The Leader Newspaper in Spain Edition 905

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No 905 Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

he Department of Street Cleaning and Urban Solid Waste has drawn up the Local Waste Management Plan, which, as well as outlining the current deficiencies, provides a roadmap to the improvement and modernisation of the service.


The result will see an investment of 20 million euros over the next six years. According to the councillor responsible, Dámaso Aparicio, as well as improving the efficiency of street collections, more effort needs to be put into the recycling aspect, as well regular awareness campaigns to put an end to many fallacious beliefs. "Improving collection at source also has environmental and economic advantages, and it is also mandatory by law," he said.


"If it is not recycled, we all pay more and the City Council does not receive the income associated with it’s recycled waste," he explains. In addition to improving efficiency, there are plans for each urban area, with more than 10,000 inhabitants, to have it’s own individual waste plan, a requirement of Spanish law. The law also establishes that “municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants must have door-to-door collections, together with a user identification system that allows economic and fiscal policies to be applied”, although at the moment few municipalities comply. The Orihuela project will introduce a pilot test of a door-todoor collection service in homes, as well as a payment system so that residents will pay based on the waste they generate.

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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

In addition to adapting to the current regulatory framework, the plan also aims to modernise the service which will include the installation of sensors in waste containers so that the manager knows their status and collections can be arranged accordingly. The new arrangements will also introduce a video surveillance system at dumping black spots and waste tips, with motion detection recording systems, registration of license plates and notification to the Local Police, as well as a pilot test of selective collection on the coast through a card identification scheme. Another consideration is to set up an area to drop off bulk items and equipment in the future eco-parks, of which there will be two (one in the city and the other on the coast) and an area that allows the re-use of furniture and the exchange between residents. In terms of resources, the plan establishes the need to increase the number of waste containers by 20%, currently around 4,000, in addition to renewing a further 20% due to their poor condition, as well as an annual replacement system.

Back on the road with U3A The Torrevieja U3A Walking/Hiking group were back on the road on Saturday 29th January when they took to the hills.for a walk through the saltwater dry river bed around San Isidro. 26 members took part in the 10 km walk, which was quite a challenging task, and took about 4 hours to complete the route. This was the first walk of the year and it is hoped that a similar number of walkers will attend the February hike which will be to


Not surprisingly, the document itself recognises the fact that the majority of the population agrees on the need to improve the service, the number of containers and their cleaning and maintenance.

637 227 385 Councillor, Dámaso Aparicio

There will also be the introduction of a fifth container (coloured brown), which is used to recycle organic waste, as well as more machinery, vehicles and personnel. All this, concludes Aparicio, responds to the demand of our residents and balances the economic importance associated with the management of municipal waste. Reports state that the Mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, and the Councillor, Dámaso Aparicio, have already presented the Local Waste Management Plan to a number of municipal groups, the document that, based on an assessment of the situation, establishes the necessary actions. The government’s coalition partner, Ciudadanos, did not attend the meeting, so now, the PP seeks agreement from the opposition parties to carry out this project that must first go through the plenary before its approval. The Partido Popular do not want it delayed or held

The Murals in Crevillente. Monday 1st February saw the first meeting of 2022 of the Torrevieja U3A Military History Group at Punta Marina. 25 members attended and were treated to an informative and entertaining presentation which was provided by Shenagh who is one of the association's members. The talk was on the subject of the Roman era in the UK and detailed how their frontiers were established and why. After the talk the majority stayed on for a light lunch in The Captain's Table. For more information about this event, Checkout their Facebook page. Torreviejau3amilitaryhistory. More information on both of these groups, and also all the other groups in the Association, can be found online at Barry Weston

up, as is the case with the waste collection and street cleaning service, which is based on a blueprint from 14 years ago, and which opens the debate on whether its management, now direct, should pass to joint management, both government run and private enterprise.

JOAN'S BIRTHDAY GIFT TO THE NEEDY IN LOS ALCAZARES On Tuesday 2nd Feb. Joan Mitchell the Office Manager of HELP Murcia Mar Menor held her 80th birthday lunch at the Tataki restaurant in Los Alcazares with 25 of her friends as her guests. Having decided that she did not want any presents from her friends Joan asked them to bring a bag of food each instead which would be donated to the poor of the area and the response was great. The food collected was handed over to Joanne Scott from the Council in Los Alcazares who will be able to ensure that it reaches the poor and needy of the area. Many of those attending the lunch were Help Members and were pleased that they were able to help others in need. The local council and HELP are building up a good relationship which is hoped will be of benefit to all and help with the integration between Expats and the local Spanish population.


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022



Antonio Cerdan, President of C.L.A.R.O., has written an article for the Spanish newspaper Información in response to a piece they published recently with the misleading title that C.L.A.R.O. would join a new party and work toward the independence of Orihuela Costa.

the common electoral programme with Cambiemos-Orihuela, with whom we contested the 2019 election and with whom we continue to maintain a close working relationship today.

He explained that Claro has never promoted independence for Orihuela Costa. C.L.A.R.O. has instead always advocated the basic principles of Integration and Decentralization.

By decentralisation, we mean a series of administrative and economic measures, such as changing the status of the coast, since we are neither a district nor a consolidated urban centre and we suffer the negative consequence of not having our own councillor with a corresponding budget.

“In our opinion,” he said, “independence is unachievable because of insurmountable political and legal obstacles including the requirement that the plenary of the Orihuela Town Council must vote in favour – who can really believe that the Oriheula-based political parties would vote to close their gold mine in Orihuela Costa”?

A fair share of the municipality's global budget is absolutely essential, a share which reflects what the coast contributes to the income of the municipal government (some 40% plus) and which would enable us to correct the glaring deficiencies from which we suffer in most of the services and infrastructures provided by the town council.

Independence is in conflict with the principle of Integration, which is the only possible policy which reflects the reality of the population of Orihuela Costa, Spanish and non-Spanish, multilingual and multicultural and the reality of its place in a dispersed municipality whose capital is unfortunately 30 kilometres away.

With regard to the unity of the Coast and next year’s municipal elections, C.L.A.R.O. has, since its inception in 2006 secured the major share of the vote of the coast (over 40%) in the four elections we have contested but without reaching the legal 5% threshold of the total vote cast which would ensure one elected councillor.

Integration applies not only between the populations living on the coast but must also apply to relations between the coast and the rest of the municipality.

In order to increase the voting strength of the coast, we have always tried to bring together the active groups on the coast, as we continue to do today, on condition that we adhere to the same basic principles of integration and decentralization.

WE ALL NEED TO LIVE IN HARMONY. C.L.A.RO.’s commitment to integration between coast and the rest of the municipality can be seen in the fact that it contested two of the four elections since its creation in alliance with Orihuela-based parties.

Independence is an illusion, not an achievable objective for as long ahead as anyone can see.

After C.L.A.R.O’s bad experience in government (2011-12) we have advocated a policy of decentralisation.

We wonder if some of those advocating independence, without detailing how it could be achieved, are simply deceiving the people and resorting to tactics to gain electoral support, assuming that a legally registered party for the independence of the coast actually contests the next election in 2023.

As a pragmatic and non-ideological party, a policy of decentralisation was included both in a government agreement with the Popular Party in 2012, which did not prosper, and likewise, in

These tactics do not lead to the unity of the coast, but rather promotes its division.

Integration, however, must be complemented by decentralisation in order to avoid the powerful, over-centralised tendencies of Orihuela city council.



Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


mobile and internet coverage for a population of around 8,000 people, who have been complaining about poor reception for years.


The new mast will improve phone and internet coverage for 8,000 people. Councillors and engineers at the new site

The work on the site began this week so that the operator, in this case Telefónica, can install the antenna, that will have a height of 25 metres. Loreto Serrano has said that “we are very satisfied because the works are going to start immediately, and we hope that as soon as possible adequate services can be provided to the residents.

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More Police on the streets in Torrevieja This week, the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón together with the councillor for security and emergencies, Federico Alarcon, welcomed te newly recruited entrants to the town´s local police force. In total, 10 new officers were sworn into the Policia Local whilst another 2 vacancies were set to be advertised in the Regional State Gazette.

The department of Gran Alacant has been working on this project for almost 2 years, directly with the operators, and it represents a historic claim by the residents of the area”.

The Mayor of Santa Pola, Loreto Serrano, and the Gran Alacant councillor, Oscar Valenzuela, have visited the site of a new mobile phone antenna to be built in Gran

Alacant. The antenna will be located in the upper part of Gran Alacant and will improve


The councillor of Gran Alacant, Oscar Valenzuela, said that "our objective is to continue working so that the services and coverage reach all of Gran Alacant, we have obtained the antenna for the upper part, and we continue with the contacts and meetings with the operators to the erection of another antenna in the lower part, which would provide coverage to a very important nucleus of the population”.

Calls to Explain State of Torrevieja Hospital

Ciudadanos spokesperson Ruth Merino

The Ciudadanos (Cs) political group has announced that they will demand explanations in the next plenary session from the Valencia Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, about "the general situation of health in the Valencian Community and specifically about the situation of the University Hospital of Torrevieja”. Their representative, Valencian Deputy

Ruth Merino, has commented that Torrevieja hospital, since the change of management has taken place, has gone from being "leading edge and with a high degree of satisfaction" to "having positions handpicked, people working without a contract, patients who wait days to be served, outsourced services and growing waiting lists.” "We want to highlight the predominance of sectarian ideology over people's health," she added. Ciudadanos has also proposed the creation of a study commission to solve the problems at the hospital due to the worsening of the service and the lack of personnel.

NANCY LAUNCHED IN LOS ALCAZARES Residents of the Torresur area of Torrevieja´s Rocajuna urbanisation, the majority being British, met with representatives of the security forces this week to discuss security in the area. The deputy mayor of the Torrevieja council, Rosario Martínez, attended the gathering, along with the councillor for security, Federico Alarcón, and international residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, in which members of the Guardia Civil and the Torrevieja Local Police were present. The issues addressed at this meeting dealt with the powers of each body (Local Police and Guardia Civil), security, home occupation, traffic, emergency services and gender violence. The Guardia Civil took advantage of the meeting to explain the procedures that must be carried out to report crimes through the portal of the General Directorate of the Guardia Civil, as well as the operation of the ALERTCOPS App. With these meetings, Torrevieja town hall hopes to bring the security forces closer to the citizens, and create dialogue about the issues that concern them and the ways to solve them.

There was a fabulous launch party at Le Petit Bistro, Los Alcazares, last week, held for Jacqueline Carpenter to celebrate the launch of her new novel NANCY. Excellent entertainment was provided by John Meadows and Sam Cherry, with everyone up dancing of course, fabulous food, Cava, competitions and of course copies of NANCY.

music, a booming economy and new found freedom for all. Join Louisa, her lovable family and quirky friends for a decade in their lives as they encounter love, happiness, sorrow, deceit, strength and human kindness. NANCY will warm your heart and stay with you forever.

Le Petit Bistro has never been so busy!

NANCY is the finale in Jacqueline Carpenters rags to riches trilogy and follows the hugely popular LOUISA and JOAN.

NANCY the book, is set in the swinging 60's and life in Great Britain is soaring ahead with fabulous fashions, sensational

LOUISA and JOAN both are available at Amazon and Kindle worldwide and very soon NANCY will be too!

Jacqueline celebrating the launch with a glass of ‘bubbly’.


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022



Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022

New dog park for La Marina San Fulgencio Town Council has opened a new dog park in the urbanisation. Pet owners and their animals will now be able to enjoy the facilities, located in what is known as Parque del Mossa, between Calle Aragón, Calle San Sebastián and Calle Bilbao. It is an area "where dogs can run free and exercise safely," said the councillor for Animal Welfare, Mª Ángeles Ferrández. The area has been made fitted with a 1 metre high perimeter fence, built-in drinking fountains and the planting of trees, "so that it is a pleasant park for those who visit it during the hot months," said the councillor. The councillor for Animal Welfare with the mayor

Rules on the use of he park are displayed in several languages. It will be necessary to constantly supervise the animal, pick up its droppings, and use a muzzle in the case of dogs of dangerous breeds when there are more than two dogs inside. If the animal becomes aggressive, it must be removed from the enclosure and placed on a leash and muzzled.

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he Government has announced that as of next Wednesday the mandatory wearing of facemasks outdoors will be withdrawn due to the improvement in the coronavirus incidence data following the earlier avalanche of cases caused by the omicron variant during the sixth wave.

Following a reduction in the number of cases being reported on a daily basis, and with the lowering the accumulated incidence in the last 14 days to 2,420.63 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Health will propose the measure to autonomous communities at the next Interterritorial Council. It will predictably be ratified by Royal Decree by the Council of Ministers next Tuesday and will enter into force on Wednesday following

it’s publication in the Official State Gazette. On Cadena Ser, the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, confirmed the intention of the government to relax the measure that has been in force since 24 December, to stop the advance of the omicron variant in the population, just ahead of the Christmas holidays. "I confirm that next Tuesday we will take the Royal Decree to the Council of Ministers where we will remove the mandatory use of masks outdoors," said the Minister. "It has been a measure that was necessary at the time but now the indicators advise a different measure."

She pointed out that the indicators "are improving" and "especially" the one that denotes the level of circulation of the virus. This, according to the minister, " has decreased by 30% in recent weeks since the decline in the number of cases began." Meanwhile, the president of Valencia, Ximo Puig, has stated that he is in favour of the mandatory use of a mask outdoors because "it is a symbol that the pandemic is among us". However, in the same interview, he then went on to say that "the sooner they can be removed from the street, the better", but has advocated "managing the pandemic with prudence".

BAR TRASHED BY DRUNK DRIVER The terrace of a bar located on calle La Loma, on the corner of Patricio Zammit, close to the Torrevieja Bus Station, was trashed this week when a drunk driver lost control of the car, crashing into several vehicles, before becoming

embedded in the outdoor fixtures. Both the Local Police and Guardia Civil immediately attended the incident and confirmed that the person driving the vehicle exceeded the allowed alcohol level. Luckily, nobody was injured in the incident and the driver was arrested to appear before the courts.


Campoverde Ambulance


According to Moncloa sources, the measure will be approved by the Council of Ministers after which it will be debated in the Interterritorial Council with the autonomous communities.

It lso has an area for agility training, a sport against the clock in which the owner and dog take part and in which the pet must overcome a circuit with a series of obstacles such as ramps or tunnels.



The emergency ambulance based at Pinar de Campoverde has moved to a new home on Avenida del Pino, near to calle Arándano. Campoverde has had an ambulance for 12 hours a day since 2020 and is now based in a more suitable location. This new base, in the words of the Councillor for Health, Nieves Moreno, "will ensure that the workers have better conditions, and so that the ambulance has better access and movement routes." The service is provided by the company Ambumar Sya, and residents who need assistance can contact the following telephone numbers: 966 766 222 608 105 412 (Pinar de Campoverde).

CT Scanner for Hospital The Valencia Ministry of Health has purchased an emergency machine for magnetic imaging diagnostic tests (CT) for Torrevieja hospital for 398,800 euro so as not to be left without the service following the termination of the management contract previously held by Ribera Salud. At the end of the concession, Ribera Salud informed the Ministry of its intention to transfer this equipment to be used in other facilities, but offered them the possibility of contracting its services in the interim. However, the Ministry of Health has chosen to buy a new CT machine from another company for 398,000 euro without prior competition.


“Los Gitanos de Lorca” by Peter Craig

Eleven year old Carmi would love a warm, comfy sofa to enjoy. Who could resist this beauty? For more info contact 966710047 (leave a message) or email

Hush now. Be quiet. The gypsies are here. Gathered in the glare of the blacksmith’s light. Dark shapes leap and bound, and everywhere Knives are keen to carve the fare of the night.

Tambourines and guitars splinter the dark; Castanet rhythms clap a horse on the run. Aroused, the raw-throat dogs strain and bark, As gypsies and magic entwine as one.

Gathered in the glare of the blacksmith’s light, Men, and moon-shadows of men, restless while Knives are keen to carve the fare of the night. The sickle-blade moon stares with a smile.

Castanet rhythms clap a horse on the run; Duende grabs the reins of night’s cleft forces As gypsies and magic entwine as one Like centaurs. Dark, wild men: wild, dark horses.

Men, and moon-shadows of men wrestle, while Folklore is forged where the gypsies meet. The sickle-blade moon stirs with a smile, While fiery Flamenco tempts dancing feet.

Duende tightens the reins of night’s cleft forces As the gypsies chase the Pegasus star, Like centaurs. Wild, dark men: dark, wild horses. Ride out, again, to the land of Lorca.

Folklore is forged where the gypsies meet, Tambourines and guitars splinter the dark While fiery Flamenco tempts dancing feet. Aroused, the red eyed dogs strain and bark.

As the gypsies chase the Pegasus star, Dark shapes leap and bound, and everywhere Ride out, again, to the land of Lorca. Hush now. Be quiet. The gypsies were here.

If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


CARNIVAL GETS UNDERWAY IN TORREVIEJA Torrevieja´s carnival season was officially launched last week, including a few novelties. On 11 February, “The Animal Carnival” will be held, with a parade of pets and a costume contest on the Paseo de Vista Alegre; On Sunday 13 February, the "Matero Carnival" will be held for the first time, in the Plaza de Encarnación Puchol de La Mata, the third addition will be "Los carnabares", a tour of participating catering establishments with music and costumes, on March 3, 4 and 5. The councillor for fiestas, Concha Sala, and the president of the Torrevieja Carnival Association, Francisco

Pizana, announced the performances that will make up the Torrevieja Carnival program, recognised since last year as being of Regional Tourist Interest in the Valencian Community. It was only decided last week to keep the planned dates, with the application of the current sanitary measures. The Carnival Association has made a query to the Generalitat Valenciana regarding the use of masks during parades and is awaiting a response. The main parade will be on Sunday 20 February, from 4:00 p.m., with an exhibition area similar to that of 2020 in the vicinity of the Plaza de la Constitución and, the

TV Personality ‘El Sevilla’ opened the Carnival last Friday evening. Photo credit Objectivo Torrevieja night parade, with the participation of troupes arriving from other towns, will be held on Saturday 26 February, from 6:00 p.m.

Plaza de la Constitución to the Plaza de Oriente. This is a form of street party that will gather participants as it travels through the neighbourhoods.

The carnival got underway on Friday at the Municipal Theatre, with its opening by the singer and monologist, "El Sevilla" and the premiere of the 2020 carnival film.

The carnival dance for the elderly will be on Thursday 24 February, at the Municipal Leisure Centre (CMO) from 6:00 p.m. On Friday 25 February, there will be the Children's Parade " El carnaval de los coles."

On Saturday 5 February, the 30th anniversary of the election of Adult Carnival Queens took place. The Golden Shield was also be awarded, to Manuel Torres Gómez and Carmen Ferrández Catalá, founders of the “Memories of Africa” troupe. On Saturday 12 February, the thirteenth National Drag Queen Contest is scheduled at the Municipal Theatre. On 19 February, from 10:30 p.m., the third edition of the “Quedada Carnavalera” will take place, from the

Finally, on March 5 and 6, the Municipal Theatre will host the semi-final and final of the National (Choral) Comparsas and Chirigotas Contest. Concha Sala and the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, said they were delighted with the programme and have guaranteed compliance with all safety and pandemic prevention regulations, both current and those that may arise.


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


In this edition, we bring to you some Varkk News, a Valentine's dinner recipe and of course a cocktail recipe, simple and delicious to accompany your meal.

There are just a few tables left now so book quickly via. our Facebook Page "Varkk Bar & Kitchen - La Fuente - Villamartin The Team at Varkk Bar & Kitchen have been working hard to produce delicious "one off" menus and unique offerings, both events have been received well by the local expat community and are almost completely booked out.

kitchen and the spirits cupboard and show your love in style! You may wonder where did Valentine's Day originate?

This is fantastic in the current climate at this time of year and we thank everyone who has been so supportive to Varkk on our Journey so far.

The first Valentine's Day was in the year 496!

On Valentine's Day Varkk will appear on Channel 4 on the new series of " a new life in the sun" for the first time.

Having a particular Valentine's Day is a very old tradition, thought to have originated from a Roman festival.

We are holding a premier screening at Varkk Bar & Kitchen on this day 17th February at 5pm in our bar and encourage people to come and watch this with us. We are both excited and nervous to see how we were filmed for the show, I personally hope they filmed me from good angles!

their springtime.


This time of year is always difficult for hospitality businesses, colder weather, lack of holiday makers and rain equates to low footfall, resulting in many businesses closing completely for several

At Varkk we decided to stay open throughout and show the love to our regular and new customers alike. On the 31st of January we held a special event for Chinese Lunar

We would love to see you at Varkk Bar & Kitchen, book a table for the Valentine's meal, Brunch or Dinner on 965 32 11 99 or message us via. our Facebook page @ Varkk Bar & Kitchen - La Fuente - Villamartin

minutes, until they are at their point to taste, about 8-10 minutes. Serve with a little fresh thyme and an extra hit of pepper.

This week our Chef Jesús has prepared a recipe of Pork tenderloin, chestnut and shallots accompanied by a trio of sweet, spicy and salty mashes. Our mixologist has prepared a fruity strawberry daiquiri (without the ice) to pair with the meal.

Ingredients: For 2 people: Pork tenderloin 1Shallots (8)- Garlic (1 clove)Chestnuts(10)- black beer (330 ml)- Worcester sauce (1 small tablespoon)- Honey(1 tablespoon)- brown sugar 15 mg - nutmeg (a pinch) - thyme (a pinch) salt - black pepper - olive oil. For the three types of purée, 2 potatoes, 1 sweet potato, tomato, butter, nutmeg, cinnamon, milk, white pepper, salt, valentina sauce

Directions: We start by taking the sirloin out of the fridge half an hour before cooking it so that it warms up a

New Years Eve a 5 course authentic Chinese dinner. This event was hugely popular and sold out quickly, ending the evening with fireworks! And now on the 14th February we will host a 5 Course Valentine's dinner with a taster of all of our street food and much more.

Love is in the air, hit the

The Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February - officially the start of

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bit. Cut into medallions 1-1.5 cm thick, and remove any excess fat. Season with salt and pepper and cook over high heat on a griddle or non-stick frying pan, marking well on both sides, using a little oil. Remove and set aside. In the same pan, brown the onions, letting them crisp very slightly on the outside -without burning them-. Add the peeled chestnuts and sauté for a couple of minutes. Drizzle with beer, scraping bottom of pan to collect juices. When it starts to boil, lower the heat and add the honey, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce and a pinch of nutmeg. Cook for a few minutes, letting the sauce reduce and thicken a bit. Reincorporate the meat, mixing well with the sauce, cover and cook the whole for a few more

For the mash we will make 3 different types, one salty, one sweet and one spicy. for the salty put the potato already cooked and crushed with salt, white pepper, nutmeg, butter and milk. for the sweet one, mash the sweet potato with cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, butter and milk and for the spicy one add tomato sauce and valentina sauce to the mashed salted potato. Serve and enjoy!

Ice free Strawberry Daiquiri

Ingredients: 4 strawberries and 1 for garnish 60 ml white rum 15 ml simple syrup 15 ml lime juice ( about half a lime)

Directions: 1. Slice 4 fresh strawberries. Crush them in a cocktail shaker until the juice is realised. 2. Add the rum, the syrup and the freshly squeezed lime juice 3. Fill the shaker with ice and shake well 4. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a slice of strawberry Serve and enjoy!

Pork tenderloin, chestnut and shallots accompanied by a trio of sweet, spicy and salty mashes, prepared by Varkk head chef Jesús


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022

CONSUMER CONFIDENCE AHEAD OF EASTER By Andrew Atkinson Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary said he expects the Covid19 virus to cause further disruptions - before the crisis comes to an end. "We would caution all shareholders to expect further COVID disruptions before we can finally declare that the crisis is behind us," said O'Leary. Ryanair, who fly in and out of Alicante-Elche Airport, warned in January of a hit to bookings and cut flights by a third. O'Leary added: "The sudden emergence of the Omicron variant and the media hysteria it generated in December forced European governments to reimpose travel restrictions in the run-up to Christmas". Ryanair, who reported a quarterly loss of E96m, said demand had improved since the recent lifting of travel restrictions - but prices were having to be cut to fill up planes over the next couple of months after the recent slump.

O'Leary said Omicron had significantly weakened peak last-minute bookings and fares over Christmas and New Year, cutting December traffic and load factors. "While recent bookings have improved, following easing of travel restrictions Q4 traffic requires significant price stimulation at lower prices to quickly recover load facO’Leary sees capacity this summer topping pre-pandemic levels

tors which suffered steep declines due to the Omicron collapse in bookings over the Christmas-New Year period," said O'Leary. Ryanair expects to have carried just under 100 million passengers for its full-year to the end of March - at a loss of E250m-E450m. The Dublin-based carrier hopes the

roll-out of booster jabs and evidence about Omicron being less virulent than other variants will see more restrictions ease and restore consumer confidence - ahead of Easter - and sees capacity this summer topping pre-pandemic levels.


Aix meets with striking hospital staff

O'Leary added: "The outlook was hugely sensitive to any further positive or negative Covid news flow". Ryanair loss of E96m for the third quarter to the end of December is narrower than the E321m loss it suffered a year earlier. Customer numbers, at 31.1 million, were more than three times higher, and revenues of E1.47bn were 331% up on 2020 levels.

On Wednesday José Aix, deputy mayor of Orihuela and spokesperson for the municipal group Ciudadanos, and Rosa García, mayor of Benejúzar, also representing the C’s, met with striking cleaners from the Vega Baja Hospital. The president of the cleaning committee, Mª Pilar García Albero, said that “this is the seventh day that we have been on strike and we haven’t had a single word from the Ministry.”

The emergence of Omicron meant it was a weaker than hoped for quarter - after a promising start to the period when UK "traffic light" travel restrictions were scrapped in October.

On meeting with the group Aix said, "We come to listen to them, as they have been complaining for weeks about the precarious situation they are in.” He explained that "the management of the hospital is also looking for solutions, but they do not come".

Finance director Neil Sorahan told Reuters: "There, absolutely, could be upward pressure on fares over the summer - after rivals cut capacity."

“We share the demands of the workers. We are concerned that at this point in the pandemic, hospitals such as the Vega Baja and Torrevieja are dirtier and with more risks for the health workers who face the situation on the front line.”


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


‘straightening out’, I would give her a few examples of things that had to be done first.

‘As soon as I get straightened out …’

In another context I once told you the parable of Satan sending down his most persuasive disciples to work on those idle minds that the devil makes work for.


of the worst things about everyday life is that there is always one more thing to be done: One of the best things about everyday life is that there is always one more thing to be done!

The first instruction Satan suggested was to tell the idle minds that there was no heaven. The foot-soldiers reported back that they were having no success with this line. After running things over in his head for a night or two, the next temptation that the head devil came up with was to tell the people there was no hell.

‘The devil makes work for idle hands’, they tell us, and if this be so, well then idleness is not the best place in which to linger. According to Parkinson’s Law, ‘work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.’

This didn’t carry much influence either, and after holding a high-level conference, Satan sent his disciples back to Earth with instructions to tell the idle minds ‘there is no hurry.’ And that one, my friends, is still working well to this day.

When I milked cows for a living for around thirteen years in another one of my lives, I did a nine year stint without ever missing a milking myself. (Yes, I know, Lads, you have heard it all before – and yes, I do have new stories sometimes!)

Chances are that you too have your own version of waiting until you ‘get straightened out.’ A good tip with regard to getting straightened out is to take the most difficult item on your ‘to do’ list and do it first.

This was a very busy routine and the day was seldom long enough for this one man operation. But I wasn’t without a break: Come the middle of November and the cows were all ‘dried off’ and there was no more milking until they started calving again at the end of the following January. When the milking routine started over again there was one thing that always came as a disappointing surprise to me. I could be up at night with cows calving as well as doing the milking and I had all the time in the world to wonder what I was doing during the ‘dry period?’

name of God I was at during the idle period. I couldn’t remember being ‘idle’ – but most of the list of stuff needing to be done, didn’t get done! I know now it was because I moved down a couple of gears because there was no daily pressure to get anything finished.

You see, throughout the year there would be an ever-increasing list of little jobs waiting to be attended to. I consoled myself with the thought that I would get this ‘rake of things to be done’ cleared over the ten weeks when there wasn’t a cow to be milked.

This seems to be the big lesson of life. Now, same as ever, I have a vague plan of things I am going to do … but I keep pushing the intentions down the road ahead of me.

You’ve guessed it, around this time of year; St Brigid’s Day, I would go around the house and yard, talking to myself and wondering what in the

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These days I have no ‘dry cow period’ up ahead to file resolutions into; but, dear readers, I have an alternative pit to stack the plans into: Whatever it is to be done, I shall do it “when I get straightened out!” When it comes to kicking

the can down the road, this one is a beauty … Call it procrastination if you so wish, but as far back as I can remember there was always something I was going to do, ‘after I got straightened out!’ Nowhere in there was there any clue as to when I would get straightened out and when Mrs Youcanbeserious might enquire as to when she might expect this momentous milestone of my *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

GARDEN FELIX - Crocus, cooking saffron for paella Crocus - yellow strands of cooking saffron - used in paella Crocus bulbs are easy to grow, which are well suited to growing in borders, pots and in lawns, bringing a burst of colour, in either spring or autumn. Carpets of small purple, yellow and white flower crocus make a beautiful display, with spring flowering coming into flower as the sun warms up the soil. Autumn flowering crocuses respond to decreasing soil temperatures. In milder autumns, flowering may not be so vigorous, if the nights aren’t cool enough. Crocus also provide a much-needed source of nectar and pollen, for pollinating insects. Plant crocus corms at a depth of three times their own size, in well draining or very gritty soil in a sunny location, which will multiply once established creating their own colonies. To propagate your collection, dig up large clumps in autumn and split them into smaller ones, or clean-off individual corms and pot-up. Crocus sativus is the saffron crocus that produces a purple flower in the autumn. The bright red style at the centre of the flower produces the delicate yellow strands of cooking saffron, used when making paella. You will need around 150 flowers to produce just one gram of cooking saffron.

But not all of the straightening out list refers to either chores or unpleasant tasks. I dream vaguely of places I have promised myself to see and experiences not yet enjoyed. Somewhere out there in the misty future, all these nice things will come about …. If only I can manage to ‘get straightened out!’ DON’T FORGET You can never get much of anything done unless you go ahead and do it before you are ready Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.


637 227 385

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


NEW CHAIRMAN FOR RBL AS POPPY APPEAL RAISES E120K he Annual General meeting of the Royal British Legion, District North Spain, held rather more significance this year, as it saw a handover of Chairmen, with, after 5 years at the helm, Don Cubbon passing the reins to Alicante Branch member, Jack Kemp.


Jack, of course, is no stranger to the District Committee, holding until very recently, two posts, those of Poppy Appeal Coordinator and Parade Marshall. With the welcome to guests and opening remarks done, the RBL Patron in Spain, Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Hugh Elliott, was the first to address the virtual meeting, in which he thanked the outgoing chairman for his tireless efforts and his excellent direction during his 5 years in post. He said how much he was looking forward to working with Jack Kemp before moving on to congratulate the District Community Support Co-Ordinator, Pamela Twissell Cross, on her award of the MBE in the Queen’s New Year Honours List. He commented on the wonderful work carried out by Pam and her team in support of the hundreds of beneficiaries who had needed RBL assistance during the last 12 months.

Drums. Don highlighted events, the Poppy Appeal Launch in Benidorm, Armed Forces Day in Orihuela Cathedral and the inauguration of the new Memorial in Alicante, saying how each of them had been excellent showpieces for the RBL in Spain during 2021. After the treasurer reported on District Finances the Community Support Co-ordinator, Pam Twissell-Cross outlined the efforts and achievements of her caseworkers, together with the allocation of over 120k to people and families in need, here in Spain. With over 30,000 veterans able to call on the support of the RBL in the District, she appealed for volunteer caseworkers and telephone buddies to supplement her team, which is increasingly being called upon, particularly by people living inland. She said that a full time support worker is now essential in Spain and that she has approached the RBL in London with a request. There followed an announcement of extensions or additions to the District Committee which included Pamela Twissell- Cross, Susan Shaw, Paul Franks, John Watson and Kevin Reardon, after which the long awaited declaration of the total achieved during the 2021 Poppy Appeal Campaign was made by the PAO, Jack Kemp. Jack first gave his thanks to all branches for their unbelievable support and enthusiasm. He singled out St Georges Church in Barcelona, Tina Graham in Menorca and Fiona and Jade in London for their particular help in achieving the magnificent sum of e119,835.02, an increase of over E34k from the previous 12 months.

Lt Col David Whimpenny joined the meeting from the National Arboretum David Whimpenny, an RBL Trustee and Chairman of the National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas, Staffordshire, was the next to speak, reporting on events, activities and achievements held during 2021, the centenary year, including the ‘Telling our story’ campaign and the creation of a digital record by members from across the entire Legion. He spoke of the rebranding exercise which was needed to reach our younger supporters, fundraising, welfare support, the national care homes, a £6 million donation to Combat Stress, as well as branch support in the community, which he said had been provided to over 30,000 people in 31 countries, and included over 10,000 grants. The Chairman, Don Cubbon, followed with his annual report in which he thanked members for their efforts. He spoke of the outstanding work carried out by community support and the tireless exertions of the District’s caseworkers. He thanked the RBL Concert Band in Spain for their efforts, along with the Torrevieja Pipes and

He said that he was absolutely delighted that the community had been able to raise such a marvellous amount, in a year that had seen movement continue to be so severely curtailed.

Business then turned to the annual awards and accolades to those supporters, members and branches that had provided exceptional service. First to be presented were the Chairman’s Citations to members who had provided outstanding service. They were Christine Walden, Maria Bryant, Geoffrey Thomas, Jean Heald, Malcolm Cavendish, Jonathan Knight, Mark Knight, Anthony Edmunds, Pamela Dawes and Pamela Wilding This was followed by The Fallen Hero Award, to the branch showing the highest percentage increase in Poppy Appeal collection per member, which went to the Javea Branch. 2nd Hondon Valley. 3rd Orihuela Costa & District. The Recruiting Kukri was next, awarded to the Branch with the largest membership increase. The recipient was the Alicante Branch. 2nd

Don Cubbon handing over the chair to Jack Kemp Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch. 3rd Murcia

Javea. 3rd Orihuela Costa & District.


The formal transfer of the Chairman’s jewel was

The Chairman’s Bugle, awarded to the Branch

then overseen from Antwerp by the Overseas

which has made the greatest advances in fur-

Member of the Membership Council, Bob

thering the aims and objectives of the Legion,

Chambers, as Don Cubbon made his final

was presented to the Alicante Branch. 2nd

farewell before handing the chair to Jack Kemp.


1958 - Michael Holliday was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'The Story Of My Life.' The song gave writers Burt Bacharach and Hal David their first UK No.1 hit. 1959 - Buddy Holly was buried in Lubbock, Texas. His tombstone reads "Holley", the correct spelling of his given surname and includes pictures of a guitar.

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Tim Rice & Andrew Lloyd-Webber musical Evita. 1980 - The divorce became final between David Bowie and his wife Angie. He won custody of their son Zowie, (now known as Joe), Angie received a £30,000 settlement. 1985 - Matt Monro died from liver cancer at the Cromwell Hospital, Ealing, London. He is known for classics such as ‘Portrait Of My Love’, ‘Walk Away’ and ‘Born Free’. 1992 - Right Said Fred started a three week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'I'm Too Sexy', a No.2 hit in the UK. 1993 - On a special edition of the Oprah Winfrey show, Michael Jackson gave his first TV interview for 14 years, live from his Neverland Valley Ranch.

1967 - The film for the latest Beatles single 'Penny Lane' and 'Strawberry Fields Forever' was shown on BBC-TV's Top Of The Pops. It was the first Beatle’s single not to make No.1 in the UK since 1963, held off the top by Engelbert Humperdinck's 'Release Me.' 1973 - A local charity raised over £500 selling bed sheets and pillowcases used by The Rolling Stones after a show at Western Springs Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand. 1974 - Record producer Phil Spector was injured in a car crash. He needed extensive plastic surgery that dramatically altered his looks. Details of how the accident happened were kept secret. 1977 - Julie Covington was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina', taken from the

No.8. And Sharon Osbourne was voted into 3rd place in the over 50’s section. 2005 - Who singer Roger Daltrey was awarded the CBE by The Queen at Buckingham Palace for services to the music industry. 1998 - The hand-written lyrics to 'Candle in the Wind' by Bernie Taupin were auctioned off at Christie's in LA for £278,512. 2005 - Kylie Minogue was voted the world's sexiest woman in her 30’s by UK magazine Good Housekeeping. Sade was voted No.4 in the over 40’s with Madonna coming in at No.7 and Jerry Hall at

2008 – Amy Winehouse won five prizes at this year's Grammy Awards, including song of the year and record of the year, both for her single 'Rehab', and best new artist. The UK singer was not at the Los Angeles ceremony to collect them due to visa problems. Instead, she made an

acceptance speech by satellite, 2012 – Whitney Houston was found dead in suite 434 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, submerged in the bathtub. Beverly Hills paramedics arrived at approximately 3:30 p.m. and found the singer unresponsive and performed CPR. She was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m. Local police said there were "no obvious signs of criminal intent." It was later ruled by the coroner to have been an "accidental drowning".

Voting irregularities at Benidorm’s Eurovision selection he winning song that was selected at the Benidorm Fest to represent Spain in the upcoming Eurovision Competition is under suspicion for breaching the rules with one of the juror's linked to the singer, Chanel.


There is also a protest by Galicia Podemos, BNG and the CC.OO. Workers' Commission who are demanding explanations from RTVE for possible irregularities in the selection of Chanel as the Spanish representative because, they claim, the lyrics of the winning song don’t meet with the principles of equality. The union believes that "the relationship between members of the jury and the singer Chanel Terrero must be clarified", referring to the professional relationship of the 'SloMo' singer with choreographer, Miryam Benedited, saying that "it must be clear if there is a conflict of interest”. It appears that the choreographer is currently working on a television programme 'Tu cara me suena', a programme in which Chanel has also appeared as a dancer.

As a result, the Board of Directors of RTVE has requested information about the procedure followed for the composition of the jury and the subsequent voting.

Chanel with the mayor of Benidorm, Tony Perez

The corporation also wants to study the song in depth, since according to the regulations of the European Broadcasting Union (UER) at least 35% of the song must be composed in the country's language. According to a first scrutiny, the calculation is that the content in Spanish is 33%. And it get’s better as the messages of the winning lyrics must be in accordance with the codes that regulate the treatment of women, so in this area too they will be subjected to a rigorous and thorough examination. Some advisers maintain that the lyrics of the song may violate these principles. For the moment, however, the organizers of the Benidorm Fest are refusing to comment, stating that they must wait for publication of the full report…… where have I heard that before?

Inflation at 6% for January The National Statistics Office reported that inflation of 6% was recorded in January. The data revealed a slight decrease in inflation as compared to the previous month. However, the electricity prices of January have not been included in the calculation of the CPI because it requires accurate info.

French cross border for fuel Given the fuel price rise in France, motorists are crossing the border to Spain to fill up their tanks. Despite the rising fuel prices in Spain, there was always a 20 cent difference, which makes a €10 difference when filling up 50 ltrs. Since December, the price of a barrel of oil has risen again, from $70 to $90 in France.


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


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ANSWERS Week 904


Dose (7)


Massage (5)


Pull (3)


Harmless (9)


Indecency (11)


Summarise (11)


Infection (9)


Mine (3)


Fragment (5)


Unlawful (7)

CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 11. 13. 14. 16. 18. 20.

Sag (5) Sever (3) Slender (4) Enrage (9) Aptitude (7) Force (6) Unbiased (9) Yield (6) Bill (7) Figure (5) Leer (4) Seed (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 7 Dishonourable; 8 Sediment; 9 Type; 10 Silent; 12 Bleach; 14 Tender; 16 Enmity; 18 Noon; 20 Strength; 22 Determination. DOWN: 1 Lifelike; 2 Thrive; 3 Once; 4 Suitable; 5 Cattle; 6 Slip; 11 Tiresome; 13 Citation; 15 Donkey; 17 Minute; 19 Over; 21 Rung. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Seven-year itch; 8 Educated; 9 Noel; 10 Rinsed; 12 Nicest; 14 Agenda; 16 Lascar; 18 Edit; 20 Lent lily; 22 Driven to drink. DOWN: 1 Needling; 2 Reacts; 3 Eyot; 4 Cardinal; 5 Picnic; 6 Acme; 11 Deadline; 13 Starling; 15 Native; 17 Salary; 19 Dark; 21 Noon.


Mean to hold fifty in wretched state (7)


See 3 Dn.


See 2 Dn.

10. Put back in office to control the country (9) 12. Twofold mistake counting against one in court (6,5) 15. Lady luck (4,7) 17. Maid known to upset females in general (9) 19. See 20 Dn. 21. Heather and I will be in the medley race (5) 22. Difficult circumstances affect artists (7)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. The following are all examples of what: The Dogs, Flag, Control, Smersh, Zep, Gag and The Owsla 2. From 1982-1996, who was the only woman tennis player to win Wimbledon other than Martina Navratilova and Steffi Graf? 3. Which illustrious ship, named after a Roman province, held the Blue Riband from 1907 till 1929? 4. Put the following wars or conflicts in order of estimated casualties, starting with the highest number: a: Vietnam War (1959 - 1975), b: Qing dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty (1616 - 1662), c: Russian Civil War (1917 - 1921), d: World War I (1914 - 1918). 5. According to BBC Radio 2, which hit single from the year 1967 has been the most played song in public places in the last 75 years? 6. NATO gave the ultra modern Russian MiG-29 which codename? 7. Gary Oldman plays the following characters in which films? a. Ivan Korshunov, b. Lee Harvey Oswald, c. DEA officer Norman Stansfield, d. Mason Verger, e. Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg 8. Ilyena Vasilevna Mironov is better known as? 9. An appropriately named stern sail on the rear of an 18th century square rigged ship. 7 letters 10. The following are the national anthems of which countries: a: In

DOWN 1. Fruit from the linden trees (5) 2 & 9Ac. Telegraphists are essential operatives (3,3) 3 & 7Ac. Bert Lee disturbed when getting up the ship’s flag (4,5) 4. The others about to teach self-control (9) 5. How the irritable examinee behaves (7) 8. Order supplies in the depression (6) 11. One-sided tennis game leads to genuine romance (4-5) 13. Birds near the head of babbling streams (6) 14. Relishes thrifty types, we hear (7) 16. They entertain the crowds (5) 18. Message from school sent back (4) 20 & 19Ac. Unfortunate destiny for the ne’er-do-well (3,3)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) Plenty and In Time of Need, b: Mawtini (since 2004), c: La Marcha Real, d: Kimi ga Yo, e: Schweizerpsalm 11. + or - 20 years, when were the first time zones introduced? 12. How many countries border Switzerland? 13. The ramparts that surround which city are the only intact fortified city walls on the North American continent? 14. The following words are from songs with the word 'Moon' in the song title. Can you name them? a. I see earthquakes and lightning, b. We're after the same rainbow's end, c. You saw Brigadoon, I saw the crescent, d. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars, e. And the nights magic seems to whisper and hush. 15. Which rust free cars were built in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland in the late 1970s? 16. Who came back from a ban to score a memorable hat-trick as Italy beat Brazil on the way to winning the 1982 World Cup?17. What name did Hitler wish to give his proposed new World Capital? 18. A capital city and a kind of steel. 8 letters 19. Which astro-physicist's belt surrounds the Earth? 20. What is the UK’s oldest continuous settlement?


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022




you were being pressed for an answer on a television quiz show -one of those where possible responses are already displayed on a large electronic board -- you could most likely guess that the opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice states that a wealthy single man must want a wife.

I've paraphrased that in the interests of my own laziness, but surely it is no longer a truth universally acknowledged. Nowadays, a rich bachelor is more liable to be a young footballer who wants to play the field before producing dribbling children. But even so, he will almost certainly end up with three ex-wives and a fourth prenup in progress. Is that what

is meant by herd immunity?

Good luck with the other questions, by the way. Assuming you know that Neil Armstrong was allegedly the first man on the moon (apart from the Man in the Moon whose face is clearly visible on its surface) you could be on your way to winning a topof-the-range cafetiere. What exactly is herd immunity? Some sort of general amnesty for being like everyone else? Herd immunity sounds like something offered to a cattle rustler, a plea bargain to a lesser charge of stealing three small sheep rather than a whole herdful of heifers. Is herdful even a word? I must stop watching so many old movies. Clint: "Do you feel lucky, punk,

without a booster jab? Do ya believe in nerd immunity? Well, do ya, punk?" Sorry, too many Magnum ice creams. But my point is, the idea of herd immunity is bandied about without too much explanation these days, as if we all know all about it. Is it, for example, the same as 'social immunity,' or 'community immunity,' additional levels of protection arising in social groups, which sounds much more like my sort of thing -- 'Carousers Can't Catch Covid!' or 'Nightclubbers Say No to Nausea!' (Bit optimistic, that one.) And what about the timely reminder from Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers that "Islands in the stream, that's

what we are, and we rely on each other." But how are we going to get our herds together if we all live on different islands? I feel particularly vulnerable, since I can't swim, although my long jump isn't bad, if the islands aren't too far apart. Kenny and Dolly are right, of course, there has never been a time in our lives when we have to rely on each other so much, islands in the stream or not. Vaccination is our watchword. Our passport to future survival, and not just of the fittest. The rest of the herd can mosey along too, provided they remember to bring their immunity with them. What's that old saying? Two herds are better than one.


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


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Never mind the Quality s time goes on one’s clothing wears out, I am told it is something to do with the washing and the cleaning that does it - perhaps one should stop that?


The replacement of garments in that worn out state, is not very difficult when choosing size, as the new will be the same as the old, and as one has been wearing the same size for years, then it is easy to make a decision.

AP-7 Concessionaire seeks extension to its contract

The knickers had passed their use by date and may I add, lack of support date. One of our pastimes is to visit the Sunday Market, and so it was, wandering around in the sun. It seemed like a message from somewhere as there was a stall with dozens of Calvin Klein men’s pants laid out. They were in packets of three pairs and eye-catching as they were heavily reduced in price from forty-nine Euros down to ten. With a little eagerness there was my size, with two x’s, and I happily parted with my money. Of course, if they are that cheap there is something wrong. It is a case of ‘mind the quality not the width.’ They had all the markings of the brand, they looked exactly like other CK’s products, but when they came to size, then I would have to lose two or three stones to be able to get into them. Anyone want two pairs of small unused CK pants plus one I tried to get into? Disappointed, but onwards and upwards, with certainty I entered the web site of that other famous name M & S, which had Pants and knickers by the thousand – alright not so many. The order of a pack of three of supporting underwear, with the two x’s, arrived a few days later. As the original were now getting threadbare it was with a little excitement unravelling the packet. Once again the old saying, although reversed, ‘mind the quality not the width’ – these were the opposite to the CK ones, I would have to put on two or three stone for them to fit – anyone want two pair of M&S pants, large size?

The pandemic has cut the company's income by 34% in the first year of the pandemic increasing its losses to 1.9 million euros Minnie now wears a dark blue jumpsuit.

Remaking Snow White Sometimes I find it a little difficult to understand people. I refer to the new order sweeping the Western World, as it appears they think that everything that happened a long time ago, no matter how ancient, old and loved, must fit in with modern thought, which is dangerous, non-progressive and destructive to the way we live. The latest episode which to my mind is not very funny, and perhaps very sad. Disney is making a remake of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and their spokesman, Peter Dinklage, thinks the original is ‘backwards’ and it should be remade to ‘avoid reinforcing stereotypes.’ It appears there is no thought, and I appreciate others may think differently, of the accolades the film has received over the years, and which was originally shown in 1937, the first full length animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney. At the time it’s construction was raved about as it was the first such production. The story of the film is based on the 1812 German fairy tale of the ‘Brothers Grimm.’ So, the tale itself has history. The film ‘Snow White’ was nominated for the ‘Best Musical Score’ in 1938 and in 1989 it was deemed to be ‘culturally, historical and aestheti-

cally significant’ and was selected to be one of the first films for preservation in the ‘National Film Registry.’ In 1990 it was produced as a home video and in 2008 it was nominated as ‘the best American animated film of all time.’ None of that now matters it would seem because it may be upsetting to the dwarf community – which, I think, is a bit late to think of. However, the report says the new film will put seven small people out of work as they will not be using them, so it seems they are not too worried about them either. There is another account that says Disney is also looking at changing the image of ‘Micky and Minnie,’ two much loved animated creatures by children and adults alike. The plan, no coloured garments with Minnie wearing a dark blue jumpsuit, similar to a hijab without the head piece. All right that is a little exaggeration – but hopefully I have made the point. I feel it is uncomfortable and a little pointless, digging up wording from the past, changing nursery rhymes so they lose their original meaning. Will it ever end? It would not surprise me if the film ‘Titanic’ was remade because it is too horrifying and sexist. The new one will have the ship surviving the journey and arriving in New York to a gala, with bands playing and garlands of flowers.

The Jolly boat ‘Partygate’ My guess is that everyone is sick of ‘Partygate’ and all the other rumours and nonrumours which are blighting the U.K. Government. This pollution of words from many different groups, all trying to make a point of their own legitimacy, while endeavouring to bring personalities down. They also neutralise the administration’s ability to command. I think that the current Prime Minister and Cabinet have had a hard time bringing the country through Brexit, with all its difficulties, followed by the pandemic, together with the constant bombardment of criticism - the running of the country has taken second place. One of my favourite phrases ‘be careful about what you wish for’ applies in these troubled times, for if the Government does fall there would be total turmoil and another period of turmoil. My view! People working in a bubble during the day, why shouldn’t they relax with a bottle or two - a case of wine does not go very far amongst a group of people. TAKE CARE. chattey ‘The Biltz’ a personal story pf that time available through Amazon and Kindle

The concessionaire of the AP-7 motorway that connects Alicante with Torrevieja and Cartagena, Ausur, is taking advantage of Royal Decree-Law 26/2020 on economic reactivation measures against the impact of covid-19 to request compensation for the fall in traffic and income that it suffered as a result of the state of alarm and travel restrictions introduced to curb the pandemic. This is reflected by the company in the annual accounts for the 2020 financial year, which reflect a significant increase in the company's losses, which now show 1.9 million euros. The decree enables compensation the holders of public concessions for the consequences derived from covid, in restoring the "economic balance of the contract", either by modifying the contract, or providing an extension to the term of the concession, the route for the that Ausur has chosen. The company, that was awarded the construction and operation of the AP-7 motorway in 1998 for a period of 50 years, has asked to extend this period for a maximum of 235 and a minimum of 74 days, to compensate it for the losses caused by the restrictions. The reduction in mobility caused by the pandemic and the fall in tourism meant a cut in Ausur's income of more than 34% in 2020, going from the 13.7 million with which it closed 2019 to just over nine million. The company itself has said that the movement of light vehicles fell by 40.77% and that of trucks by around 6%. Despite everything, the concessionaire achieved a positive operating result, but the financial expenses of its large debt led to a negative final result. As such the company's losses went from just 72,000 euros in 2019 to 1.9 million last year.

Calls for dismissal of Barceló The Partido Popular in Orihuela will present a motion at the next ordinary plenary session (council meeting) in February that requests the support of their coalition partner and the opposition groups for the dismissal of the Valencia Community Minister of Health, Ana Barcel , for "the disastrous management of health that is being seen in the two health areas of the Vega Baja.” The PP considers it absolutely shameful that the demands of workers in the Orihuela Hospital have been completely ignored, "showing that economic interests prevail over health." The PP also question her commitment to the expansion of the Orihuela hospital centre "repeatedly promised since 2018, and again before the 2019 electoral campaign."


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GREAT SKIN It's fashionable to be green - and when it comes to skin care, it might even be life-saving. Do you really want to risk your health for the sake of a flawless face? t's been calculated that women who use make-up on a daily basis are absorbing almost 2.25kg of chemicals a year through their skin.


Most of those prettily packaged creams and lotions are a cocktail of dozens of chemicals, including fragrances, preservatives, artificial colourings and mineral oil. Some are irritants which can trigger eczema or dermatitis, some are carcinogenic, some cause genetic mutations, and others can disrupt our hormonal, nervous and immune systems. And when US researchers studied thirty-three brand-name lipsticks, they found that three in five of them also contained lead - a very potent brain poison. So declare your bathroom a chemical-free zone, and stock up on skincare products based as far as possible on plants, fruits and essential oils. Declare your bathroom a chemical-free zone

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022

There are a growing number of 'green and natural' skincare ranges on the market, some of them organic, made using a minimum of synthetic chemicals, if any. And some of the best and most effective skin treatments flower waters, natural oils, herbs - don't even need clever formulation, just a reliable supplier.


You can turn it into a customised beauty treatment by steeping herbs in it.

HERE’S AN IDEA FOR YOU ........ Need a quick pick-me-up for greasy or dull-looking skin? Make up some peppermint tea, using just half a cup of boiling water to a tea bag. Cool it with ice cubes, then spritz it onto your face.

Long before the cosmetic industry invented itself, women the world over were using natural oils from local plants both to cleanse and nourish their skins jojoba and coconut, olive and avocado among them. These oils work to peel off dirt, dead cells and old make-up, while preserving the skin's natural acid mantle which protects and lubricates it. They're also filled with natural antioxidants, to counter the freeradical activity which can age and damage skin, and essential fatty acids to feed your skin. Just film a tiny amount of your chosen oil all over your face and very gently massage it in. Leave it for a couple of minutes - or while you soak in a bath - then remove with damp cotton wool. It will leave your skin clean, smooth and moist, and needing no extra moisturiser. Choose the best-quality cold pressed and organic oil, and use it up while it's fresh.

Put a big handful of clean, dry and fresh herbs, or 30g of dried herb, in a large preserving jar. Cover with a litre of apple cider vinegar, seal and store in a dark place for three to four weeks, then strain off into a clean stoppered jar and label it carefully. Marigold flowers, geranium leaves, lavender, chamomile flowers, lemon balm or limeflowers all make lovely vinegars. 'The skin is, or should be, the expression of one's good health, so if you want to help nature a little by caring for your skin, use nothing but biological cosmetics, especially those of natural plant origin, since they stimulate and support the skin's natural functions. Other cosmetics are little more than paint.

ALFRED VOGEL, The Nature Doctor

Chamomile flowers

For dry, sensitive or ageing skin use almond, sesame, coconut or avocado oil; for normal skin, olive or jojoba, and for greasy or problem skin, sunflower or coconut oil. Two exceptional oils, to apply to freshly cleaned skin, and both fairly new to the Western market, are argan oil from Morocco and Rosa mosqueta oil, from the hips of a wild Chilean rose. Argan oil has been used for centuries by Moroccan women to rehydrate ageing or sun-dried skin, or to treat skin scarred by acne or chickenpox. Rosa mosqueta is building itself a dazzling reputation for its ability to reduce scarring, wrinkles and sunspots, and improve the skin's natural elasticity. In a fascinating trial carried out by two Chilean skin specialists, twenty women aged between twenty and thirty-five, who spent summers at the beach, were given Rosa mosqueta and asked to apply it daily from May to August. Despite their sun exposure, surface wrinkles smoothed and sun spots almost disappeared. By the end of the trial, the faces of the women still looked smooth and fresh. Apple cider vinegar leaves skin soft and smooth. Add a good splash of it to a basin of it to a basing of cold water and rinse your face in it for a wonderful morning reviver.



Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


637 227 385

Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits

HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet

at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast

Self Employed Experienced Car Salesman - No employment contract required. An experienced new and used car salesman looking for full or part time work in the costa blanca area. Fully autonomous I can run your showroom or car front or just help out during busy periods or cover holidays with 5 star customer service. Also available for driven vehicle collection and delivery across Europe and the UK. Please call or email for more info: 0034 680 299 927 (906)

MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The February Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 17 Feb at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa

Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361.

PERSONAL Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332

Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appt. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834

CARLA... SO SWEET ARGENTINIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.

Tel. 643 73 01 29

LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).

Tel. 604 111 457


Tel. 603 375 215

637 227 385


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


Adrian 2 x 100, 80 was determined to be the victor this time but MOTM Simone (102, 79, 81, 18-20-D10) did the dastardly deed again in a total of 18 darts. Solomons' 100, D3 secured the Horrors a place in the final (7 -4) in the penultimate singles but Sharon Marshall nabbed the highest score of the night (140) in the last one Which captain Forest nailed for a fulltime 8-4 .


3 (4) -7 (8) Tipsy Toad Toppers 5-7 Mind the Gap

AUXILIARY CUP SEMI-FINALS Wee Rock Horrors Freakie Taverners

See you again next week boys, leave the light on!

7 (8)-4 Tipsy Toad Tiaras 2 (4)-7 (8) Hub Hyenas


Andy Rutter (Tipsy Toppers) 180

League Table at end of first-half season DIVISION 1 Mind The Gap El Capitan Hub Hyenas Tipsy Toad Toppers Cc's Flyers Ale House Lads Danny's Bar Milos

P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Pts 29 27 25 21 21 21 19 15

Legs 153 135 127 120 120 106 111 88

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

14 14 13 9 6 4 2 0

101 86 82 57 52 44 40 34

DIVISION 2 Boris' Bears Wee Rock Horrors Freakie Taverners Tipsy Toad Tiaras Domino's Desperados Hub Hellraisers Ale House Totties Pint Depot Queens



Gordan Cowan and Salt T16, D8, made it four without reply, Ed Klimonis claiming a 100. The tide turned in the 5th, Andreas Lliamazares 97,95 and Olly Walker 100, 85, 99, D10, followed by a Chris Logan 50 out, reduced Gap's lead to two at the break. Nigel Justice 100, 91, added a 3rd for the Caps, before Paul Moody nudged the Gap closer to victory with a 121 and 60 out. Walker faced Brown in the 9th leg which was over in a blistering 3 minutes, Walker 140,137, D16, victorious, Brown, 81,100,99 sitting on a shot. Salt18, D20 made it 4-6, Vycka Bobinas 100,85,97, D1 ensuring the match went to the last leg. Cowan ensured the game didn't require a 13th lg 1001 team decider by outscoring a spirited Chris Logan performance with 95,100,100,81 and double. MOTM - Walker - Wright.

Lee Maiden's D10 in the 5th singles was the Toad's passport to K.O.Cup victory, where they will face Mind the Gap in the final.

The victorious Horrors

Mark Ellis 100, D16 squared the match and followed with a 140 in the 3rd, John Rodford 100,81, outing on D16. Sheelah Cooper 111 and Ernie Willis 100 answering for Freakies. Willis made it 2 apiece with John Boden, before Eric Manders D10 and Ellis 140, D20 opened a 2-4 lead. Alex Nikolov throwing 100,121, Bryan Livsey 100,120,80 and Frain unlucky to miss a double opportunity. The lads took all the triples, courtesy of ex-Topper Graham Solomons (2 x 100, D4, 20-D10) and Adrian Coates (100, D4). The Tiaras fought back hard in the pairs with Sharon Marshall and Elizabeth Cowan (92, 100, D5) taking the first from Solomons and Joe Cuyt, and then Simone de Lacy (81, 100) and Pat Schofield (D5) taking the second from super stars Coates and Billy Dolling. Wendy Hayward and Sharon Crane (105) almost brought it to 3 apiece but Andy Forest and Tony Spiers (135, D18) just managed to put it to bed first.

Lisa Ivill (95, 3-D14) made it all still possible and then Simone faced Adrian in a rematch of the shoot-out in the first half season.

An abundance of decent scores from the Caps in the triples proved worthless, as the Gap raced to a 0-3 lead via Sam Salt 100, 125, D18, D2 and Bliss Wright D5. James Brown throwing a couple of tons for good measure.

John Boden and Alan Havelock Last week’s newly crowned UniBet Masters champion Joe Cullen was a first round victim of Clayton 6-2. Night 2 this week moves on to Liverpool, where the eight darts superstars will be striving for the winners 5 points and £10,000 bonus.

Alan Walker scored heavily with Lesley Lumb to take the 1st pairs, Steve Lumb 100, D2 adding a 3rd leg, despite a Rutter 140. Andy Gildea planted a D20 in the final pair for 3-3.


Hyenas rattled off the required 3 legs for victory in the singles, John Eyre D20, Rodford 100, 100, D20, Alan Havelock, 100, 100, 100, D16, taking the honours. Ellis added D2 for the Hyenas, Mitch Halliday 125, and Boden two consolation legs for Freakies. MOTM Boden - Havelock.

Tony (100, D1) and MOTM Billy (T20-D8) so very narrowly claimed the victory over Eliz and Pat to bring the score line to a tantalising 6-2 to the Horrors. but the Tiaras weren't ready to slide just yet.

The Toad got off to a flyer via a 180 and D1 from Andy Rutter in the first, Dannys cancelling the lead with a D5 and a couple of tons from Steve Hodgett. Rutter 100, Maiden 121 and another D1 from Hugh Galloway restored Toad's advantage.

Unexpectedly Toad reeled off the first four singles through Gildea D20, Rutter100, 140, D16, Galloway 133, D2 and Maiden for the match, Walker unlucky to face a rampant Gildea. John Giggs 140, 100, D13 and Paddy Winterbourne 121,100, D10 completing the remaining legs. MOTM - Rutter - Giggs.

Wee Rock enjoys an excellent throw and both sides made good use of the facility. Freakies nicking the 1st leg courtesy of John Boden 133,95, D1 and Sharon Frain 95.

Bliss Wright and Olly Walker

AUXILIARY CUP WEE ROCK HORRORS V TIPSY TOAD TIARAS VENUE - C.C.'s The Horrors were ready and waiting for the Tiaras at host venue CC's, practicing away in their neon yellow attire, surely a distraction tactic?

World champion Peter Wright opened night 1 of the 2022 Premier League with a resounding victory over local lad Jonny Clayton. A crowd of 4000 packed Cardiff's Motorpoint Arena to witness his demolition of Clayton 6-1 in the final, averaging an outstanding 113.02. Wright had earlier beaten Michael Smith 6-3 and Gary Anderson 6-5 to reach the final. The new format competition sees Wright at the top of the league table on 5 points, Clayton 2nd on 3.

Pick of the 1st round games, Wright v Michael van Gerwen and Gerwyn Price v Gary Anderson.


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022

San Luis Bowls Club by Sheila Cammack Following the washout of our club competition semi-finals on the previous weekend; play went ahead in beautiful sunshine, on 29th & 30th. Progressing to the finals are, Men’s singles: Neil Morrison v Scott Malden. Ladies singles: Jane Hamill v Chris Jackson. Men’s pairs: Ralph Jones & Lyndon Johnson v Peter Ayres & Bob Bromley. Ladies pairs: Jane Hamill & June Jones v Cas Blay & Pam Lockett. Mixed pairs: Helen Hammond & Scott Malden v Pauline & Lyndon Johnson. Mixed triples: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones v Tricia Reilly, Tony Campbell, Pat Reilly. Monday 31st South Alicante League: Enterprise Div. A the Klingons were away at Vistabella v the Albatrosses. The afternoon wind was warm but that made the battle even more hard work! Points 4-6, close shots 61-68. Winners:

Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 19-14, Tricia Reilly, Vic Mahomet, Pat Reilly 23-17. The Trekkers were away v Emerald Isle Neptunes and after some close fought games, came away with 2 points-8, 60 shots-81. Well done: Dave Notely, Stuart Wilson, Steve Penfold 19-16. Our Winter League team, Wednesday 2nd at home v Benitachell had a close fought match but we won the shots 82-58, giving us a useful 6points-4 win. Winners: Giuseppe Galelli, Bill Webb, Pam Lockett, Scott Malden 33-5, Ralph Jones, Tricia Reilly, Lyndon Johnson, Pat Reilly 18-15. Friday 4th Southern League Div A. the Lions, had a good match home v Greenlands Oaks, taking 8points -2, 72 shots-57. Winners: Sheila

SOUTH ALICANTE WINTER TRIPLES Week 13 - Monday 31st January ENTERPRISE DIVISION San Miguel Beagles 62 (3) Quesada Pearls 103 (10) Greenlands Sycamores 85 (8) La Siesta Apollos 62 (2) Vistabella Albatrosses 68 (6)

Quesada Pearls Vistabella Albatrosses Emerald Isle Titans San Luis Klingons San Miguel Beagles Greenlands Maples La Siesta Apollos San Miguel Alsations Greenlands Sycamores El Rancho Pintos

P 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Emerald Isle Titans 63 (7) San Miguel Alsations 39 (0) El Rancho Pintos 56 (2) Greenlands Maples 76 (8) San Luis Klingons 61 (4) W 36 34 28 30 24 27 25 21 15 13

D 0 1 3 0 5 0 0 1 2 2

L 16 17 21 22 23 25 27 30 35 37

Diff Diff 406 185 145 40 45 88 -74 -188 -242 -405

Pts 94 89 77 73 72 66 62 48 38 31

DISCOVERY DIVISION Vistabella Drivers 69 (8) La Marina Explorers 74 (6) San Miguel Dalmations 95 (10) La Siesta Pioneers 59 (3) Emerald Isle Neptunes 81 (8)

La Marina Pathfinders 57 (2) Quesada Diamonds 60 (4) Emerald Isle Moonrakers 53 (0) Country Bowls Flamingos 61 (7) San Luis Trekkers 60 (2)

P W D L Country Bowls F’gos 13 40 3 9 Quesada Diamonds* 13 33 1 18 La Marina Pathfinders 13 27 3 22 La Marina Explorers 13 27 2 23 Vistabella Drivers * 13 27 1 24 San Miguel Dalmations 13 25 3 24 Emerald Isle Neptunes 13 22 1 29 La Siesta Pioneers 13 19 3 30 San Luis Trekkers 13 16 2 34 Emerald Isle Moonrakers 13 14 1 37 * 2) deducted for failing to field a full side

Diff Diff 247 191 121 162 -4 42 -61 -57 -272 -369

Pts 107 81 75 74 69 67 55 49 38 31

VOYAGER DIVISION Country Bowls Seahawks 76 (8) Greenlands Chestnuts 72 (2) El Rancho Raiders 87 (8) Vistabella Buggies 50 (2) P W D L Greenlands Chestnuts 9 25 2 9 Country Bowls Seahawks 9 22 1 13 Quesada Rubies 8 18 0 14 Vistabella Eagles 8 15 1 16 La Siesta Sputnicks 8 14 2 16 El Rancho Raiders 9 11 1 24 Vistabella Buggies ** 9 11 1 24 ** 5) deducted for failing to field a full side

Diff Diff 229 101 59 -3 -57 -108 -221

Pts 68 61 44 41 34 27 20

Cooper, Tony Campbell, Stewart Hamill 18-10, Helen Hammond, Bill Webb, Scott Malden 21-8, Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 25-15. Div B. Tigers away at Greenlands, had a hard fought match against a strong Cedars team; 55 shots-65, just taking 2 points-8 but so close to Bob’s team gaining another 2 points. Winners: Sue Ross, Neil Cox, Brenda Brown. We welcome new members; & offer a range of membership fees for 12, 7 or 3 (Brexit) months. Come and watch on match days, join in Saturday morning “Chicken Drives” or speak with Club Captain, June Jones (contact info. below) for more information or to arrange coaching. Just a reminder that we are holding a 2-day OPEN MIXED TRIPLES TOURNAMENT over the weekend of 8th & 9th April. Entries to Keith Jones: tel: 691 903 773, by 11th March.

El Rancho Bowls Club Monday morning found the Raiders entertaining the Vistabella Buggies and put in a splendid performance in taking 3 rinks and the overall shots. Sheila Millward, Brian Gilham and Jim Eastwood 23-13. Sue Ziepe, Adrian Ham and Steve Ziepe 9-24. Val Ryder, Ron Greenstreet and Judy Foley 26-8. Barbara Jones, Colin Fleming and Geoff Jones 29-5. The Pintos were at Greenlands playing

La Siesta Bowls ... By Alan Carr Division (A) The Blues had an afternoon game at Country Bowls playing the Geckos, the game came to an end with us managing to hold on for a win on one rink courtesy of Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper who secured two points (Shots 2220). Result 2-8 (Shots 58-94). Division (B) The Golds on a nice sunny day at La Siesta played an inform team the Quesada Swans who won convincing collecting all of the points to make it a dull day for the Golds, well played Swans. (Shots 43-92). Division (C) The Silvers travelled to Greenland’s for their afternoon game hoping to get a result from the Elms, but it ended up being another bad result for the La Siesta teams by taking heavy defeats on all rinks. (Shots 40-107). Enterprise The Apollos welcomed Greenland’s Maples for their morning game which saw Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper win on their rink quite comfortable (Shots 22-8) but the rest of our teams were not able to put their noses in front to claim any more points. The game ended 2-8 (Shots 62-76). Discovery The Pioneers had an afternoon game at La Siesta playing host

637 227 385


Greenlands Bowls Club with Dave Webb In the Voyager division, The Chestnuts were away to Country Bowls Seahawks. Final scores were - Total shots for - 72, total shots against - 76. Points for - 2, points against 8. In the Enterprise Division, the Sycamores were at home to El Rancho Pintos. Final scores were - total shots for - 85, total shots against - 56. Points for - 8, points against 2. Also in the Enterprise Division, the Maples were away to La Siesta. final scores were total shots for - 76, Total shots against - 62. Points for - 8, points against - 2. In the Winter League, Greenlands were at home to Bonalba. Final scores were - total shots for - 75, total shots against - 59, Points for - 6, points against - 4.

the Sycamores who took full advantage of the home mat and won 3 rinks and the overall shots, but certainly on our rink we had a good match and enjoyed ourselves and hopefully the rest did too.

nent when combined with their home mat.

Chris Ziepe, John Ziepe and Bob Day 1119. Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 23-15. Lesley Day, Ngaio Baldwin and Pete Baldwin 9-24. Ria Rukker, Diane Yates and Henry Ryder 13-27.

The Bulldogs took all the rinks and the overall shots by a large margin. Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 15-18. John Richards, Ngaio Baldwin and Pete Baldwin 3-38. Lesley Day, Pam Harris and Henry Ryder 8-21. Chris Ziepe, John Ziepe and Bob Day 10-43.

On Friday morning the Broncos had a Bye whilst the Mustangs were at San Miguel playing the Bulldogs, a strong team, proving to be too difficult an oppo-

Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at

Members Run Club

to the league leaders Country Bowls Flamingos. The game ended with a result of 3-7 with a win on one and a draw on another, the winning team being; Irene Laverick, Wendy & Alan Ralph (Shots 18-14) with Skip Sue Jordans team holding on and taking one point for a draw. The remaining rinks could have gone either way which is reflected in the overall (Shots 59-61). Winter League La Siesta welcomed Javea who had travelled from the north of Alicante for this match. Throughout the game nobody could have forecasted who the winners were going to be as some of the rinks went very close going into the final ends. The game finished level both teams taking two rinks apiece with the result being 4-6. Rinks won by; Alan Carr, Pat Moore, Tony & Val Dalton (Shots 19-16). Judy Carroll, Tracey Paffett, Jim Jarvie & Dave Blackie (Shots 16-15) with the overall (Shots 57-80) going to the visitors. Interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club. If so call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will give you further information.

SAN MIGUEL BOWLS - Barry Jones On Monday San Miguel Dalmations were home to Emerald Isle Moonrakers, winning 10 - 0, 95 shots to 53. Best winning triple were Anne Young, Barbara Scotthern and Dave Young 28 - 11 Miguel Alsations were away to Quesada Pearls where they lost 10 - 0, 39 shots to 103. Also on Monday San Miguel Beagles were home to Emerald Isle Titans losing 7 -3, 63 shots to 62. The best winning triple were Alan Paterson, Margaret Patterson and Ron Nairey 16 - 3. On Friday morning San Miguel Bulldogs were home to El Rancho Mustangs winning 10 - 0, 120 shots to 36. The best winning triple were Noel Davis, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire 38 - 3. Also on Friday afternoon San Miguel Boxers were away to La Manga Crusaders where they won 10 0, 120 shots to 40. The winning triple were Ann Young, Dave Young and Derek Farmer 35 - 11. A polite reminder to all bowlers, whilst COVID restrictions remain all bowlers (including visiting teams) must carry a valid COVID passport plus I.D. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118


637 227 385


Alan Whitley, Stuart Allman 21-13, Frank Barclay, Stan Dibble, Derek Stevenson 16-15, Shots 69-57 Points 8-2.

With Brian Zelin

Vistabella Buggies Division C, were Away to El Rancho Raiders, Winning on just 1 Rink, Shots 50-87 Points 2-8.

Hi all, This weeks report on how the Vistabella teams have done. Monday 31st January, Vistabella Albatrosses Division A, were at Home to San Luis Klingons, Winning on 2 Rinks plus the Shots. Sue Kemp, Tony French, Brian Zelin 21-7, Kath Reid, Maggie Furness, Ian Kenyon 16-12, Shots 68-61 Points 6-4. Vistabella Drivers Division B, were at Home to La Marina Pathfinders, Winning on 3 Rinks, Olwyn Radcliffe, Brian Pointon, Brian Dunn 21-17, Barry Tarling,


by Elwyn Morris

Titans kicked off the week away at San Miguel Beagles and had a fine 7-3 Aggregate 63-62 win. N Prior G Ponsford D Gerrard 17-14, L Ponsford C Smyth J Smyth 18-17, S Kavanagh J Pooley A M Gerrard drew 15-15 Neptunes played at home against San Luis Trekkers and got a great 8-2 Aggregate of 81-60 win, B Taylor B Smith P Heaney 24-10, G Dyer S Johnson I Grimshaw 23-15, J Mulloy J Loughran T Upham18-16 Wednesday brought El Cid to the Isle in the Winter League and the Isle remain top after a fine 8-2 Aggregate 81-49 win

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022

Torrevieja Darts Ladies Org League Format Week 4

Friday 4th February, Vistabella Lanzadores Division A, were Away to La Siesta Blues, Winning on just 1 Rink. Kath Reid, Martin Foulcer, Ian Kenyon 24-9, Shots 68-74. Points 2-8. Vistabella Picadors Division B, were at Home to Emerald Isle Outlaws, Winning on all 4 Rinks, Barry Tarling, Sue Wilson, Stuart Allman 28-11, Stan Dibble, Freddie Willey, Paul Durham 19-8, Ron Smith, John Goddard, Brian Dunn 18-14, Frank Barclay, Brian Pointon, Derek Stevenson 29-17, Shots 94-50. Points 10-0.

Racing Toast


Tipsy Tigers

Friendly Chicas





Friendly Temps

Dolly Mixtures


Gap Girlz

Friendly Temps


Racing Toast




Gap Girlz


25 21

Wk 3



Cavaliers where at home against second placed Country Bowls Geckos and they had a fine 10-0 Aggregate 99-41 win, A M Gerrard C Smyth J Smyth 28-7, S Kavanagh M Veale D Gerrard 30-15, S Verity D Jones C Lindgren 20-7, L Ponsford G Ponsford J Pooley 21-12

Tipsy Tigers



Friendly's Temps



Claymores where home to La Siesta Golds and got a 7-3 Aggregate 82 -65 win, G Dyer S Johnson I Grimshaw 23-8, S Ellis J Loughran M O’dell 25-12 Outlaws travelled to Vistabella Picadores and were beaten 0-10 Aggregate of 50-94 Remember SAPS on Sat at 1pm, 5 Euros 2 hours bowling fun with tuition



Macklin's Dolly Mixtures



Friendly's Chicas






Racing Toast



Hot Darts: Yvonne Rouffingac (GG) 171, 100, Margaret Boden (RT) 135 (Wk 3)104, Simone de Lacy (TT) 133, Cynthia Jevons (GG) 126, Gail Murray (GG 125, 103 Chelsea Campbell (GG) 125 100's - Elizabeth Cowan (TT), Amanda Skinner (GG), Sue Wade (FT), Sharon Frain (PD), Pat Schofield (TT) Highest Check-out Gail Murray (TT) T20-19-D12 103

A trip down memory lane for long standing member Deirdre Leeming’

Diamonds are also having a good season, currently lying 2nd in the Discovery division. Over at La Marina, the girl's best friend (as once sung so sensually by the goddess Marilyn Monroe) took on the Explorers. The game finished 6-4 to the hosts, thanks to victories to these 2 rinks D Benson, S Jakeman, A Benson 2112. C Skinner, P Farrell, G Skinner 18-13. Due to teams pulling out of the league, Rubies had a free week. Swallows played their Southern league Div A match at La Marina in temperatures bordering mid 20s C. Against the Sharks, they not only won on 2 rinks, but secured overall shots by 74-68, thanks to these little beauties - C Skinner, M Highland, G Skinner 19-10. G Carnell, V Campbell, F Roberts 21-17.

A comprehensive 10-0 home victory over San Miguel Alsations, sent Pearls 5 points clear at the top South Alicante league Enterprise division. I don´t know who did what, but courtesy of Levante Lawn Bowls impressive website page, I do know that the shots difference was a resounding 103-39.

Torrevieja Winter Pool League Division one leaders Bar Next Door remain top on 18 points, despite suffering a 6-3 away defeat against Unity Bar in week 11 of the 2021-22 season. Quiet Man reduced Bar Next Door's lead by two points, following a 7-2 home victory against Santana A. Britannia A defeated Fire Station Black Watch 5-4, with Terreza defeating Office Aces 5-4. In division two Santana B defeated Britannia B 6-3, Mi Sol returned a 5-4 win at home against Marie's Rendezvous. Fire Station Green Watch defeated The Courtyard A 6-3, Office Bulls defeated Bar 6 5-4, with Murphs racking up an 8-1 home win against Racing Toast II. In division three Mickeys Bar defeated Oasis away 5-4 to top the table on 16 points, with second placed Laguna, also on 16 points, returning an 81 away win at third placed Thirsty Boot. The Courtyard B 6 defeated The George 6-3, with Reflections gaining a 6-3 home win against visitors Irish Abbey. Dejavu (bye).

A home fixture against La Marina Seagulls, resulted in a 8-2 victory to the Swans. As the visitors could only field 3 rinks, these 2 winning rinks completed the scoring - G Kershaw, A Linley, B Armstrong 18-14. S & D Barnes, T Voisey 28-12. Div C side Swifts had another day of contemplating each other’s navels.

Carp R Us The Rio Segura at Jacarilla/Bigastro was the venue for Round Seven of the Carp-r-Us Winter/Spring Series. The banks were still frosty when the stretched was pegged out but with temperatures expected to rise to the low 20´s and the river looking in good condition, a pleasant The Rio Segura day’s fishing was at Jacarilla expected. However, as seems to be the case on all venues at the moment, the fishing was extremely poor. Steve Fell again ran out winner with just 2.70kg caught on maggot feeder close in from end peg 9. Second again was Terry Screen again using a feeder and maggots from peg 2 to take 1.53kg. Third was Nick Bastock with 1.36kg from peg 6, using the same method and fourth with 0.99kg was Willy Moons using method feeder and corn. For info, visit our website

Lo Crispin Golf Society Thirty members, including a number playing for 'Handicap' and 3 guests competed for the Society's Committee Trophy. The format was an individual stableford competition. The sun shone throughout the day and the wind was not too troublesome, most of the time. Indeed the conditions were almost perfect for golf. That said however, many of the flags were placed in difficult to access areas of the greens. This coupled with the invariably slick place of most of the greens made good scores difficult to achieve.

We returned to Lo Crispin Tavern,as per usual, where quality Tapas was served by the ever helpful staff and the day's prizes distributed. Gold Division 1st. Place - Ray Brown 25 pts. off 15 2nd. Place - Bob Berry 24 pts. off 14 3rd. Place - Richard Brady 23 pts. off 19 Silver Division 1st. Place - Sue Smith 31 pts. off 33 (Winner of the Committee Trophy) 2nd. Place - Margaret O'Brien 28 pts. off 40

3rd. Place - Julie King 27 pts. off 41 N.T.P. on Par 3s Hole 3 - Carl Rodell, Hole 7 - Paul Flanaghan, Hole 13 - Jon Osborn, Hole 16 - Jon Osborn The 2's pot was claimed by our Treasurer Paul Flanaghan, converting his near hole in one shot on Hole 7 with a straightforward little putt ! Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by one of our stalwart members, John Dunnion. Our next game at El Plantio on the 16th. March is also an individual stableford competition. By Stephen Harrington.


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022

637 227 385


Last year paragliders had uninterrupted views of the action at the U.S. Open

LUKE LIST finished his round with a share of the lead in the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines but had to wait nearly two hours before re-emerging onto the South Course to claim his first career PGA Tour win after 206 career starts, edging out Will Zalatoris in a playoff. Torrey Pines Gliderport, used by the gliding and paragliding enthusiasts of San Diego, is situated about 1000 ft from the 12th green of the South Course. With consistent easterly winds, high cliffs and year-round sunshine, the area is ideal for San Diego's adopted sport. The Gliderport was officially opened in 1930 and soon afterwards Charles Lindbergh made the first-ever sailplane flight over the cliffs. Last year paragliders had uninterrupted views of the action at the U.S. Open. Apparently the best view of the course is obtained by jumping off the cliff. Will Zalatoris probably felt like finding out. LIV GOLF INVESTMENTS, a start-up company of which Greg Norman is CEO, is committing more than $200 million over the next decade to a new 10-tournament series, which will be added to the Asian Tour schedule, with a minimum tournament purse of $1million. Sky Sports and BT Sport are currently jostling for the UK broadcasting rights to the series, which will take place across Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Greg Norman says: “This is only the begin-

Mike Probert talks Golf

ning," amid rumours that he will head a new Saudi-funded breakaway golf league. Although players have been threatened with a ban from the PGA Tour should they defect, it's rumoured Dustin Johnson, Brooks Koepka, Phil Mickelson and Justin Rose have received offers of $30 to $50million to compete in individual and team events.. Greg Norman told interviewers: “All players are independent, they can play where they want, so something has got to give. We’re not ruling out some kind of legal battle.” Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund, which helped bankroll the takeover of Newcastle United, is the majority shareholder in LGI, and is chaired by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is suspected of ordering the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Not exactly a first rate testimonial. BEFORE THE HSBC Championship, Rory McIlroy, Collin Morikawa and Tyrrell Hatton were given a near-impossible Hero Challenge to hit a one-yard wide fairway on the drag strip at Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi, home of Formula 1's season-ending race.

fairway and stay on it. In another Hero Challenge last year Ian Poulter and Tyrrell Hatton had to try and make a hole-in-one with just 50 balls each (they didn't) and a live TopGolf Spectacular was held in Dubai with a “fun, interactive and exciting format.” We await “Strictly Come Golfing!”

GOLF MONTHLY REVIEW says of Callaway's latest offering: “One of four new drivers, the draw bias ST Max D inspires plenty of confidence behind the ball. For pure forAfter some hours of driver slamming and giveness the standard ST Max might be the swearing, in which the players landed some of best option, but the ST Max D delivers the their balls on the fairway but saw them bounce excellent ball speeds we've become accustomed off again, a laughing McIlroy recommended Overall winner of the Silver Division, Sam Udell to in this range whilst also launching higher, Hatton, who was tearing his hair out, to an which will appeal to golfers who need more anger-management course, although Hatton was actually the first to make his ball hit the assistance getting the ball in the air off the tee.

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:

Course Price Comments Alenda €150 Two Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Altorreal €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €110 Two Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €138 Two Green Fees & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy El Plantio €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) El Valle €61 Single Green Fee Font Del Llop €110 Two Green Fees & Buggy Hacienda Del Alamo €57 Single Green Fee La Finca €125 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm) La Marquesa €64 Single Green Fee La Serena €110 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1.08 pm) La Torre €44 Single Green Fee (1pm) Las Colinas €62 Single Green Fee (1pm) Las Ramblas €97 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm) Lorca €78 Two Green Fees & Buggy ere on the Costa’s golf is one Lo Romero €55 Single Green Fee (2pm) of the biggest leisure time Mar Menor €60 Single Green Fee activities for both tourists and New Sierra Golf €82 Two Green Fees & Buggy resident alike and with this in mind Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & Buggy we have secured the services of Mike Roda €115 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1.06pm) Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Saurines €57 Single Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up Villaitana Levante €80 Single Green Fee of local golfing events and topics and Villaitana Poniente €58 Single Green Fee in conjunction with us at THE Villamartin €115 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm) LEADER will provide discounted golf Vistabella €130 Two Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) prices to all of our readers and run For Bookings/info Mike at quoting our golf competitions. reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Up against the TaylorMade Stealth HD and Cobra LTDx Max Callaway's Rogue ST Max and Max D stack up impressively, and in our opinion are the best drivers for high-handicappers.” It's all the same to me, at around £500 I won't be buying one anyway. McIlroy has apparently put Taylor Made's Stealth driver and two of the Stealth woods in his bag. Unfortunately, if he keeps playing like he did in the last round at Dubai he'll find himself in the same boat as Bob Hope who said “Srixon pay me not to use their balls.” UNTIL NEXT TIME; HAPPY GOLFING. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. Tel: 638 859 475.

Celts Club de Golf We celebrated our championship match last Saturday at La Serena with a fantastic 91 players competing on the day. It was a tad chilly when we started, 2 degrees to be exact, but within an hour we were enjoying the warm sunshine. Thanks are due to Camillus Fitzpatrick, Philip Mountford and Terry Fitzgerald for organizing the competition and to Denis for lending a hand while Camillus attended a wedding. To the staff in the pro-shop, Jose, Jean, Paul, thank you for your attention to detail and for preparing the cards and collating the results. Gloria, Jennifer, Marijose and all the kitchen staff, well done as always. Miguel and his team it has become customary to have the course presented to such a high standard. The greens are the talk of the town, excellent. To Logan Nayager our captain who presented over 50 different prizes without a hitch well done and thank you for the kind words. Down to the results, golf prize winners’ week 1, Cat. I,Richard Nicoll 39, Alan Proudfoot 37 and John Aitchison 36. Cat. II, Bev Buckley 39, Paul Thomson 38 and Yvette McGeehan 38. Week 2. Cat I. Mike Stott 38, Tony Burns 38 and Gordon Montgomery 38. Cat II. Lynne McCormack 40, Ian Sadler 37 and Terry Welsh 36. Week 3. Cat I. John O’ Brien 39, Denis McCoprmack 38 and Alan Campbell 37. Cat II. Janet Bryan 37, Dave Cossan 35 and Theo Beoulhouwer 35. Crystal winners week I. Cat I. Clive Jenkins 38, John O’Brien 34 and Steve Hopkins 34. Cat II. Brendan Gannon 41, Bev Buckley 39

That really is frost folks!

and Debbie Beoulhouwer 39. Medal winners, December I. Cat I. Mark Palmer 71. Cat II. Kenny McGeehan 70 and Cat III: Gordon Anders 64. Medal January. Cat I. John O’Brien 68. Cat II: David Cossan 72. Cat III. Michael Doyle 67. Championship results, Nearest the pins. First of all we have to congratulate Andy Currie for his hole in one and nearest the pin on hole 3.Alan Proudfoot (2) Bob Smith (2) and John O’Brien. Cat III. Carmel McShea 36, John Adlam 36 and Michael Elliot 35. Cat II. Tony Burns 37, John Aitchison 35 and Dave Marriott 35.Cat I. Clive Jenkins 38, Gareth Conroy 36 and John O’Brien 35. The gross was won by Bob Smith with 36 points, great shooting indeed. Runner-up Ian Howie 39. And the winner with a fantastic 42 Chris Daw. A special thank you to Andy Currie for his hole in one and for your invitation to a drink for all those present at the presentation of prizes, thank you.


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


BUSY WEEK AHEAD AS THADER WIN ENTERTAINING FRIENDLY There was no Preferente division football last weekend, but Thader made good use of a hastily arranged friendly against Regional Division 1 side Catral last Thursday evening.

Youth team player Guille, who scored on his full Thader debut against Catral.

Torre return to action against Sporting Dolores CF SC Torrevieja CF return to action at the weekend after a seasonal break in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 9, with an away fixture scheduled for February 13 against Sporting Dolores CF. Torre sit in third place, on 28 points, behind second placed CF Sporting San Fulgencio on 32 points and league leaders Atletico de Catral CF, on 37 points. Catral travel to Alguena CF, who are in tenth spot, CF Popular Orihuela Deportiva host Racing San Miguel and CD Benijofar travel to CF Atletico Algorfa. CD Cox host managerless CD Montesinos, with Orihuela CF B hosting CF Sporting Albatera.

Catral are currently leading the division, 5 points clear of San Fulgencio, so this was always going to be a testing work out at Moi Gomez stadium. Thader took an early lead through Quino, before the visitors equalised through a penalty. Goals from Guille (his opener for the first team), and Berni, then gave the hosts a 3-1 lead at the half time stage. Although Catral reduced the deficit in the 2nd half, manager Raul Mora can be pleased with his teams showing in the 3-2 victory. On Wednesday 9 February, ko 8.30pm, Thader will try again to play their postponed league match against Novelda CF at Moi Gomez stadium. Then next weekend (12/13 February), a short trip along the N332 awaits the men from Rojales, when they will visit Santa Pola CF, for another important league match. Check out CD Thader facebook page, for details on when this match will take place.

Smiling Jack’s Golf Society Firstly a big thank you to you all for supporting Smiling Jack's Golf Society at Roda Golf The course today was in excellent condition and the staff at Roda golf were so helpful throughout the day.

Aubameyang gets his Barcelona move

Apparently the weather that I booked was a little too hot for some people and there were a few tanned/burnt faces, not bad for February.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has officially been announced as a Barcelona player, following his arrival from Arsenal on Monday on a free transfer.

We had some good scores while a few players struggled in the rough areas. Before the results I'd like to give a shout out to the beer man in his buggy. I lost my golf ball on the first hole, then on the 15th green the beer man came over all excited. He shouted "it's you it's you" he had found my golf ball with my photo on it and reckonised me.

The 32-year-old has put pen to paper on a contract until 2025, but there is the option for the two to part ways in 2023. His release clause is 100 million euros. Minutes before Barcelona confirmed Aubameyang's arrival, the club were able to register him with LaLiga. Aubameyang landed in Barcelona on Monday and was officially released by Arsenal before midnight on the same transfer deadline day. He then passed his medical around 22:00 GMT and arrived at the club's offices to conclude the signing half an hour later. Barcelona were in no hurry to register Aubameyang, as he joined the Catalan club on a free transfer and therefore they had more time to get everything in order. They finally completed the paperwork on Wednesday. Although Aubameyang had not yet been registered nor been announced by Barcelona, he trained under Xavi Hernandez's for the first time on Tuesday. Given the fact that Ousmane Dembele did not

TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. All fictional secret police organisations (Dogs from Animal farm; FLAG from, Knight Rider; CONTROL from Get Smart; SMERSH from James Bond; ZEP from Tin Tin; GAG from Star Wars and The Owsla from Watership Down). 2. Conchita Martinez (in 1994). 3. Mauretania. 4. Correct order: BDCA: b: Qing dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty - (at least 25,000,000). d: World War I (between 15,000,000 and 20,000,000). c: Russian

leave Barcelona during the January transfer window, as had been hoped, Aubameyang has only been able to be registered with LaLiga because he has taken a significant pay cut. However, it is expected that his money will be backdated, so next year he will receive a large salary increase. Barcelona were able to bring in Aubameyang, Ferran Torres and Adama Traore in January, so they will now compete with Ansu Fati, Martin Braithwaite, Memphis Depay, Luuk de Jong, Abde Ezzalzouli and Ferran Jutgla for a spot in Xavi's starting XI. Dembele is another forward that Barcelona have at their disposal, but it remains to be seen if the club will stick to their word and make him sit in the stands for the remainder of the season.

Anyway the scores.Nearest the pin on 7 was Mick Phelan. Nearest the pin on 11 was Pelle. Nearest the pin in two on the 11th was Andy Black In second place today was our last time winner Hugh Walsh. Close but no cigar. Today's winner with 30 points was Thomas Burke well done you. Our next outing is at Altaona on the 3rd march, I'll put the list up in Smiling Jack's this weekend. A really big thanks yet again for all the hard work by Julie Ann Shaw on preparing excellent food again, Tai curry rice and sandwiches. Lovely. The raffle was won by Mick Phelan. Once again thank you all for your support and see you all at Altaona. El Presidente

Civil War - (between 6,000,000 and 9,000,000). a: Vietnam War - (between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000). 5. Procol Harum's "A Whiter Shade Of Pale". 6. Fulcrum. 7. a. Air Force One. b. JFK. c. Leon (or The Professional). d. Hannibal. e. The Fifth Element. 8. Helen Mirren. 9. Spanker. 10. a: Barbados, b: Iraq (My Homeland), c: Spain (The Royal March), d: Japan ("May Your Reign Last Forever"), e: Switzerland (Swiss Psalm). 11. 1883. By US and Canadian railways. 12. Five: France, Germany,

Austria, Italy and Liechtenstein. 13. Quebec City. 14. a. Bad Moon Rising (CCR), Moon River (Andy Williams), c. The Whole Of The Moon (Waterboys), d. Fly Me To The Moon (Frank Sinatra), e. Moondance (Van Morrison). 15. De Lorean's. 16. Paolo Rossi. 17. Germania. 18. Damascus. 19. Van Allen. 20. Amesbury, including Stonehenge, has been continually occupied since 8820BC, experts have found.



Monday 7th - Sunday 13th February 2022


637 227 385

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