The Leader in Spain Edition 917 – 02 May 22

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No 917 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022

637 227 385

Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper


Due to popular demand and to lift the gloom of the last two years, the first ever International Parade Extravaganza will take place on Saturday 7th May at 4pm in Cabo Roig. Orihuela Costa has probably the most diverse mix of nationalities in Spain with over 100 nationalities living and registered here. This International Parade is a non-political, non-religious, non-ideological day of fun and celebration for everyone young and old. The International parade is organised by members of The Cabo Roig Business Association and OC Avanza who also organise the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Cabo Roig each year. The 10th anniversary Saint Patrick’s Day Parade was cancelled twice, only two days before each parade took place. The first because of Coronavirus in March 2020 and in March 2022 because of unseasonably heavy rain. This International Parade will be very colourful and energetic, in fact it will be spectacular. The parade itself will begin at 4pm, however, the usual parade route will be closed from 1pm, so spectators and participants are advised to

arrive between 2pm and 3pm to get parking nearby (information below*) and then find a good vantage point to view the parade. The 300m each side of the medical centre is always the least populated area to easily view the parade. Entries for the International Parade filled up quickly after it was first announced but if anyone wants to double-check if they are included or to verify their start time, email *Parking is not permitted on the parade route – Calle Mar, Cielo and Agua. There is parking available in the streets of La Regia and on the open ground close to El Gato. Parking is limited in the entrance road to Cabo Roig near the roundabout and in front of the two light shops. There is also limited parking around Consum Aguamarina. The parking area beside the medical centre will close early when the roads close. Busses and taxis are always in short supply and in great demand. Saturday 7th May will be a fantastic day for all the family and a great start to the 2022 summer season, the businesses of Cabo Roig are eagerly awaiting you. We promise you a day never to be forgotten.


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


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Torrevieja to purchase 32 buses for the new transport ser vice said that the City Council has adopted this decision because it has ample financial capacity to cover the cost, and although maintenance will be carried out by the winning company, the buses will be municipal property.


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The mayor also said that the management mode is still to be fully approved, but he specified that the municipal commitment will be one of indirect management. The purchase of these buses is one of the most important direct investments in the history of Torrevieja.

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Both opposition parties, Los Verdes and Sueña Torrevieja, expressed their surprise about the acquisition, which apart from a brief allusion by the spokesman for the governing board Federico Alarcón last Friday, had not previously been announced by the team of government with anything like the amount of publicity that is usually reserved for matters of this magnitude. The current agreement is without a contract and has been with Costa Azul (Grupo Avanza) for more than eight years.

The service will be free for pensioners while ordinary travellers will pay 1.35 euros orrevieja is tendering for the purchase of 32 buses destined for the new urban transport service at a cost of 16 million euros. The decision is based on its willingness to award the management of the service to a company.


However, the transport firm that finally wins the contract will no longer have to assume the purchase of a new fleet of vehicles which will be done through the municipal budget with public money.


The company that is awarded the service will be responsible purely for the management. The new service plans to reduce waiting times by 50% The conditions for the tender include a delivery term of 12 months with vehicles arriving on a regular basis until all 32 have been received. All the buses will be hybrid, except for four that will be exclusively electric. The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, (PP) has


“W AR CRIME” by David Whitney - c 2022 As far as I see it My mind's worked it out A war is a war crime On that I've no doubt A man kills another It's murder for sure But soldiers kill hundreds And its called a war It doesn't fit easy It doesn't relay In the way I was brought up In the way taught to pray The governments know Their decisions decide

They know they'll be safe Whilst their minions have died No glory in warfare It's futile, a crime And bright shiny medals Can't gloss over the grime It all makes me wonder It sickens my mind When bombs kill the children And we're all called man kind Maybe in the future Pray God takes control And wars will be crimes Everybody can solve.

If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:

Despite being free for registered residents, it has attracted complaints from users due to its deficiencies in the organization of the service, low frequency of passage, long waits at stops and the state of the shelters and waiting areas. The new urban bus project contemplates 9 lines, one of them circular, three interchanges including Habaneras/Carrefour and another in the Hospital, three nocturnal owl bus lines between July and September and improvements in information for users. However, an ordinary ticket will cost 1.35 euros for all travellers, with the exception of pensioners, who can use it for free.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022 The RBL Concert Band in Spain with Stevie Spit BEM and compere Keith Nicol

OH WHAT A NIGHT FOR STEVIE AND THE BAND The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain, together with Stevie Spit, (unfortunately, because of illness, Lucinda O'Connell was unable to take part) performed a spectacular charity show last Friday evening 29th. April, to a full house at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio.

Stevie Spit, the consummate entertainer

Jack Kemp, RBL Spain District North Chairman, welcomed everyone to this charity event and spoke of the dreadful events unfolding in Ukraine. This was followed by a minutes silence, reflecting on the families that have fled their beloved homeland and have left family members behind to defend what their country. He went on to say that the money from the event would be divided between the Ukraine Appeal, Mensshed and the RBL. The mayor of San Fulgencio, who was in attendance, was thanked for providing the theatre for the evenings performance. “After two years of covid restrictions it was really good to be playing once again in a theatre to a live audience,” said Graham Robinson. Not even the mayor could get away without buying a raffle ticket

There was a very varied selection of music from the band including Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, The Greatest Showman, Jersey Boys sung by Stevie, who gave a wonderful rendition of The Prayer and the audience enthusiastically joined in with such favourites as the Vera Lynn songs from World War Two, Pomp and Circumstance, Rule Britannia and Jupiter. Eileen Gleave, aka Nanny McPhee, raised over 500 euro on the raffle, which will be added to the 2000 euro taken in tickets sales, making it a thoroughly worthwhile evening for the performers and the charities involved. The evening was ably compered once again by Keith Nicol and concluded with the Spanish and United Kingdom National Anthems and of course the Royal British Legion March'.



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022



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A blooming good day out with U3A Thursday 21st April provided one of the best days of weather that had been experienced for quite some time and proved to be the ideal day for a Flower Festival. Sunny, warm and rainfree!!

By Andrew Atkinson Leader Exclusive Star-studded charity event 'Aid The Costas' is taking place at Benidorm Palace in October, featuring pop icon Leo Sayer and a plethora of top artistes, benefitting Spanish charities, APANEE, The Franciscan Men's Shelter Gandia, Little Pods Association and Benidorm Dog Homing. "I have been working on the 'Aid The Costas' charity for two years. Finally, as many Covid restrictions have ended, we can now promote this event," co-organiser Casey Shaddock told The Leader. Aid the Costas will run on October 2-3 at the 1,200 seater Benidorm Palace. Casey, who has raised thousands of euros for charities, President of Villamartin Plaza, said: "Because there is no music in the Plaza this year, I chose to move it to Benidorm. The owner of the Palace, Christine Climent is a close friend, so we have joined forces." On Sunday, October 2, the day time show features local artistes: "Once the nine artists have performed, Rob Falsini will do a show for 45 minutes. "The local artistes are the Meat Loaf Tribute Benidorm, Westlife Tribute, The Fantastics, Pablo Bloom, Heidi Galvin, Ball & Boe, Greg Bannis, Shani Ormiston, and Nigel Burchill. Tickets are e10.

Benidorm Palace owner, Christine Climent, and Casey Shaddock, are hoping to raise thousands of euros

A number of the Torrevieja U3A members took advantage of the sunshine and travelled, mainly by Eurotours coaches, to spend a pleasant day in Murcia that allowed everyone time for a bit of sightseeing, which was then followed by most of the members meeting up in a traditional Murcian restaurant where they were treated to a typical, Murcian Menu del Dia that was served up for our enjoyment.

"Sunday Night: No Tributes now As it stands. The evening will start with The Fortunes opening for Herman's Hermits. Tickets are e30. "Monday Night, October 3, Paul da Vinci and his Explosion show open for Leo Sayer and his band. Tickets range from e30 - e70," said Casey. Casey, who won the 2018 Pride Of Spain Award for Community Spirit, said: "Charity work is in my heart, and 'Aid The Costas' is going to be a cracker! We are expecting to stream both Sunday shows live. "We have sponsors from a wide area on board and expect that in itself will cover the complete cost. 100% of the net proceeds go to the four charities," added Casey. Companies and individuals who are interested in sponsorship, please contact:

Leo Sayer will headline the Monday night show

After the meal, a bit more time was spent on sightseeing or just enjoying a leisurely drink in some of the many bars along the route, until it was time for everybody to assemble along the course to enjoy the amazing spectacle of the ensuing Flower parade.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022




Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


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Los Alcázares to get New Aircraft Roundabout Work has begun on installing a redundant C101 aircraft on a roundabout in Los Alcázares. The aircraft, which was previously flown by the aerobatic group of the Spanish Air Force, Patrulla Águila, will be erected on the rotunda de las banderas, which serves Avenida de la Libertad and Avenida Mariano Ballester. The official inauguration of the display will take place on 7 May.

The Torrevieja Health Department has confirmed that the Los Montesinos Medical facility will have more health professionals, specifically, one more doctor, an additional nurse and a full-time pediatrician, which will allow the operation of the office both in the morning and the afternoon. They have also said that a refurbishment programme will be carried out to improve its facilities, as local residents have been demanding for some time. The City Council itself announced the news in the medical centre after the meeting between the mayor, José Manuel Butrón, and the management of the Torrevieja Hospital.

SAT ANIMAL RESCUE Fun, fab, five year old SASHA. Everyone needs a galgo in their life!

New Alzheimer’s Centre for Torrevieja From the beginning of the war in Ukraine until April 25, the Spanish Ministry of the Interior has granted a total of 74,965 temporary protections for Ukrainian refugees. In a statement issued on April 26, the Spanish government announced that out of 74,965 defence documents, 39,031 or 52.1 per cent had been processed and resolved at police stations, reports. “I want to take advantage of this visit to highlight the extraordinary work that the national police have been carrying out since March 10 in this task. They are managing in minutes, in collaboration with the Asylum and Refugee Office of the Ministry of the Interior, the applications of the displaced and alleviating as far as possible the suffering due to the departure to which they have been forced”, the Secretary of State for Security, Rafael Pérez pointed out in this regard. In addition, the government revealed that of the total number of refugees who have received temporary protection from Spain, 38.44 per cent are under the age of 18, while 67.58 per cent are

women. The data also show that 23.65 per cent of protection documents were issued to the displaced Ukrainian population between 19 and 35 years old. Another 31.53 per cent for Ukrainian refugees between the ages of 36 and 64, and 6.39 per cent for those over 65 years old. Regarding gender, 67.58 per cent of temporary protection documents were issued to displaced women, compared to 32.42 per cent of decisions for displaced men. “Likewise, 98.74 per cent of temporary protections have been granted to refugees of Ukrainian nationality, while 1.26 per cent have been granted to legal residents in Ukraine who have a different nationality. All the protections entail a residence permit and a work permit for those of legal age,” the government revealed. On the other hand, the General Directorate of Traffic has determined that displaced persons receiving temporary protection can legally apply for their driving licences in Spain for at least one year.

For more info 966710047 (leave a message) /

NUMBERS UP FOR SEXUAL AGGRESSOR IN ORIHUELA The Guardia Civil arrested a 36-year-old man of Moroccan nationality, for a crime of sexual assault in Orihuela. The attack took place on 3 January, when a man attacked a woman around 2am in Carcaixent as the victim was returning home. She was forced her into a garage doorway where he tried sexually assault her. Two passers-by heard the

struggle and rushed to the scene, causing the assailant to flee. A few minutes later, the attacker returned to the scene having lost his mobile phone. A witness offered to help him by dialling the mobile phone which was then retrieved by the assailant who immediately fled. However the witness was able to provide a description of the suspect and the mobile number to investigators.

Among the coming projects in Torrevieja will be the construction of a care centre for patients who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and neurodegenerative diseases, with a budget of 2,434,713.10 euro and the refurbishment of the centres for the elderly. The new Alzheimer's care centre will have an area of 1,600 m2, and include a residential area, hairdressing salon and health services.

Elche to Celebrate Star Wars Day May 4th is known as International Star Wars Day, a pun based on the famous quote from the film, “May the force be with you”, a day that is fun and celebration for lovers of the galactic saga. This year, on Saturday the 7th, starting at 5pm, characters and imperial soldiers from the famous series will walk the streets to give the city a galactic touch. The public will be able to interact with twenty characters who will tour the shopping areas of the old town until 9:00 p.m.

Drug Trafficker Arrested at Traffic Control The Local Police in Elche arrested a man for drug trafficking during a routine vehicle check. His vehicle was stopped at a routine checkpoint where he volunteered to the agents a small piece of a narcotic substance that he said was hashish, but only for his personal consumption. Even so, the police searched the suspect and found a number of small bags with what appeared to be cocaine. The man was arrested and taken to police facilities.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


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MAPS? TH EY’RE ALL OVE R TH E PLAC E Cities outgrow maps, and various countries try to do the same. World maps in the past really should have been drawn in pencil, with an eraser attached.

but no one has managed that particular manoeuvre yet -- allegedly -- NASA wouldn't return my calls.

The earliest maps of the world, around 600 BC, were based on a flat earth model, and are probably still used by some people today, cyclists perhaps. Not mountaineers, though. Old maps included cave paintings and stone etchings, which sound a bit too cumbersome to be taken on a walking holiday. There was frequent talk of a "road map" to help us find our way out of the pandemic, at the very time when the roads were almost completely devoid of traffic. Isn't that what's called a mixed message? The convention is that north is at the top, but maps of Tokyo used to show the Japanese Imperial Palace at the top, and medieval maps were centred on Jerusalem, with East at the top. Even today, Brazil flouts the North-up convention by having South-up maps. I'm not sure how they cope with being upside down in Australia. (Glue on the soles of their feet, we used to say as children.) Thousands of years ago, maps were just clay tablets, so they would have become soggy on a rainy day. There are current maps of the Solar System, where as far as we know, it hasn't rained for centuries. But there is no reliable sat-nav technology once you get beyond the Milky Way. 'Turn Left at Orion' is an interesting book,

Some countries produce maps representing their national claims. Russian maps show Crimea as part of Russia, and Indian and Chinese maps portray Sino-Indian border disputes to their own advantage. Some maps are static, while others are dynamic or fantasy maps, representing real or imaginary places. It would be intriguing to see what Atlantis or Camelot looked like, or if El Dorado and Never Never Land were exact opposites, one a country full of fabulous riches and the other full of pawn shops. I still have my own youthful sketches of Superman's Fortress of Solitude at the North Pole, well, who doesn't? Do you recall the pocket books we used to buy to find our way around foreign destinations, complete with town plans and city maps? They even contained useful questions in the local lingo, although there was no advice concerning how to understand the answers. Luckily the locals usually just pointed, and I can't swim anyway. The old joke about a pocket map being something to help a Scotsman find coins in his pocket is no longer true in my case, since all my money has long since gone on lockdown treats ordered online. As to what those goodies were, I'll leave you to guess. Or do I need to draw you a map?



he multi-million euros Grand Design house in Torremendro, Orihuela, that appeared on TV show 'Grand Designs Abroad' has been

sold. "The Villa, Casa La Pedera is sold," revealed Jenni Ray, who bought land with husband Derek to build the exclusive property overlooking Lake Pedrera in 2004. "The paperwork and documents are completed," said Jenni, having purchased land in Orihuela almost two decades ago to build their dream house. Cas la Pedrera became a successful business, hosting major Flamenco Spectacular Shows, rais-

ing thousands of euros for charities, including Elche Children's Home. However, issues arose with the authorities over the years, that lead to fines and the cancellation of events, ultimately ending in putting the property on sale. "It has been a tremendously personal journey for myself and family - it's the right time now to move on," said Jenni. "The new owners will take over from the 3rd of October and the home will be private," said Jenni. "Thanks to everyone for their well wishes. It is the end of an era. It has been a long, tough journey, but one that I am immensely proud of.

"We are leaving a legacy. The new owners have already fallen in love with the property," added Jenni.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


MIKE’S HELICOPTER CREST FOR THE WORLD’S RICHEST MAN onte Azul, Alicante based Freelance illustrator Mike Jenkins talks to Andrew Atkinson in Part 2 of a Leader Exclusive, reflecting on commissions for Sir Richard Branson, the Sultan Of Brunei, 'The Terminator' and 'Braveheart'.


MIKE Jenkins biggest commission was a humming bird for billionaire entrepreneur and business magnate Sir Richard Branson - that was the full length of a helicopter!

Aberdeen and the phone didn't stop ringing!.

"I worked for Sir Richard Branson, through Bristow Helicopters," said Portsmouth born Mike.

Contact Freelance Illustrator Mike Jenkins at:

"Branson did boat trips around the Maldives and he came up with an idea to hire helicopters. It was from that Bristow Helicopters were asked to do design work," said Mike. "The sign for a helicopter was full-length of a hummingbird - a cracking job. "The only disappointment was that I never got to meet Sir Richard Branson - and I never saw the helicopter again," added Mike. Mike, 72, who also undertook work on behalf of the Sultan Of Brunei, said: "I did a helicopter illustrator design for the Sultan Of Brunei, being a crest of the country. "I enjoyed working for Bristow helicopters, it was interesting." Mike, who spent two decades living in Aberdeen, said: "I worked singwriting for Shell and BP, whilst in Aberdeen working on their tankers. "It was all hand-painted initially, before computers came into it." Mike, who went to San Francisco in 1989, undertaking work customising trucks and cars, returned to Aberdeen taking up airbrushing work. "I painted 'The Terminator' for Sandy Simpson on his truck - the first big job done freehand. "Sandy phoned Arnold Schwarzenegger's agent up to inform him of the work, but he was too busy to see it," said Mike. 'Braveheart' by Freelance Illustrator Mike Jenkins.

"The Terminator was really popular with the local truck drivers in

"The one I loved the best of all was on Scania Artic Unit - with scenes from the movie 'Braveheart'.


Curtail your [UN]Social Media.. has been said about this column that we ‘lag behind the times.’ Perhaps there is truth in that assertion on occasion, but we also believe that we are often so far out in front that we have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up!


Social Media is a case in point. I don’t do it: I don’t want to see or hear about your cutest dog, nor a picture of what you just cooked for dinner. Social Media trivia is a total waste of time and space and a sad reflection of what some people feel the need to talk about. Worse still, social media is now listed as been an addiction, especially among the young. If you Google my name, it will tell you that you can connect with me on Facebook. (I’m not speaking to you, Lads …) Not true, my friends; I was on Facebook some years back whilst trying to promote something we were doing in Spain. It appears that, like the Mafia, you cannot get out of Facebook. Last message I left read as follows: (after 31 people wanted to be my friend) ‘If you want to be my friend tell me to my face and we’ll have a cup of coffee.’ I got no takers – so obviously my new friends didn’t want me that badly! There was a great article by Colin Murphy in last week’s ‘Sunday Independent.’ “Social Media is rotting our brains”, was the first line that Colin wrote. “It grinds down our ability to concentrate, chops away at our productivity and *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


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makes our teenagers more anxious, less empathetic and more tribal.” The ‘grooming’ of children and vulnerable adults via social media is something we hear of every day. There are predators out there who have the art of manipulation well practiced and the range of scams facilitated on smart-phones is truly mindboggling. Cyberbullying is yet another scourge of the younger set; and indeed, the not so young are also among its victims. Invasion of privacy is a subtle side-effect of being a part of some of these sites. Undesirables that you wouldn’t normally allow inside your road gate, are granted a position whereby they know everything about you Social Media addiction is having a fundamental impact on how our children and grandchildren are learning how they interact with the world. Twitter has this week been bought out by Elon Musk for a sum in the region of 40 Billion. (No, that is not a misprint, Girls). I know nothing about Mr Musk other than the fact that he is ‘snug’ – as they say around here! I would hazard a guess that the buyer bought Twitter in the expectation of making a few bob. Musk claims that he purchased the forum to safeguard free speech. In this modern age, where truth doesn’t count, my bet is that a lot of Twitter ‘free speech’ will be lies. I think he said that Donald Trump is welcome back on board the Twitter vehicle. I rest my case! Now, in the interests of balance, we have to admit that the inception of social media has Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

GARDEN FELIX - FUSCHIA FLOWERS MAY THROUGH TO AUTUMN Fuchsias are shrubs that have hanging, bell-shaped, bi-coloured flowers that will start flowering in May - and continue through to autumn. Depending on the variety, fuchsias are extremely versatile and can be grown as stand-alone shrubs, climbers, informal hedges or standards, as well as bedding plants in pots and hanging baskets for patio displays. Flowers come in shades of white, candy pink, magenta, purple and red, along with golden, purple or red-tinged leaves too. Fuchsias are easy to grow, simply plant them in sun or partial shade, but note a scorching southfacing spot can be too much in summer. They can cope with any type of soil, however, it must be well-draining. Plant out in spring or early summer and water regularly, until established. Remember to water fuchsias in containers regu-

brought huge benefits to our world. Without these technologies we would be a much poorer place. Facebook can be a very positive tool in promoting business or community activities.

media. Same as with gambling, drinking, overeating and other addictions, it is fine until you allow it take over your life. It needs to be reined in and controlled.

There was a great ‘go’ on WhatsApp ‘funnies’ over the past two years when we didn’t have much else to amuse us. With many of my friends I enjoyed this distraction which triggered countless belly-laughs.

The ‘New York Times’ has recently warned its journalists against the lazy use of Twitter instead of doing the leg work and invoking good old fashioned journalistic practices. The paper’s editor held up YCBS as a great example of how to do the thing right without having anything to do with social media. (Well …. he actually didn’t get to say that bit – but I know it was on the tip of his tongue!)

This fad has now run its course, and without a word being spoken about it, it’s as if all my ‘WhatsApp Circle’ just decided to stop forwarding on the same day. The stuff had started to weaken and some of those staged Tictok videos are pure pathetic. Mind you, my group still exchange the odd very clever, funny, interesting or informative item. ‘Moderation’ is that old trusty fall-back word that springs to mind when we speak of social larly, keeping the compost moist, but not soggy, allowing any excess to drain away. Feed with a high potash liquid plant food, such as tomato food, throughout summer to encourage more flowers. Dead flowers will normally fall off on their own accord, but dead-heading will help keep the plant producing flowers. A common pest of fuchsias is the vine weevil, that nibble notches out of the leaves, but it’s the white grubs that do the most damage feasting on plant roots underground which can kill the plant. Both the flowers and the small purple berries that follow them are edible. The flowers can be crystallised and used to decorate cakes and desserts, while the fruits of some varieties have a citrussy, peppery taste and can be used to make jam.

DON’T FORGET Any man who is honest, fair, tolerant, charitable of others, and well behaved is a success no matter what his station in life might be.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022

GUYS AND DOLLS GAMBLERS, SHOWGIRLS AND HUSTLERS In New York, a gambler is challenged to take a cold female missionary to Havana, but they fall for each other, and the bet has a hidden motive to finance a crap game. All the hot gamblers are in town, and they're all depending on Nathan Detroit to set up this week's incarnation of "The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York;" the only problem is, he needs $1000

to get the place. Trying to convert the Gamblers from their wicked ways are the members of the Salvation Army Save a Soul Mission led by General Cartwright played by Lonee Hopwood (pictured) and Granma Peggy played by Judith O’Neill (pictured). Studio 32 believes that they have assembled


Members of the Salvation Army Save a Soul Mission, General Cartwright (Lonee Hopwood) and Granma Peggy (Judith O’Neill). one of the best vocal casts that they have ever had for this performance and don’t want anybody who enjoys musicals to miss out on seeing this fantastic show. For this reason they are offering groups of 20 or more who book on our website online booking service for Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th performances, a discount of €24 which will be refunded on the night of the performance on production of the ticket receipt at front of house.

There will also be a complimentary drink on arrival and at the interval. TICKETS WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON THE DOOR ON THE NIGHT OF THE PERFORMANCE. For further information call 679 062 272 or 636 020 547. To book tickets online visit our website at For further information and advice on how to use our online booking service email


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022

1968 - Mary Hopkin won her heat on the ITV talent show 'Opportunity Knocks'. She later signed with The Beatle’s owned Apple Records, Paul McCartney produced her UK No.1 single 'Those Were The Days'.

1993 – Dire Strait’s Mark Knopfler received an honorary music doctorate from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.

1974 - ABBA were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Waterloo', the group's first of nine UK No.1 singles was the 1974 Eurovision song contest winner for Sweden. The song was first called 'Honey Pie'.

1997 - Katrina And The Waves won the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin with the song 'Love Shine A Light', making them the first UK winners since Bucks Fizz in 1981.

1976 - BBC Radio 1 DJ Johnny Walker announced he was quitting the station after being told he must pretend to like The Bay City Rollers. 1984 – Simple Mind’s singer Jim Kerr married Pretender’s singer Chrissie Hynde in a horse drawn carriage in Central Park, New York City. The couple divorced in 1990. 1989 - A security guard alerted the police after a man wearing a wig, fake moustache and false teeth walked into Zales Jewellers, California. Three squad cars arrived and police detained the man, who turned out to be Michael Jackson in disguise. 1992 - Little known UK duo Nirvana filed a suit against the American band of the same name claiming that they had been using the name since 1968. The dispute was settled out of court in the British bands favour. Katrina And The Waves


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2003 - UK Holiday camp operator Butlins introduced a new system of rhyming slang at bingo halls in an attempt to bring the game up-to-date. Pop stars Jennifer Lopez and Gareth Gates became new catchphrases for the callers, 'Gareth Gates' (8) and 'JLo's bum' (71). Other additions include 'stroppy teen' (15) and 'feng shui' (53). 2007 - Almost 2,000 musicians gathered in the Polish city of Wroclaw to play a rock anthem by Jimi Hendrix. The guitarists were aiming to set a new Guinness World Record by gathering 1,876 guitarist's in the city's Market Square to play 'Hey Joe'. Organizers say it was the biggest guitar ensemble in recorded history. 2012 - Paul McCartney and his wife Nancy Shavell narrowly avoided a potential deadly helicopter crash when their pilot became disoriented during a flight in bad weather and missed some trees by just two feet. Flying home to their estate in East Sussex, England after a day in London, the McCartney's were not aware of how close they came to crashing at the time. 2016 - The Rolling Stones told Donald Trump to stop playing their songs during his presidential campaign. The band issued a statement saying that the US presidential candidate did not have permission to use the band's music. Their 1969 hit 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' had been a particular favourite during his campaign. 2021 - English singer-songwriter, musician and model Nick Kamen

The Stones told Donald Trump to stop playing their songs died following a long battle with bone marrow cancer age 59. He was best known for the singles ‘Each Time You Break My Heart’ from 1986 and ‘I Promised Myself’ from 1990, as well as for appearing in a 1985 Levi's advert.

ST GEORGE’S DAY FUNDRAISER FOR UKRAINE By Andrew Atkinson Steve Spit BEM was amongst a plethora of people at the Emerald Isle, La Florida, Orihuela, who helped raise funds for Ukraine in the wake of the country being under war with Russia. "The charity fund raising event was staged celebrating St George's Day, in helping to raise money for the Ukraine," said Stevie. Live entertainment included The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain, Belinda McBride, Footwork Dance Studio, The Costa Blanca Morris Dancers, Cindy Fitzpatrick, Project Duo and Crazy Ladies. "Following the event another lorry has departed for Ukraine. On behalf of everyone I would like to give thanks for all those that helped, amongst them Help@Home in getting all the collections in and taking it to the depot in Alicante," said Stevie. "There are so many wonderful people to thank, I couldn't possibly name everyone, but they know who they are - amazing people," said Stevie.

The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain

Stevie Spit sorting goods bound for the Ukraine with Peter and Nanny McPhee


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


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ANSWERS Week 916

ACROSS 7. Comment (6) 8. Direction (6) 10. Wrestle (7) 11. Inundate (5) 12. Soothe (4) 13. Stage (5) 17. Transparent (5) 18. Concoction (4) 22. Destroy (5) 23. Disentangle (7) 24. Enjoy (6) 25. Reason (6) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 14. 15. 16. 19. 20. 21.

Delicate (7) Pleasant (7) Vault (5) Bewilder (7) Demonstration (5) Prepared (5) Method (9) Elfin (7) Dominate (7) Distended (7) Teem (5) Answer (5) Criminal (5)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Ditch; 4 Swamped; 8 Stadium; 9 Pious; 10 Oven; 11 Doctrine; 13 Prod; 14 Stay; 16 Reticent; 17 Talc; 20 Irate; 21 Reproof; 22 Gallery; 23 Dwell. DOWN: 1 Disconcerting; 2 Trade; 3 Hail; 4 Summon; 5 Appetite; 6 Prodigy; 7 Disrespectful; 12 Concrete; 13 Pitfall; 15 Energy; 18 Alone; 19 Sped. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Zones; 4 Godsend; 8 Babylon; 9 Dross; 10 Amen; 11 Ulterior; 13 Suez; 14 Mean; 16 Stricken; 17 Omen; 20 Ideal; 21 Rooster; 22 Genesis; 23 Grebe. DOWN: 1 Zebra crossing; 2 Noble; 3 Salt; 4 Gentle; 5 Doddered; 6 Erosion; 7 District nurse; 12 Hercules; 13 Surgeon; 15 Debris; 18 Mitre; 19 Gong.

ACROSS 7. He puts money on a footballer (6) 8. Start to arrange for show (3,3) 10. It’s minted by the company in time ... (7) 11. ... and it could be ruined by cruel mix-up (5) 12. See 21 Down. 13. Spoils the remains of ancient buildings (5) 17. Be quiet about mother’s bankruptcy (5) 18 and 19Dn. They don’t provide illumination in the van! (45) 22. Giving chase at a later date (5) 23. The luggage is found in the lowlands (7) 24. Not entirely left in a political group (6) 25. Plenty with a different role after the end of casting (6)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Name the Hollywood films starring the following actors that were based on a John Steinbeck novel. a. John Malkovich, b. James Dean, c. Henry Fonda 2. The name for which type of building or construction stems from both the French and Latin word for butterfly? 3. The largest known spider in the world is named after which biblical character? 4. Which Paul McCartney and Wings album title is also the name of a famous painting by Sandro Botticelli? 5. According to the Wikipedia rich list who is the wealthiest monarch in the world? 6. Which 2 footballers have been sent off twice while playing for England? 7. Which well known Order have been coined 'The Bankers of the Middle Ages'? 8. Which two bands had a hit with the song 'Dandy' in the 1960s? 9. What are the three main island groups in Oceania ending with the letters 'ia'? 10. Name the film in which Jeff Bridges played the following characters. a. Clu, b. Jack Baker, c. The Dude, d. Rooster Cogburn, e. Dr. Mark

DOWN 1. Thugs making a wild chase round Pennsylvania (7) 2. He doesn’t believe I fled in disguise (7) 3. State of a hatchet that’s turned up in back-street (5) 4. Filling up the cracks at the top of the room, we hear (7) 5. Joey’s resting-place (5) 6. Pete’s very much inclined to get upset (5) 9. To pulverise in this way is disgusting (9) 14. Greenstone (7) 15. To phase out a place of refreshment (3-4) 16. One who puts clothes on a sideboard (7) 19. See 18 Across. 20. Some of the supplies to restock the shop (5) 21 and 12Ac. Describing bright pupils (5-4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) Powell, 11. What is the largest lake in the Tropics? 12. Which sport does James Bond take part in, in "Die Another Day"? 13. "Mine eyes" are the first two words to which famous war song? 14. In the Tour De France, what is the 'Lanterne Rouge'? 15. What are the five largest landlocked countries in the world? 16. Who were the first four men to have been awarded the title "European footballer of the year" two or more times? 17. Which are the only two South American countries that do not border Brazil? 18. Which US city is the gin soaked bar room queen from in the song 'Honky Tonk Woman'? 19. In which country is the southernmost inhabited community in the world? 20. Which famous German brand was known as "Dassler" back in the 1930s? 21. Which popular fruit; with variety names such as Bing, Lambert, Royal Ann and Empress; was apparently first introduced into England by Henry VIII?


637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022

aware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

CHURCHES AND SERVICES The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733 La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the

5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

GENERAL Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most


quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934. Cremation plan.2575 euros.One time payment. Full paperwork. Call 697 834 934.

MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The March Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 19 May at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Guest speaker on Cooking Curries. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome.

SHARE THE COST OF BUYING AN APARTMENT I am looking for someone to share the cost of buying a 2 bed apartment in Los Alcazares. Total cost is 100k so 50k each.

Please contact Fintan on +353 86 878 1317

637 227 385

You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE

Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361.


Do massage erotic with hapy

Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050. Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year.

end. Speak good english. Call

LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966.

604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834

NADIA... SO SWEET MONDALVIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.

Tel. 643 276 205

LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).

Tel. 604 111 457

ANA SEXY AND ELEGANT Spanish lady. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English.

HELEN... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON. Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.

Tel. 665 736 488


637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


Classic afternoon tea raises a magnificent 504 euros for AMS A

total of 53 people enjoyed a beautiful Classic Afternoon Tea at the Pines Restaurant in Benijofar on 12th April.

Huntington’s; Motor Neurone Disease; Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s and fundraising events are held on a regular basis to help fund the work of the Association to improve the quality of life for sufferers, their carers and their families.

The event was organised by Sandra Doolan to raise much needed funds for the newly formed Association of Movers and Shakers. Sandra is a good friend of Marion Smith, President of the Association, who’s husband David suffers from Huntington’s Disease.

The Movers and Shakers Club is held every Friday from 1 – 3 pm at O’Briens Bar in El Raso, Guardamar del Segura. Members meet up for a drink and a chat on a full range of of topics and to exchange ideas information.

Paul Harris, local guitarist and singer entertained the diners with a mixture of contemporary songs and “golden oldies”, which everyone enjoyed.

For more info contact Marion Smith, Tel: 711008250, or visit: or Facebook@Movers and Shakers

The Association supports people and their families with Ataxia;

Sandra Doolan formed the group to raise funds for a local charity

The Association is looking to recruit new volunteers. Details are available on their website.


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


637 227 385

DARKNESS INTO LIGHT The event takes place next Saturday starting at 5.30am

The Security Pass makes a change to listen to a story with a happy ending and this is one of them. In Birmingham a couple, Steve and Anne, live in a tree lined street and parked on their driveway with CCTV cameras monitoring the area, their brand new blue 2008 model Peugeot parked outside, the keys for it in a jar inside the house.


You can imagine their surprise when sitting down to breakfast one morning they casually looked at the monitor, and where they expected to see their pride and joy the space was empty. Thinking there was something wrong with the video system they grab the keys and rush outside only for it to be confirmed, the car had gone – they look in wonderment at the keys and how can it be?

out of curiosity they drove across in their hire car. The good Samaritan pointed out where she had found it and there parked on the side of the road was their car. Obviously, the thief had discarded it as no use and thrown it out of the window. At that moment a young scruffy looking man walked along the pavement and approached the car as he was fumbling with his mobile phone. Steve approached him saying this is our car and proved it by unlocking it with the original key, at which point the other started running. Costa Blanca Darkness Into Light call for public support as ‘Darkness Into Light’ Walk returns for the first time since 2019

Steve gave chase, at the same time calling the police while following the villain. Running, following the man at the same time, he is relaying the route of the chase to the authorities. A police car arrived and arrested the individual.

Darkness Into Light Costa Blanca will take place at sunrise on May 7th at 5:30am from The Cabo Roig Inn, Cabo Roig wave in front of a debiting machine will very happily do the same to any device that might be held in the vicinity by the perpetrator. Amazon, by using similar formulas, has opened 17 stores in London and no doubt plan many more around the country, and where the banks are leaving the High Street, Amazon thinks differently and that is where their latest operation has been developed. These new high-tech stores introduced by the group not only are totally cashless, including folding money, they also do not take the plastic friend, in fact there are no registers to take any currency, also no counter or other staff in any form and certainly no one to check what you have purchased. Although I’m told there is someone to introduce you to their system.

The new Peugeot, similar to many other makes of new cars, does not have a key to lock it, instead there is some electronic gismo that can be bypassed with a cheap programme bought for little money on eBay (so I am told) which when added to a mobile can override the security system of the vehicle.

The car was in a poor state and had been used for transporting drugs. After forensics had inspected the vehicle the insurers gave it a thorough clean and it was returned. Although they are happy to have it back – somehow it just does not feel the same.

The couple were devastated.


Although insured for such an event it is the upsetting of the routine and the vulnerable feeling that someone, despite all their efforts to protect their property by using current technology, can be ignored. There is also the need to replace the personal items in the car including Anne’s security pass to allow access to her place of work. A few weeks was to pass, and they had settled back to some normality when the lady received a message from a security firm to say they had found her security pass. A person had found it on the ground to the side of the road and they referred her to the person who had discovered it. The find was on the other side of the city and

I don’t think many of us can remember a period without Amazon. Now the name appears in our lives almost on a daily basis. For some time now there have been warnings, including in this column, of the slide to a cashless society, which in part is being forced on us by the banks who are, in some cases, refusing to accept small coin as a payment into an account, encouraging the use of their online facilities, and at the same time closing branches and ATM facilities. As an aside to this story, although part of it, the villains of this world have been able, through electronic means, to relieve you of your bank balance or at least reduce it, just by walking past you. The card you normally

My understanding of the way it works is, you need to have an account with Amazon, and this allows you to enter the store through a gate. From then on the shopper is monitored not only by cameras watching your every move but also sensors on the shelves making note of what you are putting into a bag, yes, a bag as there are no trollies. When you are ready you walk out, no card waving at a reader and no barrier. The Amazon machine goes to work on what you have taken and later in the day you receive an invoice on your smart phone telling you how much you have spent. Frightening! Monitored every step of the way. The technology is so advanced it can remind you what you bought the previous week. How long before the rest of our lives are controlled in the same way? Back to the Hondon Valley, just recently there have been three occasions that we know of, where people have tried to obtain money from an ATM – no money received but their account has been debited with the amount requested which they are now struggling to get reimbursed. Take care. chattey - the ‘Blitz & Pieces’ the bombing of London during WWII now available in Hard Back from Amazon.

DIL is the charity’s flagship fundraising event each year, involving tens of thousands of supporters in Ireland and around the globe symbolically walking 5km from darkness into light The annual fundraising event supporting the suicide prevention charity Pieta and over 40 other partner charities, will return at sunrise on May 7th. As the world reopens, Darkness Into Light will return with its organised events in 24 international locations, beginning in darkness at sunrise and continuing through to dawn to symbolise the journey from despair to hope. Speaking on the importance of the event in supporting the ongoing work that Pieta and partner charities undertake, Sinead Price, Fundraising Director for the organisation said, “Darkness into Light is vital for fundraising, for raising awareness and for bringing people together across the globe in the spirit of solidarity, comfort, and compassion. Social connection is the heartbeat of Pieta so we are delighted to have our events back this May in most of our venues.” Pieta provides free counselling to those who are engaging in self-harm or have suicidal thoughts and provide free bereavement services to those who have been touched by suicide. The funds raised from Darkness into Light will be felt not just by Pieta clients but also by the people supported by more than forty supported charity partners working in the area of mental health globally. Costa Blanca Darkness Into Light team continue to Partner with ADIEM, based in Orihuela, Torrevieja and Alicante. The Costa Blanca team and ADIEM have been working closely together over the past four years on local Mental Health Awareness Campaigns. ADIEM, who were founded in 1997 emerged as an Association in Orihuela (Alicante), made up of a group of families and Founding Members who came together while sharing the needs and concerns of our relatives with mental health problems. Pieta Interim CEO, Denise Cronin is urging people to join the Darkness into Light global movement wherever they are in the world, “The need for public support is greater than ever especially now when so many people are feeling anxious after prolonged periods of isolation. I am appealing to people who are considering taking part on May 7th to join us and support their local partner charity. The funds raised will help to ensure that vital services will continue to be supported in the aftermath of the pandemic. Details of our international partner charities can be found by visiting


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022

Phil " The Power " Taylor Having recently commissioned local darts supremo and artist Chelsea Campbell to reproduce a family photo onto canvas, l thought a canvas of my old pal Phil might go down well in an auction and what better occasion on which to hold it than our OWS darts presentation in May. All proceeds will be donated to the Royal British Legion of which the


Leader's editor Kevin Reardon is a member of the National Committee and Chairman the Orihuela Costa and District branch. Chelsea has done a great job of reproducing one the many special moments in the " The Power's " career and more importantly Phil has given the painting and the auction a big " thumbs up ". Any individuals or bars wishing to bid prior to the presentation may do so to Paul Durrant on 966 18 19 47.

Jean and Jane

VE N U E - CC’S LA Z E N IA FREAKIE TAVERNERS,' Sharon Frain and Mitch Halliday are the new O.W.S. Ladies Pairs Champions, taking the title at the superb C.C.'s darts venue. The Freakie pair not only won, but did it in style, by winning all their "Round Robin" qualification games, their semi final and final, without dropping a leg. Some feat, impossible to better and difficult to emulate. The Champions opponents in the final, the very capable duo of Pat Schofield and Lisa lvill, two of the infamous Tiaras from Tipsy Toad. Frain and Halliday dovetailed well throughout, both contributing scores and doubles, as did the Tiaras until the best of 5 final. Fair to say, the Freakie ones would have beaten most opposition, even taking the bull for first throw. A lone 80+ from lvill was countered by a 133 from Frain, followed by an 87 out ( S7, T20, D10 ) 1-0. Both Schofield and lvill played well in the 2nd without finding enough trebles, taking advantage of the Tiaras shortcomings, Frain hit 83,123, Halliday an 86 out, on T18,D11, for 2-0. lvill dug deep in the 3rd for 83,95, cancelled out by similar scores

from Frain, leaving Halliday to take out D7 for the glory and title. The Tiaras route to the final included a fine 2-0 victory in the semi over Danny's 2 Karens, Collins 85,86,88 and Raffell 88, Schofield finding both doubles. Earlier encounters included wins over Simone de Lacy and Elizabeth Cowan, the 2 "Karens", Cheryl McGlynn and Sue Spiers, plus Stephanie Broadfoot and Christine Hutchinson.

Winners - Sharon and Mitch

Stephanie and Christine

Spiers and McGlynn made their way to the semi's with 3 "Round Robin" wins, but found the champions elect a bridge too far, losing 2-0. No shame however, as everyone failed to take a leg from the champs. Runners Up - Pat and Lisa

The two Karens

TOP SCORES Simone de Lacy, Tipsy Toad Tiaras, 137, 133, 121, Sharon Frain, Freakie Taverners, 133, 123, 113, Jean Randall 121, Stephanie Broadfoot, Angels Delights, 111, Pat Schofield, Tipsy Toad Tiaras, 105, Cheryl McGlynn, Hub Hellraisers, 102, Jane Wills Dannys, 100. Eighty five assorted 80+ scores.

QUALIFYING ROUND ROBIN TABLE Halliday / Frain Freakie Taverners Schofield / lvill Tipsy Toad Toppers Collins / Raffell Danny's Bar McGlynn / Spiers Hub Hellraisers Wills / Randall Danny's Bar Cowan / de Lacy Tipsy Toad Toppers Broadfoot / Hutchinson Angels Delight

GAME SHOT - SHARPSHOOTERS 6 wins 4 wins 3 wins 3 wins 2 wins 2 wins 1 win

Halliday Schofield Frain Spiers Randall

8 6 3 2 2

Semis - Cheryl and Sue

Elizabeth and Simone


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022

Emerald Isle Bowls Club


637 227 385

Sunday brought Auriol Park from London to a sunny Emerald Isle and they had a great game with the home taking the spoils but a good time was had by all. The photo right shows team captains Ann Marie and Rosemary The Victors played at home on Monday against Quesada Lancasters but it turned out not such a great day with visitors winning 0-12, Aggregate 58-85 Vulcans played at San Miguel Moors and were beaten 2-10, Aggregate of 71-107, J Pooley S Elvin M Odell 20-10 The Cavaliers travelled to Bonalba on Tuesday to play the North v South winners game and the Cavaliers won convincingly to take the trophy, rounding off a great season. Aggregate 88-49. D Jones B Kavanagh C Lindgren 25 -8, M Veale S Marks R Marks 22-18, J Pooley Jo Pering Julian Pering 22-6, N Prior A M Gerrard D Gerrard 19 -17 Dukes played San Luis Falcons on Wed, away, and got a good 6-6 draw Aggregate 84-88, C Lindgren 21-15, S Marks R Marks 19-18, N Prior B Eldred K Jolliffe D Gerrard 19-15

North v South Champions - Emerald Isle Cavaliers

Earls played at home against La Siesta Hoopoes and slipped to a 4-8 Aggregate of 76-93 defeat, S Elvin 2119, J Pooley 21-9 SAPS takes place on Sat mornings at 9-30am

SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB - Sheila Cammack Well it’s actually been a reasonable, though busy, week for catching up with the re-arranged matches – although Wednesday was a bit damp it didn’t stop play.

April, Falcons away v Quesada Lions took 4pts6, 84shots-99. Winners: Mary Lockley 21-20. Margaret Morrison, Phil Lockley, Neil Morrison, Keith Jones 27-7.

LLB South Alicante Spitfire Div. A: Monday 25th April Wellingtons had a close battle at home to VB Fairways; 5pts-7, 66 shots-78. Winners: Tricia Reilly, Sandra Burrows, Pat Reilly 16-15, Janet Webb, Bill Webb, Dave Webb 13-13, Mary & Phil Lockley, Scott Malden 13-10.

VCL Southern Div B Hawks Wednesday 27th NO match, but Friday 29th also a re-arranged match from 20th. The Hawks at home v SM Deputies had a close match earning some useful points 6-6, 76shots-82. Well done to winners: Jane Hamill 21-11, Ralph Jones, Lyndon Johnson 17-14, Brian White, Tony Campbell, Les Shannon, Brenda Brown 19-14.

Hurricane Div B: Hercules, were away at our close neighbours, La Siesta & got stung by the Wasps taking just 2pts-10, 70 shots-97. Our winning team: John Dowell, Cas Blay, Brenda Brown 18-15. VCL Southern Div A: Falcons finally got to play their match v SM Sheriffs, on Tuesday 26th (rearranged from 6th April), sharing the points 66, 87shots-80. Our winners: June & Keith Jones 22-9, Janet Webb, Phil Lockley, Neil Burrows, Dave Webb 22-13. Wednesday 27th Falcons at home v EI Dukes had an even closer match with shots 88-84, 6pts-6. SL winners: Sandra Burrows 21-10, Margaret Morrison, Kevin McKenna, Neil Morrison 19-15. Friday 29th was a re-arranged match from 20th

San Miguel Bowls Barry Jones On Monday San Miguel Moors were home to Emerald Isle Vulcans, where they won 10 - 2, 107 shots to 71, keeping them at the top of the table. Best winning triple were Gail Willshire, Lynn Greenland and Fred Willshire 25 - 8. Also on Monday San Miguel Christians were away to Quesada Blenheims losing 10 - 2, 77 shots to 103. The winning triple were Stan North, Jack Jackson and Mike Douglas 21 -17. This week San Miguel Sheriffs played three games, of which two were re-arranged and this weeks league game.

We’ve managed to dodge the showers this week, let’s hope we don’t have to go back to “singing in the rain” next week. We send love & best wishes to players & friends who are currently recovering from serious operations or medical conditions & we remember Mel Brown, Greenlands, who sadly died this week. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. San Luis BC welcomes new & experienced members, we hope they would be willing to sign up before the end of August, so we can plan how many teams to enter for 2022/23 season. For more information, come along to watch or contact Club Captain June Jones: / 691903773. On Sunday they were at home to Vistabella Saxons winning 10 -2. In the Ladies singles Mary Dyer won 21 - 13. The Mens singles saw Noel Davis losing 18 - 21. In the Pairs, Dave Greenland and Steve Cantley won 15 - 4. In the Triples, Mary Whitelock, Lee Sinclair and Eddie Cowan won 22 - 13. In the Rinks Gail Willshiire, Ron Nairey, Lynn Greenland and Fred Willshire won 26 - 15. On Tuesday San Miguel Sheriffs were away to San Luis Falcons, drawing 6 - 6. In the Ladies singles Mary Dyer won 21 - 12. In the Mens singles Noel Davis won 21 - 18. In the Pairs Dave Greenland and Steve Cantley lost 9 - 12. The Triples saw Mary Whitelock, Tom Dalgliesh and Eddie Cowan won their game 16 - 13. In the Rinks Gail Willshire, Ron Nairey, Lynn

Team captains Rosemary and Ann Marie

Vistabella Bowls Club Hi all, This week’s Vistabella Bowls Club Report, a few re arranged matches taking place due to our inclement weather at the moment, Sunday 24th April in the VCL, Vistabella Saxons Division A, were Away to San Miguel Sheriff's, not a good morning Bowling for us, Winning on just 1 Rink, Men's Singles, Richard Willey Winning 22-18, Shots, 76-102 Points 2-12.

LA MARINA BOWLS Saturday 23rd and we welcome back Bobby & Billie Simms along with their Henfield Touring side and it was great not only to touch base with Bobby & Billie but to sit down afterward with Paella and wine and chew over the fat (perhaps not the best analogy for a meal) but you know what I mean. Last week the Leader published league tables and we are on top of the South Alicante League and equal second in the VCL – lets play our own trumpet while we can. This week we are back to league bowling and on Monday in the South Alicante League we travelled to our local rivals Monte

Greenland and Fred Willshire lost 13 - 22. On Wednesday San Miguel Sheriffs were away to Quesada Lions losing 3 - 9. In the Ladies singles Mary Dyer won 21 - 17. In the Mens singles Noel Davis lost 14 - 21. In the Pairs Dave Greenland and Steve Cantley drew 16 - 16. In the Triples Mary Whitelock, Tom Dalgliesh and Eddie Cowan lost 14 -18. In the Rinks Gail Willshire, Ron Nairey, Lynn Greenland and Fred Willshire lost 13 - 17. Also on Wednesday San Miguel Deputies were home to Quesada Tigers winning 10 - 2. In the Ladies Singles Jan Farmer won 21 - 11. In the Mens singles Bob Nesbitt win 21 - 19. In the Pairs Margaret Patterson and Mike Douglas lost 14 - 25. In the Triples Stuart (Rab) Harvey, Sandi Hannan and Bob Donnelly won 30 - 10. In the

with Brian Zelin

Monday 25th April In the South Alicante League, Vistabella Fairways Division A, were Away to San Luis Wellington's, Winning on 2 Rinks and Drawing on 1 Rink, Plus the Shots, Lynne Bishop, John Goddard, Gary Thorpe 22-12, Denise Howell, Mo Foulcer, Martin Foulcer 18-12, Rosemarie Savage, Ken Savage, Carol Thorpe 13-13 Shots 78-66 Points 7-5. Wednesday 27th April, In the VCL Vistabella Saxons Division A, Had a bye. Mar, not quite the result we hoped for but playing away from home and securing 4 points is still good. Our top winning trip was Jean Tregoing, Mike Smith and Peter Parsons with a score of 22-9 and our overall shot difference of 75-98. It's not often that you get excited about 2 points but on Wednesday 27th that was exactly the case, we were at home to Greenlands and looking to be whitewashed but for our super excited triple of Paul Tregoing, and Jean & Don Fowkes. They had the most exciting final end real nip and tuck but came away with a 19-18 victory securing us those 2 vital points and avoiding the white wash. Dave Hadaway

Rinks Alan Patterson, Don Derby, Dave Champion and Alan Campbell lost 15 - 31. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place on Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm start. 5 euro for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons starting at 1.45pm. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club, we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further information on San Miguel B.C. please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022

LA SIESTA BOWLS (Members Run Club) by Alan Carr In the Hurricane Division the Wasps welcomed San Luis Hercules to La Siesta and continued with their good run of recent results with the following four teams collecting wins; Kathleen Morrisroe, Brian Pocock & Karen Kirk (27-10). Ramsay Sinclair, Dave Collins & Alan Mawer (20-13). Dawn & John Taylor with Harold Charleton (19-15). Jan Pocock, Norman Adcroft & Dave Blackie (16-14) and together with the overall (Shots 97-70) collected 10 points, the remaining rink only losing by 3 shots. VCL For the Hoopoes home game they welcomed Country Bowls Koalas who were in great form by winning on all rinks, the closest we got was the two singles games where the result could have gone either way. Lost 12-0 (Shots 65-104). The Parakeets had an away game at the Emerald Isle playing the Earls which resulted in wins on three rinks together with the overall (Shots 93 – 76). Result 8-4. Winning teams being; Rinks – Tracey Paffett, Jim Jarvie, Ken Barber & Dave Blackie (22-10). Trips – Ramsay Sinclair, Peter Ayers & Derek Biggs (23-12). Pairs – Martin Harley & Karen Kirk (20-12).

The Club Championship Presentation Lunch was held at restaurant Portico Mar near Guardamar and after a superb lunch a raffle was held prior to the Trophies being presented to the winners and runners-up by our President. Thanks to everybody involved who worked very hard for this presentation to run so smoothly. Interested in joining La Siesta members run Bowls Club, there is always something going on with plenty of social events, at the club we have league/casual bowling which includes Chicken and Egg every Wednesday with George 1.30 for 2pm, and organised roll ups every Saturday with Graham & Mike 9.30 for 10am where prizes are awarded. Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.

By Steve Hibberd The week started well with wins for both our South Alicante league teams. Blenheims had a fine 10-2 home victory over San Miguel Christians, in which these 4 sets of trips gained the points - B Trinder, C Dye, T Morgan 16-14. S Barnes, M France, D Barnes 24-19. C Brazier, B Elliott, T Voisey 28-13. G Carnell, V Campbell, F Roberts 18-10. Over at the Emerald Isles, Lancasters went one better against the Victors. Winning on all 5 rinks, meant that these high flyers earned all 12 points on offer - S & A Johnston, P Bradbury 13-10. J Cleal, P & B Rees 14-12. I Everett, R Lewin, S Hibberd 20-17. C Lowry, S Jakeman, K Lowry 19-11. C Bowles, D Gould, A Reid 19-8. In the VCL league, Lions played on Wednesday, then had a rearranged match on Friday (both at home). First up was a visit from San Miguel Sheriffs, when the hosts came out on top 9-3. Here's the points scoring disciplines - J Pitt (mens singles) 21-14. T & P Morgan (pairs) 1616. G Carnell, B Elliott, P Farrell 18-14. G Phillips, B Trinder, C Dye, F Roberts 1713. Forty eight hours later, San Luis Falcons came to QBC, eventually succumbing to an 8-4 defeat. In the mens singles, G Carnell won 21-12, the pairs team of T Morgan & A Bowen won 19-16, whilst in the trips, G Kershaw, B Trinder & F Roberts were victorious by 32 points to 8. Not such a good week for the Tigers, for in their match at San Miguel against the deputies, only the pairing of S & D Barnes/S Heath scored points, as their 25-14 victory earned their team 2 points.

ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest


leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we

have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

The Club Championship Presentation took place at restaurant Portico Mar

La Siesta hosted a touring side, Auriol BC from Worcester Park, Surrey and had a pleasant morning of bowling which ended with the visitors winning on one rink. Then afterwards we enjoyed drinks and snacks at our club which Sue & Bill prepared earlier for the teams to have whilst socialising before their departure.


Mike Probert talks Golf


Monte Mar Bowls & Social Club

Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry and Sunrise Builders. MONTE MAR TORROS Monday 18th April El Rancho v Monte Mar Torros A very good result away to El Rancho winning on four rinks and the overall shots. Well done to the four winning rinks of, Lynne Armitage, Steve Hindle skip Neil Crawford, Bill Winterburn, Cindy Bedford skip Phil Goble, Tanya Oliver, Jean Chamberlain skip David Eades and Gina Hindle, Jack Burrell skip Keith Young.

Shots Monte Mar Torros 101 – 86 La Siesta Hornets. Points Monte Mar Torros 8 – 4 La Siesta Hornets. Monday 25th April

Tuesday 19th April

Monte Mar Torros were at home to La Marina, We had another good result winnng on three rinks and the overall shots. Well done to the three winning rinks, Sheila Roberts, Steve Hindle skip Neil Crawford, Colin Bedford, Ian hamilton skip Phil Goble, Jean Chamberlain, Tanya Oliver skip Dave Eades. Shots Monte Mar 98 – 75 La Marina.

La Siesta v Monte Mar Torros

Points Monte Mar 8 – 4.

The Torros played a rearranged match away to La Siesta winning on three rinks and the overall shots.

Well done to the Torros we are top of the league lets hope we can keep it up!!!

Shots Monte Mar 101 – 77 El Rancho. Points Monte Mar 10 – 2 El Rancho.

Hollow Tining of Greens – WHY? We just entering that period of the year when the courses hollow tine the greens causing a disruption to golf and producing a poor putting surface for a few weeks but just why do they have to do this to us? The surface of a green, colour, density and speed is a combination of the maintenance of the surface but also, about the maintenance of the root-zone. A healthy grass starts from healthy roots. Soil compaction can be a severe problem resulting in restricted root growth, lack of water infiltration into the soil, loss of resilience, weed invasion, disease problems and decline

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €150 2 Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €100 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Altorreal €120 2 Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €136 2 Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €158 2 Green Fees & Buggy

Well done to the three winning rinks, Colin Bedford, Ian Hamilton skip Phil Goble, Jean Chamberlain, Sue Bounds skip Dave Eades, Bill Winterburn, Rod Chamberlain skip Barry Watson.

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca

€110 €100 €44 €158 €57 €163 €64 €110 €44 €85 €109 €100

EL RANCHO BOWLS CLUB On monday morning the Buckskins were playing at Country Bowls and had a good friendly match with all rinks being very close, with Country Bowls taking the rinks by 3-2, all the rinks could have gone either way. Country bowls also took the overall shots by 83-77, a good away result for the Buckskins. Brian Gilham, Pam Harris and Brian Harris 14-18. Dolly Ford, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 15-14. Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 16-17. Sheila Millward, Ron Greenstreet and Jim Eastwood 20-18. David Baker, Peter Blackburn and Keith Longshaw 12-16. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at

in turf quality.

neys so that the 18 greens are aerated in the same week.

Hollow Tining is used to prevent damage from an excessive soil compaction. It is also very important to provide the needed drainage, for water infiltration and aeration at the root-zone and is done during the warm season when temperatures favour rapid shoot growth and coverage of the turf openings.

The surface smoothness restoration process includes top dressing, drag matting and rolling and greens are normally puttable after 3 days with rolling putting surface within 10 days.

The use of sand on greens is essential because it helps to digest the organic matter, enhancing the aeration of the root-zone, speed on greens and better recovery from pitch marks. In order to minimize the disruption to golfers, hollow tinning is usually carried out in 2 consecutive jour-

2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Single Green Fee (from 3pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm) Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm) Single Green Fee (from 3pm) Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy

However in reality depending on a number of factors such as day and night time temperatures and watering it usually take greens 15 to 20 days to return to a perfect condition. There you have it…so when you next question the parentage of the green keepers you will understand the reasons just a little more.

Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella

€89 €60 €82 €124 €140 €57 €102 €71 €133 €164

Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm)

For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


637 227 385 The 10th hole at The Brabazon

DANNY WILLETT will host the Betfred British Masters from 5th-8th May at The Belfry, Sutton Coldfield. Originally known as Moxhull Hall, The Belfry was a manor of the Knights Templar until they were expelled from England in 1277. In 1959 a Mr. Jimmy Burns bought the house for £18,500 and turned it into a hotel catering for wedding receptions and performances by The Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin and Status Quo. After the Belfry was sold to a shipping company in 1974 Peter Alliss and Dave Thomas were commissioned to turn the 15 adjoining potato fields into the Brabazon and Derby golf courses. In 1977, The Belfry became the PGA's official home, and the Hennessy Cognac Cup took place on the Brabazon Course in 1978 between Gt. Britain and Ireland and Europe. The inimitable Seve put the course on the map at the par 4 10th. He watched Nick Faldo hit an iron into the perfect position from which to pitch over the water onto the green, then reached for his driver. The ball soared 280ft over trees strategically placed to discourage such a shot and landed 8ft from the hole. A plaque records the achievement. In 1985 the Belfry hosted it's first Ryder Cup: Tony Jacklin's Europeans against Lee Trevino's U.S. team, Sam Torrance's 20 ft birdie putt giving Europe victory by 16.5 to 11.5. The Belfry

has hosted the Ryder Cup four times, and has seen the tournament won twice, lost and tied. World Golf Awards gave the Brabazon Europe's Best Golf Course gong in 2021, the Belfry got Europe's best Golf Hotel and then the presenters got carried away and awarded it the Worlds best Golf Hotel as well, which must have pleased owners Goldman Sachs, who really need the business! SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER and his caddie Ted Scott treated Augusta National as a walk in the park as the World No.1 romped home at the Masters, unlike Tyrrell Hatton (prone to flouncing off) who complained it was ridiculously difficult and duly flounced off. Scott knows Augusta, he caddied for Bubba Watson when Bubba won the Masters twice. The Scheffler/Scott team have marked up 4 PGA Tour victories and Scheffler has pocketed just over $9 million this season, with Scott's 10% cut working out at approximately $900,000. Scheffler and Scott apparently first met at bible studies. Looks like their prayers were answered. PHIL MICKELSON will be defending his PGA Championship title at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma, from 19th-22nd May. The original host course, the Trump National Bedminster N.J. was pulled from the schedule after the storming of the U.S. Capitol.

Southern Hills has hosted seven majors but none since the 2007 PGA Championship won by Tiger Woods. The land was originally donated in 1936 by an oil multimillionaire (Jed Clampett?) who wanted a family-friendly club with horseriding trails and skeet shooting, and of course a 'Ceement Pond.' Thousands are expected after 2021's limited attendance, but Donald Trump will probably prefer to be 24 hours from Tulsa. FEATURING DESCENDING LOFT TECHNOLOGY (DLT) SIK Putters enable the golfer to present the putter face at a consistent launch angle to the ball thereby creating a more predictable ball roll and getting better distance control. DLT involves four flat surfaces milled into the putter face descending in loft by one degree from top to bottom. (Normally) used by Bryson

DeChambeau. Approx. £550. BRYSON DECHAMBEAU slipped on a marble floor in Saudi Arabia while playing table tennis and injured his hand. After withdrawing from several tournaments he missed the cut at the Texas Open and at Augusta. “I can’t do any speed training and I can’t practise for hours like I have to in order to figure stuff out,” he moaned. His hand has been operated on by “World-renowned hand surgeon” Dr.Thomas Graham. Even so, you can bet Bryson spent weeks studying the procedure and informed Dr. Graham he knew a much better way to do it. Cue anaesthetist. Until next time, Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. 638 859 475. You can also visit ttps://

Lo Marabu Golf Society & New Sierra Golf - 28 April 22. For this month’s meeting the Lo Marabu Golf Society and a group of 36 players visited the established course at New Sierra Golf taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather forecast was for a cloudy day but we ended up with heavy rain and many players didn’t complete the round. Gold Division: 1st - Colin Toole – 37 points, 2nd – Tony Robson – 32 points Silver Division: 1st – Gary Doyle - 26 points, 2nd – Gordon Thursfield - 26 points Bronze Division: 1st – Debbie Allen - 25 points, 2nd – Paul Axtell - 22 points Nearest the Pins – Jon Lowe, Kelvin Lowe & Chris Pinder, Best Guest – Jon Lowe - 27 points, Dog of a Day – Barry Davis, Football Card – George Smith The presentation was held at Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we thank them for their support. Our next fixture is the Interim game at Saurines on the 12th May 2022 followed by the society day at Altorreal on the 26th May 2022. Competition winners

CELTS CLUB de GOLF We played our monthly championship on Sunday at a very busy La Serena. With a communion lunch, a Murcia boys federation tournament and 85 Celts members, the whole staff need to be congratulated on their professionalism. Enhorabuena. With the improvement in the weather conditions and higher temperatures the dormant grass is growing apace. The green staff must be congratulated on the presentation of the course. Our competitions committee as always make it seem effortless, in reality there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes, well done Camillus, Philip, Terry and Alan. Our captain Logan presented the prizes, and he had his family present to share the occasion. Medal winners were, Class I, John O’Brien 73, Calls II Chris Daw 74 and Class III Kevin

Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at

Fitzpatrick 70. Golf prize winners, Cat I, Denis McCormack 36, Pauvla Serakova 34 and Clive Jenkins 34. Cat II, Pat McLaughlin 34, Gordon Anders 34 and Grenville Heeley 33. Crystal winners Cat I, Dave Marriot 39, Richard Beel 38 and Denis McCormack 37. Cat II, Terry Lewis 42, Peter Wyatt 42 and Debbie Boelhouwer 41.

Torrevieja Ladies Darts - Diana Lloyd Memorial Quarter Ladybirds Tipsy Tigers Friendly Temps Dolly Mixtures

Results of the day, NTP’s, Bev Buckley, Philip Mountford (2) Colin Soones, Terry Fitzgerald, and Gordon Montgomery. Class III, Debbie Boelhouwer 39, Martin Power 38 and Yvette McGeehan 36. Class II, Gordon Montgomery 37, Nicholas Shaw, 35 and Donald Love 35. Class I John O’Brien 38, Pauvla Serakova 37 and Terry Fitzgerald 37. Gross was won by Denis McCormack with 34 points. Runner-up on the day Alan Ewing 40 and our winner with the fantastic score of 43 points Sally Hopkins.

Sharon Crane of Tipsy Tigers gets her first ever 180

Finals 26/4/22 3-6 Friendly Chicas 5-4 Racing Toast 2-7 Gap Girlz 5-4 Primadonnas

Hot Darts Sharon Crane TT 180, Sharon O'Rourke LB 137, Sandra Crabbe LB 134, Sue Wade FT 134, Chris Greenwood RT 131, Yvonne Rouffignac GG 125, 106, 100, Jean Warnock DM 123, Bev Howard FT 122, Groa Bryndis PD 121, 101, Helen Bushell FC 121. 100, Cynthia Jevons 121, 100, Pat Schofield TT 121, 100, Chelsea Campbell GG 117, 100 x 4, June Hawkins FC 114, Shirley Stephenson RT 108, Julie Hallett FC 105, Annette Dobson PD, Sharon Frain PD, Alison Webster FC, Ann Wharton FT, Sarah White 100 Highest Check-outs: Cynthia Jevons GG 75, Chelsea Campbell GG 68


637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022



Towards the end of last year, Thader conceded 2 late goals to lose the match at Crevillente, so it was heartbreaking for the boys from Rojales to suffer a similar heartbreak yet again. But this vital point means that qualification for play offs is still in Thader's own hands. The day started in a sun-soaked festival mood, when a local Spanish marching brass band attracting a fair number of Thader fans, who accompanied them from Rojales town centre to Moi Gomez stadium. Thader quickly seized the initiative, for after only 5 mins, Pedro connected with a cross, only to thunder his shot against the post. Next it was Calderon to have a go,

but alas his close-range header was way off target. When Pedro was brought down in the box after 15 mins, it looked a cast iron penalty, but the ref was unimpressed. From the next attack, Calderon again missed a glorious opportunity, this time his lack of composure resulted in him again failing to trouble the keeper. It was all Thader, and on 21 mins, Fran should have done better when his header from a corner narrowly missed the far post.

With 9 mins of stoppage time inexplicably awarded by senor Lopez, Crevillente launched a final assault down the right wing, which was finished in style by a jubilant Kike and a few visiting fans. To say that this draw felt like a defeat is an understatement

A rare Crevillente attack almost saw them take the lead, but from a good looking cross, no one could get a final touch into an empty goal. Following a 3 minutes drinks break, the deadlock was broken on 43 mins.

path of Pedro, was finished in style by

Crevillente were in no mood to let

the classy striker who following a first

the hosts take all points on offer. It

touch, slid the ball under a helpless

took a last-ditch block tackle by Javi to


deny a certain goal, then the visitors

If it was all Thader in the 1st half, it

were robbed of an opener by an

A delightful cross by Fran into the

was role reversal in the 2nd, as


San Javier ace Marta stars in Coppa Italia 2022 Serie A Feminile San Javier, Murcia born football star Marta Peñalver has added another winner's medal to her CV after winning the Coppa Italia 2022 Serie A Feminile with Città di Falconara. "The Cup was an exciting event," Marta, who netted important goals on the path to glory, told The Leader. "We won the quarter finals on penalties against Bisceglie. I scored the goal that gave us the tie - with 24 seconds to go," said Marta. "We won the semi-final against Lazio, 45, where I scored the winning goal - just

SUDUKO SOLUTION 0.7 tenths of a second away from the whistle. "Then we won the final 2-3 and scored with only 7 seconds left," said proud Marta. Marta, who spent a vacation with her parents, family and friends to celebrate her success, said: "Now let's go for the league!".

TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. a. Of Mice And Men, b. East Of Eden, c. The Grapes Of Wrath. 2. Pavillion. 3. Goliath. 4. Venus and Mars. 5. The King of Thailand, Vajiralongkorn, at a mere $30 billion. 6. David Beckham against Argentina and Austria and Wayne Rooney against Portugal and Montenegro. 7. The Knights

Full back Adrian headed wide of an open goal on 71 mins, as Crevillente applied relentless pressure. Both Javi and Lloyd came close to doubling Thader's lead, but you always felt that a 2nd goal was a necessity. Then it got very silly, as referee Lopez decided to take centre stage. First, he issued Thader's assistant manager 2 yellow cards in quick succession; then manager Raul Mora suffered the same fate. Mora's dismissal was for disputing a blatantly obvious throw in that was given the wrong way by both ref and linesman.

CD Thader ...........1 his top of the table preferente match featured play off hopefulls Thader versus league leaders Crevillente.


To say that this draw felt like a defeat is an understatement, for Thader worked their socks off, only to be undone by a match official who seemed hell bent on adding on as much time as needed, for the visitors to equalise. Next weekend, Thader are away at Carrus Ilicatano (Elche), whilst CFI Alicante visit Benferri. With both teams currently on 56 points, and with only 2 games remaining, it could all go down to the final day

CATRAL INCREASE THEIR LEAD AT TOP Atletico de Catral increased their lead at the top of the Valencian 1st Regional Group 9 and are now on 58 points after coasting to a 5-1 win away at Pinoso CF A on Saturday. Catral took the lead in the first minute and raced into a 4-0 lead, with Jefferson netting a consolation goal for Pinoso on 52 minutes, with Catral scoring a fifth goal to wrap up all three points. In a bottom half of the table clash CF Popular Orihuela defeated CF Sporting Albatera 4-1 to ease their way away from the bottom pack. CF Algorfa went sixth after gaining a 2-1 victory against CF Sporting de San Fulgencio. Second place SC Torrevieja travel to Racing San Miguel on Sunday, with CD Benijofar

Templar. 8. The Kinks and The Herman's Hermits. 9. Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. 10. a. Tron, b. The Fabulous Baker Boys, c. The Big Lebowski, d. True Grit, e. K-Pax. 11. Lake Victoria. 12. Fencing. It was the fourth and final film to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 agent.13. The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

hosting CD Montesinos. Guardamar Soccer CD hit eight goals without reply to chalk up an 8-0 win against FB Redován B to keep pressure on 2nd Regional Group 16 leaders UE Crevilente in the title race.

Callosa Deportiva CF took a point in a 2-2 draw at home against Athletic Benejuzar A. Sporting Saladar took three points following a 4-2 away win at CD Horadada. *Sunday's results will appear online at

Atletico de Catral - now all but certain of winning the league

14. The last place rider. The phrase comes from the French for "Red Lantern" and refers to the red lantern hung on the rear vehicle of a passenger railway. 15. Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Niger, Chad and Mali. 16. Alfredo di Stefano 1957, 1959, Johan Cruyff 1971, 1973, 1974, Franz Beckenbauer 1972, 1976, Kevin Keegan

1978, 1979. 17. Chile & Ecuador. 18. Memphis. 19. Chile (Puerto Toro). 20. Adidas (Adi Dassler was it's founder). 21. Cherry. Cherries were introduced into England at Teynham, near Sittingbourne in Kent by order of Henry VIII who had tasted them in Flanders.


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th May 2022


637 227 385

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