The Leader Newspaper Edition 858, March 15

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No 858 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March 2021

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The Leader Guide to the Cheltenham Festival with Spain’s number one tipster, Andrew Atkinson. See pages 20 & 21


here is mounting evidence of a manoeuvre being prepared to rush through approval by Orihuela Town Hall of a revised plan to enable building of 1500 new homes on Cala Mosca, the last remaining unspoilt green land on the coast of Orihuela Costa.


The latest move has been denounced by C.L.A.R.O. and its ally Cambiemos. By circumventing procedures and sidelining serious objections, they fear that the head

of Urban Planning and leader of the Ciudadanos party is preparing a quick vote on a modified plan which would give a final green light to the developer to go ahead with the construction of 1500 new homes on this last kilometre of natural green land on the 16 kilometre coast of Orihuela Costa the rest of which is already covered by bricks and concrete This environmentally and socially destructive project has been effectively blocked since its initial approval in 2007,

as a result of a petition with over 7000 signatures which C.L.A.R.O. presented to the European Parliament in 2010. The European Parliament paralysed construction until the project complied with European Union environmental legislation. Modifications in the plan to safeguard two protected species were eventually made by the developer and agreed by the Valencia government.

Continued on Page 2


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


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CONTINUE FROM PAGE 1 Threat to Cala Mosca

Orihuela have put together a plan to address this problem but it is widely criticised as being inadequate to deal even with the existing population.

In the meantime the project has been confronted with other objections most notably by the central government’s traffic department which issued a report opposing the plan to build 1500 new homes whose estimated 5,000 residents would have to exit Cala Mosca directly on to the N332 road which is already saturated in normal summer times.

Their plan would rely on diverting surplus sewage to neighbouring municipalities. But with their increase in summer populations it is hardly credible they would accept.

The report pointed out that this massive increase in traffic would be accompanied by pollution and noise detrimental to the health of Orihuela Costa’s population.

But of course, the one huge consequence which the Orihuela municipal government have shown that they disregard completely is the consequence for basic services such as street cleaning and rubbish removal, maintenance of streets and pavements and parks and gardens arising from a 15-20% increase in the population of Orihuela Costa.

Another major objection has been raised concerning the impact of the mega development, involving an increase in the population of Orihuela Costa of between 15-20%, on the already nearly collapsed sewage system. After years of delays the Ciudadanos councillors in

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There are other objections to this mega development and its impact on the environment and health of Orihuela Costa’s population including the potential shortage of drinking water.

Year after year approval is given for new construction projects without a corresponding increase in the basic services for which residents pay their taxes.

Death of Mary Priddle, Founding member of Crescendo Int Choir MARY PRIDDLE, a founding member of Crescendo International Choir, passed away after a heart attack. She died Monday March 8 in Plymouth, England. Mary had just returned to her native England for healthrelated reasons in January and was living near her daughter Kelly. Mary started Crescendo International Choir in 2004 after moving to Torrevieja. Previous choir director Chas Smith had this to say about Mary. “Without Mary there would have been no Crescendo. It was Mary's idea and I remember going to Mary's home that first time when we discussed setting up a new mixed voice choir. She did all the hard work making it possible to let the city of Torrevieja know what was happening and put adverts in the papers for a pianist and sorted out where to rehearse. All I did was just wave my arms and sort out the music we would sing.” Back in December 2021, Crescendo Choir members sang Christmas carols outdoors at Rincon de Miquel restaurant in Los Montesinos. It was on that occasion that we thanked Mary for all she had done to make Crescendo Choir happen and gave her a gift and flowers. Mary was very touched. That was the last time most of us saw her. Since the pan-

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But never has a project of this magnitude been contemplated. It is entirely predictable that if the governing PP and Ciudadanos coalition government go ahead and propose approval of the Cala Mosca building project, there will be no provision for a corresponding increase in the provision of basic services never mind an increase to meet existing deficiencies. For these reasons C.L.A.R.O. and Cambiemos are determined to reveal the latest attempt by the present government coalition to ignore the serious objections which have been raised to this environmentally destructive project with its negative urban and social consequences in the interests of pleasing a developer in a hurry to overcome years of delay imposed by popular reaction. The circumstances for this furtive attempt to approve the project no matter what the cost must seem favourable with people’s attention centred on Covid and limitations on social activity. But this is a project with such harmful consequences that it must be opposed by all legitimate means.

2700 year old shipwreck to be moved to Cartagena museum It has now been confirmed that the remains of a 2700year-old Phoenician shipwreck, that has laid just off the beach of Playa de la Isla in Puerto de Mazarron since 700 BC will be moved to the Arqua museum in Mazarron where it will be restored. Archaeologists who have been monitoring the condition of the wreck for the last two years, made the decision, in conjunction with the local Town Hall, the national and regional governments, although the exact details of how the remains of the boat be moved are yet to be determined.

demic started one year ago, choir members have been unable to gather to mourn the loss of several members and sing the Blessing of Aaron together to say goodbye. The words of the blessing are as follows: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

The wreck, said to be a trading vessel, measures 8.15 metres in length and 2.25 metres in width. The boat was built using cypress, pine, olive and fig tree wood, and it was discovered in the 1990s when a storm disturbed the sand on the seabed under which it had previously been concealed. It is believed that when it sank approximately 2,700 years ago the boat was carrying a cargo of lead ingots weighing 2,820 kilos. It was thought to be meeting a larger vessel in deeper waters to transfer the load.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021

MORE THAN 4.4 MILLION VALENCIANS LIVE IN AN EARTHQUAKE RISK ZONE The entire province of Alicante, most of Valencia and four towns in Castellón, can suffer earthquakes ranging from "mildly damaging" to "destructive”. The Region has seen 43 seismic movements so far this year. The Region’s lands tremble, although, for the most part, these vibrations are so faint that they generally go unnoticed. So far this year there have already been 43 seismic movements. The Community is located near the confluence of the Eurasian and African tectonic plates which is marked by three systems with active faults, the Betic, the Iberian and the Catalan coastal range. This means that more than 4.4 million Valencians live in municipalities with seismic risk VI or higher, a scale that measures the damage caused by earthquakes. The entire province of Alicante, almost all of Valencia, with the exception of eight towns, and four municipalities of Castellón, are all in the threatened area. Intensity VI on the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS) is equivalent to a "mildly harmful" grade. This means that small objects fall and that there is often slight damage to buildings, such as cracks in the plaster and some elements falling off. Under this parameter there are four Castellón towns (Bejís, Xilxes, La Llosa and Moncofa), another five from Alicante (Benissa, Benitatxell, Calp, Gata de Gorgos and Senija), and 67 in the Valencia region, (including Alfara del Patriarca, Burjassot, Cheste, Llíria , Requena or Sagunto). Above that level there are 327 municipalities in Alicante and Valencia where intensities could reach between VII and IX. Many buildings in these categories would suffer moderate damage. And in addition to small cracks, you could expect partial collapse of walls. Level VIII is "severely damaging" and in this case buildings could partially collapse. The highest level that could be anticipated in the region is IX, or "destroyer." With that intensity monuments and columns would fall or suffer serious damage and some buildings could collapse completely. In the province of Alicante the towns and cities that are included in this last category include Torrevieja, Rojales, Benijófar, Orihuela

and Elche. However, the National Geographic Institute (IGN), emphasise that most of the seismic movements registered in the Region in the last half century are of a magnitude (quantification of the energy released by an earthquake) lower than 3. The most prominent have been around the 4.7 in Alicante and 4.5 in Valencia. Last year there were around 200 between the two provinces. According to Luis Cabañas, seismologist from the National Seismic Network of the IGN, it is not possible to predict when the next earthquake will take place or its intensity. All that we can do it to continue to collect as much data as possible to try to prevent their effects. Meanwhile, Francisco García, professor of Geophysics at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, highlights that the seismic risk in the region is "between low and moderate." Under the ground "there are more failures than people imagine." But the country has "one of the best seismic networks" to detect what is happening, at all times, he adds, "with great coverage of the Valencian Community." The data it provides allows us to study the internal structure of the earth and what faults are like, in order to develop seismic engineering models that are then used to "build better and save lives." The region has suffered a number of major earthquakes. The one of 1048 in Orihuela, with intensity VIII, destroyed the mosque. About 200 houses were lost in Tavernes in the earthquake of December 1396. In this case the strength ranged between VIII and IX. Many houses also collapsed in Muro de Alcoy in 1644. The earthquake of Estubeny in March 1748 destroyed that town as well as those of Montesa and Sellent. Torrevieja and Guardamar had to be completely rebuilt after the shock of March 1829, of intensity IX-X. Almost 3,000 buildings were destroyed with nearly 400 deaths.



Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


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COUNCIL INACTION CONTINUES TO ENDANGER PEDESTRIANS ABOVE CABO ROIG WALKWAY The Leader first broke the story of Cabo Roig’s infamous ‘sinkhole’ in October 2019 when it reported on the dramatic rescue of a Norwegian pensioner close to the beach, after she had fallen through a hole in the coastal footpath, just above La Caletta beach.

accepted by Councillor Ángel Noguera given that he considered that "said works should be included in the general contract for the maintenance, conservation and repair of roads and public spaces in Orihuela Costa", which, at that stage was still to be awarded.

As she walked along the coastal footpath, seemingly oblivious to the dangers, she fell dramatically through the hole and into the trees and bramble immediately below. Fortunately, the undergrowth stopped her falling further although, having seemingly incurred injuries, she was trapped and unable to move for almost 2 hours.

Meanwhile the rains during the intervening period continue to cause landslides and the regular fall of rocks onto the beach below. They have now also taken with them the props that were put in place to support the damaged part of the coastal path, leaving part of it suspended in the air, on a cliff, that is overlooking the beach.

The hole in the walkway had first appeared during the heavy Gota Fria rains some weeks earlier, but apart from erecting a yellow metal barrier, the authorities failed to take any remedial action.

The contractor for the maintenance of roads has fenced off the sandy area below the sinkhole but that is the extent of the repair works carried out to date.

Unfortunately that still appears to be the case as, 18 months later, following at least a further dozen landslides, the pathway is still suspended over the edge of the cliff, with little below, other than a handful of badly situated metal supports, most of which have collapsed themselves onto the beach below.

Residents who use the promenade that runs around the coastline say that they cannot understand how the Orihuela Council has still not fixed the sinkhole, over 18 months after it first appeared. Every day they see how the structure gives way a little more and they now warn of the dangers of it’s complete collapse, which would close the entire walkway connecting Orihuela Costa beaches.

But of course, just as soon as the situation was once again publicised in the local Spanish press, the Orihuela council are quick to appear on the scene with their usual diatribe of innate excuses. Needless to say, the councillor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera, was the first council official to ‘slope shoulders’ and defend his inaction by shifting the responsibility to the company awarded the maintenance, conservation and road repair contract, which he, incidentally, also brought to a standstill by refusing to pay their invoices. Despite this, he insists that the awardee of the road contract must fix the problem. Noguera says that the municipal technical services, specifically the surveyor assigned to the coast, who is currently on sick leave fol-

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Even though all the supports have been washed away there is still no action from the AVOCA lowing his claims of bullying by the councillor, examined the sinkhole when it opened in September 2019. On January 7, 2020, he drew up a cost proposal of 36,295 euros to fix the sinkhole, based on three budgets, however, it was not

The Residents Association (Avoca) has written to both the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, and the Councillor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera, demanding an "immediate" solution, warning that, if it is not fixed, "they will hold the Orihuela City Council responsible for any injuries to the pedestrians who regularly use the path." They say that the open hole, which was initially quite small, "has been increasing in size" over the 18 long months that it has been without repair. They also ask that a warning notice be displayed, and that the City Council make public a plan of action "without further delay".


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021



Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


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Black Thursday at Alicante Airport No international airline traffic for the first time in thirty years

Photographs ‘Surviving Lockdown’ For the first time in thirty years, last Thursday saw absolutely no international airline traffic at Alicante airport. Following the news that extended a ban on UK passengers, other than residents, the terminal was absolutely deserted, with a total of just three flights, to Madrid and Palma. The restrictions imposed throughout Europe to control the covid pandemic have left the terminal with even worse traffic figures than those registered last year, when the outbreak first occurred, between March and May 2020, the most difficult months of confinement, during which time the terminal lost over three million passengers in a quarter. In January 2021, with just 77,000 passengers, and following a February that is going to be much worse, March has brought with it a new and historical low when, on Thursday, there was a total of just three flights, and not a single international link, something not seen during the thirty years that records exist. Aena said that, due to the programming, this situation is going to repeated every Thursday, a day that, together with Tuesdays and Saturdays, has traditionally been the strongest of the week, in terms of passenger movement. Until recently, the few flights to and from the United Kingdom were concentrated on Saturdays, but practically every day there were also flights from Paris, Amsterdam or Brussels. Last Thursday, however, there were none, a situation that will continue like this for a while longer. On Friday, the situation was not much better with just one Easyjet flight to London during the morning and links with Eindhoven, Amsterdam and Dublin later in the day. The situation thankfully improved on Saturday, with airlines concentrating their few operations on weekends, to serve foreign residents. A direct consequence of the lack of flights is the paralysis of the property market to foreign buyers, which has seen a 60% decrease in sales since the beginning of the year. Hope is, that in the summer, the situation will significantly improve, although it is unlikely that we will see anything like the number of passengers of previous years, despite airlines already publishing major increases to their schedules. As a result of the loss in footfall, Aena say that it will reduce the rents of shops and other trading units at the airport by up to 50%, to try to stop the economic drain on the concession companies, in a ter-

minal without passengers. Since March 2020, practically all the shops and catering establishments in the terminal have been closed, with only the pharmacy and small number of outlets in the boarding area remaining open. But now, the limitations on flights and the arrival of tourists are beginning to be of even more concern to the tourism industry, as a number of other rival sun and beach destinations in the Mediterranean, in particular Greece and Turkey, have already announced a date for their reopening in May. However, the Minister of Tourism, Reyes Maroto, says that she is extremely optimistic about the health passport and has announced that such a guarantee of free movement could also be a reality in Spain during May, coinciding with the celebration of Fitur. Maroto estimates that the total freedom of tourist movement through the country will start once again when 40% of the population has been vaccinated in Spain.

The ADAPT association of San Pedro is organising a photographic competition entitled: “Surviving Lockdown”. The competition is open to everyone over 18 years of age and will be conducted entirely online. No doubt you have taken lots of photos over the last year – Zoom meetings with the family, pictures of wildlife, deserted streets, the emergency services doing their job – these are all part of what “Surviving Lockdown” has meant for each and every one of us. There will be three prizes: a month of online Spanish or English tuition donated by ACADEMIA GALWAY; a stationery voucher worth 30€ donated by MAIL PINATAR and the bilingual book “Sid’s Adventures in Spain” donated by Jane Cronin. The competition closing date is 18th April, so you have plenty of time! You will find full details about the competition on this link:


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021

There were ten arrests in total

Clean sweep for Torrevieja drug pusher

sumers. He paid them a salary of 600 euros per month, but they had to comply with "a strict schedule that began at 8am and ended at 11pm, according to the Civil Guard.

The Civil Guard has arrested 10 members of a drug trafficking network led by a street sweeper who used much of his working day to distribute cocaine.

The investigation revealed that if the workers did not render accurate accounts to the boss, he became violent, regularly beating them up..

Among those arrested is an 80-year-old woman, the mother of another detainee, who was paid 100 euros a month to make up packages of cocaine. He also employed a number of workers "on staff" who distributed on his behalf, to whom he paid a monthly salary of 600 euros. The Civil Guard began their investigations in May of last year after learning of the scheme. The worker was the leader of a group of distributors and during his workday he both distributed and sold doses of cocaine to consumers. In this way he thought he did not raise suspicions. The business grew and the suspect was earning 600 euros a day, so he sought out several colleagues to help him distribute the drug to con-

Once identified, the Civil Guard arrested ten people, five men and five women, between 25 and 80 years of age. They also searched three homes in Torrevieja. Inside they seized 211 grams of rock cocaine, marijuana buds, doping substances, several doses of viagra, a frequency inhibitor, a baseball bat, nine nine-millimeter parabellum cartridges, a hunting crossbow, a compressed air rifle, two vehicles, a motorcycle, and more than 3,000 euros in cash. The detainees are all accused of a crime against public health and of belonging to a criminal organisation. The leader is also charged with a crime of money laundering. Two of the ten detainees have been remanded in prison.



Two year Beach attendant contract signed in Torrevieja

Light at the end of the tunnel for nursing homes

There is a great deal of relief in local nursing homes as the number of coronavirus infections continues to decrease across the province. The incidence of covid-19 in nursing homes has seen an extraordinary decline in recent weeks. This has been confirmed by the records published on Friday by the Ministry of Health, showing that levels are now back to what they were last August. In the province of Alicante there are cur-

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


Torrevieja has approved a two-year contract for the employment of 119 beach attendants who will control access to all beaches in the municipality, at a cost of 1,881,279 euros (940,639 euros each year). They will also control the areas allocated to each beachgoer, or group of beachgoers, so that the occupation in the parcels is carried out in accordance with current legislation, with regard to safety distances and hygiene. The contract includes three work teams: a team of personnel for the control and surveillance of the beaches, a team for the exhaustive cleaning of the public toilets, promenades and the footbaths located on the beaches, and a third service that will be responsible for ensuring that all preparatory work is carried out on a daily basis prior to each beach opening up.

rently positive cases in just three nursing homes.

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The service will cover three periods: Low season 1 of Easter (10 days). Low season 2, from June 15 to 30 and September 1 to 15 (30 days). High season, from July 1 to August 31 (62 days). The number of personnel, toilet and footspa cleaners, and daily assembly and disassembly personnel in low season 1 will be 67, while in low season 2 it will be 72 and in high season (July and August) it will be 117. They will work from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the beaches with the greatest influx of people, and from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. , on those sparsely occupied beaches.


However, the figures over the period of the virus have been especially cruel, affecting 10,800 elderly residents in the three provinces and claiming the lives of 2,010.

Los Montesinos instals free WiFi At a time when the virtual community has become essential, residents of Los Montesinos now have free access to the Internet after the town council has launched the WiFi4EU infrastructure that has allowed free WiFi in the town’s plazas.

"This has been an absolute nightmare, very long and very difficult, and we now hope that the Ministry of Health will soon ease the restrictive measures that have been applied to the sector since last January 5," said José María Toro, president of the Business Association of Residences and Services for Dependent Persons. In his opinion, the immunity that vaccines have provided and the decrease in the accumulated incidence of cases in the whole of Valencian territory have turned the centres for the elderly into much safer places. “The residents, their families and the staff have suffered a lot in the last year. There is a lot of despair and it is necessary that we are now able to return to relative normality as soon as possible,” Toro said.

2021 has continued to surprise us with donations, the latest being a fantastic cash donation of €400 from the San Fulgencio Anglican Church. This was handed over by their representative, Jim Crossley, and gratefully received, above, by our President, Lynda Brettle. Saturday 27 February 2021 saw our Annual All Volunteers Meeting. Due to Covid restrictions we were unable to host this in our normal manner by getting everyone together in Punta Prima so this year we hosted the meeting on Zoom. A good number of our volunteers joined us, and it was great to see some faces that we haven’t been able to see for a while. If you would like to donate to us, you can do so on PayPal – our PayPal account is If you are a business owner and would like to sponsor us in any way, then please contact us at Our listening and shop volunteers continue to work tirelessly over this very strange and trying period and many thanks go to them all for their dedication. Our Listeners are available on our Freephone number 900 525 100 from 10am to 10pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, ALL calls are confidential IF you need to talk then please call us. If you would like to volunteer to become either a Trustee, Listener, Fund Raiser or a Shop volunteer please visit our website,, for further information.

Los Montesinos Mayor, José Manuel Butrón, stated that “we are very proud to be one of the very first European City Councils to be able to offer this service to the public.” The service has come about thanks to an EU wide initiative that attracted 10,000 from which, in Spain, there were 510 selected municipalities. Butron explained that the facility has been in operation for several months after the council defined the project and carried out all the procedures to provide the service, including hiring the company to install the wireless equipment and selecting the places from at which it can be accessed.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021

Ra, an affectionate greyhound cross Ra is a 1 year old, Greyhound cross. He is very affectionate and gets on well with other dogs. He is fully vaccinated with passport, microchipped, bloodtested and castrated. For info ring 966 71 0047 (leave msg) or Email:

Alicante Provincial Council emphasises help for help British Expats The Alicante Provincial Council is holding a series of meetings with the town councils across the province to gauge the situation of international residents with a view to ensuring they are aware of the council services that are available. The deputy for International Residents, Juan de Dios Navarro, stressed that one of the main focuses will be on residents from the United Kingdom, as well as on their concerns and the need to legalise their situations following Brexit. The first meeting was held last Thursday with the mayor of Benissa, Arturo Poquet. Ohers will follow next week in a number of different locations. The deputy highlighted the high number of international residents in Benissa, where they exceed 30% of the population, and others such as Daya

Meeting with the mayor of Benissa Vieja and l'Alfàs del Pi, with 62% and 50% foreigners census, respectively. "We want to reiterate our committment to promote the integration of this important group, fundamental for the development of the province, by supporting registration campaigns, courses in Spanish or Valencian, and much more," Navarro pointed out. . The Provincial Council has increased this year by 13%, to 215,000 euros, the subsidies to municipalities for the development of projects, programs and activities toward integration, the development of care and advice services and equality campaigns.


San Fulgencio to release 3,200 sq mtr of allotments

The project, which is currently being developed by Hidraqua, will create 68 plots and a recreational area, with a pergola and picnic tables.

The allotments are available to all residents of the municipality

The site is located in the urbanisation area of San Fulgencio, "in an area between las calles Galicia, Rosales, Dublin and Belgrado, which has 3,200 square metres and about 68 arable plots of variable size, between 6 and 26 square meters ”. The development will have a total cost of 79,088 euros with the works expected to finish before summer. Councillor Francisco Molero said that the necessary regulations are currently being drawn up so that those residents who are interested can request one of these plots for cultivation. "We will tell everybody just as soon as this municipal ordinance has completed all its processing, and the application period is going to open,"

he added. Elena García, Hidraqua technician, has said that in these urban gardens “a responsible and efficient use of water will be carried out at all times, for which an irrigation system will be installed that takes maximum advantage of all natural resources and will be adapted for the cultivation of the plots”.

This system allows to work the land with the minimum surface of land without chemical products, with the minimum consumption of water and without pesticides. The project will give residents "the opportunity to participate in an experience of organic farming, avoiding the use of chemicals and with a composting area

to create compost," said the Councilor. Molero added that “it will also be a meeting and leisure space in the open air for all people in San Fulgencio, which will have a pergola, fountains, picnic tables and parking for bicycles, so that everyone who wishes to do so can enjoy this environment”.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021

‘When things get back to Normal …?’


everal times a day now we hear someone mention about ‘things getting back to normal.’ I too have been thinking about ‘getting back to normal’, but the ceist keeps niggling my brain as to what is ‘normal’? Am I normal? (Ah Lads ..please, children could be listening). I don’t know if I am normal – and if I am, which normal is it? Is it the contented normal of most days of my life – or is it the driven ‘normal’ that takes over when I see a challenge?


say or do by figuring out how close it is to being acceptable to those around us. Everyone is convinced that they are a ‘normal person’ and all want ‘things to get back to normal.’ Well, I have news for all you ‘normal people’ out there. You will quickly be forgotten after your normal lifespan. It is the ‘abnormal’ free-thinkers who will be remembered.

I have had many different ‘normals’ in my lifetime; so can somebody adjudicate as to which me was more normal – if any of me was ever normal?

All down throughout history it is those who refused to conform to ‘normality’ who changed things and made a name for themselves. Confining oneself to a perceived standard called ‘normality’, can limit a person’s potential. The men and women who achieved the extraordinary, were those who stepped outside the ‘normal’ boundary.

To make it simple for you, the normal of my twenties was a different planet from the normal of my seventies. Could the mere fact that I question my own normality, prove that I am normal? You have all heard of ‘Catch 22’, where the guy is deemed to be sane because he had sufficient sanity to claim he was insane!

Trying to please the crowd is what keeps a lot of people ‘normal.’ The trouble with this modus operandi is that you are stifling your individual flair and throwing away some of your strengths in the process.

There are 7.8 Billion people on this earth and no two are identical. Can most of these people be normal and still all be different?

The very word ‘normal’ suggests that there are only two types of person; ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal.’ This isn’t so. There is no absolute definition as to how any human is compelled to behave.

I suppose being accepted as normal by our peers means that our behaviour conforms to the most common behaviour in society. But is behaviour normal just because a large swath thinks it is? Is ‘Trumpism’ normal?

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People confuse ‘perfection’ with ‘normality’. Perfection is an out of reach illusion and if you equate ‘normal’ with ‘perfection’ you will concentrate too much on your flaws - when ‘we get back to normal.’

As we chatted about this and that, ‘Tom’ pointed to a fellow patient, who seemed to me to be chatting quite sensibly to his visitor. ‘Do you see that fella over there, he asked me. ‘The man with the cap’, I asked. ‘Yes’, said Tom … ‘that lad is mad!’ We have rambled a bit here on ‘normal times.’ But when all is said and done – won’t it be great when ‘things get back to normal!

Remember that Germany was regarded as the most civilised country in the world when it twice voted Adolf Hitler into power. Now you see where we are heading: ‘Normal’ refers to never deviating from your average man in the street.

Every person is unique. We are all ‘once-offs’. Don’t deny yourself your uniqueness to be just you. The rest of us will be all the better for not missing out on the uniqueness of the people around us – ‘when we get back to normal!’

Don’t Forget

If our telepathic powers were so great that each of us always knew what the other person was thinking, we would all stay ‘shocked to the core.’ Nobody would be speaking to anyone and millions would feel justified in committing murder. We all have different thoughts, and yet most of us believe that we know exactly what ‘normality’ is?

I hope that the lockdown will have encouraged more people to be themselves in the new normal. I think that people will try new things and express themselves in a more exciting manner when we break out of lockdown. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

Don’t worry about being ‘normal’ or not. A long time ago I was visiting an old neighbour in St Loman’s Psychiatric Hospital. Like the rest of the patients, Tom, (not his real name) wasn’t there for ailments such as an ingrown toenail.

Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

I would go so far as to claim that most of us go through life playing a ‘walk-on’ part. Our ‘normality’ is guided by what we perceive society to expect of us. We measure the appropriateness of what we

Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadows.

GARDEN FELIX ......... Phlox summer flowering season July through to September The Phlox, being the Greek word for 'flame' is a mainstay of the summer garden, with its long flowering season from July right through to September. With their heady clouds of billowy sweetly fragrant blooms in nearly every

hue on the colour chart, even in the hard-to-find shades of blue, attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds into the garden. The Phlox has a dainty five-petaled flowers, packed into dense clusters, or panicles, ranging in size from 4-6in tall and 6-8in wide, growing 1-5ft, depending on the cultivar. With mostly green leaves, some have variegated foliage, with creamy white or yellow margins. There are over 100 cultivars of Phlox, resulting in a great diversity in plant height, panicle sizes, and flower colour to suit any garden.

Phlox doesn’t like drought conditions and should be watered during dry spells, with an inch of water per week during the growing season. It will tell you when it needs water, as you will see the foliage begin to wilt. To keep the foliage healthy, water at the root area, rather than overhead.

After the first winter frost, cut back the stems just above the soil line, remove and discard the foliage, and protect the roots by applying a layer of mulch, before the ground freezes. The number one enemy of garden phlox

is powdery mildew, which attacks the plant’s leaves and causes them to become shrivelled and gray. The best preventive measure is to improve air circulation by selective thinning of the plant stems and providing adequate spacing. When thinning plants, remove all but four to five strong stems in early spring.

To prevent overcrowding and improve the vigor of your plants, divide them every three to four years. Tell-tale signs that phlox is ready for division include sparser blooming and centres that begin to weaken or die out. Phlox doesn’t normally require any pruning, but if you want to delay blooming and get bushier plants with more flower heads, pinch or cut back the stems by one-third to one-half in early summer. Dead-heading the spent flowers may also extend the bloom period and prevent unwanted re-seeding.

It will tell you when it needs water, as you will see the foliage begin to wilt.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


Melia Hotel boss backs ‘safe travel’ corridor Gabriel Escarrer, the chief executive of Melia, Spain’s largest hotel group, has backed plans to create safe travel corridors between the UK and Spain. He said that travel restrictions have been enforced without any scientific basis, adding: “We know that transmission of Covid-19 mainly takes place internally and not through travel. But even though the vaccination process is moving along, especially in the UK, Covid 19 is likely to be with us for many years to come so it is something that we must learn to live with, as it is likely here to stay.” His announcement came as Trailfinders founder Mike Gooley called on the UK government to make know int’s intentions when travel re-opens, and confirm those who have been vaccinated will be able to return to the UK, without test or quarantine, from all but high-risk countries. He said: “Cyprus has joined the list of countries recognising that, for those who have been vaccinated, liberty should return. Cyprus will welcome vaccinated people as soon as the UK government

opens up travel. “Greece and Spain have also stated that they will very soon be open for tourists and other countries will most certainly follow suit. The Thai tourist industry have lobbied their government to allow UK tourists to return to the country from 1 July, along with people from other nations who are on top of their vaccine programmes. “The fact the UK has done so well with it’s vaccine strategy is something to be applauded and an easing of restrictions for the travel industry, both in the UK and abroad, is the dividend.” However Gabriel Escarrer was forthright in saying: “We believe that the only way to enable safe travel is to create and share a cross-border Digital Health Pass, that certifies not only whether a traveller is vaccinated, but whether he/she has undergone the correct testing and at the same time, we must be able to audit and certify the destinations’ tourism value chain in its integrity, to make sure that desti-

Spain’s Tourism minister says vaccine passport could start in May Spain’s Tourism minister Reyes Maroto said on Wednesday that the country could start using the vaccine passport in May, when the international tourism fair FITUR is due to take place in Madrid. “We could be in a position to start implementing the digital passport (when FITUR starts on May 19)”, she told Antena 3 TV station. Faced with a pandemic that has killed more than 900,000 people in Europe and thrust the continent into its deepest recession, EU leaders agreed to work on vaccine certificates to kick-start the tourism industry, which has been severely hurt by the pandemic.

nations and source markets share consistently thorough security standards and controls. “The United Kingdom is the most important feeder market for Spain, and for millions of British travellers, holidays to Spain are more than a just tradition, but part of their lives. “We can see that there is a demand among travellers, who are eager to travel as soon as restrictions are removed. Immediately after the Boris Johnson’s announcement to lift border closure in May, the bookings skyrocketed for mainland Spain and its islands. “The Spanish tourism sector has demonstrated that it is extremely safe and responsible – as far as we know, there have been no Covid outbreaks reported in Spanish tourism facilities whatsoever – and we truly believe that we’ll be able to progressively restore travel before this summer. “With this in mind, we could not agree more with the proposal to create safe travel corridors between Spain and the UK and we are hopeful that this will

Spain extends ban on arrivals from UK

The extended ban also includes Brazil and South Africa.

Spain has extended its ban on arrivals from Britain until the end of March to avoid the spread of new coronavirus strains - the sixth time the ban on British arrivals has been extended.

The restriction on arrivals from Britain was imposed at the end of December to halt the spread of the highly contagious COVID-19 variant discovered there in November.

Only legal residents or nationals of Spain and the neighbouring micro-state of Andorra are currently allowed in on flights from these countries.

The Brazil and South Africa arrivals ban came into effect on February 3. Exceptions are for passengers in transit who cannot leave the airport nor remain there longer than 24 hours. Other European nations have also imposed curbs on arrivals from the three nations, due to fears that the new variants may spread more easily or contain mutations that allow the virus to evade the effects of vaccines.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


A brand new week on the Costa Blanca and a week where plans are normally set in stone for the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, with the Cabo Roig parade & every bar coming to life with the music and the craic.

Let’s light it up green for St Patrick

It’ll be a quiet enough one this year but if we keep positive and look ahead, all I can say is God help us all for next year’s one!

We have now spent one full year under the grip of the Covid-19 Coronavirus with lockdown after lockdown, restriction after restriction, and no likelihood whatsoever of relaxing at one of the many bars along the Cabo Roig strip on 17 March to take in the joys of mainland Europe’s largest St Patrick’s Day Parade.

I have so many happy memories of living in Spain between gigs, the radio, outside broadcasts, taking part in concerts up by Mercadona in Playa Flamenca. I’ve dressed up for St. Patrick’s Day, St. George’s Day and every other day possible of

ing or holidaying here. The page is flying up in numbers day by day and is gaining a lot of publicity for itself. It’s also full to the brim of fun and chat so if you get a chance, give it a like ‘The Irish Community In Orihuela Costa’.

Indeed it was just 4 days before last year’s 10th Anniversary Parade that we were first locked down. Let us all now hope that we can put the last 12 months behind us and look forward making that 10th Anniversary event in 2022. So this year no street parade but still lot’s going on in the many Irish bars in the area, many with live music, the traditional green Guinness give away hats, potatoes, Irish gravy and lashings of the black stuff. The EMERALD ISLE IN LA FLORIDA is one such venue where you will be assured of a warm Irish welcome, with over 300 people already booked in to enjoy an afternoon of fun and entertainment. And for the ladies, the usual market stalls will be dotted around the venue with a selection of gifts and trinkets on offer, so do give the traders your support. There are still places to be had at the venue but it might be worth getting on the phone now to Brendan to reserve your table. The LANSDOWNE IRISH BAR IN PLAYA FLAMENCA COMMERCIA CENTRE is another firm favourite and one to be considered at any time, but especially on 17th March. The bar opens at 11am with live music from 2 till

The best of memories, celebrating at Paddy’s Point with Nick O’Hawkins and Paul Cullen celebrating and that’s what I love about the expat community living on the Costa Blanca. It doesn’t matter what’s going on, everybody gets together, joins in on the fun and respects each other in so doing. One of my favourite moments was back in July 2010 when Spain won the World Cup. We celebrated with our Spanish friends and neighbours and boy were the celebrations mighty. We love nothing more than having a reason to unite as one. I lived in Tenerife for 4 years too and the very same applied. I can seriously agree to that quote ‘The Irish abroad are more Irish than the Irish themselves’. Speaking about all things ex-pat, I have to give a massive shout out to Audrey O’ Gorman, founder of a new Facebook page for Irish people living here or that holiday here. Most importantly the page is for everyone, but it’s great as it helps to promote Irish businesses and services in the area. Members are also on hand to offer free help and advice to anyone with a query in regards to liv-

I also see that you can now buy items from the Supervalu range at the Overseas Supermarkets across the Costa Blanca. Spoilt is what you all are now, a taste of home from home. Let’s hope down the line, and in safer circumstances, there will be a big member’s meet up, I’ll be the first there and more than likely the last to leave! Who doesn’t need a good shindig after the last year that we’ve all had. If you have no plans for St. Patrick’s Day as of yet, and you don’t plan to venture outdoors, I can tell you now that at the ‘Live Lounge Costa Blanca’ Facebook page, we have a galaxy of stars waiting to perform for you on the day. If you check out the page, the full line up will be revealed. I have my decorations up and ready and can’t wait to take part, so whatever you do, wherever you go, make the most of it, spend the time with your friends and family, call your loved ones and have a ball. Don’t forget to catch me on Fresh Radio Spain Monday to Friday 10am -11am.

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5pm with Mark from gallus and they will be serving Irish bacon and cabbage with a free pint of GUINNESS for just euro 7.50 or for the traditionalists there will also be Irish stew for euro 6.50. Laura tells me that if it’s nostalgia you want she will be screening some of the old St Patrick’s Day Parades on the bars’ televisions. But wherever you decide to go, make sure that you celebrate the day, wear your colours with pride and in the same manner as the Orihuela and the Playa Flamenca Town Hall’s, which both will be appropriately illuminated, let's light it up green for St Patrick.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


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ANSWERS Week 857

ACROSS 1. Impartial (9) 8. Flee (3) 9. Derange (5,6) 11. Unscrambler (7) 12. Earlier (5) 13. Buccaneering (6) 15. Nullify (6) 17. Rule (5) 18. Designate (7) 20. Impassive (11) 22. Baton (3) 23. Insipid (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 21.

Taboo (3) Dogma (5) Disregard (6) Specimen (7) Fear (11) Experienced (9) Doubt (11) Leaving (9) Satisfied (7) Renowned (6) Cost (5) Donkey (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 7 Grotto; 8 Colour; 10 Operate; 11 Force; 12 Laud; 13 Guard; 17 Topic; 18 Roar; 22 First; 23 Ruinous; 24 Inform; 25 Patron. DOWN: 1 Ignoble; 2 Hopeful; 3 Steal; 4 Comfort; 5 Board; 6 Brief; 9 Pecuniary; 14 Contort; 15 Sojourn; 16 Present; 19 Affix; 20 Craft; 21 Final. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Exacts; 8 Moment; 10 Console; 11 Devil; 12 Oath; 13 Broth; 17 Lambs; 18 Take; 22 Locks; 23 Tallies; 24 Forage; 25 Tennis. DOWN: 1 Reactor; 2 Magnate; 3 Stool; 4 Cordite; 5 Leave; 6 Stole; 9 Reprobate; 14 Massage; 15 Patient; 16 Persist; 19 Bluff; 20 Score; 21 Fleet.

ACROSS 1. Arm a domineering woman (6-3) 8. Love to go to the museum for eggs (3) 9. Former prime minister had lain next to the room (11) 11 and 18Ac. Author writing about children's cakes (7,7) 12. Took a scarf (5) 13. Henry returns with a mineral from a Pakistan city (6) 15. Broken nose I'd given to the inventor (6) 17. Tale of a holy man or youth leader (5) 18. See 11 Ac. 20. I'm Peter Dell and I'm awfully irritable (3-8) 22. Animal found on a ship (3) 23. Time for a Beatles record (9)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. The singing cowboy Gene Autry is the holder of which stellar record? 2. On which day of the week did Christopher Columbus discover Dominica? 3. What was the name given to the last war involving Iceland? 4. The largest canyon discovered is 3,000 kilometres long, spans as much as 600 kilometres across, and is as in parts up to 8 kilometres deep. Where is it? 5. What is the name of the robot in the 1951 science fiction film classic 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'? 6. What is the name of the sweet Greek dessert made with filo pastry, chopped nuts and honey? 7. Name the four most populated cities in the world that end with the letter 's'. 8. Barbie dumped Ken after 43 years for a brief relationship with which Australian surfer? 9. What is the largest inland lake in South America? 10. Add a dance style to complete each of the following song titles. a. Sultans of ........... b. ........... Italiano. c. ............ Uniform Charlie Kilo. d. Tennessee ............ e. Yes Sir I can .............

DOWN 2. Has destroyed a tree (3) 3. Artist leaving the party gives a reason to sue (5) 4. Stop for a b-breather (6) 5. Awfully pleased to have passed (7) 6. Sure no coins can fool the expert (11) 7. Wine turns up with ease (9) 10. Monarch is an awful person from another time (11) 11. Heavenly tiles Alec makes (9) 14. Two men get extremely touchy with the Queen's family (7) 16. Dreads discovering snakes (6) 19. Scope to changed the thicket (5) 21. Are going back in time (3)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. In 1670 John Dryden became the first of his kind to be crowned with laurel. Explain. 12. Which parts of the body do each of the following Greek roots denote? a. cephal. b. glot. c. rhin. d. pod 13. In literature, Abel Magwitch is the financial benefactor of which character? 14. Name the three male tennis players who won the most Grand Slam singles titles in the 1970s. 15. Which two historical American gangsters has Warren Beatty played in film? 16. Found on the island of Madagascar, what is the name of the largest nocturnal primate in the world? Six letters, first letter 'A'. 17. Which products name stems from an embossed depiction of a buffoon wearing a cap with bells? 18. What kind of flowers, painted by Vincent Van Gogh, are worth more than his world famous painting 'Fifteen Sunflowers'? 19. The name for which island country means 'the old' in Spanish? 20. In song, which jovial character "lived in the sand at the Isle of Man"?


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


COUNTING SHEEP Find yourself dreading bedtime and the long sleepless night ahead?

Tried one of the many tried and trusted herbal remedies to help you nod off tonight. Stress, anxiety, depression, late nights, jangled nerves, a blazing row with a loved one, a strong after-dinner espresso, long sessions staring into your computer screen or too much late-night TV - any of these can mess up your sleep for the night, leaving you tossing and turning, dozing fitfully and waking in the morning feeling like a rag. Prescription sleeping pills aren't the best answer: they may knock you out, but they reduce the amount of quality sleep you get and can leave you feeling frowsty and hungover the next day. There's a danger of addiction, too, if you become dependent on them. Herbs aren't addictive in this chemical sense, although if you get to rely on them, they could become psychological crutches instead. The sleep they encourage is a sound healthy snooze: you'll wake fresh and alert, and you don't even need a prescription for them. If you grow herbs, you may already have lemon balm in your garden.

Lemon Balm Famed cheerer of the spirits

This attractive bright green herb with its lovely lemony smell is a famed cheerer of the spirits: it also calms the digestive system, relaxes strung-up nerves and encourages soothing sleep. It is especially good for those kept awake by stress or depression. Pick a good tablespoonful of the fresh leaves, put them in a mug, fill it with boiling water and let it steep, covered, for a few minutes before straining it and drinking at bedtime. Drink it during the day, too, instead of tea or coffee. The sedative and gut-calming effects of lemon balm, incidentally, are recognised by Commission E, for years the official German advisory body on herb safety and efficacy.

sleep, and 44% 'perfect sleep'. The remaining 11% probably included some of the small number of people for whom valerian not only doesn't work, but can leave them feeling wired up instead. As a sleep aid, valerian is often combined with lemon balm or hops.

Here's an idea for you……..

Try a comforting bedtime bath. Add 10-15 drops of good essential oil such as lavender, orange blossom (aka neroli) or the sweet and exotic ylang-ylang - to the bath water. These aren't just great smells: they are absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin in a matter of minutes to travel the body and work their calming, soothPeople have been known ing effect where needed. Relax in to fall asleep in hop ware- this lovely bath for twenty minutes houses, and many peo- then go straight to bed. Be careful ple swear by a hop pillow not to apply these oils undiluted to to help them nod off. It's your skin: a good way to disperse the relaxing aroma of the them through the bath water is to essential oils in those little add them to a cupful of whole milk papery cones which will first and pour them in together.

keep you sleeping soundly all night. Lots of ready-made herbal remedies for sleeplessness contain hops, or you can order a supply and make up your own tea: infuse a teaspoonful of the dried heads in a cupful of boiling water, covered, for a few minutes, and drink at bedtime. There's a caveat about hops: if it's depression that's wrecking your slumbers, avoid them - they might make it worse. The same applies to valerian. Chamomile is another great stress-busting herb; drink it during the day as well as at bedtime. Note that the average chamomile tea bag contains a dose herbalists would consider laughably small, so order it in loose form and use a tablespoonful to a cup of boiling water. Infuse it, covered, for ten minutes. The famous French herbalist Maurice Messegue once treated a wealthy American woman for chronic insomnia. She had tried everything, she told him. Messegue advised her to eat three lettuces for dinner every night. That Christmas she sent him a greetings card with the words 'I sleep... I sleep..? In fact lettuces contain a milky latex with a known soporific effect, so try making lettuce soup for dinner. My personal favourite - and many herbalists would agree with me - is passionflower. It's the medicinal kind you want, though, not the ornamental garden flower. I've always found it one of the most effective of gentle sleep inducers. I take a dose of the tincture in a little water half an hour before bedtime, and it rarely fails me.

The most active ingredients in Valerian, of which there are over 200 species, are found in the fresh root Another great herb for the sleeplessness brought on by stress or anxiety is valerian, which will help you feel sleepy if you take it at bedtime - you can take it during the day, too, to help cope with stress. In one clinical study. 89% of the subjects reported improved

NEXT WEEK - Quit bellyaching


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally

Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members


are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed

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and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to ongoing covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment. In normal times we provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony: For Welfare contact Andy on 0034 711 00 86 84. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In

Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021



Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


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The Sussexes

"Where We're Led"


cannot help but feel sorry for the Sussexes selling their soul to the media and hence the world. Did they ever think of what happens next?

I would think they had plenty of time to reflect on ‘the tell all.’ In my opinion it was orchestrated and put together a few years ago in another attempt to destroy the very fabric of the British way of life.

We all try to be better people Our mistakes often shape who we are We follow a path sometimes wayward Not seeing the dangers afar

In my opinion they are now sold out. What they were and what they had, respect and admiration has now gone. Life is about mixing with others, trusting, loving and being reasonable, once that is no more then you are living on an island, the bridge has been destroyed and there is no going back, and as someone said the only winners in this sad affair is Oprah Winfrey with a cheque for nine million Dollars.

Sometimes we meet those who'll destroy us When jealousy raises it's head We have to stay grounded and stoic We can't always go where we're led

To insult and betray family also many other people did it not occur to them that perhaps it was them that was at fault? Did it not enter their heads that it was them being difficult? They have gone on to prove this as so, by broadcasting to the world their one sided view of a respected family.

So life can be one staggered journey The ups and the downs mark our course It's not all a smooth big adventure More a ride on a galloping horse

My guess is they will no longer be front page news as they have run out of story. Who will trust them in the future with inner knowledge? There is an old saying ‘never bite the hand that feeds you.’ Talking about being one sided there was a report in the newspaper of GCHQ looking for recruits but ‘no white males’ only people of an ethnic background need to apply. Isn’t that being against the law of race and sexism? Perhaps the report was of someone trying to be

funny and it is a complete fabrication. Percy Chattey books available through Amazon and Kindle. chattey

That takes us to places un chartered That tests all our strength and regard Nobody said life would be easy We find out ourselves life is hard But faith and the need to be better Makes every new day make it's mark Life can be just what we make it So make it a walk in the park.

Prince Harry to return his military appointments.

In June 2018, Prince Harry received promotions in all three services, becoming Major in the British Army, Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy, and a Squadron Leader in the Royal Air Force.

Prince Harry is returning his military appointments to the Queen, after the decision by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to not return as working royals.

However, he has now lost all of his honorary Navy and RAF ranks.

By David Whitney c 2021

The Duke of Sussex was also appointed Captain General of the Royal Marines in December 2017, succeeding his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh, in the role.

If you would like to see your poem featured in this column send to:

Harry and Meghan first announced their intention to "step back as 'senior members' of the Royal Family" in January 2020, a move which has now been made permanent. Their royal patronages and military appointments are being returned to Her Majesty and will be redistributed among the Royal Family.

Captain General Royal Marines

Prince Harry is returning the following military appointments:

Commodore-in-Chief, Small Ships and Diving, Royal Naval Command

Honorary Air Commandant, RAF Honington

Prince Harry is also the founder of the Invictus Games – the competition for injured, sick and wounded Armed Forces personnel and veterans which he established in 2014 and which he will continue with in his role of patron.

Birdwatching route back in Torrevieja and La Mata Following their closure during the coronavirus pandemic the ecotourism routes through the Torrevieja and La Mata Natural Park have been resumed. The next walk is scheduled for Saturday, March 27, when the ornithological route will be carried out, the objective of which is to introduce members of the public to birdwatching and sighting of such emblematic species as the common stilts, avocets, shelduck, flamingos and curlews. The walks are all accompanied by a guide, will be presented in both Spanish and English, and have a duration of about 4 hours. The maximum number of participants per route is 30 people, who will be divided into two groups. The route will also be live streamed in order to allow anyone who cannot participate in the route due to the capacity limit, to watch from their home.

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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


ALFIE’S GOLF SOCIETY @ Las Colinas – By Ian Connell 23 members and guests from Alfie’s GS played at the excellent venue known as Las Colinas. As usual the course was in first class condition, however greens were hard to hold in some places, and the sand in some greens were inconsistent, the weather played its part in what was at times a blustery cloudy day, so breaking par today would be tricky. We were playing for the Keys Bar Trophy, now this is a trophy donated to Alfies Golf Society, from the Keys Bar, St Andrews via Norman Howes! The story behind this evolution can be extracted from Norman. Our winner of the Gold Division was Harry Konrad with a score of 32 stableford points. Second place went to our Handicap Secretary, Derek Fleet with a score of 30 points. The winner of the silver division was Gary Armstrong with a score of 33 stableford points. Second place went to Paul Skillett with 28 points. Nearest the pin on the 18th – sponsored by ‘Derek Fleet’ went to Geoff Sinclair. Nearest the pin on the 7th – sponsored by ‘The

La Manga Club Bombshell - 160 Redundancies By Andrew Atkinson La Manga Club resort have dropped bombshell news that the world famous sports complex, whose Ambassador is Sir Kenny Dalglish, is to make 160 redundancies. Seve Ballesteros was La Manga’s touring professional from 1980-1985. Sir Sean Connery played there in 1973 and stars including Nigel Mansell, Gary Palmer, and Sergio Garcia have also played La Manga club which has three 18hole golf courses, a golf training centre, a 28court tennis centre and 2,000sqm Wellness Centre. Scotland, Liverpool and Celtic star Dalglish, 70, has played a big role in organising charity golf events at La Manga club with a host of stars from sport and showbusiness including the prestigious Footballers’ Golf Classic at the acclaimed North and South courses in Murcia. Mark Lawrenson teammate of Dalglish at Liverpool described La Manga club as arguably the world's best: "La Manga is arguably the

world’s best sports resort and the golf courses are superb". Stars to have played the course also includes TV's Ant and Dec, and presenter Ben Shephard. The England international football team has used the sports complex being among international squads throughout Europe and Premier League clubs. Top tennis stars have also used La Manga club, including Bjorn Borg. La Manga club temporary closed a year ago amid the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, briefly reopening last summer, but has since been dormant. 390 people are currently employed at La Manga club of which 160 are to lose their jobs beginning in April.

11th March 2021 – A lovely sunny morning greeted the players of La Marina Golf Society for their first game after lockdown, at Font Del Llop Golf course, where the members competed for the Society's New Year Trophy. Despite the course being in great condition, the greens were

Unbelievably, having scored a massive 48 points between them, John Shervell and Petina Murray did not win Monday’s ‘2 ball better ball’. With an outrageous 51 points (just 2 short of our all-time record) it was Dave Pulling together with Olga Douglas who stole the show.

La Manga club is deemed the leading golf club in Europe following its opening 50 years ago.

challenging as ever with some tricky pin placements. That said, we did have a few players win nearest the pin prizes. Jimmy Scott on hole 3, Geoffrey Ettridge on hole 8, Alan Craig on hole 12, and Vic Smith on hole 16. The "Twos pot" winner was

Barry Thorogood.

It was down to the serious stuff on Wednesday as we faced the 1st round (of six) to decide this year’s Club Champion. Whatever golf enhancing drugs Dave Pulling is currently taking I want some!

The Winner of the Gold Division was Dave Slightam with 36 points and the Silver Division winner with 39 points and therefore claiming the "New Year Trophy" was Lyn Young.

With a massive 47 pts he easily won the day and even at this early stage will take some catching.

Our next game will be at Bonalba where we will be playing Texas Scramble, any members wishing to play please contact the club secretary.

A brilliant gross level par round saw Andy Martin come in with 42 points and with 39 points John Shervell just managed to hang on to the third spot. Two ‘2’s today saw Ron Luffman and Pete Dunn share the spoils. Onto Friday and it was a nice friendly game of ‘Change Partners’. Our unexpected winners, with



ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.

Keg ‘N’ Kitchen’ went to Harry Konrad. Nearest the pin in 3 shots on the 4th - sponsored by ’Alfie’s Golf Society’ went to Paul Skillett. The Blind pairs were won by Rita Potters and Kay Chandler. Many thanks to our sponsors, also a big thank you to Ben and Gary and the gang at The Keg ’N’ Kitchen for their continued support throughout the year. And finally thanks to all the members and guests for supporting Alfie’s Golf Society. Our next outing is The Eclectic Cup on the 25th March 2021 at Vistabella, and at the time of writing there were 24 of 28 places taken.

Las Ramblas Golf Society

Staff went on the ERTE Furlough scheme in Spain since the start of the coronavirus outbreak in 2020.

La Marina Golf Society

Winner with 33 points was Gary Armstrong

86 points, were Friedel Knebel, AnneMarie Weisheit, Paul Brown and Pat Cassidy. Just one point behind them were Mark Western, Mike Mahony, Benedicte Kruse and the faithful ‘Albert’. Finally remember, ‘The woods are full of long drivers’.

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

tion and golf course closure after golf course closure and it feels like the time to let our hair down a little.

Patricks Day to a game of golf at the exclusive Las Colinas Golf Course voted the best in Spain in 2020 for an affordable price.

Unfortunately due to the slow roll out of the vaccination programme here in Spain and existing restrictions on bars and restaurants regarding occupied space on outside terraces and inside spaces, St Patricks Day this year will be different to previous years.

The Leader in conjunction with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services are offering our readers a special St Patricks Day price on Wednesday the 17th March 2021 of €129 for two players in a shared buggy including a drink (draft or bottled beer 33cl, glass of wine, soft drink or tea or coffee).

Golf on St Patricks Day

Usually in Cabo Roig there is a street parade and all Irish bars in the area would provide live music, green Guinness hats, potatoes and Irish gravy and lashings of the black stuff.

We have all spent one year under the grip of the Covid-19 Coronavirus with lockdown after lockdown, restriction after restric-

I am sure that all the local bars will do their best in the circumstances but perhaps local golfers can treat themselves on this St

Go on treat yourself or a loved one and try and get some normality back to or lives.

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Manga La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas

Lorca €78 2 Green Fees, buggy, drink, tapa Lo Romero €59 Sgl Green Fee Mar Menor €116 Two Green Fees & buggy New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €125 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €100 2 Green Fees & buggy (temp closed) Villaitana Levante €104 Two Green Fees & buggy Villaitana Poniente €60 Two Green Fees & buggy Villamartin €156 2 Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €148 Two Green Fees and buggy (3.30pm) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €98 €98 €120 €100 €158

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy 1pm Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

€90 €98 €59 €123 €100 €180 €53 €120 €60 €48 €114 €59 €149 €140

Two Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee 2 Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy

To make a booking call or e-mail Mike Probert on the contact numbers shown below.


Mr Taylor kindly shared this photo with me, when receiving his Covid jab at the JCB factory, Cheadle recently, currently utilised by the NHS for vaccination purposes. On close inspection, you will notice the nurses are attempting to pacify him, with his own darts prior to the real thing. Suffering merely with a sore arm, from the Astra Zeneca jab, the former World Champ confirmed in a lengthy call, he will not be following Barny out of retirement, as quality family time is far more enjoyable. He is however practising at present, as a " Celebrity Bullseye" is being filmed in April, "The Power" wishing to be at his best. During our conversation, the subject of his moniker came up, "The Power", where did it come from? The WDC, as it was then known, had a three year contract with Sky television, negotiated soon after the Pro player split in the early 90's and Peter Judge, Skys' floor manager, felt all players should have walk on music and a nickname. Some already had, ie Eric Bristow (Crafty Cockney) and Bob Anderson (Limestone Cowboy). Phil was without. Judge chose Snap's ‘The Power’, as his walk on music, subsequently adopting the title. Pro players practise regime can vary quite widely, many prefer if possible a like minded pro and simulate a competition format, say best of 19 legs, 501, repeating the schedule, time permitting. Some, due to lack of quality sparring partners, practise on their own. Eric Bristow often practised with Phil at the latters pub " The Cricketers" in Maybank, Newcastle under Lyme. They would regularly play a best of 11 set (best of 5) format. Phil would regularly beat the Crafty Cockney, which never went down well with the Londoner, but what really irked him,. was the fact Phil would sometimes wear his carpet slippers, when doing so.

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


Following any session on the board, an hours sleep would be a prerequisite to rest his eyes.

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WINNER: James Wade with Luke Humphries in the background.

l asked Phil, did he think Eric was ever resentful of his phenomenal success. "Not at all" was the immediate reply, Bristow had after all been his coach, mentor, and funded his rise to the top. Having known the sometime complex Eric, since he was 14, l knew there would be times The Power was reminded of who got him to the top, Phil still the pupil. Phil recalled an occasion in a restaurant (probably of lndian cuisine) when his pal, tongue slightly loosened after a Tiger beer or 2, wanted the World to know, but particularly Phil, that he was the better player and definitely more famous. To illustrate this the Cockney, called over a waitress asking her "Do you know who l am". After a slow shake of the head, followed by an apologetic "No", a frustrated but confident Eric then asked "l don't suppose you know him either" pointing to Phil. Without hesitation came the response "Yes l do, it's Phil, The Power Taylor". Although not quite leading a sedentary lifestyle, Phil enjoys the family with wife Karen, looking after grandchildren, walking and the odd modest bet. Usually the same unsuccessful "5 teams to score", whilst listening to Smooth radio (he likes Whitney and Manilow). Pressed on who his preferred 3 dinner guests would be, assuming they would leave prior to his 10-00pm bedtime, his reply, John Wayne, Michael Caine and who else but Eric. DOUBLE TOP: Phil receiving his Covid jab at the JCB factory in Cheadle

Considering the semi-finals involved the World’s no. 1 and 2, Gerwyn Price and Michael van Gerwen, it would be fair to assume they would contest the final. Not so! Two outstanding performances from the enigmatic James Wade and the relative newcomer Luke Humphries, in their respective routs of Price and MvG, gave Ladbrokes an unexpected pay day. Wade comfortably won his third Open and 100k pocket money, proving he can still mix it with the best. As often happens, Humphries couldn't reproduce the form when destroying MvG in the semi just minutes earlier. Wade raced to a 4-1 lead at the break, a session that included a 180 and 130 from the champion elect. The 26-year-old replied with 3 x 180, but the fluency exhibited earlier was missing, probably nerves, it was his 1st major. Wade won the 2nd session 3-2 for an overall 7-3 advantage. The same score was repeated in the 3rd, Wade now benefitting a 10-5 lead, requiring one leg in the best of 21 match. Humphries failed to capitalise with throw in the next leaving Wade to plant an unlikely D3 to take the title.

The Powers' regular World travel for both competition and promotion, was often his only time on the board, jet lag a constant problem. Sessions would be confined to an hour daily. These however would be intense, scoring, set up shots and the Bull. Doubles normally ignored, his theory, if you can regularly hit a treble of choice, then nailing a target twice the size is a formality.

Wade 5x180, Humphries 4x180, 177, plus a 40k consolation prize. The champion, now the top-rated Englishman ranked 4, cruised past World no 1 Price in his semi, taking a 5-0 lead into the 2nd session. This included 12,15 and13 dart legs, a lone 180 in response, he did however liven up with a 13-dart leg and 2x180, taking 3 of the next 5.

Earlier practise did involve a white cotton thread suspended through the centre of the 20 and 3 segment. The discipline to encourage centre segment accuracy and avoid wayward arrows.


Wade took full advantage of his opponents’ lacklustre performance, increasing his lead to 10-5 at the 3rd comfort break, recording 3x180 and a cool 162 set up, taking out D10 next throw. A 100 out in the 15th left just the one for the match. Price made it 10-6, the job completed in the 17th.

** The magic of MvG v Suljovic, 5th rnd 8th leg. The Dutchman scores a 171 set up to leave 132. Finishes on Bull, Bull, D16.

** Two 9 darters on the opening day from Sebastian Bialecki and Jitse van der Wal. Even if you tried, 2 names to remember???

** An omen? Rob Cross has featured 6 times in the Open, losing each time to the eventual winner.

** Lisa Ashton recorded the highest ladies televised average 100.34, in her defeat of Aaron Beeney 6-2. to include 4x180.

Who is the chairman of the Professional Darts Corporation (P.D.C.). Answers to by 18th March. Last weeks winner Jane Wills who correctly answered "The 6 different game shots that can only be achieved one way". 2, 3, 153, 156, 167,170 Competition sponsored by O.W.S.

The Humphries, MvG semi was much livelier. Both rapid throwers, the younger thrower enjoyed 3 ton plus outs in the opening 5, 112, 132 and 108, MvG's reply a 139 out and 180, the score 4-1. The advantage was increased to 4 after 10 legs, even though the Dutchman's 139 was followed by an immediate 106. Six missed darts in the eighth leg, l feel was the turning point in this match, even though the former no 1 concluded the session on a 130 out preceded with a 180 set up. To reach the final, Humphries required 4 more legs, accomplished with a further 3x180, plus finishes of 81, 68, 128, and 78. MvG average 106.27, Humphries ave. 109.0.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


Elche thwarted by Real Madrid’s injury time winner Real Madrid ...........2 Elche CF .................1 Real Madrid have not lost any of their past nine games against Elche in La Liga, winning eight of them, since a 3-1 loss in March 1978 but they came close to losing their run-on Saturday as a rejuvenated Elche took them to the very wire before Karim Benzema’s wonderful, angled shot from the edge of the area beats the reach of Edgar Badia gave the hosts a narrow win. A dogged display by the visitors saw them keep Real Madrid at bay and although what appeared

to be a justified claim for an Elche penalty was turned down in the 60th minute, just moments later Dani Calvo rise highest to send his header in off the bar from a corner, to put Los Franjiverdes into an unexpected lead. Benzema pulled real Madrid back level after he nodded in a peach of a cross from Luka Modric on 73 minutes and then, when Elche looked to have weathered the storm, a stunner from the French striker robbed them of what should have been a valuable point. Next up for Elche is a trip to 4th placed Seville on Wednesday, who they beat just over a week ago to sneak out of the bottom three..

Tall order for PNE to sign Crouch By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive Ex-England striker Peter Crouch was a target of former Scotland manager Craig Brown when in charge at Preston North End in 2002 - but the Championship club never made a firm bid. "I always fancied Crouch and so did Clive Middlemass, our Chief Scout," former Lilywhites boss Brown told The Leader. Journeyman 6' 7" Crouch was seen as a replacement for Deepdale's Jamaican international Ricardo Fuller who suffered a cruciate injury, that

Mandaric that Fuller was fully fit after undergoing a cruciate ligament op in the USA. Within weeks Pompey boss Harry Redknapp signed him. Crouch, 40, married to model Abbey Clancy, joined Portsmouth in a move from QPR, when signed by Redknapp. Crouch, capped 42 times, who played at Aston Villa, Southampton, Liverpool, Spurs, Stoke and Burnley, prior to retiring in 2019, said he spoke to ex-Deepdale boss David Moyes on a move to Preston. Brown, currently non-executive director at Aberdeen, succeeded Moyes, when he took charge at Everton, replacing Walter Smith at Goodison Park in 2002

On England duty with Wayne Rooney

saw him sidelined for a year. "I don’t recall making an absolute bid for him though," said Brown, in charge at Preston during 2002-04. Kingston born Fuller, 41, capped 72 times, joined Preston in 2002 from Tivoli Gardens, when signed by Brown for £500,000. Former Southampton and Stoke striker Fuller, who moved to Deepdale after a loan spell at Hearts, joined Portsmouth in 2004 for £1m, when I had informed friend, Pompey chairman Milan

FORMER snooker star Willie Thorne is to be remembered by Memorial events in Spain to raise awareness about 20-20 Voice Cancer charity whom he was Patron. Anstey, Leicester born Thorne, who lived in Villamartin, Alicante, Spain, died of sepsis shock in Torrevieja hospital on June 17, 2020, aged 66.

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

Calvo heads Elche into a 61st minute lead

He had been undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia after being diagnosed in March 2020. Willie's former wife Jill Saxby said: "There are plenty of laryngectomy people in Spain and any funds raised we will be grateful of, as we are such a small, but rapidly growing charity." Jill, crowned Miss Great Britain in 1985, a former full-time Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) Bsc Hons. HC, who succeeded Willie as 20-20 Voice Cancer Patron, said: "It's wonderful that Andrew Atkinson, in conjunction with the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, is at the forefront in Spain in helping raise the awareness of 20-20 Voice Cancer charity, Willie would have been delighted as his brother, Malcolm, found he had throat cancer initially.” Andrew Atkinson said: "Willie helped raise funds and featured in many charity events in the UK and Spain during his lifetime. He had been active in arranging golf events in Spain. He had taken an interest in playing bowls and was keen to join a Bowling club team here. The Willie Thorne Memorial Events are being organised to go ahead this year, pending the coronavirus situation, with venues and dates to be confirmed." 20-20 Voice Cancer charity events scheduled in Spain this year include the Willie Thorne Memorial Golf event; the Willie Thorne Memorial Gala Extravaganza, and the Willie Thorne Memorial Bowls Championship. The 20-20 Voice cancer charity was founded by Philip Johnson. Further details contact: Andrew Atkinson author/journalist Los Montesinos Alicante Spain Tel: +44 7702340744 (WhatsApp)

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. The most stars on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame. (Five in total). 2. Sunday (Dominica is Latin for Sunday). 3. Cod War(s). 4. Mars (Valles Marineris). 5. Gort. 6. Baklava. 7. Buenos Aires, Lagos, Los Angeles and Paris. 8. Blaine. 9. Lake Titicaca. 10. a. Sultans of Swing (Dire Straits), b. Mambo Italiano (Dean Martin), c. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie, Kilo (Bloodhound

Gang), d. Tennessee Waltz (Patti Page), e. Yes Sir I can Boogie (Baccara). 11. John Dryden was the first official 'Poet Luareate'. (laureate means 'crowned with laurel'). 12. a. head, b. tongue, c. nose, d. foot. 13. 'Pip' (Great Expectations). 14. Bjorn Borg (8), John Newcombe (5), Jimmy Connors (5). 15. Clyde Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde) and Bugsy Siegel (Bugsy). 16. Aye-aye. 17. Foolscap paper. 18. 'Irises'. 19. Antigua. 20. Happy Jack (The Who)

Liverpool boss Klopp ticks off bowls sports 'wish-list'

By Andrew Atkinson Jurgen Klopp ticked off his sports 'wish-list' when playing crown green bowls at Formby Holy Trinity Bowling Club on Merseyside. "It's more difficult than you can imagine," said Liverpool manager Klopp. "Bowls first caught my eye aged 16," said Stuttgart, German born Klopp, 53, who lives in Formby. Klopp, who won the Premier League title in the 2019-20 season, the UEFA Champions League 2018-19, Super Cup 2019 and 2019 FIFA Club World Cup, said: "It was on a school exchange in Luton when bowls first caught my eye. I also watched bowls in the Commonwealth Games. "Bowls was always on my sporting bucket 'wish-list' ever since I went on the school exchange to England as a teenager." Klopp played for Mainz 05 as both a striker, scoring 56 goals, switching to defender during his time at the club, between 1990-2001. After retiring Klopp who followed his father, former goalkeeper Norbert into football, took charge of Mainz 05 gaining promotion to the Bundesliga. Klopp aspired to become a Doctor, but did not believe he was clever enough: "When they handed out the A-Level certificates my Headmaster said to me 'I hope it works out in football, otherwise it's not looking good for you'," said Klopp, who became Liverpool manager in 2015. On playing crown green bowls, Klopp said: "It was a great pleasure and I will come back." Jurgen Klopp's mother Elisabeth passed away in February 2020 and he was unable to attend her funeral in Germany, due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st March, 2021


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