No 877 Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August 2021
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
“The Council haste suggests that the Partido Popular and Ciudadanos have caved in to pressure from the developer and have put his interests above those of the citizens they are supposed to represent.” fatal blow is about to be delivered to the efforts to save Cala Mosca, the last kilometre of green land directly on the seafront of Orihuela Costa .
The department of government for Urbanismo in Orihuela Town Hall, headed by the Ciudadanos Councillor Jose Aix, will put forward for approval at the plena-
ry meeting of the Town Council next week a modified plan to build over 2,000 new houses and apartments on this last remaining natural, unspoilt area. With the votes of the Popular Party, the major party in the present governing coalition, the proposal will no doubt be approved. This will effectively signal the final go
ahead for the Developer (Gomendio) to begin construction of a mega project which will not only cover this area, vital to the environment of Orihuela Costa, with concrete and bricks but will add some 6,000 inhabitants to the population of the coast, equivalent to an additional 20% of those on the local padron.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
We can be sure that this huge increase in the population will not be accompanied by an increase and improvement in the basic services vital to the quality of life of residents but will result in a significant deterioration. The decision of the Councillor for Urbanismo, to put forward the proposal for approval is a controversial move. He attempted to do so in October last year but failed due to a report by the independent Secretary General of the Council highlighting the illegality of the proposal which not only lacked necessary technical support but also included negative reports According to C.L.A.R.O’s partners in Cambiemos Orihuela the latest proposal again lacks necessary technical reports and the haste in bringing it forward for approval can only suggest that the two governing parties have caved in to the pressure of the Developer and have put his interests above those of the citizens which they are supposed to represent.
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THE LAST KILOMETRE: Looking across Cala Mosca from Playa Flamenca, soon to accomodate over 2000 new properties
PRESS RELEASE So outraged are Cambiemos and C.L.A.R.O. that Cambiemos have denounced the move in a formal complaint to the Prosecutor for AntiCorruption. They complain that the proposal contains irregularities and involves possible criminal offenses including a statement to the national Prosecutors’ Office, which raised questions about the project in May, that the proposal was in order when in fact it contained technical and procedural defects. C.L.A.R.O. has added to the complaint that there is outstanding a highly critical report by the state Traffic Department on the consequences for congestion on the N332 of a huge increase in the population if the building project were to go ahead.
bly 6,000 new residents would have only two exits from Cala Mosca both directly on to the already congested N332. There is also outstanding an investigation by the Environment Prosecutor’s office into the Developer’s estimates of the two protected species which exist in Cala Mosca and which the project would have to safeguard.
Thousands of vehicles owned by possi-
The future of Cala Mosca is now at a
crucial stage and the prospects look exceedingly bleak unless there is a lastminute change of mind by the governing coalition parties or an extremely rapid intervention by the Anti— Corruption Prosecutor. C.L.A.R.O. predicts that there will be an extremely hostile reaction by those living in Orihuela Costa if this socially and environmentally destructive project were to be given approval in such questionable circumstances.
Mercadona gets 2.5 million fine over facial reognition trial T he Supermarket Mercadona has been forced to withdraw the trial of a facial recognition system that it has been using in 48 of its 1,640 stores in Valencia, Zaragoza and Mallorca.
The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has also proposed a fine of 2.5 million euro saying that the system, which was used to identify customers who had a restraining order issued against them for store related incidents, or for assaults on Mercadona staff, was in direct contravention of data protection legislation. In a statement issued to efe, the company said that it has "decided to terminate the procedure noted by the AEPD in relation
to the pilot project that was tested for several months in 48 of the 1,640 stores, given the lack of definition and legal doubts about the system." The company also highlights that "it shared all the procedures of its Early Detection System with the AEPD before starting the test " and that "the strictest transparency standards were always applied." However, given "the lack of definition and legal doubts raised about what has been done so far with technology", Mercadona considers that "now the most responsible and rigorous thing is to terminate this pilot test" and pay the proposed penalty.
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Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Mayor closes ‘Covid Era’ Habanera The competition was filmed by TV Española and will be broadcast on La 2 and Canal International.
THE WINNERS OF THE GOLDEN SHIELD : Manuel Martínez Guirao & Conchita Boj Andréu
Despite the innumerable social difficulties, Torrevieja successfully held the 67th edition of the Habaneras Choral Competition last week, featuring choirs and solo performers from all over the world. In bringing the curtain down on Saturday night the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, highlighted the immense effort that the seven concerts have entailed, both for the Technical requirements and the complexity of the administrative arrangements, necessary to accommodate Eras de la Sal’s impassioned audiences. His words came after the winners of the Golden Shield were announced, the married couple Manuel Martínez Guirao and Conchita Boj Andréu, in recognition of a lifetime dedicated to music and the Habanera, from teaching, to the recruitment of choral talent, musical composition and their conducting of many choirs. The pair were visibly excited to receive the award which they did to a standing ovation from the capacity crowd at the Eras de la
Sal. The 67th International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest came to a close with a most enjoyable evening where the Torrevejense Musical Union demonstrated
their wide and varied repertoire, accompanying the Torrevieja soloists Francisco Moreno, Nuria Maddaloni, Lucía España and Victor Alcañiz, which concluded with “Torrevieja” by maestro Lafuente.
MINISTER CONFIRMS THIRD VACCINE that we will have to administer a third dose. The EU have already signed a contract with Pfizer for 1.8 billion doses, and with Moderna, for around 480 million. What will have to be determined is when we start rolling them out, although the vaccines won’t arrive until 2022 and 2023. "We currently have more than 4 billion euro invested in vaccines," she stated.
Carolina Darias, Minister of Health
In terms of those who are now fully vaccinated in Spain, 53% of the population have received both jabs up to now, with the objective of achieving herd immunity (70-90%) by late August. Interviewed on Onda Cera Radio on Friday, the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias has confirmed that the government is already anticipating the need for a third dose of the "booster" vaccine against covid-19, although she does not yet have
specific dates for it just yet. Similarly, she said that Spaniards can expect to receive an injection against coronavirus every year. "Yes, without a doubt," Darias added, after stating that the Government's plans to continue
vaccinating until reaching 100% or close to full-regimen as possible, “because we won't be safe until everyone is vaccinated.” The Minister said: “The virus has a way of surviving, which is by mutating and as such, everything seems to indicate
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lower than 400 is Mutxamel, which is 354.84.
he coronavirus incidence rate in the province of Alicante has increased another 80 points in three days, reaching an index of 367.93 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the data update published on Friday by the Ministry of Health.
The area covered by the General Hospital of Elche has an incidence of 407.42. Santa Pola is especially high at 489.45. Elda and Torrevieja health authorities are now also considered to be at high risk, joining Orihuela. In all three, the incidence has risen very significantly, but especially in Torrevieja, which three days ago was at 101.33 and is now at 185.23.
In the previous three days, 2,457 positive cases were detected, of which 466 are in the Dénia health authority, which continues to be the most affected by this fifth wave of the pandemic. A further 427 cases have been diagnosed in the Alicante General Hospital area with 331 in Sant Joan d'Alacant.
Elche-Crevillent is the only department that is currently at medium risk, although its rate has also increased notably in recent days, to 127.87.
Active cases, currently, number 6,995 cases, an increase of 27.65% in the three previous day. The authority with the highest number of patients in absolute terms is the General Hospital of Alicante area, with 1,298, but with 1,274, Dénia is very similar. Calp continues to be the most affected municipality, with a rate that now stands at 1,569.06; El Verger is at 1,083.03, and Gata de Gorgos 1,073.2. In addition, there are more than 500 cases in six other municipalities, including Dénia, Xàbia, Teulada and Benissa, and 250 in four more. The Marina Baixa is not much better. The average incidence is doubles the number considered to be at extreme risk index: 504.29. The entire coastline of the region is above 400 cases per 100,000 inhabi-
Twenty-one of the 27 municipalities of the Vega Baja have added at least one new case of Covid-19 between last Tuesday and Friday. This is the complete list:
tants, with Benidorm in the worst situation: 604.68. La Vila Joiosa also exceeds 500. The only town in the Alicante area with a rate
Albatera: +12, Almoradi: +18, Benejúzar: +4, Benijófar: +4, Bigastro: +6, Callosa de Segura: +27, Catral: +2, Cox: +8, Daya Nuevo: +1, Dolores: +6, Guardamar del Segura: +18, Jacarilla: +1, Los Montesinos: +1, Orihuela: +38, Pilar de la Horadada: +18, Rafal: +4, Redován: +1, Rojales: +4, Saint Fulgencio: +3, San Miguel de Salinas: +6, Torrevieja: +123
Alicante to have rail freight connection with London
Magic roundabout or motoring distraction The company, Terminales Marítima del Sureste, has announced the start-up of a new freight rail line that will connect Alicante with the Barking terminal in London, once a week, with a departure from the port on Thursdays and its arrival in Barking on Mondays. The service will get underway in October and will carry refrigerated containers loaded with fruits, vegetables and all kinds of perishable goods. Driven by private initiative, this is a historic milestone for the port. The announcement has been made, within the framework of the new post-Brexit services offered in the port of Alicante, by Jesús Aznar, director of Terminales Marítimas del
Sureste (TMS), who said that this new railway route offers a new intermodal connection that will allow the transport of containerised goods from the TMS terminal, via Calais, to the Barking terminal (London) in the United Kingdom. At this stage it will carry only perishable and refrigerated products destined for the main warehouses of the British food chains. With the launch of this new line, the port of Alicante reinforces its commitment in promoting measures aimed at reducing CO 2 emissions . In land transport logistics, rail is gaining more importance in the distribution sector and has become the most sustainable solution in freight transport.
There are certainly some original and extremely unusual, roundabouts in Spain the list of which was added to last week with the unveiling of the remodelled ‘Flamingo Roundabout’ on the CV-905, close to the local
police headquarters and Carrefour. It already bears the figures of large cubes of salt (cubos de sal) to which has now been added 28 flamingos, and I must say that it really is an impressive structure.
I do hope, however, that the new ATTRACTION, because that is certainly what it is, isn’t too much of a DISTRACTION for motorists as they navigate their way along an increasingly busy stretch of highway that can
become particularly frantic at certain times of the day. As I admired the new display from the kerbside on Friday I noted one driver circling the island on 4 occasions, as his children attempted to count the number of flamingos. Well kids, in case you want to go back an check again, there are 28 of them, each approximately 2 metres high, carved in polystyrene and fiberglass. They are secured with a fence of approximately 30 metres in length that surrounds the entire base of the roundabout, however I cant help wondering how long the 28 will remain intact. Costing 18,500 euros, this is one of two roundabouts that will be remodelled this year 2021, with the next taking place at the beginning of September, in order not to affect the intense traffic in August, the transformation of the fountain on Avda Desiderio Rodríguez, in Mar Azul-La Veleta.
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Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
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The Costa’s Classical Summer
thanks to the photographs of Sabina de la Cruz, and the biographical and literary notes of José Fernández de la Sota.
The first opera will be on Wednesday 28 July, the famous opera «Otello», by Giuseppe Verdi; on Wednesday, August 4, there will be a screening of "The prohibition of loving," an opera in two acts, written and composed by Richard Wagner in 1834; on Wednesday August 11 we will be able to see "The Barber of Seville", a comic opera in two acts with music by Gioachino Rossini and a libretto in Italian by Cesare Sterbini; On August 18 it will be the turn of the opera “Carmen”, by Georges Bizet and on Wednesday August 25, the broadcasts will conclude with “Tosca”, one of the most popular of all operas, by Giacomo Puccini.
The 12 panels come from the Blas de Otero Foundation in Bilbao and have been designed for Orihuela with first editions and monographs on the Basque poet provided by the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation and its director”.
The Department of Culture once again brings the best operas from Madrid’s Teatro Real to Orihuela Costa, along with live concerts by local groups. Councillor Mar Ezcurra, announced the program of Opera in Orihuela Costa that will take place during the months of July, August and September on the esplanade of Playa Flamenca. It is a program that combines retransmissions of the best operas performed at the Teatro Real with live concerts by bands and musical groups from Orihuela. “On Wednesdays there will be screenings of the operas from the Teatro Real and on Sundays the public will be able to enjoy live concerts”, said the councilor Mar Ezcurra.
The first live concert will take place on 25 July when the Orihuela Symphony Orchestra (OSO) will perform. On August 1 it will be the turn of the Ginés Pérez de la Parra Choir, on Sunday August 8 the Orcelitana Lyrical Union (ULO) will perform. On August 15 you can see ACAMDO, on August 22 the Trio Camerata Antigua will live on the Esplanade, on August 29 the DACAPO Musical Association will perform and on Friday, September 3, the Orquesta Ciudad de Orihuela (OCO ). All performances will be at 8.30 pm with free entry until full capacity is reached. “Last summer,Opera in Orihuela Costa was a real success and for this reason we wanted to extend it in dates and concerts. We want opera in Orihuela Costa to become a must-see annual event and bring together residents and visitors who can enjoy our coastline during these summer months,” said Mar Ezcurra.
It should be remembered that Blas de Otero Muñoz was one of the main ambassadors of social and intimate poetry of the fifties in Spain and his relationship with the Oriolano poet Miguel Hernández saw him dedicate a poem to him.
Virtual visit to Orihuela of Spanish poet Blas de Otero
The Blas de Otero exhibition is organised by the Department of Culture, the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation and the Miguel Hernández House Museum.
irtual art exhibitions are here to stay. There are many people who do not have time to travel or do not have the opportunity to do so, but Cultura Orihuela now gives you the opportunity to make a virtual visit to the Blas de Otero exhibition located in the Miguel Hernández Exhibition Hall, an exhibition that will be open to the public until September 12. The virtual visit, enabled by Aitor Larrabide, director of the Miguel Hernández Cultural Foundation, introduces us to the work of Blas de Otero, a contemporary poet with great influence of Miguel Hernández, can be visited through the Facebook channel of the Department of Culture ( or through the YouTube channel. Mar Ezcurra, Councillor for Culture, said that “the visitor can get to know the life of Otero
POETRY CORNER Our Picture It’s hard to accept I would ever see
Our love fade out with nothing remaining,
by Peter Craig Since you took our picture down from the wall, Only silence and sadness hang on there, With little else left in that empty hall; Few signs of the life we once used to share.
Just a square trace of dust where our frame used to be. All keep-sakes discarded, not worth retaining. Our love fade out with nothing remaining, Could anyone ever have painted that scene? All keep-sakes discarded, not worth retaining. It’s clear to us both what it now means.
Only silence and sadness hang on there. It’s hard to accept I would ever see Few signs of the life we once used to share, Just a square trace of dust where our frame used to be.
Could anyone ever have painted that scene With little else left in that empty hall? It is clear to you, and to me, what this means, Since you took our picture down from the wall.
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Free beach activities for Orihuela Costa families The Departments of Youth and Beaches have organised a program of recreational and leisure activities for the whole family on Orihuela Costa beaches. These are healthy leisure and sports activities, such as Yoga classes, resistance activities, circuits and specialist classes, for adults.
All activities are free and subject to prior registration on the website: or by phone 616 21 69 79. The website also has the calendar of activities, locations and hours. ‘Summer 21’ Orihuela Costa will begin on Monday, July 26 and will run from Monday to Saturday from 7.30 to 9.00 pm in the green areas next to the beaches of Punta Prima, Playa Flamenca, Cabo Roig, La Zenia and Campoamor.
Children up to 12 years of age will also be able to enjoy games, educational workshops, water games, gymkhanas and a big party every Friday. All these activities are directed by qualified instructors professionals and will be carried out with prior registration and in the open air. Every day from Monday to Saturday those who are registered will be able to enjoy an hour and a half of activities. Meanwhile, adults will be able
to enjoy Yoga classes 3 times a week, together
activities, all directed by instructors from One
with another 3 days of strength and endurance
Sport Centre.
Grant ensures exhumation of Elche Civil War victims where the bodies of those executed during the Franco regime are thought to be located She explained that, “the subsidised project allows the investigation, location, exhumation, identification and an initial anthropological study of the victims of the Civil War buried in the municipal cemetery, where 14 residents of Elche, Aspe and Crevillente are buried, all of whom were shot by Franco's followers between July and October 1939.
Additional activities will be held on a different beach each week. From July 26 to 31, the activities will take place in Campoamor; from August 2 to 7 in Playa Flamenca; from 9 to 14 in Cabo Roig / Agua Marina; from 16 to 21 in La Zenia and from 23 to 28 in Campoamor.
Lighting up Vista Alegre The Urban Image of Torrevieja has been dramatically improved with the completion of the beautification works on the pergola of Paseo Vista Alegre. Last Sunday, coinciding with the opening of the International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest, the new pergola lighting in the city’s central promenade was unveiled.
Elche has received a grant of more than 32,600 euros for the exhumation and identification of victims of the Civil War and the Franco Dictatorship.
The work will be carried out by a multidisciplinary team with the support of the municipal archaeologist, the head of the Municipal Archive and the director of the Pedro Ibarra Chair.
The new strip lighting installation is fitted to the lower part of the metal beams of the pergola, with 180 LEDs per linear meter, along the 600 metre structure.
The Councilor for Culture, Marga Antón, said that the exhumations will take place in the Old Cemetery
The main purpose of the mission is to return all of the bodies to the next of kin.
The councillor, Carmen Gómez Candel, said that this is the first phase of the restoration of
the Paseo Vista Alegre, pending a tender, at a cost of almost 23,000 euro, for the emptying and sealing of the existing planters to complete the remodelling of the most emblematic, visited and photographed location in the town.
Torrevieja bustling with holidaymakers People were queueing well before 7am to get their favourite places
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
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Ciudadanos call for Dog Agility Parks
Orihuela PSOE denounces "Summer School chaos" On the very first day of Summer Schools, the socialist spokeswoman, Carolina Gracia, denounced the councillor for education because of the “chaos and lack of information for families.” She said that during the past week she has received dozens of calls from families who were being told that the activities were changing location, as in the case of the Miguel Hernández school, where following building work in the centre, many of the children were relocated while a number of activities were cancelled.
By Andrew Atkinson TORREVIEJA is once again bustling with holidaymakers as the summer season strides into motion after the turmoil caused by COVID-19. The beaches at Los Locos and Playa de la Cura, with places roped-off under the coronovirus health and safety guidelines, were packed to the rafters. Exit and departure entries for the beach were in place with officials in attendance to overlook protocol measures were being adhered to. Queues formed as the beaches became full to capacity, and
sunseekers waited in an orderly manner to get the nod to enter, upon spaces becoming available. Holidaymakers' queues snaked along the promenade early morning awaiting relevant beaches to open. Once open, as early as 7am, groups of people raced to place their towels and chairs in the designated beach areas. Spaces were also snapped-up on the coastal rock areas - within diving distance into the Mediterranean Sea - to cool of as temperatures reached 30 degrees plus.
Residents Surgeries get underway, chaired by Platforma Orihuela Costa Representatives of the Platforma Orihuela Costa (POC), will be holding surgeries across the coast, in 5 locations, on all 5 days of the week, starting on Monday 2 August, from 10 to 11.30 am in Paddy’s Point. Peter Houghton will be in the chair, answering questions and offering advice on a variety of subjects, as they affect residents on the coast. Tuesday’s meetings will be at the Stray Sod La Fuente 10-11.30. On Wednesdays they will be held in Macklins, Via Park 3, 12.30-2.00 and Thursday’s at Spud Murphy’s in the Playa Flamenca Centre 4.30-6 (although the first at this venue will be during the week commencing the 6th September). Friday meetings will be held at The Tavern in Villamartin Plaza 11 - 12.30 POC are there to help, if they possibly can with any Activist issues, (except utilities) Peter Houghton roads, rubbish, parks etc, Just turn up and why not grab breakfast while you are there. A very big thank you to the proprietors, Hazel from Paddy's point, Eion from Stray Sod, Stewart from Macklins, Lisa from Spud Murphys and Chaz and Katherine from the Tavern in the Villamartin Plaza for allowing the use of their facilities.
The spokesperson for Ciudadanos in Torrevieja, Pilar Gómez Magán, has called on the Torrevieja council to open a number of dog agility parks in the municipality. In her appeal she said that “one of the most relevant aspects of life for many members of the public is the enjoyment and occupation of public spaces that can also be used by their companion animals, but all the administration is seen doing in our parks or gardens is putting up ‘no dogs’ signs, regulating the obligations of the owners and sanctioning them when they do not comply”. She therefore proposes that the council “takes another look at the matter with the construction of common recreational spaces for pets in public places and the launching of public awareness
campaigns, that she feels would largely solve this problem.” She said that a dog park is a limited area where pets can exercise and play under the supervision and control of their owners. “They do not require
specific construction of parks, just the creation of areas within parks which it is enough to mark with an appropriate fence as well as elements for their agility, ramps or tubes where pets can exercise”, she explained.
Gracia said that hundreds of families depend on this service during the school holidays in order to reconcile their work and family life but the appalling situation does nothing more than demonstrate “that this service, is not among the priorities for education policy makers.”
AQUOPOLIS WELCOME APANEE Aquopolis Torrevieja welcomed children from APANEE and Alpe who were able to spend a day out at the water park, with 166 people and 60 volunteers attending. "Alpe and APANEE are grateful for the commendable work the volunteers were able to do.
"They also thank the Aquopolis Torrevieja Management and all the staff for reopening their doors, and their kindness towards this group, favouring support and inclusion, thus promoting social integration in this municipality," said a spokesperson.
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Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
McDonald s reaffirms its commitment to the Valencian Community Mayor of Benijófar welcomes Multinational Chain as it opens it’s first restaurant in Benijófar The new establishment, which has opened its doors to the public today, will have 300 square meters, including terrace. The opening of this new restaurant will be a boost for employment in the town, because of the creation of around 17 new jobs. With this new opening, there are 28 establishments opened throughout the province of Alicante. McDonald's, within its national growth plan, bets on the Valencian Community to open a new restaurant. Located at Calle Ramón y Cajal, 12, it is the first restaurant opened in the town and today has received the visit of the Mayor, Luis Rodríguez, to get to know this project. This restaurant is the 28th opened in the province of Alicante. The restaurant will have a 300 square meters area, which includes terrace. With the opening of this new restaurant, McDonald's will give a boost to employment in the town, with the creation of around 17 new permanent jobs, including a newly created figure in its establishments: Head of Health and Safety, responsible of ensuring compliance with the Safe Environment protocol, implemented by the company as a result of the health emergency. Luis Rodríguez, Mayor of Benijófar, highlighted
during his visit: “This new restaurant is undoubtedly a great boost for employment in the area. Without a doubt, McDonald's commitment to Benijófar is good news for economic development in Alicante’s Vega Baja”. Francisco Rivera, restaurant franchisee, says: "For me and my team it’s a great joy to be able to open this restaurant in Benijófar and that the neighbors can enjoy the McDonald's experience in this new space, in which we have prioritized their safety and that of our employees. We look forward to welcoming all the people who wish to come and offer them what we do best, products adapted to all tastes and made with ingredients of the highest quality". The new restaurant has digital kiosks and table service to conveniently receive orders. It also has a McCafé space, where customers can enjoy freshly ground coffee and complete it with sweet or savory products at any time of the day. In addition, the Signature Collection premium burger platform is also available in this restaurant, with exclusive recipes that will delight the most demanding palates. The offer is completed with a play area -which is currently closed as in all other McDonald’s restaurants, due to the health situation caused by Covid-19-, McAuto lane and McDelivery, so
that those who wish, can receive their orders
comfortably at home or wherever they choose.
Playing with words
have a Canadian friend whose hobby is playing with words. Stan loves throwing in words to a sentence that has two meanings and using the wrong one – if you know what I mean. We exchange zany emails from time to time and I have to admit that he is ten times better at the game than am I. The reason I say ‘ten times’ is because we have come up with what we agree are the ten most important words that define each and every one of us. That would be too easy for Stan, to just list the words. No … his rules were that each word could only have the number of letters to correspond with the figure, as in one letter for number one and ten letters for number ten. Again, most of this is not my work – other than the ‘added-ons’. Starting off at number one is the word ‘I’. This is the most selfish word on our list and should be avoided as best you can. If ‘I’ defines your personality you won’t have as many people care about you. The man or woman who makes ‘I’ the centre of every conversation will spend a lot of time talking to themselves. So let us move quickly to the number two word in our top ten. This two-letter word is everything that number one isn’t, and the word is ‘WE’.
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
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remember being told one time that ego is the greatest cause of business failure. Maybe a little bit of ego is no harm, if it drives us on; just know when to slam its brakes on! Do you know what is the most commonly used four letter word in the English language? (Ah Lads … Lads, please … children read this column). The word is ‘LOVE.’ This is the word we should value and think of most. Be advised to use this one often. It wasn’t used enough in the families of my generation – but the grandkids are good at piling on the credits! You are going to smile when you hear what made it at number five. The word is ‘SMILE.’ This is the most pleasing word of all. A warm smile delivers a greater message than all the words ever written in YCBS. A smile is the mirror of life, because when we smile it smiles back at us. Our six-letter word is one I want you to ignore at all times. It is ‘RUMOUR’. Very few of us can truthfully claim not to gossip … I suppose some of us refer to it as ‘small talk’, but the spreading of the ‘rumour’ (and a ‘good rumour’ is as scarce as a bed in Westport) is a terrible misuse of words.
It is fitting that number eight - our eight-letter word, feeds off number seven and instead of being embraced, it is one you should distance yourself from. The person whom it will damage most is yourself. This word is ‘JEALOUSY’. Jealousy is a dangerous emotion. It can take hold of your mind and fester into untold unhappiness. So, moving on quickly to our penultimate word. The ninth word, which has to have nine letters, is probably the most powerful word in the world. Have it and you can do anything; without it you are floundering around like a leaf in the breeze.
Here we have a word that means ‘sharing’ and involving other people. ‘We’ is always all embracing and inclusive – except perhaps the ‘royal we’!
And so to uimhir a seacht. Here we have a hardworking word. One that gives immense satisfaction where it applies – even if it does attract envy from some of the other words. Number seven is ‘SUCCESS’.
Our ninth word is ‘KNOWLEDGE’. Alexander Pope said, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” He was wrong; every iota of knowledge is a torch in the dark.
Coming in at number three is a word that is closely related to number one, and this word can destroy you if you allow it. It is called ‘EGO’. I
Like we say, this is the hardest-working word and if you stick with it, you will achieve the ‘success.’
Acquiring knowledge has to be worked at and we never stop acquiring knowledge if the mind stays open. It is well worth keeping it open!
Top of the pile with ten letters and logged at number ten, is the word ‘FRIENDSHIP’. It is the most valued word of all. No matter what else you do, maintain friendship. And there ya have it …!
Don’t Forget The sneakiest two words in the English language are ‘plus tax!’ *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
GARDEN FELIX ....... Elkington s White clusters of pure white flowers followed by blue-black fruits Ribes Sanguineum - Elkington Flowering Currant is a compact, deciduous shrub, which has dark green leaves with attractive, small, petalled pinkred flowers in early Spring.
The 'Elkington's White', is a fairly rare variety, that bears showy, pendant clusters of pure white flowers in the Spring, followed by blue-black fruits adding further interest in your garden.
Arranged in a pendant cluster shape they can produce up to 30 flowers which lead onto dark purple berry fruits.
They require moist, free draining soil in a full sun to partial shady area. Once established they require very little water and are full frost hardy.
Grown primarily for their brightly coloured and scented flowers they make a very popular thornless garden shrub.
In late summer remove any dead, diseased or crossing branches to maintain a healthy, open framework and reduce the flowered shoots to a strong, lower bud.
They can be used as an informal flowering hedge, as well as adding interest to the shrub border early in the year. Their rich green leaves have a hairy, white reverse and are slightly aromatic.
Prune specimens grown as hedges immediately after flowering and apply a generous 5-7cm mulch of well-rotted garden compost around the base of the plant.
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Does Clark Kent wear a mask? By David Aitken
t the present time, lots of people wear masks. A mask isn't just for Christmas (or Halloween.) It's for pandemics as well.
The Lone Ranger wore one, of course. He was the sole survivor of an ambush in which his brother and 4 other Texas Rangers were killed, and with his Comanche companion Tonto ('moron' in Spanish) he searches for truth and justice. Good luck with that. As a trubute act, the Ranger fashions a domino mask 'using cloth from his late brother's vest' -something I don't think doctors recommend nowadays. Even as a child, I was aware of the Ranger's perfect grammar and precise diction; clearly Texans were a refined and well-spoken lot. I wasn't so sure about the Ranger's trademark silver bullets. Did he intend to shoot many werewolves? Zorro (the Spanish for 'fox') is another masked man, a dashing vigilante who defends Californians against corrupt and tyrannical officials, usually by carving the letter 'Z' on their faces with his rapier, which must hurt considerably. (Could he be trying to encourage his victims to wear a mask?) Zorro hides his fighting abilities by pretending to be a coward and a fop, a stratagem I've often found useful. Batman's cowl wouldn't help him ward off coronavirus (let's hope Bruce Wayne wears a mask) but
Aena call for strike action at Alicante-Elche Airport
it still makes our own pandemic mufflers look a bit tame as fashion statements. You can't help suspecting Robin feels equally miffed by his own lack of cowl, words I thought I'd never write.
The AENA works council at Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport is planning to go on strike on August 2 and 3.
Is he ever permitted to drive the Batmobile? (Is he even old enough for a Reliant Robin three-wheeler?)
The scheduled strike is due to deterioration in working conditions announced by the Information and Communications Service of the terminus, as stated in the document sent by the President of the committee, Javier Grau, to the Provincial Labour Office.
Highwayman Dick Turpin sported a racy mask when robbing stagecoaches. Green Lantern masks are predictably coloured. Superman flies maskless -- he would be impervious to coronavirus, kryptonite is his weakness, and anyway, who would recognise Clark Kent behind the large Son-the-chest? Spider-Man wears a complete body mask, so to speak, which he sewed himself, whereas the Joker employs makeup to enhance his appearance, just as some women do, I'm told. Iron Man, Catwoman, the Phantom of the Opera -would we know any of them if they walked past us in the street in broad daylight? (Rather unlikely in the case of the Phantom, admittedly.)
The strike is reportedly supported by the unions at the airport including: USO, UGT, CC.OO, CGT and CSPA. Issues surround the lack of specific training for computer occupations in their field, deemed to be outdated.
I'm guessing superhero creators buried their heads in their hands once the whole population started hiding their faces behind masks. Who knows who walks the streets these days? Even the Lone Ranger might be submerged in a surrounding sea of masks. Although he would probably be the only one wearing his dead brother's vest on his face.
There is also a shortage of personnel in the department, in the wake of personnel losses. "Permits and temporary occupancy changes has gone on for years and the workforce is insufficient, due to the increase in workloads," said Grau. Unions have also denounced that the computer equipment has become obsolete in a significant proportion of the airport, which generates additional workloads and stress on the workforce.
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Sue, tell us a little bit about yourself? I’m a very proud Mum of 3 amazing daughters who have given me 7 beautiful grandchildren. I was born and bred in Essex and very proud of it too (don’t believe TOWIE hahaha). I had worked in Insurance all of my life from leaving school at 16 and climbed my way up from a filing clerk to an Insurance technician in Aon. I moved over to the Costa Blanca in 2002 after feeling the pressure of life in the fast lane in the UK, but before doing so, I took a 6 month course in Beauty and Nails so that I could work here. I started my nail business off as soon as I was settled and 19yrs later it is still going strong. I decided to start singing after my relationship broke down and was left to fend for myself. Lots of people had heard me sing at the local Karaoke nights and had asked if I was professional. It wasn’t ‘til some lady told me to ¨grow a pair¨ that I actually had to courage to go out and do it, that was the best thing she could have said to me.
Sue Greenwood
hen Covid first spread throughout the world, one of the first industries hit was the music industry.
As bad as it sounds, for me, I found it as a positive, as most entertainers took to social media to perform shows, which meant I could watch some of the finest artists on the Costa Blanca do theirs. People that I wouldn’t have seen for years, so it was nice to hear their voices again. Same applies here in Ireland as when you’re out at a gig, you don’t get to enjoy other people’s gigs. So out of nowhere a whole new world of concerts were suddenly available at the touch of a button. I’ve loved them & still do to this day. I remember watching the Live Lounge Costa Blanca long and ever before I joined forces with them and one female vocalist that always stood out to me with her stunning voice, beautiful personality and not forgetting her iconic drumstick was Sue Greenwood – A Girl Called Soo! So this week I decided to pop a few questions her way and I’m delighted that she took the time out of her hectic schedule to give us all of the answers.
Spangle’s back on stage after 18 months After eighteen long months of online coaching and safely-distanced, masked rehearsals, Spangles performed in public for the first time at La Torre Golf Resort in Roldan, Murcia. “It was the best feeling ever to stand together and make music for an audience again.
What would be your favourite gig to date?
My best gig so far would have to be when I was singing with a band called Phoenix.
The road had been closed in my
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Sue Greenwood: 19 years in Spain
town Quesada and a stage built. Everyone I knew was there and it was just awesome, I was buzzing from start to finish and so were the crowd.
What’s your favourite thing about living on the Costa Blanca? Jeeez another awkward question as these last 18 months have changed things so very much but I would have to say that it’s a combination of quite a few things really.
The pace of life is so much more relaxed; people here are so much more relaxed and therefore friendlier. Plus of course we can’t forget the climate hahaha, if the sun is shining then people are smiling and it’s so infectious.
Can you see Spain being your home for the future? I never say never so that’s a difficult question, but for now my life is in Spain but watch this space!!!
of the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS) and their concert was attended by board members of the Association.
performances while the good weather lasts, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with Lyn Baines if you’d like to book them.
“It’s an absolute pleasure to be back performing again, after such a long time” said Chorus Manager, Lyn Baines. “We have had such positive feedback from the audience too: strong, resonant and beautiful sound, and Spanish audience members sang with us when we sang their favourite Spanish songs.”
Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday.
Spangles is hoping for more open-air, public
We have so missed not having public performances and it was thrilling to be back in public. “ said Valerie Lynch, Musical Director. The resort holds a market every Wednesday and Friday evening during July and August, which is attended by approximately 750 people. Spangles sang in a beautiful setting, which allowed them to safely-distance and sing in the open air to an audience of more than 50 people. Spangles is a founder member
Photo: Gary Beaudin
If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: or email:
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 876 QUICK ACROSS: 6 Miserly; 7 Incur; 9 Wit; 10 Desirable; 12 Prohibition; 15 Immediately; 17 Decadence; 19 Shy; 21 Perch; 22 Capable. DOWN: 1 Civil; 2 Bet; 3 Glue; 4 Unearthly; 5 Outlook; 8 Gibbet; 11 Grievance; 13 Hailed; 14 Impeded; 16 Child; 18 Clap; 20 Sad. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Get away; 7 Onset; 9 Ban; 10 Dynamited; 12 Miss the
ACROSS 1. Modest (10) 7. Famous (5) 8. Leaves (7) 10. Embellished (8) 11. Defeat (4) 13. Revolve (6) 15. Placard (6) 17. Char (4) 18. Music-writer (8) 21. Exaltation (7) 22. Map-book (5) 23. Trust (10) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 12. 14. 16. 19. 20.
post; 15 Demonstrate; 17 Express (5) Impertinence (8) Endure (6) Masculine (4) Closest (7) Intolerable (10) Venture (10) Grumble (8) Twister (7) Lent (6) Ointment (5) Quarrel (4)
Well-being; 19 Tit; 21 Guest; 22 Conifer. DOWN: 1 Penal; 2 Saw; 3 Wary; 4 In dispute; 5 Reverse; 8 Washer; 11 Win or lose; 13 Sister; 14 Revenue; 16 Siren; 18 Noon; 20 Bit.
ACROSS 1. Assorted dairy pails used in flying show (3,7) 7. A profit once more (5) 8. Drink for morale? (7) 10. Need hint finally (2,3,3) 11. The demeanour of one put among males (4) 13. Prepare to stop (4,2) 15. One could get a bangle from here (6) 17. Call 150 out as leaving pass in the mountains (4) 18. The others don’t get as much, being fidgety (8) 21. Post in flying? (3-4) 22. Fish on ice? (5) 23. Unique opportunity is merely luck (4,6)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1.The controversial Jubalani ball that was used at the 2010 FIFA World cup is a Zulu word. What does it mean? 2. Who painted The Red Dragon found in the novel of the same name from Thomas Harris? 3. Which US entertainer, famous for her 'shimmy', was sentenced to ten days in the workhouse in 1927 for "corrupting the morals of youth"? 4. Which FIFA record did Josip Simunic unintentionally break on June 22nd 2006? 5. What is the English translation for the novel titled 'Voyna i Mir'? 6. The city of Ushuaia, located on the Beagle Channel, is often given which superlative? 7. Which unpopular financial term stems from the French word for purse? 8. Can you name the last eight Australian men who have won the mens' singles title at Wimbledon? 9. Sarek is the father of which half breed? 10. Complete each of the following song titles. a. Be Bop a, b. Rama Lama, c. I. O. d. Sha La La La, e. Da Doo Ron, f. Giddy Up A , g. In A Gadda, h. De Do Do Do De
DOWN 1. A trap set thus is not together (5) 2. The athlete is out of bed, but he came second (6-2) 3. Anne is unfortunately quite mad (6) 4. Quiet tune for two (4) 5. A revolution cropping up (7) 6. For which players take to the air (5,5) 9. Having given vocal items, girls use them to keep out the glare (3-7) 12. Somehow get rid of set joint (8) 14. Almost aiming for pain-killer (7) 16. The riches derived from the law (6) 19. Delete some of the matter as erroneous (5) 20. She introduces boy to youth leader (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11.What name has been given to fans who support the US national soccer team? 12. Kriek beer, a Belgium brew, is flavoured with which fruit? a. Strawberries, b. Plums, c. Cherries, d. Raspberries 13. Saltire, pall, chevron, fesses, pales and canton are examples of patterns found on what? 14. 'The British Invasion'. The Beatles excluded, name five of the ten performers who were the first to have number one hits in the US charts. 15.The only captain to lose two FIFA World Cup finals was German.What was his name? 16. Which old Russian word meaning 'fast' is the other name for the Russian Wolfhound? 17. According to the UN, which continent is suffering deforestation at twice the world rate? 18. Name the seven most populated cities (including metro areas) in the world which end with the letter 'S'. 19. Which strait separates Canada and Greenland? 20. Which spot of bother, originally a line, was first introduced in 1891 as a form of both punishment and reward?
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
The Orihuela Council took possession of the new La Zenia Emergency Centre last week promising that, after a multitude of delays lasting 12 years, it will finally be occupied in August. At this stage, however, it is still not known which facilities the centre will house, with the Generalitat still having to approve the presence of SAMU ambulance 24 hours a day, forest firefighters and bomberas. It will though, provide offices and accommodation for the Orihuela Costa Local Police, personnel of the Civil Guard and the Immigration section of the National Police, services that are currently provided in very limited facilities of the satellite Town Hall in Playa Flamenca adding to the meagre endowment of municipal public infrastructures that the most populated area of Orihuela currently has. Although the building is reminiscent of an industrial facility, it has plenty of space to house the planned services: there are 4,651 m2 built on a plot of almost five thousand, with an expansive underground, ground floor and first floor, all of which are sited on a plot in the heart of La Zenia, close to the N332.
More is an energetic, young 7 month old medium crossbreed. She is fully vaccinated, microchipped and sterilized and full of fun. For more info contact 966 71 0047 (leave a message) or The adaptation of the top floor, which remains unfinished, will require another 600,000 euros
Now that it is in the hands of the Ayuntamiento, this week it is planned to start moving in the furniture, costing 75,000 euros, for the Local Police, Civil Guard and National Police in the hope that the centre could finally be operational by the end of August.
which the building is designed, however, is not at all clear despite the municipal government stating that the travel times from Orihuela Costa are much shorter than the current ones for any emergency in the case of forest fires in Sierra Escalona and the Dehesa de Campoamor as well as for a residential area as large as the Orihuela Costa, with almost 30,000 residents in winter - four times more in summer.
The introduction of the rest of the services for
In addition to a large reception area and a Local
Mayor Emilio Bascuñana (PP) and Councillor for Emergencies, Victor Valverde attended the handover on Monday.
Police office on the ground floor, which is three times the size of that currently in use in Playa Flamenca, the building has a heli-surface. In the basement there are 50 parking spaces, a security zone with three cells, and a gym for the agents. The building also has rooms reserved for the Red Cross and Civil Protection in the admission area of the main entrance. The adaptation of the top floor, which remains unfinished, will require another 600,000 euros
QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club will be held at the Cooper’s Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada, on Tuesday 14th September 2021. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the pandemic allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information.
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
637 227 385
You should see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. However, the drugs you may be prescribed don't work for everyone and they can have disagreeable side effects, so there are excellent reasons to go for the herbal alternative. If you do decide to take any form of herbal medicine, or consult a medical herbalist, keep your doctor in the picture. It's a good idea to have a regular prostate check-up to make sure the herbs are working for you.
MALE MISERY If there's one word guaranteed to bring a thoughtful look to the face of any man over fifty, it's prostate. No other part of his anatomy is more likely to give him problems.
The Big Three in herbal prostate treatment are saw palmetto, pygeum and nettle. Saw palmetto is an amazing little berry grown in Florida and used for centuries by the natives to alleviate men's problems; more than seventeen studies have proved its efficacy. One of these, incidentally, compared it with the standard drug treatment, finasteride, and found that it worked just as well but with fewer side effects. Saw palmetto can also be used as prevention, in courses of two to three months a year
Even before the fifty-year mark, the prostate can start making its presence felt by getting infected, swollen and inflamed. This is prostatitis, which may become chronic, and your doctor will probably treat it with courses of antibiotics. Once you pass fifty, however, the gland can act up without any infectious cause. This is benign prostatic hypertrophy BPH for short - and, like prostatitis, it's a nuisance because of its growing stranglehold on the urethra.
nettles though, which herbalists have long prized as a useful anti-inflammatory - and a pretty nutritious herb into the bargain. At least one study has shown that it can relieve BPH symptoms, and it's often combined with saw palmetto. In spring you can add fresh young nettle tops to steamed spinach or soups. At other times you can take it in tincture form or as a tea - tea bags are available. Nettles will boost your general health; they are very rich in minerals.
Here s an idea for you .......... Zinc is vital for male health, especially in the prostate zone, and pumpkin seeds those little dark green ones are a super source. Mix a tablespoonful with a bowl of muesli: add water to cover, soak overnight, and they'll be chewy by breakfast time; or grind them and add them at once. Use pumpkin seed oil for salads, too.
Plan your prevention strategy well, though, and you may never know the misery your prostate can inflict on you, or need the dodgy drugs. And there's plenty you can do in the way of prevention.
Urine flow can slow to a trickle, and nights will more and more be broken by the urge to get up for a pee. In the long term there are more painful symptoms: a deep dull ache in the pelvic area or lower back, blood in the urine and increasing difficulty in urination.
Regular exercise is key to keeping things moving in the pelvic area. Pilates is especially good because it focuses on the often-neglected set of muscles in this area. Just walking is fine, too.
Several studies suggest that saw palmetto can be effective in 8o to 90% of cases. It can also be used as prevention, in courses of two to three months a year, once you've hit your fifties. Get your doctor to check you for prostate cancer before starting, as it can mask symptoms.
Like most of the other parts of us, the prostate, too, benefits from those much-cried-up omega-3 fatty acids. Eat oily fish regularly or take linseed (otherwise known as flaxseed) in one of the many forms now available.
Pygeum africanum is an African evergreen tree that early nineteenth-century travellers found natives using for 'old man's disease'. Plenty of double-blind studies have proved its efficacy at reducing those annoying symptoms, and in France many doctors consider it the treatment of choice for BPH. It works especially well when combined with saw palmetto. However, pygeum is, sadly, on the way to the endangered list. That's never going to be true of common-or-garden stinging
NEXT WEEK: Rasping in the rib cage
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
he Ministry of Health has said that it is facing new difficulties in both tracing curbing the spread of the pandemic, in the Valencian Community currently going through its fourth wave while in the remainder of Spain it is considered the fifth. One of the problems that the department now faces is the difficulty of traceability in certain outbreaks, especially those related to social encounters between young people, as they often don't want to say who they were with.
Currently, the accumulated 14 day incidence in the 15 to 29 years age group, according to the latest figures provided by Health, is 1,381 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, double what it was two weeks ago and a figure that is well above the general average in the Valencian Community, which last Thursday marked 540 cases.
Puig appealed to the public for their cooperation with tracers
That is why the focus is especially being made on social contacts (outbreaks in this area represent 81%, with the alert being linked to birthday parties, family gatherings and meals with friends). One of the last most prominent outbreaks reported recently occurred just a few days ago at a student graduation party at a restaurant in Valencia, where 38 cases were detected.
Young people often don't want to say who they were with
The trackers are often running into difficulties. "Often these young people do not want to say who they were with," they explained reporting that they were extremely vague in the information they are able to provide. "They tell you that they do not know who they were with, or they only remember first names and claim not to know the contact." Beyond the fact that on some
occasions their ignorance may be genuine, sources from the Ministry speculate that there is a 'pact of silence'. "They think that many prefer not to involve their friends, that they cannot be infected and they want to avoid being confined.” Meanwhile, the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, appealed at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Table held last Thursday, that the general public cooperates with the tracers and although he didn’t specifically highlight young people he did say that, in recent weeks, one in five people admitted to ICU due to covid was under 35 years of age. According to data from the Ministry at the beginning of July, the Valencian Government had just over 1,600 trackers, to which 50 more military were recently added. Last Thursday, the autonomic positivity rate stood at 17.4%, the fourth highest in Spain: which means that out of every 100 people who are tested, more than 17 are infected. The World Health Organization considers that at just 4% of this indicator the pandemic is "out of control".
ORIHUELA COSTA SAYS ‘ENOUGH’. In recent weeks, AVOCA has received many complaints from the residents of Orihuela Costa, who are very angry at the serious lack of municipal services provided by the town hall. Some specific cases of the unfortunate events regularly occurring on the coast are; streets full of garden waste and rubbish, broken containers with rubbish lying around them, huge bushes and weeds growing along the pavements, many potholes and pavements that seriously hinder movement of vehicles and pedestrians, outdated and insufficient road signs that pose a threat to road safety, stretches of cliffs on our coast in ruins (for example, the La Caleta sinkhole), the lack of police officers to control antisocial behaviour. Many people are saying that they feel abandoned
Torrevieja gets 4 new Police Vans Torrevieja’s Local Police department has become one of the best equipped in the entire Valencian Community with the acquisition of a further 4 vans adding to their current fleet of 17 new state-of-the-art vehicles. The vans will be issued to Traffic (UDA), two for the Operational Reinforcement Group (GRO) and one for the Canine Team. All of them are fully equipped with all necessary equipment and especially adapted to the functions for which intended. The mayor, Eduardo Dolón, said that the acquisition
of these four vans is included in the lease for a period of four years for a total of 17 vehicles (12 vehicles and 5 vans), all fully equipped with the latest technologies. The contract for the 17 vehicles is costing 702,000 euros, over four years, about 175,000 euros per year including VAT. The vehicles are all environmentally friendly and are equipped with state-of-the-art diesel engines with adblue for gas cleaning and environmental protection. They are also fitted with anti-breakage protections for windows, headlights and lights.
by the inaction of the Town Hall. As such The association has organised a demonstration in which members of the public will be able to show their frustration and outrage at this situation publicly. Date: 29 July (Thursday), Municipal plenary Time: 11am (Approximate duration: 1 hour) Location: In front of the Playa Flamenca Town Hall Modus operandi: Banging pots and pans. Alternatively, using mobile phones, using the following link: The demonstration has been authorised by the subdelegation of the Spanish government in Alicante. They have advised us of the need to follow the appropriate health measures at all times.
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 18,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively,
friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in
The next meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 19 August at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting
Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman
637 227 385
Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. We also provide a social hub for members by organising monthly events. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. New members are very welcome. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at For Welfare contact Bill or Pauline on 0034 634 38 99 83 or email For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare
PERSONAL Spanish. Beautiful Shemale Michelle. Experience the best. Tel. 606 847 280 Calle Turquesa 15. La Zenia
Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834 Grace... Horny Latina. Busty. All the fantasies. Calle Turquesa. Tel. 656 314 941
Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.
Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 665 736 488
Tel. 604 111 457
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
637 227 385
Los Montesinos celebrate 31st Anniversary of Independence
Empty Shelves
Warning as viral videos show fruit juice being used to create false positive COVID tests
read this morning there are one point seven million people stuck at home after being tested positive for Covid 19.
While this is happening there is a shortage of staff to run the economy as well as lorry drivers to move goods, so there is a risk that supermarket shelves will empty. Covid 19, floods the planet with its constant changes in format bringing countries to a standstill by people being ill creating a shortage of operators to make the economic wheels of commerce to continue to turn. Whilst this is exceptionally real, causing hardship and the breakdown of daily living, there are others using the situation to idly stay at home without having the virus, by cheating the LFT (Lateral flow Testing) results. The following letter (shown here in italics and my underlining) explains this deceitful and false activity, and was received by parents from a High School in Birmingham. I do have a copy of the document. 15th July, 2021 Dear parent / guardian, I am writing to you to share our exasperation over two separate incidents where Year 10 pupils faked their Covid LFT result in order to have time off school for themselves and their friendship groups. These two incidents meant that a total of 50 pupils were wrongly sent home to isolate. This has caused a huge amount of distress and anxiety for these pupils and their families. It has also had a detrimental impact on their education that they can ill-afford after having missed so much already over the past 17 months of Covid and wasted a lot of staff time in school. Videos of how to do this have been circulating for some time on TikTok and other social media platforms, and I am aware of other local schools
that have had a spate of these faked cases to deal with. We have taken great pride in the fact the children attending our school have not got involved in this and have behaved with great responsibility and integrity. The fact that we have had two incidents in two days this week is a real concern. Going forward, we would greatly appreciate your help in preventing further fake LFT cases and minimising disruption. Please take some time over the next few days to emphasise the upset and harm that a faking a test result causes with your daughter and that incidents such as we have had this week may result in an exclusion. If you suspect that your daughter may have Covid, we would like you to supervise her administering two LFTs yourself before informing us that she is potentially positive and booking a confirmatory PCR test.
practice is having where healthy pupils are creating a falsehood by tampering with the test to show it is positive when in actuality it is not. The Deputy Head Teacher goes on to explain that it is also happening in other schools. It must follow that if students are able to fake a result to have free time at home, then others who wish for time off from places of employment are doing likewise and possibly being paid for doing nothing. I am told the method to achieve this is freely available on social media and it is done by a mixture of two ingredients available in every household. I am now wondering how many of the one point seven million who are off work are there because of a fake test?
Yours faithfully,
The swamp of social media is starting to control our lives with fake news and instruction on how to cheat. Children are being brought up in an unreal world as the human race rushes to oblivion on the tracks of greed – greed - greed. Take Care.
The letter is signed by the Deputy Headmaster and goes on to explain in detail the impact this chattey – Percy’s novels and short stories can be found on Amazon and Kindle type in Percy Chattey
Montesinos Musical concert in historical Claustro of the University College of Santo Domingo, Orihuela By Andrew Atkinson The Montesinos Musical Group performed a concert in the Claustro of the University College of Santo Domingo with the debut 'Armengola', Orihuela, composed by Francisco Jorge Mora. The Colegio Santo Domingo de Orihuela nicknamed "El Escorial de Levante" is a monumental building in the Renaissance style of classical sobriety with baroque features. Its construction began in the 16th century with the Convent of Santo Domingo the largest Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) in the Valencian Community and the most representative of the Old Kingdom of Valencia. In 1546 Fernando de Loazes, Patriarch of Antioquia and then Bishop of Lleida,
decided to found in Orihuela, the city where he was born, a Pontifical College under the direction of the Order of Preachers, the Dominican Fathers.
other liberal arts.
After obtaining in 1552 Papal Bull granted by Julius III, it began to function as a Pontifical College only for Dominicans.
Its two cloisters stand out, of
The following year the great works of the Convent began under the direction of Juan Inglés. In 1569, Pope Pius V granted the College the category of Pontifical University, equating it with the universities of Salamanca, Alcalá de Henares and Valencia. In 1646, King Felipe IV of Spain declared it a Royal University, thus it became general and public, teaching in its classrooms Civil and Canon Law, Philosophy and Theology, Medicine and
After the suppression of the minor universities in 1807, the University of Orihuela was extinguished in 1835.
Quote: 'Embraces with a Soul sculpture tribute to COVID-19 victims' - Mayor Jose Manuel Butron By Andrew Atkinson Los Montesinos are commemorating 31 years Independence with a wide cultural programme during July. "Sponsorship by the Alicante Provincial Council will allow children, young people, and adults to enjoy safe theatre, musical, childrens and recreational performances," said Councillor for Culture, Rosa Belén Morán. Most of the events scheduled by the Montesinero municipality will take place in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, with the respective access controls and coronovirus safety distances. Festivities organiser Alejandro Espí, said: "For health reasons regular events have been dispensed with on these dates, such as the water festival or themed markets. "A diverse programme has been developed with safe and diverse cultural and leisure events. "The importance of the July Cultural event, which is part of the anniversary of segregation, a date which is very important for the town of Los Montesinos." On July 30, the Anniversary of segregation, the council will inaugurate a sculpture “Embraces with a soul”, in tribute to the victims of the coronovirus pandemic and to all the people who have fought against the virus. Mayor José Manuel Butrón said: "The sculpture constitutes a tribute to the people who have not had a dignified farewell, as well as a gratitude to all the health personnel who have dealt with and continue to fight to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. "We are commemorating July 30 in the municipality one more year, albeit in a different way, given the adverse health circumstances that we are going through." On July 30, 1990, the Valencian Council, by means of a Decree, declared Los Montesinos as an Independent municipality with respect to Almoradí, a town to which they belonged as a district.
Renaissance and Baroque styles; its Renaissance temple with luxurious baroque decoration; its bell tower with unique decoration and colour; and its imposing facade with three significant covers. After being a College of the Dominican Order; to house the extinct University of Orihuela for nearly three centuries and to have housed the first National Public
Library of Spain, founded in the 16th century; between 1872 and 1956 Colegio de Jesuitas. It is currently the headquarters of the Diocesan School of Santo Domingo, a Private Catholic School, concerted at all levels, for Early Childhood Education, Compulsory Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate.
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
Lo Crispin G.S. Anniversary Trophy
La Marina Golf Society
Thirty three members and guests competed for the Society's Anniversary Trophy (the Society is now in its 12th. year of existence) on a typical hot sunny Costa Blanca day, with only a gentle breeze to cool things down.
1st. Place - Barney Barningham 26 pts. off 21 (on count back)
15th July 2021- For the Members of the La Marina Golf Society it was the start of their 4 game Summer Cup Trophy and the first of these games was at the El Plantio Golf Course.
2nd. Place - John Dunnion 26 pts. off 20
The course was in excellent condition which made for a great day's golfing.
3rd. Place - Janet Candlin 24 pts. off 34
As usual the course was in generally good condition and the greens fast and true.
N.T.P. on Par 3s
The winner of the Gold Division with 32pts was iain Lyall and Jimmy Scott with 40pts won the Silver Division.
Following the game we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where we were supplied with Tapas and the prizes for the day were distributed. Gold Division 1st. Place (and winner of the Anniversary Trophy) - Dean Astley 28 pts. off 14 (on count back)
Hole 3 - Ray Hampton, Hole 5 - Nobody managed to reach or stay on the green, Hole 13 - Mike Johnson, Hole 16 Rod Pullen Guest Prize - Was won by one of our new members Alan Haslop, one of our new members playing for handicap with, 23 pts.
3rd. Place - Mark Good - 27 pts. off 16
As there were no 2s, the 'pot' rolls over to the next game. which will be an inter society match against Quesada Golf Society on 5th. August at El Plantio. Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by John Hall (one of our guests).
Silver Division
Steve Harrington (Membership and Handicap Secretary).
2nd. Place - Dave Norton 28pts. off 10
Nearest the pin prizes were won by Lesley Cullen for hole 7, Gerry McCabe for hole 9, Roy Wealeans for hole 14 and Jimmy Scott for hole 18. The second game of the Summer Cup will be played at Bonalba. La Marina Golf Society is always pleased to welcome new players. For more details, please contact Club Secretary Jeff Wiszniewski at
Carp-R-Us Fishing report
Sapphire Golf Society at Vistabella on 21st July 2021.
The temperature hit the high thirties as Carp-R-Us stalwarts visited the Rio Segura at Bigastro (Jacarilla) on Thursday 22nd July.
In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services
Brollies with UV protection were essential. The river was fairly high and fast flowing with lots of plant debris pushing down from further upstream.
For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 34 players visited the established course at Vistabella taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather was hot and sticky and the course in good condition. Gold Division 1st - Peter Brown - 38 points 2nd – Don Bishop - 37 points
After the game we returned to Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties.
Silver Division 1st – Annie Pardoe – 35 points 2nd – Jim Donnelly – 33 points
Our next fixture is the interim game at Vistabella on the 4th August 2021 and the society day at Alenda on the 18th August 2021.
Bronze Division 1st – Paul Fairbairn – 32 points 2nd – Barry Dexter - 32 points Nearest the Pins – Clarke, Hopton and Tiernan Football Card – Mike Probert
Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at
Mike Probert talks Golf H
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers.
Playing Golf in High Temperaturs We are now in the height of Summer with extremely high temperatures and below are some simple things that all golfers should do to prevent problems in the summer months, namely: We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Price €98 €84 €120 €100 €125
Comments Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy
The river looked like it might produce plenty of fish, unfortunately the fish thought otherwise whilst the terrapins didn't.
Next Thursday will be the final match in the Summer mini-series. It will be held at El Bosquet.
Apart from Willy Moons on peg 1 with 11.12 Kgs using the method feeder with 8mm pellets and micro pellet groundbait, there wasn't much to choose between the other anglers.
There are no matches for August and, because of covid restrictions earlier in the year, a new calendar of matches will be published for the Autumn and Winter.
Roy Buttress was second on peg 4 with 2.92 Kgs and Tony Flett third on peg 5 with 2.69 Kgs. Willy made it two days in a row that Dutch anglers have won matches. And, with local national Alfonso Yagues winning his section last week, it is good to see the Costa Blanca angling community is widening beyond just U.K. ex-pats.
The Club will then also do its best to arrange its annual meal and trophy awards once circumstances permit the gathering of members and guests. Any further delay and we will need to present both the 2020 and 2021 awards together, expecting everyone to eat two presentations worth of meals.
If possible avoid playing golf in the early afternoon between mid-day and 3pm.
Try to eat something when playing because you will use energy as your body works hard to keep you cool.
Always apply sun block to exposed areas of skin and try to wear a hat to avoid sunstroke.
If you get the chance on the way around take the opportunity to wait in the shade but don’t hold up play when doing this.
Remember that thirst is the last sign of de-hydration not the first.
Although you may feel weary keep up with the group in front and remember the quicker you play the less time you will be exposed to the sun and high temperatures.
Drink plenty of fluid particularly water and sports drinks which replace the minerals that your body loses as you sweat. Avoid drinking alcohol which dehydrates you more quickly. Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca
€90 €84 €140 €104 €100 €150 €114 €130 €96 €140 €171 €110 €78
Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy
If you follow these few simple steps you will avoid problems resulting from playing golf in extreme weather conditions in the hot summer months. Lo Romero €166 Two Green Fees & Buggy Mar Menor €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & Buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1.06pm) Saurines €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Levante €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €70 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villamartin €130 Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Vistabella €105 Two Green Fees & Buggy ( 1.00pm) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
637 227 385
THADER MAKE EXCITING NEW SIGNINGS Josan Ruiz has signed from Santa Pola and is a left sided player. Pascual Bernal is also from Santa Pola but is a central defender.
Berni, Quino & Alberto. In addition to these, 6 new players will be arriving. Goalkeeper Pepe played for Almoradi last season, and will be replacing Adrian, who has been released. Kevin Miralles, a 22-year-old striker, arrives from Atletico Catral. Jona Merino scored 9 goals for Murada last season, at Preferente level.
Finally, Javi Rosquin is one for the future, a utility player from Kelme youth. Of the 16 teams in next seasons group 5 of preferente division, 7 are a change from last season. In come Crevillente Deportivo, Novelda Union, Rayo Ibense, Alicante University, AD Betis Florida, Aspe and CFI Alicante.
Less than 7 weeks since Thader played their final league game of the season at Elda, manager Raul Mora will put his team through the first friendly of the close season. Jove Espanol of the national 3rd division, will visit Moi Gomez stadium, Rojales, on Friday 30 July, ko 8.30pm.
At last weeks end of season club presentation dinner, top scorer Quino (left) was presented with both fans, and players, player of the season award.
Unlike previous seasons, the bulk of the team will be staying at the club. Thader fans will be pleased to read of this very impressive list of retained players - Sergio, Lloyd, Fran, Miguel, Juan, Javi, Ruben, Dani Lucas, Rafa, Borja, Oscar, Calderon,
A good turnout at Casa Antonio restaurant were treated to a superb meal, followed by presentation, raffle and auction.
Sponsored by Lumsden Auctions.
In August we’re getting together for a tasty “afternoon tea”.
After our recent internal trips league finished it has taken a while to get the winning “Spaniels” team together for a photo with their trophy. Since then play has moved to evening matches though some members are having a break from playing.
We welcome new members & though we’re comparatively small at present, hopefully our numbers will grow when players see improvements are being made.
However we are still getting together, with activities going on at “Oasis San Luis”. An auction on Wednesday mornings, a table top sale or craft sale on Friday mornings; + a fun quiz on a Monday night & weekly live entertainment as advertised. Dee has been organising events for club members: we celebrated our 20th Anniversary on 2nd July. On 23rd there was a short afternoon fun game followed by a gathering, with members, friends & family (over Tapas); thanks to Terry Baylis to remember his wife Pat who died in January.
We still intend to be a competitive club, aiming to enter 2 teams in Monday & Friday leagues + a Winter League team. Our Open Forum is planned for September, giving members a chance to raise issues relating to the club. The number of teams each club plans to enter has to be notified to LLB by mid August, so people will have to make decisions VERY soon about where to bowl for the winter season. If players are prepared to commit themselves to San Luis Bowls Club by 1st August, Gareth has agreed that for this year membership will be for 13 months, from 1st
August 2021. Information for anyone wanting to join us at San Luis: SLBC Membership fees 2021/22
13 months Green fees 1/8/21 - 31/8/22 200€ 7 months Green fees 1/10/21 - 30/4/22 140€ + FED fees
For non-resident players, limited to 90 days out of 180; (Brexit) membership is available (60€) for 3 CONSECUTIVE months. If the 90 days are split, then the 7 months Green fees would apply. If you want to join our friendly club, please talk to steering committee members on site during the week, or contact June Jones: 691 903 773, email: If you want to learn to bowl, coaching can be arranged - why not give it a try. Sheila Cammack
The winning SPANIELS team: Brian, Ray and Peter petitions have been well supported we are running them again over the next six weeks. Monday will be 9.30 for 10.00 and the Friday in the evening 16.30 for 17.00. Once again the winners will be annonced after the last matches.
Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix and The Belfry.
Charo Esquiva wins Rafa Nadal tournament in Madrid Last Saturday, the Torrevieja Tennis Club player, Charo Esquiva, achieved victory in Under-14 competition on the Rafa Nadal circuit that was held at the International Club in Madrid, when she beat the Andalusian player Lorena Solar in the final by a clear 61, 6-2. The victory moved Chara up to fifth place in the national rankings and secures her place in the Masters to be played at the Rafa Nadal academy in Mallorca next September.
FINALS DAY On Sunday 20th June we held our Ladies and mens singles finals. Sheila Roberts v Joan Harding amd Keith Young v Phil Goble. After two good matches Joan won the Ladies and Phil won the Mens well done to both. Afterwards we all enjoyed a buffet lunch in the Rincon followed by the presentation of the trophies to the winners. WINNERS: Ladies Singles: Joan Harding Mens Singles: Phil Goble
Chicken winners Neil and Rita Ladies Pairs: Lynne Armitage and Gina Hindle Mens Pairs: Keith Young and Neil Crawford Mixed Trips: Sue Bounds, Les Bounds and Neil Crawford Ladies Trips: Sheila Roberts, Sue Bounds and Joan Harding Mens Trips: Howie Williams, David Eades and Phil Goble Drawn Mixed Pairs: Sheila Roberts and keith Young RUNNERS UP: Ladies Singles: Sheila Roberts Mens Singles: Keith Young Ladies Pairs: Sheila Roberts and
Joan Harding Mens Pairs: David Eades and Phil Goble Mixed Trips: Howie Williams, Tanya Oliver and Jack Burrell Ladies Trips: Jan Soars, Des Freeman and Lynda Saunders Mens Trips: Ted Hyman, Steve Hindle and Chris Harding Drawn Mixed Pairs: Des Freeman and Graham Smythe Well done to all who took part and Thank you to Howie who organised the competitions. IN HOUSE COMPETITIONS As the Monday and Friday com-
We played eighteen ends on four rinks of trips. We had a refreshment break after nine ends and did a redraw for the next nine ends. The ladies winner of the chicken was Rita Towle and Neil Crawford won the mens. Sheila Roberts and Bill Errington won the eggs. Thank you to David Eades who donated the chickens and Julia and Ian Hamilton who donated the eggs. Julia Hamilton won the football card with Hibernian. The next chicken run will be the last Sunday in August and we will be holding a table to sale.
637 227 385
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
COURT AND VINE BREAK LMTCC’S RECORD BOWLING FIGURES QUICK SUCCESSION: After Tom Vine produced figures of 5-17, his record was beaten by Alfie Court with 6-11 (pictured) La Manga Torrevieja Cricket Club (LMTCC), Madrid and Torre Pacheco featured in the first 2021 T20 League fixtures with LMTCC’s Tom Vine and Alfie Court breaking club record bowling figures.
frustrating the batsmen. Torre Pacheco’s Sharif (66*) started to look more solid.
With three wins out of four it was a good display by all of the eighteen players who represented the club, and thanks to Madrid CC and Torre Pacheco CC for providing great opposition.
A final tight spell from Tommy, Hugh and Alfie built the pressure, and Torre Pacheco were all out in the 38th over for 167. Tommy was the pick of the bowlers, finishing his 8 overs with thee wickets for 22 runs.
Tom Vine broke the club record for best bowling figures (5-17) only to see his record beaten by Alfie Court (6-11). The challenge is set for our bowlers for the rest of the season. LMTCC XI beat Madrid CC by 10 wickets in the 40 over League. Madrid won the toss and battled hard to survive their 40 overs and posting 146-9. Wickets were shared and openers batted clinically knocking off the score in 16.4 overs to complete a comfortable victory. LMTCC’s Development XI were finally able to get their 2021 season off to a good start, playing Torre Pacheco in a 40-over game at La Manga Club, led by Elspeth Fowler on her captaincy debut and welcoming three new players to the team, Richard, Ken and Mike. After losing the toss, LMTCC bowled first. A tight opening spell from Alfie Court and Connor Wood brought some early wickets, and was backed up by some good bowling from Tommy as first change. At the break (15 overs), Torre Pacheco were 61-4. Paul Harvey and Steph then came onto bowl,
A couple of wickets for Paul Harvey and a run out meant that Torre Pacheco were 137-7 after 30 overs.
LMTCC fielded well, and special mention should go to Richard’s excellent catch at slip, Paul Hennessy’s solid wicket-keeping, and Charlie’s three catches in the deep, including a spectacular diving catch. Charlie and Connor were sent out to open LMTCC’s reply, and faced some good bowling from the Torre Pacheco openers. Connor was dismissed in the seventh over, and newcomer Mike came out to bat with LMTCC on 13-1. Some good running between the wickets and intelligent batting from Charlie (60) kept the score ticking over. LMTCC were on 71 by the time the second wicket fell in the 20th over, followed by several wickets in quick succession. Big shots from Charlie and Richard (12) helped take LMTCC to 118-7 in the 30th over. The final run chase was seen off comfortably by Paul Harvey 28* and Paul Hennessy 29*), showing their experience as they reached the total with an over and a half to spare," added Wood.
Results: 1st XI T20 League
wickets (scorecard
Game 1 - LMTCC 165/3 (20). R Panchal 44, P Hennessey 40, A Alger 33 beat Madrid 150/5 (20) by 15 runs (scorecard
Development XI T20 friendly
Game 2 - LMTCC 86/5 (11.3) beat Madrid 84 all out (19.5) C Rumi 3-10 by 5
INJURIES CONTRIBUTE TO ‘STOP-START’ SEASON Chief sports editor Andrew Atkinson speaks to Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 Racing San Miguel coach Dani Perèz Williscroft reflecting back on the coronovirus affected 2020-21 season. DANI Perèz Williscroft was plagued with an unprecedented number of setbacks during the 2020-21 season at Racing San Miguel, that included over 38 injuries. "The season didn't start very well with Vazquinho sustaining a serious knee injury pre-season which was a bad start to the campaign," said Dani. "It was a funny season with the coronovirus situation that saw fixtures postponed during lockdown. "Add to that over 38 injuries seeing players sidelined during the stop-start season," said Dani. The Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 club faced an unexpected relegation battle, when the FFCV split the top and bottom halves of the league into promotion and relegation groups, due to the fixture turmoil caused by COVID-19. "Even though it was a tough season, don't forget that the objective was to stay in the
1st Regional Group 10 from day one. We managed to do that," reasoned Dani. "We have to work hard with what we've got. Remember we haven't got the financial clout that some clubs fortunately have. "Money is tight at the club and we are looking to bring more sponsors on board. If there are interested parties please contact the club. "Having said that, we are happy with the lads and what they did this season," said
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
Dani. News from the club on the Academy front is players are breaking through into the first team squad. "Gigi and Paco came through from the Academy during the season which was good news - one of the most positive aspects of the year. "The players got to play plenty of minutes in the first team and proved their capabilities to step up," added Dani.
Game 1 - Torre Pacheco 151/9 (20) T Vine 5-17 beat LMTCC 104/8 (20) by 47 runs. Game 2 - LMTCC 101/9 (20) T Vine 39, beat Torre Pacheco 31 all out (11.2) A Court 6-11 inc. hat-trick, H James 3-11, by 70 runs.
“Money is tight at the club and we are looking to bring more sponsors on board.” said Dani
TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. 'To celebrate'. 2. William Blake. 3. Mae West. 4. Most cautions in one match. He was shown 3 yellows by referee Graham Poll in the Croatia vs. Australia World Cup match. 5. War and Peace. 6. The southernmost city in the world. 7. Budget (from 'bougette'). 8. Lleyton Hewitt (2002), Pat Cash (1987), John Newcombe (1967, 1970, 1971), Rod Laver (1961, 1962, 1968, 1969), Roy Emerson (1964, 1965), Neale Fraser (1960), Ashley Cooper (1958) and Lew Hoad (1956, 1957). 9. Spock. 10. a. Be Bop A Lu La (Gene Vincent). b. Rama Lama Ding Dong (Edsels). c. I.O. I. O. (Bee Gees). d. Sha La La La Lee (Small Faces). e. Da Doo Ron Ron (Crystals). f. Giddy Up A Ding Dong
(Equals). g. In A Gadda Da Vida (Iron Butterfly). h. De Do Do Do De Da Da Da (Police). 11. Sam's Army. 12. c. Cherries. Morello cherries). 13. Flags or heraldic symbols. 14. In order, Mr. Acker Bilk (Stranger on the Shore), Tornadoes (Telstar), Peter and Gordon (World without Love), The Animals (House of the Rising Sun), Manfred Mann (Do Wah Diddy Diddy), Petula Clark (Downtown), Freddie and the Dreamers (I'm telling you now), Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders (Game of Love), Herman's Hermits (Mrs Brown you've got a lovely daughter), Rolling Stones ( I can't get no (Satisfaction)). 15. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge. 16. Borzoi. 17. Africa. 18. Los Angeles, Lagos, Beunos Aires, Paris, Algiers, Dallas and Caracas. 19. Davis Strait. 20. Penalty spot in football.
Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August, 2021
637 227 385