The Leader in Spain 2 January 23, Edition 952

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Michele Masson, President of Help Vega Baja, has been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to British Nationals in Spain in the New Year Honours List, published on Saturday 31 December 2022.

There are more than 2,000 British Nationals living in the area covered by Help Vega Baja and for many of them the charity has been a lifeline in difficulty times. Since becoming its President in 2015, Michele Masson has steered the charity through the twin challenges of Brexit and COVID, as well as the severe flooding that hit the Vega in September 2019 – providing a source of constant support to the community when they needed it most. More recently, she has corralled the charity’s volunteers to gather supplies of food and clothes for the local Ukrainian association to distribute to the high volume of refugees arriving in Torrevieja.

HMA Hugh Elliott said:

“I know that my colleagues in our Alicante consulate find it hard to imagine the south of the province without Help Vega Baja and, indeed, without Michele. Under her leadership, the charity has become one of our key partners in the region – assisting with complex consular cases and acting as our eyes and ears on the ground. During the pandemic, Michele worked with us on a partnership pilot project to distribute consular funding via food vouchers to vulnerable families whose income had been lost due to COVID restrictions. Michele is a wonderful example of leading by doing and I am delighted that she has been honoured for her work.”

Michele said:

“I am honoured to be awarded the British Empire Medal for services to British Nationals in Spain by his Majesty, King Charles III. The charity world has many challenges, but knowing at the end of each day we have made a difference makes everything we are faced with worthwhile. I extend my appreciation to colleagues, friends and family who support me.? Thank you all.”?

The other UK national named in the New Year Honours List is Beverley Olwyn CORBETT, Trustee, Noah's Ark and community volunteer, Tenerife, Spain who has received an MBE “For services to British Nationals in Spain”.

No 952 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 637 227 385 Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper


Sue and Rod Weedingdesperate to purchase materials for the shelters before price increases


For some months now the rescue centre, based in Rojales, has been working hard on their next project to provide and build shelters on site.

Not only will these provide better facilities for the animals in their care but it is a necessary requirement for the centre to be able to obtain their farm licence which will be a game changer for the future of Easy Horse Care.

Founders Sue and Rod Weeding have

been doing much of the work themselves on building the shelters and this will continue but Sue explains that as the New Year approaches they are reaching a tight deadline. Sue explains: “We have a quote of 16,800€ for all the materials which we have been fundraising for but we have now been informed that building materials are expected to sky rocket in price in 2023 and so we desperately want to get all materials before this happens.”

The urgent plea comes as a generous donator has offered to match any donation made so the couple are hopeful they can raise the money needed soon before prices increase. With materials purchased work can continue on the shelters which will lead to the all important farm licence. “We believe this is the key to everything” said Sue. “When we have this we will be eligible for European grants and the council have said when we do this work we will get

the licence, it’s not pie in the sky it is reality and it is doable and it is getting nearer and nearer to the dream of having a farm licence. When we get that we will be able to rehome some of our horses which currently we are not permitted to do.”

Easy Horse Care is a registered foundation that will be around for many year. “It will be here forever but the farm licence is the final key to everything we have created and will ensure Easy Horse Care and the work we do will remain.”

If you can help in any way, contact them via Or follow us on facebook


On the evening of Sunday, 25th December, the Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community, along with Jewish people all over the world, celebrated the last night of Chanukah.

The large, 8-branched candelabra, otherwise known as a Menorah, is usually lit on the beach at Playa Flamenca but, due to Covid restrictions, this has not happened during the last 3 years. This year, the Menorah was lit in Campoverde. The story of Chanukah commemorates victory of Judas Maccabi over the Greek king, Antiochus in AD167. There was only enough oil in the temple to keep the light burning for one night, but this time it lasted for 8 nights.

For further information about the SCBJC, please look at the website


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16,800€ is the New Year target for Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre. This year the Chanukah celebration was held in Campoverde


The new package to alleviate the costs of the war in Ukraine has been announced by the Spanish Government, setting aside another 10 billion euro in aid.

It was announced by the President, Pedro Sánchez, who appeared from Moncloa to take stock of the legislation of the last six months and to present the new package, which the Government has invested following the Russian invasion, now exceeding 45 billion euro, and which has reduced inflation by four points in the last four months, now standing at 6.6%, the lowest inflation in the Eurozone.

Measures include, the ceiling on rents, which will be extended for another six months, a one-off payment for 200 euro for vulnerable households that earn less than 27,000 euro per year and a reduction of IVA on basic foods.

The reduction in public transport will also be maintained, although the aid of 20 cents for each litre of fuel for everyone is withdrawn, except for specialised sectors.

"With these measures we will protect the middle class and companies from the increase in the cost of living, energy and food," said the president, after holding the last Council of Ministers in 2022.

Sánchez has announced the lowering of IVA tax on basic food, which is added to the extension of the reduction of tax on energy. The reduction will be from 4% to 0% on products such as bread, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits or vegetables, legumes and cereals; and from 10% to 5% for oils and pasta. Meat and fish are not included.

The government will also distribute 300 million in direct aid to farmers due to the increase in the cost of fertilizers. With the measures, the Executive expects the price of food to fall. Sánchez has said that it will be required by law that these government efforts be transferred to the reduction of costs for families, although he has not specified how. He added that the payment of 200 euro will be made through a single payment, and will reach 4.2 million homes.

Another of the areas in which emphasis is placed is housing. The decree extends the suspension of evictions and the release of vulnerable homes for six months and extends the 2% ceiling on rent increases until December 31, 2023 and the prohibition of cutting essential supplies.

Likewise, the 15% increase in the minimum vital income and non-contributory pensions will also be maintained.

In the field of transport, the Government has decided to remove the aid of 20 cents per litre of fuel, now that fuel prices have begun to moderate.

This discount, however, will continue "for the most affected sectors", such as transporters, farmers and fishermen. What will also be maintained is the 30% discount for public transport managed by autonomies (metro) or municipalities (buses).

However the government makes it subject to administrations contributing another 20% so that the discount for users will actually be 50%.

As usual, the new decree has generated tensions in the talks between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos. In fact, the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has held an early meeting with the president to finalise the details. In this sense, the 'purples' have shown their satisfaction with what was approved.

By contrast, the Partido Popular (PP) has said that the decree "falls very short."

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Four hour delay in La Loma Medical Emergency Room

Patients who went to the La Loma health centre on Tuesday seeking emergency medical aid suffered delays of up to 4 hours before they could be treated.

The delays were caused by an especially large influx of patients, caused by the previous day’s closures, 26 and 27 December.

It was something that occurred without the foresight of the reinforcement of personnel in the only 24-hour emergency centre in the city.

According to users, there were only two doctors on duty to take care of emergencies between three in the afternoon and eight in the morning. They were completely overwhelmed by the influx of patients.

The same sources said that there were sufficient admission and nursing staff, but not doctors to meet the demand. Ironically it is this medical centre that continually insists that patients must




resolve such emergencies in primary care without resorting to the Torrevieja University Hospital.

Many patients gave up and ended up going to the Hospital, where they faced another delay, while others returned to their homes.

Sources from the health department said that "Torrevieja health centres were because it was a holiday, only La Loma was open as a Continuous Care Point." The public was informed "by means of informative posters.”

down for personal reasons

Los Montesinos has received subsidies worth 3,153,536.83 euros during 2022, thanks to their requests for 94 subsidies processed from the Valencian Community, according to the Councillor for Economic Development and Development, Ana Belén Juárez. She also confirmed that there a further six grants to be resolved, which could increase the amount by 793,695.46 euros.

She said that the figure is similar to last year in which a total of 3,823,495.60 euros was received, including the aid from the 2019 DANA, but which didn’t arrive until 2021.

Breaking down the figures Belén explained that of the 3,153,536.83 euros received, 2,058,663.18 euros came from the Generalitat Valenciana, 1,043,902.54 euros from the Diputación de Alicante and 50,971.11 euros from the State.

“This year we have only been denied two grants out of the 94 requested”, she said.

Further aid has been received by the Los Montesinos Employment and Local Development Agency has processed aid this year alleviate the COVID and the energy crisis; as well as a number of others for associations. The Council itself has provided direct aid contemplated to CD Montesinos, the Los Montesinos Musical Group and the Aromas de Azahar Choir, in addition to scholarships for displaced students to pursue studies that are not available in the municipality.


At a press conference held on Thursday morning, Patricia Men·rguez, Councillor for the Environment, Sports and Equality, has announced her resignation as a councillor for personal reasons. She was accompanied by the mayoress Carolina Gracia and her PSOE colleagues. Mari Carmen Moreno will assume her responsibilities as a councillor.

Men·rguez, who was clearly upset, said that she had thought long and hard about the matter but that the decision was purely personal.

She said that politics requires "exclusive

availability and that personal situations are changing. I am leaving with the satisfaction of having promoted many things such as the first day of the LGBTBI pride in Orihuela, the Spanish Beach Handball Championship, bringing Orihuela closer to the districts, and the second plan for Equality and bike lanes".

"In just a few months, many issues that had seen no movement were brought forward, something that must be valued."

"It has been an immense honour", to be a councillor for the Orihuela City Council, she indicated. She has said goodbye, very emotionally, with a "See you in Orihuela".

Mayor Carolina Gracia said "it is a moment full of emotion for the PSOE. Patri is a very good colleague, a hard worker and a woman always committed to Orihuela, both in opposition and in government. Circumstances change at a level personal and difficult decisions have to be made to respond to personal needs as well as those of the government team. It is an honest and courageous decision and one that we respect."

Men·rguez's powers are assumed by M™ Carmen Moreno GÛmez, who retired from a position at the Vega Baja de Orihuela Hospital, mainly in the area of outpatient consultations, in 2022.

The Alicante court has sentenced a man to a fine of 1,080 euro, after he was found guilty of selling 'bufo calamita', or natterjack toads, on the internet.

In addition to the fine, the offender is disqualified from exercising any profession and trade related to breeding or trade of wild animals and for hunting and fishing for one year and eight months.

The Police found specimens of toads of the 'bufo calamita' species, also called natterjack toads, on an advertisement website, back in 2017,at a price of 15 euro each.

On raiding the seller's home, in Alicante, they seized 23 amphibians that he had in his possession with the intention of profiting from their sale.

The judge said that he knew that the animal was included in the list of wild species under special protection and in the Spanish catalogue of threatened species.

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r i h u e l a c o u n c i l l o r s t e p s
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Mayor turns ‘blind eye’ at horror pavement

Highlighted by an article in last week’s Leader Newspaper, ‘Torrevieja’s Dangerous Footpaths’, the wall of a private plot runs down the middle of a pavement in Calle Ramón y Cajal, forcing pedestrians to walk on the narrow road.

Problems are also compounded for pedestrians by the positioning of seven refuse contains which reduce the width of the pavement even further, and now the PSOE has denounced the council which, although identifying the real estate company that owns the private plot, it accuses of taking no action because the council and the company are closely linked.

A disciplinary file was opened in 2018 by municipal surveyors but the file has now expired. The socialists have therefore demanded that the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, who failed to respond to the complaint when it was made at the last plenary, order the reopening of the file.

The PSOE alleges that he is acting in consideration of the owners of the plot that

The pavement is barely 40 cm wide in some sections

Repsol and DISA will maintain 10 cents per litre fuel discount

Fuel operators, including Repsol and DISA, have announced that they will continue to offer discounts to individuals who refuel at their service stations through loyalty programs.

This follows the decision by the govt to only extend the 20-cent bonus for professional groups. Repsol and DISA both said that they would maintain a discount of 10 cents per litre.

occupies the pavement, well-known builders from Orihuela. The footpath in question is the most difficult, narrow and impassable pavement in the town centre. It runs parallel to the popular Juan Aparicio promenade and is used daily by dozens of pedestrians, even in winter.

Barely 40 centimetres wide in some sections of Calle Ramón y Cajal, it is also surrounded by a battery of dilapidated containers. Impossible for baby carriages, a wheelchair or personal mobility vehicles forcing users to move onto the road.


Individuls are now able to take advantage of the ‘Second Chance Law’.

The Orihuela Court has cancelled a debt of more than 95,000 euros owed by a pensioner,largely due to the exorbitant interest on the credit cards he used.

This is one of the most publicised cases to be heard in the Province under the socalled Second Chance Law,which enables private citizens to declare themselves bankrupt,in much the same way as companies, that is to say,their debts are cancelled and they can start again with a clean financial bill of health.

Previously,in many cases,such individuals would be paying off their debts until the day they died.

In this case,the person affected is a resident of Orihuela,who in 2007 decided to contract a credit card,according to Antoni Galve,the legal director of Repara tu Deuda Abogados,the law firm that has handled the case.

As was usual at that time,the interest on the card was very high,24%,which caused the amount of the loan to increase rapidly.

As if that were not enough,due to a series of circumstances,in 2012 the man began to receive a disability pension that barely reaches half the minimum recommended income,which reduced his ability to pay and worsened his financial situation.

To try to solve it,he ended up contracting the card to be able to make the payments of his previous outstanding credit,which raised the debt even more until the individual found himself unable to meet the debt that he was

Self-employed must now contribute to social security based on income

Starting 1 Jan 2023, more than three million self-employed workers in Spain are required to contribute to the social security system based on their income, rather than choosing the amount they pay each month.

The change is expected to encourage self-employed individuals to keep their financial records updated and to correct any discrepancies in their contributions throughout the year.

Progress made towards Parc Sagunt II Business Park electric cell factory

The Generalitat in Valencia has taken the first technical step towards the implementation of a gigafactory for manufacturing battery cells for electric vehicles by PowerCo, a group company of Volkswagen, in the Parc Sagunt II business park.

The project is seen as a milestone for the Valencia region and Spain as it will contribute to the development of an industrial and innovative cluster.

carrying and which,by then,already exceeded 95,000 euro.In addition,the man did not have any relevant assets with which to pay or reduce this amount.

It was in May of this year when he contacted Repara tu Deuda and began the procedures to take advantage of the so-called Second Chance Law,a legal opening break that more and more individuals are taking advantage of. After verifying that all the requirements were met,the court has finally exonerated the man from the debt,which had reached the amount of 95,265 euros.

The use of the possibility offered by this law has triggered the number of bankruptcies with 717 applications registered in the last 9 months.

Royal decree approves measures to reduce single use plastic

A royal decree approved by the Council of Ministers in Spain on Tuesday aims to reduce single-use plastic bottles by 20% in 2030 compared to 2022 and encourages the sale of whole fruits and vegetables in bulk or using your containers. The Ministry for Ecological Transition said that the regulation will help achieve new packaging recycling targets for 2025 and 2030.

Spain has lost 16,426 ATMs since the network high point in 2008

ATMs in Spain have been disappearing in recent years due to a variety of factors, including the financial crisis, the consolidation and closure of banks, the digitization of banking, and the decline of cash usage.


Up to 16,426 ATMs have been

lost since the peak of 61,714 in 2008.

Rural areas have been particularly affected by the reduction in the network.

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new applications registered in the last 9 months


AlarcÛn said that at the moment the cameras are still being checked. They are clearly visible and they will remain so. They will not be covered nor camouflaged.

One camera is located at the spot where two pedestrians were killed, while crossing a zebra crossing, in Aug 21

The camera that welcomes drivers from the CV-95 and La Veleta in Desiderio RodrÌguez, and those motorists who are driving out of the town centre toward the hospital, is located at the pedestrian crossing where the last tragic accident occurred in August 2021, resulting in

the deaths of two pedestrians who were on a zebra crossing.

Days later, new light signals were located and now the radar completes the measures installed to avoid accidents.

The speed limit in these sections will be 50 kilometres per hour and the fine will be raised directly by Suma GestiÛn Tributaria. At the moment, vertical signage limit speed to 40 kilometres per hour.

Three new speed cameras with fixed radars have been erected by the city council on las avenidas Cortes Valencianas, Desiderio RodrÌguez y Gregorio MaraÒÛn at a cost of 60,000 euros. The roads in question have seen a number of serious accidents in recent years involving vehicles and pedestrians.

The Councillor for Safety and Traffic, Federico AlarcÛn, said that they are part of the municipal strategy to try to reduce the average speed of traffic along those sections of roadway that are characterised by being long straight lines within the town centre, and where drivers, as the Local Police have confirmed, are beginning to increase their speed.

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Superman can fly, Batman has a great car

We all want to be recognised for our unique individual qualities, whether they be our singing voices (you, I suspect) or our flawless driving skills (me, without a doubt.) Comparisons can be odious when they take into account how seldom we have won Wimbledon or become lottery millionaires.

One 'serious' journal not long ago even tried to compare 'modern catastrophes.' They asked their readers to grade them in ascending order, beginning with Chernobyl, which certainly ascended. I think we could all go at least one step further than that now.

Annoyed by the jeers of Dr Johnson against his country, a Scotsman once asked him, "Do you not realise that God made Scotland?" To which Johnson replied, "Yes, sir, but remember he made it for Scotsmen." Nicola Sturgeon would probably agree with that.

All that glitters is not gold, as we are reminded in The Merchant Of Venice, but diamonds are forever, so Shirley Bassey claims in the film of the same name. Who to believe, Billy Shakespeare or Cubby Broccoli, it's a close-run thing.

And so it has gone with pandemics and vaccines. We were only too delighted initially to be served up our first vaccine on a platelet, but once others arrived, the inevitable competition began, as the merits of the various types were debated.

Was old-school Oxford preferable to redbrick Moderna, barely out of the cellophane? Why was Pfizer kept in freezers?

(And why isn't it now?) Were two helpings of one vaccine really better than one helping of a second one, or the other way round? I began to wish I had studied

Orihuela Approves Coexistence Project

The Orihuela council has approved the Citizen Coexistence Ordinance project, which serves as a tool for Local Police officers in resolving citizen conflicts.

A period is now open for the municipal groups to present amendments.

The Ordinance contemplates issues such as attacks against a person’s dignity, the placement of posters in unauthorised places degrading the environment, unauthorised street commerce, improper use of public space, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and begging.

Murcia Leaders in Cybercrime

The Region of Murcia is the Spanish community in which cybercrime grew the most between January and September 2022, with an increase of 163.5% compared to the same period in 2019.

The Region was the autonomy in which the State Security Forces and Bodies investigated a greater number of crimes committed through the Internet, followed by Extremadura (+144.2%), Cantabria (+132.7%), Asturias (128.7%), La Rioja (127.1%) and Castilla y León (+111.1%).

arithmetic at university after all. And by the way, can you come down with the Delta variant if you live high in the mountains, far from the mouth of a river? It might be diplomatic to avoid serenading an inamorata with the song "Delta Lady," from now on, even if her balcony window is open.

Comparisons may be odious, but they aren't always easy. I don't really know anything about women, for example, so I have nothing to compare them with.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" wouldn't really be much of a compliment in Manchester, a.k.a. the "Rainy City." And to those who say that beauty is only skin deep, I would retort that fortunately

vaccination goes deeper than that, and my Anthem to Vaccine would be, "I've Got You Under My Skin..." But I'm not known for my singing voice, although it's probably better than my driving skills nowadays. And my tennis serve. We all have our heroes, of course, and we don't like them being compared unfavourably with those of other people. I leave the last word on that subject to grandson A, describing his comic book collection to grandson B, with the withering comment, "My superheroes are better than your superheroes." And you can't say fairer than that, can you? Although grandson B did issue a stinging rebuttal: "No, they're not!"

Arcade Fraudsters Arrested

Officers from the National Police have arrested two men in Elche for defrauding the owner of several gaming rooms out of 169,000 euro in cash. The detainees, both aged 23, were workers in the arcades, and took advantage of their positions to carry out their scam in which, for months, they made duplicate cash refund receipts enabling them to withdraw from the cash vending machines the same amount of money that the clients had withdrawn.

Food bank charity denied site by Torrevieja Council

The NGO Adenis has an agreement with the Alicante Food Bank to distribute 3,200 kilos of monthly aid to 50 beneficiaries, all families, however it is unable to meet the growing demand following the refusal of social assistance from the City Council to provide it with a support location.

Adenis currently distributes non-perishable food from its headquarters: a small holiday home in the San Luis urbanization, far from the town centre, which is inaccessible for many beneficiaries due to the distance and the cost of transportation.

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Modern catastrophe
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 SOLD SOLD

Silence please …

There I was driving along in my little dog-catcher van and listening to the News at One on the radio. I always like to catch the news so as to be able to impress the first person I meet at the other end with my knowledge of current affairs. (No, they are different affairs, Lads.)

As the news finished I must have been distracted by something like attention to driving, because before I knew it, the first caller to Joe Duffy’s ‘Whinetime’ was through. Instinctively I Stabbed frantically at button #2 to get away from somebody who was objecting to not being allowed take their Alsatian adult dancing.

Nothing to engage me on the next channel, or the one after that. After hitting five buttons the realisation dawned on me that the best button at that point was the little one above the others with a wee red spot; the ‘off’ button. And so it came to pass that for the remainder of my drive, I cruised along, taking note of the enchanting countryside – and all in blissful peace and silence.

If you think about it, silence is a

scarce commodity in today’s world; so much so that some people cannot function without background noise or music (often one and the same thing!) Some intrusive noises we have no control over, but some of it, like radio and recorded music we have control over – by using a similar little ‘off button’ like the one in my van.

Most of us like music, but it is sometimes just so soothing on the brain to experience the restfulness of total silence –especially in your own home. Even here, it isn’t easy to obtain complete silence. You think there is no sound in the house until you hear the silence of a power cut. That is real silence and you immediately notice the difference …

So isn’t it funny that an absence of sound would suggest emptiness, but in fact the opposite is the case. Silence adds a fullness to mind, body and spirit. It improves concentration, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the brain, helps you sleep better due to its calming effect – as well as numerous other health benefits.

I do a fair bit of walking. A lot of the people I meet on our strides have ear-phones stuck to their head.

I am not knocking these people if the bit of music to the ear is what drives them on, but they lose out on the stimulation of the ordinary

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

world around them and seeing things close up. I only use earphones if there is occasionally an important match to be kept in touch with, or something big anticipated on the news.

Our subconscious clicks in when we clear the head through silence. I have often solved a problem when the answer came without any effort on a quite country walk. Most of the ideas for these columns come about in a similar fashion. Many people are so used to background noise that they cannot function without it.

As a kid I remember my cousin coming each year to spend the Summer with us. I was highly amused by the fact that Shawn couldn’t sleep at night for the first week because the place was so quiet!

If you are like my cousin, I would suggest that you start by giving yourself just a few minutes of silence every day and increase the duration over time. Learning to become quiet stores energy in the human battery, reduces stress and saves expending unnecessary vitality. Periods of silence not only rest the brain, but can lead to physical healing as well. The body needs relaxation in order to heal itself. When you are under stress, your body’s repair mechanism is disabled.

Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.

When you cultivate silence and stillness, the soothing effect on your brain will instruct your body to relax as well. It may take time to


GARDEN FELIX - Rosette ‘Ghost’ Plant

Graptopetalum - ghost plant - is a succulent that develops a rosette shape stem which may trail or hang, occasionally flowering in spring to summer, with little yellow blooms.

Their thick, fleshy leaves and stems hold excess moisture, so the plant can withstand long periods without rain.

They have beautiful silvery grey to bluish green foliage that has a pinkish tinge to the edges of leaves, when young. However, the plants have colour changing abilities.In full sun, the best location, they will have yellowish pink, pearlescent, and slightly translucent colours.

They will also grow in partial sun, with slightly leggy results.

Those grown in punishing heat turn grey, with pink overtones.Grown in partial shade they produce bluish-grey tones.

The plant grows from the centre of the rosette, which can give a mature leggy appearance, easily fixed by pinching

develop the habit of silence, but it is well worth trying it. Going to school in Johnstown, we learned of ancient Irish monks who took vows of silence and sometimes the reason why. I don’t know if there are any religious orders still taking such vows, but certainly there are loads of examples of what one might term ‘vows of partial silence.’ When today’s monk takes a vow of silence, it usually means abstinence from speech for specific

times of the day, although it could go on generally for a few days.

It is also claimed that keeping silent helps develop stronger will power. I don’t need that one – because I have given up all I’m going to give up!


Some of us learned many years ago that the only substitute for intelligence is to keep your mouth shut.

The stems are fairly brittle and detach easily, but don't worry as it reproduces itself.Any rosette that breaks off has the potential to root and start a new plant. Even a leaf that drops off will root below the parent plant and produce a new rosette quickly.The new plant will feed off the leaf, until it shrivels up and falls off, by then the new plant will have rooted and sprouted new leaves.

They thrive in a mixture of peat, sand, or other grit, topsoil and a little bit of compost that has excellent drainage, with moderate water.

If the fleshy leaves are looking shrivelled, water, but be careful as overwatering is the main cause of root rot and pest infestations.

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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Iberdrola and Burger King install 26 electric charging points

Iberdrola and Burger King have installed 50 charging points for electric vehicles, 26 of them in the province of Alicante, in the company’s car parks in the Valencian Community.

These are facilities that have 50 kilowatt (kW) power chargers and are available to users 24 hours a day.

There are currently 30 charging places available in the Alicante province with a further 20 parking spaces to be installed in Alcoy, Dénia (Las Marinas) and Torrevieja, in Alicante, and Alzira, Manises, Ontinyent and Xàtiva in Valencia.

Govt vows increase to police protection as gender violence rises

The Spanish govt has vowed to increase police protection for victims of domestic violence after at least nine women were killed by their partners or former partners in December.

This figure makes it the deadliest month with respect to gender violence.

The time has come to say 'enough',"

Interior Minister Fernando GrandeMarlaska said.

Covid-19 pandemic triggers surge in shingles cases

The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a surge in cases of herpes zoster among Spaniards.

This is more commonly known as shingles.

According to experts, new cases have grown between 10 and 20% compared to previous years.

It is a kind of skin infection that includes a painful, red rash that appears as a single stripe.

Spain has granted temporary protection to over 160k Ukrainian refugees in 2022

Spanish authorities have granted temporary protection to over 160,000 Ukrainian refugees since Russia invaded Ukraine at the beginning of this year.

According to a govt press release, between 10 Mar and 28 Dec,160,756 refugees were granted protection. Temporary protection was first activated for the refugees from Ukraine in March.

Spain ends 2022 with lowest price of electricity in Europe

Spain has ended the year 2022 with the lowest price of electricity in whole of Europe.

The price of electricity in the wholesale market plummeted to 5.47 euros per megawatt hour (MWh) on 30 Dec, which represents a decrease of 66.13% compared to the previous day.

Apanee Torrevieja E1,500 gift and cuddly toys at Christmas!

Apanee Torrevieja benefitted by e1,500 and cuddly toys at Christmas thanks to the generosity of many generous donations.

"Apanee keep adding to the new school classroom. It's truly an amazing place. We just wish our kids and family at APANEE a very amazing Merry Christmas and Happy New Year," said fundraiser Casey Shaddock (pictured, centre).

"Most of all we have to say thank you to all that supported our cause, without you it just would not happen.

"Mark, John, Jayne, Lee and Ann, Katherine, Sam, Nigel and Linda, Karen, Sandy and Jamie, Darren and Lou, Louise, Jayne, Lindsey, Sophie, Dee, Sheila, Lucy and Help at Home, you guys are simply the best.

"Thank you from deep inside. Maria Taleca, thank you and all at Apanee for what you do for these kids!," added Casey.


“We must take good care of our pets and not abandon them after Christmas”

Luis Quesada,Councillor for Health, explained that this campaign aims to "raise awareness among the population, precisely on the dates in which we are and that is when children demand it the most as a gift,that they are not a toy,that they feel and they suffer just like a person and therefore,we must take good care of them and not abandon them”.

This is the lowest figure recorded in Spain since February 2021.

The Department of Health of the Orihuela City Council has launched an awareness campaign entitled “Los animales no son regalos” ("Animals are not gifts") on the occasion of the Christmas holidays to make the population aware that an animal is not a gift and promote,in turn,their adoption.

The campaign is disseminated through posters installed on billboards in the city and on social networks,with images of various animals accompanied by phrases such as "Their main objective is to love you,what is yours?","His life depends on you",“Giving up is never an option” and “Animals are not gifts.Don't buy animals, adopt."

In this sense,the Councillor for Health is committed to adopting instead of buying animals and has informed that those who are interested in adopting "can contact the animal protection centre managed by Asoka,by sending an email to,the process will begin with a prior appointment in which the situation of the family and the type of animal requested are analysed in order to choose the one that best suits their needs. After a week of pre-adaptation and if the result is positive for both parties,the adoption will become effective.It must be taken into account that a minimum of 1,000 animals pass through this centre each year”.

Likewise,there is the option of being a foster family for animals that are either going through a recovery process after surgery or treatment or that are waiting to be adopted.

PAGE 12 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Casey presenting the donation at APANEE

San Jose Orphanage, Orihuela, has benefitted from almost Ä7,000 raised by a plethora of people's donations during 2022 that has gone towards a number of jobs including lowering their premises ceilings to improve heating.

At the forefront of raising funds is entertainer Stevie Spit BEM and his long time associate Eileen Gleave.

"Over the year we have managed to find Ä6,935.00 for the kids,

which has paid to lower some of their ceilings.

"Work undertaken also includes installation of ceiling lights, revamping 50% of the six mini- kitchens in the childrens quarters, and installation of new doors," said Stevie.

"There are so many people to thank. Nanny - Eileen Gleavewho works tirelessly selling raffle tickets to raise money," said Stevie, after helping the Orphanage, one of his many projects undertaken.

"Thanks also go to Chris Hanson, Anne, from the shop and Sarah Frapple. Lilly, Eamon and The Lynch Family and Sean," who visited the Orphanage with Leroy Morales.

"Marie and the Los Alcazares Group, Campoverde Theatre Group. Sue. Yolo, The Emerald Isle, The London Tavern, Roda Golf, Vista Lounge, Legends, Leeson St, Evolutions, Audrey, Baz, and my wee Linda. BT15.

"Thanks also go to The Jersey Boys Experience and all the entertainers who have been so wonderful," said Stevie.


Los Montesinos - La Herrada

2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
7 , 0 0 0 e B O O S
E79,995 Tel:
634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel:
770 234 0744.
One of the six revamped kitchens



ANSWERS Week 951



Across: 7 Expropriation; 8 Prisoner; 9 Eyed; 10 Kidnap; 12 Inside; 14 Render; 16 Gossip; 18 Fret; 20 Lacerate; 22 Inquisitively.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Exercise; 2 Arisen; 3 Span; 4 Piercing; 5 Stress; 6 Pole; 11 Paralyse; 13 Daintily; 15 Detour; 17 Strive; 19 Rung; 21 Cite.



6.Slow (7)

7.Worship (5)

9.Also (3)

10.Nature (9)

12.Establishment (11)

15.Fraternity (11)

17.Clot (9)

19.Tenanted (3)

21.Trivial (5)

22.Bravery (7)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


1.Incorrect (5)

2.Append (3)

3.Hasty (4)

4.Training (9)

5.Liberty (7)

8.Scoundrel (6)

11.Incite (9)

13.Threefold (6)

14.Awry (7)

16.Edge (5)

18.Implement (4)

20.Endeavour (3)

ACROSS: 7 Closing speech; 8 Probable; 9 Owns; 10 Rubens; 12 Bigamy; 14 Odds-on; 16 Expert; 18 Eden; 20 Hyacinth; 22 Free admission.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 All-round; 2 Usable; 3 Snub; 4 Assemble; 5 Belong; 6 Icon; 11 Sunshade; 13 Marathon; 15 Singer; 17 Priest; 19 Dare; 21 Axis.

6.Extravagant poet (7)

7.Nothing is as it should be (5)

9.Bring back a jewel for the girl (3)

10.Have to rely, perhaps, on 2 pints every three months (9)

12.Did Sara Peep somehow as it vanished (11)

15.P.S. Dr. can soon reveal both sides (4,3,4)

17.Interpret art seen back at Len's place (9)

19.Article discovered in Catherine's possession (3)

21.Anumber sleep on the first night (5)

22.Entails translation to make it conspicuous (7)


1.Chose to reorganise the depot (5)

2.Some undrinkable liquid (3)

3.Some numbers featured on the list (4)

4.Monarch with distinctive legs (5,4)

5.Football team go to church on the Spanish main (7)

8.Subject has right to be Cancer or Capricorn (6)

11.One unable to conform with the ends, tries to reform (9)

13.Man giving a service to the elderly (6)

14.Ref has right position in the box to see an Uncle Remus character (4,3)

16.Chain letters sent to Peking (5)

18.Kate orders new wood (4)

20.Refuse collector's gratuity (3)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. Which Bobby's were mad about Frank Sinatra in the 1940s?

2. Kim Clijsters in 2009 became the second mother since 1980 to win a Grand Slam singles title. The other mother, famous for her lapses in concentration, won the Wimbledon singles title in 1980. What was her name?

3. Which famous duo first appeared in "Puss n Toots" in 1942

4. In which country is the most northerly point in Africa?

5. What kind of food plays a role in the demise of Captain Queeg in the film 'The Caine Mutiny'?

6. In which (European) country did the Ayatollah Khomeini spend his last years of exile before returning to Iran?

7. How many spikes are there on the toe of a standard golf shoe?

8. Named after a Scottish Royal Navy officer, what is the largest community in the Antarctic called?

9. How many suspects are there in a game of Cluedo? Name all of them.

10. A diacritic is a character added above, within or after letters in written language. Examples include the comma,

full stop and accents. Draw each of the following diacritics: a: Circumflex, b: Caron, c: Tilde, d: Macron, e: Diaeresis

11. Which was the last animated film on which Walt Disney worked?

12. In which cities will you find the following airports: a: Dyce, b: O'Hare, c: Schipol, d: John Wayne? e: Woodford

13. The longest strait in the world is also a haven for pirates. What is the name of this pirate infested strait?

14. What are the first names for each of the following famous drummers from the 60s and 70s? a. Helm, b. Mitchell, c. Keltner, d. Baker, e. York

15. What is the world's longest railway line, and between which two cities does it run?

16. Which country lies on the northern shore of the Straits of Hormuz?

17. In which films did Sir Laurence Olivier play the following roles? a. Ezra Lieberman, b. Mahdi, c. Marcus Licinius Crassus, d. Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, e. Dr Christian Szell, f. Rudolf Hess

18. Name the two largest islands in Asia.

19. In book and film, what was Sir Percy Blakeney's more colourful identity?

20. Which group starred in the movie "Rock Around the Clock"?

PAGE 14 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Torrevieja Launches Photography Competition to promote Breastfeeding

The competition aims to normalise and promote breastfeeding, through photography

The Torrevieja Health Department has organised a Breastfeeding Photography Contest, with the aim of normalising and promoting breastfeeding, through photography, showing images of mothers breastfeeding their children.

Breastfeeding is the best food that a mother can offer to her child, the campaign says. Though may have been affected in recent times, as a result of multiple social factors, health, economic and cultural. With this contest, the aim is to normalise and promote breastfeeding, through photography, showing images of mothers breastfeeding their children.

Anybody of legal age can participate, any nationality or status, but professional photog-

raphers are excluded.

Each participant may present a maximum of two photographs.

It is important to be the owner of intellectual rights of photographs presented.

The photographs submitted must reflect different everyday situations in which mothers appear breastfeeding their children. They must be sent in jpg digital format, with a maximum size of 5 Mb and a resolution of 300dpi each.

To enter, send your photos by email to: with name and surname of the entrant, telephone contact and contact email.

The deadline for submission is Jan 24.

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www.

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers.

We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

The Meetings of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch are held at 7 for 7.30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. However, due to closure there will be no meeting in Jan. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.

The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl.


Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We

need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:

Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Mike Cockman 670 224 822 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite

PAGE 16 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023

Costas requires guarantee to access of Punta Prima archaeological remains

As construction work continues,the Coastal Authority is demanding an update from the Torrevieja council on the situation regarding the archaeological remains of the 19th century police barracks and the air raid shelter dating from the Spanish Civil War, which are under the foundations of one of the five buildings that are currently being built,but whose license was authorised only on the condition of the creation of a suitable museum.

Four of the five towers,which will house 252 new apartments,are currently under construction.They are being built on the southern edge of Torrevieja,the last free coastal stretch of undeveloped land on the border with the Oriolano municipality.

The area,of about 20,000 square meters and with a 300-metre sea frontage,is a controversial urban

project that began to be processed during the previous mandate,but that was halted in 2017 when it began to affect the old police barracks and the Civil War anti-aircraft shelter.

In 2018,the rubble was removed and the accesses were sealed to prevent the deterioration of the archaeological complex,although since then no further action has been taken on the remains that are still abandoned.

In 2019 the building license was conditioned to include an archaeological study,as well as well as the protection and enhancement of the site to establish it as a museum.

Now that the site is under development,the council is being asked to send new documentation to Costas on the measures that will be taken to guarantee the security of the area.

Three of the World’s best villages are in Spain

Three Spanish villages have been selected among the best world tourism villages by UNWTO, with Rupit in Catalunya being listed 26th, Alquézar in the province of Huesca is at 27, and Guadalupe, situated in the community of Extremadura is 28th.

Unfortunately all of them are over 600 km from the Costa Blanca so any potential visits would each have to be planned over a couple or more days. This would be no bad thing, however, as each is described as being an outstanding example of a rural tourism destination with accredited cultural and natural assets that preserve and promote rural and communitybased values, products, and lifestyle with a clear commitment to innovation and sustainability in all its aspects – economic, social and environmental,

The village of Rupit is of medieval origin and is considered to be one of the jewels of Catalonia in Spain. It preserves baroque buildings from the 17th century and is surrounded by the Rupit stream, lush forests, caves, prehistoric tombs, waterfalls, and miles of cliffs. Strolling aimlessly and discovering its nooks and crannies is like travelling four or five centuries back in time, on a journey which enables you to witness the true essence of local tradition.

Alquézar, on the other hand, is a historic-artistic site since 1980 and has the status of a World Heritage site by UNESCO. Its name originates from the Arabic words al qaçr, meaning “for fort”.

Being part of the Sierra y Cañones de Guara Natural Park, Alquézar is also an ideal destination to enjoy nature, adventure sports (hiking, climbing, canyoning...) and rock art . If you want to discover the beautiful corners of the Vero River as it passes through the

Little is known about the role of the Punta Prima Antiaircraft Battery during the civil war although,faced with the repeated lighting of night lights by the local civilian population,the Commanding Officer of the Punta Prima anti-aircraft batteries sent a letter to the mayor instructing the local authority to warn it’s residents to refrain from lighting lights,some of which could be seen from the sea,since they could give away the whereabouts of the battery to an enemy ship. Information about both the police barracks and the anti-aircraft have been published in the magazine "History and cultural heritage notebooks of Bajo Segura"in an article outlines details of the historical complex that is now depleted by construction,and which deserves to be better respected by the local population.

The village of Rupit is of medieval origin & considered to be one of the jewels of Catalonia

town, you can walk the simple route of the Alquézar footbridges

And last, but no less important, is the village of Guadalupe, which can be accessed only through mountainous roads. It has several recognised cultural spots such as the world heritage site, the Royal Monastery of Guadalupe, Villuercas Ibores Geopark Jara or The Pilgrimage Paths to Guadeloupe, The Well of the Snow of Guadalupe, Los Molinos, Aceñas, etc.

In 2017, Guadalupe received the award the “Most Beautiful Christmas Town in Spain” from Ferrero Rocher which chose to celebrate it’s 30th anniversary ‘Great Festival of Light’ in the town.

The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) took into consideration 136 villages in its 57 Member States, each of which was eligible to nominate a maximum of three villages. It subsequently selected a total of 32 villages in 18 countries, across five world regions. It was notable that all 3 of Spain’s nominated villages were placed in the top thirty.

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These historical remains deserve to be better respected by the local population

Health has administered almost 13 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine in the Valencian Community.

With over two years passing since the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 began, more than half of those over 60 years of age have already received booster doses

Almost 9 out of 10 people (more than 4.5 million people) now have the complete regimen in the Valencian Community Health has also enabled vaccination points where a second booster can be received without an appointment during the Christmas holidays.

By provinces, the people with a complete dosage are 1,662,138 from Alicante, 533,676 from Castellón and the remaining 2,347,708 from the province of Valencia. In relative terms, this data means that almost 9 out of 10 people (87% exactly) have the complete vaccination schedule against the coronavirus in the Valencian Community.

To reach this level of vaccination coverage, 12,615,102 doses of the vaccine have been administered: 4,629,606 in the province of Alicante, 1,476,849 in Castellón and another 6,508,647 in Valencia.

More than half of the people aged 60 or over have received booster doses in the Valencian Community: 513,400 in the

The focus is now on the second booster vaccination

Five more solar farms for Laguna de La Mata

Almost 13 million doses of the coronavirus

vaccine administered

province of Alicante, 155,563 in Castellón and 685,408 in the province of Valencia.

The figures are even higher among residents of senior centers and social health centers, with the highest coverage of all age groups, 93.24%.


Members of the Alicante Provincial Fire Department Consortium have rescued a fisherman who was injured in the Port of Torrevieja.

The events occurred on Christmas Eve, when the firefighters came to the aid of a fisherman who was at the tip of the breakwater in the port of Torrevieja and had fallen into the sea. Although the man was able to return to the rockery, he had suffered injuries to his legs, hips and head, for which he needed the help of the firefighters to be rescued.

Subsequently, he was treated by medics, reports the Consortium.

The Rain in Spain............

The focus is now on the second booster dose, while continuing to offer new vaccination opportunities to those who, for whatever reason, have not yet started the process or are waiting to receive a dose.

The fisherman had suffered injuries to his legs, hips and head

Five new solar farms are being considered for placement in the surrounds of the Lagunas de La Mata and Torrevieja Natural Park, as well as the Hoyo Serrano and area later this year.

About to be put on public display, the plants are "Pedrera solar" (13 hectares), "Serrata solar" (12) and "Abanilla solar" (5) -all of them in Algorfa-, as well as "Torrevieja" (8, 3) and "Los Montesinos" (11.2), which are added to those that have already passed the public information process: "La Juliana 1 and 2" (62.4 hectares), "Lo Capitán" (13.5 ) and Casteles (5.5).

In total, there are nine plants in the same area: the eight above that require authorisation from the Generalitat plus "Vega del Segura" (270 hectares), which is under state jurisdiction.

In just one month, seven new planning requests have been submitted in Vega Baja taking the number of projects from 25 to 32.

The national average value of accumulated rainfall from the beginning of the hydrological year (October 1,2022) to December 22 is estimated at 219 l/m 2,which represents around 6% more than the normal value corresponding to said period (206 l/m 2).

The accumulated amounts are below their normal values in the Cantabrian coast,Catalonia,in most of Andalusia, the east of Valencia and Alicante,the Canary Islands and the western part of the Balearic Islands.

On the other hand,the normal values for the period 19812010 are exceeded in a large part of the interior and western third of the peninsula,Aragon,Castellón,eastern Mallorca and Menorca.

Particularly noteworthy are areas in the interior of Cuenca, in the Sierra de Gredos and in the northwest of Badajoz where these normal amounts are doubled.

Virtually all of the planning applications will be contested by a variety of environmental and neighbourhood groups, so at this stage none are a foregone conclusion.

The Orihuela City Council is objecting against the Torremendo and Sierra Escalona solar plant since "it irreparably affects the town". They say it will mean the occupation of 361,236 square meters in the northwest of the district, directly affecting urban planning, its development and growth, and even invading urban land to the extent that it is adjacent to some of the streets.

More than 500 signatures objecting to the project have already been collected by local residents.

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

When a close friend or a family member dies, the last thing you need is the worry of complex regulations and the red-tape of a Spanish funeral. At such a difficult time could you or your family cope with organising a funeral in Spain?

If not you need look no further than PF Samper, a third generation independent family funeral director, based in Pilar de la Horadada.

We know that the death of a loved one is a difficult experience, one that all of us are likely to experience during our lifetime, and when mourning the loss of a friend or a family member, the very last thing you want to think about is the planning of a funeral, a fact that is considerately recognised by Francisca, a long time supporter of The Royal British Legion, who has been helping the expat community from her family run business in Pilar for over 25 years.

“At PF Samper”, she says, “we aim to provide only the highest level of personal attention as we ease this process for you and your family. We will take expert care and provide due consideration to ensure that your loved one gets an appropriate and caring farewell, whilst making the funeral planning process is as painless as possible”.

“We will arrange a dedicated funeral service that will provide you and your family with full value, without compromise, a service that is designed to show respect, whilst still maintaining the dignity, the values and traditions so cherished by those who we serve”.

“We will also ensure that every life tribute is distinctive, personal and affordable, in honouring to the full a life that has been lived”.

In ensuring a 24 hour service, throughout the entire province of Alicante and North Western Murcia, PF Samper can be providing you with that care and support within an extremely short space of time. Francisca will immediately respond to your call and while you are able to grieve with dignity she will quickly take charge of all the initial arrangements.

“If you have a previously organised funeral plan we will

Would you want to cope with organising a funeral here in Spain

Francisca has been providing dignified services to members of the expat community for over 20 years

do not be pressurised into signing any papers”.

“This is particularly important” she says “when the deceased has passed away in hospital, many of which have their own preferred agents.”

Ultimately, of course, it’s all about trust and peace of mind, something of which you can be assured when dealing with the multilingual Francisca or her British assistant, Paul.

The company has its own private chapel of rest, mortuary and crematorium in Pilar de la Horadada although the service can be organised by PF Samper at any church that the family wishes to use across the entire province of Alicante and North Western Murcia. Ministers, flowers and transport can also be organised by Francisca and her team which will also take care of all documentation and certificates.

Likewise the arrangements can be made, regardless of faith, and they can also be made to suit the time frame of the family concerned, allowing mourners to fly in from abroad, if that is what is required.

Whether the service takes place the following day or a week later,, unlike many other funeral directors, there is no extra charge.

closely liaise with your provider but if you are without such an agreement we will make all the necessary arrangements for you, and unlike many similar companies here in Spain we will not demand any payment in advance”.

The body of the deceased will be prepared to lie in repose in our own private chapel, as detailed arrangements, with either you or your family, can then be left to a more appropriate time.

One aspect that Francisca does warn of are the varying conditions applied by different funeral directors and Tanatorias. “Whichever company you use you must always make sure that you are completely satisfied with the costs and the arrangements, and if in any doubt

Following cremation the urn will be delivered when required, and in the proper traditions of a genuinely family run business, details regarding payment can be made at a later date.

Francisca says, “Our job consists of making sure that the families remember the day of the funeral as a very special occasion and that the loved one who has passed away is provided with the esteem and the respect that every person deserves.

Though the life is ended we want to make sure that the memory can linger on”.

PAGE 20 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Francisca’s Private Chapel of Rest in Pilar de la Horadada

Happy New Year A

t this time of the year itís difficult to know what to say without offending someone.

So weíve checked with our legal adviser and on his advice we wish to say the following to all readers, friends and colleagues.

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practised with the most enjoyable traditions of religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practise religious or secular traditions at all.

Province says goodbye to 2022 in short sleeves

In short sleeves and on the beach, as the year came to an end in the Alicante Province. This was how many people said goodbye to 2022 with more than pleasant temperatures, inappropriate for the time of the year, well in excess of twenty degrees, with the Climatology Laboratory of the University of Alicante confirming figures that are well above the average for recent years.

" We appear to be witnessing fewer and fewer cold spells at Christmas," says climatologist Jorge Olcina, who said that "the end-of-year temperatures over the last two years are between five and six degrees above the average maximum temperature for December in the Alicante Province".

The data confirms what we all know of course, a sensation shared by the people of Alicante where coats, at least during the day, became an accessory, carried in the back of the car, ‘just in case’.

Heartbreaking plea for missing dog in Almoradi

A heartfelt plea has been made for a family dog that has gone missing in Almoradi.

"It’s been heartbreaking," owner Leisa Geddes told The Leader. The dog, called Bobby, is micro chipped and went missing from the Almoradi campo area: "Bobby could be anywhere by now," said worried Leisa.

We also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2023 but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures, and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

The year 2022 has seen one of the highest temperatures in the last week of the year in Alicante , close to 22 degrees (21.6), which has only been exceeded on three previous occasions (2015, with 22 .2 degrees; in 2017, with 23 degrees, and in 2021, with 23.9 degrees), temperatures that are far removed from the coldest year in recent times in the Alicante capital, where, in 2013 the mer-

cury was below 15 degrees.

As Olcina points out, "in the last ten years there has been a tendency towards a predominance of anticyclonic situations with maximum temperatures above the average". "This has a clearly positive effect on tourist activity in the province," he added, alluding to the sector that benefits the most when temperatures are pleasant.

Historically, according to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), the


The Local Police in Torrevieja received an alert from a witness who had seen two cats jump or fall from the eighth floor of an apartment block in La Mata, Torrevieja.

A police patrol immediately attended, accompanied

Torrevieja deputy mayor resigns on opening of corruption investigation

CARMEN GÓMEZ, the second deputy mayor and councillor for Urban Cleaning, has announced her resignation as councillor in the PP government, as a consequence of two judicial cases that are investigating irregularities in her management.

Gómez, who was also the Parks and Gardens councillor, made the announcement at a press appearance together with the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, last week

Anti- Corruption Prosecutor, Pablo Romero, accuses Gómez of administrative prevarication and requests a sentence of 12 years of disqualification from holding public office.

In addition, the councillor is involved in another legal proceeding in which she is being investigated for ordering construction material to the value of 180,000 euros for the construction of a park in La Siesta, without a contract. In this case, the Public Ministry is asking for a penalty of another 11 years of disqualification from holding public office.

Gómez has been a councillor on the Torrevieja City Council

for almost twelve years: between 2011 and 2015 in the first government of Eduardo Dolón, later in the opposition and now as one of the fundamental pillars of the government management, in Personal, Urban Cleaning and Parks and Gardens.

mercury reached 23.6 degrees at the end of the year in 1996. On New Years Day, however, we saw a maximum of 21 degrees and a minimum of ten degrees, temperatures that they would ‘cry out for’ in the UK and Ireland. Unfortunately though, it will now start to go downhill as, in general, temperatures are expected to drop gradually at the start of 2023, up to a 17 maximum and 6 minimum forecast for the night of The Three Kings.

by fire and rescue teams, where they located the cats. One of them was on one of the terraces of the building and was immediately collected and taken to the veterinary clinic, but the second cat had become trapped in a gap between two walls.

The fire crews carefully dismantled the wall, brick by brick, and located the cat seemingly unharmed, before he too was taken for a thorough examination.

"He’s a medium size dog, with a skinny body and short rough haired coat. If you see him please call him, he will 100% respond to his name and go to you," added Leisa.

"Bobby is a 'lockdown' puppy, nearly three-year-old. He was my first puppy.

"I’ve always had rescue dogs and the youngest was 6 months, until we got Bobby.

"He is such a clever dog and has always been really well behaved. Never had to clean up any mess from him, even when he was a tiny puppy.

Someone has reported seeing Bobby by the lake in San Luis: "A dog ran up to her and nudged her, then just stood back. She didn’t know he was missing, otherwise would have taken him.

If you have any information about missing Bobby please telephone Leisa on 649 179 122.

Appearing excited and nervous, she that her decision to resign as a councillor is exclusively personal and that no one has pressured her to do so. In addition to thanking the mayor, her colleagues in the local government and various officials, she said " I arrived like a lady and I'm leaving like a lady. With my head held high".

Gómez, is the fourth Torrevieja councillor to resign her position for being involved in a legal case linked to her management since 2011.

Daniel Plaza and Francisco Moreno did so during the first term of Eduardo Dolón 2011-2015, and during the previous term, the PSOE councillor, Africa Celdrán also had to resign.

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023
La Glea Beach, New Year’s Eve


Atletico 2-0 Elche

Seven yellow cards and three red cards tells the story of the match as Atletico Madrid made a winning return following the World Cup break to beat Elche 2-0 in La Liga.

Joao Felix,who has been linked with a move to Manchester United,Chelsea and Arsenal,started for Diego Simeone’s side and scored the opener. Alvaro Morata added the second to make sure of the win,which moves Atletico up into third,eight points behind Real Madrid and 10 behind leaders Barcelona.

Atletico Madrid moved up to third in La Liga after beating rock-bottom Elche 2-0 in their first game after the 2022 World Cup.

Atletico had a lively start,looking to get the ball up the pitch quickly and into wide areas.

Diego Simeone's side aimed to target Elche's right side,getting to the byline to put crosses into the box,and their first real chance came in the 28th minute,Yannick Carrasco fired in a ball across the face of goal for Alvaro Morata who poked it just wide of the post.

But as the game continued both sides were turning over possession very cheaply,committing regular fouls to stop their opponents from gaining any real rhythm or momentum. However,on the stroke of half time Elche's evening got a lot harder when Gonzalo Verdu was shown a straight red

Macritchie ends Montgo year on a high

card for pulling Morata down just outside the box.The referee initially waved away Morata's appeals but was told to take a second look by the VAR officials. The home side started the second half much stronger,looking to exploit the space and get forward through Antoine Griezmann and Joao Felix.They had a


Racing San Miguel coach Antonio has embraced his 'family' role at the football club.

"Life gave me the opportunity to belong to this wonderful San Miguel family," said Antonio. Antonio, who returned to San Miguel in June, said: "At first you always have nerves and many doubts, as to whether you are doing the right thing, or not, but I have always said that to train in grassroots football you have to love it."

Meanwhile the Racing San Miguel Cadetes ended 2022 with a spectacular 6-0 victory against Almoradi at the Montesico Blanco, with goals from Enrique, Samu and Pau, netting four.

glorious chance to go 1-0 ahead in the 48th minute,Felix smartly back-heeled into the path of Greizmann who blazed his effort over.

Atletico didn't have a man advantage for long though,as in the 50th minute Mario Hermoso was shown his second yellow card within just two minutes. Diego Simeone's side didn't let going down to 10 men affect them however and just six minutes later they had their breakthrough.After seeing his first effort blocked,Griezmann intelligently clipped it back across goal for Felix to head home.

Atletico then made it 2-0 on the 74th minute,Morata's effort took a wicked deflection and looped up and into the back of the net.

Elche were reduced to nine men toward the end of the match when Domingos Quina was shown his second yellow card after just eight minutes on the field. However,Elche can now switch their attention away from the league to the Copa del Rey where,on Tuesday they travel to the Spanish autonomous city on the north coast of Africa where they will face AD Ceuta FC in the round of 32.


Montgo Golf Society Played our last competition of 2022 at Oliva Nova GG today 30th December 2022 Sponsored by the Society.

The winner today was John Macritchie with 39 Stableford points. In 2nd place on 36 Stableford points was Alan Lowans beating Pete Turner into 3rd place on countback.

We had two Nearest the Pin prizes on offer today on the 5th & 18th Holes in 2 and taking home the spoils was John Day & Caz Welch. We had no 2’s today so our stock of coveted Montgo Golf balls remains intact.

Next week’s competition our first competition of 2023 is a Stableford sponsored by John Macritchie, and this will be our first qualifiers for Order of Merit & The Eclectic for 2023.

I wish all our members a very happy and prosperous New Year

Goalkeeper Yonai Culiáñez has topped the charts - in conceding just six goals in 708 minutes at Sporting Saladar.

Under coach Pedro Lara, Valencia 2nd Regional Group 16 Sporting Saladar went into the festive break with a 2-1 away win at CD Benijofar.

The victory saw Saladar go into third place on 27 points, behind Callosa Deportivo (28) and leaders Guardamar Soccer CD, topping the table on 29 points.

A promotion bid the the Valencia 1st Regional G8 in 2023 is on the cards.

Yonai told The Leader: "The 2022-23 season has been very good on the part of the team, where we are two points behind the leaders. "We hope for that wonderful promotion - that we all want - and we will continue to fight for it."

PAGE 22 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The Elche line up

Rhythmic Gymnastics Club celebrates its Christmas Gala

Last Friday, the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Torrevieja, held it’s Christmas Gala in which the more than 150 gymnasts took part.

All the categories and levels of the club were represented at the event, demonstrating some wonderful skills across the different age groups.

The event was attended by the Councillor for Sports of Torrevieja City Council, Diana Box Alonso. Ms Box congratulated the Torrevieja Club for its magnificent sporting results this season, highlighting the "great atmosphere, the splendid participation, as well as the dedication of all the club members."

Winter break to ease Torry’s injury woes

Coach José Antonio Gil has lead SC Torrevieja to the top of the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 following the club's best run of nine consecutive victories.

Gil is hoping that the winter break will see the recovery from injury of Ramiro, and absentees Bonillo and Burguillos, who have spent lengthy spells on the sidelines.

"Ramiro has been injured for several weeks; we have not been able to count


on Bonillo for a long time either," rued Gil.

"Burguillos has also been out for a couple of months," he said.

Torry's depleted squad has also been hit with injuries to young players who are coming through to the senior squad.

"The break stops our winning streak, but on a positive note it gives time for players to recover," added Gil.

Torry currently head the table on 31



Carp-R-Us fished the Canal del Progres, Guardamar (better known as Mercadona) for its final match of 2022. Members gathered on what was the coldest morning for some time and found the stretch running quite fast and looking murky, it did not look promis-

ing. And so it proved, except for one member.

The match was a runaway victory for Terry Screen who again showed his centrepin trotting skills to weigh-in 7.48kg caught using maggots and bread. A distant second was Jeremy Fardoe with 1.54kg, most of which was a single carp. Third was Steve Fell with 0.62kg

points, ahead of Pinoso CF A, 30 points, CF Sporting de San Fulgencio, 29 points, Aspe UD A, 27 points, UE Crevillente FB A, 26 points, and CD Montesinos 24 points.

Second placed Pinoso CF A have the best defensive record, with 8 goals in 12 games following their fourth consecutive win against Alguena CF, it being a third consecutive match with a clean sheet.


and fourth Tony Flett with 0.42. Sadly, no one else caught.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca. On behalf of the club, can I wish you a very Happy New Year.

1. Bobby soxers, 2. Evonne Goolagong. (The well known lapses were coined 'walkabouts' by the press). 3. Tom and Jerry, 4. Tunisia (Ras Ben Sakka, Cap Blanc), 5. Strawberries. (a quart of missing strawberries), 6. France (Neauphle-le-Chateau), 7. Four, 8. McMurdo Station. (after Archibald McMurdo), 9. Six, and they are: Miss Scarlett (Miss Scarlet in North American versions) (a red piece), Colonel Mustard (a yellow piece), Mrs. White (a white piece), Reverend Green (Mr. Green in pre-2002 North American versions) (a green piece), Mrs. Peacock (a blue piece), Professor Plum (a purple piece). 10. a: ^ (like an upside down 'V'), b: v (a 'V' shape as often used in the Czech language), c: ~ (like a rotated 'S' shape, often used in Computing), d: ? (a straight line above a letter), e: ? (two dots above a letter, like the Germanic umlaut sign). 11. The Jungle Book, 12. a: Aberdeen, b: Chicago, c: Amsterdam, d: Los Angeles, e: Tokyo, 13. Strait of Malacca. 14. a. Levon Helm (The Band), b. Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix Experience), c. Jim Keltner (various), d. Ginger Baker (Cream and Blind Faith), e. Pete York (Spencer Davis Group). 15. Trans-Siberian; Moscow and Vladivostok. 16. Iran. 17. a. Boys from Brazil, b. Khartoum,

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: c. Spartacus, d. The Battle of Britain, e. Marathon Man, f. Wild Geese II. 18. Borneo (Kalimantan) and Sumatra. 19. The scarlet pimpernel. 20. Bill Haley 1 Group 8 2 Group 16 SCTorry Coach José Antonio Gil
PAGE 24 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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