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On 15thof December 34 members and Guestsof AGS at the Lucky Lion took to the course at Las Colinas Golf Course for our final Match on the 2022 season.

The day wasa littlecloudy and cool at times with everyonelooking forward to their game, we did have a shower of rain for a couple of holes but itdidn'tlast long.


The course was in reasonable to goodcondition, andthegreenswere a little slower than expected.

The course played a little difficultIthinkit’s fair to say resulting in no players breaking Par, however we all enjoyed the day.

A Championship Dinner was held at "The View" in the evening where presentations were made both fore this match and for the winners of end of season competition, Champion Golfer, most improved golfer etc

The captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, with the total raised by AGS at the Lucky Lion totalling Euro1558,05 for the current year which will be presented to the charity at Lucky Lion in January.

Match Results

N P in 2, Hole 4 went to Dan Jones

N P Hole 7 went to George Dawidow

N P Hole 10 went to Derek Fleet

N P in 2, Hole 13 went to Wayne Stevenson

N P in 3, Hole 18 went to nobody on the day

All the above won a Euro10 Voucher for Lo Romero Golf Course

The Longest Drive Hole 12 was won by Denis McCormack – bottle of Brandy

The Best Net score Hole 17 was won by Steve Barlow with a net 2 – bottle of Brandy

The Silver Division runner up was Mac McLean with 34 points – Lucky Lion Euro12.50 voucher

The Silver Division, and over all Winner was Wayne Stevenson with 34 points on countback– Lucky Lion Euro 25.00 voucher

The Gold Division runner up was Alan Connell with 31 points – Lucky Lion Euro12.50 voucher

The Gold Division winner was DenisMcCormack with 32 points – Lucky Lion Euro25.00 voucher

The Champion Golfer 2022 was Wayne Stevenson with 185 Championship points from 8 games over the year.

Thank you to our main sponsor "The Lucky Lion" for their support, and all attending members and guests.

We would also like to thank the following committee members who are stepping down after many years of invaluable service. Tony Hall, Sandie Hall and Ian Connell. We wish them well.

Our first fixture of the 2023 season is at La

Finca. Details can be found in the Lucky Lion at La Ronda, or contact our secretary at alfiesgolfsociety@gmail.com as we have limited availability.

Derek Fleet, Captain

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