The Leader Newspaper, Edition 861 – 23 August 21

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No 881 Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August 2021

637 227 385

Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper


By Andrew Atkinson oncerns have arisen again surrounding the quality of the water in Mar Menor after many thousands of fingerlings and crustaceans were washed ashore during last week.


Analysis carried out by the Ministry of the Environment have initially ruled out

an episode of anoxia, with oxygen levels said to be normal. On Friday the situation had deteriorated to such a degree that eight beaches were closed after hundreds of thousands of tiny fingerlings were washed up for the fifth day in a row. Bathing, sailing and watersports were all brought to a halt in order

to allow the access of heavy machinery onto the beaches and the clearing work of municipal staff to take place. The beaches concerned were Islas Menores, Playa Honda, Paraíso, Puerto Bello, La Gola, Cala del Pino, Caravaning and Mar de Cristal.

Continued on Page 2


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


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The Cartagena City Council indicated that la playa de los Alemanes was also likely to be closed.. It seems as though the forecast of the Association of Southeast Naturalists (ANSE) and WWF was being fulfilled, as they warned on Thursday of the likelihood of many more deaths in the coming days. Ecologists said that "the causes that have generated the problem have not been adequately studied, although the Mar Menor continues to receive large amounts of nitrate-laden drainage water from intensive field crops that surround Europes largest saltwater lagoon." The phenomenon began last Monday, since when the indignation and repulsion of both residents and tourists has only increased, quickly becoming the focus of attention on television and social networks nationwide. The mortality has already spread, according to environmental organizations, to a large part of the Mar Menor, forcing the Community's cleaning services to be used to remove thousands of specimens of different marine species. The main affected areas are Los Alemanes beach, Cavanna beach, Cala del Pino and Cala del Sujeto, Islas Menores, Los Nietos, Los Urrutias, all of them in the municipality of Cartagena, and the beach near the Souk, in San Javier. The Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Civil Guard has collected samples at various points in the lagoon and is investigating the incident. While the scientific analyses also progress, in the hope of an indepth diagnosis, the regional government demanded that the Secretary of State for the Environment urgently develops "a protocol to deal with a possible episode of anoxia in the Mar Menor." The oxygenation of the waters of the lagoon would be a temporary 'patch', according to Ángel Pérez Ruzafa, professor of Ecology at the University of Murcia, although he added that the measure would involve a "huge effort that will only solve the problem for a very limited period." From a scientific point of view it is thought that the 40 degree + temperatures registered during August could have affected specimens of certain species, however, Murcia’s Higher Prosecutor's Office is to open an investigation to clarify the causes of the fish mortality in order that he can set aside any criminal responsibilities. A spokesperson for the Ministry of the Environment confirmed that, although the monitoring of water parameters is permanent, specific measurements are currently being made to detect any abnormal situation. Significant concentrations of live shrimp have been

observed in some areas near the shore, although it is not known if this circumstance is related to the death of fingerlings in the same areas. Dead fish were washed ashore in 2019 - following the DANAs that hit the region. Professor of Ecology at the University of Murcia Ángel Pérez Ruzafa said: "In the latest monitoring report on the ecological status of the lagoon, this year, with the entry of water and nutrients that has been maintained throughout winter and spring, the system is likely to have a difficult time recovering. "If torrential rains occur in late summer, the circumstances of 2019 and the effects of the DANAs that fall could repeat.'' Concerns over the state of the Mar Menor has been headline news in recent years - that has lead to local protests once again this month. On August 14, residents of Marmenorense beaches demonstrated to demand the recognition of the legal situation of the lagoon, so that it can have its own rights for its protection. SOS Mar Menor, Ecologists in Action, Por Un Mar Menor Vivo and Pacto Por el Mar Menor issued a statement: "Due to the eutrophication of the water this last week, added to the high temperatures and winds, we see the possibility of a new anoxia phenomenon." Also as a result of Monday’s discovery, the Public Ministry has made contact with the Regional Brigade of Environmental Crimes (Brida). Heads of this regional department have already informed the Public Prosecutor's Office of their willingness to share their reports as soon as possible. In addition, according to sources from the Prosecutor's Office, they have said that, according to the first data, this is not be another episode of anoxia (lack of oxy-

gen) similar the one that occurred in October 2019. Ant investigation will include the results of the analysis of the water in the affected areas and the examination of specimens of different species. The Prosecutor's Office will determine the scope of the enquiry which will include investigations by the Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Civil Guard and reports from scientific organizations, such as universities, and expert studies by the corresponding bodies. In fact, the Seprona already maintains a constant surveillance on everything related to the Mar Menor and that it has already carried out actions to ascertain the death of the fish. Agents from the Benemérita took biological samples from the water and other evidence from the beaches which have been sent to the laboratory for analysis. Among the questions that the Prosecutor's Office wants answered is whether the death of the fish is due to the general deterioration of the lagoon, accentuated in recent weeks according to scientific data from the regional Administration; or if it is a "specific event" due to a polluting spill or an anoxic situation that, in turn, originates from recent spills of an agricultural nature (with nutrients and fertilizers). The Prosecutor's Office wants to know the scope of the problem, in case it should need to go to local administrations or, where appropriate, to the courts, to demand measures that avoid a greater environmental problem. The proceedings will be coordinated by the special prosecutor for Urban Planning and the Environment, Miguel de Mata, who will incorporate the results into the summary of the ' Topillo case', the investigation into the responsibility of companies and public administrations in the deterioration of the Mar Menor due to agricultural spills.


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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021

Sánchez criticised for remaining on holiday as Afghanistan crisis unfolded

The first refugees arriving at Torrejon de Ardoz airbase in Madrid on Thursday night


hile other world leaders abandoned their summer holidays in the midst of the crisis in Afghanistan, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez refused to do likewise, tweeting from Lanzarote, where he was spending his summer break. Despite the rapid developments Sánchez limited himself to tweeting: “The repatriation of the Spanish people and the personnel of the Embassy in Afghanistan is in progress. The Government of Spain is coordinating all the procedures to guarantee your safety. The first A400M aircraft from the Ministry of Defence is already in Dubai and the second aircraft has just departed from Zaragoza”. German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared before the media on Monday where she assessed the situation, admitting that she and the international community were wrong when estimating how the situation would evolve following the departure of international troops. The chancellor also informed all of her parliamentary groups on the management of the crisis.

Also on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron called an extraordinary and urgent meeting of the French Defence Council to discuss the repatriation of its nationals. Macron also made a television speech dedicated exclusively to the situation in Afghanistan, in which he announced collaboration with other countries so that Kabul "does not return to being the terrorist sanctuary that it was in the past." Meanwhile, in Spain, Sánchez's only presence was limited to social networks. His attitude has been condemned by members of the opposition. The Partido Popular has requested a meeting of the Permanent Delegation in order to give free rein to an extraordinary plenary session to tackle the repatriation of Spanish personnel and Afghans who have collaborated with our troops.

critical of the Spanish PM saying, “While the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, the President of France, Enmanuel Macron, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, work intensely to achieve repatriations, Pedro Sánchez continues to swim in Lanzarote, without giving a single explanation about how he is dealing with this extremely urgent matter.“ Sánchez finally returned to Madrid on Friday afternoon, travelling from the Palacio de La Mareta in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) where he had enjoyed 16 days of uninterrupted summer rest, five of which were in the midst of the Afghan crisis. Neither, during that time, did he appear before the press, unlike many other European leaders.

The national spokesman of the PP, José Luis MartínezAlmeida , said on Tuesday that while other international leaders “are back at their desks the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, remains on holiday.

Meanwhile, on Thursday Spain began receiving Afghan citizens following the arrival of the first military plane at dawn, with 48 Afghans (five with Spanish nationality), as well as five families from Denmark, Germany, Poland and Latvia.

The mayor of Madrid was also

The second Spanish military

plane with 110 Afghan evacuees from Dubai (United Arab Emirates) arrived at the base late on Friday afternoon. All of the Afghan evacuees are being housed in facilities that have been set up at the Torrejón air base, a camp that has been set up by the Government to house 800 people and where those rescued will stay for a maximum of 72 hours, before being transferred to centres in other parts of Spain. Although the Prime Minister spoke regularly by video conference with the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, unlike other European leaders, Sanchez has not yet made any public statement before the cameras since the crisis in Afghanistan first broke out.



Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


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Coronavirus incidence drops in both Alicante Province and Murcia Region The incidence of coronavirus in the province of Alicante has seen a notable decrease in recent days, falling to 361 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the data released this Friday by the Ministry of Health. This is 56 points less than in the previous figure, on Tuesday. In these three days, the number of active cases has dropped by 13.78%, from 7,966 on Tuesday to 6,868 on Friday. The decrease in incidence has been seen across all health authorities, but none of them has managed to leave the extreme risk area. The lowest rate at the moment is in the Elche-Crevillent area, with 272.28 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Alcoy, with 289.65. The Torrevieja health authority also has a relatively low index, with 305.08, while those in La Vila Joiosa and Dénia are very close to the provincial average at 348.96 and 341.68, respectively. The worst situation continues to correspond to the area surrounding the General Hospital of Alicante , where

the incidence is currently 458.61. Nearby in Sant Joan d'Alacant, it is 440.25, while in Orihuela it is 394.04. Elda is at 380.53 and the General Hospital of Elche 376.91. In the last three days, 14 deaths have been reported, a relatively high figure after a long period in which hardly any deaths at all had been registered. Six of the deaths have occurred in the department of the General Hospital of Alicante, while in Sant Joan d'Alacant there have been three and in Elda two. The remaining three deaths have taken place in the areas of La Vila Joiosa, Orihuela and Torrevieja. At the municipal level, in localities with more than 5,000 inhabitants where the incidence is above 500, Almoradí (570.54) is the one of most concern locally. The city of Alicante is not far behind, with 478.54. Other municipalities of significant size with rates above 400 are Santa Pola (456.42), Dolores (451.47), Benidorm (449.96), Cocentaina (425.35), San Vicente del

Raspeig (423.89) and Callosa de Segura (413.03). Of the nine municipalities in the province with more than 40,000 inhabitants, the one with the most favorable situation right now is Alcoy, which has move out of extreme risk and stands at 240.93. Elche, Orihuela and Elda are all between 300 and 400, with rates of 307.12, 375.77 and 397.63, respectively. Guardamar del Segura has also experienced a slight increase and has gone from 246.07 to 265, thus returning to the extreme risk group. Murcia Region Meanwhile in the Murcia Region there have been another four deaths and almost 400 infections Despite the fact that vaccines are largely managing to mitigate the effects of the pandemic, August continues to register the highest death rate since March. On Friday, four new deaths were registered in the Community, bringing the number of fatalities caused by the

coronavirus to 1,662. They were three women and one man of 93, 82, 80 and 82 years of age, from Murcia Oeste, Cartagena and Lorca.

Alhama de Murcia, 9 Caravaca De la Cruz, 8 Cehegín, 7 Totana, 6 to Beniel, 5 Fuente Álamo, 5 Mazarrón, 4 Los Alcázares, 4 Archena and 4 in Jumilla.

There were 392 new cases registered, of which 98 are in the municipality of Murcia, 69 in Cartagena, 32 Lorca, 30 Águilas, 16 Molina de Segura, 13 San Pedro del Pinatar, 13 Torre Pacheco, 10 Puerto Lumbreras, to San Javier, 10

The 14-day cumulative incidence rate in the Murcia Region, the all-important factor in determining the progression of the coronavirus pandemic, has fallen once more to 348. That’s a significant drop of more than 14 points.

TORREVIEJA AND ROJALES CAMPAIGN AGAINST DUMPED RUBBISH Quote: 'Cleaning of our municipality is the responsibility of everyone' - Rojales Town Hall By Andrew Atkinson Torrevieja Council have launched a campaign against rubbish being dumped within the city. "The campaign aims to strengthen the change and to promote the knowledge of residents about the service that the Department of Urban Cleaning has recently expanded," said Carmen Gómez. Torrevieja's image has been blotted, with furniture and other items dumped in the streets, and next to waste containers. The campaign highlights a free collection service of household goods service by the Department of Urban Cleaning of the Torrevieja City Council by telephoning 966 702 390. The campaign includes an electric billboard

advertising a QR code that, when scanned, directs you to a screen with details. During Fridays and Saturdays in August and September, next to the screen on Ramón Gallud street, an information table with a hostess will explain the service. A video can be viewed explaining the service with the contact number projected on the screen. Rojales Town Hall have also highlighted the protocols regarding to waste, with a warning of potential fines imposed for those who disregard the law. "Cleaning of our municipality is the responsibility of everyone," said a Town Hall spokesperson. “Depositing cuttings or any other residue outside containers may entail fines in accordance with our municipal ordinance," they added.


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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021



Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


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HALLUCINOGENIC RITUALS - COUPLE ARRESTED IN CALLOSA DE SEGURA The Guardia seized numerous jars and bags of hallucinogenic substances including the extremely potent ‘Bufo Alvarius’ scale, said to be the spiritual medicine of our ancestors


couple has been arrested in Callosa de Segura for selling rituals and administering hallucinogenic substances. The 42 and 38-year-old couple in Vega Baja allegedly performed rituals with illegal psychotropic substances such as ayahuasca or bufo toad scales, as a practice carried out under the "international ancestral medicine" . The pair, who are said to be the president and secretary of an association that performed rituals under the effect of psychotropic substances are charged with the crime against public health. They formally registered their association in June 2019 at which time it was suspected that both the purposes and activities of the group could be detrimental to health and public safety. In the viewing and analysing videos of the rituals that they uploaded on the internet and to social networks, it was seen that clients consumed in liquid form or inhaled behavioural drugs given to them by the master of ceremonies ) while she blocked their breathing so that they would hold the smoke inside them longer.

As a result of this practice, they convulsed and fell to the ground in a state of unconsciousness. In performing these activities neither of the perpetrators possessed any professional qualification which could represent a serious threat to health. Those now detained offered full weekend stays over the internet, charging clients between 75 and 150 euros per session, depending on the substance to be consumed. The cost for a full weekend was up to 350 euros. The Guardia seized numerous jars and bags of hallucinogenic substances including the extremely potent ‘Bufo Alvarius’ scale, said to be the spiritual medicine of our ancestors, which was kept in a safe in the main room because of its danger. The also found the bark of the root of the Tabernanthe Iboga bush, a stimulant for the central nervous system which causes hallucinations.

Remains of human body found in black bag

Photography Campaign promoted by mayor of Orihuela

Human remains and clothing on the beach of Bolnuevo in Mazarrón, have been discovered near to the campsite and beach.

The Orihuela mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, has launched a photography campaign aimed at promoting all aspects of the municipality, the coast, the city and all it’s districts, for everyone to share and gain knowledge about the wealth that the Oriolano territory offers.

By Andrew Atkinson

Human remains were found inside a black rubbish bag on August 20 by a municipal beach cleaner. Following the incident the Town Hall has confirmed the police were notified of the situation. Protección Civil, Policía Local de Mazarrón, the Guardia Civil and forensic scientists attended the call-out. After the discovery the remains were removed to the Instituto de Medicina Legal for analysis. A thorough search of the area around the rubbish

Conservation of Loggerhead Turtles

disposal area close to the road and beach walkway is being undertaken by the Guardia. It is understood the remains were dumped in the rubbish disposal area. Speculation surrounding the discovery has been linked to unauthorised migrants who died after a boat capsized off the coast of Mazarrón in March. The Guardia Civil are continuing to carry out investigations at the time of going to press.

Drugs seized at illegal rave Orihuela Local Police broke up an illegal party on the Orihuela Costa last Sunday morning involving a group of 29 people.

Next week exclusive in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader newspaper reporter Andrew Atkinson visits IMIDA San Pedro del Pinatar conservation programme on an update on the Loggerhead 'Boba' turtles born in La Manga del Mar Menor in 2020, prior to being released into the Mediterranean sea in September. Only one of 1,000 hatchlings survive to adulthood.

The officers inspected the premises where there were many people consuming alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances. Given the obvious breaches of the law the agents identified and sanctioned the 29 people attending, for possession of narcotics and for ignoring measures introduced to combat coro-

I do hope that contributors are positive in the photographs that they send although I somehow think there might be a few who have other ideas. Nevertheless the email address to use should you have a contribution is:

A spokesman said that not only was the music excessively loud but there was no respect for anti covid measures, and they also seized a quantity of narcotic substances. Three police patrols descended on the venue, the currently unused ‘Farándula’ nightclub in Campoamor, at dawn on Sunday morning to find the illegal party in full swing.

The prize, however, extends to little more than his appreciation as he promises to feature all of the best images on his official Instagram page as well as to send them to all local media.

POETRY navirus. Two of the people at the illegal party were arrested and taken into custody, a 46-year-old man and a 49-year-old man, one identified as the promoter of the party and the other for a crime against public health as he was found to be in possession of 11 pieces of cocaine, various types of pills and a large amount of cash. In addition, inside the premises, the agents found 18 packets of cocaine, almost 30 pills and a quantity of hashish.


“JABBED” by David Whitney c 2021 We had jabs when we were children We weren't offered any choice We trusted in our mothers And the comfort of her voice To this day I've still no inkling What was injected into me I just know I was protected From disease I could not see Now older I have flu jabs To protect me every year I don't know what is in them But to me they hold no fear

I wouldn't fear pain killers If injected in my arm I trust the world of science And embrace it with great calm In fact I have no inkling What is in the food I eat But I trust the safety measures And food standards that they meet So when it comes to Covid Jabs I welcomed them with glee If the Queen and Pope have had them Then that's good enough for me


637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021

CIJ Summer Activities end in Pilar de la Horadada O ciopinar Verano is a healthy leisure activity for children from 8 to 12 years old that has been held in the first-class natural environment, in Pinar de Campoverde.

The activity was divided into two fortnights with two groups of boys and girls taking part in each. Games were held in the sports centre, crafts in the nature area, water games, activities in the pool and excursions to water parks.


Mobile App to warn of severe weather in Vega Baja The Valencian Generalitat is currently developing an emergency application for mobile devices in order to inform the residents of the Vega Baja in real time about extreme weather events. As such, those who prescribe to the app will be able to receive messages and warnings of emergency situations related to the weather, those such as the DANA that devastated the region in September 2019. This is one of the projects included in the Plan Vega Renhace del Consell.

The children were kept fully occupied and were all able to enjoy the

month of July in a different and fun way. Youth Connection is an activity aimed at young people from 12 to 18 years old. This year a wide variety of activities was offered for the youths to choose, according to their preferences. The campuses offered: cinema, dance and circus, two fortnights of multi-activity, and the last one planned for the first fortnight of August, of environmental activities. Some of the activities that have been enjoyed by these youth campuses have been: the kayak route, rollerblading on the beach of Mil Palmeras, the environmental workshops organised by the staff of the "Protected Landscape of Sierra Escalona and its surroundings", the water park on the beach, the final theatre performances and the water games in Pinar de Campoverde. Nieves Moreno, Councillor for Youth, explained the importance of offering such different and varied activities for the youngsters of the municipality “we must continue with educational leisure campuses with this attractive approach, since it is a way of educating the youth of Pilareña in the services of this Department ”.

With the tool it is intended that people can be more prepared if such extreme weather phenomena is repeated, which according to experts will become more and more frequent in future years. The application will send a notice to mobile devices with initial alerts, followed by regular messages advising of the developing situation. It is one more step that will hopefully turn the Vega Baja into a more resilient territory in extreme cases of emergency, such as floods. In addition, the creation of a messaging library in different languages is planned, as well as a short, clear and concise message on the emergency situation in real time.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


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Exhibition area earmarked in the Orihuela Costa Town Hall Mar Ezcurra, Councillor for Culture, has earmarked an exhibition area in the Orihuela Costa Town Hall building, in Playa Flamenca. It is a space that the Department of Culture has adapted on the second floor of the building where exhibitions will be held on the Coast throughout the year.

tural infrastructure in the Oriolano coastal area, therefore, until such time as there is a Cultural Centre on the Coast, the Department of Culture has provisionally adapted the second floor of the Orihuela Costa Town Hall in Playa Flamenca, so that it can host temporary exhibitions that can be enjoyed by residents and visitors ”, explained the councillor.

"We are aware of the lack of any cul-

This exhibition space was opened this

week with the pictorial exhibition by Agustín Andreu "The paths of art", which will be open to the public until September 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and with free admission. Agustín Andreu is a self-taught painter who was born in Orihuela and with dozens of exhibitions and awards behind him. In "The ways of art" he makes a compilation of his best works.

Contractor appointed for collecting Posidonia on the Oriolana coast

The first exhibition of many is now underway at the Orihuela Costa Town Hall

The seaweed on the shore is dried throughout the winter by an environmental treatment to prevent erosion of the beach and for this reason it remains in place for long periods. This process is carried out following the recommendations of the ADEAC, of all the beach certification companies and of the European Union Environment.

The firm Gestión Ambiental Urbana, S.L.U. (Geamur), was the successful bidder for the service of collecting deposits of Posidonia alga from the beaches of Orihuela, as well as it’s removal and transportation to a treatment plant. The company signed a 12 month contract, with an option to extend, for the amount of 67,100.00 euros / year with the possibility of an increase of 20% in year two. The criteria for choosing this company was simply the best price. The Department of Road Cleaning and RSU is responsible for removing the deposits of Posidonia Oceanica (algae) with the aim of safeguarding the regression of the beaches and reducing the loss of sand. The Institute of Coastal Ecology, tell us that Posidonia or alga is a plant, it is not waste and stacking it up for drying is a procedure authorised and recommended by the General Directorate of Coasts to avoid excessive loss of sand. Indeed the oceanic posidonia meadows, an endemic species of the shallow waters of the Mediterranean Sea, is synonymous with good water quality, well oxygenated and free from contamination.

Deposits of Posidonia on Playa la Caleta


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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


64 immigrants arrived on the Murcia coast last weekend ccording to the Government Delegation, 64 immigrants have landed on the Murcia coast aboard five boats, since last Friday.


The most recent arrivals were at dawn on Monday morning when about fifteen people were located by the "Salvamar Mimosa" 6 nautical miles from Monte de las cenizas. The arrivals are 12 men and three women, all of them of Algerian nationality and apparently in good health. On Bolnuevo beach, in Mazarrón, the Civil Guard located another 19 immigrants. Among them, two women and three minors, also of Algerian nationality. On Saturday, the patrol boat 'Río Cervera' of the Civil Guard intercepted a boat with 17 migrants on board. All are of Algerian nationality, they are in good health and were transferred to the Escombreras dock, in Cartagena. Earlier, on Friday, another Civil Guard patrol located 9 irregular immigrants in the Calabardina area (Águilas). There were 7 men, 1 woman and 1 minor, in good health and also of Algerian nationality. The Aguilas Judicial Police also managed to detain the skipper of the boat, a 36-year-old man of Algerian nationality. The Civil Guard also located four other people in the Playa Honda area, all men, of legal age and of supposed Algerian nationality.

Seven people in Civil Guard care after beaching in Pilar de La Horadada By Andrew Atkinson The Pilar de La Horadada police intercepted seven illegal immigrants who arrived on the shores of Pilar de la Horadada in a dinghy. "We were warned that 10 people had come ashore on the beach at 4.30am on August 16," said a police spokesperson. "A close patrol of the local police located the boat - with other patrols also locating the boat. "Seven people on board have so far been found, all of who have been handed over into the care of the Civil Guard," added the spokesperson.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021

We are now the second fattest people in Europe


here is a four-letter word in common usage these days; a word that we as children would be made wash our mouth out with soap if a snitch of a brother went home and said we used it. Today that word has gone respectable and welcomed in all social circles, due in part I would say, to its use by TV hosts like Bill Maher and John Oliver. Contrariwise, there is a three-letter word which one dare not use in any circumstances. No Lads, the word does not start with ‘S’: but like our first word above, it too starts with the letter ‘F’. The word is ‘fat’ and the only time it may safely be used is in relation to a pay-check or a bullock fit for the factory. Be that as it may, I am once again willing to risk the wrath of Westmeath, by bringing the word ‘FAT’ aboard YCBS! Like it or not, the fact is that Irish people are putting on too much weight. That weight is fat! A survey on weight by Eurostat, the EU’s statistics agency, found that 26 per cent of Irish adults were fat in 2019. This was the second highest in Europe. Further data from the same survey found that 56 per cent of us are ‘overweight.’ I wrote an article a few years ago entitled, ‘Don’t call me Fatso’, where I

used well publicised and freely available data on the subject of obesity. Of all the 750 articles I have written for newspapers, I got more verbal venom over that piece than for anything else I have ever written. Talk about shooting the messenger! But I have history …. In the early 1990s, Bobby Begley had a sports shop in Mullingar. Bobby spent his lifetime involved in sports and fitness, as an athlete, hurler, team manager and sports administrator. A founder member of Mullingar Harriers Athletic, Bobby served on the Executive Committee of the Olympic Council of Ireland and was president of Irish Athletics. I recap these facts to show that the Waterford native knows what he is talking about. At some local presentation, Begley passed a comment that a lot of kids were overweight and not as fit as children used to be. He could tell from selling sports gear in his shop that many parents were buying ‘aged 1214’ for their ten year olds. A ‘Westmeath Examiner’ reporter got hold of the comment and talked to Bobby. I owned Mullingar Squash & Fitness Centre at the time and the reporter came to me and asked for my views on what Bobby Begley had said. At that time I was coaching 30 squash juniors every Saturday morning and I had been involved in Community Games and underage hurling. I totally agreed with Bobby’s comment. Begley and I made the front page of the paper the following week. ‘TWO MULLINGAR EXPERTS’ (!!) claim that most of today’s children are unfit


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and overweight!’ Anyway, next thing Bobby and I were being interviewed on ‘Midlands Radio’, trying to defend the newspaper article. Begley did a bit of a PR back-peddle, stating ‘I am no expert.’ I stood my ground, but softened it to say it wasn’t easy for children to be fit and healthy when they are driven to school and parents cannot always find the time to involve them in sport. I also said that not every child loves sport, but that in my childhood, every child walked to school and that in itself was often enough exercise for the child. During the following week I had to spend a lot of time explaining myself. I knew some of the parents – some I didn’t; but one thing for sure, nobody thanked me for suggesting that children were getting fatter. One woman said to me (half joking, I presume) “It’s not like it was in your day when you barely had enough to eat!” Two letter-writers to the ‘Examiner’ followed up the story by complaining that there ‘is nothing for children to do in Mullingar.’ This despite the fact that the GAA clubs, Rugby, soccer, tennis, swimming and squash clubs provided sporting and regular exercise opportunities for juniors. That was thirty years ago and I don’t

remember anybody highlighting the issue previous to Begley’s comments.

about diet and what people eat – and how much of it!

The problem of obesity in children has become an awful lot worse since then. TV, computers and video games are a different world from when the kids of my generation would be told; ‘Get out and play and don’t come back in here until I call you!’

Nobody can seriously argue that the problem of ‘fat’ isn’t getting worse. The kids that Bobby Begley spoke about are now the heavyweight runners-up in Europe …

The other half of the equation is all

Geraniums make popular bedding plants due to their hardy nature and generous displays of vibrantly coloured flowers, from pink, purple, lilac, red and white - and bicoloured. Most geraniums have aromatic leaves, with some varieties being particularly fragrant with the range of scents amazing, including lemon, ginger, rose and strawberry. Both the flowers and foliage are edible, which you can use to flavour drinks, cakes and jellies! Growing geranium plants is easy, requiring moist, well-drained soil, positioned in an area with at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily.

The only known cure for ignorance is education. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

GARDEN FELIX ....... Geraniums blooming in a rainbow of colours Flowers and foliage edible - flavour drinks, cakes and jellies!


Water deeply at least weekly, although they may need daily watering in the summer heat. Fertilise with a water-soluble houseplant fertiliser every four to six weeks throughout the growing season. Encourage flowering by dead-heading spent flowers regularly; to promote bushiness and curtail legginess, pinch back stems. They may require re-potting once overgrown, which is usually noted by wilting between waterings. The most common problems with geraniums can be low light, or over/under watering with leaves turning yellow an indication you are watering too little, or too much. Note: Geraniums may cause indigestion or vomiting in cats and dogs, so keep plants out of reach of curious pets.


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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021



James Goulding

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021

Later on I joined a band & did the North West circuit which was a great experience. I also took part in a TV series for the BBC called ‘Rocky O’ Rourke’, where I had the pleasure of working with the lovely Bill Dean & Robert Keegan who both appeared in the fantastic soap opera ‘Brookside’. It seems like only yesterday. What would be your favourite performance to date?


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JAMES GOULDING: “The entertainment circuit in Spain is fantastic. We have such a lot of great, talented people here.”


Oh! Great question Julie. I have had so many wonderful highlights. I’m not sure but the TV series is hard to beat so I’ll go with that.


was delighted this week when my friend & fellow performer from the Live Lounge Costa Blanca James Goulding agreed to take part in my Q & A.


If you’ve ever been lucky enough to see James performing live, you will know that apart from his amazing voice, he manages to bring a smile to everyone’s faces with his quirky sense of humour.


James, what part of the UK are you from & how long have you been living in Spain? I was born in Liverpool & I’ve been in Spain for around 19 years now. I’m a lucky lad. How did you become involved in the Entertainment Industry? My father taught me my 1st three chords on the guitar & I went on from there. I performed as a solo artist in the pubs of Liverpool & London.


What would be your favourite thing about living in Spain?

Spain has a lot of things for me. The entertainment circuit is fantastic. We have such a lot of great talented people here.


The weather is wonderful most of the year. Oh & the Mediterranean Sea is not bad.


What has been your toughest moment throughout the pandemic?

I think anyone who knows me personally knows that originally I was worried for us all in the industry including bars, restaurants & hotels.


Urban Music Festival exceeds all expectations The first edition of the Crazy Urban Music Festival played to a capacity crowd last weekend at the Eras de la Sal. The two day event exceeded all expectations with spectators flooding in from all four corners of Spain. Hosting some of the nations foremost urban music performers the event quickly sold out when tickets were first put on sale some weeks ago. As well as well known DJ’s, Friday performers included the extrovert Locoplaya, from the Canaries, with their singular and summery clothing, and Prok from Granada, one of the pioneers of 'Serious Rap'. On Saturday it was the turn of Bad Gyal from Catalonia and Recycled J from Madrid, who had the audience in a frenzy as they broke into a colourful, fun and entertaining performance, showing the different, innovative and best faces of rap. And above all, the young audience, from all over the country, showed exemplary behaviour, complying with all the security measures as they joined in with some of their favourite artists after the break brought to live music by the pandemic.

It was certainly good to be back.

Tourism is a big thing for us & I think the toughest part was not being in control of my future. Hopefully times are starting to change again & my friends & colleagues can stand on their feet again.


If you could duet with any-

one else, who would it be & why? It’s a toughie this one. I love Sinatra; my favourite group is The Stylistics. I’m out on a limb with this one so I’ll say Linda Ronstadt.


Linda has an array of genre, so she would have made me sound like a million dollars.

James would like to thank everyone who has supported him over his many years of performing. If you’d like to see him singing live, you can find him at ‘Gogarty’s, La Zenia on Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays, ‘C.C’s Bar on Wednesdays, & at ‘Ckone’ in Via Park 3 on Saturdays & Sundays. You can also keep up to date with James through his Facebook page ‘James Goulding Entertainer’.


637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021



Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 880 QUICK ACROSS: 6 Acquire; 7 Churn; 9 Brave; 10 Quarter; 12 Brotherhood; 14 Countenance; 18 Askance; 19 Virus; 21 Ankle; 22 Expunge. DOWN: 1 Scorn; 2 Quiver; 3 Ire; 4 Church; 5 Freedom; 8 Funeral; 11 Stretch; 13 Consent; 15 Nearly; 16 Clique; 17 Lungs; 20 Axe. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Ignored; 7 Ambit; 9 Index; 10 Sheared; 12 Mystery

ACROSS 1. Deceased (4) 3. Wary (8) 9. Warrior (7) 10. Speak (5) 11. Expectancy (12) 13. Nook (6) 15. Jail (6) 17. Exorbitant (12) 20. Smell (5) 21. Disagree (7) 22. Overcame (8) 23. Remain (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 14. 16. 18. 19.

tour; 14 Minute waltz; 18 Remoteness (8) Distribute (5) Sudden (6) Equilibrium (12) Foolish (7) Entice (4) Dejected (12) Lineage (8) Worried (7) Heavy food (6) Vigilant (5) Serene (4)

Autopsy; 19 Fence; 21 Keith; 22 Residue. DOWN: 1 Agent; 2 Comedy; 3 Ken; 4 Impact; 5 Hideous; 8 Thermal; 11 Atheist; 13 Minutes; 15 U-boats; 16 Thesis; 17 Scout; 20 Set.

ACROSS 1. No fiction in the start of the first act (4) 3. Boasts about small tails? (8) 9. Artist giving six oil works for food (7) 10. Beginning to alter notes (5) 11. He maintains a small opening behind the stumps (12) 13. Part of a river quiet during incursions (6) 15. Girl meeting another girl over in Austrian city (6) 17. Book of EEC policy and translation (12) 20. Oddly-numbered pages in the phone directory? (5) 21. Most are upset by distinguished musician (7) 22. Possibly lack bite as formal dress (5,3) 23. Need a change? This is paradise! (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which Benedictine Monk made important contributions to the art of making Champagne? 2. What kind of loaf is literally 'Toni's bread'? 3. Which focal scientific word stems from the Latin for 'little nut'? 4. What is both a French wine region and a luxury American automobile? 5. Put the following in the correct order starting with the heaviest: a golf ball, a baseball, a cricket ball and a tennis ball 6. Which British playwright wrote "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead"? 7. Kalamata, Nyons, Lugano, Empeltre, Nicoise and Manzanilla are all tasty examples of what? 8. In which country were Grace Kelly films banned after April 18, 1956? 9.The name of which famous newspaper means both 'truth' and 'justice' when translated? 10. The following words are from songs with the word 'yellow' in the song title. Can you name the song? a. As we live a life of ease. b. Electrical banana is gonna be a sudden craze. c. So long boy you can take my place got my papers I've got my pay. d. Mongrels who ain't got a penny, Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground. e. Dreamed I was an Eskimo

DOWN 1. A rocket for investigating arson? (8) 2. About four in charge of the citizens (5) 4. Drink like an egg-beater? (6) 5. They can be hair-raising! (5,7) 6. Terribly earnest Oriental (7) 7. Location for a spectacle, say? (4) 8. OK ad somebody created for a land survey (8,4) 12. Biscuit showing a vehicle in a far-off place (8) 14. A canape prepared as a cure-all (7) 16. Graduates of London University in the main, perhaps? (6) 18. Taken out, being old-fashioned (5) 19. Insect larva as food (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. Due to the large number of immigrants from Somalia found in Minneapolis, Minnesota, what is one of Australia's largest exports to this part of the USA? 12. Which American broke 3 track and field world records and tied a fourth within 45 minutes on May 25, 1935? 13.Who have been previously named 'The Detours' and 'The High Numbers'? 14. Which actor played the pilot in each of the following films? a. Dr. Strangelove. b. Airport (the original). c. Flightplan. d. The Spirit Of St Louis. e. The Flight Of The Phoenix (1965). f. The Flight Of The Phoenix (2004) 15. In which football competition do teams play for the 'Henri Delaunay Trophy'? 16. Which events made headlines around the world on the following dates? a. 28th June 1914. b. 21st May 1927. c. 12th April 1961. d. 26th April 1986 17. Legend has it that the body of Alexander the Great was preserved in which liquid? 18. In the Sinead O'Conner/Prince song 'Nothing Compares 2 U', how long has it been "since you took your love away"? 19. 'Chicago Pile No. 1' was the first what in the world in 1942? 20. In film, Admiral Sir Miles Messervy is better known as what?


637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


IRRESPONSIBLE IBERDROLA Traffic peak in August Iberdrola criticised as irresponsible after draining reservoirs. “Water is a scarce resource just as important for the wellbeing of families and the economy as it is for generating electricity” - Minister for ecological transition Teresa Ribera THE Spanish government has launched an inquiry after it was alleged power company Iberdrola drained two reservoirs during a heatwave and drought - in order to profit from exceptionally high electricity prices. Iberdrola, Spain's second biggest producer, are alleged to have drained the dams in Zamora and Cáceres provinces in western Spain over a period of a few weeks to produce cheap hydroelectricity, while the price to consumers is at a record high. Spain remains in the grip of a heatwave with temperatures hitting above 40 degrees in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida, with Cordoba in Andalusia recording its highest ever temperature on August 14, 47.2C (117F). The minister for ecological transition, Teresa Ribera, described Iberdrola’s actions as 'scandalous' and has written to the company. “This can’t be allowed to happen,” she said in a televised interview. “Water is a scarce resource which is just as important for the wellbeing of families and the economy as it is for generating electricity," said Ribera, who viewed Iberdrola’s actions as irresponsible, but not

illegal. The company was allowed to use a fixed quantity of water a year, whenever it wished, and regardless of climatic conditions.

In San Pedro de la Nave-Almendra, the water level is so low the pumps that extract drinking water have become clogged - with mud - and filters have to be cleaned twice a day.

“It’s legitimate but not reasonable, which is why we want to intervene as soon as possible,” said Ribera.

Electricity prices in Spain are fixed on a daily basis. A base price is set by the cost of nuclear power and renewables, such as wind and solar.

According to Javier Aguado, mayor of San Cebrián de Castro, one of the villages affected, it is like a desert.

*With record temperatures hitting Spain, in Barcelona zookeepers are feeding gorillas and chimpanzees ice-cream - to cool them down.

By Andrew Atkinson Spain's summer season hits its peak on the roads this month, with the national roads authority DGT forecasting 91.2 million trips, with a plethora of devices in place to monitor traffic. The Dirección General de Tráfico campaign has a total of 780 speed radar devices active; 39 drones; 12 helicopters; 15 unmarked vehicles and 216 seatbelt and mobile phone detection cameras on the road network. They have revealed the specific areas where the drones will fly, which can lead to fines if you fail to use a seatbelt or use a mobile phone while driving. "The drones are intended to detect reckless behaviour on the road and monitor traffic in sections of roads at a high risk of accidents," said a DGT spokesperson. The devices fly at a height of 120 metres and can reach a maximum speed of 80 kph, and are able to detect offences committed one or two kilometres away from the drone. The 39 drones have 40 minutes flight time, highdefinition cameras. During August there will be two drones in Valencia with 15 in Madrid. “Offences may be notified immediately by a Guardia Civil officer or later by post, and be accompanied by a frame showing the violation," added the DGT spokesperson. The most common offences are use a mobile phones whilst driving - resulting in up to a €200 fine - six points on a licence. None use of a seatbelt, fines of up to €200 euros and the loss of three points are made.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


637 227 385

Top of the list are the creamy flowers of the elder tree, which in some countries are in full bloom in country hedgerows just as the hay-fever season hits its peak. Put three or four of the well-washed fresh flower heads in a glass or china teapot, pour a titre of boiling water over them and infuse for five minutes, then strain. Keep the liquid warm with a tea cosy and drink three cups a day. You can buy ready-made elderflower teabags or an elderflower cordial which is, in effect, a concentrated syrup.

ATISHOO, ATISHOO For millions of unhappy people, summer is the start of the hay-fever season and the big sneeze. If you’re one of them, use herbs to pacify the discomfort, the streaming eyes and nose and the irritation of this condition. ay fever is an over reaction of our immune systems. When tree or grass pollens come in contact with the mucous membranes of eyes, nose, throat or lungs, they can trigger an allergic response to prompt the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals from tissue cells. Hence the wheezing, sneezing and the maddening itch around eyes and nose — which in turn produce the fatigue, the inability to concentrate and the irritability which sufferers struggle vainly to control.


Most sufferers find that the antihistamine pills which they rely on to get them through cause few side effects other than drowsiness, but what works one season often fails the next. Try the herbal alternatives. Something to celebrate ..... Try Elderflower Champagne

Diluted with water, apple juice or white wine, it's a delicious summer drink in its own right. Something to celebrate? Elderflower 'champagne'. The common stinging nettle offers wonderful relief for hayfever symptoms. In a double-blind randomised study, 98 sufferers took 300mg of freeze-dried nettle three times a day for a week. Of these, 68% rated it moderately or highly effective, while 48% also found it as good as, or better than, the antihistamine medication they had been taking. When my Dutch colleague — a long-term hay-fever sufferer — went to his Amsterdam gym one summer morning, he spotted an interesting suggestion on the notice board. A fellow member had found that a Chinese herb called Scutellaria baicalensis had been extremely effective for his own severe hay fever; he urged fellow-sufferers to give it a go. Curious, he tried it as recommended, with a gram of vitamin C and some vitamin E. He found it worked even better than his favourite antihistamine. Word has got around in Holland, and now, most health-food shops in Amsterdam lay in stocks of scutellaria root capsules come summer. Almost certainly, it owes its new Western reputation to wellknown Australian herbalist Kerry Bone, who studied Chinese and Japanese research on this traditional Chinese remedy, noted that it seemed to have striking antiallergic and antiinflammatory effects, and began prescribing it for his hayfever patients.

Here s an idea for you .......... If the streaming, itchy, irritated eyes of hay fever are driving you to distraction, keep a bottle of distilled witch hazel in your fridge. From time to time soak cotton-wool pads in this soothing, icy liquid, and use them as eye compresses for ten minutes. Cooled chamomile or elderflower tea bags will work well too.

mucous membrane. Modern herbalists prescribe it to help relieve the burning, itchy eyes of hay fever. Take it in pill form or as a tincture. If you're a hay-fever victim, your immune system is badly in need of a boost.

Start a course of echinacea well before the season kicks in. The omega-3 essential fatty acids in linseed help subdue the inflammation which produces the streaming eyes and nose and the general irritation of hay fever. Take a tablespoonful of the oil every day, or grind a tablespoonful of the fresh golden seed into your morning porridge or muesli. Eat plenty of apples, berries and red or yellow onions too: they're rich in a flavonoid called quercetin which helps quell inflammation. Echinacea can also boost the immune system

He found it to be very successful, mentioned it in his book Chinese and Ayuruedic Herbal Medicine, and the word spread. The root, Kerry points out, is very rich in flavonoids which actually inhibit the release of histamine by cells. Dioscorides, the author of the first Western herbal and a surgeon with the Roman armies, used eyebright to treat his soldiers' eye infections. Valued for centuries as a sovereign remedy for the eyes, it helps clear accumulated mucus, reduces the irritable sensitivity of tissue in the nose and sinuses, and calms inflammation in and around the eyes. It also strengthens oversensitive

NEXT WEEK: Blocked Nose


637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021

ANOTHER LOST GENERATION hanks to coronavirus -- and I mean no thanks to coronavirus -- we look like finding ourselves succeeded by a new lost generation. Succeeded was perhaps a poor choice of word under the

T circumstances.

The most famous Lost Generation comprised a group of expatriates living in Paris in the 1920s, who were 'heavily vulnerable' to the Spanish flu pandemic, which was 'unusually deadly.' And before we start shrugging, less than impressed, its worldwide death toll was estimated at 55 million. Feel free to look horrified now. When a French mechanic failed to repair Gertrude Stein's car in time for her to collect it, the garage owner shouted at him, "You are typical of a lost generation." Et voilà! The name stuck, like her brake pedal, apparently. It might transpire that our present generation of young people have restricted horizons in the wake of our troubled times. As if some young people aren't troubled enough. Real life to them at the moment isn't what real


‘Sand Sculpture’ contest

life was to their parents' peer group. Their schooling has been a sputtering spasmodic affair, their social life has been constrained by social distancing, higher education has sported its oak in their faces, masks have hidden many adult faces from them, and they must wonder at times (like Alfie) what it's all about. And why they don't require vaccination.

What a great day and how exciting that there were so many potential artists in the area which could be seen last weekend on La Zenia beach with the competition The ‘Figures of Sand on the Beach’.

In the novel and film Lost Horizon, entering the valley of Shangri-La slows down the ageing process, but if you leave again, you age quickly and die.

The contest brought together children, youths, adults and entire families who used their imaginations to devise their sculptures, all of which were related to marine nature.

The novel ends with us wondering if the main character will make his way back in time to find his lost girlfriend. (Before he starts to resemble her grandfather, presumably.) The film was made with 3 different endings and in the final one they all live happily ever after. No surprise there, Mr Capra. Will our kids regain what now seems like paradise lost? Will they have enough time left to make up for lost time? As time passes, it has become a worrying arithmetical conundrum, a vexed and vexing question. Perhaps we can take some comfort from the fact that the last surviving member of the Lost Generation didn't die until 2018 (so he

wasn't entirely lost.) Mentioning paradise regained reminds me how Milton's epic poem of that name was advertised in America: "Read All About It! Paradise Regained! Satan Defeated!" The reviewer certainly didn't waste much time writing that. Perhaps he was a member of the Lost for Words Generation.

The Council’s Department of the Environment, in collaboration with the Department of Beaches, and sponsored by the Zenia Boulevard shopping centre, arranged this first contest that is expected to continue in the coming summers. Councillor Dámaso Aparicio, thanked everyone for taking part, despite the high temperatures. "What we want is to educate everyone with these activities, showing the importance of protecting the environment and, in this case, the coastline." Congratulations to the winners and to all the participants for providing us with a totally different Sunday beach day.


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. We also provide a social hub for members by organising monthly events. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. New members are very welcome. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at For Welfare contact Bill or Pauline on 0034 634 38 99 83 or email For general information on RAFA visit

computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2018 Ford Fiesta Trend which is on Special Offer priced at just 11,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los


Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid19 aware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The next meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 19 August at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please

637 227 385

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The

HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits

PERSONAL Spanish. Beautiful Shemale Michelle. Experience the best. Tel. 606 847 280 Calle Turquesa 15. La Zenia

Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834 Grace... Horny Latina. Busty. All the fantasies. Calle Turquesa. Tel. 656 314 941




Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.

Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).

Tel. 665 736 488

Tel. 604 111 457


637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


SAT ANIMAL RESCUE Leo is a happy 10 year old who loves cuddles and snuggles.

Waste for Profit.

Many of us remember the ‘Corner Shop’ with great fondness


n occasions an image flashes across the television screen bringing back a vision of the past, in this instance it was a picture of Colman’s Mustard on a dining table. I was not very old at the time when my parents introduced us children to the wonders of the yellow paste, of course it is only ‘in wonderment’ if you approve of it. I can remember being puzzled that after smearing a portion on the edge of the plate you then dipped your food in it and at the end there was part of it left on the rim. I do not recollect now why I asked the question, perhaps we had had a recent lecture about waste, however I asked “why did we have to leave the part on the plate only for it to be washed away at clean up” or similar words. My father, a Shop Steward and a proud Union man promptly replied, “Because it is Mr Colman’s profit!” He was right in some ways if the part left on the plate was not there then he would not have sold it. Thinking about the response now it was very profound, comparing the instance with today it is so different as in that period shopping was done on a planned daily basis for food to be consumed on the day of purchase, there was very little leftover. The arrival of the supermarkets changed all that where now in most cases the grocery shopping is done on a weekly or longer basis resulting in every home with surplus food on a shelf or in a freezer - in other words the profit of the mecca conglomerate’s that sell the nourishment. There is another waste, the ‘Sell by date’ which is printed on every item, a useless deceiving addition, and profit somewhere when unopened and unused items are thrown away whilst they are still in pristine order, only because the date has passed. It is understandable for fresh foods to have such a

reminder when it should be consumed as a safety precaution, but why are they there on non-erosional stuff? Surely the numbers are only there as a stocking record of which to sell first? It has been said many times, and on numerous occasions concerning the use of plastic and the waste it creates, there are a number of schemes being operated around the world to stop synthetic objects being washed into the oceans. I have another idea!!! Go back to items being in jars and glass containers, nothing pe-wrapped and the client orders exactly what they want. ‘Quarter of a pound of boiled sweets please’ or perhaps ‘two rashers of back bacon’ (don’t forget the broken biscuits) then the person behind the counter would measure the item out or weigh them and ask for the money.

Also, the store would need others to collect the emptying jars and containers to return them from whence they came, for re-use. A vision of little waste and people relaxed buying the quantity they needed – a dream, it is not to be had! In the meantime, we continue to buy prepacked articles in plastic, all looking fresh and nice inside their containers, but sometimes when opened the lower one of the group is not as nice as the top one. There is an ongoing discussion in the British Parliament concerning whether to have a passport or not to show the state of your Covid jab. The following headline, not my words but taken from the heading of an article in the Daily Mail, 1st August.

What a difference! Life at a slower pace - items bought as needed – no rushing around with a trolley snatching pre-packed objects off a shelf.

‘Enforcing vaccine passports is ‘not a British way to behave’, Jacob Rees-Mogg has warned the Government’.

The supermarkets would have to employ more staff as they would need somebody behind each counter to serve the customers, who would be queuing, waiting their turn, smiling and chatting to each other about this and that.

I do not understand the logic in this statement. Most of us have other documents proving who we are, so what is so dangerous about a document showing you are free of a dreadful disease and at low risk of passing it on.

He is fully vaccinated with passport with chip and castrated, weighing around 17 kilos. For more info contact 966710047 (leave a message) or Why is it that a Driving License is acceptable to prove you are capable of driving a vehicle but not a similar item to show you are free of Covid 19? To be perfectly boring – there are bank cards, social security documents, club membership cards, and a host of others to prove who you are. Try getting on a plane or a ship without a passport!!! Every precaution should be taken to contain this disease - vaccine jabs, documentation or whatever to fight this invader and if anyone has a doubt then they should look at Sydney in Australia which at the time of writing is in total lockdown for the next five weeks. This virus is in attacking mode. Finally, I am tired of seeing ‘A List’ people on the front pages showing off their new-born as if they had done something clever. Take care. chattey There are fifty one books in the ‘Story Telling’ series of short stories, stunning poems, also complete full length works, published on Amazon and Kindle through Percy

Mother of 3, Jodie, urgently in need of mobility lift By Andrew Atkinson Mother of three Jodie Lee Baxter, 33, is urgently in need of a lift to assist with her mobility. Jodie suffered with epileptic fits as a youngster and often went to hospital, who diagnosed her having panic attacks, not epileptic fits. In 2018 Jodie was taken to hospital and was placed into an induced coma, due to her seizures worsening. Jodie was later transferred by helicopter to Valencia hospital. Today she has reduced mobility, from the waist

downwards, and is in a wheelchair - living in a apartment with her husband and family.

Euro 4,496 from a target of 15,000 has been

Her husband leaves the house at 6am, returning at 10pm.

Recent events include help from Costa Blanca

During the last three years Jodie has had numerous comas, with medics saying she will not walk again.

signed shirt by Blues and Brazil star Gabriel

Despite her issues, Jodie undertakes translating to help other people, free of charge, along with being active in raising funds for other charities. A fund has been launched to pay for a lift, so Jodie can get the children ready and take them to school, being independent.

raised to get a lift fitted.

Blues Manchester City, who have donated a Jesus to help the Jodie Lee Baxter lift fund, soon to be auctioned online. If you would like to make a bid in support of this extremely worthwhile cause you may do so by email: Read Jodies story at:

Brazilian international and Man City star Gabriel Jesus signed shirt in aid of Jodie lift fund.


Greenlands Bowls Club by Dave Webb It Aint Half Hot, as the saying goes, and its being said more frequently than ever, but our members have just got on with it and turned out to play so well done to all.

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021

We welcome new members who wish to join a progressive club with on-going coaching and skills training for all members at all levels. For more information please contact Chris Dewar on 698 418 987.


637 227 385

QUESADA BOWLS CLUB ROUNDUP BY STEVE HIBBERD Talk about mad dogs and Englishmen! Despite mega high temperatures, you just can't keep those intrepid Quesada bowlers off the green. It's been a long time since an inter club match took place, so the reintroduction of the annual Greenlands 'friendlies', were a sight for sore eyes.

The 3-2-1 has been well supported thanks to Pauline for her hard work organizing all the internal matches.

These friendlies have been on the calendar for a good 15 years, and only the dreaded covid pandemic interrupted the sequel.

On Thursday we welcomed Quesada to Greenlands for the second game in our friendlies matches, it turned out to be a very close game on all the rinks with 3 rinks losing out on the last end.

Quesada was the venue for the first match of 4, when the hosts narrowly beat their near neighbours by 4 rinks to 3. An overall shots difference of 111-96, meant that it was QBC who started this campaign with a 10-6 advantage. The best winning rink that day was George Kershaw, Tina Brinton & young Joe Brinton (aka Joe 90).

The end result going in favour of Quesada, 6 - 1.

Last Thursday, it was Greenlands turn to host the event. Although there were some really close games, it was QBC who once again stole the match.

As previously stated the new carpet and underlay will be fitted in the Xmas break, this will greatly enhance the bowling experience for members and visitors alike. The Winter league will commence in October and Greenlands will be entering teams in all leagues, SABA and Southern.

Dettori Reaches For The Moon! By Andrew Atkinson In the Queen’s colours, Frankie Dettori on Reach For The Moon

This 14-2 points tally, added to the previous weeks haul, has given QBC a healthy lead at the half way stage of 24 points to 8. Following both matches, hearty meals and

Membership fees are due at the end of this month, which for only 215 euros basic annual fees, has to be great value for money.

things are going," added Ghiani. Frankie Dettori rode Reach For The Moon (2-5f) trained by John and Thady Gosden tipped by to win the G3 Betway Solaria Stakes over 7f at Sandown Park, ahead of Great Max (15-2). Yesyes (7-4f) trained by Ralph Beckett tipped by landed the Stella Artois Listed Stakes over 1m 6f at Chester, ridden by John Egan. Dhushan (9-2) from 11-2 trained by William Haggas and ridden by Tom Marquand, selected each-way, was placed in the 22 runners Skybet Melrose Handicap behind winner Valley Forge (10-1) at York.

Night Eagle (11-4) tenth winning selection won the At The Races Handicap over 1m 2f at Lingfield Park on Saturday, under jockey Tom Queally. Charlie Appleby trained Space Blues (11-8) tipped, landed the Group 2 Skybet City of York Stakes over 7f, under William Buick. Paul Nicholls saddled tip Chez Hans (1-7) to a comfortable win under Ben Bromley at Newton Abbot.

"When I asked him to go he flew home," said jubilant jockey Marco Ghiani. Real World trained by S. Bin Suroor was eased when gaining a 1 1/2 lengths victory, ahead of Group 1 winner Lord Glitters, having travelled well throughout to win impressively. "What a great horse - very fast - with a good attitude," said Ghiani. "Hopefully a Group 1 race will follow as I'm sure he'll keep improving. "You aim for the top as a jockey and I'm very pleased with the way

Currently running at the club, is a drawn 2 wood pairs competition. This follows drawn trips, 2 wood pairs, and Come And Go leagues, which have all now reached a conclusion, following a very active summer schedule.

Sandra Heath, Ann Linley & Steve Hibberd were top scorers by 20 shots to 5.

Sadmah, trained by Kevin Ryan and ridden by Tom Eaves, tipped to win, won the EBF Fillies Conditions Stakes at Chester to complete a 13-1 double at the Roodee.

Real World tipped by landed the Group 3 Strensall Stakes over 1m beating Lord Glitters in impressive style at York on Saturday.

drinks were enjoyed by both sets of players.

Come rain or shine, the Tuesday bubbly and Saturday chicken and egg drive, run all year long. You don't need to be a member to play in these weekly roll ups, just turn up between 9.30 and 9.45, then enjoy the friendly banter on offer (plus a cracking pint of Spitfire if you're that way inclined).

This time the result was even more emphatic, as the boys and girls in blue were victorious on 6 rinks to 1, as well as recording an overall shots difference of 113-92.


Dave Barnes and John Cleal, winners of the chicken and eggs

"I'm very lucky to be riding him. I was happy with the race and went up a gear, when asked. It's been fantastic to let me ride against professionals," said Bromley. Nigel Hawke trained Speredek tipped each-way finished second at 17-2 from 9-1, ridden by David Noonan at the Devonshire track. Joseph O'Brien trained Embittered (4-6) and Druids Altar (9-4) were winning selections at Killarney. My Friend The Wind (ew) 10-3 placed. Champion jockey Oisin Murphy romped home on S. Bin Suroor trained Silent Escape (11-8f) tipped at Sandown Park, ahead of Ibiza Rocks (11-2), in the C3 Betway Handicap.

Stylish Performer (10-1) Chelmsford course record By Andrew Atkinson Stylish Performer (10-1) tipped by won the Chelmsford City Cup Handicap over 7 furlongs the 18th winning tip on Saturday - breaking the course record time of 1.22.58. Real World (evens), Reach For The Moon (2-5), Yesyes (7-4), Sadmah (4-1), Chez Cieren Fallon on board Stylish Hans (1-7), Space Blues (11Performer at Chelmsford. 8), Embittered (4-6), Silent Escape (11-8), Druid's Altar (9-4), Night Eagle (11-4), Love Neverending (7-4), Blackrod (5-1), Nasim (5-4), Agatha (4-1), Evaluation (3-1), Loves Me Likearock (7-4), Claim The Clown (9-4) and Stylish Performer (10-1) were winning tips.

637 227 385


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021



he Dutchman Fabio Jacobsen (Deceuninck Quick Step), the same cyclist who almost lost his life a year ago after suffering a serious accident in the Tour of Poland, took a well-deserved double at La Manga del Mar Menor on Saturday evening, winning the sprint at the end of the 173.7 km stage eight.

By Andrew Atkinson

Travelling south from La Mata to Torrevieja Photo:


Rayito Salinero finish 2nd in national youth beach handball championship Silver for the Rayito Salinero Youth in Valencia.

Jakobsen (Gorinchem, 24 years old) was reborn in Molina de Aragón last Tuesday, and in La Manga he confirmed his return to cycling, winning a duel with the Italian Alberto Dainese (DSM) and the Belgian Jasper Philipsen (Alpeccin-Fenix), all with the same time of 3h.36.05. Primoz Roglic (Jumbo-Visma) survived the day to retain the red jersey on the eve of Sunday’s brutal mountain stage with a summit finish on the Alto de Velefique. Earlier in the day the multicoloured snake, which had started in Santa Pola, had passed through the main streets of Torrevieja before making it’s way south, leaving the town at the roundabout of the desalination plant, and then largely down the N332, through Orihuela Costa, on to San Pedro, San Javier, Los Alcazares, across to Torre Pacheco and Cartagena, before ending in La Manga del Mar Menor. Unfortunately, one of the riders that was missing during that eighth stage was Prestonian Hugh Carthy who had pulled out of the race. British general classification contender Carthy came into this year's edition of the Spanish Grand Tour with the hope of improving on his podium position from 2020. After minimising his losses in the opening time trial in Burgos, Preston born Carthy, 27,

began to slip back on GC on the first mountain finish of the race, Picón Blanco on stage three.

from the finish on slopes of the Puerto la Llacuna, before he stepped off the bike as the leading group still had 64km left to race.

On the uphill finish on stage six, Carthy was caught out in crosswinds and dug deep to rejoin the peloton late in the stage, before struggling on the 1.9km-long final climb, losing almost three minutes to the GC contenders.

Speaking with U.S. broadcaster NBC, team boss Jonathan Vaughters speculated that Carthy’s “up-and-down performance” at the Vuelta a Burgos, and over the early stages of the Vuelta a España, may have been due to him receiving his second COVID-19 vaccination just prior to the start of the race.

"It's a disappointment for me but life goes on. I think I paid for the chase, but before that I wasn't really in a great place. I wasn't really in the race," said Carthy. EF Education-Nippo rider Carthy abandoned the race part way through stage seven, the first real mountain test of the 2021 Vuelta. Carthy began to struggle early on stage seven from Gandía to Balcón de Alicante, which featured six categorised climbs, including a tough first category uphill finish. Carthy dropped from the peloton 140km

Mike Probert talks Golf H

ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers.

The Eyes have It – Part 2 In a previous article I discussed the subject of a ‘saccadic’ or rapid eye shift as a technique to counter stress on the golf course or when faced with a difficult shot. Now I am going to ask you a very simple question, namely, how many eyes have you got? No, this is not a trick questions so let me explain what I mean. The brain and nervous system responds best when you focus on the smallest possible target because the ’ thought’ of the target prevents We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €98 €84 €120 €100 €125

Comments Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy

One other rider who was also forced to abandon during stage seven was local favourite and Murcia born Alejandro Valverde who crashed out of the race after he appeared to hit a pothole and lose control on a highspeed descent, with about 43km to go. The race now continues, snaking through the west of Spain before it moves northwards before it finishes with an individual time trial in Santiago de Compostela on 5 September.

other negative thoughts entering the players head just as he is about to strike the ball. However do you see the target with your eyes or with your mind? Bob Rotella the famous mind guru to the USPGA tour stars explains that golfers such as Nick Price select a target and then look back at the ball BUT continue to ‘see’ the target in their mind and they will not hit the ball until they have this image in their minds.

The National beach handball Championships took place on the weekend of August 13-16 at the CDE Valencia, involving hundreds of clubsfrom all over Spain, in the fight for the prestigious national title. The girls coached by Francisco Vera faced a very tough championship but managed to play their way through the group stages and after a close match against Javea, they progressed to the final which was held on the Malvarrosa beach against BMP Sevilla. Unfortunately, this was just one step too far but a magnificent achievement none the less in taking the silver medal. The club also took part in the male Cadet categories, falling in the quarterfinals, female infantil falling in the group stage, senior teams falling in the round of round of 16 and finishing 9 in the national ranking. A successful end for the Hospital Universitario de Torrevieja CBMP Rayito Salinero family after a difficult season. For example in the 1992 US Masters (which he ultimately won) Fred Couples came to the famous 12th hole par 3 hole with the pin tucked in the usual Sunday position of far right with Raes Creek fully in play and waiting for any errant shot. His strategy for the days play was clear,play to the centre of the green, forget the pin, make a safe par 3 and get the hell out of there. Best laid plans and all that!

There are other equally good and successful golfers who ‘FEEL’ as though they have a third eye on the side of their head and again when they stop looking directly at the target and focus on the ball, they will continue to see the image of the target in their minds.

Just as he focused on his target in the centre of the green and looked back to the ball he caught sight of the flag fluttering on the right side of the green and this was the last ‘image’ that his brain received and it tried to re-direct his swing so that the ball went in this direction.

There can be slight variations from this theme, for example Tom Kite selects a small target in the distance, thinks about it BUT he does not see a picture of the target in his mind when his eyes return to the ball BUT his mind is still ‘locked’ onto the target.

History will tell you that the ball arced to the right towards Raes Creek BUT luckily held above the water line from where he chipped and putted for par.

Just how powerful is the mind in this respect? The mind is a very accommodating mechanism and will attempt to send the ball in the direction of the last thing that you looked at or pictured in your mind. Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca

€90 €84 €140 €104 €100 €150 €114 €130 €96 €140 €171 €110 €78

Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy

Except for that small piece of luck with his ball staying ’dry’ history could be indicating a different winner that year and all because of a momentary ‘sneaked’ look at the pin! So there you have it, without knowing it you have a ’ third’ eye so don’t be afraid to use it…for the better though. Lo Romero €166 Two Green Fees & Buggy Mar Menor €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & Buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1.06pm) Saurines €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Levante €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €70 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villamartin €130 Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Vistabella €105 Two Green Fees & Buggy ( 1.00pm) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


637 227 385

Mark with Jose Mourinho after travelling back to UK to referee charity matches for Grenfell Towers and Bradley Lowrey

Ex-Premier League ref Halsey at San Miguel Summer Camp In 2000, Halsey was added to the FIFA list of referees, officiating in the Toulon Tournament. In 2001, he refereed at the World Student Games in Beijing and in 2002 at the FIFA World Disabled Championships in Japan. In 2002, he was appointed as fourth official to Mike Riley for the FA Cup final at the Millennium Stadium, where Arsenal defeated Chelsea. Halsey's first major FIFA appointment came in 2004 when he refereed a friendly match between Belgium and France in Brussels.

Former Premier League referee Mark Halsey attended a summer Technical Camp at San Miguel accompanied by physiotherapists Isabel Navajas Gonzalez and Andrés Torrecillas

Gómez. In 2009 he underwent chemotherapy treatment for a cancerous tumour in his throat, returning to refereeing in the top-flight in 2010, announcing his

San Javier star Marta Penalver voted top striker in Serie A Italy Quote: 'It is not easy to be chosen as the best player in my role in a championship with such a high level' By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE San Javier born football star, Spanish International cap Marta Penalver has been voted as top striker in Serie A in Italy for the 2020-21 season. "I have received a recognition that for me is unique since it pays for all the efforts and sacrifices made," Marta exclusively told The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader. Marta, 28, who plays for Citta di Falconara, having been a prodigy at San Javier Soccer School, said: "It is not easy to be chosen as the best player in my role - in a championship with such a high level." Marta who also played at Mar Menor Sports Association (AD) joined Serie A Citta di Falconara in a move from Futsal Cagliari in 2020. Marta who featured in the 2015 World Cup in Guatemala, spent 11 years at Roldan FS. Capped by Spain in 2015 she is currently on holiday in San Javier, Murcia, with her family. Looking ahead to the 2021-22 season, Marta who won silverware last season, in both Cup and league, winning the Italian Cup and runners-up in the league, said: "Now it's time to enjoy it, to come back with more strength for next season."

retirement at the end of the 2012-13 season. Halsey played non-League football at Cambridge City and Hertford Town, prior to taking up the whistle in 1989.

Marta Penalver: Serie A top striker

In August 2007 Halsey took charge of the FA Community Shield match between Manchester United and Chelsea at Wembley Stadium. In 2008 Halsey was appointed to referee the League Cup final between Spurs and Chelsea.

In 2009 Halsey announced he had been diagnosed with a non-Hodgkin lymphoma and had undergone surgery to remove a cancerous tumour in his throat. Halsey relinquished his refereeing duties during his treatment, which included fortnightly chemotherapy and courses of radiation. In March 2010 Halsey passed a referees' fitness test, returning to the top flight in August 2010. Halsey, 60, primarily refereed in the Premier League during 1999-2013 and was on the league's list of Select Group Referees from its creation in 2001, until his retirement. Halsey, who lives in La Regia, is still very much involved in football locally and still turns out on a regular basis for Orihuela Costa Veterans of which he is also the current manager.

Sapphire Golf Society @ Alenda In assn with Sapphire Props and Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 20 players visited the established course at Alenda taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather was hot and sticky and the course in good condition. Gold Division 1st - Graham Mason - 36 points, 2nd – Mike Probert - 33 points Silver Division 1st – Ian Woodley – 34 points, 2nd – Andrew Jones – 30 points Bronze Division 1st – Mike Dann – 29 points, 2nd – Paul Fairbairn - 27 points Best Guest – Richard Brooker – 38 points Nearest the Pins – Hopton, Woodley and Bradley Football Card – Lauren After the game we returned to Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties. Our next fixture is the interim game at El Plantio on the 1st September 2021 and the society day at Vistabella on the 15th September 2021. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at


637 227 385

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


IT’S RAINING GOALS AS THADER CHANGE UP A GEAR CD Benijofar ................ 1 CD Thader ................ 5

CD Montesinos ........... 2 CD Thader ................ 4


wo games within 48 hours, tested the stamina of Raul Mora's Thader Rojales. Having previously faced 3 higher ranked sides at home, Thader travelled to face 2 lower placed teams last week. First up, was a visit to the town of Los Montesinos, where 1st regional div side CD Montesinos have their HQ. Once my eyes had become accustomed to the many gaudy white and yellow lines, used for 2 six a side pitches inside the main pitch, I was able to focus as the game unfolded. Thader would have been ahead after 15 mins, had it not been for a glaring miss by Rafa. On the half hour mark, a pull back from the dead ball line by Berni to Calderon, allowed the young striker the chance to place his shot into the corner of the net. The hosts squandered a great chance on 38 mins, then on the stroke of half time, Thader's Javi was narrowly off target. A delightful cross on 57 mins by Hortega found Quino unmarked at the far post. Last season's Preferente divisions top scorer made light work of doubling his sides lead, as Thader were about to enter cruise control. Calderon added his 2nd goal on 70 mins, before Javi scored his sides 4th shortly afterwards. A highly debatable penalty on 80 mins, then a 2nd goal just before the end, gave the hosts some respectability, but Thader can be suitably pleased of their evening's endeavours.

CD Thader lineup at Benijofar

Another artificial surface, and another 1st reg div side, awaited Thader on Friday evening. CD Benijofar's ground has been used in the past, when Thader's Moi Gomez stadium pitch needed re seeded, so both players and fans knew this venue well. It took precisely 11 mins for Calderon to cross for Alberto, who then slammed the ball home from close range. Although Thader failed to add another goal in the first half, Benijofar had 4 gilt edged chances (1 hit the post) to restore parity, all of which were not taken. Alberto repaid the earlier complement to Calderon, but unfortunately the latter's effort missed the target. The floodgates opened in the 2nd half, as Thader scored for fun. But it was Benijofar who equalised on 52 mins, although it did look suspiciously offside. Having said that, both this and the game at Montesinos, were played without linesmen, so it wasn't easy for the overworked refs. Quino, on as sub, uncharacteristically missed a sitter straight from the restart, but it was a signal for his team mates to step up a gear. Berni added a 2nd on 57 mins, a spectacular long range wonder goal by Rafa a minute later made it 1-3, before Quino did eventually get his name on the score sheet on 77 mins. Although the hosts came close to adding a 2nd near the end, it was left to Hortega to get Thader's 5th and final goal on 88 mins.

CD Montesinos lineup at Thader

Next week, sees Thader back at Moi Gomez stadium for the final 2 pre-season friendlies. On Weds 25 Aug, ko 8.30pm, Club Costa City (a new club from Elche) make their debut appearance in Rojales. Recently promoted 1st div reg side Sporting Costa Torrevieja, arrive on Sat 28 Aug, also an 8.30 ko, and promise to provide stiff opposition, having recently defeated Redovan of the Pref div. the number of players moving between, and joining new clubs, is on the rise.

Central defender Aaron Lopez Arenas is back at Racing San Miguel.

One of the most active during recent days has been CF Catral where striker Sergio Garcia has renewed his contract after an impressive 2020-21 season. Racing San Miguel defeated Atletico Benejuzar 5-2 in a pre-season friendly ahead of the Valencian 1st Regional Group 9 2021-22 season that gets underway in September. Racing coach Dani Pérez Williscroft said: "It was a good result and all-round performances from the players, despite not having had much training ahead of the new campaign." Peke, Esteban, Antonio, O'Rourke and Rico got amongst the goals for Racing. CD Montesinos pre-season friendlies have taken in games against Redovan, Benferri, Thader and Formentera. Meanwhile, Central defender Aaron Lopez Arenas has returned to Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 club Racing San Miguel. Former Almoradi prodigy Lopez featured in the 1st Regional and Preferente during three years at the club. Lopez then moved to San Fulgencio,

switching to CD Dolores where he remained for five seasons, achieving promotion to the Primera. The journeyman, who moved to Racing San Miguel in the 2019-20 season, met up with his new teammates ahead of the new campaign which gets underway in September. "Aaron will bring a lot of security in defence which will provide a boost to our defensive players from last season," said club President Chemo Valero. Racing San Miguel have also retained the services of influential captain Gabri along with goalkeeper Pablo. Meanwhile, with the start of the Regional and Preferente seasons only a couple of weeks away,

New additions include goalkeeper Miguel Antonio Heredia Carrillo who joins from Redován, along with Luis Barrero Aniorte, Pinon on his return to the club, Sergio Cantò Rodríguez formerly of Callosa Deportiva and Catral and Kelme CF schoolboy and Jacarilla prodigy Miguel Marco who has also has put pen to paper at CF Rafal.

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Dom Perignon. 2. The Italian 'Pannetone'. 3. Nucleus. 4. Cadillac. 5. Cricket ball (155.9-163g), Baseball (142-149g), Tennis ball (56-59.4g), Golf ball (45.93g). 6. Tom Stoppard. 7. Olives. (different kinds of olives). 8. Monaco. (after the official wedding, Prince Rainier III banned the screening of her films in Monaco). 9. Pravda. 10. a. Yellow Submarine. b. Mellow Yellow. c. Yellow River. d. Good Bye Yellow Brick Road. e. Don't Eat The Yellow Snow. 11.

Camel meat. 12. Jesse Owens. 13. The Who. (the band 'The Who'). 14. a. Slim Pickens. b. Dean Martin. c. Sean Bean. d. Jimmy Stewart. e. Jimmy Stewart. f. Dennis Quaid. 15. UEFA European Football Championship. (the 'EURO' championship). 16. a. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. b. Charles Lindbergh flies solo across the Atlantic. c. Juri Gagarin is the first man in space. d. Nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. 17. Honey. 18. "It's been 7 hours and 15 days". 19. Nuclear reactor (man-made reactor). 20. 'M' (in Bond films)

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14


Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th August, 2021


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