The Leader Edition 893

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No 893 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November 2021

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

emembrance commemorations have been held around the Vega Baja and Costa Calida to honour those who have lost their lives in conflict.


again the same homage was paid at similar events three days later, on Remembrance Sunday, when many more Royal British Legion branches chose to hold their services.

A two-minute silence took place across the region at 11am on Armistice Day, marking 102 years since the first silence was observed on 11 November 1919, and then

The Mayor of Torrevieja was at Thursday’s commemoration, held for the very first time in the Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción, in the city centre

Together with Branch President Jill Burden, Eduardo Dolón laid a wreath as he honoured the servicemen and women who sacrificed their lives for their country. The ceremony was held in the Plaza de la Constitución, which had been splendidly adorned for the occasion by the Torrevieja authorities.

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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021 de las Mil Palmeras once again, Continued from Page 1 Capilla with over 400 veterans sitting outside.


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This followed a service held earlier in the church itself, led by Fr Richard Seabrook and attended by the mayor, councillors and other representatives of the town council, along with members of the Torrevieja Branch of the Royal British Legion, invited guests and the Chairman of Spain, District North, Don Cubbon. Hondon Valley and Alicante also held their services on Thursday. In the UK, the Duchess of Cornwall was at the 93rd Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, which has been held at the site since November 1928. Camilla laid a cross as she honoured the servicemen and women while in Staffordshire, a service of remembrance took place at the National Memorial Arboretum on top of the Armed Forces Memorial, featuring readings, musical performances and wreath-laying. On Sunday, Gran Alacant and La Marina Branch of the RBL held three Remembrance services, in San Fulgencio, La Marina and Gran Alacant, while the Orihuela Costa and District Branch were joined by Murcia as they packed out "FRAIL COBWEBS ON A ROSE"

(A poem, written especially for Remembrancetide by David Whitney. Never to forget those who lost their lives so that we can live) Barely men at all Wrenched from their mother's arms Soldiers now, what hell they'll see As guns press in their palms Cold bayonets of steel A harsh reality of what's in store Fears reflected in the blades As all the soldiers march to war Trenches, thick with mud No place for the meek and shy A wall of sand bags stacked No birds flying in the sky The sound of gun fire loud The noise so painful to the ears Nobody dare to cry Nobody dare to show their tears They realize their lives Are like frail cobwebs on a rose Luck playing them along Who lives this time, who goes And then the order comes For them to charge over the top They hope, they pray They hold their breath Who's heart this time will stop And far away where skies are blue A mother breaks her heart A poppy held and wet with tears Now sadly falls apart And in a fleeting moment There's a young man by her side A familiar smiling face The proof sinks home Her son has died.

The Pilar mayor, Jose Maria

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Pipe Major Brian Day

The service was attended by the Mayor, José María Pérez Sánchez, and councillors of Pilar de la Horadada, another town that provides exceptional support to the RBL. British Vice Consul Elizabeth Bell was also in Mil Palmeras where she read a lesson in Spanish before laying a wreath on behalf of HMA in the Garden of Remembrance. As had been the case in Torrevieja on Armistice Day, the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums led the local parade while the Royal British Legion Concert Band in Spain provided the music. New branch chaplain, Fr Andrew Rea, was assisted by Steven Treseder as he delivered the service for the first time.

The offertory was in aid of the Poppy Appeal

Local schoolchildren, Angelina and Leticia carried the peace candle, reciting a prayer for peace in both English and Spanish. The last post and reveille were played by former Royal Green Jackets and Rifles bugler, Mark Benton after which ex Scots Guards Pipe Major, Brian Day, played the lament, Hector the Hero. The Garden of Remembrance



The recently erected memorial in Alicante


Hondon Valley Armistice Day Service

RBL POMP IN THE VALLEY The Hondón Valley Branch of the Royal British Legion held its Centenary Poppy Ball at Bellevall Hotel Rural below Ofra, on the outskirts of Aspe on 29th October. This event had been eagerly awaited and certainly did not disappoint. Guests arrived in the beautifully decorated courtyard of the recently built hotel and enjoyed reception drinks and canapés before being piped into dinner by Piper Don Mark. Chairman Neil Pavitt then welcomed members and guests and thanked everyone for their generosity and continuing support of the Branch and the Legion in this, the Charity’s Centenary Year. We then all enjoyed a delicious dinner with live entertainment presented by Sunflower Valley a rock and pop duet.

During the evening the local drama group DIVAs (Drama in the Valley Association) performed some poignant readings. This culminated in a short “sing song” of War time songs. Following a “Bumper” Raffle, Neil auctioned a number of limited edition items for the Poppy Appeal. The final amount raised by the event will be revealed by the Chairman at the Branch meeting later this month.

Peggy and Chris Wyatt with Pamela Dawson Tasker


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021 The N332 is regularly flooded during bouts of heavy rain

Generalitat wants to raise N322 by two metres in Guardamar The Generalitat is insisting that the Government raise the level of the N-332 between Guardamar del Segura and San Fulgencio to avoid flooding. The proposal calls for the road to be raised by 2 meters to suppress the barrier effect that flooded the left bank of the Rio Segura two years ago, during DANA The initiative is aimed at the section between the battery factory (Guardamar) and the roundabout to the commercial area of San Fulgencio. The regional administration say that it is a priority project because during the DANA, in September 2019, the road created a barrier effect that kept thousands of cultivated hectares under water as well some parts of the urban areas, San Fulgencio, Daya Vieja and Daya Nueva, as far as Dolores. This situation also occurred 34 years ago in the flood of 1987.

In September 2019, the water flowed over the road for more than a week, although it had to be kept open to traffic because the internal communications of the region were already decimated due to the impact of the weather. The situation only improved when the CHS opened a floodgate to evacuate the waters of the old Segura channel. The Generalitat say that the elevation of the road must be carried out as a matter of urgency, because the works being carried out along the green corridors, that will redistribute the Segura, converge at this point, with an estimated flow volume of around a hundred cubic hectometres, which is five times more than it received during DANA. The stretch of the N332 in question is used by a daily average of 24,000 vehicles

Another endangered plant found on the Orihuela Costa

Aparicio is often asked why he doesnt pay such attention to Cala Mosca

The work to eliminate invasive species in the Punta de la Glea microreserve (Aguamarina, next to Cabo Roig) has brought to light a population of woolly lettuce, Launaea lanifera, a plant classified as endangered in the Valencian Community. Included on the Red List and catalogued as Vulnerable, the plant was found by José Antonio López Espinosa, a biologist specialised in botany. The last time is was recorded in Cabo Roig

was 25 years ago in 1996 but it has not been seen since. According to the councillor Dámaso Aparicio, “113 individual plants have been counted so far, which represents about 40% of the entire Valencian population, since there is only two other locations where the plant is known to grow, in Aspe and in the Sierra de Crevillente”.



Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


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Corrupt former mayor receives Torrevieja’s highest distinction Usually such culprits are named and shamed, but very little else. We rarely see them held to the same standards as us mere mortals unless, of course, you are a former mayor of Torrevieja who has served a 3-year term of imprisonment for corruption in the Campos del Río (Murcia). Mateo served 3 years in the Campos del Río prison, (Murcia). Who said that ‘crime doesn’t pay’? We see examples of it every day, so we know full-well that it does. In the case of the UK government they call it sleaze, parliamentary systems that allow Members to earn vast sums of money for external work, which is in breach of parliamentary rules, or claiming rent allowances to cover their own rental payments, while they rent out their private homes in London. We all know that it goes on in UK and elsewhere, and so now do the Tory’s as voters are shifting their support.

Then, it would appear, not only are memories extremely short they are often completely wiped, as would appear to the be case with Pedro Hernández Mateo, the mayor of the city between 1988 and 2011, who served three years in prison for rigging a waste contract worth E100 million. On Friday it was announced that Mateo is to receive Torrevieja’s highest distinction, the Diego Ramírez Pastor award. I bet that the former journalist who gave his name to the award, is turning in his grave. Only last year the Minister of Transparency for the Valencian Government, Pérez Garijo described as “unacceptable” the fact that many public spaces and buildings in the city display commemorative plaques bearing the name of the disgraced mayor Pedro Hernández Mateo The minister sent a letter to the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, in which he urged the City Council of Torrevieja to remove the plaques throughout the city that bear the names of people who held public office and who were subsequently convicted of corruption cases. However, Mateo, despite his crimes, continues to be held in extremely high regards in the city and news of the award has been largely well received. The former mayor was selected to receive the honour by a jury made up of previous winners, at a meeting held in the boardroom of the Real Club Náutico de Torrevieja. The citation says that the award is made to Pedro Hernández Mateo for the contribution he has made to the city of Torrevieja. Well you certainly can’t argue with that!

Ministry of Health still relying on Ribera Salud Despite the fact that their management contract of the Torrevieja Hospital has been ended, the Ministry of Health is continuing to use the services of the company that it has just "fired", in order that it can continue to provide healthcare across a large part of its outsourced services. Ribera has left in name, but a large part of the operation of the Torrevieja University Hospital and its health centres will continue to depend on this company.

The Ministry of Health has had to award the contracts by emergency means and directly, without any competition, about twenty contracts in total, so that they can guarantee the continuity of health care. Paradoxically, Ribera Salud, owned by the North American Centene Corporation, will provide services and supplies worth 16 million euros, quite probably rising to 24 million, through to December 31, 2022. The most important service is the clinical analysis and microbiology service offered by Torrevieja Diagnostics, which is part of the Ribera Group, which will cost the Ministry of Health 7 million euros.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021



Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021

Torrevieja U3A Craft Fayre at Los Angeles Bar Despite a cool, overcast start to the day, Wednesday 10th November suddenly brightened up, just in time for the start of the Torrevieja U3A Craft Fair at Los Angeles bar. A total of 40 stall owners were present displaying a wide variety of goods. The Fair was well attended by members of the U3A and the public with a constant flow of people passing through or meeting up around the grounds ro enjoy a coffee and natter in the sunshine with friends. The event was held to raise funds for the Stroke Association and over euro300 was collected from the table hire charge, plus the profits from the U3A's own table sales and donations from various sources. The next U3A event that will be taking place at

South Pacific lead for debutante Paige Studio32 Musical Theatre Company are only two weeks away from performing the musical extravaganza that is South Pacific. Tickets are selling fast so book now. Rehearsals for this show started way back in January 2020, but due to COVID everything came to a halt. Tickets for this show purchased in 2020 are still valid for the day shown on the ticket. One of the main storylines is the love affair between US Marine officer Lt Joe Cable and a

the Los Angeles bar will be their monthly meeting which will be held on Friday 26th November. There will be a talk, accompanied by photos, from one of our members about his walk along the Camino del Santiago and there will also be a demonstration of Morris Dancing by the Costa Blanca Morris Dancers who are affiliated to the U3A. They are hoping to attract new members to their group, so if anyone is interested, you will be welcome to attend the meeting which will start at 11.00. Alternatively you can contact Jean Tonge via email on Other events that Torrevieja U3A has for its members in the immediate future are a Cheese

young Tonkinese native girl Liat, the daughter of Bloody Mary who is desperate for her to marry Lt Cable. Liat is played by local girl Paige Charleton (pictured) who is making her stage debut in this show. The show which will be staged at San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Belluga Theatre, Wednesday 24th to Saturday 27th of November with the performances starting at 7:30pm. Reserved seating tickets are now on sale, priced at 10 euros and can be obtained by emailing: or by calling Philip on 602 617 848.


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The event was held to raise funds for the Stroke Association

Factory trip and lunch, a visit to see the Murcia Christmas Lights, a Beetle Drive with a Quiz early in the New Year. Many more events are being put together for the New Year, details of which, along with all the other activities that the Association has to offer its members, can be found on our website One of the main storylines centres around Paige’s character of Liat


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021




've worn out two cushions and slightly depressed a sofa during the pandemic lockdowns. Made a change from wearing out my visitors, not that they ever stayed long anyway. Perhaps I shouldn't have made them stand outside in the rain.

The term 'collateral damage' was originally used as a euphemism to refer to non-combatants killed or wounded in military operations. Like many euphemisms it was intended to soften the blow. Not the best simile I could have chosen. Until I met a few reformed characters I thought a 'cor-

rectional facility' was some sort of grammar improvement school for slow learners. On reflection, I suppose I was partly right.

of steam, or whatever it runs on. My butler checks the fuel after he fixes the skis and picnic hamper on the roof rack.

My point is, objects as well as people can sometimes suffer at least a minor form of collateral damage through no fault of their own. (Well, no, of course not, they're objects, although my reading glasses sometimes seem to run and hide, as I stumble blindly in pursuit.)

Part of the problem is that goods we buy nowadays come with deliberately planned obsolescence as part of the deal. By making products useless or undesirable compared to new ones of a similar type -- think mobile phones -- or even non-functional within a set period of time, and introducing upgrades incompatible with existing hardware, the manufacturers have stymied us. We are their version of collateral damage. Time for a change, I felt, when my microwave oven started emitting smoke and flames.

Like lots of housebound people recently, I have been eating more than exercising, and my waist has suffered the consequences, leaving me in need of a belt -- no comments, please -- with extra holes in it to cope with my expanded girth. Fortunately, before I spent cash rashly, I discovered a type of braided woven belt on which the holes are created by the buckle prong wherever you choose. It was cheap, too, and I'm a Scotsman. "Probably a factory reject," decided my wife. "Their puncture machine must have been broken that day." I felt suitably deflated. I hadn't thought of that! I'd been cheated! One more collateral casualty of online shopping. My car battery was an innocent victim as well. Prepared to take me anywhere, I had taken it nowhere, and it had run out

Little wonder, then, that we feel scant sympathy for large commercial concerns when we hear they are suffering from a multitude of euphemisms -- financially challenged by temporary negative cash flows, reduced customer footfall, the dog ate their accountant's homework, etc. I have ceased to care very much about any of it. I don't even really need a new car battery, I'm already over the hill and picking up speed. Any damage I do going downhill will be at best collateral. Something I recall bank managers required in the past, when you asked for a loan to buy a new sofa.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


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637 227 385

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021



Hard work did kill somebody


ur fall-back line when driving home a point, or trying to win an argument, is to produce an old saying – which is supposedly the ultimate in wisdom. We accept this litany of wits and wisdoms as gospel, without ever questioning the accuracy of such pronouncements. Most of these ‘old sayings’ do make sense; such as ‘a stitch in time saves nine’, and ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’. But would it be disingenuous to question the validity of some of these ‘gems’ which have been passed down through the generations? ‘Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves?’ My children will tell you that I told them to ignore that advice. ‘Take care of the pounds and spray the pennies around you’, is what I always said. Sparing the pennies can make you miserable and unpopular among your peers. ‘A friend to everyone is a friend to no one’, is simply not true. There are good people out there who are friends to everybody they meet. What about Mother Theresa of Calcutta? If you believe that ‘all good things come to those who wait’, you could be in for a long lonely vigil. All good things come to those who get off their butt and make it happen. ‘There is no such thing as bad publicity’? Oh yes there is: Those who have had lies spread about them or are the victims of ‘fake news’ would certainly disagree with that one. ‘Barking dogs seldom bite’? Who

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


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made up that one? Barking dogs do bite and I for one have the scars to prove it. ‘As you sow so shall you reap?’ I’m not so sure about that one either. A lot of outside factors can come into play between the sowing and the reaping. ‘A watched kettle never boils’, simply isn’t true. It may seem to take longer, but I remember as a child proving that one wrong. ‘Attack is the best form of defence?’ Well now, it might and it mightn’t. Might it not be more advisable to keep your powder dry and set yourself for a defence, rather than to make an early move and get the youknow-what beaten out of you? ‘Better late than never’ is Ok in certain contexts, but sometimes in life, being late is worse. We did a column some time back in which we wrote that the two saddest word in the English language are “too late.” Nor do I accept the line that ‘a bad excuse is better than none.’ ‘All the world loves a lover’ … I don’t think! I know a few ‘exes’ who would beg to differ! The greatest cod of all has to be that ‘hard work never killed anybody.’ I bet that you all have been told that one – and I’ll double the bet that when you were given that piece of false information, it was you who was being exhorted to greater efforts – and not the beholder of such wisdom? The fact is that hard work has killed an awful lot of people since man first decided that just hunting for enough food to eat wasn’t enough. The World Health Organisation suggests that three-quarters of a million people die each year from strokes and heart disease, brought on by working long hours. They classify anything over 55 hours as working long hours. I

could give a counter-argument, or try to justify ‘long hours’, but we’ll leave that one be for the moment.

has been blurred and this can lead to stress, lack of sleep and the danger to health as mentioned above.

Whatever about working 55 hours being bad for your health; the next time that somebody says to you that ‘hard work never killed anybody’, remind them of the 100,000 men who were worked to death whilst laying the Burma Rail Line.

Someone else added the line somewhere that ‘idleness has slain its thousands’. This just goes to show that extremes in either direction are not the best option. But returning to the primary question about hard work, the bottom line is that hard work can kill – no matter what the old saying says.

They say that 10 percent of people overwork, but in a lot of cases this is by choice. Men tend to overwork more than women, (I know, Darling …. I know!) and middle-aged men work the longest. The new norm of working from home has many obvious advantages, but with the convenience comes additional stress. The work and home-life balance

GARDEN FELIX ...... Candytuft Candytuft - Iberis sempervirens - evergreen perennial, with masses of beautiful striking flowers! THE Candytuft plant - Iberis sempervirens - is an evergreen perennial, with masses of beautiful striking flowers, perfect for a sunny rock garden or used as border planting. Candytuft flowers are usually white, but some cultivars have pink or lilac flowers, which look lovely spilling over a wall or draping from a hanging basket. There are few must do’s for candytuft care and their continued performance, which involves planting them in well draining, gravelly alkaline soil, in a sunny location, as they will not grow in

Like everything else, there are those who are not sure one way or the other as to hard work ever killing anybody – but don’t intend to take the risk! ‘Resting, they say, is responsible for very few casualties!’ DON’T FORGET Hard work never hurts people who don’t do any. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

shade or overly damp soil. They are worth the effort, as their delicate flowers will appear in early spring through summer, often re-blooming in autumn. Once candytuft flower are spent, cut the entire plant back to ground level, which will avoid woodiness of stems, undertaken at least every other year to prevent this flowering beauty from becoming too tall, with spindly growth. A woody plant, it is at its most attractive when treated as an herbaceous perennial. Growing candytuft from seeds is a money-saving way to have more plants. Simply sow the seeds directly into your flower beds.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021

Generalitat to purchase Albatera concentration camp The Generalitat has taken one more step in the establishment of an Interpretation Centre at the Albatera concentration camp with the promise of 100,000 euros in order to purchase a plot which will house the museum.

Archaeologist Felipe Mejías explaining the find.

Garijo said that "the intention of the Generalitat is to acquire the plot" to create a museum that "serves for reflection so that we do not forget one of the saddest and most regrettable episodes of our recent past." The project will have a budget of 100,000 euros, after becoming one of the winning proposals of the

This beautiful 7 yr old greyhound would love a forever home. For more info call 966 710 047 (leave a message) or Email:

"You can see the structure perfectly," says historian and archaeologist Felipe Mejías, who also found in the Documentary Centre of Historical Memory in Salamanca, the plans and a selection of photos showing the Republican Labour Camp when it was in operation.

The Regional Minister for Participation, Rosa Pérez Garijo, met with Manuel Gil, mayor of San Isidro municipality where the site is located, to start the process that will enable the acquisition of the land to turn it into a memory interpretation centre.

SAT ANIMAL RESCUE Carreta is a snuggler. Do you have a comfy sofa for her to share? Fully vaccinated, passport, microchip, sterilized, bloodtested.

This follows the latest discovery of the foundations of one of the barrack blocks, 60 metres long by 7 metres wide, where it is hoped that the former building will be reconstructed.

This was prior to it being taken over by the Franco regime, between April and November 1939, where thousands of Republican prisoners were locked up in subhuman conditions, including those who could not get on the SS Stanbrook, the last exile ship that left the port of Alicante at the end of the civil war.

first participatory budgets of the Generalitat for 2022. He added that "everything we find in the field should serve to broaden the knowledge of this page of our history and help citizens discover the historical, patrimonial and memorial importance of this site." The working group, which has carried out two searches in an area covering 14 hectares (one last year and another between August and October), has used a machine to probe the ground in order to find common graves, work that will continue in the 2022 campaign with a budget allocation of 11,200 euros. "Everything indicates that we are close," says Mejías.



1954 - American singer and actress Rosemary Clooney was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'This Ole House.' It was also a No.1 for Shakin' Stevens in 1981. Her nephew, George Clooney was a pallbearer at her funeral in 2002. The group that changed popular music

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021

1963 - John Weightman the Headmaster of a Surrey Grammar School, banned all pupils from having Beatle haircuts saying, "This ridiculous style brings out the worst in boys physically. It makes them look like morons." 1985 - Former Undertones singer Feargal Sharkey had his only UK No.1 single with the Maria McKee song 'A Good Heart' written about her relationship with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers keyboard player Benmont Tench. He followed up the single with 'You Little Thief', this time about Tench's relationship with McKee. 1990 - David Crosby from Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young was admitted to hospital after breaking a leg, shoulder and ankle after crashing his Harley Davidson motorbike. 2001 - Madonna's childhood home in Oakland County Michigan, sold at an auction in just 12 minutes. The house, along with a few items of Rock memorabilia was purchased for $331,000.

1955 - The song that changed popular music history 'Rock Around the Clock' by Bill Haley & His Comets went to No.1 on the UK singles chart. The song was used under the opening credits of the film Blackboard Jungle. The song entered the charts a further six times until 1974.

2003 - 21 year old Britney Spears became the youngest singer to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

1957 - Harry Belafonte was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Mary's Boy Child,' the first single to sell over 1 million copies in the UK. It was the first Christmas song to hit No.1 in two different versions - the other was Boney M's version in 1978.


The only other performer to get a Hollywood star at her age was Little House on the Prairie actress Melissa Gilbert and in the same year an acoustic guitar on which the late Beatle George Harrison learned to play fetched £276,000 at a London auction. His father originally bought the Egmond guitar for Harrison for £3.50. 2004 - Oasis singer Liam Gallagher was fined £40,000 after a fight in a German hotel. Gallagher was arrested along with drummer Alan White and three other members of the band's entourage after the brawl in Munich in December 2002. Gallagher lost two front teeth in the fight, which led to the band abandoning their German tour. 2007 – 22 year old X Factor winner Leona Lewis set a British record for the fastest-selling debut album with Spirit. The singer sold more than 375,000 copies in seven days and in the same year Kenneth Donnell, from Glasgow, paid £83,000 for two tickets to see Led Zepplin rehearse and perform at the O2 arena in London on the 10th December. Donnell bid for the tickets as part of an auction for the BBC's Children in Need.

Leona Lewis set a British record for the fastest-selling debut album with Spirit.

Quincy Jones, Diana Ross, Burt Bacharach, Alison Krauss, Sheryl Crow, Elvis Costello, Jeff Beck and Michel Legrand.

Drummer Joel tutored by world famous Ralph Salmins

Ralph’s chart hits include Bjork’s It’s Oh So Quiet and Robbie Williams’ multi-platinum Swing When You’re Winning album and DVD. Ralph toured the world in Van Morrison’s band from 1995-1999, recording four albums with him.

Andrew Atkinson talks to freelance drummer Joel Mulley-Goodbarne in Part 1 of a two-part Exclusive interview during a break from performing with The 710 on £788m cruiseliner Iona in Alicante.

He has played on the soundtracks to over 150 movies, including Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Moulin Rouge and Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King.

"IT'S great to be back and performing to live audiences, the 18 months following the start of the coronovirus pandemic were extremely difficult," said Joel, who studied Commercial Music Performance at the University of Westminster, graduating in 2018.

"Ralph is the go to guy for the UK session scene, so to have been mentored by him in his studio is a pleasure.

"I spent the winter working for the mail service - so I’m extremely grateful to be able to leave that job and get back to what I love doing," said London born Joel.

"You would expect someone with so many big names to his CV to be a bit arrogant but he’s a lovely guy, down to earth and is happy to help. "The one Theatre production that really stands out for me is the production of The Wind in the Willows that I was part of this summer.

Joel, who studied drums with Ralph Salmins, Matt Whittington and Neil Hogan, works professionally for Theatre productions and aboard cruise ships, including playing percussion on Paul Taylor-Mills' production of The Wind in the Willows. Ralph Salmins, world famous drummer, has performed or recorded with Paul McCartney, George Martin, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Madonna, James Brown, Tom Jones, Mike Oldfield, Chaka Khan, Dionne Warwick,

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"It was my first production back since the pandemic and a great show to be part of with a fantastic company of creatives. "To top it off we were fortunate enough to end the tour by taking the show to Latitude Festival," said Joel. Andrew caught up with Joel when the cruiseliner IONA docked in Alicante

*Part 2 of Joel Mulley-Goodbarne Exclusive interview next week.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


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ANSWERS Week 892

ACROSS 1. Isolation (10) 7. Uplift (5) 8. Whet (7) 10. Angelic (8) 11. Lean (4) 13. Cunning (6) 15. Mature (6) 17. Wild party (4) 18. Music writer (8) 21. Prominent (7) 22. Rubbish (5) 23. Amity (10) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 12. 14. 16. 19. 20.

Wholly (5) Sufficient (8) Attack (6) Melt (4) Matrimonial (7) Forward (10) Remarkable (10) Send (8) Cornered (7) Reorganised (6) Rascal (5) Gala (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 7 6 Prevail; 7 Broom; 9 Was; 10 Extricate; 12 Merchandise; 15 Tantalising; 17 Tactfully; 19 Can; 21 Waste; 22 Compost. DOWN: 1 Wreak; 2 Ivy; 3 Jinx; 4 Preceding; 5 Contest; 8 Breaks; 11 Destitute; 13 Colour; 14 Bananas; 16 False; 18 Loom; 20 Ape. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Pensive; 7 Denim; 9 Ate; 10 Broadside; 12 HMS Pinafore; 15 Astronomers; 17 Punchline; 19 Tie; 21 Means; 22 Avarice. DOWN: 1 Keats; 2 Ask; 3 Aver; 4 Ceasefire; 5 Cinders; 8 Barnum; 11 Americans; 13 Panels; 14 Assured; 16 Pitch; 18 Nova; 20 Arm.

ACROSS 1. Possibly a silhouette of rooms for guests (5,5) 7. Calculating creature (5) 8. Churchmen from different circles (7) 10. Dogs having painless operations (8) 11. Short satirical piece concerning small equipment (4) 13. A negative reply upset Daniel (6) 15. Say the officer should be shelled? (6) 17. The star gave out (4) 18. Fantasise about dead army? (8) 21. Complaining to the fence? (7) 22. Substance to rinse out (5) 23. Bargain a lot (1,5,4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. In film, Indiana Jones often breaks the sound barrier. How or when does he accomplish this? 2. Which popular late 1970s band took their name from a gang found in Woody Guthrie's autobiography 'Bound for Glory'? 3. On the 2nd of July 1937, the last words of which globetrotting woman were "... gas is running low"? 4. Which word once described the length between the elbow and the middle finger? 5. What do dairy farmers in Norway provide their cows with in order to produce more milk? a. Slippers, b. a stereo music system, c. a comfy mattress, d. television 6. The 17th century French philosopher, physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal is credited with inventing which addictive game? 7. In order, starting with the most populated, name the three most populated island countries in the world. 8. Since the introduction of the Open era in 1968, which woman with a two handed backhand has won a record 7 French Open singles titles? 9. Which famous painters were portrayed by the following actors in film? a. Anthony Hopkins, b. Kirk Douglas, c. Charlton Heston, d. Jose Ferrer, e. Ed Harris, f. Tim Roth 10. The following lyrics are all car related. Can you name the songs? a. Here in my car I feel safest of all .b. He blew his mind out in a car. c. She wrecked the car and she was sad and so afraid that I'd be mad. d. He shoulda looked left and he shoulda looked right, he didn't see the station wagon car. e. Sorry that I doubted you I was

DOWN 1. Awfully hardy Greek monster (5) 2. The end of the tramline (8) 3. Place to get a cello repaired? (6) 4. Drug addict's employer (4) 5. Possibly add flour in the kitchen? (7) 6. Eavesdrops, somehow, when disregarded (6,4) 9. Paying for a colony (10) 12. Information about armed French policeman (8) 14. Ganging up and scolding (7) 16. Apprehended for the tribunal, say (6) 19. Stand for painting of headless animal (5) 20. Monetary penalty that's perfectly acceptable (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) so unfair, you were in a car crash and you lost your hair. f. What I'd really like to do Dad is borrow the car keys. g. Life is a great big freeway, put 100 down and buy a car 11. Which Arab word meaning 'place of sunset' refers to the five North African countries Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya? 12. Millions of people around the world witnessed Black Jack's sad but majestic presence on Sunday the 24th of November 1963. Who was Black Jack? 13. Who is the only player to score in a Manchester, Merseyside and Glasgow derby? 14. What is the side of a coin that bears the principal stamp or design called? 15. In which countries were the following musicians born? a. Freddie Mercury, b. Jackson Browne, c. Joe Strummer, d. Engelbert, e. Chris de Burgh 16. Until 1918, the 'Pour le Merite', a medal bearing the Maltese Cross, was Prussia's highest military honour. This medal was better known in English as what? 17. Which popular west coast group was the only act to appear at all of the following rock festivals? Monterey (1967), the first Isle of Wight festival (1968), Woodstock (1969) and Altamont (1969) 18. What is Zatar? a. an aromatic spice mixture, b. the largest known supernova, c. Alexander the Great's legendary sword 19. In which famous fortress would one find the largest calibre cannon ever made and the heaviest bell in the world? 20. When is a creamy dessert a costly jaunt?


637 227 385

Pets in Spain Joey is 4 months old and last month had to have a back leg amputated after it was badly broken. He is negative for feline diseases and good with other cats. Call: 645 469 253

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


Electric scooter warning in Los Alcázares By Andrew Atkinson The Local Police in Los Alcázares have warned of an 'exhaustive control' to be carried out by the agents of the VMP, especially on electric scooters. "The number has increased surprisingly, and with it the infractions that are committed in their use," said a police spokesperson. "Consequently, an increase in accidents have derived from poor driving. We inform we are working on an ordinance that regulates the use of VMPs. "They must be able to make their coexistence with other road users and pedestrians more comfortable.

"We will apply the national legislation in force in this regard, denouncing infringe-

ments," added the spokesperson. Excess of occupants: they can only transport one person; the driver. Circulation on sidewalks, pedestrian areas or promenades: they must do so on the road, never along the promenade. Lack of lighting or, failing that, reflective clothing between sunset and sunrise. Driving with a rate higher than 0.25 md/l of alcohol in air or the presence of drugs. Use of telephone or headphones. Breach of traffic rules or traffic signs: driving in the wrong direction or not respecting traffic lights are the most common. "Remember that the penalties are the same as for drivers in general," said the spokesperson.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


637 227 385

It stops them anchoring to the wall of the urinary tract and, instead, they are washed away with the urine. In clinical trials, even drinking a commercial, highly sweetened cranberry juice helped clear infections. You can also buy unsweetened - very tart and rather pricey cranberry juice, or tablets containing concentrated cranberry extract. You can also add dried cranberries to a dried fruit compote. There have been some reports in the press about cranberry causing problems, but there's lots of really good research backing up its benefits for UTIs, so give it a try.

YOUR WATERWORKS If you keep getting bouts of cystitis, the bugs that are responsible are probably becoming resistant to antibiotics. Use herbs to clear up the infection, clear up the inflammation and help guard guard against further attacks. Go to the doctor if you're running a fever, experiencing serious pain in your bladder or lower back, or noticing blood in your urine. They could indicate serious kidney problems. Meanwhile, here are tried and trusted herbal remedies for urinary tract infections (UTI) - and one new star. That's cranberry, of course, the shiny red berries most of us only see as a sauce for festive roast turkey. But cranberry was a North American folk remedy for bladder infections long before scientific researchers took a close look at it. Now we know that cranberries contain a compound called arbutin. Once it enters the urine, arbutin splits into other compounds, one of which, hydroquinone, has a direct antiseptic action on the kidneys, the urinary tract and the bladder. Hydroquinone also plays a neat little trick on those E.coli bugs

Bearberry, a close plant relation of cranberries, is one of the first remedies a herbalist would think of in treating this problem, and an ingredient in almost every herbal remedy for cystitis on the market. Guess what? It's arbutin at work again, plus other plant chemicals that will work to soothe, tone and strengthen your urinary tract, as well as seeing off those E.coli bugs. Buchu is yet another herbal standby; its leaves contain bacteria-killing oils which will help clean up your urinary tract. It's especially useful when urinating causes a painful burning sensation, and marshmallow can be helpful here too, soothing and calming inflammation. Make up a herbal mix of buchu and marshmallow leaves and use it for a tea to be drunk three times a day while the infection persists.

Buchu and Marshmallow

To make the tea, put a good teaspoon of the herbs in a mug, fill it with boiling water and infuse, covered, for ten minutes. Then strain and drink hot.

Here s an idea for you .......... Why keep cranberries for Christmas? They’re a superfood in their own right: no other fruit is higher in wonderworking antioxidants than the cranberry. While they’re in season, stew them with apples, add them to frozen frutti di bosco mixes for great winter puddings or throw a small handful in the juicer along with half a dozen carrots and chunks of peeled raw beetroot for a wonderful tart pink pick-me-up. You’ll be protecting yourself from urinary tract infections at the same time. And while they’re in season and cheap at the supermarket, why not toss two or three packs into your freezer?

Infection weakens your urinary tract, which makes it much more vulnerable to further assaults. If this is the case, take a couple of doses of buchu from time to time as prevention, and give yourself a long course of a good herbal tonic. My favourite is a Swissmade mix of healing herbs called Bio-Strath. Lemon balm, chamomile, elder, lavender, sage and thyme are among the herbs in this useful mix.

In a number of clinical trials, it has proved its ability to boost resistance, raise energy levels and lift the spirits. It's prepared as a pleasanttasting liquid: a couple of good glugs a day over 4 to 6 weeks will raise your resistance and improve your general health.

NEXT WEEK: Out of joint


637 227 385

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021



his Month I am writing about something a little different as I have just been back to the UK for a couple of weeks.


before me and the ground was awash with colour. The one thing that had not changed were the grey skies almost every day I was there.

On arrival my first impressions were how green the Country was. There was so much of it. I previously recalled it as buildings, buildings, buildings. Most places are just a short ride to the country. As it was Autumn it was not just green there was an abundance of different colours.

I couldn’t get over was how friendly and helpful people were in shops, the street and bars. Most people appeared to be happy and smiling even though they will also have been through a rough time these past 18 months.

As I was driving along leaves were cascading off the trees

It is no surprise why the Covid infection is still so high there. It is because there are hordes of


people gathering together with very few wearing masks.

As in Spain shops have a Sanitiser Bottle at their door – but mostly I found that they were empty and that included larger well known Supermarkets. If you were inclined to search you might be able to find a bottle somewhere hidden away. The first places visited were Conwy and Llandudno and things had not changed much there. Conwy is still a quaint fishing village with its numerous

The wonderful countryside surrounding Llandudno beach in north wales

little stores and Welsh Bakeries.

The Smallest House in Britain was still there with people queuing to visit it but, due to Covid, they were only allowed in one at a time. It was lovely to sit on the sea front with the sound of the seagulls and listening to the water lapping as the tide came in.

The Smallest House in Britain in Conwy

Llandudno with its wide bay and long Pier still seemed to have been able to withstand the test of time as it had not changed in the least. As I walked down the Pier I decided I had to turn back as there were far too many people too close together and not observing the Social Distancing rules and without a mask in sight. I was the only one wearing a mask and that made me feel self-conscious. It is law to take a day 2 test and before getting the results I found out that a friend of mine that returned to the UK after visiting Spain returned a Positive result which was very concerning as I had been with him two days before he flew out. My result fortunately came back Negative.

criminatory and hard to understand why the Rules would be so different. Next, I went to visit my son in Brighton and here I noticed quite a change from the last time I was there. Firstly, there had

Street there was a mound 10 metres long and 1 metre high. I noticed that it looked a lot shabbier than my last visit there. Again, there were a lot of people in busy streets with only a few wearing masks.

Brighton was a lot shabbier than my last visit.

Also, someone I knew who was a Resident of Spain was Pinged by the NHS as having been in “close proximity” to somebody on the Plane that had Covid. As they had the Vaccine in Spain they were told that they would have to isolate for ten days. However, if they had had the same Vaccine in the UK then they could have gone about their business and not isolate at all. This person was called everyday by the NHS to see if they were isolating and how they were feeling. This to me I find dis-

been a Refuse Collectors strike that had finished 3 days earlier. However, there still were still mounds of rubbish present all over the place. In the High

A lot of Bars and Shops had signs outside requesting people to wear masks for the safety of themselves and the staff. Only about 50% of people adhered to this request. Whilst on the subject of Shops and Restaurants it was surprising how many shortages there were on the shelves. One Real Ale Bar with 3 pumps stated that they had not had any Beer for 3 Months. Another Restaurant had a Menu nicely typed out with all the items they had NOT got. This was not an A4 piece of paper taken off a Printer It was a Menu professionally produced that indicated that it was not a one-off shortage for that day. Another surprising thing was the number of adverts that were in the windows of small shops, Supermarkets and all types of businesses that were requesting Job Vacancies for all different types of jobs that they had available. That is something that I have not seen a lot of in Spain.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. We also provide a social hub for members by organising monthly events. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. New members are very welcome. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at For Welfare contact Bill or Pauline on 0034 634 38 99 83 or email For general information on RAFA visit

computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus Active Automatic which is on Special Offer priced at just 22,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los


Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid19 aware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Annual General Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 18 Nov at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please

637 227 385

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The

HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits

PERSONAL Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834 Grace... Horny Latina. Busty. All the fantasies. Calle Turquesa. Tel. 656 314 941




Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.

Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).

Tel. 665 736 488

Tel. 604 111 457

637 227 385


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


Tipsy Toad's Sharon Marshall falls under this week’s spotlight, accompanied by daughter Rhianna. After just finishing a commission with husband George for their security grills fabrication and installation business, Sharon was glad to share a coffee and tell me a little about herself. The Luton born lass met George some 34 years ago, but spent a further 5 years getting to know each other before marriage. Louis, 26, Jordan 24 and Rhianna 19, followed, the latter born in Spain and fluent in her adopted language, both brothers currently in the UK.

MATCH RESULTS FOR 11 NOVEMBER - WK 7 Tipsy Toad Tiaras Domino's Desperados Danny's Bar Boris' Bears Mind The Gap Hub Hellraisers Ale House Totties Freakie Taverners League Table Mind The Gap El Capitan Hub Hyenas Ale House Lads Tipsy Toad Toppers Cc's Flyers Danny's Bar Freakie Taverners Wee Rock Horrors Milos Boris' Bears Tipsy Toad Tiaras Hub Hellraisers Domino's Desperados Ale House Totties Pint Depot Queens

P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Pts 13 12 12 12 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 2 0 0

1-11 1-11 10-2 4-8 12-0 4-8 2-10 1-11 Legs 71 69 59 55 60 57 58 43 39 40 43 26 24 17 14 13

El Capitan Tipsy Toad Toppers Pint Depot Queens Ale House Lads Hub Hyenas Milo's Wee Rock Horrors CC's Flyers

Sharon's fave drinks are too numerous to mention, but identifies Mumbai Blue for a regular curry. France and Spurs footballer David Ginola is her no.1 sportsman, whilst Ant Middleton, of tv's

T20's, but only MOTM Steve Harding converted his trebles into a winning leg. The match and points were won by Andy Gildea on D2, in the 7th. Feature leg in the pairs from Steph Simpson 100 and MOTM Lee Maiden 121, 140 and 50 out. THE GAP V HUB HYENAS After years of handing out thrashings to the opposition, Hyenas got one themselves from the quite brilliant Gap. Handed out and received with dignity and sportsmanship, it was still hard to swallow for the leaders.

MOTM - Darren Sanderson

HIGHEST CHECK-OUTS: Richie McSweeney 121 (20-T17-Bull) Milo’s (14/10) Billy Dolling 114 (T18-20-D20) Wee Rock (4/11) Andy Flavell 100 (T20, 20, D10) CC's (11/11) 180'S James Brown Mind the Gap 11/11 John Eyre Hub Hyenas 11/11

Five missed double darts in the 1st triple before the hosts were on a double, were punished by Darren Sanderson on D18. Tone set, Hyenas were to miss a number of other opportunities, but the Gap were relentless in both scoring and finishing departments, illustrated by their 21 ton +'s and a further 11 scores of over 80. Although Sanderson was named MOTM with 140,125, 3x100 and 4 outs, the in form James Brown figured prominently, 180, 140, 135, 131, 121, 2x100, Gordon Cowan helping out with 140, 137 and 2 outs. Hyenas, ageless John Eyre, added another 180 notch to his arrows plus a 134 and ton, it was however Alan Havelock gaining MOTM with 3x100 and a host of 80+ scores. Hyenas will recall the missed chances offered on what after all was and always be "Remembrance Day"



This Thursday night match, exciting as it may have been, was nothing compared to the Queens journey home. The two-car convoy driven by Dempsey ‘n’ Makepiece, er sorry, Lorraine Cox ‘n’ Rachel Broadhead, witnessed 3 young men leaping a wall being chased by an elderly man, later confirmed as a house robbery.

Freakies drop to 8th, taking just the one leg from Brenda Harper in her singles versus Jesus Madrid, both meriting their MOTM accolades. A nice 100 out, T20, D20, from Andy Flavell, Madrid adding 140, 100, brother Suso 2x100, 134, plus three outs were the remaining highlights.

Lorraine, familiar with handbrake turns spun her car to give chase to one man whilst Rachel followed the other two. Having overtaken the youth, Lorraine, Marie and Jade cornered the youngster, Lorraine advising the youth to stay put, the 5 iron she was brandishing a useful influence.

The Lads maintain 4th spot after an impressive round of scoring from

Passers-by restrained the youth until the Guardia arrived, the other two apprehended after Rachels detailed description. Citations all round for the Royals. The match was less exciting for the Queens, just the 2 legs via Jade Hockton and Ronnie Bowden, deemed MOTM, Rachel (Dempsey) top scoring with 118. Dannys Jack Reilly, John Giggs and Mike Parry all outing on 2 game shots as did Bob Smith adding 2x100, 125, awarded MOTM. Lesley Lumb top scored on 134. DOMINOS V TIPSY TOAD TOPPERS Some good scoring from the Doms just wasn't converted into legs. Ray Hayes 121,125, Paul Chick 125 plus plenty of 80+'s, found the most


SAS fame, makes her go weak at the knees, who surprise, surprise would also share a candle lit dinner with her aided with comedian Paul Chowdhry and crooner Robbie Williams. An ideal day for the former Netball and Footballing centre forward, would be a "lie in", then a Spa, finished off with a gentle massage from Gino de Campo, (incidentally her Desert lsland "must have") and finally a more robust massage

from SAS Ant. Both girls are speed freaks, Rhianna opting for a Lamborghini this Christmas, Sharon a slightly slower Chevy Camaro, to once again visit the sights and delights of the east coast of the USA. Finally, it came as no surprise to learn the "party animal" likes nothing better than to monopolise the Karoake microphone, the shy recluse admitting she is a good singer.

both sides. Eighteen tons and over by the Lads is quite a haul Dario Sierra 4x100, 135, Andre Wing 3x100, 2x140, and Jordan Johnson 3x100, 140, the mainstays. Dale McGuiness's contribution 4 game shots. The Bears didn't post a leg until Amanda Skinner found D8 in the 6th leg. Three more wins followed for the hosts courtesy of Ron Chadwick 133, Barry Shingler 156 & Bears MOTM Liam Lumb 3x100 and eight 80+ scores. Johnson the Lads MOTM. ALE HOUSE TOTTIES V HORRORS OF WEE ROCK Graham Solomans sealed the match and both points in the 7th without reply from the Totties, Henni Oortwijn top scoring with118. The hosts 2 legs coming from MOTM Nikki Dean and Winnie McKay D14. Solomans mustered 3x100 but Andy Forrest earned MOTM. Billy Dollings opening 140 the visitors top score. HELLRAISERS V MILOS Three doubles from MOTM Sue Spiers and a D17 from Lesley Dolling were the Hubs 4 leg winners. Chelsea Campbell ensuring at least a point taking the 6th, 125 and out on 61. The 11th leg, match and MOTM went to Raul Rocamora on D20 who also added 4x100, 135 and 2 outs. TIARAS V EL CAPITAN With a promise of a drink from the captain for any Tiara that took a leg, all the ladies were primed to give their best performances. Andres Llamazares (140) was the first to put in an appearance from the opposition but 'The General' Vycka Bobinas was the first to get a point and ultimately MOTM for El Cap for his 2 x 140's, 121 and 4, 1st-dart finishes. Super Sharon Marshall equalized for the Tiaras on D2, assisted by daughter Rhianna (115) and Simone (83). From there on in the ladies couldn't quite beat the lads to the doubles although there were plenty of chances. All the ladies were hoping to be drawn against Chris Logan in the singles, who had an 'alien arm' malfunction in the earlier matches and looked to be the only chink in their armour. Allas it was not to be, he regained full control of it in the ultimate leg against Mrs Marshall, scoring 132 and then checking out on D20. Sharon enjoyed her G&T as the lads struggled to start their car to leave the scene of the crime.



Greenlands Bowls Club by Dave Webb In the Enterprise Division, the Sycamores were away to Vistabella Albatrosses. Final scores were - Total shots For - 76, total shots against - 65, Points For - 6, Points against - 4. In the same Division the Maples were away to San Luis Klingons. Final scores were - Total shots for - 68, total shots against - 76, Points For - 2, points against - 8. In the Voyager Division, the Chestnuts were at home to La Siesta Sputniks. Final scores were total shots For - 78, total shots against - 59, Points For - 7, points against - 3. In the Winter league we played host to Javea Green who were on level points with Greenlands. We gave a good account of us and came away with a convincing win to maintain the top position in the league. Final scores were - Total shots For - 83, Total shots Against - 51. Points for - 8, points against - 2. In the Southern League, Div B, The Cedars were at home to San Luis Boxers, Final scores were - Total shots for - 80, Total shots against - 64. Points for - 8, Points against - 2. In Division A, the Oaks were away to Emerald Isle Cavaliers. Final scores were - Total shots for - 54, total shots against - 78, Points for 2, Points against - 8.

SOUTH ALICANTE WINTER TRIPLES Week 5 - Monday 8th November ENTERPRISE DIVISION Quesada Pearls 104 (10) San Miguel Alsations 68 (4) Vistabella Albatrosses 65 (4) San Luis Klingons 76 ( 8) La Siesta Apollos 95 (10)

Quesada Pearls San Luis Klingons Emerald Isle Titans Vistabella Albatrosses La Siesta Apollos San Miguel Beagles San Miguel Alsations Greenlands Maples Greenlands Sycamores El Rancho Pintos

P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

San Miguel Beagles 44 (0) Emerald Isle Titans 71 (6) Greenlands Sycamores 76 (6) Greenlands Maples 68 (2) El Rancho Pintos 53 (0) W 15 13 10 10 11 9 11 8 6 6

D 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

L 5 7 9 10 9 10 9 12 14 14

Diff Diff 183 48 27 35 -28 -12 -45 40 -83 -165

Pts 38 32 29 26 26 25 24 20 16 14

DISCOVERY DIVISION La Marina Pathfinders 70 (10) Vistabella Drivers 77 (6) Emerald Isle Moonrakers 40 (0) La Siesta Pioneers 70 (6) San Miguel Dalmations 78 (7)

Quesada Diamonds* 44 (0) La Marina Explorers 76 (4) Country Bowls Flamingos 96 (10) Emerald Isle Neptunes 71 (4) San Luis Trekkers 64 (3)

P W D L Diff Diff Country Bowls Flamingos 5 18 1 1 122 La Marina Pathfinders 5 13 0 7 97 San Miguel Dalmations 5 10 1 9 32 Quesada Diamonds* 5 11 0 9 62 La Siesta Pioneers 5 10 1 9 17 La Marina Explorers 5 9 0 11 15 Emerald Isle Neptunes 5 8 0 12 -3 Emerald Isle Moonrakers 5 9 0 11 -104 Vistabella Drivers * 5 5 0 15 -94 San Luis Trekkers 5 5 1 14 -144 * 2) deducted for failing to field a full side

Pts 47 36 27 26 25 22 20 20 12 11

VOYAGER DIVISION Greenlands Chestnuts 78 (7) Greenlands Beech 60 (2) Quesada Rubies 61 (2)

La Siesta Sputniks 59 (3) Country Bowls Seahawks 81 (8) Vistabella Eagles 68 (8)

P W D L Diff Diff Greenlands Chestnuts * 5 16 1 3 184 Country Bowls Seahawks 4 10 0 6 44 Quesada Rubies 3 8 0 4 39 Vistabella Eagles 4 7 0 9 -38 Greenlands Beech 5 6 2 12 -81 Vistabella Buggies 4 6 3 7 -25 La Siesta Sputnicks 4 6 1 9 -30 El Rancho Raiders 3 1 1 10 -93 * 2 Points deducted for failing to field a full side

Pts 41 26 20 18 18 17 15 3

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB BY SHEILA CAMMACK Another week of mixed results, thanks again to members who stepped in at the last moment to enable us to fulfil our league commitments & allow us to keep moving forward. South Alicante League: Enterprise Div. Monday 8th Nov Klingons at home to Greenlands Maples had a good win 8pts-2, 76 shots-68. Winners: Jane Hamill, Sheila Cammack, Stewart Hamill 19-14, Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 21-11, Tricia Reilly, Pam Lockett, Pat Reilly 18-17. Discovery Div. Trekkers, away v San Miguel Dalmations had some close games, finishing 3pts-7, 64 shots-78. Winners: Dee Hoey, Ralph Jones, Lyndon Johnson 21-9, Pauline Johnson, Christine Jackson, Brenda Brown 17-17. Wednesday 10th Winter League match was away v Emerald Isle. After the success of last week, this week’s match turned into a very bad day at the office. Two of the games were quite close; Scott’s team just lost 12-16 & Keith’s 15-20. The rest of us kept hitting a brick wall, no matter how hard we tried, final result 0pts-10, 43shots- 96. Still it was good to catch up after the match over an enjoyable meal & we will work for a better result next week! Southern League Friday 12th, the Lions were at home to Quesada Swallows. There were some close battles & changes of fortune but eventually we just managed to take; 2pts-8, 69 shots-81. Well done to winners: Helen Hammond, Bill Webb & Scott Malden 23-20. The Tigers were away at Emerald Isle against the Claymores & had a good result: points 5-5, shots 55-62. Winners: Dave Notely, Sue Ross, Brenda Brown 13-11, Ray Watmough, Pete Ayres, Bob Bromley 17-17, Ian Ross, Chris Jackson, Derrick Cooper 18-13. Well done to everyone for keeping going even when things are not necessarily going our way. We look forward to welcoming new members; you can come along & watch on match days, join in on a Saturday morning with the “Chicken Drive” or speak with Club Captain, June Jones 691903773, or email: for more information or to arrange coaching. There’s a range of membership fees for 12, 7 or 3 months. SLBC Tournaments: Mufti Open Mixed Pairs 14-16th December, & Open Mixed Triples 4-6th January, MORE TEAMS WANTED: for both events please contact Keith Jones (details as above).


(Members Run Club)

By Alan Carr Division (A) An afternoon game to Vistabella for the Blues to play the Lanzadores winning one rink by; Martin Harley, Dawn & John Taylor (21-18) and just losing out on another by 1 Shot. Result 2-8 (Shots 60-83). Division (B) The Golds played host to Emerald Isle Claymores with the visitors being in control for most of the game with it ending 2-8 (Shots 52-83). The winning rink coming from; Jo Elkin, Tony & Val Dalton (13-12). Division (C) The Silvers travelled to Country Bowls for an afternoon game against the Panthers which ended 6-4 winning on 2 rinks, (one being very impressive) with 2 further points for the overall (Shots 75-63). Rink winners being; Dave Collins, June & David Whitworth (33-7). Maxine Wright, Wayne Howlett & Graham Doel (17-14). Enterprise The Apollos welcomed El Rancho Pintos for an afternoon game, winning convincingly on three of the rinks with the other one managing to win by 1 shot to claim a clean sheet for 10pts (Shots 95-53). Team winners; Jim Jarvie, Jan & Brian Pocock (31-11). Dawn Taylor, Martin Harley & Karen Kirk (28-15). Judy Carroll, Les Bedford & Dave Blackie (20-12). Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (16-15). Discovery The Pioneers once again hosted an Emerald Isle team, being the Neptune’s. The game went really well on three rinks by winnings but suffered a heavy defeat on the other resulting in the visitors claiming the overall (Shots 70-71) Won 6-4, rink winners; Jo Elkin, Joan & Mike Inns (21-15). Noel Morrisroe, Wendy & Alan Ralph (18-14). Dot & Joe Kocsis, Val Dalton (22-19). Voyager Afternoon away game for the Sputniks playing Greenland’s Chestnuts with a win by; Dave Collins, June & David Whitworth (16-14) with Skip Dave Giddings team managing to hold on to get a further point for the draw (20-20). Lost 3-7 (Shots 59-78). Winter League La Siesta’s gave a warm welcome to the team from Bonalba, as the game progressed the visitors keep their noses in front on all but one rink, who comfortably got a good result to pick up 2pts. Rink won by; Ken Stringfellow, Wendy Ralph, Noel Morrisroe & Val Dalton (24-11). Lost 2-8 (Shots 61-82). Interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633 068 399 who will be pleased to give you further information.

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Emerald Isle Bowls Club with Elwyn Morris Titans started the week playing away at San Miguel Alsatians and they had a good win 6-4 Aggregate of 71-68, winners were L Ponsford S Marks R Marks 22-14, J Pooley G Ponsford A M Gerrard 16-14 Neptunes played away at La Siesta Pioneers and they lost 4-6 with an Aggregate of 71-70, winners were S Johnson J Bright K Jolliffe 23-9 Moonrakers played at home to Country Bowls Flamingos and suffered a 0-10 defeat, aggregate of 40-96 Wed brought San Luis to the Isle in the Winter League and the home team had a great 10-0 win with an aggregate of 96-43, winners were S Kavanagh G Ponsford C Smyth J Smyth 35-9, N Prior M Ellis A M Gerrard B Kavanagh 25-7, J Pooley S Marks D Gerrard C Lindgren 2015, S Verity Jo Pering Julian Pering R Marks 16-12 Cavaliers played at home to Greenlands Oaks and they had a good win by 8-2, aggregate of 78-54. Winners were N Prior G Ponsford D Gerrard 28-10, S Kavanagh J Pooley B Kavanagh 19-12, M Veale C Smyth C Lindgren 20-15 Claymores were at home against San Luis Tigers and drew 5-5 with an aggregate of 62-55, winners were M Ellis J Bright K Jolliffe 21-7, G Dyer B Smith T Upham got a 17-17 draw Outlaws played Quesada Swans and they lost 0-10, Aggregate 48-106

EL RANCHO BOWLS CLUB On Monday the Raiders had a bye, whilst the Pintos were at La Siesta playing their Apollos. The match on the whole was closer in play than the scores may infer, as is often the case. Hence the Pintos came away without a point, but we enjoyed the company, so a good day after all. Chris Ziepe, John Ziepe and Bob Taylor 15-16. Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 15-28. Brian Harris, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 12-20. Lesley Day, Ngaio Baldwin and Pete Baldwin 11-31. Friday morning found the Mustangs at La Siesta playing their Blues and performing very well to take 3 rinks, but just failing to take the overall shots, a good away result. Of course, as we know you can play well and lose, it very much depends on your opponent’s play as much as your own and some rinks are certainly the better for knowing. Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 19-13. Brian Harris, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 7-28. Pam Harris, Ngaio Baldwin and Pete Baldwin 15-14. Ann Taylor, John Ziepe and Bob Taylor 21-12. The Broncos meanwhile were at home to Country Bowls playing the Panthers, taking one rink and with another two close run. Bill Johnston, Janet Wright and David Wright 16-18. Colin Fleming, Brian Gilham and Jim Eastwood 12-17. Francis Johnston, Sheila Millward and Dave Haynes 6-42. Sean Hoverd, David Baker and Judy Foley 22-11. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at

Vistabella Bowls Club by Brian Zelin Monday 8th November, Vistabella Albatrosses were at Home to Greenlands Sycamores, Winning on 2 Rinks, but missing out on the shots. Sue Kemp, Barbara Brown, Brian Zelin 20-15, Kath Reid, Carol Thorpe, Ian Kenyon, 1913. Shots, 65-76 Points, 4-6. Vistabella Eagles were Away to Quesada Rubies, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the shots, Roy Widgery, Malcolm McPherson, Alice Howe 25-17. Hillary James, Keith Black, Alan Bannister 18-12 Rosemary Savage, Ken Savage, Avril Kendall 18-13. Shots, 68-61 Points 8-2. Vistabella Drivers were at Home to La Marina Explorers, Winning on 2 Rinks plus just getting the Shots, Ron Smith, Helen Marshall, Paul Durham 29-13, Pauline Rafferty, Jeff Neve, Pat Rafferty 19-14, Shots, 77-76 Points, 6-4. Friday 12th November, Vistabella Lanzadores were Away to Country Bowls Geckos, Winning on 2 Rinks and Drawing on 1 Rink, and only just missing out on the Shots. Neil Burrows, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 21-21, Lynne Bishop, Mo Foulcer, Martin Foulcer 16-15, Kath Reid, Barbara Brown, Ian Kenyon 19-8. Shots, 64-65 Points 5-5. Vistabella Conquistadors were at Home to Quesada Swift's, Losing on all Rinks. Shots, 57-76 Points 0-10. Vistabella Picadors were at Home to La Marina Seagulls, Winning on 3 Rinks but just missing out on the Shots. Barry Tarling, Helen Marshall, Brian Pointon 21-17, Ron Smith, Stan Dibble, Stuart Allman 23-22, Olwyn Radcliffe, John Goddard, Brian Dunn 20-8. Shots 76-80 Points 6-4.


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Mike Probert talks Golf H

ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers.

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021

Ben Hogan – winner of 9 majors despite a life threatening car accident Bobby Jones – winner of 7 majors while still an amateur Arnold Palmer – winner of 7 majors and 62 USPGA tour events and made golf what it is today. Sam Snead – winner of 7 majors and 142 other events worldwide. Phil Mickelson – winner of 6 majors and 56 other events and considered the best left handed golfer in history. Nick Faldo – winner of 6 majors and 43 other events worldwide


This leaves Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus and while Tiger Woods took modern golf to a new level, including physical conditioning some of his off-course activities detract from his position as an ambassador for golf and his place in history but his record is as follows: Tiger Woods – winner of 15 majors and 109 other events worldwide. Jack Nicklaus still hands head and shoulders above everyone else in terms of his major wins and in his role as an ambassador of golf taking into account ‘Arnies Army’ of fans gave him a hard time in his early years for carrying a little extra weight but he honours the history and tradition of golf as shown with his ‘gimmie’ to Tony Jacklin in the 1969 Ryder Cup and his record is as follows:


Seve Ballesteros – winner of 5 majors and 90 other events worldwide

I am sure that this topic has been the source of debate and argument in golf clubhouses and pubs worldwide for generations.

Bernhard Langer – winner of 2 majors and 118 other events worldwide and now dominating the USPGA Seniors tour.

I am going to give my opinion and I don’t expect you all to agree with me but I hope this re-ignites the debate once again.

Colin Montgomerie – No majors but 54 other wins and 7 consecutive European Order of Merits wins which may never be repeated.

Here are a few of the likely candidates:

Lee Westwood – possibly the best player to never win a major but with 44 wins on every continent and tour.

Who would make up a fourball with me for one last game of golf?

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca

Lo Romero €214 Two Green Fees & Buggy Mar Menor €60 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €82 Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & Buggy Roda €180 Two Green Fees & Buggy Saurines €60 Single Green Fee Villaitana Levante €97 Single Green Fee Villaitana Poniente €67 Single Green Fee Villamartin €180 Two Green Fees & Buggy Vistabella €159 Two Green Fees & Buggy For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

Walter Hagan – winner of 11 majors and 45 USPGA tour events We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €150 €100 €120 €135 €158

Comments Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 1pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy

€120 €100 €61 €153 €60 €214 €150 €130 €134 €61 €120 €164 €100

Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 1pm) Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy

Jack Nicklaus – winner of 18 majors, numerous runner-up spots and 117 other events worldwide. Jack Nicklaus, Seve Ballesteros and my dad.

GRAHAM’S GOLF SOCIETY courtesy of Smiling Jacks Firstly a big thank you to you all for supporting Smiling Jacks Golf society. It was a chilly wind this morning with a lot of golfers fully wrapped up for winter. There were a few hardened golfers in smiling Jacks shirts and shorts, well done for remembering we are in Spain. A good day out yet again as long as you kept out of the pampas grass. Results: Nearest the pin on 5 Anders Anderson, Nearest the pin on 7 Gary Myers, Nearest the pin in two on10 Anders Anderson In second place with a credible score of 33 was tiny Isaacs, well done The winner this time was Morten Roren with an amazing 37 points which included 5 blobs, Well done Morten, You also win a new handicap of 28. The famous Blue Johnny was won by Paul Eyre. A big shout out goes to Alan Cowley for stepping in the food for our golfers, thank you mate, delicious. The raffle prize was won by Kevin Dodds. Next month's game will be on the 9th December check out the webpage for full details.

Quesada Bowls Club Roundup By Steve Hibberd Pearls recorded an excellent 10-0 home victory in their South Alicante league match against San Miguel Beagles, but alas, I'm not privy to how the scoring went. Our other 2 teams in this league faired not too good I'm afraid. Twas a day to forget for Diamonds at La Marina, who could only field 3 rinks due to a player taken ill. Consequently, they not only suffered a heavy defeat, but were also penalised a further 2 points for failing to field a full side. Finally, Rubies 2-8 home defeat at the hands of Vistabella Eagles, had only a solitary winning rink, namely R Lewin, J Moss, T Lale 19-7.

Four days later, there were plenty more smiles on faces of QBC players. In div A, Swallows won 8-2 at San Luis against the Lions, courtesy of these 3 successful trips - C Brazier, M France, Jason P 22-15. G Phillips, M & C Highland 20-16. T Morgan, C Dye, P Morgan 19-15. Swans home fixture against Emerald Isles Outlaws resulted in a 10-0 whitewash for the hosts. C Bowles, D Gould, K Bowles 26-14. G Kershaw, A Linley, B Armstrong 32-10. A Bowen, B Elliott, T Voisey 29-7. D Benson, P Farrell, A Benson 19-17, were the line-up. Top of div C are Swifts, who again won convincingly. This little lot contributed to a superb 10-0 victory over at Vistabella - B Turner, S Jakeman, T Lale 19-15. I Everett, V Slater, J Pitt 23-14. J Cleal, A Johnston, P Bradbury 17-16. S Johnston, B & L Miller 17-12.

La Marina Bowls Club with Dave Hadaway Friday 5 Nov and what a spectacular fireworks display the heavens gave us during the evening, and what a spectacular win Janet Parsons, Margaret MacLaughlin and Mike Stone gave us against Quesada Swallows winning 32-7, securing the Sharks a 6-4 win with a shot difference of 85-63. The other winning trip was Don and Jean Fowkes with Paul Tregoing. Meanwhile at home the Seagulls played the Quesada Swans but only managed 2 points thanks to Reg Jackson, Steve Sydall and Alex Morrice with a 20-9 win. Monday 8th November and the Pathfinders playing at home to Quesada Diamonds gave us our first clean sheet, wining 10-0 with a shot difference of 70-44. The Explorers had to travel to Vistabella in the afternoon to play against their Drivers. They lost 4-6 but it really could have gone either way, winning 2 games each and losing the shots 76-77. Barclays Properties winter league, I told you last week there were some big clashes on Wednesday and what happened I had to be in Guardamar for my Booster Jab.

Have you ever tried parking in Guardamar on Market day, it is not easy so had to leave early. Missed the games and settled for mixed fish on the front rather that one of Louisa's specials. Despite my not being there the games were not disappointing although for some the results were. The Lambs must now be excitingly frolicking around having beaten their nearest rivals the Lions 6-2, and taken a 5 point lead at the front. The other big games were the bottom 4, Bears v Monkeys and Seals v Tigers. The Seals losing 6-2 may have cemented their position at the bottom and the Bears getting a 7-1 win over the Monkeys has really put the cat amongst the pigeons. The bottom 4 now read Seals 38 points, Bears 46. Tigers 46 and Monkeys 48. 3 games to go!!! Friday and the Sharks invited the San Miguel Bulldogs along to play which the Bulldogs happily accepted, winning the contest 7 – 3 our 3 points came mainly from our trip of Janet Parson, Margaret McLaughlin, and Mike Stone who won 28-5, securing their 2 points and adding enormously to shared point on shots of 68 each. No results from the Seagulls who have a afternoon game against Vistabella and the report will be next week.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021

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Golf Day in aid of the Poppy Appeal. The Hondón Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion were delighted when member Ron Graham suggested he, together with John Wilkinson, would arrange a Golf Day in aid of the Poppy Appeal for the second year running. Ron is Chairman of The Hondón Valley Golf Society. On 2nd November – a beautiful warm November Day – 60 golfers and members gathered at Font Del Llop Golf Club near Monforte del Cid in Alicante Province. The Branch Chairman Neil Pavitt and his wife Lucy set up a tremendous stall with a tombola, leaflets about the

FC Barcelona scouted Fleetwood Town teenager James Hill. Alberto Iglesias and winner Tim Iredale

Barca scout Fleetwood Town teenager FC Barcelona have joined the race to sign Fleetwood Town teenage defender James Hill after the La Liga giants had scouts present at their League One fixture against Burton Albion. Barca are in the race to snap-up England u21 International Hill, 19, along with other interested clubs, including Premier league clubs and Championship side Preston North End. Hill, out of contract at Fleetwood next summer, unexpectedly called-up to the England u21 squad, said: "Obviously when you go away with England it's a very technical game, there are a lot of talented boys. "When you're in League One, it's physically demanding and a different style of play. A lot of the ball is on the deck with England and with my club it is a different challenge, more of an aerial battle. "That has helped me because I have the understanding of when to play and when not to play. If it can't be a pass then it has to go long, over the top. It's easier for me to adapt to their football, than the other way around."

Hill, released by Blackpool and Bolton Wanderers as a youth, who has 50 senior appearances at Fleetwood, was called up to England u21s ahead of a European Championship qualifier against Czech Republic this month. Fleetwood academy prodigy Hill said: "It’s massive for me and a great honour. It’s so amazing, I’m speechless. This is every kid’s dream and I’m making it happen. It’s all surreal. “The other players in the squad you watch on TV, playing for top Premier League clubs, and it seems unreal. “I did myself justice playing for the under-20s, scoring against the Czech Republic and playing against Paolo Maldini’s son Daniel for Italy U20s, which was a really big test. Playing week in, week out has helped me, so I keep striving forward. “I was really shocked to get the phone call from England u21 manager Lee Carsley, who said I’d be involved and should be proud. "He said that he had been to watch me and that I was doing well.”

Torrevieja’s Corchete beats personal best Olympic walker Corchete, of the Torrevieja Athletics Club, has achieved a personal best in the 5km road walk in the Espada Toledana National Athletic Grand Prix held at the weekend in Toledo. In a day notable for the leading group from the beginning of the race, stopping the clock at 19'50 '' a new personal best time, which was good enough to claim fifth position. The 37-year-old athlete who trains with his new national coach, Daniel Jacinto Garzón, is now preparing for the 35kilometer Spanish Championship, which will be held in the town of Lepe, Huelva, at the end of January and in which places are at stake for the World Championship to be held in Oman.

Busters Golf Society November 2021

Lo Crispin Golf

The weather report threatened rain or as my mobile app said “a 40% of precipitation“ however this didn’t happen, the weather was very pleasant for Nov 5th.

at Alicante

We played our monthly game at La Serena which was in excellent condition, although the play was very slow as we were held up on almost every hole. As we are approaching the end of the year with only one more game to go our Player of the Year leader board, has only 5 points difference between the lead and second place so it could be a close finish. Onto our results our nearest the pins were taken by John Rush on the third, Barry Grinsell took the ninth with Peter List winning the fifteenth, and last but not least was Martin Collins winning the seventeenth each received a bottle of wine that had been donated by Ian the boss of Little Leias. We had a tie for first place but losing to a better back nine was our President Barrie Hopkinson to Allan Collis both players scored thirty-one points, with Barrie receiving red and white wines and Allan taking home a bottle of brandy. Our soccer card winner was Kjell Svenson who had selected Everton. I would like to thank Ian, boss of Little Leias Bar in Calle Vigo, Quesada 03170 for providing the wine for these prizes. Bar Little Leias our sponsors also provided us with assorted sandwiches on our return and presentation to their very pleasant bar, many thanks to Ian his staff for making a very tired and weary bunch most welcome on their return to the bar. If you are interested in joining our small friendly society (its free) please contact me at stating your handicap and phone or Whatsapp contact details.

Branch and Legion and other memorabilia. There were also delicious savouries from Lucy and cakes provided by Annette Doherty. Ron said "As Chairman of the HVGS I am delighted that our efforts brought local golfers and the RBL together to make such a huge difference to the Poppy Appeal funds in such trying times. It would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors." This year, the overall winner was Tim Iredale and he was presented with a beautifully mounted poppy, one of those displayed at the Tower of London in 2014. Neil said “We are indebted to Ron and his fellow golfers for an occasion to meet in such superb surroundings. It was a great opportunity to chat and talk about the Legion’s work here in Spain and at the same time raise money for the Poppy Appeal. We thank everyone who supported us on the day. It was a great success and raised in excess of 1,080 for the Poppy Appeal. Recent events have made fundraising difficult and the event helped increase the Branch’s Poppy Appeal and we are extremely grateful to all concerned.” For infor about the Branch, contact the Secretary on

Following a number of cancellations and a car breakdown on the A7, just 19 members and 2 guests teed off on 10th. November in an individual stableford competition. The weather was cool and the skies overcast for the most part.

3rd. Place - Harry Wilcock 26 pts. off 17 Silver Division 1st. Place - John Dunnion 30 pts. off 21 2nd. Place - Padraig O'Brien 26 pts. off 20 3rd. Place - Janet Candlin 25 pts. off 34 N.T. P. on Par 3s

As more often than not the course was generally in good condition. As usual also the greens were mostly quite fast and true. The scoring, although not great, represented a general improvement compared with recent games.

Hole 3 - Adrian Aspbury

After the game as customary we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern where the day's prizes were distributed and welcome Tapas was freely supplied by the friendly staff.

Free Game Draw - Rod Pullen

Gold Division 1st. Place - Bill Croft 40 pts. off 17 2nd. Place - Ed Downing 27 pts. off 16

Hole 6 - Bill Croft Hole 12 - Steve Price Hole 17 - Rod Pullen

As nobody managed to score a 2 the 'pot' was rolled over to our next game which will be our last 'major' of the year, the Nominated Pairs Competition, which this year will be held at La Finca on 24th. November. Steve Harrington. ( Membership and Handicap Secretary)

Carp-R-Us Fishing This week nine members of Carp-R-Us made the long journey to Embalse de Argos for the penultimate round of the Autumn Series. The temperature was a cool 6°c, autumn has definitely arrived, but seeing lots of fish topping gave people confidence. The match was won by Alan Smith with an impressive 19.14kg from peg 5 caught using method feeder and pellets. Second, with his best results at Argos, was Jeremy Fardoe who had 8.48kg from peg 8 using method feeder and corn. Third was Steve Fell on the adjacent peg who managed 7.54kg using method feeder and corn or pellet. Fourth Roy Buttress with 5.58 from peg 1 on the dark side again using method feeder and corn. A few of the anglers stayed the night before at Hotel Argos and, as usual they were well looked after with a lovely evening meal and breakfast. Further info about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.


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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


Whereas in the other camp, Thader had deservedly gone on a 7 match unbeaten record. So, what went wrong? The simple answer is that virtually all the team underperformed, although some more than others!

Everything is still to be decided in the International U18 tournament which is currently being held Pinatar Arena after Saturday’s matches in which the Netherlands and England beat Portugal (1-1) and Belgium (0-0), both matches being taken to penalties The Portugal and the Netherlands teams tied at the end of 90 minutes, but the Dutch were more successful from the penalty spot. The Netherlands were much more cohesive in the early stages, going ahead thanks to El Moussaoui's goal in the first half. But just before the end of the game, Hugo Félix, brother of Athletico’s Joao Félix, levelled the match with a masterful direct free kick which took the game

On 73 mins, Lloyd's firm header was cleared off the line, then the uncharacteristic hugely disappointing Ruben, shot wide from point blank range.

Warning signs were in evidence soon after, when a well worked move by the visitors resulted in their effort being disallowed for offside. But, when Sevas beat Thader's offside trap on 31 mins, his shot, which went in off the far post, was allowed to stand.

Miguel was the next man in blue and white to try his luck, but alas his 20 yard scorcher was agonisingly just wide of the target. On 80 mins, AU incurred a 2nd disallowed goal for offside, then straight up the other end, Calderon scored with a well-executed swerving shot from the edge of the box.

When Calderon was sandwiched between 2 defenders on 62 mins, there was a sigh of relief as the ref pointed to the spot. Not only did Dani Lucas see his penalty saved, but from

It was on this impressive artificial surface, that

England on the spot at Pinatar Arena

this Preferente league match took place. The first half was scrappy, and when the first shot on target arrived on 9 mins, Berni's weak shot was easily gathered by the AU keeper.

Calderon had a decent close-range effort bravely saved on 34 mins, but the hosts had offered very little else. In a half littered with many fouls (mainly by AU), it was surprising that the ref didn't administer the first caution to AU until close before the interval.

As Moi Gomez stadium is currently undergoing its annual reseeding programme, neighbouring Formentera is the temporary base until the new year.

With parity restored, it was a shock when only 4 mins later, AU once again took the lead. A well floated cross to the far post found an unmarked Galvan, who made light work of slamming the ball into the back of the net. hader sub Josan missed a sitter on the stroke of normal time, when with the goal at his mercy, he headed wide. In stoppage time, Fran saw his header well saved, and with it went any

to penalty kicks.

In the second game of the day, Belgium and England faced each other with the match following the same England celebrate script as the first. After their success the teams played out a goal less ninety minutes the game went to spot kicks with England goalkeeper Charlie Setford who plays for Ajax reserves, Jong Ajax, keeping out the final Portugal penalty. With Saturday's results, the Netherlands will win

CD Murada CD MURADA defeated CD Almoradi 1-0 with a goal by Lewis in the 10a Jordana Regional Preferente V on Saturday. In the Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 Pinoso CF A defeated CF Sporting Albatera 4-3 in a seven-goal thriller. CF Sporting San Fulgencio

SAN MIGUEL BOWLS On Monday San Miguel Dalmations were home To San Luis Trekkers winning 7 - 3, 78 shots to 64. The best winning triple were Jack Jackson, Bob Nesbitt and Dave Champion 30 - 11. In the afternoon San Miguel Alsations were Home to Emerald Isle Titans losing 4 - 6, 68 shots to 71, the best winning triple were Ian Hope, Derek Farmer and Mike Douglas 21 shots to 10. Also on Monday San Miguel Beagles were away to

hope Thader had of salvaging a point. Although the ref booked a further 4 AU players, their cynical tactics had achieved its objective. Next weekend, Thader are away at Novelda UD. Check out Thader facebook page for further details.


Goalkeeper De Graaff made two saves from the spot, sealing a second victory of the tournament for his side, the Netherlands

Athletic Club Torrellano B hit 18

Ruben. Photo courtesy Thader FB Page

the rebound, he somehow contrived to blast his shot over the bar. To make matters worse, that was the 2nd missed penalty by 2 different players in 2 consecutive home matches.

CD Thader .............1

Bereft of key players Quino, Rafa (both suspended) and Pascual (unknown), Thader never got out of 1st gear, in a match that they should really have put up a better display. Before Sunday morning, Alicante University (AU) had amassed a points tally of 2, failing to have notched up a win all season.


From From page 14

the tournament if they can beat Belgium at 1pm on Monday afternoon. In the final game of the four team competition England will meet Portugal at Pinatar Arena, later in the afternoon at 6.30 pm.

gained a 2-1 away win at CD Benijofar. CF Popular Orihuela Deportiva lost 2-1 at home against Sporting Dolores CF A to remain in the lower echelons of the table, with the victors going tenth. In the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 16 Callosa Deportiva CF suffered a 2-1 home defeat against Sporting Saladar, who moved up to fifth place in the table. Guardamar Soccer CD hit three in a 3-2 home win against Formentera CF. UA Crevilente FB A defeated Monovar Atletico A 1-0. Athletic Club Torrellano B hit 18 goals without reply in landslide win against lowly The Burnham Warriors.

Quesada Pearls losing 10 -0 44 shots to 104. On Friday San Miguel Boxers were at home to Greenland Cedars where they lost 2 - 8, 64 shots to 80. The winning triple were Val Hignett, Stan North and Bob Donnelly 17 shots to 15. Also on Friday San Miguel Bulldogs were away to La Marina Sharks winning 7 - 3, 68 shots to both teams. The best winning triple were Pat McEwan, Lynn Greenland and Mary Dyer 27 - 10. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - €5 for an after-

noon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118.


1. When he 'cracks' his whip. 2. The Boomtown Rats, 3. Amelia Earhart, 4. Cubit. From the Latin 'cubitum'. 5. c. a comfy mattress, 6. Roulette, 7. Indonesia (255 million) Japan (127 million) Philippines (101 million), 8. Chris Evert. 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985 and 1986, 9. Six answers a. Picasso (Surviving Picasso), b. Van Gogh (Lust for Life), c. Michelangelo (The Agony and the Ecstasy), d. Henri de Toulouse Lautrec (Moulin Rouge), e. Jackson Pollock (Pollock), f. Van Gogh (Vincent and Theo), 10. Seven answers

- a. Cars (Gary Numan), b. A day in the life (Beatles), c. Honey (Bobby Goldsboro), d. Dead Skunk (Loudon Wainwright III), e. Don't pass me by (Beatles), f. Cats in the cradle (Harry Chapin), g. Do you know the way to San Jose (Dionne Warwick), 11. Maghreb. 12. The riderless horse at JFK's state funeral. 13. Andrei Kanchelskis. 14. The obverse side. 15. Five answers - a. Zanzibar, b. Germany, c. Turkey, d. India, e. Argentina. 16. The Blue Max. 17. Jefferson Airplane. 18. a. an aromatic spice mixture. 19. The Kremlin. 20. When it's a 'Junket'.


Monday 15th - Sunday 21st November, 2021


637 227 385

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