The Leader in Spain Edition 941 – 17 Oct 2022

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with representatives of the Royal British Legon and the British Embassy in UK and Spain, Toni Pérez, the mayor of Benidorm, while speaking of how proud he was to be involved in the fundraising campaign, has launched the 2022 RBL Poppy Appeal.

The event took place last Saturday afternoon in front of an enthusiastic crowd, adjacent to Levante Beach.

Hundreds of Veterans had travelled from across Spain to be at the ceremony, which has been held at the tourist capital of the Costa Blanca since 2013.

The mayor spoke of the constant growth in the Poppy Appeal which he said, “is testimony to the hard work of all the volunteers who collect the funds and the extraordinary generosity of those that live in and visit the Country. This is a town that maintains the best ties of friendship with the people from the UK and we regard our involvement in this launch to be very much an honour for our city”.

He told of the common memory that the city of Benidorm shares with the RBL, “as we remember all those who have given their lives for their country”.

In bright sunshine, with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees, the launch began rather differently this year, with a debut performance by long-time supporter Stevie Spit BEM, who gave a moving rendition of ‘Lest we Forget’.

He was followed by the Chairman of the RBL in Spain District North, Jack Kemp, who welcomed all of the guests, before thanking the mayor for his ongoing support and the privilege of parading along the Benidorm seafront. He also welcomed members of the group that are currently working toward the opening of a new RBL Branch that will soon be established in Valencia.

Captain Stephen McGlory, defence Attaché at the British Embassy, spoke of what Remembrance means to him as a serving officer, and how difficult he found it to talk about Remembrance without mentioning the late Queen, ever present at the Cenotaph in London and the UK’s most famous Veteran.

No 941 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rdOctober 2022 637 227 Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper

Poppy Appeal

Lynda Atkins, National Vice Chair of the Royal British Legion, spoke of the changes that have taken place in the Royal British Legion in the 101 yeas since it was formed back in 1921, while stating that the basic aims remain exactly the same now as they were all those years ago.

Once again, the parade along Avda Madrid to Rincón de Loix was led by the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums as the impressive annual display strode out along the Levante promenade, standards flowing in the breeze, followed by a long line of former servicemen of all nationalities and services, including many members of the RNA, RAAFA and RMA. The event also resonated among the many spectators along Levante beach, the rousing sound of bagpipes, something not too often seen in the popular resort, sights and sounds that were enthusiastically applauded by the

many hundreds that lined the route.

Following the Last Post, Reveille played by District bugler Mark Benton, two minutes silence and the speeches, the National Anthems of Spain and the United Kingdom were played by the Concert Band , after which the ceremony ended with rapturous applause as the Standard Bearers and the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums marched off before the spectators, both English and Spanish, descended on the pipers for photographs.

Prior to the event the crowds were entertained by the Royal British Concert Band while a gazebo, manned by volunteers from Benidorm and the Hondon Valley, distributed programmes, RBL Magazines, Memorabilia and of course a multitude of Membership Forms.

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If you are a veteran visiting or living in Spain and you would like to know more about the Royal British Legion or their activities in District North, please contact any one of the 14 local branches, details of which can be found at:
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, spoke of the common memory.

Three Arrested in Orihuela for Robbery and Assault on Minors and Youths

Officers from the National Police Force have arrested three men in Orihuela accused of committing various robberies with violence and intimidation toward children and youths

According to the complaints filed, they approached their victims in an intimidating manner and asked for their mobile phones to make a call.

Once the victims agreed to lend them the mobile phone, the detainees threatened to steal it or break it if they did not give them money.

If the victims did not agree to the requests of the detainees, they even attacked them and stole any money or valuables they possessed.

To ensure the robberies didn’t become too complicated and they didn’t encounter much resistance, they chose minors

Motorists continue to ignore parking restrictions in La Zenia

It has been frantic with car parking in Avenida Espania and at the lower end of Calle San Francisco close to La Zenia Beach this summer. Cars have parked wherever they saw a space, and motorists continued to ignore the no Entry sign, just avoiding people walking to the beach.

There were many near misses involving children who were not aware of the cars heading towards them as they ran excitedly towards the beach.

During recent weeks the Ayuntamiento has noted the problem and painted no parking YELLOW lines on both sides of Avenida Espania leading to the beach, as well as at the entrance to Calle San Francisco.

Unfortunately, however, the new restrictions

and youths as victims of their robberies, whom they violently intimidated or even beat up.

Thanks to the hard investigative work carried out by the agents of Group I of the Judicial Police Brigade of the Orihuela Police Station, the three perpetrators of these violent robberies have been arrested.

The three detained men, between 18 and 20 years old and of Moroccan and Spanish nationality, were placed at the disposal of the Orihuela Court of Instruction, which decreed provisional release for all of the detainees who are now awaiting trial.

continue to be ignored by motorists who still park in the controlled areas, which Police regularly patrol, but choose to ignore despite the yellow lines.

Residents are now asking why the police are not enforcing these no-parking restrictions?

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UK pensioner in Los Alcazares cyclist hit and run

A British pensioner was left shocked and distressed after a teenage cyclist ran into her during the Los Alcazares fiesta activities on the Mar Menor promenade - then left the scene.

Kathleen McMillan, 78, was walking along the paseo with her husband Derek, 79, when the accident occurred.

Hundreds of people were attending the 'day of tasting' cuisine on the promenade when two teenagers appeared speeding on bicycles, with one of them hitting Kathleen.

Kathleen, from Preston, Lancashire, sustained a severe wound down the shin of a leg.

A cafe bar owner nearby came to her assistance by putting iodine on to clean the wound and a dressing.

The national civil guard are active in patrolling the promenade to monitor as to

whether cyclists are adhering to the ban.

Days before the shocking incident police stopped a cyclists to tell him to leave the paseo - but I witnessed a plethora of cyclists breaking the prohibition.

Police have been warning cyclists for over a year not to use the Paseo Matitimo alongside the beaches, but they remain to breach the law.

In 2021 Police sanctioned law to ban cyclists during the summer, due to the dangers of accidents to the public, deeming them a hazard.

The Los Alcazares fiesta featured the mosaic 'Los Alcázares Perla del Mar Menor', with decorations on the access roundabout to the Municipal Sports Centre and the Festival Enclosure.

The mosaic was donated by the regional craft guild that wanted to recreate some of the traditions and customs of the municipality and its people."

We want to thank the artisans' guild for the donation of this mosaic that from now on welcomes our municipality extolling the history and character of the Alcazareños", said the mayor of Los Alcázares, Mario Pérez Cervera.

The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the craft guild including José María del Toro; the mayor of Los Alcázares, Mario Pérez Cervera; the Councillor for Public Roads, María José Benzal, and members of the municipal corporation.

Kathleen, who is spending a fornight holiday at the 4* Costa Narejos Hotel, is recovering well at her daughter Helen's and son in law's home in Los Montesinos.


Having already faced criticism for the extortionate amount of money they planned to spend on Christmas lights, the Partido Popular (PP) local government has been further criticised for rejecting a cheaper offer in the tender process.

Sueña Torrevieja, who were first to highlight the increase in this year’s budget, has denounced that the town hall has rejected the cheapest offer of the lighting contract for the patron saint festivities and Christmas, thus causing "an extra cost to the neighbours of more than 104,000 euro."

Pablo Samper, spokesperson for Sueña Torrevieja, says that "the offer of the cheapest merchant amounted to 247,980 euro, while the offer from the most expensive amounts to 352,294 euro, a difference between the two of 104,315 euro."

Samper has complained that the council has granted the company with the lowest offer "a short period of 3 business days" to justify up to nine conditions "a priority not provided for in the Public Sector Contract Law."

Curve Balls by Phil Molloy Pilar Christian Community Church

It´s been a tough year my dear Oh how things have changed Since you looked at possibilities And things you might rearrange

Then “it”hit from out of nowhere

This illness (perhaps you had another strife?) What did you do, how did you cope How did you face this quite terrifying new life?

Your true friends would be there for you That was for certain and for sure Some may have been there less And others have been there more

It´s a fact that most real healing Is deep, way down inside Reaching right into yourself To the places where we hide

It can be dreadfully hard to be honest Especially with yourself Hurts and scars can be buried so deep Or right out of reach on the highest shelf

To God or to the universe

Do we turn for balm for our soul Do we trust fate or have faith For life´s odd turns and rolls?

So, so much has happened Since last year´s Birthday meal This past year´s events Seem like a giant movie reel

But God, Lord of the Universe Kept you safe and kept you strong

Gave you courage, hope and wisdom Loving smiles and super songs

To get through and past the pain

To step a little further along each day

In rhythm with nature´s cycles

As you heal and live and pray

You didn´t despair or give up But faced each new unknown path Of your changed and dishevelled life

With gratitude in your heart

Sounds of “Oh woe is me”

Never once did pass your lips

But instead “tomorrow will be better, I might slide but I won´t trip”

God is good and in His Heaven

Watching all around from above

He never promised things would be easy But He did promise inner peace and love

All we need to do is ask Him

For inner strength to cope with curve balls

That life sadly sometimes chucks our way

To see what we do with it all

My friend´s story has ended well She´s here to encourage others with her tale

This is sadly not always the case

As too often loved ones are just too frail

For any sadness, grief or real pain

You may feel as you read this with a crease of your brow

I really am so sorry for the void of your loss

And ask God to bless you, right here, right now.

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Kathleen McMillan suffered shin injury after cyclist ran into her.
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October is International Breast Cancer Awareness month and once again the Management at Zenia Boulevard are sponsoring an event at the Boulevard to mark the occasion.

On Friday the 21st October The Pink Ladies will be at Zenia Boulevard to show support for all those There will be live music all day with some of the Coasts top entertainers starting from 12.00 mid-day till approximately 17.00hrs and introduced by Simon Morton of Sunshine FM.

A big thank you also to the guys from R&L Live Entertainment for their support.

The Pink Ladies will be there in force with a table of merchandise where they will also be offering to book appointments for various cancer screening tests, as we ALL know by now "EARLY DETECTION SAVES LIVES"

So that will be the message on the day. EARLY DETECTION SAVES LIVES

Mari Wilson, the President of AACC Orihuela Costa is a survivor due to early detection. From a spur of the moment decision she had a mammogram which saved her life.

Appointments for a screening test can also be booked online via the NEW web site @ email: Facebook pinkladies&panthers Tel 865 942 795 or just pop in to the office at C.C. Flamenca Beach next to the flower shop.


As part of the recognition of the International Day of the Fight against Breast Cancer, celebrated on Friday 14 October 14, Pilar de la Horadada, through the Department of Health, also launched an aware-

ness campaign in the town.

Ttwo giant crocheted bows were installed on the facade of the Town Hall and the Pilar de la Horadada Health Centre. There was also a solidarity march with a stop and refreshments, workshops, Zumba session, information stands, and badges and bracelets.

A further attraction was the photographic exhibition "Renacer", the work of the Canarian artist Elizabeth Amador whose theme was focused on the process of nine women and their personal experiences with Breast Cancer”. The exhibition can be visited at the Casa de Cultura until November 5.


Thousands attended the opening of the 2022 Los Montesinos annual Patron Saint Festivities that showcased the crowning of the new Queens. Red carpets and decorations in the Vega Baja town streets saw participants enter the VIII Street Decoration Contest, with the winners being C/ Jazmín (award for the most elegant) and C/ El Sol - Callejón


de la Iglesia (award for best staging ).

Hundreds of people attended the Plaza Sagrado Corazón a coronation act for the new Queens and ladies of the parties, followed by the first night of Barraca Popular with singer Dr. Lopez.

People gathered at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento to experience the Charangazo montesinero, with a live performance by a pop-rock group.

The CEIP Virgen del Pilar, test game "Los Montesinos Prix", saw six teams competing.

"What a start to the festivities. Thank you," said Mayor Jose Manuel Butron.

Child Trapped Under Bus After Being Knocked Down

A 14-year-old girl was injured last Tuesday after being hit by a bus in Alicante. The girl ended up being trapped under the vehicle.

It seems that she was crossing the road while wearing headphones listening to music. A witness said that she looked in one direction but not the other, the one from which the bus was traveling.

Two crews of fire fighters attended the scene, along with a paramedic ambulance which transferred her to the General University Hospital of Alicante.

Fake Santa Pola Vet Sentenced

An unqualified veterinarian has been sentenced for practicing without any qualifications by a court in Elche.

The Colegio de Veterinarios de Alicante filed a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office back in 2017 but the trial has only just been held.

It was confirmed that the individual had never taken any veterinary studies.

Having admitted the facts he received a 12 month fine at a rate of 5 euro per day.

ECHR Condemns Investigation into death of Orihuela Traffic Victim

The European Court of Human Rights has ordered the Spanish Justice system to pay 32,000 euro to the mother of a girl who died in 2013, as a result of a failure in an artificial respirator.

The Strasbourg Court agreed with María Isabel Garrido Herrero, who denounced the Spanish Justice for not properly investigating the causes of the death of her daughter Marina who was left on a coma. and brain dead, when a respirator failed.

Half of Elche's Bus Fleet are Hybrid Vehicles

After taking delivery of 17 new vehicles this week, at a cost of 5.92 million euro, half of the buses now operating through the Elche municipality are hybrid vehicles.

Of the current fleet of 59 buses, 28 of them will be hybrids. The new buses will be gradually incorporated on all lines. Collaterally, this also means lowering the average age of the fleet, since another 17 current vehicles will retire, leaving the average age of the fleet at 6 years.

PAGE 6 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
FOR SALE Los Montesinos - La Herrada 2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E88,995 Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.



has expanded its online store in the province of Alicante, extending the service to twenty towns and villages in the Vega Baja del Segura region that bring together nearly 198,000 potential customers.

Specifically, it has extended its guaranteed delivery ecommerce in two hours to

Orihuela, Molins, Torremendo, San Bartolomé and Virgen del Camino districts, as well as Almoradí, Callosa de Segura, Rojales, Guardamar del Segura, Catral, Dolores, Algorfa, Benijófar, San Fulgencio, La Marina, Benejúzar, San Isidro, Jacarilla, Cox, Rafal, Redován and Bigastro.

In total, the Consum online store is available

We are told that the site will continue to expand in the coming months.

in more than 380 towns in Valencia, Alicante, Castellón, Barcelona, Tarragona, Almería, Murcia and Girona, and the site will continue to expand in the coming months.

It has more than 11,500 items, including fresh food such as meat, fish, and delicatessen.

To guarantee the best service, the online order is prepared from the supermarket itself. In addition, Consum customers can make

purchases online from the Mundo Consum App and also check their discounts, receive their Gift Voucher in the middle of the month or make shopping lists, among other things, without having to leave the website gaining in both comfort and time.

The opening page of the Cosum website has a series of video tutorials and although in Spanish they are reasonably easy to follow.

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Strange Things Happen to Normal People

Spain to host one of the first Euro quantum computers

Spain is one of the six European countries selected by the European Union supercomputing consortium, to host and operate the first EuroHPC quantum computers.


person -- that's me, by the way -- is often flummoxed by the unusual events that occur around him. Travelling in a three-wheeled tuk-tuk taxi in Thailand one evening, I discovered that elephants on the road have to be fitted with tail lights (literally) once it is dark. Probably the only law in Bangkok that is always enforced.

I would have thought most people would have noticed an elephant on the roadway, tail light or not, because isn't it said you never forget an elephant? But what is an honest chronicler to do? The tuk-tuk swerved around the elephant, narrowly missing every other car on the road as the driver removed his hands from the handlebar control to scream more efficiently at all the other drivers. Nightlife in Bangkok is really exciting, just like it says in the brochure.

On the tenth anniversary of her father's death, a woman in Transylvania (I know) was waiting in a queue at a red traffic light next to a necropolis (see what I mean?) when she glanced at the car in front of her. Its number plate read LUV DAD. I think the appropriate word here is 'Spooky'. (He would have made an interesting eighth dwarf.)

Even stranger was the experience of a man taking part in a fencing tournament in Knife Hill, New Mexico -- I couldn't make this up if I tried -where the winner would be first to score five points, or 'touches'. He won what he believed to be the first touch, but the referee indicated the match was over and he had won. His opponent seemed to agree, offering a handshake (but probably glaring daggers), as did the scoreboard, showing his triumph by 5 points to 1. Had a mystery spirit guided his swordplay unbeknownst to him? D'Artagnan, perhaps, or Obi-Wan Kenobi? Or Errol Flynn? Answer came there none, but our hero took the $500 prize home anyway, wouldn't you?

The widespread delusion that there is anything logical about human existence is often challenged in the most absurd of ways. It is simply logic as distraction, with no other meaningful purpose. Why else would office workers calling themselves 'Secret Santa' give each other gifts like Astrology Soap, Long Distance Friendship Lamps, and Leon Trotsky Socks? (Red, presumably.)

The oldest known "Beware of the Dog" sign -- Cave Canem -was in Pompeii in Italy and was 2000 years old. The inhabitants of Pompeii, it turned out, had a bit more to be worried about than being bitten, with the volcano Vesuvius only 5 miles distant.

Pompeii was also 15 miles south of Naples, is that where the saying originated, "See Naples and die"?

Normal things sometimes also happen to strange people. When a cowboy in a saloon heard that Brown Paper Billy had just been hanged, he was informed that Billy always wore a brown paper shirt, brown paper trousers and brown paper shoes. "What did they hang him for?" asked the cowboy.

"Rustling," said the bartender.

The new equipment will be installed in the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación and will be integrated into the MareNostrum 5 supercomputer, the most powerful in the country and among the most advanced in Europe.

Spain is a benchmark in the response to HIV

The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, has said that Spain is a benchmark in the response to HIV, with 180 local organisation that have joined the Fast Track Cities initiative.

For this reason, she has encouraged such groups to share Spain's drive in the commitment to HIV, with the signing of the Seville Declaration to end HIV as a public health problem by 2030.

Spain, with 180 local bodies, including 173 municipalities, is the country in the world with the most groups subscribed to this initiative.

Energy security plan approved

The Council of Ministers has approved the More Energy Security Plan (+SE), which will increase the protection of the population against the price crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.

It will also reduce the country's gas consumption by between 5.1% and 13.5%, improve energy autonomy and increase the competitiveness of the economy, while increasing energy exports, acting in solidarity with the rest of the EU.

Small percentage of beachgoers defying smoking ban

Barcelona estimates that 1% of beach users continued to smoke, despite the ban that came into force this year.

The Councillor for Ecological Transition and Climate

Emergency, Eloi Badia, praised the "high level of compliance" with the ban and the degree, and stated that satisfaction with the 'Platges sense fum' initiative was, on average, 8 out of 10.

The initiative was launched as a pilot, and although there is high compliance, some 72% of beachgoers claim still to be finding cigarette ends on the beaches.




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Gruelling 3,000km ride after Torrevieja setback

EMIL Filmby's task of cycling on a BMX from Sweden to Barcelona has been achieved - after he completed a gruelling 3,000 kilometres!

"After cycling through seven countries I finally arrived in Spain!," Emil told The


Emil's trip came on the back of months of producing a film of Torrevieja, that is yet to hit the screens, after a setback this summer.

Undeterred, Emil, 34, who hit the road to cycle from his hometown in Òrebro, Stockholm, to Barcelona, said: "As I stood on the boardwalk in Barcelona with the

Mediterranean sea behind me it was a joy to finally reach my destination - what a feeling".

Emil hit a tough stage of his ride, prior to reaching Lyon in the 2nd week of his marathon task: "It was a tough struggling period.

"Lyon's geography is dominated by the rivers Rhone and Saone - "It felt beautiful - but rough at the same time. From one of Lyon's many bridges I gathered what little reserve I had to continue south," he said.

After the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Lyon was the

next destination ahead of the leg to Barcelona.

Emil revealed that he had to dig deep, after reaching Belgium, when mentally thinking he was about to quit: "I felt my body couldn't take anymore - but quitting wasn't an option," he reflected.

Emil, a diabetic for two decades, who also took in countries, including Germany and Amsterdam, said: "It's been an amazing journey - but this project is far from over.

"Work now begins on the adventure documentary I've been looking forward to creating for so long."

*Emil is working on Premiering the film 'Torrevieja - Sweden's Paradise' later this year, or spring 2023: "My work to sell the Torrevieja movie continues. A film I was very proud of," said Emil.

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RIGHT: Emil: SwedenBarcelona 3,000 km ride. BELOW: Emil reflects on the Lyon bridge.


Tomy knowledge there have been only two men born on this earth who never made a mistake. One was raised in the town of Nazareth, while the other was born and reared in Drumceee and happened to be my father!

But making a mistake is not a bad thing when we learn from the experience and persevere with what we set out to do.

“Sticking to it is genius – I’ve failed my way to success”, said the great inventor Thomas Edison.

One of life’s great pleasures is to make a mistake which turns out to be a better way or to benefit more from the error. I once attended Galway Races with my then boss and his father-in-law.

We got the customary hot tip from the guy-in-the-know-whodidn’t and all three of us rushed in to get our bet on number eleven, but John, a wee bit deaf, backed number seven, which won in a canter and paid 50/1 on the tote!

We all hate the idea of screwing up and embarrassing ourselves in front of everybody, but unless you somehow manage not to do anything ever again, you will mess up, somewhere, sometime, somehow.

I am all for mistakes, because if you make enough of them you will hit on ones that turn out better than what you were looking for. I think it is called serendipity when you get it right by making mistakes.

Christopher Columbus is the prime example when he set out for Asia and found America. In a previous column we wrote about Alexander Fleming who saved countless lives when he discovered penicillin by accident.

An English pharmacist named John Walker tried to clean a wooden stick he had been using to mix chemicals in 1826. He

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

scraped the stick on a stone and jumped with surprise when it burst into flames and the friction match was invented. A hundred years ago Tea-bags were invented by accident when a New York tea merchant sent out small sachets of tea samples to his customers.


Innkeeper, Ruth Wakefield was baking buns one day in the 1930’s using an old recipe. She cut up a chocolate bar and dropped the chunks into the batter, expecting them to melt. Instead what she got were chocolate cookies and Ruth’s mistake became the most famous cookies of all time.

Coco Cola was the result of another delicious accident: In 1886 a pharmacist named John Pemberton cooked up medicinal syrup in a large brass kettle slung over an open fire, stirring it with an oar.

He figured he had created a fine health tonic for people who were tired, nervous, or even suffering from sore gums. John’s concoction didn’t make it as a medicine and it took it a long time to catch on as a beverage.

He spent $74 on advertising in his first year, but only sold $50 worth of coke. Today John’s mistake sells a billion drinks a day –some strike for us blunderers!

Post-it notes; those yellow sticky notes we now stick on everything got the start in 1968 when a researcher tried to improve adhesive tape.

The experiment went all wrong and what he got was a semisticky adhesive and far from what he was looking for.

Nevertheless, he felt he was on to something only he just didn’t know what to do with it. Sometime later, a colleague of his who sang in a church choir was constantly getting frustrated at dropping the hand-notes from his hymnal.

What he needed was something that would stick without being too sticky – something just like the weak glue his friend had accidently created and with that the Post-it note became a worldwide success.

Rubber got its name when Joseph Priestly discovered that a wad of it was good for “rubbing out” pencil mistakes on paper.

Rubber had a variety of uses but the problem was that it was too soft, (bit like myself!) melted if it got hot and broke up when it got too cold.

Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí.

Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.

A simple mistake you might say, as was also the invention of bubble-gum (personally I regret that “mistake.”) by Walter Diener, an accountant with a chewing-gum company; or what about Edouard Benedictus, a French chemist, who dropped a glass container on the floor: He stooped to pick up the pieces of glass but found the pieces stuck together as the glass contained liquid plastic and that is how safety glass was

GARDEN FELIX Silk Floss Tree ‘gorgeous dazzling flowers’

Ceiba Speciosa - commonly called the Silk Floss Tree - is a grand ornamental deciduous showy tree, with some unusual traits.

The tree has a bulging prickly trunk, exotic flowers, tall size, silky floss and pear-sized seeds pod!

Whilst stunning and eye catching, the tree does end up leaving a good amount of waste after the leaves, seeds, and floss are shed.

Mature trees can be as thick as 7ft in girth at the bulge, which is densely covered with sharp prickles that defend the tree from climbing wildlife.

These prickles are a hazard to humans and make maintenance a bit of a chore.

They make that up, with gorgeous flowers in the form of hibiscus, reaching 5-6 inches wide, with bright colour of pink with a white centre.

The dazzling flowers cover the canopy when in bloom and are a magnet for all pollinators into your garden.

The silk tree prefers full sun and will achieve maximum blooms when given 6-8 hours of sun daily.

Whatever type of soil the silk floss tree is planted in, it should be well-draining. Acidity is preferred, but, it will tolerate an alkaline environment too.

There is no requirement to fertilise. Irrigate the tree, until roots are established, after which the silk floss is drought-tolerant. Extended droughts hamper flowering.

It wasn’t until Charles Goodyear accidently dropped a blob of rubber and sulphur on a hot stove that rubber as we know it today came into being – all because a man was clumsy!

So, don’t be afraid of making that mistake. Doers make the most mistakes but they also achieve the most. Louise Pasteur said; “Where observation is concerned, chance favours the prepared mind”, or in the words of James Joyce; “Mistakes are the portals for discovery.” We learn from every mistake and it is up to each of us as to what we do with that mistake.


A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them.

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Salt Church Helping the Hungry in San Javier


Studio 32 are looking forward to performing what has proved to be the most challenging production that they have done so far.

‘A Night on Broadway’ will consist of nine mini productions with 27 musical numbers from shows that they have put on over the past 13 years.

In that time Studio 32 has managed to donate over 40,000 euros to local charities.We have assembled a great cast to bring you an extravaganza of musical numbers and dance. Pictured L to R are cast members

Rose McLean,Geri Dore,Jackie Waller,Jean Durham and Justine Cook who will be performing in various numbers throughout the show.

You will not be disappointed so book your tickets now using our online booking service outlined below.The show will run at the Cardenal Beluga Theatre,San Fulgencio,between the 10th,11th and 12th of November.

backstage,in lighting,sound etc and in particular who have experience working with costumes.If you are that person and would like further information on our theatre company and rehearsal times,or

you would like to book tickets for our show please visit our website www.studiothirtytwo.orgto book tickets online,email or call 679 062 272’.

Tickets will also be available for sale in the theatre on the night of the performance.

Both visitors and regulars gathered at Salt Church Mar Menor on Sunday (9th October) for their annual Harvest Celebration.

Once again,they supported a local Foodbank run by the Yo Encuentro charity based in Los Belones.

A cash offering of nearly 350 euros plus a carload of provisions were despatched to feed families in need as well as some of our much-needed fruit pickers.

Yo Encuentro founder Bob Barham said, “These hardworking people provide our harvest but they,themselves,are often a forgotten link in the food chain.”

More information about the Yo Encuentro charity can be found on their website:

Salt Church Mar Menor is an English-speaking evangelical congregation who meet at The Hub in San Javier every Sunday at 10.45am (next to Yorkshire Linen).

We are always looking for people to join our group (especially men) who can,or who have aspirations to sing,dance and act,or who have experience working in the theatre

TR TR E E AS AS U U R R E IE I S S LAN LAN D D the Pthe P anto anto

Longawaited tickets are now on sale for the next very funny performance by the Rojales Pantomime Group of Treasure Island to be performed at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulcencio on the evenings of December 1st and 2nd,curtain up at 7.15pm and a matinee performance on Saturday,December 3rd at 2.15pm.

For only 10 per adult and 5 per child you can enjoy lots of raucous singing,fabulous dancing,slapstick comedy.....together with lots of funny surprises,and we won’t even charge you extra to join in with the ‘boos’ and the ‘he’s behind you’ shouts that we expect from our audience participation......oh yes we do!

Join us as Long John Silver and his motley crew sail away to the Caribbean to search for buried treasure, accompanied by Mum (whose a man) and her son Jim (whose a woman) only in pantomime!

Will they find it....and what adventures do they encounter on their journey.You just have to join us to find out and you can do so by purchasing tickets from the following outlets

Card Place,Benimar; Post Room,Benijofar; Post Box,Dona Pepa; Post Box,Entre Naranjos; Cards and More,La Marina; Carpet Heaven,Los Montesinos; Bargain Books,San Miguel; Help Vega Baja,San Miguel; Quesada Computers, Quesada

Or to reserve tickets on the night email

All ticket money will be donated to various local charities.

PAGE 12 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Airport has exceeded 10 million passengers in the first nine months of this year.

10 MILLION PASSENGERS THROUGH ALICANTE AIRPORTRojales celebrate Muixeranga 40th anniversary

The Muixeranga d'Alacant day of the Valencian Community and celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy was celebrated in Rojales.

The muixeranga is a traditional festive element that combines acrobatic, choreographic, religious and burlesque components.

In September,the Costa Blanca portal added more than 1.3 million passengers,which already represents a recovery of 87.4% compared to the same month of 2019.

86.5% of the flights registered during the same month in the year prior to the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Domestic traffic during the first nine months of the year is 11.7% higher than the same period in 2019.

Along with this rise in domestic travellers,the international market is evolving positively and so far this year it has recovered 82% of the traffic.

In absolute terms,the countries that registered the most travellers during the month of September were the United Kingdom (499,051),Spain (200,187), Belgium (87,651),the Netherlands (79,276),Norway (77,149) and Germany (66,422).

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October 2022 PAGE 13www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385




Interminable; 7 Minus; 8

Clasp; 9 Per; 10 Perimeter; 11 Retain; 12 Warmth; 15 Expiatory; 17 Den; 18 Child; 19 Swill;

21 Metropolitan.

DOWN: 1 Inexperience;

2 Run; 3 Insert; 4 Accompany; 5 Leapt; 6 Apprehension; 7 Merit; 10 Philander; 13 Medal; 14 Gossip; 16 Price; 20 Ill.




1.Gust (6)

4.Hesitated (6)

9.Liable to mishaps (8-5)

10.Coagulate (7)

11.Helicopter blade (5)

12.Range (5)

14.Chubby (5)

18.Prickle (5)

19.Lack (7)

21.Eminent (13)

22.Gas (6)

23.Folk (6)


1.Grab (6)

2.Unknowingly (13)

3.Deposit (5)

5.Raiment (7)

6.Fair play (13) 7.Drab (6)

8.Corner (5)

13.Thoughtful (7)

15.Atelier (6)

16.Freight (5)

17.Interfere (6)

20.Steeple (5)

ACROSS: 1 Snap decision; 7 Links; 8 Pedal; 9 Peg; 10 Prototype; 11 Netted; 12 Static; 15 Testifier; 17 Apt; 18 Rouge; 19 Sleet; 21 Weather-glass.

DOWN: 1 Slow puncture; 2 Dun; 3 Custom; 4 Supporter; 5 Oddly; 6 Altercations; 7 Light; 10 President; 13 Toast; 14 Tissue; 16 Sauce; 20 Erg.


1.Drawing-room in Broadcasting House (6)

4.See 12 Across.

9.It's designed to measure any increase in the rates (13)

10.Describing the victim of a road accident in poor health (3-4)

11.One of the family in nineteen, we hear (5) 12 and 4 Ac. They don't sound like the big guns of the church (5,6)

14.Nourishing food made by the monk without any hesitation (5)

18.In the trial I assumed a different name (5)

19.Holiday area where I arrive in disarray (7)

21.It's twelve pounds more than its name implies (13)

22.Does the spadework with five hundred little people (6)

23.In the Scriptures, the righteous female (6)


1.They are stepped up in flights (6)

2.Lacking any provisions (13)

3.Habitation that gives one endless obscurity (5)

5.Social worker making normal arrangement about the first of the emoluments (7)

6.Militarily speaking, one who's part of the establishment will be (2,3,8)

7.Tennis-player who officiates in church (6)

8.The promenade is the scene of hostilities (5)

13.Notice which is extraordinarily verbose (7)

15.Realised the bounder is embracing the girl (6) 16.Buy and sell a craft (5)

17.One in the queue who provides the fare required (6)

20.Wives will show differing opinions (5)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 20)

1. Traditionally, what items do the audience throw towards the ring after a sumo wrestling contest in which a yokozuna has been defeated by a lower-ranked wrestler?

2. If you were called a Bajan, of which country would you be a native?

3. There was a campaign many years ago among large numbers of U.K. residents to free 'the Weatherfield One'. In which soap opera was 'The Weatherfield One' a character?

4. Which of these genera of flowering plants does not produce exclusively yellow flowers: Kerria, Hypericum, Forsythia, Euphorbia?

5. Tom Bawcock's Eve is a festival celebrating the efforts of the eponymous Tom Bawcock to lift a famine from the village of Mousehole in which English county?

6. The F.I.E., or Federation International d'Escrime, is the international governing body for which Olympic sport?

7. The 'Wonderful' Parliament and The 'Merciless' Parliament were sessions convened during the reign of which English monarch?

8. Which classical violinist, said to have sold his soul to the devil in exchange for his remarkable talent, composed the 24 Caprices for solo violin?

9. The Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are important concepts in which religion?

10. Which saint, patron of televisions, telephones and clairvoyance, founded the Franciscan order, and The Order of Poor Ladies.?

11. Which American singer and actress had a debut album entitled The Divine Miss M which was also the moniker given to her by thousands of adoring fans?

12. The kumquat is a small Chinese variety of which fruit?

13. The Althing, one of the oldest parliaments in the world, is located in which country?

14. A sufferer of cacoethes loquendi would be doing too much of what activity?

15. All postcodes in the Shetlands begin with which two letters?

16. Just before making his Premier League debut for Manchester United in 1995, David Beckham played on loan for which club?

17. The Household Cavalry consists of two regiments: The Blues and Royals is one, which is the other?

18. Which boxer was nicknamed The Black Hercules and was one of only 5 people to have defeated Muhammad Ali in the latter's professional career?

19. Which poet wrote Sonnets from the Portuguese, the Portuguese being an affectionate nickname used by her husband (also a famous poet) for her?

20. In which 1979 film, based on a rock opera by The Who does a scooter fly off a cliff in the final scene?

PAGE 14 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 940
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 20 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE?
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October 2022 PAGE 15www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Kim Smith was on holiday in Spain when she contracted a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)'

'gone black and completely died'.

She underwent major surgery at Bedford Hospital, and spent over three months recovering.

KIM SMITH: Put into an induced coma in Spain.


woman has been left unable to work - after both her hands were amputated due to a severe infection that left her in a coma for nine weeks. Kim Smith was on holiday in Spain with her husband when she contracted a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Her husband Steve took her to the hospital after she complained of intense pain and told him she felt like she was going to die.

At a hospital in Elda, Kim was diagnosed with sepsis and immediately put in a coma to save her life.

She spent six weeks in a coma at the Spanish hospital, before she was flown home to England, where she was kept unconscious for an additional three weeks.

The 61-year-old was told, after she woke up from the coma, that her hands and legs were going to be amputated as they had

Kim was then taken to Queen Mary's hospital, in Roehampton, for rehabilitation.

There, she had to learn how to sit up straight all over again.

Now she is set to undergo a rare double hand transplant surgery having lost all her limbs.

Kim said: “For almost six months, I was just in bed until I got to go to rehab. I didn’t know how to sit up as my muscles had just gone. It was horrible!

“I could see that it was obvious that my limbs needed to be amputated. When the doctor said it I just said ‘Yes that’s fine. Get it done!’

"I knew enough to see they were useless and that nothing else could be done."

The former hairdresser cannot work, and her husband, a former delivery driver, now cares for her.

She knew that nothing else could be done.

But rare surgery offers her a glimmer of hope. Kim is on the waiting list for a double hand transplant at Leeds General Infirmary, which has successfully performed 14 life-changing transplants since 2016.

She is currently awaiting chicken pox vaccinations, which is the last step in her preparation before undergoing the surgery. The preparation for a transplant includes ensuring Kim has immunity to a range of illnesses.

After the transplant, Kim, the former hairdresser, hopes to be able to cook, sew and do everything for herself again, as well as spreading awareness about sepsis all over the country.

She hopes her experience in hospital will be pleasant too, as she has struggled in the past.

Kim says she has suffered abuse before. She said: “Sadly at each hospital, there was always one bad nurse. The first physically abused me, the second was very rude to me for needing help and the last one refused to let me have privacy, which was really difficult to cope with.

"Because of my time in hospital, my mental health was at rock bottom. I’d learned all I needed to get on with my life so they let me go home after.”

Kim, who had never heard of sepsis before she was taken ill, now posts about her journey online, to raise awareness about sepsis and its potentially devastating effects. She uses social media to share videos about her life now and how to spot potential signs of sepsis, which can mean the

difference between life and death.

Kim uses resources from The UK Sepsis Trust to share how there is no one symptom of sepsis and that it is absolutely vital to ask healthcare providers if it could be sepsis. She said: “The doctors did an X-ray on me just two days before I was admitted, but as nothing was broken, they sent me away.

"The following day I was prescribed antibiotics but the pharmacy had no stock so we were told to come back the next day - that night I was rushed to the hospital. I had absolutely no idea what sepsis was or how serious it is. It’s absolutely vital everyone knows how devastating sepsis is and how it can kill people so quickly.

“I believe I was saved to use my voice and to share my shocking story to help save others' lives. "I get an awful lot of people saying I’m an inspiration, I deserve an MBE or OBE or that they couldn’t cope with this, but you just have to get on with life.

"I have an amazing husband and family who have helped me through without their love & support things would be very different I’m sure.”

The couple both have children from previous relationships, who have all become extremely close, since the couple's wedding in September 2004.

The UK Sepsis Trust reports that five people die from sepsis every hour in the UK. However, they suggest that with knowledge of the symptoms and early diagnoses, preventable deaths from this condition can be stopped.

PAGE 16 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at:

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Come Join The Band' The

Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

The October Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 20 October at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.

The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with prob-

lem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966.

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association.

Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;

Massage and more for begin-

and the more mature.

Call me on:603 245 646


The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2021 Ford Puma ST-Line Hybrid which is on Special Offer priced at just 22,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers.

PAGE 17ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October 2022
Torrevieja transexual female, Daniela, Spanish speaker.
Items wanted or for sale, announcements, notices.


collected our bags and moved through arrivals.I had booked a car,courtesy of Alamo,and we were ushered to a huge multi-storey car park.

I picked out a Hyundai as I drive one in Spain,but this one was about three times the size of mine with different controls.


this mean I can go on holiday now?’I asked the lovely little Spanish oncologist.Her name is Aranjutu or something.I call her Orang-utan - but not to her face.

‘To where and for how long?’she asked politely.

‘Erm,America,about three weeks?’I replied.

‘That’s the first I’ve heard about this!’ piped up wife Annie from her customary seat beside me.Orang-utan smiled.

‘OK,I will make an appointment for you in six weeks.’

Thankfully the new tablets,an alternative to the anticipated chemotherapy had worked quickly.In January 2019 the allimportant PSA level had begun to drop right down to acceptable levels.

Phew,it had been rising uncomfortably to 48 at the November blood check for my Prostate Cancer.

Great - but the new tablets had plenty of strange side-effects.When my lovely wife told one of her friends about the new tablets I was on,the friend said:

‘Oh my brother-in-law’s on them - he keeps bursting into tears’.Oh,for pity’s sake,why is it they’ve always got a relative or friend who’s got similar symptoms and treatment - and it’s always bad news?

‘Huh’I replied cynically,‘Bloody wimp!’. As soon as I got home I booked us three weeks in the States,mid-Feb to early March: four days in Nashville,four days in Memphis,six days in Orlando and six days in New York.Question: ‘Was I biting off more than I could chew health-wise? Nah,go for it,John,you never know what’s ahead’.The long-suffering Annie took some convincing though: what do women know (don’t answer that).

The long flight to Nashville from Heathrow was OK,good ol’British Airways,and we landed in the state of Tennessee on a very wet Friday evening. Nashville was a surprisingly small airport,no real problems,just ‘waiting in line’i.e.queueing patiently to meet a large,happy,black lady with a badge saying ‘ESME’.She was merely interested in taking our fingerprints - which of course I managed to get wrong.

‘Oh no,Mr John,not like dat,try it ‘dis way...’,so fingerprints duly recorded we

Right,here we go - we headed out into the now-blinding rain before taking the Interstate Highway towards the centre of Nashville to find our hotel.

I was trying desperately to remember which turn-off I had to take from the previously-made plans in my head.No,I hadn’t booked a Sat-Nav,but in retrospect that night it would have been another distraction.

I suddenly drove into self-inflicted hellit was a terrifying experience.I soon found myself in four or five lines of traffic hurtling along the Interstate Highway in driving rain and quickly-gathering darkness,everyone knowing where they were going except me.

My worlds-worst-backseat-driver/wife didn’t help.In fact she added to my woes, screeching at me that I was speedingdespite everyone,huge trucks,coaches, cars,motorbikes,the world and his (helpful) wife included undertaking me,overtaking me,lights everywhere,glaring, indicating,neon advertising,everything distracting me from all directions - it was just horrendous.

Believe me,I’ve driven in a few places round the world in some strange conditions,but nothing prepared me for this. With all the bright advertising lights of the city rapidly arriving from everywhere I soon lost my bearings and missed the turn I had mentally ear-marked to come off at.

Cursing myself for doing what I have previously criticised others for stupidly doing and somewhat exhausted after the long flight,desperately low on morale and common sense,in my own personal living nightmare I suddenly thought:

‘I’m going to burst into tears’...

Somehow at last I managed to get off the motorway and tried to hide somewhereanywhere,just for a few minutes peace and quiet to recover.Round the back of a closed car dealers I found an oasis –Starbucks! We went into this domain of normality and I nervously ordered a tea and a coffee and asked – or begged - the young man who served us for some help and advice.

‘Sure’,he said casually.‘I’ll bring your drinks to your table’.After a few minutes he came over and put them on the table, sat down and asked what the problem was.I confessed we were hopelessly lost and he asked me where we were heading.

When I told him,as a perfect representative of his generation he pulled his phone

out of his back pocket and punched in the details.

‘We - ll,actually,‘ he said brightly: ‘You’re not too far go right out of here three blocks down right,highway 743,third exit go straight left up three blocks and take the fourth turning...’Well, yes,perhaps I’m exaggerating,but you get the picture – utterly baffling.I made him say it slowly three times and insisted that the world’s worst navigator with me write it all down.

Taking some food away with us in case the hotel weren’t serving any - if we ever found it - and our courage in both hands off we went again into the ever-pouring rain.This time we nearly made it,but after going round the same block three times I needed help again – but from where?

Oh yes,good ‘ol McDonalds! Anne wouldn’t stay in the car alone due to the dodgy-looking bloke in the car park so we went in together.All the staff were busy,so I picked on a clean-cut,welldressed young man,about to sink his teeth into the biggest burger I have ever seen.

Just as he did so I asked him where the

Comfort Inn was on Music Row (everything in Nashville is music-orientated).

After what seemed 10 minutes of him trying to swallow this mouthful he said politely:

‘OK,just turn right out the car park,go up two blocks,turn right again and I think the Comfort Inn is on your left.’I could have kissed him,it was so clear.I gasped my eternal thanks and...Praise The Lord,the Comfort Inn was delivered to us.The hotel was a bit dated,Holiday Inn 70s-style,but clean enough with two enormous Queen-size beds,but as we were still just about on speaking terms we only needed one.Indeed there was no restaurant open,the hotel only doing a buffet-style breakfast,so the Starbucks oasis and take-away proved a great decision.

Dry your eyes,little Johnny,we survived. We had somehow made it,so Thank the Lord,the lad at Starbucks and Chuck at McDonalds.Now we could relax,lick our wounds and prepare ourselves for the next day.

Tomorrow downtown Nashville - here we come,man!

PAGE 18 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Danny´s Bar 3-9 Mind The Gap

Freakie Taverners 2-10 Hub Hyenas

Milo`s 7-5 Fallen Angels

Ck1 Ladybirds 2-10 Ck1 Lads

Angels Delights 8-4 Pint Depot Queens

C.C.`s Flyers 5-7 El Capitan

Leeson St Trotters 4-8 Tipsy Toppers

Tipsy Tiaras 2-10 C.C.´s Bees

Hub Hellraisers 6-6 Domino´s Desp’ds

League Table P Pts Legs


El Capitan4841

Hub Hyenas4841


Tipsy Toad Toppers4634

Cc's Flyers4633

Ck1 Lads4631

C.C.´S Bees4420

Ck1 Ladybirds4420

Domino's Desperados4322

Fallen Angels3318

Freakie Taverners4318

Danny's Bar3213 Angels Delights4212

Hub Hellraisers416

Leeson St. Trotters4014

Pint Depot Queens4011

Tipsy Toad Tiaras408

Highest Check-Outs: Olly Walker El Capitan 130, Javi De Gea Milo´s 121, 180's: Mark Ellis Hub Hyenas, Dave Jennings CC`s Bees, Matt Smith CC`s Flyers, Edmundas Klimonis El Capitan


Wins in both the triples (1-2) and pairs (1-2) for Gap, gave the visitors a healthy 2-4 half time advantage. Danny's Karen Collins a 47 out and Dave Stevens D8, for the hosts. Sam Salt, D2, D10, Paul Moody D5, and Darren Sanderson D4 replying for Gap.

The latter firing in 100, 123, 140, Steve Collins 132, Paul Robinson 100, Bob Smith 140 answering for Dannys.

Dave Stevens 2x100, 85 opened the singles, narrowly losing to a "Showboat" 60 out from Sam Salt. Bob Smith 81,123, D1 kept the game tem-

porarily alive for 3-5, Gap taking the 4 remaining singles via, Sanderson D10, Moody 100, D20, Gordon Cowan, 99, 140, D16 and Che Liam 85,100, D20. POTM - Stevens - Sanderson.


Javi de Gea made his mark on this match with 3x100,120, 3x 80+ and a singles victory for POTM. Raul Rocamora contributing 2x100,95,85 and 2 outs. The game wasn't won until the 12th leg Cian Garcia the hero. The Fallen ones had in fact gone ahead 4-5 through Billy Dolling, earlier hitting 134 plus an out, but couldn't capitalise, Milos taking the remainder. Darren Foster Angels POTM, with a bucket load of 80+'s and 140.


Birds lone point scorer in the 1st half was Sharon O'Rourke 94, D6. Kirsty Green's 100 and Sandra Crabbe's 140 to no avail. The Lads in touching distance of victory at half time via Bill Leaves D2,D10, Kevin Woods 134, D1, Ricky McCarthy D2 and Les Adams D12.

Steve Monk Dalton was obviously in a hurry nailing 100,125,100, D20 for his sides 6th point, Crabbe delaying the inevitable, taking the 8th on 85, D20. Ginge Lewis, 85,85,130 gaining both points for the Lads.


At 3 apiece, this match had draw written all over it. Not so as Delights went into overdrive winning 5 of the available six 2nd half singles, for the match and points.

Two pretty decent outs from Queens, POTMMarie Cummins, T14,D20 and Marge Morgan T17,D14, came in the 1st half.

The 2nd half belonged to Delights, POTMSharon Williams, Steph Knowles, Henni Oortwijn, the 6th, match winner Karen Coutts, not forgetting Winnie McKay, the 5 winners.

Jade Cox D5 taking the final leg.


A good all round Hub performance resulted this convincing away victory. Hyenas taking all 3 triples, Dario Sierra headlining with a D8 and 116,125,140. Jay Wilkinson, D6 and Mark Ellis D20, making it 0-3. The same two adding the 1st pair. John Bowden, who else, gained Freakies first point with Mitch Halliday on a 46 out. Andre Wing 95 concluding the pairs on D20.

At 1-5, Freakies needed 5 singles for the draw, POTM Bryan Livsey 81,100 nearly toppling POTM Wilkinson 97, D19, now 1-6. Ellis 121,140,89,D4, ensuring both points for the Hub, Durrant D20 and Wing 132,D8 making it 1-9.

Bob Taylor 2x100,83, couldn't buy a double, Bowden 95,D8, taking the hosts 2nd. Sierra D5 ending the match against an unlucky Halliday, 100,83.


POTM, Matt Smith hit 100,140,125, partner Suso Madrid 95, and an 81 out for 18 darts in the opening pairs, Smith 2x100, 140, D18, continuing his fine form for a 16 dart 501 singles victory, the main highlights in this tussle.

Ben Kernahan won Caps POTM overcoming a determined Dougie Adkins 121,100 with 2x100,85, D6. Olly Walker claimed 3 doubles, plus 121,123,140. Figuring for Flyers were Chelsea Campbell, 2x100,111 and Jesus Madrid 4x100 and a 60 out.


Paddy Winterbourne D8, Andy Rutter 95,100,D10 and Steph Simpson 134, D15, gave Toppers an early advantage, Mike Fellows 101 and Kain Hickman 125 responding for Trotters.

The hosts were soon level,Ron Chadwick 121,D5, Barry Shingler 95 and Yvonne Rouffignac 100, D10, finding the outer ring, Rutter 2x100,85 in reply.

Shingler 121,112, D4 and Rutter D20 kept it all square after 8 legs, the visitors nailing the remaining 4 legs for two valuable points. Andy Gildea, 116, D8, Graham Solomans, 100, D2 ,Winterbourne D2 and Lee Maiden D20 closing the game. POTM - Hickman - Rutter.




Despos raced to a 0-3 lead courtesy of Steve Harding 98, D2, D1 and Paul Chick, 100,85, D1. Hub replied winning all 3 triples via D1, through Linda Davies, Carol Rowland and Ali Scammell, 120.

Ann Taylor 81, D2 put Raisers in front for the 1st time, Despos replying with the next three, Kathy Wallbanks 81, D2, Angie Chick D8, adding to earlier scores of 83,93,120 and Dave Oates ensuring a draw 4-6. Scammell 92, D2 and Lesley Dolling winning the final 12th leg for the draw. POTM.- Dolling - Harding.


As expected, a real cracker from these 2 champions elect. A 31 ton and 19, 80+ score total, ended up with the Caps just claiming both

The Bees brought along some new faces to the league as part of a team that have only played together for 3 weeks. Captain Liam Lumb egged his lads on, after all they were only playing a ladies team, and was confident of a sound victory when he secured the Bees´ first point.

The Bees got stung in the 2nd triples though despite POTM Dave Jennings rattling off 156, 177 and 95 as POTM Simone de Lacy sent her arrow straight into D16, first chance. Tiaras only other point came via Lisa Ivill´s D3 against a frustrated Simon Bantleman in the singles.

A few other chances were squandered but the Tiaras scored well, Sharon Crane 121 on her first throw and Tracey Simpson a ton, all others scores of 80 or more. Bees other big shots came from Paul Christopher (2 x121, 2x100), Bantleman (105) and Bruce Admiraal (100).

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October 2022 PAGE 19www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
POTM-Jay Wilkinson & Bryan Livsey Freakie Taveners & the jubilant Hub Hyenas


Another season is now upon us, so all I can do is wish all Vistabella teams a very successful season.

On Saturday 8th October we welcomed the Touring side, Southampton Old Bowling Green, They must be one of the oldest Bowling Clubs, they were established in 1299, The result did not matter as all 6 Rinks were played in great spirit, Then Lunch and a few drinks.

Monday 10th October Vistabella Drivers in the B Division were at Home to Quesada Diamonds, Winning on 4 Rinks, plus the Shots. Steve Wilson, Barry Tarling, Derek Howe 12-10. Ron Smith, Jeff Neve, Alice Howe 17-12. Alan Whitley, Brian Gilham, Sue Wilson 16-13. Hillary James, Steve Baxter, Alan Bannister 10-0. Shots 64-50. Points 10-2.




Country Bowls Flamingos 90 (6)San Miguel Dolphins 75 (6)

La Marina Pathfinders 66 (2)Greenlands Maples 92 (10)

Quesada Pearls 111(8)Emerald Isle Titans 75 (4)

San Luis Klingons 72 (4)*La Siesta Apollos 73 (8)

Vistabella Albatrosses Bye

P P W D D L Dif Dif ff Pts Pts

Greenlands Maples 14012610

Quesada Pearls 1302368

La Siesta Apollos 130218

Country Bowls Flamingos 1203156

San Miguel Dolphins 1302-156

Emerald Isle Titans 1203-364

San Luis Klingons * 1203-12

La Marina Pathfinders 1104-262

Vistabella Albatrosses 000000

* 2) deducted for failing to field a full side


Vistabella Drivers 64 (10)Quesada Diamonds* 50 (2)

San Miguel Orcas 105 (12)El Rancho Pintos 55 (0)

Emerald Isle Neptunes 74 (4)La Marina Explorers 103 (8)

Greenlands Chestnuts 107 (6)Country Bowls Seahawks 82 (6)

La Siesta Pioneers Bye

P P W W D D L Dif Dif ff Pts Pts

San Miguel Orcas 15005012

Vistabella Drivers 14011410

La Marina Explorers 1302298

Greenlands Chestnuts 1203256

Country Bowls Seahawks 1302-256

Emerald Isle Neptunes 1203-294

La Siesta Pioneers 000000

Quesada Diamonds* 1104-140

El Rancho Pintos 1005-500


Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry, Sunrise Builders and The Chippy

WINTER LEAGUE - Monte Mar v San Miguel Thursday October 13th we played our first winter league for nearly three years, at home against San Miguel. What a great start to the season we won on all rinks. Well done to all players, lets hope we can keep it up. Shots Monte Mar 58 ñ 29 San Miguel, Points Monte Mar 8 San Miguel 0

FRIDAYLEAUGE - Matadors v Country Bowls Panthers

Friday 14th October Away to Country Bowls we had another good result winning on three rinks. Well done to Lynne Armitage, Steve Hindle and skip Phil Goble. Gina Hindle, Cindy Bedford and skip David Eades, Sue Bounds, Chris Harding and skip Joan Harding. Shots Matadors 84 ñ 90 Panthers Points Matadors 6 ñ 6 Panther

Resulting in a draw.

For further info check out We are also on Facebook.


1.Cushions,2.Barbados,3. Coronation Street,4. Euphorbia,5.Cornwall,6. Fencing,7.Richard the second,8.Niccolo Paganini,9. Buddhism,10.Saint Clare, 11.Bette Midler,12.Orange, 13.Iceland,14.Talking,15. Z.E.16.Preston North End, 17.The Life Guards,18.Ken Norton,19.Elizabeth Barrett Browning,20. Quadrophenia,

Wednesday 12th October, Vistabella in the Winter League, were Away to El Rancho, Winning on 2 Rinks Plus the Shots, Sue Kemp, Alice Howe, Arthur Brown, Brian Zelin 28-14, Freddie Willey, Alan Bannister, Paul Parks, Gary Thorpe 20-13 Shots 62-43. Points 6-2.

Friday 14th October, Vistabella Lanzadores Div A, were at Home to Country Bowls Geckos, Winning on 2 Rinks, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 21-10, Geraldine Fisher, Arthur Brown, Gordon Fisher 14-9, Shots 71-94. Points 4-8.

Vistabella Picadors Div B, Were Away to Emerald Isle Claymores, Winning on 2 Rinks, Alan Whitley, Brian Gilham, Sue Wilson 1312, Hillary James, Steve Baxter, Alan Bannister 17-16, Shots 49112. Points 4-8.


After a long summer break, league bowling is back on the Costa Blanca. QBC Pearls had an opening home fixture against Emerald Isles, which they eventually won 8-4. The 3 winning rinks were - G Carnell, V Campbell, F Roberts 21-18. G Philips, M France, Jason P 27-10. C Brazier, T Morgan, P Morgan 29-10. Diamonds meanwhile were at Vistabella, where they took on the Drivers.

Although the rinks of K Gordon, D Collings, T Voisey 23-13 & C Skinner, P Farrell, G Skinner 15-9, earned a hard fought 6-6 draw, an administrative error meant that a massive

Emerald Isle Bowls Club

The new season started with the Titans visiting Quesada Pearls where they were beaten 4-8,

Aggregate 75-111, the winners were: P Heaney Jo Pering Julian Pering 21-19, N Prior G Wallis B Kavanagh 16-15

Neptunes played at home against La Marina Explorers and they slipped to a 4-8 Aggregate 74 -103 defeat, C Thomas G Dyer M Thomas 21-11, J Fenty B Fenty P Willicott 17-15

The Isle started the Winter League programme with a home win over Bonalba, 6-2 Aggregate with 58-41 shots. N Davis B Eldred S Marks R Marks 23-8, N Prior S Elvin P Coffey B Kavanagh 21-14

6 points were deducted from their total. Rubies had a bye to kick off their season.

Then on Friday, Swallows had an afternoon match against San Luis Lions, which they won 102, courtesy of these 4 winning rinks - G Carnell, V Campbell, F Roberts 29-18. P Bevan, G Philips, Jason P 21-4. C Brazier, C Highland, P Morgan 25-5. T Morgan, C Dye, M Ward 25-6. An opening local derby between Swans and newly promoted Swifts finished in an honourable 6-6 draw. Points scorers for the Swans were A Bowen, B Elliot, S Cooper 2012. C Bowles, D Gould, K Bowles 18-15. D Benson, P Farrell, A Benson 20-13, whilst for the Swifts, it was J Cleal, B Miller, L Miller 24-14. C Skinner, S Jakeman, G Skinner

The Berleen rink was beaten 17-21

Cavaliers played away at against San Miguel Apaches and Drew 6-5 Aggregate 93 -96, P Heaney G Odell M Odell 32-5, D Jones N

Prior B Kavanagh 17-14, S Verity Jo Pering, Julian Pering 19-18

Claymores played at home against Vistabella Picadores and won 8-4, Aggregate of 112-49, S Ellis M Ellis J Pooley34-11, C Thomas B Eldred

S Elvin 28-4 E Morris G Dyer, M Thomas 22-4

Outlaws played La Siesta Sharks and won 8-4 Aggregate 89-71, D Clark J Holmyard M Peaper 24-13, J Nash G Smith A Forrest 18-11, M Nash B Carter B Smith 17-12

PAGE 20 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



here we go again; back on the green for the start of the winter season.

Our first match of the South Alicante League, Enterprise Div on Monday 10th October was home against our near neighbours, La Siesta Apollos.

Unfortunately things didn’t go exactly to plan for SL Klingons; due to several circumstances completely outside of our control, which resulted in the Klingons suddenly unable to field a full team. This meant we had to concede 10 shots, so although the Klingons actually won the shots 72-63 that was amended to 72-73, points 4-8.

Our winners: Margaret & Neil Morrison, Caroline Smyth 1611, Kath Reid, Scott Malden, Ian Kenyon 29-10. The Trekkers did not have a match this week.

Friday 14th Southern League, the Tigers were home v San Miguel Commanches & had some hard fought battles against some tough opponents, whilst also doing battle against nasty flying, biting insects!!

La Marina Bowls

In the words of the song “here we go again, happy as can be all good pals and jolly good company”.

I still find it strange to look forward to winter, but living here on the Costa Blanca that is very easy where the bowling is good and the company excellent.

Monday saw out newly promoted Pathfinders at home to Greenlands Maples.

Some of us didn’t fare too well on either account but thanks to our winners, with good shot differences: Dave Notely, John Dowell, Peter Baldwin 28-10, Chris Phillips, Dee Hoey, Keith Phillips 26-4, Tigers came out on top, 95 shots-82, sharing the points 6-6.

The Lions were away v Quesada Swallows but unfortunately did not have a good afternoon at the office; shots 77-114, 2 points-10. Well done to our winning team: Janet Webb, Keith Jones, Neil Morrison 24-14.

No need to panic, there’s a lot of matches ahead of us and hopefully next week will be a better week, health and bowling wise.

If you haven’t tried bowling, why not give it a go? Come and make new friends. It’s good steady exercise, mixing with other people. It can be challenging (but great when it goes well).

You can just come along to Oasis San Luis, sit & have a drink & talk to members, or watch on Monday or Friday match days, or take part in the chicken drive on Saturday mornings (10:00/10:30) or contact Club Captain June Jones for more information: / 691 903 773.

Quite a formidable start to the season, as Greenlands had just done almost a clean sweep of the Championships, and so it proved to be. Greenlands winning 10-2 with shots of 92-66 in their favour. Our thanks go to Lesley and Dave Joynes skipped by Sue Daniels for avoiding the whitewash, winning 24-13 (which included a 8 in our favour).

Meanwhile our Explorers travelled to Emerald Isle, to play against their Neptunes and came away with a 8-4 with 103-74 shot difference and 3 winning trips for a very creditable victory.

I must just mention our top trip of Steve


On Monday, yet another season started with the effects of brexit still affecting bowler numbers, but I am sure we will have some good games and fun. Though we will be glad to get our arms swinging and the bowls going where intended, certainly I had few of those today.

The rink took a little getting used to, as you would expect, though some seemed to cope a little better, I did however enjoy the occasion. We did however come away from playing the Orcas at San Miguel without a point though some rinks were reasonably close.

Dolly Ford, Ann Abbott and Marion Haynes 16-18. Sheila Millward, Tony Abbott and Jim Eastwood 12-19. Kevin Henry, Malc Sykes and Diane Yates 6-23. Chris Ziepe, John Ziepe and Dave Haynes 11-16. Judy Foley, Ron Greenstreet and Henry Ryder 10-29.

Wednesday found our winter league team playing Vistabella at home, a new experience for the club providing more playing opportunity for our bowlers, El Rancho took one rink against Vistabella’s two rinks and the overall shots, not a bad day’s bowls.

Frances Johnson, Bill Johnson, Diane Yates and Keith Longshaw 16-14. Sheila Millward, Ron Greenstreet, Rob Clark and Jim Eastwood 14-28. Sheila Cox, Pam Harris, Brian Harris and Mike Cox 13-20.

On Friday the Mustangs were at home to La Marina Seagulls and put in a good performance, taking two of the five rinks. Adecent start to the season. Chris Ziepe, Pam Harris and John Ziepe 24-8. Sheila Cox, Brian Harris and Mike Cox 15-20. Frances Johnston, Sue Ziepe and Steve Ziepe 8-19. Bill Johnston, Judy Foley and Henry Ryder 22-18. Sheila Millward, Kevin Henry and Jim Eastwood 12-22.

Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at

San Miguel Bowls

14th October 2022 - Barry Jones

On Monday two teams from San Miguel were in action for the first game of the season.

San Miguel Orcas were at home to El Rancho Pintos, where they got off to a ‘blistering’ start winning 12 - 0, 105 shots to 55. The best winning triple were Linda Douglas, Sandi Hannan and Dave Young 29 - 10.

San Miguel Dolphins were away to County Bowls Flamingos where they shared the points 6 - 6, 75 shots to 90, the best winning triple were Jan Farmer, Dave Greenland and Lynn Greenland.

On Thursday San Miguel played Monte Mar in a re-arranged Winter League game. It wasn’t the result that San Miguel were hoping for losing 8 - 0 29 shots to 58.

On Friday San Miguel Comanches were away to San Luis Tigers where they shared the points 6 - 6, 82 shots to 95.

The best winning triple were Pat Staden, Dave Homer and Alan Harris 27 - 12.

Douglas, Jeff Collins, and Cliff Rawlinson on winning 37-10.

Lastly I would like to congratulate Jeff Collins, Steve Syddell and Steve Wright who all ended up on winning trips for their first outing with Tom's Explorers.

First Friday games and the Sharks get a bye whilst the Seagulls travel to El Rancho.

Where they had a exceedingly good result of 8-4 points and a overall shot of 87-81. Our highest winning trip this week goes to Desna Lowe, Dave McGaw and Mick Lowe. Well done to all.

Also on Friday San Miguel Apaches were home to Emerald Isle Cavaliers where they shared the points 6 - 6, 96 shot to 93. The best winning triple were Allan Patterson, Steve Parr and Gail Willshire 29 -8.

A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm.

We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique clubwe only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.

For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118


LA SIESTA BOWLS (Members Run Club) by Alan Carr

Before the League Season started La Siesta members played our Presidents Cup games which were held over three days, well done to all who entered with the winning team being; Judy Carroll, Martin Harley & Dave Blackie.

Throughout the summer break we also held club knockout games which attracted quite a few members, and after a few months of play the finals were played on the 5th & 6th October to determine who would come out on top.

Congratulations to the winning teams;

Aussie Mixed Pairs: Irene Laverick & David Whitworth.

Mr & Mrs: Wendy & Alan Ralph.

Ladies V Gents Pairs: Graham Doel & Mike Inns.

Mixed Trips: Alan Carr, Irene Laverick & David Whitworth.

Enterprise Division for the Apollos first game it was at our neighbour’s San Luis playing the Klingons. The game finished by winning on two rinks and also claiming the points on another as the home side were unable to field a full team and with the close overall (Shots 73-72) won 8-4.

Rink winners were; Joan Inns, Tony & Val Dalton (23-13). Jan Pocock, Norman Adcroft & Dave Blackie (19-14). Making this a very good start to the season for La Siesta. Interested in joining La Siesta members run bowls club, there is always something going on with events being arranged by the social secretary to suit all members.

George´s Chicken and Egg, every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm, with Mike & Grahams roll up every Saturday 930 for 950 am. Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.


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Friendly Temps3


CK1 Ladybirds7




Hot Darts:

Sue Wade (FT) 180, 100, Ann Bartlett (FT) 130, Cath Carter (DM) 129, Bliss Wright (GG) 125, 104, 100x2, Pat Woods (DM) 121, 101x2, 100, Jane Barnes (WA) 121, 116, Mitch Halliday (PD) 125, Sue Cam (LB) 117, Simone de Lacy (TT) 114, 108, Karen Christopher (FC) 114, Christine Pattison (GG) 112, Elizabeth Cowan (TT) 111, Deborah de Grys (PD) 108, Tracey Simpson (TT) 106, Lynn Young (LB)105, Margaret Boden (WA) 102, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 100x2, Pat Schofield (TT) 100x2, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 100

Carp-R-Us report

On Thursday 6th October Carp-R-Us fished the Rio Segura at Murcia Town Centre. The fishing at this venue has not been very good for most of the year and it was hoped that recent rain may have freshened it up, sadly that was not really the case.

Most anglers fish the feeder here, with some also catching bleak using a whip and maggots.

First was Alan Smith with 10.80kg, second Terry Screen with 8.26kg, third Steve Higgins with 4.90kg and fourth Tony Flett with 2.70kg.

Thursday 13th October the club fished the eleventh round of the Summer/Autumn Series at El Bosquet.

The match was split between pegs 1b and 7 and 17 to 25 and there was a big difference between the two sections with the anglers on

peg 17 ñ 21 struggling for just one fish each and not much being caught on the other pegs on that stretch.

Winner, transferring the skills he learnt on the Segura at Bigastro and honed at The Pond to El Bosquet was Willie Moons with 22.14kg from peg 3 using feeder and corn.

Second from peg 4 was Jeremy Fardoe with 19.76kg caught mainly on pole and bread.

Third from peg 6 was Terry Screen with 13.84kg and fourth from peg 2 was Paul Burton.

The series is now entering its last weeks with five anglers in contention for the trophy.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page CarpR-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.

scorer, Sue Wade from Friendly Temps


King's College Murcia students attended a tournament event organised by Cricket EspaÒa at La Manga Club - with some deemed the future of Spain cricketers.

"It was a great tournament that gave the students a new experience with representatives from Cricket EspaÒa looking at talented individuals.

"Anumber of our students were asked to play in the future - which was great to see," said a King's College Murcia spokesperson.

"Well done to Anna, Harry, Sandra and Callum

who stood out for each of our four teams," they added.

It was a fantastic day for 106 children from three schools, being a start, based on a development programme, set by ICC supported by Cricket Espana.

Cricket Espana will set up a pathway within these schools in 2023, which will include an Academy, Junior and Secondary Leagues, for both boys and girls, where kids will be able to take cricketing pathway to playing for Spain.

Abig thanks to Alfie Court for all his hard work on the day.

Following a four year absence La Manga Club womens cricket festival returns at La Manga Club in May 2023.

"Soft ball cricket and hard ball cricket categorieswhether you are a new player or experienced,come and join this fantastic weekend.

"We have had a fantastic response for our Women’s Cricket Festival next May here @LaMangaClub with 20 teams already confirmed across the hard ball and soft ball categories.

"We are getting closer to capacity so don’t miss out. DM us now for info and a registration form," said a spokesperson. uk for info

King's College Murcia students at La Manga Club.

PAGE 22 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
- 6Tipsy Tigers
Girlz7 - 2Whacky Allsorts
- 2Primadonnas
Mixtures3 - 6Friendly Chicas
Girlz213 CK1 Ladybirds212 Friendly's Temps210 Macklin's Dolly Mixtures29 Tipsy Tigers29 Friendly's Chicas28 Whacky Allsorts26 Primadonnas25
Highest Check-out Jane Barnes (WA) 74 180
20 teams enter Women’s Cricket Festival at La Manga Club


CD Thader ...........2 Vilajoyosa CF ......2

marred his return by gifting the visitors a soft goal on 10 mins, when he flapped at a cross from the left, resulting in a simple tap in as a result.

The visitors did have the ball in the back of the net again before half time, but luckily for Thader, the linesman's flag came to the rescue.

yellow card, before Lloyd calmly smashed home the spot kick to make it 2-1.

An unforced error by Ruben was seized on by the visitors, then 2 passes later, Chema was once again picking out the ball from the back of the net.

Lloyd calmly smashed home the spot kick to make it 2-1.

Fresh from the previous weeks first defeat of the season at Callosa, Thader were seconds

away from beating lowly Villajoyosa at Moi Gomez stadium last Friday evening.

New goal keeper signing Chema, has returned to the club from regional side Torrevieja, but he

Guido's return from injury was short lived, when Fran replaced him as he hobbled off the pitch. Juan Pedro levelled the scores on 80 mins, before Thader were awarded a penalty in stoppage time for handball.

This also resulted in Villajoyosa being reduced to 10 men for a 2nd

"We are very grateful to Jove EspaÒol and Intercity for participating and collaborating with us.

Nuestra Patron Virgin del Rosario Cup

THE triangular Nuestra Patron Virgin del Rosario Cup competition featured Young Spanish, Guardamar soccer CD and Inter City B.

The best Player Trophy Futbol award went to Juan Fern·ndez (pictured below).

"Thank you very much for everything to our City Council of Guardamar, the sports councillor and Mayor JosÈ Luis S·ez," said a spokesperson.

CF Rafal and UDF Sax 6 goals thriller

CF Rafal and UDF Sax shared the points in a six goals 3-3 thriller in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 on Saturday.

CD Montesinos defeated Alguena CF away 2-0, taking them up to fourth place, ahead of Sunday's fixtures, with UD La CocaAspense Ataking a point in a 2-2 home draw against Sporting Dolores CF.

In the 2nd Regional Group 16 CD Altet returned a 3-1 away win at Sporting Costablanca, Callosa Deportivo CF Ahit four in a 42 away win at Santa Pola CF B to move up to third place, ahead of Sunday's fixtures.

CF Popular Orihuela defeated CD Horadada away 3-0, with league leaders Guardamar Soccer CD netting four goals in a 4-2 away win against CF United Elche A.

*Sunday's results round-up will appear online at

Mike Probert talks Golf

course being completed which opened for a time as a pay and play golf course but closed just a few years later and lay dormant for some time.

There was no time left for Thader to snatch a winner, which must have seemed like a defeat to all concerned.

Next weekend, Thader visit last seasons play off finalists Crevillente. Check out CD Thader facebook page for further information.

Torrevieja to Host First Walking Football Tournament

Torrevieja is to host the first Walking Football Tournament, bringing together international teams to participate in the event.

It will take place on Saturday 29 October, at 10:00 a.m., in the “Esteban Rosado” field of the Ciudad Deportiva.

This sports modality is like traditional soccer but with some different rules, among others that running is not allowed.

It is considered a fun and healthy sports, particularly for those who are not quite as energetic as they once were, as it does help you keep fit.

In the Torrevieja tournament, 12 teams have registered to take part, of which 9 are Spanish, 1 Portuguese and 2 British.


on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

‘Around and about the Courses – New Sierra Golf ’ New Sierra Golf was initially planned to be opened in 2008 as a par 72 18 holes golf course located between Balsicas and La Tercia just off the San Javier-Murcia Motorway but the economic down turn at that time resulted in only a 9 hole golf

The course has since re-opened under new more progressive management and although still only a 9 hole course there were plans to open as a full 18 hole lay-out in November 2022.

The current 9 holes are pleasant to play with what are probably the best greens in the area and they have good practice facilities with a driving range, chipping area and excellent putting green and although the clubhouse is small the staff are extremely friendly.

Here in Spain in 2022 we have experienced the hottest summer for more than 100 years and this has impacted on the re-

development plans to complete the additional 9 holes and the revised completion programme will now be between July and September 2023 and we will keep you informed of any further changes or updates to these plans.

New Sierra Golf does however boast the lowest priced green fees in the Murcian Region and until the 15th November 2022 we can offer the following special 18 holes prices subject to tee time availability:

Two Players and Buggy = Ä78

Fours Players and Two Buggies = Ä154

Call Mike Probert on (00 34) 661345931 to make a booking #VisitMurcia#CostaCalida#RegiondeMurcia#CostaCalidaMak esYouHappy

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PAGE 24 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd October ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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