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Pilar Christian Community Church
" Where every person matters butGodmatters most!
CLEAR VISION. I wear glasses and boy do they get mucky and dusty on a daily basis. Sometimes I´m forever cleaning them and other times, I just don´t even notice and carry on with my day.
Are we like that with God? Do we think as we get older “I must do something about finding out the truth about God” or do we just bumble along and hope all will turn out okay and we´ll all get into heaven? Not bother to clear our line of vision and try to see the truth of the matter? ARE there any conditions for getting into heaven? to spending eternity with God?
Somebody said to me the other day that they believed they would go to heaven and be with God when they died. And I asked them “if you knocked at a complete stranger´s door, would you expect to be let in?” Most especially if you deliberately and purposely didn´t have, or want to have, anything to do with that person – even turned your back on them!
WHY would you assume that that person would warmly open their door and welcome you in?
Jesus Himself tells us that "I am the way and the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) So, do you know Jesus and about the amazing thing He did for us: you, me, each of us? Many people are ready to write it all off as myth BUT, why not find out the truth for yourself?
Research, investigate, talk to someone.
In this month of February this year we have 3 Calendar events, the 1st being Valentine´s Day on the 14th.
Of course “God is Love and the one who lives in love lives in God and God lives in Him.” Go on – you sang that didn´t you!
For those in love Valentine´s Day is a fantastic day; for others it can be a day of untold loneliness and heartache. We thank God that He IS Love and that He never changes, is never moody, never moves the boundaries and loves us unconditionally. Our God is a constant.
The 2nd date in February is the 21st which is Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day. Will you clear out and use up all the sweet things in your cupboards? Most of us have far too many sweet things in our cupboards to use up in one day…
This is all in preparation for the start of Lent which is the 40 days leading up to Easter – not really about bunnies and chocolate eggs at all - but about the enormity of what Jesus did for Mankind.

More about this in March & April… But in the meantime, perhaps we might all take a closer look at where we see ourselves at the end of our days and what exactly is our hope for Eternity. How is your vison of Eternity - clear - or needing some dusting and attention?
Date for Diary: From Thursday 2nd March from 12:00 –13:00 Pat Jarnet, a qualified & experienced Fitness & Dance Trainer will do Movement to Music classes at PCCC for those of us who want more limber muscles & joints, to be able to breathe with more ease, to have fun and get some gentle – or not so gentle if you´re fit & active – exercise. 5 per class. She will cater for mobility limitations, chairs available to sit on or lean on!