The Leader in Spain – 22 August 2022

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Since dawn, 12 aerial media have been provided by the Generalitat, 19 from the Government, two from the Plan INFOCAM of the Junta de Castilla la Mancha, 3 from the Catalan Generalitat and another three from the Government of Aragon. Throughout the night the 500 firemen have continued to work, while the 40 air assets rejoined at first light. This enormous human and technical effort is spread over 135 kilometers of perimeter. The first of the major fires still left to bring under control is near the El Toro military base, where the firefighters concentrated a large part of their efforts overnight.

The third is in Andilla, where the fire surrounds the town: on Friday night it was just three kilometers from the town centre. Firefighting was intensified from dawn on Friday: although the early morning humidity helped reduce the intensity of the flames closest to the urban area, but with the arrival of the sun they regained strength. As the tables begin to turn there is cautious optimism in Viver, where the Advanced Command Post (PMA) is located, and from which the fire extinction work in Bejís is controlled. “The war is long, but this battle is now being won,” said one controller.


No 933 Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022 637 227

Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper

During the night, 9 units of Forest Firefighters from the Generalitat Valenciana were deployed, 9 fire engines, a volunteer brigade from Fuentes de Ayódar, 8 firefighters from Castellón and146 members of the UME.

After a night of intense activity, with hundreds of people trying to put out the flames, the Bejís fire "evolves favourably", according to a statement made by the emergency services on Saturday morning. "There are no flames around most of the perimeter although fires can still be seen in a small number of ravines that are difficult to access.”

The second is in Teresa, within an already burned area, which shows what specialists have been saying since day one: the temperature inside the fire is such that significant outbreaks can still occur at any time.

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San Fulgencio town hall,specifically the Department of Tourism,are preparing for the next edition of the local Ruta de la Tapa. There will be an information meeting held on Thursday 25th August,in which local bar and restaurant owners who would like to participate are welcome to attend. There is an online form available which you have to fill in first,which is available at our website,to make it easier for you. For those of us who are not in the hospitality sector and just want to take part in the event, the VII Ruta de la Tapa will take place on October 28,29 and 30. Meanwhile,another event that has been confirmed,and it’s now only a matter of weeks away,on Friday the 16th September,is TheOktoberfest.location of this event will be calle Madrid, starting at 7 p.m.until 9 p.m.Entertainment will be provided by Little Big Band,and there will be special guests throughout the evening.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Forest Fires now under control FIRES IN OLOCAU, PETRER AND VALL D'EBO Early on Saturday morning, the Olocau fire is under control, but it is still active. During the night, 2 units of Forest Firefighters, 2 fire engines, 1 crew, a coordinator and 3 forestry brigades from the Valencia Provincial Firefighters Consortium tackled the blaze. The Petrer fire had been extinguished by 07:30 a.m. according to a communication from the Alicante Fire Department to the Generalitat Emergency Coordination Centre. At the Vall d'Ebo fire, the perimeter is now stabilised and the progress is favourable. A thermal camera with a drone unit is being used to monitor the fire. The operational staff is divided into two sectors and there have been no developments overnight where 2 units of Forest Firefighters of the Generalitat, ?2 fire engines and 20 fire crews from Alicante were deployed. But the truth is that, in this matter of fighting fire, nothing is certain. Even President Puig spoke of "trying to consolidate" the day's work before the increase in temperatures and the arrival of the wind, which, after spending all day blowing from the south could change to the west in the early hours of this "SaturdaySaturday.will be more complicated," warned the head of the Consell. “This Saturday the wind and the heat will not help, but finally, it seems that we are now over the most decisive hours of the fight against second most serious fire that we have ever seen in the history of the Region.” Images courtesy of the Diputacion de Castellon

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Despite the fact that the images have caused a great stir, remedial measures still seem to be a long way away with La Platforma saying that they are not aware of any impending steps being taken by Health that are likely to stop this indefensible situation.

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Aman in hospital clothing lying abandoned at the doors of the hospital

The president of the platform, Mamen Mateo, has said that “any promotional efforts depicting the Costa Blanca and the Valencian Community as tourist destination are being called into question when, through all too frequent social media posts, we see horrifying but so easily preventable images of people in absolutely wretchedness, who are clearly unable to take care of themselves”. For the moment the authorities appear to be sitting on their hands; there have been no statements from the Ximo Puig Executive or the Ministry of Health regarding this matter.


La Plataforma Sanidad Excelente, a group set up to “Defend the quality of health care in the Department of Health 22, which encompasses the municipalities of Torrevieja, Orihuela, Guardamar, Pilar de la Horadada, Rojales, Los Montesinos, San Fulgencio and Benijofar”, has shone another light on the problems facing patients looking for treatment at Torrevieja hospital.

It has published an image on it’s social media page which is described as showing “patients abandoned at the doors” of the University Hospital. The group is demanding that someone from the Valencian Government, "for the sake of humanity", is made "responsible,” thereby avoiding those all too frequent appalling and uncaring images that we increasingly see at the doors of the Torrevieja Hospital emergency department, which portray the very worst promotional images of the Valencian Community. They clearly show sick and even hospitalised people left lying on the floor at the very doors of the A&E department in an apparent state, not only of abandonment but of a complete inability to help or support themselves. "Social networks display the truth, situations that we will continue to denounce," they state, adding that "everyday a more embarrassing image or video appears highlighting the state of abandonment of many older people, some even dressed in hospital clothing that has been issued by the Ministry of Health, providing indisputable testimony to them being hospitalised patients. They can be found lying on the floor at the entrance to the Hospital emergency room having lost absolutely all their dignity as human beings”.

Sustainable Salt from Santa Pola

This is not the first time that such an incident has been reported; several animals have been taken ill due to exposure to heat for long hours as Spain faces one heatwave after another. Some animals have even died due to heat. Animal rights' organisations have denounced the incident.

A municipal sweeper caught fire on Friday morning at a BP filling in Los Alcázares. The vehicle used to clean public roads was devoured by the flames moments after the worker refuelled.

Firefighters moved quickly to the scene, putting out the fire moments after their arrival, although both the worker and the petrol station employee had previously tried to extinguish it.

Local Police and members of the Civil Guard also attended the scene where they controlled traffic while the incident was being dealt with.

Venturing out into the big wide world

The high salinity will affect the future presence of flamingos in the Torrevieja lagoon

Ryanair adds 500 new flights to Stansted Autumn schedules

The AHSA is concerned that the recent project introduced by the Generalitat Valenciana to divert most of the rainwater from the Torrevieja lagoon catchment basin will adversely affect the birds.

ship between salt production and the sun is now greater, as its factories also feed on the sun to produce the energy necessary for its packaging and the rest of the work that brings this seasoning from the sea to the table.

The measure will increase its air traffic by 100,000 passengers in Stansted,with more routes to destinations in 500enoughStanstedRyanairO'Leary,today.ingFranceSpain,Italy,Portugal,andGreece,accord-toitsCEO,Michaelstressedthathas"morethanstaff"tooperatethenewflights.

Russia cuts gas supplies to Europe again

A man died last Monday after suffering a wasp sting in the Murcian district of La Alberca.He was in the vicinity of the Makro supermarket when,at around 8:20 a.m.,he suffered the insect sting and fainted in the road.

The Russian state company Gazprom announced on Friday that it is going to cut off gas supplies to Europe for three days, from August 31 to September 2, for maintenance work on the only pumping facility in operation on the Nord Stream gas pipeline. It previously did so in July and Europe feared that it would not resume pumping gas through this pipeline. It eventually restored the line to just 20% of its capacity as the turbine that was being repaired in Canada has not been re-installed.

Following the extension of the capacity limit of 100,000 daily passengers at Heathrow until October 29,low cost carrier Ryanair has said that it will add 500 new flights during the Autumn from it’s main base at Stansted airport

In addition, many of the youngsters will travel to unexpected places for flamingos, in far greater numbers than other years. The reproductive cycle comes to an end and the young flamingos begin the nomadic life that characterises the species, which, unlike most migratory birds, does not present a pattern of movements linked to the seasons of the year, living in continuous movement as they wander through the wetlands of the western Mediterranean.

A Mobile Emergency ambulance was moved to the scene where it was found that the man suffered a cardiac arrest.

Municipal truck catches light at Los Alcázares petrol station

SPAINyet to support Russian visa ban

Bras del Port, the company who harvest the salt, started out in 1900, and currently produces more than 4,000 tons of salt. The balance between tradition, inherited from the time of the Roman Empire, and permanent innovation in technology and knowledge development, plays a key role in guaranteeing the quality of their product. The company has now installed a photovoltaic self-consumption fixture in its factory, producing 315 kWp from 700 Canadian Solar panels that reduce 186.3 tons of C02 per year, the equivalent of 15 homes. Thanks to this installation, the company will reduce its electricity bill by approximately 3,500 euro per month, more than 43,000 euro per year, paying for the investment in about 2 Theyears.sun and the wind have been the main allies of sea salt producers since the beginning of this ancient trade. This relation-

The Amigos de los Humedales del Sur de Alicante (AHSA) ornithological group has reported that the young flamingos born this year in the enormous breeding colony on the Torrevieja lagoon, which once gathered around 4,500 pairs, are beginning to disperse, as some of them have been spotted in El Hondo and in the Santa Pola salt Inlakes.afew days, thousands of birds living in the wetlands will continue on their way to other areas of the Mediterranean that offer them more food and tranquillity than they can find in Torrevieja.

Horse collapses due to extreme heat at Malaga fair A horse collapsed at a fair in Malaga amidst the intense heat.

Despite operating as traditionally as possible for over 100 years, the salt manufacturing process in Santa Pola has continually adapted, and is now about to become more sustainable than ever, thus reducing their impact on the planet, with the installation of their own solar power farm.

The periodic contributions of rainwater, during episodes of intense rainfall, dilute the salinity of the lagoon water and allow the artemia salina cysts (eggs) to hatch, providing a huge amount of food for flamingos, black-necked grebes, seagulls billfishes, white jars and other species linked to saline aquatic environments, for which this small crustacean serves as the main source of food. Without these contributions of rainwater, the salinity will remain too high to allow brine shrimp to hatch and will affect the future presence of these species in the Torrevieja lagoon.


Water shortage fear accelerating While several communities have implemented restrictions on the use of Valencianawater,Comunidadstillmaintains that it’s water reserves are at a reasonably good level and are confident that the supply is guaranteed,but they say they still look to the sky with concern as they wait for the rains that arrive during the autumn.

The paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him for more than 35 minutes,but they were unable to save his life. It was subsequently found that the man was allergic to wasp stings.

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Even though Ukraine keeps on pressuring the European Union to impose visa restrictions on citizens of Russia, only some of them have supported such an idea, while others continue to resist. So far, the group of the EU/Schengen Area countries that support an entry ban on Russian tourist includes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Poland, and Czechia.


Car & Classic reveals the ten most searched-for models on its popular classified and online auction website in the first half of 2022, and the Ford Escort tops the list once again. RS2000 versions continue to be as popular as they were in 2021: this Portugal-based 1977 Escort RS 2000 X-Pack sold in June this year for Hot£37,500.onthe heels of one of the most loved models in the classic car market, BMW’s 3-series searches take the second spot: almost half of those searching for BMW aim for M-models (it was a quarter in 2021), an interest no doubt fuelled by the focus on the M-Division’s 50th anniversary this year.

Car & Classic’s ‘most-searched’ models in first half of 2022 Ford Escort Land Rover BMW 3-series


Recently, Car & Classic auctioned a 1999 BMW E36 M3 with very low mileage for £13k. BMW’s increased presence shifts Porsche further down the Whilstlist.the popularity of Triumph Stags, MGBs and Jaguar E-Types is never in question, newcomers can be spotted in the search table: VW’s Beetle, featured in 2021, drops off the 2022 list in favour of the marque’s Golf range, especially the hot hatch GTIs of the ‘80s like this sympathetically restored 1982 Golf MkI 1.6 which sold this month for £25k. Land Rover has also piqued the classic car enthusiast’s interest enough to appear in the top ten, dethroning the Mustangs’ American muscle, one of last year’s favourites. This 1981 Land Rover Series III sold this spring for £31,500, strong money even for a car as beautifully presented and with low mileage. Unsurprisingly, given the rise in value and demand in the last few years, Ford Cortina also makes it to the top ten with over 20% of its searches focused on the Lotus version. “Car & Classic’s continuous growth over the last two years, regardless of global challenges and individual markets’ conditions, mirrors a healthy and renewed interest in classic cars,” says Car & Classic’s head of editorial Chris “ImportantPollitt. milestones like marque or model anniversaries may focus enthusiasts’ attention, but the ‘usual suspects’ are never far off people’s radar, especially if they come with good history, low mileage and great condition. Our increasingly pan-European reach as the continent’s largest classified site for classic and specialist vehicles puts us in the ideal position to keep a finger on the markets’ pulse.”

Car & Classic typically lists around 40,000 vehicles at any one time, with a range of prices from “no-reserve” to £10 million. 10 SEARCHES IN FIRST HALF OF 2022 Ford LandPorscheVWTriumphMGBBMWEscort3-seriesStagGolf911Rover(Series 1, 2 and 3) Jaguar E-type Ford Capri Ford Cortina Ford Escort is still most searched-for model on the classified and online auction and VW Golfs enter the Top BMW10M-cars’ popularity at an all-time Carhigh& Classic’s online platform lists vehicles in a range of prices from “noreserve” to £10 million

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residents David Knott and David Needham have taken up the cause of the nesting sand martins with the Spanish

The sand martin of course is an internationally protected bird,and as such it is an environmental crime to destroy their nests,many dozens of which have been detected,but it now looks as though someone once again working in this large Localhole.

The organisation has since confirmed that it will investigate the matter as staff return.

Aena awarded management of eleven airports in Brazil

Sappers are combat workers who dig galleries or ditches.The Sand Martin has the habit of digging tunnels on sandy slopes (hence its name in English) to install its nests.

Sánchez also ruled out putting tolls on Spanish highways again, and has opted for consensus between the Government, the autonomous communities and transporters to establish a maintenance system for these roads "in line with what is done across Europe". Birth ratein Spain falls in the first half of 2022 Atotal of 159,705 children were born in Spain in the first half of 2022, according to from the National Institute of Statistics (INE). This figure represents almost a thousand less than births in the same period of 2021 (160,681) and represents a decrease in the birth rate in the country to historical lows. Torrevieja is employing 11 people under the age of 30 to begin to work at the city council for a period of 12 months within the EMPUJU 2022 TheyProgramwill be allocated to municipal departments including Social Welfare, Education, Personnel and the Treasury thanks to a subsidy from LABORA amounting to 275,508.80 euros.

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Ornithological Society which responded with an email stating that in the case of protected species, it is an environmental crime to destroy their nests, and it's especially serious if it happens while they're breeding between April and September,


Last weekend, one of Benidorm’s most famous residents celebrated a very special birthday. Petita the elephant, a resident of the Terra Natura animal park, was 50 years of age, and to mark the five decades of life of this emblematic elephant, the traditional Hindu Holi festival took place on Saturday morning at which hundreds of kilos of coloured powder was thrown among the participants. The celebrations for the big day began with a the painting of her forehead on Wednesay. The nests can be clearly seen around all four walls of the site

Aena has been appointed concessionaire of 11 Brazilian airports for a period of 30 years, with the possibility of five more. The contract is worth the total amount of 4,089 million Brazilian reals (780 million euros) per Thisannum.becomes

In the meantime it appears that little can be done to ensure the survival and reproduction of this protected species which may now disappear from El Galan and surrounds for good.

The Spanish common surname for this bird is "zapador",which in English stands for "sapper".

Conservationists unable to help nesting Sand Martin’s in El Galan

the largest international operation carried out to date by Aena, which will make it the manager of the largest network of airports in Brazil with a total of 17 in the country. Fuel discount extension The Minister of Transport, has said that "the Government's bonus of 20 cents per litre of fuel could be extended beyond December 31."

The Spanish Ornithological Society has said that the summer holidays prevent them from attending to the plight of nesting Sand Martin’s in El Galan. About 12 years ago plans to build a supermarket in El Galan saw the constructor begin to excavate to site in Calle Aneto.The foundations were dug for the intended commercial centre resulting in the start of what appeared to be the undergound car Unfortunately,thepark. project quickly became a victim of the recession and,until very recently,the development lay abandoned. In the intervening years the site continued to lie unwanted and undeveloped,during which time it became a favourite for many different varieties of Itwildlife.wasquickly inhabited by hundreds of sand martins which dug into the sides of the hole where they were able to established their nests to which they now return on an annual basis to raise their Theiryoung.presence has also attracted varieties of owls and some raptors which can be seen to take the sand martins as they land to enter their nesting holes.

Although the respondent confirmed that he had shared the information with colleagues from Urban Biodiversity and Environmental Crimes he added that,because of the holiday period,action could not be taken at this time.

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Two months after the introduction of the new "hippie" market along the front of the Cabo Roig strip, the Councillor for Markets, Ángel Luis Muñoz, says that "the objective of improving the safety, attractiveness and legalisation of stalls is being achieved".

Positive assessment for Aguamarina craft market

Councillor for Markets, Ángel Luis Muñoz,

"Hippies Aguamarina", as the market is called, is made up of 15 stalls, tables, chairs and lighting with the opening hours from Monday to Sunday, 7 p.m. to midnight, and will be in operation until 15 September.

The market opened "with some scepticism from the restaurateurs, but we have seen how little by little the difficulties arising from mixing activities have been overcome." He said that "We can say that the reception by residents and associations has been very positive, as they have been demanding it’s legalisation for many years."

men), are now up to date and registered with Social Security so they are able to carry out their activities legally. Muñoz added that "in addition to complying with the legal requirements, visitors are now able to enjoy a pleasant and safe space in which to spend time and their leisure hours consolidating the area as place to visit on the Muñozcoast.” stressed that “there is still a lot of work to be done. We have to work on improving the image of some positions that have not been able to adapt to the demands due to lack of time and resources, since the authorisation process was carried out in record time,” but he added that “vendors are happy. They are aware that it is a newly created market and that we still have improvements to make, but it has been a great step forward by the Orihuela Council”.

The councillor also said that many of the vendors who usually carried out their work in the area, the so-called manteros (looky looky

Bruno is just over 2 years old, ForLab/

A massive megalithic complex consisting of more than 500 standing stones has been discovered in southern Spain. This could be one of the largest in Europe, archaeologists have said. The stones were discovered on a plot of land in Huelva, near the Guadiana River. The complex, spanning about 600 hectares, was discovered on a plot chosen for avocado plantation.

Huge megalithic complex discovered could be largest in Europe

Spain increases gas purchases from Algeria Spain has once again increased gas purchases from Algeria through the Medgaz pipeline on Wednesday, only five days after the government's secret trip to Algiers last Friday. The decision comes amid news published in the Algerian press about the local government's intention to reopen the Maghreb gas pipeline with closed on 31 October due to differences with Morocco.

French president, Emmanuel Macron, will also discuss this issue with the Algerian president at a meeting next Thursday the 25th in Algiers, with Europe's dependence on Russian gas in the background




Spain neurologists warn about the impact of reckless diving on health Spain's Centre of Advanced Neurology (CNA) has issued a warning that more than five percent of spinal injuries are caused by reckless diving into water bodies during the summer months, which could have serious Theyrepercussions.havewarned that one of the causes is diving into water that is too shallow and that most injuries happen in the case of youngsters.

The point I am struggling to make is that we often epitomise countries -- cities, towns, people -- by their products or other features that typify their way of life. The Breton farmers who came to Britain to sell my mother onions were predictably known as "Onion Johnnies" -- their bicycles, berets and striped shirts became the stereotypical picture of a Frenchman until the 1950s. Seventy Johnnies died when the SS Hilda sank in 1905. No wonder onions can make people cry. "I'm Charley's aunt from Brazil, where the nuts come from," will be a line familiar to older readers, but a later song by Frank Sinatra emphasised yet another product of that country: "The politician's daughter was accused of drinking water, and was fined a great big fifty dollar bill. They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil." Products are frequently a shorthand method of advertising the delights or advantages of nations, whether it's hurtling downhill at breakneck speed on skis in Austria or sitting still for a day-long performance of a stylised Kabuki play by almost motionless Japanese actors. Not much point in telling them to "break a Switzerlandleg."is easy. Cuckoo clocks and Alpshaped Toblerone and genuine Rolex watches -- as opposed to the one you bought in a market in Marrakesh. Not to mention Davos, where I went on a school trip in 1960. (To say nothing of my Swiss bank account, which is what it conJapantains.) is even easier: Toyota, Nissan, Sony, Canon, Kodak, and fish that will kill you if not properly filleted. You also have to be careful crossing the road, needless to say. It is cost-effective to buy silk in China, where there is even a Silk Road, I believe, but you are flirting with 10 years in prison if you take Cuban cigars into America. Germany is Mercedes and BMW, sauerkraut and Black Forest Gateau. (Never eat both during the same meal.) Italy has more stylish associations, such as Gucci, Versace, Armani and Lamborghini, although most Italian men like to think of themselves as Alpha Romeos. Spain has tapas and football clubs, England has Indian restaurants and Italian footballers, Iceland has wool -- well, they need it, don't they? -- and my own country has whisky to keep us warm. In fact, there are probably more varieties of the amber liquid in Scotland than there are blends of coffee in Brazil. Personally, I stick to my 5 A Day.

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Ionce ate dinner in a restaurant called Chez David -- where else? -- in a market town in southern France called Castelnaudary, famous for a rich slowcooked casserole known as cassoulet, of which it claims to be the world capital. Originally, cassoulet was 'siege food', scavenged from anything edible that could be found within the town walls during the blockade of 1355 by the Black Prince. It can take two days to prepare, by which time hungry starvelings would be banging cutlery impatiently on their wooden tables, unless they had burned them to cook the cassoulet.

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There are some things about left-handers that cannot be explained. A study in the British Medical Journal claimed that left-handers suffer higher rates of depression, drug abuse, allergies and schizophrenia. When I asked Mrs Google about this, I was astonished to find that a British study in 2001 found that left-handers are twice as likely to suffer from Crohn’s Disease.

The English language is peculiar to languages insofar as there are so many words pronounced exactly the same and with so many different meanings. I had a German friend, Harold, and he was one of the funniest people I have ever known because he specialised in playing with those words in conversation. Language evolves, and as well as the multi-meaning words in everyday use; some words can come to mean something different over the generations. ‘Left, right’ – and particularly ‘far left’ and ‘far right’ have taken on an exacting political connotation. But for the purpose of this exercise, ‘left and right’ will simply mean the favoured hand – as in left or right-handed. Ten per cent of people are left-handed. My brother Sean is one of them. Now, Sean is not the sort of guy who allows himself to become embroiled in rows, controversies, campaigns, or causes. He does however carry around a small grievance with him, and that is his contention that left-handed people are discriminated against! It isn’t only in this life, according to Sean, but even in the hereafter, ‘lefties’ will be ‘left’ (see what I mean about words?) feeling that they are not as important as those who are ‘right’ Sean devoted a lot of his working life to sourcing left-handed tools for the workplace; with only very limited success. But the fact is that he does have a case. Left-handers do have to navigate a world designed for right-handed people. A 1991 study found that lefties are more prone to accidents and serious injuries – especially from power tools. It gets worse … Further research went so far as to suggest that a ‘CITÓG’ has a life expectancy nine years less than their righthanded counterparts. At least in this day and age, children are allowed to use whichever hand comes naturally as their favoured hand. It wasn’t so back in my schooldays. Our infant’s teacher, Mrs McCormack forced every pupil to learn to write with their right hand. (‘Write and ‘right’ … two more words for Harold!) How tough was that on little children, already struggling to navigate the school jungle. This had to have a detrimental effect on the future development of many of these children.

Sean knows all about that one …But hold on a minute, Sean … and the rest of you lefties. The same study showed that lefties have a higher IQ and achieve greater academic success than the average person. A separate study agreed with this finding which showed that this minority group are equipped with better verbal skills. (That’d be right, Sean!) Five of the last dozen US presidents have been left-handed. No bad for a 10 per cent minority! The third category that has to get a mention are the one per cent of the population who are ambidextrous. This means that this very exclusive minority can use either hand with the same dexterity. I played with a couple of squash players who would change racquet hands during a rally. I remember a funny ‘which hand’ incident during my school stint in Ballinvalley. Master Lawlor was talking to us, as gaeilge, about the human hand – or more accurately, ‘lamh.’

How many of you are right-handed he asked? Most hands went up. ‘How many left-handed? - and a sprinkling of hands were raised. But one boy had put up his hand twice! It was one of those rare occasions when the master chuckled so hard that his entire body shook. He said nothing, but went down and shook that boy’s hand. Joe McNeice only had one arm!

DON’T FORGET Many people are flexible. They can put either foot in their mouth. 227 385

Back to Sean’s grievance and his taking exception to Almighty God segregating all the bad people to his left hand on Judgement Day. Those bound for hell’s damnation are to his left hand, whilst those about to be issued with a ticket through Heaven’s Golden Gate are called to the right hand! I think it says somewhere in the bible about ‘the goats to the left hand and the sheep to the right hand!’ I prefer the following story and we’ll give the last say to the late Frank Mahon. Frank swore this story to be true! An Irish dance teacher, separating the dancers (mostly women) into two groups for a ‘Siege of Ennis’ instructed his class as follows ‘Right … we’ll have the Rhode women on my left-hand side and the Clane girls over here on my right!’ I suppose I could have ‘left’ that one? … ‘Right’ …!

‘On the one hand, and then on the other hand …’

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info. Phlox are easy to grown low-maintenance herbaceous plants bearing a profusion of small flowers in a variety of colours, including shades of blue, purple, pink, magenta, red and white, making excellent cut are usually fragrant that will attract a variety of bees and other pollinating insects into your Theregarden.isawide range, from tall border perennials to creeping phlox or alpine varieties and woodland types, as well as annual varieties that can be grown as bedding plants. However, Phlox Paniculata is the most commonly grown garden phlox, often known as border phlox which can grow to nearly 2m that typically bears pink Largelyflowers.pest-free and disease-resistant, they last for years in the garden. Most border phlox grows best in well draining soil in a full sun position, but as they are native to woodland edges they will also do well in partial shade.

They are sensitive to drought, so them keep well watered in hot, dry weather. Other than that they need very little care. Phlox gradually form large clumps in the garden. To keep your plant growing well and to prevent it from becoming congested, divide it every three or four years, in early spring. Signs that your phlox needs dividing are fewer flowers and a sparse centre.

Dead-heading immediately after flowering may result in more phlox flowers produced from side shoots in autumn. Cut your plant down to ground level in autumn or winter, once the foliage has died back. Phlox donít like drought, so if you notice the foliage wilting give it a water and it should perk up. In hot weather, water in the morning, making sure plenty of water reaches the roots. Powdery mildew can be a problem in hot, humid weather, especially if your plant is growing in partial shade. If this is a problem in your garden, improve air circulation by thinning the plants in early spring.

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The change will add up to 14,000 square meters, with a building area of 4,604, where 58 homes would be built.

The City Council is planning a modification of the general Plan at the request of a developer to build houses on four plots of 14,000 square meters, which until now have been reserved for sports, health and cultural use

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022 PAGE 11www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


All this is being rushed through at the proposal of the construction company, which justifies the change because it is the only unbuilt land in the C-1 sector of Playa Flamenca.

The project adjoins Calle Nicolás de Bussi and is close to the public facilities of Los Dolses school and the Playa Flamenca market, in an area where the price is 2,155 euros per square metre and in a urbanised area where residents and tourists have long complained about the poor state of services and Mayoress,infrastructures.Carolina Gracia, who decided to submit the draft to the Councillor for Town Planning, José Aix, has sent the document to the Territorial Town Planning Service. The text states, "this modification responds to the need to adapt the current planning to the problems generated since its almost 40 years ago." The promoter states that "any urban development for a use different from the current one would improve the condition and its landscape integration with the environment would be assured". The project adjoins Calle Nicolás de Bussi, Los Dolses school and the Playa Flamenca market

The Orihuela City Council is preparing a new modification to the General Urban Plan (PGOU) which will change the use of four plots from private facilities (for sports, administrative, health and cultural use) to residential.

As I am no legal eagle perhaps there is someone out there that could answer this one.

Yours Faithfully, Sue Gell

After being resident for many years now, and always voting, it is truly disturbing to see how the Costa has sadly deteriorated over this time, not aided by the fact that Orihuela allow more and more properties to be built with no adequate facilities. I often wonder as we all pay our dues, why we are not legally entitled to receive what we pay for. Perhaps even under EU legalities the Orihuela Council could be brought to task to supply these services.

The Young Farmers (ASAJA Alicante) have expressed their concern about the terrible consequences that could be brought to agriculture, with the arrival of a rainy season in the area around the mouth of the Segura River in the coming Themonths.association has now denounced denounces a lack of any action by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) and their absolute neglect and abandonment of the old section of the river, where the reeds and mud block the natural outlet of all the waters of the Vega Baja through six outlets.

1965 - Two female Beatle’s fans hired a helicopter to fly over the houseThe Beatleswere renting in Beverly Hills, California and the girls jumped from the helicopter into the swimming pool.

1968 –Tammy Wynetterecorded 'Stand By Your Man' at Epic studios after an idea that came from producer, Billy Sherrill.Tammy and Billy completed the song in 15 minutes and is one of the most covered songs in the history of country music.

1998 - Geri Halliwell announced that she was selling off herSpice Girl’sclothes in a charity auction.The PVC cat suit she used to wear was up for £5000, knee high boots for £1200 and the Union Jack dress she wore to the Brit Awards for £8000.

Smallholders called for the urgent cleaning, dredging and maintenance of the old channel of the Segura River so that the waters can find their natural outlet. They also proposed a number of other possible solutions that would help prevent flooding, such as raising the N-332 highway between Guardamar del Segura and San Fulgencio to eliminate the barrier effect that kept thousands of hectares of crops and urban areas under water during the 2019 DANA, as well as the construction of a fourth archway in the Carlos III bridge in "ThereRojales.has been plenty of time and money but there are no visible results... we haven't learned anything," the group laments.

1975 - Queenstarted recording Bohemian Rhapsody' at Rockfield studios in Monmouth, Wales.Freddie Mercuryhad mentally prepared the song beforehand and directed the band throughout the sessions.Brian May, Freddie Mercury, and Roger Taylor sang their vocal parts continually for ten to twelve hours a day, resulting in 180 separate overdubs.

2001 - American singer and actress Aaliyah was killed in a plane crash in the Bahamas aged 22.The small Cessna plane crashed a few minutes after takeoff killing everyone on board with exception to four passengers who were pulled from the wreckage but later died.Aaliyah had been filming a video for her latest release 'Rock The Boat' on the island.

2014 – John Lennon's killer, 59 year old Mark David Chapman, was denied parole by New York State officials for the 8th time.In handing down their decision, the parole board said, "Your release would be incompatible with the welfare of society and would so deprecate the serious nature of the crime as to undermine respect for the law."

Urgent action required to clear riverbeds

1992 - Sting and Trudie Styler held their wedding reception;they had gotten married 2 days earlier.After TheTroggshad played a set, all three members ofThe Policegot on stage and played a couple of numbers.

The Union Jack dress worn by Geri to the Brit Awards sold for £8000 Sonny died in a ski accident in 1998 aged 62 Urgent action is required to clear the old Segura riverbed due to the risk of a DANA, but it might already be too late!

2003 - Kjell Henning Bjoernestad a NorwegianElvis Presley impersonator set a world record by singing the Rock 'n' Roll legend's hits nonstop for over 26 hours.The previous record was set by British Elvis fan Gary Jay who sang for 25 hours 33 minutes and 30 seconds.

1987 - Sonny Bono, who once said that he never voted until he was 53, announced that he was running for Mayor of Palm Springs, California.He won the election in 1988 and went on to win a seat in Congress in 1996.

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1970 - Elton Johnmade his US live debut when he kicked off a 17 date tour at the Troubadour in Los Angeles.In the audience that night were Don Henley, Quincy Jones and Leon Russell.

1990 - 'Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini' by Bombalurina was the UK No.1 single.Bombalurina was children’s TV presenter Timmy Mallett with a remake of Brian Hyland's 1960 hit.

The State Meteorological Agency, say that with the Mediterranean Sea at more than 30 degrees, the high possibility of cold drop over the region is very "Threereal.years have passed since the DANA and there has been no action taken to correct the problems at the river mouth or proposals of any protocols that will enable us to prevent the significant damage that we farmers previously suffered."

A spokesman for the ASAJA said there is great concern of farmers in the lower part of the region in the face of an episode of torrential rains, which would see the next cultivation of winter vegetables, such as artichokes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and peppers, put in very great danger.

1996 - OasissingerLiam Gallagherfailed to turn up for the recording of the band’s MTVunplugged session at London's Royal Festival Hall in front of 400 fans.He later sat in the audience and watched the show with his brother Noel taking over on vocals.

Torrevieja to reject construction of Crematorium In single rooms a lot of the lighter patient care can be assumed by relatives.

Hospital pledges to maintain individual rooms

Most agree that the Tanatorio is not a suitable site for a crematorium

A Spanish "stonehenge" has reemerged amid the country's devastating drought. The historic marvel, officially called the Dolmen of Guadalperal, has only been visible four times, according to Expertsofficials.believe the megalithic stones have existed since 5000 BC. It was first discovered by German archaeologist Hugo Obermaier in 1926.

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022 PAGE 13www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

A spokesman for the University Hospital of Torrevieja said that the facility had doubled patients up in two rooms last week,but only to ensure that their wait in the Emergency room observation area was kept to a minimum prior to treatment. Both la plataforma Sanidad Excelente and the Partido Popular deputy spokesman for Health,José Juan Zaplana had denounced the situation announcing that it was a decision by President Ximo Puig to abolish individual rooms.

Spanish droughtemerges'stonehenge'fromhitdam

Dolón said that the company, one of the most important in the sector in Spain, registered the request last November. And he showed his surprise at the approval by the General Directorate of Public Health for the start-up of the crematorium with "conditions". Among them, that no more than three daily incinerations can be carried out on school days.

Dolón maintains that although the municipal technicians have not yet ruled, they have told him that they also consider it incompatible in that location.

The hospital management has since confirmed that it’s 220 single rooms would be maintained,thereby allowing a relative of the patient to stay in the extra bed. They explain that this is something that can help to reduce the workload of the nursing staff and nursing assistants,as a lot of the lighter patient care can be assumed by the companHoweverions. the centre has always highlighted the possibility that capacity could be doubled in the event of a specific need,such as the one that occurred during the pandemic. Most of the hospital rooms were doubled up during the first and third waves of covid,in March and April 2020 and in January and February At2021.that time the move did not generate controversy because it was an exceptional situation.Also as a practical matter covid patients could share accommodation but they had to be isolated from healthy people and therefore they could not have companions.

The Torrevieja Council is going to deny a request by the tanatorio to open a crematorium. According to a statement by the Mayor Eduardo Dolón it is not so much the principle of the facility that is in question but the location which is planned for an industrial plot on the Casagrande estate that already occupies the funeral home, next to Delfina Viudes avenue. The proposed site is surrounded by tertiary and dotational activities. It is located less than 90 meters from the Habaneras Public School, 50 meters from the Generalitat disability centre, which now houses 30 patients from the Oriol occupational centre. It is also next to a future municipal green area, a private sports area, leisure areas, nightlife and hospitality.

6. Founded 3,000 years ago in Persia, what is the oldest creedal religion in the world?

7. If a plea is entered for 'Autrefois convict' or 'Autrefois acquit' in court, in a nutshell why are the lawyers asking for the case to be dismissed?

1. Hollywoods top grossing star in the depression years is also found on the cover of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Who is it? 2. What is the number of the room feared in the book 1984?

3. Which city with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants is the most remote? Remote in the sense that the next closest city with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants is 2,153 km away.

ACROSS:CRCRYPTICYPTICACROSS: 1 So-so; 8 Water-wheel; 9 Gardenia; 10 Sect; 12 Tipped; 14 Nelson; 15 Disarm; 17 Modish; 18 Aged; 19 Relation; 21 Left-hander; 22 Nash. DOWN:DOWN: 2 Organising; 3 Owed; 4 Atoned; 5 Ordain; 6 Whistled; 7 Plot; 11 Crosswords; 13 Plaudits; 16 Myriad; 17 Malady; 18 Ally; 20 Turn.

8. In the Middle Ages, what was a Conroi? 9. We give you a line from a famous song from the year 1967. You give us the artist and the title for a point each. In the event of a cover version, we want the artist that had a hit in 1967 with that song. a: Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon. b: You stood and you watched as My baby left town. c: There beneath the blue suburban skies. d: You can hear the sounds of lovers in love. e: While I'm far away from you my baby

ACROSS:QUICKQUICKACROSS: 1 Daub; 8 Unforeseen; 9 Virtuous; 10 Ripe; 12 Fidget; 14 Yanked; 15 Target; 17 Dreamy; 18 Rein; 19 Capacity; 21 Vociferous; 22 Heed. DOWN:DOWN: 2 Anticipate; 3 Bust; 4 Effort; 5 Frisky; 6 Estrange; 7 Knee; 11 Pre-emptive; 13 Gigantic; 16 Ticket; 17 Deploy; 18 Rove; 20 Cash.

5. In which US state would you find each of the following? a. the most northern point. b. the most southern point. c. the most eastern point. d. the most western point.

11. In which novel do two countries go to war over how to open a boiled egg?

PAGE 14 Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 CRYPTIC CROSSWORD ANSWERSWeek932 ACROSSACROSS 7.Maximise on (4,3,4,2) 8.Flirt 10.Haphazard9.Detail(8)(4) (6) 12.Imprisoned (2,4) 14.Infertile 22.Profligacy20.Insecure18.Drop16.Stimulate(6)(6)(4)(8)(13) DOWNDOWN 1.Wide view (8) 2.Pay back (6) 3.Close 5.Requesting4.Half-wit(4)(8) (6) 6.Gown 21.Location19.Greedy17.Fetters15.Enjoy13.Excel11.Bravely(4)(8)(8)(6)(6)(4)(4) ACROSSACROSS 7.Potter who may need to take a rest (7-6) 8.Rush round the meadows when let out (8) 9.They contain drinks for infants (4) 10.Fights for morsels (6) 12.Amused by the destruction of the Gorgon (6) 14.Make leisurely progress, as old-time players used to do (6) 16.Show girls after this, refrain! (6) 18.Stride for the entrance, by the sound of it (4) 20.Bask nude, becoming comprehensively tanned! (3-5) 22.One profit follows another repeatedly (5,3,5) DOWNDOWN 1.Beef fillet to sell more cheaply (8) 2.Made no difference to Italian city (6) 3.See 6 Down. 4.This causes widespread ill-feeling (8) 5.Henry and Edward pulled up (6) 6 and 3Dn. Late arrangement in the canteen describing vegetarian diet (8) 11.Sam Neal's transferred as a commercial representative (8) 13.This serves as a reminder that our vines need to be transplanted (8) 15.Away from home with suitable sporting strip (6) 17.Royal House of the Mandarin! (6) 19.Seaweed found among the coastal garbage (4) 21.Sleepily gives silent consent (4)4)

10. The Chaco war between Paraguay and Bolivia (19321934) erupted due to a minor sticky little dispute over what?

12. Where does the fictional character Mr Ratchett (also known as Cassetti) die?

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 21 CAN CHALLENGE?MASTERYOUTHESUDOKU

4. Who once caused controversy by touching the Queen while she was on a walkabout?

13. The Toyota MR2 had to change its name in which European country? 14. What kind of 'ville' describes a slum in many parts of 15.Africa?Which actor would you find in all of the following films or TV productions? a. I, Claudius, b. Excalibur, c. Dune, d. Robin Hood, Men in Tights


LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 21)

There are many new places and impressions every day, so sometimes it's nice to just sit down and take in all the beauty that this trip has to offer.


EIFFEL TOWER Being in France and in front of the Eiffel Tower is an incomparable feeling - a really big milestone.

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022 PAGE 15www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

There is general apathy amongst the international community when it comes to voting in Spanish Local Elections, with many residents failing to ensure that their name is entered in the town hall on the list of electors. As such many individuals do not exercise their right to vote on Election Day. The effect of this is a failure of the Orihuela Costa to be represented in the Ayuntamiento with the result that we continue to suffer an appalling level of services. An EU national can register to vote at the town hall at any time, but non EU residents, which includes the British community, can only register from the 1st of December to the 15th of January. To be eligible to do this you must be entered on the padron and you must also be a resident. Orihuela Costa has a population exceeding 33,000 people. It is almost as large as the other 26 Districts combined, but of the twenty-five councillors sitting on the Orihuela Council there are none representing the coast, when we should be returning at least 8 or The9.effect is that we are denied essential amenities and services in spite of being the major contributor to the revenue of the Orihuela Municipality. This situation could so easily change if more residents from the international community actually made the effort to Nonevote.of the main political parties, PSOE, PP, Ciudadanos, Cambiemos, Podemos, Vox, have offices on the coast, hence there are no political meetings, no constituent surgeries, so is it any wonder that the lists of candidates offered by these parties rarely include anyone living on the coast. But we want to change all that with your help so if it is your intention to vote watch out for our special events around the Orihuela Costa explaining the registration process. In the meantime you should check that your padron is correct, especially your Orihuelaaddress Costa must ensure that they return a sufficient number of councillors who will actually work toward providing services and resources for the coast.


Amsterdam is undoubtedly Europe's number one cycling city,and was an obvious choice when I planned the trip's route.For many here,the bicycle is an important part of life,which can be seen everywhere on the streets.Here I stand in front of one of the city's many well-known channels and feel grateful that I get to experience the capital and the Netherlands in the same way as the locals do. Adventure and travel are usually something absolutely fantastic - but there are times when you just want to give up. For me it happened in Belgium,with a body that can't take it anymore,temperatures hitting 35-40C. Fluid deficiency and cycling problems are not a good Givingcombination.upisnotan option,so it's just a case of biting the bullet in Brussels and keep going.

Copenhagen really showed itself from its best side, when I passed.A wonderful summer town,and cycling town I have visited far too rarely throughout the year,despite the fact it is actually so close. I took the opportunity to shoot some material in Nyhavn,which I hope will be good for the film.

The capital of France,Paris,is not only the biggest city I'll visit on this trip,but the busiest. A cool city to see and visit - but I appreciate more and more the tranquillity I experience between the larger cities I pass through.

The ceremony in the centre of Barcelona last Wednesday was attended by hundreds, including the president of the region, Pere Aragones.

All residents with the right to vote must ensure that their voice is heard and that they work toward ending the blatant discrimination from which we all currently


Spain 2nd EU country to grant most residency permits

By Andrew Atkinson Marking five years since 2017 Barcelona attacks

FREEDOM It's never too late to leave your everyday routine for a while and fully do something for your own sake. The freedom of being on the roads,or in this case at sea,is such a wonderful feeling. Here I am on a ferry,between Denmark and Germany and very much looking forward to continuing my journey down through Europe.

Over the years I have cycled in many of the world's countries,but have never actually cycled in Germany.A nice break in nice surroundings,with, among other things,the impressive bridge.

Spain - 40,000 deaths due to heat and Covid-19 in July 40,000 people died in Spain in the month of July, 9,646 more than in the same month of 2019. This was when the country was facing heatwaves where a number of people died and also when Covid-19 was causing around 500 deaths a week.

16 people were killed and more than 120 others injured in the attacks, which were carried out by a cell of the Islamic State (IS) group.


OVERFLOWING BINSAn all too regular sight in Orihuela Costa


Spain granted 370,000 first-time residency permits to non-EU nationals in 2021, a 31% increase on 2020. This accounted for 13% of the total number of residency visas issued across European Union, putting the country behind just Poland. Poland granted 967,300 residency permits to non-EU nationals in 2021. Electricity demand falls by 3.7% Between the 1st and 2nd weeks of August, the demand forelectricity fell by 3.7% since the energy saving measures were introduced by the govt. This was announced by the Minister forthe Ecological Transition Teresa SheRivera.referred to it as "a significant reduction in the midst of a heat wave" Spain marked the fifth anniversary of the 2017 Barcelona attacks on 17 Aug.



AFTER a very pleasant but windy cycle in Sweden, I stopped at a beautiful meadow to reflect a little. I realise that it is too late to turn around,and that I now simply have to complete the project that I have long planned and worked for. Physically and mentally it is tough,but at the same time incredibly cool and exciting.

Stockholm based Emil Filmby, talks to Andrew Atkinson in Part 2 of an interview, filming his cycling tour on a BMX from Sweden to Barcelona, amid his film on Torrevieja set to be released this summer not coming to fruition.

While doing the work and pouring over details on a drawing board I guess I got hooked on the thought of having a ride in one and with my darling wife’s birthday coming up again shortly, why not a surprise trip. And so it was, we arrived at Ashton Court. That was after I waited for Jean to finish the day's task at the bank where she was manager, while I sat outside watching the clock tick past, as we had over twenty miles during rush hour to get to the balloon fiesta by seven.

Jean had wanted to go home and get changed, it gave me a little difficulty. I told her we were going to Ashton Court where we were meeting the family for a birthday meal and there wasn’t time. She looked at me knowing it was not true. It was partly but I was missing out the bit about the balloon ride first. Because we were booked to fly, we were able to ignore the car park and we pulled up not too far from this big beautiful yellow semi-inflated canvas with its basket standing upright attached to it. My lady was not impressed. She stood and looked around her. “So where are we going to eat?” My darling is not slow on the uptake and said, pointing to the basket “If you think I am going up in that then think again.”

The Spanish Ministry of Health has reported 8,463 new cases of Covid-19, out of which 4,885 have occurred in people over 60 years of age. This brings the total number of infections in Spain to 13,314,764 since the start of the pandemic. 195 deaths have been reported in the last week. Covid-19 incidence in people over 60 stands at 195.17 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.


Europe is currently in the middle of an energy crisis as it tries to reduce dependence on Russia. "Spain has a lot to contribute to help Europe reduce its energy dependence on Russia," said Sanchez. Spanish cities report multiple sightings of wild boars

Sanchez hopes European gas pipeline will soon be reality

The island of Menorca is currently under alert for a meteotsunami as a storm approaches the Balearic TheseIslands.are large waves caused by air pressure disturbances and are commonly associated with weather events like thunderstorms. While the waves are like that of a tsunami triggered by an earthquake, these are smaller in size. UK begins legal action against the EU for excluding it from research programmes The UK has initiated legal action against the EU for excluding it from EU scientific research proThegrammes.govt said that it had used a 'mechanism set out in the UK-EU Trade Cooperation Agreement' to pursue its appeal. It added that the EU was causing 'serious damage' to research and development on both sides by refusing the UK access to its research programmes, including Horizon Europe. Spain's Covid-19 incidence rate falls to levels prior to Omicron outbreak

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The Balloon Festival originated shortly after we arrived in the West Country and as hot air-filled canvasses have no control over direction, while sitting in the garden with the wind in the right direction, we would have the privilege of beholding a lovely colourful display of dozens of different shapes, as they flew past with an occasional roar from the gas burners.

On one occasion it was birthday time, and all the family were there to celebrate with my wife when her brother Allan arrived from Essex. He looked up at the display saying, “I’m impressed Percy, how did you organise that for Sissies birthday?”

I am starting to think this is not the best surprise I had organised. She then started to relent “What dressed like this?” as she looked down at the tight skirted business suit she was wearing. I told her I had other clothing for her in the car and she stared around her with a questionable look “And where am I supposed to get changed?” I had a sickly grin when I answered, “In the car!” That did not go down too well but she took the things off me and shortly after we were ready. While I had small steps to climb into the basket Jean had to be lifted in. Then we were ready, and it was a strange feeling standing in a large basket watching the canvas taking shape above us. There were two other passengers and a pilot and his assistant. Once fully inflated it was like a living thing struggling at the basket to be let free. Eventually the pilot nodded to the ground staff to be let loose and with dozens of other balloons we took to the air. What a wonderful uncanny feeling of total silence. The balloon with what felt like an unsafe basket, which we were swinging in below it. We swept over Bristol City, but first we flew past the Clifton Suspension Bridge, where I got a lovely picture of the famous structure. The journey took us over East Bristol, total silence when the burners were not in use, and we could hear people talking on the ground and of course the dogs barking as we flew past. Then out to the villages where we could see our house and onwards to the North of Bath at WeMangotsfield.hadbeen going for over an hour when the pilot pointed out a field he planned to land in. The area was gently coming towards us, driven by the breeze pushing us forward.

From somewhere the crew whisked out bottles of champagne and glasses, very welcome and presented us with certificates for the flight. Yes, we did finally meet up with family for the birthday bash.

Large groups of wild boars have become a common sight in major Spanish cities including TheBarcelona.boars are often captured and have to be put down because they are a danger to human beings and often cause accidents in the streets. Barcelona, for instance, has reported 1200 incidents in the last year. Menorca under alert for meteotsunami

It has been widely reported that Hospital Trusts are banning the word woman or female and replacing it with a ‘person who bleeds’. I’ve just cut my finger. Does that make me a bleeding person? Take care.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said last week that he hopes a gas pipeline which would link the Iberian Peninsula to central Europe through France would soon become a reality. chattey - author and writer

Suddenly the pilot was trying to gain height by lighting the burners, but too late and the bottom of the basket dragged over the top of a strong hedge, the balloon kept going forward dragging us which tipped the basket over and we landed on our sides in a field on fresh stubble, where the wheat had been recently cut.

‘Bristol Balloons’ was a forerunner in the manufacture of the airborne objects, they were made in many shapes and sizes. It was not unusual to see the form of a car or a house floating in the atmosphere. Some companies had their profile shaped as a balloon to promote themselves as it crossed the heavens. My Architectural Practice was instructed to redesign an old warehouse near Bristol to give the company more space in the development of the various designs being asked for, it also included office space and a large gas tank for the fuel to fly the balloons.

VERBAL SKILLS: In a business Zoom meeting railway manager, 60-year-old Simon Isherwood, mentioned the phrase ‘white privilege’. At the end of the call, he forgot to switch off his microphone and he was heard saying in private to his wife ‘I wonder if they have black privilege in Africa’ for which he was fired from his job, although he won his case at a tribunal, his life is in tatters.

PAGE 17ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022

For more info see

The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone the missionaries on 659 016 733 La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). our website Joinwww.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.orgat:usattheSALTCHURCH

or whatsapp

Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting

PAGE 18 Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385,CalleUrbanoArregui,23,Torrevieja-Evangelicalnon-denomina-tionalchurch.Sundayservice11a.m.;Sundayschool;Prayermeetings;craftandcomputerclubs.LadiesBibleStudy:Thursday11a.m.ChurchBibleStudy:Thursday1.30p.m.HousegroupsinTorrevieja,LaSiestañContact:966752543/617215463.Phone:966799273/966752543/617215463.www.icatorrevieja.orgCaroftheMonthatAutomovilesCrespoisa2020FordFocusST3petrolwhichisonSpecialOfferpricedatjust37,900euro.Comealong to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH TheComeBuilder,SPOKENremodelling,kitchens,extensions,webeatmostquotes.CallAndy697834934.JoinTheBand'TheRoyalBritishLegionConcertBandSpainislookingforasecondviolinplayerofanynationalitytojoinourgrowinggroupofmusicians.PleasecontactGrahamRobinsonatemailbyphoneon658663846orbyemailat:robinsongraham256@googlemail.comJuneMeetingoftheRoyalBritishLegionOrihuelaCostaandDistrictBranchwillbeheldat7for7.30pmon Thursday 21 July at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. SILENTAUCTION. Bring something along. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info pleaseís.Weneedvolun-teerDriversandpeopletojoinourHomeVisitingTeam.tovisitpeopleinaResidentialHome,andtakethemoutforacoffee.IfyouthinkyoucanhelpcallintoourcentreatC/Paganinis/n, Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral OverThe966ViceTonytionTorrevieja.urbanisation,Formoreinforma-pleasecontactChairmanJenkinson693866709,,C/Aviles,SanLuisLakeside.CallLynetteon643098173orseewebsiteat; LLUUNNAA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum). Tel. 604 111 457 SHARE THE COST OF BUYING AN APARTMENT I am looking for someone to share the cost of buying a 2 bed apartment in Los Alcazares. Total cost is 100k so 50k each. Please contact Fintan on +353 86 878 1317 HHEELLEENN...... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON. Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken. Tel. 665 736 488 NN AA DD II AA .. .. .. SO SWEET MONDALVIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia. Tel. 643 276 205 Diana from Greece. 47 year old lady. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Beautiful, sweet, natural body. Private apartment. Calle Gil Vallejo 5, Torrevieja. Call 663 817 943 Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050. Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 TORREVIEJAMIRIAM332Brazilianladyblond59 year. Do massage erotic with happy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834

Pop-singer Shakira is reportedly planning to leave Spain amid alleged tax fraud and a split from her partner Gerard Piqué.

France is the main export market forSpanish vehicles in 2021, receiving 336,052 units, 18.5% of the total numberof models manufactured in Spanish plants, according to the Annual Report of the Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers

It is a reform of the tax on fluorinated Thegases.change in the law will impact the taxation on the manufacturing or installation of this equipment, which will make them more expensive. France leading the way for Spanish vehicles

Are you a motorist who has seen cyclists behaving badly? I’m sure the answer from almost every driver is a resounding yes.

There’s hardly a Tory hustings going on in the UK for the right wing Tory members to listen to that Liz Truss doesn’t bang on about the Scots.Her answer to Nicola Sturgeon and her demand for independence is to ignore her.

Shakira planning to leave Spain amid tax fraud case

Air conditioners, refrigerators to become 10% costlier from 1 Sep From 1 Sep, refrigerators, air conditioners and other freezing equipment will become 10% more expensive due to the new Law of Transparency.

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022 PAGE 19www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

I have spoken to several Scots living locally who are furious with Truss who think that Scots can be ignored.Yes,there is a way for the UK to be united and live for the greater good.But Truss’s way is far from the answer and it’s my belief she will wreak havoc on the UK as PM.

Many Scots wish to have independence from right-wing England as we ex-pats in Orihuela Costa want independence from buttering their own bread councillors in Orihuela city.

Tony Mayes

Shakira planning to leave Spain!

According to a New York based publication Shakira is planning to relocate to Miami soon where she has friends and family and also owns a waterfront home there.

In Spain many cyclists are a total nightmare – riding the wrong side of the road as if they were in the UK, going the wrong way around roundabouts and cycling on pavements and then going straight onto a pedestrian crossing giving any oncoming motorist a nightmare. One of the worst places locally is the roundabout in Playa Flamenca,outisde Mercadona supermarket. There are too many exits and entrances on the roundabout and too many pedestrian crossings,so motorists have to contend with drivers trying to get onto the roundabout and pedestrians constantly on crossings.And then add cyclists doing the most crazy things and you have a lethal combination. I am delighted to hear that in the UK cyclists who kill pedestrians could face tougher sentences in future.We know that the law is an ass,but how about this for total nonsense.In the UK,if as a motorist, you kill someone by dangerous driving you could be jailed for 14 years. If you do the same thing as a cyclist, you can only be jailed for two years. Are the people,the top lawyers in the UK,total imbeciles? They’re paid a fortune to get things right, and do they? What on earth are UK taxpayers paying them for? Does it really need relatives of pedestrians who have been mown down by brainless cyclists to campaign for years before something is done?.I’m pleased that this will be before the future PM in his or her in-tray quickly after the office is filled. But much more needs to be done in Spain.Cyclists here seem to think they are immune to traffic laws or plain common sense.Yes,of course, motorists need to keep 1.5metre distances while overtaking cyclists,but for heaven's sake,motorists need to have some degree of confidence that cyclists are not completely devoid of brain cells and will not cycle anywhere just because they think drivers will be able to avoid them. I have a confession to make.I am one of those fat cats who dare to have shares in Centrica (which owns British Gas) and living,many would think,in the lap of luxury.I wish I was.Yes,I have shares in Centrica, but no,I am not living in the lap of Workingluxury. class people,my dad included,(and he was a former Northerner Labour voter),was wooed by the sweet-talking Maggie Thatcher to buy shares in utilities she wanted to privatise.

INCREASED PENALTIES FOR CYCLISTS BEHAVING BADLY pats,there is another political party sitting in the middle ground of politics,the Lib Dems.And for heaven's sake don’t be fooled into thinking that the UK Reform Party will do anything but harm to Britain...they’re more right-wing than the most extreme Tory,and they have that smooth talking Nigel Farage as president.Sounds good,doesn’t it...The Reform Party? Yes,UK politics needs reforming desperately, with proportional representation for a start by a middle of the road party,and not by the ultra-extreme right wing.

Back in 1986,when Maggie Thatcher did exactly the same thing as this ghastly right wing Tory government is doing now -brainwashing the public - millions of working-class people were told it was the patriotic thing to do to buy shares in the forner utilities because they were doing the right thing in keeping Britain great. He probably bought the minimum, taking savings from Premium Bonds to do so.He probably opted to have dividends paid in additional shares, because he was told it was the wise thing to do However,thefinancially.realityis that if he had held onto those Premium Bonds he would have done far better. I inherited those shares and now I am branded a fat cat by brainless Labour supporting idiots,who think that Centrica and many more companies should be nationalised or raided in windfall taxes to give cash to cash-strapped people.Hard for them to understand that if I had cashed them in and put the money into bank saivngs (yes,all few hundred pounds of it) I would be receiving far more in interest than from dividends in Centrica. For two years I haven’t received any dividend at all because the company went into the red.Now it is to pay 1p for every share owed.WOW! That will give me about a tenner, just about enough to pay for two coffees at costalot coffee.And when those left-wing Labour idiots retire, any pension money they will receive, will be thanks to pension companies having invested in companies. I wish for once in their miserable lives the wretched right wing Tories will tell the truth instead of conning the public (like what they did over wretched Brexit which has caused so many problems) and wretched left wing Socialists who think that anyone who dares to own one single share in anything is a fat cat and everything should be nationalised for the public good. A plague of curses to both of them –and for goodness' sake,whoever you are,northerners,southerners,ex-

Throughout the 1940s thousands of spectators packed into Britain’s 77 licensed (NGRC) greyhound tracks every Friday evening.

La Manga Torrevieja CC coach Andrew 'Macca' McCulloch talks exclusively to The Leader after coaching the Bulgaria Men's National Cricket team in their ICC 2024 T20 World Cup qualification matches in Finland. WHEN I was approached by the Bulgarian Cricket Federation we discussed what success would look like in the ICC 2024 T20 World qualifiers Tournament, said Macca. "We all agreed that at this stage of the squad's development, success in the qualifiers would be getting a game on the final Sunday. "By beating Slovenia in the Group B Sub Regional Europe qualifier stage, we achieved this," said Macca.


"I personally have only been to Notts and Towcester,but a lot of the other blokes in the syndicate have been up to Newcastle on numerous occasions,where they were met with open arms by the locals who loved the story behind the dog and its strong and cheerful support.

Cyclists 3,034 km from Ayrshire to Montesinos Cyclists Gordon Stead, Jim Seenan and Jim Ryand arrived in Los Montesinos having cycled 3,034 kilometres from Ayrshire. The Scottish trio who live in the Vega Baja town were given a plaque for their successful challenge by Montesinos Sports Councillor Ana Belen after a gruelling 26 days in the "Congratulationssaddle. to Jim, Gordon and Jim for this challenge, but above all for involving the town of Los Montesinos and its Council," she said at the ceremony.

Torrevieja Infantiles Champions of Spain

In the 80 years since,however,the sport’s popularity has dwindled,with crowd numbers falling dramatically,amid concern over animal welfare and courses going into the red. Greyhound stadiums in Lancashire saw the closure of 'flapping' tracks (non-NGRC registered) including Blackpool and Preston. Blackpool's first Greyhound Stadium opened in 1927 and closed in 1964,being a predecessor to the Blackpool Squires Gate Greyhound Stadium. The track switched to independent status (unaffiliated to NGRC) in 1929 after the company changed to the Blackpool Greyhound Racing and Sports Company.

Along with Suffolk Downs in Mildenhall it is one of two new tracks to re-open this year,taking the total to 20 venues.

Nottingham based Gary Nolan,54,who has a property in Los Montesinos,a syndicate member of greyhound Mickys Barrett told The Leader: "We have had a fantastic journey with Mickeys Barrett. "The plus point him being successful beyond our wildest dreams.Everyone in the syndicate have all personally seen a steady increase in numbers of people attending the racing,especially at the Colwick/Nottingham track,local to us.

Success as ‘Macca’takes Bulgaria to final Sunday

More success for Torrevieja Tennis Club Infantiles who are now the Spain National Team Champions. The won the 50th edition of the teams "Joan Compta Trophy" that was held at the CT La Salut in Barcelona. The successful team comprised of Charo Esquiva, Marta Picó, Juliana Giaccio, Vega Aguilar and led by Emilio Viuda


In the final they beat the Global Club Tennis of Mallorca by 3-0, prior to which they had beaten RC Polo of Barcelona, Cd Tennisquick of Tenerife and in the semi finals, the Agustín Boje Tennis team of Seville.

FLAPPING The town was to experience greyhound racing again from 1967 until 1988 on the flapping track at Borough Park,Princess Street,site of a former Gas Works,with big races including the Blackpool Greyhound TheDerby.Stadium was demolished in 1998 and a Macdonalds was built where kennels once lay,with a new car park covering the majority of the track. COMEBACK Now,greyhound racing is on course for a comeback.On August 26 thousands of people are expected to queue to get into Oxford Stadium for the return of the sport - after a ten-year absence.

"A group of the lads even travelled over to Ireland to watch the races,even after our dog was withdrawn,due to not travelling the long distance very well in practice a week prior to the race. "They had a great time and once again the hospitality by all involved in the races/ accommodation,etc.,was amazing." Amongst Mickys Barrett's highlights included reached the 2022 English Greyhound Derby Final,finishing third,collecting £12,500 prizemoney.

Mickys Barrett (5) in the 2022 Greyhound Derby Final.

"We are hoping that the good times will long continue and the numbers going to watch will keep growing," added Gary.

PAGE 20 Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Bardefeats.Principals A finished third, on 10 points, with La Hacienda A fourth, 8 points, Pines B fifth, 6 points, Pines A sixth, 4 points, Happy Days Nearlys seventh, 4 points, with Flagger's finishing Happybottom.Days Excellence defeated Bar Principals A away 6-3 in the final game of the division 1 mini summer league with Michael Margerum, Paul Boyle, and Sean Norris racking up wins for the victors. Alan Cameron and Colin Lewis won for the hosts. La Hacienda A defeated Happy Days Nearlys away 5-4, with Pines A returning a 5-4 win against Pines B.

The Blackpool owners who also controlled Hanley Greyhound Stadium in Stoke-inTrent branched out by taking greyhound racing to Craven Park,Barrow-in-Furness but the project only lasted the two summers of 1933-1934. Despite the greyhound business boom of 1946 profits dropped the following year and with the growing population of Blackpool the greyhound stadium area was considered an ideal site for housing. Racing ended in 1964 with the site becoming housing after it was sold for £80,000.

"The next challenge was to beat the Czech Republic in the 7th/8th play off match, however we came up just "Ashort.lot of positives can be taken from the Tournament, now it's up to the group to keep learning, work hard and aim to be stronger at the next European Qualifying Tournament," he said. Nothing has been confirmed yet from the ICC, regarding the next qualifying tournament. Happy Days Excellence are crowned champions of the Costa Blanca Independent Pool Mini Summer league with The Dogs runners-up.


Happy Days Excellence chalked up 14 points remaining undefeated from their seven games in what was the inaugural mini summer league with The Dogs runners-up on 10 points, with two

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022 PAGE 21www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

New Sierra Golf was initially planned to be opened in 2008 as a par 72 18 holes golf course located between Balsicas and La Tercia just off the San Javier-Murcia Motorway but the economic down turn at that time resulted in only a 9 hole golf course being completed which opened for a time as a pay and play golf course but closed just a few years later and lay dormant for some time.

LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to

QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Shirley Temple, 2. Room 101, 3. Auckland, New Zealand, 4. Paul Keating (Australia), 5. a. Alaska, b. Hawaii, c. Alaska, d. Alaska, 6. Zoroastrianism, 7. The defendant has been previously acquitted or convicted of the same offence, 8. A group of knights. 9. Answers: a: Up, Up and Away - The Fifth Dimension. b: Winchester Cathedral - The New Vaudeville Band. c: Penny Lane - The Beatles. d: There's A Kind Of HushHermans' Hermits. e: Dedicated To The One I Love - The Mamas & The Papas. 10. A postage stamp. 11. Gulliver's Travels. 12. On the Orient Express. (Murder on the Orient Express). 13. In France. MR2 sounds like merdeux or merde, which is kaka. Name was changed to Coupe MR. 14. Bidonville. 15. Patrick Stewart. Mike Probert talks Golf Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.



New Sierra Golf does however boast the lowest priced green fees in the Murcian Region and for the remainder of August 2022 we can offer the following 18 holes prices: Two Players and Buggy = 66 Fours Players and Two Bugg ies = 130 Call Mike Probert on (00 34) 661345931 to make a booking at THE join

a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: CoursePriceComments AlendaÄ134Two Green Fees & Buggy AlicanteÄ82Two Green Fees & Buggy Altaoana VillageÄ95Two Green Fees & Buggy AltorrealÄ80Two Green Fees & Buggy (holes 10 to 18 played twice) BonalbaÄ90Two Green Fees & Buggy CampoamorÄ136Two Green Fees & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea)Ä90Two Green Fees & Buggy El PlantioÄ82Two Green Fees & Buggy El ValleÄ45Single Green Fee Font Del LlopÄ110Two Green Fees & Buggy Hacienda D AlamoÄ47Single Green Fee La FincaÄ65Single Green Fee La MarquesaÄ52Single Green Fee La SerenaÄ902 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.08pm) La TorreÄ45Single Green Fee Las ColinasÄ60Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm) Las RamblasÄ972 Green Fees & Buggy (from 2.00pm) LorcaÄ70Two Green Fees & Buggy Lo RomeroÄ50Single Green Fee (from 1.00pm) Mar MenorÄ50Single Green Fee New Sierra GolfÄ68Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig CampanaÄ98Two Green Fees & Buggy RodaÄ1152 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.06pm) SaurinesÄ47Single Green Fee Villaitana LevanteÄ80Single Green Fee Villaitana PonienteÄ58Single Green Fee & Buggy VillamartinÄ1152 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.00pm) VistabellaÄ1122 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.00pm) DEAL OF THE WEEK: El Valle, 2 players and buggy only Ä120 For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services @ La Finca 17 August For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 37 players visited the established course at La Finca taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The temperatures were very high but the course was in excellent condition. Gold Division 1st - Ian Woodley 37 pts,2nd – Steve Broom 35 pts Silver Division The par 3, hole 3 at New Sierra Golf. Out of bounds to the right and a deep bunker protecting the back of the green SAPPHIRE GOLF SOCIETY SUDUKSUDUKO SOLUTIONO SOLUTION 1st – Noel Costelloe 32 pts,2nd – Annie Pardoe 28 pts Bronze Division 1st – Tony Wonfor - 27 points 2nd – Paul Fairbairn - 25 points Nearest the Pins –,Probert,BrownCostelloe,Sherwood,Guest–KeithWhitehead–37pointsreturnedtoEdina’sBarandGrillbar,islocatedatDonaPepa,QuesadathepresentationandwegiveourthankstheirsupportandthatofoursponsorProperties.nextfixtureisthebouncegameatElonthe31sttAugust2022followedtheinterimdayatAlendaonthe7th2022andthesocietydayatonthe21stSeptember2022.byMikeProbertofCostaBlancaFeeServiceson966704752or345931orseeusatourweb-siteat

The course has since re-opened under new more progressive management and although still only a 9 hole course at present will open as a full 18 hole lay-out in November 2022.

The current 9 holes are pleasant to play with what are probably the best greens in the area and they have good practice facilities with a driving range, chipping area and excellent putting green and although the clubhouse is small the staff are extremely friendly.

Fred Willshire

After a couple of years away from the job,I again took on the role of President of the CBUMA in November 2021,with Gail as secretary and treasurer and with a new team of Vice Presidents – John Pittaway representing the north of the Costa Blanca,and John O’Brien the Oursouth.first job was to look at the Markers Course. This course is great for anyone who wishes to learn more about the laws of the game and how to measure properly. Qualifying to mark singles games is almost a bonus! Previously,the courses were run over 3 days.Our plan was to reduce the number of days to 2 and put part of the course material onto the CBUMA website. This proved to be a popular decision,with an unprecedented number of people wanting to take the course. Two Markers courses were run,one in April at San Luis and the other in May at Javea.With the hard work of a great many umpires,we were able to qualify 42 new markers from 12 clubs. I would like to thank everyone involved in this process as well as the management of San Luis and Javea Green who provided us with the facilities. The course material for Markers remains on the CBUMA website along with monthly brainteasers for anyone wishing to learn more or refresh their memory and skills

In 2023 we intend to focus on qualifying new umpires and will be in touch with clubs in the new year. As you will be aware,the umpire’s uniform is a red shirt. We have now brought in a green shirt for markers,which means they will stand out as qualified markers at all events and recognises the hard work that goes in to passing the course.Any qualified marker can invest in a marker’s shirt. Please contact me for details. Some of you may be aware that World Bowls is issuing a new law book – Crystal Mark 4th edition.The new book contains a significant number of technical amendments and 3 significant law changes,but as a result many of the law numbers have changed. World Bowls has left it to the Member National Authorities to determine when to implement the new laws and we are expecting to leave this until 1st April 2023, allowing us time to complete the Winter Season before the change. This also allows us to review the domestic regulations,get these approved by World Bowls and have the books printed.If this timescale changes,we will contact clubs via the Finally,aLLB. few words for the competitors in the Valencians and other competitions.Make sure you read the conditions of play,especially with regard to head visits and review the laws of rink possession which you will find on pages 15 and 16 or your red law book. Also,remember that your umpires and markers volunteer to cover these events,so a thank you is always welcome. Enjoy the competition!


We did however manage to hold a Saturday evening tripels game which was very much enjoyed by all.Sitting up on top watching the game I was also pleasantly surprised in how much the Spanish families who were at the pool party were interested in it. Back to the game,it was trips over 14 ends (leaving enough time for drinks afterwards) and was won by Garth Slater,Maureen Kidd,and Carol Smith with a shot difference of + 6,as you can imagine they were all very tight games. Murphys law being what it is the game was arranged for 13th August (firework night in Elche) and then ended up with extreme weather warnings but miraculously none of this interfered with the enjoyment of our game. There was no extrodinary weather on our green that night although many other places on the Southern Costa Blanca were in

LA MARINA BOWLS With Dave Hadaway

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Fred Willshire,President CBUMA

from the CBUMA Two run,coursesMarkerswereoneinAprilatSanLuisandtheotherinMayatJavea.

There are not many things rearer than hen's teeth,but writing about bowls in the summer seems to be one of Everthem.since I have been over here,it seems a shame that there is no evening games,especially when I think back to our Bedfordshire Monday evening league,straight from work,could be cold,could be wet but was definitely dark,so often the last 2 ends would have been played with a cigarette lighter being held over the jack,to at least show where the jack was. What would we have given for floodlights and food and drink being served up until midnight.

Klopp criticises Barça's financial plan

Barcelona have announced that Alex Collado has left the club to join Elche on a season-long loan.There is understood to be no purchase option included in the deal and the Catalan forward will be with Elche until June 30th, Moving2023. to Elche gives Collado the chance to earn important first-team experience in a team that will give him minutes – and complements last season,the second half of which he spent with Granada.

The Thader lineup gainst Bullense Img CDThader Elche boost with Barca and Watford loan signings

joint coach Alfredo Macia said a creditable third place was within their grasp during the 2021-22 season,but their form petered out in lthe final few games:. Monte will have a 22 players' squad,retaining players from last season with renewed contracts,being Fernando,Paco, Dani Saez,Gocu,Arturo,Victor,Vincente,Sergio Ruiz (GK),Pato,Girona and Oussama. New signings include Fernando Torrent,Poyatos,Kevin (not Tallon),Valentin Perez,Pamies,Jésus,Ivan (GK) and Dani Sawyer.Pipo has retired,with goalkeeper Carlos departing, along with Macca,Damian,Diego Barroso,Luis,Kevin Tallon and Adrian.

Last week Mediapro CEO Jaume Roures then came to the rescue of BarÁa with a further 100 million euros in a move that has been heavily criticised by fans, but the cash injection has finally allowed the club to activate the fourth ëleverí. The clubís moves to strengthen their squad, despite itís poor economic situation, are causing surprise and drawing criticism from across the football world. The activation of the famous ëleversíin mortgaging the club have allowed club president Joan Laporta to go into the transfer market and sign players like Lewandowski, KoundÈ and Raphinha.

Pre season friendlies confirmed by Monte CD Montesinos have said that all of their pre-season matches will be at home,kicking-off at 2030 - 2100hrs (TBC) Pre-season fixtures include: 22nd August Redovan; 24th August Formentera; 31st August Torry "B"; 3rd September Horadada; 7th September Saladar. On September 9 Monte will host Popular Orihuela in the club's annual Fred Griggs Trophy.Times and dates to be CDconfirmed.Montesinos'

Bullense arrived at Moi Gomez stadium as favourites, if their 3rd division status was anything to go by. But, boy were they in for a shock! By half time, Pedro Juan (19) then Rosquin (39), had given Thader a 2-goal even better in the second period when Fran made it 3-0 (66), and even though Bullense pulled one back (86), Pedro Juan notched his 2nd, and team's 4th, on 88 mins. A 4-1 victory against the team from the Murcian province was not only entertaining for the fans, but a very encouraging display by the boys in blue. For their first away pre season match of the season, a short trip to Los Montesinos awaited Thader Rojales. Although CD Montesinos play in Regional div 1, they have gathered a useful side together, as they aim for Itpromotion.tookuntil the 83rd min for Thader to notch the all-important goal, courtesy of ace goal scorer, Quino.


Even though they are friendlies, these 2 victories added to the momentum that is currently very strong within the club.

This week sees Thader embark on their final 2 pre season matches, before the new Preferente div season starts in Onearnest.Weds 24 Aug, there is an away match at Guardamar, before Ciudad Murcia arrive at Moi Gomez stadium on Fri 26 Aug (both matches are scheduled for 8pm ko).

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th August 2022 PAGE 23www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Watford FC has also confirmed the loan of midfielder Domingos Quina to Elche CF on-loan for the 2022/23 seaTheson.

Last month, Barcelona sold an initial 25% stake in its production hub to, a blockchain provider, for another $102.6 million as well as 25% of its La Liga television rights for the next 25 years for nearly $689 million

DEMANDING FOOTBALL CALENDAR In addition to his criticism of Barcelona, Jurgen Klopp is also on a crusade against the demanding football calendar. ìThere is only one direction this is going and that is against a brick wall. There is no one who really speaks for the players. When talking about the lack of breaks for players, the UEFApresident Aleksander Ceferin comes out of his office and makes a controversial statement saying that people have to work much harder. I know, Ceferin doesn't have to tell me that," Klopp said in a recent interview. "I don't want to offend anyone, but I just want to point out again that this game will not work without the players and it's only really enjoyable for the fans and for myself when we can see that the best players are on the pitch," added Klopp , who says there is no longer any time to train. "If I'm the only one saying something, I might be wrong and I don't mind. But Iím not! You can speak to anyone who works directly with the players and they will say exactly the same," he concluded.

ìLooking as a football fan, I donít understand it,î said Klopp

The most recent figure to criticize BarÁa's decisions is Liverpool manager Jurgen "IKlopp.don't get it for several reasons,î he said. ìIf you tell me I don't have any money, then I don't spend anymore. It happened to me twice with my credit card, luckily that was a few years ago. I'm looking at it as a football fan, and I don't understand it," said the German Kloppcoach. also compared BarÁa 's situation with that of Borussia Dortmund a few years ago. ìThe only club I know of that once sold the stadium and itís other rights in advance was Dortmund. Hans-Joachim Watzke had to come in at the last second and save the club from certain bankruptcy. But I don't know if there is a Watzke in Barcelona,î he added.

22-year-old has made 37 first-team appearances for Watford since signing from West Ham United in the summer of 2018,and he will now embark on his fourth temporary spell away from Vicarage Road.

This being their centenary year, CD Thader are full of optimism for what the future holds. Manager Raul Mora is more than happy at what he has seen, both on the training ground and in the pre-season Therefriendlies.weregames on both Thursday and Saturday evening last week, in which the starting line-up varied dramatically. Only Amine (keeper), Rafa & Raul, started both matches, which just goes to show how Mora has gathered the desired strength in depth.

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