No 900 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January 2022
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Two UK nationals in Spain –Pamela Twissell-Cross and Lloyd Milen are named in the New Year Honours List ouble celebrations for the Royal British Legion in the New Years Honours list with MBE’s awarded to a current member of the District Committee, and the former Patron of Spain District North, Pam Twissell-Cross and Lloyd Milen, respectively.
Although Pamela is still very much involved in local welfare in her capacity as Community Support Coordinator, Lloyd relinquished the honorary title of Patron when he moved from his Foreign Office position in the Alicante Consulate six years ago. Retiring to Spain after a long career in the NHS, Pamela Twissell-Cross became involved with the Royal British Legion as
a welfare volunteer caseworker in 2011, becoming District Community Support Coordinator three years later. Despite being voluntary, the role is almost full time as she coordinates all the welfare work for an area spanning the France/Spain border right down to Almeria, including the Balearic Islands.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Pamela works unstintingly to identify potential beneficiaries, make them aware of the support that the RBL can provide, and ensure they get the support they need. In 2020, Pamela and her team assisted 569 people, with 342 receiving advice and signposting, and the remaining 227 receiving further RBL support. HMA Hugh Elliott said: “As with most voluntary organisations, the COVID19 pandemic has added to the RBL’s workload and, as their current Patron in Spain, I know how busy Pamela has been over the past two years, managing and supporting an increasing number of calls to the helpline. Yet, despite the volume of work, Pamela treats each beneficiary as an individual, showing seemingly endless compassion and care. She is also a tremendous help to our consulate in Alicante, providing a level of support to prisoners, and welfare and hospitalisation cases, which we would not be able to offer alone. This honour is very richly deserved.” On hearing of the award Pam said: “I feel very honoured to be nominated for this honour, let alone chosen. It was a complete surprise and probably the most wonderful surprise I have ever had. I do wish my parents were
still here to see it. “I feel very privileged and excited as I undertake voluntary work to give back for the wonderful life I have had and expected nothing in return. It would be impossible to achieve anything without the amazing team around me especially the caseworkers who support beneficiaries in so many ways and I cannot thank them enough for their support, ideas and trust.”
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Lloyd Milen receiving a Certificate of Appreciation at the Orihuela Costa Branch of the RBL
Lloyd Milen, meanwhile, was the President of the RBL in Spain when he served as Vice Consul in Alicante, from 2008 to 2015. He was subsequently appointed British Consul General in Barcelona which then required him relinquishing the appointment. He currently has responsibility for the UK Government´s relationships with the autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Aragon, and also for Andorra. Lloyd said: “Growing up as a gay kid in Middlesbrough, I never imagined I’d have the role of Consul General in a city like Barcelona, nor that I’d receive an honour such as this. It truly is amazing, and I hope it helps demonstrate to kids growing up and wondering about their future that anything is possible. It is also a reflection of the amazing team I work with across the FCDO’s network in Spain – a brilliant group of
Torremendo proposal for installation of a solar energy plant he Oriolana district of Torremendo has a new company interested in the construction of a photovoltaic plant in its municipality. The company Amber Solar Power Dieciseis SL, with headquarters in Madrid, has started the procedure for the installation of a 12 MWp solar plant beyond the urban centre of the district, in the direction of Bigastro, just off the CV-925 and behind Restaurante Casa Andreau.
people doing extraordinary work. I’m truly thankful.” Lloyd Milen, British Consul General for Andorra, Aragon, Balearic Islands and Catalonia has been awarded an MBE for services to British nationals in Spain and to the UK in North East Spain.
The plant would be made up of three sectors, where the energy will be acquired, transformed and passed to the sectioning centre from where it will be passed through a medium voltage overhead line to Iberdrola's electrical substation, ST San Miguel de Salinas. These three parcels of land are classified as rural-class agricultural use. All of them suppose a total area of 36.12 hectares (Ha), which would cover an area of approximately 70 football fields. Adjacent to, and even between the plots, there are houses and undeveloped sites, just a few meters from the urban are. Except for the smallest plot, 5.43 Ha, each of the other two, 12.29 Ha and 18.38 Ha, are larger than the town itself, which covers and area of about 11.90 Ha. The project design contemplates a useful life of at least 25 years and a
Pamela Sheila Twissell-Cross, District Community Support Coordinator, Royal British Legion, Spain (District North) has been awarded an MBE for services to British nationals overseas. Both were named in the New Year Honours List, published on Saturday 1 January 2022.
planned investment by the company is 6.9 million euros. As for the installation itself, the project states that 24,024 photovoltaic panels would be installed. This project is also very close, geographically, to the one presented by the Atitlan investment fund, but very far away in terms of the size of the site, and therefore in terms of the energy generated. Through two investment companies, Itel and Bibey are processing two joint photovoltaic plants totalling 300 Ha. Itel's would have 182.43 Ha and would generate 120 MWp with an investment of 25.3 million euros. The Bibey plant would be installed on an area of 127.20 Ha and would generate 58.79 MWp through an investment of 4.2 million euros. The companies also propose a collecting substation, Torremendo Renovables, whose investment would amount to 4.5 million euros.
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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
COST OF LIVING SET TO INCREASE IN 2022 The year 2022 will start with increases in gas rates, fuel motorway tolls and stamps, with the price of electricity in the wholesale market also set to increase, along with the cost of cars and real estate, according to analysts. In the case of electricity, the futures markets suggest that the wholesale price of electricity ('pool'), which directly impacts the receipt of households covered by the regulated tariff (PVPC), will continue at the start of 2022 above 300 euro per megawatt hour (MWh).
according to Tinsa, while Idealista points out that used housing has risen 2.8% in the last 12 months. Added to this is the rising cost of materials, which is causing increases in the price of new buildings, as well as delays in deliveries. As of 1 January, the current rates for state-dependent motorways will be increased by 1.97% to adjust them to the CPI, as reported by the Ministry of Transport.
However, the electricity tax cuts approved in the second half of this year will be extended, 'The Futures Market suggests such as IVA from 21% to 10% and the special electricity tax from 5.1% to 0.5% -until that the price of electricity will 30 April- and the elimination of the 7% gen- remain at over 300 euro per MWh eration tax -until 31 March-. With regard to natural gas, regulated rates will rise by at least 5.48% from 1 January for those consumers covered by the Last Resort Rate (TUR), following the measures adopted by the Government to limit the impact of the increase in the cost of raw materials, which would have meant increasing the annual bill by more than 83%. Meanwhile, fuel will start 2022 away from the highs at the end of November, after five weeks down, but with an increase throughout 2021 of 25% in the case of petrol and 27% in the case of diesel, according to data from the EU Oil Bulletin. The real estate market will see the Housing Law pending approval this year, which will return to the Council of Ministers in 2022. Its approval, after passing the parliamentary process, is expected in the second semester. Real estate experts believe that the Executive's measures will have the opposite effect to that desired and, instead of controlling housing prices, especially rents, they will skyrocket. In fact, new and used housing closed 2021 4.3% more expensive,
In addition, four motorways will be subject to an additional rate increase, including the AP-7 Alicante-Cartagena (2.99%); the AP-9 Ferrol-Portugal (2.99%); the AP-46 Alto de las Pedrizas-Málaga (2.99%) and the AP-6 Villalba-Adanero (2.84%).
The purchase of a car will be accompanied by an increase of 12 euro in the monthly bills for the driver from 1 January 2022 on the entry into force of the new registration tax. The entry into force of the WLTP emissions regulations will affect half of the current supply of cars for sale, as well as the lack of 'stock' with a "live" demand that causes a rise in prices, in parallel to the falling discounts. It is estimated that 40% of new vehicles will see their price increase between 200 and 1,000 euro depending on the model and emissions. Correos has raised the price of the stamps needed to send letters and postcards of up to twenty grams in weight to national destinations by 7% by 2022. The rate will now be 0.75 euro, which represents an increase of five cents, a price that will apply from Saturday 1 January.
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
MARIJUANA PLANTATION FOUND IN LAS RAMBLAS GOLF rihuela Costa local police officers have found a marijuana plantation in the basement of a building on the Las Ramblas golf course.
illegally hooked up to the electricity grid, which enabled the rapid growth of the plants, thereby producing crops in a minimum amount of time.
A total of 216 marijuana plants were found in two rooms within the building, separated according to their size.
The raid on the property was carried out following a tip off by local residents who reported a number of suspicious people loitering in the area.
Officers also discovered that the plantation, benefited from a very good irrigation system, heaters and air extractors, all of which were
Cleaners to strike at Vega Baja Hospital
The CCOO union, which represents support staff at Orihuela’s Hospital de la Vega Baja, has called for an indefinite strike of cleaners starting next Monday on 10 January. The union alleges "actions in matters of hiring and staff adjustment that the service contractor, Ferrovial Servicios SA, intends to introduce" as the cause for the industrial action, with the complaint stating "the reduction of staff, which has gone from the 85 people in 2012 to the 64 that there are today" as the main reason. Last August a new contractor took over the running of the services and after firing one of the managers they now want to reduce staff even further
to 37 on weekdays and 15 at weekends, which will result in the release of a further 12 people. The union maintains that this has caused workers to protest in recent years because the reduction in staff "leads to a greater workload and many more complaints about poorly rendered services that ultimately affect the cleaning staff." Until now, complaints have been filed with the Labour Inspectorate and rallies have been organised at the door of the hospital as a protest, but the contracting companies have seen no progress during that period with any of their complaints.
The plants are now in the possession of the Civil Guard but so far no one has been arrested.
RETIREMENT AGE SET TO RISE IN SPAIN IN 2022 Workers who want to retire in 2022 with 100% of their pension will have to be 66 years and two months old, in accordance with the pension reform that was agreed by the Zapatero Government in 2011. The reform established a transitional period from 2013 to 2027 to raise the retirement age from 65 to 67 years, which also specifies the years that must be contributed to be able to continue retiring at 65. All those born after 1948 are affected by the progressive increase in the retirement age, with those people born in 1960 no longer be able to retire before the age of 67 with 100% of their pension. Since 2013, the calculation period to calculate the pension began to gradually increase from 15 to 25 years, with which in 2022 it will be with the last 25 years of contributions.
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BIRD FLU ALARM ACROSS VALENCIA The Ministry of Agriculture has agreed to adopt protective measures in Valencian Community livestock farms against the “notable increase” of avian influenza that has occurred in Europe and in non-European countries and that affects both poultry as well as wild birds. The geographical situation of the region with respect to the routes of migratory waterfowl in northern and central Europe, as well as the presence of wetlands with an abundance of migratory wild birds at this time of year, makes it necessary to update the measures, according to a resolution of the Directorate of Agriculture. The risk of introduction and circulation of the virus through the migratory routes of birds is compounded by the fact that the poultry business sector and professional organisations have requested a reinforcement of biosecurity measures to guarantee the animal health of their farms and their livelihood. According to the resolution published this week, which will be in force until 28 February 2022, the owners of poultry farms will reinforce biosecurity measures in poultry farms in the areas of introduction of this virus, especially those designed to avoid direct and indirect contact with wild birds and to reinforce passive surveillance on farms. These measures are applicable in various municipalities of the region, including Orihuela, Torrevieja and Santa Pola. In these municipalities, free-range poultry farming is prohibited, and in the event that any farm expressly requests to maintain this form of breeding, the Livestock Inspection veterinarian will draw up an act stating that they have adequate measures that prevent the entry of wild birds. and therefore their contact with production animals, including the area where they are fed and watered. It is also prohibited to give water to poultry from water tanks to which wild birds can access, except when it is treated to ensure the inactivation of possible avian influenza viruses, and water tanks located outside certain poultry must be sufficiently protected against wild waterfowl. In addition, the presence of poultry or other captive birds is prohibited in livestock competitions, samples, exhibitions, and cultural celebrations, as well as any concentration of poultry or other captive birds when these are held outdoors. La Rue, Pearl Carr, Teddy Johnson and Lonnie Donegan and being a flatmate of singing/actress star Lulu (pictured left).
Former professional dancer Rosemary Mason who lives in Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, talks exclusively to Andrew Atkinson about her career, appearing with Tommy Cooper, Millicent Martin; partying with The Beatles and dancing with Ringo Star. Pantomime with Danny
Team England 2018 Commonwealth Games Silver medalist Lucy Stanhope, whose grandparents live in Los Montesinos, who studies at the University of Utah and competed for the Utah Red Rocks gymnastics team for the 2020-21 academic year talks exclusively to Andrew Atkinson about her career in America. Only in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader
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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
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reduced number of appointments and emergencies. Of these, "90% are related to Covid". It has "tripled" the work with reduced staff, bearing in mind that doctors to "have the right to rest".
comes from," states Pedrera. "The system has a lack of places and obvious investment and the Ministry has not presented the plan that should be in place in December," adds García.
Eva Suárez, representative of the Valencian Paediatric Society and spokesperson for the Forum of Primary Care Physicians points out that most primary care appointments are currently closed until 10 January, with medics only attending a
The current workload, a figure given by Víctor Pedrera, general secretary of the Medical Union of the Valencian Community CESM-CV, is up to 75 patients per doctor every day. If an 8-hour shift is 480 minutes, 75 appointments represent a visit every six minutes that between entry and wait for each consultation reduces the attention time to below five. In fact, there are doctors who regretably have two or three minute consultations, he says.
From the Valencian Society of Family and Community Medicine, its vice president Javier Blanquer points out that primary care is "today worse than a year ago, but three or four times worse than five years ago."
ueues out the door at health centres have become a common sight during the sixth wave of Covid infections affecting the Valencia region, but now the situation is said by professionals working in the field to be so bad, they are near breaking point.
"This causes the conditions for care to be bad, with enormous stress among staff who see that they cannot do their job well as well as the anger of patients," says Pedrera. It also causes delays of up to a week between extracting the sample for a PCR and confirming the positive (in close contacts only one test is done a week), a 12-day delay to make an appointment or no follow-up of other chronic diseases. "They are the other victims of the pandemic, they have not been able to adequately monitor them," says Fernando García, head of CSIF Health. Among the reasons stated by the unions is the explosion of cases of this wave that concentrates most of the pressure on primary care, the workforce reduced by the lack of replacements and the holiday situation. "It had not been planned and that's where the overflow
He says that the system currently has "four times the need" but there have been hardly any improvements to the templates. "The solutions should have Long queues have become the norm at the region’s medical centres
come before, not remembering the health centres only when there are queues," he says. For her part, Eva Planas, Head of Health at UGT PV, recalls that the cutting of templates is "a matter inherited from many years ago" to which is added the "explosion of cases" of covid and the contact tracing of recent weeks. "Before there were 10 contacts for every positive, now, there may be up to 50," she says, while pointing out that the symptoms resemble other respiratory diseases "that must also be monitored."
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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
FLIRTING WITH DANGER ISN’T FUN 've flirted with danger on numerous occasions, but I can't say I ever grew to love it.
seeing any during my brief visit, and neither to the best of my recollection did I choose the monkey gland steak in the Tiergarten Restaurant where I dined.
I gather that clusters of viruses are thick as thieves, like those Weird Sisters, Marburg and Ebola.
to the medical profession) which prepared me for later encounters with SARS in Hong Kong and COVID-19. You're welcome.
I was working in a town called Giessen in what was then West Germany, only 30 km from the city of Marburg, which shortly after my arrival suffered an outbreak of Marburg Virus, as it was later called.
I remember reading about an African warlord who vaccinated his entire army of 40,000 men against Sudanese monkeys, and although they seemed unlikely military opponents, I began to treat that warlord with a new respect. A sentence I never thought I would write.
Let's hope, as with the thickest of thieves, they end up serving their sentence out of our harm's way, and never being released again.
As my face gradually aged unseen behind different masks in various locations, I like to think that the passing of the years brought an advance in sagacity and worldly wisdom.
Marburg Virus was apparently a close relative of Ebola, which I somehow thought hung out mainly in Africa, where it took its name from the Ebola River in the Congo, not an ideal place to go swimming. The sinister fact -- for me -- was that I had visited Marburg the previous weekend. African green monkeys were blamed for the outbreak, although I don't recall
We have our own warlords nowadays, even if our war is of a different sort. In the campaign against a virus that is unimpressed by numbers like 40 thousand, and turns up its spiky nose at anything less than the most modern of weapons, our generals -- or general practitioners -- have rarely lost a battle. Vaccines Rule, OK?
Perhaps, like the planet Krypton's enemies at the start of the first Superman film, they could be whooshed off into space and warned never to return, or be sentenced to death by vaccination.
I can hear incredulous laughter in the background as I type that, and I bet people also ridiculed the warlord who vaccinated his entire army.
Poor old Marburg, in its own way, may have acted like a psychological inoculation (I'm offering this insight free
But he probably had the last laugh, not the green monkeys. Another sentence I never thought I'd write.
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
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Military Drafted in to speed up Vaccinations
he Valencia Ministry of Health has asked the Ministry of Defence for help to assist in speeding up the vaccination of third doses in the
The Minister making the announcement last week
According to the health department, they will help out at the vaccination centres in: Vinarós, Peñíscola, Benicarló, Valencia, Lliria, Paterna, Xàtiva, Ontinyent, Alcoi, and Callosa, as well as local operations in both Orihuela and Torrevieja Hospital.
In the coming days the Ministry of Health will send an SMS advising of a new vaccination appointment, for those still without a booster dose. The text message will be sent to three different groups and when the targeted groups are concluded, it will be extended to younger people.
Torrevieja town hall has awarded the local branch of the Cruz Roja a grant of 16,000 euro to help the most vulnerable in the town.
The SMS with new booster appointments will first be sent to all those over 60 years of age, also to those whose immunisation was with the Janssen single-dose vaccine, as well as those people who have had the complete schedule of the the AstraZeneca vaccine, in this case, teachers and some other groups of essential workers. Alternatively, some people in the groups outlined above will receive their new appointment by telephone call. People in those groups are advised not to go to a mobile vaccination point without an appointment. Once these priority groups have been completed, the
vaccination campaign will continue with the population group of people over 50 years of age, and subsequently, in those over 40 years of age. For these cases, however, there is no date yet. The minister insisted on the importance of going to the vaccination point once you receive your appointment as, “It is very important to receive the booster dose and continue to protect the population. As we know, the vaccine is our main ally against the coronavirus, in addition to protective measures. In addition to the 149 vaccination centres, there will be around 30 walk-in centres for which an appointment is not needed for the first or second dose around the region.
Al fresco summer evenings apply for UNESCO’s Cultural Heritage status By Andrew Atkinson in Los Montesinos Take an evening stroll to Los Montesinos village on a balmy summer evening and the chances are you will see an aged Spanish tradition of locals sitting on chairs outside their casas. A village in Andalusia has applied for the traditional Spanish ritual of neighbours sitting and talking outside to be awarded Unesco’s Intangible Cultural Heritage status. As in Andalusia, Los Montesinos and towns within the Vega Baja hamlet, groups of mainly elderly villagers take a chair and sit together outdoors when they can. The culture of this popular Spanish scene brings back memories of their childhoods, especially so in the summer months. A traditional event for the 1,400 people who live in the village of Algar near Cádiz, mirrored by many residents of Los Montesinos, which has under 5,000 inhabitants and towns within the Vega Baja. Concerns have arisen the tradition could flicker out like a burning candle by today's younger generation in future years. Algar’s village council has called for Spain’s al fresco summer chair evenings to be granted UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage status. Unesco cultural heritage includes traditions or living expressions inherited from ancestors, passed on to descendants. "I saw that the tradition was getting lost," said Algar mayor José Carlos Sánchez.
If you’re local to Pilar de la Horadada, be sure to pop into the tourist information office in the town to pick up your free 2022 calendar.
Torrevieja Cruz Roja Receives Grant
"These 20 military teams will be added to the 149 from the Ministry of Health, which are already immunising with booster doses at permanent vaccination points. We will now be able to considerably speed up the vaccination process", The Minister of Health, said.
Thanks to the teams, it is expected to accelerate the vaccination of the booster dose in people over 60 years of age, people who have previously received the Janssen vaccine (both in their final stage) and the population group that has received the AstraZeneca dose.
Local Pilar Calendar Now Available
The calendar features local pictures taken around the area and will keep you abreast of all the special dates throughout the year.
As a result, 20 military teams are going to join the immunisation campaign at various mobile points around the region.
The military joins the vaccination campaign that is currently operating through appointment by SMS that was already used in the macro vacunodromes opened in the spring.
"The elderly maintained the tradition - but a large part of our population didn’t. “I got the initiative from ‘Al fresco with Unesco’. We got in touch with the Andalusian regional government to make sure no other municipality stole our idea. "We’ve sent in the application for UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Relaxing and chatting outdoors Heritage status," added Mayor on a balmy summer’s evening Sanchez.
The subsidised project serves people and families in vulnerable situations, people in chronic poverty and the homeless. The grant will contribute to meeting the basic needs of food, personal hygiene and infant feeding.
Guardamar Park Has New Sports Installations New Sports Installations have been completed in a Guardamar park adding to it’s future popularity. The Reaina Sofía park now has ping-pong tables, basketball hoops and a mini football field added to it’s facilities. The park is already a popular location for a quiet stroll containg a wealth of different birds and can now boast a sporting attraction to it’s portfilio.
Elche Pensioners Get New Year Surprise Over 60’s living in Elche received a welcome surprise on New Year’s Eve, with a special dinner organised by the town hall. The Department for the Elderly organised the meal to all those people over 60 who live alone or have dependency problems. The objective, according to the town hall, was “that the elderly feel included on a day as special as today with a menu designed by chef Patricia Sanz”. The special meal was delivered by local volunteers from DYA.
Language Diplomas Presented in Torrevieja Torrevieja’s councillor for International Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, presented diplomas to 60 participants in the II Castellano Course organised by the town hall, in collaboration with the That’s it Academia Königin Torrevieja.
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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
CONTI N U E D OUTRAG E AT C LOS U RE OF AGUAMARINA/CABO ROIG COASTAL PASEO Some walkers recklessly risk crossing around the edge of the cliff, endangering their lives, in order to save the 2 km walk that has become necessary because of the closure.
Ministry of Health Reduces Isolation Period The public health commission, which represents the autonomous communities and the Ministry of Health, has agreed "unanimously" to reduce the quarantine of all Covid positive people and those who are asymptomatic to seven days, compared to the ten. According to the department of health, those who have not been vaccinated and who have been in close contact with a positive case will also see their isolation period reduced to seven days, compared to ten established so far. The rule already stated that vaccinated people who were in close contact should not be quarantined. Health Minister Carolina Darias has justified the decision to reduce the quarantine time to seven days because omicron has a "shorter incubation period" than previous variants. As stated by the Minister at a press conference after the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (CISNS), no evidence will be required to end this isolation. "We need to monitor the evolution of omicron on a daily basis with special monitoring of positivity, hospitalisation and ICU," said Darias. The quarantine period has been reduced to seven days because omicron has a "shorter incubation period" than previous variants.
PRESS RELEASE CLARO/CAMBIEMOS Since mid-December when Orihuela Town Council bricked up the entrances to this 60 metre stretch of precious costal walkway requiring a detour of 2 kilometres outrage has contin-
ued. C.L.A.R.O and its coalition allies Cambiemos introduced a motion at this week’s end of year plenary Town Council meeting decrying the closure and urging its reopening as soon as possible. The motion expressed incredulity at the fail-
ure of the PP-Ciudadanos government to take measures to prevent the closure since the first legal victory of the owners of urbanisation Bella Vista in 2016 who consider the Paseo private land. Shamefully, the motion was defeated by the joint forces of the PP and Ciudadanos parties.
Orihuela Costa Beaches get cleaning boost
This was despite an additional element introduced by C.L.A.R.O into the debate, namely the danger which frustrated walkers incur by passing behind the wall enclosing the Paseo, risking a vertiginous fall in order to avoid the 2 kilometre detour. Given the opposition of the governing parties to the motion, it is more and more open to doubt that the government will approve the expropriation of the “private” pathway and reopen the coastal Paseo by the summer
Tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain By Andrew Atkinson The vintage cannons sounded in Cartagena on the occasion of the celebration of the Santa Bárbara festival at the Tentegorra Barracks, the main base of the Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment (RAAA) 73, which has its cannon and missile batteries.
Orihuela’s councillor cleaning, Dámaso Aparicio, has announced that from 1 January the contract for reinforcing cleaning services on the beaches of Orihuela will come into effect. The company awarded this service UTE Playas de Orihuela will carry out these tasks for a maximum amount of 436,110 euro (IVA included), while the contract will have a duration of one year, 4 months and 23 days, being extendable for two more years. The cleaning tasks will cover Punta Prima, Cala Mosca, Cala Estaca, Cala Cerrada, Cala Bosque, Cala Capitán, La Caleta, Aguamarina, La Glea,
Barranco Rubio and Mil Palmeras. Aparicio recalled that the tasks to be carried out are “work with a tractor, including a beach cleaning implement for sand screening; change and emptying of bins and review of the sand area of ??all the beaches and coves, and cleaning work in the periphery of the beaches”. Aparicio also explained that the implementation of this service supposes "the guarantee that the beaches will remain in the best possible condition throughout the year, so that they can be enjoyed by Oriolanos, visitors and tourists."
essential for the training of these gunners. In his speech, RAAA 73 Colonel Juan Carlos Pérez Herrero said: "Military officers will travel to Aldana, on the Turkish-Syrian border, within the fifteenth tour of the support operation that NATO that has been in place since 2014 for the The ceremony was a tribute to those who have given their lived to Spain
Staff held a military ceremony presided over by the head of the Antiaircraft Artillery Command and former colonel of the Regiment, Brigadier General Enrique Silvela, with the presence of the president of the Regional Assembly, Alberto Castillo, and the Chief Admiral of the Military Arsenal, Pedro Luis de la Puente. During the military parade there was also a farewell ceremony for the artillerymen who have gone into reserve in recent months, a presentation of decorations, a tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain and the delivery of the Honour Gunner distinction to the colonel of the Air Force José Carlos Presa Díaz, chief in command of the NATO Tactical Leadership Programme at the Albacete air base. Collaboration with air units is
air and antimissile defence of the first of those countries." The Spanish Patriot missile units deployed there are part of the Regiment's third battery, located in the Marines.
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
When the all-clear (a blast on a referee’s whistle from upstairs) sounded, the regulars, being careful to dodge the ‘undesirable’, filtered back inside – to order fresh drinks.
first went in behind a bar counter at the age of fifteen and I have since then spent a lot of my life in the ‘pub game.’ There is no richer source of stories than what you hear in an Irish pub and I do have a vast array of true stories stacked up in my head. Hopefully we may yet commit these stories to print.
“We are closed”, the publican told ‘yer man’ when he pounded on the back door. “I left me ‘aff n aff’ on the counter and I want it now”, the guy was yelling.
Probably my favourite of all the pub stories took place in a Ballinasloe pub, sometime before I went to work there. My boss, Hubert Hardiman was a local building contractor.
John ignored him, so the rejected customer made his way out onto the street and resumed his banging on the front door’
Hubie purchased ‘Loughnanne’s Bar’, on Main Street, where he proceeded to transform the pub into a modern bar and lounge, with yours truly taking up the position of bar manager.
Sundays were busy days in the pubs during Loughnanne’s reign – but Sunday trading was a tricky business. Those were the days of ‘Bona fide’ drinking, where locals were not allowed by law to drink in the pub on Sundays.
Both the licensee and illegal ‘found-ons’ would be prosecuted in court. Loughnannes would be packed from after-mass until late lunchtime. John served the drinks, while Mrs Loughnanne did sentry duty upstairs. From her perch at their bedroom window she had a clear view of Main Street. Any sign of a garda and the publican’s wife would scream “Raid” down the stairs.
This archaic law was for the benefit of ‘travellers’ and one had to live more than three miles from the pub in order to purchase an intoxicating drink.
Everybody scampered out the back door, down the yard, through the garden and onto the banks of the river Suck … as John pored the ‘evidence’ down the sink.
The idea was that a weary traveller could knock on the locked door, state his credentials and if this satisfied the publican, the customer gained entry.
A perfect system, with the result that John never saw the inside of a courthouse for a breach of the licensing laws. The regulars knew the score – and even if they suspected the odd ‘false alarm’ … called because the drinking had slowed down … nobody complained!
It is fair to say that adherence to the ‘three mile rule’ left a lot to be desired! In fact, it is also safe to say that the ‘Bona Fide Licencing Law’ was the most abused law in Ireland. How and ever, the police had a job to do, and there would be frequent raids on the pubs, with the names and addresses of those ‘found on’ checked out.
John made a hurried trip up the stairs. He was barely back behind the bar when the shrill call of “Raid” came from above. “All out”, says John as the escape door was unbolted.
Diary of a Country Publican
The previous owners. John and Mrs Loughnanne, ran an ultra-strict and ‘respectable’ establishment, frequented by bank-managers and an ‘upmarket’ clientele.
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One Sunday morning an ‘undesirable’ infiltrated the usual crowd as John opened the door. Because he was well dressed and spoke nicely, he was inside and had a pint in front of him, before John
- Summer Sprays Gypsophila summer sprays of button-like flowers in shades of white or pale pink Gypsophila - baby’s breath - are a member of the carnation family that are an annual, hardy perennial plant grown for their sprays of tiny, button like flowers in summer, in shades of white or pale pink.
realised his big mistake. This chap was trouble and had run off to England after being involved in a big row a couple of years previously. Now, in his navy-blue suit, white shirt and red tie, he had fooled John. This returned exile was the wrong man in the wrong place! After his second pint, the misfit became rather boisterous and the regulars were uneasy. He demonstrated that he was a well-travelled man by drinking something different. The regulars were on ‘half-ones’, pints of ale and pints of Guinness. The cuckoo in the nest insisted on ‘half and half’ – half beer and half Guinness. With his newly acquired Cockney accent, the order came across as a “pint of aff and aff.”
Mrs Loughnanne went over and reached for the chamber-pot under the bed. (These were preensuite days!) Being a busy morning she hadn’t had time to empty it …. until now! She reached out the window and these were her exact words: “You want your half and half … well here’s you half and half …. half of John’s and half of mine!! And with that she emptied the contents of the ‘po’ down on top of a navy-blue suit, white shirt and red tie!!
Don’t forget To get maximum attention, it’s hard to beat a big mistake!
Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s
Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a
637 227 385 for info.
ge repeat flowering and avoid disturbing the plants once established, as they dislike any root disturbance. To plant, dig a hole that is the same depth as the plant’s pot. Add compost and plenty of grit to avoid root or stem rot, then water in well. In windy spots, you'll need to support taller plants as the plant grows. Feed every few weeks with a general liquid fertiliser. Cut down the flower stems after flowering, which may produce a second flush of flowers in late autumn.
Perfect in a garden border, where their thin, wiry stems and clouds of flowers make them an excellent filler, bridging the gaps between different plants and bringing an airy feel to your planting scheme.
Sow seeds of annual gypsophila in April or September, directly in the ground where you want them to flower.
For best results grow gypsophila in full sun position, in moist but very well draining, slightly alkaline or neutral soil.
Gypsophila are generally free of most pests and diseases. The main problem likely to be encountered are problems with winter wet, as they do not enjoy sitting in cold, wet soil.
Regularly dead-head spent blooms to encoura-
Mrs Loughnanne raised the bottom half of the window and told the man; “we are closed – there is nobody here – stop banging on the door and go home.” “I left me aff n aff inside – and I’m not going til I get it”, the man insisted. This exchange continued for five minutes, but the man was adamant he wanted “aff n aff.”
Propagate perennial basal cuttings from April until June.
books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call
637 227 385
NEW YEAR, NEW CHALLENGE Are you a retired Professional, living here in Spain? Are you thinking about doing something worthwhile with your spare time and at the same time looking for someway to channel your experience? Reach Out Torrevieja is an established and vital charity supporting 50/55 homeless on our streets here in Torrevieja, we also have over 45 families relying upon us for vital lifesaving support. We shortly will have a vacancy for a President, Vice President, Treasurer and a Company Secretary to lead our successful and established charity into its next chapter. The working hours of the position are 10am to 2pm (not every day), along with occasional face to face meetings and events within the local community. The position would ideally suit someone who has experience of running a small to medium sized operation or at the very least has run their own business, holds honesty and integrity at the forefront of their personal values and ideally has some demonstratable people management and leadership skill and who has a financial or administration background. This is an exciting and rare opportunity to
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
become part of and help lead an established and well-respected organisation and help make a positive difference and impact to our community. We also need volunteers to help out in our Torrevieja shop. Could you spare 4 hours a week or more, do you wish you could do something worthwhile and important to help your local community? If so, then we at Reach Out Torrevieja would love to hear from you. We currently have vacancies for volunteers from all walks of life to help out in our busy shop in the heart of Torrevieja. We provide vital lifesaving support for the homeless on our streets and desperately need volunteers to work in our busy shop, including cashiers, and warehouse and office people or even driving our van helping to make deliveries and collections locally. Our hours are flexible and all we ask is that you commit at least 4 hours a day, at least once a week, or more if you are able. We are a fun, family orientated organisation and you'll get to make lots of new friends as well as providing a vital service for your local community. Interested? Then please call us between 10am and 2pm on +34 965 713 063. Alternatively email us at: or
“Beam me up Officer”
For years the Local Police in Elche has had extremely effective communication with the general public, particularly through social media pages, in which it communicates its work and gives valuable advice on how to proceed in certain situations. For some years now, particularly on Holy Innocents Day, 28 December, it has always published a post with the aim of providing a smile and wishing the general public a happy day. This is the one day a year when everyone is allowed to play practical jokes, a tradition similar to ‘April’s Fool Day’ which is practised in many other countries. This year the Elche Local Police, whose work often involves dealing with dramas and unpleasant situations, start-
ed the day with an "announcement" that it had found an abandoned spaceship in the Elche district of Balsares.
munication with the interior has been complicated. "We have heard nothing," explained the coordinating officer who was dispatched to the scene.
The photo shows the original post by the Elche Local Police on April Fools' Day (28 December in Spain) with the illegally parked a UFO in Balsares
For now, no hypotheses are ruled out. "We do not have any data to deny that it is of extra terrestrial origin, but neither can we discard some type of advertising campaign ..." said a spokesperson.
Along with an image of a patrol car, a flying saucer was posted, as well as the following text: "This morning, a crew from the Rural Territorial Unit located in Balsares found what appeared to be some kind of spacecraft. The communication of its presence within the airport's CTR activated the ALERT protocol as we attempted to identify its occupants and origin. Due to its characteristics, com-
A follow-up on the UFO has been arranged so that, according to current regulations, if it is not removed, it will be treated as an abandoned vehicle, as it lacks registration plates. In 2020, also coinciding with Day of the Innocents, the Elche Local Police "caught" the DeLorean car from "Back to the future". How could it be any different?
1955 - Rosemary Clooney was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Mambo Italiano' the singers second No.1. The song was banned by all ABC owned stations in the US because it "did not reach standards of good taste".
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
Stones saying they had made such an important contribution to modern music. 1970 - Chauffeur Neil Boland was accidentally killed when The Who 's drummer Keith Moon ran over him in his Bentley. 1979 - The Village People scored their only UK No.1 single with 'Y.M.C.A.' At its peak the single was selling over 150,000 copies a day. 1986 - Irish singer, songwriter and bassist Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy died of heart failure and pneumonia after being in a coma for eight days. A life-size bronze statue of Phil Lynott was unveiled on Harry Street in Dublin Ireland in 2005. 2001 - Kirsty MacColl was laid to rest at a private funeral ceremony, ahead of a public memorial to pay tribute to her life.
1963 - Cliff Richard was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with his sixth UK No.1 'The Next Time / Bachelor Boy.' Both songs were taken from the film Summer Holiday. 1968 - The University of California, Los Angeles announced that students taking music degrees would have to study the music of The Rolling
Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra recital on 08 January 2022 The Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra will play a New Years “Kings” concert at the Torrevieja International Auditorium on 08 January 2022 at 19:00. The event is sponsored by the Torrevieja Town Council, Agamed, Quironsalud Torrrevieja, TM, and Insara.
The singer songwriter was killed in a boating accident on 18th Dec 2000 and in the same year a woman who believed that Axl Rose communicated with her via telepathy was arrested for stalking the Guns N' Rose’s singer for a second time. Police detained Karen Jane McNeil after she was spotted loitering outside his house. 2002 - Liam and Noel Gallagher topped a poll Date: 8 January 2022 | 19: 00h Al Campo Hypermarket, La Zenia Boulevard Event type: Concert Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes approximately. Price: Sector B and E: € 25, Sector F: 20 €, Sector D: 15 €, Sector C: 10 € Capacity: 1386 seats Location: Saturday 8 January, at 7:00 p.m. at the Torrevieja International Auditorium. Tickets from € 10 at
of celebrities you would least like to live next to, getting 40% of the vote. Readers of Your Home magazine voted the brothers from Oasis as 'Neighbours From Hell'. 2004 – Britney Spears had her surprise marriage annulled less than 55 hours after tying the knot at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas with childhood friend Jason Alexander. The couple married on Saturday morning, during a night out in Las Vegas, but immediately her lawyers filed for an annulment, saying Spears 'lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable of agreeing to the marriage.' 2006 - The house where Johnny Cash lived for 35 years was bought by Bee Gee’s singer Barry Gibb. The rustic house near Nashville, Tennessee went on the market in June 2005 with an asking price of £1.7m. Gibb said he planned to preserve the house to honour the Cash memory. In the same year Pink married her motocross racer boyfriend Carey Hart on a beach in Costa
Rica. More than 100 people attended the singer's big day, including Lisa-Marie Presley. Pink proposed to him during one of his races in Mammoth Lakes, California, by holding up a sign that read "Will you marry me?" Hart pulled out of the race to say yes. 2021 - English musician Gerry Marsden died age 78 after being diagnosed with a blood infection in his heart. With Gerry And The Pacemakers he had hits such as 'How Do You Do It', 'Ferry Cross The Mersey' and the Liverpool football anthem ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’.
Spanish National Orchestra at International Auditorium Spanish National Orchestra Concert – 15 January 2022
vals and tours Spain as well as concerts in various countries in Europe, America and Asia.
Spanish National Orchestra
At present David Afkham holds the positions of titular and artistic director, and Félix Palomero that of technical director of the National Orchestra and Choir of Spain.
Concert Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes approximately Location: Torrevieja International Auditorium Prices: Sector B: € 25, Sector C: € 17, Sector D: € 15, Sector E: € 20, Sector F: € 10 Capacity: 1386 seats The National Orchestra of Spain was founded in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, and was definitively relaunched in 1942.
Saturday 8 January 7:00 p.m. Torrevieja International Auditorium.
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Since then it has carried out an uninterrupted and intense concert work, with an extended season in Madrid. Since 1988 it has been based in the Auditorium Nacional de Música from where it participates in the main Spanish festi-
The concert take place on Saturday, January 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Concert Hall of the International Auditorium Tickets from € 10 at Organised by: Municipal Institute of Culture
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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
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ANSWERS Week 899
ACROSS 3. Scent (9) 8. Tribe (4) 9. Trifling (9) 10. Teat (6) 11. Scornful noise (5) 14. Cost (5) 15. Comfort (4) 16. Lock (5) 18. Block (4) 20. Card game (5) 21. Scoop (5) 24. Gap (6) 25. Clumsy (9) 26. Egg (4) 27. Trick (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24.
Swap (9) Incredulous (9) Uncommon (4) Donated (5) Entice (6) Hint (4) Swift (5) Riddle (5) Loquacious (9) Monotonous (9) Cleave (5) Fruit (6) Grub (5) Quick (4) Rent (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Fake; 3 Scabbard; 8 Rota; 9 Daffodil; 11 Wedding dress; 13 Ledger; 14 Thence; 17 Confidential; 20 Answered; 21 Thai; 22 Test tube; 23 Arch. DOWN: 1 Farewell; 2 Katydid; 4 Change; 5 Beforehand; 6 Aides; 7 Dull; 10 Side effect; 12 Well-nigh; 15 Neither; 16 Adverb; 18 Oasis; 19 Cant. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Ruth; 3 Together; 8 Team; 9 Platonic; 11 Oxford Circus; 13 Accent; 14 Castle; 17 Pay attention; 20 National; 21 Less; 22 Garotted; 23 Stud. DOWN: 1 Rational; 2 Traffic; 4 O'clock; 5 Entertains; 6 Hindu; 7 Rich; 10 Bring about; 12 Red-nosed; 15 Trident; 16 Strafe; 18 Actor; 19 Snug.
ACROSS 3. Please cut out conjecture (9) 8. It's all right to love a girl (4) 9. Listen in as part of the roof falls (9) 10. Miscellaneous way to remove moisture (6) 11. Publish complete (5) 14. Work on a twitch of the eye (5) 15. Relax with the others (4) 16. Bill loves to be disapproved of (5) 18. Give up like a selected player, say (4) 20. Country that should be handled with care! (5) 21. Consumed at school, say? (5) 24. Animal found in the Philippines? (6) 25. A political leader like Washington (9) 26. Came out on top (4) 27. Clerical workers (9)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which controversial and expressive man was given the nickname 'Jack the dripper'? 2. Who was born "Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta" on 28 March 1986? 3. What cake derives its name from the French word for lightning? 4. Damon Lindelof, J. J. Abrams and Jeffrey Lieber are responsible for creating which phenomenon? 5. The name for which notorious criminals who were once responsible for the murder of countless thousands of innocent people means 'deceivers'? 6. Who were stripped of the European Champion Club's Cup they won in 1993 after a bribery scandal involving their president, Bernard Tapie? 7. The surrender of which tribal leader in 1886 was effectively the end of the Indian wars in the US? 8. The following are the depressing last words to which hit songs? a. All he left us was alone. b. I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late. c. Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain. d. They're all wasted. e. Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground. 9. Which island, named after a Dutchman, is often said to have the cleanest air in the world? 10. Name the cult holed up in Waco, Texas, many of whose members were killed when the FBI stormed their compound after a 51-day siege. 11. What is the national flower in each of the following countries? a. Austria. b.
DOWN 1. Game for a dance before a drink (9) 2. The significance of eating mud? (9) 4. Amuse oneself in drama (4) 5. Divided Conservative wing? (5) 6. Book to have the shelf put right (6) 7. Wrong to return at this pace (4) 9. Build upright (5) 11. A pope from the town (5) 12. Talk about past crimes in broken English (9) 13. Start game badly with a trick (9) 17. Sea getting a once-over (5) 19. English flower festival (6) 22. Try to write a composition (5) 23. And the others could be back late (2,2) 24. Forced to be manufactured (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) India. c. Japan. d. Belgium. e. Turkey 12. Collins, Burgundy, Highball, Yard and Shot are all examples of what? 13. The film 'Chariots of Fire' charts the rivalry between which two great British sprinters? 14. What is the name of the great open bowl of the Pacific Ocean on New Zealand's north coast? 15. The following are the first words to which hit song? (Original was Number 1 US, Number 8 UK) "She was afraid to come out of the locker" 16. Death: a: Which novelist drowned herself in the River Ouse in 1941? b: Who was shot from behind by Bob Ford in 1882? c: Who is believed to have died after allowing an asp to bite her breast? d: Which great poet was killed one week before the WWI armistice? e: In which city is Jim Morrison buried? 17. What were the three previous names used by British soldiers for the game known as badminton? 18. Actors Dwight Schultz and Dirk Benedict both make cameo appearances in which 2010 Ridley Scott-produced movie? 19. Name the nine countries with a border on the Baltic Sea. 20. Rome's Trevi fountain featured in what 1954 Jean Negulesco film?
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Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
Los Verdes denounce project that will destroy Doña Sinforosa Park
Flooded garages and basements, roads cut off from traffic, dragging stones and mud and a general feeling that heavy rain flooding will repeat itself every time it rains, said residents of Los Dolores, the Polígono de
This is a highly important decision for the city, since the apartment blocks that are projected, that have been denounced by Los Verdes on numerous occasions, will destroy not only the facade of the port, but one of the most emblematic landscape vistas of the city, the Doña Sinforosa park.
These hotel beds are now intended to be converted
Stones washed away during recent flooding at the Camino del Sifon
Concern in both neighbourhoods have been aired underlined by moderate showers leqding to the collapse of the rainwater network thus flooding streets and homes.
Once again we find that while trying to distract the public with smoke screens, typical of other times, the future of the city is being decided in offices behind closed doors and behind the back of the voters, with almost no public debate.
Also noteworthy is the "disappearance" of the hotel concept within these buildings, which already pose a serious problem for the sustainability of the environment.
Los Dolores demand solution to local flooding.
Los Dolores and the Polígono de Santa Ana de Cartagena are asking for a solution to the flooding caused by rains.
idden in the midst of the Christmas festivities, Torrevieja’s Partido Popular run council intends to give the final approval to a project that will end up destroying one of the last green lungs of the town, the emblematic and historic Doña Sinforosa park.
This approval comes with the negative report of the Costas as well as with a multitude of allegations, stating that not only is the project required, that is typical of times during the long forgotten real estate and speculative boom, but it is also a project that collides head-on with the wishes of the people and with a city plan that looks to the future and not to a past such as that in Torrevieja, that is tinted with corruption and the destruction of the city.
Los Verdes claim that project collides head-on with the wishes of the people into tourist apartments, showing that Torrevieja, once again, is committed to a model that is leading other cities to ruin, and above all is causing obvious problems of gentrification and harmony with residents of the areas adjacent to the project. It shows once again how the Partido Popular not only lacks a proper vision for the city, but also denies a serious, rigorous and representative social debate on the future of the city, in the interest of it’s cronies in the property development area.
Santa Ana and Molino Knock. "We ask the City Council for solutions to the unwanted consequences," said a spokesperson.
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
There is an adage, “age is just a number.” When it comes to relationships, concerns about an age gap seem another unnecessary hangup people can have, amongst so many others. There has long been evidence of interracial partnerships attracting more prejudice. LGBTQ relationships have also faced discrimination. What about an issue overlapping two of these demographics, such as a large age gap in a gay couple?
hat a lovely idea, but in my mind not very practical - the flying car. There have been a number of reports of late, also the display of prototype models. They refer to the provision of future travel by the pile with wheels in the garage, so that it can take wings and leap over the travel congestion, taking the owner to where they wish, quickly, smoothly and quietly.
A lot of younger guys deliberately target mature men, especially if they’ve spent some time hanging around in more traditionally “younger generation” meeting places. It’s hardly unusual for gay singles to tire of being surrounded by excitable guys their age, clamoring for attention, and drinking too many shots! They’ll crave the company of a man they can have a decent conversation with or who has a bit more disposable income. This latter motivation will cause males to gravitate to dating sites. On such dating platforms, they can mix with a diverse cross-section of single gays who aren’t necessarily seeking no strings attached flings and will be keen on building something more substantial.
The thought is a little mind-blowing, visualising the queue at the end of the street as the neighbours take it in turns to use the roadway as a runway, so their vehicle can get airborne to take the possessor to their intended destination.
Along with discrimination based on the sense that someone is “too old” or “too young” for the person they are seeing, social class sometimes gets thrown into the mix. Older guys who have spent some time carving out a career will often be comfortably off and won’t think twice about splashing out on their leisure pursuits. But if these males hold onto snobbish notions about other singles “not being good enough” the young gay man could save himself a lot of unnecessary hassle by not getting involved with anyone harboring these outdated perceptions.
That does not seem practical to me, one might as well get in the line at the traffic lights, on the other hand perhaps these things will be designed to take off vertically. That is an interesting thought, can you imagine eight o'clock in the morning a street of detached houses coming to life with flying cars lifting off from their front drives, the downdraft from the rotors causing dust to rise, smothering the flower beds, and if someone was keen enough for an early start, having laundry fluttering in the wind with the smut scattering over it. That last bit is a bit of nonsense; who hangs out washing these days.
Whilst the boffins are studying how to create a car to fly, I read in a report that there are other boffins in the three big names in the electronic industry, Apple – Google – Samsung, all are planning their own excursions into the motor industry, with gadget adorned passenger vehicles. I guess the future is sitting in a car and controlling it with your mobile phone! Of course, the cars will be made by the people who have designed the complexity of the ‘all singing and dancing row of buttons in your pocket,’ no doubt there will be frequent upgrades to the vehicle and after a few years you will need to buy a new one as the one you have will not respond to the new format.
WHO’S THAT BANKER! One of the subjects I have written about in the past is the banking industry who it seems on a daily basis create further restrictions of services to its customers. Sadly, honesty is secondary to these hoarders of wealth as they are not beyond laundering money, as proof, a few banks recently have been fined heavily for doing exactly that. As they are busy wining and dining the wealthy – my words – the man in the
Does Age Difference Affect Relationships in a Gay Couple?
A Real Emergency
What is the point of the flying car, I suppose useful on long journeys flying above the traffic jams on the motorways and on arrival at the seaside instead of queuing on a major road to enter the complex, one could fly over the car parking lot and lower the rig down on an available vacant spot?
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street is finding it more difficult to deal with an organisation which by its very name is dealing with money. Ah, but when it comes to cash, no, no, no in many instances it is not acceptable. Strong words! However, I am referring to charities, those remarkable groups who with volunteers are dedicated to promote the cause they are involved in, and go out of their way to raise money, which on many occasions is in small coin. With hardly a smile on their face some banks refuse to accept it. Then, what is the charity going to do with hundreds of Euros in small change, which is part of the life blood of its enterprise? That leads to the question how long before small change ceases to be legal tender?
OUR WONDERFUL CARERS The medical profession performs wonderfully in the care and promotion of good health. In the current Covid crisis I have felt gratification of the stories of how over stressed medical staff go the extra mile in their efforts to care for the unwell. Not similar to bankers who keep regular hours, and on a regular basis close branches and other facilities to their customers. The twenty-four-hour health service, comparable to other amenities in the service industry that do not have regular hours. From the day of commitment by the new recruit, surely there is an understanding that whilst on duty the days are twentyfour hours long without division, and they are on call when those magic three numbers on the telephone are used to get in
touch with them. One problem is that those numbers are used for occasions when there is no real emergency. A true story: It is Boxing Day morning and after a wonderful Xmas day the family retired to their beds. I awoke early with a stunning headache and feeling poorly. Everyone in the house was feeling ill, the worst case was laying on the bathroom floor unconscious with very little in the way of a pulse. We called an ambulance, their response, they would not attend unless authorised by a doctor. The doctor would not attend either and he moaned about being disturbed that early in the morning. We tried the ambulance again to no effect - my guess they were swamped with the aftereffects of the Christmas festivities. Fearing for the life of the one who was seriously ill we took her to the hospital, when they saw her, they did not worry first about paperwork they rushed her immediately into intensive care. She spent six weeks getting over Meningitis. We were lucky everyone else in the house had symptoms of the dreaded illness, but recovered. Those three numbers on your keypad are promoted to call in an emergency – but what is an emergency? That can only be decided by the individual. However, please be careful calling the service when there is no real need; it only clogs up the system, leaving it powerless. Take care. chattey Percy’s books are all on Amazon and Kindle.
Another fundamental attribute of an age gap, gay daddy, and sugar baby relationship is that there tends to be a lot of fun involved. These people might seem as if they’re mismatched, but they will have been drawn together by much deeper emotions. If there is genuine chemistry there, then that is all that matters. If the couple makes each other happy, this is what the bottom line should be. Life is too short to worry about other people judging you from no other perspective but ignorance. Always go with your instincts. They should define who you are attracted to. When you get together with a guy older or younger than your usual type, perhaps you think nothing of the situation? On the other hand, it could be the case that you are hesitant about introducing them to your wider social circle because you are unsure what the reactions are going to be. What you have to do is keep a level head and put your contentment first. So instead of fixating on attitudes that are going to put a downer on your moods, think positively. Plan for enjoyment soon, taking an interest in theatre events, concerts, food festivals, gay nightclub openings, or anything else you could participate in as a loving couple. Maybe arrange a holiday, driving around Spain or sightseeing in the Far East. Don’t make assumptions about your partner if this is quite a new situation. Just because they’re older than you, don’t assume they won’t be up for visiting clubs or dancing the night away at gay carnivals. True love has a habit of conquering all. The most important aspect of any relationship, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or age, is the love the individuals feel for each other. Many partnerships involving people of similar ages will end in acrimony, while others, where the respective ages are wider apart, have gone on to prosper. If you are in the position of being attracted to someone much older or younger than you, let them be your focus of attention, not what idle gossip-mongers are saying.
637 227 385
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
T H E H E R B A L S PA Soaking in a hot scented bath is one of the nicest ways to unwind.
Add the right herbs or essential oils, and it can also be a tonic for the spirit, a terrific beauty treatment and a wonwonderful remedy for a wide range of human woes. our skin is porous, so soaking in a bath containing herbal infusions or essential oils is a very gentle way to absorb their medicinal properties. Indeed, in the case of essential oils, it's one of the best ways, along with massage, since they should never be taken internally except under expert direction.
As a general rule, a herbal spa bath should be pleasantly warm rather than hot, especially during the day. Save hot baths for bedtime, when they can relax you and soothe aching muscles. Their effect will be enhanced if you give yourself a quick cool-to-tepid shower at the end, or - if your bath has no shower attachment - pull the plug out, run in plenty of cold water, and have a quick splash in the cooling water.
If you have plenty of nettles in your garden, enjoy a nettle bath: great for arthritis, sunburn, aching muscles or even inflamed and itchy eczema. To make it, put a couple of generous handfuls of nettles in a big pan, pour over 2 litres of boiling water. Simmer for five minutes then take off the heat and infuse for another ten minutes. Strain the liquid and add it to your bath; keep it warm rather than hot.
Very hot baths can be debilitating, and are an especially bad idea if you suffer from high blood pressure, a heart condition or varicose veins.
sorts and chesty, lavender flowers to soothe muscle aches, balm to calm your spirits and chamomile or marjoram to help you wind down at bedtime. Health-food stores and supermarkets these days stock a huge range of herbs, both single and mixed, in handy teabag form, so brew up a strong infusion, using four to five bags at a time, and tip it into your bath.
Essential oils, incidentally, evaporate very rapidly in high temperatures. Make your own personal blend of essential oils for a luxury bath. Rose, geranium, ylangylang, neroli and lavender are all particularly lovely, uplifting smells.
Water, paradoxically, is drying to the skin. Add oatmeal to your bath, and it not only soothes and moisturises - a beauty secret known to the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans - but it's also a well known treatment for the irritated itchy skin of eczema sufferers. You can buy the specially finely milled colloidal oatmeal, which can be added straight to the bath. Or you can use ordinary oatmeal: simply stuff a cupful into the foot of a pair of clean tights, knot it over the hot tap, and a creamy liquid will flow out into your bath when you run the water.
No time for a therapeutic bath? Try soaking up the herbal remedy via your feet. If you've been rushing or, worse still, standing around all day and your feet are killing you, soak them for ten minutes in a warm footbath to which you have added 4-5 drops of peppermint essential oil or a mug of very strong peppermint tea; use three tea bags. When you get that achy, chilly, coming-down-with-a-cold feeling, give yourself a bedtime footbath of limeflower and elderflower - a strong infusion, half a cup of the fresh herbs each to a good litre of boiling water, infused covered and then added to the footbath.
Hang the oatmeal filled tights on the taps
To enhance the soothing effect of oatmeal, add 5-10 drops of lavender or geranium essential oil.
Another terrific skin-softener is apple cider vinegar. You can make up your own herbal bath vinegar by half-filling a preserving jar with fresh herbs, then filling it right up with cider vinegar, dosing it tightly and leaving it in a dark place to infuse for three to four weeks. Then strain it through a coffee filter paper and put it in a clean stoppered jar: don't forget to label it or it might turn up in your salad dressing! The herbs need to be absolutely clean and dry. Choose rosemary for a wonderful morning pick-me-up, peppermint or ordinary garden mint for a great refresher (perhaps before you go out in the evening), thyme if you're feeling out of
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
637 227 385
or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits
e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising
new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396
PERSONAL Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints
(Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro.
Self Employed Experienced Car Salesman - No employment contract required. An experienced new and used car salesman looking for full or part time work in the costa blanca area. Fully autonomous I can run your showroom or car front or just help out during busy periods or cover holidays with 5 star customer service. Also available for driven vehicle collection and delivery across Europe and the UK. Please call or email for more info: 0034 680 299 927 (3/8)
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The January Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 20 Jan at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur
is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or
Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 Transvestite Diana, blonde,
Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
CARLA... SO SWEET ARGENTINIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 73 01 29
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
Tel. 603 375 215
637 227 385
Jewel thieves arrested in Torrevieja
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
The four-year contract has gone out to tender at a guide price of 9.2 million euro.
Officers from the Guardia Civil in Torrevieja arrested two men, aged 20 and 22 and of Albanian nationality, who are alleged to have committed four robberies with force in Valencia and Murcia, a crime of documentary falsification and another of resistance while trying to escape as they were being arrested The courts have remanded them both in custody whilst the Guardia Civil have recovered jewellery valued at 116,040 euro. The officers were carrying out a crime prevention patrol in a residential area when they saw a car approaching. As it noticed the presence of the patrol, the car abruptly diverted its direction. Several patrol vehicles pursued the suspect vehicle that was trying to flee at full speed. The Guardia found several items of jewellery and 500 euro in cash
9.2 MILLION EURO TO MANAGE TORREVIEJA THEATRE AND AUDITORIUM Torrevieja council has put out to tender the outsourcing of the comprehensive cultural management service of the International Auditorium, Conservatory and Municipal Theatre, with a fouryear contract to which it wants to allocate 9.2 million euro until 2025. The municipal forecast is to have the contest awarded in the month of March to start a stable cultural program that includes music, lyrics, dance, theatre and performing arts.
The two men who were traveling in the car got out and tried to escape on foot but were caught. On searching the interior of the vehicle, among the effects they were carrying were several items of jewellery and 500 euro in cash. The jewels had been stolen from a home in Caravaca de la Cruz, in the Region of Murcia. In addition, the same men are believed to have robbed three other homes in the towns of Eliana and San Antonio de Benagéber (Valencia).
Appeal to use Ecopar que by Tor r evieja Council The councillor responsible for Urban Cleanliness at the Torrevieja City Council, Carmen Gómez, reports the removal of 260 tons of rubble and garbage from waste ground located in the vicinity of the Torrevieja International Auditorium during this last week. Gómez has requested “neighbourhood collaboration to report to the Local Police the facts at the time of occurrence to arrest the perpetrators of these acts that carry a fine and that may constitute an environmental crime ”.
The local council received the management of the Auditorium and Conservatory facilities from the Generalitat in November and has already hosted a number of events. The purpose of this tender is that these cultural endowments have a management, coordination and activity instrument that places them as spaces "of reference in the regional, national and international scene." The specifications include providing them with a
"quality and diverse" cultural program, an adequate management and invigoration of audiences, "the development of attractive activities for tourism, the promotion of local production and the execution of training programs." But the same contract also includes the maintenance of the stage facilities and equipment, the services, supplies and technical assistance necessary for the development of stage and nonstage activity in these spaces. Including the security and gardening of the one hundred thousand square meters of Auditorium and Conservatory. Also the hiring of a minimum workforce of 18 people -not counting hostesses, ticket clerks and technical workers who will be hired by the hour-, or maintenance and gardening personnel. In the case of the Municipal Theatre, the specifications state that the winning company must perform 22 shows per year: six of them theatre-,
in addition to dance, musicals, children's programming, or an event linked to the business tourism sector (MICE). The management and programming of the Municipal Theatre must be approved by the Technical Commission of the contract, which in turn will transmit it to the governing board of the Municipal Institute of Culture for its approval on a quarterly basis. Regarding the cultural space at the Auditorium, the proposal is more discreet. It is limited to 13 events per year -in principle without theatrical shows-, with orchestral concerts leading the way - and events related to tourism: the specifications call for five of these events to be held per year in the Auditorium. The council itself reserves 35 days in both spaces - most of it on weekends to carry out its own cultural events throughout the year.
Hopeful Trends for Unemployment Picture going into 2022
espite 2021 beginning with an increase in unemployed people across the Vega Baja, with 890 people unemployed in January, surpassing the 34,000 unemployed people throughout the area, comparative analysis of the data reveals that the evolution of the unemployment rate has been positive since, and at the end of the year, the total number of unemployed in the Vega Baja has decreased to 29,593, with means more than 4,500 people have found employment in the region this year.
She also wanted to state that “all the points are being cleaned, waiting for the Environment Unit of the Local Police to find the perpetrators.” At the same time, she recalled that individuals can deposit small amounts of rubble in the ECOPARQUE for free. From the Department of Urban Cleaning they continue with the constant fight to avoid the proliferation of rubbish dumps on the outskirts of the city, with precise instructions to the Local Police units to “try to combat this scourge that affects the municipal coffers producing an expense of thousands of euro”, she pointed out. In addition to the police action that is being carried out, citizen collaboration is necessary by alerting at the moment in which the unlawful act is taking place, so that the authorities can intervene and take the appropriate measures in this regard.
In Orihuela, for example, the year started with a total of 6,235 people unemployed, and closed it with 5,551, thus 684 fewer job seekers.
Carmen Gómez has said that a map of illegal dumps is being carried out to carry out specific surveillance actions, but she called on the assistance of residents which she said was essential if the municipality is to put an end to this type of illegal practice.
Meanwhile, in Torrevieja, the year started with 10,616 jobseekers and closed it with 1,767 fewer unemployed. In addition, according to the latest data published in November 2021, the city has registered the most significant decrease in unemployment in the region during that month.
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
637 227 385
Bar La Cascada Golf Society
EnVistabella Golf Society Guardamar GS
THE RBL CENTENARY POPPY APPEAL Congratulations and thanks to all the golfers on the Costa Blanca for your tremendous support for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, especially in this, the centenary year. 29 Events were held during September, October and November, and thanks to your generosity a truly magnificent sum of E8000 was raised to help veterans and their familes here in Spain. Well done to everyone, especially the organisers of each event. I wish you all a Happy and a Prosperous New Year. Mick the Grip
Alfie’s Golf Society
Ruby’s Bar GS Plaza Golf Society Clarkes Bar and Torrevieja GS
HDA Members Chemies GS, home of the Rangers supporters Club which donated all the monies they collected from selling half time pies in the bar during Rangers matches.
Mar Menor Frolic GS
HDA Legends
637 227 385
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
2022 - A YEAR OF SPORTING EXPERIMENTS FIFA’s great gamble, the World Cup Finals in Qatar, to be held in November, will blow any normality out of the water weeks of the season. The year begins without us knowing where the four final phase groups will be played, nor the single venue that will host the competition from the quarters onwards. Russia won in 2021. Meanwhile, the reappearance on the tennis courts of Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer and Serena Williams is expected after long absences due to injury, in the case of the Majorcan with an extension due to the coronavirus. Nadal, Federer and number one Novak Djokovic start the year tied at 20 Grand Slams and it is practically impossible that they will finish in the same situation. Nadal has now arrived in Melbourne from where he tweeted on Saturday “Don’t tell anyone I’m here!”
One of the stadiums at the Qatar World Cup, with air conditioning he football World Cup in Qatar in November, the Winter Olympics, and Munich as the epicenter of Europeans just are some of the great events we can look forward to this coming year
Although there could still be many changes, the 2022 sports calendar reflects the intention of international federations to resume their usual routines, after the many changes of dates that the pandemic has forced onto it, in the last two years, although any apparent normality is blown out of the water when we remember that the football World Cup, the major event of the sporting year, will be held in Qatar in November. FIFA's great experiment – at least for now, until the biennial World Cup is approved - will completely change the fixture lists of many leagues, cup competitions, holidays and other football qualifying tournaments across the world, leading to a pre-Christmas tournament from November 21 to December 18, rather unusual dates for a World Cup. The Competition will bring together 32 teams that will play 64 games, spread over eight airconditioned stadiums and distanced by just 58 kilometres. In June, the usual month of previous World Cups, temperatures in Qatar range from between 41.2 to 27.7 degrees, while in November they will be expected to fluctuate between 29.5 and 19.5, much less of a danger for players and the spectating public. However, the weather conditions, and also the human and labour rights situation at the World Cup headquarters, provide a focus on the tournament that goes far beyond sport, although the on field interest remains very much the same. France will defend their title won in Russia 2018, a tournament in which Europe demonstrated their unquestionable supremacy, securing 10 of the last 16, and all four semi final places. In 2022, however, Brazil and Argentina, already qualified, will lead the list of American teams that will try to take the Cup back to their continent for the first time since 2002, when Brazil won their fifth title. The draw for the final phase will take place on 31 March.
The November World Cup will not be the only intruder imposing itself on the footballing agenda in 2022. On 1 June the Italian and Argentina teams will play the so-called 'Finalissima', a match in London between the European and American, UEFA and CONMEBOL, which will coincide with the opening of an office of the South American organisation in the city where it will coordinate projects of common interest as well as the organisation of a series of football events in the English capital.
Now the question over whether he will be joined by his long-time rival Novak Djokovic needs to be answered, with the Serbian yet to confirm whether he will fly to Australia in the coming days. All players taking part in the Australian Open need to be vaccinated against Covid-19 but
European multisport in Munich Another experiment that produced an acceptable result in 2018, the simultaneous European championships involving several sports, will return to the calendar in 2022 with athletics, beach volleyball, canoeing, cycling, gymnastics, rowing, climbing, table tennis and triathlon all gathering in Munich from August 11 to 21. The coming year also includes in its schedule the world swimming championships in May in Fukuoka (Japan) and athletics in July in Eugene (USA ), the first of a very short Olympic cycle that will conclude in 2024 in Paris. There will also be the women's basketball world championship in September, with the qualifying groups in February. If the successive waves of coronavirus do not dictate otherwise, 2022 will be a year rich in regional and continental competition. In July, the Mediterranean Games in Oran (Algeria), the World Games (non-Olympic disciplines) in Birmingham, USA, and the Commonwealth Games in the other Birmingham, the English
Nadal has now arrived in Melbourne from where he tweeted on Saturday “Don’t tell anyone I’m here!”
Rumour has it that it could be the first step of a Euro America Cup, with four teams starting in 2025. In women's football, the new year will include the Eurocup in England and the Copa América in Colombia, both in June, and with the Netherlands and Brazil as their respective defenders.
Winter Olympics at the same venue as in the summer Other competitions are also joining the Experimental Club in 2022, starting with the Winter Olympics, which will be held for the first time in a city that has already hosted the Summer Games, Beijing. What was in 2008 a swimming arena in the Chinese capital, the imposing 'Water Cube', will become the 'Ice Cube' in order to host curling competitions in February . It is just one example of the adaptability of Beijing facilities: where there was gymnastics there will be ice hockey, where the archers competed, the speed skaters will now participate, where volleyball was played, the figure skaters will do their pirouettes. As in the Qatar World Cup, human rights issues will also be important at the Beijing Games. Several countries, including the United States, have already issued their intention of a diplomatic boycott which, although it will have only symbolic effect, has greatly angered Chinese organisers.
Davis Cup in evolution The new formula that the Davis Cup will use in 2022 should also be described as experimental, as it continues to search for the right format to attract tennis players and spectators in the final
Djokovic has repeatedly declined to confirm whether he will comply with that rule. Unfortunately in the women’s competition we will have to wait a while longer before we can really assess the form of US Open champion Emma Raducanu as she has now decided to skip the Melbourne Summer Set tournament as she recovers from Covid-19 although she has confirmed that she still plans to play in the Australian Open
one; in September, the Asian Games in Hangzhou (China); in October, the South American Games in Asunción.
Formula 1, MotoGP and NBA Max Verstappen will hope to pick up where he left off in Formula One, where he is assured of another exciting season of rivalry with Lewis Hamilton. We will also be able to enjoy the exploits of Fabio Quartaro in MotoGP and the Milwaukee Bucks NBA ring, the first in 50 years.
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
637 227 385
Michael Owen appointed new member of Jockey Club By Andrew Atkinson Former Real Madrid, Liverpool, Manchester United, Newcastle and England star Michael Owen has been appointed as a new member of the Jockey Club. Owen, who owns Manor House Stables in Cheshire, is one of eight new members named by the Jockey Club. Owen, 42, joined Real Madrid in 2004 from Liverpool in a £8m move, scoring 13 goals in La Liga, from 36 appearances, before being transferred to Newcastle for £16.8m in 2005. He joined Manchester United in 2009; moving to Stoke in 2012, making 8 appearances before retirement in 2013. Racehorse owner/breeder Owen, whose horses include Group 1 winner Brown Panther, split with trainer Tom Dascombe in December, with Andrew Black, part-owner of Manor House Stables, planning to sell his share to Owen. Owen bred Brown Panther won the King George V Stakes at Royal Ascot in 2011, the
2015 Dubai Gold Cup, 2013 Goodwood Cup, 2014 Irish St Leger and 2015 Dubai Gold Cup. In November 2017, Owen rode Calder Prince at Ascot, finishing second, beaten by Tom Chatfield-Roberts riding Golden Wedding, one of 10 amateur riders to take part in the seven-furlong 'Prince's Countryside Fund Charity' race, attended by HRH Prince Charles and HRH Duchess of Cornwall. Lady Carolyn Warren and William Wyatt have also been elected to its board of stewards: "We're delighted that Lady Carolyn Warren and William Wyatt are joining the Jockey Club's board of stewards. "We also welcome eight new members who share a passion for horseracing and its future and bring a wealth of experience in different fields which I am sure will prove a valuable support to the Jockey Club," said Jockey Club senior steward Sandy Dudgeon. Charles Barnett, who racecourse management career includes former chief executive of Ascot and managing director of Aintree, has
been made an honorary member of the Jockey Club. Joining Owen as 'ordinary' members of the Jockey Club are Dan Richmond-Watson and Duncan Sykes, the chairmen of Warwick and Exeter racecourses, respectively.
Former footballer Owen is one of eight new members named by the Jockey Club.
They are joined by Simon Hope, the owner of Aston Mullins Stud and Racing Welfare trustee, and owner-breeder and publisher Rebecca Philipps. Katie Kershaw and Dickon Wood, racecourse committee directors at Epsom and Carlisle respectively. "Members are elected on account of their contribution to horseracing and a willingness to help the Jockey Club achieve its vision of acting in the best interests of the long-term good of the sport. "We remain very grateful to all those who give their time in a non-executive capacity. The Jockey Club is very fortunate to be able to draw upon their dedication, knowledge and experience," added Dudgeon.
Big week for Barcelona ahead of January Window "In the next few days a lot of things are going to happen." This is the phrase that is being constantly repeated in the Barcelona offices ahead of the January transfer window.
Philippe Coutinho is currently talking to both Arsenal and Spurs
The coming days will be key to defining the rebuilding of the team with the club hoping to finalise a number of players exits before it can formally announce the signing of Ferran Torres from Manchester City and a new four year contract for Ousmane Dembele.
Barça are also working on selling players like Dest and Mingueza, but it's almost impossible that they will move before the end of 2021. The club believe they will have time in January to work on these issues, although they won't undersell anyone. If a good offer doesn't arrive, they will keep both players.
Once those two objectives have been achieved, they will work on their next target: a striker or a centre-back, depending on the salary limit remaining.
As for incoming, Barça hope to announce Ferran Torres on a five year deal this week.
However, the priority at the moment ushering fringe players out of the door in order to make room for new signings and to be able to give Gavi and Nico first-team numbers.
The deal is already closed and the forward must travel to Barcelona to finalise the move and be presented to the fans. Dembele could also renew. Barça also hope to announce his new deal this week.
The first player expected to leave will be Yusuf Demir as Barça intend to end the Austrian’s loan from Rapid Vienna. He is already in talks with a number of Bundesliga clubs and seems certain to make another loan move in January. It is thought that in this case there will be no problems. Meanwhile, Barça are pushing Luuk de Jong to accept a loan offer from Cadiz or, if not, they hope to find him another offer before Dec. 31 so that he also leaves Camp Nou. The Dutch striker is open to leaving but isn't completely sold on Cadiz. Samuel Umtiti's situation is rather more complicated. He knows he won't have too many onfield minutes
His salary is high and moving him on would be a huge boost in terms of lowering the wage bill and bringing in another player. Current gossip suggests he is talking to Arsenal, Spurs and Everton.
Barcelona have also been working on the signing of Edinson Cavani but must decide if they are prepared to sign him on an 18-month deal or drop out of the race after the signing of Ferran Torres.
and that he doesn't figure at Barça, who hope that he will agree to leave on loan or for free in the coming days. They have even suggested rescinding his contract, although that would not help to reduce the salary limit. It now all depends on the player who Xavi is speaking to.
Barça are also hoping for developments with Philippe Coutinho. The Brazilian knows he won't have playing time and his agents are looking at the English Premier League. Barça are ready to help and are starting to feel optimistic about interest in the former Liverpool man from England.
Cavani has given the green light to Barça, although it now seems he has received a big financial offer from the Brazilian side Corinthians. They want him to lead their Copa Libertadores charge and will keep his Manchester United salary intact although the Uruguayan striker would prefer to continue in Europe but is waiting on Barça before deciding his next move.
Pieters to stay in artificial coma
Amy Pieters will be kept in an artificial coma in Alicante, for an additional three days, according to her SD Worx team. Pieters suffered a high-speed crash while training with the Dutch track program. The collision caused the 30year-old Dutchwoman to lose consciousness. She was airlifted to the hospital and then underwent surgery on her head. Medics initially indicated they would leave Pieters in a medically-induced coma for “a few days,” but that timeline has now been extended. A handful of select Dutch national team staff have stayed in Alicante with her, and family members have flown in to be by her side. “The Spanish doctors in the hospital in Alicante have decided, in consultation with several Dutch doctors, to keep Amy Pieters in an artificial coma for at least three more days,” read a statement from the team. “The doctors emphasize that extra rest at this stage gives a better chance of recovery.” Further assessment of Pieters’ condition will be impossible until she regains consciousness.
637 227 385
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
Badía saving from Messi in last season’s home game against Barcelona
hirteen players, plus the coach, Francisco Rodriguez, will come to the end of their their contracts with Elche on June 30, so as of January 1 they are able to negotiate moves to other clubs.
Two goals in the final for Marta
Brace for San Javier’s Marta in Italian Super Cup
Elche has several players on loan and a number of others who only signed a 12-month contract, although written into many of them is a clause which automatically renews a player for one more year in the case of reaching a certain number of matches. All three goalkeepers, Edgar Badía, Kiko Casilla and Axel Werner, will come to the end of their contract, although Badía, who currently features as number
one, is guaranteed one more year as he will have played in 50% of Elche’s matches. Defenders also coming to the end of their contracts include Antonio Barragan and Diego Gonzalezas as well as Josan Ferrandez and the midfielders Pablo Piatti, Javier Pastore and Omar Mascarell. The forwards include Guido Carrillo, Pears Milla, Lucas Perez and Darío Benedetto, loaned by the Marsella and partner of Christian Bragarnik, the Elche owner. Their contracts with Elche also run out on June 30.
San Javier born football star Marta Peñalver added the Italian Super Cup to her achievements with two goals in Citta di Falconara's 31 win against Pescara. "What happiness in winning the Italian Super Cup," Marta, who returned home to Murcia during the festive season told The Leader. Marta, who resides in Florence, said: "How
nice it is to win. How nice it is to spice it up after the first Italian Cup in April last year in Rimini, where the City of Falconara beat Pescara 3-1 to raise the first Super Cup in its history." Marta, who studied at Ciencia de la Actividad Fisica and el Deporte at the University of Ruiz, starred in front of 800 spectators at the Pala Badiali in a match the was broadcast on Futsal Tv and E'TV Marche. TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: Citti di Falconara celebrated in the Marche 1. Jackson Pollock. 2. Lady GaGa - an American with the victory of the Scudetto in June: singer, songwriter, fashion designer, pianist and "This time the party is for our supporters performance artist. 3. Éclair. 4. LOST - the US TV who we crown with a trophy in a year that Series. 5. Thugs or Thuggee. 6. Olympic Marseille. we ends at the top of the general classifica7. Geronimo (Apache). 8. a. Papa was a rolling tion of Serie A," said Marta. stone (Temptations), b. Paranoid (Black Sabbath),
c. A horse with no name (America), d. Baba O'Riley (The Who), e. Goodbye yellow brick road (Elton John). 9. Tasmania. 10. Branch Davidian. 11. a. Edelweiss, b. Lotus, c. Chrysanthemum, d. Red Poppy, e. Tulip. 12. Types of Glasses (Collins and Highball are both tumblers, Burgundy is a wine glass, yard glass is a yard long and shot glasses are for shots). 13. Harold Abraham and Eric Liddell. 14. The Bay of Plenty. 15. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. 16. Death Answers: a: Virginia Woolf, b: Jesse James, c: Cleopatra, d: Wilfred Owen, e: Paris. 17. Shuttlecock, Battledore and Poona (or Poonai). 18. The A-Team (2010). 19. Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland. 20. Three Coins in the Fountain
Premier League to offer 'extra privileges' to teams with higher vaccination rates The Premier League are ready to offer extra privileges to teams with high Covid-19 vaccination numbers, claims the Daily Mail. These would include an increase on the 15-minute time limit teams have on training ground meetings if all participants are vaccinated with a booster dose. The league would also allow players to eat together if everyone is fully vaccinated going forward. For teams with low vaccination numbers, players could be forced to socially distance when eating and would have no extension on the team meeting time limits. Moreover, the PL could even ask
teams to organize separate buses for unvaccinated players to travel to games going forward. Liverpool and Wolves have reported 100% vaccination in their squad, so it remains to be seen whether they get any ‘extra privileges’ in the future.
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th January, 2022
637 227 385