3 minute read
1.Not decisive (12)
7.Battle (5)
8.Wrath (5)
9.Untruth (3)
10.Journeyed (9)
11.Apache (6)
12.Of teeth (6)
15.Endless (9)
17.Spasm (3)
18.Animal (5)
19.Picture (5)
21.Flaw (12)

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 22
1.Comprehensible (12)
2.Pony (3)
3.Deadly (6)
4.Declaration (9)
5.Watchfulness (5)
6.Liking (12)
7.Meadow (5)
10.Interpret (9)
13.Name (5)
14.Price-list (6)
16.Abyss (5)
20.Curve (3)
ACROSS: 4 Scandal; 8 Rioted; 9 Unhitch; 10 Diesel; 11 Ocelot; 12 Thousand; 18 Overalls; 20 Return; 21 Launch; 22 Cutlass; 23 Nowell; 24 Cyanide.
DOWN: DOWN: 1 Predate; 2 Boredom; 3 Sevens; 5 Canoodle; 6 Nailed; 7 Anchor; 13 Agonised; 14 Slander; 15 Asphalt; 16 Deputy; 17 Muslin; 19 Reason.
1 and 7 Ac. Planning edict the purveyor of pickles likes to get? (12,5)
7.See 1 Ac.
8.Erect or demolish, we hear (5)
9.Spoil the look of a tailless filly (3)
10.Confectionery and dessert coming before the joint (9)
11.Not expressed as United Nations' assistance (6)
12.He reviles a sailor in front of an employer (6)
15.Pacific agreement (9)
17.See 20 Dn.
18.In the boom, a happy city on the Missouri (5)
19.The children produce a publication (5)
21.At last he will improve your understanding (4,8)
1.Transport for a small charge (12)
2.The intention is to reach a conclusion (3)
3.Travel disrupted by the old rogue (6)
4.Holder of a record for spinning (9)
5.Maybe in the open, I think (5)
6.What he puts down is destined to be enveloped (6-6)
7.Being frightfully big, they make quite a bit of progress (5)
10.Trim craft form (9)
13.Criticise traditional roofing material (5)
14.Minister to search for liquid assets (6)
16.You'll find them wandering round a part of Leinster (5)
20 and 17 Ac. The main melody enjoyed by the Promenaders (3,3)
LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 22)
1. Which famous New York City store is also Richard Gere's middle name? a. Tiffany b. Bloomingdale c. Macy d. Cartier
2. Which North American city with a population of circa 5.5 million was once called the Town of York?
3. Based on the number of books, what are the two largest libraries in the world?
4. After the untimely death of Bon Scott in 1980 ACDC asked which 'crazee' singer with the intials N. H. to be their new lead singer?
5. French Guiana excluded, what is the smallest country in South America?
6. The two largest species of seal found in the Antarctic are both named after land mammals. Can you name them? One point for each correct answer.
7. In which 1964 film does the US Air Force drop a nuclear bomb on New York City in order to appease the Soviet Union and avoid a nuclear holocaust?
8. Rebecca and Rowena are the two main female characters in which famous historical novel?
9. The heaviest existing musical instruments in the world, consisting of at least 23 bells, are called what?
10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word "boat" somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song? a. Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch, b.
Ever since our voyage of love began, c. I don't go around with the local crowd, d. It's just gone noon half past monsoon
11. World record holder Reinhold Messner reached his peak in the early 1980s. In which profession did he excel?
12. In which British film from the year 1970 did a character played by Alec Guinness lose his head?
13. ABBA had a record seven number one hit singles in the UK music charts during the 1970s. Which band came in second place with six number ones? a. 10cc b. Wings c. TRex d. Slade
14. A collective noun for polar bears and the Roman goddess of the dawn. Six letters.
15. The movie poster tag line for which Oscar winning film was "The loverliest motion picture of them all."? (note: there is no spelling mistake in 'loverliest')
16. Name the film in which Sting plays each of the following roles. One point for each correct answer. a. Feyd Rautha Harkonnen, b. J. D. c. 'Ace the face'
17. All but two of Air Koryo's fleet of aircraft are forbidden from landing at European airports. Air Koryo is the state owned national airline of which Asian country?
18. The name leukaemia is a combination of "haima", meaning blood, and the Greek word "leukos". What does "leukos" mean?
19. Shakira's "Waka Waka" was the official song for which sporting event?
20. Which English born American entertainer and winner of five honorary Academy Awards was one of the few living people to have had a US naval ship named after him?