No 930 Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Anne will be riding the heavy steel framed bike that she got married on 28 years ago
PETER’S FINAL JOURNEY Starting in just two weeks time, on 16 August, Thader resident Anne Allen will be taking her husband Peter on one last cycle ride. Peter passed away in March but his ashes will be joining Anne as she makes the 1600 kilometre ride from Goodison Park in Liverpool to the Moi Gomez Stadium, home of his beloved CD Thader. Cycling was the couple’s passion and it was during a 1994 cycling tour from Lands End to John O’Groats that the pair stopped off en route to wed in Gretna Green. Peter’s other great love was football so it is fitting that the ride will get underway at the home of Everton FC, with Anne riding the heavy steel framed bike that she got married on all those 28 years ago. As a tribute to her husband, all of the monies raised on the memorial ride will be shared between the Everton Foundation and Tranmere FC in the Community, who both carry out such good work in and around Liverpool, and more locally, CD Thader de Rojales, the club that Peter loved, and of which Anne is currently a club Director. Anne told The Leader, “Funding is a constant struggle for CD Thader so it is fitting that in their centenary year Peter will be able to help the club that he supported for many years, both home and away, here in Spain”.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Anne will cycle from Everton to Portsmouth, taking the ferry across to Santander on 21 August, before then setting off from Northern Spain to her final destination, the Moi Gomez Stadium, home of CD Thader, prior to the start of the season. Her route will cover approx 1600km. “Peter would have loved to be doing this with me. During one of our last conversations he told me that he wanted me to continue doing what we both loved doing for as long as I could.” “So with his blessing, and his ashes, I will be setting off from Goodison Park on 16th August, which would have been my Dad's 91st birthday,” she added. Anne said that anyone is welcome to join her at anytime during the ride, either in UK or here in Spain and will be able to follow her progress either on strava or facebook. Anne is hoping to raise a total of £5000 for the three good causes, The Everton Foundation, Tranmere in the Community and CD Thader de Rojales, and she has set up a Just Giving Page which has already reached over 50% of the target. If you would like to donate to the fund, both honouring Peter and helping these worthy causes, you may do so at the justgiving page where you should search for Peter Allen. Make sure you get the right one though as there are a couple. You are looking for the Everton Foundation, Tranmere in the Community and CD Thader de Rojales. You will find the link at Please give generously.
By Andrew Atkinson A weather warning has been made of a possible Dana - before the end of summer - following the observatory at Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport recording the highest temperature in its history of 42.4 degrees. The temperature of the Mediterranean sea in the southeast of the peninsula is 29 degrees with a potential 30 degrees breaking records. "The Mediterranean warms up more - and for a longer time - every summer. "The progressive warming of the sea accumulates tropical and even equatorial nights below 25 degrees - which on the Valencian and Murcian coast is a situation that can lead to a cold drop or DANA," said the head of the UA Climatology Laboratory, Jorge Olcina. "This could cause episodes of intense rain. The risk of cold drops begins now - because if there were instability we could have a major storm - before the end of the summer," he warned. Temperatures hit 42.4 degrees on July 25, last recorded in 1967, when records began. In Orihuela, 44.9 degrees was recorded, the record being 45.7 degrees on July 4, 1994, the highest in the Valencian Community; Elche, 43.7 degrees, and Novelda, 43.5 degrees. In Alcoy (Alicante), Xàtiva and Ontinyent (Valencia) temperatures exceeded 40 degrees,
POETRY CORNER "A BRITISH OBSESSION" Forget the advantage(?) of Brexit, The football, the strikes, debt as well, The war in Ukraine – we can’t fix it And the stories that MP’s will tell. There’s a topic that has far more bearing That’s part of the news every day, It usually ends the news broadcast But can a much larger part play. The Weather! How can we ignore it? It affects all we do or don’t do, Be it Winter or Summer, Spring – Autumn, Prediction is never quite true. The rain when it comes is too heavy And flooding occurs through the land. The next thing we hear on the telly Is ‘standpipes’ - and washing is banned.
Warning of DANAStorms before end of summer
Av de las Adelfas at Campoamor beach
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The AP7 at Pilar following the 2019 DANA according to data by the Spanish Meteorology Agency in the Valencian Community (AemetCV). The observatory at Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport recorded the highest temperature in its history with 42.4 degrees. MEDITERRANEAN SEA Heatwaves also occur below the surface of the sea and are causing episodes of mass mortality, including corals, sponges, macroalgae and plants, posidonia oceanica, from the Alboran Sea, off the coast of Almería, to the coast of the Near East, according to an international study by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (IMC-CSIC). "The impacts of mortalities were observed between the surface and at a epth of 45 metres, where the recorded marine heat waves were exceptional”, said Joaquim Garrabou, in the journal Global Change Biology. "This has affected more than 90% of the Mediterranean with temperatures of more than 26ºC in some areas. "Unfortunately, the results of the work show that the Mediterranean is experiencing an acceleration of the ecological impacts associated with climate change, which poses an unprecedented threat to the health and functioning of its ecosystems", said Cristina Linares and Bernat Hereu, from the University of Barcelona.
by Mike Shaile - July 2022
We long for the summer and sunshine – Then it comes and we’re told it’s too hot. The motorways melt, the railway lines too So everything comes to a stop. The snow falls and blankets the country And then to the peoples’ surprise Again we’re all at a standstill Which the broadcasters soon dramatize. So when planning for work or for leisure, No matter whatever the season, Take with you all forms of protection – You’ll not have to give any reason. If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
BOTH LEGISLATION AND REGULATION URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR E-SCOOTERS There have been recent examples of damage caused to cars with no way of tracing the e-scooter riders
oved by some and hated by others, electric scooters have very quickly become a common sight on the pavements and roads of the Orihuela Costa.
Sometimes they can be found in a neat and orderly row but more often than not they strewn across the ground, in the middle of pavements, in front of urbanisation gates and in other unacceptable places, often causing problems for elderly and infirm pedestrians. They are easily rented via a downloaded phone app, and they can often be seen riding on the pavements, or perhaps carrying two people (sometimes even two adults and a child), all of which are absolutely forbidden by law. But what, may you ask, are the Ayuntamiento or the police doing about it. Well, I think we all know the answer to that, which is not a lot! As is also the case in Torrevieja, there are two rental companies providing scooters on the Costa, neither of which has a municipal license to operate, so they are both acting illegally. However, in Torrevieja the scooters are regularly impounded by the Policia Local, although following the payment of a small fine, they are very soon back on the streets. The fact that the Local Police up and down the coastline are failing to effectively control breaches of current regulations, can often be seen to put road safety at risk. There is no doubt, however, that this new and sustainable, economical and very practical means of transport, is the future, so it is precisely for this reason that local municipalities need to legalise this activity URGENTLY. In so doing they must be able to ensure that companies carrying out this activity take out the necessary civil liability insurance to cover material and personal damage in the event of an accident. At the same time, the companies will also be required to identify the users and oblige them to make a deposit to cover possible penalties for non-compliance with traffic regulations.
By identifying the users and by taking a deposit, it will be easier to take legal action in the event that they are involved in an accident. One local resident told The Leader “I’m not sure if the benefit of this additional transportation system is outweighing the negative side of having these items winding in and out of pedestrians or scattered about the public realm. It won’t be too long before there is a serious accident” he said. Another posted on the AVCRL Facebook page, “The lack of care and diligence shown by the riders is really concerning, they weave down the road demonstrating a total disregard for their own safety. There is never an indication of direction at a junction and they, as mentioned, drop them when finished in the most unthoughtful spots. They must be regulated to provide protection for everyone.” Unfortunately, once again the Orihuela Ayuntamiento are dragging their feet in ensuring that such mobility sharing systems are consistent with the safety and well-being of the public. They must realise that the current problems far outweigh the benefits and above all they must also ensure that the area won’t be overpopulated by electric scooters and other “micro-mobility” vehicles. With thanks to AVCRL
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
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Land was made available in Las Ciñuelicas by the previous Partido Popular administration with Regional Government finance also confirmed.
CLARO raised 2 questions at last week’s Orihuela Plenary on the subject of contaminated sea water and the second health centre, both of which were effectively dismissed. n this week’s plenary meeting of the Orihuela town council there were two subjects of interest to Orihuela Costa, contaminated sea water which led to the recent closure of three of Orihuela Costa’s beaches and a motion to open a second health centre.
the shopping centre and nauseous sewage flowing down to La Zenia beach. In one major spill 60,000 litres of raw stinking sewage only just avoided reaching the beach thanks to the erection of sand barriers.
The discussion at this meeting of the town council of two issues of concern to public health for Orihuela Costa residents and tourists was coincidental but the disappointing outcome of the discussion was unfortunately predictable. C.L.A.R.O. raised the subject of contaminated sea water and closure of beaches in a citizen’s question. The question began with the statement that 16 years ago immediately after the formation of the party, C.L.A.R.O. denounced the shameful phenomenon of sewage in the streets of Orihuela Costa and since then the situation has only got worse. The never-ending approval of house building licenses by the town council has led to the exponential increase in the population without a corresponding increase in the provision of basic services.
mean that no work could be undertaken until after the summer. After an important incident so early this summer, we shall see what the rest of the summer will bring.
In 2019 a major sewage spill closed La Zenia beach for a week in the middle of the tourist season The questions raised by C.L.A.R.O. demanded explanations as to how the sea was so contaminated recently that three beaches were closed.
Parts of the sewage collection system were designed and built in the 1970’s. The “new” sewage treatment plant in Campoamor is 20 years old and has been recognised as inadequate for many years. Due to the pressure of the population especially in the summer regular blowouts and sewage spills occur.
How did the sea become contaminated when there were no reports of sewage in the streets leading to or on the three beaches which were closed. More importantly, C.L.A.R.O. demanded explanations as to how regional government funds of 6.6 million euros made available 4 years ago for improvements in the system have not yet been used.
The opening of La Zenia Boulevards 10 years ago has led to an enormous increase in the strain on the inadequate system and resulted in major sewage spills in the roundabout close to
In reply to the question, no explanation was given as to the cause of the recent incident. As to the failure to put to use funds available for improvements, it was said bureaucratic delays
The motion to open a second health centre in Orihuela Costa, long campaigned for by C.L.A.R.O., was presented by the opposition Popular Party together with the demand for a 24 hour emergency ambulance (SAMU). The Popular Party argued that a second health centre was necessary given the pressures on the existing centre in Cabo Roig. Before the change of government in the spring, the Popular Party, when governing in coalition with Ciudadanos, had made land available in Las Ciñuelicas, suitably situated at a distance from Cabo Roig which would facilitate access for the dispersed population of Orihuela Costa. They also pointed out that regional government finance was available.
1,500 euros each year, respectively.
However, the Minister, Miguel Mínguez, has agreed to pay more money to those who voluntarily agree to travel to these establishments. This was reflected in a draft decree that is being published with the support of trade unions including CC OO, UGT and the Intersindical, although the Medical Union itself abstained. Doctors will receive and additional
Delays and excuses are deployed to mask their indifference. The contrast with their concern for the welfare of their voters in Orihuela city is evident. If there had been sewage in the streets of the city 16 years ago the problem would have been solved years ago. It is no coincidence that a new public health centre in the district of Rabaloche, near the centre of the city, was opened just a few years ago and is functioning impeccably to the benefit of the residents of the city. Let us hope that Orihuela Costa residents will remember the negative outcome of the discussion of these two issues, and the multitude of other examples of deficiencies in infrastructure and services, when the time comes next May to vote in the local municipal elections.
The motion was approved but, incredibly, opposed by the two governing political parties PSOE and Ciudadanos. Since the motion is not binding there is little hope that the PSOECiudadanos coalition will go ahead with the provision of a much needed second health centre for Orihuela Costa.
Health abandons decision for mandatory transfer of medical staff he Ministry of Health has finally given up its initial proposal to forcefully transfer medical staff to work in Medical centres and hospitals that have difficulty in recruiting staff, as is the case in Torrevieja and Alcoy.
The conclusion to be drawn from the discussion of two issue of importance to public health in Orihuela Costa is all too familiar. The governing parties in Orihuela are not concerned.
In addition to receiving more money for working in these centres, staff will also receive other types of incentives, including the possibility of extending retirement beyond the legal age of 65.
Torrevieja Hospital is just one of the facilities experiencing staff shortages 5,000 euros a year with nurses receiving an extra 3,250 euros per year. Personnel in the categories C1 and C2, health technicians, management and service staff, will receive 2,000 and
The CSIF union, however, point out that they have not supported the project "because it is just one more temporary patch, which again responds to urgency due to the lack of foresight of the ministry," said Dolly Prunés, president of CSIF Sanidad Comunidad Valenciana. "We consider that the incentives contained in the draft are insufficient while the list of the positions affected is still unknown."
On 1 Aug, the Spanish govt will approve a set of urgent measures that will help save energy. Among them, the govt will set limits for air conditioning and heating used by large areas like shopping centres, supermarkets, transport, workplaces and hotels. There will be a limit of 27 degrees for air conditioning and 19 for heating.
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Park of Nations Dragon breathing fire again
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
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During the current trial the plant is only treating waste from Dolores and Orihuela
Repair work underway on the Park of Nations “Dragon” Cllr Gómez Candel has said that the tender price amounts to 10,022 euros and the work consists of repairs to the slide which will be smoothed and reinforcement with triple fiberglass fabric, resin and, subsequently, gel coat protection paint. In addition, the damage and cracks in the structure of the dragon and the metal structure in the interior staircase will also be repaired. The reinforcement will be made with metallic wing braces and the figure will be redecorated with small changes to the exterior, coated with a lacquer for the exterior protection of the figure. The work will be completed in about two weeks. Candel added that all of the playground equipment in this park will also be replaced very soon.
Dolores transfer plant begins to treat waste The Dolores rubbish transfer plant has finally opened its doors today after a request from the Generalitat last Friday as a result of the volume of waste in the region during this summer season, which is exceeding all local forecasts The additional volume is causing problems in the landfills at Fontcalent in Alicante, Piedra Negra in Xixona and Elche, all used by Vega Baja municipalities, but which do not have the capacity to take on the additional amounts at this time of year. At the moment the Dolores plant is conducting in a trial to ensure that all the facilities work correctly, so it is currently treating only waste from it’s own municipality and
Torrevieja Hospital has put out to tender the "sustainable mobility service" for which it will lease 21 hybrid vehicles to provide home care to patients in its health area. The contract is now out to tender for a price of 635,029.44 euro, with a lease period of three years. The requirement includes that the use of the vehicles will be both the Home Hospitalisation Unit and the Primary Care Centres of the Torrevieja Health Department.
he Valencian government has approved the emergency work necessary to control the outbreak of botulism in the protected wetlands of southern Alicante.
El Hondo Natural Park is part of the old Elche lagoon, created by the mouth of the Vinalopó River which almost completely dried up between the Middle Ages and the 18th century, as it was converted it into arable land. The immediacy of the actions, costing 150,688 euro, has minimised the effects of the infection, caused by anoxia as a result of the high temperatures, as well as preventing
On the plant’s opening day the mayor of Dolores, José Joaquín Hernández, was shown around the facility along with the mayors of Guardamar, Rojales, Benferri, Daya Vieja, Algorfa, Catral, Jacarilla and San Isidro, as well as councilors from Orihuela, San Miguel de Salinas and Rafal.
21 Vehicles for Home Care Service
Botulism Outbreak in Southern Alicante’s Protected Wetlands
The Ministry of Ecological Transition declared the emergency and announced actions to remove dead animals from the El Hondo Natural Park and transfer their corpses to the Santa Faz wildlife recovery centre.
from Orihuela. Once the testing is complete all of the other 25 municipalities will be added, giving priority to those that currently take their waste to Xixona ; that is, in addition to Orihuela, Almorad?, San Fulgencio, Rojales, Granja de Rocamora, Cox, Rafal, Algorfa, Catral, Dolores, Albatera, San Isidro, Jacarilla, Guardamar del Segura and Torrevieja.
Thus, 11 of the 21 vehicles will go to the hospital itself, while another ten will be distributed in the health centres in Guardamar, Rojales, Torrevieja (Patricio Pérez), San Miguel de Salinas, Pilar de la Horadada, Torrevieja-La Mata, Torrevieja-La Loma, and Torrevieja-San Luis.
its spread to other adjacent wetlands such as the Clot de Galvany, els Carrissars d'Elx, the Salinas de Santa Pola and the Lagunas de la Mata-Torrevieja. The disease was detected in June in the Parque Natural del Hondo, an area that is home to populations of waterfowl. This is an important nesting point at European level for the Anatidae, a species declared critically endangered at the national level.
August tourist routes include Cabo Roig trail
he Orihuela tourist route for the month of August presents a "Blue Path" route for Saturday, August 6, which runs along the Cabo Roig promenade,with a two-kilometre walk along the Orihuela Costa departing from Torre de Cabo Roig, at 8:00 p.m. and said to be of medium-low difficulty.
“Cabo Roig is a marine area with high environmental and heritage value. It has revalidated its blue flag for the second consecutive year, and we intend to make people aware of the biodiversity it houses, the flora and fauna, geology, heritage and landscape of the natural environment. In addition to being an activity for the whole family we will also be providing a gift to every participant "said María García, Councillor for Tourism.
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Orihuela Costa to finally get a 24-hour SAMU Ambulance n the July Ordinary Plenary council meeting, the Councillor for Emergencies, Guillermo Cánovas, has confirmed, that Orihuela Costa will once again have 24hour coverage by a SAMU (Advanced Vital Support Unit) Ambulance, a service that the area lost as a result of government health cuts back in 2013.
Currently the ambulance operates from it’s
Cabo Roig base for 12 hours a day, 9.30am to 9.30pm. It is one of only two vehicles that covers an area from Guardamar and Los Montesinos in the north down to Pilar de la Horadada in the south, a population of 175,000 people rising to more than double in the summer holiday season. Currently, the only SAMU unit that operates during the night is in Torrevieja which, during
The councillor was unable to provide a start date for the additional hours the summer season, has to cover a region with more than 300,000 people in its area of influence. Cánovas was unable to provide a start date for the additional hours, however, saying only that the start-up will be carried out as soon as the health transport contract of the Ministry of Health, which is currently in the bidding phase, is approved.
He did confirm, though, that "the SAMU Vega 4 Orihuela Costa 24-hour service will be launched with all the personnel that it requires, that is, a doctor, a male or female nurse, and a driver." It is estimated by the Valencian Health Authority that the cost of extending this service will be around 300,000 euros a year.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
637 227 385
SHALL WE BEGIN THE WORLD AGAIN? window cleaner taking his first tentative steps on the career ladder has one of those rare jobs where you can rise rapidly without your father owning the business. Or the ladder.
Shakira opts for trial after refusing deal in tax fraud case Pop singer Shakira has decided to go for a trial instead of settling for an offer that was made by Spanish prosecutors. The Spanish govt has alleged that she defrauded the govt of 14.5 million euros ($15 million) in taxes. Shakira "trusts her innocence and chooses to leave the issue in the hands of the law," a statement by her PR officials read.
Spain launches summer campaign saying 'all bodies are beach bodies'
Should you fall by the wayside, you can climb back up and start again. I don't watch the Olympic Games any more. Nowadays, the prospect of viewing even remote exercise makes me too tired to lift the remote control. But I still recollect that even when a race got off to a false start, the starting pistol was fired again to recall the competitors.
Spain's equality ministry has launched a creative summer campaign encouraging women of all shapes and sizes to hit the beach, with the slogan: "Summer is ours too." The campaign's promotional photo features five women
Our world deserves a second chance.
of different body types, ages and ethnicities and even
A famous man -- correct me if I'm wrong -said, "If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door." And presumably the mice will stop doing so. So I think we should restart the world as a sort of pop-up Earth, aha, I thought you would agree. This is not a new ambition, of course. D:Ream assured us in a song in 1994 that "Things Can Only Get Better," although after Bad Boy Records dropped them, I wonder if they still believed that. I'm told that their keyboard player, Brian Cox, had to retrain as some sort of astrologer.
features a woman who has had a mastectomy.
In his 1932 novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley warned against the dehumanizing effects of progress. Little did he know how little he knew, in 1933. In our new improved world, cars won't have malfunctioning alarms that go off in the dead of night for no reason. This time around, we can have toasters that brown both sides of the bread evenly, and a Google search that offers just one correct answer instead of 3 million mystifying ones, which take me hours to read. What about a car that runs on fresh air, perhaps in a world with lots of fresh air in it, and a polar ice cap that knows its place and stays
Spain can become the gas hub in Europe, said PM Pedro Sanchez Spain has the capacity to become the gas hub in Europe and support regional efforts to reduce dependence on Russia, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said. This comes amid the war in Ukraine which has put into scrutiny Europe's dependence on Russia for gas. "Spain is prepared to increase its solidarity measures," Sanchez said.
UK: Scientists take 'promising' step towards single Covid-19 and cold vaccine
in it? We could reinvent people as people, rather than kings, emperors, celebrity know-italls, and you know what's coming next, clever you -- politicians! Maybe we could all be permitted to cancel one thing we disliked about the previous world. I know many people would be happy if golf hadn't been invented -golfers, for example.
stopped eating fish. And stocks bounced back almost immediately. I'm just saying, that's all. I expect no medals. If we get things right the second time around, we won't need any progress-fearing Luddites, and they would be unemployed, which was what they feared in the first place!
Scientists at Francis Crick Institute have made progress towards the creation of a vaccine that would protect against Covid-19 and the common cold. The discovery in question was that of a spike protein Sars-CoV-2 that could be a target for a dual vaccine.
The good news is that I have made a start at resourcing our planet. When I heard that fish supplies in the oceans had reached the point where any two shoals were two miles apart, I
Perhaps they could all become window cleaners, but beware before you employ them -they probably refused vaccination the first time it was offered.
Scientists said that developing this vaccine is important because of the rate at which the common cold and Covid-19 can mutate.
Linda is a fun, 3.5 month old, who is just waiting for her forever family. Is it you? More info 966710047 (leave a message) or: or WhatsApp 688792515
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Don’t always take the short cut .....
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
am neither a fitness expert, physical trainer, nor a gym instructor – but I have learned a bit about fitness and exercise. If I tell you anything that isn’t right, please read the first dozen words again!
at the main door in order to keep the area clear for foot traffic and deliveries. Then I began to notice a big car parked on the yellow spot between 1100 and midday most days. I watched and I waited, before finding that the offender was a business lady from up town. Because I was annoyed I timed it to meet on the spot as she was leaving. I confronted her in a non-aggressive manner – but it was a risk, as I could have lost this member by saying anything.
The gym is fine for building upper-body strength, body building, sports people or for someone who actually enjoys it. Enjoying it is the crunch – because you will not stay doing any exercise unless you enjoy it.
The other thing I learned is that the ordinary person doesn’t need a gym to be fit and healthy.
At that time I believed that the only meaningful exercise was pushing weights, running a marathon, or playing against Raharney! I did none of these things and I couldn’t understand why I lost the weight again as soon as the cows calved. I wasn’t pushing myself, but foddering, cleaning the shed and just operating at a steady pace was enough to stay in shape. Lessons learned: All you need is to be cardiovascular fit and
allow the engine burn off the fuel intake. Walking does it for me and I am lucky to be involved in a little bit of farming which gives sufficient exercise to the essential muscles. I always use the stairs at airports and hotels. I leave the car parked well away from wherever I am calling to and I often take the ‘long way round’. An English friend mocked me one day in La Zenia while I was carrying a box from my jeep parked 100 metres away.
‘That’s the Irishman’s way for doing it, instead of parking close to the door’, quipped Reg. I put down the box, tapped him on his protruding oversized belly and replied: ‘This is all part of the Irish exercise programme’. He had the good grace to utter ‘Touche’ and we both Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a laughed.
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
Back to my Mullingar gym. One time we got the carpark tarmacadamed and beautifully lined. There was a yellow box
Whatever your age, the case is proven that being physically active will help you lead a healthier and happier life. You will have a lower risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers. Weight loss is an obvious benefit as well as having stronger muscles and bones. You will experience an increase in energy as soon as you get into a daily exercise routine and find it easier to enjoy a full night’s sleep. ‘Everything counts’, and getting into the habit of using the stairs instead of the escalator will all add up. Walking is the greatest and easiest exercise of all. Whilst running or jogging can be hard on the joints, walking as briskly as you can for your age, will do you nothing but good. It is the perfect cardiovascular exercise, which strengthens the heart and burns those pesky calories And no membership fee; you can do it anywhere, anytime, with no equipment other than a good pair of shoes! DON’T FORGET A man’s life is dyed the colour of his imagination.
GARDEN FELIX - Purple heart - iconic purple stems with violet to pink flower clusters PURPLE heart - Tradescantia pallida - is aptly named because its iconic purple stems grow beautiful small flower clusters, ranging from violet to pink, along with vibrant foliage. Both the stems and upper surfaces of the leaves
‘We have a half acre car park, so can you tell me please, why you persist in parking your car in the no-parking area blocking the doorway?’ ‘I only have half an hour in the gym and I’m always in a hurry,’ the lady replied. ‘Let me tell you something’, sez I. ‘If you left your Merc at home, walked down and had a cup of coffee with me, it would do you more good than what you are doing!’ We became friends and she turned into a walker!
In one of my other lives I owned a sports, leisure and fitness centre. We had 3 gyms: a men’s gym, a ladies only gym, and a mixed cardiovascular gym. I promoted the gyms as part of the business – but I couldn’t lead by example. I found it impossible to push myself beyond my comfort zone in the gym – but yet I would go ‘til I dropped on the squash court because someone else was pushing me.
In yet another of my past lives I milked cows for a living. (I know, Lads, you are sick listening to the same ol’ thing!) The cows dried off in mid-November and I had it ‘handy’ from then until calving at the end of January. I was in my prime, but over Christmas I would put on more than half a stone in weight.
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appear to be deep Royal purple, but may also contain lighter shades of turquoise grey that become darker as the foliage grows older.
rant, and will not require a great deal of watering. However, for best growth do not let the plant sit dry for long periods.
In warm climates it is grown as an evergreen perennial and is ideal for a dense ground cover plant, adding a pop of purple colour to your garden.
Water when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch, watering during its blooming season. If kept too dry you will notice the leaves are limp.
It can add a lush and tropical groundcover texture to any landscape. Downward trailing stems mean it will always stand out, even when planted as part of border fronts, wall plantings and rock gardens.
They don't generally require fertiliser, although it can be used. Just dilute the fertiliser solution to half of its regular strength.
Planting in full sun helps ensure they grow vibrant purple stems. It can also grow in partial shade, but its stem is more likely to appear green, than purple.
As the plant grows long stems and is fast growing, it can become leggy and spindly very quickly. To keep compact, prune during the warmer months, after the blooming period is over, taking off the top half of the stems.
Introduce the plants to brighter conditions, over time, as too much direct sunlight all at once can burn foliage.
Wear gloves as the sap in the stems can cause contact dermatitis and burns and is also toxic to pets.
They grow best in lightweight moist soil, with good drainage a must.
Propagation is easy by taking stem cuttings and ensure that too much water isn't retained by the soil, as this can lead to root rot.
Purple heart is considered to be drought-tole-
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
summer cycle of popular operas will once again be shown during the summer months on the Orihuela
Costa, an activity that will include broadcasts from the Teatro Real and live concerts by different orchestras and musical groups from the municiAll of the concerts are absolutely free
pality of Orihuela.
The program will take place on the esplanade of Playa Flamenca from Sunday, July 31 through to 4 September.
“Twice weekly nights of opera and concerts return to the Orihuela Costa.” The Councilor for Culture, Mar Ezcurra, said that these activities "have been prepared so that all the residents of the coast and those who visit us during the summer holidays can enjoy the best music in the open air" and "all this in one place overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Live concerts will be held on Sunday
evenings and opera broadcasts on Wednesdays, both starting at 8:30 p.m. with free admission. The operas to be broadcast from the Teatro Real in Madrid are Il Trovatore, on August 3; Rigoletto, on August 10; Lucía Di Lammermoor, on August 17 and the concert on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Bethoven's birth entitled Ninth Symphony, Ludwig Van Beethoven, on August 24. As for the concerts, the Coro Ginés Pérez de la Parra will perform on July 31; on August 7, el Trio Moon; the Orcelitan Lyric Union will perform on August 14; Acamdo, on August 21; The City of Orihuela Orchestra (OCO) will perform on August 28 and on September 4 the Orihuela Symphony Orchestra (OSO) will close the summer program.
1963 – The Beatles played their last ever performance at The Cavern Club in Liverpool. During their set a power cut silenced their instruments and plunged the Cavern into temporary darkness. John Lennon and Paul McCartney performed an acoustic version of 'When I'm Sixty-Four', a song they wouldn't release until 1967, while waiting for the electricity to return. The Beatles, whose fee for their first performance at the Cavern had been £5, received a fee of £300 for this performance. 1967 - A female Monkee’s fan stowed away on the band’s plane between shows in Minneapolis and St Louis. The girl's father threatened to bring charges for transporting a minor across state lines. 1977 - The Police appeared at The Red Cow, Hammersmith Road in London, admission was 60p. 1982 - Dexy's Midnight Runners were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Come On Eileen' their second and last No.1. It was the Best Selling Single of 1982 and the song won Best British Single at the 1983 Brit Awards. The "Eileen" as featured in the video is Máire
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
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Fahey, sister of Siobhan Fahey, former singer with Bananarama and Shakespears Sister. 1986 - Chris de Burgh was at No.1 in the UK with 'The Lady In Red'. It was his first No.1 after twenty four single releases, staying at the top of the charts for three weeks. 1987 - Los Lobos were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with their version of the Ritchie Valens song 'La Bamba'. The song was the title track from the film based on Ritchie Valens who died in the same plane crash the killed Buddy Holly.
of the long running ITV soap. James Brown is now thought to have as many as 13 children
1989 - Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers had their first of three UK No.1's with 'Swing The Mood'. Produced by the father and son DJ team of Andy and John Pickles, Swing the Mood fused a number of early rock and roll records with liberal use of Glenn Miller's 'In The Mood.' 2000 - Liverpool music store Rushworth and Dreaper closed down after 150 years of trading. The store had become famous after supplying The Beatles and other Liverpool groups with musical instruments.
2007 - DNA testing on about a dozen people who claimed late soul star James Brown was their father revealed that at least two of them were telling the truth. A former adviser for the singer, Buddy Dallas, said he could not confirm exact figures, as further test results were forthcoming. His will, which was being disputed in court, named six children. 2015 - Singer, actress and entertainer Cilla Black died at her holiday home in Estapona, aged 72. Along with a successful recording career in the 1960s and early 1970s, she hosted her own eponymous variety show, Cilla, for the BBC between 1968 and 1976 and later shows such as Blind Date and Surprise Surprise. 2005 - Status Quo filmed a cameo appearance in UK's Coronation Street playing themselves. Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt were set to appear in three episodes
By Andrew Atkinson
2020 - Wayne Fontana passed away at the age of 74. The English rock and pop singer is best known for the 1965 hit ‘The Game of Love’ with the Mindbenders. He took his stage name from Elvis Presley's drummer, D. J. Fontana.
Twenty umbrellas and just two people on Spanish beach at 7.30am!
What do you think? Email:
‘BROLLY GOOD’.. . .OR IS IT? A Spanish beach at 7.30am had 20 sun umbrellas - and just two people present - as temperatures rise this summer to grab the best spots.
In what has become the charge: 'Let Battle Commence' on many of Spain’s beaches in a bid to secure a good spot a mixed response has been for - and against - the practice.
"What harm is it doing? I could happily sit behind a row of empty beds. I can understand around a Hotel pool when beds/shade are limited - but on a beach. Leave them alone!," said Kay Barrett. Kirsty Wallwork from Torrevieja said: "Why is everyone all trying to blame each other? It's always the Germans, Brits, Spanish, etc., - it's everyone! "Just take the umbrella, move it back one, and sit down. No drama." On some beaches at 7am hundreds of people stake their umbrellas in the sand - before returning home for breakfast - with others, not returning for hours during the summer. Whether it is seen as an illegal practice is down to the relevant Town Hall authorities. In 2016 Torrevieja became the first municipality that issued a 150 fine to a person who placed an umbrella on the beach, prior to 8am. This summer the city of Cullera in Valencia
placed a legislation of fines of 750- 3,000. John McCash said: "The placing of umbrellas early in the morning is a Spanish tradition - if you get up at 7am good for you." Marie Noonan said: "Last summer in Calpe the Police put a warning out that if people did this they would start taking them off the beach. "They did, and it worked. It's not fair when people do this, the beach is not big enough in the height of the season. "So maybe it's a good idea to start doing this on other beaches along the coast." Shiela Garcia said:"Torrevieja issuing fines for anyone putting umbrellas up before 8am is no good. "They still go away - and come back hours later! We could do with the beach Marshalls they used during Covid-19. They did a great job."
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
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ANSWERS Week 929
ACROSS 7. Bear (6) 8. Stature (6) 10. Win back (7) 11. Dance (5) 12. Observe (4) 13. Titan (5) 17. Popularity (5) 18. Boast (4) 22. Commence (5) 23. Tousled (7) 24. Vocalist (6) 25. Cupboard (6) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 21
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 14. 15. 16. 19. 20. 21.
Scorching (7) Instruct (7) Fracture (5) Fate (7) Acute pain (5) Sharpen (5) Equivocal (9) Originator (7) Pledge (7) Disturb (7) Revile (5) Representative (5) Art (5)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Incur; 4 Develop; 8 Forlorn; 9 Liner; 10 Nile; 11 Describe; 13 Brim; 14 Stag; 16 Sanction; 17 Sago; 20 Melon; 21 Ravioli; 22 Lessens; 23 Digit. DOWN: 1 Infinitesimal; 2 Carol; 3 Riot; 4 Denied; 5 Velocity; 6 Longing; 7 Perfectionist; 12 Pittance; 13 Bangles; 15 Courts; 18 Along; 19 Avid. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Samba; 4 Molotov; 8 Orphans; 9 Toxic; 10 Tide; 11 Honolulu; 13 Slug; 14 Rake; 16 Trinkets; 17 Rule; 20 Norma; 21 Elation; 22 Earldom; 23 Loser. DOWN: 1 Short sentence; 2 Moped; 3 Alan; 4 Mascot; 5 Littoral; 6 Texture; 7 Vacuum cleaner; 12 Junkyard; 13 Stirrer; 15 Stream; 18 Units; 19 Fall.
ACROSS 7. Bit of news about wine (6) 8. Put money into underwear (6) 10. Genuine because half-real (7) 11. Exhausted - nobody went out (3,2) 12. He has one out before fifty (4) 13. He gives editor the victory (5) 17. The first doctor to be a non-worker? (5) 18 . Expensive letter-opener (4) 22. Applaud about 1000 - it holds things together (5) 23. Entails being outstanding (7) 24. Plunders for guns (6) 25. Graduate’s backward boy had great strength (6)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. In which scottish city was the "Beano" and "The Dandy" first published? 2. What is unique about the book of Esther in the bible? 3. What is the name for an eagles nest? 4. If you had your Vas deferens cut, what operation would you have had? 5. What name was given to modern stamps from 1967 onwards because of the sculptors cameo bust of the Queen? 6. Established in 1960 which organisation has the acronym EFTA? 7. Which Japanese island was captured by the US in 1945 and returned in 1968? 8. What is the world’s highest mountain that isn’t part of a range? 9. What do frogs have in their mouth that toads do not? 10. How many zeros are there in a British billion? 11. Who wrote and starred in Hay Fever, Private Lives and Blithe Spirit? 12. What in Hinduism, is the sum of a person’s actions, which affects his or fate in their next life? 13. Which British father & son both held world land speed records? 14. Which country transferred its capital from Mafeking to Gaborone in 1965? 15. What are Gobelin, Jacquard and Shell?
DOWN 1. A gift for the moment? (7) 2. Dog in lapse (7) 3 . Short fibre (5) 4 . Oration in Canada (7) 5. Prisoner’s room has nothing in the way of an instrument (5) 6. Try to get a seat, paradoxically (5) 9. State of being prepared for literacy? (9) 14. Support the wrong forecaster (7) 15. One goes into it backwards (7) 16. Set of bars that irritate (7) 19. Music for twenty instruments? (5) 20. Saw if stray children appeared (5) 21. It’s obvious the French get in the vehicle (5)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 1 ) 16. In 1968, Soviet tanks invaded Czechoslovakia to crush the regime, who was the Czech leader? 17. Of which republic did Eduard Shevardnadze become acting head in 1992? 18. Henry Patrick McCarty was better known under another name, what was it? 19. What do Buddhists call the attainment of perfect serenity? 20. Which athlete won the gold medal for the 100 metres at the 1924 Olympic Games? 21. Who was the only man to win a posthumous Academy Award for best actor? (not best supporting actor) 22. Name the six longest rivers in the world with a colour in their name. (Colours in the English language) 23. The five red crosses found on the flag of Georgia are said to have which religious significance? 24. The 'Impressionist' movement takes its name from the 1872 painting 'Impression, soleil levant' (Impression, Sunrise). Who painted it? 25. What is the opposite of the Lima syndrome?
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
o introductions, at the airport Sharon marched up to me, ‘Sorry John, but we’ve got trouble. My sister, who’s got a few problems, has been arrested by the Guardia Civil. We all had too much to drink at Gatwick, and she had a row with her son-in-law. On board we got split up, their seats were up the front. Apparently it developed into a fight, and as a result they’ve arrested my sister. We’ve sent Mark to sort it out’. Mark it transpired was the family’s ‘sensible’ 14 year old son. It was two o’clock in the morning at Alicante airport. Back in April 2001 a family of five Londoners had booked our villa in La Marina for the first two weeks of September 2001: Then she rang again - could her problem sister, ‘who needed a holiday’ also come please, John? Later she rang again - could La Problema’s grown-up daughter, her partner and their baby also stay? ‘No way’ was the answer, but there was a one-bedroomed place nearby available so I agreed. Where airport transport was needed I used a lovely old boy called Ted, 75 going on 39. He could take six in his people-carrier, and I could take the other three. In the holiday rental business I was more used to harassed Mums & Dads with excited youngsters. Families were our business – but not this sort. Mark returned talking deportation of La Problema straight back. All then started arguing fiercely amongst themselves, firmly split into two camps. One was led by the skin-headed, tattooed husband of Sharon: ‘C’mon, let’s go, leave ‘er ‘ere – ‘ope they send ‘er back, she’s always trouble!’ . This attitude was directly opposed to a kindlier element, led by sister Sharon taking the view: ‘No, we came as a family we stay as a family’. Mark then returned saying the police were releasing La Problema uncharged.
Her daughter, whose partner had apparently had the onboard fight with his mother-in-law suggested strongly to me that I immediately took the three of them away and Ted could then safely bring the rest. After dropping the couple and little one in the other house Ted then arrived and I was able to observe the cause of the trouble. With a wild frizzy, orange perm the woman looked as though she had been to the electric chair and survived, crumpled clothes, lipstick and make-up smudged all over her unhappy, lined face. She said nothing, glaring round at everyone. I told Sharon firmly for them to all get to bed and that I would come back tomorrow. The next morning with a heavy heart I mounted the patio steps. Calling Sharon, I suddenly jumped out of my skin as something moved near my feet, Somehow outside I missed seeing the sleeping body of La Problema, who was curled up like a dog on a beach towel. Sharon came out and explained no-one was up yet, could I please come back in two hours? When I returned again I found out I had narrowly missed the first cabaret. Apparently the daughter and partner had got up with their child, and set off to explore their surroundings. On spotting the prone sleeper the row kicked off again, but this time in a new twist it involved mother and daughter rolling around screaming, swearing, fighting, scratching and kicking in front of their new utterly bemused neighbours. La Problema demanded that I book her on the next plane home. Trying to keep cool, through gritted teeth I pointed out that I was not a travel agent and if she intended to stay in my house, she had better drastically improve her behaviour. Sharon apologised, assuring me that all would now be well. La Problema was ushered away to sleep it off while I outlined the facilities secretly wishing they would all go home there and then.
For the next fortnight I felt like I was walking on thin ice. They were the talk of the neighbours, other holidaymakers and local shops and bars. Nearby was the large communal swimming pool and it appeared they were an almost daily family entertainment act with their language, fights and noisy daily rows.
Nur, from Istanbul, has been on the market for 22 years
Petition to stop closure of Alicante craft market
My wife and I were awestruck at the ground-level Nine-Eleven memorial in New York I kept a very low profile, wincing every time the phone went, and slowly the two weeks passed. The saintly Ted ferried them around to beaches and local places of interest, and eventually, at last the great day for their departure came. As they had a night flight again I called round earlier to check the pick-up: Mark came running out of the house when he saw me. ‘Hey, John ‘eard the news ? ‘No, what news?’ I was instantly wary. ‘Well apparently two planes have hit the Twin Towers in New York - all flights round the world have been stopped!’ I felt the blood drain from my body. ‘You mean…. ALL flights?’ ‘That’s what they’re saying!’ For the rest of the day and throughout the evening I held my breath as the world, New York apart, began to slowly return to normal, Yes, at last, they eventually went in the middle of the night, much to my enormous relief, still arguing amongst themselves at the airport. Oh yes, I remember Nine Eleven… Three years ago my wife and I visited America and were awestruck at the ground-level Nine-Eleven memorial in New York on the site of the Twin Towers that were destroyed. It has all the victims names inscribed on marble all around the huge water feature, and flowers are placed there on their birthdays. It was very moving – but I have my own memories of that awful day during ‘The Rental Years’ as I call them.
If you have a story to tell why not email it to:
As the fate of closure awaits, a petition to keep open the Alicante Plaza craft market has been signed by hundreds of people "We don't know when the craft market will close, but there are many people who are fighting for it to remain," market stall holder Nur exclusively told The Leader. Nur, from Istanbul in Turkey, said: "I have been here for 22 years and now the Alicante Town Hall want to close the craft market stalls. "We are told that discussions are taking place, but we don't know any date for its planned closure." The popular tourist craft market is a short distance from the Alicante maritime museum and other attractions in the city. "The people who live nearby want the market to remain open," said Nur. "They are just some of the people who have signed the petition against the closure. "These people reply on work for their families and children," she added. A lady from Ireland, who was on holiday in Alicante, said: "It's a shame to hear that the craft market is going to close."
British Drivers warned their Blue Disabled Badges not valid in Spain
Disabled British nationals driving to some of the most popular holiday destinations in the European Union, have been warned that their blue parking badges will not be recognised due to the UK’s departure from the EU. While a total of 20 EU and Schengen Area countries continue to recognise the badge in spite of Brexit, 11, one of which is Spain, (including the Balearic and Canary Isles), no longer do so. The UK government is, however, still negotiating with Spain on the status of UK blue badges, which up until December 31, 2020, were recognised across the whole of Europe.
The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733
La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: Join us at the SALT CHURCH
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2020 Ford Focus ST3 petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 37,900 euro. Come along
to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934.
Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
The JuneMeeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on
SHARE THE COST OF BUYING AN APARTMENT I am looking for someone to share the cost of buying a 2 bed apartment in Los Alcazares. Total cost is 100k so 50k each.
Please contact Fintan on +353 86 878 1317
637 227 385
Thursday 21 July at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. SILENT AUCTION. Bring something along. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:
Diana from Greece. 47 year old lady. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Beautiful, sweet, natural body. Private apartment. Calle Gil Vallejo 5, Torrevieja. Call 663 817 943 Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050. Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete
Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at; attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year. Do massage erotic with happy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
NADIA... SO SWEET MONDALVIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 276 205
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
HELEN... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON. Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.
Tel. 665 736 488
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
637 227 385
BITES Spain and Catalonia agree to protect Catalan language. The Spanish and the Catalan regional govt have decided to "dejudicialize politics" and to protect the Catalan language. This comes after both governments met in order to discuss the issue of independence. Spain's presidency minister Felix Bolaftos spoke of the Spanish govt's endeavour to protect the Catalan language both in the country and abroad.
What are the fines and penalties for starting forest fire? In the last few weeks, some of the forest fires in Spain have been caused by humans. In these cases, hefty fines and penalties are imposed. If there is a danger to life caused by these fires, a penalty of 10 to 20 years in prison and fines of 10 to 400 euros per day are contemplated over a period of 12 to 24 months. If there is no danger, the sentences are much shorter.
Spain planning to buy costliest drug in the world, single dose costs euro 2.47m The Spanish Ministry of Health is planning to finance a drug called Libmeldy, the only drug that exists against leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disease that manifests in children before the age of three. Both Germany and Italy have paid 2.47 million euros for a single dose of this drug. The Health Ministry is reportedly negotiating the price with Orchard Therapeutics.
Spain passes bill that legalises foreign workers On 26 Jul, Spain eased the regulations for foreign workers without legal documents. This is expected tobring thousands of workers into the official labor force and also help out understaffed sectors in hospitality and farming. The govt reformed an existing decree that will make it easier for Spanish companies to hire people from their home countries.
Drought takes a toll on olive harvest in southern parts of country Conditions of drought in southern Spain have taken a toll on the olive harvest this year. According to farmers in Andalusia, the olive trees are usually resistant to water scarcity.
The Arcade: It’s been a long time since I have been in an arcade, the type where there are colourful machines lined up in rows, flashing equally colourful lighting, encouraging one to play. To do so, there is a slot to put a coin in, with very little chance of being any better off when the rubbishy prize drops into an opening with the following feeling; ‘was it worth it’ but then again it was a little bit of excitement. We have one of those machines in the living room showing flashing repeating colourful lights, it is called a television. Like the machines in the arcade it is a continuous repeat of what has gone before many times over and if we want to see something a little more serious then the numbers on a credit card come in useful to obtain a programme that may be somewhat different, which if you are lucky, will be poles apart and away from cooking, gardening, Countryfile, or a long running soap type of unreal drama. Whoever thought up the name of ‘Pointless’ got it just right – we won’t mention football. Of course, if one gets desperate there is always ‘The Chase’ to watch.
Bells: Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock, the clock struck one and down he ran obviously he did not like the noise. Living with a disturbance of any kind is not pleasant and before making the decision to move into a new environment, then surely it is important to take events like this into account. For instance, having coffee sitting in the sun in the plaza, thinking how pleasant and rural it all is as the very old church bells do what they have been doing for hundreds of years and start to mark the period of time. In that situation it is the occasion to question whether you could live with the repetitive chiming, it is too late when you have settled in or close to the village, as it would appear some people have done in the Hondon Valley, as they have been complaining about the noise from the historic bells. We live just about a mile from the community and on a calm day we can hear the bells clearly, but then again isn’t that what they were originally erected for, to inform the men toiling in the fields how time was passing, or to call the congregation to mass. We also hear of people complaining about farmers going about their daily chores, whether it be spreading weed killer, ploughing the fields or some other necessary work to ensure a healthy produce. They have been there a long time and I do not see any reason why the local population should change their ways for people that moved into their environment.
But in extreme drought conditions, the plants activate mechanisms to protect themselves. This means they do not die but no longer produce anything.
Bonfires: On the Spanish N332 website, which in itself is useful in keeping up to date, not only with
“WE ASKED 100 PEOPLE IF THEY THOUGHT ‘POINTLESS’ WAS POINTLESS.” road news but also with real time policy, we are told by the site that the government is considering banning bonfires. It is a factual report without any reasoning behind it but, only guessing, it is probably something to do with global warming.
would think the directors of the company must have been very disillusioned, if not suicidal, when the very word they used to promote their wares became the name for a dreadful illness ‘HIV AIDS’ a virus transmitted by body fluids or contact.
It is one of those situations of ‘beware of what you wish for’. With the real and constant problem of how to deal with the mountain of daily rubbish being produced by a throwaway society, why add to it by banning the burning of tree cuttings and other waste from the fields, especially come the autumn when the vines and other growth needs to be cut back.
I know not what happened to the company selling slimming products; it certainly could not continue with the trade name, and probably had to slim down...
The vision will be lines of lorries going from field to field loading this tangled green waste to be transported somewhere – but where? Probably to a furnace or somewhere to burn it. Are the banning of log and pellet fires next to be prohibited?
Naming It! Forming a trading company is exciting in itself, putting a name to it so that it will help to promote the products being sold needs a lot of thought. Even then there is no guarantee the name will work and changing circumstances can go against you. ‘Aids’ comes to mind. It was a famous product in the slimming world to aid in the loss of weight. I
A rainbow in itself is nothing but a play on lights reflecting water acting as a prism. It has no body and certainly no pot of gold at its end. In fact, calling anything by the name Rainbow would indicate it is colourful without body. There is another use of the word in losing a ‘furry friend’, which in itself is very sad and upsetting especially when it is said ‘they have gone over rainbow bridge’ which as we all know leads to nowhere. There are many companies that use the rainbow as an image including the LGBTQ gay community, does that mean they have no substance and are going nowhere? Take care. /percy chattey
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Boba turtle lays 130 eggs in Guardamar A female boba turtle has laid 130 eggs, making it the largest number of all nests that has been made in the Valencian Community in recent years, on the beach at Guardamar. The specimen, named Catherine in honour of Catherine McClellan, a young American marine biologist, has been fitted with a satellite transmitter, genetic samples have been taken, and a microchip installed, so experts can monitor the situation, especially over the next, crucial, 15 days.
The appearance of turtles on the beaches of the Costa Blanca is not unusual, but they are afforded a certain amount of protection. If you see one, or even just apparent footprints in the sand, you are asked not to approach, and leave the creature in peace. If you find yourself close, do not approach from the front, and do not take photographs, especially with a flash. Also, and it may come as a surprise, you are asked to call the 112 emergency services to report the location, so that
experts can be dispatched to check on the animal and make sure all is well, as was the case in Guardamar. Meanwhile the Guardia Civil has rescued a loggerhead turtle that was hooked between plastic bottles used, they are assuming, for illegal fishing. A vessel of the Maritime Service that was carrying out surveillance tasks in the vicinity of the Island of Tabarca found the specimen, which has been transferred to the facilities of the Oceanogràfic for for recovery.
Own brand products, among the most consumed by ALDI customers
Latest Montesinos Bike Lane Completed The roads around Los Montesinos have again been improved, with the completion of the latest bike lane to be added to the eco-friendly infrastructure. This latest expansion of the network will improve accessibility and safety for cyclists in the Torrevieja, Guardamar and Rojales direction from the town. The work was financed by the Generalitat Valenciana The local council have included their improvements to urban mobility within their current agenda, and are currently waiting for ADIF, the railway infrastructure body, to clear the lines of the old Renfe railway track, with the purpose of making that too a cycle and pedestrian route.
* Beers, dairy products and pet food are some of the own-brand products that are most consumed by ALDI customers in the Valencian Community * The company will open a new supermarket in Oropesa del Mar on 1 August, bringing the number of stores in the Valencian Community to 63. * Own brand products already represent more than half of the shopping basket for 60% of Valencian families, according to the Study on Own Brand in Spain 2022 Beers, dairy products and pet food are just some of the most consumed own-brand products that have been purchased during the first half of 2022 by ALDI customers in the Valencian Community. In fact, according to the Study on Private Labels in Spain 2022 prepared by ALDI, private label products already represent more than half of the shopping basket for 60% of Valencian families. Currently, the supermarket chain offers nearly 2,000 products in its establishments, of which 86% are its own brand, with the aim of offering a complete purchase with quality products at the best possible price. Specifically, the beers of the company's own brand Karlsquell are positioned among the
favourite items for Valencian consumers. ALDI's pet food line, under its own brand Baldo, also incorporates products chosen by Valencian families, as well as Milsani dairy products, which were among the most consumed in the Levante region between January and June 2022. In addition, ALDI's entire own brand milk assortment is 100% domestically sourced and the company offers it’s dairy products in packaging made from sustainable, recyclable and environmentally friendly materials. The Valencian Community has the third most ALDI stores in the country On August 1, the supermarket chain will continue to expand its presence in the Valencian territory, and will open its first supermarket in the Castellon town of Oropesa del Mar, on Avda. Jardin, 35. With this new opening, ALDI will total 63 establishments in the Valencian Community, which remains the third region with the most ALDI supermarkets in Spain, behind Andalusia and Catalonia. The new store is the third that the company will has opened this year in the community, after the those in PeЦТscola and Gran Alacant. It will have a sales floor of more than 1,200 m2.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Tony Mayes or decades, if not generations, Britain’s NHS has been the envy of the world. But, sadly, in 2022, it is now in dire trouble and patients are being put at serious risk as a result.
need its services. Oh yes, Boris Johnston rushed to the NHS when he had Covid and needed all the medical care the NHS could give to get him through it – and private hospitals didn’t have that expertise.
prompt medical treatment was to ensure hospitals are all properly funded and staffed.
It’s not the British opposition political parties which are saying this, it is a cross party group of MPs, who report “England alone is now short of 12,000 hospital doctors and more than 50,000 nurses and midwives, this is the worst workforce crisis in NHS history.”
And oh yes, we got all the platitudes from him and his Tory right wing mates thanking the NHS. But it was all so very short lived wasn’t it. Look what paltry pay rises are on offer now.
Liz Truss is front runner because she is advocating tax cuts and it is the rich who will most benefit from that.
Persistent understaffing in the NHS poses a serious risk to staff and patient safety."
Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who chairs the Commons health and social care select committee that produced the report, said tackling the shortage must be a "top priority" for the new prime minister when she or he takes over in September. "Persistent understaffing in the NHS poses a serious risk to staff and patient safety, a situation compounded by the absence of a long-term plan by the government to tackle it," he said. What an indictment! So where on earth is the government going to conjure up all these muchneeded medical staff?. They are not hiding in locked tooms eagerly waiting to be released. It will take years to sort out and all the time patients will be waiting longer and longer to be seen by a doctor or get a bed in hospital. Without a doubt people will die waiting. The founding fathers of the NHS, back just after WW2, will turn in their graves to know that their dream of providing health treatment for all has been so callously treated. But why has this happened. Here’s a simple explanation. The NHS has for far too long been left in the hands of people who are rich enough not to
This takes me conveniently on to the current leadership race for the next prime minister.
Now just imagine a scenario where those private hospitals and medical care facilities were all “nationalised” and brought into the orbit of the NHS. People with money were no longer able to queue jump and get medical care, and instead had to wait alongside everyone else.
Imagine no Harley Street for the rich, and surgeons spending a few hours in an NHS hospital before rushing off to do private work to earn big bucks. So, the NHS is currently is in a disastrous state because of an acute staff shortage. I cannot believe that staff shortage exists in the private sector – because the pay is better. My wife, a retired nurse, did her stint in hospitals but was paid far more on the “bank” at private hospitals. So here’s the solution. Get all medical care under the umbrella of the NHS and pay doctors, nurses, midwives and ancillary staff more – something they so richly deserve. If the rich want to get their medical treatment overseas because they can’t stand the prospect of queueing with the riff-raff, then make sure they pay a heavy price to return to the UK. And to those who say they should be able to queue jump I would say to them they are selfish to the core. Why should they live and others die simply because they have money, or have employers who have paid for expensive medical insurance? The UK must properly fund the NHS and the only way to do this is to put the burden on the shoulders of those who can most afford it – the rich. And they would quickly cough up if they knew the only way of getting good,
Awards for Orihuela Local Police A total of 29 officers of the Orihuela Local Police and 5 support staff have been nominated for the granting of distinctions and awards. The certificates include the Diploma of Public Merit for 18 officers, who’s actions clearly exceed the normal level of performance while the Professional Merit Cross was awarded to 13 officers for their years of service, 30 and 25 years respectively. Two further officers were presented with retirement awards.
Ryanair crew extend strikes till 7 Jan 2023 Ryanair cabin crew strikes have been extended until 7 Jan 2023 by the unions. The unions have announced strikes which include 24-hour stoppages, Monday to Thursday, weekly, and they will begin on 8 Aug. "USO and Sitcpla have been forced to continue the strike and call new dates, after listening to the workers", union officials said.
And it is all because, waiting in the wings, are all the private hospitals and private care homes for those who can afford them.
Imagine if the super-rich, Lords, Ladies and even the Monarchy had to wait in an ambulance for hours before a bed was available in hospital, had to ring up at 8.30am and listen to endless music in a queue for ages to get an appointment to see a doctor and then had a “screening interrogation” before you could get a face-to-face appointment.
Harsh truth about the super-rich and worst crisis in NHS history
This is nothing short of a national disgrace and most of this dreadful decline has happened under the watch of successive Tory governments.
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Government opposes Murcia airport renaming The Government has filed an appeal before the Superior Court against the renaming of the International Airport of the Region of Murcia as 'Juan de la Cierva'.
Liz Truss is the ‘front runner’ because she is advocating Tax Cuts.
She claims the cuts will be funded by economic growth. It’s bulls**t – how can the UK get economic growth when the world is teetering on the edge of a global recession? If the UK economy cannot grow any tax cuts would have to be funded by increased borrowing which is inflationary and leads to interest rate rises, or there would have to be even more public service cuts – including, presumably, to the NHS. Sunak wanted an increase in business rates next year, which is stupid, because that would make UK businesses less competitive. Heaven knows whether he has done a U turn on that one – he should be advocating putting up taxes for the megga rich while reducing tax for the much less well off. But he knows a Tory government, which has watched as the rich get richer and the poor poorer for the past decade, is never likely to change their colours now and the 150,000 or so Tory members would never vote for it or him. I was amazed to hear that the bosses of energy companies get more than a million in salary each year plus mega bonuses, and no doubt bosses of the top 250 UK companies get the same or more. Can anyone justify that sort of pay? If they are ill, should their ambulance or hospital trolley be pushed to the front of the queue? What do you think? If you too have an opinion, write to The Leader and tell us at:
Five years ago, the Regional Assembly approved the incorporation of the name of a local flyer and inventor, Juan de la Cierva, into the title. However, the Central Government banned the move saying that naming the airport after the aviator would be incompatible with the Law of Historical Memory, who allegedly worked with the advisers of the coup that brought Franco to power following the Civil War.
No summer holiday for 30% of workers Despite finding ourselves enjoying the first "normal" summer after two years of restrictions, there are still many Spaniards, 31% of those who do have a job, who will not be enjoying their welldeserved holiday period this summer. One of the reasons is that with inflation exceeding 10%, some 5.7 percentage points above that registered last summer, for many, the impact on the cost of the holiday is beyond their means.
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
CHARO EDGED OUT IN EUROPEAN SEMIFINALS Charo (left) was narrowly beaten by the Slovakian Mia Pohankova
Bulgaria Men's National Cricket squad with coach Andrew McCulloch (back row fourth left).
McCulloch proud despite Bulgaria defeat Leader.
By Andrew Atkinson Bulgarian National Cricket team coached by La Manga Torrevieja CC's Andrew McCulloch travelled to Helsinki ahead of their match against Guernsey in the Europe Sub-Regional qualifiers for the ICC 2024 Men's T20 World Cup. "We got beat, however, the boys were outstanding in the field, restricting them to 129 for 8 which was superb," coach McCulloch told The
Bulgaria faced Guernsey in their opening Group B fixture and McCulloch said: "Unfortunately the gulf in class of bowling between Guernsey and what the Bulgarian boys face normally was immense. I'm really proud of them."
Charo Esquiva, the current Infantil National Champion, from the Torrevieja Tennis Club, was selected to play in the European Championship in the Czech Republic where she reached the tournament semi finals, finishing third overall. Charo beat Italian Fabiola Marino in the first round by 7-5 6-2, Montenegrin Iva Lakic in the second round by 6-4 4-6 6-1, Swedish number 1 Lea Nilsson in the round of 16 by 64 2-6 7-6 and Czech fourth seed Veronika Sekerkova in the quarter finals by 6-4 -63. She eventually lost in the semis against the Slovakian Mia Pohankova by 3-6 6-0 6-4 after a long and hard fought match.
Ciudad de Torrevieja Tennis attracts over 300 players
Group B features Bulgaria, Guernsey, Austria, Luxembourg and Slovenia with matches played during July and August: "Next up is Slovenia," added McCulloch.
Costa Blanca Independent Pool Mini Summer league. Bar Principals A defeated La Hacienda A 5-4 in the Costa Blanca Summer Mini Independent Pool League on July 27 to sit in second spot on eight points. Pines A returned a 5-0 win against The Flagger's, with league leaders Happy Days Excellence defeating The Dogs 6-3 topping the table on 10 points. Pines B had a walkover win against Happy Days Nearlys.
3. Eyrie, 4. Vasectomy, 5. Machin
1. In Dundee where it was published by D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. The comic first appeared in 1938 and was published weekly, during the Second World War, during which time The Beano or The Dandy was published on alternating weeks due to paper and ink rationing. 2. The only one that doesn’t mention God,
Stamps, 6. European Free Trade Association, 7. Iwo Jima, 8. Mount Kilimanjaro, 9. Teeth, 10. 12 1,000,000,000,000, 11. Noel Coward, 12. Karma, 13. Malcolm & Donald Campbell, 14. Botswana, 15. Types of Needlework stitches, 16. Alexander Dubcek, 17. Georgia, 18. Billy the Kid, 19. Nirvana,
The 44th “City of Torrevieja” Tennis Tournament attracts over 300 players Torrevieja councillor Diana Box joined tournament director and referee, Humberto Zuleta, and David Pérez, last week to announce details of the 44th edition of the "Ciudad de Torrevieja" Tennis Tournament which is currently taking place at the club's facilities in Los Balcones.
Both Diana Box and the club representatives said that it is one of the most important tennis tournaments in the Valencian Community, now 20. Harold Abrahams. 21. Peter Finch achieving an official (Network), 22. Yellow River (5,464 km), ranking by the Royal Red River (2,188 km), Orange River Spanish Tennis (2,092 km), Blue Nile (1,600 km), Green Federation (RFET). It River (1,175 km) and White River (1,102 is also included on the km), 23. The five holy wounds of Christ, Spartan Tennis Tour national circuit, and on 24. Claude Monet, 25. Stockholm synthe IBP Tennis drome. (Lima syndrome: Hostage takers Satellites. sympathise with the hostages)
On this occasion participants will feature across the whole range of categories including Benjamin, Alevín, Infantil, Junior, Open and Veteran. More than 300 tennis players will take part in the tournament, of which 8 are ranked amongst the 100 best players in Spain. Charo Esquiva, the current champion of Spain in the Infantil category and a semifinalist in the European Championship will also be taking part. Prizemoney: Open male and female champions 1,000 euros, Runner-Ups: 500 Euros. Semifinalists: 250 Euros. 4th Finalists: 150 Euros. Male and Female Veterans: Champion: 100 Euros. Finalist: 50 Euros. Semifinalists: 25 Euros. There will also be 2,000 euros in sports equipment for the finalists. All the tournament information on the club's official website:
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
The Celts Club de Golf.
637 227 385
The results of the Championship Day were as follows. NTPs Tony Burns, Gordon Montgomery, Mike stott, Terry Lambert, Stuart Bulling and John O’Brien. Cat 3. Savi Nayager 39, Michael Doyle 38 and Michael Parry 37. Cat 2. Peter Dunne 39, Keith Groom 37 and Pat McLaughlin. Cat 1. Charles Alan Campbell 37, Terence Fitzgerald 36 and Pauvla Serakova 34. The gross was won by Mike Stott 30. The runner-up was Fred Beel 39 and the winner on the day Colin Fleming with 39. We had to apply a 2 point penalty for slow play to a group who had lost more than two holes. Also we had a disqualification regarding an error with the app. Please make sure that you return the correct score as you may incur a penalty. John O’Brien
e celebrated our championship match last Sunday at La Serena with 70 brave souls, some would say braving the tortuous
and Shaun Locke 38. Cat 2. Pat McLaughlin 41, Willie Mackie 35 and Donald Love 34.
As usual we must thank the organsiers of the day Camillus, Terry, and Philip. Jose in the pro-shop muchos gracais. Vanessa and all the crew in the restaurant looking after our hungry and thirsty members and guests. Miguel the head green keeper and the course and maintenance staff gracias, every day the improvements can be clearly witnessed. To Logan Nayager our captain thank you and I hope your moving home is nearing completion, you now have a panoramic view of the course. Down to the results, golf prize winners’ week 1, Golf Prizes Cat 1. Tony Burns 43, Gordon Montgomery 38
Mike Probert talks Golf
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
Crystal. Cat 1. Colin Soones 41, Eddie Wall 39 and Nick Shaw 39. Cat 2. Theo Boelhouwer 40, Martin Power 39 and Beverley Buckley 37. Medal June. Cat1. Kenny McGeehan 67. Cat 2. Alan Walker 68 and Cat3. Rose Walker 65. Golf Prizes. Cat 1., Alan Walker 42, Denis McCormack 37 andPauvla Serakova 36. Cat 2. Beverley Buckley 39, Chris Fyfe 35 and Felix Mallon 34. Cat 1. David Marriott 40, Jane Wills 40 and Terry Fitzgerald 39. Cat 2. Pat McLaughlin 42, Aki Stott 42 and Michael Doyle 40. Medal July. Cat1 Terry Fitzgerald 72. Cat 2. Chris Daw 66 and Cat 3. Fred Beel 67. Crystal Cat 1.Tony Burns 34 and Tommy Warren 33. Cat 2 Felix Mallon 37 and Brendan Gannon 36.
ROUND & ABOUT THE COURSES La Serena Golf The La Serena Beach and Golf Resort is located close to Los Alcazares and the calm waters of the Mar Menor which is a relatively short drive away from the cities of Murcia and Cartagena. The course was designed by Manuel Pinero who was a member of the winning 1985 Ryder Cup team at the Belfry and the main feature of the course is the Torre del Rame
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €134 Two Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €82 Two Green Fees & Buggy Altaoana Village €95 Two Green Fees & Buggy Altorreal €80 Two Green Fees & Buggy (holes 10 to 18 played twice) Bonalba €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €136 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda D Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor
€90 €82 €45 €110 €47 €65 €52 €90 €45 €60 €97 €70 €50 €50
which is a pirate look out tower built 500 years ago but more importantly the course is an excellent test of golf and has sixteen holes of water positioned to catch any shots short and with a left to right ball flight.
as is the commercial shopping area at Dos Mares. The following special deals are available at La Serena until the 31/08/22: Two Green Fees and Buggy = €104
The clubhouse is excellent with a large bar and restaurant facilities and is located right next to the excellent Senator Mar Menor Golf and Spa Hotel.
For non-golfers the famous mud baths at San Pedro Del Pinatar are just a short drive away
Call Mike Probert on 661 345 931 to make a booking.
Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.08pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 2.00pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee (from 1.00pm) Single Green Fee
Two Green Fees and Buggy (from 1.08pm) = 1 player in 8 play free (golf only)
New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
€68 €98 €115 €47 €80 €58 €115 €112
Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.06pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.00pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.00pm)
DEAL OF THE WEEK: Roda Two Players and Buggy (from 1.06pm) only €110 For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
Carp-R-Us Fishing Carp-R-Us fished the 6th match of its 2022 Murcia Series on the Rio Segura in the centre of Murcia on Thursday 28th July. This was the last match ahead its annual August 'heat wave' break. Fortunately, the temperature had dropped considerably since the 40oC+ days of earlier in the week and even Terry Screen reported from personal experience that the water was cooler than expected. The day only hit the mid 30oC's. At the outset, the river looked in poor form. It was a milky grey/green which did not bode well.
Chairman Paul Durrant with Secretary Simone De Lacy and Bob Smith The popular Thursday evening resumes in September (date to be confirmed) following this terms A.G.M. to be held at the Tipsy Toad, 25th August, 8-00pm. Several bars have expressed interest in joining this season, currently 16 teams will contest the competition. The Wee Rock Cafe, an existing member, is looking for players of all abilities to enjoy the excellent facilities at Wee Rock. Any dart shooters wishing to participate for the Rock or any other side, should either contact Wee Rock directly or message League Secretary, Simone De Lacy, at:
The league has been in existence for over 12 years under various high profile local sponsors, the league secretary joined on the committee by Bob Smith (Dannys Bar) and Chairman Paul Durrant (The Hub).
This was a day when the pegs fished to form. Peg 1 above the weir performed best with Willy Moons managing 6.60Kgs; 5 carp and a barbel all over 1kg on feeder with pellet. Terry Screen on Peg 2 came 2nd with 5.43Kgs;
Last season included a 22 match programme determining 1st and 2nd division champions, plus a full competition schedule, to include Singles, Pairs, for both ladies and men, Merit awards in three categories and two K.O. Team events.
7 carp on feeder alternating bread and pellet. Then on peg 3 just below the bridge, Alan Smith managed a creditable 2.14Kgs which comprised 1 carp and 56 bleak (which weighed 0.97kgs). Finally, Roy Dainty immediately above the bridge had 2 carp for 2.76kgs. The Club won't be fishing any formal matches during August but no doubt there will be some impromptu knock ups on Thursdays for those willing to take on the heat. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
If you would like to see your LOCAL SPORT SOCIETY feature on these pages email your report and images to: The Shoestring dinghies just after the start
To conclude, May 2023 will enjoy the celebrated presentation evening.
Spring Series 2022 - Race 9
Spring Series 2022 - Race 10
Exciting racing on final day hat a fantastic last race day of the SAMM spring season 2022, full of incidents and excitement. Because the conditions were favorable all but one of the boats were sailed single handed even though the normal crew is two or more people. Race one was delayed by 15 minutes, due to competitors not being ready and a late arrival. Five boats were planning to compete, Shoestring Group dinghies Uno, Dos and Cuatro plus Balaton Group day boats Ginetta and Sirocco. In the light easterly breeze of only 3.5 knots, four of the boats just
W The venue for the second round of the La Marina Golf Society’s Summer Cup this week was at the Alicante Golf Course. The course was challenging due to the hot weather and tricky greens, but high scores were achieved. The winner for the day was Louvain Smith with 45points, in second place was Paul Crump with 41points and in third place was Jeff Wiszniewski with 40 points. Two members were also playing for a place in the La Marina Golf Society’s Knockout cup final and Sarah McCabe beat hubby Gerry 3-2. Sarah will now play Tony Moore in the Final. Nearest the pin winners were as follows, on hole 8 Elspeth McDavitt, hole 12 Vic Smith and for hole 17 was Paul Crump who also won the two’s pot. If you’re looking for a friendly golf society to join, why not check out our website:
made it to the line on the start but Sirocco was disqualified for using their engine after the 5 minute signal, which is not allowed by the rules. The light winds made the going a bit slow, however all managed four or five laps. Race 2 started 15 minutes after the end of race one and this time all five boats competed. The wind had increased a little to east 4 to 5 knots and provided a much more satisfying race, with stiff competition among four of the boats to complete five or six laps. Unfortunately Sirocco made heavy weather of it, only completing three laps and just avoided being lapped by
Ginetta. With such a mixed fleet it is difficulty to appreciate just how close the racing is during the race and it only becomes apparent once the handicaps are applied. So it was great to discover that the last race day of the spring season provided the closest racing for some time. In race 1 Ginetta and Cuatro tied for second place and in race 2 Ginetta took second place by one second pushing Uno into third. A brilliant end to the seasons races. For more information about SAMM and the racing visit
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2022
637 227 385