Spain has a strong religious history and as such Christmas is a much more holy festival, a time to spend with the family, although some gifts may be given, but on 25 December Santa Claus is not that important.
The day on which most gifts are given is Three Kings Day, January 6th (el día de Reyes). This is keeping with the tradition that this was the day on which the Three Kings (Los Tres Reyes Magos) arrived in Bethlehem bearing gifts for Jesus.
So, as expected, the magi were extremely busy across the region last week, fulfilling their usual hectic schedule of hospital and town hall visits which, in Orihuela, got underway at the Vega Baja Hospital where Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar handed out toys to the children, accompanied by the Councillor for Festivities, Antonio Sánchez, who also delivered a games console.
On Thursday, the day before Three Kings Day, every sizeable village and town holds a parade, a ‘cabalgata’ at which the Three Kings are paraded through the streets of the town, accompanied by musicians, dancers, performers and bands. The parades are extremely popular and can often draw large crowds, particularly in Torrevieja where their magnificent procession just gets better every year.
The day began on Orihuela Costa, though, where there was a healthy turnout to cheer the parade on its way as, according to police sources, approximately 3,000 people gathered between the Playa Flamenca town Hall and La Zenia Boulevard, with the size of the crowds increasing the further it got into the 2km route.
There were troupes of dancers, characters, large inflatables from space, an astronaut, spaceship, planet earth, moon, NASA robot, galactic spider and a host of heavenly angels, while bringing up the rear, a selection of Eastern Maidens preceded a crib scene, followed by the 3 Kings, Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar, on 3 very tired looking ‘stuffed’ camels.
No 953 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 637 227 385 Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper
The Three Kings Parades
In Orihuela city, however, the animals carrying the kings were very real, as were the six donkeys that were bearing gifts for the children, supposedly 25,000 of them handed out between the two main centres and the districts, although I saw no evidence of this during the Orihuela Costa parade.
With the purpose of the ‘cabalgata’ being to foster the illusion of children, so that, they can then go to their homes to sleep and wait for the gifts, it is thought that many parents had chosen to take their families into Torrevieja where the parade was scheduled to be held during the early part of the evening.
The traditional Christmas story sees the Three Kings arrive, each riding a camel, and whereas some towns like Torrevieja put their own stamp on the mode of transport as their Majesties sail in by boat, in Crevillente they dropped in from the skies in the basket of a hot air balloon!
In Torrevieja, after restrictions brought by two years of pandemic, the Three Wise Men, accompanied by their retinues, arrived in the port of Torrevieja aboard the "Espejo de Torrevieja", where they were received by the mayor, Eduardo Dolón and the councillor for Festivals, Concha Sala.
As they moved across to their floats, they greeted crowds of boys and girls who had impatiently been awaiting their arrival.
The Royal Parade began from Paseo Vista Alegre with "A Christmas Wish", a float that recreated the play area of ??a children's room, capturing the impatience of children as they waited for their gifts. Behind them, a group of Jews with donkeys who distributed more than 2,000 Spanish flags, recovering an old Spanish tradition that had been lost in recent years. There were stilt walkers with lights, King Herod, escorted by seven Roman horsemen, followed by "Bollywood Dancers" and then a ballet inspired by the African continent where the dancers represented women from different tribes. Next up were impressive floats depicting "Bethlehem" with Mary, Saint Joseph and the baby Jesus, and then the Three
Wise Men, accompanied by pages, who distributed sweets, smiles and enthusiasm along the more than two-kilometre route.
But the star of the night was the magnificent float of the Royal Carboneros. A play on wheels, which even blew smoke into the air and with staging that impressed everyone.
The mayor of Torrevieja Eduardo Dolón and the Councillor for Fiestas, Concha Sala, received the Three Kings outside the Inmaculado Concepcion church, where their Majesties presented the baby Jesus with Gold,
Frankincense and Myrrh, after which Melchor, on behalf of the three Kings, thanked the people of Torrevieja for their welcome, as he also congratulated all the boys and girls on their exemplary behaviour, urging that Peace return to the world.
The events ended in the Plenary Hall in the Ayuntamiento, where the mayor hosted the 3 Kings along with guests and several councillors, thanking them for the joy they brought to the children of Torrevieja in these difficult times.
Screams of happy people
Hugs and kisses by the score
Whilst far away the scene reflects
The ravages of war
Will peace be round the corner
Will the New Year start with hope
Without water without power
How will people even cope
The face of 2023
Already pained with grief
Atrocities and war crimes
Beggar everyone's belief
637 227 385
637 227 385
Journalists 600 228 616
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In London midst the laughter
The New Year's only just begun
But in Ukraine life's so different
With a war yet to be won.
PAGE 2 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
New Year's Eve in London Sparkling fireworks light the sky Explosive yet incredible As another year goes by Yet bangs and skies of sudden light In a city torn by war Leave people weeping helplessly As they huddle on the floor No celebrations here To welcome in another year Just faces drawn with anguish And the teary eyes of fear
revellers in London Free from tyranny and power Count down the minutes, waiting For the clock to strike the hour
see your poem published on this page send to:
by David Whitney
The Councillor and Mayor in Torrevieja with the 3 Kings - Photo Objectivo Torrevieja
Images from the Orihuela Costa Parade
Once again, because of the inability for the Orihuela Council to plan ahead, the Orihuela Costa has been left without it’s popular beach bars. The Management Company, Chiringuitos del Sol, announced on social networks last Monday, that it regretted the closure due to "issues beyond our control".
Their statement read, “Happy New Year, friends! We hope you have had a wonderful holiday with us at our beach chiringuitos. It has been a pleasure to offer you the best service and quality food throughout the season.
Unfortunately, our establishments will be closed from today for reasons beyond our control. We want to thank you for your trust and for choosing us as your favourite leisure spot. We wish you all the best for this year and hope to see you soon with the same enthusiasm as always. Thank you for choosing us and for helping to make every day special. Warm regards ??”.
It would seem that the extension of the contract, which was carried out in extremis on December 31, 2021, has ended, however, the then Councillor for Contracting, Sabina Goretti Galindo (PP), said that she would extend the service of beach bars by Chiringuitos del Sol until a new contract was awarded.
The decision was signed by the mayor and the general secretary of the plenary, and it was promoted by the popular group, despite the opposition of coalition partner Ciudadanos, which had responsibility for the Beaches at that
Now, the present councillor of Beaches, Antonio Sánchez, has explained that the council’s legal services have said that it could not be extended again, so the two council departments, beaches and contracts, are now finalising the new specifications for the operation of the bars with the objective that the service resumes at Easter. In addition to the beach bars, the contract includes sunbeds, umbrellas and water sports.
It is thought that the tender document will be published in a few days, with the valuation carried out in February and the award proposal ready in March .
The new tender will be similar to the previous one, with an amount of about 900,000 euros, for four years and the possibility of extending it for two more years. The specifications will include the option to modify plans to expand or reduce the allotted space according to the needs, as well as the times that the bars remain open.
The Cabo Roig y Lomas Neighborhood Association point out that once again the closure of the beach bars will provide “a great deal of inconvenience”. They recall that a year ago the contract was extended at the last minute, and that the council promised that the new contract would be ready before last summer.
For this reason, they denounce the previous and current government teams as being "incapable of managing the Orihuela Costa". The Chiringuitos are a highly valued service for the food and especially for the provision of the toilets, which "are always clean", but for which they now fear that the council will end up putting in portaloos that will be far inferior.
The toilets are currently closed although Sánchez has said that he hopes they will be operational again in the coming days.
PAGE 3 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 637 227 385
The councils of 11 municipalities will increase the number of their political representatives at the next batch of Municipal elections in May due to the growth of the population, the largest of them Castalla, which now exceeds 11,000 residents. Llíber is the only town in Alicante that will lose councillors with just 967 residents
The 2022 population register is the one that will serve as a reference to establish the configuration of town councils for the local elections to be held next May. In the province of Alicante, 22 additional councillors will be chosen than in the 2019 elections, because of the demographic increase that has been revealed in 11 municipalities, representing an additional 24 councillors. Only one council has lost two representatives as its number of inhabitants fell.
These 11 municipalities now exceed the size of population that determine the number of councillors in their town halls: 251, 1,001, 2,001, 5,001 and 10,001 residents. It is notable that all these increases have occurred at the lower population levels, that is, there is no new municipality with more than 20,000, 50,000, 100,000 or 300,000 inhabitants. The largest of these towns is Castalla, which in the last four years has grown from 9,880 to 11,097 inhabitants, so its council will grow by four councillors, from 13 to 17.
Both Los Montesinos and Polop will now elect 13 councillors, as they exceed 5,000 inhabitants; Montesinos already exceeded this figure at the 2011 elections, although it later fell below it, but for the municipality of Popop this situation is new. Just as the municipalities of Beniarbeig, San Isidro and Jacarilla have never had 11 councillors until now; both the Marina Alta town and the two from Vega Baja exceed 2,000 registered voters for the very first time.
Aigües barely exceeded 1,000 inhabitants at the beginning of the last decade, which saw its council grow to nine representatives; years later it dropped to around 900 residents, and with it to seven councillors, but now its census is back above four digits, so for this reason, in May it will again have nine municipal representatives.
However, even more striking are the cases of Alcosser, El Castell de Guadalest and Confrides, which exceed 250 inhabitants and will increase from five councillors to seven. Meanwhile, a number of other municipalities just fall short of the numbers required to justify an increase. This is the case in Sax, which remains 13 inhabitants away from the 10,000, a barrier that it previously surpassed in the 2011 elections but below which it fell again four years later.
Likewise, El Verger is 15 residents away from
We are looking to recruit Duty Supervisors for our charity shop – all positions are voluntary and unpaid.
We are a charity dedicated to the emotional wellbeing of all English speaking residents of Spain. Our vision is for a society in which fewer people die by suicide, people are able to explore their feelings, and people are able to acknowledge and respect the feelings of others.
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Applicants may be fluent English speakers of any nationality, and must be legally resident in Spain. References will be required for the service provided by Samaritans in Spain.
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the 5,001 inhabitants that would allow it to have 13 councillors, and Agost is 53 people away from reaching that same figure. meanwhile, in Parcent they are only four people away from exceeding a thousand residents.
Antonio Mestre will be the Vox candidate for the Mayor of Orihuela
The National Executive Committee of VOX has nominated Manuel Mestre as candidate for the mayoralty of Orihuela, in the next municipal elections to be held in May 2023.
Born in Almería in 1952, Mestre is a Deputy for Alicante, a former Air Force Lieutenant General. In addition to being head of the Canary Islands Air Command, he was the Chief of Staff of the Portuguese NATO Joint Command (Joint Command Lisbon) and in
2013 he was appointed Chief of Personnel Command, a position he held until his transfer to the reserve in 2015.
In the Congress of Deputies he is deputy spokesperson for the Defence Commission; a member of the Science, Innovation and Universities Commission; and a Full Member of the Spanish Delegation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Mestre is a resident of the Oriolan village of La Murada .
The party currently has two councillors in the Municipal government, the nephew of the General Mestre, José Manuel Escolano, and Susi Aniorte, who bears the brunt of Vox's opposition work in the Orihuela plenary sessions where she has a much more constant presence.
On 29th December Eric (Adapt Theatre Group president) and Jane (pantomime director) visited AFEMAR, an association and day-centre for people with mental health problems in the Mar Menor area where we were able to hand over a cheque for 1,200 raised from our latest pantomime PINOCCHIO –PINOCHO.
We are delighted to be able to support this essential work and aim to continue in close contact with the association in the future. AFEMAR is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation of a social nature, which was established following a study carried out in 2008 by the Region of Murcia Mental Health Federation. The study showed the evident lack of resources to care for people with Mental Health problems in the Mar Menor region. AFEMAR now goes a long way toward providing that resource.
The National Executive Committee of VOX has nominated Manuel Mestre as candidate for the mayoralty of Orihuela, in the next municipal elections to be held in May 2023.
Born in Almería in 1952, Mestre is a Deputy for Alicante, a former Air Force Lieutenant General. In addition to being head of the Canary Islands Air Command, he was the Chief of Staff of the Portuguese NATO Joint Command (Joint Command Lisbon) and in 2013 he was appointed Chief of Personnel
Command, a position he held until his transfer to the reserve in 2015.
In the Congress of Deputies he is deputy spokesperson for the Defence Commission; a member of the Science, Innovation and Universities Commission; and a Full Member of the Spanish Delegation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Mestre is a resident of the Oriolan village of La Murada . The party currently has 2 councillors in the Municipal council, the nephew of the General Mestre, José Escolano, and Susi Aniorte, who bears the brunt of Vox's opposition work in the plenary sessions where she has a much more constant presence.
PAGE 4 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
San Fulgencio will remain with 13 councillors
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
There was an ‘opinion’ article written and published by the mayoress of Orihuela, tucked away in the newspaper ‘Informacion’ over the New Year period, in which she claimed that the results achieved by her administration since coming into power last year had been ‘very good’.
The article was headlined, The period of impetus for Orihuela: also for Orihuela Costa? Unfortunately she was unable to cite a single concrete achievement for Orihuela Costa. She was also unable to make any commitment as to the date by which the much needed Municipal Budgets 2023, which resulted in the motion of censure, will be approved, and which will no longer be of any use. The article was picked up by the local association, AVCRL, in which they listed many of the electoral promises that will not be met during this mandate, which will end in May 2023:
• Local Waste Plan, providing the coast with the necessary workers and equipment to provide the service that meets the needs of the population throughout the whole year.
•Pedestrian widening of the bridge over the AP7, in Lomas de Cabo Roig (project drafting in tendering phase).
•Construction of a Cultural Centre (project drafting in tendering phase)
•Construction of a Civil Cemetery
•Construction of a bus station
•Installation of an Eco park (the municipality only has to designate the plot and the Consorcio de la Vega Baja Sostenible will create it).
•Drawing up a General Urban Development Plan (PGOU) that regulates sustainable urban growth.
•Implementation of a new public lighting system with LED technology.
•Connection of the Orihuela AVE station with Orihuela-Costa by means of a bus service with the necessary frequencies that are linked to the AVE timetable; and transport routes linking Orihuela Costa urbanisations.
•Unification of the two districts of Orihuela Costa.
•Full implementation of the 2017 Pluvial Plan and construction of the storm tank in Aguamarina Park.
•Pavement repairs and accessibility plan to make life easier for people with disabilities.
•Action plan resulting from the inspection of children's play areas commissioned by the Department of Infrastructures, renovating parks where necessary.
•Skate park (to be implemented)
•Street signage in accordance with the municipal street map, removing old signs.
•Construction of the second drinking water tank, a new water treatment plant and improvement of the pumping stations (responsibility of the Generalitat Valenciana).
•Repair of existing deficiencies in the civic centres of Alameda del Mar (and tendering of the cafeteria service) and Ramón de Campoamor, and reopening of the latter, which has been closed for several years because of structural faults.
•Tarmacking and paving of the many roads and streets that need it, as well as renewal of hori zontal and vertical road signs.
•New contract for the maintenance of parks and gardens, covering 100 per cent of the total that are in desperate need.
Can you tell us Madam Mayor where the stimulus and forward motion is, that you claimed has been achieved for the Orihuela Costa.
AVCRL is an important voice of Orihuela Costa. It is non-political and fights for improvements to the services and facilities on the coastal area. It is absolutely free to join at the following link:
PM and senior politicians see their salaries increase in 2023
The presidents of Galicia, Navarra, La Rioja, Aragon, Extremadura, the Valencian Community, the Balearic Islands, Andalusia, and Castilla-La Mancha will see their salaries increased in 2023, as will the head of the central Executive, Pedro Sanchez, and the rest of his Cabinet.
The annual salary of the Prime Minister will be 90,010.20 euros per year.
Spain sees food consumption fall by almost 9% due to inflation
Food consumption in Spain fell by 8.8% in October 2022 compared to the previous year, due to the increase in food prices.
As a result, the Spanish government has approved a reduction in VAT on food for the beginning of 2023. The decline in food consumption has been particularly noticeable in the purchase of fresh food, which has been compensated for with an increase in the purchase of legumes.
Spanish bell peppers barred US entry due to detection of fruit fly
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (Aphis) of the United States Department of Agriculture has announced a ban on the importation of fresh bell peppers for consumption from Spain due to the presence of the Mediterranean fruit fly. This measure has been taken in response to multiple detections of the fly in commercial shipments of fresh peppers arriving from Spain.
Former King of Spain Juan Carlos I turns 85 in Abu Dhabi
King Juan Carlos turned 85 on 5 Jan.The head of state in Spain until 2014, has been living in Abu Dhabi since 2020. In the three and a half years he has been away from Spain,he has only visited once,in May 2022.
He has recently decided to move to a new residence that was built especially for him.His self-exile is not expected to be reviewed and now appears to be permanent.
DGT explains traffic signs to alert drivers on speed, low-emission zones
The Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) in Spain has introduced new traffic signs to alert drivers to reduce speed and inform them about lowemission zones.
One sign features a car expelling smoke from the exhaust pipe, indicating low-
emission zones in different cities. This sign is meant to inform drivers that they are entering an area where vehicles with an environmental badge are permitted.
PAGE 6 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Relative of Deputy mayor using council land without permission
They were assigned by ballot among the interested parties and it was allocated to a cousin of the councillor.
The land was given on the understanding that artichokes would be grown for two years in August 2019, that is, until August 2021. As a consequence of the torrential rains during DANAand the damage caused, the allocation
was extended by one year, that is, until August 2022, but it was done without any type of administrative procedure.
However this is understood not to be the only case as the use of public land has been surrounded by controversy in recent years in Rojales due to the way in which it was originally allocated.
Arelative of the Rojales deputy mayor, Inmaculada Chazarra, is using around 9,000 square meters of agricultural land owned by the City Council for agricultural production without municipal authority. The plot is located around the Museo de la Huerta. In spring, corn was planted, a crop traditionally
used in the Vega Baja for livestock fodder. However, the grower only had a permit until last August.
The socialist government team explained the process of ceding public lands stating that it was initially managed by the Department of Agriculture.
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The plot is located around the Museo de la Huerta
We learn from experience that no one ever learns from experience, but that doesn't stop people giving us advice. "Never fall in love with a tennis player, love means nothing to them." And yet I've never seen a headline that read, "Psychic Wins Lottery," have you?
Frankly, I preferred life when apple and blackberry were just fruits, and it occurs to me that when dead people share their thoughts with you -- if you see what I mean -- they rarely have a vested interest in doing so. Séances excepted. Not that some people's thoughts weren't pretty muddled in the past, BG. (Before Google.)
The poet Thomas Gray, who used to compose elegies in dark churchyards --how could he see to write? -- advised us that "many a flower is born to blush unseen, and waste its sweetness on the desert air." But why is it blushing if no one can see it? And how come it is so full of life in the desert in the first place?
The worst medical advice in history would probably include the 'fact' that smoking was good for you.
A 1966 leading medical textbook claimed that pregnant women could safely smoke half a pack of cigarettes per day. And there was a fellow called Walter Freeman who reckoned that lobotomies could cure mental illness.
He was known as 'Mr Lobotomy', perhaps because he owned a mobile lobotomy service. He sounds to me as if he needed his head examined. He did notice, however, that recipients of a lobotomy felt a lot better when it stopped.
Other bad advice from the past was not to
Four cities report record high temperatures in first week of 2023
2022 has been the hottest year on record in Spain, with up to 300 days of above average temperatures and several heatwaves.
Experts had warned that Christmas would also be unusually hot, and their predictions were accurate. The start of 2023 has also seen heat records in four cities: Bilbao, Vitoria, Pamplona, and Valladolid.
UNESCO names street in Andalusia the most beautiful in Europe
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has named Calle San Pedro, a street in the small town of Osuna in southern Spain, as the most beautiful in Europe. Located in the historic centre of Osuna, the street is known for its well-preserved Andalusian baroque style and architecture, and is described as a "walk through the 18th century."
Torrevieja Welcomes first baby of 2023
let children play a wind instrument in case it injured their lungs (rather than their listeners' ears?) In the 1930s, to make sure infants got enough fresh air, one borough council in London proposed that parents hang baby cages outside tenement windows. Hmm... Reminds me of the quote: "If you fall, I'll be there." (The Floor.)
Parents at one time were advised not to be forever cuddling their offspring, as this could lead to them becoming "spoiled tyrants" as teenagers. How did that pan out, I wonder?
Modern advice often isn't much better. Although my father did supply 2 solutions to my youthful inquiry regarding the best way to pick up girls: 1. "Be yourself and treat them with respect." 2. "Pretend to be in a band." If life was fair, Elvis would be alive, and all the impersonators would be dead.
A final general thought might be worthy of consideration. If no one travels back from the future to stop you doing something, how bad can it be? Sometimes it's better to let bygones be bygones. That's my advice, anyway.
The first baby to be born in Torrevieja hospital was a little later than usual, making an appearance on 1 January at 2:08 am. Emilia Kultysheva weighed in at 2,890 gr.
It was the Hospital La Fe in Valencia who welcomed the first baby in the region, with Ana and Diego becoming parents just after the chimes of midnight.
Several Vehicles Burnt Out in Scrapyard Fire
Several vehicles have been further destroyed in a fire that took hold in a scrapyard in Crevillente on Wednesday.
Fire fighters were called to the scene at around 11:30 on Wednesday morning, after they received reports that a stack of cars had caught fire. Ten fire fighters from around the area battled the blaze, which was brought under control after several hours, causing material damage only.
For more info 966 71 0047 / 688792515 Belvedere is a sweet 10 week old medium sized crossbreed.
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 SOLD SOLD
I have good news ... and I have bad news!
It always amuses me when somebody, most often a politician or an advertiser, wishes ‘best of luck to both teams’ in the lead-up to a big match. Both teams cannot experience ‘the best of luck’, because one team’s misfortune is the other’s good luck. Surely the message should be to congratulate both teams on reaching the final and ‘anticipate a great match.’ Sports commentators could truthfully commence every match report with; ‘I have good news – and I have bad news!’
That intro took longer than expected, because this article is not at all sports related. The point is though that I have good news –and I have bad news!
Tell anybody you ‘have good news and you have bad news and ask ‘which do you want first’, and that person will invariably answer with something like, ‘gimme the bad’; so that is what I shall do if you can stay on board for another few minutes.
First of all, if you haven’t heard already, breaking news is that Ireland has reached number 1 in the longevity stakes. Of 27 EU countries our life expectancy is the highest. What an achievement for this ‘great little country.’ Our population aged over 65 has increased by 36 per cent overall since 2012. Furthermore, this age group is expected to double over the next 20 years, with the greatest proportional increase in the 85+ age group. Irish women are currently living on average to the age of 84, compared to 81 for men. (Yes, Lads, I do have my affairs in order!) I have also learned that Ireland is the top consumer of fruit and veg in the EU –and I wonder if there is a connection between the two findings.
‘Gimme the bad news’, I hear you holler. Well, the bad news is directed at you
Facebooking fledglings and social media sucklings who are waiting for an inheritance. Not only will you have to wait longer for it; that is if there is anything left; but if we oldies have nothing left, you will all have to contribute more to keep us alive!
The good news speaks for itself. The longer we are around the better the chances of being there for more special occasions – like Westmeath winning a Leinster Senior Hurling title!
Whilst most people in this country will be living longer going forward, it is worth mentioning that there were always exceptional people who lived to be an extraordinary old age.
Nancy Stewart from Clonard was one such wonderful example.
Mrs Stewart went to her eternal reward in 2020 at the remarkable age of 107 – being Ireland’s oldest person before her death. Nancy was always an exceptional person, whom I knew well more than 50 years ago. I now regret that I didn’t call to see her over the years. Her lovely daughter, Olive, was our bridesmaid.
Nancy’s granddaughter and Olives’s daughter, Louise Coughlan, has published a can’t-leavedown book chronicling Nancy’s life in her own words. Louise cocooned with her granny during Covid lockdown and ‘interviewed’ her almost every day. The resulting chats make for a very readable book entitled; ‘Granny Nancy.’
Spain’s oldest man died a few weeks ago. Antonio Alvarado was 110 years old. That is extraordinary by any standards, but perhaps even more amazing is the fact that Antonio was living with three of his brothers … wait for it: Isaac is 100, Emilio 95 and baby Luis just turned 90! Longevity, like a lot of other things does run in families – or as my eccen-
The Department of Infrastructure in Orihuela has announced that the start of sustainable drainage works in La Zenia will commence on Monday 9 January, following a meeting with the company contracted to carry out the 1.5-million-euro improvements.
Ángel Noguera, Councillor for Infrastructures, explained
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
tric old Uncle Paddy once told me about a family; ‘ that crowd could live as long as they liked!’
Because people are living longer – with life expectancy having tripled over the course of human history; concern is often expressed that there will be fewer workers and more people not working. This could have implications for our economy and potentially the HSE.
I don’t see it like this at all. The answer is to stop forcing people to retire from work while they are very often in their prime. Healthy older people can be the greatest asset to the workforce; especially at a time when job positions are difficult to fill. Let those who wish to retire ride off into the sunset, whilst the born
Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.
workers be allowed to continue in a productive role. By working longer, these people will be healthier, happier, better off – and as a result, live even longer!
As we have written here previously, my generation has an extra generation of living that was unknown to previous generation. The secret is to be grateful for such a blessing and to make the most of it every day and in every way.
‘I have good news and I have bad news:’ Both my great-grandmothers lived to be over 100!
After all, the high cost of living seems unimportant when we consider all of life’s fringe benefits.
that the works will be carried out on Avenida de las Palmeras, between the junction with the N-332 and Cala Bosque, calle del Carmen, in the section between Calle Colón and Avenida de la Playa, and a section of Paseo del Mar.
Currently, Avenida de las Palmeras and Calle Colón collect a large amount of surface runoff from the rain that crosses under the bridge existing under the N-332 since the route coincides with the old trough where, naturally, the water from the rain flowed to the sea, although it would appear nobody noticed this at the time of construction.
PAGE 10 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Ángel Noguera and planners
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Arts & Culture &
Open-air museum in Elche.
In the middle of Elche's sierra, in what was an old quarry in the Sierra del Tabaià, within the district of Elche de El Ferriol, there is a curious group of sculptures carved in the rock, El Cau de Elche (Alicante), an open-air museum with more than a hundred works of charm, beauty and ambience, ideal for visiting with the family.
The fragile sandstone, which centuries ago was used for the construction of Elche’s buildings , has served to sculpt and record numerous images and figures of the city, which has led to this interesting open-air museum.
Among the sculptures carved in rock are the city's coat of arms, the Fuente de la Glorieta, the Lady of Elche, the swamp, the famous and much-loved Palmeral and monuments such as the Church of Santa María. The creator of the museum was Mariano Ros, who died on April 24, 2017.
El Cau is situated just north of Elche and is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is completely free to enter.
The Works of Orihuela
The National Library of Spain (BNE) has published the list of Spanish authors whose works are in this institution and have entered the public domain in 2023, as the BNE list includes the artists who died in 1942.
Of the 177 authors in the library, among whom are writers, journalists, artists and musicians from all over the country, Miguel Hernández (Orihuela, 1910 – Alicante, 1942) especially stands out this year.
Miguel Hernández was a poet and playwright of special relevance in 20th century Spanish literature. Passionate about reading, at the age of 20 he published Perito en Lunas (1933).
His famous Nanas de la cebolla (1939), which the author of the Generation of '36 dedicated to his second son, closes the Songbook and ballads of absences, the author's last collection of poems, written in prison, on pieces of toilet paper, and published after his death in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Other notable works entering the public domain include those of Federico Urales (Reus, 1864- France 1942). Politician and Spanish teacher, he founded La Revista Blanca, thanks to which he was in contact with renowned intellectuals such as Leopoldo Alas Clarin, Jacinto Benavente and Unamuno. In 1939 he went into exile in France, where he died in 1942.
Julio González (Barcelona, 1876- Paris, 1942). Spanish sculptor and painter. One of the most important artists of the 20th centu-
Benedetti one of Latin America's most important writers of the 20th century
By Andrew Atkinson
In Spain,journalist,novelist and poet Mario Benedetti is considered one of Latin America's most important writers of the latter half of the 20th century.
Uruguayan born Benedetti,who died in Montevideo in 2009,aged 88,an integral member of the Generación del 45,published more than 80 books in 20 different languages.
In the last decade of his life,Benedetti who suffered from asthma,spent his winters in Madrid,where it was summer in order to avoid the cold,though as his health deteriorated returned to Montevideo.
Poem by Mario Benedetti: Living Ageless.
Here there are no old
Alone,the afternoon arrived:
An afternoon full of experience
Experience to give advice.
Here there are no old
We only got the afternoon.
ry, during his studies in Paris he met Pablo Picasso.
Leonor Serrano (Hinojosa de Calatrava, 1890 –Madrid, 1942). She was an education inspector and promoter of the Montessori method, a lawyer and a feminist. During the Civil War she fled to France and when she returned, she was prohibited from teaching.
Ferran Valls i Taberner (Barcelona, 1888Barcelona, 1942). Spanish lawyer, politician and historian. He is a provincial deputy in the Parliament of Catalonia and a deputy in the Republican Courts and director of the Archive of the Crown of Aragon.
Marqués de la Vega-Inclán (Valladolid, 1858Madrid, 1942) interested in tourism and a great traveller, was a precursor of the Royal Tourism Commissioner (Paradores), and controversial patron of the museums of El Greco in Toledo and Madrid's Romanticism.
Luisa Casagemas Coll (Barcelona, 1873- Madrid, 1942) Catalan violinist and composer, one of the first opera authors in Spain, sister of Carlos Casagemas, painter friend of Picasso
Lola Cabello (Málaga, 1905- Castellón de la Plana, 1942) Málaga-born singer, made her debut in Barcelona in 1920, performed in theatres and cinemas and was hired by Radio Barcelona, moved to Madrid and toured Spain performing with other artists of different genres.
Old is the sea and it is gigantic.
Old is the sun and it warms us.
Old is the moon and it shines on us.
Old is the earth and it gives us life.
Old is love and it encourages us.
Here there are no old
Only the afternoon came to us.
We are beings full of knowledge.
Graduates at school.
Of life and in time.
What gave us the postgraduate degree. We climbed the tree of life. We cut the best of its fruits.
Those fruits are our children.
That we take care of with patience. He reverses that patience with love.
They were children,they are men,they will be old.
The morning will come and the evening will come.
And they will also give advice.
Here there are no old
Only the afternoon came to us.
Young man: if in your walk you find.
Beings of walking leisurely.Of serene and affectionate glances. With rough skin,trembling hands. Don't ignore them help them.
Protect them protect them.
Give them your helping hand.
Your darling
Note that one day
The afternoon will come for you too.
PAGE 12 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Mario Benedetti spent his winters in Madrid, in latter life.
now Public
Poet Miguel Hernández
Photo: Paula Gil.
The generosity of people in these tough times is quite amazing as the photo shows. Donations of food and toys plus a load of party bags from people attending a New Years Eve gala dinner in Benalmadena with David's Coaches.
Thanks to all those holiday makers and to the customers of Overseas Supermarket for their continued food donations.
Lorraine Whitney
Thanks to, to James Lound manager of Overseas Supermarket for his continued support for this charity.
Afurther food donation will shortly be on it's way to the Cruz Roja, again highlighting the sheer generosity of local people. David and Lorraine Whitney, local fund raisers, were happy to collect and deliver the goods to the offices of the Cruz Roja in Torrevieja and to donate their own items.
They would like to thank everybody who has supported and donated to this charity.
The photo shows Lorraine Whitney, with many donated items.
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
PROPERTY FOR SALE Los Montesinos - La Herrada 2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995 Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.
Week 952
ACROSS: 6 Gradual; 7 Adore; 9 And; 10 Character; 12 Institution; 15 Brotherhood; 17 Coagulate; 19 Let; 21 Petty; 22 Courage.
DOWN: 1 Wrong; 2 Add; 3 Rash; 4 Education; 5 Freedom; 8 Wretch; 11 Instigate; 13 Treble; 14 Crooked; 16 Verge; 18 Tool; 20 Try.
1.Waste (10)
7.External (5)
8.Hit (7)
10.Normal (8)
11.Stop (4)
13.Far off (6)
15.Happened (6)
17.Otherwise (4)
18.Bob (8)
21.Scrap (7)
22.Start (5)
23.Previous (10)
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
1.Old-fashioned (5)
2.Calm (8)
3.Sheen (6)
4.Diplomacy (4)
5.Function (7)
6.White (10)
9.Colony (10)
12.Legible (8)
14.Errand (7)
16.Condition (6)
19.Lamp (5)
20.Church recess (4)
ACROSS: ACROSS: 6 Spender; 7 Ought; 9 Meg; 10 Quarterly; 12 Disappeared; 15 Pros and cons; 17 Translate; 19 The; 21 Dozen; 22 Salient.
DOWN: DOWN: 1 Opted; 2 Ink; 3 Menu; 4 Queen Anne; 5 Chelsea; 8 Tropic; 11 Dissenter; 13 Arnold; 14 Brer Fox; 16 China; 18 Teak; 20 Tip.
1.To gain rule overturn the law (10)
7.Right to leave Mrs Gandhi in her country (5)
8.United Nations normal procedure is strange (7)
10.Poorly Grace gets fresh air in the vehicle (8)
11.Cheeky, i.e. a bit impertinent (4)
13.Listen again; there's no noise (6)
15.Asuperior gambler (6)
17.Ashort distance from Winchester (4)
18.Busy insect, too, right about vegetable (8)
21.Not one is found struggling in there (7)
22."Get the drinks in!" (5)
23.All great compositions can be seen at the railway exhibition centre (3,7)
1.Jockey on contract (5)
2.Inclination for treading wildly ... (8)
3.... on glue spilt in the living room (6)
4.Trip to a hill, say (4)
5.Leon put out by revealing he's wealthy (7)
6.Debate when the throwing event is back on (10)
9.Illuminated the time of true revolutionary writing (10)
12.Spanned the greatest street, we hear (8)
14.More fortunate like R.U.C. characters (7)
16.Liquid toper consumed before lunch began (6)
19.Strangely, older democracies don't like young leaders (5)
20.Engine's sound some find much uglier (4)
LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)
1. Which famous stadium is named after a World War I flying ace and the first man to fly non-stop across the Mediterranean Sea?
2. At which battle was a horse named Comanche the only survivor on the losing side?
3. Kudryavka or 'little curly' made headlines around the world for a few days in November 1957 under another name. What was it?
4. Given the battle and the army, name the leader for the following: a. Commander of the English army defeated in the US War of Independence. b. General famously killed defending Khartoum against the Mahdi in 1885. c. Leader of the British troops at the Siege of Mafeking in the Second Boer War in 1899. d. Naval commander who defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588. E. Leader of the English troops at Waterloo. f. British forces in the Falklands War, 1982.
5. Tim Curry, of Rocky Horror Picture Show fame, plays a ship's doctor in which Hollywood box office hit?
6. Which (clue: Australian) driver won the F1 World Championship in 1959, 1960 and 1966?
7. What is the very well known old English word for 'spider'?
8. Who was the celebrated Elizabethan playwright killed in a tavern brawl?
9. Why is a manhole cover
round? (two reasons)
10. What do Carly Simon's 'You're so Vain' and Peter Tosh's 'Don't look back' both have in common?
11. Anthony Hopkins' first role in a feature film won three Academy Awards in 1968. What was the name of film?
12. "Call Me" by Blondie and "Geno" by Dexys Midnight Runners were both number one hits in the UK in the same year. Which year?
13. Which port city was the second most populated city in England in 1776?
14. In the film Casablanca, Ilsa and Victor Laszlo want to escape Casablanca and flee to which city?
15. Which Nobel Peace Prize winner from 1983 could not personally accept the prize because of fears he would not have been allowed to return to his native country?
16. Name the three members of the Testudine family that begin with the letter 'T'.
17. Who was the most frequent Jane to Johnny Weismuller's Tarzan?
18. Who sang the following airplane songs? a. Jet Airliner, b. Enola Gay, c. Sky Pilot
19. What is a zeedonk?
20. According to Greek mythology, who was the world's first woman? (Clue: She opened her box and let out the world's evils)
PAGE 14 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Concessions were originally given for cottages, bathing rooms & restaurants
The ongoing demise of the former fishermens cottages on the shores of Babilonia, Guardamar, are set for another impact of winter destruction this year.
As more and more properties are hit by the sea sweeping up to their doorways - owners in some cases of five generations - continue to battle against the elements.
The area around the Miramar is suffering from a plethora of damage, included the steps alongside that disappeared in 2022. Picturesque properties are set on a landscape
with the pine forests overlooking the Mediterranean sea.
Boulders have once again been placed in situ along stretches at the front of properties continuously battered by the sea.
Guardamar del Segura recovered 180 linear metres of beach in 2021 at a cost of 220,000, funded by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, and executed by the public company Tragsa.
The move was effective in shielding the serious regression that the coastal profile suffers from the advance of the sea, that has escalated during the last decade.
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
O n g o i n g d e m i s e o f B a b i l o n i a ’ s f o r m e r f i s h e r m e n ’ s c o t t a g e s
The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733
La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www.
Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.
Facebook SaltChurchSpain
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.
Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
The Meetings of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch are held at 7 for 7.30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. However, due to closure there will be no meeting in Jan. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.
The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community
Phoenix Friends Torrevieja
This new friendship club, replacing Phoenix Solos, meets on Monday mornings, at 11.00am, for drinks and
conversation, on the terrace at Reflections Bar /Rte, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Regular activities will include games nights, ten-pin bowling, petanca, and meeting up, but on an informal basis. The group is open to singles and couples. For further information, Phone Kitty 622 180 500 Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Mike Cockman 670 224 822
The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite
PAGE 16 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
skeletal remains seized
The Guardia Civil have arrested two men for a crime of misappropriation of goods that are of historical, cultural, or scientific value, with the seizure of one of the largest illegal private collections in the province of Alicante.
The investigation began last November, when the agents found, through the Gata de Gorgos Local Police, a selection of various ancient bones in a home.
With the collaboration of an archaeologist from the J·vea Town Hall, the skeletal remains found in the Gata de Gorgos home were dated back between 4,000 and 5,000 years old.
Given the need to catalogue the archaeological pieces found and determine their origin, the Department of Culture of the Generalitat Valenciana was consulted, which determined that said collection was illegal, since it did not have any document that endorsed its existence.
The owner's collaboration during the investigation allowed the researchers to discover a larger collection in a DÈnia home.
The agents carried out a search inside and found a large volume of archaeological and paleontological pieces.
The pieces had supposedly been inherited by the current inhabitant of the house from a deceased relative. However, he did not possess any type of documentation that
justified his possession of them.
Among the items seized in this house, the following stand out:
Five amphorae of Betic, Phoenician and Punic origin.
Five mills from the Bronze Age and the Neolithic period.
Five weights of a loom from the time of
Ancient Rome. Ahuman skull.
An iron grenade and various cannon balls from the 18th century. More than 1,000 tiles that formed mosaics from Roman times. Various ammonite and nautilus fossils. Ceramic material from the period from the
Bronze Age to the middle of the 20th century.
Various Roman ointments. Palaeolithic flint tools.
Half sword of the S. XII.
Archaeological fauna and malacofauna. Roman lateritic material and a large number of fossils.
The investigators also found a large number of notebooks, all of them handwritten by the deceased relative. They contain notes of the exact places where the pieces were located.
The study by specialists could help to date the origin and context of the pieces, thereby increasing their value, and even discovering the location of new archaeological sites.
The volume of archaeological and paleontological pieces found has also required the assistance and collaboration of the DÈnia Archaeological Museum, which has enabled a suitable place for their conservation and storage.
The Guardia Civil has investigated the two owners of these illegal private collections as alleged perpetrators of a crime of misappropriation of goods of artistic, historical, cultural or scientific value.
Both have been reported to the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 1 of DÈnia.
PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023
Port of Cartagena aims to be World Leader
and the Autonomous Community of Murcia are aiming to make the Port a world leader in trades,as we head into 2023.
Currently,due to the port infrastructure,92% of the ships in the fleet of the 20 largest shipping companies in the world cannot access it.
Now the Port of Cartagena are planning a new intermodal logistics hub in the Mediterranean for economic reactivation.
New infrastructures,maintenance and expansion of existing ones, innovation in products and services,are to be discussed at the meeting.
The 'Barlomar,new logistics hub of the Mediterranean' plan,will
analyse the present and the future of the project,with an infrastructure of 58 hectares - and an investment of џ822 million,generating 10,000 jobs in becoming one of the most modern and sustainable terminals in the world.
58 hectares would be reclaimed from the sea with plans for a 2hectare docking area for the offshore industry,with plans for a 1,420 metre-quay and two new quays,with a depth of 34 metres.
The new infrastructures will increase the number of ships bound for the port with an additional 518 annually,representing an increase of 23.5%.
The storage capacity will be up to 180,000 cubic metres of grain with a railway connection planned.
The president of the Cartagena Port Authority,Yolanda MuЦoz said:"The new terminal will multiply the current capacity of the Santa LucТa wharf by 10,connecting the Mediterranean Corridor with maritime transport lines with the Activities area Logistics of Cartagena".
If the ambitious plan comes to fruition the Region of Murcia will become the gateway to and from Europe.
"These services,based on innovation and sustainability,will make us a logistics hub that will allow us to be more agile and quicker in our connections with the rest of the world," said president of Cartagena Port Authority,Yolanda Mu Ò oz.
GARDEN FELIX - Juniper fruits to make gin and much more
Juniper is a member of the Cypress family that is popular as hedging and an ornamental garden plant which has all year colour and interest.
Varieties range from ground hugging bushes of just 6 inches high, to towering trees 130 feet tall!
With colours from steely blue to shimmering gold, there’s a juniper that will suits every garden.
Evergreen juniper trees or juniper bushes grow upright, creeping or horizontally and give off a strong fragrance. Their leaves are needle shaped or scaled, often soft and slightly flattened, but sometimes very pointed.
Juniper flowers are mainly white or pink in colour and very small and inconspicuous.
It's a very robust plant, which you can plant in just about any location, only shade should be avoided, as they need lots of light to thrive.
Not overly sensitive to drought and heavy soil isn't a problem, just make sure the soil is well draining by adding sand.
Spring is the best time for planting junipers, but it is also possible to plant in early autumn.
You can also keep the smaller varieties of junipers in
pots, such as ‘Compressa’or ‘Blue Star’.
Juniper tolerates pruning well, although it's not necessary, it will encourage branching.
Bear in mind that juniper grows slowly, so when pruning, avoid cutting into the old wood, just remove any visibly dead branches in spring and regularly prune back young junipers lightly.
As well as being used as ornamental plants, juniper fruits are used to make gin, essential oils and condiments.
They are also high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory in nature.
If you want to harvest the juniper berries, you'll need to plant one female and one male plant for fertilisation, as Juniper is dioecious.
Propagation is easy by taking a young slightly woody, but still green at the base shoot, from the main shoot in late summer.As juniper’s 'remember' their growth direction, always take a cutting from the main shoot, as a side shoot will not grow straight up after propagation. Note:some species are poisonous and can cause skin irritation, so always wear gloves when handling.
PAGE 18 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The Port is planning a new intermodal logistics hub
Alicante-Elche Airport Ranked one of the Best in the World
Alicante-Elche Airport is in the top 150 airports in the world, ranking in an acceptable 66th place in the grading for 2022, as scored by the annual survey by AirHelp. Within the Valencia Region, the Valencia airport at Manises does slightly better, in 57th place.
AlicanteñElche Airport is also 5th in Spain with a score of 7.57. However, itís not all good news, as the two airports have actually dropped in user ratings compared to the last classification of 2019.
That year, Valencia obtained a general score of 7.74 and was ranked 49th, falling eight places. Alicante, meanwhile, has dropped five positions since 2019, the year in which it was ranked 61st. Both airports only improve their assessment in the "punctuality" category.
Nationally, Adolfo Su·rez MadridBarajas, Bilbao, Barcelona-El Prat, Valencia, Alicante-Elche Miguel Hern·ndez, Ibiza and Palma de Mallorca airports are also among the 150 best in the world.
Barajas is the first Spanish airport to appear in the world ranking, in twelfth place and is also the first of all European aerodromes.
Of the 151 airports graded in the survey, the highest ranked British or Irish airport is Liverpool John Lennon at No 36.
Other airports include Stansted airport ranked at 106, Heathrow is 112, Birmingham is at 122, Dublin 125, Edinburgh 127, Gatwick comes in at 144, Manchester 146, Bristol 147 and Luton 149.
Crescendo Int choir perform several December Concerts
Crescendo International Choir performed several well-attended concerts in December, mixing a variety of popular songs like I Say a Little Prayer for You, originally made famous by Dione Warwick, The Rose, made famous by Bette Midler, and Hallelujah by Leon Cohen and many Christmas songs like Jingle Bell Rock, White Christmas and the popular Spanish carol Campana Sobre Campana (Bells Upon Bells).
One concert was given Saturday night, December 10 in Benijofar’s Catholic Church. Almost 140 euros was raised for the local food bank at this event.
The second concert took place Saturday night December 17 at La Siesta Evangelical Church in Torrevieja, raising almost 200 euros for church-supported charities. Earlier in December, Crescendo performed a fundraising Christmas concert with the Royal British Legion Band at Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio.
If interested in joining Crescendo, see the Crescendo website at
The choir would be delighted to have more male singers, especially basses. The choir includes sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
The group sings a variety of songs ranging from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, in English and Spanish.
Rehearsals take place at Rincon de Miguel in Los Montesinos Mondays
After nearly 22 years as a group for those on their own, a decision was made to discontinue as a club. However, many members expressed a wish to continue with regular activities, but on an informal basis and being open to couples.
Promoting Choral music with Andante in Los Montesinos
Andante International Choir, the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces, has begun rehearsing again.
We are meeting in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7:15 to 9 pm beginning on January 12, 2023.
Works we are currently learning include Motet, Ave Verum corpus by Mozart, Benedicat Vobis by Handel, O Sanctissima, a traditional Sicilian hymn and Anima Christi by Marco Frisina and Missa de Angelis, arranged by Christopher Moore.
Our music director is Manuel Jesus Perez Garcia, music director and pianist for Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Our Lady of Pilar Church) in Los Montesinos.
All are welcome to join us. We especially need tenors and basses.
For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey at
Supermarkets Denounced for Not Passing on IVA Cut
The FACUA-Consumers in Action group has reported 7 distribution chains to the National Commission for Markets and Competition for not passing on the IVA reduction to all foods affected by the measure.
The association has reviewed 674 prices in Alcampo, Aldi, Carrefour, Dia, Eroski, Lidl, Hipercor and Mercadona, identifying 50 cases where the reduction in IVA had not been applied, and in 7 cases the prices had increased. It found that only Mercadona had complied.
The irregularities saw consumers being charged the same amount as before the IVA reduction, essentially increasing the supermarket profit margin. Establishments with the most irregularities are Dia, 13 in the 80 prices compared, and 9 cases of rounding up. In 2nd place, Carrefour, where, of the 113 prices analysed, the IVA reduction has not been passed on in 11 of them.
In Mercadona no anomaly was found in the 83 products checked, and in Hipercor only 1 product from the 76 items checked was found to have failed.
between 17:45 to 20:00. All singers are welcome!
It is planned to continue to gather on Monday mornings, starting on 9th January from 11.00am for drinks and conversation on the terrace at Reflections Bar /Rte, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside.
For further information, Phone Kitty 622 180 500
In other supermarkets, Eroski had 8 incorrect prices of the 92 evaluated. In Alcampo 6 prices with irregularities of the 96 analysed, in two cases due to rounding up. In Lidl, 6 prices ere higher than they should be with the IVA reduction for a total of 70 products compared. At Aldi, 5 cases out of 64 evaluated have been reported.
Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain).
We plan to do performances starting in 2023, including at Our Lady of Pilar Church.
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Irene Oliva leading the choir in Benijofar
Five year Strategic Plan put into place by Cricket España
By Andrew Atkinson
Torrevieja cricket coach Andrew McCulloch said 2023 is the beginning of exciting and challenging times for Cricket within Spain.
"There is a spell of exciting and challenging few years ahead for all involved in cricket throughout Spain," said La Manga Torrevieja CC coach (LMTCC) McCulloch.
"Cricket España have successfully launched their strategic plan for the next five year’s and are already putting in place specific ways to implement some of their objectives in 2023," said Hondon based McCulloch. Having initiated the plan at the start of 2022 the CE directorate worked in conjunction
with the RDO Manager McCulloch and various Regional Development Officers and key personnel to get the backbone of the plan in place.
With the help of ICC Europe the flesh and details were then added and fine tuned to give a purpose and direction for the next five years in Spanish cricket.
Cricket España President Juan Carlos Rodriguez said: ”We are extremely focused on increasing participation numbers throughout Spain, especially amongst Junior and Women cricket.
"Our general growth strategy is in line with that of the International Cricket Council and we are continually striving to produce more outstanding cricketers for the future”.
John Howden, Cricket España CEO, said:
“We are all inspired and excited by the challenges and opportunities that await Cricket España.
"We will use our conference in 2023 to plan and implement the objectives in different parts of Spain.
"Key personnel in the focused regions have
Carp-R-Us Angling Report
Round four of the Carp-R-Us Winter/Spring league was fished on the Rio Segura at Jacarilla/Bigastro.
It’s possible to have some excellent days fishing at this venue but it often doesn’t fish well when there is a match on it.
With the temperature of just eight
degrees at the time of the draw, a few people feared the worst.
As it turned out the fishing wasn’t too bad, and the match was won by Tony Flett from the end peg (9) with 7.80kg mainly caught using a feeder with maggot on the hook.
Second was Willie Moons (peg 6)
with 6.02kg caught again on feeder with corn.
Third was Terry Screen (peg 3) with 5.28kg from peg 3. Terry fished pole with either maggot or corn.
Just behind Terry with 5.16kg was Steve Fell on peg 8 who caught on pole and corn.
What was noticeable was that the fish failed to respond to bread which is usually a banker bait on this stretch.
Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
McCulloch: implementing objectives in 2023
been involved in the development of the plan from an early stage and we look forward to putting our plans into action.
"Special thanks go to Andy McCulloch for his work in the initial stages and to Michael Kennoy and Andy Wright of ICC Europe for their advice and suggestions in the later stages of the project”.
Costa Blanca Independent Winter Pool League
Hals Heroes enter new year with win over The Almoradians
Hals Heroes defeated The Almoradians 6-4 in the Costa Blanca Independent Winter Pool League division one.
Tim Wright, John Kelly, David Pope, Eddie Marsh and Paul Johnson returned wins for Hals Heroes.
Super Beer Monsters gained a 7-3 victory over The Rancheros, with Luke Ringrose, Graham Mills, Graeme Cockburne and Al Scoefield cueing wins for SBM.
The Pine Nuts returned a 7-3 away win at The Shakers. Anthony Dunn, Fred Kaye, Peter Slater and Paul Gallagher chalking up wins for TPN.
The Excellence top the table rankings, The Young Boys sit in second spot; Super Beer Monsters are third, with The Pine Nuts fourth.
PAGE 20 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Howden, Cricket España CEO
El Capitan3-9Mind The Gap
Domino´s Desp’dos2-10Hub Hyenas
Pint Depot Queens3-9Fallen Angels
Leeson St Trotters6-6Ck1 Lads
Tipsy Toad Toppers6-6CC´s Bees
CC´s Flyers6-6Tipsy Toad Tiaras
Hub Hellraisers4-8Danny´s Bar
Angel Delights2-10Freakie Taverners
Ck1 Ladybirds5-7Milo´s
League Table P Pts Legs
Mind The Gap1224128
Hub Hyenas1223117
El Capitan1219104
CC´s Bees121989
Tipsy Toad Toppers121795
CC's Flyers121589
Ck1 Lads121586
Danny's Bar121474
Leeson St Trotters121274
Freakie Taverners121269
Fallen Angels121168
Domino's Desp’s12753
Ck1 Ladybirds12648
Tipsy Toad Tiaras12546
Angel Delights12329
Hub Hellraisers12329
Pint Depot Queens12026
180'S: John Mckay CC´s Flyers, James Brown Mind
The Gap
MOST 180´S TO DATE: Dave Rowlinson X 3
CC`s Bees
HIGHEST CHECK-OUTS: Mario Garcia, Freakie Taverners, 154, T20-T20-D17, Chelsea Campbell
CC´s Flyers, 118,T20-18-D20, Sharon O´Rourke, Ck1 Ladybirds, 113 T18-19-D20
A disappointing result for the hosts, winning just 1 of the 6 singles available. Gap maintain top spot against last seasons runners up, doubling their opponents match "ton tally". The visitors were 4 up in no time Sam Salt, Carlos Escansiano, Darren Sanderson and Bliss Wright finding the outer ring, James Brown gaining a 180. Arold Klimonis 2x100 and Olly Walker 100,140,D18, halted the slide, Ben Kernahan adding D16 to conclude the 1st half on D16. Caps couldn't find their scoring boots in the singles, only Chris Logan hitting 3 figures, Kernahan the lone victory on D16, Walker nominated POTM. Gordon Cowan found T20 with ease claiming Gaps 6th leg on D10 and draw, Escansiano nailing D10 for the win. Brown added 2x140 and 3x100 to his maxi for Gaps POTM.
Both sides determined an early 8-00pm start suitable, a wise decision as both teams were suffering Christmas "blues", the 2nd leg not starting until 830pm. Ray Hayes found D16 for the 1st, Doms unable to find another until Steve Harding hit D2 in the 8th leg. Some decent performances from
Hyenas inbetween, from Pete Spence 100, 2x140, Jay Wilkinson 2x100 and Eric Manders 100,140 and 2 outs. Andre Wing had trouble hitting trebles this week, doubles a lot easier finding 3, including a fine tussle with Hayes. Spence concluded the game on D16, after a 140 set up, opponent Akash Panchal 121, hot on his heels. POTM - HardingSpence.
Queens are still looking for their 1st point of the season, the Fallen ones not happy to oblige, claiming the match spoils in the 8th leg through James Mackay 100,100,85 and an iffy D1 for POTM. Tony Spiers made it 1-8 before Marie Cummins 100, doubled the Queens score, Debbie Wright taking the 12th leg and the Queens 3rd. Steve Godwyn contributed 2 winning doubles, Jade Cox hitting one of the few 3 figure scores for the Royals and POTM.
All square at half and full time in this one despite the hosts scoring three times as many tons as the Lads, mainly due to the accuracy on the T20 from Trotter, Mark Farmer, who added 2 doubles in the 1st half. Steve M. Dalton equaled Farmer's double tally, John Crabbe D20 adding Lads 3rd 1st half point. Kain Hickman D20, taking the score to 3-3 in the 6th leg and break.
Steve Tilley 100,111, plus D9 adding to an earlier 140, Crabbe D8, making it 4 apiece. Farmer hit his 3rd 140 of the evening completing his 501 on 87, (T17,D18). Mr reliable Les Adams overcame Mrs reliable Yvonne Rouffignac for 5-5. Amanda Skinner ensured a point for Trotters on D7, Monk Dalton edging out the elder Skinner on what else but D1. POTM - Tilley - Wood.
Despite Hugh Galloway nailing D20 in the opening triple, Toppers found themselves 2-4 down at the
break, fortunately the same player also hit D8, but only 2 three figure scores from Lee Maiden and John Rodford. Bees were in better form Paul Tollafield 125,140,D5, Dave Rowlinson 2x100 and 2 outer circles, Simon Bantleman D14 giving Bees a 2-4 advantage at the break.
Bruce Admiral increased Bees lead on D18, Maiden finding plenty of trebles finishing on D20, for Toppers 3rd. Liam Lumb 140, D16 got Bees to 6 and a point and looking good for 2 points, with Rowlinson next. Winterbourne 2x100,95, D15, disposed of the in form Rowlinson 100,135 in a real belter. Galloway 121, D4 getting the hosts closer to a draw. That privilege went to Phil de Lacy 99, 100,D16, for shared spoils. POTM - WinterbourneTollafield.
The Flyer´s could only manage 4 players that were willing to come out to play on a nippy January evening whilst the footy was on. This gifted the visitors 3 points before they even got their darts out their handbags! Flying into the lead, John McKay chucked a max and then a D2 clincher with little Lisa Ivill (83, 84) putting up the only fight from the Tiaras.
John´s hat trick included D20 in the pairs and a 20-20-D16 in his solo, earning him joint POTM alongside Chelsea Campbell (81, 96, D1 and T2018-D20 in the final singles to snatch victory from Wendy Hayward who scored 106 leaving her D6 for the game and what would have been a win for the Tiaras. Lisa Ivill won two legs for the ladies, (135, D16) and D17 in her singles deservedly gaining the POTM accolade.. Pat Schofield ((15-D16) got the Tiaras a draw, winning her singles against Charlie Pritchett.
Dannys as usual turned up "mob handed" at the Hub, much to the delight of the till behind the bar. Their early arrival and practise proved worthwhile
By Paul Durrant
as they claimed 4 of the 1st six legs, through Lesley Lumb, twice finding D2, Paul Robinson D6 and John Giggs, 95,115, D2. Raisers response a little muted Sue Spiers D1 and Lesley Dolling 100, D16, not forgetting a 121 from Ali Scammell. Raisers added 2 more legs in the 2nd half via Carol Peace D3 and Cheryl McGlynn D1, Dolling hitting plenty of trebles, but no doubles. Three tons and an 84 out from Giggs in the 7th earned him POTM for Dannys, Steve Lumb D18, Simon Perryman120, D11 and Bob Smith 2x100, D16 completing the visitors scoreline. Dolling - POTM.
Just Henni Oortwijn D1 and Sharon Williams 85,100, D2, found the outer ring for Angels,the remainder to the travelling Freakies. Sharon Frain helped herself to a couple of tons and doubles, Ernie Willis a further 2 outs, but Freakies star of the night was Mario Garcia. He also nailed 2 doubles, but the 2nd became the leagues highest finish to date, a brilliant T20,T20,D17, 154 game shot meriting POTM, Sharon Williams, Angels - POTM.
Some decent performances from both teams resulted in a 5-5 scoreline with 2 to play, Milos taking both remaining legs, for 2 well earned points. Opening the match Sharon O'Rourke closed the 701 on a 113 checkout, not to be outdone Raul Rocamora closed the half on T18, D20. Between the 1st and 6th legs, Birds Sue Cam D9 and Sandra Crabbe 95, D1, plus Milos Fabian 116, D1 and Cain Garcia D1, completed the 1st half.
Crabbe's 140, D4 earned her POTM, and O'Rourke D10 got Birds to 5 legs, Milos grabbing the other 4 via Fabian 100, D16, Javea de Gea 135, D4, Rocamora 100, D2 and GarciaD8, getting Milos over the line. POTM - Fabian.
PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023
Pete and Steve
Lisa, John & Chelsea
Mario 154 checkout
YAS ISLAND,Abu Dhabi,is home to Yas Waterworld, Warner Bros World,Ferrari World and a multitude of five star hotels.Ferrari World is the largest indoor theme park in the world,shaped like a massive three-pointed star. Visitors can see an operating Ferrari factory,take a spin on a real Ferrari,or bring up their breakfast on the “Formula Rossa,”a thrill ride that sets the world record for roller coaster rides.
Nearby is the Yas Golf links, venue for the Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship on the 19-22nd of this month.If the DP World Tour players get knocked out early at least there will be plenty to amuse them.
more under par in PGA TOUR history than Cameron Smith at Kapalua in 2022,with Jon Rahm on his heels all the way and Matt Jones making a pair of eagles and a 50 ft birdie. Smith was relentless all the final day in the Tournament of Champions down to the 3 ft birdie putt he made on the 18th for an 8 under 65 and a one shot victory over Rahm, jumping 30 spots to No.3 in the Fedex Cup standings while finishing at 34 under 258. Only three players in Tour history had finished at 30 under or lower.Ernie Els set the
record at 31 under at Kapalua in 2003,winning by eight shots.Jordan Spieth shot 30 under in 2016,also winning by eight.Dustin Johnson shot 30 under at TPC Boston in 2020 and won by 11.
I wonder if,alone in those 5 star hotel suites,Cameron looks back nostalgically to those halcyon days downing a Fosters with his mates on the Tour.Will the $4 million he won with LIV in Chicago in September make up for it? Probably.
THE 2023 EUROPEAN PRO GOLF Tour commences in Murcia Jan 23-25th with the HDA Masters,then the Roda Open on February 1-3rd,the Lo Romero Open on February 6-8th and the La Serena Classic on February 13-15th. The advertising blurb says: 'European Pro Golf Tour offers an incredible platform for aspiring golfers.They will use this unique opportunity at these top venues to REACH THEIR DREAMS!' Make a note,we'll have to leave the top venues to the aspiring McIlroys on those days.
FOR YOUR TV DIARY (Best ask your relatives not to come out for a visit on these dates:)
The Masters,6-9th April, Augusta National. PGA Championship,18-21st May,Oak Hill Country Club.
New York.
US Open,15-18th June ,Los Angeles Country Club, California.
The Open,20-23rd July,Royal Liverpool.Hoylake,Wirral.
WHOEVER WINS the Sony Open in Hawaii on 9th January will have a job to beat last year's winner Hideki Matsuyama for a dramatic finish.Hideki made up a five shot deficit on the back nine and then won in a playoff with one of the best shots he never saw: a 3 wood into the sun to three feet for an eagle to beat Russell Henley.
TODAYS GOLFER TIP for more distance: Address the ball as normal,draw right foot back 3 or 4 inches and then align hips and shoulders with feet.This will have the effect of creating more launch angle, and will give you that extra distance.I'll try anything once.
JAZZ GREATS such as Duke Ellington will put harmony into your putting stroke, according to new research. Male players are 17% and ladies 10% more accurate when listening to jazz while practising.Country music improves baseball perform-
ance and rap raised basketball skills but jazz does it for golfers.It is supposed to help them calm down,concentrate and improvise on the green. So on with the headphones: “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing!”
UNWRITTEN LAWS: If you ever par the first three holes you’ll have a twenty minute wait on the next tee.
Until next time: Happy Golfing in 2023.
Contact Mick for regripping and repairs.638 859 475 or visit
What a massive turn out for our Smiling Jack's Golf Society and a big thank you to you all from ‘El Presidente’ for supporting us.
A thanks also goes out to vista Bella for looking after us and what a great course. More thanks required for Get and Al for looking after us and a special thankyou goes to Julie for preparing a fantastic feast for us yet again. Great comments on the food and really appreciate it.
We had a great day of sunshine on this beautiful course. We also had some very good scores come in as well, shown alongside:
Nearest the pin on 2 was Tom Burke, Nearest the pin on 11 was nobody, Nearest the pin in two on 12 was Chris Ayres.
In second place with a fantastic 41 points and new handicap of 24 was Neil Piling while this month's winner, with an outrageous 45 points, and new handicap of 25 was Paul Cox, well done.
A special thank you to Ger for donating our raffle prize of a free Smiling Jack's Golf Day, the winner of which was John Rooney.
Again a big thank you to you all for your wonderful support.
El Presidente
PAGE 22 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Meet the new year, same as the old year,can be attributed to not only Thader,but also legendary rock group The Who (providing 'year' is changed to 'boss' - an extract from the song 'won't get fooled again'),for having lost at Santa Pola in their last Premier league match in 2022,they proceeded to record the same score line at the start of 2023.
Thader ...........0
Villena CF..............1
Fran rose majestically to execute a powerful header from a corner on 28 mins,but his effort was frantically cleared off the line. When Javi was uncerimoniously hauled down inside Villena's penalty area on 32 mins,it looked a nailed on penalty,the only problem being that ref Bottela was unimpressed.
No New Year Spirit for Thader
That's where the similarity ends,for unlike the debacle at Santa Pola, Sunday's match at Moi Gomez stadium was fairly uncontroversial.
Both manager Raul Mora and his assistant,along with defender Rosquin, were serving a suspension,a legacy from that infamous old year match.
At the start of play,Thader were in 11th place on 20 points,whilst visitors Villena were 5 points behind.
When Thader central defender Miguel headed the ball against the bar on 12 minutes,it was the first attempt on goal by either team.
Making a rare start,home striker Calderon thought he'd scored on 22 mins,but alas he was penalised for being clearly offside.
Villena's first serious effort arrived on 38 mins,resulting in Javi making a vital interception to prevent the visitors taking the lead.
Chema produced an important point blank save on 48 mins,the first time Thader's keeper had been forced into action.
Pedro Juan was so unlucky on 55 mins, for his thunderbolt struck the underside of the bar,before bouncing to safety,denying Thader's striker a deserved goal.
Straight up the other end,and it was so very nearly a goal for the visitors,had Marcos not shot the wrong side of the post.
A calamitous slip by Chema on 63 mins,allowed Vendrell the simple task of a tap in to put the visitors in front.
Thader's keeper lost his footing at a
vital time,just when a low cross to the far post needed to be prevented from reaching its target.Sub Quino had a great opportunity to equalise on 72 mins,but he shot wide from an acute angle,when he really should have done better.
Although they huffed and puffed,the hosts could not puncture Villena's rearguard.
Into stoppage time,only an incredible goal line save by Chema,prevented his team from further humiliation.
New Year but same old struggle for Elche
Elche lost to Celta Vigo 1-0 at home in La Liga on Friday to remain the only team without a win after 16 league matches.
The loss came after it opened the year with an earlier 1-0 defeat in the Copa del at third-division club Ceuta.
It was the team’s third match since introducing new coach Pablo Machín. His first game was a 20 loss at Atlético Madrid before the end of the year.
Elche has now lost 12 of its first 16 league games, including the last five.
The Celta winner came with a goal by veteran striker Lago Aspas in the fifth minute, ending an eight-game winless streak in the league. Their last victory came in October against Real Betis after they too had been eliminated in the Copa del Rey midweek.
The result lifted the Vigo club to 16th place, three points clear of the relegation zone.
Elche, with just 4 points from their 16 league starts, playing in the first division for the third consecutive season, sit eight points behind second-tolast Sevilla, who host Getafe on Sunday evening.
Thader now embark on a run of 3 matches away from home.
First up is a trip to Elche next weekend,when Carrus Ilicitana will be the hosts.Visit CD Thader facebook page for further information.
1. Roland Garros, 2. The battle of Little Big Horn (1876). 3. Laika. 4. a. Cornwallis, b. Gordon, c. Colonel Baden-Powell, d. Lord Howard of Effingham, e. Wellington, f. Sandy Woodward 5. The Hunt For Red October. 6. Jack Brabham. 7. Coppe or Cob. (Cobweb). 8. Christoper (Kit) Marlowe. 9. It cannot fall though the hole like a square one could and it can be easily moved by rolling, simple. 10. Mick Jagger sings in both songs. 11. The Lion In Winter. 12. 1980. 13. Bristol. 14. Lisbon. 15. Lech Walesa. 16. Turtles, Terrapins and Tortoises. 17. Maureen O'Sullivan. 18. Three answers. a. Steve Miller Band. b. OMD. c. Eric Burdon and the Animals. 19. A cross between a zebra and a donkey. 20. Pandora
Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
A dejected Morente following the goal by Lago Aspas
PAGE 24 Monday 9th - Sunday 15th January 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385