No 914 Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
t was the former Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson that uttered the now famous quote that a week is a long time in politics. Locally, however, it is nowhere near that long, little more than 24 hours in fact, the length of time that it took, last week, to turn Orihuela politics on it’s head.
Carolina Gracia of the PSOE with José Aix, Ciudadanos
are also supporting the motion, remaining on the sideline. As such, the Ciudadanos group, led by Deputy mayor José Aix, would change government partners just a year before the next elections, removing it’s support from Bascuñana and the Partido Popular to continue its journey into next year’s municipal elections, hand in hand with the Socialists.
On Wednesday the opposition parties, less Vox, signed a motion of If the motion censure The new government goes ahead, before a will see Ciudadanos the new govnotary, requir- resume all of the roles ernment of ing that a previously held by the capital of vote be taken their 5 councillors Vega Baja at the next while PSOE will take would begin Plenary meet- on those vacated by its journey as ing, scheduled the PP. a minority to take place on 25 April, government. that would see the removal The socialist group currently of the mayor, Emilio has six councillors and Bascuñana, and his Partido Ciudadanos has five. But it Popular team, from office. would be the support of We then saw the announceCambiemos/Podemos, with ment from PSOE and three councillors, that would Ciudadanos that they had be the key for the motion agreed a pact to form a of censure to come to new government with fruition, as they would then PSOE leader Carolina outnumber the PP and Vox Gracia appointed as the who have 11 councillors in all. new mayor. Later that same day the It stated that the municipal mayor sacked the five council of Orihuela would Ciudadanos councillors, José be formed by councillors Aix, Luisa Boné, Mar from the PSOE and Ezcurra, Ángel Noguera and Ciudadanos, but with initialAntonio Sánchez, from the ly, the councillors from coalition government. Cambiemos/Podemos, who
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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022 ADVERTISING HOTLINE issues will be unlocked", because "the PSOE and C’s, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
He also dismissed all of the Ciudadanos advisers and the local mayors that had been previously appointed by the C’s. We then had the announcement from the provincial coordinator of Ciudadanos in Alicante, Javier Gutiérrez , who confirmed that the motion of censure against Emilio Bascuñana, "does not have the support of the party", and therefore, it is not endorsed by either Valencia or Madrid. He went on to say that the five Ciudadanos councillors did not have party approval to form a new coalition government with the PSOE and could now be facing disciplinary measures of their own. José Aix, however, said that he has not received any communication from Ciudadanos in Alicante regarding the opening of a disciplinary file before going on to say on Thursday that PSOE and Ciudadanos had already agreed on an "urgent and social" budget for Orihuela which will be introduced as soon as they assume government. Carolina Gracia told the press that she is sure that "we are going to work well together." In fact, she maintains that "in just a few weeks a number of key
together with the support of Cambiemos/Podemos, which also includes CLARO, have many points of agreement", with "social policy being the common thread".
It is understood that the full agreement will be made public in the coming days although we believe that in the new formation Ciudadanos will resume all of the roles previously held by their 5 councillors while PSOE will take on the roles vacated by the PP. Cambiemos/Podemos will not join the coalition government although they have agreed to work together.
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On Friday the Orihuela PP said that if the move goes ahead, twenty projects "will be put in serious danger". Spokesman Rafael Almagro said that the motion of censure "comes loaded with folly and personal interests and it will sow instability and chaos". He calculates that "there are more than a hundred projects in serious danger, between 20 and 30 very important ones that will be difficult to move forward, including, on the Orihuela Costa alone, the new civic centre, the emergency centre, a second health centre, a new secondary school and the extension to the Los Dolses school.
Meanwhile, despite the loss of the five councillors, Mayor Emilio Bascuñana, still went on to restructure his government team with Bascuñana announcing Councillor Rafael Almagro the new council roles adding Culture to his current role while Dámaso Aparicio assumes Youth and Beaches. Víctor Valverde assumes Infrastructure, Services and Maintenance, Parks and Gardens, Water and Public Lighting while Bascuñana retains the powers of Urbanism and Planning, Human Resources, Security and Education, although for quite how long is still anybody’s guess.
The Councilor for Beaches, Dámaso Aparicio, tsaid that the Orihuela beaches will be open for Easter as normal despite the recent storms. Aparicio said that less than fifteen days we saw two fierce storms, that caused a great deal of damage to all of our beaches, mainly to beach accesses and a loss of sand. "However, the Street Cleaning Service, had already started cleaning up the algae, screening and treating the areas at the beginning of the month, so the work was already somewhat advanced." In the meantime all of the necessary tasks wil be completed so that this Palm Sunday all the beaches and their services will be ready. "We are going as quickly as we can with everything coordinated and planned between the two council areas so that our eleven blue flag beaches will look better than ever", continued Aparicio. Today the walkways, footbaths, removal of algae for drying, will be completed and on Sunday the lifeguard services will begin until the end of the Easter holidays, on the 24th April.
“NEW DA WN” by David Whitney - c 2022 Through her tears Irena saw the rubble The smoking wreck that used to be her home The windows now like smoky eyes of terror A doorway leading into the unknown
Her mother and her father young and happy Their smiles a happy memory of the past A time of peace they thought would be forever Before Irena's life had been forecast
Her eighty years had seen enough destruction Of families destroyed without a care Not thinking that old age repeats a sequence A time of heartache way beyond compare
Irena had no knowledge of the locket That lay between her fingers as she cried The desolate surroundings all around her
She shuffled onward through unsteady brickwork She spotted something glistening on the floor Stumbling over charred remains of memories There lay something that she hadn't seen before
Where the life she knew had cruelly been denied
She turned the pretty silver locket over Some words had been inscribed upon the back
A silver locket on a silver a neck chain Quite small with two initials on it's face Initials recognised as both her parents Entwined together in a love's embrace
"Believe in Love" they said within a love heart The words she knew would put her back on track
She clutched the locket lovingly against her Her shaking fingers opened up the locket Not knowing what inside would have in store And through more tears of sad anticipation She smiled at the two photo's that she saw
Her heart was beating like a kettle drum She knew her parents both were there beside her Both telling her a new dawn had begun.
If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
EASTER WEEK Towns across the Vega Baja will all hold their own parades, information on each of which will be available on the Municipal Websites
Easter week is one of Spain's most heartfelt and deeply-rooted festivals. Its history and tradition go back many centuries, and commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ. The streets of many of Spain's cities, towns and villages are transformed into scenes of religious fervour and devotion, where grief and meditation are combined as Christ's death is relived. Music, art and colour come together in these magical processions –solemn parades in which throngs of people accompany the religious images on their route through the streets. This spectacular event features a great deal of public participation, and a rich artistic heritage. Orihuela’s Holy Week, the origins of these celebrations date back to the 16th century, is one of the most outstanding. It was granted International Tourist Interest status in 2010 and has a series of remarkable features that make it unique. One of the most impressive processions takes place on the night of Maundy Thursday: “El Silencio”, presided by the Holy Christ of Silence sculpture, during which two long rows of penitents donning Capuchin habits with their faces covered, file through the crowd in complete silence. The only light that illuminates their path is from the lanterns they carry as the city stands in darkness with all street lighting turned off. It is during this procession that, amid the solemn silence, a choir of men singing the “Canto de la Pasión” (Song of Passion) can be heard. Unique to Orihuela, this intangible expression dates to the sixteenth century and has been transmitted orally until our times. The procession on the morning of Easter Saturday, known as the "Caballero Cubierto" serves as a complete contrast, and is unique due to the papal bull that declares that only one person can wear a hat inside the church. This is an old tradition that lives on to this day in Orihuela. The Holy Entombment procession on Holy Saturday is also a highlight of the week. Nominated as an Intangible Cultural
Heritage of Humanity, it is possibly the most distinctive procession during Orihuela’s Holy Week, as it represents official mourning, during which the entire local government participate. I found the Orihuela Semana Santa site difficult to navigate so I use the Eurotourguide site which is at: In Torrevieja also, thousands of visitors who wish to share the spectacle that is Holy Week, will gather. They say that Torrevieja is the place to be as it becomes the scene of the representation of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. All of the city’s the brotherhoods actively participate in the processions that began on Palm Sunday (10 April), and continue throughout the week. The highlights are the procession of the Religious Meeting on Holy Wednesday, the Silence on Holy Thursday, in which from eleven at night, the only light that illuminates the town is the one that comes from the candles of the Nazarene and the Good Friday procession, in which all the brotherhoods participate together, and as such is the longest procession of them all. On Easter Sunday, the procession begins at eight in the morning when the image of the Immaculate Conception, in mourning, meets the Blessed Sacrament. There is an excellent PDF available at the link which provides all of the information of the parades, the timings and their routes in Torrevieja, and although in Spanish it is relatively easy to follow
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
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Council neglect in San Luis, Urb Limonar, El Chaparral and La Siesta By Andrew Atkinson La Siesta, Torrevieja, has been hevily criticised recently, due to many areas being unsightly, particularly during the last two years of Covid19 and since the UK left the EU following Brexit. A walk through San Luis, Urb Limonar, El Chaparral and La Siesta, show many areas of neglect. Following the decrease in tourism, brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit, Ascen Ruiz Romo said: "The city council of Torrevieja is only concerned about tourism as they continue to pamper the city. "Many of the other areas in the municipality are totallt abandoned."
KJ Hutchison said: "It’s not unusual, unfortunately. Orihuela Costa urbanisations are the same. A lot are a mess and the town halls do nothing. "For two years of covid the majority of holiday homes have sat empty, when people could not travel. "Then people started to arrive back and clear out their houses - dumping anywhere - adding to the issues. "That is one reason why we moved to the city centre, where at least the town is taken care of, by both residents and the town hall. "This is par for the course in Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa too. That’s why we left the urbs. Some places are lovely, but a lot are sadly a mess."
The Civil Guard has arrested three British people in Rojales for sending packages of marijuana to Ireland and the Netherlands, through the post. Those arrested, two men aged 32 and 30 and a young woman of 26, have all been released on bail following a court appearance. Investigations began in February after a package bound for the Netherlands was found in a courier’s office in municipality, giving off a strong smell of marijuana. When checking the sender of the shipment, they found that it was a man who pretended to be a courier and who later tried to make a second shipment, this time to Ireland. Two packages containing six kilos of marijuana buds were seized. The Civil Guard also located two houses in Rojales from where shipments originated. The day after the couple’s arrest, the man pertaining to be a courier, was also arrested in Rojales.
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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
Studio 32 are pleased to announce that rehearsals are well advanced for our summer show GUYS & DOLLS.
Despite some resistance, Sky negotiates a date with her in exchange for bringing people into her mission. Meanwhile, Nathan's longtime fiancée, Adelaide played by Donna Waters (pictured), wants him to go legit and marry her. The big comedy number that they perform is Sue Me. Studio 32 believes that they have assembled one of the best vocal casts that they have ever had for this performance and don’t want anybody who enjoys musicals to miss out on seeing this fantastic show. For this reason they are offering groups of 20 or more who book on our website online booking service for Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th performances, a discount of e24 which will be refunded on the night of the performance on production of the ticket receipt at front of house. There will also be a complimentary drink on arrival and at the interval. For further information call 679 062 272 or 636 020 547. To book tickets online visit our site at and for further information and advice on how to use our online booking service email:
Torrevieja Apanee Charity race raises €1,514.05 Torrevieja Apanee benefitted with €1,514.05 following the Charity race organised by the Physical Education dept from the Mediterranean IES of Torrevieja. "We want to thank the participants from the schools attached to the institute, CEIP Romualdo Ballester, CEIP Virgen del Carmen and Colegio Salvador Ruso, for this wonderful donation," said a spokesperson.
The main story line follows Gambler Nathan Detroit played by Bill Nicholson (pictured) who has few options for the location of his big craps game. Needing $1,000 to pay a garage owner to host the game, Nathan bets fellow gambler Sky Masterson that he cannot get virtuous Salvation Army Sergeant, Sarah Brown out on a date.
The Councillor for Fiestas in Pilar de la Horadada, Susi Sánchez The Councillor for Fiestas in Pilar de la Horadada, Susi Sánchez, has announced that the ninth edition of the traditional sevillanas fair will be held from Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 May at the Municipal Fairgrounds. A total of 30 booths will form the Real de la Feria, with restaurants, associations and clubs all taking part in the event. On Thursday the 5th at 9:30 p.m., the opening of the Fair will take place with the lighting of lights and fireworks, then the jury will visit the booths participating in the Decoration Contest. Next, the "Madrina de la Feria 2022" will be presented, the Nadia Marquez flamenco school will perform, and at 12:00 p.m. the Salve Rociera will be sung.
From Friday to Sunday, the Fairgrounds will be open in the morning and afternoon, and there will be a tour of carriages and horses through the Real de la Feria at different times of the day. In addition, there will be monitors and children's activities. On Friday night, the flamenco group La Amistad from Pinar de Campoverde, directed by Paqui Samper Navarro, and Antonio Cuerva's flamenco dance academy will perform. Afterwards, there will be performances by the flamenco group "Alandra" and a copla night with "Voces de España" by Manolo Escobar and Isabel Pantoja. And like every night, at midnight, the Salve Rociera will be sung.
Pastora Jeanie Cooper, on the right in the photo, has officially handed over the reins of ministership of La Siesta Evangelical Church to Pastora Krista Givens, pictured on the left.
Pastora Krista Givens, recently arrived from America, has now officially become our minister and has already been happily welcomed by our
The EU has agreed to extend free mobile phone roaming across member states. The extension will now be in force until 2032, extending the current agreement that was due to expire on 30 June this year. The move does not include the United Kingdom of course, following Brexit.
Guardia Civil gets 150 tasers The Guardia Civil has received 150 Tasers, manufactured by AXON. After official reception, which is expected in the coming weeks, they will undergo a series of tests to assess their operational performance and define procedures for their usage.
TWO PASTORAS Pastora Jeanie has led our church for the last three years, during the difficult times of the COVID pandemic and before, and we are grateful for her leadership, for all she has done for us and for her friendship. However, she is not leaving us and will continue to attend services, playing the organ to accompany our singing, and still be a shining light for us.
Europe extends free mobile roaming
church family. We look forward to helping her settle in to her new church and her new country. A new era for our church begins. If you would like to know about our church - situated in Calle Granados, La Siesta, Torrevieja please visit our website at www.LaSiestaEvangelicalChurch
Once these evaluations are concluded, the CAE will train and qualify the staff of selected units. Based on the experience in these units, they will be progressively extended across the force.
Masks no longer mandatory from April 20 The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, has announced that masks will no longer be mandatory indoors as of their publication in the BOE, on April 20. At a press conference held at the Palacio de Fuensalida, in Toledo, she said that masks will no longer be mandatory indoors in general, although they remain in care centres, both for workers and visitors and for people admitted when are sharing common spaces. The obligation to use them in social health centres will also be retained, for workers and visitors in shared areas; as well as in public transport.
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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
DEC LUTTE RI NG FRI E N DS DU RI NG LOC KDOWN bsolete items rusting in my attic include, in no particular order of vintage, an Amstrad word processor, a sundial, a golf ball typewriter, a stone hot-water bottle, flared trousers, a quill pen, carbon paper, pointy winklepicker shoes, a toasting fork, a fax machine and a box of Betamax video cassettes. And some telephone directories.
pause in between, like Stealth, the supersonic bomber nobody has ever seen. The man with the scythe pays a call on others. Nobody has ever seen him either, as far as I know.
We all have fellow passengers in our lives, who board and disembark at different destinations. Friendships change when circumstances alter, and trying to keep old friendships alive ties you to the past, which is apparently another country. Be thankful that it wasn't North Korea. Despite the Spice Girls' song, it's not true that friendship never ends. Just look at the Spice Girls. Some people are what Aristotle called "friends of utility," or mutual benefit, whereby they borrow our lawnmower or stepladder, we keep an eye on their house and feed their cat when they go on holiday. Can't quite see the mutual benefit in that. We should all declutter such friends now and then. Or now. I never knew Aristotle had a lawnmower. Some friends last forever, of course, or as long as we do, anyway, and time takes care of some others. A few arrive and depart with hardly a
Because some ships pass in the night doesn't mean they can't transfer valuable cargo to us, is there a pill you can take for strangulated analogies? There is a limit to the number of friends one person can have without diluting the mixture. But it is often the case that when a seat at our table becomes vacant, a new friend pops up to fill it. A pop-up friend. Pop that pill. Alice in Wonderland has Fawn as a fellow traveller, although he runs from her after realising she is a human child. We've all met children like that, but probably best to avoid fawns as friends. I was delighted in a Lonely Hearts column once -- I was consulting it for a friend -- to read the phrase, "Tightrope Walker seeks similar. Object: falling for each other." For reasons best known to horticulturalists, friendships, like plants, usually thrive better in the sun. Psychiatrists would probably have some flowery explanation as well. In the natural course of events, we ourselves never see the transient visitors at both ends of our life, the midwives and the pallbearers.
Spain expels 25 Russian diplomats The Government has decided to expel 25 diplomats and members of the Russian embassy in Spain. The decision is added to those already taken by Denmark, Germany, France and Italy. The list does not include Yuri Korchagin, the Russian ambassador, since Spain "wants to give dialogue a chance" hoping that "Putin's war can end and diplomatic channels return", as has been expressed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares. Albares considers that the expelled personnel are "a threat" but has declined to be any more specific. Asked if espionage is related to the decision, the minister said that both "war crimes" and the need to protect "the security of our country" are issues that have brought him to his conclusion. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, the possibility of tak-
I've always been frivolous enough to treat friends lightly, which is a useful self-defense mechanism when you are 75, almost as good as a spring booster. And let's face it, we were
encouraged to declutter our friends during the worst of the pandemic, weren't we? In a while, crocodile.
ing action against the Russian diplomatic corps has been considered in all EU and NATO countries, but the images of the brutal massacre in Bucha (Ukraine) have been denied The Government not revealed the dates by which the diplomats must leave Spain and will not do so until it has communicated it to the parliamentary groups. Spain already has the "symmetrical response" from the Kremlin The Kremlin announced that it will respond to these decisions by expelling the diplomatic staff from several European countries. "Russia is employing a response symmetry",said the minister who does not rule out the expulsion of Spanish personnel from the Spanish Embassy in Moscow. The social networks of the Russian Embassy in Spain have not stopped sending messages since the invasion began, denying the story of the events, which both Ukraine and the international press narrate about Putin's war. The latest "tweets" categorically deny the Bucha killings.
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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
A-70 SPEED TRAP TOPS LIST OF SANCTIONS IN PROVINCE The radar located at the southern end of the Sant Joan d'Alacant tunnel, at kilometre 4.6 of the A-70 motorway, is once again the ‘speed trap’ with the highest collection of fines in the province, with 15,478 denuncias issued during 2021.
metres per hour that exists on this stretch of motorway. The collection of fines for speeding have increased by almost 11.3% in one year, even though was the highest year of sanctions, with 13,730. The radar trap ranking in first position
The data was provided by Alicante Provincial Traffic Headquarters, demonstrating once again that, despite the number of years the radar has been in existence and the familiarity and signage of it’s existence locally, there are still many drivers who ignore the speed limit of 80 kilo-
is located at kilometre 141 of the N-332, in the municipality of La Vila Joiosa, but it had much less activity last year, with just 10,429 complaints compared to 14,581 in 2021. In third position is the control point at kilome-
Elon Musk: “Spain could supply Europe’s energy needs” The businessman and founder of Tesla and Space X, Elon Musk, has made reference to Spain on his Twitter account in which he said that if Spain made a massive investment in solar energy, "it could supply energy throughout Europe." Teresa Ribera, the Minister for Ecological Transition, referred to Musk's statements explaining that the Spanish State "is very well positioned in solar energy of the 21st century". “It seems to me that it is something that we must work towards, but we have to do it with people in mind. We have to think about how we contribute to others, how we contribute to ourselves, but, above all, how we put people at the centre of such an investment”, she stressed. She said that Spain does want to be "a great renewa-
ble power, but landscapes, the environment and the country need to be integrated into this adventure and, from there, investors who are willing to contribute financially." The main problem developing Musk's statement is the few outlets that Spain has to export all the solar energy produced to other European regions. Currently, Spain has 18 GW of installed solar energy and plans to reach 46 GW by 2030.
tre 522 of the A-7, in Elche, with 10,054 fines, more than double the 4,633 imposed in 2020. One other radar located close by on the N-332 in Guardamar del Segura, had notable activity in 2021, 6,230 fines recorded. Along with speeding, failure to provide the Technical Vehicle Inspection (ITV) is once again the other major reason for sanction. Throughout last year, 25,325 fines were imposed for not an ITV. However, the figure is lower than that registered in 2019, when 26,665 drivers were sanctioned.
colleague of ours (not too far from here!) made a comment about this column last time we met. ‘You have the common touch’, my friend said. Now, if I didn’t know the man - who incidentally called me a ‘legend’ on another occasion, I wouldn’t know what to make of his remarks – or whether it was a compliment or a criticism. I took it as a compliment, because I have a lot ‘in common’ with this fellow-writer. And so I ask you, dear reader, is this a common column; and if it is, tell me please if this is bad or good? I got to thinking about the word ‘common’, its various uses and all the connotations that are attached to where you find it in a sentence. Even the tone used when verbalising can change its impact. It can be ‘spat out’, uttered slowly to show understanding, or applied to some lofty aspiration – as in ‘common goal.’ Like I said, when you think about it, there are fewer words which can offer so many different meanings. If something is for the ‘common good’, everybody is in favour of it. Leading up to what constitutes the ‘common good’, can involve a lot of shuffling around before finding a bit of ‘common ground.’ The most vital input here is to have those on board who are blessed with ‘common sense.’ There are a lot of different sorts of wives out there. (Shut up, Lads …) I think the ‘common-law wife’ is no more, and has been replaced by ‘partner’. ‘Common-law wife, or husband has long since gone out of favour. Following on from this, one might *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
ine that we would have ‘common partner’ to replace ‘common law?’ The best advice that YCBS can offer is for none of you to chance calling anyone’s partner, ‘common!’ Something which is common to all of us is ‘the common cold’. Nobody ever thinks badly of us for carrying ‘the common cold’ – and even stranger is the fact that no blame is attached to the person passing on this common ailment to a friend. Ireland Joined the ‘Common Market’ in 1973. Never before had something common had such a beneficial impact on a country and for all of us citizens. It is only since then that Ireland has truly become an equal among nations. The ‘Common Agricultural Policy (CAP to you and me) had been in place since 1962, but if ever something common was tailor-made for Ireland, it is The Common Agricultural Policy. Set to be reformed in 2023, the CAP has shaped the countryside and helped to keep the rural economy alive. The ‘common denominator’ is a first-cousin of ‘common ground’ – but perhaps sounds a little more sophisticated. It can be used when tidying up loose ends and marrying slightly differing points of view. The older I get, the more I enjoy using local slang words and going back to the sayings of the old people of long ago. Some of these were ‘makie-up’ words, mispronunciations, or words that were bastardised by local people. But you see, folks, this sort of ‘spake’ is perfectly acceptable as long as you place it under the banner of ‘common vernacular!’ The ‘Common Travel Area’ makes life so very much easier for the inhabitants of these islands. Though not legally binding, ‘The Common Travel Area’, allows for minimal identity controls between Ireland, UK, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Another great example of agreements for ‘the common good.’ God forbid, you would even dream of the likes, but if … theoretically speaking, you wanted to pass on a bit of gossip about your neighbour on one side, to the neighbour on the other side … and you wanted to reinforce what you were saying; chances are that you would say it is ‘common knowledge!’
Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
‘Common courtesy’, is yet another use of the word ‘common.’ The words ‘common courtesy’ are most often used when we chastise someone for a perceived slight. ‘Common
GARDEN FELIX - Woolflowers, prolific and colourful long lasting blooms Celosia, commonly known as Woolflowers, are members of the amaranth family, that bloom from June through to the first frosts of Autumn. Generally grown as an annual, you can expect two or three years out of them, before they give up, but luckily, they re-seed readily and easily. They are edible ornamentals, which have a taste similar to spinach, that also contains minerals and vitamins commonly found in deephued leafy greens. Flashy, uniquely shaped flowers, reminiscent of plumed candle flames, coral, or something resembling a brain, are available in a wide variety of colours. Give them plenty of sunlight with warm, dry conditions and these flowers will provide prolific long-lasting blooms and lots of colour in the garden. Pay careful attention to their soil and watering requirements, as this is potentially more important than sunlight. Celosia will not tolerate wet feet, they do not want to be watered too much, requiring soil that has excellent drainage.
courtesy’ is always nice though. I had a sign up in our shop one time – which I brought back from America, and it read; ‘Common Courtesy is Contagious!’ We have given you a mixed cross-section of all the different ways the word ‘common’ can be used – mostly positive and pleasant. Why then has the word assumed such a negative meaning when applied to a person? If somebody is said to be ‘common’ it casts that person down to be something of a lesser being? If you really wish to put the boot in, you can claim that somebody you don’t like is ‘as common as muck!’ Just so long as our colleague doesn’t add that this column has the ‘common-as-muck-touch’!! DON’T FORGET Many wise words are spoken in jest, but they don’t compare with the number of foolish words spoken in earnest.
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Queen Leticia and Charles meet at The Spanish Gallery HER MAJESTY QUEEN LETICIA travelled to Durham on Tuesday where she met up with Prince Charles to visit the new Spanish Gallery, the first gallery in the United Kingdom dedicated to the art, history and culture of Spain. The royals visited the collection "Zurbarán: The Twelve Tribes of Israel: Jacob and His Sons", which reflects the baroque spirit of the Spanish Golden Age, with portraits of the biblical patriarch and his descendants, by the 17th-century painter Francisco de Zurbarán. The works are part of a display of life-size portraits depicting the twelve sons who made up the twelve Tribes of Israel and their father, the biblical patriarch Jacob, whose story is told in the Book of Genesis. In the paintings, the characters appear before landscapes reminiscent of places in Flanders, typical of the Baroque style, and the painter characterizes the figures represented with a deep face and precision in all the details. After visiting the exhibition, the Queen and the Prince of Wales conducted the opening ceremony of the "Spanish Gallery of Auckland Castle", which, in addition to being of cultural interest, is an important source of academic study on the
pictorial past of the Spanish Golden Age. Upon arrival they were greeted by Her Majesty's representative in County Durham and members of the local authority, as well as a group of volunteer leaders from the Auckland Project. Founded by philanthropists Jonathan Ruffer and his wife Jane, the Auckland Project set out to bring tourism to Bishop Auckland by using art, faith and heritage. It comprises a collection of galleries, gardens, parks and the spectacular Kynren historical reenactment shows, which are staged during the summer.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
Ramano published a story praising The Beatles and saying that it forgave John Lennon for his 1966 comment that the group was 'bigger than Jesus.' John Lennon told a British newspaper in 1966 - at the height of Beatlemania - that he did not know which would die out first, Christianity or rock and roll.
1953 - Lita Roza was at No.1 in the charts with '(How Much) Is That Doggie In Window.' The 27 year old singer became the first British female singer to top the UK singles Chart, (and the first Liverpudlian to do so). 1970 - While performing at the White House at the invitation of President Richard Nixon, Johnny Cash was asked to perform 'Okie From Muskogee'. He declined because it was not his song, but had been a hit for Merle Haggard. Instead, he sang his No.1 hit, 'A Boy Named Sue'. 1972 – David Bowie released 'Starman' which became his first hit since 1969's 'Space Oddity' three years before. The song was a late addition to the album The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust. The lyrics describe Ziggy Stardust bringing a message of hope to Earth's youth through the radio, salvation by an alien 'Starman'.
1978 – Art Garfunkel started a six week run at No.1 with the theme from the film 'Watership Down', 'Bright Eyes' which went on to become the biggest selling single of the year. 1998 - Linda McCartney died after a long battle against cancer. She married Paul McCartney in 1969 when she was working as a photographer. As well as a being a member of Wings, she became an animal rights campaigner and launched her own brand of vegetarian food. 2001 - Robbie Williams raised 165,000 pounds at a charity auction with the money going to his old school in Stoke to build a performing arts block. The items sold were Robbie's personal possessions, including a toilet from a stage show, a Union Jack bikini, Tiger's
head briefs, a Millennium jet pack and the hand written lyrics to 'Angels' which sold for 27,000. 2002 - Thieves broke in to a house in Bexhill, Sussex and stole a hi-fi system and several CD's. They left albums by Madonna, Robbie Williams and Oasis but took the owners entire Showaddywaddy collection. 2009 - Former Beatle George Harrison was honoured with a posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. Sir Paul McCartney attended the unveiling outside the landmark Capitol Records building, joining George's widow Olivia and son Dhani. Eric Idle, Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks and musician Tom Petty also attended the ceremony. 2010 - The Vatican's official newspaper L'Osservatore
2013 - Justin Bieber caused outrage after writing a message in a guestbook at the Anne Frank Museum, which stated he hoped the Holocaust victim would have been a fan. The 19-year-old wrote: 'Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.' It provoked fierce online criticism of the Canadian singer, who was in Amsterdam as part of a tour.
he routes will include birding activities and hiking trails to discover the natural and cultural heritage of the municipality
San Fulgencio Town Council has announced the new ecotourism routes planned by the Department of Tourism for 2022. There are seven routes in total which will "show visitors and residents of San Fulgencio the natural and heritage richness that the municipality has to offer," said councilor Darren Parmenter. The Councillor for Tourism stated that the activity is very popular with the public, so "we have prepared a very comprehensive programme, with almost an activity every month to November". The trails include "the orchard and the parish church of San
Fulgencio, the ravine and archaeological site of La Escuera, or the Sierra del Molar", as well as nearby locations such as the dunes and beach of Guardamar, along with the mouth of the river Segura. They will be between 5 and 10 kilometres in length without much gradient, "with the aim that the greatest number of people can take part without the need for any great physical exertion," said the councillor. All the routes will be led by a guide and will be conducted in both Spanish and English. The first route, on Sunday 24th April, will take in the area around Hondico del Amorós and the San Fulgencio orchards for the purposes of birdwatching. "We are in an environment where many different species live, and where they can be seen in their natural environment without being disturbed," said Parmenter. Covering a distance of 8 kilometres, the starting point will be the recreational area 'El Oasis', at 9:30 am. Mayor José Sampere, congratulated the Tourism Department "for the great work carried out in recent years with this activity", as "it is a very interesting way of showing our municipality and all the places of interest it has, beyond the typical sun and beach image". Sampere encouraged the public to take part in these events, being "an opportunity to improve our fitness while learning a little more about the environment that surrounds us".
Mayor José Sampere, congratulated the Department of Tourism, led by Cllr Darren Parmenter, on the initiative.
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 913
ACROSS 1. Pleasing (10) 7. Way (5) 8. Gave out (7) 10. Credulous (8) 11. Damage (4) 13. Stay (6) 15. Request (6) 17. Just (4) 18. Infirm (8) 21. Scrap (7) 22. Excel (5) 23. Compost (10) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 12. 14. 16. 19. 20.
Thin soup (5) Pre-meal drink (8) Transfix (6) Abominable snowman (4) Tell (7) Sociable (10) Destruction (10) Fake (8) Restlessness (7) Of teeth (6) Father (5) Espy (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Sewer; 4 Clamber; 8 Overrun; 9 Strip; 10 Tidy; 11 Appraise; 13 Chef; 14 Scar; 16 Numerous; 17 Thus; 20 House; 21 Disturb; 22 Precede; 23 Ridge. DOWN: 1 Sportsmanship; 2 Wield; 3 Rare; 4 Canopy; 5 Abstract; 6 Barrier; 7 Reprehensible; 12 Retrieve; 13 Commute; 15 Muddle; 18 Hound; 19 Tsar. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Brake; 4 Cobbles; 8 Tollman; 9 Angle; 10 Less; 11 Sentinel; 13 Sack; 14 Pens; 16 Attaches; 17 Uses; 20 Range; 21 Apparel; 22 Decimal; 23 Tapes. DOWN: 1 Battle-scarred; 2 Atlas; 3 Emma; 4 Censer; 5 Beauties; 6 Legends; 7 Smelling salts; 12 Ice-cream; 13 Satanic; 15 Detail; 18 Scrap; 19 Spot.
ACROSS 1. What soldiers, clerics and company representatives do (4,6) 7. Where you?ll find political correspondents seek to pressurise (5) 8. Representative from the clay-pit (7) 10. Rent once squandered on curtain material (8) 11. This will blow up a room at the spa (4) 13. If care is used, this could provide transport (6) 15. An old light cloak (6) 17. Almost reluctant to do the cleaning (4) 18. Stumbled along, prepared to make a deal (8) 21. They secure an assortment of pastels (7) 22. Debauchee near northern French town (5) 23. Experienced one providing care when Nat suffers horribly (5,5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which animal does a Hippophobe fear? 2. Which is further south Folkestone or Southampton? 3. Which American sportsman was said to be earning more than the US president in 1925? 4. Which species can be Fairy Black footed and crested? 5. Which game uses flattened iron rings thrown at a hob? 6. Where is Fibrin found in your body? 7. Which group had hits with Homely Girl and Kingston Town? 8. Which sport is Claire Francis famous for? 9. Which actor played the lead in The Full Monty? 10. In which Chinese City can you see the Terracotta Army? 11. What letter is next to qwerty on a Computer Keyboard? 12. Who wrote over and over again: I will not yell she's dead during roll call? 13. What type of animal was selected to test the first electric toothbrush? 14. Which royal owned the Rolls Royce Errol Flynn lost in a poker game in Monte Carlo? 15. What are O.J. Simpson's first names? 16. Which 35 island state is joined to Saudi Arabia by a causeway?
DOWN 1. A schedule for the board (5) 2. At which the player does manual work? (8) 3. Trip abroad in the capital of Greece (6) 4. Drug used in protracted operation (4) 5. Figure out again what narrators do (7) 6. They are divided into minute sections (5,5) 9. Interpreting what?s said from the mouth-piece (3-7) 12. Traveller unusually wary about food (8) 14. The first male colonist refusing to yield (7) 16. Picked ones by the church, maybe (6) 19. Seoul damaged by unpleasant parasite (5) 20. Cycle frame equipped with key inside (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 17. Where was Elizabeth Taylor staying when she first set eyes on Larry Fortensky? 18. According to legend, which man rode horses named Llamrei, Hengroen and Passelande? 19. Which popstar showed her taste by painting the Castillo del Lago in Hollywood red and yellow? 20. In a pub, which would be the odd one out; Old Speckled Hen - The Famous Grouse or Wild Turkey? 21. Which ancestor of Noah is also the name of an oversized Champagne bottle that holds six litres? 22. Which Apollo 11 astronaut did not set foot on the moon? 23. FC Liverpool's signature song 'You'll Never Walk Alone' stems from which musical? 24. Which cocktail, named after a city, was invented by the Raffles Hotel barkeeper Ngiam Tong Boon in 1915? 25. Spats Columbo is the bad guy in which popular black and white film? 26. Which British fashion designer does one associate with the invention of the mini skirt and hot pants?
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a
friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
GENERAL Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most
quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934. Cremation plan.2575 euros.One time payment. Full paperwork. Call 697 834 934.
MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The March Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 21 April at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Guest speaker on Cooking Curries. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome.
SHARE THE COST OF BUYING AN APARTMENT I am looking for someone to share the cost of buying a 2 bed apartment in Los Alcazares. Total cost is 100k so 50k each.
Please contact Fintan on +353 86 878 1317
637 227 385
You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE
Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361.
Do massage erotic with hapy
Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050. Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year.
end. Speak good english. Call
LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966.
604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
NADIA... SO SWEET MONDALVIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 276 205
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
ANA SEXY AND ELEGANT Spanish lady. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English.
HELEN... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON. Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.
Tel. 665 736 488
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Olga and son Vova overwhelmed by generosity Andrew Atkinson talks to Ukrainian refugee Olga Baranova in Part 3 of a Leader Exclusive.
"Also we can't thank enough for the bicycles donated to us, and the hairdressers for free haircuts," said Olga.
Ukrainian refugees Olga Baranova and her 11-year-old son Vova are overwhelmed with the generosity of people since arriving in Spain in March.
Olga, whose husband remains in the Ukraine, along with her parents, has also had food dropped off in San Luis, and donations of money given to help.
"It's over whelming and I cannot thank you enough for having accepted us here in Spain," said Olga, who left Ukraine following the attack from Russia. Olga, who left Ukraine with Vova and her sister Kathryn (Kate) and her two children, is being housed in San Luis by host Lisa Briggs, with her sister and children staying in Torrevieja. Olga and Vova have been given bicycles from well-wishers, with a local hairdressers offering free haircuts.
Olga, who volunteers at the Ukraine Centre, added: "We wake up to regular food donations put in the garden. And neighbours and a friend regularly hand money to me. I can't explain my feelings of gratitude. "Now, I am a volunteer at the Ukraine Centre in Torrevieja to meet new arrivals. I have received a lot of tremendous help and I want to pay something back in helping others."
Olga and son Vova
Andrew Atkinson talks exclusively to Los Montesinos based Royal Navy diver Peter Gallant, 81, part of a team commissioned to look for the body of Donald Campbell, CBE, who died on January 4, 1967 attempting a British speed record on water on Lake Coniston. Campbell's body was recovered on May 28, 2001.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
THE SLAP: As slaps go it was a bit of a lame duck, or was it the spinoff that he wanted.
The Ketchup
N THIS LIFE there are some people who are not satisfied with their lot and strive to go beyond the natural - step forward Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He is a person, it is alleged, whose word is questionable. In his sales attire he approached his neighbours and convinced them that the natural gas reserves of his land were available to them at a price lower than they were paying. Nations surrounding his realm were blinkered by his offer, cancelling other methods of receiving their energy supply, signing the dotted line to allow him to lay mile upon mile of pipeline across their territories to service their need, in order to keep industries working and homes warm. But the gas that was supplied was more honest than the words of the supplier.
save face? This is a man who has always lived in fear of his life and to that end he lives securely, including a home in a nuclear bunker where he has, at his fingertips, the means to bring the world's cities to their knees. So, with the world fearful of his next move what will he do? Hopefully it will not be about performing even more damage, destroying lives and ruining a large part of the planet.
SPOILT: Harry, in my view, is the spoiled brat of the Royal Family who takes delight in rubbishing his upbringing, ignoring his grandfather’s memorial as if he is of a different model – perhaps he is? Just a thought!
However, very slowly, the price of the product started to increase, but nations did nothing, and then they arrived at the point whereby he was supplying forty eight percent of their total requirement. The Russian leader then had another idea; it was time, to implement it and go to the next stage, to invade an adjoining independent nation, and who knows, perhaps he had a desire to then go further and cross other borders.
One journalist who has reported on his work revealed that it could be something else. With the help of a person who is an expert in reading body language, they demonstrated that the slap landed on the shoulder not the face, demonstrating it by showing a video which briefly appeared on Facebook before it quickly vanished. The scribe then went on to write about why it was all set up. The wording goes something like this - the guy who did the hitting, his lady suffers from a terrible disease that affects the hair and the recipient of the slap had made a nasty observation about it. One of the sponsors of The Oscars is the drug firm Pfizer who, can it by coincidence, has produced a drug to cure the illness that the lady has? They are, at the same time, introducing it to the market. The following acres of print that we saw after the event must have been good for them – publicity, free of charge from the world’s media. It reminds me of when the Ford Motor Company first produced the Granada Motor Car, which immediately prompted the television production company of the same name to take High Court proceedings for a beach of the copyright of their name, resulting at the time in many headlines in press and news reports. So, Ford had nice free advertising for its new vehicle. Am I being too cynical in thinking the Court Case was for that reason?
The Army gathered onto the borders of the adjoining land. To help with the running cost, or was it just greed, the value of the gas in the pipelines were increased tenfold, crippling economies as the war machine was unleashed across the border. The thinking was, that in just a short time, those he had made enemies of would succumb.
As inflation is rearing its ugly head again, it is difficult to keep up to date with prices. It is becoming increasingly reported, including in this column, that the loss of cash in a cashless society will mean no real data on the cost of what you are buying. Paying with real money one knows instantly. The waving of your phone over a device, which subtracts a sum to send off to a bank account, is easy to do, and as more and more stores are refusing to accept payment in any other way, it will not be too long before that is the norm.
His tanks, lining up in their conveys, were being shot to pieces one by one as if in a coconut shy. His soldiers were brought to a stop in their advance. It is alleged that they resorted to killing and mutilating the innocent as if playthings for the depraved, destroying their properties for the hell of it, using armaments against innocent civilians that were designed for soldierly use against an army.
Just recently we fell for it while shopping in a Tesco’s. Without thinking about the price, as it was not labelled, we took a bottle of HP Sauce off the shelf and put it in the basket, easy. It was not until we were outside and checking the receipt, did we discover we had paid 5.35 for the bottle – more than twice the previous amount. Rip off – maybe - but of course stores do have to cover their cost.
Finally it is seen that the soldiers and their equipment are not up to the task. Sanctions applied by the West and others are starting to bite and the friendly nations who were happy to buy into the pipeline product turn and look elsewhere for their energy needs.
Take care.. chattey
How does a leader who raised war causing mass genocide now
Spain among most desired Easter destinations pain, among the most desired destinations in the world for Easter
Spain is among the most popular destinations in the world for tourists this Easter, according to forecasts by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and ForwardKeys, a leading Spanish company in traveller analysis. "The year 2022 has started with a sustained recovery in tourism achieving 72% of the pre-pandemic levels, a positive evolution despite the uncertainty generated by the omicron variant," said the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto. She also referred to the consequences of Putin's war and the Response Plan approved by the Government that will make available 16,000 million euro in public
aid, a plan that aims to reduce energy costs, help companies and groups most affected and generate confidence in the Spanish economy. The latest ForwardKeys air booking issuance data for international arrivals to Spain at Easter also shows an optimistic outlook. Air arrivals into Spain are expected to be only 13% below the values of Easter 2019, while domestic air travel is on par with pre-pandemic values, just 1% under. "Throughout the pandemic we have seen a large amount of frustrated demand, which has translated into renewed interest from travellers each time restrictions allowed travel again; in this new phase of the pandemic, Spain is recovering rapidly to the point of values prior to the start of the crisis. This Easter we expect traditional ori-
gin markets such as the United Kingdom or Germany to exceed pre-pandemic levels of arrivals," said Juan A. Gómez García, head of Market Intelligence at ForwardKeys. The most recovered main source markets that will travel to Spain this Easter include Denmark (+44%), Sweden (+39%) and Colombia (+37%), followed by Germany (+26%) and the United Kingdom (+13 %), all exceeding pre-pandemic levels. The favourite destinations for foreign travellers will be the Balearic Islands (+14%), the Canary Islands (-3%) and the Valencian Community (-3%), with Ibiza (+34%), Palma (+12%) and Tenerife ( +7%) leading the ranking of Spanish cities that recover the most travellers, all growing with respect to 2019.
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
Graham Solomans led Rock off with a ton, countered by a Jay Wilkinson 100 and D8. Mike Tierney made it all square on D4, Alan Havelock recording a ton. Legs 3 and 4 went Hubs way, Dylan Fitzsimmons D4 and Wilkinson D16, gaining the all important doubles, John Rodford finding T20 with ease. Billy Dolling nailed the Rocks second leg on D2, for 3-2. Concluding the half Paul Durrant doubled on 20 for a 79 out and a half time lead 4-2. Solomans resumed the game with a win on D4, Rodford hitting 100,140,100 but needing a further 20+ darts to complete the 501, opponent Dolling 100, unable to capitalise on Rodford's shortcomings. A Sam Salt 140 and a Cowan D4 levelled the tie. The next two legs before the break, comfortably went Gap's way via Brown 121, and Carlos Escansiano 100, D5, plus Sanderson and Bliss Wright 100, D1 taking the score to 4-2.
Fitzsimmons D10 and Wilkinson a 56 out got the Hubbers over the line for a 7-3 victory. The two remaining legs were shared Durrant D10 and Tierney 100, D11. MOTM - Rodford - Tierney.
Gildea had the unenviable challenge of Brown in the opening singles and acquitted himelf well with a 125, Brown answering with100,131 and a 32 out. Esco 95, 121 was favourite for the next, but hadn't reckoned on a Phil de Lacy, 140, 86 and D16, now 5-3. Maiden with throw faced Salt in the 9th, finding 81,81,110, insufficient as the Gap man replied with a 140 and D4, score now 6-3. Paul Moody now had the opportunity of winning the match, with throw.
K.O. C U P Mind the Gap 7 v Tipsy Toad Toppers 3
Topper Paddy Winterbourne 81,100 was always chasing Moody who found D20 and 100,140, to complete a Gap double. The remaining 2 legs were completed, Gap's Che Liam a 60 out, Wright a D5. MOTM - Wright - Maiden
AU X I LIARY C U P Hub Hyenas
7 v Wee Rock Horrors 3
Tipsy Toad hosted both K.O. Cup and Auxiliary Cup finals, Thursday last. The excellent venue totally rearranged to accommodate the 4 teams involved and many supporters. The committee extend their thanks to Toad's hosts Lisa and Andy for their their mid match fayre and generous prizes donated for the presentation. Both matches concluded all team games for the season, with just Mens and Ladies singles / pairs remaining. Competition details within this article, entries still available, but limited. Presentation night falls on Thursday, May 19th at Los Cucalos, details are with each team captain, to include choice of menu. All league members and guests are most welcome, to enjoy table magic, a three course dinner, award presentation and music till very late.
MIND THE GAP V TIPSY TOAD TOPPERS League champions Gap completed a fine League and Cup double, their opponents Toppers taking the champs to the 10th leg of the final.
14th April - Mens Pairs - New Tavern
Toad won the bull to determine first throw, Lee Maiden outstanding with 100,140,140 and a D2, Darren Sanderson replying with 2x100.
21st April - Mens Singles
28th April - Ladies Pairs - C.C.'s
Gap responded with a James Brown ton, Gordon Cowan adding 125,140 and D2 for 1-1.
You would have gambled your last tenner on Brown, Sanderson, Cowan, winning the next, but a Gildea 140 and another ton from Maiden followed by S17,D1 made it 1-2.
Division 2 champions the Rock, disappointingly found the going a little tough, many of their stars not quite finding the form that won them the title.
5th May - Ladies Singles - Domino's ENTRIES REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. All comps. played to winner on night
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
La Siesta Members Run Club by Alan Carr VCL Games This week we played rearranged games which were cancelled due to the bad weather, the first being on Wednesday was the two La Siesta teams playing each other (so there was only going to be one winner ‘La Siesta’), which resulted in a win for the Parakeets who won 10-2 (Shots 105-69) Rinks won by; Dave Blackie (Men’s Singles 21-10). Martin Harley & Karen Kirk (Pairs 2216). Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (Trips 25-9). Alan Ralph, Tracey Paffett, John Taylor & Ken Barber (Rinks 25-13). The Hoopoes only winning rink coming from; Joan Inns (Ladies Singles 21-12). The VCL game which we played on Thursday, was a home game for the Parakeets with the visitors being the Emerald Isle who walked away winning on four rinks but were unable to collect all of the points as the Parakeets Men’s single game went to Dave Blackie who won 21-17 for two points. There was a Hotshot by our Trips team; June & David Whitworth with Jean Cooper but it was not enough to secure a win losing (1722). Result 2-10 (Shots 76-96). On Friday another VCL catchup game saw the Hoopoes travel to Country Bowls and
played the Koalas who won convincingly on most rinks, but courtesy of Mike Inns we were able to win the Men’s Single Game 2119 to secure two Points. Lost 2-10 (Shots 62124). Hurricane Division the Wasps had an away game at Quesada against the Lancaster’s which resulted with the team winning on three rinks together with the overall (Shots 104-74) to collect 8 points. Team winners being; Dawn & John Taylor with Harold Charleton (Shots 28-10). Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (Shots 2210). Jan Pocock, Norman Adcroft & Dave Blackie (Shots 24-19). Interested in joining La Siesta members run Bowls Club, there is always something going on, social events arranged by Molly, and at the club league/casual bowling which includes Chicken and Egg every Wednesday with George 1.30 for 2pm, and an organise roll up every Saturday with Graham & Mike 9.30 for 10am where prizes are awarded. Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.
EMERALD ISLE BOWLS CLUB - Elwyn Morris Dukes played a delayed VCL game at San Miguel Sheriffs on Sat and the game finished all square 6-6, Aggregate 96-98 A M Gerrard 21-18, C Lindgren 21-17, S Kavanagh C Smyth J Smyth 25-10 Dukes played at Vistabella Saxons on Wed and they got beaten 4-8 Aggregate of 7475, A M Gerrard 21-8, C Lindgren 21-13 Earls played at home against Country Bowls Koalas and got beaten 4- 8 Aggregate of 73-86, S Elvin 21-16, A Forrest M Ellis P Willcott 19-9
Country Bowls Club were looking forward to competing in the various LLB Summer Leagues, but the first 3 weeks the weather had other ideas with several games being rearranged only a few games being played First Monday the Kites got off to a flying start taking full advantage of the home green and maintained a healthy lead throughout against Emerald Isle Victors. Finally winning on all rinks, rink scores were Del Gunning, Alan Miller, Neil West 17-13, Sheena Mallet, Darren Reynolds, Barry Evans 24 13, Shelia Whitehall, Allan Lever, Peter Dix, 23-12, Keith Holliman, Trish Dix, Peter Whitehall, 20-15, Brenda Jiggins, Derek Jiggins, Graham Richardson, 27-13. A great result taking us to top of the Hurricane Division. The Bluebirds had the long trip to Montimar, the home side returning to the LLB Summer Harrier Division soon showed the advantage of playing on their home rinks regularly. The Bluebirds managed a creditable 4 points away from home. Winning rinks were Graham Richards, Della Wailes, Steve Wailes 17-10, Michael Jordon, Craig Dyson, Peter Robins, 17-10. The Koalas got off to a great start at home to Emerald Isle in the VCL league winning in all games and taking maximum points, again against the Isle. On Friday they travelled to La Siesta and battled with the tricky rinks, with several close games, coming out victorious, only losing in the Triples. Winning the Ladies Singles, Sheena Mallet 21 18, Men’s Singles, Ray Robson 21 12, Pairs, Peter Whitehall, Del Gunning 18 13, Fours, Geoff Eggleton, Alison Robson, Darren Reynolds, John Mallet, 17 12.
Friday afternoon brought our Irish friends and occasional drinkers to the Isle. They are now Crumlin players so as usual it was a great game and afternoon, and the game finished all Square 3-3, the Isle took Aggregate 110-79
In the morning San Miguel Deputies were home to Greenland Jasmins losing 4 - 8, 73 shots to 90. Jan Farmer won her singles match 21 13, and the triples played by Sandi Hannan, Pete Masters and Mike Douglas won 15 - 12.
La Marina Bowls Club by Dave Hadaway I know how the queen felt now when she said it had been a horrible year. Only she said it in Latin. Firstly I must make a correction, last week I said our Race Night was 18th April and it's is not it's on Thursday 14th. The 18th is Easter Weekend and hopefully the bars and restaurants will be busy but I was right about it being a great night, so please support it. Monday was a horrible day Arsenal lost 3-0 to Crystal Palace (I blame Maureen Kidd's grandson, Connor as he seems to be a human dynamo), and La Marina bowls lost 12-0. A case of least said soonest mended. Lastly on Wednesday we said goodbye to Eva Tucker a woman you could not help but like because she was so full of life. RIP Eva. The League has now shut down for Champion of Champions which this year will all be held at Quesada. First round fixtures for La Marina contestants are: Monday am Mixed Fours Parsons & Joynes “ Mixed Pairs Anne & Mike Stone Tuesday am Men's Pairs Garth & Alex “ Ladies Paris Marilyn & Irene Wednesday am Men's Singles Don Fowkes “ 12.30 Ladies Singles Janet Parsons Good Luck to all.
On Wednesday as scheduled It was then off to the Isle against the Earls, a good contest in all disciplines with the Koalas coming out on top winning 8 points to 4. Winning the Men’s Singles, 21 6, Pairs, Peter Whitehall, Del Gunning 18 13, Fours, Sheena Mallet, Derek Lewis, Barry Evans, John Mallet, 21 11. On Saturday 2nd April a Fun Horse Racing event was held on the green to raise funds for a defibrillator, a great time was had by the 40 plus who attended and the target was reached due to generosity of all who attended.
SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB ROUNDUP By Barry Jones On Saturday, 2nd April, San Miguel Bowls played two re-arranged games from the previous week.
Remember SAPS is now in the mornings at 9-30 for 10-00am, fun game with bowls shoes and coaching for 2 hours and bar all for 5 EUROS.
637 227 385
Earls played a game away against La Siesta Parakeets and a great win 10-2, Aggregate of 96-76, L Ponsford 21-16, G Ponsford J Mulloy 15-13, M Oakley K John E Sheppard 22-17, B Taylor J Ball C Wilson G Dyer 21-9
On Sunday 3rd April the Emerald Isle held The Annual Les McCracken Memorial game and was well attended. The Major Trophy went to the Greenlands Trip and the best Emerald Isle trip was won by B Taylor M Veale and G Wallis. Thanks to all of the visiting teams, hopefully see you all next year.
In the afternoon, San Miguel Sheriffs were home to Emerald Isle Dukes sharing the points 6 -6, 98 points to 96. Dave Greenland and Steve Cantley won the pairs 19 - 18, and Gail Willshire, Ron Nairey, Lynn
Greeland and Fred Willshire won the rinks 25 - 11. On Monday 4th April San Miguel Christians braved the weather and managed to play 12 ends before the game was called off at Vistabella. They were playing Vistabella Fairways where they lost, 4 - 8, 44 shots to 53. The best winning triple were Bob Nesbitt, Alan Harris and Dave Champion 14 - 6 A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the populari-
ty of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118
Vistabella Bowls Club
Today the Buckskins played their postponed match, from Monday, at home against La Marina. As normal they were a pleasure to play, both teams won 2 rinks and the remainder was a draw, with La Marina taking the overall shots. Despite the losses all our rinks played well, but luck doesn’t always run your way and opponents play well too.
Hi all, Well the bad weather returned on Monday 4th April, Home in Division A the Hardy players of Vistabella Fairways and San Miguel Christians turned out and played the Minimum of 12 ends before the weather got too bad, with Vistabella Fairways just getting the better of San Miguel Christians.
Brian Gilham, Pam Harris and Brian Harris 20-17. Dolly Ford, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 11-20. Sheila Cox, Kevin Henry and Mike Cox 10-20. Sheila Millward, Ron Greenstreet and Jim Eastwood 21-21. David Baker, Peter Blackburn and Keith Longshaw 14-10. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at
by Brian Zelin
Rosemarie Savage, Maggie Furness, Eric Bishop 12-4, Lynne Bishop, Freddie Willey, Ian Kenyon 13-5, Carol Thorpe, Paul Durham, Gary Thorpe 12-10, Points 53-44. Points 8-4. Wednesday 6th April in the VCL Division A, Vistabella Saxons were at Home to Emerald Isle Dukes, it turned out to be a very close match, with Vistabella just coming out on top, Ladies Singles, Maggie Furness 8-21, Men's Pairs, Martin Foulcer 13-21, Pairs, Tony French, Ian Kenyon 18-10, Trips, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 23-11, Rinks, Richard Willey, Denise Howell, Sue Wilson, Eric Bishop 13-11, Shots 75-74. Points 8-4.
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
So, there was a sigh of relief on Wednesday, when there was not only a dry day, but QBCs carpet had drained sufficiently to allow the scheduled VCL match to go ahead. And boy oh boy, did team Tigers make the most of it. Against a useful La Marina team, this little lot swept up all 12 points on offer Irene Everett (ladies singles) 21-18, Andy
Reid (mens singles) 21-9, Sheena & Dave Barnes (pairs) 23-15, Tina Brinton, Stella Jakeman, Brenda Rees (trips) 16-14. Carol Lowry, Sandra Heath, Steve Hibberd, Keith Lowry 19-16. The only other league match to proceed, was the rearranged home SABA trips league match, involving Lancasters against La Siesta Wasps. Winning on 2 rinks, these sets of trips were responsible for their teams' points in a 4-8 defeat - Chris Bowles, Dave Gould, Pete Bradbury 19-15, Carol Lowry, Stella Jakeman, Keith Lowry 16-15.
of Spanish International Cricket Europe’s only international award-winning resort with its very own dedicated ODI ICC accredited Cricket Ground and Academy, located in Almeria, Andalucía, south-east Spain has reached an agreement with Cricket España for it to become the ‘Home for Spanish International Cricket’. Having successfully hosted two ICC European events, Spanish international matches, and a tour by the MCC last year, it seemed the next logical step for Cricket España to forge a stronger relationship with the Almeria resort. Already in 2022, the counties of Leicestershire, Hampshire and Derbyshire have completed pre-season training camps at the ODI ICC accredited venue,
“La Siesta” golf Society St Patrick´s Day event On the 19th March 2022 “La Siesta” golf Society held their annual St Patrick´s Day event. The golf was played at Campoamor golf course. The weather was surprisingly good, considering the last few weeks of poor weather currently being experienced in Spain.
07.04.22 – Finally the weather relented and allowed the members of the La Marina Golf Society out to play. The weather was glorious and the fairways were firm, although the putting greens were challenging. This week’s match was for the Helena and Paolo Trophy, who not only sponsored this week’s game but also provide us with our aftergame refreshments. The Helena and Paolo Trophy was won by one of our senior members, Mr. Vic Smith with a scorecard of 36pts. In second place was Tony Ollier with 34 pts and in third place with 33 pts was Bill Allen. Bill also took the nearest the pin prize for Hole 3, Hole 6 was won by Sarah McCabe, Hole 12 was won by Tony Moore and Hole 17 was won by Tony Ollier. Our next society game is at Bonalba and the match list is on the notice board at the sports complex. If you’re looking to join a friendly society, why don’t you check out our website?
Mike Probert talks Golf
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
The winners were as follows, Longest Drive for Division 1 on hole 2 was won by Tim Warren, Nearest The Pin on hole 4 Mike O´Regan, Nearest The Pin on hole 6 Jenny Wils, Longest Drive Division 2 on hole 8 Ken Harvey, Nearest The Pin on hole 10 Ken Meredith, Longest drive in 2 on hole 12 Dee Wood, Longest Drive Division 3 on hole 13 Pam Howard, Nearest The Pin on hole 15 Ken Harvey and Nearest The Pin on hole 17 Mike O´Regan.
Sapphire Golf Society In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services, at Vistabella on 6th April 2022.
La Manga Torrevieja CC and Cricket España themselves completed a training camp at Desert Springs just two weeks ago. Meanwhile, in club cricket, La Manga Torrevieja CC finished 2nd in the La Manga Classic T20 tournament at La Manga Club resort, that featured Barcelona, Austria, Wales and La Manga Torrevieja CC. LMTCC lost in the final to Swansea Cricket Club.
In the team event, coming first were Carol Hookway, Mike O´Regan, Pete Stears and Pam Howard. In second were Rose Cox, Peter Wood, Adrian Mosley and Mann. Finally the winner of the Individual event, with a very respectable 41 points, was Andrea Warren. Congratulations to all our winners. The presentations and evening event were held at Campoamor Hotel. We would like to thank all the staff for the fine food and service. The whole evening was a great success. Lastly we would just like to thank Mike O´Regan for organising such a brilliant golf day
we had no rain which has not been the case in the area for at least a month.
Mason & Bishop
Gold Division
Football Card - George
1st - Steve Broom – 33 points
We returned to Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for the presentation and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties.
Silver Division 1st – Bob Hewitson – 33 points
The weather was cold to start but at least
Nearest the Pins – Sodergren, Probert,
While we all have our views and opinions on the greatest golfer to ever play the game ,my personal opinion it is Jack Nicklaus not only for his tournament win record but the way in which he handled himself on and off the course so when he speaks you should listen and below are just a few of his famous quotes: The best golfer in the world only wins 20% of the time. Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca
€110 €100 €44 €158 €57 €163 €64 €110 €44 €85 €109 €100
Best Guest – Tony Bishop – 30 points
2nd – Terry Sharley – 33 points
For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 32 players visited the established course at Vistabella taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services.
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €150 2 Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €100 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Altorreal €120 2 Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €136 2 Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €158 2 Green Fees & Buggy
Desert Springs announced as Home
QUESADA BOWLS CLUB by Steve Hibberd Supertramp would have been in their element at the beginning of last week, for there was so much of the wet stuff about, you could have been excused for humming that classic 'it's raining again', over and over again!
2nd – Chris Hill - 24 points
Our next fixture is the society game at Altorreal on the 20th April 2022
Bronze Division
Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at
1st – Barry Dexter - 32 points 2nd – Brian Prockter – 24 points
Focus on remedies not faults.
Never quit or give up, whatever the situation.
To be successful you need to manage yourself and the course.
Don’t be too proud to take lessons.
The older you get the stronger the wind gets and is always in your face.
It takes hundreds of good shots to gain confi-
We all go through tough times. dence and only one bad one to lose it.
Air offers less resistance than dirt. Learn the basic fundamentals of the game and stick to them.
Don’t shy away from pressure embrace it.
Golf is a game not a war.
2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.38pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) Single Green Fee (from 3pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy
Never lose your temper and always keep your
Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
€89 €60 €82 €124 €140 €57 €102 €71 €133 €164
Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.36pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm)
For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Torrevieja Da rts Ladies League Format Week 13 Racing Toast 4-5 Primadonnas Gap Girlz 7-2 Friendly Chicas Tipsy Tigers 7-2 Dolly Mixtures Friendly Temps 4-5 Ladybirds LEAGUE TABLE Gap Girlz Ladybirds Tipsy Tigers Friendly Temps Friendly Chicas Primadonnas Racing Toast Dolly Mixtures
P 13 13 13 13 12 13 13 12
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385
Kim YorkFickling of Friendly Temps scored a 180
Pts 111 75 75 66 56 51 39 37
HOT DARTS: Kim York Fickling (FT) 180, Ann Wharton (FT) 138, Sue Christie (LB) 133, 120, 111, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 133, Maz Scott-Denness (GG) 126, 118, Amanda Skinner (GG) 122, Helen Bushell (FC) 120, Pat Schofield (TT) 118, 100, Sandra Crabbe (LB)112, Lorraine Veale (DM) 109, Debbie de Grys (PD) 102, Sharon Marshall (TT) 100 x 2, Bliss Wright (GG) 100 x 2, Groa Bryndis (PD) 100, Cath Carter (DM) 100, Pat Woods (DM) 100, Sue Zaman (PD)100
By Andrew Atkinson Team Boxing Quesada took part in the Federation Valencia Kickboxing championships this month and came home with a record haul of 11 Golds and 3 Silver medals. All of the medal winners will qualify for the National Championships. It was a fantastic achievement, thanks to the skills of Head Coach Santiago Lopez, who, who himself
The training Campus, which will be held from July 4 to 16 at the Torrevieja Sports City, will be directed by staff from the Madrid Athletic Academy The Councillor for Sports, Diana Box Alonso, accompanied by the head of Touroperador Viajar Fútbol Base, Alberto del Amo, and the head of the Sports Tourism in the city, Javier López, presented the Summer Campus this morning VFB Atlético de Madrid Academy “Ciudad de Torrevieja”, which will take place from July 4 to 16 at the Ciudad Deportiva de Torrevieja. The first Camp will be held from July 4 to 9 for boys and girls, and the second from July 10 to 16 exclusively for females between the ages of 6 and 17. The training sessions will be directed and designed by coaches from the Atlético de Madrid Academy. For the women's sessions, the coaches who will run the campus are all specialised in women's football. About 150 players are expected to take part in the training camps which will cost 295 euros for non boarding players and 650 euros for those requiring accommodation.
Shevchyk Wins Bronze in the Iberdrola Rhythmic Gymnastics League The Torrevejense Rhythmic Gymnastics Club Jennifer Colino finished fifth place overall in the first national division. This weekend, the first phase of the 1st Division of the Iberdrola Rhythmic Gymnastics League was held in Almussafes (Valencia). The young Torrevieja gymnasts all did very well giving some extremely good performances, despite the high level of competition, involving a number of gymnasts from the national team. Anastasia Salkova, in the juvenile category, performed a hands-free exercise with which she
The camp is open to national and international players. Activities include specialised training in technical and tactical aspects with the methodology of the Atlético de Madrid Academy, as well as recreational activities for athletes who are boarding at a local hotel (water sports, scheduled activities, etc.) All participants will receive training kit consisting of a shirt, shorts and socks, as well as a diploma at the end of the week. Registration is now open on the website ( achieved a score of 22,400, finishing in sixth position Lucia Leshan Cañas Mendo, finished seventh with the club apparatus and a score of 24.784. Tatyana Shevchyk won the bronze medal with a magnificent ball exercise, achieving a score of 26,200. In addition, with the ring and ribbon devices, she finished i fifth position with scores of 25.917 and 24.734, respectively. Aimara Fajardo, a gymnast on loan to the Torrevieja club, performed a good rope exercise with a score of 23.417, also achieving the bronze medal. The team formed by the four gymnasts finished with a total score of 147,452 points in fifth position, in this first phase of the 1st national division. Very well done to them all and to the technical team for their magnificent work!
won the Senior National Kickboxing Championships in 2021. The sport has become extremely popular for boys and girls alike and keeps them in great physical condition. For more details contact Quesada Fitness Gym, Aeropuerto Road 50 D, visit or call 865774577.
SAMM STILL GOING STRONG The Sailing Association Mar Menor, SAMM, is still going strong after three difficult years as proved by the high attendance of over 40 members at the 2022 AGM held on March 9th. SAMM’s problems started in The Autumn of 2019 when the devastating Gota Fria that hit Los Alcazares resulted in the pollution of the Mar Menor and a ban on water sports. This was followed by the imposition of the lock down and travel restrictions of the Covid outbreak in March 2020 which continued into 2021. Although pleasure sailing resumed, the Sunday race program was curtailed by the closure of the jetty at CTD for repairs, although some limited racing did re-start late in 2021. The AGM was the first that could be held since 2019. George Noden the Commodore since 2019 stood down and Dawn Morgan was elected as his successor. Dawn has only been a SAMM member for about a year but was the Vice Commodore of a sailing club in West Sussex before moving to Spain and is highly experienced.
Dawn and Mike
The Secretary David Hardwick also stood down and Mike Phillips was elected. There were only two proposals, the first to allow the Whaly support boat to be used for pleasure purposes and it was agreed to set up a small group to investigate the pro’s and con’s and the second to try to forge stronger links with other groups. Many members attended a lunch after the meeting at the Tataki restaurant. Club Jennifer Colino in Almussafes
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
CD Thader ............4
But Pedro did manage to double his team's advantage on 64 mins, executing a delightful chip over the keeper from close range.
Novelda UD .........0 ack in late November last year, Thader snatched a point over at Novelda, but this reverse fixture was pretty much one way traffic.
These 3 points guaranteed that the hosts remain in 3rd place, but with only 4 matches of the Preferente league season remaining, every match will now be treated like a cup final. Lowly Alicante University gave the boys in blue and white stripes a wakeup call, as last week's defeat was totally unexpected. But no matter who the opposition are in this league, maximum effort is required in every match if the remaining play off slot is to be secured. Opening exchanges were pretty feisty, so much so that Pedro picked up a caution after only 2 mins for illegal use of the elbow. When Dani Lucas was brought down
Although Rosquin was unfortunate to pick up Thader's 3rd booking of the match, team mate Ruben converted a scrappy goal on 73 mins.
inside the box on 15 mins, Thader captain Lloyd wasted no time in hammering home the resultant penalty. From the next attack, Pedro headed Javi's cross fractionally wide, before one of his Thader team mates picked up another yellow card.
The same man notched his 2nd and teams 4th on 80 mins, heading home a delightful cross by Berni at the far post. As in the 1st half, Chema had very little to do, but with 5 mins remaining, he somehow tipped a goal bound effort around the post. Dani Lucas then had the final say, but he was denied a certain Thader goal when his shot was deflected off the line.
Next it was Novelda's Alberto who entered the ref's notebook, for a revenge attack on Pedro. A stunning 30-yard free kick by Lloyd produced a worldly save by Novelda keeper Soto on 29 mins. Chema hadn't seen much action in between Thader's goalmouth, but he too earned his keep on 32 mins, when he enticed Puerto to shoot straight at him during a 1 on 1.
Four mins later, Segura beat Chema, but much to the relief of Thader's keeper, he also missed the target. Just before half time, bookings were all square, as a crude foul on
Calderon more than warranted number 2 for the visitors. Within 5 mins of the restart, first Pedro then Calderon had put the ball in the net, but both were victims of
The next league match for Thader is at Redovan on either Saturday 23 or Sunday 24 April. Both teams will be up for this vital match, involving 2 locals rivals, both in contention for that coveted play off slot.
NOBLE END FOR WALEY-COHEN Noble Yeats ridden by Sam WaleyCohen landed the £1m 40 runners Randox Aintree Grand National in a fairytale end to his riding career having announced his retirement. "I can't say anything, I can't believe it," said winning jockey WaleyCohen, who celebrated the victory with his family. Emmet Mullins trained seven-yearold Noble Yeats was a shock 50-1 winner for new owner Robert Waley-Cohen. Noble Yeats beat each-way tips Any Second Now (15-2) and Delta Work (10-1) to collect the £500,000 winning purse. "I have to say thank-you, as it's my last ever ride, to Dad - Robert Waley-Cohen - he's had unwavering belief and love for 23 years. "It's been a love affair. That's beyond words, it's a fairytale and a fantasy.
By Andrew Atkinson I'm full of love and happiness and gratefulness," said Sam Waley-Cohen. Robert Waley-Cohen, former chairman of Cheltenham racecourse and owner of Long Run, who won the 2011 Cheltenham Gold Cup, said: "It's the dream come true, I can't speak. It's just fabulous. I feel like quoting Shakespeare 'My cup runneth over'. I'm really emotional." Noble Yeats was purchased from former owner Paul Byrne in February: “It was a long-term plan and it seems to have come off in the end, I don't know how. "We were probably more confident a month ago, the closer we got to it everyone was talking up their chances but the horse didn't know any different. The form was there. "We haven't had the best of luck lately and it's surreal. It's only since February we've had him and he's taken everything in his stride. The horse just keeps trying. "There was plenty of drama in the race. We thought we had a bit up our sleeves, but you can never tell," added Mullins.
SC Torrevieja are back in second place in the race for promotion following a 4-1 away win at Pinoso CF A in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 on Saturday, with Pinoso dropping to third. Goals from Salva (22), Javi (50), Kevin (71) and Gonzola (88) gave Torry three points that lifted them up to second, on 40 points behind league leaders Atletico de Catral CF who top the table on 52 points. CF Rafal and CD Cox took a point each in a 1-1 draw. Sporting Dolores CF gained a 3-2 away win at CF Atletico Algorfa, with CD Benijofar and CF Sporting Albatera taking a point apiece in a 1-1 draw. In the Valencia 2nd Regional G16 UE Crevilente FB A top the table on 59 points following a 3-1 home win against
Formentera CF B. Second place Guardamar Soccer CD sit in second spot on 54 points, after hitting seven in a 7-1 home win against Bigastro CF. UD la Coca Aspense B suf-
TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Horses, 2. Southampton, 3. Babe Ruth, 4. Penguins, 5. Quoits, 6. In the blood, 7. UB40, 8. Sailing, In 1973, after working in marketing for three years, she took leave to sail singlehandedly across the Atlantic, departing from Falmouth in Cornwall and arriving, 37 days later, at Newport, Rhode Island. 9. Robert Carlisle, 10. Xian, 11. U, 12. Bart Simpson, 13. A dog, 14. Prince Rainier, 15. Orenthal James, 16. Bahrain, 17. The Betty Ford Clinic, 18. King Arthur, 19. Madonna, Castillo del
fered a 2-1 home defeat against FB Redován CF, with CD Horadada hitting Elche Dream CF B for six in a 6-1 home win, leaving Elche in the lower reaches of the table on 8 pts. *Sunday's results round-up will be online at
Torry pre match warm-up
Lago is a nine-bedroom chateau on Mulholland Drive, just under the Hollywood sign in Hollywood Hills, 20. Old Speckled Hen is a beer, and the other two are whiskies. 21. Methuselah who in the Hebrew bible is said to have lived to the age of 969, 22. Michael Collins, 23. Rogers and Hammerstein's 'Carousel'. 24. Singapore Sling. It was initially called a gin sling. 25. Some Like It Hot. 26. Welsh fashion designer and British fashion icon Mary Quant.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th April 2022
637 227 385