The courts in Russia are continuing to issue arrest warrants for individuals allegedly spreading false information about the actions of the Russian army in relation to the war in Ukraine.
Aleksei Vyacheslavovich Panin, a 45-year-old Russian actor and laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, residing in Torrevieja since 2020, where he continues to perform and direct the El Faro cultural association, and who has spoken negatively about Russia on numerous occasions in public, is the latest artist in their sights for detention. The Russian Ministry of the Interior filed a ‘search and arrest‘ warrant against the actor on Monday for having celebrated the explosion of the Crimean bridge in October on his social networks.
The Russian Justice considers the actor guilty of the crime of "support of terrorism" for publicly justifying the attack last October that left the Kerch bridge unusable, built by Russia on the Crimean Peninsula, illegally annexed by the Kremlin in 2014.
Panin wrote on his Telegram account that he could not hide his joy at an action that Russian President Vladimir Putin described as a "terrorist attack" carried out by the Ukrainian security services. Therefore, the actor was accused of violating article 205.2 of the Russian Criminal Code, which punishes "public calls for terrorist activities or public justification of terrorism" with penalties of up to seven years in prison. Russian TV Channel 5 reported that a card with his name appeared in the Ministry 's database on the morning of May 22. "Panin Alexey Vyacheslavovich, born on September 10, 1977, is wanted under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation," it says.
No 973 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 637 227 385 Now in our 20th year of keeping people safe and informed - The
ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper
Costa Blancaís oldest
On his Instagram account, he shared this publication two days ago in which he confirmed that he was being wanted by the Russian regime: "20 minutes ago they put me on the list of wanted people in Russia," he wrote.
“Except for laughter, this does not cause me anything, because I have not justified any terrorism and I do not justify it. Naturally I will be happy to go to Russia for a visit but after the regime that is now in Russia is removed", he declared in the Russian newspaper 'La Gazeta'.
This Wednesday he published another image on his account in which he made reference to the coverage that the country's media are making of this fact: “Now I am even in the Spanish press! Thanks to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for making me a 'star' of the world."
A copy of the ‘search and arrest’ warrant issued by the Russian state
“I have received messages from all over the world saying that they are looking for me. At first, it was a surprise that they are prosecuting me, but I got over it, I digested it,” Panin told to the Russian por-
tal Limon. “I will continue to live happily in Europe. So far, I've been put on a Federal wanted list, and I'm told Interpol hasn't cooperated since the war with the Russian Federation started, so I'll be traveling through Europe normally.”
The actor denied the crimes with which he was charged. "Everything is false. Nobody justified terrorism, and the sentence I said about the Crimean bridge was because I was glad Putin didn't get away with it. Two days before, the Russian Army had attacked residential houses in Ukraine, where people, entire families, died,” he explained.
Penin was not always against the Putin regime. In 2015 the Ukrainian police opened a criminal case against the actor for allegedly "violating the territorial integrity of the country", after publicly supporting the Russian annexation of Crimea. He later publicly apologised for it.
Spain is the 5th most breached country globally
The latest study by cybersecurity company Surfshark ranks Spain as the 5th most breached country from January to March 2023 (Q1’2023).
Globally,a total of 41.6M accounts were breached in Q1’2023,with Russia ranking first,recording a sixth of all breaches from January to March.
The United States takes second place,while Taiwan is in third place after extreme quarter-over-quarter growth, followed by France and Spain.The period has seen a 49% decrease in breached users worldwide when compared to Q4’2022.
Running for the Bus
By Peter Craig
What an unfashionable thing to do, Not cool like me or composed like you, Not àla mode. Clearly, not one of us. Why on earth would he run for the bus?
He could run for fun, run for election, Make a bid for Olympic selection, Join a trendy gym and kick up a fuss, But it’s not in vogue to run for the bus.
He could cycle on sidewalks sporting lycra, Wear the leathers of a hairy biker, Race against time and burn up the dust; It’s just not stylish to run for the bus.
Or better still he could buy a big car
With built in stereo and mini-bar. And while he helps the world to combust, The rest of us can run for the bus.
"Where Grief Hides From the Light"
By David Whitney
Grief never ever leaves you
It hibernates a while
Then sometimes unexpectedly It obliterates your smile
It's always lurking silently
To take you unaware
When life seems so much easier Turn around and it is there
Reminding you of loved ones
That have gone beyond your touch
Heart aching for their presence And the love that meant so much
A longing that is painful
An ache you cannot ease
It seems that grief is laughing As it brings you to your knees
Where tears seep through your fingers
As you cannot bear the pain
Of never having them to love
Or hug just once again
But grief is not your enemy
It is there to show you've cared
To show the world you're human With a love so fondly shared
So when grief takes you by surprise
Just let it come right in
It's come to stir those memories
So just take it on the chin
And know you've been rewarded
By those loved but out of sight
A world away but in your heart
Where grief hides from the light
To see your poem published send to:
Surfshark’s analysis of data breaches in Q1’2023 shows Spain is in 5th place with 3.1M leaked accounts (previously 12th with around 571k in Q4’2022).The breach rate is 445% higher in 2023'Q1 than it was in 2022'Q4,rising from 4 to 24 breached accounts per minute.
Europe was the most affected region by breaches in Q1’2023,followed by Asia and North America.Europe was also the only region with a significant quarter-overquarter increase in its statistics on data breaches.The number nearly doubled,growing from 9.9M in Q4’2022 to 17.5M in Q1’2023.
Some of the biggest breaches by email count were Sberbank (Russia),with 2.9M accounts leaked,Weee! (United States) with 1.1M,and Zurich Insurance (Switzerland) with 756.7K.
The full methodology is available at:
637 227 385
637 227 385
Journalists 600 228 616
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PAGE 2 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
If the province of Alicante occupies one of the last positions in GDP per capita in the country, it is not by chance. This is the consequence of the fact that most of its municipalities have an income level that is well below that of Spain as a whole.
In fact, of the 23 towns in the area with over 20,000 residents, only one, Sant Joan d'Alacant, exceeds the average level of income per inhabitant found in Spain as a whole, while most of the remainder flounder at the bottom of the table. WHY IS THE PER CAPITA INCOME IN ALICANTE SO LOW?
This is reflected in the report prepared annually by the INE, which once again places the municipalities of Juan XXIII and Virgen del Remedio in Alicante among the poorest of all large Spanish cities.
According to INE data, this year Torrevieja replaced Almoradí as the town with the lowest level of net income per inhabitant, at just 8,417 euros, 3,852 euros less than the national average, which stood at 12,269 euros during the same period. In fact, Torrevieja is the ninth poorest town in the whole of Spain of those with more than 20,000 inhabitants or the second, only behind San Lúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz), of those with city status.
Almoradí moved from last to penultimate place in income per inhabitant within the province, with 8,479 euros; followed by Crevillent, with 8,839 euros; Calp, with 8,995; and l'Alfàs del Pi, with 9,246.
Other municipalities that are also below 10,000 euros of income per inhabitant include Aspe, with 9,393 euros; Pilar de la Horadada (9,406 euros); Elda (9,452); Petrer (9,660); Elche (9,839) and Benidorm with 9,891. The situation in the
tourist capital of Marina Baixa is typical of what happened this year with the pandemic, since it’s average income fell by more than 560 euros due to the stoppage of tourist activity caused by coronavirus.
Paloma Taltavull, who is professor of Applied Economics at the University of Alicante says that a good part of the population of these coastal municipalities is made up of temporary residents, whose income is not included in the study, while permanent residents are usually workers in low paid jobs in the tourism sector or in agriculture. These are activities with a fairly low salary level, which explains these results.
Meanwhile, the richest populations in the province are located around the metropolitan area of Alicante, where the most advanced services and the civil services are concentrated. Even so, only Sant Joan manages to exceed the national average income, with 12,318 euros. Just below that average is El Campello, with 11,973 euros; the city of Alicante, with 11,676; and Mutxamel, with 11,634.
Other cities with the highest income levels in the province include Ibi, with 11,589 euros; and Alcoy, with 11,495, thanks to the presence of an industrial sector that pays better wages. At the national level, Níjar is the municipality with the lowest net income in the entire country, with 7,801 euros, while Pozuelo de Alarcón once again heads the list of the richest towns, more than triple that amount, at 26,009 euros.
Beyond the economic indicators, Torrevieja also stands out as the tenth Spanish city with the lowest life expectancy at just 81.1 years compared to 85.4 in Majadahonda, the city with the longest-lived residents.
The municipality of Vega Baja is also the region with the highest percentage of foreign resident population, with 40.7% of the total census. A classification in which Benidorm appears third, with 29.6%.
PAGE 3 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 637 227 385
Whilst most people welcome the decision of the council to change itís mind regarding the site of the new Orihuela Costa School No 20, finally announcing that it will not be placed on Zenia Boulevard Car Park, the choice of the new location is not being so warmly welcomed, with many local residents claiming that the traffic chaos that it will cause will be even worse.
The new location is an already busy and built up area, where queues of traffic regularly form, so the extra pressure that will now be put upon the road with the additional daily vehicular movement in and out of the neighbourhood, is likely to cause even more mayhem.
The choice of new location is in Calle Madreperla, an extremely narrow thoroughfare, that leads alongside Via Park II and on to the busy Urb Pau 3, Ctra Villamartin, directly opposite the Oriental Market.
MarÌa GarcÌa, the Orihuela Councillor of Education, explained that of all the municipal plots the most prepared was the Boulevard parking lot, because it is level and has good lighting, but on reflection it was seen that the school would occupy practically all of the car park, making parking at the shopping centre very much of a premium and no doubt seriously restricting visitors.
She explained that the first option considered was in Calle NÌspero in Los Dolses, on the same plot that housed the ëtemporaryíschool of the "Playas de Orihuela" for 16 years," however, that was discarded because the land is considered to be too steep.
So now it has been decided, by the Department of Urbanism, directed by Councillor JosÈ Aix, that the plot on Calle Madreperla meets the best conditions, but even with the screed already laid, with the municipal elections on the horizon, this will mean a delay of one month, according to GarcÌa, which is why she now anticipates that the facilities will not be ready until at least October, over a month into the new school year.
Partido Popular Councillor, Almudena BaldÛ, says that Garcia and Aix knew of the requirement to find land many weeks ago, with the Valencian Ministry of Education, directed by Raquel Tamarit, having written at least two letters to the City Council to demand the details of the new plot on which the school is to be erected.
BaldÛ continued, "We doubt that these actions will be carried out in the time and manner demanded by the regional administration, given that both Carolina Gracia and JosÈ Aix have been busy with their electoral campaigns for some time and seemingly totally unconcerned
with daily management," she grieved. BaldÛ, added that two-year-olds will have nowhere to go, since the registration period has ended, and the Los Dolses school is full.
For this reason, the councillor continued, when the month of September arrives, the Ministry will be forced tosend the new students to other towns in the area as they will not be able to attend Orihuela Costa centres due to their overcrowding.
Orihuela Local Police adds 14 new officers
The Local Police has added to its staff with the inauguration of 14 officers. The act of formalizing their positions took place on Thursday in the Oriol Hall of the Town Hall and was presided over by the deputy mayor, José Aix; the Councillor for Human Resources, Luisa Boné, and the Councillor for Citizen Security, Antonio Sánchez.
The officers have now passed the mandatory training course at the Valencian Institute of Public Safety and Emergencies, the IVASPE, which consists of 350 teaching hours and two months of internship within the Orihuela Local Police unit.
Aix has congratulated the new
Ref: 001562 e425,000
Totally refurbished 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa with large southfacing terrace.
Airconditioning and heating, all new windows, completely insulated. Underbuild with 2 additional rooms. Garage and access to seperate garden area, part of which is used for bed and breakfast.
The idea was to begin constructing the school before June so that the next 2023-2024 academic year would begin in prefabricated classrooms. For this, the Ministry of Education awarded the assembly, rental and disassembly to Alquileres BarcelÛ S·ez SLfor 1.2 million euros and a completion period of two months, so that it would be ready in September, and which would then operate for at least three years until construction of the new school on a plot designated by the City Council.
agents stating that their qualification "is a great achievement" for which they should all be congratulated, after overcoming many obstacles and passing very complex selection processes".
Councillor Luisa Boné said that "in a few months a number of other colleagues will join them", by which she hopes that "little by little, the deficit of personnel that the Local Police has suffered for many years will be rectified." "The police force had an acute lack of officers, while, at the same time, also lacking an adequate command structure and, in the near future an additional two agents will be added to these fourteen officers who are now joining the force".
Finally, Antonio Sánchez added that this restructuring follows "the line of providing human and material resources to the Local Police" in order to improve security in the municipality
PAGE 4 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 MEMORIAL
The Planning Dept Selection process
The regulated price of a butane gas cylinder has dropped 4.9% again, now standing at 15.96 euro, the lowest price recorded in the last twelve months.
Specifically, the maximum RRP of the butane cylinder has decreased by 0.83 euro, to 15.96 euro, compared to the 16.79 euro in force since March 21.
The maximum RRP of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) in containers of 8 to 20 kilograms (the traditional butane cylinder) is reviewed bimonthly on the third Tuesday of the month.
Pilar de la Horadada begins the demolition of La Paloma
Last Friday the demolition works began on the municipal building christened "La Paloma" in Pilar del Horadada. Work is now underway on the periphery of the building in readiness for the demolition of the main structure, in the area closest the adjacent school, the Virgen del Pilar, which will take place in the summer months, when the students are on holiday.
The cost of the demolition is 390,000 euros after which there will be further work to include conditioning of the underground parking of 7,700 meters so as to retain the 252 parking spaces. An area of 6,360 square metres of sur-
face above the car park will be prepared to erect a multipurpose building that may be built in the future, with a further outlay of two million euros.
The local PP council, which has ordered the demolition, has stated that "la Paloma" which was originally intended as a cultural centre, was never completed, despite an outlay of 8.8 million euros, and has laid abandoned for 21. It is being demolished because it has become obsolete, according to municipal surveyors.
However, the PSOE has questioned the time chosen to carry out the work, one week before the municipal elections,
while the classes in the nearby school still continue. They say that the previous government team had stated it’s intention to complete the already erected installation.
The PP, however, maintains that local public opinion is committed to a solution that makes use of the car park and a new building on the resulting area. The demolition has a cost of 390,000 euros - The conditioning of the underground car park for 252 spaces will involve a further investment of 2.3 million - The bulk of the work will be carried out in summer so as not to affect the Virgen del Pilar College
This revision is calculated based on the cost of propane and butane in international markets, as well as the cost of transportation and the euro-dollar exchange rate.
This reduction is mainly due to the sharp fall in the price of raw materials (-25.8%) and the appreciation of the euro against the dollar (+0.9%), which is cushioned due to the existing surplus, which increases from 0.97 euro/bottle to 1.76 euros/bottle.
The regulated price only refers to contracted supply of butane gas bottles delivered to your home. The price of the canisters sold in petrol stations is not regulated as they are sold under a free market agreement.
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The cost of the demolition is 390,000 euros, most of which will be carried out during the school summer holidays
There are hundreds of young already hatching in the nurseries of these spectacular birds
Brits Amongst 19 Arrestees in Torrevieja Cannabis Sting
10,000 flamingos arrive in Torrevieja lagoon
Up to ten thousand flamingos have again established their breeding area in the Torrevieja saline lagoon which, with each pair usually laying one egg, indicates that numbers could equal or even exceed the reproduction success of the year 2022, with almost five thousand chicks.
A lack of rain in Doñana (Huelva) and Fuente de Piedra (Málaga) has displaced the birds to the Mediterranean wetlands Natural Park and salt mine which has reinforced measures to avoid human pressure
Photographer Federico Kenzelmann
says that in recent days the eggs have already begun to hatch and there are hundreds of young already accumulating in the nurseries of these spectacular birds. This is the fourth consecutive nesting of the species in the pink lagoon after they did so for the first time in history in 2020, in the midst of a pandemic.
The Natural Park of the Torrevieja and La Mata Lagoons, which is managed by the Generalitat in collaboration with Salins España, has carried out measures this year to ensure that the impact of humans on the wetland is as small as possible, especially with regard to the
EU confirms it doesn’t have a date for implementation of Entry/Exit System yet
The European Union has not come up with a new date for the start of the implementation of the Entry/Exit System yet, the euLISAhas confirmed, which is the agency responsible for the operational management of the EES and other large-scale ITsystems in the field of freedom, security and justice.
The press team at the eu-LISAhave confirmed for that a date hasnít been set yet for the operationalisation of the EES, in spite of some media reporting that the date has been postponed to 2024.
ìeu-LISAis currently working on a revised planning approach for the implementation of the EES and the overall interoperability architecture, taking into account all possible foreseeable impacts,î the agency said in an email.
They also explained that while the newly proposed timeline will depend on the resolution of existing technical issues, the euLISAand the other involved EU authorities intend to achieve the earliest possible entry into service of the system while remaining realistic and achievable.
ìAt the moment, no date has been communicated for a possible entry in operation of EES,î they however noted in their response.
The EES was supposed to become effective in May, however, back in January this year, the eu-LISAhad revealed that May 2023 was no longer achievable due to delays from the contractors. The agency was supposed to present a revised timeline for approval at the JHACouncil held last March, yet, such a thing has not happened still.
The EES, which is one of the newly developed automated IT systems in the EU, will be keeping track of travellers entering and leaving the EU and Schengen Area, Ireland and Cyprus excluded. The same will also replace passport stamps, which will become digital.
Its delay has also affected the functionalisation of another impor-
many amateur photographers who tend to arrive in the area.
Among the measures to protect the colony, the perimeter of the shoreline where the colony has established its breeding area and its "nurseries" in the last 4 years has been secured with a mesh fence which the authorities say should now ensure that neither domestic animals, nor predators, nor people unrelated to the salt mine can access the area artificially created in the 1990s to divide the lagoon , which has already become a sanctuary for the reproduction of the flamingo in this part of Spain.
Seven cannabis associations in Torrevieja have been closed by the Guardia Civil in an operation in which 19 people between the ages of 25 and 69, of eight nationalities, have been arrested and nearly of ten kilograms of marijuana, prohibited weapons and more than 10,000 euro seized.
Operation 'Libro Registro' included searches of 10 premises and homes, in addition to the arrest of people from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Lithuania and Chile, in an investigation that began when a slight increase was detected in complaints related to the consumption and possession of drugs in specific areas of Torrevieja, with minors and foreign tourists involved.
The operation took place during March and April, and it was discovered that, under the guise of non-profit associations, these organisations exceeded the amounts of marijuana allowed per member for consumption that was not limited to the interior of the premises.
Four of the seven associations were not registered in the National Registry of Associations.
It was also revealed that these associations did not limit their activity to their members but also allowed sales of drugs to minors and foreign tourists.
The operation was carried out in several phases, between March 28 and April 26, and a total of seven searches were carried out at the associations' hq and three more at the homes of some of those responsible, where the arrests were made. 9,338 kilos of marijuana, 1,276 of hashish, 30 grams of cocaine, 32 litres of liquid cannabis, 42 marijuana plants, 60 canisters with liquid cannabis, various prohibited weapons and more than 10,000 euro were seized, and one of the searches revealed a clandestine production of hashish, where products derived from cannabis were made, such as chocolates, cookies, resins, oils and drinks.
tant system, that of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).
The latter was supposed to become effective on November 2023, yet, due to the delay of the EES the ETIAS has also been postponed to the middle of 2024, though the exact date for it is still unknown too.
Earlier in March, commenting on the issue for, the EU Commissionís Spokesperson for Home Affairs, Anita Hipper, had confirmed that since the ETIAS is being developed closely with the EES, it cannot start operating before the EES.
ìWe expect that the ITsystem enabling the operation of ETIAS will be available in the course of 2023. The current expected date for ETIAS to be fully operational is 2024. The entry into operation of ETIAS can only take place 5 to 6 months after the entry into operation of the EES,î Hipper said.
It has previously been reported that the EES could be postponed even further in late 2024, after the Paris Olympics end on August 11, in the same year. If such a thing happens, then the ETIAS will be delayed even further, sometime by 2025.
As a result of the evidence collected, the judicial authorities have ordered the temporary closure of the seven associations involved in the investigation for a period of 5 years as a preventive measure to guarantee the safety and well-being of the community.
PAGE 6 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The bridge was constructed in Asturias at a cost of 290,000 euros
The new footbridge has finally arrived in Mil Palmeras. The bridge, to replace the one demolished by the Dana storms, that have cut off a popular pedestrian route with Torre de la Horadada for four years, reached its destination on Thursday after traveling approximately 900 from Asturias, where it has been assembled.
Split into two sections that have been transported aboard two large-tonnage trailers, its arrival in Mil Palmeras has raised attracted dozens of onlookers who did not want to miss the 'show'. After Calle Fernando de Rojas was emptied of cars a complicated manoeuvre saw the structure placed parallel to one of the banks of the boulevard prior to the two pieces being joined together.
The work carrying out the assembly of the bridge will have to wait a little longer until the crane can safely lift the walkway and place it on the two concrete pillars that will support the structure which is made entirely of wood. This is purely because the recent rain has softened up the adjacent ground so it is not yet firm enough to carry out this next step.
The new infrastructure, once mounted on the riverbed, will create a single span 36.66 metres in length and 3.50 metres wide, resting on two concrete abutments.
The walkway is made up of a wooden truss in the shape of an arch without intermediate pillars, in order to comply with the requirement
of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation and the Territorial Coastal Service, so as to improve the drainage capacity of the river. Permits from both institutions, according to the City Council, have delayed administrative procedures for more than two years.
On August 24, 2022, the Pilareño City Council published the technical and administrative specifications for the contracting of the works on the State Contracting Platform. On November 8, the contracting was awarded to the company Infraestructuras y Ferrocarriles SL as the best offer. The works have a value of 290,080.56 euros (VAT included) and have an execution period of five months.
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
We could go on shopping forever
You would think being dead might severely limit a person's shopping habits. As well as most of their other vital functions. But no. Or not necessarily.
To some online global retailers, lacking a pulse doesn't automatically disqualify the deceased from spending money. As long as your personal expiry date precedes the expiry date on your credit card, it might not be too late to arrange a limited spending spree, if such a thing exists. Terms and conditions will apply. An all-purpose disclaimer worthy of a secondhand car salesman or an investment adviser.
It is a closely guarded secret -which I am about to reveal to you -- that many international organisations such as [name deleted for legal reasons] and [ditto] have what their employees refer to as 'ghost departments'. That may sound like an optimistic belief in an afterlife, some sort of shopping heaven, but sadly it isn't so. Telemarketing calls from ghost staff could include such phrases as, "Is the cardholder able to come to the phone? If the answer is no, please enter their password now, if you can. Or press * to retrieve it." To assuage any pesky worries on our part, regarding possible jail time for example, they often
assure us that "No Sales Representative will call."
Although I somehow suspect a sheriff's deputy with a tin star attached to his wallet may turn up eventually.
The majority of people alive buy now and pay later, and it's not really their fault if they kick the bucket before it arrives, along with the spade and the airline tickets to Copacabana Beach in Rio. Envelopes bearing the words 'Funeral Plan Opportunity!' drop through my letterbox reg-
ularly since I turned 76, and I return them unopened to sender, with the phrase 'No Longer at This Address!' scrawled across the front. Let them make of that what they will.
It does seem sensible, however, to have a system in place whereby dead people, or their leftover wealth, can purchase things that will afford them some comfort after they have toppled from the twig.
I'm thinking particularly of a funeral carriage with prancing
black horses, a pure white Carrara marble mausoleum with a panic button linked to a police station, a commemorative park bench cleaned weekly by means of an endowment fund, and -- last but not least -a tribute concert. The precise details of participants will depend on whether such people as Joe Brown and Marty Wilde outlive me.
Understandably, it is easier for dead people to sell things rather than buy them, and also looked on more favourably by beneficiaries in their will. One thinks of Elvis Presley's blue suede shoes -- mine are not the originals, unfortunately -but how gaga would you have to be to bid $75 thousand for Lady Gaga's teacup and saucer? There was lipstick on the cup, she hadn't even washed it. Or John Wayne's toupee for $6,000? Not yet, thanks.
On reflection, it seems a great pity that our birth certificates don't have an expiry date on them, so that we could go on spending right up to the crack of doom, when all debts traditionally fall due. Failing that, we might as well continue ordering online, until one day we really are 'No Longer at This Address.' Perhaps by then we'll finally be in shopping heaven, where all car dealers are honest and there aren't any gold bricks for sale.
Since their busy Christmas season, Spangles has concentrated on updating their repertoire with new songs and welcoming new members. They have kept their performance skills honed too! Aconcert at the Centro Cultural in Sucina on 6 May being just one. ìWe were honoured to be invited by the Cantos del CorazÛn group to sing with themì said Lyn Baines, Chorus Manager. ìWe thoroughly enjoyed hearing local traditional songs and performing to a new, appreciative audience. Weíre delighted to have been invited to perform alongside them again later this year.î
Not ones to rest on their laurels, Spangles was back by popular demand at the Escuela Official de Idiomas in San Javier last week, to run another a cappella workshop for the language students. Shyness, and hiding at the back of the audience, was not an option. Soon everyone was joining in some fun vocal exercises. Inhibitions disappeared and everyone had a super time.
Spangles is actively looking for a new and enthusiastic Musical Director. If you think you would fit the bill, and are within travelling distance of Los Alc·zares, please get in touch by email as soon as you can:
Spangles is a ladiesía cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday, from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alc·zares and visitors are always welcome. If youíd like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: or email
For more info
966 71 0047 / 688 792 515
Call: 645 469 253
PAGE 8 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 637 227 385 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE SA SA T ANIMAL RESCUE T ANIMAL RESCUE SSPPAANNGGLLEESS Doing what they do best.
is a lively, small 4 month old. Fully vaccinated, mircohipped and passport.
Coco is around 6 weeks old and one of many kittens we have in need of a home. He has been socialised and is a healthy little boy.
Three Civil War victims finally identified in Alicante cemetery
The Fisabio Foundation and the University of Valencia have identified three victims of the Civil War in the Alicante cemetery and one in the Castellón cemetery in a work carried out with agreement from the Generalitat, through the Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality.
In grave 36 of the Alicante cemetery, two people have been identified out of the 22 bodies recovered after the excavation of the grave, work that was promoted by the Aspe City Council and paid for by the Ministry, and which took place during the months of October and November 2021. The remains of the victims showed signs of violence having been murdered between June 26 and July 17, 1941, mostly from the town of Aspe and
In grave 33, the exhumation work was carried out between January and April of last year, promoted by the Asociación de Familiares de los Represaliados del Franquismo of the Alicante Cemetery, tasks that allowed exhumation of the remains of 18 victims of Franco's repression, one of whom has now been identified. The victims were shot between December 17, 1941 and February 12, 1942, all coming from various towns in Alicante.
This is the first identification of victims in the Alicante cemetery after two previous excavations which were unsuccessful.
In row 2 of the Castellón cemetery, the exhumation work was carried out between the months of November and December
2020, tasks that made it possible to locate the remains of the 18 victims executed between October 11 and December 3. November 1939, one of them also now identified. The process began at the request of 4 families of these victims, interested in carrying out the excavation and exhumation work, to which more relatives were added.
The work to identify the victims continues through the collaboration of the Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Democratic Quality, the Fisabio Foundation and the University of Valencia.
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
A concerned lady looks in on the remains of her relative
Nothing more focussed than a fixated frog.....
Ilearned an amazing amount about an awful lot of stuff during my seven years as a pupil in Johnstown National School. It wasnít only me; most of my fellow scholars of that era learned all they needed to know from that little tworoomed rural school.
Funnily enough, it isnít the hard graft of learning the ë3 Rsí, that stand out in my mind, but the lessons learned when Master Lawlor went off script and into a discussion, or told us a story. One such story which stuck with me was the story of a frog Ö two frogs, actually!
ëTwo frogs fell into a crock of milkí, the Master started. ëBoth quickly realised their perilous predicament. The earthenware crock had a sheer, smooth inside and no way were the frogs ever going to be able to climb out of the half-full container. One frog weighed up the situation and said to his mate; ìwe have no hope here; there is no escape, so whatís the point of making it worse by persecuting ourselves or even trying ,,,î and so this frog drifted slowly down to the bottom of the crock and drownedí.
ëThe second frog didnít see it like this at all. Whilst he couldnít yet see a way of saving himself, he was determined to keep swimming
around the crock for as long as his strength held outí. ëAnd what do you think happened, the Master asked?í
ëSomeone was passing by and lifted him outí, a classmate ventured. ëNo, stated An Maistir:íëFrom the churning of the frogís legs, as he swam round and round, the cream turned into butter, and the butter presented a launching pad for the frog, a mighty jumper, to spring over the edge of the crock and reach safety!
Now, what lesson can we all learn from this story?íI put my hand up ñ too quickly. ëThat the milk was thick with cream, Sirí, I answered. ëThatís right, Bernie ñ but not the most important lesson to be learned here.í
Another hand went up; it could have been Rosanne Kelleghan. ëPlease Sir, one of the frogs gave up and he died, but the other one kept trying until he saved himselfí. ëMaith an cailÏn, ceart go leorí, and let you all remember what that frog teaches us. Keep trying and donít give up,ísaid the master.
I never forgot that frog and I like to think that he came to my aid over the years. We need that frog inside our head
ëYou havenít failed until you stop tryingí, is a well-worn adage, but one that is always worth repeating. Each of us experience different challenges
in our lifetime; those trust upon us and the other ones some of us go looking for. I realised early on that there is no such thing as failure if you learn from the setback and allow the frog in you to take over.
One enterprise I undertook in the 1980s was turf-cutting. I purchased one of the first ëDifcoíturf cutters, rented swaths of cutaway bog, and that first year I put 30 acres of ësausageíturf out on the spread. At one point, I inadvertently strayed into bog belonging to another man who had recently purchased a farm with that section of bog attached. Aneighbour rushed over to the new owner, Mick Curran, to inform him of the trespasser who was cutting turf on his newly acquired bog. The neighbour set about giving the newcomer to Westmeath my history, concluding with; ìHe gets stuck into everything, always choppiníand changiní- but stays at nothingî, said my synopsiser. The new owner, an unflappable Kerryman, made this reply to his informant. ìFrom what you are telling me, Iíd say that fella will get it right yet!î And he never came near me on the bog. Thanks Mick!
The frog teaches us perseverance. All forms of self-improvement require perseverance. Whether you are run-
Computer Engineer steals more than 250,000 euros from Alicante Pensioner
The National Police have arrested a 28-year-old man in Alicante accused of defrauding a pensioner of more than 250,000 euros after deceiving him by posing as a computer engineer and going to his home to repair computer problems.
It is thought that he could possibly be British.
He has not revealed if he managed to resolve the,but what he did manage to do was make 65 bank transfers.
The engineer spent several months attending the victim's house in Alicante and after gaining his trust,he
was able to manipulate his bank accounts from which he plundered a large portion of his life savings.
When the victim realised what was being done,the ‘expert’had already allegedly stolen more than e250,000.
The victim then went to the Alicante Provincial Police Station,where she reported what had happened with the Economic and Fiscal Crime Group of the Alicante Provincial Judicial Police Brigade taking charge of the investigation.
According to the complainant,the young man,now in custody,met his victim when he worked in a telephone
ning a marathon or writing a book, itís the frog in you that will lift you over that wall when you hit it. Adversity and resilience are bedfellows when it comes to demonstrating perseverance and persistence. It might not be regarded as a matter of life or death (!) but surely the victory of Westmeath hurlers over Wexford has to rank up there as one of the great examples of the fighting frog within.
Westmeath manager, Joe Fortune, with his team 16 points down at half time, tore up the tactics sheet and told his charges to go out and hurland rid themselves of ëthis embarrassmentíThe lads got tired of drift-
store in Alicante. The victim needed assistance and the alleged fraudster provided her with a telephone,also offering himself to resolve her computer problems at home.
The victim fell for the deception and gave him full access to her personal computer.
According to the Police,the young man visited the victim's home twenty times over several months and in that period he made a total of 65 bank transfers worth more than 250,000 euros.
The police operation culminated in the arrest of the engineer, who was placed at the disposal of the Alicante duty court as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of fraud.
ing to the bottom of the crock Ö and the rest is history: Really history, because this was not one of the greatest comebacks in GAAhistory Ö it was THE greatest comeback in intercounty GAAhistory!!
Westmeath has yet to play Antrim, as we go to print. This has the risk of tarnishing the Wexford story somewhat Ö hopefully not; because nothing can take from what went before ñ and I believe that the frog will still be in the belly next Sunday!
If you get up one time more than you fall, you will make it.
It is thought that the man could be a British expat
PAGE 10 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Banned from meeting by the Royal British Legion
Organised by Jean Heald, a gathering of friends was held at the Captain’s Table on Wednesday where former members of the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the RBL were delighted to welcome Mark Nolan of the N332 and Gitte Lund Thomsen, Torrevieja’s very popular Councillor for Foreign Residents.
With over 30 people keen to get the proceedings underway, first up, was Nicola Louden with half an hour of seated exercise, always popular with the group, after which Mark took to the floor, bringing the gathering up to date with new traffic laws, signs and regulations, in Spain, with particular emphasis on emission ratings and eco-stickers. Although not yet intro-
duced locally, at this time, those towns with a population over 50k must ensure they are in place before the end of the year. There was lots of interest and following the presentation Mark was rightly flooded with questions.
Just four days before the municipal elections, resplendent in a PP t-shirt, Gitte gave up her valuable time to explain the need for Digital Signatures. She spoke about how easy they are to obtain and how convenient they would then make Spanish bureaucracy for residents. The councillor recommended that everyone should seriously consider ‘signing up’.
As well as a fine lunch of course, one of the main purposes of the gathering was to advise attendees of the situation regard-
ing the local RBL Branch as, quite clearly, despite promises to do so by both London and Spain District North, people are not being kept up to date. Although the branch committee had been ‘removed’ and a number of loyal and long standing committee members suspended from the RBL, a show of hands confirmed that over 60% of those in attendance had received absolutely no correspondence relating to the matte,r so were keen to be brought up to date.
Unfortunately, 6 months after the most successful branch in Spain was closed down, with 140 members left out on a limb, nothing new is known. Many of those in attendance confirmed that they will not be renewing their membership when called on to do so, unless the individuals responsible for the debacle are called to task, and the status quo restored, something that the RBL hierarchy in London seem loathe to do.
We were all sad to see the demise of the ferry last December linking Santiago de la Ribera with La Manga, a trip across the Mar Menor that proved to be extremely popular, particularly with holidaymakers, as it chugged across to the Puerto de Tomas Maestre.
Unfortunately, the ferry closed at the end of last year with little or no warning, and with absolutely no explanation, leaving regular users and holidaymakers alike extremely disappointed. Most of it’s traffic came at weekends when local residents would prove to be the main travellers as, with family and friends, they would spend a relaxing afternoon, before enjoying a beer and a meal having crossed between the two ports. So as to ensure the dependency of the service the San Javier Town Hall paid an annual subsidy to the operator, so when the service suddenly closed without any form of notice, it was more than the members of the public who were caught out unawares.
But now, the Councillor for Transport, Antonio Martinez Torrecil las, who attributed the stoppage of the service to "an internal problem within the company," has announced that the service will be resumed in June with three water taxis. No other details have yet been released although we do know that the water taxis will be much smaller and able to hold only 12 people each, whereas up to 70 were able to be carried on one journey by the ferry.
However, to compensate, the so-called 'sea taxis' will run more frequently than the ferry did, from 10am to 10pm, although with the schedule still to be published, it's not yet known at what times, on what days or the cost.
PAGE 12 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Guests Mark Nolan with Councillor Gitte Lund
Madam Motivator Nicola directs the exercise
The University of Alicante has discovered that the pigment present in the water in the salt lakes of Santa Pola is capable of stopping the growth of cancer cells.
The Salinas de Santa Pola Natural Park is a wetland characterised by the pink colour of its waters due to a pigment. Located in the coastal area of ??the Bay of Santa Pola (Alicante), the salt pans have an area of ??2,470 hectares where the presence of flamingos and stilts is constant.
In addition, the most striking thing about the area is its striking pink colour, a natural phenomenon whose responsibility lies with a pig-
ment existing in its waters. The University of Alicante has published a study on the antioxidant effect of this pigment.
Researchers have shown that bacterioruberin possesses anticancer qualities that paralyse the development of toxic cells. In addition, the antitumor capacity of this microorganism has been tested in various types of breast cancer and its results have been published in the journal Nature Scientific Report.
The starting signal for the research was given by a doctoral thesis from the University of Alicante in which the antioxidant activity of the pigment was demonstrated (300 times
higher than that of other antioxidants), which would allow it to be used as a treatment for other diseases such as diabetes.
Subsequently, the UA team of researchers verified 'in vitro' the effect of this pigment on breast cancer cells, reaching the conclusion that it limits the ability of cancer cells to grow.
The university highlights this research as a finding that opens the door to Biomedicine with the possibility of designing new strategies in the fight against cancer through the use of natural compounds that are not harmful to the body.
The Torrevieja Hospital has welcomed 17 new interns, including Resident Internal Physicians (MIR) and Resident Internal Nurses (EIR), who have begun their specialised training.
In addition, the centre has held a symbolic farewell ceremony to thank the work of the staff who have completed their residency, a total of seven new specialists who now have the opportunity to become part of the staff.
Seventeen new residents (MIR-EIR) will undertake specialised training in the Torrevieja Health Department. The University Hospital of Torrevieja, for yet another year, has filled its Resident (MIR-EIR) positions in the specialties of Internal Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, ObstetricGynaecological Nursing, Ophthalmology and Family and Community Medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Surgery General and Digestive System, Family and Community Nursing, Paediatrics and Nephrology. The welcome ceremony was presided over by Dr. JosÈ Gabriel Cano, Manager of the department, Dr. Jes˙s Navas, president of the teaching committee, and Julia LÛpez, director of Nursing.
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 972
ACROSS: 1 Prohibition; 9 Upbraid; 10 Scene; 11 Eased; 12 Elevate; 13 Inform; 15 Killer; 18 Turn out; 20 Meant; 22 Naive; 23 Terrain; 24 Defenceless.
DOWN: DOWN: 2 Robes; 3 Hoarder; 4 Bidden; 5 Taste; 6 Overall; 7 Superintend; 8 Penetrating; 14 Furtive; 16 Immoral; 17 Static; 19 Obese; 21 Amass.
1.Bureau (4)
3.Agricultural (8)
8.Pleasant (4
9.Consist (8)
11.First trip (6,6)
13.Language (6)
14.Lithe (6)
17.Occult (12)
20.Old-fashioned (8)
21.Record (4)
22.Wavered (8)
23.Nearest (4)
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
1.Explosive (8)
2.Pulling in (7)
4.Rut (6)
5.Choke (10)
6.Sugar coating (5)
7.Require (4)
10.Recover (10)
12.Tacit (8)
15.Maintenance (7)
16.Remain firm (6)
18.Up to (5)
19.Idle (4)
ACROSS: 1 Acts the goat; 9 Assault; 10 Ample; 11 Tread; 12 Expound; 13 Reward; 15 Absent; 18 Interns; 20 Leave; 22 Drone; 23 Egotism; 24 Attendances.
DOWN: DOWN: 2 Caste; 3 Sounder; 4 Hit-men; 5 Grasp; 6 Ampoule; 7 Masterminds; 8 Headstreams; 14 Without; 16 Balloon; 17 Ascend; 19 Reeve; 21 Amine.
1 Slid out of the covers (4)
3.Very good money (8)
8.Don't eat quickly (4)
9.Begin to teach the fundamentals to (8)
11.Criminal involved in demolition? (12)
13.Agirl that is with a dog (6)
14.Take a gun to church to create a stink (6)
17.Write about Mel's miracles - we should be thankful for them (5,7)
20.Letters from Paris and Rome? (8)
21.Fake remake of M*A*S*H (4)
22.Agirl in trouble with the dole in a place of riches (8)
23.Does this bird make domed nests? (4)
1.The footballer only took 50 per cent (4-4)
2.Talk about something thrown at Ponders End (7)
4.Holding a number on the river (6)
5.They take back what they say about farm vehicles (10)
6.Silly to upset Annie (5)
7.Colour Reg turns on the 4th of July (4)
10.Lawmaker who might be an allegorist (10)
12.One on the board looking for a mate? (8)
15.Not one found therein, perhaps? (7)
16.Showed amusement when badly misled (6)
18.Was gloomy about the vehicle (5)
19.Skin complaint from cane, perhaps (4)
LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)
1. Johnny Cash released 2 Live albums in the 1960s which were recorded in prison. Name the 2 prisons.
2. Which enticing and exotic location is also a cocktail containing vodka, blue curacao and lemonade (or lime juice) ?
Two words
3. In Da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper" a clumsy Judas can be seen knockiing what over? a. a silver chalice, b. a salt cellar, c. a candle, d. a vase
4. What is the official national sport in Pakistan? a. field hockey, b. polo, c. cricket, d. squash
5. Which Hollywood blockbuster contains the following line? "That is one big pile of shit!"
6. Which man with the initials T. L.; once described by President Richard Nixon as "the most dangerous man in America", is buried in space?
7. What is the ancient Greek strait Hellespont known as today?
8. The Weihenstephan Brewery in Germany is widely regarded as the oldest brewery in the world. Plus or minus
150 years, when did it first start brewing beer?
9. According to the book "The Intelligence of Dogs" (and most dog trainers), what are the four most intelligent dog breeds?
10. Which culinary speciality translated means "fat liver"?
11. Which of the following is the name of the currency in Iran, Yemen and Oman? a. Rial, b. Lire, c. Pound, d. Dinar
12. What are the five most populated cities in the Americas (North, South and Central America) that have names ending with the letter "o"?
13. Film director Robert Altman's 14 year old son earned millions after writing the lyrics to which movie and TV theme song? (clue: it reached number one in the UK singles charts)
14. What are the three largest rodents in the world?
15. In which cult film is there a restaurant named Jack Rabbit Slims?
16. The following are the flag carriers (national airlines) of which countries?. a. LOT, b. PIA, c. TAP
17. Which two bands had number one albums in the US charts titled "Black and Blue"?
18. In the film version of The Shawshank Redemption, a poster of which woman is hiding the hole in the cell wall through which Andy Dufresne finally escapes? a. Rita Hayworth, b. Farrah Fawcett, c. Marilyn Monroe, d. Raquel Welch
19. The Hableh Rood river runs through which Western Asian capital city with an estimated 16 million inhabitants?
20. A major city in Bangladesh and a lime used to make a popular gin. a. Quetta, b. Pune, c. Rangpur, d. Kanpur
PAGE 14 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
does not exist in Spain (there is a sign that looks similar, but it does not have the same meaning).
In Spain, the maximum permitted speed on the secondary road network outside of towns is 90 kilometres per hour, for cars, motorbikes, small motor homes and pick-ups, as well as buses (except under certain circumstances), derivatives of cars, and mixed adapted vehicles.
place, so if there is a sign saying that the maximum permitted speed is 80, or 50, for example, then that is the case.
Similar vehicular restrictions are also in place on motorways, although the limits differ, but today we are talking specifically about the secondary road network outside of towns.
On some 7,000 kilometres of the secondary road network in Spain, the maximum permitted speed limit is set at 90 kilometres per hour, on roads, outside of towns and cities, where no other restrictions are in force, in other words, where there are no signs
indicating a stricter limit (on some rare occasions, the maximum us set at 100 kilometres per hour, but this too will always be signposted).
This is in effect the same concept as the commonly referred to “National Speed Limit” which has been in place on British roads since the 60´s, where a maximum permitted
speed is set on roads outside of towns.
It should be noted, however, that although the concept is the same, there is not a road sign in the Spanish catalogue which is the equivalent to that in the UK. In the UK, it is indicated by a white circle with a black diagonal band. This
In Spain, speed limits are dictated by three elements, the road, the vehicle, and the driver (in some cases). Therefore, some vehicles are still restricted further, such as trucks, vans, large motor homes, articulated vehicles, vehicles towing a trailer, and others not listed, which are restricted to a maximum permitted speed of 80 kilometres per hour on these roads.
Bicycles and mopeds are restricted to a maximum permitted speed of 45 kilometres per hour.
Remember, we are talking only about the secondary road network, where no other restriction is in
Some drivers are also restricted such as may be the case those suffering certain medical conditions, for which the doctor has determined a restriction is necessary. In the case of a speed limit being imposed on a driver, a sign must be displayed on the back of the vehicle, the same sign we see on slow moving vehicles such as street sweepers.
As a final note, we must also remind you that all speed limits are maximums, and not targets. Many other factors can dictate that the speed achieved should be much lower than the maximum at any time.
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The Church of JESUS
CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733
Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.
Facebook SaltChurchSpain
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m.
Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2021 Ford Focus ST-Line X Petrol Automatic which is priced at just 25,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.
Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.
COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) is an Association that caters for residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. It facilitates the provision of fair and adequate social facilities for everyone. It is located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities, learn Spanish, to paint, watercolours or acrylics can pop along where you will be welcomed by volunteers. We are open between 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email:
Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:
Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website
PAGE 16 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Supermarket Sweep as Caritas looks for your help in the Orihuela Costa
goods that are needed by households on a daily basis.
Collections for the charity will take place on two days, next Friday and Saturday, the 2nd and 3rd of June, from 10.00am till late afternoon, with any success very much dependent on the number of volunteers that come forward to provide their help.
Did you know that Caritas Orihuela Costa is feeding over 130 families every single week, families from many countries, including the UK and Ireland, that, through no fault of their own, find themselves in financial difficulties. It's not just food, but toiletries, cleaning products, baby food and a multitude of other
Collection points will be located in El Campo, La Zenia, Supercor in La Mosca and Carrefour, where everything collected will be allocated to residents of Orihuela Costa. Please do come forward and provide your assistance. Caritas needs all the help that it can get and as many volunteers as possible are needed to help collecting the donations. If you can give just a few hours of your time on either day, please contact Carmen on 617 885 941
Networks Theatre in Orihuela is proud to present The Scarecrow Girl by Nick Moore. This super studio theatre in Orihuela city is well-known for its annual pantomimes and fun musicals but they also present smaller more intimate dramas like this moving story.
With a talented cast of 22 and evocative songs and musical themes this is a truly unforgettable evening's theatre.
The show tells the story of Loella, a 15-yearold girl left to look after her two younger brothers when their mother leaves to find work overseas. Loella tries hard to keep the family together but eventually the new little
family are taken into care. Through all this Loella confides daily in her local scarecrow who she calls Papa Pellerin and who she sees as a father figure. In her heart, she dreams that one day her real father will return. Along the way we meet all the characters who Loella has to cope with.
It's a really touching 80-minute drama and certainly a different night's theatre from many of the shows that are on the Costa Blanca. To book tickets and find out more visit their website at
The shows are Thursday 1st - Saturday 3rd June at various times.
By Andrew Atkinson
A 50th Anniversary tribute was held to the Association of Naturalists of Sureste founders on May 19th, with first partners, Pedro Talavera, Juan Manuel Ibáñez, Alejandro Romero, José Damián Navarro and Joaquín Sánchez Onteniente, among historical figures.
"All of them conservation pioneers, excellent naturalists, with a commitment that remains
Horse trainer Emma Tytherleigh, renowned for her performances in Spain, talks to Andrew Atkinson in a Leader Exclusive.
EMMATytherleigh, who has been starring in the spectacular horse show 'Cavalluna' in Germany, is set to return to Spain in 2023. "Our tour ends in Dussledorf on June 18th. 2023 is jam packed!, with the first half of the year touring around Europe with Cavalluna," said Emma.
"We will spend the summer back in the UK, performing at Warwick Castle with The Knights of Middle England," she said. Emma, who is renowned for her spectacular Flamenco shows in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida, revealed: "Late October we will finally return to Spain - to start on some new projects, that I can't talk about, just yet!".
Following a career that has spanned over two decades, asked her biggest thrill, she said: "Ufft - that's a hard one. This career comes with so many thrills and spills, it's hard to point out just one.
"I guess one of the biggest is being able to perform with all of my own animals, on what is said to be the world's best Equestrian Theatre.
"For me this means I get to spend nearly every hour of the day with them - and get paid for it!.
"What an absolute blast we are having on tour with Cavalluna. Rocko flying around his
intact to this day and has served as an inspiration and guide to all of us who have known them.
"A memory was also given for the great American ornithologist, based in Torrevieja, Jimmy MacIvor, who left us too soon," said a ANSE spokesperson.
paddock, desperately trying to entice Rich to play, at 24 years old.
"I was a little worried all the travel would be a bit too much for the little old man, but not at all. He's thriving off the adventure, enjoying all the attention, and spending his weekdays in a muddy paddock causing chaos. "It doesn't matter where I am, or what I'm up to in the world, the little man is right by my side.
"Keeping me company, keeping me smiling, making me feel loved - that's what best friends are for."
Asked about her biggest disappointment?, she laughed: "That is always the weather! I don't always get the opportunity to work in warm countries.
"Working in countries, like England and Germany, the winters are long, dark, wet and cold - you can't escape those conditions, when you're working with horses."
After years of being based in Spain, and latterly working abroad, Emma said: "I am fortunate enough to have friends from all walks of life in all places. Thanks to social media, its easy to stay in touch these days."
Emma appeared at Horse and Flamenco shows in Torremendo, Orihuela, alongside Antonio Piqueras, and in Dolres, amongst a plethora of Spanish venues.
Looking ahead to returning to Spain, Emma beamed: "I will be back, late October. I can't wait for a warm winter again!".
PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023
Emma starring in Cavalluna, Germany.
Photographer José Damián Navarro
Written and directed by Nick Moore, seats for the show can be booked online at:
The Council of Ministers of the National Government has approved the call for a line of aid from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) for a value of 20 million euro, for the promotion of demonstration projects of the best practices in the agriculture, which contribute to the ecological transition in agriculture and the reduction of impacts at source in the Mar Menor watershed.
Its ultimate goal is to restore the natural balance of the area in a way that is compatible with the sustainability of agricultural activity.
The call seeks to generate scalable, replicable, innovative experiences, based on science and with the maximum involvement and participation of farmers.
It intends to obtain ambitious results in aspects such as the reduction of contributions of agrochemicals, organic fertilizers, irrigation returns and erosive processes. With this, it seeks to improve the quality of the soil and reduce the demand for water resources, to achieve an improvement in the environment and biodiversity in the agricultural field of the Mar Menor basin.
The call is based on the premise that the agroecological transition requires the involvement of all social actors, with farmers as a fundamental part of the solution. Thus, different types of beneficiaries are eligible for aid, including professional
and inter-professional agricultural organisations and other entities with legal personality in the agricultural field (producer organisations, cooperatives, communities of agricultural goods, etc.), as well as local entities, non-profit entities and scientific entities, which have a key role in the search and application of innovative solutions to the problems suffered by the Mar Menor. The call also allows groups of beneficiaries of up to six entities.
The selected projects must be developed on agricultural land within the Mar Menor watershed (defined in Annex 1 of Law 3/2020, of July 27, on the recovery and protection of the Mar Menor), belonging to the municipalities of San Pedro del Pinatar, San Javier, Los Alcázares, Torre Pacheco, Fuente Álamo de Murcia, Cartagena, La Unión, Murcia, Mazarrón and Alhama de Murcia.
The Biodiversity Foundation will be in charge of managing the call, which includes grants of between €300,000 and €2M. The selected initiatives may be extended three years from the granting of aid. The selection of the projects will be carried out on a competitive bidding basis, based on technical, strategic, environmental and social criteria.
The call approved by the Council of Ministers complies with the commitment to restore and improve the environment on farms by reducing the impacts of their activities at source, which includes the Framework of Priority Actions to recover the Mar Menor.
Garden Felix - Elephant flowers, red, yellow, orange berries, sweet aroma
ELEPHANT ear is a common name for a few different plant genera known for their large leaves, perhaps an allusion to the prominent ears that elephants are known for. Common varieties include colocasia, alocasia, and xanthosoma.
Guardamar approves 2,365 new homes in Moncayo area
Just days before the municipal elections, approval has been given by the local council to build 2,365 homes on 580,000 square metres of land that surround the Moncayo pine forest.
The Official Gazette of the Province confirms this final approval of modification 15 to the Guardamarenco General Plan, processed by the local government of the PSOE.
The decsion adds to the start, in recent days, of another residential area dedicated to tourist housing: the ZO-9 "El Mirador" sector urbanization works on 685,000
square metres with the capacity to build another 2,000 homes , a few hundred meters from Oliverón, in Campo de Guardamar.
The new plot is delimited to the north by the municipal football field and Loma de les Raboses and extends to the south, on the plot where the Sunday market currently operates, along the edge of the Nacional-332, in front of the Santa Ana industrial estate and up to the cemetery, Mount Moncayo, and the area of the military air-naval installation of the Torre de Los Americanos .
Friends of the Wetlands of the South of Alicante (AHSA) said that their objection to the plan, has been rejected by the Council.
Torrevieja driver denounced for carrying a dead pig in his van
Torrevieja Civil Guard has denounced the driver of a van that was transporting a dead pig The vehicle was not authorised to transport meat for human consumption and the driver was unable to provide any documentation relating to the animal, a legal requirement.
The driver was stopped on May 12 at a security checkpoint on the AP-7 motorway near Torrevieja.
Guardia Agents found a suspicious package in the boot the van which they verified as a dead pig, whose meat was destined for human consumption.
A patrol from the Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Guardamar Civil Guard
went to the scene and confirmed that it was a domestic pig. The driver could not prove the origin of the animal, nor its hygienic state, completely lacking any veterinary evidence.
In addition, the animal was being transported in a vehicle that did not comply with technical or hygienic sanitary measures, posing a risk to public health.
The Guardia officers denounced the driver for
It can be planted in full sun to partial shade, but it does prefer to grow in a part shade or a dappled sunny location.
several infractions, and he was reported to the Ministry of Health, a crime that could lead to economic sanctions of up to 1.2 million euros, according to the Civil Guard.
Once the complaint had been processed, a company removed the body of the pig for its subsequent destruction while the Civil Guard continues with the investigations into the origins of the animal.
All of these elephant ear plants are tropical perennials, grown for their dramatic impact and lush foliage.
Elephant ears can be grown as houseplants, but also as large outdoor plants in warmer weather.
Their maturity size will depend on the variety, but on average they will grown to 3–6 feet tall, with a similar spread. These fast-growing plants will achieve their full size, within two months.
They only bloom when they reach maturity, usually by the third growing season, and if it has perfect growing conditions. However, most gardeners remove any flowers, so all the energy can go into producing more attractive leaves.
If you leave the flowers on the plant, they will develop into clusters of red, yellow, or orange berries. The flowers have a sweet smelling aroma, attractive to bees and other pollinators.
Cultivars with darker leaves need more sun to maintain their colour. The more sun you give elephant ears, the more you will have to water them.
Wilting is a sign that the plant is getting too much sun or heat exposure and not enough water. Consider moving your plant to a shadier spot and schedule its watering more frequently. Dividing an old plant can rejuvenate it.
They grow best in rich, moist soil, to the point of being wet, but not soggy. You need to keep elephant ear plants consistently moist. Never allow the soil to dry out thoroughly.
As with many large leaved tropical plants, elephant ears are heavy feeders. Apply a water soluble, high nitrogen fertiliser every two to three weeks.
Propagating elephant ears involves division of the tubers at the end of the growing season in the autumn and store them away until the next growing season in Spring. Ensure that you wear gloves to protect your skin from the sap.
Allow the cut to dry and scab over, while sitting on a tray or plate. Keep it dry, at room temperature, and out of direct sun. After about a week, wrap it in paper and store it in a dry, cool spot, until the following Spring.
PAGE 18 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
CC´s Bees7-5Tipsy Toad Toppers
Hub Hyenas10-2CC´s Flyers
Mind the Gap8-4El Capitan
CK1 Lads10-2Danny´s Bar
Leeson St Trotters4-8Freakie Taverners
Milo´s12-FFallen Angels
Angel Delights12-FPint Depot Queens
Domino´s Despdos6-6Ck1 Ladybirds
Tipsy Toad Tiaras6-6Hub Hellraisers
F = Forfeited Game due to lack of players
Mind the Gap91674
Hub Hyenas101472
El Capitan101059
Tipsy Toad Toppers10855
CC's Flyers9745
CC’s Bees10339
Leeson Street Trotters101572
Ck1 Lads101572
Freakie Taverners10853
Danny's Bar10549
Fallen Angels10547
Ck1 Ladybirds101880
Tipsy Toad Tiaras101264
Domino's Desperados10959
Hub Hellraisers10853
Angel Delights10751
Pint Depot Queens10440
HIGHEST CHECK OUTS: Paul Moody Mind The Gap (155) T20-T19-D19. 11 May 23
180’s: Mark Ellis (8), 23/5 - James Brown (6) Mind The Gap, Lee Maiden (5) Tipsy Toad Toppers, Matt Smith (4) CC’s Flyers, Andres Llamazares (3) El Capitan
Guests are welcome to accompany players to the end of season celebration prize giving. Details are soon to be forwarded to team captains to establish numbers attending. A table buffet to include wine, plus a magician, superb raffle and music from the sounds of D.J. "Connor Solo" all tickets complimentary to players, guests just 6euro.
The best performance in the 1st half came from Matt Smith in the pairs, who unfortunately lacked a playing partner. Although losing 2-1, his 180,125 in the 3rd leg gave the opposition of Alan Havelock and Andre Wing a real fright, his 1st leg offering of 100,125,140 a warning.
Hub were 5-1 up at the Pizza n Chips break, sound efforts from Pete Spence 4x100+, Jay Wilkinson, 100,100,138 and Havelock 3x100. Chelsea Campbell her usual 100,121,125, 4x85. Smith added a POTM shift 0-2 over Wilkinson, which proved the only addition to Flyers sole leg in the 1st half. Campbell 100,121 and a 50 out lost in 3 to Wing 2x100,152. The best of the rest a Doug Adkins 70 out, a Spence 100,2x135,140 win, Havelock's 3x100,140 win over Adkins and Dario Sierra's 2x100,120, POTM effort.
A pretty lively first 3 legs in this clash, 13 tons or more and 7 80+'s, the best of which, Darren Sanderson's 119,137,2x140 and D9. Ed Klimonis replied with 100,140, Arold K. 2X100. The outcome 2-1 in favour of the Gap. Vycka Bobinas 2x100,140 and Ed K. 2x100 shared the outs for 2-2 after the 1st pairs.
Next came a very impressive pairs from James Brown and Gordon Cowan. Gap's Brown 140, D20 won the 1st then with throw Brown hit 140,180 and out on D20, D10, Cowan's two throws 140,81, for a 14 dart 601.
Opponents Ben Kernahan and Chris Logan must have wondered what they had done to upset the Gap. Arold K. and Andres Liamazares beat Sanderson 4x80+.100 and Che Liam 3x100 in 3 legs, Liama hitting both outs and recording, 100,140,180.
Bobinas started the singles with a victory on the Bull and a slender 3-4 lead. As anticipated it didn't last long as Gap reeled off the next 5 for an 8-4 result. Sanderson won in 3 legs and 3 tons, Cowan another 3 legger with 4 tons and a 73 out, Brown had a scorcher(again !) his 2nd leg 100,140,91,134, and out in 2 on D18, against who else but Kernahan, bless him. Ouch !!!
Paul Moody claimed the match for Gap, "Liama" making it 8 for the hosts, Ed K somehow losing in 3 legs with 3x100,135,140,2x83+. POTM - BrownLiamazares.
A little light on personnel this week, Toppers captain Baz Schofield had to play himself this week, and to prove he can still play a bit at 70 odd, he took Paul Tollafield's singles scalp. lt was a dead rubber really, but still 2x180 from the ageless Lee Maiden and an impressive scoring shift from Graham Solomans 6x100 and 2x140.
Bees were 3 up after the 3's, Paul Christopher outing on 90 in the third. The hosts won a further 2 matches in the pairs for a 5-1 half time lead. Paul C. and Liam Lumb banging in big Bees numbers, Maiden his 2nd maxi and 140,100 with Andy Gildea, Toppers lone victory.
Toppers won 4 of the first 5 singles for 6-5, the best of which Hugh Galloway's defeat of POTMReg Christopher 2-1, the Bee hitting 3x100,140,3x80+. Simon Bantleman took the sting out of Toppers recovery defeating Phil de Lacy 2-1 in the 12th. POTM - Maiden.
Trotters defeat this week and Lads victory proved a headache for the rules committee. These results meant both ended their season on 15 points, the winner then determined by legs won, both however had amassed 72 legs. Some delving into any ruling on this unlikely event was clear, (sort of.) Both had beaten each other.
Deadlock? No, it had been previously determined countback on most legs amassed in "Derby" matches was the "tie break". Lads won the 1st match 8-4, the 2nd match was won by Trotters 10-2, meaning the division was won by Trotters with the narrowest of margins (2 derby legs).
Freakies finished their season with a bang, by toppling division champs in style. A strong Freakies 1st half gave the visitors a 2-4 lead through Mitch Halliday D6, Ernie Willis 100,D18, Sharon Frain 95,83, and a showy D1,D19 (40 out), plus A Bryan Livsey 100,85,D16. Trotters response, outs from Kain Hickman and Barry Shingler, 4X80+,D4
Annette Dobson made it 2-5, singles champ Yvonne Rouffignac reducing the gap. Halliday enjoyed an outstanding victory in a real belter with Ken Skinner for a point, Livsey facing the other Skinner, Amanda, winning a high scoring tussle from both, Livsey the victor for both points. POTM - ShinglerHalliday.
By Paul Durrant
Lads whitewashed the visitors in the 1st half, despite Bob Smith regularly finding T20 and Karen Collins top scoring for Dannys with 117. Lads finding the outer ring were Darren Hurcombe D20,D16, Kevin Wood, Paul Green D14,D5 and Les Adams D5. Highlight of the 1st half, a Steve Dalton 140, and Hurcombe 100,140,D16 pairs demolition of Smith and Steve Collins. A Paul Green scoring effort worth a mention of 92,80,85,125.
Lesley Lumb got Dannys on the score sheet with a POTM effort over Steve Mullen, only for John Crabbe to take the 7th leg and points with a steady win over Rob Norbury. Dalton nearly came a cropper against Jane Wills the tie going 3 legs. Hurcombe included a 72 out in the 10th leg, Adams followed suit in the 11th with a 70 out. Wood 85,140 put up a good show in the last match, Smith winning 0-2. POTM - Green - L.Lumb.
Not the best performance of the season from the Ladybirds, but sufficient to maintain their unbeaten record of 8 wins and 2 draws. The only other team to take a point from the champions in another away game, Angels Delights.
Dons Ralph 83,95, opened the scoring for Birds on D16, their lead shortlived as Chris Oates D14 and Paul Chick D3 nudged Doms ahead. Angie Mullen with Sue Cam, played a blinder to level with 84,84,95,D5. The remaining pairs split for 3-3 courtesy of Ralph and Doms Kathy Wallbanks.
Birds must have expected both points as Mullen 81,90,D11, Ralph 97, D4 and Gena Wood reeled off the 1st 3 singles for 3-6. All credit to Doms as Dave Oates D10, Wallbanks, D6 and Steve Harding D10 reversed the trend for the draw. POTM - D.OatesMullen.
Honours shared at half and full time, the Tiaras having their fair share of scores. Sue Spiers D5, D1 and Ali Scammell D5 nailing Raisers 1st half doubles, Tiaras 3 legs via Tracey Simpson 93, Simone de Lacy 111, D10 and Pat Schofied 100, D4, the latter adding to earlier scores of 118, 98. Linda Davies edged Raisers ahead in the 1st singles, only for Schofield, D10, Sharon Crane D4 and de Lacy 121,88, D1 claiming 4th,5th and 6th legs and certain point.
Skipper Cheryl McGlynn needn't have worried as Rachel Lee and POTM Spiers both found the necessary outer ring for the draw. Tiaras - POTM - de Lacy.
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
In-form Hub were 5-1 up at the break
Not the best of times for our league matches this week; San Luis 1, weather 2!!
South Alicante summer (??) league Monday 22nd
SPITFIRE Div. SLWellingtons were home to San Miguel Moors...we managed to avoid the rain, north of Torrevieja, and completed the match fully but unfortunately it was greatly affected by strong, gusty winds, making play difficult for everyone. As expected there were some close battles with twists and turns right to the very end, Wellingtons finishing 4 points - 8, 76 shots ñ 89. Winners: Janet Webb, June & Keith Jones 19-10, Bill Webb, Caroline & John Smyth 20-15.
HARRIER Div. SLHercules should have played against the Bluebirds at Country Bowls but unfortunately the heavy rain further south, washed that match out, so it will have to be rearranged.
Valencian Championship League Wednesday 24th. DIVA. Falcons; again the weather intervened and rain disrupted play. We started the match earlier but after just an hour of play the rain had changed from gentle to heavy and unplayable, so all scores were recorded and the matches will be replayed on Saturday 27th morning, commencing where they stopped ñ rain permitting of course!! VCL. DIVB. Hawks; should have played away at Country Bowls v Foxes but this match was also cancelled due to the weather, to be replayed on Friday 2nd June. Hopefully the rain has helped to boost the water supplies to the local crops, without doing too much damage to local houses, roads, beaches etc. In the meantime we wash our kit, dry out our shoes and hope we will soon be back on the green.
Sheila Cammack
The spoils this day go to La Marina,8 to 4,shots 95 to 88,a great effort by the Warriors,well done.
Greenlands Gladiators marched into Monte Mar and came away with a fabulous victory of 12-0 with shots of 99 to 60.This team are really pulling out all the shots (excuse the pun).Keep it going.Well done on this result.
No more games to report on due to bad weather.
Emerald Isle Bowls
Vulcans started the week off travelling to play Vistabella Fairways and they came away with a fine 84 Aggregate (91 -78) win.Those picking up the points were: P Willicott M Veale C Lindgren 26-15,M Oakley
M Ellis S Elvin 19-11,M Willicott M Munro M Dyer drew 19 ALL,N Prior G Wallis D Jones drew 15 ALL Earls played at home against La Marina in VCL but it was a rain shortened game with scores at 4-8
Aggregate 55-87,P Willicott 20-118,B Eldred 19-15 Dukes played their delayed game on Saturday.Result net week.
Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club
Sponsored by The Pub,Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry,Sunrise Builders,La Piedra and Dunbars.
Monte Mar Toros v San Miguel Christians
Away at San Miguel we had a good result winning on three rinks.Well done to the winning rinks Paul Dodd, Iain Sheridan skip Barry Watson,Julia Hamilton,Sue Bounds skip Ian Hamilton,Des Freeman,Steve Leatherland skip Keith Young.
Shots Toros 80 – 91 Christians.Points Toros 6 – 6 Christians.
For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at
With no reports since the Nationals due to the Political elections, I will just do a quick resume of what has been happening in the 2 missing weeks.
In the Nationals we had 9 members playing. Harald Olsen in his first ever Nationals made it to the Qtr final while Peter Morgan, past champion went out in the semi final to the eventual winner.
On 15th the Blenheims were at home to San Miguel & picked up 8 points. The Lancasters away at Vistabella returned with 4 points.
On 17th in the VCL our Tigers travelled to Emerald Isle where they roared loudly picking up 10 of the available points.
Saturday saw our annual presentation dinner which was well supported with 66 attendees. The Club provided a
lovely meal & we were royally entertained by Rob Roberts who stepped in at late notice. The pictures show all the prize winners & also our Ladies & Mens Singles players.
22nd May saw the inhouse battle between the Blenheims & the Lancasters. The Blenheims took 10 points thanks to the following – Cathy Skinner, Peter Farrell & George Skinner 21-11, George Carnell, Chris Brazier & Allen Bowen 25-18, Carol Lowry, Bryan Elliott & Keith Lowry 2014, Graham Phillips, Mark France & Jason Prokopowycz 24-11. The winning team for the Lancasters was Sandra Johnston, Stella Jakeman & Peter Bradbury 23-10.
The Tigers travelled to San Miguel on Wednesday picking up 4 points thanks to Andy Reid 21-16 and the rinks team of Ken Gordon, Dave Collings, Pete Bottle & Trevor Voisey 17-14.
LA SIESTA BOWLS (Members Run Club)
Hurricane Division The Wasps had a day out to Sam Miguel to play the Christians, which resulted with wins on three rinks and we also collected another 2 points for the overall (Shots 84-80) to win 8-4. The winning rinks were; Ann & Jim Taylor with Jim Gracie (22-13). Ramsay Sinclair, John Taylor & Harold Charleton (21-15). Stan Dibble, Derick Biggs & Jean Cooper (14-13).
Harrier Division La Siesta Hornets had a Bye this week.
VCL League The Hoopoes home game was against our other La Siesta team the Parakeet’s where both teams were eager to accumulate as many points as possible. As the morning progressed the rain eventually put a stop to the games after 12
Unfortunately, having not received the result sheets from the Lions I cannot report on their results.
ends for the teams which hadn’t completed their games. The Parakeets won on three rinks and received a further 2 points for the (Shots 68-60) for a result of 8-4. The Parakeet’s winners were, Singles: John Taylor (21-10). Pairs: Anthony Pridmore & Jim Gracie (15-10). Rinks: Pauline Johnson, Stan Dibble, Derek Biggs & David Blackie (11-7). The Hoopoes wins came from; Singles: Judy Carroll (21-11). Trips: Mags Haines, Jim Jarvie & Mike Inns (12-10).
Interested in joining La Siesta members run bowls club, there is George´s Chicken and Egg, every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm, with Mike & Grahams roll up every Saturday 9 for 930 am. Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Brian 604152834 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.
by Alan Carr
Monday 22nd May saw the San Miguel Moors away to San Luis Wellingtons where they came away with a good 8-4 win, 89 shots to 76.
The winning trips were Pat McEwan, Stuart Hemmings and Lynn Greenland 20-10, Ron Peters, Mary Whitelock and Ron Nairey 26-17 and Margaret Patterson, Sandi Hannan and Derek Farmer 18-10.
The San Miguel Christians played at home against La Siesta Wasps and lost 4-8 with the two winning trips of Sandy Knight, Alan Campbell and Mike Douglas 23-13 and Jack Jackson, Dave Sceal and Barbara Scotthern 16-14. Wednesdays weather held some concern for the games to go
ahead but as it was dry first thing both games got underway with San Miguel Deputies at home to Quesada Tigers where they had a good 8-4 win.
Pat McEwan won the ladies singles 21-16, Jack Jackson and Frank Scotthern won the pairs 16-5 and Jan Farmer, Barbara Scotthern and Mike Douglas winning 20-3. The overall shots went to San Miguel and they won 87 shots to 62.
The Sheriffs were away at Quesada where they lost 3-9 mainly due to the heavy rain but the triple of Margaret Patterson, Sheila Booth and Stuart Hemmings got a draw 10-10 and the rink of Janet Parr, Steve Parr, Steve Cantley and Fred Willshire winning 15-8.
PAGE 20 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Photos courtesy of Wendy Prokopowycz
South Alicante summer league - Monday May 22nd - Vistabella Fairways v Emerald Vulcans
Tough game against a well drilled Emerald Isle team.
Well done to Denise Howell, Eric Bishop & Maggie Furness who drew their match 19-19, also to Martin Foulcer, Richard Willey & Carol Thorpe who drew their match 15-15. But a very good win by Sheila Westwood, Brian Gilham & Paul Durham 18-12.
Total shots Vistabella Fairways 78pts Emerald Isle 90pts.This gave Emerald Isle a well deserved 8pts - 4pts win. Good game, great company.
24 teams attended this event, the day went very
well. Barbeque and big raffle put on by San Miguel.
Eventual winners were a mixed club team of Alan Bannister (Vistabella), and Steve & Janet Parr (San Miguel), second place went to Ron Nairy, Mary Whitelock & Anita Brown (San Miguel) and third place went our mixed team from Vistabella of Alice Howe, Derek Howe & Steve Baxter.
Well done Vistabella bowlers, good result. A massive thank you to San Miguel in organising such a great event.
Vistabella bowls club contact:, Tel:698 925 932 Club roll ups Saturday/Tuesday mornings 10am - 12.00. If your interested in taking up bowls come and join us, you are more than welcome.
Valencian success for Torrevieja Tennis Club Alevines Teams
The female Alevines team from the Torrevieja Tennis Club finished third in the first division championship of the Valencian community.
After defeating Ct Alacant 3-0 in the quarter-finals and losing to number one seeds Valencia Tenniscenter 2-0 in the semifinal, they finally beat CA Montemar de Alicante 2-2 in the third-place playoff match in the super tiebreak of the deciding double.
Meanwhile, the boys Alevin team finished in seventh position in the first division, after losing 3-2 against CA Montemar and 3-1 against CT Algetenis.
The teams comprised of Angela Nicolás, Sabrina Pilichi, Emilio Cabezas, Mario Leal, Diego Rodríguez and Juanvi Pujol.
quick-fire 2-0 lead. MacDonald produced some exciting and methodical shots, to level 2-2. The final frame went down to the wire, with both players producing their best shots, up to the last black.
The Costa Blanca Independent Pool League staged their second Finals and Presentation evening at The Olde 9th, Quesada.
The Doubles final between Cleaver/Stevens (Olde 9th) and Cochran/Wilkinson (Pines B) endured a tight, but titanic game, with Pines B leading 2-0. Olde 9th rallied, winning the next 2 frames to level at 2-2.
The deciding frame saw both teams go toe-to-toe, with Pines B winning the last frame and Doubles title, 3-2. The Singles Final featured Craig Lambert (Principles B) and Colin MacDonald (La Hacienda) with Lambert going into a
On Sunday, Marina Alcaraz, from Los Alcázares, but running for the Cartagena Triathlon Club, came second in the Open category of the Cartagena Triathlon with a time of 1 hour, 16 minutes and 42 seconds. She covered 750 meters swimming, 20 kilometres cycling and 5 kilometres running. The town council twitter page tweeted the photograph across Congratulations
LOS Alcázares athlete Alcazar Jonathan Delgado participated in the Ibiza Long Distance Triathlon World Championship, in the GGEE 45-49 years category.
A spokesperson from Los Alcázares City Council said: "It is an honour that one of our residents was able to participate in such an important event, promoting the name of the municipality at the very top."
MacDonald had one shot, which was unluckily lipped, leaving Lambert with the final shot, to lift the Singles winner's trophy.
The evening concluded with the season presentation of all winners and runners-up competitions by Lady Theresa Stevens of Guardian Maritime.
CBIPL would like to thank Guardian Maritime for the continued sponsorship by David and Lady Theresa Stevens.
Next season's AGM will be held at The Olde 9th, Quesada, at 7.30pm on August 16. Any proposals are required to be submitted by July 31.
in the Valencia 1st Regional
"He joins the long list of youth players who have been promoted to the first team this year. We continue to create positive experiences for our players,"
PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023
MIXED CLUB WINNERS in San Miguel Mufti Comp
San Miguel youth prodigy David Fructuoso (left) made his senior debut against Sax
Singles finalists Lambert (Principles B) and MacDonald (La Hacienda)
Doubles finalists Cleaver/Stevens (Olde 9th) and Cochran/Wilkinson (PINES B)
Marina Alcaraz, from Los Alcázares
Emilio Cabezas, Mario Leal, Diego Rodríguez and Juanvi Pujol.
Champions SC Torrevieja CF A romped to a 4-0 away win against Aspe UD A in the final game of the 2022-23 season that saw them promoted to the Primera FFCV, under Jose A. Gil.
"We finished the season with a precious victory against an opponent in Aspe who conceded little, but we took advantage of almost every opportunity with a very high effectiveness in attack," said a spokesperson from the club.
Jose Toro (2), Gonzalo and Saul got amongst the goals. Ex-CD Montesinos ace Gonzalo, said: "To play in front of the fans who celebrated with singing and flag waving following our title success in what has been a hard cam-
paign has been a joy."
Torry fans packed into the Aspe stadium celebrating in the two stands, waving flags of glory: "I have been a Torrevieja fan since I was a boy. We have a bond and the aim was to rise to the challenge in what is a difficult league, with high calibre players, but we continued to work hard throughout the season," said Gonzalo.
SC Torrevieja will take to the field in the 2023-24 season in the new category Primera FFCV, with derbies fixtures against Almoradí, Benferri, Murada, Catral and Thader to look forward to.
Valencia 1st Regional G8 results: Elche Dream CF A 0-2 CD Cox; Aspe UD A 0-4 SC Torrevieja CF A; UDF Sax 2-1 Sporting Dolores CF A; CF Atletico Algorfa 0-3 CF
CD Montesinos final fixture against San Fulgencio ended pointless, in a 2022-23 Valencia 1st Regional G8 campaign that saw one win in their last seven outings.
"Monte knew they couldn't finish any lower than sixth in the league, and their opponents knew that a win would almost certainly ensure their promotion," said reporter Steve Robinson.
The corresponding away fixture earlier in the year was a very cagey affair, with neither side able to score in a captivating 0-0 draw. This game, however, given the circumstances, was an altogether different affair. Remarkably, just before the half-time whistle, a neat 1-2 in the box saw Kevin felled and the ref pointing to the spot, without hesitation.
Arturo stepped up and scored, with what was Monte's only shot on goal for the whole half. In the second half, Fulgencio wanted it more - Monte wanted it over. But let's not be too down-hearted, particularly with recent performances and outcomes.
"The Reds did what they set out to do this
season, maintain their status in the league, something they did with a decent margin.
"But, supporters and followers might just reflect and ponder, what if? I suppose we'll find out next season," said Robinson.
Man of the Match was Monte's goalkeeper, Vantim, selected by Angus Jeffers for sponsor El Mundo, Benimar.
After the game, players and supporters enjoyed a variety of tapas and drinks. This was followed by The Full Monte's presentations to selected players.
The Steven Harris Player of the Year Trophy, was won by Poyatos, selected by his colleagues at C.D. Montesinos.
The Manager's Player of the Year was Pato.
The Full Monte Player of the Year was Gocu, presented to Club Captain Fernando.
The Golden Boot award for the most goals scored, sponsored by Graham Burge and Steve Robinson, was Pato for his 29 goals in 30 games, a remarkable achievement.
Rafal; CD Montesinos 1-3 CF Sporting de San Fulgencio; Pinoso CF A 7-1 Racing San Miguel CF; UE Crevillente FB A 5-0 UD La Coca-Aspense A; CFE Il-Licitana Raval 4-0 Alguena CF.
Valencia 2nd Regional Group 16: Bigastro CF 2-2 CF Popular Orihuela Deportivo; CD
Benijofar 0-2 CD Horadada Thair; CD Atletico San Fulgencio A 1-4 Formentera CF A; Callosa Deportivo CF B 2-1 Sporting Costablanca Torrevieja CF B; CF United Elche A 6-0 Atletico Crevillente; CD Altet 2-1 Sporting Saladar; CF Sporting Albatera 3-1 Santa Pola CF B.
Ideal conditions as SAAM enjoy close Spring Racing
Sunday May 21st, one of the best days racing of the SAMM Spring Season, with good conditions, although overcast, and really close racing between the five competing boats.
The wind was from the East all day but varied in strength from 3.5 knots at the start of the day and up to 10 knots at the end. It was up and down but without excessive gusts so all boats managed the conditions well.
Race 1 started at 11.15. Vision was first across, followed in quick succession by Dos and Tres, with Uno and Cuatro crossing neck and neck after one minute.
Uno completed the first lap 22 secs ahead of Cuatro but made a big mistake during lap to losing 21/2 mins to Cuatro and never made it back. At some
point Tres was seen to do a 360 penalty and was assumed to have hit a mark. While she and Dos battled hard and were in seconds of each other on every lap.
The boats were consistently lapping in between 13 and 15 minutes so only managed 4 laps in the hour long race.
The race 2 start was at 12.30 and was the best seen for many weeks with all boats across within 16 seconds. Uno and Tres immediately took the port tack and the others the starboard to get to the first mark.
Cuatro, being sailed single handed was doing extremely well, completing the first three laps as the second boat and the next two laps as the third. There were battles throughout
between other boats but it wasn't until the last leg of the last lap that Dos and Tres managed to lap Vision.
The wind was generally stronger and all boats were lapping in a consistent time, the fastest in just over 8 mins and the slowest in 10 mins 30 secs, completing 6 or 7 laps. The results show just how close and competitive the racing was with the average laps times after applying the handicaps
Race 1, Vision 557 secs, Cuatro + 31 secs, Dos + 25 secs, Tres + 8 secs, Uno + 6 secs
Race 2, Vision 380 secs, Cuatro + 11 secs, Dos + 29 secs, Tres + 5 secs, Uno + 4 secs
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Coming up to a mark
Needing to finish in the top 8 to guarantee promotion to a newly formed Community league next season, Thader went within a whisker of achieving their objective.
On the final day of the season, the mathematics were clear - Thader to win and Santa Pola to lose.
Villena CF .............1
Thader won handsomely, but unfortunately Santa Pola managed a 0-0 draw. So, although both sides finished on 47 points, Santa Pola's superior goal difference, ensured they finished 8th.
All is not lost, for although Thader finished in 9th place, there is still an outside chance that they will be promoted, but they will need
other teams to do them a favour (it's complicated!).
Manager Adrian Pastor elected to field a strong starting eleven for this important match at La Solana stadium, Villena. Having lost 0-1 at Moi Gomez stadium at the start of the year, Thader had more than enough reasons to extract revenge.
And boy did they waste no time getting off the mark! One minute 27 seconds to be exact, was how long it took for Ruben to float an inch perfect free kick towards his captain Lloyd, who hit it perfectly on the half volley into the back of the net.
Less than a minute later, the lead was almost doubled. A training ground one two between Pedro Juan and Quino, resulted in the latter testing Villena keeper Izzi, who managed to parry his firm shot to safety. Having been unlucky with an assist, Pedro Juan went one better on 14 mins, when he scored a beauty.
Already, Javi had been giving the home defence a torrid time, so it was no surprise when he squared the ball to PJ, who from just inside the box, hammered it into the roof of the net. Fran picked up the game's first booking on 24 mins, then from the resultant free kick, Chema did well to punch the ball clear off the head of Villena's no 11, Benja. Chema was certainly earning his keep, for within quick succession, he denied both Ojerove and Roy clear cut opportunities. A fifty-fifty ball between Pedro Juan and Nelson, resulted in the Villena player being shown a straight red card for a studs up high tackle, which required lengthy treatment for Thader's PJ.
Three Gold Medals for Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club
Last Saturday the Individual (Open) Autonomous Championship was held in Torrevieja reaping great results for Club Jennifer Colino.
The Torrevieja club managed to qualify 6 of its participating gymnasts for the Individual (Open) Spain Championship to be held at the end of June in Valencia.
admission to game celebrating Thader’s Centenary Year, KO 7pm
Down to 10 men, Villena were getting frustrated, none more so than their manager, who was booked for dissent, and if truth be known, was extremely lucky that it wasn't added to.
Rosquin went close to adding a 3rd goal, but his swerving shot agonisingly missed the target.
On as sub, Tomas received a long ball from defence, before rounding Chema to score from an accute angle for the hosts. It looked way offside, but from the stands, who am I to judge?
Indubitably, man of the match was PJ, and it was he on 52 mins who helped restore Thader's 2 goal advantage. A delightful cross
Anastasia Salkova won the gold medal, for which she was proclaimed Autonomous Champion in the open alevín category. Valería Zubcoff also participated in the alevín category winning the gold medal in the hoop exercise and two silver medals in free hands and rope, becoming the Autonomous Champion overall.
Miley Martínez won the gold medal in the hoop and club apparatus and was proclaimed Regional Champion in the infantil category while Mariya Pavlenko achieved a very creditable eighth.
Valería García, was in fourth position
from the right fell nicely for Rosquin, who had a relatively easy chance of side footing home into an empty net. PJ could easily have made it 4 or even 5 goals to the good, but on 57 then on 65 mins, his efforts were just off target.
Youth team players Holmar, Vadim and Felix, were all introduced late in the game, and it was Holmar who produced a superb cross which enabled PJ to head over the bar. Although that's it for league matches, there is a match at Moi Gomez stadium on Sat 3 Jun, ko 7pm, to celebrate Thader's centenary year, when admission will be free. Also, on Fri 14 Jul, CD Thader will be holding a presentation evening at Restaurante Casa Antonio.
overall, gaining qualification to the national junior category.
Lucía Leshan Cañas Mendo, competed in the 1st category and was crowned as Regional Runner-up overall. In addition, she won the gold medal in the hoop apparatus, as well as silver medals in ball and ribbon.
The gymnast Lucía García made her debut at this level and achieved seventh place overall after performing the hoop, clubs and ball exercises, where she also won the bronze medal with the ball apparatus.
QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1.Folsom and San Quentin, 2.Blue Lagoon, 3.Salt cellar, 4.Answer a.field hockey, 5.Jurassic Park, 6.Timothy Leary, 7.The Dardenelles (or The Strait of Gallipoli), 8.1040 AD, 9.Four answers. In order:Border collie, Poodle, German shepherd, Golden retriever.10.Foie gras, 11.Answer a.Rial, 12.Five answers.Sao
Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Toronto, Chicago.13.Theme from MASH (Suicide is Painless), 14.Three answers.In order: capybara, beaver, porcupine, 15.Pulp Fiction, 16.Three answers.a.Poland, b. Pakistan, c.Portugal, 17.Two answers. Rolling Stones and Backstreet Boys, 18. Answer d.Raquel Welch, 19.Tehran, 20. Answer c.Rangpur
Monday 29th May - Sunday 4th June 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
CD Thader ...........3
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