No 944 Monday 7th- Sunday 13th November 2022
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
ollowing countless complaints from residents and political parties in Torrevieja, which resulted in threats to terminate the current fumigation contract, the town hall has now launched an emergency action plan to deal with the situation.
The Councillor for Public Health, Diana Box, has said that this new contract complements the current one, processed by the previous government team in 2017, but now, 5 years later, considered totally inadequate to deal with the existing state of affairs. The new service that is already in operation, has considerable improvements such as: a Stream cannon, a Typhoons cannon, two larvicide appliances and exclusive additional equipment for parks and gardens. Box announced that a monthly pest control plan has also been contracted that will ensure that the mosquito population is monitored in order to better control all outbreaks at the larval level, tereby preventing massive hatching of adult mosquitoes. The situation has seen an urgent need to increase services, according to the councillor, by approximately 73% of their current amount, to a total figure of 100,000 euro. Given the fact that this extension is not strictly legal, the Council is currently processing the termination of the current contract with the agreement of the contractor, while simultaneously awarding the strengthening of the same by “Emergencia” until a new one is awarded with all the necessary services to carry out an effective control. The reinforcement of existing services consists of two parts; an emergency action plan and a control plan. The Emergency Action Plan will be activated whenever there is accumulated rainfall exceeding 20 l/m2 according to technical criteria. This limit is established as a criterion from which waterlogging occurs, the ideal place where biological hatchings of mosquitoes occur.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
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A large-range nebulizer cannon, similar to that successfully used in Elche
‘Mozzie’ Action Plan Therefore, every time the environmental circumstances conducive to the explosion of this biological bomb occur, the plan, whose value amounts to e43,404, will be activated in order to prevent the progression of the mosquito population as a result of favourable environmental conditions. The councillor also stated that a monthly pest control plan has been contracted that will allow the mosquito population to be monitored in order to control all foci at the larval level, preventing massive hatching of adult mosquitoes, at a cost of e15,573. This emergency contract will be maintained until the current contract is terminated and a new one awarded that already incorporates all the mechanisms, means and design necessary to control all pests in the municipality. At this time, the contractor has already given its agreement to the termination of the contract, so the economic settlement is pending, while the new contract is being urgently processed, in order to ensure its award during the coming months. It should also be noted that the anti-corruption prosecutor is investigating previous mosquito control contracts awarded by Torrevieja town hall, as a result of which this matter has no doubt been approached with some caution. Proyecto Mastral El Tiempo en Torrevieja colleague, Joaquín Carrion, entered the area around the salty lagoon of Torrevieja. "We are happy with the rain - but we can now count about 100 mosquitoes/flies per square metre. "We are aware that fumigation tasks are being
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carried out, but the problem continues throughout the whole of Torrevieja," he said. Another Torrevieja resident, Elena Daniela Sivriu, voiced her concerns, for both humans and pets. "In Los Altos they enter our mouths and eyes, also the house looks like a helicopter air base, they bite us and the poor pets. See if the City Council comes to fumigate," she said. Areas, including Los Balcones, La Siesta, San Miguel and Los Montesinos are also 'under attack'. People are saying they are being bitten multiple times - in one case 15 times in less than half an hour of walking. "I didn't count the others, so as not to overwhelm myself, but there were more when I
REMEMBRANCE WEEKEND AT CAMPOVERDE CHURCH Two events are being held at Campoverde Church in the Community to commemorate the fallen. The first is on Saturday 12 November 22 when Pip and Mike Shail are giving a presentation of songs and readings for reflection entitled ‘O Soldier, Soldier’.
got home. "I hope the plague goes down - but it's time and more will appear with the rains forecast," said Tina Costantina. Monica Meler Martini said: "The incredible thing is that they are also there at noon - not only at dawn and dusk! I don't know where to walk my dogs anymore." It is said in Acequion the 'invasion' of mosquitoes is tremendous, so much so you cannot go out, it is 'stinking'. Meanwhile. the councillor has apologised to members of the public for the problems that are causing this proliferation of mosquitoes and hopes that in the coming days there will be a considerable improvement so that the current plague can be completely eradicated.
This will start at 6.30pm in Campoverde Church, admission is free but there will be a retiring collection for the Royal British Legion. On Sunday evening, 13 November 22, there will be a short ‘Act of
Remembrance’ starting at 6pm in Campoverde Church Garden, to which everyone is welcome. For more details contact the Church Warden on 623 016231 or e-mail
POETRY CORNER “ONE MAN” by David Whitney, c 2022 One man No feelings, no heart One man destroying lives Ripping towns apart Killing children Killing families, for what No soul, no remorse
Has it all been worth it Was it just for cruel fun Hope the souls of those who died Haunt him every night Hope he drowns in tears of grief It will only serve him right God watches, God sees everything What goes around comes around
A one-way ticket is all he’s got To Hell for sure His number's marked Motor running where his hearse is parked Pip and Mike Shail
He'll have to pay for what he's done
So we'll rejoice and we'll all sing One man Dead but for the beating of his heart One man On a collision course to Hell His hearse ready to depart.
If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
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637 227 385
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
The alleged murderer fleeing the scene on calle San Pascual in Torrevieja
Torrevieja Serial Killer Identified Through DNA T he National Police have identified the suspect of an attempted murder that took place in Torrevieja in 2020, along with two killings which occurred shortly afterwards. The identification was carried out through DNA in a Russian psychiatric hospital, which identified the man as Nikolay T., 26, classified by investigators as a "disorganised serial killer of a psychotic nature", since he chose the victims at random. The suspect is believed to be responsible for murders that occurred in Torrevieja and Elche between July and November 2020, before the man returned to Russia and committed another murder in December of that year. It is now known that the suspect had lived in Spain for at least 15 years, his mother being responsible for several real estate companies in the Torrevieja area, mainly the management of rental properties for Russian citizens. Investigators also believe that this woman was key in her son's escape from Spain back into Russia. Security cameras recorded a suspect fleeing the scene moments after an attack that happened on July 16, 2020, inside a doorway on calle San Pascual at the corner of calle Chapaprieta, the victim being a 58-year-old woman, who survived the attack. On August 11, 2020, according to police investigations, he acted again, this time killing a man who worked on a farm in Los Montesinos. His body was found by another worker next to the tractor he was driving. He had ten stab wounds, one of them in the right cervical area. The Guardia Civil managed to extract suspect DNA from the victim, but at the time were unable to identify anyone it belonged to.
The same unidentified suspect was then believed to be involved in a third homicide, following the discovery of the body of a woman with obvious signs of strangulation and drowning inside an irrigation canal in the district of La Hoya, in Elche. Several witnesses saw a man with a slim build, short hair and an accent from an Eastern European country in the area. DNA found at this incident matched that of the previous murder. With the CCTV images from the first incident, as well as witness statements, investigators were able to identify a suspect, and through Interpol they identified a man who had also been attributed to another killing, this time in Russia, for which he was detained, and his DNA sample taken. Russian authorities were then able to confirm that his DNA matched that of the suspect in the Spanish cases, resulting in a formal identification of the suspect. The Spanish authorities have subsequently issued an International Arrest Warrant.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
300 graves found at Rojales 6th Century Byzantine site By Andrew Atkinson
It is thought there could be 300 more burial pits on the site
30 tombs have been excavated at an archaeological site in Rojales during the last five years, with approximately 300 others having been identified.
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MABS WELCOME 300 EURO DONATION FROM LA ZENIA BEACH BABES The latest donation of 300 euro was made by La Zenia Beach Babes to Jacquelyne Phillips MBE, the President of MABS Cancer Support Fundacion in San Javier, last week. Every month the Ladies donate the monies raised to a local charity, from their thrice weekly fitness sessions held in Cabo Roig.
"It is a unique site," said director of the archaeological work, Teresa Ximénez, the largest necropolis, or cemetery of Byzantine origin found to date on the Iberian Peninsula. It is also the best preserved site dating from the 6th and 7th centuries. The recent completion of the fifth excavation campaign was sponsored by the Provincial Council of Alicante in conjunction with the Marq, the Rojales City Council, the Rojales Archaeological Museum, the University of León and the Max Plank Jena Institute in Germany.
Spain’s Hipra Covid-19 vaccine offers improved protection
Following the study using georadar, it is estimated that in this Byzantine necropolis there may be some 300 burial pits excavated in the fossil dune hill. So far, 30 tombs containing 50 individuals of different ages and sexes have been excavated. Excavations have also discovered trousseaus, brooches and numerous ceramic materials. The research is providing important information on burial rites and genetics. Some of the rock-cut tombs contained one or more individuals and were covered with stone chips or ceramic tiles. Many of them are carved with the symbol XP, in the Greek alphabet, known as ‘chrismon’ or anagram of Christ. In the case of the Cabezo del Molino, Ximénez said, "the deceased are placed with their heads to the west and their feet to the east. That is to say at the setting sun and at the rising sun, a Christian rite of the first period." The appearance of several bodies in some graves, with adults and minors, tells us that many of the ancient inhabitants of Cabezo del Molino died at the same time, which leads us to think that highly contagious epidemics occurred, and that the multiple graves contained bodies of relatives. The genetic tests carried out by the Max Plank Jena Institute will determine the origin of the inhabitants from this period, family relationships and cause of
death. The archaeological excavations of the Cabezo del Molino have determined a long human chronology of occupation that begins in the IV-III century before Christ with the Iberian culture. It is followed by a late Roman presence between the 4th-5th centuries and already in the 6th-7th centuries Byzantium. The occupation ends in the 8th and 9th centuries with a Muslim presence. The hypothesis that is being considered at the moment in view of this long human presence on the hill of El Molino is that this hill could have been a river port, according to Ximénez. "It's too early to know for sure, there's still a lot to investigate but for now it's the one we're considering," she said. Excavations will be carried out over the next three years and the project will be expanded according to the results. If they currently exist, it is hoped that they will find the town with its houses and other religious buildings. The Councillor for Culture and Historical and Natural Heritage, Inmaculada Chazarra, announced that the Byzantine site will be converted into a museum so that it can be visited.
PROPERTY FOR SALE Los Montesinos - La Herrada 2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport,
Priced to sell at E79,995 Tel: +34 634 383 099. Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.
"We are studying the best options for this plan in collaboration with the Marq, in order to guarantee its dissemination and conservation," she said.
The Spanish vaccine against Covid19, which is being manufactured by Catalonia's Hipra, could be approved in one or two months" by the European Medicines Agency. Authorities have stated that this vaccine offers greater protection as a booster dose than Pfizer. It is based on a recombinant protein that contains the alpha and beta variants of SARS-CoV-2.
SIX MILLION SPANISH HOUSEHOLDS DON'T EARN ENOUGH FOR BASIC NEEDS Three out of ten households in Spain do not earn enough money to cover basic needs, according to a report. This refers to six million Spanish families who cannot afford basic necessities like education, health, food or those who rent their homes, with children of school age. People with dependency or without stable income are the ones who have the most difficulties.
Spain's electricity cost in first half of 2022 over double that of other EU countries The price of electricity in households in Spain rose by 32.2% during the first half of 2022, which is more than double the EU average. This is in comparison to the first half of 2021. The price of natural gas in domestic consumption also rose in Spain, 4.3 points more than the European Union average. However, the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, said recently: "There will be no blackouts, no rationing or any of those apocalyptic scenes predicted by the creators of hoaxes." The coming months "will not be easy", but no drastic measures will be adopted and no Spanish home will lack energy "to heat, to light or to cook this winter".
BRITISH TOURISTS STILL TOP SPENDERS IN COUNTRY The Spanish govt has said that British tourists continue to be top spenders in the country. According to Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes
Maroto, around 1.8 million Brits visited Spain during September, spending e1.96 billion. This amounts to an average of e1,185 per person - considering
the pandemic and rising prices due to inflation.
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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
he following Acts of Remembrance have been arranged locally by branches in Spain District North this Remembrancetide. Everyone is welcome to join us in commemorating The Fallen, you don't have to be a member of the Legion or even Ex-Services.
The service at Capilla de las Mil Palmeras will again have a large screen to accomodate the many hundreds seated outside
For more details, please contact the Branch concerned through their Facebook page or using the details on our web page spain-north/the-district-its-branches/ · Gran Alacant and La Marina Branch are hosting this year’s District North Service of
Remembrance in Masa Square, Gran Alacant on Sunday, 13th November, starting at 1.45pm · Hondon Valley Branch – a service in La Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Salud, Calle Juan Carlos, Hondón de los Frailes on Friday, 11th November, congregation to be seated by 10.40 · Murcia Branch - a service in the Memorial Garden, Camposol Sector A, Mazarron, on
Friday 11th November, starting at 11:15. · Orihuela Costa and District Branch – to be held at the Capilla de las Mil Palmeras on Sunday, 13th November, starting at 10.45. where a large screen will be erected for those who are unable to be seated inside the church. See ad across left. · Torrevieja Branch – to be held in the Iglesia de la Concepción, Torrevieja, at 1040 am on Friday, 11th November
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
637 227 385
Are all Contradictions Pleasing? here is a sinister saying in Scotland, "I could murder a fish supper," and an even worse one, "I would kill for a battered fish and chips."
Neither of these is meant to express anything other than a keen desire to tuck in to a hearty meal of which you approve. (Post-Brexit it is apparently illegal to use the words 'French fries' without getting your fingers burned.) In seeming contradiction of all known physical laws, time is heavy only when it is empty. And crude oil, which brings great wealth to nations which possess it, is worthless until it is converted into a profitable pollutant. I've seldom met a metaphor I didn't like or a hyperbole that didn't bowl me over. But when it comes to contradiction I am in two minds, or no mind at all, according to some who call themselves friends. What, for example, is 'a pleasing contradiction'? It surely can't be the same thing as 'a working holiday', which sounds more like a contradiction in terms. Like saying 'benevolent dictator' or 'sighted football referee', or even -though this one is a bit of a stretch -- 'a truthful timeshare tout.' (That's alliteration, by the way.)
Of course there are situations in which contradiction is used to assuage the person contradicted. (The contradictee?)
avuncular Joe Stalin was a less than benevolent dictator, and you had lots to mull over on the truck to the gulag.
and it may give us some insight as to why he was so depressed he drank a cup of hemlock down in one.
When a wife asks if her new dress makes her look fat, the proper response is a quick, emphatic and sincere denial from her husband. Matrimonial bliss reigns, and a sunny disposition is restored.
Some of life's deepest truths are contradictory on the surface of our mortal pond. The more you fail, the more likely you are to succeed. Edison tried ten thousand times before getting a lightbulb to shed some light on the problem. I bet his face lit up as well.
I'm not entirely convinced by the contradiction inherent in the idea that the more available something is, the less you will want it.
On other occasions, however, contradiction can be dangerous. If you tried telling a tyrant or a despot "Your Secret Police are ludicrously named, buddy, everyone knows about them," you might find that
Which leads us neatly to "The more you learn, the more you realise how little you know." Socrates said that (in Greek)
Is it just me, or is that meant to apply equally to money, chocolate, ice cream, flattery, adulation, free kindle books and late-night opening for chip shops. Sometimes I could just murder a fish supper.
Aemet warns of arrival of cold front resulting in heavy rainfall, strong winds After the hottest October on record, the arrival of a cold front in Spain will result in rains in the west and north of the peninsula, as well as strong winds, maritime storms in the Bay of Biscay and a drop in temperatures. The cold front advancing from the west to east will result in heavy rainfall in Galicia and parts of the Balearic Islands, according to State Meteorological Agency, Aemet.
Spain has granted temporary protection to over 150,000 Ukrainians since war Spanish authorities revealed that a total of 150,078 temporary protections have been granted to Ukrainian refugees since the war against Russia started earlier this year. According to the Ministry of the Interior of Spain, the country is among the European countries to have provided the highest number of protections to Ukrainians.
31% people aged 16-25 unemployed and without hope According to the latest figures from the Active Population Survey (EPA), the percentage of unemployed Spaniards between the ages of 16 and 25 is 18.3 points higher than the Spanish average. This figure represents 31% of the population. Within this group, 36% believed in 2020, according to a report, that it is very unlikely that they will find a job within the next 12 months.
Wine worth 150,000 euros stolen from Madrid restaurant 132 bottles of wine valued at 150,000 euros were stolen from the two Michelin star restaurant Coque, located in Calle de Marques del Riscal in Madrid. The thieves broke into the restaurant and then the cellar where they proceeded to steal 132 bottles. The National Police is investigating the robbery that took place on 30 Oct.
SAT ANIMAL RESCUE Raven is a lively 2.5 year old, who would love to be in her forever home. She is fully vaccinated, with a passport, microchipped, sterilized and bloodtested.
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637 227 385
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
San Miguel Rescue Plan SAN MIGUEL DE SALINAS RESCUE PLAN WILL SEE 2,000 NEW HOUSES BUILT The construction company that has applied to become a developer of the SUS-A Los Invernaderos sector in San Miguel de Salinas, running adjacent to Ronde Oeste, plans to invest just over five million euros rehabilitating the basic services and infrastructure that has been vandalised during the fifteen years in which it has laid abandoned. The plan of 700,000 square meters and with the capacity to build 2,000 houses has been abandoned since 2008, at which time one block of four-storey properties had been built. The Aguilar brothers, businessmen from Molins (Orihuela) who have applied for the status of development agent through the Bogey Mediterráneo company, have all the options to achieve it as they already own 80% of the land. If the operation is confirmed, it would be the end of a nightmare for municipal management, which first protected this ambitious reclassification of agricultural land in the midst of a real estate boom, after the Elche businessman, Ramón Salvador, the original developer, was declared bankrupt during the property crisis. In order to repair the electrical infrastructure,
it will be necessary to reinstall the looted transformers, and recover all the public lighting with a new installation of energy-saving LED technology. The construction company wants to carry out intensive pruning of all the trees, the avenues are dotted with large Washingtonia palm trees that have not been treated since they were first planted. Additionally a great deal of the vegetation will have to be removed and replaced because the lack of conservation caused the roots to lift the road and pavements. The main problem affecting the Los Invernaderos plan at the moment is the absence of a direct connection to the power supply. The line that connects the urban area is insufficient to supply the additional growth, equivalent to more than 4,000 new residents, in addition to the 6,500 currently living in the town. Upgrading the current network will require a separate line from the one that supplies the urban area at a cost of 1.7 million euros . However, the previous developer, Ramón Salvador, had deposited a guarantee of 1.4 million euros to carry out this work. It is a guarantee that is preserved and that will be
used to pay for most of the new line that will link the La Marquesa substation with San Miguel de Salinas. The new constructor has also checked the state of the facilities of the drinking water supply tank, and of the sewage network. Both systems will be able to be upgraded without requiring any major work. Another of the conditions demanded by the City Council is that the main road connecting the CV-95 roundabout with the urban area, becomes a section of the ring road that directly connects this road with the Rebate-
Pilar de la Horadada CV-952 road, and of course with Orihuela Costa, Campoamor via the CV-941 and along the Las Balsas- Las Filipinas road, avoiding the town centre. The local government has accelerated this operation in the run-up to the 2023 electoral campaign. The construction of first homes and tourist homes is synonymous with the eventual generation of employment, collection of construction taxes and later from the Tax of Real Estate.
Drilling, filling and billing and no killing! f you asked me to sum up in one word what can bring on mind-chilling terror, put the fear of God into me, and cause my entire life to flash in front of my eyes, that word, my friends, is ‘dentist’! In my miffed mind there is little difference between a dentist’s waiting room and a holding cell in Guantanamo Bay. I had a dentist appointment last week that first such misfortune in a decade; made worse by the fact that I delayed it so long. Apart from my residual dread, there was also the fear of the unknown – as my appointment was with a new dentist, Dr Suzann O’Connor. My research had established that Suzann is a first class dentist; my fretful phobia interrupted to remind me that there’s no such thing as a good dentist! Before I got into the electric … I mean, dentists, chair; I took time to emphasise one more time to Ms O’Connor as to the sensitivity of both my gums and my teeth: It was important that she fully understood what she was dealing with here! Suzann was kind and reassuring – even though I forgot to open my mouth until she asked me to. Now, Lads, I am not in favour of any woman going near my mouth with a shiny metal instrument in
I *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
her hand … other than Mrs Youcantbeserious spoon-feeding me a tasty morsel from her dessert. And no, Gorls, this is not being sexist: I am not in favour of any man going near my mouth either – with or without anything in his hand. Before we delve any further into last week’s invasion of my mouth, I need to start this story at the beginning. The scene was set in Johnstown National School, a long time ago. The dentist came to our school once a year. Teeth that were past saving were extracted and the school yard reminded me of Harrises’ yard after Arthur Carr skulled the cattle. But the ones who got the teeth out were the lucky ones and I never fell into that bracket. For me it was drilling and filling. No aesthetic for fillings, the drill hopping off a nerve and this torture turned me into what I am! Jackie Bray was the dentist - the popular local boy who made good. He knew my family because he used shoot on our bog. “Any ducks down there”, he would enquire as he guided my head back on a stiff wooden chair. If Mr Bray asked me. “Where do you want to be buried”, I would have given the same stammering answer, “I don’t know …” I suffered dreadfully from toothaches as a child. A couple of times, my father hopped me up on the back of his motorbike and took me to Collinstown, where another local dentist, Barney Daly, pulled teeth one night a week. Mr Daly was also a nice man and a highly respected dentist; but because my tooth would have been paining me for a couple of days, it didn’t take the ‘freezing’ … but out it came anyway. Daddy would Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
wait for me in Bertie Rowe’s Pub, him having a couple of pints to ease the pain of my suffering. As a twenty-one year old ‘hardy boy’, I nonetheless paid to be put to sleep to have one tooth extracted when I worked in England. When I came home from Canada in my mid-twenties, my mouthful of teeth resembled that yellow Swiss cheese with all the holes in it. I went to see Dentist Kelly in Mullingar. Joe Kelly, RIP, was a lovely man who did a tremendous job for me. My opening instruction was that I wished to make an appointment to be put under a general aesthetic, have all my teeth pulled out, and a false set put in the same day. To shorten the story, Mr Kelly talked me into a less drastic solution – and he saved all my teeth. Joe Kelly’s successor, Dr Michael Drury, carried on that same top-drawer professionalism and one of his work-sites was the inside of my mouth. Michael was good
Easily grown in rich, moist soil in full sun it needs to be kept evenly moist, when in bloom. It cannot tolerate cold temperatures and Garden Felix - Pachystachys lutea - golden will drop all leaves if air temperatures shrimp, golden candle or lollipop plant - is an fall below 60ºF. evergreen shrub, popular as a landscape plant. If unpruned, the plants will get leggy and Growing up to 6ft x 3ft in a border, in a container top heavy, so prune heavily to maintain they will be much shorter. its shape and size. Fertilise regularly to maintain good blooThe branching, woody stems are covered with ming. Dead-heading will encourage a simple, dark green leaves creating a stunning contrast with bright flower lance-shaped spikes. bushy plant and more blooms, pinching growing tips will encourage a fuller plant. The overlapping bright yellow flower spikes give Easily propagated from softwood and this plant its common name, as they resemble the semi-ripened stem cuttings, taken in early shape of a shrimp or candle. summer. In warm climates it will bloom throughout the It has few pests, but susceptible to year; in temperate climates it is more seasonal, aphids, mealybugs, scales, spider mites and whiteflies. with blooming primarily in summer.
GARDEN FELIX - Golden shrimp, golden candle/lollipop plant
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company and we could have been even better friends – but every time I met him out, the word ‘dentist’ practically blinded me. Ten years ago I had a major job done in Spain, where all my remaining teeth were filed down and capped. ‘Apple Dental’, did superb work for me – but I still walk the other side of the road when I’m passing the clinic! Suzann O’Connor is my third generation of dentists at her practice. A significant link between all three, is Caroline, the everhelpful receptionist. Dental assistant Susan, completes a perfect team. So, dear readers, you no doubt expect me to finish off here by stating that my fear of dentists has finally abated, and that I’ll have no bother going back into the care of Dr Suzann? You can’t be serious? …!! DON’T FORGET Caution is what we call cowardice in others
637 227 385
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
ADAPT WITH PINOCCHIO IN SAN PEDRO FOR CHARITY The best show of the year is back! ADAPT Theatre Group’s new pantomime PINOCCHIO is coming to to San Pedro del Pinatar on 17th, 18th and 19th November at 7 p.m. and Sunday 20th November at 12 noon.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
The ADAPT theatre group pantomimes, which have been performing to sell-out audiences for over 10 years, have the novelty of being performed in English and Spanish, to the delight of San Pedro’s mixed audience of expats and the local community, and they also raise money for local charities.
637 227 385
A show not to be missed, tickets are €4, and are now on sale. Contact Eric on
The Panto is raising money for local charities
JAM4YOU Every Sunday 3-6pm In San Luis Square, In Aid Of Alimentos Solidarios FOOD Bank Torrevieja & The Royal British Legion Torrevieja
LODGING COMPLAINTS WITH THE GUARDIA CIVIL o longer do residents of the Orihuela Costa have to trail the 10km to Torre de la Horadada to lodge their denuncias with the Guardia Civil as a detachment is now located in the Emergency Centre, La Zenia. However, for a population of over 30,000 people this service will only be provided from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday Friday with appointments via, if you can find your way around the site. Outside
these hours, attention continues from the facilities in Torre de la Horadada. In moving it’s operation to the centre the Guardia detachment joins the Local Police with offices that are open 24/7 and the National Police immigration office, which provides a desk issuing NIE and residence certificates from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. There is also a public information desk operated by the council from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Despite the rather meagre service, the councillors for Security, Antonio Sánchez, and Emergencies, Guillermo Cánovas, seem to be rather pleased with what they have achieved, but at least it is a step in the right direction. In making the announcement Cllr Cánovas also announced that “the alterations to the first floor will soon be put out to tender so that both the SAMU and the Civil Protection service can eventually also be located there.
JAM4YOU is for Communities of San Luis, La Siesta and Far Far beyond. Musicians/people travel from all around the Salt Lakes to come and play or sit in the crowd to enjoy FREE Entertainment, being surrounded by great talent. The event on The Square attracts a crowd of over 300 people weekly, from many districts, everyone is welcome. On San Luis Square local businesses of bars and restaurants all join together with the 'JAM4YOU' to support the above charities. The bars and restaurants are: The Chicken Shack, Luz De Luna, Star of India and Asian Jardin Chinese. You can reserve a table at all these places for the 'JAM4YOU' every Sunday.
who sticks everything together. Musicians are invited to play or sing and they give their free time to perform for the public, to raise food and money for people less fortunate, and needy Veterans in Spain. Tim Mayhen, a representative from the Royal British Legion in Torrevieja, says he would like to thank 'The Jamtastics Band' Belinda McBride, The San Luis Square bars and restaurants for inviting the RBL stall at the 'JAM4YOU'. Every cent collected helps local Veterans. If any ex serving member of any armed forces wish to join the RBL there are branches in La Marina, Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa. The FOOD bank Alimentos Solidarios in Torrevieja, would also like to thank everybody mentioned, who support families
The House Band are 'The Jamtastics', Brad (Alan Bradbury) formed the band: Brad on Keys, Ian H on Guitar, Big Kev on Bass, Age on Drums and Belinda McBride the Co-ordinator who are struggling in these times. A special day for the 13th November Remembrance day, will be held in San Luis Square, the 'JAM4YOU' will embrace the RBL at 5pm. The Spain North District Chairman will attend with the Chairlady of Torreveija, anyone who as medals please come along and wear them if you wish. At 5pm there will be the Exhoration and an RBL Bugler will play Last Post, followed by one minute silence. All we ask is that you please bring a contribution of nonperishable food for the FOOD bank. Belinda McBride
Torrevieja student wins Oxford scholarship Marina Pérez Cerezuela has won a scholarship to begin her doctoral thesis in Gene Therapy at Oxford University. Marina undertook her primary education at CEIP El Acequión while her secondary studies were carried out at IES Torrevigía. The young researcher said that "we need more representation in leading universities with people from underrepresented backgrounds, like mine", thereby providing a different perspective from that which is common at Oxford".
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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
Orihuela Care and Support for Mental Illness
rihuela has launched the Mental Illness Care and Monitoring Service (SASEM), which has been joined by two psychologists, a social worker, a social integration expert and a social educator. The selection of personnel has been carried out by the Department of Human Resources and will be paid for with a grant from the Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies received by the Social Welfare department. The service, which is being provided for the first time in Orihuela, aims to serve patients who have been diagnosed by the health services with a mental illness and who are of legal age in their own home, and through an individualised plan that allows them to be autonomous and improve
their social integration. In addition, the user service team will also work with their families to offer them tools that allow them to attend and interact better with their relatives diagnosed with mental illness.
The Mayor of Orihuela, Carolina Gracia, has promised that the service will start operating this week, a provision that she describes as "a fundamental and necessary service". In addition, she has said that the Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies granted subsidies to start up the service in the last two years, although the contributions had to be returned. “This year we are going to have to return part of that
subsidy, as we already said, but we have done the important thing which is is to hire the necessary staff, psychologists and specialists, so that next year the service is fully operational for the people of Orihuela”, she added. The Councillor for Human Resources, Luisa Boné, added that the hiring of the necessary personnel for the start-up of the service "has been possible to carry out thanks to the previous work of the council, which has consisted of the creation of job banks for social educators and social integration personnel”.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
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ANSWERS Week 943
ACROSS 1. Ceaseless (12) 7. Less (5) 8. Grip (5) 9. For each (3) 10. Boundary (9) 11. Keep (6) 12. Cordiality (6) 15. Atoning (9) 17. Lair (3) 18. Youngster (5) 19. Rinse (5) 21. Archbishop (12) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 18
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 13. 14. 16. 20.
Callowness (12) Flow (3) Put in (6) Go with (9) Jumped (5) Fear (12) Deserve (5) Flirt (9) Decoration (5) Busybody (6) Cost (5) Unwell (3)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Guttersnipe; 9 Opinion; 10 Bathe; 11 Sleek; 12 Overlap; 13 Guilty; 15 Eclair; 18 Macabre; 20 Enact; 22 Noise; 23 Invader; 24 Refrigerate. DOWN: 2 Unite; 3 Trinket; 4 Random; 5 Noble; 6 Patella; 7 Consignment; 8 Respiratory; 14 Incline; 16 Cleaver; 17 Vexing; 19 Blear; 21 Audit. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Flag-officer; 9 Lineage; 10 North; 11 Emend; 12 Acclaim; 13 Cutter; 15 Reason; 18 Talents; 20 Revue; 22 Orbit; 23 Breathe; 24 Typewriters. DOWN: 2 Lance; 3 Grandee; 4 Foeman; 5 Ionic; 6 Ear-caps; 7 Altercation; 8 Chemin de fer; 14 Tallboy; 16 Earnest; 17 Isobar; 19 Nitre; 21 Voter.
ACROSS 1. Is it made by one who takes a quick photograph? (4,8) 7. Course connections (5) 8. Operated by the footplateman (5) 9. Margaret to prevent increase in price (3) 10. Professional class about to produce original model (9) 11. Made a profit, as the trawlermen did (6) 12. Still an adverse effect on broadcasting (6) 15. If one interrupts the examiner, there will be a witness (9) 17. Tending to be put back among present participles (3) 18. Preparation that makes one red in the face (5) 19. Shelter in the street from wintry precipitation (5) 21. Does it reflect fluctuating pressures (7-5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. In Kim Carnes hit song 'Bette Davis Eyes', Bette's gold hair is compared to which 1930s s e x symbol? One extra point for her first name 2. Tamla Motown founder Berry Gordy co-wrote the lyrics for the company's first hit record in 1959. What was the name of this successful monetary hit single? 3. Which 'naughty digit' was the first band signed by the Beatles for their new Apple Record label in 1968? 4. Which song title appears on Dean Martin's grave stone? a. Everybody Loves Somebody, b. That's Amore, c. Memories Are Made Of This 5. Who was the first person to earn a million dollars through record sales? a. Enrico Caruso, b. Frank Sinatra, c. Bing Crosby 6. The quiescent Princess Aurora is better known to both children and adults under which other name? 7. In which year did millions of people around the world first see the dark side of the moon live on television? 8. Off the coast of which cherubic mega city is the island
DOWN 1. It will cause gradual deflation in the sphere of transport (4,8) 2. What debt-collectors do is finished, we hear (3) 3. Particular convention provided by regular clients (6) 4. Club fan to have a late meal with strong ale (9) 5. Strangely, no even money bet could be so described (5) 6. Changes about the start of the contest causing disputes (12) 7. Clue lacking gravitas (5) 10. Head of state I'd introduce all round (9) 13. It's proposed as a little rum comes around (5) 14. Being very flimsy, its use has to be modified (6) 16. A certain relish for what impertinent children may use (5) 20. Definite amount of work in the flower garden (3)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 1 8 ) paradise Catalina located? 9. Natives of which deceivingly named land call their home Kalaallit Nunaat? 10. Measured in square kilometres, which three continents are covered with the most ice? 1 point for each correct answer 11. Which healthy and chewy food that originated in Germany means 'devils fart'? 12. Which 'avant garde' celebrity coined the expression "15 minutes of fame"? 13. The name of which fabled food means 'immortal' when translated? 14. What is the name of a 17th century Italian clown in a popular song from the band Queen? 15. Each of the following are the initials of film titles starring Steve McQueen. Name the film. a. T M S - b. T T C A - c. T G E - d. T B - e. T C K - f. T T I - g. T S P 16. Slim Whitman music is used to destroy the invading aliens in which film? 17. Which extraterrestrial species experience an overpowering mating drive every 7 years? 18. The world record in 2008 for temporary APNEA was 17 minutes, 4.4 seconds. What is temporary apnea? 19. According to legend, Bran castle was the home of which shady character? 20. The name of which type of cloud translated means 'lock of hair'? a. Stratus, b. Cumulus,
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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
Tango Passion for Katie By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE
That's why we called it the Tango Passions," added Vincent. Katie said: "Being on stage means a lot to me. I started dancing at the age of five, and danced Georgian National dance for 18 years. "I started ballroom dancing, after graduation from the College of Theatre and Circus Arts.
Former Strictly Come Dancing star Vincent Simone, currently on tour in the UK with his Tango Passions 2022-23 show, is to be joined by Torrevieja based dancer Katie Street. "Vincent travelled to Spain to tell me the producer was looking for a dancer for the Tango Passions tour," Katie exclusively told The Leader.
Katie, who also stages dance classes in Spain, said: "It's amazing to perform with the 'King of Tango' in Vincent Simone's show - with famous people and great dancers. "It's one of the best opportunities of my life."
The Georgia International dance champion, who moved from London to Torrevieja, said: "I never thought I would be chosen for the tour, because there are so many great dancers in UK, but Vincent chose me, because we've had a lot of practice and we've performed together." Katie, currently starring in the Strictly Dance Spain show, said: "The producer of Tango Passions, Paul Irvine, wanted a dancer, who can also play the piano. "I'm glad he chose me. I am excited and delighted to be part of the Tango Passions team." Tango Passions cast includes co-star Paula Duarte, alongside Vincent Simone: "We have an amazing line-up and an amazing show in Tango Passions. "It has always been a dream of mine to tour with a brand new Tango show since the days I danced with Flavia. "People can expect all the different emotions, from Tango, to lust, to obsession. "There is no life without Tango, and there's no Tango without passions.
Katie excited after Vincent Simone flew to Spain to break the news.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
637 227 385
oin us when the Rojales Pantomime Group goes ‘Pirating in the Caribbean’ with Captain Long John Silver and his dastardly shipmates on the good ship Hispaniola looking for buried treasure.
Way back in April this year our committee came up with the idea of a celebration of musicals and called it ‘A Night on Broadway’ little did we know then’ what a challenge that would be and it has proved to be one of the most difficult productions we have done to date. With the artistic foresight of our Director Kevin Spicer and our Musical Director Nicole Casey and the hard work of our outstanding cast, we have pulled it off, with only ten days to our opening night we just have to polish off some rough edges and we will be good to go to give you a great night of entertainment. With that in mind, we need an audience to appreciate all this hard work, so come along and watch our show, you will not be disappointed’ so book your tickets now using our online booking service outlined below. Pictured from L to R are Paige Charleton, Mike O’Neil, Margaret Cobb, Ashelie Oxley and Don
Wilkinson who appear throughout the show in various guises. The show will run at the Cardenal Beluga Theatre, San Fulgencio, between the 10th,11th and 12th of November. We are always looking for people to join our group (especially men) who can, or who have aspirations to sing, dance and act, or who have experience working in the theatre backstage, in lighting, sound etc and in particular who have experience working with costumes. If you are that person and would like further information on our theatre company and rehearsal times, or you would like to book tickets for our show please visit our website to book tickets online, email or call 679 062 272’. Tickets will also be available for sale in the theatre on the night of the performance.
Will they find any and if so, who wins the prize? There will be lots of mayhem and laughter on this madcap journey, together with slapstick comedy, rip roaring songs, Crazy Ladies dancing and surprises galore you really wont want to miss. So for an exceedingly entertaining few hours why not join us on December 1st and 2nd at 7.15pm or Saturday 3rd at 2.15 pm at The Cardinal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio. Tickets are only e10 adults and e5 children which can be purchased from the ticket outlets listed below. If you are not able to purchase from any of these email: to reserve them at the theatre. Donations from ticket sales will be allocated to various local charities. Card Place, Benimar; Post Room, Benijofar; Post Box, Dona Pepa; Post Box, Entre Naranjos; Cards and More, La Marina; Carpet Heaven, Los Montesinos; Bargain Books, San Miguel; Help Vega Baja, San Miguel; Quesada Computers, Quesada The scene is set at The Admiral Benbow where various seafaring ne’er do wells and their girlfriends are discovered enjoying a rousing singsong, so come and join us for merry jests and happy laughter, you won’t want to miss is........ oh no you won’t!!
REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER The Remembrance Day service, this year on Sun 13th November, means so much to so many “Lest we Forget” Remembering and honouring those who have died in service of their country is an event that happens all over the world. Each country remembers those who gave their lives to save those at home; to keep their loved ones safe and free from the enemy. This of course is all the more poignant this year as war continues to rage in Eastern Europe; and sadly, there are still wars and battles going on around the world with many victims: soldiers and innocents. Working at an International School here on the Costa, and facilitating the Remembrance Day Assemblies over my years there, it was always so good to see that respect and honour was clearly visible and meaningful to those Secondary age students. When I invited RBL representatives or others who had served in the war, the respect they were shown by all was phenomenal and gave me hope for future generations. Writing once a month I move to thinking about Advent, which starts on 27th November this year, as we begin to prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for Christmas; the day that Jesus Christ was born as a helpless baby into the care of two very normal, everyday nondescript people. Jesus was born to die. He did not just give His life for His country but for the entire world. And yet, where is His respect? What about His special day of remembrance? Christmas has sadly been relegated to “Happy Holidays” by too many. What happened to “Jesus is the reason for the
Season”? Jesus was born and lived a sinless life so that He could give His life for each of us, to save us from the enemy: Satan, the enemy no one likes to talk about. Jesus knew how excruciating the end would be and still He went through with it. This Advent and Christmas time will you take time to read the bible, to read Jesus´ story? To ensure that we pass respect and honour for what He did for us, to our children and grandchildren? Read of His life and His death and prepare to honour Him as we should and not be ashamed? Dates for your diary: Remembrance Day Service at Pilar Christian Community Church Sunday 13th November at 11am Carol Service in Pilar Christian Community Church on Sunday 18th Dec at 11am. Carols in the Church Sq, Pilar de la Horadada with RBL band, church & public sing along on Sat 17th Dec 17:00 19:00. Phil Molloy. Pilar Christian Community Church. Calle Canalejas 3, Pilar de la Horadada. English Service at 11am every Sunday. WILL WE REMEMBER?
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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733 La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www. Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian
Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2021 Ford Puma ST-Line Hybrid which is on Special Offer priced at just 22,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area
The Meetings of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch are held at 7 for 7.30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and
people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;
If you have items that are WANTED or FOR SALE, ANNOUNCEMENTS, NOTICES and suchlike, advertise them, to a maximum of 35 words, FREE OF CHARGE, on this page. SEND BY EMAIL TO:
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
637 227 385
From Casablanca to the Costa Blanca! By Andrew Atkinson
MONEY MATTERS - The result of Debt was wondering who remembers back in the old country, alright Great Britain, those envelopes that came through the letterbox demanding payment for services rendered, now I guess they are a thing of the past and a Direct Debit is a must, otherwise one doesn’t get the service.
With a Leadership Team like this we can’t lose!
Casablanca film star and TV show host Norma Fernandez met Los Montesinos restaurant owner, Casablanca born Sanaa and her husband Miguel at their Los Montesinos based establishment restaurante Rincon de Miguel. Sanaa and Norma.
In the UK, one expected and received notification of an amount of money required for facilities provided, and when not answered promptly and no payment, it was followed by a reminder. If that did not create a result then a final cautionary notice, normally in red, warning of dire consequences if you don’t satisfy the demand – I can remember a few of them, when times were hard. There are many dissimilarities living in Spain as opposed to the United Kingdom. Dear reader I promise you, you will not find a more obvious, boring statement, than that, however, one of the many differences is the payment of taxes and your liability. It was back in the Spring I mentioned in an article regarding this very subject of money due in Spain. It was during the period when the license fee for the car was payable, and we had not received notification from the Suma Office. I explained then, there had been similar reports from others that they had not received a request for payment concerning their tax liability, and therefore had not paid, with the result of being fined for non or late payment. Because the responsibility to pay is the person, notified or not. In the reports at the time people having questioned the authority, we were told the document had been sent, but on investigation they discovered it had been sent to the wrong address. The Spanish method for the agency to deal with a debt can be, and is frightening. There have been many cases of people being deprived of property, whereas in Britain it could not have happened without a court case and a judgement. That is because in this beautiful country we live in, the amount owed is a liability on the house. A cautionary tale! It was in the year two thousand when Victoria Jenkins moved to Spain with her partner, it was he who bought, in his name only, a two-bedroom apartment in Mijas on the Costa de Sol, for the couple to live in and it is where their son Sam was born thirteen years ago. The partnership came to an end in 2012 when he left the country, she stayed on in the flat valued at e280.000, with the child. One can imagine her shock when one morning there was a knock on the door and standing there were six people, two from the local authority, two policemen and two others who the council introduced as the new owners of the property. They then served her with an eviction notice. Victoria and the child were ejected from their home.
When her partner left eight years previously, he had an alleged debt of e3,500. The Mijas authority had subsequently sold the property at a closed auction in 2015 for the tenth of its value of e24,000 in order to recover the outstanding amount. Until the group of officials arrived on her doorstep, she had had no knowledge of the events that had taken place to deprive her of her home. As there is no social housing in Spain, she had nowhere to go and stayed with friends sleeping on their sofa. She researched why she had not had notification of the action taken – this may sound familiar – she discovered notices had been sent but they had been sent to an address which did not exist. GODLINESS: One of our favourite programmes on television is the Antiques Road Show hosted brilliantly by Tim Wonnacott, where two experts tour the Country searching for items of interest. It is interesting as it journeys ´in this green and pleasant land´ to little known places and Tim is expert at describing their history, not only of the items bought but also the countryside they travel through and the places they visit. The programme is centred around antique and collectables, sold in different types of shops and warehouses. What I found sad was the visit to a church with a beautiful long stained-glass window taking up almost one end wall overlooking the interior but there were no pews or worshipers, just rows of shelves with differing items to be studied and poured over. It is now many decades since any places of worship have had a following, the members called away by other activities that are more enjoyable or exciting. The beautiful churches have gone into decline becoming unused, or another use being found for these vast buildings. Are we now seeing a further decline in the
influence of the church in our day to day lives, as the new Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is a practising Hindu and in his new position as leader of the parliamentary party, and the country, he has powerful direction over the Christian Church, as his office is responsible for the selection of new Bishops.
"I was working and living in Casablanca for four years and to meet Sanaa brought back memories," Norma told The Leader.
Far more than that, there is no limit to the powers of a Prime Minister which is only limited to their support in Parliament. Is it then possible, as the current PM has an eighty majority to support him, will he change the churches to places of worship for Hindu’s and will the population follow his like, and his customs for the cow and pay homage to the animal with items like beef burgers disappearing from menus.
Sanaa said: "It was a big surprise and nice to see Norma who is a lovely lady and I look forward to seeing her again soon," said Sanaa.
One thing is very certain: he has an excellent education, a strong personality and disciplines, also a love for India - perhaps he will be good for the United Kingdom, and I wonder if India will become its fifth member. TAKE CARE percy chattey.
"It was lovely to meet Sanaa and her husband Miguel in Los Montesinos," added Dona Pepa based Norma.
Manchester born singer/dancer Norma, married to Madrid born Esteban, lived in Casablanca in the 70s, appearing on stage and in films. "I have everlasting fond memories of life in Casablanca including presenting star-studded TV programmes on Saturday nights with co-host Debbie Moore. "The show featured big stars, including interviews with Moroccon belly dancers, singers as guests," said Norma.
QUIZ FROM PAGE 14 1. Harlow, 2. Money (That's what I want). 3. Bad Finger. 4. a. Everybody Loves Somebody. 5. a. Enrico Caruso. 6. S. 7. 1968. Dec 24th 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission. 8. Los Angeles. 9. Greenland. 10. Antarctic (13,802,000 sq. km) North America (2,049,000 sq. km.) and Europe (115,000 sq. km.). 11. Pumpernickel. 12. Andy Warhol. 13. Ambrosia. 14. Scaramouche ("Scaramouche, Scaramouche will you do the fandango" from Bohemian Rhapsody). 15. a. The Magnificent Seven, b. The Thomas Crown Affair, c. The Great Escape, d. The Blob, e. The Cincinnati Kid, f. The Towering Inferno, g. The Sand Pebbles. 16. Mars Attacks. 17. Vulcans. 18. Holding your breath. 19. Count Dracula. 20. c. Cirrus
637 227 385
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
By Paul Durrant
point, Ken Skinner 105,100,D7 and POTM Roufignac 100, D2, taking the score to 3-6. Caps reeled off the remainder via Kernahan, Arold K POTM and Bobinas. FREAKIE TAVERNERS V CC. BEES Can't keep Bryan Livsey out of the news, another POTM and a tasty 108 out on the Bull. Unfortunately for Freakies it was only their 2nd leg of the 7 played, Mitch Halliday the other, B's dominating.
RESULTS FOR 3 NOVEMBER WEEK 6 Danny´s Bar 9-3 Tipsy Tiaras Tipsy Toppers 12-0 Domino´s Desp CK1 Ladybirds 1-11 Hub Hyenas Hub Hellraisers 3-9 CK1 Lads Leeson St. Trotters 3-9 El Capitan Angel´s Delights 1-11 Fallen Angels Freakie Taverners 4-8 CC´s Bees CC’s Flyers 11-1 Pint Depot Queens Milo´s 1-11 Mind The Gap League Table Mind The Gap Hub Hyenas El Capitan CC's Flyers Tipsy Toad Toppers CK1 Lads CC´s Bees Fallen Angels Milos Danny's Bar CK1 Ladybirds Domino's Desperados Freakie Taverners Hub Hellraisers Leeson Street Trotters Angel Delights Pint Depot Queens Tipsy Toad Tiaras
P 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Pts 12 12 10 10 10 10 8 7 6 6 4 3 3 3 2 2 0 0
Legs 66 62 55 54 53 49 36 42 37 33 25 24 24 16 26 16 17 14
100,140 gained a 0-6 lead. Bliss Wright 140,95 won the 7th leg, Carlos Escansiano whacking in a 180 in the 8th. Paul Moody, 100,121 proved to be the only loss to a determined Cain Garcia. Brown added 96,140,121 for the 12th and final leg and POTM. Rocamora, Milos - POTM.
The Birds never really got going in this match, occasional 80+'s, insufficient as Hyenas produced plenty of "tonnage" throughout the tie. It didn't however dampen the hosts enthusiasm, they have easier tasks ahead. Creditable performances from Alan Havelock 3x100,125, Dario Sierra 100,123,140, 2 outs, POTM, Andre Wing 2x116 (did i see a T12?) and 2 outs. From Birds, Donna Ralph found the most trebles including victory over Havelock in the singles for POTM. POTM Donna Ralph
ANGELS DELIGHTS V FALLEN ANGELS Sharon Williams was the only Delight to find a double in the 1st half, top scores for the Fallen ones, Mike Tierney 2x100 and Billy Dolling 2x100. Cathy Burgoyne 85,112 and Winnie McKay 102, replying for Delights. Dolling ensured the visitors a point with 101, D10, McKay the match winner with 100,120,128,D7, opponent Williams a creditable 3x80+. Tierney,116, Spiers 100, Cuyt and McShane D8 completed the 12 legs winning 11. POTM - Williams - McKay.
MILOS V MIND THE GAP Gap remain top after flexing their muscles against a capable Milos. Excellent efforts in the 1st half from Cain Garcia, Raul Rocamora and Javi de Gea proved fruitless for the hosts, as Gordan Cowan, 133,171, James Brown, 2x100,135 and Sam Salt,
Jennings 100, D8 grabbed the draw, Christopher 100,D10 for the match. Freakies added 2 more legs to their tally, courtesy of Mario Garcia D16 (earlier scoring 121,100,117) and Sharon Frain 95, D14. Brian Livesey Freakies
CC FLYERS V PINT DEPOT QUEENS Queens started off like a train, Jade Cox 133, Lorraine Cox, 123, D17, despite a 121 from Andy Flavell. Thereafter the proverbial wheels fell off. Suso Madrid 100,140,D2, John McKay, 2 outs, Charles Pritchett 97,140 taking Flyers to 5-1. Suso M. 121,D19, nailed the 7th, Flavell adding 2x140, D3, Pritchett, 100,140,D4, the best of the remainder, Queens unable to tackle the onslaught. POTM - Pritchett - Lorraine Cox. TIPSY TOAD TOPPERS V DOMINOS DESPERADOS Even the ever reliable Doms' Paul Chick, Steve Harding and Ray Hayes couldn't muster a 3 figure score between them, that was left to POTM Christine Oates, despite going down to a Paddy Winterbourne D10. It was all Toppers, doubles shared between 6 players. Top performance Lee Maiden 100,123,2x140, Andy Rutter 2x100,140, Winterbourne 100,140 and 3 outs. Yet another side finding form.
171: Gordon Cowan - Mind The Gap
All players are reminded when playing not to retrieve thrown darts until the scorer has confirmed the total number of points scored or likewise any finishing double. This will avoid possible contentious issues after the fact. Rule 10 A (no.2) refers.
Adams 2x100, match winner Dalton 2x125, David, D20 and Kevin Wood 125, completed the match. POTM - Spiers - David. On this Lads performance an upset or two is on the cards.
Paul Christopher found 2 winning doubles, plus 100,140 in the 1st half for POTM, Dave Jennings, Liam Lumb and Simon Bantleman aiding and abetting.
180's: Carlos Escanciano - Mind The Gap Highest Check-Outs: Terry David - CK1 Lads 153 T20-T19-D18 (22/09), Bob Smith Danny´s Bar 118 T20-18-D20, Bryan Livsey Freakie Taverners 108 T18-4-Bull
Sue Spiers D5, reversed the trend, only for Adams and Steve Dalton D20 to increase Lads advantage. Spiers D4 and Lesley Dolling D2, both pounded the T20, reducing the score to 3-5.
HUB HELLRAISERS V CK 1 LADS Highlight of this encounter a Terry David 153 out in the 3's (T20,T19,D18) magnificent. He also added 5 further tons later, where did Mr David morph from? Bill Leaves D4, Les Adams D4 gave Lads a 0-3 lead.
DANNY'S BAR V TIPSY TOAD TIARAS Setting off nice and early, the Tiaras were welcomed by a sea of light blue in Campo Verde. The hosts took all 3 triples with relative ease. Bob Smith, POTM did the worst damage, taking out 118 (T2018-D20) whilst the ladies still wanted 156. Tiara POTM Pat Schofield was the only one to put up much of a fight with T20-T20 and a dart out of the board. Tiara de Lacy nailed D4 for their first point in the pairs and D17 in her singles against Steve Lumb. Tracey Simpson snatched the 3rd one (10-D20) from Steve Collins. All done and dusted by 10pm.
Caps claimed the 1st 5 legs, the best of which Vycka Bobinas, 100,121 and 2 outs, Chris Logan 125, 4x80+, and Ben Kernahan, 2x100. Trotters responding with a lone Kain Hickman D16. Earlier scores from Barry Shingler 2x100, Yvonne Roufignac 95, 125. Ed K. 100,121,D17, gave the visitors a
CK1 Ladybirds
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
SOUTHERN LEAGUE 22/23 Results/tables Friday 4 November DIVISION A 115 (12) 62 (0) 109 (9) 72 (5)
San Luis Lions San Miguel Apaches Country Bowls Geckos Emerald Isle Cavaliers
Greenlands Cedars Quesada Swallows La Marina Sharks Greenlands Oaks P 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
Quesada Swallows Country Bowls Geckos Greenlands Oaks San Luis Lions Emerald Isle Cavaliers La Marins Sharks San Miguel Apaches Vistabella Lanzadores Greenlands Cedars
W 13 12 10 12 8 7 5 7 2
D 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 1
L 6 6 8 8 11 7 10 8 12
0 (60) 12 (90) 3 (69) 7 (87) Dif 66 72 39 21 -31 -32 -18 -41 -76
Pts 33 32 30 28 19 17 14 14 5
DIVISION B 93 (8) 76 (4) 101 (9) 94 (6)
El Rancho Mustangs La Marina Seagulls Quesada Sans Vistabella Picadors
La Siesta Golds La Siesta Blues Emerald Isle Claymores San Miguel Navajos P 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3
La Siesta Golds Quesada Swans Quesada Swifts La Siesta Blues San Miguel Navajos Vistabella Picadors La Marina Seagulls El Rancho Mustangs Emerald Isle Claymores
W 13 12 10 9 9 8 7 6 5
D 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
L 7 7 5 11 6 12 8 14 9
(4) 90 (8) 103 (3) 75 (6) 80
Dif 26 3 69 37 24 -34 -29 -123 27
Pts 32 29 24 20 20 20 16 14 13
DIVISION C 67 (2) Greenlands Elms 83 (4) La Siesta Silvers 75 (4) Vistabella Conquistadors
San Luis Tigers San Miguel Commanches Emerald Isle Outlaws Montemar Matadors Country Bowls Panthers La Siesta Silvers Vistabella Conquistadors Greenlands Elms
San Luis Tigers (10) 123 San Miguel Commanches (8) 90 Emerald Isle Outlaws (8) 77 P 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 2
W 11 9 8 8 6 7 6 3
D 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
L 9 10 6 6 4 8 8 7
Dif 85 -27 16 9 32 -24 -34 -57
Pts 28 23 21 21 16 16 13 6
SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB By Barry Jones On Monday San Miguel Stingrays were home to Greenland’s Beech, where they lost 4 - 8, 78 shots to 96. The best winning triple were Matta Jons, Ken Guiney and Bob Donnelly 17 - 14. Also on Monday San Miguel Dolphins were away to Emerald Isle Titans, where they lost 3 - 9, 82 shots to 89, the winning triple were Pat McEwan, Lee Sinclair and Steve Cantley 19 - 14. On Monday San Miguel Orcas were home to Country Bowls Sea Hawks losing 8 - 4, 96 shots to 80. They best winning triple were Janet Parr, Paul Hayward and Barbara Scotthern 22 - 10. On Wednesday San Miguel were playing away to Javea Green Dragons in the Winter League, where they won 6 - 2, 41 shots to 40. On the winning rink were Mary Whitelock, Lee Sinclair, Ron Nairey and Lynn Greenland 17 - 12. On Friday San Miguel Comanches were away to La Siesta Silvers, where they won 8 - 4, 90 shots to 83. The best winning triple were Ken Guiney, Gestur Saemundsson and Lynn Greenland 24 -14. Also on Friday, San Miguel Apaches were home to Quesada Swallows where they had ‘a bad day at the office’ losing 12 - 0, 90 shots to 62. San Miguel Navajos were away to Vistabella Picadors where they shared the points 6 - 6, 80 shots to 94. The best winning
QUESADA BOWLS WITH STEVE HIBBERD Pearls kicked off the week with a trip to Country Bowls, where they pitted their wits against Flamingos. These 2 victorious rinks, also won their team overall shots - M Highland, C Dye, C Highland 30-12. B Trinder, P Bevan, M Ward 22-9. The Rubies also had a morning start last Monday, at home against San Luis Trekkers, which they lost 4-8. Following them in the afternoon, Diamonds had a superb 10-2 victory over La Marina Explorer, courtesy of these 4 sets of trips - K Gordon, D Collings, T Voisey 17-16. D Benson, A Bowen, S Cooper 30-8. C Lowry, S Jakeman, K Lowry 22-13. C Skinner, P Farrell, G Skinner 26-17.
Monte Mar Bowls Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix, The Belfry, Sunrise Builders and The Chippy. SOUTHERN LEAGUE DIV C Last Friday the Matadors were away to San Luis Tigers. It was a while since we had played at San Luis so it was good to catch up with everyone. There was a few nip and tuck matches but we won on three rinks. Well done to Sue Bounds, Chris Harding skip Joan Harding 23 – 15, Gina Hindle, Cindy Bedford skip Keith Young 18 – 12, Jean Chamberlain, Rod Chamberlain skip Neil Crawford 21 – 9. Shots Matadors 90 – 79 Tigers. Pts Matadors 8 – 4 Tigers. SOUTHERN LEAGUE VOYAGER DIV On Monday we were at home to Vistabella Eagles. Once again it was good catching up with everyone from Vistabella and we had a good result. Winning on three rinks and drawing on one rink. Well done to Lynne Armitage, Dave Eades skip Joan Harding 25 – 5, Sue Bounds, Paul Dodd skip Rod Chamberlain 25 – 9, Mick Soars, Chris Harding skip Keith Young 20 – 12 and the drawing team Wendy Sheridan, Iain Sheridan skip Phil Goble. Shots Matadors 95 – 53 Eagles. Pts Matadors 9 – 3 Eagles.
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Although Swifts had a rest day in the southern league, both the Swallows and Swans were in action. In the top division, Swallows scored maximum points (10) in their match at San Miguel against Apaches. Here's their 5 winning rinks - T Morgan, C Dye, M Ward 14-13. C Lowry, B Trinder, P Morgan 16-9. C Brazier, M France, Jason P 20-18. M Highland, G Philips, D Patrick 18-14. G Carnell, C Highland, F Roberts 22-8. Swans had a home match against Emerald Isles Claymores, and they too had a successful morning's bowling, winning on 3 and drawing on 1 rink, to win by 9-3. Well done - L Armstrong, P Bottle, T Voisey 19-19. H Olsen, P & B Rees 18-17. D Benson, A Bowen, A Benson 23-13. S Cooper, A Linley, B Armstrong 31-9.
COUNTRY BOWLS CLUB Winter leagues in full swing Country Bowls Club starts the LLB Southern Alicante League with the Flamingos promoted to the Enterprise Division and the Seahawks to the Discovery Division. Already after 4 games both teams are holding their own in a mid-table position. The Seahawks travelled to San Miguel to take on the Orcas and soon found the longer rinks to their liking, winning on 3 rinks out of 5 and taking the overall win 8 to 4, shots 96 to 80. Winning rinks are Sue Hudson, Derek Gunning, Dean Webb 18 to 14, Dave Smith, Craig Dyson, Steve Wailes 25 to 11, Dave Belton, Val Lever, Allan Lever 31 to 10. Meanwhile the Flamingos entertained the Quesada Pearls at home, a tough challenge for the newly promoted team who put up a great performance to hold for a draw 6 points each, shots 78 to 91, winning on 3 out of 5 rinks. Winning rinks were Clive Hoyal, Derek Jiggins, William
By Peter Dix
Miller 17 to 15, Sheena Mallet, George Burrage, Jim Rennie 23 to 9, Jayne Storey, Derek Lewis, Kevin Storey 17 to 15. Competing in the Southern League, the Geckos and the Panthers have set the pace at the top of the Division A and C, with 4 games played the Geckos are top of Division A and Panthers third. This week Panthers had a buy, the Geckos entertained La Marina Sharks and kept them at bay for most of the game with a great win 9 points to 3. Winning rinks were Sheila Whitehall, John Juke and Ray Robson 26 to 9, Derek Lewis, Darren Reynolds, William Miller 26 to 10, Del Gunning, Niel West, Peter Whitehall 23 to 14. New members and guests are always made welcome at the only club in Murcia region competing in the Lavante Lawn Bowls Leagues, why not come along to one of our roll up mornings on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday at 10 am.
WINTER LEAGUE At home to Greenlands we only won on won rink but the other two rinks were nip and tuck all the way. One rink were drawing on the last end but Greenlands won the end, that’s how close there game had been all the way. Well done to the winning rink Sheila Roberts, Chris Harding, Ronnie Cairns skip Phil Goble. Shots Matadors 49 – 48 Greenlands. Pts Matadors 4 – 4 Greenlands. For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at We are also on Facebook. triple was Bill Brownlee, Barbara Scotthern and Dave Champion 19 - 12. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118
San Luis Bowls Club with Sheila Cammack Another good week for bowling, as far as the (sometimes too) warm weather is concerned – it’s the beginning of November and we’re still able to wear shorts and need factor 50 sun cream for protection. We are continuing to work through the club championship rounds before it all changes! South Alicante League, Enterprise Div. (A) - Monday 31st October; the Klingons had a real battle at home v the Vistabella Albatross, who fought back leaving the Klingons just holding on to 4pts -8, 82shots -105. Winning teams: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 24-19, Helen Hammond, Sandra Burrows, Scott Malden 22-19. Voyager Div. (C) - the Trekkers had a good result away v Quesada Rubies, winning 8 pts-4, shots 94-83. Winning teams: Chris Phillips, Dee Hoey, Keith Phillips 15-13, Tricia Reilly, Derrick Cooper, Pat Reilly 269, Janet Webb, John Bagnall, Bob Bromley 20-18. Friday 4th Southern League (Div A) the Lions were at home v Greenlands Cedars and had an excellent result, 12 points-0, 115 shots-60, against old friends & ex- San Luis members now at Greenlands. Well
done to all the winners: Kath Reid, Neil Burrows, Ian Kenyon 24-12, Margaret Morrison, Phil Lockley, Caroline Smyth 1312, Janet Webb, Mary Lockley, Dave Webb 30-8, Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 23-12, Bill Webb, Tricia & Pat Reilly 25-16. (Div C) the Tigers also had a great result away v Greenlands Elms, winning 10 points-2, 123 shots -67. Some of the games were extremely close and could have gone either way for 2/3rds of the match but the Tigers kept fighting to the end. Well done to: Chris Phillips, Cas Blay, Keith Phillips 35-7, Chris Jackson, Ralph Jones, Bob Bromley 17-14, Dee Hoey, Sheila Cammack, Vic Mahomet 27-15, Kevin McKenna, John Dowell, Barry White 28-12. Let’s hope we can keep the winning streak going. If you’re interested in finding out more about San Luis BC or bowling in general, come along to Oasis SL, talk to members; we’re a friendly bunch! watch on Monday or Friday match days, or take part in the chicken drive on Saturdays (9:30/10:00) or contact Club Captain June Jones for more information: / 691903773.
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1 NOV FOUNDERS FORMAT WEEK 5 Dolly Mixtures CK1 Ladybirds Primadonnas Friendly Chicas
3-6 3-6 3-6 7-2
LEAGUE TABLE Tipsy Tigers CK1 Ladybirds Gap Girlz Friendly Temps Friendly Chicas Whacky Allsorts Macklin´s Dolly Mixtures Primadonnas
Friendly Temps Gap Girlz Tipsy Tigers Whacky Allsorts P 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5
Pts 29 28 27 26 20 15 13 13
It´s the Tipsy Tigers that temporarily top the table this week but Gap Girlz are sure to return
Vistabella Bowls by Brian Zelin Monday 31st October, Vistabella Albatrosses Division A, were Away to San Luis Klingons, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Sue Kemp, Carol Thorpe, Brian Zelin 26-19, Martin Foulcer, Mo Foulcer, Eric Bishop 277, Olwyn Radcliffe, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 14-10, Shots 105-82. Points 8-4. Vistabella Drivers Division B, Were at Home to Emerald Isle Neptune's, Winning on 2 Rinks, plus the Shots, Barry Tarling, Steve Wilson, Derek Howe 17-15, Ron Smith, Alan Whitley, Alan Bannister 28-7, Shots 87-81. Points 6-6. Vistabella Eagles Division C, Were Away to MonteMar Matadors, Winning on 1 Rink and Drawing on 1 Rink, Jill Wyatt, John Ridley, Paul Durham 13-13, Alan Gordon, Mike Wyatt, Fred Willey 16-12, Shots 55-95. Points 3-9. Wednesday 2nd November, Vistabella in the Winter League, Were at Home to Greenland's Warriors, Winning on 1 Rink and Drawing on 1 Rink, plus the Shots, Geraldine Fisher, Barbara Brown Carol Thorpe, Gordon Fisher 43-5, Freddie Willey, Keith Black, Alan Bannister, Gary Thorpe 12-12. Shots 67-40 Points 5-3. Friday 4th November, Vistabella Lanzadores Division A, had a bye. VISTABELLA Conquistadors Division C, were at Home to Emerald Isle Outlaws, Winning on 2 Rinks, Julia Clarke, Roy Widgery, Sheila Westwood 16-11, Peter Westwood, Keith Black 18-16, Shots 75-77. Points 4-8. VISTABELLA Picadors Division B, were at Home to San Miguel Navajos, Winning on 2 Rinks Plus the Shots, Alan Whitley, Steve Baxter, Brian Pointon 23-8, Ron Smith, John Goddard, Alan Bannister 24-15, Shots 94-80. Points 6-6.
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
there though, having a postponed game in hand against Macklin´s Dolly Mixtures. With just two more matches to go for the rest of the league, there will be a tussle for runners-up. HOT DARTS WEEK 5: Chelsea Campbell (GG) 140, 126, 100x2, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 140, 100x3, Julie Hallett (FC) 138, Bliss Wright (GG) 135, 100x2, Elizabeth Cowan (TT) 134, 110, Sharon O´Rourke (LB) 129, 122, Wendy Hayward (TT) 124, Nicola Moseley (FT), Angie Mullen (LB) 123, Sharon Frain (PD) 121. Mitch Halliday (PD) 116x2 Jane Barnes (WA) 116, 100, Pat Woods (DM) 115, Lisa Alsop (PD) 105, Selma Dyer (DM) 103, Diane Dane (PD), Jane Kelly (GG), Sharon Tozer (FC), Ann Wharton (FT), 100
ABOVE: Friendly Chicas: June Hawkins, Linda Curdy, Captain Lin Cousins, Sarah White, Sharon Tozer. BELOW: Whacky Allsorts: Chris Greenwood, Veronica Hughes, Margaret Boden, Jane Barnes (100 check-out) Shirley Stephenson, Sheila Clements and Sue Casey.
SHEILA CLEMENTS (ABOVE) This year has been a special year for Sheila and Peter Clements, because they have been celebrating their Sapphire Wedding Anniversary (70 years). Ten years ago they actually celebrated their Diamond anniversary along with our late Queen. Both times they received special Anniversary cards from our late Queen. Sheila was 19 when she married Peter and will be 90 next year.
HIGHEST CHECK-OUT: Jane Barnes (WA) 100, Chris Greenwood (WA) 76
LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB Results Friday 28th, Sharks were home to St Luis Lions and lost 4-8 (71-83), our top winning trip being Mo Kidd, Jim Reeves and Peter Parsons with a 26-6 win. Meanwhile the Seagulls travelled to La Siesta Gold where again we lost 8-4 (81-83). Saturday 29th and the first KO competition of the season the Premier 20/20 – that is singles, + pairs + triples + fours (rinks) both home and away, giving us a win of 9 points to 7 with tight games, this time going in our favour. The next round will be against Quesada. Monday 31st, Pathfinders had a bye and the Explorers travelled to Quesada for a afternoon game against their Diamonds. Last week I congratulated our all ladies trip for being our top trip, this week I must congratulate our all ladies trip (3 different ladies) for our only trip and avoiding that dreaded whitewash. The overall score was 10-2 with a shot difference of 76-114. Our three ladies were Anne Stone, Marilyn Fryatt & Shirley Hadaway with a 22-19 win.
The League table is good news for our Explorers being in second place and only 1 point behind the leaders. Our newly promoted Pathfinders team is not quite as encouraging placing us second to bottom with 12 points, but only 4 points behind 4 place who have 16 points so all is not as black as it may seem. Currently with our Birds League the Magpies are flying high with 14 points, closely followed by the Eagles with 13 and with the reputation of those 2 birds anything can happen. Nov 4th – and our Seagulls were home to La Siesta Blues, where we came away with 4 points to their 8, with a shot difference of 70-103 our 2 winning trips were Lesley and Dave Joynes skipped by Dave Lowe, 24-20, and Trevor Stemp, Reg Jackson & Alan Birch 14-11, meanwhile our Sharks had a early start to play Country Bowls . Quite a long trip to have lost 3-9 , our only winning trip being Anne Stone, Shirley Hadaway and Alex Whyte with a win of 20-18, our draw points came from Janet Parsons, Kath Manning and Mike Stone. Our thanks to all our players. BY DAVE HADAWAY
El Rancho Bowls Club
On monday the Pintos played host to La Siesta Pioneers and certainly speaking for our rink, we had a splendid match with lots of fun and I am sure the other rinks would say likewise. The Pintos took 3 rinks to Pioneers 2, with the Pioneers taking the overall shots by just 2. Chris Ziepe, Dolly Ford and Dave Haynes 17-11. David Baker, Brian Harris and Ron Greenstreet 20-11. Sheila Millward, Tony Abbott and Jim Eastwood 10-24. Barbara Jones, Ann Abbott and Geoff Jones 9-22. Kevin Henry, Malc Sykes and Diane Yates 23-13.
The Isle played La Marina in the Prem 20 Knockout comp on Sat and the overall win went to La Marina 7-9. Winners were S Verity Jo Pering Julian Pering 21-10, G Wallis B Eldred S Elvin D Gerrard 23--15 S Marks R Marks 17-14, J Loughran P Heaney drew 21-21 Titans started the week at home against San Miguel Dolphins and had a fine 9-3 Aggregate 89-82 win, G Odell S Elvin B Kavanagh 23-18, S Verity Jo Pering Julian Pering 17-13, D Jones S Marks R Marks 17-14, N Davis M O’dell M Dyer got a 18-18 draw Neptunes travelled to top of the table Vistabella Drivers and they came away with a very good 6-6, Aggregate 81-87 draw. G Dyer A Malcolm J Loughran 2011, J Fenty B Fenty M Ellis 23-16, M Riley R White R Pollock 16-15 Moonrakers took on La Siesta Sputniks and were beaten 2-10 Aggregate of 7089, D Clark M Nash T Roche drew 16-16 as did J Nash C Wren T Upham 16-16 Cavaliers played Greenlands Oaks on Friday and slipped to a 5-7 Aggregate of 72-87, S Verity S Marks R Marks 20-10, P Heaney M O’del G O’dell 18-10, D Jones N Prior B Kavanagh drew 17-17 all Claymores were at Quesada Swans and lost 3-9, Aggregate of 75-101, A Malcolm S Elvin J Loughran 17-10, M Riley R White R Pollock drew 19-19 Outlaws played at Vistabella Conquistadores and they had a great win 8-4 Aggregate of 77-75, J Nash J Ball A Forrest 19-14, M Brookes J Speedie E Brookes 15-12, M Nash A Gower E Sheppard 16-15 Remember the SAPS is going on every Sat afternoon at 13-15. Great 2 hours of bowling with coaching, shoes if needed, all for 5 EUROS and a bar ELWYN MORRIS
On wednesday our winter league team played Bonalba at home and put in a good effort to win one rink to Bonalba’s 2. Frances Johnston, Dave Haynes, Marion Haynes and Keith Longshaw 21-10. Lesley Day, Bill Johnston, Bob Day and Henry Ryder 10-20. Sheila Cox, Pam Harris, Brian Harris and Mike Cox 10-22. Friday found the Mustangs playing host to La Siesta Gold, a most enjoyable match to watch or play, Mustangs took the rinks 3-2 and the overall shots by just 3 shots, a good result for the Mustangs. Lesley Day, Dave Haynes and Marion Haynes14-20. Barbara Jones, Kevin Henry and Jim Eastwood 13-29. Ann Abbott, Tony Abbott and Geoff Jones 17-13. Debbie Han, Dolly Ford and Adrian Ham 29-13. Peter Blackburn, Bob Day and Diane Yates 20-15. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
on some significant changes and improvements.
Mike Probert talks Golf
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. AROUND AND ABOUT THE COURSES – LA MANGA The world famous La Manga Golf Resort is about to embark We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €150 Two Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm) Altaoana Village €140 Two Green Fees & Buggy Altorreal €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €118 Two Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €168 Two Green Fees & Buggy
The 5* Principe Felipe Hotel will be closed from December 2022 to March 2023 for major construction and renovation. The course and golf facilities are also undertaking a major improvement programme with the following planned: New tee markers - New bag supports - New signage from the road - New golf entrance - New signage on the course - New reception and golf shop - New synthetic tee lines in the practice area - New buggy bar - New granite tee markers - New benches - New practice balls - New safety netting at the car park - Pruning on the North & South Courses and practice Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda D Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero
€110 €100 €69 €158 €57 €110 €64 €110 €69 €85 €109 €95 €89
637 227 385
Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm) Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 3.32pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee (from 3pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 4.00pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee
area - Landscaping the West course - New buggy paths on the West course All of these will enhance the experience at this already superb golf resort. In support of their initiative we are offering a range of discounts between now and the end of the year with a 5% discount off single green fees plus four player & two buggy deals and 1 free in 8 special offers and simply call Mike Probert on the number below. #VisitMurcia#CostaCalida#RegiondeMurcia#CostaCalidaMak esYouHappy Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
€50 €82 €124 €150 €57 €102 €71 €184 €164
Course Closed unto 31/10/22 Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.30pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.00pm)
DEAL OF THE WEEK: Altorreal – 2 players and buggy €112 For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
The Bali National Golf Club, incorporating Asian culture into it's design
The Bali National Golf Club, incorporating Asian culture into it's design, has hand-laid local stone walls alongside the fairways which give the impression of being in one of the typical rice field terraces that fill the Indonesian countryside.. FORMER WORLD No. 1 Lee Westwood is set to tee it up on December 1st in the Asian Tour's Indonesia Masters, an event he has won three times. Nottinghamshire-born Westwood has pocketed 3 million in his first season with LIV so should be able to stump up the air fare. The Masters is being held at the Royale Jakarta golf club, not Bali, but anywhere in Indonesia beats Worksop in December. Westwood claims that after the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth, one of the Legends Tour’s executives approached him, offering him a spot in upcoming events. He turns 50 next April, making him old enough to play the DP World Tour's senior circuit. The 11-time Ryder Cup player also claimed the senior circuit offered to pay him appearance fees to play their events. However, the DP World Tour could well have issued him a ban by the time his birthday comes around as he has joined LIV. “So let’s get this right,” he says: “The main Tour is trying to ban me and their Seniors tour is saying they’ll roll out the red carpet. It sums up the mess they're in and I’m not sure they know their plan. I”m
confused.” THE AUSTRALIAN PGA Championship will be held between 24-27th November at the Royal Queensland Golf Club in Brisbane, and the Australian Open will take place on the Melbourne Sandbelt from December 1-4. Australia's hero Adam Scott, who has won both in the past, will be hoping to add to his tally. WILDLIFE “EXPERT” Chris Packham claims that there are too many golf courses in the UK taking up too much space. Lamenting the amount of land used for golf courses he moans: “If the government wants to put land to better use why don’t they take a look at golf courses first? Bonkers isn’t it? Needs changing” Some rather more “expert” experts have pointed out that golf courses manage woodland, are home to deer, countless birds, rodents etc, and that many use natural fertilisers on the course. They are valuable green spaces not only for golfers but also for wildlife. In addition, migratory birds use golf courses to help their journey. Apparently Greenpeace have wildly overestimated the amount of land used for courses anyway, and Mr Packham is urged to “Do your research.” Sometimes I think it might be better for the environ-
ALFIES GOLF SOCIETY Saurines de la Torre by D Fleet Alfies Golf Society's Memorial Trophy Match was held at Saurines de la Torre golf course. It was an early start on a bright and sunny morning when 32 members and guests began their day. The course was looking splendid and was in excellent condition, the greens at Saurines are very undulating and the bunkers are deep. The course has many hazards and this took its toll on the scores, however we all enjoyed the day. The presentations and prize giving took place back at our Sponsor’s venue, The Lucky Lion. We handed over our annual donation to the Royal British Legion for the Poppy Appeal, e200, plus an additional e70.00 collected for donations on the day. The Blind Pairs was won by Steven Youngs and Hugh Findlay. Joe Murphy won the football card. The Captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, and the
ment if Chris Packham migrated. RORY MCILROY admitted that his victory in the CJ Cup was down to his improved putting. “Being able to fall back on your putting takes pressure off your iron play, it takes pressure off your short game and your driving,” he said. “You know that if you can get it up there within ten feet, whether it's for birdie or for par, it makes the rest of the game just that little bit easier. Last year was the first time ever I finished in the top-20 on tour in Strokes Gained.” Rory used a TaylorMade Spider X Hydro Blast putter, if you're thinking of treating yourself. SHANE LOWRY wasn't quite so happy with his flat stick. He was forced to drive for over an hour at the
fund currently stands at e1,601.05. Match Results: NTP’s went to Ian Harkness, David Blow and Neil Campbell The Longest Drive Hole 9 was won by David Blow while the Best Net score Hole 10 was won by Ove Colin with h/cap 19. The Silver Division runner up was Mandy Martin with 36 points. The Silver Division and Overall winner was Amrit Dawidow with 39 points. The Gold Division runner up was Chris Udell with 32 pts. The Gold Division winner on countback was Derek Fleet with 32 points Our next match is at La Finca on Thursday, 24th November. This will be the Masters Final Round. Please contact our Secretary, Sandie Hall at to check on availability.
CJ Cup in pursuit of a new one after breaking his on the 9th hole. He purchased two Odyssey 2-ball putters at the golf Superstore after discovering the equipment trucks on the course had packed up for the week. Great organisation! BACK IN THE MURKY PAST our regular Sunday foursome would hold earnest discussions in the 19th on everything from local politics to the pitiful size of the measure. Enjoying an after-round tincture recently I noticed our discussion consisted solely of our ailments, symptoms and treatment! But as they say, after sixty if you don’t wake up with aches and pains you’re probably dead! Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for re-gripping & repairs. Tel 638 859 475.
637 227 385
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
THADER’S EARLY SEASON BOUNCE FLATTENED OUT THADER 0-0 ALMORADI Berni was unable to direct his header on goal
SAN FULGENCIO 2-1 THADER fter scoring for fun, and full of confidence, at the start of the season, Thader have now run into a brick wall. What has gone wrong is a complete mystery, for it's still the same players on display, but the chemistry between them is no longer there. Two matches which were definitely winnable, and on balance of play should have been won, were sadly squandered.
First up were second to bottom Almoradi in a preferente league fixture. This local derby is historically an action-packed end to end humdinger, but not this time around. Played at Formentera, as Thader's Moi Gomez is currently undergoing a pitch re seeding, this Sunday evening match was well attended. The first action of note was on 20 mins, when Juan Pedro was cautioned for a hand in an opponent's face, and can consider himself lucky not to have seen red. Having said
that, Almoradi were putting it about a bit, and a stricter ref would have shown at least a further 3 yellow cards before half time. Both Rosquin and Dani Lucas found themselves in goal scoring positions, but a linesman's flag denied them finding the net. Juan Pedro should
have put the hosts ahead on 38 mins, but he tamely shot wide with the goal at his mercy. In the second half, Thader continued their dominance. On the hour mark, a delightful corner by Ruben found Pascual in the centre of the
goal, but alas his firm header was just off target. First Rosquin, then Juan, Jony and Dani Lucas, failed to convert good chances, as Thader just couldn't get that all important goal. What did change was the bookings count, for both sides, as the match developed into a fiesty affair. So, a goalless draw did nothing for Thader's ambitions of pushing for another end of season play off slot. There wasn't time to dwell on this poor performance, for a midday ko only 2 days later at San Fulgencio, was next up for Raul Mora's men. This La Nostra Copa match was important in as much as it potentially gave them entry into the national Copa Del Rey. Last season, they were eliminated at the first hurdle by SC Torrevieja, and were desperate to avoid another banana skin against regional division opposition. Once again, Thader controlled play from start to finish, but once again, they failed to deliver. By half time they should have been 2 goals ahead before San Fulgencio took the lead on 38 mins when a corner
Pinatar Arena opens it’s Winter Season with Euro Champions Current Euro Champions, England, will face Japan & Norway on Nov 11 & 15. Pinatar Arena returns to activity today, 7 November, with the arrival of several of the best women's teams in the world.
The national teams of England, Japan, Norway, Finland and Wales have once again chosen Pinatar Arena to play the last final games of the year. The current European champions will face Japan on November 11 and Norway on November 15, watched by 3,000 spectators, who will fill the stands of the main field of Pinatar Arena. The women's teams from Wales, Finland, Spain U19 and Czech Republic U19 will also meet in San Pedro del Pinatar. Finland and Wales will met in San Pedro del Pinatar for the third time so far this year and will take advantage of their stay to play a friendly match on November 12. Spain and the Czech Republic Under 19 squads will play a double header on November 9 and 11 that will serve as preparation for their next official commitments in 2023. With the presence of these seven women's teams, the winter season gets under way at Pinatar Arena in style, which will last until April 2023 with the anticipated arrival of more than a hundred teams from the five continents, which will continue positioning the Region of Murcia and the Costa Cálida as one of the most important football destinations in the world. On Nov 10, Pinatar Arena will begin to host men's teams under 21, under 20 and under 19 in a new week full of soccer teams both in the centre of Pinatar and in the hotels in the area.
Carp-R-Us returned to the El Bosquet fishing complex on Thursday 3rd November for match 13 of its Autumn 2022 Series. For the first time this year, the Club included pegs 8 to 16 along with 26 to 40. After an early morning fog, the day remained overcast which suggested ideal conditions. That proved to be the case on 8 to 16 where all of its anglers weighed in over 10kgs. Retired International Vinnie Smith came out tops on peg 12 where he gave a masterclass demonstration of fishing the 16m pole tight to the far bank with maggot and pellet for 38.76kgs. Roy Dainty on end peg 8 fished his usual pole with bread flake (Bimbo) for 20.56 kgs whilst between them Tony Flett using feeder and pellet managed
was headed home by Matias. Earlier, a comical error almost produced an own goal, then midway through the half, a nailed-on penalty for hand ball was denied to the visitors. Jony tried his luck from distance on 53 mins, but his effort lacked accuracy, and once again the hosts keeper wasn't even tested. Straight from the long-punted goal kick, the ball fell nicely for Juan to chip the ball over Thader's keeper Mirete, and into the back of the net. From the very next attack, Thader reduced the arrears. A clear foul on Jony inside the penalty area was penalised, leaving Lloyd to hammer home the resulting penalty. Ruben had a decent long-range effort on 61 mins, which was close, then on 80 mins, sub Youseef headed against the bar. So, even though they can be pleased with chances created, once again, a lack of goals had resulted in an early cup exit.
16.20kgs. All three lost some 'big uns'. Dave Hazell, who complains he never gets a mention was fourth with 14.32kgs off peg 14. Steve Higgins who gets too many mentions overslept and missed the match. By comparison to this deeper section, section 26 to 40 proved a very hard struggle for all of its anglers. Most unusually, flyer peg 26 failed to deliver with section winners being Paul Davis on peg 32 using sweetcorn on the pole for 8.42kgs and Jeremy Fardoe on peg 38 with 8.14kgs using feeder and bread. With one round left to fish only a couple of points separate the three contenders for the series Tony Flett, Jeremy Fardoe and Willie Moons. It all depends on next weeks match at Bigastro. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
Taverners & Smiling Jack's Golf Society Monsters top table A big thank you to Altaona golf course for presenting an El Raso Mixtures defeated Kennys Krusaders 7-3 in week 4 of the Costa Blanca Independent Pool League. Andy Trefry, Chris Lusty, Andrew Drinkall and Tony Bishop were El Raso Mixtures winning cues. Full Monte Azul returned a 6-5 win against Cab Buddies, The Taverners defeated Mixed Spice away 6-5 to lead the table. The Dream Team gained a 8-2 away win at The Goof Shot Boys; The Dream Team racked up a 6-4 return against The Jokers. Super Beers Monsters top division one following a 6-4 away win against The Almoradians; The Excellence defeated The Rancheros 7-3, with The Pine Nuts returning a 6-5 away win at The Young Boys.
excellent course in fantastic condition for us. A very pleasant day was had and great company. A thank you to Al and Emma for looking after us this afternoon and to the wife, Julie for getting up at sparrows this morning to get the chilly and sausages ready, also to daughter Louisa for sorting out the food. Great reviews were heard all round. Scores: NTP on 3 was Emrys Jones. on 17 was Erkki & in two on 13 was Andy Black We had some great scores and some very poor scores In second place and the winner of a new Smiling Jack's handicap of 16 was Leon Goulding, well done. This month's winner with a fantastic 40 points was Mick Cody. He also wins a new handicap of 20. The famous Blue Johnny was won by El Presidente while the raffle was won by the wife, Julie, well done you. Next month's golf will be on the web page shortly. Once again thank you all. El Presidente
Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2022
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