No 931 Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
t has been an ongoing crisis for some months, but despite the introduction of the so-called “Shock Plan” to deal with the situation, and the complete revamp of the emergency room, the care being given at Torrevieja hospital has gone from being extremely bad to catastrophic, which the unions describing as “unsustainable”.
Despite the supposed improvements, in recent weeks, other ER doctors have resigned and the rapid consultation and traumatology unit doesn´t operate every day. To put the effects into real terms for patients, on Monday the hospital was dealing with 34 patients occupying observation beds, all examination boxes were full, and there was a stream of patients on stretchers in the corridors, some of whom had been waiting a staggering 80 hours for admission. In addition, another 60 patients remained in the waiting room to be seen, more than 15 hours later, according to union data. By Tuesday, the situation was not much better, with 31 patients in the observation room, some with the same hours of waiting for admission. And in the boxes there were more than 12 patients with up to 20 without admission and 82 patients in the waiting room, with waits of up to 21 hours. The unions representing workers describe the situation as "unsustainable", as they barely had four or five doctors to cover the emergency room, many fewer than when Ribera Salud ran the service, wwith up to 27 doctors covering the Emergency Department. In order to alleviate the pressure on the hospital, the health department are asking those in need of medical attention to attend their local clinics rather than the hospital, in the first instance. To some extent, that plan is working. In July, the Points of Continuous Attention (PAC) dealt with 78% of the emergencies, a substantial increase in medical attention in the clinics, with the assistance of 7,500 more patients than those to which they attended during the same period of 2019, just before the pandemic, and about 9,000 more patients than last year. These clinics are currently attending to an average of 830 patients per day, with an average waiting time less than 30 minutes.
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
But the ambulance service is also struggling to cope with demand. The regional government recently agreed to increase the number of ambulances serving the community, which can be seen with the extension in service cover in various locations. On Friday, the regional government approved a 5-million-euro emergency budget to deal with deficiencies in staffing, including covering vacancies, as well as approving an increase in the salary received by the coordinating doctors of the Emergency Information and Coordination Centre (CICU), as well as the medical and nursing staff of SAMU (and coordinating medical staff of the CICU) who carry out additional activities on a voluntary basis outside their ordinary activities. The salary increase has an annual budget allocation of 3,236,759 euro and its objective is to improve the remuneration conditions of the Health Emergency Service (SES) staff, encourage coverage of SAMU positions and achieve greater employment stability, which, they say, will allow an increase in resources, which will result in an improvement in the quality of health care to the public. There is no doubt that the regional government are investing in health infrastructure, with 70 million euro for the expansion of the Vega Baja hospital in Orihuela, more than 3.3 million for the health centre on the Orihuela Costa, the purchase of a property in Guardamar which will allow their health centre also to expand, just three of the projects announced in recent weeks. Now, we have to wait and see if this latest investment in the staff who provide care in these facilities pays off, but with the summer season still in full swing, the situation may well get worse before it gets better.
It is a mystery how city 34 kilometres distant, separated by rolling countryside and two independent towns, can lay administrative claims on the coastal area. A location with a population exceeding 33,227 is surely of sufficient size to manage it’s own administration, and to elect it’s own councillors, who actually reside in the area and can truly act for the residents they represent. The neighbouring town of Pilar de la Horadada, with a population of approximately 22,000 gained independence from the stranglehold of Orihuela in 1986. Since that time this town has flourished.
by David Whitney - c2022 A poem inspired by the short life of Archie Battersbee
Hearts break into pieces Lives will never be the same Your child has left this cruel world You look for who's to blame
And whilst grief overtakes you Just be thankful for the time That Archie spent within your life Within your love divine
Your anger's overwhelming Your tears stream from your eyes You ask God for some answers He wont tell any lies
The memories, the happy times His handsome smiling face Not gone from you forever But now in another place
The truth is he was missing An angel in his realm A young child with ambition Someone to take the helm And so he chose young Archie Who he knew would be just right A boy full of adventure A bright sunbeam full of light
Democracy for Orihuela Costa Residents of Orihuela Costa continue to suffer from an appalling lack of services despite being the largest population centre under control of Orihuela. The region also has population far greater than many of the surrounding municipalities that have managed to take full control of their own administrative affairs through segregation.
637 227 385
ing independent municipalities, each providing services to their residents that far outstrip those offered to Orihuela Costa residents, who continue to live off the scraps from the Orihuela table. Self-government for Orihuela Costa is the only way forward, the only way by which the area will ever be able to enjoy the services and amenities appropriate to the size of the population it serves. Whilst independence from Orihuela could be some way off, the coast should have devolved powers with all of the town hall services offered in the city also available to the residents of the coast. For too long the Costa has been marginalised, neglected, and it’s people ransacked for the benefit of Orihuela. It is now time that the residents were provided with the services they so desperately need.
Pilar is a well-resourced thriving area, while the Orihuela Costa is little more than a cash cow for the benefit of the well subsidised residents of a city over 30 kilometres away.
To this end the coast must have an appropriate number of councillors representing the area. This would equate to a minimum of 8 councillors from the coastal region serving as members of Ayuntamiento.
San Miguel del Salinas, population approximately 8,000; Montesinos, population 5,500; Dolores, population 7,300; Catral, population 8,600, are all self-governing and self-determin-
But it is only by voting in the upcoming municipal elections that residents of the Orihuela Costa will be able to determine the future of the coast.
In Heaven with a new life Just a fleeting breath away And always there within your hearts Where he will always stay. If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Orihuela Local Police remove more than 100 e-scooters
The police say they have removed over 100 e-scooters from Orihuela Costa streets in the last few days
ollowing coverage in The Leader Newspaper leading to dozens of local complaints, the Orihuela Policia Local has removed over 100 e-scooters found blocking driveways, abandoned on pedestrian crossings or generally badly parked in areas where they are causing traffic problems. Electric scooters roam freely in Orihuela Costa and, as anticipated, with the arrival of summer, their use has increased enormously, especially those that are rented for just a few cents through a mobile application. Two companies currently provide the unregulated service although the Council says that it expects it to be resolved in the coming days While the companies can be seen driving around, picking their scooters up and removing them to acknowledged hire locations, all too many are still to be found abandoned on the ground, in the middle of pavements, in front of urbanisation gates, on pedestrian crossings and in other places where they cause traffic problems, making it difficult for pedestrians to pass . They are also regularly seen being driven around irresponsibly, or even dangerously, on areas where they are prohibited, causing a multitude of complaints and general discomfort due to road insecurity. As such the Local Police is now beginning to act by increasing control and surveillance to the point that agents have removed more than 100 scooters in the last few days. The Councillor for Security, Antonio Sánchez, has acknowledged that "in recent weeks the situation has become unsustainable", despite the fact that in May he insisted that the urban fabric of the Orihuela Costa, with it’s wide avenues and low buildings, allows scooters to be parked without posing a significant problem for residents. Now, however, the City Council has finally proposed measures to minimize the occupation of public thoroughfares by e-scooters, with Sánchez saying that conversations are being accelerated with the two companies that provide the service to regularise the activity, adding that he hopes that everything can be regularised next week.
The councillor also stated that the service could be very beneficial in an area such as the coast, which has a lack of transport services, particularly with taxis and buses. He added that many of the problems, such as reckless driving or abandoning the scooters on public roads, "depend on the good will of the user." He has appealed for responsibility and a better civic attitude, in addition to underlining that the companies themselves are taking measures to sanction those who leave the e-scooters dangerously parked. The mobility ordinance, which regulates the use of e-scooters, was agreed by the council last November, however, it still awaits final approval, no doubt locked in the bottom of an official’s drawer. Meanwhile the Cabo Roig and Lomas Neighborhood Association has welcomed e-scooters as a means of transport for the future, as it is sustainable, economical and practical. For this reason, they say, "it is necessary for the City Council to legalise this activity urgently." “In this way, the companies that provide the service can be required to have the necessary civil liability insurance that covers material and personal damage in the event of an accident. They can also identify the users, even requiring them to deposit a bond in case of possible sanctions for non-compliance with traffic or other regulations.
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Elche looks foward to it’s Nit de l'Albà
Wildfire in Galicia still active and out of control The wildfire in Caldas de Reis in Galicia is still active and out of control. It has already burned around 450 hectares of land. Several houses in the neighbouring regions have had to be evacuated due to close proximity to the fire.
The skies are illuminated by fireworks in honour of the city’s patroness, the Virgin Mary
This festival itself has its origin in the Middle Ages, when families offered a rocket for each of their children. This tradition has been modified over the years until reaching the festivity that we know today, when hundreds of firework palm trees are launched in a coordinated manner from different points of the city. In addition, there are many people from Elche who also help light up the city that night by launching their own fireworks.
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Spain has seen a series of wildfires in the past few weeks which have been further fuelled by the heatwaves.
Next Saturday 13 August, one of the most anticipated nights in the Elche festivities calendar takes place, bringing people from around the entire region and beyond together, for the annual celebration of the Nit de l'Albà. This year, the night sky of Elche will light up with more than 40,000 dozen rockets and 1,800 thunder shells in which the city council has invested 143,094 euro (more than double what was invested in 2019, the last year in which the event was celebrated).
The night culminates a few minutes before midnight, when the thunder
DECOMPOSED BODY OF A WOMAN WASHES UP ON LA MANGA BEACH The body of a woman, in an advanced state of decomposition, washed up on the beach in La Manga on Friday morning, police sources confirm. The body was located at around 10:00am in the Galúa area of La Manga. According to the preliminary information, the body, identified as female by a visual inspection, is likely to have been in the water for several weeks. Due to the poor condition of the body, it is not yet known how the person died
and lightning of the fireworks suddenly stop, the lights go out, the Gloria Patri sounds, the last song of the Mystery Play of Elx (declared by UNESCO a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) and from the top of the bell tower of the Basilica of Santa Maria, the breath-taking Palm of the Virgin emerges, an offering to the patron saint that illuminates the whole city.
TORREVIEJA BUS CONTRACT RUNS INTO PROBLEMS Torrevieja recently presented the tender for a contract valued 16 million euro to provide a fleet of 32 new vehicles for the new urban bus service. However, the plan has hit a hurdle. Firstly, there was only one bid from Solaris Bus Ibérica, and now, their tender has been declared void. The company has failed to comply with one of the evaluation criteria required by the specifications It is now believed that the contract will be put to tender once again.
12 people trapped on Madrid roller coaster
A dozen people were trapped for over an hour on the 'Abismo' roller coaster at Madrid's Parque de Atracciones due to a technical fault on 3 Aug.
Travellers can begin requesting for free Cercanias , Rodalies and Media Distancia season tickets from 8 Aug, as announced by Renfe.
The ride allows you to plunge from 49 metres high at a total speed of 105 kilometres per hour.
The tickets will reach the travellers from 24 Aug and can be used from September. Travellers can request for the tickets both online through the official website and also via an application.
A glitch forced the ride to be stopped midway in the evening on Wednesday.
2,124 deaths attributable to heat in the month of July The Carlos III Health Institute estimates that, between July 1 and 29, there have been 9,687 more deaths than expected for the period, of which 2,124 are attributable to high temperatures, with a peak in the middle of the month that it coincided with the second heat wave of the summer. These are the latest calculations from the Daily Mortality Monitoring System (MoMo), which since June 1 has confirmed 13,908 more deaths than expected, 3,305 of them due to excessive heat. By age groups, the highest number is found in those over 75 years of age.
Bars, restaurants can limit aircon at 25C says govt
Minister Teresa Ribera
The Spanish govt has altered its stance on air conditioning and has said that bars and restaurants may limit their air conditioning at 25 degrees, instead of 27 degrees as was previously stated in the new energy-saving measures bill. The requirement to limit air conditioning at 27 degrees will be applied with flexibility.
Doctors reject SAMUAmbulance bonus calling offer of 5 euro per hour an ‘insult’.
n order to try to solve the lack of doctors prepared to work in SAMU ambulances in the Valencia region, the government offered an hourly bonus for when they are on call. However, both the unions and the doctors consider the 5 euro per hour bonus to be an “insult”, so much so, that not a single doctor has signed up to the service for the month of August. SAMU ambulances are specialist medical units which must carry a doctor at all times, but due to a lack of resources, there have been many occasions where this has not happened, leaving nurses alone to cover emergencies.
The Medical Union, CESM, who already rejected the proposal, say that the doctors feel "insulted" with the offer, and that, as the government themselves predicted, the "incentive", far from helping to alleviate the situation, is going to make it worse. The CESM say that other Communities are also having problems this summer, such as Andalusia, where they have proposed a program with a supplement of up to 51.95 euro per hour per module completed, while in the Valencian Community the rate is 30 euro, and yet, they are still having a difficulties finding doctors. Weeks ago, the union also spoke of a "bureaucratic plug" that
prevented many doctors from being able to access emergency services due to the "incompatibilities" marked by the regulations. Also, the specialisation courses that enable doctors to provide medical care in ambulances have not been held for two years. The situation of the ambulances in the Valencian Community is the second major conflict between the new Socialist Minister Miguel Mínguez, himself a doctor, and the health workers, after trying to pass a decree on areas of difficult coverage with the forced transfer of doctors from one region to another. The unions opposed it and Mínguez backed down last week.
637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Orihuela Costa Deficiencies Have your say On 19 August in the Playa Flamenca Town hall, local council assessor Stefan Pokroppa will be holding an open meeting in English for anyone who might like to discuss local services, facilities or deficiencies on the Orihuela Costa. The meeting will also be attended by the assessor, Fermín González, who is also the Ayuntamiento representative for Campoamor, Las Filipinas and Las Ramblas as well as the Ciudadanos councillor for Infrastructure, Services, Works and Maintenance, Angel Manuel Noguera Garcia. Pokroppa insists that the meeting is purely non-political, the intention of which is to draw up a prioritised list of outstanding works and services for the coast.
The RBL Band is recruiting The Royal British Legion Concert Band continues to grow and is looking for more musicians in the woodwind, brass and string sections and of all nationalities to join the band. If you have played in the past but don't now have an instrument, we can provide clarinets, trombones and a trumpet. Please contact Graham Robinson by email at: Alternatively you can call him on 658 663 846 or go along to one of the band rehearsals (we re-commence once more after the summer break on Friday 9th September). We rehearse in the basement of the Sofia Wellness Centre, Cabo Roig every Friday from 7pm, you will be made very welcome.'
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
637 227 385
TORREVIEJA CENSUS Ukrainians Boost Torrevieja Census Figures as 2022 population grows by 900
period reflected, 2014 to now, there has been a recorded reduction of almost 20,000 residents in Torrevieja, which means that there are now thousands of properties standing vacant, and yet, the town hall is still pursuing plans to build tower blocks in the town centre, the most recent of which will result in the destruction of one of the few parks in the town.
According to the latest census figures, which were published last week, Torrevieja has seen a population increase of 900 people, increasing from 87,901 to 88,800 residents in the figures compiled since January this year. This is important to town halls, as once the figure of 100,000 people is reached, the town changes category and becomes known as a large city, which means they get more income from central government, both in the actual figure received, and in the amount per person. Torrevieja did hold this status until a few years ago. In 2014, the registered population of Torrevieja reached a total of 107,492 people on the census records. It was in the year 2007 that Torrevieja first surpassed the 100,000 residents mark. Citizens of Ukrainian origin are seemingly responsible for the current increase, after they have become the second largest group in the town, with a total population of 4,596. Although there has been a reduction in the number of UK residents living in Torrevieja, for which Brexit has mostly been blamed, they
Also worth noting is that refugees are still arriving in the country and being placed in various towns such as Torrevieja, and so the Ukrainian figure will continue to increase. still occupy first place, with 4,813 UK nationals being registered. Again, in 2014, 53.1% of the population were foreigners, of which 12,759 were from the UK. However, it is widely understood that the town hall figures, which are based on the padrón, are often over estimated. This is largely because when a person leaves a town, the correct procedure to follow is to go back to the town hall and have yourself removed from the padrón, a process which very few people actual-
ly do. Therefore, the actual departure figures are not properly reflected, as many of the people who have left will remain in the padrón, until a long period of time has elapsed, and they are eventually removed automatically. It is therefore believed that the UK population in Torrevieja is actually a lot less than reported, but for the most accurate figures, we will have to wait for the official update from the Institute of National Statistics (INE). One other important point to bear in mind is that in the
More Summer Entertainment on the Orihuela Costa A new schedule of summer music concerts has been released at Playa Flamenca, the "Verano Musical Agosto 2022", a musical program for Saturday nights in August on the esplanade of the Playa Flamenca promenade. The concerts will be every Saturday in August starting at 11 pm with free admission. On Saturday, August 13, it will be Fran Valenzuela with the tribute to Alejandro Sanz, “Lo que fui es lo que soy”. Divina's Pop is scheduled for Saturday, August 20, and then to bid farewell to this program of "Verano Musical Agosto 2022" on Saturday, August 27, there will be a tribute to the legend that is Queen, with “Magic Queen Alive”.
Torrevieja has registered residents from 121 countries of the five continents. Following the number of British and Ukrainians are residents of Russian origin, with 4,400 registered, Colombians (2,719), Moroccans (2,246), Romanians (1,497), Bulgarians (1,442), Swedes (1,360) Belgians (1,189), Italians (1,120), Germans (1,004), Chinese (779), Algerians (657), Poles (634), Norwegians (608), Brazilians (591), Argentines (545), Finns (521), French (516) and Indians (437).
637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Pilar de la Horadada dedicates a street to Pepé Quesada t a gala ceremony last week the town of Pilar de la Horadada celebrated the date on which it gained independence from Orihuela 36 years ago, with the ringing of the church bells and a colourful firework display.
It also chose to use the occasion to pay tribute to one of it’s most popular residents, Pepe Quesada, following a long career in the
media, specifically in the publicity department of the town hall itself.
Pepé, left, with the mayor José María
The mayor, José María Pérez Sánchez, also announced that in the next plenary session he will propose that the street that runs from the Town Hall to the Plaza de la Iglesia be named "Travesía Pepe Quesada". In his speech to a packed audience in the Plaza de Iglesia, the mayor encouraged every-
one "to fight for their dreams, to continue asking for improvements for the town, and to help the entire population to carry on building Pilar de la Horadada together".
"It is a milestone that was possible, especially thanks to the commissions that worked hard to make it a reality. Thank you always, for your fight," Mayor Jose Manuel Butron told The Leader.
Los Montesinos also celebrated 32 years of independence on July 30, after years of tireless effort, dedication and work of all Montesinera citizens.
"We celebrated 32 years of municipal history and congratulate all the people of Los Montesinos. Let's keep growing together," he said.
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
637 227 385
ARE YOU DYING TO SAY SOMETHING? s things to say just before you breathe your last, it is difficult to think of a more appropriate valediction than Bing Crosby's when he died on a golf course in Spain: "That was a great game of golf, fellas." His doctor had advised him to play only 9 holes, the doc obviously wasn't a fan of lengthy tee parties.
Visitors to Spain double up More than twice as many tourists visited Spain in June than in the same month last year, spending almost three times as much during their stay, National Statistics Institute data showed on Tuesday. The 7.5 million visitors in June spent close to 9 billion euros ($9.2 billion), as Spain edges closer to pre-pandemic levels in its biggest and most important economic sector.
Lying dying in a Paris hotel, Oscar Wilde famously said, "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One of us has got to go." We've all had wallpaper like that. Perhaps equally famous are the last words of the general who assured his aide-de-camp that the enemy army "Couldn't hit an elephant at this dist-" An almost unique example of speaking too soon and not speaking quickly enough.
Woody Allen, who is 86 now, has had lots of time to mull over a variety of last words, but it is unlikely he will use any of them. He has announced that he isn't afraid of death, he just doesn't want to be there when it happens. A common sentiment, no doubt, although Mark Twain observed that he had been dead for billions of years before he was born, and had "not suffered the slightest inconvenience from
Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport has inaugurated a route to Frankfurt, Germany, by the German leisure airline Condor, which last operated from Alicante in 2004. The airline offers three frequencies for this new connection, whose flights will be available on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays of the during the summer season. Condor will use Airbus 320 and 321 aircraft with capacity for 180 and 220 passengers respectively.
Bing's singing voice was "like gold being poured out of a cup," said Louis Armstrong, whose own voice sounded like the postman trudging up my gravel path while wearing football boots. I don't know why he does that.
Not everyone was a fan of memorable final utterances. Karl Marx thought that "last words are for fools who believe they have not said enough already." Shouldn't he have followed his own advice and kept his mouth shut? Humphrey Bogart was more practical: "I should never have switched from Scotch to martinis." Good advice, some might say.
New Frankfurt route for Alicante Airport
Before the pandemic put a halt to travel in 2020, Spain received a total of 38.2 million tourists in 2019, with 8.8 million visiting in June.
Unemployment rises by 3,230 people
it." Most of us are not likely to be afforded the leisure of choosing some bon mot or pithy drollery to entertain future generations. (Spike Milligan's gravestone simply says, "I told you I was ill." In Gaelic!) It often happens, nevertheless, that a person's final remarks are right on the nose when they turn up their toes. "Father hates me and I'm never coming back," announced Marvin Gaye moments before his father shot him dead. He was right on both counts, obviously.
Lewis Carroll's last insight was, "I shan't need these pillows any more." And Antarctic explorer Captain Oates -- I'm sure you know this one -- "I'm going outside and I may be some time," were his final words, unless he slipped on the ice as he left the tent. When my time comes, I shall possibly say something like, "Tell them I said nothing." But the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa already used that line, so I'll probably remain silent, for once in my life. I think that's what I mean.
The number of people registered as unemployed at the end of July increased by 3,230 people, 0.1 percent more than the previous month. However this is still the lowest figure in a month of July since 2008, now standing at 2,883,812 people. Compared to the same month in 2021, the largest yearon-year drop has been registered, as unemployment was reduced by 532,683 people. It is not the first time that unemployment has risen slightly in the month of July. The increase on this occasion has been seen from the middle of the month, largely due to international uncertainty.
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637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
‘Complainer’s Corner …’
ome would have us believe that we Irish are not good at complaining. I don’t know if there be any truth in this assertion, but one way or the other, I wish to kick off this week’s piece with a complaint of my own. My complaint is against ‘complainers!’ We are not talking about the person expressing his or her grievance or justifiable complaint, or the possibly correct complaint about this column that ‘any eegit could write that sort of s###e.’ No, we are on about the ‘career complainer’ where everyone and everything is deemed to be wrong all the time. A publican I know refers to one end of the bar clientele as ‘complainer’s corner!’ Complaining about something is fine and dandy, but only if you have a solution or know a better way for doing the thing. This is not how it works with the career complainers who inhabit complainer’s corner! To be a member here you need to have an opinion about everything that is wrong with everything and why ‘the whole thing is b###ixed!’ Those of you of a certain age will remember a Radio Eireann entertainment programme called ‘Take the Floor’, compered by ‘Dinjo.’ It consisted of music, singing and even step-dancing on the radio! But every week, ‘Take the Floor’, also delivered a recitation and one such verse stuck in my mind: ‘We’ll all Be Ruined, said Hanrahan!’ Hanrahan belonged in complainer’s corner! ‘There’ll be bush-fires for sure, me man, There will, without a doubt; We’ll all be ruined, said Hanrahan, Before the year is out.’ There is a complainer’s corner in every country and so while we’re in the versing mode, let’s quote American singer/recitator, Walter Brennan and his famous rendering of ‘Life Gets Tee-jus, don’t it.’ ‘Cows gone dry and the hens won’t lay, *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
Fish quit bitin’ and its Saturday. Troubles are pilin’ up day by day …. And now I’m getting dandruff …’ The Lads and ‘Gorls’ of complainer’s corner are not to be confused with the genuine complainer with a single issue to be resolved. If it wasn’t for these positive complainers nothing might ever get changed for all our good. Some common complaints are harmless and become a habit that we can all indulge in. The weather is the most obvious example.
Roughly the same amount of rain falls every year, (leaving aside the climate change crisis) but a wet day (‘a hoor of a day’) arrives with all the shock Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a of finding an elephant in the Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The garden. Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
The same amount of grass grows each year, but don’t be surprised when a farmer com-
From the mint family, the name 'Rosemary' refers only to the appearance of the plant, as the leaves do not have the familiar aroma, however, you may notice a light scent. A very versatile plant for coverage in the garden, whether that be a wall or the ground as it will hang down, grow up and cover large areas, depending on the situation.
Don’t Forget Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain.
shape also resembles other flowers of the mint family. Colours range from white to the palest mauve, with reddish and yellow brown spots near the throat. The shrub is never smothered in flowers, but seen most months of the year, except in extreme heat or cold.
Pests and diseases never seem to trouble this species with growth naturally stiff and bushy that can reach at least 2m high and 5m across.
After reaching a mature size it does not deteriorate with age, as some species tend to, but maintains a good condition for years.
Foliage is a dark even green, with a covering of short hairs on the young tip growth and leaf undersides, which gives it a silvery tint, adding to its attractiveness.
During the colder weather it keeps a fresh appearance and is also drought hardy, though adequate water should be given to avoid yellowing of the leaves and bare wood.
The leaves are up to 2cm long, narrow and pointed that are set closely in whorls around the stem.
They make excellent cut flowers as their stiff straight sprays are very attractive, especially where a large arrangement is wanted, as quite long sprays live well in water and continue to open their buds for weeks.
Flowers are approximately 2cm across, set round the stems in the axils of the leaves. Their
plains that ‘there was shockin’ bad growth this year!’ ‘The youth of today’, come in for very unfair criticism in complainer’s corner. (The youth being adjudged to be too young to have attained the required wisdom to join the corner.) I would agree that young people are not as ‘street wise’ or as savvy in some respects as we were at their age; but being in the habit of spending a lot of my time fraternising with the ‘youth of today’, I believe they are the best generation to have yet inhabited the planet. They are more caring of others and have a much wider awareness of what’s going on in the world around them. ‘The price of everything’ gets a good airing in the corner. ‘I remember when you could buy five pints and a packet of fags – and still have the price of the dance out of a pound’, one disciple of speaker’s corner, will bemoan … to be followed by his story being topped one by one. The fact that the pound was harder got then than a ‘fifty’ today doesn’t get a mention. Complaining in any form will always be acceptable when the person is there to stand over it, or sign their name to everything they write. It is the anonymous desk-top complainers who are the scourge of the modern age. Cowards who spew their vile rhetoric against whoever is their hated target. This has done untold damage especially to young people. Colm O’Rourke in his column last week, called them ‘the toxic screwballs.’ Here’s an example: When 33 miners were miraculously rescued amidst worldwide joy from an underground mine in Chile in 2010, I wrote a column about it and told of some of my experiences working underground in the mines. I mentioned that in one mine where I worked in 1967, twelve miners got killed, including four friends of mine. A ‘friend’ of mine – who was then sweet as a nut to my face, posted his comment anonymously on the web; “Boring, boring Bernie – pity he didn’t get lost in the mines.” The fact that I was able to tell who wrote it was the worst of it – but also the best of it! George Best said that nasty comments stopped bothering him when he realised it was all about jealousy because they couldn’t be him. Now you have it …!
GARDEN FELIX - Westringia Fruticosa an excellent garden choice Westringia Fruticosa or Australian Rosemary is a excellent garden choice as its an easy growing shrub in any soil type that's neat in appearance.
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Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
first ship sunk on 3rd September 1939. It is the same u-boat from which HMS Bulldog recovered the Enigma machine, was kept top secret and passed to expert cryptographers at Bletchley Park who broke the German code which helped to divert the convoys away from the u-boat wolf pack.
Dear Editor September 3rd is Merchant Navy Day – here is a little information that you may already know. I was 12 years old when World War 2 started and joined the Merchant Navy aged 15 in 1942 serving until 1946 when I joined the Army but that’s another story. During WW2 Eighty thousand Allied seamen were lost and roughly 1,600 Royal Navy Gunners were attached to the Merchant Navy. I did a course on HM Ship in the Severn estuary where they taught me to dismantle, clean, reassemble and load the magazines of the Hodgekiss, Lewis, and Marlin guns. I did 4 days and 3 nights aboard HM Ships, at least those weapons were only 303 ammunition but they stopped the German and Italian aircraft from coming in low to strafe us. Then from Sweden we received the Oerlikon which was a wonderful weapon, but I was number 2 on them and my job was to take the empty drum from the gun and put a new one on for the gunner. I would then reload the old drum which held 60 rounds and make sure every 4th round was a tracer bullet. Later I did another gunnery course in the Gulf of Suez where I learnt to fire the guns. I am also a veteran of the Sicily landings and D-Day landings. The Germans lost 28,000 u-boats from a total of 41,000. A lot of the old naval ships were pulled away from the convoys and were replaced by Corvettes. HMS Bulldog captured uboat 110 which had sunk the SS Athenia which was the very
It is 83 years since the start of WW2 and in the 30 years I have lived in Spain we haven’t marked Merchant Navy day – any suggestions?
Joe Billet You can respond to Joe by email at:
Spain’s Wine Harvest badly affected by the heatwaves Multiple heatwaves in Spain have affected the wine harvest of the country this year. Wine production is expected to be 15% to 20%, or even 25% less than average this year. Spain on an average produces about 42 million hectolitres of wine each year. The heatwaves have affected the phenological cycle of the vine, which has reduced the grape harvest.
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
1958 - Britain's answer to Elvis, 17 year old Cliff Richard, signed a record deal with EMI records. On the same day he started a four week residency at Butlin’s Holiday Camp in Clacton-On-Sea, Essex as Cliff Richard and the Drifters. 1965 - Mike Smith, lead singer of The Dave Clark Five, suffered two broken ribs when he was pulled off the stage by fans. The group were in Chicago at the beginning of a US tour. 1971 - John Lennon flew from Heathrow Airport to New York. He never set foot on British soil again.
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1975 - Typically Tropical were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Barbados', the acts only hit making them One Hit Wonders.
was threatened with jail if he failed to complete the court-imposed sentence.
1984 - As the Olympic Games came to a close, Lionel Richie performed, 'All Night Long' live from Los Angeles to an estimated television audience of 2.6 billion people around the world.
2017 - American singer, guitarist, songwriter, television host, and actor Glen Campbell died in Nashville, Tennessee at the age of 81. He became a patient at an Alzheimer's long-term care and treatment facility in 2014.
1985 - Simon Le Bon from Duran Duran was air lifted to safety when his boat 'Drum' overturned while racing off the English coast. He was trapped under the hull with five other crew members for twenty minutes, until being rescued by the Royal Navy. 1986 - 250 Gary Numan fans picketed BBC Radio 1 in London, demanding more airtime for their favourite pop star. 1994 - During an Oasis gig at The Riverside in Newcastle upon Tyne, guitarist Noel Gallagher was hit in the face by a man who had jumped on the stage.
He released more than 70 studio albums and sold 45 million records worldwide. His hits include: 'By the Time I Get to Phoenix', 'Wichita Lineman', 'Galveston' and 'Rhinestone Cowboy'. His guitar playing can be heard on ‘Strangers in the Night’ by Frank Sinatra, ‘You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'‘ by The Righteous Brothers and ‘I'm a Believer’ by The Monkees.
Noel refused to carry on playing and after leaving the stage a mob of over 300 people attacked the bands bus as they were leaving. 2002 - The UK's biggest undertakers CoOp funeral services reported that bereaved families preferred pop songs to hymns at funerals. Top of the list was 'Wind Beneath My Wings' by Bette Midler. Other songs included 'Angels' by Robbie Williams and 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion. They also reported some unusual choices including 'Another One Bites The Dust' by Queen and 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go' by Wham! 2006 - Boy George was seen sweeping streets in New York as part of a five-day community service sentence. The former Culture Club frontman was moved into a fenced off area after only 30 minutes after he was mobbed by the media.
2019 - Thousands of Beatles fans made a pilgrimage to London's Abbey Road 50 years after the group walked over its zebra crossing for the cover of the last album the band recorded.
The 45 year old singer was found guilty of wasting police time earlier this year and
Transport for London said two bus routes were briefly diverted as queues to cross the road blocked access.
By Andrew Atkinson
items left by people who head down to the beach, as early as 5am, in a bid to 'reserve' sections of beach with umbrellas and chairs, before returning hours later.
F arewell t o M o lly Dog
Town hall workers, under police guidance, are removing items to allow free access. Offenders have to pay a fine of E300 to get their beach brollies and sunloungers back, with repeat offenders fined E750.
Workers and police remove the objects from Oropesa beach. Photo: Oropesa City Council.
‘Brollies and loungers removed Almost 100 umbrellas and sunloungers/chairs were removed from the beach by the City Council of the Castellón town of Oropesa del Mar, complying with its beach ordinance.
Action was taken in late July as the summer holidays got into full-swing in Spain, with thousands of people heading for the beaches. Oropesa del Mar has taken steps to remove
Torrevieja were the first council to make it an offence, as reported by The Leader, with an initial 150 fine issued, increasing on a sliding-scale up to E750 for second offences. Fines up to E750 are imposed on a plethora of Valencian beaches, in an attempt to halt the summer 'umbrella war'. Oropesa, Torrevieja and Cullera are councils that have placed sanctions against the abandonment of umbrellas and beach chairs on their beaches to reserve a place in the early morning. It is forbidden to reserve a beach reservation place before 9am.
Stevie and Verona are heart broken to have lost their special girl Molly. Just a dog - oh no! The Moll dog meant the world to them as their constant companion. For San Miguel Bowls Club, she was our mascot and greatest spectator. At nearly 17, she had had a great life, being much loved and very spoilt. We will all miss her. Goodnight Girlie.
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A large number of people took part in Sunday’s protest in Torrevieja, to raise their voice of concern over the town hall’s plan to allow for the destruction of one of the few parks left in the town centre to allow an apartment block to be built. The protest, originally organised by the Los Verdes political group, but which received the support from both the PSOE and Sueña Torrevieja, urged the ruling Partido Popular government team to change its mind in its intention to destroy the Dª. Sinforosa Park, destroying ancient trees, prioritising the interest of a promoter over the general interest of the citizens. The provincial coastal authority has also raised objections to the plan to build
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
18-YEAR OLD KILLED IN LIFEGUARD TOWER COLLAPSE An 18-year-old boy has died, and two others slightly injured, after a lifeguard tower on the El Mojón beach in San Pedro de Pinatar collapsed, killing he boy on the spot. The accident occurred last Tuesday, when the structure gave way, hitting a boy in the head as it fell. He died instantly.
Encouraging Turnout for Torrevieja Park Protest the tower block, as it will encroach on protected land. Previously, a collection of signatures was carried out that has gathered 2,000 supporters in recent weeks.
The Los Verdes, PSOE, and Sueña Torrevieja insist that they will continue defending the park and its continuity as it is attending to the high number of requests that many citizens have made.
Members of the Civil Protection, Local Police of San Pedro del Pinatar and Guardia Civil attended the scene. In addition, the Emergency and Health Emergencies Management '061' sent two ambulances, one of them an Emergency Medicalised Unit (UME), but medics could only certify the death of a boy while transferring the other two, a boy and a girl, both aged 18, to Los Arcos del Mar University General Hospital. The Guardia Civil is investigating whether the tower gave way due to it being in poor condition or due to the weight of the people who had climbed onto it.
Water Restrictions Ruled Out W
hilst much of the country is heading ever closer to a drought, with reservoirs well below their annual levels, many areas of the country are starting to implement restrictions on water use.
However, the Regional Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, Mireia Mollà, said this week that the Valencian Community will not suffer water restrictions, as is happening in other autonomies, although she has called for the
sectors and members of the public to make "rational" use because "waste is not an option".
This was stated after a meeting with the president of the Partido Popular, Carlos Mazón, to address, among other issues, the Xorret de Catí Master Plan.
Asked about the water situation in the Community and about possible restrictions, Mollà pointed out that "today, we are not in that scenario". However, she insisted that "nobody can afford to lose sight of the fact that energy,
No water restrictions in the Valencian Community
water, various raw materials are basic public services and essential goods, so any measure of rationality, of making good use of these elements, are essential because waste is not an option". "We continue to talk about how we must make good use of water, rationalise it and know how we are going to use it. For this reason, let us all make careful use of the supply, industrial and agricultural, of the water we need. Neither more nor less, and that in this way, "no restrictions will be necessary."
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
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ANSWERS Week 930
ACROSS 1. Embellish (9) 8. Poem (3) 9. Dejected (11) 11. Anger (7) 12. Fragrance (5) 13. Opportunity (6) 15. Lax (6) 17. Afterwards (5) 18. Snare (7) 20. Deceit (11) 22. Cask (3) 23. Overlooked (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 21
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 21.
Spoil (3) Frequently (5) Trader (6) Set free (7) Merge (11) Practice (9) Charm (11) Instil (9) Sure (7) Leap (6) Subject (5) Prosecute (3)
QUICK ACROSS: 7 Endure; 8 Height; 10 Reclaim; 11 Tango; 12 Note; 13 Giant; 17 Vogue; 18 Brag; 22 Begin; 23 Unkempt; 24 Singer; 25 Closet. DOWN: 1 Searing; 2 Educate; 3 Break; 4 Destiny; 5 Agony; 6 Strop; 9 Ambiguous; 14 Founder; 15 Promise; 16 Agitate; 19 Abuse; 20 Agent; 21 Skill. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Report; 8 Invest; 10 Sincere; 11 All in; 12 Noel; 13 Edwin; 17 Drone; 18 Dear; 22 Clamp; 23 Salient; 24 Rifles; 25 Samson. DOWN: 1 Present; 2 Spaniel; 3 Brief; 4 Ontario; 5 Cello; 6 Stand; 9 Readiness; 14 Prophet; 15 Reverse; 16 Grating; 19 Score; 20 Waifs; 21 Clear.
ACROSS 1. The nobleman is clever - can be in the reckoning (9) 8. She has some positive value (3) 9. In which gatherings of philatelists are held (5,6) 11. Again poetry may be selected by the driver (7) 12. Not dead - having a beer about four! (5) 13. Take the net back: the sin is returning to the game (6) 15. A number take the worker to be one who pays the rent (6) 17. 100 are inclined to get rid of the dirt (5) 18. Dismiss the person at the till (7) 20. Gave hospitality or treated nine badly (11) 22. Is able to produce a tin (3) 23. Put colour on the walls in ill-humour (9)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Odele and Odette appear in what Tchaikovsky ballet? 2. In what country is The Duma part of parliament? 3. Nonage is what reason to stop a marriage? 4. Kia Ora is good morning in what language? 5. In what sport does herringboning take place? 6. What is a marcupium? 7. At you would find information about what? 8. What does a konimeter measure? 9. A stellate object is shaped like what? 10. What is MMM minus MD? MD 11. Balsa wood gets its name from Spanish what's literal meaning? 12. Who is the Patron Saint of Accountants? 13. In what country did the Sabines live? 14. Who often solved a three pipe problem? 15. The tumblebug is an alternative name for which insect?
DOWN 2. Not at home in New South Wales (3) 3. Drunkard reaches the summit with hesitation (5) 4. Wager about sick quarters (6) 5. Rival dead bird (7) 6. Isn’t on a diet at the end of the journey (11) 7. Woodworker has to nag to get in (9) 10. Promotion of publicity on vehicle carrying mortar (11) 11. No quality of the person who can’t keep his mouth shut (9) 14. Took fire as result of poor editing! (7) 16. Gets points in twenties? (6) 19. Do something fishy on the ice? (5) 21. She is seen just before the festival (3)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 1 ) 16. St Stevens Tower is usually misnamed what? 17. What type of clothing article is a Belcher? 18. Who was kidnapped in Robert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped? 19. Jewish boys have a Barmitsva at 13 what do girls get at 12? 20. What European capital stands on the river Aare? 21. What country used the first aircraft equipped bomber in war? 22. In what sport would you find a coffin? 23. John Huxham in 1750 invented which word? 24. TABSO is the national airline of which country? 25. Who wrote the comic opera Robinson Crusoe? 26. What was Didus Ineptus better known as? 27. What sport featured in the 1980 film Breaking Away? 28. Ambigu was an early form of what card game? 29. The cast iron plant is another name for which pot plant? 30. What does the name Tokyo mean?
637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Orihuela Costa Medical Centre to get 3 Million Euro Extension
Family Rescued off Capsized Boat The crew of the Guardia Civil boat "Río Oja" have rescued members of a family who were caught on the overturned and half-sunken hull of a recreational boat off the coast of Santa Pola. Only a small part of the boat was visible, on which the agents found two men and three women clinging to the boat. The family was found clinging to the hull of an upturned boat
The protective tunnel seems to have gone missing
The Orihuela Costa Medical Centre is set to get a multi-million-euro boost, as the regional health minister announced the approval of an extension for the facility. The Regional Minister of Universal Health and Public Health, Miguel Mínguez, announced the expansion following a meeting last Wednesday which was initially looking at the already agreed expansion works of the Vega Baja Hospital, a project that will see an investment of e70 million. The expansion works of the Orihuela Costa Health Centre will involve an investment of 3.3 million and will consist of an expansion of the centre of 1,600 m2. This increase in the centre’s capacity will allow double the number of current family medicine and nursing consultations, as well as the addition of a new paediatric clinic. The reception information points will
also be expanded, and new services will be created such as a women's focus area and new consultations for the Continued Focus Point. The drafting of the extension work project is expected to be put out to tender in September. It is still felt by many, however, that a second centre on the other side of the district would be a far better solution, cutting down on the expense and time factors for a large proportion of the population in attending appointments. As the announcement of the extension was being made, the opposition PP denounced that users of the health centre were being made to queue outside the centre in direct sunshine, with the former councillor for health, José Galiano, saying that he receives numerous calls every day from users of the centre asking him to re-place the protective tunnel tent that was in situ last year.
New Corvera Airport Bus link Movibus has announced a new connection between San Pedro, San Javier, Los Alcázares and Torre Pacheco with the Corvera airport. There will also be more direct routes between Murcia, La Unión and Torre Pacheco, as well as with Los Urrutias, Dolores de Pacheco, Roldán and Balsicas, and, in summer, a direct service between Los Alcázares and Murcia.
Further testing on Murcia high-speed rail line. Scheduled for commission later this year, the route will provide a direct high-speed connection between Madrid and Murcia via Beniel. In the future, this route will also enable travel between Murcia, Lorca and Almería in addition to many other cities that make up the Mediterranean Corridor.
LAST FLIGHT OF A TRAINING LEGEND The Spanish Air and Space Force has announced that on Friday 29 July, the CASA C-101 Aviojet made its last flight dedicated to teaching, ending the 2021-2022 Basic Flight Course at the Academia General del Aire (AGA) in San Javier. The final flight of the C-101 took off from the San Javier Air Base at 11:20 in the morning, with a formation of three planes in an advanced phase mission of the basic course of the 74th promotion of the AGA.
STUDIO32’S NIGHT ON BROADWAY The popular Musical Theatre Company are now casting for their Autumn Show
are pleased to announc e that they have now cast their Autumn show and have already set a date for the start of rehearsals.
with our technical crew in lighting and sound, full training will be given. We also need people who have experience working with costumes.
The show ‘A Night on Broadway’ is a celebration of award winning Broadway musicals that Studio32 have produced over the past 8 years.
We will be having a vocal workshop on that night to prepare for the hard work leading up to our show week.
We are always looking for enthusiastic people to join our group who can, or have the aspirations to sing, dance and act, especially males, or anyone who would like to participate in our production working backstage. We are also looking for people who might have an interest in working
After our summer break we will be starting back to rehearsals on Thursday 1st of September at Lakeview bar and restaurant in Quesada.
Why not come along and join in with us. If you would like further information on our theatre company or you would like to book tickets for our show please visit our website to book tickets online, call 679 062 272 or email
A scene from the May 22 production of ‘Guys and Dolls’
The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733
La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: Join us at the SALT CHURCH
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2020 Ford Focus ST3 petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 37,900 euro. Come along
to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934.
Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
The JuneMeeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on
SHARE THE COST OF BUYING AN APARTMENT I am looking for someone to share the cost of buying a 2 bed apartment in Los Alcazares. Total cost is 100k so 50k each.
Please contact Fintan on +353 86 878 1317
637 227 385
Thursday 21 July at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. SILENT AUCTION. Bring something along. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:
Diana from Greece. 47 year old lady. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Beautiful, sweet, natural body. Private apartment. Calle Gil Vallejo 5, Torrevieja. Call 663 817 943 Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050. Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete
Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at; attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year. Do massage erotic with happy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
NADIA... SO SWEET MONDALVIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 276 205
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
HELEN... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON. Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.
Tel. 665 736 488
637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
637 227 385
BITES A Matter of Integrity
Man survives for 16 hours on capsized boat off Spanish coast Spanish authorities rescued a French sailor who survived for 16 hours in an air bubble on his capsized boat off the Spanish coast. The boat had set sail from Lisbon and capsized near the Sisargas Islands off Spain's north-western Galicia region. The man was airlifted by officials and then examined for injuries; he was later discharged.
Spain faces water shortage due to lack of rain, heatwaves As Spain is facing a shortage of water supply, several regions and municipalities have imposed a number of restrictions to save water. These rules include supply cuts at night, closure of showers on the beaches and the banning of irrigation. Galicia, Catalonia, Andalusia and Extremadura are the most affected regions due to lack of rain and prolonged heatwaves.
EU postpones launch of ETIAS system to November 2023 The EU has moved the introduction of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) by six months to November 2023. No warning or official statement has been given about the postponement. The ETIAS is a mandatory travel authorisation that travellers from over 60 nations, including the UK and the US, have to get before they can travel to the EU.
Spain faces shortage of ice amid intense heatwave Bars and restaurants across Spain have reported a shortage of ice at a time when the demand is highest. This is mainly due to an increase in costs, including that of electricity. Spain has been facing intense heatwaves in the past few weeks which has led to a rise in demand for ice. Summer has been getting hotter in the last few years and the season now begins in April.
Spain has highest number of monkeypox cases in Europe, 4,577 infections reported According to a report released by the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), Spain is in the lead in Europe with respect to monkeypox cases. In Europe, the number of cases has crossed the 16,000 mark. Spain has 4,577 infections spread across the Communities; Madrid has the highest number of cases in Spain. Health Minister Carolina Darias has confirmed that Spain will be receiving a second batch of monkeypox vaccines, consisting of 7000 doses, in the next few weeks.
t has been over two thousand years since Mark Antony stabbed his boss, Julius Caesar, in the back. I am just wondering if our ex-chancellor will be remembered for as long, as he accomplished something similar and was in the forefront of getting the Prime Minister to resign.
It is a little obvious now that he was not the right man for the high position he occupied. Being a member of a billionaire family he should have refused the offer of becoming chancellor because he would have known he would have a ‘conflict of interest’ as it is alleged his wife does not pay taxes in the UK, and she has been involved in companies that have gone broke, three in all, owing the tax man £789,000. The whole episode demonstrates how easy it is for wealthy and influential people to become members of the Government, and in the case of Rishi Sunak it has shown, in my mind, that he was a ‘Judas’ for taking on a position which demands responsibility for collecting the taxes owed to the Nation, and yet he lives, and no doubt sleeps with a woman who, it has been reported many times, has run UK companies while her tax affairs are elsewhere. If this man, with the morals of a ‘tom cat’ becomes the new PM, in my opinion the changes will be long and deep. Currently day to day we are controlled by billionaires, the likes of the family of the person who was recently in charge of the country’s finances, where he introduced a furlough scheme and allowed billions of pounds of it to vanish, including, we are told £635,000,00 to his wife. Rishi Sunak is a person, who in my opinion has no loyalties and very little knowledge of the needs of the British population, he lives in his own world of luxury with limited abilities and certainly is not the right person to be the first amongst equals.
THE ACORN: Shoreham by Sea, in West Sussex, is a little way along the coast from Brighton, where as a seaport it dates back to Roman times. I was a toddler when I met this old man for the first time. He had a thick grey moustache, which I didn’t like, he also limped, I was told later it was as a result of shrapnel in a leg after serving in the Boer War of the late eighteen hundred. He took me for a walk over the South Downs, and he was holding my hand. We were strolling over the rolling green hills which reach down to the rear of the houses on the coast, one of which was owned by my grandfather. He pointed out the view of the sea, my home was in the East End of London. I knew nothing about the sea, it was all new to me, the water with a haze above it could be clearly seen above the roofs of the houses. Granddad was also very knowledgeable about trees and pointed out the various types. There is the story of the oak tree, a beautiful specimen with tall spreading branches. Yearly
The now ‘infamous’ photo tweeted recently by Nadine Dorries, the Minister for Culture, Media and Sport it would create flowers which turn into its seed, the acorn, before shedding its leaves and looking totally different with its bare limbs swaying in the wind. To one side on the boundary, a fir tree had grown, slim, upright and tall with lush green foliage all year round. The tree grown from the acorn wanted to be like its neighbour, always green, slim and upright and asked the ‘woodman’ to make the changes. The woodman answered, it is not possible - I can cut your Branches to make you look like the other one, I can shape them so they are more upright like the fir tree and are not so spread out - but you will always be an oak tree because you are grown from an acorn and the fir tree will always be a fir tree as it has grown from its seed the cone. Grandfather pointed out to me it was the same with people. I was a boy dictated by the seed that made me and that it was not possible to change – likewise my sister was a girl, and she would always be. My research has shown that eminent professors and doctors on both sides of the Atlantic, and that persons sex cannot be changed. One famous name in this field has been reported as saying. ‘By the use of drugs and butchering body parts you can change hjow a person might want to look, but not their sex as
that is embedded in every cell of their body’. Three recent headlines following trans gender surgery sum up the real dangers of being operated on to change sex, and their regret for doing so. a/ What they did was despicable...I should never have changed gender at 16: Brave young woman reveals her story after damning report finally forced the closure of the controversial Tavistock clinic b/ Anguish of young man who had sex organs removed on NHS then regretted it the same day... as he Sues NHS over gender reassignment surgery c/ Courage of the parents, patients and whistle-blowers who refused to be silenced is revealed as controversial Tavistock children's transgender clinic is to SHUT after damning report warned it was 'not safe' Take care, especially of the young people. chattey Percychatteybooks has recently published ‘Hondon Writers Circle #3’ full of interesting original short stories from members of the group, available from Amazon.
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Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
FINAL CATCH FOR CARP R US STALWART t is with great sadness I report the passing of another Carp-R-Us stalwart, Roy Buttress.
you always knew Roy’s would be among the first names put down for any social event organised.
Roy passed away on Tuesday and we have been informed that following Roy´s request, there will be no funeral service.
On the bank Roy was always ready for a chat and his cry of ´no bloody fish in here´, usually about two minutes into the match, has been missed in recent months as ill-health has prevented him getting out.
Roy was, without doubt, one of the nicest and kindest members of the club, universally liked by all and everyone was pleased when he won the last Pete Kerr Memorial Cup, named after his great friend and travelling companion, Pete Kerr, before it changed its name to simply the Memorial Cup.
A few years ago, he added a new cry to his repertoire, ´one for the octogenarians´ often being heard as Roy landed a
Roy will be greatly missed by all, let us hope that wherever he is now, there are some bloody fish in there.
Roy has been with the club for many years and served as Social Secretary for many of those, organising, amongst other things, Dinner Dances and running the weekly quiz. When he stepped down from this role
100 players take part in Lo Romero Anniversary Tournament
Roy will be greatly missed by all, let us hope that wherever he is now, there are some bloody fish in there.
Costa Blanca Independent Pool League LA Hacienda A and Pines B head-tohead in division one of the Costa Blanca Independent Pool League ended in a close 5-4 away win for Pines B.
Lo Romero Golf celebrated the XXXVI edition of the Pilar de la Horadada Segregation Tournament last week in which 100 players raised funds for the Association for the Fight Against Cancer. A total of џ6,500 was handed over to the president of the Spanish Association for the Fight Against Cancer, Mr. FermТn Crespo, by the Manager of Lo Romero Golf, Victoriano JimОnez. Snr JimОnez. said: “It is our small contribution and our public acknowledgment of support for a group of women and men, volun-
teers, who work tirelessly on behalf of the disease that is the true pandemic of our century. Herbert de la Ruelle (39 points) and Hans Ruedi Freuler (37 points) finished as first and second in the Gold Category, while Marcos de la Fuente (42 points) and CristЧbal Ros (41 points) did likewise in the Silver Division. The Scratch prize was won by Carl Fjallman All participants were able to enjoy refreshments halfway through the round and a paella at the end of the round to complete a total experience and put the finishing touch to the competitive summer of Lo Romero Golf.
Second sports centre for Pilar de la Horadada Pyco Proyectos Constructivos will build a new sports pavilion in Pilar de la Horadada costing euro 1,143,299 (VAT included). The completion period is 8 months. This will be second municipal sports pavillion in the town. The current one, which was built in the year 2000, "has been unable to meet the needs of the growing population for several years," according to the PP government team. Daily, more than 500 people use the facilities "which is why it is necessary to build a new covered sports area, which will be able to accommodate all indoor sports, including futsal, basketball, handball, rhythmic gymnastics, badminton, volleyball, and many more.
The centre will have an area of more than 1,560 square meters, although with the surroundings it will add up to 2,800. The new gymnasium will be built a little way behind the current sports hall close to C/Comunidad Manchega. It will have a central curtain partition, which will allow several different sports activities to be carried out simultaneously.
Campoamor Regatta scheduled for next Saturday
Andy Corcoran, Tony Yeo, David McGreevy, Paul Wilkinson, and Graham Cunningham racked up wins for the visitors, with Colin McDonald, Stephen Gray, and Keith Oakes winning frames for the hosts.
The Orihuela City Council Trophy Cruise Regatta will be held on August 13 in Campoamor. The meeting will be organised by the Dehesa de Campoamor Yacht Club, as part of the regatta calendar of the Valencian Community Sailing Federation.
Another close encounter between Pines A and Bar Principals A saw the visitors return a 5-4 victory, with Paul Hockey, Colin Lewis, and Sandie Lewis chalking up wins for the winners.
The event will consist of a coastal route, so that it can be watched from the beaches of Campoamor. Councillors Antonio Sánchez and María García spoke of “the good reception that this regatta has, which adds more entrants every year on one of the most beautiful settings on our coastline.”
The Dogs had a walkover win against Happy Days Nearlys, as did league leaders Happy Days Excellence against Flagger's.
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
The kit and boots are all still pure Three Lionesses (although probably made in Taiwan), but the main point is that fortu
cer-starved with weeks to go before the new season, so I tentatively sought refuge (as per normal in the full season) from Corry and East-Enders.
s goal celebrations go this one had the lot: pure unabashed joy, daring and exhilaration in spades - and hearts - as it brought the winning not only of a match but a European Nations Final after an amazing and hard-fought tournament. You could almost hear the male thoughts of a nation aloud ‘So that’s what they wear under their shirts!’ when nearly all was dramatically revealed by England’s goal-scoring heroine Chloe Kelly, as she smashed in the Lionesses winner well into extra-time, whipped off her shirt (to show the Nike logo of course) and inevitably brought the line –‘It’s Coming Home’ to new meaning and heights – at last. Sweet Caroline rang round Wembley - Sweet Chloe showed the meaning of how to celebrate such an event, supporting sports bra ‘n all. A few seasons ago in nearby Elche I watched the great Christiano Ronaldo whip his shirt off, whirl it round his big head and hurl it into the crowd. He’d just smashed in the 96th minute injury-time penalty to win the game 2 – 1 for Real Madrid and thus breaking all our stout local hearts. Poor little Elche had only just come up to La Liga at last (Elche had been in the Spanish Second Division for 30 years), and the bile emitted from the terraces raged at him manfully displaying his six-pack chest. CR acted as though he’d just won the World Cup - but Chloe’s Show was better by far last Sunday. For those mouldy oldies of us still around who remember 1966 and all that, there were flashbacks to when our Bobby Moore, iconic England captain held the Jules Rimet World Cup aloft as Wembley and England (Scotland and all the other Celts excepted) rejoiced - well, hey, lads and lasses, that was a long time ago, wasn’t it? In a dramatic gender-reversal our stalwart ladies finally vanquished the Germans, just like Blond Bobby and the lads did all those years ago, in the process overcoming huge disappointment and setbacks as they did so. Well, now we’re back in the top world rankings – the lasses or lionesses are anyway while Gareth and the lads still have a way to go, I think? But hey – this was different, wasn’t it? History was being made before our disbelieving eyes. Somewhere along the line, the goal celebratory lines betwixt the sexes have become blurred, although the hair styles are still different. No bald Nobby’s with missing teeth to scare the opposition, just the de-rigeur ladies pony tails and occasional Alice Band (mind you Man City’s Grealish does that one).
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As I watched the 8 -1 slaughtering of Norway and five being put past poor Northern Ireland I began to think, chauvinistically of course ‘Hey, John, this lot aren’t bad’. The football was good, open, honest – and exciting. Sure the tackles went in, but never nastily or cynically and praise the Lord, no writhing or simulating agony which I detest (I blame the Italians from the Sixties). At last it brought a breath of spring to John’s jaded July eyes and the flowing football up-and-down the field was great. Oh, and no back-chats and arguing with the refs, Cloughie would have loved that. Exciting other matches were also taken in as the tournament unfolded, and oh yes, I got swept all along with it. The Lionesses boss Sarina Wiegman grew on me as the tournament progressed. Here was a female football manageress who looked more like a serious solicitor, but you can see all her proteges adored her. This Dutch lady’s amazing record shows her England team is unbeaten on her watch with over a hundred goals scored – and only five against, wow! Move over Alex Ferguson et al. And when she finally outwitted the physical, almost-never-losing German Frauleines after extra time she looked so unbelievably happy she even let Prince William and his German mate briefly touch her. Sarina’s substitutions were perfect, no hesitation in taking star players off and bringing on worthy replacements - as displayed perfectly by those who came on to score vital goals and win the games. I expect our Sarina will now go on to manage our nation in next year’s World Cup nately girls will still be girls and boy, they still looked like the nately girls will still be girls and boy, they still looked like the fairer sex. Bring it on... fairer sex. Bring it on... As a mere man did I embrace the EUFA Womens’ As a mere man did I embrace the EUFA Womens’ Championship from from day day one? one? No, No, I’m I’m ashamed ashamed to to say say II diddidn’t. Championship As a football-loving man all my life (I’m a Forest fan dont’cha n’t. As a football-loving man all my life (I’m a Forest fan donknow,know, we’vewe’ve just been promoted back back to thetoPremier League t’cha just been promoted the Premier after 32after years,32great stuff), I wasso onI awas slow-burn to support League years, greatsostuff), on a slow-burn to support lovely ladies. England’sEngland’s lovely ladies. Early doors a couple of my obsessive footie-loving scooter group mates asked me if I was going to watch our girls in the group stage, and I thought why not? I was already feeling soc-
However, you can’t help but think Ms Wiegman could do a lot better than some of our existing male managers in The Prem and elsewhere (watch out Gareth, I think I heard a lioness roar). So as Winston Churchill once said: ‘The nation can allow itself a brief period of rejoicing’. I think somewhere the team are still doing it, bless ‘em and why not – so let’s do it with them. BTW I’m deliberately not mentioning crude male banter about traditional gender roles going round on the net, shame on us lads as our England ladies did us famously. Thank you, you’ve made our nation proud again!
BEACH BABES CHARITY LUNCH Charity lunch on Monday at Browns to raise money for Finca Castellena, the charity chosen by the ladies for the month of July. In Mar/Apr they raised money for Ukraine then in May the charity was AFE Cancer Torrevieja and more recently in June it was for Help at Home. All of the fitness instructors give their time for free but they do ask for a small donation towards charity. Each month Nicola Louden nominates one person from the group to pick a local charity that they would like to support. A great way to do a little bit for all those working on behalf of the local area
637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
Hole 17 went to Steve McAuliffe, N P in 3 Hole 18 went to Derek Fleet
All the above won a €10 Voucher for Lo Romero Golf Course
The Longest Drive Hole 16 was won by Alan McAuliffe – bottle Brandy. The Best Net score Hole 10 was won by Alan Connell – bottle Brandy
LO ROMERO – THURSDAY 28TH JULY 2022 On a warm and sunny day 30 members and guests arrived at Lo Romero golf course to take part in Alfies Golf Society's second round of the Eclectic Cup. The course was, as always, in pristine condition and a pleasure to play on.
The Silver Division runner up was Dave Steward with 32 points – The Lucky Lion €10 voucher The Silver Division winner was Wayne Stevenson with 33 points – The Lucky Lion €25 voucher
Many players improved on their round one score card and the competition is very close at the top. I wish to thank our new Sponsors, The Lucky Lion for their support as I think the new venue was a success for both the Society and I hope for The Lucky Lion. May I remind players it is their responsibility to return score cards promptly to the after-golf venue to enable a speedy conclusion of the presentations. The Blind Pairs was won by Steve Croft and Marcel, both returning their €5 cash prize to the charity fund, so thank you both for that. Thanks also to George Dawidow, who won €20 on the football card and donated to the charity fund. The Captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, and the fund current-
The Gold Division runner up was Alan Connell with 39 points – The Lucky Lion €10 voucher The Gold Division and Overall winner was our Captain, Derek Fleet, with 41 points
Derek Fleet winner of the Gold Division
– The Lucky Lion €25 voucher Many thanks again to The Lucky Lion for their sponsorship support and after-match meal and refreshments.
ly stands at €1,218.95.
N P Hole 5 went to Hugh Findlay, N P in 2 Hole 9 went to
Our next match is earlier in the month on Thursday, 18th August, and will be the final round of the Eclectic Cup at Lo Romero. To add your name to the list please contact our Secretary, Sandie Hall at:
Chris Udell, N P Hole 12 went to Alan McAuliffe, N P in 3
Derek Fleet, Captain
Match Results
their regular Tour anymore, so they are wisely taking the money.” Player (86) hopes that they can "settle everything in an amicable way.” As a Golf Saudi Ambassador he is obviously taking a neutral stance, and knows what it's like for a player to be down to his last $10 million. I can't imagine Dustin Johnson needs $150 million, but then he has been saving up to get married. Perhaps fiancee Paula Gretsky can persuade him he can afford that ring now.
The Golden 'Hand' Bridge, Da Nang.
WITH RORY McILROY's Canadian Open win, Justin Rose's near 59 and Matt Fitzpatrick's US Open triumph the PGA Tour and DP World Tour are providing enough excitement for everyone, LIV Golf Invitational's first event wasn't exactly riveting despite the manufactured gasps and shrieks from the presenters at Centurion.
THE IMPRESSIVE GOLDEN BRIDGE is one of the tourist attractions of Vietnam. Golf is also becoming a tourist attraction, thanks to the designer courses of Colin Montgomerie (Montgomerie Links) Sir Nick
Faldo, (Laguna Lang) Luke Donald (Ba Na Hills) and Greg Norman. The BRG Da Nang Golf Resort has 27 championship holes; 18 designed by Norman and 9 by Jack Nicklaus. Norman's award-winning Dunes course is located right on the beach the Americans landed on in the Vietnam war. The Great White Shark has 'interesting' plans for golf: “My design team and I are now building everything from barefoot courses where you can play in board shorts and pick your next tee shot to six-hole layouts that can also be played as twelve or eighteen-hole rotations from different tees. In a no-pressure atmosphere golfers can post their best shots on social media, play music or use an electric skateboard instead of a cart and have fun with the game without burning five hours.” If that's the future of golf God help us. GARY PLAYER is never afraid to voice his views: “Remember this, the players that are playing the Saudi Tour now, they need the money. They've got families and I don't blame them. There's not many who can win on
QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Swan Lake, 2. Russia, 3. Underage one or both, 4. Maori, 5. Skiing, 6. A marsupials pouch, 7. Food or Restaurants, 8. Dust, 9. Star shaped, 10. 3000-1500=1500, 11. Raft, 12. Saint Matthew, 13. Italy, 14. Sherlock Holmes, 15. Dung Beetle, 16. Big Ben,
17. Neckerchief, 18. David Balfour, 19. A Batmitsva, 20. Berne, Switzerland, 21. Italy, Italian Turkish war, 1912, 22. Cross country riding, it's a fence, 23. Influenza, 24. Bulgaria, 25. Offenbach, 26. The Dodo, 27. Cycling, 28. Poker, 29. Aspidistra, 30. Eastern City
TAYLORMADE's DECISION to make their Stealth irons available in 2 lofts, so golfers have the option of going up to 1deg. stronger or 2deg. weaker, is clever thinking, as it helps both mid and high handicappers. They have the same Cap Back technology as the Sim2 but now have Toe Wrap Construction which gives an even lower CG., Inverted Cone Technology which reduces spin, and a strip of soft polymer in the head called the Echo Damping System to absorb vibrations. MyGolfspy is impressed: “Stealth irons get the ball up easily, quickly, and carry a long way, giving great results without needing great contact.” More importantly, they get the thumbs up from YouTube's influential tester Rick Shiels, who says he might buy some. At £850 I'm glad he can afford them. JUSTIN ROSE's new Golf Academy will operate from American Golf's leisure sites throughout the country and aims to introduce youngsters to the game by bringing 18,000 school children onto his Junior Program, with more than 5,000 free lessons during the first year. Sir Nick Faldo, who also runs a worldwide junior golf foundation, is hanging up his microphone and relocating his family to a farm in the “Wondrous, welcoming state of Montana. I’ll be found on the East Gallatin River out back, with a rod, waders, and local trout.” he sighed happily. In other words Sir Nick's “Gone Fishin'.” Faldo's role will be taken by Trevor Immelman, who tweeted on hearing the news: “I’m so excited about it!” Let's hope he talks faster than he plays. In 2008 Masters winner Trevor was so slow round Augusta that the official walking alongside said “Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.” “I'm glad we don't have to play in the shade.” Bobby Jones on being told it was 105 in the shade. Until next time: Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. Tel. 638 859 475, or visit
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
637 227 385
Bromley. The 2's Pot was shared by Steve King and Steve Harrington.
Gold Division
Twenty members and two guests 'teed it up' at Font Del Llop in the 3rd. Eclectic game of the year (individual stableford).
The searing heat of the day was only tempered by a sometimes stiff breeze from the direction of the sea. The course as usual was generally in good condition. The 'greens', it was suggested by a number of players, were somewhat difficult to read and were not as quick as some players expected.
With hardly any clouds and bright sunshine, the stunning views from the course are always a good backdrop to a round of golf.
As usual following the game, we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where Tapas was served and the day's prizes distributed.
N.T. P. on Par 3s
Our next game the final 'Major'of the year, is the Summer Cup at Lo Romero on 17th. August.
Hole 3 - Steve Harrington, Hole 8 - Richard Brady, Hole 12 - Neil Bromley, Hole 17 - Neil
Steve Harrington. (Membership and Handicap Secretary)
Lo Crispin Golf Society at Font del Llop
1st. - Steve Price 35 pts. 2nd. - Ian Stuart 32 pts. (on CB), 3rd. - Richard Brady 32 pts. Silver Division 1st. - Steve Harrington 30 pts. 2nd. - Janet Candlin 29 pts. 3rd. - Julie King 28 pts.
Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by Alex McCartney.
SMILING JACK'S GOLF SOCIETY @ VILLAMARTIN GOLF COURSE Firstly a big thank you to all players for supporting smiling jack's golf. Thanks also to Villamartin for a fantastic course which we found to be in immaculate condition.
two on hole 7 was Jason Coyne.
Special thanks to mi Julie for taking a day off work to cook a great spread as always and to Emma from Smiling Jack's for looking after thirty very hot golfers.
The day's winner with 39 points and a new handicap of 22 was Martin.
I thought the course was a thinking man's course but sadly Thursday is not my thinking day. Anyway the scores are in. Nearest the pin on hole 9 was Tony Clark. Nearest the pin on the 13th was Nick Williams. Nearest the pin in
In second place with 34 points was Billy who was playing off a single figure handicap, well done.
The Blue Johnny winner this time was Tom Kirby while the raffle winners were the famous Cabo Roig scourers Liz and Thelma. The list for September golf is up in Smiling Jack's to be played at Vistabella on the 8th. El Presidente
Mike Probert talks Golf
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
and playing golf in these conditions takes it's toll on both your body and mind. Below are a number of tips issued by the PGA of America which will allow you to be in a better position to handle such extreme weather conditions: 1.) Stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids not only on the day of play but start at least one day before you play (even earlier if flying to your golfing destination) and try to avoid caffeine and alcohol.
I have lived in Spain for 18 years and July 2022 has seen the hottest weather conditions that we have seen in those years
2.) Wear loose, breathable, light coloured clothing made of moisture absorbing material that won't start to stick to your body when you start to sweat so that you feel comfortable when playing golf.
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €134 Two Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €82 Two Green Fees & Buggy Altaoana Village €95 Two Green Fees & Buggy Altorreal €80 Two Green Fees & Buggy (holes 10 to 18 played twice) Bonalba €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €136 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda D Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor
€90 €82 €45 €110 €47 €65 €52 €90 €45 €60 €97 €70 €50 €50
Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.08pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 2.00pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee (from 1.00pm) Single Green Fee
3.) Use sunblock on the exposed part of your body with a high factor rating and remember that most modern golf clothes have sunblock technology built in and simple for sunblock reasons there is nothing wrong in wearing long sleeves on hot days. 4.) Wear a loose, light bucket hat with a wide brim to not only keep off the sun but maintain energy levels and these are better that peaked caps for this purpose. 5.) Eat light, but eat something to aid your concentration and energy levels but don't bulk up on a heavy meal before heading to the golf course for 5 hours. 6.) Warm up fully but lightly in preparation for your round but don't over do the practice and use up that much needed energy before you stand on the first tee. New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
€68 €98 €115 €47 €80 €58 €115 €112
Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.06pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.00pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.00pm)
DEAL OF THE WEEK: New Sierra Golf 4 players and 2 buggies (18 holes) only €130 For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
637 227 385
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
signing from Almoradi) picked up the ball, then without breaking stride, unleashed an unstoppable strike from fully 25 yards. Parity was restored less than 3 mins later. A well taken 20-yard free kick by Ismael, beat Thader's sub keeper Amine at his near post. Only the post came to Thader's rescue on 54 mins, following a rasping drive by an unnamed sub. This pulsating friendly was at times close to boiling over, none more so when Edu became the 2nd Thader player to pick up a booking. Amine made amends for his earlier mistake, brilliantly saving with his legs on the hour mark.
wo friendlies in quick succession were on offer at The Moi Gomez stadium last week.
On Wednesday evening, the youth team of La Liga side Elche CF, provided an excellent work out for Raul Mora's new look side. It was the visitors who took a 2-goal advantage into the interval, then added a further goal deep into the 2nd half. Captain Lloyd converted a penalty in the dying seconds, to reduce the deficit. Although the match scoreboard flashed the final result as 1-3, the boys in blue can take plenty of positives from the game.
New look Thader versus Real Murcia
Soon after, Edu was shown a 2nd yellow for another routine foul, and was sent off, when IMO, the ref could have asked manager Raul Mora to simply sub him!
Img CD Thader
witness how quick and skilful they proved to be.
Less than 48 hours later, they were back inside the heat cauldron, this time the visitors were Real Murcia Imperial.
But it was the hosts who almost snatched the lead on 11 mins. A teasing cross from the left wing found Argentinian hard man Guido, whose goal bound header from 5 yards was palmed over the bar by keeper Pedro.
A very youthful opposition, play their football in Murcia div 3, (one step up from Thader), so it was no surprise to
Real Murcia did appear to have justified shouts for a pen on 20 mins, but a trip on Ismael was deemed a legiti-
mate challenge. Midway through the half, Pedro was taken off as a precautionary measure for a nasty knock on his knee, but thankfully he should be fit for the next match. A Thader goalmouth scramble resulted in the ball being cleared 3 times in quick succession, but from the next attack, all the action was at the other end. Another superb cross from the
DANNY FINALLY DOES GOOD NOT THE 'REAL DEAL' IN SPAIN FOR DANNY Quote: 'It was very difficult. I struggled with loneliness. I tried to learn the language but could only speak basic Spanish. After training I'd go to my flat and be there until we trained again at night' Former Real Murcia striker Danny Johnson bagged a hat-trick in Walsall's 4-0 win against Hartlepool in the opening game of the Division 2 2022-23 season. Johnson was at Real Murcia Club de Fútbol "B", also known as Real Murcia Imperial, during 2011-12. Johnson, 29, said of his time at Real Murcia: "I literally to this day still can't believe that happened to be honest. "My agent at the time had a company that was partnered with a European company. I got a call saying we've got you a club in Spain if you want to go on trial for a week. "I was at 18 at the time and thought I'll go and have a free holiday. I went out there and scored five in two games and got offered a contract. "I couldn't say no at the time, at 18 how many times do you get the opportunity to experience that? But it was very difficult for me and I struggled to be honest.
Danny got a hattrick in Walsall’s season opener
Unfortunately I was only able to speak three words in Spanish - ola, adios and gracias.” "It was the loneliness. I was there by myself, I tried to learn the language but could only speak basic Spanish. We'd train from 8am until 10am, then I'd go back to
left found the head of Quino, but the big Thader no 9 was left frustrated as the ball cannoned off the post before bouncing to safety. Just before the half time interval, Guido became the 1st player to enter the ref's notebook, when the first of many yellow cards was brandished. The deadlock was broken on 47 mins, courtesy of a fine team build up. Not long on as sub, Raul (Thader's new
my flat and be there for the rest of the day until we trained again on a night." Johnson scored on his debut for the youth team, and on his debut for the B team and also in a behind closed doors friendly when he partnered Kike. "I stuck it out for a while, but finances at the club and homesickness forced me back home. "I came back and got a few trials, Rochdale and York. They were in League Two and nothing really materialised," said Johnson. Working in a flooring factory at the time, Johnson said: "Cardiff watched me. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was the manager at the time and I thought my luck is in here. "He was one of the main reasons why I chose Cardiff where I learned a lot. I remember I was working at a factory on the Tuesday and on the Wednesday I was training with Wilfried Zaha, who was there on loan at the time. I was stood there pinching myself." Journeyman Johnson is now at his 13th club at Walsall, having departed Real Murcia B a decade ago. In July, Johnson signed for Walsall on a six-month loan, scoring a hat trick on his debut in Walsall's 4-0 win against Hartlepool on the first day of the 2022-23 season.
Another top-notch Amine save was followed by a Dani Lucus long range effort which just missed the target. Just when it looked like the game would end in a draw, another Real Murcia sub ghosted unnoticed into Thader's box, before placing a winning shot past Amine. There is one more friendly at Moi Gomez stadium this week. On Friday 12 August, ko 8pm, Mutxamel from Alicante will provide the opposition.
Andrew Atkinson looks back on England’s 1966 World Cup football hero Sir Geoff Hurst who says he is 'unbelievably proud' of The Lionesses Women's 2022 Euro Final win against Germany. Atkinson also looks at the financial side of men's and women's football and England star defender Lucy Bronze joining La Liga side Barcelona after leaving Manchester City this summer. England's women footballers get paid the same as the men for national team appearances, but general salaries are much lower. "Take, for example, if you were an electrician earning £30,000 a year, and another company said they wanted you. ‘You’re talented, the best electrician in the world, we will pay you £60,000’. "It’s everybody’s right to better themselves from a job point of view," Hurst told Atkinson (pictured). *Coming soon. ONLY IN THE LEADER.
Monday 8th - Sunday 14th August 2022
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