No 913 Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Tenders are about to be invited to build the CEIP Inmaculada Concepción Junior School
effort that both the City Council and the Generalitat are going to carry out in the short and medium term so that Torrevieja has the necessary infrastructure to meet all the demand for students. For Dolón, the joint work and understanding between the two administrations has In a press conference this been totally fruitful and he week, the Mayor of hopes that the construction Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, of the two new schools (an was accompanied by the IES and a CEIP) will begin local Councillor for within the Education, foreseen periRicardo With the promise of an ods, in addiRecuero, additional 17.5 million tion to the together with euro, the total invest- schools the regional already proment in school infrasecretary for Education, structure in Torreviejja grammed for Amanecer and Miquel Soler, will be increased to El Immaculate. the general 43.2 million euro. director of The Educational Autonomous Infrastructures, Víctor Secretary for Education has García, and the territorial highlighted the commitment director of the Ministry of of the Generalitat and the Education, Culture and City Council to expand the Sport of Alicante, David city's educational offering to Vento, to report on the continue meeting the eduexpansion of the educationcational needs. al centres serving Torrevieja. To the 25.7 million euro of The mayor thanked both investment for the improvethe Minister of Education ment and expansion of eduand the regional secretary cational centres in Torrevieja for having acted on the City through the Edificant Plan, Council's request and for another 17.5 million euro their willingness to solve the will now be added to build problems of the local educa- a new school and another tional community in the institute. It should be noted face of the unexpected that today there are almost schooling of many addition400 students enrolled in al students from Ukraine. schools in Torrevieja from Dolón has highlighted the Ukraine. OOD NEWS FOR TORREVIEJA as the regional department of education has agreed to build the two new educational centres requested by the city council, with an approximate investment of 17.5 million euro.
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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
The forecast is that the new school, which will be built on a plot ceded by the Torrevieja City Council in the Villa Amalia area, will have a capacity of 729 school places and with all the necessary facilities, including a gym and dining room with its own kitchen, with capacity for 600 diners in two shifts. It will also be designed following parameters that guarantee sustainability and energy efficiency. For this, the City Council gives a municipal plot of 12,000 m2 next to the CV-905, the sixth public secondary school that the city will have. The educational profile of the centre, with capacity for more than 800 students, is expected to be 24 classrooms, and also with space to house Vocational Training, a gym and cafeteria. The planned investment to build the sixth high school in Torrevieja, which will be located in the La Hoya area (near the Torrevieja International Auditorium) is approximately 10 million euro; and approximately 7.5 million will be invested in the new CEIP, the twelfth Infant and Primary centre in the city. Both actions will be carried out through the Edificant Plan in which the Ministry provides the investment and the works are managed by the City Council. Both amounts will be added to the 25.7 million in educational infrastructure that the Ministry has reserved for Torrevieja, thus raising the investment in school infrastructure in the city to 43.2 million euro. The mayor of Torrevieja hopes that at the end of this year these two infrastructures, necessary and urgent, can begin to alleviate the schooling prob-
The mayor said he was delighted that the Generalitat has agreed to meet Torrevieja’s educational needs lems that have occurred even before the massive arrival of Ukrainian students. THREE COLLEGES AND A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED INSTITUTE At the moment, the new CEIP Amanecer is being built, as work began at the end of February with an execution period of 14 months. A total of 8 million euro is invested in this action. The regional secretary for Education has highlighted that the other major work to be carried out directly by the Ministry, based on the demolition and new construction of the CEIP Inmaculada Concepción on the same plot, will go out to tender during the spring, for 7.1 million euro and it will be expected that the works will begin at the end of this year. At the same time, the City Council and the Ministry continue to advance in the processing of 4
The Platform for the Defense of the Road Transport Sector agreed on Saturday to “temporarily suspend” the strike that it had been holding since March 14. However, sources in the sector explained that they will resume the protests whenever they consider it "opportune". Many of the larger carriers reached an agreement with the Government on Friday, March 25, but the convening platform distanced itself from the large associations and has been holding strikes for the last 20 days. The Platform claims to represent the medium and small companies that account for
85% of the sector and are still smarting after they were not invited to sit at the negotiating table with the government and representatives of the main haulage companies. They emphasised in their statement that It is not an end, but a "temporary suspension". The suspension of the protests comes on the same day that the discount of 20 cents per liter of fueld comes into force for all drivers, one of the measures that the Government agreed with all legally recognized organisations, within a package of 1,000 million euros in aid for the sector.
actions through the Edificant plan, with a total investment of around 10.7 million euro for the reform and expansion of the Las Lagunas, Torrevigía and Libertas institutes, as well as the Virgen del Carmen school. The most important will be the comprehensive rehabilitation of the IES Las Lagunas, with an investment of 6.3 million euro. More than 2.2 million euro will be invested in the structural repair and expansion of the IES Libertas and the facilities of the IES Torrevigía will also be expanded, in this case with the construction of a new classroom building, with an investment of more than one million euro. The rehabilitation works of the CEIP Virgen del Carmen will have an investment of over one million euro.
FOOTBRIDGE REOPENS Following repair work carried out early last Friday morning on the N332 footbridge in Aguamarina the Department of Infrastructure have said that, the work has been carried out satisfactorily and that after a period of over two months, the footbridge will reopen today, Monday 4 April.
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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
The Prime Minister meets a young refugee who had arrived at the ‘City of Light’ only an hour earlier he Prime Minister and the President of the Vlencian Community were both in Alicante on Thursday where they were visiting the Ciudad de la Luz reception centre, the facility being used for displaced Ukranian refugees that are arriving into Spain from their war torn country on a daily basis.
taking “selfies” with them. He has conveyed to the refugees “that we are willing to help with everything that is in our power so that they are able to find a present and a future here in Spain, something that they have not been able to achieve as a result of the brutal aggression of the autocrat Putin.”
The pair were at the centre for nearly two hours, where, currently, an average of 250 people are being dealt with daily, by volunteers and lawyers who advise refugees on legal matters.
Toward the end of his visit, in a statement without questions, to the dozens of journalists who were following him around, the Prime Minister said that this reception centre exemplifies the values of " solidarity, humanity, and respect for human beings, and their future peace and security.”
After touring the initial reception area the entourage moved in to the temporary accommodation centre that has been built inside four buildings in Ciudad de la Luz, using the old Valencia field hospital. The centre has the capacity to accommodate 500 people with a dining room, recreation areas, laundry, toilets, showers and an outdoor area where games and sports courts have been installed. During his visit the Prime Minister spoke to many of the NGO’s and volunteers who are working in the centre thanking them for the assistance they are providing. He said that Spain had already received approximatey 30,000 Ukranian refugees since the conflict began but there were still many more who were en route, still in need of temporary accommodation. He said that he expected the number to increase in the coming days to as many as 70,000. Both Prime Minister Sánchez and Community President Puig spent a lot of time talking with some of these families and even
He added that he feels "excited" because "these are times when we have to give the best of ourselves and Spain is once again is doing that in an example of solidarity, welcome and brotherhood with these many people who are suffering". Meanwhile, the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, highlighted that Friday marked the anniversary of hundreds of Spaniards fleeing the Spanish Civil War in 1939, leaving the port of Alicante, bound for Algeria. "It is a day to show that we know that we understand those who suffer," Puig said. Regarding the Ciudad de la Luz facilities, Puig he added that this centre "humanises us all, it once again reinfroces the hope and the confidence that we all have in human nature".
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
PP Casado era comes to an end On Friday, the Partido Popular put an end to the Casado years as it embarked on a new era with Alberto Núñez Feijóo as leader. The Extraordinary Congress, held in Seville, elected Feijóo, the only candidate for the Presidency, and still the President of the Xunta de Galicia, with 55,000 endorsements and 99.6 percent support from members. He said that his proposal for General Secretary, and therefor his number two, would be Cuca Gamarra, the spokeswoman for the PP in Congress, although this was still to be voted on at the time of writing.
HOSPITAL UNIONS are demanding the resignation of the Torrevieja Health Authority manager and the whole of her team In a press statement released on Friday, Unions at the Torrevieja health department have demanded the resignation of the area manager Pilar Santos and her management team stating that they are "deeply concerned" about the situation that is being experienced in the university hospital and its health centres. They say that, in the five months that has elapsed since the Health Authority was brought back into Government control they want the dismissal of the whole team because of its "disastrous" management. The management and its directors, in the opinion of the unions, have not been able "to tackle the multiple problems that have arisen, and on many occasions they overlooked the duty of communication and negotiation with the Works
Committee". They said that on Thursday, in a meeting held with the management and the Economic Directorate, they presented us with statistical data that is "far from reality”, as it does not reflect the discontent of professional staff and users". The unions referred to the problem of empathy and communication" that has caused hospital to suffer " the lack of doctors in the emergency service, radiology, neurology, dermatology, pneumology, urology and other specialties," and that the Emergency Service is experiencing its worst situation in 15 years due to the lack of doctors and the delays that users must endure. A Management spokesman said that they are surprised by the press release issued by the Works Council, which had nothing to do with the meeting held Thursday.
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Feijóo with Cuca Gamarra
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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
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In New York, a gambler is challenged to take a cold female missionary to Havana, but they fall for each other, and the bet has a hidden motive to finance a crap game. All the hot gamblers are in town, and they're all depending on Nathan Detroit to set up this week's incarnation of "The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York;" the only problem is, he needs $1000 to get the place.
Throw in Miss Sarah Brown played by Katy Pearl (pictured), who's short on sinners at the Salvation Army mission she runs; Sky Masterson played by Rae Daniel (pictured), who accepts Nathan's $1000 bet that he can't get Sarah Brown to go with him to Havana. Will he get her to accept?. The only way to find out is to come and see this brilliant show. To book tickets visit our online booking service on our website If you have any problems contact or call 679 062 272.”
SAT ANIMAL RESCUE Panas is a 12 week old medium/large crossbreed, who is full of character. For more info contact 966 710 047 (leave a message) or email info@satanimal
Ana Belen elected as PSOE secretary general The Regional Congress has elected Los Montesinos councillors, Ana Belen Juarez Pastor as the new secretary general of the PSOE and its executive, and Rosa Belén Morán Paredes has been elected as a member of the Provincial Committee.
Dog Rescued from Drain in San Miguel A small dog was rescued at the weekend from the bottom of a drainage sewer in San Miguel de Salinas.
Just 22 municipalities in the Valencian Community, are responsible for more than 50% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the entire territory, with the most polluting sectors, transport and energy. These are the main findings of the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Valencian Community presented last week by the Minister for Ecological Transition, Mireia Mollà. She stressed that "it is not a question of criminalising sectors or municipalities" but of knowing the reality so that "courageous" decisions can be made that will reduce polluting emissions by 40% in 2030 and meet the neutralisation climate in 2050, aligned with national and European policies. In Alicante, 9 municipalities (6%) are responsible for more than 50% of emissions, including Alicante, Elche, Torrevieja, Orihuela, Benidorm and San Vicent del Raspeig. Mollà pointed out that a map has been created which shows which productive sectors "should concentrate their efforts to make an efficient
Los Montesinos population increase According to the INE on March 18, 2022, the population of Los Montesinos on January 1, 2022 was 5,190. As of March 25 in the municipal records the population has increased to 5,449.
ecological transition, remembering, of course, that private transport", also appears as one of the main sectors responsible for emissions.
It is not known how the dog ended up in the drain, but the Local Police managed to successfully remove him from that small space into which he had fallen.
In this way, a municipality can develop a "more direct" mobility policy to mitigate climate change.
The dog was heard barking by a neighbour who was out walking his pet in the area.
She explained that these indicators are presented in the logic of the Climate Change and Transition Law, which "creates the tax figures of green fiscal policy and a finalist fund for environmental policies, where our objective is to issue payments for environmental services".
According to a witness, her father tried to open the sewer, which was sealed, but was unable to do so on his own, "he went to get help and found some cyclists," but even they couldn't move the heavy lid. Then they notified the authorities. “How lucky the little guy has been,” she said.
An expert from the University Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Edgar Lorenzo, in charge of explaining the model, said that the Valencian Community is "the first to have a high-resolution emission inventory of municipal magnitude". The model used calculates 163 indicators in 541 municipalities to show the "focuses of emission and priority action that will obtain a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions".
"Spaniards make up 61% of the population, approximately 3,335, and foreigners 39%, approximately 2,124. "Of the Spaniards born in Montesinos they total 45% of the population, about 1,524 and from other towns and provinces are the remaining 55%, about 1,801," said the mayor.
An agent slipped into the narrow access channel at the back and climbed down some stairs into the interior. The dog was a bit wet. Once in the arms of the policeman, he slowly climbed out until he could hand the dog to one of the cyclists. As the police said in the statement, the animal "does not have a chip". Therefore, they could not find it’s owner, and asked for publicity to enable them to do so. The owners did come forward to claim the dog, thanking the police for their actions, although quite how the animal ended up in the drain still remains a mystery.
Help for Montesinos Residents Los Montesinos town hall is promoting a drop-in centre for international residents seeking help in the municipality. You don´t need an appointment and can simply call into the town hall´s office for international residents on a Thursday, between 09:30 and 13:30 to have your questions answered. The service is being promoted in both English and French.
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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
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Residencia and TIE matters clarified for Veterans Club Whilst there is no obligation to change the green residencia certificate to a T.I.E Card it is strongly recommended to do so by the Spanish Government and the British Embassy HE ORIHUELA COSTA VETERANS CLUB filled the venue once again at The Captains Table in Punta Prima when the guest speaker was Greg Bryant.
Greg runs Expat Solution services based in Pinar de Campoverde from where he helps expats with all matters relating to government bureaucracy, paperwork, translations and consultations. On this occasion he attended the Breakfast Club to talk to it’s members about the importance of obtaining Residencia for those who wish to live permanently in Spain, and for those who are already in possession of the old ‘green’ certificate, the recommendation to exchange it for the Tarjeta De Identidad De Extranjero (T.I.E.). While there is no obligation to change, it is recommended to do so by the National authorities as well as by the British Government as it is an updated, uniform, European residency document. It is a physical card containing biometric elements which, among other things, can be used as an identity document, and will facilitate much easier access to many administrative formalities.
He explained that for those already in possession of Residence the exchange is really quite simple; payment of the 12 fee, completion of the necessary paperwork, possession of an up to date padron and attendance at your local office, either Murcia or Alicante in respect of Orihuela Costa Vets Club Members. The Alicante office, he said, is extremely helpful and efficient, currently with six desks that processes applications in a matter of minutes. Thereafter a second visit is necessary, usually after a period of a month or so, to collect the new TIE document. He then went on to chat and answer questions about a number of other administrative matter including digital signatures and padron’s. Greg’s easy and laid back style put many people’s mind’s at ease with members leaving the presentation with far more knowledge of local and national legislative procedures. Anyone wishing to contact Greg for more information can do so either by phone: +34 689 408 412 or by email at:
Members of the Ladies Group presenting the cash and clothing last week
Beach Babes provide Ukranian family with clothing and cash W e ran a story last year about a group of about 40 local ladies, dubbed the ‘Beach Babes’ who exercise three mornings a week in the Aguamarina Park on the seafront close to Cabo Roig.
There is no charge to attend the sessions which the current trainers, Ute, Nicola and Manu, provide completely free. Having said that, in recent weeks, because of the appalling weather, the sessions have been somewhat limited. Many of the ladies have continued to meet, however, if only for a chat and coffee, and what they have also done during the bad weather is put their efforts into raising funds.
With almost 500 euro collected to date, last Wednesday, the ladies were able to make the lives of one young Ukranian family, who had arrived from their wartorn country only three days earlier, a little more bearable, with a donation of two large bags of clothes and 390 euro. With refugees arriving on a daily basis the fundraising will continue for as long as it is necessary as indeed, with the improvement in the weather, will the training, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the very bottom of Calle Agua. Do feel free to join in. You will be made most welcome. More information at the FB page Grupolazenia or at the website
Organiser Sandie Coates with Speaker Greg Bryant
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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
ALL TH E WORLD’S A SC RE E N lsewhere on earth, the video recorder was being invented, but not soon enough for Clive James, who for 10 years was the television critic for a Sunday newspaper.
Often he had 3 TV sets on at once. "An occupation with the initial appearance of money for jam," he wrote, "can end in a mental breakdown. Perhaps it did, and I didn't notice." (At least I don't have that problem, as far as I know.) At various times, television has been called "chewing gum for the eyes," and "the idiot box." The playwright Noel Coward famously said, "Television is for appearing on, not looking at," but Groucho Marx found it educational: "Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into another room and read a book." And yet television changed the world, like the revolving wheel three thousand years ago and the revolutionary computer that arrived a mere moment later in geological time. Over time, TV has met with mixed reviews. It was welcomed, curiously enough, by filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, who declared that television had brought back murder "into the home -where it belongs." TV has been a boon for geography teachers,
betting shops, sports bars, football fans and Formula One motor racing. Can't get a ticket for Wimbledon? TV has your courtside seat reserved, provided you've paid for your licence. Not able to make it to Monte Carlo this year? No, I can't believe that, but you can watch the Rally on the idiot box even if you are stuck in the Bahamas. The telly has also brought the brutality of war into the living room, and given us a ringside seat which even in the living room feels uncomfortably close. "War?" sang Edwin Starr in 1970, "What is it good for? -- Absolutely nothing." And yet dictators still manage to pervade the visual media. Cilla Black, although she was referring to a different aspect, once said, "I humbly apologise for reality TV." Someone pointed out that just because your opinions reach halfway round the world doesn't mean they are any better than when they reached only to the end of the bar. "If a word is half Greek and half Latin," asked my brother, "can any good come of it?" There are even examples of television watching itself, or us, so to speak, in the form of Gogglebox, where viewers are filmed as they comment on programmes, or The Royle Family,
where actors playing couch potatoes sit and
We don't mind Big Brother watching us, as long
watch TV. Potatoes watching a box, I suspected
as he is watching over us as well.
it might come to that one day.
I was glued to the screen during the worst of the
There is no denying the beneficial effect TV can
pandemic. Constant viewing, I discovered, can
have at times, in solving crimes or spreading
drain one's crystals as effectively as the Klingons
information and advice about the spread of viru-
ever did to the Starship Enterprise. Binge watch-
lent viruses. Better First Jabs then First Dates.
ing has raised my writing to a new low.
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
My final plan …
I had a good friend in Spain, the late Joe Varden, of a well-known Galway family. Joe was a hugely successful pharmacist and was married to the equally special Josie Tynan from Mullingar. Joe was one of life’s great characters who excelled in the art of debate and conversation. He was gruff, always got straight to the hub of the argument, and he possessed the most incredible sense of dead-pan humour.
You will notice that nobody in the room has bothered to ask for my views on the direction this thing is taking – and me being the principal player? This is the moment where I decide to speak up for myself
Joe had a serious heart attack before he handed over the reins of business to his family and retired to Spain. In telling me about the heart attack which convinced him to adjourn to the quiet life in La Zenia, these were Joe’s words; “I knew I was in trouble when I woke up in a hospital and the two men sitting by my bedside weren’t a priest and doctor, but a solicitor and an accountant!”
“Try turning me off and then back on again … it works for everything else!” My brother Sean is a dandy on electrics, brother Camillus a computer genius and brother Fehin … well, Fehin knows everything. I know nothing, so I have to phone a brother every time a compliance gives up working. No matter what it is, or whichever brother I’m speaking to, the advice is always the same; ‘have you tried turning it off and then back on again’. This trick works so well that I am now in the business of advising others if they have a gadget on the blink.
Joe and Josie had a few great years in Spain, until, sadly, Josie lost a battle with Motor Neuron. Joe’s health began to go downhill and after a couple of years on his own, the family persuaded him to return to where they could keep an eye on him back in Ireland.
Like we said, Joe had a great brain and he always wanted an answer for every unanswered question. Every time his friend had come home on holiday he called to see Joe, who pursued debate on religion, theology and the life hereafter. Joe demanded answers! Joe was in a coma when his old school pal
Chances are that I’ll be lying there in some similar hospital bed. The family will be gathered around …. whispering to each other and looking at their shoes and watches. A young nurse will tip-toe in and out; the sort of girl who would once upon a time be mad to dance with me … but will now only touch me when wearing a rubber glove. The undertaker lights two candles. The doctor arrives in and checks my pulse. Grim-faced he turns to the assembled and announces apologetically; “It isn’t working, there is nothing further we can do.”
e hold nothing back in this column, dear friends. Sometimes you get told stuff that not even my own family knows about, and this week we bring you such a disclosure. I am about to reveal what my final words will be on my death-bed!
I was one among a legion of friends who attended Joe’s funeral in Newmarket-on-Fergus. The priest who officiated told of Joe’s last words to him as he lay dying. The missionary priest, a friend from college days, had come home to be with Joe at the end. The story he told of his last chat with his old classmate and the words Joe said to him are pure class.
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came in to administer the last rites. Just then Joe opened his eyes, locked them into the gaze of his reverend friend, before announcing; “over the next couple of days, I’ll have all them answers!” We have written here previously about famous last words. Forgive me for repeating this particular gem, but it tickles me every time I picture the scene. This is a true story, which was told so eloquently by the late Mickey Duffy. An eccentric old writer and playwright was dying in a London hospital. The main thing is that this particular patient refused to believe that he was gravely ill. He accepted that you would die and I would die … but he couldn’t
GARDEN FELIX - Cardinal Flower - Produces Intense Red Blossoms Named for the vivid red colour of a Roman Catholic Cardinal’s robe, the Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) produces intense red blossoms at a time when many other perennials are declining in the summer heat. The cardinal plant has tall spikes of brilliant red, trumpet-shaped flowers that rise above the dark green foliage, with flowers that bloom during summer and sometimes into autumn. The flowering spikes open from the bottom to the top and bloom for several weeks and also make excellent cut flowers. Most insects struggle to navigate the long necks of the trumpet shaped flowers, so cardinal flowers depend on hummingbirds and butterflies for fertilisation. The bright red colour of the flowers and the sweet nectar attract many species of hummingbirds to your garden.
envisage it happening to himself. Late one night a friend came to visit and our hero overheard his visitor ask a nurse how he was doing; “He’s sinking fast and I don’t think he will make it through the night.” With that, the man in the bed opened his eyes wide and in a voice laden with shock and surprise, uttered these last three words; “Well …. F**k me …!” *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. They grow best in a location with morning sun and afternoon shade and need a moist, fertile soil. Plant out in spring, spacing them about a foot apart. Keep the soil very moist, until they become established. Fertilise the plants in autumn with a general purpose fertiliser. Cardinal flowers begin blooming in early summer and peak in mid to late summer.
That’s the advice I’ll be giving to my doctor when all else fails: ‘try turning me off and then back on again!’ DON’T FORGET Appreciate what you have before you haven’t. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info. Cut out the flower stems when they have finished blooming, or leave them in place if you want the plants to self sow, as parent plants will not persist for more than a few years. If you cut the spent flower spikes just above the leafy part of the stem, new spikes may arise to take their place, but they will be shorter than the first spike.
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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
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in Destiny's Child, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams all attended the private ceremony.
1965 - A British school in Wrexham, North Wales, asked parents to please keep children in school uniform and not to send them to school in 'corduroy trousers', like the ones worn by The Rolling Stones. 1967 - Sandie Shaw won the Eurovision Song Contest held in Vienna representing Britain with the song 'Puppet On A String'. She became the first UK female artist to win the contest.
1968 - Cliff Richard sang 'Congratulations' the UK entry in the Eurovision Song Contest held at the Royal Albert Hall London, winning second place behind the entry from Spain. 1981 - Bucks Fizz won the Eurovision Song Contest held in Dublin, Ireland with the UK entry 'Making Your Mind Up'. 1985 - At 3:50pm GMT, over 5,000 radio stations worldwide aired the charity single by USA for Africa 'We Are The World'. The single went on to be a No.1 in the
US & UK, and most Western territories.
1988 - During a European tour, Alice Cooper accidentally hung himself in a rehearsal when a safety rope snapped; he dangled for several seconds before a roadie saved him.
2006 - Gene Pitney was found dead aged 65 in his bed in a Cardiff hotel. The American singer was on a UK tour and had shown no signs of illness.
1998 - American country singer Tammy Wynette died aged 55. She scored 12 hit singles including 'Stand By Your Man', and sold over 30 million records world-wide. Known as the first lady of country music, she also had the 1991 hit with The KLF 'Justified and Ancient'. 1999 - A charity tribute concert for the late Linda McCartney was held at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Among the performers were Paul McCartney, Chrissie Hynde, George Michael, Elvis Costello and Sinéad O’
2007 - A Swedish couple ran into trouble with authorities after trying to name their baby Metallica. Michael and Karolina Tomaro went to court with the country's National Tax Authority about naming their daughter after the rock band. The six month old had been baptised Metallica, but tax officials said the name was "inappropriate". 2008 - Beyonce Knowles married Jay-Z at his New York apartment. Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, his wife Gwyneth Paltrow and Beyonce’s former bandmates
2013 - Kate Bush received her CBE for services to music from the Queen at an investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle, England. The singer-songwriter, who was catapulted to fame in 1978 when ‘Wuthering Heights’ topped the charts, said she was 'incredibly thrilled'. The 54 year old dedicated the award to her family and joked that it would have pride of place at the top of her Christmas tree. 2016 –Fleetwood Mac announced that Lindsey Buckingham had been fired from the band and would be replaced by Crowded House’s Neil Finn and Mike Campbell, former lead guitarist of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers on their upcoming tour. Describing Lindsey’s departure as bittersweet, Stevie Nicks stated: “Our relationship has always been volatile."
SAFE HAVEN FOR UKRAINIAN REFUGEES IN SAN LUIS Andrew Atkinson talks to Ukrainian refugee Olga Baranova in Part 2 of a Leader Exclusive.
"We were waiting 8 hours to get through the queue. There were little children in all of the cars.
“I don't understand how I feel. I have no deep feelings - I can hear the bombs”.
"At the checkpoint there was a feeling of torment, maybe. There were no rules. With four men there. It felt like they were insinuating wanting money, maybe."
Olga Baranova is for the moment safe in San Luis after escaping from the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a long journey to Spain. "I have been made welcome in Spain by the authorities," said Olga, who made the heartbreaking journey with her son Vova, her sister Kate and her two children. "I have been to the police station with my sister and also to the hospital to undertake our registrations," said Olga. "I have also made a school registration application for my 11year-old son Vova, which went okay and awaiting news for confirmation," she said. "Also I have been to make our hospital registration and got our identity cards," added Olga, housed in San Luis by Lisa Briggs. Olga, who arrived in Spain penniless, said: "I have visited the Ukrainian Association Centre in Torrevieja, where refugees are helped, with meals daily." Olga, whose parents remain in the Ukraine and are under attack from Russian bombing, said: "It was very difficult to leave Ukraine. Getting through customs on the way out was very, very difficult.
Olga added: "On the journey we slept on the floor for five hours, when in Slovenia. In a community hall there was 20 mattresses. "When we arrived in Venice I asked for help and a Pizzeria owner gave me the key to her shop, and gave us food and let us sleep. "The Pastor visited and didn't really understand what actually their government could do." Olga said: "I ask everyone how can I make some money in Spain. I want to get a job, and hopefully that will happen. "My host Lisa has been a very helpful woman as refugees and neighbours come to give me meat, milk, vegetables and clothes. "I don't want to take it, but I am made to take it. Many Spanish people have helped along with other nationalities, added to the free food at the Ukrainian Association in Torrevieja." On Russia attacking Ukraine and the future, Olga said: "I can only hope that everything will be okay. I'm healthy and I have a happy boy in Vova. "At the moment I don't understand how I feel. I have no deep feelings. I can hear the bombs."
Son Vova has been registered for school and is now waiting for a starting date
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 912
ACROSS 1. Drain (5) 4. Scramble (7) 8. Swarm (7) 9. Divest (5) 10. Neat (4) 11. Assess (8) 13. Cook (4) 14. Blemish (4) 16. Many (8) 17. So (4) 20. Dwelling (5) 21. Interrupt (7) 22. Go before (7) 23. Crest (5) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12. 13. 15. 18. 19.
Fair play (13) Control (5) Uncommon (4) Awning (6) Summary (8) Obstacle (7) Blameworthy (13) Recover (8) Travel (7) Mess (6) Harry (5) Russian ruler (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 3 Skinflint; 8 Cope; 9 Mercurial; 10 Uneven; 11 Greed; 14 Erect; 15 Rear; 16 Years; 18 Chat; 20 Press; 21 Loose; 24 Glance; 25 Continual; 26 Fund; 27 Degrading. DOWN: 1 Acquiesce; 2 Ephemeral; 4 Keen; 5 Nicer; 6 Larder; 7 Near; 9 Meaty; 11 Grace; 12 Demeanour; 13 Crescendo; 17 Spill; 19 Totter; 22 Synod; 23 Love; 24 Gain. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 3 Orchestra; 8 Fine; 9 Astronaut; 10 Ermine; 11 Bells; 14 Miser; 15 Earn; 16 Yacht; 18 Tots; 20 Wrath; 21 Yemen; 24 Minion; 25 Christian; 26 June; 27 Appliance. DOWN: 1 Aftermath; 2 Animosity; 4 Ruse; 5 Horde; 6 Single; 7 Rout; 9 Angry; 11 Bacon; 12 Sagacious; 13 Enchanted; 17 Twain; 19 Serial; 22 Extra; 23 Shop; 24 Marc.
ACROSS 1. A wagonette to slow down (5) 4. Roughly patches flat-bottomed boats (7) 8. One who exacts a charge for being a bell-ringer? (7) 9. Corner an early invader (5) 10. See 19 Dn. 11. Guard lets nine loose (8) 13. Bag for loot (4) 14. Enclosures for river birds (4) 16. Establishes a link with members of the embassy (8) 17. Customs embodied in various establishments (4) 20. Stove where the firing takes place (5) 21. Clothes appear to change by the end of April (7) 22. There’s some point to this system, it could be claimed (7) 23. They are used for recording bands (5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. The name of which African country derives from the Arabic for 'land of the blacks'? (Clue: This country is not landlocked, despite what some may say.) 2. In which famous novel by George Orwell did Winston Smith find himself tortured in Room 101 in the Ministry of Love? 3. Stoke City F.C. is the second oldest club in the Football League; which is the oldest? 4. With which part of the United Kingdom is the dance 'Gay Gordons' associated? 5. The Elder Futhark, The Younger Futhark and The Anglo-Saxon Futhark are the 3 best-known categories of which alphabet? 6. What was the pre-1998 name of the Indian city now known as Mumbai? 7. Brennivin, an alcoholic beverage made from fermented potato pulp and flavoured with caraway seeds, is made and drunk in which country? 8. Pinkpop is an international festival of pop music conducted annually in which country? 9. Give the year in which the following headline appeared in the SUN newspaper: "GOTCHA”. 10. The International Day of Peace was instituted by the United Nations in 1981, and is observed annually on which day? 11. Which American hip-hop group comprises Mike D, Ad-Rock and
DOWN 1. Carrying the marks of having been engaged! (6-7) 2. Titan who shouldered a heavenly burden (5) 3. She makes a come-back in ?Gotterdammerung? (4) 4. Broken screen could be used in church (6) 5. Dandy has obligations to pretty girls (8) 6. Supporters about to complete what popular heroes may become (7) 7. The revive malodorous old mariners (8,5) 12. Sounds as though I bawl for frozen food (3-5) 13. Diabolical cast in a mess (7) 15. A particular military body (6) 18. Fight for what’s been rejected (5) 19 & 10 Ac. Detect a smaller number completely untainted (8)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) MCA? 12. In which Gilbert and Sullivan opera does the title character refuse to marry anyone until the very last scene? 13. What is the current name of the Indian city which was, until 1996, known as Madras? 14. "Zip me up before you go go" was a 1998 SUN newspaper headline referring to the lewd behaviour of which pop star? 15. Named after a British manufacturer of darts equipment, what is the oldest major darts tournament still running? 16. Which blind singer supported The Rolling Stones on their 1972 American tour? 17. What is a baby cod called? 18. What did Harry Enfields character Loadsamoney do for a living? 19. What did Dorothy steal from the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard Of Oz? 20. Which is the Worlds tallest mammal? 21. Where in London is the statue of Eros? 22. In the Theatre where are the Flies? 23. For what type of structure are Conway, Beaumaris and Harlech famous? 24. If you sail to France from Newhaven where do you normally land? 25. How many black squares are there on a chessboard?
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a
friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
GENERAL Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934. Cremation plan.2575 euros.One time payment. Full paperwork. Call 697 834 934.
MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing
group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The March Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 21 April at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Guest speaker on Cooking Curries. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El
637 227 385
Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website
PERSONAL Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332
Tel:0044 800 018 2361. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year. Do massage erotic with hapy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
ANA SEXY AND ELEGANT Spanish lady. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English.
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
Alicante police accused of Nepotism ONTROVERSY in the recruitment of Alicante Local Police as the top twenty vacancies are all filled by children, wives, girlfriends, nephews and nieces of serving officers or government officials.
The approved list also includes people allegedly linked to political parties such as the PP, PSOE and Vox, children and other relatives of councillors and former councillors, former advisers and wives of former deputies, as well as nieces of urban developers and relatives of union representatives, according to reports. Municipal sources confirm that 92 vacancies were offered in the last recruitment campaign. Among the top 92 positions on the list, according to the Spanish press, approximately two out of three candidates have direct or indirect links with the Alicante City Council . Of the more than 1,500 applicants for the positions offered, only 143 applicants passed the process, according to municipal sources. Of these, 92 will be offered a guaranteed place in the City of Alicante, among whom are more than thirty people
The mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala, launched an immediate enquiry
with family ties to Local Police officers and senior council officials. Now, however, the six political parties with representation in the Alicante council, have agreed on a plenary motion asking for the creation of a commission of investigation. In the meantime the law of silence has been invoked by the Local Police union with the provincial leadership of the SPPLB and the FESEP demanding that their representatives do not make public statements regarding the case of possible nepotism in opposition to the force. While the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala, is refusing to comment on the matter he did say that he has ordered his councillor for security to conduct an internal investigation ‘with absolute transparency’. Anti-fraud warns of the increase in complaints of nepotism in the selection processes of city councils As the investigation in Alicante gets underway, the Anti-fraud agency, led by Joan Llinares, has presented his activity report for the year 2021 to the Valencian Courts, where he highlights the increase in complaints related to the personnel selection processes in municipalities. The agency draws attention to the increase in complaints related to the management of human resources, mainly by local administrations, with a total of 161 complaints processed during the past year, half of which are related to the selection process, the bulk of which involve the Local Police.
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
637 227 385
words ‘female’ and ‘male’ have been replaced with ‘individuals’ for medical procedures. This is another nonsense - let's imagine there beside the x-ray machine is standing a broad six foot plus man, stripped down to his hospital gown and a nurse asking the question, I bet she/he or it would be smiling.
The Big Lunch.
t is that time of year, as I write, where the world is thrown into confusion, as we are robbed of one hours’ sleep only to get it back six months later. Why do we need less sleep in March and more in October? It is a system which dates back eighty or more years, in fact during the second world war the rearranging of time was increased to two hours. My thought is the original reason is lost in the progress of time, as I think, originally, it was something to do with farmers having light in the evenings when harvesting – or was it planting – I could be wrong either way.
where hospitals change names so there are no longer men and women, giving them strange names instead, as if they are articles of clothing. A recent report is of a police force in the UK insisting that a ‘trans gender rapist’ is still called a woman, so the body parts of the aggressor do not matter, unless you are a real woman who has been attacked. What sad nonsense. Looking at a report this morning set me giggling because it is too outlandish to be true, but evidently it is. At the Walton Centre NHS Trust in Liverpool, men are reportedly being asked if they are pregnant before being given radiotherapy – why, because the hospital asks the question even if they are not a woman, as the
As the Western World slides deeper into a woke society, where nothing is the same and some people seem to be more worried about comparing the royal tour of the Caribbean with Britain’s Colonial past, and that sums it up, it is ‘past’ and the ‘ifs and buts’ have been thrashed out many times over the years. It hasn’t changed anything because it is not possible, and is nothing to do with living today.
Numerous governments have stayed at a distance and allowed this slow burn of society and the twisting of words to happen as if it is not their problem, yet the whole purpose of an administration is to control events and uphold the normal way of life, thereby not allowing minorities to dominate, or large organisations to create a monopoly, as has happened in the gas industries. However, it is now refreshing to hear that new laws are being created to return to a situation where free speech will be protected by law, and I understand there will be a raft of other proposals. My only hope is that the decay has not gone too deep and that the powerful woke groups can be reversed. I understand the government are also looking how laws can be brought in to protect and separate the transgender groups. BACK PAIN, it seems to be a result of getting older – I say it seems to be because maybe there is another reason for the suffering. For some time now I have had the problem which can be crippling, although I refuse to use a walking stick as my thoughts are that walking upright is important, as it would only create a worse problem being bent over. After changing the office chair, to little relief, it was a blessing after such a long time to resolve the issue.
The majority of people get on with their daily lives, happily bringing up a family and in their own world, ignoring events around them, as if it has nothing to do with them. This has allowed small groups to slowly take over, by dominating the populace with their own ideology, changing normal daily happenings to their own disorderly way.
For the first time since before the pandemic it has not been possible to escape for a few days of rest, and so it was off to the seaside. It was our bed that was the problem, as it is too soft, and while we were away it was quite the opposite and the discomfort vanished. After changing the mattress at home, it is a relief as we once again can walk upright and tall.
The clamping down on free speech slowly destroys society, where people are frightened to express their view in public. This is achieved with threatening behaviour, making it uncomfortable for a person to express their normal thoughts. Surely that form of behaviour is in itself illegal.
AND FINALLY …. the Hondon Valley Branch of the Royal British Legion is holding a hog roast ‘The Big Jubilee Lunch’ to be held at the Tipsy Terrace in Hondon de los Frailes on 4th June at 13.00 hours to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. All are welcome, lucky number tickets for a Jubilee draw 17.50 pp are available from Nigel Hails, email telephone 666957463. Take care…
I use as an example the Devon Public House which no longer recognises man and woman in its ‘free gender’ thoughts. As a result they have cancelled the favourite Ploughman’s lunch and now serve a ‘ploughpersons’ version - there is no mention if the ingredients are the same or not. (my ‘spell check’ is saying there is no such thing as a ploughperson!) chattey ‘Watchit’ and ‘Watchit Too’ two exciting novels set in the 1950’s available through Amazon.
The rot and decline has spread to every form of life, especially leadership, not only the universities but in law and order itself,
Go ahead for Eras de la Sal Renovation located, and the multipurpose venue where the International Habaneras Contest will be held. It will also house the Department of Tourism. One of the most important actions will be the restoration of the salt loading trestle together with its docks. This specific work has two purposes. On the one hand to provide a better explanation of the museological project and also, as an element that is worthy of a visit in it’s own right.
orrevieja town hall has awarded Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos the contract for the drafting of the Museo del Mar project, to transform the environment of the Eras de la Sal with an extensive refurbishment project that will also include surrounding areas and buildings such as the former ice factory, thereby creating a large multipurpose area.
The contract is valued at 660,660 euro (IVA included) which includes, in addition to the drafting of the project, the construction management and health and safety coordination. The award has been made for 60,000 euro less than the tender price. Eight companies bid for the project, of which four tenders were considered
abnormal or disproportionate. The successful bidder was actually the company that submitted the most expensive tender. The project, which was first presented more than a year ago, aims to rehabilitate the historical complex of the Eras de la Sal, as the epicentre, where the Museum of the Sea and Salt will be
One of the other properties that is to be incorporated into the project is the former ice factory, included for protection due to its architectural relevance in the General Urban Planning Plan of Torrevieja in 1986 and identified as an element of architecturalurban interest. It is in an advanced state of deterioration and in danger of being lost due to lack of maintenance. It is located in front of the Eras de la Sal site, at the
confluence of calle Orihuela with avenida Faleria. The council acquired it at the end of last year for 800,000 euro. It is an industrial building built at the beginning of the 20th century to serve the demand for ice from fishermen, merchants and the population in general. The property has a plot area of 299 m2 and 505 m2 of built area. The actions planned for the entire environment with the rehabilitation plan have been budgeted at 7.7 million euro. The investment will have the participation of the three administrations. The Alicante Diputación will finance the works of the multipurpose area with one million euro, the Generalitat Valenciana will do so with three million euro for the Museum of the Sea and Salt, and the action on the Vistalegre promenade will be borne by the local council, with 3.6 million euro.
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
DIVISION ONE EL CAPITAN V DANNYS BAR The Caps sealed 2nd place, but only on leg difference, after an excellent home victory this week. Dannys edged Caps in the scoring department in the 1st half, but still found themselves 4-2 down. Doubles from Arold K, Chris Logan, Olly Walker and Ed Klimonis, countered with outs from Lesley Lumb and Rob Norbury. Top scores from Andres Liamazares 100,140, Ed K. 121 and Alan Walker 139,140, Bob Smith 121. Steve Collins enjoyed a fine 1-2 victory over " Liama " that included a 115 out from the Cap. The next 3 wins from Arold K, 3x100,140, Chris Logan, 2x100, 116, 140, Vycka Bobinas 2x100 sealed the match, all 2-0. The remaining 2 were 3 leggers, Ed K 100,123,140, 180, nudging out Smith 2x100,2x140 and Olly W. 140 closing the match, opponent Steve Lumb enjoying a 108 out on the bull. Ed K - MOTM. C.C.'S FLYERS V MIND THE GAP Gap came very close to defeat in this one, Flyers 5-4 up with 3 to play, the resulting defeat meant 4th spot for the hosts, a draw would have secured runners up. A total of 49 tons, Flyers claiming 26, illustrates how close this game was. Matt Smith was on fire in the 1st half, 100, 120,3x140 and 2 outs, one on 99. The other finish from Jesus Madrid on 151. Gordon Cowan 129,140, D10, Carlos Escansiano 121, D2 and James Brown 2x100, 121,140 and an 80 out, made it all square at the break. Dougie Adkins got the better of Esco, the 3 legs containing 11 tons or more, Sam Salt finding D10 twice to level at 4 apiece. Smith added 2x100,125, 2x140, in his victory over Bliss Wright. The match poised at 5-4 in favour of the hosts, my money would have been on at least a draw. And that's why i'm penniless as Gap reeled off the remaining 3 courtesy of Darren Sanderson 2x100,140, Brown, 100,2x140,180 and Cowan 140, all 0-2 results. MOTM - Jesus Madrid - Brown. HUB HYENAS V TIPSY TOAD TOPPERS Lee Maiden deservedly earned yet another Toppers MOTM with a fine scoring display to include 6x100, 125, 126, 140, plus the singles defeat of Hyenas MOTM John Rodford himself nailing 5x100,140. Notable other Hub scores Dylan Fitzsimmons 100, 2x121,180 and to go with his maxi a 3. Unusual to say the least, a minimum and maximum in the same game. Hub racked up a creditable 20+ tons Tipsy Toad Toppers
14th April - Mens Pairs - New Tavern 21st April - Mens Singles
28th April - Ladies Pairs - C.C.'s 5th May - Ladies Singles - Domino's ENTRIES REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY.
All comps. played to winner on night
9-3 5-7 5-7 9-3
Tipsy Toad Toppers Mind The Gap Milo's Danny's Bar
DIVISION 2 Tipsy Toad Tiaras Wee Rock Horrors Angel Delights Freakie Taverners
10-2 9-3 6-6 6-6
Hub Hellraisers Domino's Desp’s Pint Depot Queens Boris' Bears
HIGH CHECK-OUTS Season Highest - Olly Walker (T20-T20-D20) El Capitan 160 Week 7 - Jesus Madrid (T20-T19-D17) CC's 151, Olly Walker (1-T19-Bull) El Capitan 108, Matt Smith (T19-10-D16) CC's 99, John Boden (T16-D20) Freakie Taverners 88 180's - James Brown Mind the Gap, Ed Klimonis El Capitan, Dylan Fitzsimmons Hub Hyenas or more, but with the exception of Maiden it wasn't the best of perfomances from Toppers. l do however hear about a couple of additions for next season. Watch out the Gap.
DIVISION 1 Mind The Gap El Capitan Hub Hyenas Cc's Flyers Alehouse Lads Tipsy Toad Toppers Milo's Danny's Bar
DIVISION 2 Wee Rock Horrors Freakie Taverners Boris' Bears Tipsy Toad Tiaras Domino's Desperados Hub Hellraisers Angel Delights Pint Depot Queens
Williams D4, Maria Ross D2 and Dean giving the Angels their 6-3 lead.
P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Pts 14 10 10 10 4 4 4 0
Legs 70 52 50 46 33 33 28 24
P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Pts 12 10 9 9 7 5 3 1
Legs 61 50 54 43 43 31 31 25
concluded the the match using D8 twice. MOTM McGuiness - Byrne.
DIVISION TWO WEE ROCK HORRORS V DOMINO'S DESPERADOS Horrors secured the Division 2 championship with this victory over Despos. lt took just 8 legs for the 7 required, Adrian Coates finding the match winner and a couple of tons to boot.
ALE HOUSE LADS V MILOS The 1st 6 legs were shared, high scores more or less even, Dale McGuiness a tasty 19,12 ,bull finish the best of the bunch. Dario Sierra 100,140,D4 and Graham White gave the Lads their 3 wins, Javi de Gea 101, 100, 140, D2,D4 and Rory Byrne D4, for Milos. Karin Garcia 2x100,125 and Raul Rocamora, both 3 leg winners gave the visitors a 3-5 advantage. Sierra reduced the deficit, Fabian Alcocer taking Milos to 6 and at least a draw. De Gea 100,125,140 just edged Andre Wing 2x100,116, 2x140 in a tight 3 leg encounter, the points now in the Milos bag. McGuiness 100,121,133,140
The 1st half was dominated by Horrors, Despos nicking the 3rd pairs before half time via Ben Kernahan. Rock's 5 legs shared by Coates, Billy Dolling and Graham Solomans. Solomans D2 gained the vital 6th leg, Coates the 7th, Andy Forrest and Dolling increasing the total to 9. Despo's Kernahan and Ash Panchal, doubling out for the last 2 ties. MOTM - Susan Frew - Paul Chick. ANGEL'S DELIGHT V PINT DEPOT QUEENS Congratulations to the Queens, they saved the best till last, gaining their 1st point of the season at the very last opportunity. At 6-3 down, the Royals must have thought it was to be a pointless campaign, but no, the 3 cavaliers came to the rescue in the guise of Maggie Morgan D2, Marie Cummins D20 ( and MOTM ) Lorraine Cox D1, for a magnificent draw and shared points. Nikki Dean won the Angels MOTM outing in a triple, doubles and a showboat D7,D5 single. Sharon
FREAKIE TAVERNERS V BORIS BEARS The draw was enough for the Taverners to take 2nd place in Div.2, a win required from Bears to overtake Unsurprisingly both halves were shared Ernie Wills 113, D8 and a 53 out, Groa Bryndis a D3 for the hosts, Barry Shingler D1 and a 52 out, Mike Fellows D2 for the Bears. Bryan Livsey 100,D10, Wills D13 and John Bowden a super T16, D20 out, got the hosts to 6 legs, Yvonne Rouffignac D20, Shingler D1 and a match saving D1 from Kain Hickman, concluded the singles and match. MOTM - Wills - Shingler TIPSY TOAD TIARAS V HUB HELLRAISERS Tiaras welcomed just 5 loan Raisers this week, looking good in their red top -black bottom combos. The first triples saw darts flying all over the place from both teams, with shocking scores and a slow progress from 701. A few glimmers from Cheryl McGlynn (83, 84) but Princess Elizabeth Cowan (D2) started the Tiaras on their Hellraisers MOTM Sue Spiers. way. Better scoring in the next from Tiara Rhianna Marshall and Hell-of-a girl Sue Spiers (117) but Pat Schofield got the Tiaras their 2nd, all be it against only 2 players. Sue Spiers (115, 80, 7-D16) got the guests their first point in the 3rd. The Tiaras took the next on the Trott despite a very notable effort from Carol Peace (92, 86, 84) who took on 2 Tiaras in the 3rd pairs and very nearly beat them on her lonesome. Alison Scammell got the only other leg for the ladies in red, with 3-D17 against a lacklustre Simone de Lacy. Lisa Ivill and Elizabeth helped themselves to the last 2 points to bring the score to 10-2. The scoring came more from the Hellraisers, but it's the finishing that gets the points and the Tiaras outshone on this occasion. MOTM Pat Scofield, Sue Spiers.
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
La Siesta Members Run Club by Alan Carr Hurricane Division The Wasps welcomed Greenland’s to La Siesta which resulted with good wins on three rinks by; Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (25-10). Kathleen Morrisroe, Les Bedford & Dave Blackie (18-10). Dawn & John Taylor with Harold Charleton (20-14) and also collecting a further 2 points for the overall (Shots 85-71) winning 8-4. Harrier Division La Siesta Hornets travelled to La Marina for their game where the teams battled well to win convincingly on three rinks but could not put their noses in front on the others, so the game ended with a win 8-4 (Shots 91-82). Team winners were; Pat Moore, Bill & Sue Jordan (25-8). Janet Doel, Joan & Mike Inns (24-13). 8 (74-93). Tracey Paffett, Barbara Cooper & Ken Barber (17-11). VCL The rearranged games got played on Friday with the Parakeets having a home game welcoming Country Bowls
Koalas which saw our Trips Team, Joy & Brian Gardiner with Alan Ralph win (24-17) for 2 points with the rest of the teams unable to add any further points and the game ended 2-10 (Shots 79-94). La Siesta Hoopoes were hosted by Emerald Isle Earls, all the games went very close with both teams winning two rinks apiece with a draw on the other, but unfortunately for us the hosts collected the 2 points for the overall (86-93) which made the game end 5-7. Winning Disciplines were; Ladies Singles, Joan Inns (21-20). Pairs, David Collins & Noel Morrisroe (2111). With the Rinks team getting the draw (18-18) for a point. Interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club, run by the members, you are welcome to call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will be pleased to give you further information.
EMERALD ISLE BOWLS CLUB - Elwyn Morris Emerald Ise with Elwyn Morris Monday brought San Miguel Christians to the Isle in the Summer League trips, and the home team Vulcans won the game 8-4, Aggregate of 96-74. N Prior A M Gerrard D Gerrard 29-12, P Coffey M Veale C Lindgren 23-10, D Jones S Marks R Marks 19-18 Victors travelled to Country Bowls Red Kites, and had a tough game, losing 0-12 with an aggregate of 66-111 Earls played at Country Bowls Koalas and were beaten 0-12 Aggregate of 65-133 Dukes played their delayed VCL game at Quesada Lions on Friday and came away with a fine 8-4 Aggregate of 102-81, A M Gerrard 21-18, S Marks R Marks 16-7, M Veale C Smyth D Gerrard 31-11 Earls played their delayed VCNL game at home against La Marina Hoopoes and had a good win 7-5 Aggregate 93-86. J Pooley 21-14, S Ellis J Mulloy P Willicott 23-12, B Taylor C Wilson M Ellis M Willicott 18-18 draw SAPS still going on but as from APRIL 9th it will take place in mornings starting at 9-30 for 10am. Usual Coaching, Shoes and Bowls, all supplied for 5 Euros for 2 hours - and a bar
La Marina Bowls Club Monday 28th March saw us at home in the Harrier Division to La Siesta Hornets, where we lost 4 points to 8, trying to watch was quite cold but it amazes me how many still play in shorts and tee shirts, (a breed above) The final shots were 82-91 close for a game in which our 3 losses added up to 34 shots but our big winning trip of Lesley & Dave Joynes and Trevor Hancock won 29-7 (top winning trip of the day) helped to greatly reduce the total and made the overall quite acceptable. Weds 30th was a different story, we were at home to San Miguel in the VCL league (my favourite formula) and won 10-2. We won both the singles with Margaret Finlayson and Tom Spencer by 21-18, and we fought back from a losing position to win the rinks 20-18, the pairs of Norman Ship and Alex Morrice won 25-12, we only lost on the trips by 11-20 giving us a shot difference of 98-86. Friday saw our re-arranged VCL game against San Louis Hawks and it was well worth waiting for another 10-2 win, - 2 10-2's in a week, well done.
Lastly we would like to thank Bumblebee Prints (a local firm on our urbanization) for updating our honours board which is a credit to their skills and artistic values, as they have been providing the service to us for many years. You can enjoy bowls and never win, you can win the club championship and feel exaulted but to see your name on the honours board is when you feel real pride, take a look at our honours board in the clubhouse and you can't help but admire it - to see your name up there being part of the history of the club is really something special. PS: The summer leagues are shortly taking a break for the Champion of Champions which is being held at Quesada, please support our members who are taking part. Either check the notice board, or check the Levante Lawn Bowls web site, for disciplines and dates. PPS: Loreta is organising Monkey Racing for the 18th April, please either contact her or put your name on the sheet on the notice board. All are welcome By Dave Hadaway
637 227 385
MONTE MAR BOWLS AND SOCIAL CLUB Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry and Sunrise Builders. Monday 28th March Monte Mar Torros v Country Bowls Bluebirds The Torros played their first league game for over two years at home to the Bluebirds. It was a very good start to the league with the Torros winning on three rinks. Well done to the winning teams of Lynne Armitage, Steve Hindle skip Neil Crawford, Sheila Roberts, Chris Harding skip Joan Harding, Colin Bedford, Ian Hamilton skip Phil Goble.
Eleven ladies from the club took part in a sponsored walk to raise money for Ukraine.
Shots Torros 110 - 57 Bluebirds Points Torros 8 – 4 Bluebirds LADIES SPONSORED WALK Eleven ladies from the club took part in a sponsored walk to raise money for Ukraine. The walk commenced at the anchor on the coast road and finished at the bowling club. At the club the ladies enjoyed cava and nibbles. Well done to all who took part and thank you to all who donated.
QUESADA BOWLS CLUB ROUNDUP By Steve Hibberd At long last, the remaining non c of c were eventually played. In the handicap singles, A Reid beat P Morgan, whilst in the Aussie pairs, G Carnell & P Morgan beat C Brazier & S Hibberd. The following day, it was week 2 of the summer SABA trips league. Blenheims took on Vistabella at home, where these 2 rinks secured 4 points - G Carnell, C Highland, A
Bowen 25-17. G Phillips, V Campbell, Jason P 20-17. Lancasters meanwhile, travelled to nearby San Luis, where they did battle against Hercules. A very close match ensued, resulting in an 8-4 victory to the visitors, courtesy of these guys & dolls - J Cleal, S Hibberd, S Heath 20-11. C Bowles, D Gould, A Reid 19-19. C Lowry, G Rees, K Lowry 14-11.
SAN MIGUEL BOWLS - Barry Jones On Monday morning San Miguel Moors got off to a great start to the week against San Luis Wellingtons, winning 10 - 2, 97 shots to 70. The best winning triple were Gail Willshire, Lynn Greenland and Fred Willshire 22 - 6 Also on Monday morning San Miguel Christians were away to Emerald Isle Vulcans where they lost 4 - 8, 74 shots to 96. Best winning triple were Alan Harris, Sandi Hannan and Alan Campbell 19 - 13.
In the Wednesday VCL, Tigers match was rained off, but Lions match at Vistabella did go ahead, although they lost 0-12. Then 2 days later, a re arranged Lions home match against Emerald Isles Dukes, resulted in the hosts gaining 4 points, thanks to these 2 disciplines T Morgan (singles) 21-18. G Phillips, C Dye, P Farrell, P Morgan (rinks) 24-15.
VISTABELLA BOWLS CLUB by Brian Zelin Hi all, Now the weather has settled down, maybe we can get back to playing Bowls again. Monday 28th March, Vistabella Fairways Division A, Were Away to Quesada Blenheim's Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Janet Parr, Freddie Willey, Ian Kenyon 18-11,
On Wednesday San Miguel Sheriffs game was ‘rained off’, this game will be played at home on Saturday 2nd April.
Denise Howell, Mo Foulcer, Maggie Furness 21-17,
Also on Wednesday San Miguel Deputies were away to La Marina where they lost 2 - 10, 86 shots to 98, the only winning triple were Sandi Hannan, Bill Brownlee and Bob Donnelly 20 - 11.
Barbara Brown, Paul Durham, Arthur Brown 19-16,
A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118
Shots 92-89. Points 8-4. Wednesday 30th March, Vistabella Saxons in the VCL Division A, had a very good win at Home against Quesada Lions, Winning on all Rinks, Ladies Singles, Maggie Furness 21-4, Mens Singles, Martin Foulcer 21-16, Pairs, Richard Willey, Ian Kenyon 33-6, Trips, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 27-11, Rinks, Denise Howell, Paul Durham, Arthur Brown, Eric Bishop 21-16, Shots 123-53, Points 12-0.
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
The complex will include 72 hitting bays, a sports bar, event space and open air roof terrace. Twins Steve and Dave Jolliffe opened TopGolf Watford in 2000. In 2020 Callaway, who had invested in the company since 2006, acquired Topgolf outright for $2billion. Together with TOPTRACER it now brings Callaway more revenue than their golf equipment sales, with venues in the USA Canada Mexico and UAE. TopGolf caters for a younger audience looking to have fun, though I'm not sure it would be a lot of fun sitting on a roof-top terrace in Glasgow in November. "A whole new group is being introduced to the game, who ordinarily wouldn't go anywhere near a golf course,” says Steve Jolliffe. To be honest, we probably wouldn’t want them anywhere near it either. VICTOR HOVLAND's great year since winning the 2021 BMW International Open has hopefully eclipsed his memory of his two-stroke penalty in the opening round at TPC Sawgrass. He moved his marker on the 15th green and put it back in the wrong place, something his eagleeyed mum noticed on TV. She phoned Viktor after his round and told him to report it to the officials who reviewed the footage and penalised him for unknowingly violating a rule. “YOU MIGHT SEE an elk, or even a bear!” One of the treats if you play the Banff Springs Golf Course, Alberta. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. built a ninehole golf course in 1911 as an attraction for it's luxury hotel. Canadian architect, Stanley Thompson extended and redesigned the course in 1927. The Bow river flows alongside, hurtling over the thundering Bow Falls, and the Rockies tower above. One of the world's most scenic holes is the 'Devils Cauldron' 4th, a full carry par three over a glacial lake to a bowl -shaped green. With breathtaking views from every hole a round of golf at the par-71 Banff Springs is said to be unmissable, although I'd pass on being chased down the 18th by a bear. Above the course sits the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, built in 1888 as a replica of a Scottish baronial home / cum Loire Valley Chateau. Guests can relax in the hotel’s world-famous Willow Stream Spa, or join a ghosthunt for the
Mike Probert talks Golf
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
hotel's resident spooks. IN THE 18 HOLE PLAYOFF at the 1971 US Open at Merion the irrepressible Lee Trevino produced a 3 ft rubber snake from his bag on the first tee to general laughter. Jack Nicklaus was the favourite to win, but in the wet conditions Trevino, used to hitting low after honing his game in windy Texas, beat him by three strokes.
That blew her Mother's Day card last year then.
At windy Richelieu Valley near Montreal two weeks later Trevino was in his element and won the Canadian Open with a 15ft putt in the playoff. The following week he won the Open at Royal Birkdale, where he followed a double bogey on the 17th with a birdie at the last to take the Claret Jug.
The G425 Max which was introduced last year was also the tied-third longest forgiving driver and continues to offer a brilliant blend of distance and forgiveness for club golfers.”
The RCGA and its Canadian Open sponsor Imperial Tobacco called what Lee had won that year a Triple Crown. The PGA Tour doesn't recognise it but Trevino isn't bothered. He knows what he did that summer of 1971. SCOTLAND's FIRST TOPGOLF “TopGolf Glasgow” will open at Rutherglen this November.
IS IT EVER ACCEPTABLE TO JUST WALK OFF THE GOLF COURSE? As anyone who has played the game of golf for some length of time can confirm it can be the biggest test of patience you will ever face doing something that you are supposed to be enjoying and at some point in time we have all felt like just walking off the course and throwing the clubs in the river. However, seriously, are there any acceptable rea-
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €150 2 Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €100 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Altorreal €120 2 Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €136 2 Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €158 2 Green Fees & Buggy
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca
€110 €100 €44 €158 €57 €163 €64 €110 €44 €85 €109 €100
MYGOLFSPY'S REVIEW says: “The Ping G425 Max is the model aimed at offering maximum forgiveness, and it delivers that in spades. A carry drop-off of just seven yards between pure strikes and mishits is incredible; the second most forgiving driver in our test saw a drop-off almost double that.
Torrevieja Darts Ladies League Friendly Chicas Ladybirds Primadonnas Dolly Mixtures
Format 4-5 1-8 5-4 3-6
LEAGUE TABLE Gap Girlz Ladybirds Tipsy Tigers Friendly Temps Friendly Chicas Primadonnas Dolly Mixtures Racing Toast
P 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12
Week 12 Racing Toast Gap Girlz Tipsy Tigers Friendly Temps Pts 103 69 67 62 54 45 35 35
HOT DARTS: Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 140, 134, Elizabeth Cowan (TT) 140, 120, 100, Diane Burns (DM) 140, 120, Amanda Skinner (GG) 140, 100 x2, Pat Woods (DM) 135, 100 x2, Ellie Attwood (FT) 135. 100, Margaret Boden (RT) 133, Sue Casey (RT) 133, Donna Ralph (LB) 133, Pat Schofield (TT) 132, Bliss Wright (GG) 125, 100, Sarah White (FC) 120, Cynthia Jevons (GG) 119, Helen Bushell (FC) 118, 116, Sharon Marshall (TT) 115, Debbie de Grys (PD) 112, Alison Webster (FC) 110, Shirley Stephenson (RT) 102, Maz Scott -Denness (GG) 100 x2, Lisa Alsop (PD) 100, Jane Barnes (RT) 100, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 100, Sandra Crabbe (LB) 100, Rhianna Marshall (TT) 100 HIGHEST CHECK-OUT: Mitch Halliday (PD) 92, Amanda Skinner (GG) 73, Sharon Marshall (TT) 64
Carp-R-Us Fishing
Confidence evaporates in the presence of water.
After a two week break due to the bad weather affecting the venues, Carp-R-Us resumed their Winter/Spring Series at the El Bosquet complex. The venue had been used for a fishing festival the previous two days and this, together with the heavy overnight rain, led those attending to think the fishing would be hard. And so it proved to be, except for the two Steve’s. Steve Fell, fishing pole with punched bread, won the match from peg six with 22.85kg, narrowly beating Steve Higgins on peg 3, who fished pole with maggot to take 19.98kg. These two were well clear of the rest, with Graham Patterson finishing third with 7.42kg from peg 4 (pole with maggots and pellet) and Paul Burton 4th with 6.10kg from peg 1b (feeder and pellet).
UNTIL NEXT TIME: Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. 638 859 475.
For more info on fishing in the Costa Blanca visit
If they get much more forgiving they will come with an automatic pardon from the Pope. Words of Wisdom: The ball always lands where the pin was yesterday.
sons for actually walking off the golf course?
Extremely slow play
A recent study indicates that the following are at least plausible reasons for leaving the golf course (although it you had tried some of these with my dad you would be lucky to play with him again)
Terrible playing partners
Bad Health Bad Weather Bad Case of the shanks An off the course emergency
2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.38pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) Single Green Fee (from 3pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy
Running out of golf balls It should be pointed out however that all of the above are to be extreme cases before you actually remove your self from the golf course. We should also remind ourselves that the reason that we first took up golf was enjoyment and so why look for reasons to stop doing what we are supposed to enjoy!
Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
€89 €60 €82 €124 €140 €57 €102 €71 €133 €164
Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.36pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm)
For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
637 227 385
ENJOY D’ALLEN BIDS FOR GRAND NATIONAL GLORY Andrew Atkinson selections 1. Enjoy D'Allen (ew) 2. Delta Work (ew) 3. Any Second Now (ew) 4. Minella Times (ew) 5. Escaria Ten (ew) ANDOX AINTREE GRAND NATIONAL 2021 WINNER Minella Times and third placed Any Second Now, go to post in this year's £1m, 4 miles 2 furlongs race, amongst the 40 runners.
Rachael Blackmore rides Henry de Bromhead trained nine-year-old Minella Times, carrying 11st 9lbs, bidding to repeat last year's glory. "It’s a race you need a lot of luck in - the Grand National is a race that anything is possible,” said Blackmore, up on 16-1 shot Minella Times, carrying 15lbs more than in 2021. Blackmore entered the history books at Aintree last year, when becoming the first female rider to win the Aintree Grand National. Irish jockey Blackmore is hoping to repeat backto-back wins of Tiger Roll in 2018 and 2019. And, despite the rise in the weights, she said: “I don’t see why not. It’s incredible to be coming into this year’s race as the defending champion. “Every time I watch a replay or see the beautiful picture, it’s still hard to believe it happened. "It will probably be down the line - when I can really and truly believe it, I’d say.” Gordon Elliott trained Delta Work (10-1) is strongly fancied under 11st 8lbs, the nine-year-old stablemate of Tiger Roll returning after winning the Cross Country at the Cheltenham Festival in March.
RACHAEL BLACKMORE: “Grand National a race in which anything is possible”.
Ten-year-old Any Second Now (10-1) trained by Ted Walsh carrying 11st 7lbs, who finished third in the National last year, 8? lengths behind Minella Times, returns after landing the Bobbyjo Chase at Fairyhouse in February. Any Second Now, was second favourite in last year's National, and after a positive run in the Bobbyjo Chase, Walsh said: "I couldn't have really asked for a better prep." Gordon Elliott trained eight-year-old Escaria Ten (10-1) carrying 11st, who finished third behind Galvin in the 2021 NH Chase at the Cheltenham Festival, was runner-up to Any Second Now in the Bobbyjo Chase. Ciaran Murphy trained Enjoy D'Allen (12-1) under 10st 10lbs, has been pecked at by punters leading up to the National. Owned by JP McManus Enjoy D'Allen finished third in the 2021 Irish National, which bodes well, under a low weight. Bought by McManus after finishing fifth over three miles over hurdles at the Dublin Racing Festival, Enjoy D'Allen finished behind School Boy Hours and Ben Dundee in the Paddy Power Chase in December. Charlie Longsdon trained eight-year-old Snow Leopardess (16-1) under 10st 8lbs, has noted improvements this season, having won her last three outings, inclding the Becher Chase in December. Snow Leopardess won the Becher Chase at Aintree, ridden by Aidan Coleman in December.
nerve-racking, it will also be very exciting. "There's been plenty of attention in her as her career has gone on - let's hope she gives her followers something to cheer about. "We'd like a little bit of juice in the ground and hope she has an each-way chance. It's a big day for the yard and we're very much looking forward to it." Phoenix Way, trained by Harry Fry and owned by JP McManus, is another hopeful of bagging the £500,000 winner's purse on April 9.
"She's been great since Exeter, she'll do a piece of work in Lambourn and jump the National-style fences, then she'll be ready to go.
Fry said: "Phoenix Way was okay thankfully after his fall at Kempton and has very much been trained for the National. "Mr McManus was talking about this race for him last summer and we've been really pleased to get him back on track this season."
"She's a special mare and although it will be
Paul Nicholls, who saddles Highland Hunter in
Longsdon said: "I'm delighted she will get in and the National has been the plan.
JENNIFER COLINA RHYTHMIC GYMNASTS QUALIFY FOR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Last Saturday, both the Provincial and Autonomous Phase of the individual Base level were held in the city of Onteniente (Valencia), with qualification for the national championships at stake. Torrevieja gymnasts from the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club achieved magnificent results, with six of it’s gymnasts qualifying for the nationals to be held from April 20 to 24 in Zaragoza. In the prebenjamín category, Lucia Quesada made her debut, qualified as Provincial Champion and Regional Runner-up in the handsfree exercise. In the 2011 alevín category, Valeria Vorontsova was proclaimed Provincial Champion and Regional Runner-up in the club exercise. In the 2009 infantil category, Katya Pankratova won the gold medal, after performing a dynamic rope exercise. In the 2008 cadete category, Eva Zatsepilina finished as Provincial Runner-up and Regional Bronze with the ribbon exercise, while her partner, Karol Luchynets won the Provincial bronze and finished fourth in the regional competition.
In the juvenil category, Jaana Androsova won the gold medal and, therefore, was proclaimed Provincial and Autonomous Champion after a spectacular hoop exercise. With these excellent results, the six gymnasts all qualified for the Spanish Individual Base Championship to be held from April 20 to 24 in the city of Zaragoza. International Tournament “Andalucia Cup” In Marbella On Sunday, the Junior International Tournament "Andalucía Cup" was held in the city of Marbella in which the gymnast Miley Martínez took part along with her coach Jennifer Colino. Both were selected by the Valencian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics to represent the Community in this prestigious international tournament. The Tournament included man high-level gymnasts from both clubs and national teams, representing their country in the junior category. Our gymnast Miley was the youngest gymnast in the competition, a great challenge and a wonderful experience for the gymnast herself. Miley showed great courage and completed her hoop and ball exercises to perfection, achieving an excellent fifth position in both exercises. The club thanks the Valencian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics for allowing Miley and Jennifer to take part in this important event. Congratulations to all of them and to the technical team for their magnificent work!
the National, said: "We've got loads to run at Aintree and all those ones who didn't run at Cheltenham. "McFabulous, Thyme Whyte, Bravemansgame, Simply The Betts, and Saint Calvados will all go there. "I took them out because of the ground - all they would have had at Cheltenham is hard races for nothing. If the ground is wrong for the horse you've got, you don't run. "We'll have a big team for Aintree - and Highland Hunter for the National." 2022 Randox Aintree Grand National betting: Betfair: 10-1 Any Second Now, Delta Work, Escaria Ten, 12-1 Enjoy D'Allen, 14-1 Snow Leopardess, 16-1 Fiddlerontheroof, Longhouse Poet, Minella Times, Run Wild Fred, 20-1 Farclas, Burrows Saint, 25-1 Mount Ida, Fortescue, Noble Yeats, 33-1 bar.
Miley Martínez and Jennifer Colino in Marbella
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
THADER’S 11-MATCH UNBEATEN RUN COMES TO AN END With goals from Aleo and Monti this was UA’s second win in a row.
Uni Alicante .........2
Not only are Alicante University 2nd to bottom in the league, but up to last Saturday evening, they had only won 4 matches all season. As Thader also lost at home to the university side way back in midNovember last year, they will be doubly disappointed at this result. But it wasn't all bad news for the men from Rojales, for the following day, nearest challengers Redovan, lost at home to soften the blow. This now means that Thader are still 3rd in Preferente div, on 49 points, 1 point ahead of 4th place Redovan. Manager Raul Mora elected to make
3 changes from the emphatic 5-0 victory over Aspe the previous week. Out went keeper Chema, Jony and captain Lloyd, to be replaced by Amine, Konate and Juan. Even though they went into the interval 1-0 down, the 2nd half saw numerous good chances to square proceedings, but a late university goal put paid to them salvaging even a point. On Sunday 10 April, ko 1130, at Moi Gomez stadium, Rojales, Thader take on Novelda UD. With only 5 matches of the season remaining, this match now becomes a must win fixture if Thader are to finish in the top 3 playoff places.
Madrid Cup winner takes charge of Torrevieja Sharks RFC By Andrew Atkinson Torrevieja Sharks Rugby Club are looking for new players, ex-players, Veterans, and volunteers to get involved with the running of this family club. "After the International Touch Rugby Tournament at the Nelson Mandela Rugby Stadium we are now embarking on the next leg in recruiting more people to join our Sharks Family Community projects," said Antonio Nawaqavou. Coach, Nawaqavou, two-times winner of the Madrid Cup with Las Rozas Industriales, now in the National 2 and Cisneros Rugby Club in the National 1, said: "I am introducing Island style high octane and fun to watch rugby to Torrevieja. "Currently we are in the middle of restructuring the club, to move it forward and up." Nawaqavou helped Star Rugby Club reach the 1984 Taranaki Cup Final, versus Kaponga Rugby Club, as Captain, later selected on the All Black Kieren Crowley tour of the Fiji Islands. If you are interested please contact Antonio Nawaqavou on: 670 97 23 66, or via his Facebook page.
CD Thader ............0 aving previously gone 11 games unbeaten, stretching back to mid-December, when they lost at league leaders Crevillente, Thader's run was halted at the most unlikely of places.
BY Derek Fleet
Hacienda Riquelme –Thursday, 31st March 2022
Alfies GS third match of the season was played at Hacienda Riquelme, with 23 members and guests taking part. The course had suffered badly due to being closed for a long period due to the Covid pandemic and had not fully recovered. However, the players enjoyed the day. The weather was kind for a change but scores were on the low side with no-one breaking net par. The Blind Pairs was won by Steve Barlow and Ian Ingledew, both returning their 5 cash prize to the charity fund, so thank you both for that. N P in 3 Hole 4 went to Richard Watson, 5 went to Mark Atkinson, 7 went to Sigridur Jonsdottir, 10 went to Valtyr Palsson, 14 went to Mike Morris. All the above won a 10 euro Voucher from The Cherry Tree The Longest Drive Hole 11 was won
Ian Stones - Overall Winner with 33 points
O’Rourke nets Racing San Miguel goal in win at Orihuela CF B
by Mike Morris – bottle Brandy The Best Net score on Hole 18 was won by Ian Stones – bottle Brandy The Silver Division r/up was Mac McLean with 29 pts. The winner was Wayne Stevenson with 31 pts. The Gold Division r/up was Chris Udell with 31 pts. The Gold winner, and our overall winner, was Ian Stones with 33 pts. Gold and Silver Division winners and runners up won vouchers from The Keg 'N’ Kitchen. Many thanks to our Sponsors - The Cherry Tree and The Keg ’N’ Kitchen for their continued support. Our next meeting is at Lo Romero on the 28thApril. TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Sudan, 2. 1984, 3. Notts County, 4. Scotland, It is an "old-time" dance, of a type popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, in which every couple dances the same steps, usually in a circle around the room. 5. Runic, 6. Bombay, It is the
DANI O’Rourke netted for Racing San Miguel as they collected three valuable points away at La Murada based Orihuela CF B in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 on Saturday, to move into tenth place in the table. Defeat left lowly Orihuela CF B on the verge of relegation in 15th place, with just 11 points. Racing San Miguel's José Antonio kept Orihuela at bay, with O’Rourke breaking the deadlock when firing over the home 'keeper, following an assist from Peke, to bag a 1-0 victory. O’Rourke told The Leader: "It was a very important win that allowed us to move away from the bottom half of the table as we have some very difficult games left during the remainder of the season." Sunday’s top of the table clash between Torrevieja and league
most populous city in India with an estimated city proper population of 12.4 million as of the last census in 2011, 7. Iceland, 8. The Netherlands, 9. May 1982 (Relating to the sinking of a Argentine Patrol boat and Cruiser in the Falklands), 10. September 21st, 11. The Beastie Boys, although they
leaders Catral saw the visitors thrash Torry by 3-0 while in other results San Fulgencio shared the spoils with Benijofar while Cox did likewise with Algorfa, both matches finishing 1-1. CD Horadada Thiar A moved
disbanded in 2012. 12. Princess Ida, 13. Chennai, known as the “Gateway to South India, 14. George Michael, 15. Winmau World Masters, 16. Stevie Wonder, 17. A Codling, 18. Plasterer, 19. Her Broomstick, 20. The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), measuring up to 5.8 m (19 ft) tall to the top
up to 10th place in the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 16 following a 5-1 landslide win away at Bigastro CF. *Sunday's results round-up will be on the The Leader website at RSM celebrate their win at Orihuela CF
of the head, and despite being relatively slender, reaching a top weight of 2,000 kg (4,400 lb). 21. Piccadilly Circus, 22. Above the stage where the scenery is hoisted, 23. Castles, 24. Dieppe, 25. Thirty Two
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th April 2022
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