1 minute read

M e e t M e s s i …

Iwould like to introduce you to Messi.

Messi is a purebred Dexter calf and was four days old when this photo was taken. This beautiful creature belongs to my grandson, Finn Comaskey, aged 11. Now, when you hear the name Messi at this time, nobody would blame you for assuming that the calf was named after the greatest footballer, Messi - and right on the heels of winning the World Cup. You would only be half right …


I have given each of my grandchildren a baby heifer, so that they may hopefully learn much about life from the experience and enjoy the pleasure of watching the calf grow into a cow and having a calf of her own.

There is no greater gift you can give a child than an animal – provided of course that the animal is right for them and can be properly looked after. More about that in a minute … Finn’s dog died on the morning his calf was born. The dog was 13 years old and had always been part of the lives of Finn and his brothers, Ruari and Cillian.

The dog’s name was Messi – due to Finn’s daddy being a Barcelona supporter and a lifetime devotee of the Argentinian maestro. Every tear shed over that dog wasn’t a child’s tear.

As Finn was grieving his loss, I sent him a WhatsApp photo and message to tell him about his baby – as it was his turn for the next heifer. Grief changed to joy for a moment and Finn sent me this massage;

‘Thank you, thank you Grandad … she is beautiful. Can I call her Messi?’

So, Messi it is and that is the name that will be registered with the Irish Dexter Cattle Society.

Children love animals and animals are good

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