Player statistics recorded over the entire season for Divisions 1 and 2 for highest percentage wins: Division 1 winner Darren Mountain, Happy Days Too 'A' (Benimar); Division 2 winner: Gino Agius, Happy Days Too 'B' (Benimar). Keith Oakes, Media secretary told The Leader: "Myself and fellow Committee
members, Stan West (Chairman), Mick Margerum (Secretary) and Kim Bryan (Committee Member) would like to extend heartfelt thanks to sponsors Guardian Anti Piracy Security, and the Olde 9th for their continued support. "We look forward to another upcoming successful Winter season 2022/2023, commencing on September 28. "Teams wishing to join the league please come along to Costa Blanca Independent Pool League AGM and register their team on 31st August, to be held at the Olde 9th starting 7.30pm. Or visit our Facebook page CBIPL.
Division 1 Champions: Happy Days Too 'A' (Benimar).
QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. George Lucas, 2. Australia’s 2nd largest city, Melbourne, 3. Pascal - Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Catholic theologian born in 1623. 4. Republic of Ireland, The lyrics were written by Peadar Kearney and, together with Patrick Heeny, he set
Division 2 Champions: The St George (Catral).
it to music. 5. North by Northwest, 6. Sexual arousal whilst defecating, 7. Veronica, 8. Calculus, 9. The Owl, 10. Benson Dubois - spinoff was "Benson", 11. Drum Roll, an exercise or sequence performed typically on the snare drum. 12. Legs, 13. Archery, 14. Tom Cruise, 15. Xylophone, 16. Clark Gable, 17. Wrestling, 18.
Davis Cup - after Dwight Filley Davis. He was the Assistant Secretary of War from 1923 to 1925 and Secretary of War from 1925 to 1929. 19. Fiasco, 20. Treasure Island, 21. Thickhead can refer to any one of several species of Australian birds called 'Pachycephala'. Some of the species are popularly called thrushes.22. Corsica.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th June 2022
637 227 385