Nine European leaders took a common front against Putin’s energy blackmail when they met on Friday at the Ciudad de la Luz in Alicante. In a joint declaration they declared an urgent need to achieve a "dynamic and effective" drop in the price of gas.
Acommon front of southern Europe in the face of Putin’s energy blackmail, a situation aggravated by the war in Ukraine. This was the main conclusion that was drawn on Friday, after the EuroMediterranean summit held in Alicante.
The heads of state of nine Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia and Cyprus) all met at the Ciudad de la Luz, together with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, following which they issued a statement confirming the need to achieve a drop in the price of gas that is "effective and dynamic".
They also spoke of the growing influence of the Mediterranean area in the European Union as a whole, the final point that they made following a day of intense discussions in Alicante.
The day began with a definitive push for an agreement on the construction of what will be the first major European green hydrogen corridor, made by the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez; his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, the Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, and the President of the European Commission.
The group then moved to the Casa Mediterráneo, where the European leaders had lunch.
At around 4:00 p.m., the participants made the short journey to Ciudad de la Luz where they held two further meetings.
The initial gathering confirmed the common position toward the provision of solutions to the energy crisis that the war in Ukraine has caused this year.
No 949 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 637 227 385 Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper
Alicante Summit
This meeting was followed by discussions in which the new rules for European fiscal policy were addressed.
The first to appear in Ciudad de la Luz was President Sánchez, the leader of the Spanish Executive, who was hosting the heads of state and government, and the rest of the participants in this Mediterranean summit. After Sánchez, the Italian representatives appeared, with the absence of their prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, who withdrew at the last minute because of flu. The vice president and foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, attended in her place. Thereafter, the remaining leaders arrived, with Von der Leyen and Michel the last to enter the film facilities.
The summit passed more quickly than anticipated with the joint appearance of the nine leaders, initially set for 8:15 p.m., underway by 7:00 p.m.
Of course, the politicians waited for the end of the World Cup penalty shootout between Croatia and Brazil, following which the Croatian prime minister, Penkoviche, was greeted with applause by both the media and his colleagues.
As a result of his high state of emotion, Penkoviche was the only one of the leaders who did not make a statement, limiting himself to assuring the gathering that the agreement reached in Alicante seemed very fruitful to him.
In their statement, the leaders recalled the way in which they have acted at the same continental level on other occasions, such as the financial crisis of 2008, while stressing the importance of learning from the mistakes that have been made in the past. That is why they also called for greater flexibility in fiscal rules.
This was another of the items on the agenda, although fiscal issues took a backseat to the current energy emergency.
"We, the countries in the south of the EU, aspire to promote European responses to the great challenges that lie ahead", read the joint declaration that was approved following the meeting, where European strategic autonomy was one of the central themes of the debate.
The first leader to speak individually was the Spanish leader. Sánchez asked the EU to listen carefully to the Mediterranean countries because they represent 45% of the European population, they have a "renewed strength" as they work to achieving greater influence in the European framework.
Another of the most anticipated statements was from the French President Macron, who delivered a speech in full harmony with Sánchez. In fact, the two leaders gave an impression of ‘closeness’, based on the different gestures they shared during their time together in Alicante.
Macron said that the talks produced “real convergence toward both security of (energy) supplies and reduction of gas prices.” He said the leaders share “collective support for grouped purchases” of gas and are aiming jointly at
agreeing medium and long term contracts for the next three to five years to bring prices down.
Macron said France hopes an agreement can be reached at the EU energy ministers meeting on Tuesday for “a packet of technical measures to reduce prices ... and limit further speculation.”
The EU-Med9 agreed to hold their next meeting in Malta in 2023.
I think I just fell over, son, I really can’t be sure; Perhaps I just lay down awhile, I think it is the floor.
Oh, I wish that I was younger, Less tired and bemused; Yes, why do I fall over; And why am I confused?
I think I’m close to home, son The steeple is nearby; I’m just not sure what church it is, It’s like this when you die?
If I were only young again, And once again like you; I lived a life as full as yours, But, son, how those years flew.
I think I saw your mum today, You told me she was dead; But she helped to find my jacket, And her lips were blazing red.
Perhaps you are mistaken, Or did my hearing fail, It’s hard to make much sense of things, When you’re nearing end of trail.
I think I’m close to quitting, son, My God, the years have flown; Look at you, I shake my head, To see how much you’ve grown.
You look a lot as I once did, So I shall never die; I live in you, my dearest son, And you’re the reason why.
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ALZHEIMER’S -- Mícheál Walsh Poetr Walsh Poetr yy
If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
Friday’s meeting in Alicante of the nine European Leaders, the Presidents of the European Union and the European Council
Macron with Pedro Sanchez in Alicante, where the two leaders gave an impression of ‘closeness’.
CL.A.R.O. held its 16th General Assembly last Thursday, having brought it forward from November next year to take account of the Orihuela municipal elections which will be held in May, 2023.
The Assembly was informed of the main activities of the party over the past year, updated the membership of key organs of the party and debated the political situation and C.L.A.R.O’S options in relation to its participation in next year’s local elections.
The report on activities highlighted the end of its coalition with Cambiemos Orihuela who supported the motion of censure in April bringing about a change of government without having informed C.L.A.R.O.
During the past year C.L.A.R.O. has been engaged in a vast range of activities in close cooperation with neighbourhood associations, in particular the Association of Vecinos de Cabo Roig and Lomas (AVCRL), dedicated to the improvement of basic services and civic facilities of benefit to Orihuela Costa. These included street cleaning, the maintenance of parks and gardens, roads and pavements, health care, and the collection and treatment of sewage.
C.L.A.R.O. has also devoted considerable efforts to bring about a multi-cultural centre and Library. It’s continuing efforts to save Cala Mosca were evidenced by a legal complaint, still under consideration. It also supported the work of the Platform Save Cala Mosca which submitted a new petition to the European Parliament as well as organising several events to mobilise public opinion.
Despite the present lamentable situation of street cleaning, and the collapse of contracts for maintenance of parks and gardens and repair of streets, the Assembly recognised that progress has been made on a number of issues which will contribute significantly to the wellbeing of residents of
Orihuela Costa. These include the opening of the Emergency Centre, construction of a multi-cultural auditorium, reform of 8 parks in Pau 20, tender issued for work centre in Pau 26, investment of 5.5m for treatment of sewage, provisional budget for a cemetery, 24 hr ambulance (SAMU), decision to enlarge the existing Health Centre in Cabo Roig, non-construction of 2,200 houses and apartments in Cala Mosca.
The Assembly considered the political situation and the failing coalition of PSOE and Ciudadanos. It considers that Ciudadanos faces political annihilation at the national level and huge losses in Orihuela.
Some former members of C.L.A.R.O. have now formed a party for the independence of Orihuela Costa). The destination of these votes in 2023 will be important. The Popular Party is seeking to overcome its internal differences and return to power next year, but is engaged in competition for votes with Vox.
In the context of this political instability the Assembly considered C.L.A.R.O’S options ranging from contesting next year’s local elections alone to seeking an electoral alliance with another party.
Contesting the election alone presents the problem of crossing the threshold of 5% of the total vote in the municipality. Entering an electoral alliance is a real alternative. But it was stressed that such an alliance must be useful for Orihuela Costa. In informal contacts with several Orihuela parties they have shown an interest.
The conclusion was that given the extent of political uncertainty it was too early to define a specific electoral strategy. C.L.A.R.O should defer a decision until February or March, 2023 and hold an Extraordinary General Meeting then, when the political situation should be clearer and the prospects of a useful electoral alliance could be considered.
Antonio Cerdan was re elected as President with Huberto Canovas the Secretary General. Other members includeChristian Vanderzeypen – Treasurer, Helene Akerman, Bob Houliston and Bob Hunkin
PAGE 3 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 637 227 385
Christmas Carols in Campoverde
The small village of Pinar de Campoverde will be ringing with Christmas carols all next week from Sunday 18 December 22 to Saturday 24 December 22.
Campoverde Church in the Community is organising community carol singing firstly outside 'The Tipsy Cow' bar, starting at 6pm on Sunday 18 Dec 22 (or as soon as the 'World Cup' is over!).
Carols will include everything from 'Away in a Manger' to 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' (with actions!) and there will be a nativity pageant provided by local children.
This will be repeated again at 6pm on Wednesday 21 Dec 22 in the 'Portabello' bar at the other end of the village. Finally, on Christmas Eve (Saturday 24 Dec 22) at 6pm there
will be a short service of readings and carols to tell the Christmas story at Campoverde Church, followed by wine and mince pies in the church hall ('The Shed').
For further details contact Churchwarden, Maggie Dew at or Tel. 623 0162301
Pilar Christian Community Church
" Where every person matters butGodmatters most!
Preparations & Planning Galore as we get nearer and nearer to Christmas. Oh the excitement!
What wonderful anticipation as we plan meals or look forward to eating someone else¥s amazing efforts. As we buy presents and perhaps sneakily look forward to opening some ourselves.
As we prepare guest rooms for family and /or friends or look forward to being greeted warmly and staying with family for a few days. Stuff the turkey, cook the goose, honey & clove the ham, sing carols or whatever it is that you, dear reader, do to celebrate Christmas in your household.
We need to give thought also to those who are alone at Christmas, possibly alone a lot, but it always seems especially sad to know that someone is alone at Christmas time. But - as well as a thought ñ is there something we might do?
Pay for a Christmas meal at a restaurant for someone you know will be alone this year.
Invite someone recently widowed into your home for Christmas lunch? Make up a hamper so they can stay in their own home and choose for themselves? There
are so many options. Can/will you help someone, even in a small way?
As an Accredited Funeral Celebrant, I am currently preparing a memorial service and it is so very sad to deal with grief at the best of times ñ there is no best time, there is no good time; though for some, death can be a blessed and happy release from pain and sufferingÖ but not so much for the family left behind.
Christmas brings up emotive memories of good times and perhaps not so good times. It is different for everyone.
Perhaps we could all spare a moment to think of someone vulnerable and write a note or include a special message in a card. Something.
Love singing Carols? See poster below and come and join us in the Church Square Pilar de la Horadada next Saturday 17th December from 12:00 noon til 13:30 pm. It should be fun with the RBLconcert band playing lots of favourite carols. Come and sing along with us!
At Pilar Christian Community Church we will have our own Carol Service at 11am on Sunday 18th December. All are welcome.
I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy & Blessed Christmas. Also to ask that each one of us prays for PEACE in our homes, in our families, in our home countries and across our world for 2023
Pilar Christian Community Church. Calle Canalejas 3, Pilar de la Horadada.
English Service at 11am every Sunday.
Christmas Carols in the Square
The Royal British Legion Concert Band
SATURDAY 17 DECEMBER 12 noon to 1 30pm
Villancicos en la Plaza Iglesia Pilar de la Horadada
Crescendo International Choir will be joining with the RBL Band for the traditional ‘Carols in the Square’ on Wednesday December 14, in the main plaza in Torrevieja at 1730.
The Choir also plans more free concerts in which it will mix a variety of popular songs like The Rose, made famous by Bette Midler, and Hallelujah by Leon Cohen with Christmas songs like Jingle Bell Rock and White Christmas.
Crescendo concerts are planned for Saturday, December 10 in Benijofar’s Catholic Church at 2000 as well as Saturday December 17 at 1800 at La Siesta Church in Torrevieja.
If interested in joining Crescendo, see the Crescendo website at The choir would be delighted to have more male singers, especially basses. Rehearsals take place at Rincon de Miguel in Los Montesinos Mondays between 17:45 to 20:00. All singers are welcome!
PIOC are holding more "clinics" during the coming days, to inform local residents about how to register to vote in the municipal elections in 2023. The venues and times are as follows:
You won't have a choice if you don't have a voice! Registering to vote isn't as complicated as you think and we will guide you through the process.
Our aim is simply to help everyone who has the right to vote registers before the deadline which is 15th January 2023 for Non-EU residents and 31st January 2023 for EU residents.
Keep checking our FB page for more information and more schedules in the coming weeks.
PAGE 4 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
PROPERTY FOR SALE Los Montesinos - La Herrada 2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio,
35 min
Priced to sell at E79,995
383 099.Tel: +44 776 230
Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close
Alicante Airport,
3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.
Why do we feel so much nostalgia for the 80s? It was such a stress-free decade with bold fashion statements and new hair trends.
Remember mixing music on cassette tapes, recording your message on home answering machines, and not to forget how neon colours rocked with scrunched-up legwarmers over spandex tights. So satisfying.
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All customer service and documentation is in English, their claims service is fast and efficient, you can get quick no obligation quotes over the phone, and their easy payment options help spread the cost of premiums.
Línea Directa has been providing comprehensive car, motorbike and home insurance to British expatriates and residents in Spain for over 25 years.
With over 3 million customers nationwide, Línea Directa makes sure you get the best possible price for the kind of insurance you really need.
Their Roadside Assistance team speaks English and will quickly help you with your onward journey.
If you urgently need a duplicate set of keys for your motorcycle, then their English-speaking customer service will sort it out.
And should you require Home Assistance to set up your new Wi-Fi connection, then English speaking technical staff will set up a visit.
All Línea Directa insurance policies offer some exciting features specifically designed for British expatriates living in Spain.
Their home insurance includes Pet Assistance, IT Assistance, and Home Maintenance.
All motorbike policies come with Replacement Motorbike, Technical Equipment cover and even Young Person’s Nighttime Assistance.
And their car insurance includes helpful services such as Legal Assistance that can provide help when applying or renewing your driving license in Spain.
Call their English-speaking customer service staff on 919 181 126 or get a competitive quote now at
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
What a great Panto - Oh Yes it was!
From the Admiral Benbow pub to the Smugglers Cover WI, who found themselves press ganged into becoming pirates.
When a gang of dastardly pirates, dressed in pink tutus, visited the WI to try and get the treasure map, and won the cake baking competition! Then on board The Hispaniola on it’s way to Treasure Island where the whole cast were in a race to find the hidden treasure, but where had it gone??
The whole pantomime was fun, fun, fun. After all the songs were sung, the dances danced by the fantastic Crazy Ladies and the ghosts all frightened off, the cast had absolutely the best time entertaining a fantastic audience during the three performances at The Cardinal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio.
The Rojales Pantomime Group would like to thank everyone who bought tickets and we hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed performing it. The Stroke Association and other local charities will
benefit from all your generosity.
All the cast, lighting, music and backstage crew, who worked extremely hard, would like to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and we look forward to entertaining you again next year.... Oh yes we do!!
Following his appointment as the new President of The Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the Royal British Legion,Dr Tony Fuller carried out his first official duty following last Thursday evening’s committee meeting,with the presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Malcom Cavendish.
Malcolm has been the Treasurer for the last six years,in which time he has progressed the branch accounts from a basic double entry system to the LOMAS computerised accounting method,one of only a handful of branches in the country that has adopted the advanced RBL practise.
In so doing he has received much praise from the RBL National Auditor who has commended him time and again for his professionalism in the role.
The citation also congratulates Malcolm on the contribution that he makes to the aims,objectives and the charitable work of The Royal British Legion.
MP plans legislation to strip Prince Harry and Meghan of royal titles
Conservative MP Bob Seely plans to introduce legislation to strip the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, of their royal titles.
He said that he could propose the amendment to the 1917 Titles Deprivation Act in early 2023 as Harry was 'trashing' the royal family and 'attacking some important institutions in the country.'
If passed, MPs can vote to downgrade the couple's royal status.
50 sex offenders have sentences reduced after 'yes means yes' law
The number of convicted sex offenders whose sentences have been reduced after the 'only yes means yes' law was passed has now increased to 50 around the country.
The controversial law has a loophole which allows courts to review the sentences of sex offenders and even reduce them.
This has caused widespread outrage in Spain.
Soldiers stationed in Barcelona's Bruc barracks have organised the raffle of a prostitute to raise funds for Christmas, resulting in outrage around the country. In a non-official WhatsApp chat group with 70 people, all members of the army, a sergeant and another soldier launched the raffle with the services of "a companion" as the main prize.
Two children have died and 14 have been hospitalised in the Community of Madrid due to streptococcus A in the last few weeks.
16 cases of streptoco A have been detected in the region in minors between the ages of 1 and 12 between 19 Oct and the present; 14 of these children are currently undergoing treatment and recovering favourably.
Over 100 migrants reach Lanzarote on rafts
A total of 103 migrants arrived in Spain's Canary Islands aboard two inflatable rafts.
This included eleven women and four minors.
The occupants of one raft were rescued 22 km from Arrecife, the capital of Lanzarote island; they had arrived from sub-Saharan Africa.
One of the migrants was pregnant and doctors and other first responders were at the scene to help them.
PAGE 6 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Malcolm (right), receiving his certificate from the Branch President
Ladies of the WI
By Andrew Atkinson
In recent weeks, the coastline of Alicante has welcomed hundreds of Gray Razorbills, a seabird acclimatised to latitudes much colder than the Mediterranean.
Normally they would not arrive in such large numbers, not even in the winter, but, in recent weeks hundreds have been seen along the Alicante coastline, particularly between Cabo de Santa Pola and the mouth of the Segura.
They are also being observed in Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa, but sadly, having died of malnourishment, seven dead corpses were found last week, washed ashore at La Mata beach.
"The great mortality of common razorbills this autumn is a tragedy," said Ana MelÈndez, following the discovery of
the corpses.î
Meanwhile, one exhausted razorbill climbed on to a paddle-surfboard belonging to Antonio Rosa as he was sailing on La Glea beach. Thankfully the bird was caught and has since been sent to the Alicante Wildlife Recovery Centre.
Numerous specimens are also being sighted in calmer waters within the Torrevieja bay.
According to the blog CrÛnicas Naturales, by biologist Juan Antonio Pujol from Torrevieja, the reason for this unusual entry of razorbills into the Med is that they have been pushed by the severity of the North Atlantic storms.
"It is inevitable that many specimensincluding many young ones - arrive on
our shores very weak and try to find food without spending too much energy.
Because of this, many razorbills get hooked on the rods of recreational fishermen, or in the nets of professional fishermen", points out Pujol, who also stated that the bird is a protected species and that in the case of capturing a specimen, or finding an injured one in the coast, "you should call the Recovery Centre in Alicante.î
Known as Alcas, the razorbill, razorbilled auk, or lesser auk (Alca torda) is a colonial seabird and the only extant member of the genus Alca of the family Alcidae, the auks. It is the closest living relative of the extinct great auk (Pinguinis impennis). Wild populations live in the subarctic waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Seven dead corpses were found last week, washed ashore at La Mata beach
Finishing other people’s Sentences
Completing other people's sentences for them sounds like a very niche job for a person already in prison. Perhaps I should have described it as a nick job. It certainly wouldn't have appealed in the days of capital punishment, unless the appeal worked.
Lady Brett Ashley, the central female character in Ernest Hemingway's first novel, 'The Sun Also Rises', speaks to people without ever finishing her sentences, preferring to "let others finish them as they like." She sounds to me -- too late for a spoiler alert 96 years later -- like a complete looney.
In our time, we have all probably been faced with exam questions which began with the words, "Complete the following sentence..." and essentially Lady Brett was asking people to help her cheat in everyday life.
Sometimes only a limited response is available to a sentence. There are, for example, just two possible answers to the question, "Will you marry me?" -- or three, if you include "maybe." (Or was that just my wife?) In Duck Soup, Groucho Marx, as Rufus T Firefly, says to the recently widowed Mrs Teasdale, "Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first."
If someone asks you which day you want to meet next week, you have 7 different options to choose from. Sounds easy enough, although I once turned up a day late for a job interview, no thanks to the remaindered calendar I bought from a shop called Poundland. It seemed like a bargain at the time (December 1997).
I have occasionally been spoiled for choice when expected to finish a sentence insti-
gated by someone else which allowed for a plethora of replies. An Italian lady in a gelateria once said to me, "The flavours you want in your ice-cream cone are--" Famously indecisive about flavours -everyone has one fault -- the formerly vast assortment of ice cream in the counter display had melted to half its original size by the time I had made up my mind that I didn't want to pay for such small portions. Leaving the shop, I was glad I didn't understand Italian.
One psychologist claimed that finishing other folk's sentences is quite normal, adding that it is a sign of impatience, insecurity, or deafness. Apparently "eidetic"
people retain vivid mental images that can actually remain visible to them; they can see an object for a few minutes after it is no longer present. That sometimes happens to me with my money, such is the sense of loss and regret. The correct description in that case is 'heartbreak.'
At my age -- although policemen constantly tell me I look much younger -- I have few friends left to supply me with sentences to finish, as usual I am the last one to leave the party, long after the host has retired to his bed. He said something to me as he went upstairs with his candle, but I only caught half of what he was trying to say,
The Guardia Civil has arrested a 41-year-old man for shooting into homes and schools with compressed air weapons in La Rioja.
The individual has been carrying out the shootings for several months but in making an arrest last week agents seized three 5.5mm calibre weapons, tools and accessories for handling weapons, telescopic sights, accessories for precision shooting, two flashlight-like taser pistols, and eight boxes of ammunition.
Customs Officials and agents of the National Police, have dismantled a network involved in the distribution of stuffed animals and fake toys.
A man, of Chinese nationality, was arrested in a warehouse in the town of Fuenlabrada (Madrid) where 170,000 articles were seized, with a market value of more than 1,200,000 euro.
The owner lacked the documentation that proved the legitimate origin of the toys.
Spain has fallen back on the international list of the fight against smoking,as the approval of a national strategy in the country has been stalled in the Ministry of Health for months.This is reflected in the latest European ranking of the Tobacco Control Scale.
This report collects the results of a survey on tobacco control activities in 37 European countries and classifies them according to the best performances.
It considers taxes on cigarettes and other products,smoking restrictions,public information campaigns,bans on tobacco advertising,warnings on packs,and treatments to help smokers overcome addiction.
In this latest chart,Spain loses one position dropping back to eleventh place in a European ranking,headed by Ireland,the United Kingdom,France,the Netherlands, Hungary and Norway.
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PAGE 8 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 637 227 385 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
An insider’s account of the fight game...
Iwas a fighter in my day. Not the Liz Truss sort of fighter –but a real honest-to-God, toe-totoe, fighter. The following is a blow by blow account of my colourful career and also the combined stats from all my bouts. If you can’t stand the sight of blood, please disembark at the next full stop.
That I became a fighter without an iota of coaching tells you everything you need to know about my natural ability and planning.
Starting at the beginning, every boy had to be a fighter in the school playground. Sometimes this might be a spontaneous, spur of the moment outbreak caused by a belt of a hurl. Other times the resentment might be brewing for some time and a bout of fisticuffs was necessary to flush away pent up passion.
All this was just normal schoolboy stuff – or amateur boxing, you might say.
I would have - and should have gracefully retired from the ring after my schooldays.
My record in the playground, or around the ball-alley, would not have enticed a line of cheque-wielding boxing promoters beating a pathway to my door: And besides, I loved peaceful coexistence far more than conflict! The old hippy mantra of making love, not war was very much how I viewed things too. That was fine and grand until I linked up with a new manager by the name of Arthur.
Arthur was one of the Guinness’s –a family you may have heard of.
That my record continued to be dismal should have closed that chapter – but Arthur wouldn’t allow me retire. Arthur got me a few non-title fights in Ireland and the UK. Despite me suffering loss after loss, Arthur continued to put his trust in me.
I ditched Arthur in Canada and he was replaced by a Molson guy and another one by the name of Labatt.
Then I got lucky and shed the Arthurs, Molsons and Labatts style of management and retired from the ring. At that stage of my fighting career, my fight record read something like this:
FIGHTS: *139 (*estimated due to having no idea what was going on)
W: 0. D: *82 (*stopped due to crowd interference): L 57 (K.O.7)
That was it until I made a spectacular comeback in 1999 and scored the one and only glorious victory of
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
my boxing career! I have humbled myself by relaying my litany of defeats so that I could get this one in!
We had just opened Paddy’s Point pub in Spain. La Zenia had only started to expand, but at an ever accelerating rate and the place was still a bit raw. One sunny afternoon (there are 330 of those every year on the Costa Blanca) I was walking along the footpath from the pub to my house. I was carrying a disposable camera in my left hand. We always kept a camera behind the bar – as you never knew who might drop in.
So there I was, sauntering along with nothing but thoughts of all the good things that were happening to us.
A flashy dark-blue car pulled in alongside me and the single occupant, a hardy-looking male driver, lowered the window nearest me –which was the passenger’s side.
He spread a small map on the steering wheel and asked me for directions. Next he more or less motioned for me to come around to the driver’s side so I could look at the map - which I did.
The car door was closed and the window down. I probably leaned my head a little in the window to look at the map – and that is when he grabbed me by the throat … shouting, ‘D INERO … DINERO’as he tried to reach the wallet in my back pocket.
Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.
GARDEN FELIX - Comfrey, tiny bell shaped flowers in Spring
Comfrey is a perennial flower that has a vigorous growth rate often attracting bees and other pollinators into your garden.
It has large, pointed, dark green leaves up to 8in long that have a coarse, hairy texture, with lower leaves being larger than upper ones.
Clusters of tiny bell-shaped flowers bloom on drooping stems in late spring.
Comfrey is highly adaptive to a variety of growing conditions requiring very little maintenance and will mostly take care of itself, except needing water during prolonged dry spells.
Of course I had looked an easy
target; a grey-haired old touristy type with a camera in one hand and a fat wallet in the white shorts pocket. I was wearing a round-neck sweatshirt with a thick rib around the neck and he got his left hand a good grip inside the neck of my top as his right hand moved within inches of my ‘dinero’.
By now, Gorls, I was using ‘fierce language’ on him. I had the traction of my feet on the ground and my right arm against the car door. As we struggled, his head snaked out the window at a beautiful angle for an upper-cut.
The camera, funnily enough, was still in my left hand. There was
dig up the plant will likely grow a new plant. Cutting back the stems after the plant flowers will help the plant rebloom.
Plant in full sun to partial shade, as it needs at least three hours of direct sunlight most days.
Above ground it will die back in late autumn, but the roots will remain, and the plant will grow again in spring.
In the second year of the plant's life, after flowering, cut back to about 6in above the ground during winter, to encourage new growth.In the later years don't prune as severely.
nothing in my right … the one I hit him straight into the mouth with!
The shock in his eyes, the little rivers of blood on his perfect white teeth – before I hit him one more time for luck and then off wobbled the stolen automatic car from one side of the road to the other. The policia found the car burned out on the beach.
My winner’s trophy was the teeth marks on my knuckles!
I retired undefeated after that!!
Wisdom is learned more from failure than from success
Best to grow in a container or raised garden bed, instead of the ground, as the plant is difficult to eradicate if you ever want to remove it.
Any small portion of the root left in the soil after you
It's easier to propagate comfrey from root cuttings, as from seed it requires a winter chilling period to germinate and also not see any germination for two years.
Note:Comfrey is toxic to humans and pets.
PAGE 10 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Stevie scores at St Stevie scores at St
.. James’ Park James’ Park
The La Zenia Beach babes were pounding the pavements last week on their Xmas walk to celebrate a good year of training and raising money for charity.
The group of ladies started in February and so far have raised euro 1827 which has all been donated to the following charities.
They are Ukraine, AFC Torre cancer, Help @home, Easy horse Care, Finca Castillana, SAT animals , MABS and the Stroke Association. Now with a total to aim for they will hope to donate even more money to similar good causes next year.
Stepping out for Santa with the Pink Ladies
Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers AACC Cancer charity annual 5k Santa Walk started and finished at Zenia Boulevard shopping centre last Sunday. As always it was a very festive atmosphere. Big thanks to Simon Morton from Sunshine Radio and Spangles for entertaining us with Christmas songs.
A really big Thank you to the Policia Local for making sure we were all safe on the roads as we walked along some dancing to the Christmas tunes being played as we walked along.
A big thanks to the management of Zenia Boulevard for their support to us and the AACC, to all those that registered to do the walk. We had well over a 100 walking. We will announce the total raised as soon as all the donations have been counted, every cent of this will be donated to the cancer charity AACC. Thank you everyone for your kind support.??
Once again the people of the Orihuela Costa were very generous by donating items of food, toiletries and bedding which we passed on to Reach Out, the local charity for the homeless and people less fortunate than us.
Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers would like to wish all your staff and readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, healthy 2023
ANDANTE INTERNATIONAL CHOIR, the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces, has begun rehearsing again.
We are meeting in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7:15 to 9 pm beginning on January 12, 2023. Works we are currently learning include Motet, Ave Verum corpus by Mozart, Benedicat Vobis by Handel, O Sanctissima, a traditional Sicilian hymn and Anima Christi by Marco Frisina and Missa de Angelis, arranged by Christopher Moore.
Our music director is Manuel Jesus Perez Garcia, music director and pianist for Parroquia Nuestra SeÒora del Pilar (Our Lady of Pilar Church) in Los Montesinos.
All are welcome to join us. We especially need tenors and basses. For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey at Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain).
We plan to do performances starting in 2023, including at Our Lady of Pilar Church.
PAGE 12 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
By Andrew Atkinson Queen of the Costas Stevie Spit hit the back of the net during the 2022 Qatar World Cup - with gigs at Newcastle United and Wycombe Wanderers football clubs!
Orihuela based Stevie,BEM,was accompanied by Eileen Gleave - Nanny McPhee - on his UK gigs:"What a great night at St James' Park.
"I got to see Newcastle United football ground - the boys loved it - well done Stevie," said Eileen.
The RBL Concert Band continues it’s Christmas season with a number of upcoming performances.
Tomorrow, Tuesday 13th December, Help at Home Christmas Fayre at the Milk and Honey Bar, Playa Flamenca Commercial Centre 12.30 to 1.30pm.
The following day, Wednesday 14th December, 'Carols in the Square' Torrevieja with Crescendo
Torrevieja celebrated Constitution Day last Tuesday with a simple act in the Plaza de la Constitucion.
The mayor, Eduardo Dolón, raised the Spanish flag accompanied by the Damas de la Sal, while the Unión Musical Torrevejense payed a number of popular hymns. Town councillors and members of the Civil Guard were also present. In a short speech the mayor said that the Constitution "makes us all free and equal, and is the best example that harmony between all people is possible."
Choir, from 5.30 to 7pm.
Friday 16th December Tesco, Quesada, from 12 until 1.30pm.
Saturday 17th December 'Carols in the Square' Pilar de la Horadada from 12 until 1.30pm.
Monday 19th December Carol Concert with Leroy Morales at the Emerald Isle, La Florida starting at 12noon.
Tuesday 20th December Iceland, Torrevieja from 12 to 1.30pm.and on the same day Captains Table, Punta Prima starting at 7pm.
Wednesday 21st December Carols in the Square' Quesada with Big FM starting at 6pm.'
All of he concerts are absolutely free and we look forward to entertaining you with a selection of Christmas carols.
New Superhero for Vega Baja - AlcasilMan
In recent years the Vega Baja Artichoke Association has seen the popularity of it’s product decline to such an extent that, in an effort to created more publicity around the vegetable, and draw it to the attention of the younger audience, Antonio Ángel Hurtado, president of Alcachofa Vega, has now decided to promote it through humour.
Last week the Association unveiled it’s new weapon in the publicity stakes, the superhero AlcasilMan, aka Rafal comedian, Trino Garcia, el famoso trino, who is popular across the Vega Baja through his Facebook page 'Soy de la Vega Baja', in which he publishes weekly sketches and videos of his activities across local towns and villages.
Hurtado said that the sector is facing a 35% rise in production costs, due to the effects of climate change, with the longer summers and the heat, which are coupled with episodes of torrential rains and the uncertainty generated by inflation and the political situation surrounding the need for water from the Transfer Tajo-Segura to irrigate the crops.
He told the press that the plan is to produce six videos which will be posted on social networks during the Vega Baja Artichoke campaign in which AlcasilMan will be seen fighting against unfair prices; against people who do not buy seasonal products or ignore the origin of canned artichokes, and the problems suffered by growers due to extreme weather and pests.
And to make the character more appealing to the younger generation, Trino will be dressed in a characteristic green mesh, the essential rigorous purple superhero cape and crowned by an unmistakable identifying hat cut out like artichoke leaves.
The character was unveiled last week by the president of the Vega Baja Artichoke Association, in a spectacular field of artichokes in San Bartolomé (Orihuela).
The beautiful thing, says the famous Trino, “is that our paths have crossed to defend the sector, highlight the work of farmers and the value of the artichoke, an important symbol of local agriculture and a benchmark for the Vega Baja.”
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Antonio Ángel Hurtado, president of Alcachofa Vega with AlcasilMan
ACROSS: 1 Slaughter; 8 Van; 9 Responsible; 11 Diocese; 12 Idler; 13 Cattle; 15 Chaste; 17 Miner; 18 Imagine; 20 Overwrought; 22 Sou; 23 Termagant.
DOWN: 2 Lie; 3 Globe; 4 Tassel; 5 Rubbish; 6 Everlasting; 7 Intervene; 10 Spontaneous; 11 Decompose; 14 Largest; 16 Viewer; 19 Aroma; 21 Hen.
ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Confirmed; 8 Bid; 9 Glassy stare; 11 Making a; 12 Gorge; 13 Crowds; 15 States; 17 Islet; 18 Heinous; 20 Doubtlessly; 22 Sag; 23 Spokesmen.
DOWN: DOWN: 2 Owl; 3 Ibsen; 4 Mishap; 5 Draught; 6 Aberrations; 7 Addresses; 10 Acknowledge; 11 Machinist; 14 Detours; 16 Ghetto; 19 Irene; 21 Lee.
7.The practice of making advances that produces considerable interest (5)
8.What air passengers are doing between one flight and another! (7) 9.Athousand or less broken into pieces (7) 10.To disarrange top row of dentures? (5) 12.One of the ways of commerce (5,5) 15.Cosmetic preparation could make Lilian posh! (4,6) 18.Tries to reform clerical observances (5) 19.Unusually strange stones (7)
21.The first of the criminals on trial to question the facts (7)
22.Bridal path (5)
1.Underseaman (10)
2.See 20 Down
3.We hear he's willing to provide the money for the farm building (4)
4.Before the start of devotions, the cathedral precinct is locked up (6)
5.Asks how stationery is sold (8)
6.Poor side away from home becomes extinct (4,3)
11.Makes an unlawful entry, so the health resort has locks all round (10)
13.So priest is upset by smart answers (8)
14.Showing an inclination for making an inventory (7)
16.Clues for offal (6)
17.Plaster surface seen in passages sometimes (5) 20 & 2Dn. Watch at the back (4-5)
LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)
1. Before they were called Giraffes, how were they known in English?
2. Which cartoon character used the catch phrase "you're despicable"?
3. What is the syrup drained from raw sugar called?
4. In the film Jaws Capt. Quint explains why he had a tattoo removed. What name did he have removed?
5. What is the radiation belt that surrounds the earth called?
6. What distinguishes the Perry Mason story "The case of the terrified typist" from the others?
7. Measured in tonnes per year, which four countries in the world harvest the most hops?
8. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's motto is three words. It too begins with the letters F B and I. What is the motto?
9. Lita Roza became the first British woman with a number 1 hit in the UK chart in 1953. What was the title of this question song usually associated with an American singer?
10. American Art - a: For paintings of the coast of which American state is Winslow Homer best known? b: Which American architect is celebrated in a song by Simon and Garfunkel? c: The first group of American landscape painters was named after a river, which? Was it a: Hudson, b: Missouri or c: Mississippi? d: Which American artist was shot by Valerie Soliuas?
11. The highest tides in the world are located in which bay? For an extra point, the second highest tides in the world are
located near which US city?
12. The character Kilgore Trout appears in several books written by which American cult author?
13. Whose name, apart from the astronauts', is on the Apollo 11 moon plaque?
14. One Liners. We give you one line from a famous song from the year 1986 and you have to provide the name of the song and the artist that scored a hit with that song in the year 1986. a: Er war ein Punker und er lebte in der großen Stadt. Es war Wien, war Vienna. b: Your lights are on, but you're not home. c: She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart. d: You could have a steam train if you'd just lay down your tracks. e: We're leaving together, But still it's farewell
15. Paul Muni, Rod Steiger, Jason Robarts, Ben Gazzara, Robert De Niro, William Devane, Barry Sullivan and Eric Robarts have all played which character in film or television?
16. Name the 4 Iowa class US Navy battleships in WW II. 17. "Made it, Ma! Top of the world" are the last lines from a James Cagney character in which film?
18. Of which country was King Zog head of state from 1928 until 1939?
19. Which fruit has the most calories?
20. Which author of many thrillers noted, "The target of my books lies somewhere between the solar plexus and the thigh"?
PAGE 14 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Week 949
7.Sea (5) 8.Repeat (7) 9.Indolence (7) 10.Ascend (5) 12.Dissolute (10) 15.Modest (10) 18.Level (5) 19.Wrinkle (7) 21.Caretaker (7) 22.Species (5)
DOWN 1.Anxiety (10) 2.Prise (5) 3.Component (4) 4.Rice dish (6) 5.Response (8) 6.Natural home (7) 11.Panting (10) 13.Determined (8) 14.Slander (7) 16.Unhappiness (6) 17.Occurrence (5) 20.Fury (4)
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE?
Amassive thank you to James Lound manager of Overseas Supermarket Torrevieja.
Not only has he approved a trolley collection for the 'Cruz Roja', which has been gratefully filled with food donations from his customers, he has also made a massive donation of Christmas Selection boxes.
These were handed over to Lara of the 'Cruz Roja' by local fund raisers David and Lorraine Whitney.
The chocolate selection boxes will obviously put smiles on poor and needy children this Christmas as too the three large cuddly toys, a donation from David and Lorraine.
Questions are likely to be raised this week over the awarding of the 209,732,93 euro contract for the Three Kings parades in Torrevieja and La Mata next month.
The contract is part of the 1.1 million euro of public money the city has budgeted for the Christmas celebrations in the town, and has been awarded to the only company to submit a bid.
The question likely to arise is why the bid
from that sole company was exactly the same as the contract tender, when normal practice is to submit a lower-priced bid, a major factor in the points-based system for awarding public contracts.
So far, the contracting board says that it is not a problem, as the only bidder had the security of not having to lower the bidding price when winning the contract.
In total, 15 contracts have been processed for the Christmas period in Torrevieja, including 350,000 euro for lights and 87,000 euro for decorations, not including the 21,000 euro for the (belen) nativity scene.
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733
La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www. Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.
Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
The Meetings of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch are held at 7 for 7.30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Join us on 15 December for carols and mince pies. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.
The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community
Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We
need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:
Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Mike Cockman 670 224 822
The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite
Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;
PAGE 16 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022
By John McGregor
The huge mangy brute went mad as soon as it saw me, and a rabid race raged between us. But this time the beast wasn’t chained up - and on his home turf the odds of meanly mauling me were very much in this favour.
My annual RAF reunion takes place in May every year. It entails my flying to the UK for a long weekend, usually staying with my old mate from all those great years many moons ago. We always have a terrific time rolling back the years from the late Sixties and early Seventies.
But last year my wife Annie couldn’t accompany me and she needed the car while I was away. I know, I thought, I´ll go to the airport on my scooter. I could leave it in the car parking pound for the weekend where my mate works. Great - what could go wrong?
It was a Thursday to Monday job. I left home mid-afternoon and arrived on my beloved Vespa at the airport security pound which I had used a number of times before with the car. Pulling off the motorway there is a large security gate in a wall about seven feet high and a speakerphone button which I pressed.
The gate immediately began to open and I continued towards the reception building. Since owning a scooter for about ten years in my later life I have noticed there are some dogs which just cannot tolerate the particular phut-phut noise a typical Vespa makes. I spotted a large wooden kennel between the reception building and the parking area - and suddenly its occupant emerged in an apparently foul mood. Anyone remember the big horrible dog ´Spike´ in the Tom and Jerry cartoons? Huge head, big teeth too big for its mouth, slavering with anticipation of something tasty coming its way? At the steps of the reception building I froze as the ´dog´ came at me.
Before anything could happen the animal nearly choked as the ten foot of chain was jerked to its full strain. Phew! There was no-one about so I stopped, took off my helmet and walked into the office. My mate wasn’t there so I introduced myself: the lads there said no problem, just leave my helmet with them and they would wheel my scooter round the back for me where it would be safe.
I thanked them, listened to the strange instructions to get to the airport building and I was let out of the compound. I was suddenly and dramatically introduced to the world of asylum-seekers. Jumping over a fence as instructed I crossed two double lanes of motorway traffic, negotiating the central crash barrier en route. Then scrambling up a six foot bank, I stumbled along a precarious footpath of big weeds to a six foot wall I needed to descend.
Some kind person had propped up some wooden pallets to assist the drop down to the dingy corner basement of the lower car park of the airport. After a good dust down I was
ready for the bright lights of Alicante Airport and departure. A great weekend ensued, as ever I met up with some ´old´ mates including a couple of newbies which we manage to find every year. So when my great friend dropped me off at Gatwick Airport mid -afternoon on Monday I was looking forward to coming home with new memories to relate to anyone who would listen. The reverse journey went as planned, except for having to somehow climb up the pallets - I´m not as young as I used to be.
The compound gate was shut so I pressed the button and it started to open. It was getting dark by this time and I went straight into the office and met a different set of lads. They gave me my helmet, took me through a back door and showed me where my scooter was. I thanked them, put my helmet on, and slung my weekend rucksack on my back.
The only way out was round the far side of the office building and then to the gate, an area I hadn’t been before. I started up my scooter and drove around to the front.
In the euphoria of my trip I had completely forgotten about Spike - but he hadn’t forgotten me. I suddenly realised I was dangerously near his fortress and tried to take a wide berth from him to aim for the big wide gate. He was having none of that and the Wacky Races took on a new meaning. As I
Happy Christmas?
I could ramble on wishing friends and relations a Happy Christmas and I do so, but best wishes and Season Greetings for the coming year especially to the Doctors, nurses and auxiliary staff in the medical profession.
I guess the quality of living in a country can be measured by how the administration that controls events, insert policies, and put them in place to take care of their citizens, especially in the world of health care.
wildly accelerated I thought I might make it but the big beastly b*****d caught me just before the gate - and sank his teeth into my leg. I swore savagely and kicked him away, and bursting through the gate left Spike behind.
I vaguely heard one of the lads shouting out ´Sorry mate!´ as I juddered off into the night.
Everything was OK when I got home and I recounted the good points of my weekend to my wife. But like most wives Annie has that sixth sense when she’s knows there’s something wrong - and it didn’t take long before I told her what had happened. Predictably she went mad and demanded I go to hospital before gangrene or whatever took over.
In the end we settled for our surgery the next morning which then involved a trip to Guardamar accident centre. Here they discovered from my notes that I had already had jabs the year before to prevent such infections.
They cleaned me up and all was well. You could actually see the big teeth marks where Spike had sank his teeth in, so it wasn’t actually very trivial.
The following week I caught up with my mate who works there and I told him the story, of which he was unaware. All he said was ´Oh that’s nothing, he attacks the postman every week…´
The day-to-day lifecycle in this corner of the world is generally very pleasant, normally there is a laid-back attitude surrounded by a warm and pleasant weather pattern and an attitude generated by the Spanish people of gentleness. None of that would be of little use if the bumps, sores and painful horrors that occur in all of us was not dealt with by smiling faces, quietly and efficiently.
The Spanish Health Care with its modern facilities controlled by an up-to-date computer system and run by dedicated professional staff is, in my opinion, and
no doubt others, second to none.
It was in April two thousand and eleven, when my life started again, as with quiet effectiveness and little fuss the doctors and surgeons removed a blood clot from my heart, all done swiftly in a modern facility.
Since then, our family, ad others, have had the use and care of the specialists that wait on us all twenty-four hours a day, it is impressively appreciated, and we wish them all A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Percy Chattey Books.
PAGE 18 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
CC's FlyersP-PMind The Gap
El Capitan11-1Fallen Angels
Tipsy Toad Toppers2-10Hub Hyenas
Domino's Desperados5-7Ck1 Lads
Leeson St. Trotters11-1Pint Depot Queens
Hub Hellraisers2-10CC’s Bees
Milo´s7-5Freakie Taverners
Angel´s Delights6-6Tipsy Toad Tiaras
Ck1 Ladybirds3-9Danny's Bar
League Table P Pts Legs
Hub Hyenas1020101
Mind The Gap918100
El Capitan101895
Tipsy Toad Toppers101686
CC´s Bees101676
CC's Flyers91476
Ck1 Lads101269
Danny's Bar101056
Leeson Street Trotters10960
Fallen Angels10954
Freakie Taverners10849
Ck1 Ladybirds10641
Domino's Desperados10544
Angel Delights10325
Hub Hellraisers10322
Tipsy Toad Tiaras10231
Pint Depot Queens10023
180's: Mark Ellis - Hub Hyenas
Highest Check-Outs: Steve Tilley, Leeson St, 106 (S20-T18-D16)
The visitors took advantage of Toppers missed opportunities in the singles, Wilkinson D20, Ellis 180, D6 and Spence 100,140, D20 earning Hyenas both points. Sierra D1 (or Stereo as skipper Barry Schofield prefers), a blinder from Andre Wing 100,140,104, plus somehow D3, and a strange D20,D1, finish from Alan Havelock concluded the game.
Graham White once again put in a good shift for Angels, his 100,100,115 and a leg winning D19, was the best Angels could offer, despite tons from Billy Dolling, Mike Tierney and James Mackay, in this walloping from the Caps.
Ben Kernahan threw 140,121,100 in the opener, Vycka Bobinas a similar 125,95,100, in the 2nd flexing Caps muscles for next weeks encounter with Hyenas.
Chris Logan gained Caps 6th leg, Arold Klimonis adding 2 more tons to an earlier 140, to win the 7th and match.
Elder Ed Klimonis contributing 121,125 and 2 doubles. POTM - Kernahan - White
Steve M. Dalton was far from happy with his game at last Mondays league match with the Hub and then 3 days later turns in a POTM match effort against Despos.
and a bagful of 80+'s.
Bees continue their fine form, now 8 wins on the trot, but will they come down to earth when playing Flyers this week.
Just 2 winning legs from the Raisers, Carol Peace's D2 and a D9 from POTM Sue Spiers, who also helped herself to plenty of trebles.
Dave Jennings found 4 winning doubles, 140,100 and bags of 80+'s for POTM, Paul Christopher helping himself to 121,125,133 and Reg Christopher 140 and D2 for the match and 2 points.
Birds held their own until half time, sharing the spoils with Dannys, Sandra Crabbe, Kirsty Green and Dons Ralph providing Birds outs, Rob Norbury, John Griggs and Skip Bob Smith replying for Dannys.
Tons from Simon Todd, Norbury and Giggs, the hosts tons from Sue Christie and Angie Mullen 126. lt was all Dannys after the break, Giggs 100,99,D2, Paul Robinson D13 and Dave Stevens D20, guaranteeing a point, Lesley Lumb taking out a nice 74 for the win.
Smith 85,100,118, D16 and Steve Lumb D8 and a hat full of 80+'s for POTM concluded the game. Ralph, Birds POTM.
A disappointing effort from the hosts, flattered the scoreline for Hyenas, who stole the first leg via Mark Ellis D20 after a barrage of Toppers scores. Dario Sierra D20 and Ellis D20 took the visitors to 0-3. Paddy Winterbourne 81,101 and Phil de Lacy D20, followed by Lee Maiden and Andy Gildea D16, got the hosts to 2-3 in the pairs, only for Jay Wilkinson/Pete Spence D10, to counter for Hyenas.
Two outs, one a crucial D20 for the draw, plus 2x100,125 earned him his sides accolade. Despite the score level mid match, Lads were ahead in the scores dept, courtesy of Darren Hurcombe, Les Adams and Dalton's multi 80+'s. Dave Oates with 2 outs and Paul Chick, keeping Despos in the game.
Kevin Wood 100, 86 out, Adams 85,85,108, D10, Dalton D20 and John Crabbe reeled off the 1st four singles for the game and points. Graham Eagles D8 and Steve Harding 97,98,100, D6 earning POTM, taking the remaining legs for Despos.
Lorraine Cox gave another POTM performance this week, getting the better of Ken Skinner in the singles and the Queens only victory. Debbie Wright amassing plenty of high scores.
Best of the night's finishing went to Steve Tilley with 20,T18,D16 (106), finding the T20 with ease was Mark Farmer 4x100, 140, but POTM went to Kain Hickman for his contribution of 140, 2 outs
Yet another encounter, all square at half time, the result unsure until the 12th and final leg. Milos however outgunned Freakies in the second half, finding the treble on far more occasions.
Javi de Gea 100,125, Alejandro 85,105, Bull out, and Cain Garcia 80,99,125 got Milos to 6 legs, before Freakies rallied with wins from Mario Garcia
By Paul Durrant
and Sharon Frain a 52 out, reduced the scoreline to 6-5. Raul Rocamora sealing victory for the hosts in the 12th leg. POTM - Bryan Livsey - Alejandro.
Tiaras got off to a flying start courtesy of POTM Sharone Crane 19 -D18 but then the Angels responded via Sharon Williams 81 x 2, 100, D15 despite an impressive opener from Simone de Lacy (95, 95, 95, 79).
Crane, de Lacy (123) and Tracey Simpson lost out to a freaky finish from Maria Ross (D18) in the 3rd triples. The Angels took the first two pairs but Crane (19 -D20) and Lisa Ivill came from 300 behind to nab the last one- Simpson (8-D4) and Pat Schofield (100, 83, 81, 3-D16) evened the scores but Williams (87, 100, D4) and Nikki Dean (111, D20) took the hosts to a guaranteed match point or two.
Ivill (D19) and Crane (D1) bought home the bacon for a well-deserved draw. POTM for the Delights went to Sue Collins, whose 3-D3 in the pairs meant more to her than anything in the world.
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Paddy &Dario, Toppers game
Toppers skipper, Barry
POTM - Alex also got a bull finish
POTM - Donna &Steve Lumb
Dave Hadaway
Monday 5th December and our Pathfinders are at home to St Luis Clingons, and start with + 10 shots and 2 points because unfortunately the Clingons could only send 4 trips, it was also the day we said goodbye to Mick and Desna Lowe for the season, and I am pleased to say they both ended up on a high by being on winning trips.
Hopefully Len & Sue Daniels will be back from their cruise for the New Year Fixtures, to slot right in and take their places. We won the game with 10 much needed points and a shot difference of 85 – 62.
Our Explorers has to travel to San Miguel to play their Orcas and came away with 4 well deserved points losing the shot difference by 73 – 99. The bonus of travelling that far for many of us is to enjoy a excellent meal at Meson El Parado to make
El Rancho Bowls Club
it a fine day out regardless.
Friday 9th and the Seagulls were away to Vista Bella Picadors with a excellent 10-2 win. In truth our losing trip only lost by 4 shots so it was a excellent performance all round. The actual shot difference was 94-71 in our favour.
The Sharks were at home to Greenlands Oaks and lost 4-8, I would however like to congratulate our all ladies trip of Margaret MacLaughlin and Magaret Finlayson on their 24-13 victory, and it proved a fine welcome back for Tom Spencer as he was in the middle of Janet Parsons and Mike Stone a winning trip scoring 27-17. Final shot difference being 81-105.
As this is the last report before Christmas and the New Year may I take this opportunity of wishing everybody and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and to all those at the Leader Newspaper for their continuing support for Bowls in Spain
LA SIESTA BOWLS (Members run Club)
Emerald Isle Titans 100 (6)Vistabella Albatrosses 90 (6)
Country B Flamingos 109 (12)La Siesta Apollos 51 (0)
La Marina Pathfinders 85 (10)San Luis Klingons 62 (2)
Quesada Pearls 95 (6) Greenlands Maples 86 (6)
P P W W D D L L Dif Dif ff Pts Pts
Vistabella Albatrosses8232159962
Emerald Isle Titans8231163259
Quesada Pearls 82101914254
Greenlands Maples *8221177253
San Miguel Dolphins8211185149
Country Bowls Flamingos 8201195547
La Marina Pathfinders *817122-16337
San Luis Klingons * * 816123-6732
La Siesta Apollos 813027-22130
* 2) deducted forfailing to field a full side
** 5) deducted forfailing to field full sides 3) deducted today forsecond offence
San Miguel Orcas 99 (8)La Marina Explorers 73 (4)
Country B Seahawks 86 (6)La Siesta Pioneers 84 (6)
Greenlands Chestnuts 67 (4)Vistabella Drivers 72 (8)
El Rancho Pintos 79 (5)Quesada Diamonds 94 (7))
P P W D D L L Dif Dif ff Pts Pts
Vistabella Drivers *82231510359
Greenlands Chestnuts8230177556
Emerald Isle Neptunes 8221176455
Quesada Diamonds*8202182750
Country Bowls Seahawks820020-1748
San Miguel Orcas8192192946
La Marina Explorers 818121-3545
La Siesta Pioneers820020-5144
El Rancho Pintos810327-19525
* 2) deducted forfailing to field a full side
EmIsle Moonrakers # 73 (5)Monte MarMatadors 85 (7)
Quesada Rubies 98 (10)Greenlands Beech * 48 (2)
San Miguel Stingrays 70 (4)La Siesta Sputniks 90 (8)
San Luis Trekkers 119 (10)Vistabella Eagles 61 (2)
Quesada Rubies7252821364
San Luis Trekkers72301212958
Monte MarMatadors71941212152
Greenlands Beech *720015-146
Emerald Isle Moonrakers #713418 -54 31
Vistabella Eagles *712221-10130
La Siesta Sputnicks711321-14029
On monday the Pintos played host to Quesada Diamonds, playing well with both teams taking two rinks and the other drawn. Lesley Day, Sheila Cox and Mike Cox 13-13. Ria Dukker, Brian Harris and Marion Haynes 18-12. Barbara Jones, Geoff Jones and Henry Ryder 17-20. Ann Abbott, Ron Greenstreet and Judy Foley 11-34. Tony Abbott, Dolly Ford & Dave Haynes 20-15. Wednesday found our winter league team at B.B.C. (Benitachell I believe), a fair run out for a bowls match, but hopefully they enjoyed the trip. El Rancho were unfortunate in coming away without a point, but we play for fun and pleasure, rather than the win. Frances Johnston, Bill Johnston, Diane Yates and Keith Longshaw 13-28. Lesley Day, Ron Greenstreet, Bob Day and Henry Ryder 9-21. Sheila Cox, Pam Harris, Brian Harris and Mike Cox 10-25.
On Friday morning the Mustangs played La Siesta Blues at home in the final league match before Christmas. The Mustangs took 2 rinks to La Siesta’s 3 but played well but sometimes not quite as well as your opponent, but that is what sport and competition are about. Sometimes the score does not determine how well you have played.
Debbie Ham, Bob Day and Adrian Ham 19-15. Tony Abbott, Frances Johnston and Keith Longshaw 16-14. Ann Abbott, Kevin Henry and Diane Yates 7-25. Lesley Day, Dave Haynes and Marion Haynes 13-19. Bill Johnston, Judy Foley and Henry Ryder 11-18.
Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at
With Alan Carr
DIVISION (B) - El Rancho was the venue for the Blues playing the Mustangs, which we won three rinks together with 2 pts for the overall (Shots 91-66) result being 84. Rink winners were; Mike Inns, Wendy & Alan Ralph (25-7). Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (18-11). Jim Jarvie, Jim Gracie & John Taylor (19-13).
The Golds played host to Quesada Swifts and found the visitors too strong on all of the rinks except one which was won by; Jo Elkin, Irene & Dave Laverick (19-11) making the end result 2-10 (Shots 63-99).
DIVISION (C)The Silvers welcomed Vistabella Conquistadors to La Siesta, which saw some of the rinks have good fightbacks to come close. The game ended with wins on three rinks plus 2 points for the overall (Shots 102-77) with the winning rinks being; Leslie & Wayne Howlett, with David Whitworth (297). Kevin Jones, Peter Ayres & Graham Doel (22-14). Tom Heaselwood, Jean & Dave Giddings (19-17). Result 8-4.
Enterprise The Apollos away game was Country Bowls Flamingos who dominated the game from the start and picked up all of the points, the
Monday 5th December the Dolphins had a bye and the Stingrays had no game however the Orcas were at home to La Marina Explorers where they won 8-4. Shots were 99 to the Orcas and 73 to La Marina with the highest winning trip Sharon Louise, David Homer and Steven Parr winning 26-8.
On Weds the San Miguel Winter League team travelled to Greenlands where they won 6-2 with some very close games being played the shot difference only 59 to San Miguel and 53 to Greenlands. The highest winning rink was Anita Brown, Mary Whitelock, Gail Willshire & Ron Nairey who won 26-18.
Friday 9th December the Apaches played at home against Country Bowls Geckos where the result was 5-7 and 84 shots to 87. The highest winning trip was Allan Patterson, Steve Cantley and Gail Willshire who won 24-8.
The Comanches were away at Emerald Isle against the Outlaws and they won 8-4, 91 shots to 87. The highest scoring trip was Jenny Harvey, Dave Homer and Dori Svansbergsson.
The Navajos played away to Emerald Isle Claymores in the afternoon and won 8-4, 94 shots to 80 with the highest winning trip being Meg Brownlee, Tom Dalgleish and Eddie
Cowan who won 20-14.
nearest one of our rinks got was within 1 shot, ending 0-12 ( 51-109).
Discovery An afternoon away game for the Pioneers playing Country Bowls Seahawks which resulted with wins on three rinks by; Tracey Paffett, Judy Carroll & Ken Barber (24-7). Gordon Paton, Stan Dibble & Alan Mawer (19-16). Ann & Robert Heath with Brian Fraser (1715). The game ended with a draw as the visitors picked up 2 pts for the overall Shots 84-86 by a small margin.
The Internal Christmas Hamper game came to a close after 9 weeks with the 40 entrants receiving a different size hamper depending on what position they finished in.
Congratulations to the winning team; Ann Heath, Norman Adcroft, Tony Dalton & Jean Cooper.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our fellow Bowlers at all the other bowling clubs.
Interested in joining La Siesta members run bowls club, there is George¥s Chicken and Egg, every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm, with Mike & Grahams roll up every Saturday 930 for 950 am. Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.
This completes the first half of the Southern and South Alicante Leagues until after the Christmas and New Year break and we are all looking forward to playing on our new carpet which is scheduled to be fitted next week in readiness for the second half of the Leagues commencing on 9th Jan 23.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
A reminder that the WASPS sessions take place on a Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm – 5 euros for an afternoons bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on a Tuesday afternoon starting at 1.45pm by appointment ONLY. To book please call Dave or Lynn Greenland on 667 207508. Due to the Christmas and New Year break Coaching will not be available until Tuesday 17th 2023 January and WASPS not until 18th January 2023, We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel Bowls Club as we are a unique club only paying owner fees and a club fee. NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.
Info contact secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118.
PAGE 20 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
P W D D L L Dif Dif ff Pts Pts
* 2) deducted forfailing to field a full side # 3) deducted forreporting infringements
Miguel Stingrays * 79125 -16717
Greenlands BC By Chris Dewar
Monday saw The Maples visit a strong Quasada Pearls Team and after a very hard game the result was a 6 all draw Shots 95 pearls 86 Maples. all in all a very close match.
The Chestnuts entertained a strong Vistabella team and in a hard contested game the result went to Vistabella 4 points to 8 and 62 shots to 72..We still remain in second place in the league..
Tuesday saw the rearranged game for the Chestnuts away to a very strong Vistabella Lanzadores and unfortunately we turned up one rink short. The result was a resounding 0points to 12 to Lanzadores 58 shots to 91. all in all a game to forget. Onwards and upwards.
Winter League the Gladiators had a bye and the Warriors entertained San Miguel The Shots were 53 to 59 to San Miguel and the points 2 - 6. a very close game. Our best rink D.Donovan,B.Ewart.P.Houghton and L.Rudge well done.
Friday saw the Oaks travel to La Marina and in a very competitive game came away with a 8 points to 4 and 105 shots to 81 victory well done everyone, best winning rink L.Bonsor,D.Perryman and P.Rhodes.. Green Machine back,
The Cedars hosted a very strong Quesada team and unfortunately went down 2 points to 10 and 61 shots to 112. best rink J.Kocis,D.Howard and S.Watson, well done.
The Elms visited Vistabella and despite having to give one rink away managed to hold them to 4 shots to 8 and 66 shots to 71.. Well done and Looking forward to the New Year.
Next week see us Play the first round of the Premier Twenty against Bonalba .Result next week.. We held our Christmas Lunch at Portica Mar on Thursday and a great time was had by all. Very big thanks to our Social Secretary Jill Collins for once again organising everything and as usual it went like clockwork. Thankyou Jill.
Mery Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone from Greenlands
If you enjoy a mix of competitive and funbowling in a friendly environment at a wonderful venue.If you want to share in and contribute to our continued success, If you are interested in joining our Club, why not give one of us a call?
Also coaching available either groups or individual, by fully qualified coaches. Equipment available.
Pete Bonsor (Captain) 711 02 08 46
Keith Stobbart (President) 693 06 53 55
John Rosati (Secretary) 688 70 93 62
Also we have Joes roll up every Saturday morning 9.30 for 10.00, entry fee 1 euro FANTASTIC PRIZES ( honest)., non members are welcome and pay a green fee 0f 6 euros. This is a great social event each week, food and drink available after. Just turn up before 9.45.
There is also an adventure golf course available for the Husband or wife and children whilst the partner,s are playing bowls just book at the bar. Come and enjoy our fantastic venue it’s a great day out.
9th December 2022 -
The last week of the league program before the Christmas break is upon us and we celebrated with a member’s party lunch, which was enjoyed by 50 plus members on Wednesday.
On Monday the Flamingos entertained La Siesta Appollos and soon took control of the match on the home surface resulting in a convincing win 12-0, 109-51. Winning rinks were Sylvia Rennie, Gary Ponsford, Andy Failes 2410, Brenda Jiggins, Derek Jiggins, Graham Richardson 21-10, Clive Hoyal, Trish Dix, Peter Dix 29-9, Keith Holliman, George Burrage, William Miller 21-9, Sheena Mallet, Derek Lewis, John Mallet 14-13.
Emerald Isle BC
Titans were at home to VB Albatross on Monday and they drew 6-6, Aggregate 10090, P Coffey/ N Davis Jo Pering C Lindgren 28-14, N Prior S Elvin M Dyer 25-19
Cavaliers had a rearranged game at home against Country B Geckos and had a fine win 10-2 Aggregate of 108-58, P Coffey S
By Brian Zelin
Monday 5th December, Vistabella Albatrosses Div A, were Away to Emerald Isle Titans, Winning on 3 Rinks, Sue Kemp, Barbara Brown, Brian Zelin 20-15, Olwyn Ratcliffe, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 18-16, Geraldine Fisher, Arthur Brown, Gordon Fisher 19-16, Shots 90-100. Points 6-6.
Vistabella Drivers Division B, were at Home to Greenlands Chestnuts, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Hillary James, Sue Wilson, Alan Bannister 25-11, Frank Barclay, Barry Tarling, Derek Howe 17-15, Steve Wilson, Brian Gilham, Brian Pointon 17-11, Shots 72-62. Points 8-4.
Tuesday 6th December, Vistabella Lanzadores were at Home to Greenlands Cedars, Winning on all Rinks, Sue Kemp, Mo Foulcer, Brian Zelin 24-10, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 1816, Geraldine Fisher, Barbara Brown, Gordon Fisher 18-13, Richard Lee, Arthur Brown, Eric Bishop 21-19, Olwyn Ratcliffe, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 10-0, Shots 91-58. Points 12-0.
Wednesday 7th December, Vistabella in the Winter League were at Home to Javea Green, Winning and Drawing on 2 Rinks, Plus the Shots. Geraldine Fisher, Derek Howe, Richard Lee, Maggie
Pearls kicked off the last week of South Alicante league matches for 2022, with a 6-6 draw against Greenland Maples.
Although it was only these 2 rinks that were victorious, a 95-86 shots difference, meant a further 2 points were gained - G Phillips, M France, Jason P 22-8. B Trinder, P Bevan, B Rees 21-15.
A trip to El Rancho awaited Diamonds, who came away with a 7-5 advantage. Here's the rinks who earned the pointsK Gordon, P Farrell, T Voisey 34-11. D Benson, S Jakeman, A Benson 20-17. A Bowen, B Elliott, Sue Cooper 13-13. Rubies 10-2 win over Greenlands Beech
In the Southern League it was catch up time on Thursday after the cancelations of the week before, the Geckos travelled to Emerald Isle to play the Cavaliers and had a hard time coming away with only 1 winning rink and 2 points, the winning rink was Derek Lewis, John Jukes, Graham Richardson 19-14, a bad day at the office.
Meanwhile the Panthers entertained Emerald Isle Outlaws and soon got control of the game coming out on top with an 8-4 win and + 12 shots. Winning rinks were Jayne Storey, Phil Newham, Kevin Storey 17-10, Val Lever, Geoff Eggleton, Allan Lever 20-14.
On Friday the Geckos travelled to San Miguel and had a big fight on their hands, it came down to the last end of the match and the
Marks R Marks 26-8, N Davis Jo Pering Julian Pering 26-8, S Kavanagh N Prior B Kavanagh 27-10, K Jolliffe M Odell M Dyer 15-13
Outlaws travelled to Country Bowls Panthers to play a rearranged game and they got beaten 4-8 Aggregate of 66-78 D Clark A Goewer T Roche 23-14, R Howitt M Nash K John 19-17
Claymores played against San Miguel
Navajos at home and lost 4-9 Aggregate of 80-94, C Thomas B Eldred S Elvin 22-18, G Dyer P Willicott M Thomas 21-17
Outlaws played at home against San Miguel Commanches and they fell to a 4-8, 87-91 D Clark A Gower T Roche 31-10, V Cameron M Peaper B Carter 17-10
To all bowlers have a great festive season ELWYN MORRIS
Furness 23-13, Freddie Willey, Alice Howe, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 16-16, Shots 53-44 Points 5-3.
Friday 9th December, Vistabella Lanzadores Division A, were Away to San Luis Lions, Winning on 3 Rinks, + the Shots, Sue Kemp, Mo Foulcer, Brian Zelin 28-11, Richard Lee, Arthur Brown, Eric Bishop 21-12, Geraldine Fisher, Barbara Brown, Gordon Fisher 17-8, Shots 92-69, Points 8-4, Vistabella Picadors Division B, were at Home to La Marina Seagulls, Winning on just 1 Rink, John Goddard, Jim Jepson, Steve Baxter 17-13, Shots 71-94. Pts 2-10.
maintained their lead at the top of the 3rd division, but alas I have no further info. In Friday's Southern league, Swallows triumphed 10-2 over near neighbours Greenlands Cedars, courtesy of these 4 winning rinks - B Trinder, C Dye, T Morgan 20-13. M & C Highland, P Morgan 22-11. C Brazier, A Johnston, Jason P 36-12. G Carnell, V Campbell, F Roberts 23-9.
Swans had a free week, but fellow div 2 side Swifts, secured an excellent 10-2 victory over La Siesta Golds. Well done - J Cleal, S Jakeman, R Lewin 25-10. K Gordon, D Collings, A Reid 24-10. S Johnston, J Moss, T Lale 21-13. I Everett, V Slater, D Riley 18-11.
Geckos held out to win the match by 3 shots, 7-5. Winning rinks were Derek Lewis, John Jukes, Graham Richardson 28-9, Del Gunning, William Miller, Peter Whitehall 21-16, drawing rink Sheena Mallet, Trish Dix, John Mallet 18-18.
At home the Panthers found it hard going against the visitors from San Luis, the Tigers taking the points 10-2 and plus 15 shots, the only winning rink was Brenda Jiggins, Sue Hudson, George Burrage 27 to 7. New members and guests are always made welcome at the only club in Murcia region competing in the Levante Lawn Bowls Leagues, why not come along to one of our roll up mornings on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday at 10 am.
On Saturday 3rd we held our pre-Christmas party at Oasis SL. The function room was sparkling with Xmas lights to get us in the party mood!
Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the evening; with plenty of food on the hot & cold buffet and dancing to music from Johnny Scott, until we ran out of time, rather than energy (so what if we “Dancing Queens” are slightly older than 17!! we can still have fun) Thanks to Dee & helpers for the organisation and Hannah & the Oasis staff who looked after us so well.
South Alicante League, Enterprise Div. (A)Monday 5th December; Klingons were away v La Marina Pathfinders and had a really tough morning against a strong team.
Unfortunately due to illness + unforeseen & previously planned commitments, we were only able to take 4 trips, so losing 3 more points overall in addition to the 10 shots. Not a good morning; just winning 2-10, 62-75. Thank goodness for our winning team: Giuseppe Galelli, Vic Mahomet, Caroline Smyth 38-6. Voyager Div. (C) - Trekkers did not have a match as there are only 7 teams in this division.
Southern League (Div A) on Friday 9th Lions were at home to Vistabella's strong Lanzadores team, Lions held on to 4-8, 69 shots- 92. Victors: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 16-14, Janet Webb, Caroline Smyth, Scott Malden 22-12.
Southern League (Div C) it was a real battle of the big cats; Tigers away v Country Bowls Panthers. The Tigers came out on top 10 points2, shots 90- 75. Well done to the winning teams: Jane Hamill, John Dowell, Stewart Hamill 15-13, Chris Jackson, Ngaio & Peter Baldwin 17-13, Cas Blay, Dee Hoey, Barry White 19-13, Chris Phillips, Terry Baylis, Keith Phillips 32-9.
If you’re interested in finding out more about San Luis BC or bowling in general, come along to Oasis SL, talk to members; we’re a friendly bunch! watch on Monday or Friday match days, or take part in the chicken drive on Saturdays (now changed for winter to 10:00/10:30) or contact Club Captain June Jones for more information:
Sheila Cammack
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022
Vistabella’s Sue Kemp, Brian Zelin and Mo Foulcer on Friday at San Luis
Mike Probert talks Golf
Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:
AlendaÄ134Two Green Fees & Buggy
AlicanteÄ84Two Green Fees & Buggy
Altaoana VillageÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy
AltorrealÄ120Two Green Fees & Buggy
BonalbaÄ118Two Green Fees & Buggy
CampoamorÄ150Two Green Fees & Buggy
The Aguilon Christmas Competition
On the 18th December 2022 Aguilon Golf will be holding their annual Christmas Competition.
The event will be an individual stableford competition played in handicap categories with prizes for the top 5 in each category plus a scratch prize.
Don Cayo (Altea)Ä100Two Green Fees & Buggy
El PlantioÄ84Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)
El ValleÄ60Single Green Fee
Font Del LlopÄ110Two Green Fees & Buggy
Hacienda D AlamoÄ47Single Green Fee
La FincaÄ124Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)
La MarquesaÄ52Single Green Fee
La SerenaÄ1102 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.08pm)
La TorreÄ60Single Green Fee
Las ColinasÄ85Single Green Fee (from 3pm)
Las RamblasÄ972 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.00pm)
LorcaÄ78Two Green Fees & Buggy
Lo RomeroÄ55Single Green Fee
Mar MenorÄ50Course Closed until further notice
There are spaces for 90 players and the day includes a special Christmas meal and a raffle.
The organisers will be taking donations of non-perishable food for the charity Caritas
The (buggy include d) price for visitors is 55 and to enter for this event call Aguilon directly on 672655600.
#VisitMurcia#CostaCalida#RegiondeMurcia#CostaCalidaMak esYouHappy#ITREM#CostaCálida#RegióndeMurcia#TurismoRM
New Sierra GolfÄ82Two Green Fees & Buggy
Puig CampanaÄ98Two Green Fees & Buggy
RodaÄ1202 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.06pm)
SaurinesÄ47Single Green Fee
Villaitana LevanteÄ80Single Green Fee
Villaitana PonienteÄ58Single Green Fee & Buggy
VillamartinÄ1152 Green Fees & Buggy (From 1pm)
VistabellaÄ1122 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.00pm)
DEAL OF THE WEEK: Saurines de La Torre Ä120 for 2 players and buggy.
For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Smiling Jack's Golf Society
Hot Darts League Format Week 3: Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 140. 120, 100 x 2,
Diane Burns (DM)140, 100, Diane Dane (PD) 140, Selma Dyer (DM) 128, Mitch Halliday (PD) 126, Sharon Frain (PD)124 x 2 Sharon O`Rourke (LB) 115, Simone de Lacy (TT) 114, Sharon Crane (TT)113, Lisa Ivill (TT) 104, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 100, Kirsty Green (LB) 100, Pat Woods (DM) 100, Bliss Wright (GG) 100
Gap Girlz14 - 8Primadonnas Tipsy Tigers14 - 10Friendly Chicas Ladybirds14 - 10Dolly Mixtures Friendly TempsP- PWhacky Allsorts
Lo Romero, set on the Mediterranean Coast always in immaculate condition and today was no exception. Most notably known for its challenging island 18th green. This game was a joint venture with The Royal Oak Golf Society so 28 players teed off. SAMM Captain for the day, Rona Agnew led us away as the wind blew a hoolie. Josephine Monaghan won nearest the pin on the 12th and Royal Oak Captain, Ken Physick, was nearest on the 15th. Ronnie Taylor took the longest drive, while the clear Stableford champion was Tony Monsellato with 34 points.
As this was the last meeting of the year it was followed by the Xmas bash. Revelers enjoyed beer, wine and pizzas followed by the Xmas Raffle. Prizes included priceless golf artifacts and French wines. Many thanks to Sergio for drawing the raffle winners, Mati, Gabriel and all the Lo Romero staff for making it a great day out. I had to leave at midnight, but some may still be carousing.
Travel safe and have a Merry Christmas.
The Xmas bash
Thanks to Lo Romero Golf for looking after us and for an course that, yet again, was in excellent condition.
Due to ongoing work on the tees we had the luxury of playing off the blue Tees.This was a massive advantage to everyone except Cheryl Isaacs our sole lady out today.Sorry Cheryl. A big thank you also to Emma
from behind the bar for looking after us.A special thank you goes out to Julie for taking the day off and preparing and cooking our lovely food again. Fantastic.
Now to the scores:Nearest the pin on 5 Thomas Burke.Nearest the pin on 15 Dave Isaacs No one got on the 18th green in two, so no prize there.
Carp R Us Angling
The final round of the Carp-r-Us Murcia Cup was fished on the Rio Segura in Murcia. After a journey to the venue in fog and light rain at the start the match was eventually fished in pleasant if cloudy conditions.
The winner, for the third week running in club matches, was Willie Mions who had 7.84kg of carp on pellet. Second, just pipping Vinnie Smith was Terry Screen who had two carp and two barbel caught on bread plus a few bleak
In second place with 35 points were two players, but John Rooney wins on count back.Our winner was Kevin Quinn with a fantastic 37 points and a new handicap of 19.
The famous blue Johnny was won by Cheryl Isaacs, unlucky you were the only one without an advantage, but the day did end on a high as Cheryl was also the winner of our raffle, well done.
for 7.04kg. Vinnie finished with over 250 bleak for 7.00kg. Fourth was Paul Burton with 3.74kg caught on feeder and maggot.
The runaway winner of the series was Alan Smith with 201 points (from a maximum of 230). Second was Terry Screen and third Tony Flett. Well don e to all those who fished in the series.
Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page CarpR-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
PAGE 22 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Gap Girlz34521 Ladybirds33930 Primadonnas33235 Tipsy Tigers33038 Friendly's Temps22520 Friendly's Chicas22027 Macklin's Dolly Mixtures21926 Whacky Allsorts21523
Cheryl was the only player without an advantage
It was not the best of starts for Thader with the fixture moved from the Moi Gomez Stadium to an adjacent astroturf training pitch on the morning of the game.
With the Moi Gomez grass recently reseeded, although appearing to be in pristine condition, heavy overnight heavy rain would see irreparable damage to the surface, no doubt affecting the rest of the season. As such, all parties agreed to move the game to the much smaller facility.
With Thader’s style of play more suited to a wider pitch, it was not a decision that suited the home side, as could be seen by the time they took to get into the game, which, without the presence of two key players in Quino (suspended) and Ruben (hernia), saw the early stages dominated by the visitors. Indeed, they needed just eight minutes to edge themselves in front as, following a defensive mix up, David was able to beat Chema with a low shot from the edge of the box.
At this point Elda were in total control and it
took a fine save from the Thader keeper on 14 minutes to stop the home side from falling further behind.
Although they were gradually working their way into the game, and able to create several chances Thader were unable to make any of them count, although a short range effort from Pascual on the half hour mark had to be cleared off the line by Adri to save the home side pulling level.
The best chance of the half, however, fell to Pedro Juan who, with just Luismi to beat in the Eldense goal, ballooned his effort over the crossbar, when scoring appeared to be the easier option.
Thader came more into the game the longer it progressed, with a most welcome improvement after the break.
Having been relegated at the end of last season the visitors had to call on all their Tercera experience as they faced long periods of pressure in this fast-flowing match.
Skipper Lloyd restored parity for the Rojales side on the hour mark when he bent a fine
free kick around the wall following a Dani foul. Javi then saw his header shave the outside of the post as the home side ramped up the pressure in the closing stages.
With Castillo sent off for a second yellow just prior to the end Thader were unable to take
advantage of the extra man as the visitors stood firm to gain a valuable point.
Next weekend Thader travel to Santa Pola for what is likely to be a Saturday afternoon fixture. Do check the club Facebook page midweek, however, for confirmation.
Classy gesture from Leeds United U21s in Orihuela
Leeds United U21s have been praised by Orihuela CF after a friendly match between the two teams on Tuesday. The Young Whites were pictured on Twitter sweeping and cleaning the dressing room post-match in order to leave it in the best condition possible. Orihuela did not confirm the result on their social media,but posted the following message of gratitude to Leeds' youngsters.
They wrote: "Many thanks to @LUFC for their civility,for their generosity and respect for us and our facilities. See you soon and good luck in the future."
Meanwhile it was injuries that grabbed the headlines during Thursday evening’s senior fixture between Elche and Leeds Utd as the visitors were forced to play out the last 10 minutes of the game with 10 men,following knocks to Summerville,Harrison and
Perkins. Although a 2-1 win saw the Whites lift the Festa d'Elx Trophy thanks to an excellent second half fight back,with goals from Joe Gelhardt and Mateusz Klich,manager Jesse Marsch said after the game that he was concerned with the injuries,which had further added to an ever growing list.
If Summerville’s absence,in particular,is long-term it will have to catapult United into some January transfer window action.
Marsch said “We have our fingers and toes crossed for young Summerville, if there is one player who doesn’t deserve this right now,it’s him.”
their 1970 album Bridge over Troubled Water), c: a: The Hudson - Hudson River School, d: Andy Warhol. 11. Bay of Fundy, NS Canada. for the extra point, near Anchorage Alaska. 12. Kurt Vonnegut. 13. Richard Nixon's. 14. Answers: a: Rock Me Amadeus – Falco, b: Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer, c: Invisible Touch –Genesis. d: SledgehammerPeter Gabriel. e: The Final Countdown – Europe. 15. Al Capone. 16. Missouri, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Iowa. 17. White Heat. 18. Albania. 19. The avocado. 20. Ian Fleming
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Thader were disappointed not to take all 3 points
QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Camelopard (Giraffa camelopardalis - from its early Roman name, where it was described as having characteristics of both a camel and a leopard). 2. Daffy Duck. 3. Molasses. 4. USS Indianapolis. 5. Van Allen Belt. 6. Perry Mason loses! 7. Germany, USA, China and the Czech Rep. 8. Fidelity Bravery Integrity. 9. How much is that doggie in the window? (Usually associated with Patti Page). 10. Answers - a: Maine, b: Frank Lloyd Wright (The song was "So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright" on
CD Thader ...........1 CDEldense ..........1
PAGE 24 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385