The Leader Newspaper 27 February 2023 – Edition 960

Page 9

Despite the stresses and strains of working at Torrevieja Hospital, especially since it’s return to public management over a year ago, the straw has finally broken the camel’s back, and workers at the facility have voted by a huge majority to go on strike during the Easter Holidays.

The latest development which has prompted the action was when the Regional Ministry of Health decided to question, and then make public their intention to change, a collective agreement made with Ribera Salud. And so, on Thursday evening, a meeting was called by the unions representing the staff where a vote was taken, the result being calls for a strike with the support of 96% of all voters and 50.16% of the total census.

The meeting also followed a mass protest at the doors of the hospital on Thursday morning, where the staff showed their disgust at this latest abuse of their trust, whilst trying to maintain a disastrous service, and, in particular, insisting that the Ministry withdraw the complaint against the collective agreement.

The end result of the protests, meetings, and vote, is that a demonstration has now been called for next Saturday, March 4, to demand that the Consell rectify their position and honour the agreement with the workers.

The collective Works Council representing the staff said that "the Ministry leaves our future work in the hands of what a judge decides on September 18, nothing matters about the uncertainty that this creates in the 911 professionals working in the Health Authority. If the judge agrees with them, we do not know what working conditions we will have in September, but surely the Ministry cannot pretend they will be better than the current ones", said spokesperson, Ana Linares. CONTINUED

No 960 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023
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The manifesto states that "if they consider our current agreement unacceptable... what can we expect with the negotiations for the next one?

More than a year ago we formed the negotiating table. Since then we have met 3 times, always due to repeated requests on our part and convened alone, to paralyse worker mobilisations, but this time, they are not going to stop us, they have lost our confidence and the only thing that can make us give up is the withdrawal of this judicial complaint and their real involvement in the negotiation of a new agreement, with the improvements that the staff deserve, and which we have earned hard for years by giving the best quality of care to the department"

The strike action coincides with Easter, a period that the hospital staff were not looking forward too, as they fully expect the system to collapse once again, due to the increase in the number of people visiting the area, as has been the case in all holiday periods since the revision.

"This is where it is going to hurt the most and where we are going to be heard the most," said Fran García, from the Works Council. The representatives of the workers insist that they will take their protests to Valencia, if necessary.

The ballot was held last Thursday with 96% of voters calling for strike action

Additional doctor for San Miguel

The municipality of San Miguel de Salinas will have one more doctor assigned to it’s Centro Salud from May, a specialist in family and community medicine.

The doctor, who is already training at the center, will add to the centre’s healthcare staff.

The new addition will allow staff to offer a better service to the patients in the municipality.

This follows the recent addition of a full-time paediatrician in the municipality.

The manager of the Torrevieja health authority, José Cano, has also promised to open a feasibility study for the possible expansion of the centre.

"The improvement of infrastructures would allow some specialised care consultations to be brought closer to the municipality, avoiding unnecessary trips to the hospital," he said.


Spain offers paid time off for painful menstruation.

Spain is the first country in Europe that offers paid time off for painful menstruation.The bill is part of a law that was passed by the government last week.

In a bill that featured numerous sexual and reproductive rights laws,including ones expanding abortion and transgender rights, women now have the right to three days of menstrual leave a month — with the option of extending it to five days — if they experience painful periods.

The bill is part of a law that also enables access to abortion in public hospitals in Spain. Doctors may also use the medical procedure, abortion,to help pregnant women with lifethreatening medical conditions or to help complete an early miscarriage.


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Rain! Not pitter-patter, dingle-dangle spring rain, but rushing, racing, drain-the-sky pale rain. Not drizzle or mizzle but raging rain, flashing and dashing out of the mist, splishing and splashing around my head.

Our father said it would ‘refresh’ the parched land.

But more refreshments poured down to slake that land, soaking the streets like a surging spring, spraying us all like a screw-loose showerhead. Sluicing each tub, bucket, barrel, and pail, it crashed and plashed, and narrowly missed drowning our poor pet dingo secured by his rein.

Then father declared the land right as rain, but the clouds didn’t care and crashed down to land, turning the bush to a bog, shrouded in mist.

Billabongs conjoined, spawning brand new offspring, sweeping away fenceposts, pickets and pales, and all the damned rivers burst out of their heads.

So, we squished and squelched our way ahead, cloyed and clogged in the runnels of rain, as buildings collapsed and conspired to impale anything adrift on the spongy swampland. Then father’s nerves twanged taut as a hairspring, so he drained a wee dram of his Highland Mist.

Flotsam and jetsam ebbed and flowed through the mist, a chair, a table, an old bedhead, an inflatable doll, a mattress spring and a bust of the Queen (what a sad end to her reign).

Would we ever again put our feet on dry land? (No longer a question beyond the pale.)

Then our father prayed, looking pious and pale, eyes clouded over in a supernal mist, picturing ‘boats, beasts and a flight from the land’, while a still, small voice of calm in his head forewarned about, ‘FORTY DAYS AND NIGHTS OF RAIN.’

So, like convicts in a get-out-of-gaol spring …

With paddles and pails and a makeshift masthead, we sailed out of the mist, away from the rain. Farewell to Queensland. G’day Alice Springs.

To see your poem published on this page send to:

Equality Minister Irene Montero,who belongs to the junior member in Spain's left-wing coalition government,the "United We Can" Party,was the driving force behind the new laws.The minister said that the government will pay for the menstrual leave provision. Period products are now also to be offered free in schools and prisons,while state-run health centres will do the same with hormonal contraceptives and the morning after pill.

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"Noah in Oz"
A study will also look at possible expansion

Valencian ITV Service Returns to Public Management

After 25 years of privatisation, the operation of the mandatory Inspección Técnica de Vehículos (ITV), has returned to public management in the Valencia region, and whereas it is hoped the move will not be as disastrous as the reversal was for Torrevieja hospital, the sector itself is warning of “chaos”.

The reversal comes after months of confrontations and accusations by the concessionary companies. The Asociación de Entidades Concesionarias de la Comunitat Valenciana para la Inspección Técnica de Vehículos (Aecova-ITV) has insisted on multiple occasions that the administration is not "trained" to assume the service yet and has warned of "chaos and collapse", demanding a new extension that would guarantee a "calm" transition.

However, the Ministry of Sustainable Economy rejected their argument with the Minister, Rafa Climent, saying on Thursday that "there should not be any problem" and "all the steps have been done properly."

The reversal of the ITV was part of the Botànic II agreement: to recover the service that was privatized in 1997 under the government of former Partido Popular president, Eduardo Zaplana, a Minister who, coincidentally, is currently facing corruption charges in an unrelated case.

After announcing the reversal, the Generalitat commissioned a report from the consulting firm Nuve Consulting which concluded that, with the direct management of the service, the net profits for the Generalitat's purse, once all expenses were paid, would be 39.3 million euro per year.

Climent announced a reversion plan in three phases, lasting until 2026. The first, 'preparation', was scheduled until December 2022, the date on which the concessions expired,

but the Generalitat had to extend the concessions to compensate the ITV companies for the closure of the service during the pandemic.

The second phase would be that of 'consolidation' in 2023, and from 2024 to 2026 the 'expansion' phase will take place with the construction of new ITV stations and the hiring of the new personnel necessary for the provision of services.

Now, as the first batch of Covid extended contracts expired on Friday, the doors have close on the privatised operation, and open on Monday morning under the umbrella of the new public company, Sociedad Valenciana de ITV SA.

Specifically, last Friday the contracts ended for the ITV stations in Alcoy, Benidorm, Gandia, Ondara, Ontinyent, Orihuela-San Bartolomé, Redován, Torrevieja, Utiel, Villena, Vinaròs and Xàtiva. On March 3 it will be the turn of Alicante, Alzira, Castelló, Catarroja, Elche, Llíria, Massalfassar, Riba-roja de Túria, San Antonio de Benagéber, ValenciaCampanario, Valencia-Vara de Quart and Vila-real.

On Thursday, the public company officially launched the new appointment website for the ITV inspection,, which unifies in a single tool the online appointment service that until now was available through different portals.

According to the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, the objective of the reversion is to improve the efficiency, competitiveness and quality of the service, in addition to reducing rates and expanding the service with new stations. In this sense, the construction of a new one in Torrent is planned and others will go from being mobile centres to fixed. The ITV centre at Pilar de la Horadada for example is classed as a mobile unit, dependant on the ITV Orihuela-San Bartolomé centre. It should be noted however that under national legislation, you are free to have your vehicle inspected at any ITV test centre around the country, and so you are able to choose a cheaper option if it is better for you, although you will of course have to travel to that centre.

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The ITVStation at Pilar de la Horadada

Ex Barcelona player Alves to remain in Jail

The Provincial Court held a hearing last Thursday to resolve an appeal filed by the former Barça and Sevilla player, who requested his release on bail. Alves, who is being investigated for alleged sexual assault on a 23-year-old girl in a Barcelona nightclub on December

New plans announced for Torrevieja’s “La Plasa”

Adraft new plan was presented on Monday morning for La Plasa building, after having been recently acquired by the City Council. The project will completely change the use of the building, , both in the main food market itself and on the upper floors which will include commercial and administrative space as well as a university.

The municipal food market will continue on ??the ground floor and will include up to 30 outlets compatible with restaurant stalls. The external stairs will be removed, and brought inside.

On the first and second floors, there will be training classrooms, a university study room and multi-purpose rooms, although the City Council is evaluating other possible uses based on its own needs, which could include the Department of Commerce and the Office of the Urban Open Shopping Centre. The offices of the Local

Development Agency (ADL) and classrooms for training will also be accommodated in addition to a multipurpose space for young people on the third floor, (concert halls, rehearsals and/or meeting areas for youth associations), where the cinemas were located.

In the preliminary project presented this morning, the direction of movement into and out of the building is to be completely changed, expanding the main entrance through C/Azorín, by removing the current escalators and the two lifts.

The Council wants to begin the reform works during the last quarter of the year or as rescheduled in an agreement with the market vendors.

Prior to Monday’s announcement the mayor was able to brief the vendors of the food market and the board members of APYMECO and the Association of Hospitality Entrepreneurs, as well as with hoteliers and shopkeepers in the areas

Women’s La Vuelta Cycle Race to Start from Torrevieja

The women’s cycle race, La Vuelta Femina, taking place for the first time in May of this year, will start from Torrevieja.

The race will be held from May 1 to 7, 2023 comprising a seven-stage route which will be announced on Tuesday, in a gala at the Torrevieja International Music Conservatory Auditorium, and which will be broadcast live on Teledeporte and on social networks.

30, has been behind bars since January 20.

However, the Court felt that the arguments submitted by the defence are sufficient to consider the risk of flight as high, as Alves was told that he will have to continue his time behind bars.

Albatera Concentration Camp, declared a Place of Democratic Memory

The Albatera Concentration Camp has been declared as a place of democratic memory of the Valencian Community, aimed at providing “justice, compensation and dignity” to the victims of the civil war and subsequent dictatorship.

The resolution was published on February 17, in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana.

The approximate surface of 12 hectares is also an area of relevant archaeological interest and can now offer protection to all those elements found on the site, as well to those that might be exhumed in the future.

Spanish Tourism Organisations Firmly Oppose the EU ‘tourist tax’

Spanish tourism representatives are objecting to the ETIAS, the EU ‘tourist tax’as they fear that British holidaymakers will drift away to a other destinations.

The tax will see third-country nationals, including Brits, who represent the main tourism source market in Spain, have to pay a e7 fee every time they go on a holiday to Spain, or enter the 27-nation-bloc.

This comes on top of any local tourist tax of between e2 and e5 for each overnight stay in hotel accommodation.

Orihuela Costa Social Centre Café Open to Tender after 2 years

Orihuela Council has put out to tender the operation of the cafeteria and/or dining room service at the Alameda del Mar Municipal Social Centre on the Orihuela Costa.

The running of the facility is now open to interested companies,SMEs or self-employed persons to present their offers to provide this service.

According to María del Carmen Moreno Gómez,Councillor for Social Welfare,this much needed facility for the users of this social centre "has not been available since June 2021 due to the retirement of the previous awardee.This is further proof of the carelessness of the previous government team,and that once again,we have provided a solution”.

María del Carmen Moreno said that “as soon as this contract is awarded,the users of the Alameda del Mar Social Centre will be able to enjoy the cafeteria service that they have been demanding for nearly two years.”.

The contract has a duration of two years and the fee to be paid for this period is 2,331.94 euro.Those interested in participating in the tender have until March 10 to submit their offers.

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The first area to be refurbished will be the food market
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Torrevieja Uni Hospital, Valencian pioneer in knee osteotomies

The Traumatology Service of the Torrevieja University Hospital is the first centre in the Valencian Community to use the Vega navigation system for knee osteotomies (femur or tibia).

Osteotomy is an orthopaedic surgery technique that consists of making a partial cut in a bone in a controlled manner with the aim of modifying its anatomical shape. These modifications may include increasing the length of the bone, decreasing it, or changing its angulation to modify its axis and avoid abnormal mechanical overload.

The use of this navigation system with personalized 3D guides allows professionals greater precision during surgery, improving the safety of the technique and reducing the use of fluoroscope (intraoperative

€60,000 remodelling of Mil Palmeras Access


The implants (plates and screws) are also custommade, which reduces surgical time by not having to measure the size of the screws, guaranteeing perfect congruence of the plate with the osteotomy performed.

Innovation and constant training at the service of patients

Now, the knee unit of the University Hospital has had a virtual browser (VirtaMed) for simulation of knee arthroscopic techniques. The system allows doctors to perform surgical techniques that improve arthroscopic management, as well as shortening the learning curves of professionals who perform this type of operation.

Nowhere to play for Torrevieja children.

Almoradí and Orihuela children take part in the Artichoke Olympics

Nearly 200 schoolchildren from Almoradí and Orihuela will take part in the III Artichoke Olympics on March 1 at the Sadrián de Almoradí stadium, which combines sports, music, skill and knowledge events related to the “Joya de la Huerta”.

The competition is organised by the Vega Baja Artichoke as part of the program of the National Artichoke Congress, Congreso Nacional de la Alcachofa.

Spain to Abolish Carry-on Liquid Restrictions at Airports

Authorities plan to abolish the carryon liquid rules in 2024, permitting passengers through some country’s airports to take over 100 ml liquids in their hand luggage without being subject to restrictions.

According to the announcement by Aena, from 2024, liquid restrictions will be abolished at Madrid- Bajaras and Barcelona-El Prat airports. Other airports will follow suit in 2025

New trans law allows change of sex from 12 years old

The new trans law in Spain means that it is possible to officially change your sex from the age of 12.

Previously, a medical or psychological report and two years of hormone therapy were required, Children aged 12 and 13 need the authorisation from a judge and those aged 14 and 15 from their parents. From the age of 16 no permission is needed.

Spanish water reserve is at 50.6 percent of its capacity

The Spanish water reserve is at 50.6 percent of its total capacity.

Pilar de la Horadada has begun improving the natural aesthetics of the main access to Mil Palmeras and Rio Mar.

Councillor for Public Services, Adrián López, said: "The remodelling of the areabetween Avenida Rio Llobregat and Calle Federico García Lorca, the main access road to the urbanisations of Rio Mar and Mil Palmeras, is underway. "The works consist of the removal of the existing hedge, that makes visibility difficult , will be replaced by artificial grass and planting of 40 palm trees of the Trachycarpus Fortunei type, 3 metres high."

The total budget is a €60,612.55 with the work carried out by Maintenance Services.

Despite a promise to refurbish it’s 78 playgrounds, an undertaking that was made by the councillor last September, the company that was awarded the 1.7 million euro contract has made a start on just four.

The announcement was made at the weekend in a statement by Los Verdes in response to which, the new councillor of Parks and Gardens , Antonio Vidal, explained that work has resumed this week and that the forecast is that every week an average of four refurbishments will begin with another four being completed .

Vidal pointed out that the slowdown in recent months has been due to a supply problem, a lack of global supplies that affects all firms in the sector.

Los Verdes de Torrevieja stated that " the PP shows, once again, its absolute disdain, for something that is so necessary in Torrevieja, particularly the adaptability of common areas, for people with disabilities."

The reservoirs currently store 28,356 cubic hectometres (hm?) of water,which has decreased by 45 cubic hectometres in the last week (0.1 percent of the current total capacity of the reservoirs).

Rainfall has been practically nil throughout Spain.The maximum has been produced in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (A) with 16.6 mm (16.6 l/m?).

Lack of materials paralizes repairs to Orihuela Costa roads

The company responsible for the maintenance and repair of roads and public spaces in Orihuela Costa, Zaplana Caselles, has again written to the council criticising them for the lack of materials necessary to fulfil their contract.

"We cannot do many of the repairs that are pending because we do not have the necessary material to carry them out".

While the company is responsible for providing manpower and equipment the contract requires the council to provide all materials.

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Community Care filling the gap in Orihuela Costa

The Community Care Association, announce that they have moved premises and are now located in the Centro Civico at Alameda del Mar near Flamenca Beach commercial centre.

The centre is just off the N332 by Lidl roundabout and offers activities a multitude of activities, including sessions of Spanish Beginners level 1 & 2,Spanish Conversation basic and advanced. For those budding artists there are also Watercolour Art sessions. These sessions are held as follows:

Monday. Spanish Beginners level 1. 14.00h15.30h. Spanish Level 2 16.00h -17.30h. Games in Spanish conversation.14.00h16.00h.

Wednesday. Watercolour Art. 14.00h till


Spanish Conversation Advanced level. 14.00h -15.30h.

Spanish Conversation basic. 15.45h - 17.00h. Note, the Spanish classes are courses of 10 weeks to allow members to learn and progress to next level.

The damage to thebuilding at Lomas de Cabo Roig resulted in CCA having to move to a safer building. Unfortunately this took time to gain authorisation from the government. We also had the restrictions placed upon us by the Covid 19 pandemic, in terms of the number of students we could have in a classrom, which meant that we could only offer our sessions to former CCA Members. Now, however, these restrictions are lifted

and we have new premises where we can offer more people the opportunity to join CCA and to enjoy therapeutic activities. We plan to include many more activities in the future.Games, both in Spanish and English, organised Social activities and trips We will also provide Information and talks about living in Spain including the Social Welfare services and Cruz Roja - Red Cross, personal alarm systems for those who are vulnerable.

If you would like to join CCA, which is a fully legally registered Association, make new

friends and enjoy good company, you are welcome, to join as many of these sessions as you want for a one off fee of euro 20 per year.

To join CCA, pop into the Centre Cafe to register between 13.00h and 14.00h Mondays or Wednesdays. Bring with you a copy of your passport and NIE number.

If you have time to take on a class as a Volunteer Tutor do contact the email address below. You can ask for more info about CCA by emailing

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Careworker Maurice Green with CCAPresident Norah Bond. Both are keen to expand the Association and attract new members.


Torrevieja Amongst the Worst in the Province for Air Quality

Singing (and Dancing) in the Rain

Thanks to Hollywood and John Grisham, most of us now know what a 'rainmaker' is, which is to say a person who brings prestige or business to an organisation through their contacts and past associations.

Sort of like a sacked British

Foreign Secretary becoming a paid consultant to the airline industry, if he escapes a prison sentence.

The term rainmaker was taken more literally in bygone days. In 1915 the city of San Diego in California hired a man called Charles Hatfield to bring an end

to a devastating drought.

"I do not make rain," said the self-proclaimed 'moisture accelerator', "I simply attract clouds, they do the rest."

As it turned out, Hatfield conjured up epic floods, and a year later he had upped his previous price to $1,000 per inch of rain. Hardly enough to get your shoes wet, especially if they are high heels. Which mine aren't, by the way.

Sometimes great thinkers aren't as idiotic as their actions would suggest.

Alexander the Great once visited the Greek philosopher Diogenes, and found him sunbathing atop the barrel in which he lived. (See what I mean?)

Alexander, at that time the most powerful man in the world, asked if he could do anything to help Diogenes. (Build him a house, springs to mind.) Diogenes said, "You could stop blocking my sunlight. I think it might rain later." Was this an oblique reference to the fact that Alexander might be a moisture accelerator?

Rain dances, or 'weather modification rituals' were performed by many American tribes, including Hollywood personalities.

I'm sure the older citizens among us have watched in

astonishment as Gene Kelly danced up a wall as if he had wings on his feet in the film Singin' in the Rain, while singing the title song, as if we hadn't already noticed what he was doing. ("I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!") Okay, got that, Gene.

I recall that 'Rain Dances' was a 1977 studio album by the English rock band Camel -- which is a surprising combination, given that I'm pretty sure a camel needs -- or encounters -- very little rain. Or no rain.

Where I grew up in Scotland, raindrops kept falling on my head, and 48 hours of nonstop precipitation was jokingly referred to as "the weekend." When the Eurythmics released their song 'Here Comes the Rain Again', it became our local anthem. There are more hooks about rain in songs than you'd find at a Peter Pan convention. Rain's fascination for us is at least partly owing to the fact that it is one facet of nature that we cannot completely control.

We can cause limited rainfall by seeding clouds, but we cannot prevent natural rain from reaching the ground -for one thing, too many buckets would be needed. Better, by far, to buy shares in umbrella companies. And umbrellas.

According to data collated by the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Torrevieja is one of the worst towns in the province in terms of air quality. Orihuela, on the other hand, is one of the best.

The Air Quality Index is measured with factors including particles, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide, and others, and from all the indices calculated for each of the pollutants, the one with the most unfavourable value is selected, and it is precisely this value that is taken as the air quality index at the time of the study.

After analysing the different polluting parameters in several locations across the province, Torrevieja and Elda, are the municipalities with the worst air quality. The Air Quality Index (AQI) runs from 0 to 500. The higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern. For example, an AQI value of 50 or below represents good air quality, while an AQI value over 300 represents hazardous air quality.

Torrevieja had a score of 79 while in Elda it was 52. In both cases, the air quality is acceptable, although there may be moderate health concerns for a small part of the population, those sensitive to ozone, who may experience symptoms of a respiratory condition.

Another of the conclusions that can be drawn from the measurement is that Orihuela is the municipality with the best air quality in the entire province of Alicante. There the values ??reached by the polluting agents reach the lowest index of all the measurement stations placed by the Alicante geography.

In Orihuela and Elche, Alicante, Pinoso, Alcoy and Benidorm, the values of polluting agents do not exceed 50 in any case, so it can be said that the air quality in these municipalities is satisfactory and does not pose any risk to the health of its inhabitants or it is very small.

It should be noted that one of the ways in which air quality can be improved is to reduce pollutants, which is entirely the point of the new low emissions zones which should have been implemented at the start of this year under European and Spanish legislation. Other than putting a proposal to public tender, Torrevieja town hall has not progressed any further with this plan, as they claim they are awaiting clarification on a number of points, points which other towns, such as Benidorm, have not struggled with.

You can check the AQI and PM2.5 measurements, in real time, on the website,


For more info 966 71 0047 / 688792515

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month Carvajal, this gorgeous boy would make a great companion
Fully vaccinated, passport, microchip.


Legendary comic Jimmy Cricket - James Mulgrew - returned to Spain as part of his 50th Anniversary tour, appearing at The Emerald Isle, La Florida, Orihuela, compered by his good friend Stevie Spit, BEM. After his sold out show, Jimmy, famous for catchphrases 'There's More' and 'Dear Mammy', spoke to Andrew Atkinson in a Leader Exclusive.

JIMMY Cricket began his comedy career in the mid 1960s, working as a Red Coat at various Butlin's holiday camps, before settling in Manchester in the early seventies, where he worked as a Blue Coat at Pontin's holiday camps in Southport and Morecambe.

"I was 28 when I went full-time, working at Butlin's and Pontin's, wonderful memories, the time having flown by," said Jimmy, who celebrates his 78th birthday on October 17.

Hundreds packed into The Emerald Isle to see one of the most iconic figures in comedy, with a standing ovation after a show packed with non-stop laughter.

"It's nice to be back after all the lockdowns during Covid. It's been three long years," said Jimmy.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen - you're very welcome!," he quipped.

Born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, Jimmy, married to wife May for almost 50 years, joked: "It took nearly a week the last time I was here - three days in Torreviejaafter waiting three days at Manchester Airport!".

Jimmy appeared on TVs 'This is Your Life' in 1987 with Eamon Andrews, on his own TV series 'And There's More' with Central Television and his BBC Radio 2 show called 'Jimmy's Cricket Team'.


The other morning I was having my breakfast and it was going 'Snap, Crackle and Pop'. That was a surprise - as I was having Kippers!

Jimmy appeared at the Yarm-Princess Alexandra Auditorium, Stockton-on-Tees, before flying to Spain, taking in shows in Orihuela, Quesada, Don Pancho Hotel Benidorm, and the Mazarron Country Club. Along with firing out jokes, Jimmy performed a juggling act, that had the audience in raptures.

"I went to the Opticians and he said, 'Have your eyes been checked?'. I said 'no', they've

always been like this!,"

Jimmy quipped.

"It's lovely for you to come along tonight.

Many of you will have young grand

children. Remember, never kiss a baby until you know it’s the right way up!”.


I received a letter today from my Mammy. 'Dear son, have a fabulous evening at The Emerald Isle. Did you know, ever since your daddy found out Covid was caused by a bat, he's not watched a Cricket match since!'

Jimmy has appeared alongside The Osmonds, having been on numerous Royal Variety Shows, and featured in the video for the 2007 Comic Relief cover of The Proclaimers song 'I'm Gonna Be' (500 miles) by Matt Lucas as Andy Pipkin and Peter Kay as Brian Potter. He was awarded a Papal Knighthood (Order of St Gregory The Great) by Pope Francis in 2015 for his charity work.

Jimmy, wearing his trademark cut-off evening trousers, evening tailcoat, hat and Wellington boots, marked L and R, for left and right, worn on the wrong feet, ended the show with the song 'After The Storm', apt after the Covid pandemic, to a standing ovation.

Jimmy spent time chatting to fans, signing autographs and having photos taken, before heading to his dressing room to be interviewed by The Leader.

*Part 1 of a Jimmy Cricket Exclusive starts next week. THERE'S MORE! - DON'T MISS IT.

Jimmy with Andrew Atkinson

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Our eyes met for the first time and...!

Saint Valentine’s Day, just like Halloween, is becoming more and more of a community event in Ireland. ‘Valentine’s’ isn’t just for young lovers anymore – it’s as if everybody wants a slice of the action.

I was out and about in town on 14th February and it came as a surprise as to the number of people who wished me a ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’ Or could that just be me, Gorls?

The papers were full of love stories of how couples were still head over heels in love after so many years, and on one page there was a chain of 14 entwined blood-red hearts.

I don’t wish to come across as unromantic here, but in the interests of accuracy, this column has to point out that this red heart depicting romance bears no resemblance to the little grizzly blob that beats in the human chest.

Our radio stations were trying to outdo each other with callers telling their love stories; with the emphasis on the thrill of that first encounter. It is amazing how many happy lovers who claim that they knew the instant their eyes met that

‘this is the one for me.’ This is extraordinary in itself, and I have heard many such stories over the years. ‘Our eyes met for the first time across a crowded room (or across a bar counter in my case!) and I knew in that second, that I wanted to spend my whole life with him/her’. (All together now …Aahhhh!)

A typical story I was told was of the daughter looking out the window of the family shop, seeing a young man, a newcomer to town, standing talking to somebody on the footpath, and she said; ‘that is the man I am going to marry’ – and marry him she did.

Right, now and with the fact established that you can meet somebody for the first time and based on your first eye contact, decide that you cannot live the rest of your life without that person, there is also another fact which recently occurred to me and which I would like to share with you.

We all know about the balance of nature and that there is an opposite of everything. Newton’s Law states something like, ‘for every force of nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction.’ Hold that thought, please …

Sometimes I meet someone


Women between 25 and 65 to receive cervical cancer screening

Once the pilot study has been satisfactorily completed in autumn, the Ministry of Health in the Valencia region is to send out mass invitations for women to participate in screening for cervical cancer, an estimated 1,400,000. Those between 25 and 34 will undergo vaginal cytology, while the remainder will receive a kit to take a vaginal sample that will be used to detect the presence of the human papillomavirus.

for the very first time; our eyes meet and I know from that very first moment that I want to spend my whole life without them! Not only do I long to spend my whole life without them … but even ten minutes is pushing it! Well, if people can fall in love in seconds, it shouldn’t come as any great shock that someone can rub you up the wrong way during a similar timespan?

I admit it here, in front of all you good people that I have locked eyes for the first time with a person and we both have taken an instant dislike to each other. I sometimes try to hide it – but I am not good at that bit!

We are not talking here about the person we meet whom we get the wrong impression of.

Very often we can change from our initial opinion of another person and indeed, I have a few friends whom I wasn’t mad about the first time we met, but accepted in time that I was wrong in my assessment.

This natural human interaction has nothing to do with the ‘hate at first sight’ syndrome. The strange thing is that there may be nothing much wrong with the other

Cambiemos want to Clamp Down on Electric Rental Scooters

Cambiemos will again raise the request for review and withdrawal of the permit for the rental of electric scooters by the company Hoppy (Hoppy Eléctrico SL) in Orihuela and the Orihuela Costa at the Plenary. A spokesman said that "it again will raise the request after the rejection by the groups of PSOE, VOX and C's, who blocked a debate and vote on the proposal in the last plenary.”

person. They will have friends, maybe even mutual friends and get along fine with the world, but the ‘hate at first sight’ couple are doomed to, at best, tolerate each other and live with their personality clash.

There are personality traits in people that can instantly rub us up the wrong way. Some of the worst offenders in my book are those who always have to play the devil’s advocate and feel duty bound to come up with an alternative point of view. The one who keeps interrupting, or finishing my sentence for me is facing the drop into the category that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with. You’re telling a joke, a good one, and the first of the evening and there are two of the company you won’t take along on life’s journey: one keeps guessing the punchline – right or wrong; and the other isn’t listening because he is too preoccupied with getting his joke ready to top yours! Finally, something to remember this article by (!) the expression ‘rubbing someone the wrong way’, comes from stroking a cat. The cat likes being stroked, but not against the fur!


No two people are alike – and both of them are glad of it.

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

Bernie has published four

books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.


The Guardia Civil arrested a man and a woman who are believed to be linked to a fraud of 70,000 euro, by the illicit trade of 200,000 kilos of citrus fruits. The victims are farmers from various towns in Alicante and Murcia.

The alleged perpetrators placed and collected a large order of fruit which they paid for by means of a bank promissory note, without funds.


The Department of Emergencies and Civil Protection in Orihuela is taking action to ensure their Local Plan for the Prevention of Forest Fires is up to date.

Fire fighters in some areas of Spain are already monitoring the situation which can so easily get out The municipality has 9,650 hectares of forest land which could be considered at risk, 26.4 percent of the total area.

PAGE 10 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The Torrevieja health department has added home physiotherapy for patients using the Home Hospitalisation Unit

The objective is to take physiotherapy closer to patients receiving UHD treatment to optimize their recovery and, ultimately, improve their quality of life.

It is estimated that more than a thousand patients a year can benefit from this new service

The Torrevieja health department has incorporated home rehabilitation within the progressive expansion of its portfolio of services

that it has been carrying out during the public recovery of the centre.

This recovery has been possible thanks to the addition of a physiotherapist to the staff of the Home Hospitalization Unit (UHD) of the hospital, who, initially, will be in charge of providing the rehabilitation service to all those patients who require it.

Cristina González, the department's physiotherapy supervisor, said that "physiotherapy will help patients improve and optimize their functional and respiratory capacity, so that their recovery at home will improve".

Polish out scatches on your car with toothpaste


A motoring tip that is as cheap as they come!


Car buffs spend a lot of money on their vehicles, but this hack is as cheap as they come. The next time your car is scratched, get rid of the offending mark with toothpaste. This may or may not work, depending on how deep the scratch is, but it

won't hurt. To do this, clean the area with soap and water, then dry with a soft, cotton towel. Next, rub the toothpaste into the scratched sec-

tion. Allow the paste to sit for about 10 minutes. Using a clean towel, carefully rub the toothpaste out. Hopefully, the scratch should be gone!

Endangered birds released in El Clot de Galvany

El Clot de Galvany welcomes 20 new specimens of Pardilla Teal. They were released in the natural park last week located at the foot of Gran Alacant.

In the last three years, more than 136 birds of the Pardilla Teal species, classified as endangered, have been introduced, with this latest 20 adding to the family.

“We will continue contributing to the conservation of different habitats, which have registered the best figures for Pardilla Teal in recent years”, said councillor Esther Diez

Brings a whole new meaning to the term ìDOGGY BAGî


Ref: 001562 e425,000


Totally refurbished 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa with large southfacing terrace.

Airconditioning and heating, all new windows, completely insulated. Underbuild with 2 additional rooms. Garage and access to seperate garden area, part of which is used for bed and breakfast.

Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Arts & Culture &

Before the parade passes by

If you are looking for a great night of musical theatre,look no further than Studio32’s forthcoming production of ‘Hello Dolly’,coming to the Cardenal Beluga Theatre,San Fulgencio from Wednesday 31st of May until Saturday 3rd of June,doors open at 7:00pm curtain up 7:30pm.

This show is guaranteed to make you laugh and put a spring in your step with a very funny story line,great musical numbers and energetic dance routines. The cast and crew of Studio32 (pictured) are looking forward to making this a performance to remember.To book tickets online for our show please visit our website ,email: or call Linda on 679 062 272

For those of you unsure of how to use our system you can call into The Post Box in Dona Pepa,or Quesada Tech where someone will be on hand to assist you with booking tickets.

You could also come along to one of our rehearsals at Casa Contenta,Rojales between 7:30pm and 9:30pm where someone will be available to assist you. We are also still looking for men out there of any age to join our group in the ensemble for our forthcoming production of ‘Hello Dolly’.

We are also on the lookout for a young male person aged between 18 and 30 for a principal role that is still to be cast.

If you have experience in Musical Theatre in the areas of singing,acting and dancing we would like to hear from you.

Even if you don’t have experience in those areas but have the urge to tread the boards,come along to one of our rehearsals at Casa Contenta.Guidance and coaching will be given for those less experienced. Also anyone else,male or female of any age are welcome to come along to our rehearsals if you are inter-

La Sal de Torrevieja

ested in taking part in the show ensemble,working backstage or have experience working with the production of stage props,lighting and sound.You will be made most welcome.

We are also on the lookout for someone with experience in Directing Musical Theatre for our next show in November.

Having just returned from a week long trip to France performing in both Nice and Menton as part of their European Tour Internationally recognised Carnival group La Sal de Torrevieja will be performing a ONE NIGHT ONLY special in the Torrevieja Theatre on Friday 3rd of March.

The show brings a night of music, dance, comedy and as always a ray of amazing colour, feathers and spectacular costumes.

Tickets - online or the box office infront of the theatre.

If you require any further information,contact Linda on 679 062 272 or visit our facebook page at Studio32 Musical Theatre Company

Uniforms for Orihuela Dance School students

The Department of Education in Orihuela town hall has delivered a complete set of uniforms to the hundred students of the Municipal School of Dance of Orihuela, Escuela Municipal de Danza de Orihuela (EMDO).

Specifically, the kit consists of a sports backpack, leggings, cloth bags and t-shirts with the distinctive image of the school.

María García, Councillor for Education, affirms that “with this delivery we want to promote and give greater visibility to this school that welcomes dozens of students. A school that is collaborating in numerous activities that we launch from different councils, such as the participation they had in the carnival parade.

This endowment of material is added to the identification

that was placed in the centre on the side door of the auditorium of an identifying vinyl with the corporate image to give EMDO greater visibility.

PAGE 12 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 959


ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Bright; 4 Tamper; 9 Environmental; 10 Suspend; 11 Aerie; 12 Mirth; 14 Relax; 18 Quake; 19 Combine; 21 Idiosyncratic; 22 Tenant; 23 Sticky.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Breast; 2 Investigation; 3 Horde; 5 Average; 6 Paternalistic; 7 Relief; 8 Snide; 13 Treason; 15 Squirt; 16 Scone; 17 Descry; 20 Merit.



1.Splendid (9)

8.Total (3)

9.Commendable (11)

11.Obscurity (7)

12.Lawful (5)

13.Tension (6)

15.Fruitlessly (2,4)

17.Build (5)

18.Unruly (7)

20.Parity (11)

22.Donkey (3)

23.End (9)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


2.Employment (3)

3.Heading (5)

4.Attack (6)

5.Dilated (7)

6.Society (11)

7.Powerlessness (9)

10.Unremitting (11)

11.Distribution (9)

14.Encroach (7)

16.Necktie (6)

19.Work out (5)

21.Sever (3)

ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Damson; 4 Abacus; 9 Take the plunge; 10 Chapels; 11 Niobe; 12 Bench; 14 Tents; 18 Poser; 19 Sucrose; 21 Inflated price; 22 Gutter; 23 Festal.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Detach; 2 Make a mess of it; 3 On the; 5 Balance; 6 Contortionist; 7 Sweden; 8 Verse; 13 Carnage; 15 Spring; 16 Asses; 17 Cereal; 20 Copse.

1.Slaughters large number - mixed races (9)

8.Five, that is, are in competition (3)

9.Class status of communal weighing device (6,5)

11.Determination needed to do the puzzle again? (7)

12.Send ball in the air by ante-room (5)

13.It may assume airs when plucked (6)

15.Its square is gross (6)

17.Stripes showing guerrilla leader in rank (5)

18.Furniture for ministers? (7)

20.Tidy arrangement for writing in priest's office? (11)

22.Reduction of share? (3)

23.Tolerant and apparently leaving without difficulty (4-5)


2.Fuss for some head of state (3)

3.Take advantage of one in molten rock thrown up (5)

4.Stopped moving colour round poor set (6)

5.What the bird presumably does to its food (7)

6.Topple because of surplus, perhaps (11)

7.Be sorry about changed month for compensation (9)

10.The chairman's decider about the choice of actors? (7,4)

11.Defender returning immediately? (5,4)

14.Shorten a way over (7)

16.Makes quite a lot in game? (6)

19.Fetch bighead with telephone call (5)

21.Making best of bet is evil! (3)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1.In Kim Carnes hit song 'Bette Davis Eyes',Bette's gold hair is compared to which 1930s sex symbol?

2.Tamla Motown founder Berry Gordy co-wrote the lyrics for the company's first hit record in 1959. What was the name of this successful monetary hit single?

3.The name of which type of cloud translated means 'lock of hair'? a.Stratus.b.Cumulus.c.


4.Which extraterrestrial species experience an overpowering mating drive every 7 years?

5.Who was the first person to earn a million dollars through record sales? a.Enrico Caruso.b.Frank Sinatra.c.Bing Crosby

6.The quiescent Princess Aurora is better known to both children and adults under which other name?

7.In which year did millions of people around the world first see the dark side of the moon live on television?

8.Off the coast of which cherubic mega city is the island paradise Catalina located?

9.Natives of which deceivingly named land call their home Kalaallit Nunaat?

10.Measured in square kilometres,which three

continents are covered with the most ice?

11.Which healthy and chewy food that originated in Germany means 'devils fart'?

12.Which 'avant garde' celebrity coined the expression "15 minutes of fame"?

13.The name of which fabled food means 'immortal' when translated?

14.What is the name of a 17th century Italian clown in a popular song from the band Queen?

15.Each of the following are the initials of film titles starring Steve McQueen.Name the film.a. TMS.b.TTCA.c.TGE.d.TB.e.TCK

16.Slim Whitman music is used to destroy the invading aliens in which film?

17.Which song title appears on Dean Martin's grave stone? a.Everybody loves somebody.b.That's Amore.c.Memories are made of this

18.The world record in 2008 for temporary APNEA was 17 minutes,4.4 seconds.What is temporary APNEA?

19.According to legend,Bran Castle was the home of which shady character?

20.Which 'naughty digit' was the first band signed by the Beatles for their new Apple Record label in 1968?

PAGE 14 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www.

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain


Los Montesinos - La Herrada

2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995

Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.

The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl.

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Phoenix Friends Torrevieja

This new friendship club, replacing Phoenix Solos, meets on Monday mornings, at 11.00am, for drinks and conversation, on the terrace at Reflections Bar /Rte, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Regular activities will include games nights, ten-pin bowling, petanca, and meeting up, but on an informal basis. The group is open to singles and couples. For further information, Phone Kitty 622 180 500 Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with prob-

lem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Mike Cockman 670 224 822 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite

PAGE 16 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Benejúzar playground refurbished at cost of 20,000 euros

Benejúzar has completed remodelling works to the children's playground on Calle Salvador Dalí and Avenida de las Canteras, opposite the Health Centre.

The work was split into two parts at a cost of almost 20,000 euros.

"This reform was requested by local residents, after the rubber had deteriorated”, explained the mayoress, Rosa García.

Work completed consists of the replacement of the rubber, and replacement of the equipment."It is a comprehensive reform, and we now have a totally new park", said the mayoress .

The replacement of all the modules represented an investment of 11,964.48 euros, and the new rubber cost of 7,865 euros.

The mayoress confirmed that in the coming weeks there will be further improvements with the installation of equipment for children under 3 years of age, at a cost of 2,141.70 euros.

San Fulgencio rejects 'green corridors' proposed by CHS

The Mayor of San Fulgencio, JosÈ Sampere, met with representatives of the Irrigation Union and the Director General of water, to discuss the controversial proposal for 'green corridors', promoted by the ConfederaciÛn Hidrogr·fica del Segura in the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Vega Baja.

Since the project was first published, the mayor has rejected the proposal which, in the event of flooding, "would mean diverting the overflowing water from other towns in the region to land located in the municipalities of Dolores, San Fulgencio or San Felipe Neri, which are at a lower altitude, with the risk of those too being seriously affected".

Sampere said that "we are not going to agree to being turned into a 'sacrifice zone' for the benefit of the rest of the region,î adding, ìItís adoption could lead to great losses amongst the population".

Manuel Aldeguer from CHS explained that he only has responsibility for rivers

and canals, he has no competence to act on the rest". He said that any actions in this respect "are the responsibility of the Generalitat, the municipalities and the irrigation communities".

Antonio Trives, representative of the San Fulgencio Water Union, said that "as a union we are opposed to all aspects of this plan designed by the Confederation".

The mayor said that with the rest of the towns that would be affected by this proposal, "we are going to demand that the ConfederaciÛn Hidrogr·fica del Segura cease its efforts and support the measures proposed by the Generalitat, which do have the support of both the irrigators

and the municipalities", as well as carrying out actions "to control the excess water in the river and its dredging in the event of flooding".

Sampere added that there is greater concern among farmers after the publication of the CHS's announcement of a call for tenders for a feasibility study of this project, "and which would involve the intervention of the basin organisation in the modification of the territory, the responsibility of the Generalitat, or of the irrigation structures and irrigation channels, the responsibility of the irrigators".

The mayor of San Fulgencio said that "we are going to ask for this proposal to be withdrawn from the public sector contracting platform, as it goes beyond the competences of the ConfederaciÛn Hidrogr·fica del Segura".




Five companies have submitted bids to build the 80-meter building on la avenida Finlandia, next to the shopping centre, that will serve as offices for local police in Gran Alacant.

At a cost of 118,000 euros, the building is necessary as a result of the population increase since the eighties, which now has over of 9,000 people, a figure that more than doubles in the months of June to October.

Once they have their own accommodation the police will be able to provide a much better service to this area of the Santa Pola municipality, a place where residents will be able to go for enquiries, complaints or the like; "It is of vital importance for the municipality in order to improve the safety of the general public," the authorities point out in their report.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023
us at: and let us know what you think.

WHAT’S YOUR NAME? By John McGregor

¥Inoticed that the fuel gauges were reading differentlyÖ losing petrol at a tremendous rateÖ would have to force landÖ saw a clearing in the bushÖ touched downÖ felt the plane lurch and the nose sinkÖ propeller struck the groundÖ nose dug into the ground. the tail rose until the aircraft was perpendicularÖ carried on overÖ crouched low in the cockpit to avoid crushing my headÖa terrific crash, a juddering, and then quietness Ö first thought was that I was unhurt Öquickly dispelled by the thought of fire.¥

My New Zealand father, John ëJackí McGregor, then aged 22 had just crashed his aircraft, a Boulton Paul Defiant in the West African equatorial forest on October 10th 1944.

The above was an excerpt from his reported account of the accident. Seventy miles from the nearest small French outpost, Dad managed to befriend the natives and with their considerable help managed to get word of his survival to his base.

With resourcefulness and stamina Dad eventually made it back to safety. But then, my father was a very capable man.

As I grew up in the 1950s in England, I soon noticed my Dad was not like others. He was not a sit-you-on-his-knee, or ëthis is how you do it, sonítype of father. Not that he wasnít tactile, one of my earliest and treasured memories is clinging onto his strong neck tightly as we swam in the sea.

My fatherís measured crawl stroke was as rhythmic as his flowing tennis backhand, neither of which I could ever replicate with any success.

But it was Dadís example of living that has always inspired me. He epitomised the strong silent male role model, very much of its time, definitely not ëPCí today.

His own father had tragically died when he was only two, and he and his four siblings were brought up with an iron hand by their tiny widowed mother. Those tough early years made Dad his own man: deep, quiet, dignified and respected by his peers. That strength of character was exemplified by his build: solid, broad-shouldered, his tanned facial features heavy, the ëlived-inísteady gaze seemed to go right into you.

I took after my mother in some ways, but make no mistake, it was Dad I wanted to emulate: I still do. We all grew up with a family joke, used against you when complaining you couldnít do something.

ëI canít...íwas always greeted with ëWhatís your name?í

ëMcGregor!íwas inevitably the only

Firecracker striking flowers!

Russelia equisetiformis, also known as the Coral or Firecracker plant, is a sprawling perennial evergreen shrub with arching green stems and tiny scale like leaves. They grow to 3-4 ft. tall and 4-6 ft. wide with intense coral red tubular striking flowers, that bloom in spring and early summer.

It grows best in well draining soil with regular moisture in a all-day sunny location.

Monthly deep watering from spring through autumn will enhance its spring flowering cycle and help maintain good foliage.

A good choice for use in containers and raised beds, where its graceful arching branches and colourful flowers can be displayed to its best.

answer, which said everything: the unspoken assumption was that you could achieve anything you wanted to if your name was McGregor; there was no such word as canít.

The Boulton Paul Defiant, Registration DR844, from 777 Sqn FAARN, flown by Sub Lt JWMcGregor RNZN, crashed in the jungle 70 miles from Boffa, close to Cape Verde, en route from Dakar to Freetown

There are clues as to where this seemingly arrogant example of attitude to life, exemplified by our surname came from. I suggest it is in the genes, in the blood, handed down through the centuries. Originally dating from royal Scottish descent nearly one thousand years ago, the McGregor clan was persecuted and outlawed in the 1600ís.

Rob Roy was said to surmount this adversity with considerable courage to earn the family its respectability again, despite savage hardship. This ability to bounce back from desperate circumstances was to provide the family motto ëThe McGregors, despite them, will flourish foreverí. That certainly stood Dad in good stead in West Africa in 1944.

At our boysígrammar school, aged twelve I

was proud to be selected as captain for the school rugby team at scrum half, rugby was Dadís first sporting love. McGregors always played scrum half, one predecessor played for the All Blacks on the 1909 UK tour. At our first game one cold, wet Saturday, Dad came to watch with my little brother. Midway through the second half we were drawing.

As the rain poured down I collected the ball from the back of the scrum, and spotted a gap. Going for the line, I avoided two or three tackles and scored in the corner. Walking back and receiving a few congratulatory pats I glowed in the cold; but I didnít dare look over at Dad. We won, but little was said afterwards returning in the car; neither was anything said at home.

Eventually I plucked up my courage and approached Dad in the garden, pruning his beloved roses.

ëWhat did you think of my try?íI asked hesitantly.

ëYou should have passed it outí, he simply replied, smiling his trademark onesided grin.

Remove older stems at the base of the plant in winter or early spring, which will refresh and encourage new growth before spring growth begins.

To keep compact or re-shape, the entire plant can be cut to its base in late winter, or early spring.

PAGE 18 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The aircraft was written off after being damaged beyond repair.


Results - Group 1

1Simone de Lacy & Pat Schofield5 pts

1Bliss Wright & Chelsea Campbell5 pts

3Lesley Lumb & Karen Collins 4 pts

3Kirsty Green & Angie Mullen 4 pts

5Sharon Frain & Mitch Halliday 2 pts

Results - Group 2

1Amanda Skinner/Yvonne Rouffignac8 pts

2 Donna Ralph & Sharon O'Rourke5 pts

3 Jane Wills & Jean Randell 4 pts

4 Sue Christie & Sandra Crabbe 2 pts

5 Karen Raffell & Jan Norbury 1 pt

Top 2 Pairs from each group qualify for semi final

Results - Best of 3 - 501

Wright & Campbell v Ralph & O'Rourke 2-0 Skinner & Rouffignac v de Lacy & Schofield 2-1

Final - Best of 5 - 501 Wright & Campbell v Skinner & Rouffignac 0-3

in group 1 which produced a semi and finalist and struggled to find the form they are well capable of.

Thanks to the boys who did much of the chalking and co-ordinator Bob Smith, without whom etc.etc.


Congratulations to Leeson St. Trotters Amanda Skinner and Yvonne Rouffignac, the new Serenity Insurance Thursday night Pairs champions.

Not only did they win, but they did it in style by overcoming hot favourites Bliss Wright and Chelsea Campbell 3-0 in the final. ln fact, the winning duo lost just 1 leg in the 14 legs played, that lone blemish arriving in the semis to a de Lacy D20 in the 1st leg of 3, Skinner taking the 2nd on D4, the third with a 57 out, for a final place.

The champions opponents in the final Wright and Campbell had earlier despatched of the strong Ladybirds pair, Ralph and O'Rourke in the semis, Wright contributing 93,95, Campbell finding 100,138 a D6 and the winning T18,D7, to earn their place in the final.

Skinner and Rouffignac's semi was 1 leg tougher, going 1 down to the de Lacy D20, Skinner won the 2nd on D4, the 3rd on S17,D20, Schofield nailing 83,100.

Four outstanding players contested the final, Wright winning the Bull to determine 1st throw, but the favourites didn't capitalise. Skinner opened with a ton and finished on 120 for the 1st with little response from their opponents.

Wright found a ton in the 2nd, Rouffignac responded with 100,140, partner Skinner 85, D10, for 2-0.

ln the third and with throw, Wright hit 85,85,140, the Gap duo however unable to convert. That pleasure going to Rouffignac on D1 for the title.

Last years Champions, Taverners Sharon Frain and Mitch Halliday, found themselves


Venue - New Tavern, San Miguel - Registration 7-30pm - 8-00pm start.

A very strong field in this competition, last years winners Matt Smith and Suso Madrid are once again trying their luck and so they say, are confident they will retain their title. Last terms runners up Mark Ellis and John Rodford will not be com-

peting together, Ellis has a new partner, Jay Wilkinson, Rodford currently in the UK and unavailable.

Plenty of candidates for a flutter on the winners eg James Brown and Paul Moody, Darren Sanderson and Mark Farmer. What

about the 180 maestro Dave Rowlinson and Liam Lumb, not forgetting the Klimonis's, father and son pair of Arold and Ed. Also the "been there, seenit, dunnit" duo of Andy Rutter and Lee Maiden. Looking forward to a great night of darts this week.

Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
GAME SHOTS Amanda Skinner 9 Chelsea Campbell 7 Simone de Lacy 4 Yvonne Rouffignac 4 Donna Ralph 4 Jane Wills 3 Lesley Lumb
120 Jane Wills 103 Sharon
Pat Schofield 87 Chelsea Campbell 75 MOST TONS Bliss Wright 8 TOP SCORES 174Kirsty Green 140 Yvonne
(2) Bliss
Pat Schofield Chelsea Campbell 138 Chelsea Campbell 134 Lesley Lumb 130 Angie Mullen 125 Chelsea Campbell 124 Simone de Lacy 121 Chelsea Campbell Sue Christie 117 Karen Collins Sue Christie Simone de Lacy 110 Karen Collins 108 Karen Raffell A TOTAL OF 34 TONS AND TONS+
3 Angie Mullen
O'Rourke 94
WINNERS - Amanda &Yvonne Group 2 Competitors RU - Bliss & Chelsea Group 1 Competiitors

Monte Mar Bowls Club

Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix, The Belfry, Sunrise Builders, and Dunbars.

VOYAGER DIVISION - Monte Mar Matadors v San Luis Trekkers - Monday 20th February

Away at San Luis the Matadors had a good result. Winning on two rinks and drawing on one rink. Well done Lynne Armitage, Steve Hindle skip Keith Young, Paul Dodd, Ronnie Cairns skip Neil Crawford and the drawing rink Gina Hindle, Chris Harding skip Joan Harding. Shots Matadors 96 – 82 Trekkers. Points Matadors 7 – 5 Trekkers.

DIVISION C - Monte Mar Matadors v La Siesta SilversFriday 24th February

We were at home to La Siesta Silvers who unfortunately were unable to field a full squad. We won on two rinks well done to Sheila Roberts, Les Bounds skip Keith Young, Gina Hindle, Steve Hindle skip Joan Harding. Shots Matadors 8262 Silvers. Points Matadors 8 – 4 Silvers.

Emerald Isle Bowls

Titans started the week playing La Marina Pathfinders and they had a good win 9-3 Aggregate of 119-62,N Davis N Prior D Gerrard 32-8,M Veale G Wallis C

Lindgren 30-8,S Verity Jo Pering Julian Pering 23-11,P

Heaney G Odell B Kavanagh drew 15 all

Neptunes travelled to El Rancho Pintos and had a fine 10-2 Aggregate of 101-68 win,C Thomas S Ellis B

Eldred 26-6,M Oakley M Ellis J Pooley 29-19,M Riley

R Pollock R White 17-12,S Johnson C Wilson P

Willicott 17-14

Moonrakers took on Greenlands Beech and were beaten 4-8 Aggregate of 82-86,D Clark J Ball K John 24-17, E Shepherd J Sayers B Smith 19-15

Cavaliers were playing San Luis Lions and weret beaten 4-8 Aggregate of 76-81,N Prior M Dyer A M

Gerrard 28-13,D Jones M Munro C Lindgren 20-14

Claymores played at La Siesta Blues and were beaten 2-10 Aggregate of 72-93,M Riley R Pollock R White 2217

Outlaws were up against San Luis Tigers and lost 2-10, Aggregate of 72-115 A Gower J Speedie J Macgregor 21-11

Emerald Isle hosted the Highjackers on Tuesday and home advantage came out on top with Isle winning the game

April 2nd Les McCracken trips Tournament - contact Elwyn Morris on for info.

Carp-R-Us Angling

Conditions were very good for the final round of the CarpR-Us Winter League. The previous day had been really warm and a mild night meant that the water temperature was up to 11 degrees, not bad for the time of year.

The match was won by the clubs newest member, JeanPierre van de Cruysson who caught 12.48kg from peg 40 using pole the pole with a single maggot on the hook. Second, fishing his first match with the club after his adventures down under, was Ian Brown (peg 6) with 7.24kg caught on pole and bread. Third was Dave Hutchinson who had 6.48kg from peg 3 using pole and maggot and fourth was Roy Dainty (peg 2) with 5.76kg using pole and bread.

This meant that the overall results for the series were: first Steve Fell with 233 points, second Tony Flett with 224, third Terry Screen (218 pts) and fourth Jeremy Fardoe (199 pts). Congratulations to all 18 members who took part in the series.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.

La Siesta Bowls Club - Alan Carr

Division (B) An away game for The Blues playing Quesada Swans which saw us win on three rinks and just losing out on the overall (Shots 87-91). The winning rinks were; Kathleen & Noel Morrisroe with Derek Biggs (25-14). Dawn & John Taylor with Harold Charleton (21-13). Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (1814). Result 6-6. The Golds were hosted by Vistabella Picadors who kept he pressure on throughout the game to win on four rinks but we managed to win on the other with; Derek Barker, Pauline & Lyndon Johnson (20-17). Lost 2-10 (Shots 70-94).

Division (C) At home The Silvers welcomed San Luis Tigers, which saw a cou-

ple of rinks going close with a draw from Skip Pete Ayres team and a win by; Maxine Wright, Brian Elkington & Dave Giddings (19-15) with the game ending 39 (Shots 68-91).

Enterprise The Apollos travelled to Quesada for their game against the Pearls, but were unable to secure any points. (Shots 55-99).

Discovery The Pioneers welcomed La Marina Explorers to La Siesta, which resulted with wins on three rinks by; Tracey Paffett, Pauline & Lyndon Johnson (21-10). Mags Haines, Derek Barker & John Skipper (17-15). Anthony Pridmore, Irene & Dave Laverick (18-17). The game finished as a draw 6-6 (Shots 79-92).

Greenlands Bowls Club with Chris Dewar

First Up this week Greenlands V Javea in Semi Final of Premier 20. This game produced some great bowling both home and away by Greenlands who went on to win by 8-0 away, 80-56. This was followed up with a 6-2 and 75-56 victory at home a fantastic effort by all.

Monday the Chestnuts entertained San Miguel and despite a great effort by all lost out by 2 -10 and 80 -104. best rink D Kocsis, M.Dewar and T.Hucknall.

Next up the Beech went to E.Isle and put in a great effort to win by 8 - 4 and 8682 in a close fought game. Best rink C.Taylor M.Cozzi and R.Watley.

The Winter League saw the Gladiators entertaining Bonalba and putting up a great show to win 8-0. This result means that the Gladiators win the Winter League Not to be out done the Warriors entertained El. Rancho and also ran out 8 - 0 and 54 - 37 winners. A fantastic day by everyone, the only club to field two teams in the League.

Friday The Oaks visited Quesada and in a close fought encounter managed a 6-6 and 84-82 draw. Best rink J.Jukes, D.Perryman, L.Bonsor.

The Cedars game was rained off at San Miguel.

The Elms entertained San Miguel and what a performance by them putting up in 12 - 0 and 96-58 win. Fantastic effort by all players

If you enjoy a mix of competitive and fun bowling in a friendly environment at a wonderful venue. If you want to share in and contribute to our continued success, If you are interested in joining our Club, why not give one of us a call? Also coaching available either groups or individual, by fully qualified coaches. Equipment available.

Pete Bonsor (Captain) 711 02 08 46, Keith Stobbart (President) 693 06 53 55, Chris Dewar Match Secretary 698418987

We have Joes roll up every Saturday morning 10.00 for 10.30, entry fee 1 euro. FANTASTIC PRIZES, non members welcome and pay a green fee of 6 euros. This is a great social event each week, food and drink available after. Just turn up before 10.00am.

There is also an adventure golf course available for the Husband or wife and children whilst the partners are playing bowls just book at the bar. Come and enjoy our fantastic venue it’s a great day out.

Voyager The Sputniks venue was Vistabella to play the Eagles, some rinks came close and we ended up with wins on two rinks by; Mags Higgins, Jim Gwynn & Maxine Wright (18-14). June Whitworth, Oyvind Lund & Pete Ayres (19-17). Lost 4-8 (Shots 73-100).

Interested in joining La Siesta members run bowls club, there is always something going on with events being arranged by the social secretary to suit all members. George¥s Chicken and Egg, every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm, with Mike & Grahams roll up every Saturday 930 for 950 am.

Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.

El Rancho Bowls Club

On Monday the Pintos were at home playing Emerald Isle Neptunes and put in some good play, but claimed just the one rink, though others were close run. Barbara Jones, Ron Greenstreet and Geoff Jones 19-29. Lesley Day, Sheila Cox and Mike Cox 12-17. Ria Dukker, Brian Harris and Bob Day 17-12. Chris Ziepe, Dave Haynes and John Ziepe 14-17. Dave Baker, Sheila Millward and Jim Eastwood 6-26. Wednesday found our winter league team playing host to Greenlands Warriors, although we were beaten on all three rinks, it was a good all-round effort. On Friday the Mustangs played host to Quesada Swans, there was a bitter wind that made it difficult for cold fingers to grip and control the bowl, but we persisted and drew the match. The Mustangs taking the rinks 3-2 and the Swans taking the overall shots by just three. Frances Johnston, Ron Greenstreet and Geoff Jones 15-12. Lesley Day, Dave Haynes and Marion Haynes 7-26. Sheila Millward, Malc Sykes and Jim Eastwood 13-25. Ann Abbott, Tony Abbott and Keith Longshaw 26-16. Bill Johnston, Judy Foley and Bob Day.

Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at:


Pearls had an afternoon home match,when they took on La Siesta Apollos in div 1 of the South Alicante League.A clean sweep on all 5 rinks resulted in a useful 12 points.

Well done - G Phillips,M France,Jason P 21-8.M Highland,C Dye,C Highland 22-12.H Olsen,T & P Morgan 15-13.G Carnell,V Campbell,F Roberts 2011.B Trinder,P Rees,M Ward 21-11.

Before that match took place,Pearls entertained Country Bowls Seahawks,and they too managed maximum points.Muy bien - A Bowen,B Elliott,T Voisey 23-12.G Kershaw,C Lowry,K Lowry 17-13.C Skinner, P Farrell,G Skinner 26-22.P Bottle,D Conlon,A Linley 18-15.D Benson,D Collings,A Benson 17-14.

Over at San Miguel,Rubies won on 3 rinks against Stingrays,making the scoreline 4-8.Here's the 3 winning rinks - T Brinton,S Johnston,L Miller 14-13.J Cleal,L & B Armstrong 18-13.I Everett,V Slater,D Riley 18-11.

Unfortunately,Friday's results weren't quite as good as of Monday,but good enough.Table topping Swallows had a home match against near neighbours Greenlands Oaks.Although they won on 3 rinks,they lost overall by only 2 shots,to draw the match 6-6.Big thanks go out to M & C Highland,P Morgan 19-11.G Carnell,V Campbell,M Ward 24-12.T Morgan,M France,Jason P 19-12.

Away at El Rancho against Mustangs,Swans won on 2 rinks,but won overall by 3 shots.L Armstrong,P Bottle,T Voisey 26-7.H Olsen,P & B Rees 25-13,were the points scorers.

Finally,Swifts lost further ground in their quest to overtake Swans at the top of div B.A 4-8 defeat at Vistabella against Picadors was not what the doctor ordered.These 2 winning rinks saved the day - K Gordon,D Collings,A Reid 27-14.S Johnston,B & L Miller 16-10.

PAGE 20 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

La Marina Bowls - Dave Hadaway

Monday the 20th and just 3 shots away from a excellent win. That's how it was for our Explorers away against La Siesta Pioneers today, we won 2 trips and lost 3, 1 by 1 shot 17-18, and one by 2 shots 17-15, our 2 winning trips however Kath Manning, Carol Smith & Peter Parsons 20-15, and Anne Stone, Jim Reeves and Alex Whyte 30-8 carried enough shots (92-79) to carry the 2 points to give us a 6-6 draw. Our Pathfinders were at home to Emerald Isle Titans and when you see skip names of Marks, Lindgreen, Gerrard,

San Miguel Bowls

24th February 2023 - Barry Jones

Once again all three teams were in action on Monday, San Miguel Stingrays were at home to Quesada Rubies, where they lost 4 - 8, 72 shots to 78. The best winning triple were Jenny Harvey, Barry Jones and Ken Hope 20 - 15.

San Miguel Orcas were away to Greenland Chestnuts winning 10 - 2, 104 shots to 80. The best winning triple were Stan North, Sharon Louise and Bill Brownlee 27 shots to 12.

On Monday afternoon, San Miguel Dolphins were home to San Luis Klingons where they shared the points 6 - 6, 95 shots to 81. The best winning triple were Pat McEwan, Lynn Greenland and Gail Willshire 38 shots to 10.

On Friday San Miguel Navajos were home to La Marina Seagulls, winning 10 - 2, 129 shots to 54. The best winning triple was Sharon Louise, Pete Masters and Mike Douglas 32 - 3.

The afternoon match was rained off, and has been rearranged for Thursday, 2nd March.

Areminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - Ä5 for an afternoonís bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm, by appointment ONLY. To book, please call Dave or Lynn Greenland on +34 667 207 508.

We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique clubwe only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.

For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118


On monday the Pintos were at La Marina playing their Explorers where a varying wind brought a few surprises in bowling line, but as ever we had an enjoyable match with the points being shared 6 all. The Explorers took the rinks 3-2, whilst the Pintos took the overall shots by a small margin, a good away result with two of the losses being by 1 and 2 shots.

Ria Dukker, Sheila Cox and Malc Sykes 17-19. Ann Abbott, Dolly Ford and Brian Harris 13-21. Chris Ziepe, Bob Day and John Ziepe 13-10. Sue Ziepe, Steve Ziepe and Mike Cox 24-11. Kevin Henry, Judy Foley and Ron Greenstreet 15-16.

Wednesday found our winter league team playing at San Miguel, a tough match against a good team on San Miguel’s very heavy mat. El Rancho coming away without a point.

On friday the Mustangs had a bye. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at

Perrin & Cavangh you know you are in for a difficult morning and that is how it worked out. We came away with 3 points a winning trip of Dave & Lesley Joynes with John Rae who won 20-19 and a drawing trip of Audrey Birch, Norman Ship & Gath Slater 15 each, but with a shot difference of 62116 against us, 3 hard won points was good result.

Friday – Southern League, Division 1 our Sharks are 3rd from bottom with 3 games to play, 2 of these against the top 2 teams and Vistabella Lanzadores whom we played this week. All however did not bode well and we came away with

Country Bowls Club by Peter Dix

Dated 24th February 2023

This week in the LLB South Alicante League the Flamingos entertained Vistabella Albatrosses, they proved to be too strong for the home side on the day, only managing to win on 2 rinks, gaining 4 points and 75 to 89 on shots. Winning rinks were Sheena Mallet, Alan Miller, John Mallet 17 to 14, Brenda Jiggins, Derek Jiggins, Graham Richardson 21 to 11.

The Seahawks travelled to Quesada to play the Diamonds and the flight proved too much for them and came away with zero points 76 to 101 on shots, ‘a bad day at the office’.

The Panthers were at home to Vistabella Conquistadors, looking to cement their position at the top of the third division and


Another positive week, as we near the end of the leagues. South Alicante League, Enterprise Div. (A); on Monday 20th the Klingons were away at San Miguel v Dolphins. It was an extremely tough afternoon, against a strong team and hard work on the heavy green, but the Klingons took 6points-6, 81 shots- 95. Well done: Kath Reid, Caroline Smyth, Ian Kenyon 22-13, Mary Lockley, June Jones, John Smyth 1615, Neil & Sandra Burrows, Scott Malden 18-10.

Voyager Div. (C) Trekkers had a close fought match at home v Monte Mar Matadors, points 5-7, shots 82-96. Winners: Tricia Reilly, Dee Hoey, Pat Reilly 17-10, Dave Louis, John Bagnall, Barbara Louis 26-23, Janet Webb, Derrick Cooper, Carolyn Harris 18-18.

Southern League (Div A) on Friday 24th the Lions, were away v Emerald Isle Outlaws, taking 8points-4, 81 shots-76. Winners: Giuseppe Galelli, June Jones, John Smyth 17-15, Janet Webb, Bill Webb, Keith Jones 27-13, Tricia & Pat Reilly, Dave Webb 100, (unfortunately a member of the Emerald Isle team was taken ill & had to leave with support after 6 ends so unfortunately it

Vistabella Bowls Club

Friday's game 0 points. Perhaps we can end the season with a blast and give those 2 table toppers who we have yet to meet a nasty surprise.

The Seagulls who are comfortably placed in the upper half of their Div 2 and this week played away to San Miguel Navajos who are just 1 point above, however today's result would not have suggested that, we came away with just 2 points thanks to Irene Mangan, Trevor Stemp and John Rae with a win of 20-13. The final shot difference was 54-129 in the Navajos favour.

insure promotion. They didn’t disappoint with an emphatic result taking all 12 points and winning on shots by 122 to 59. Rink scores were Liz Mildon, Nick Mildon, Dean Webb 31 to 6, Jayne Storey, Phil Newham, Kevin Storey 26 to 12, Sylvia Rennie, Peter Robins, George Burrage 24 to 12, Val Lever, Della Wailes, Steve Wailes 19 to 12, Brenda Jiggins, Sue Hudson, Derek Jiggins 22 to 17.

The Geckos having no game this week, just leaves 2 weeks to the end of the winter season which has been very successful for the club with all teams maintaining a healthy position in their respective leagues.

New members and guests are always made welcome at the only club in Murcia region competing in the Lavante Lawn Bowls Leagues, why not come along to one of our roll up mornings on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday at 10 am.

counted as a team default).

(Div C) the Tigers had a great result at home v Emerald Isle Outlaws, 10 points-2, 115 shots-72. Winners: Jane Hamill, Cas Blay, Stewart Hamill 30-12, Kevin McKenna, Sheila Cammack, Vic Mahomet 28-10, Chris Jackson, Ngaio & Peter Baldwin 21-13, Ray Watmough, Terry Baylis, Barry White 25-16.

This week in our Club Championships it was the Mixed Pairs. Report from Keith Jones, Club Comp. Secretary; “The Mixed Pairs Final was played on the morning of Wednesday 22nd February between Barbara Louis & Scott Malden against Kath Reid & Ian Kenyon.

Scott Malden got off to a great start and they were 8-1 up after 6 ends. The trend continued with Scott bowling some brilliant bowls to either save shots or gain shots and finally ended up winning the contest. Enjoyable match watched by many supporters”. The next final will be the Mixed Triples.

If you want to find out more about San Luis BC, come along to Oasis San Luis & talk to members; we’re a friendly bunch! or take part in the chicken drive on Saturdays (10:00/10:30) or contact Club Captain June

- we 25th February,

Monday 20th February Division A, Vistabella Albatrosses made the long journey to Country Bowls Flamingos, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Geraldine Fisher, Arthur Brown, Gordon Fisher 19-12, Mo Foulcer, Maggie Furness, Eric Bishop 23-17, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 22-8, Shots 89-75. Points 8-4.

Vistabella Eagles Division C, were Home to La Siesta Sputnicks, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Julia Clarke, Peter Westwood, Sheila Westwood 25-16, Rosemarie Savage, Ken Savage, Keith Black 27-9, Jill Wyatt, Avril Kendall, Freddie Willey 17-11, Shots 100-73. Points 8-4.

Wednesday 22nd February, Vistabella in the Winter League were Away to BBC, Winning on all 3 Rinks, Freddie Willey, Sue Kemp, Alice Howe, Brian Zelin 18-12, Steve Baxter, Derek Howe, Richard

Jones for more information:

You have nothing to lose and the possibility of finding a new interest and making new friends!

Lee, Maggie Furness 26-13, Geraldine Fisher, Barbara Brown, Arthur Brown, Gordon Fisher 20-16, Shots 64-41. Points 8-0.

Friday 24th February, Vistabella Lanzadores Division A, were Away to La Marina Sharks, Winning on all Rinks. Sue Kemp, Mo Foulcer, Brian Zelin 23-12, Lynne Bishop, Arthur Brown, Gary Thorpe 1812, Richard Lee, Maggie Furness, Eric Bishop 27-7, Geraldine Fisher, Barbara Brown, Gordon Fisher 20-12, Olwyn Ratcliffe, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 26-10, Shots 114-53. Points 12-0.

Vistabella Picadors Division B, were at Home to Quesada Swift's, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Hillary James, Sue Wilson, Alan Bannister 22-12, John Goddard, Brian Gilham, Brian Pointon 31-11, Steve Baxter, Jim Jepson, Derek Howe 18-15, Shots 95-81. Points 8-4,

Vistabella Conquistadors Division C, were Away to Country Bowls Panthers, Losing on all Rinks. Shots 59-122. Points 0-12.

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023
Mixed Pairs Winners, Scott & Barbara


Friendly Chicas13 - 12Friendly Temps

Primadonnas14 - 9Dolly Mixtures

Tipsy Tigers6 - 15Gap Girlz

Wackey Allsorts11 - 13Ladybirds

Friendly Chicas 10 -11Dolly Mixtures Wk2

Dolly Mixtures5 - 15Gap Girlz Wk4


Gap Girlz8117



Tipsy Tigers889

Friendly Chicas882

Friendly Temps879

Dolly Mixtures870

Wackey Allsorts866

All teams have seen a league table position change this week with Gap Girlz on top now

Lo Crispin Golf Society

Twenty three members (including 3 playing for Handicap) teed it up to compete in the first round of the Society's 2023 Eclectic (Stableford) competition. Although cold to start with, the day gradually' warmed up', unlike it has to be said my putter!! There was little wind to contend with and both the fairways and greens were generally in good condition. Nevertheless, the scores were, in the main, not very good.

Despite that most people seemed to enjoy the day, which ended with our usual return to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where tapas was provided by the friendly staff and the day's prizes were distributed


1st. - Andy Quinn 29 pts off 10

2nd. - Neil Evans 27 off 12


1st. - Mike Ellson 32 pts off 25

2nd. - Andrew Mattey 26 pts off 31

N.T.P. on Par 3s

Hole 5 - Nobody managed to reach or stay on the green, Hole 8 - Ian Stuart, Hole 10 - Bobby Thomson, Hole 17 - Steve Price

Nobody managed a 2, so the 'pot' will roll over to our next game, a Texas Scramble at La Serena on 8th. February.

Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by our newest Member, Bobby Thomson!

By Steve Harrington.

that all postponed games have been played. Gap Girlz also hold the top three spots on the Hot Darts Podium this week with a 2nd 180 for Bliss Wright, Orihuela Costas answer to Fallon Sherrock.

The Primadonnas move up into 3rd place after a good home win against the Mixtures and the Tigers slip into 4th after a heavy loss to the Gap Girlz again.

Now in 2nd place, the Ladybirds scooped 13 legs against home team Wackey Allsorts, who put up one hell of a fight for their juicy 11 points.

The Friendly Chicas enjoyed two close games this week, winning by one leg in their local derby against the Friendly Temps but dropping a leg to the Dolly MIxtures who are rallying to complete postponed games from wks 2 & 4. Short of players, the Dolly Mixtures have had to concede a few legs but have given good account of themselves none the less.


23.02.23 ñ This weekís game for 32 members of the La Marina Golf Society was at the Altorreal Golf course in Murcia.

Once the earlier morning mist had lifted the day turned out to be quite warm and sunny. Despite the course being very dry and the greens very challenging, some good scores were achieved.

Todayís first prize went to Mike Pearce with 37 points (on count back) and Sarah McCabe also with 37 points took second place, Debra Pearce, one of our new female members came third with 35 points.

Our nearest the pin winners this week were, Charlotte Tranberg for hole 5 and 17, hole 8 Mike Pearce and hole 10 Danny Divers.

After the match the players met up at the La Marina Sports Complex for their after-game refreshments and to discuss their near misses, as the healthy twoís pot is still intact and will be rolled over to the next game which will be at El Plantio.

If you are looking to join a very friendly golf society, why not check out our website.



39 members played in our 2nd meeting of 2023, at Las Colinas Golf resort. The weather was cloudy and a bit chilly at the start of play, however the sun managed to make an appearance for the back 9 holes which gave a pleasant finish to the days play.

The Captain thanked everyone for their attendance and welcomed new members: Jose Antonio Lopez, Steve Huggett, Claude Robette, Shaun Wheatley

Prizes were presented to the following winners: NTP Hole 7 went to John Hicks, NTP Hole 10 went to Derek Fleet

Hole 14 Mike Morris, NTP in 3 on Hole 18

Martin Armstrong

The Best Net score on Hole 17 was won by Bob Chambers with a Net 1

The Team Event was won by Alan McAuliffe, George Dawidow, Ian Harkness. All the above won a Voucher from The Lucky Lion.

Well done also to John Coyle who won on the

Charity football card.

The Silver Division runner up was Esa Partanen with 31 points. The winner on countback was Wayne Stevenson with 31 points.

The Gold Division runner up was Joe Murphy with 34 points. The winner was Mike Fitzpatrick with 37 points.

Gold and Silver Division winners and runners up won vouchers from the Luck Lion.

Congratulations go to our overall winner Mike Fitzpatrick.

Nigel Hardy, the PGA teaching pro at Lo Romero golf is sponsoring our Captain Gary Armstrong with a voucher for a free lesson at Lo Romero golf, this was presented to the overall winner. The captains’ chosen charity is Help at Home, and this year’s fund currently stands at 372.6. A well-deserved thankyou goes to Sam Udell our charity member for her continued hard work

Many thanks go to Michael and Anoushka at the Lucky Lion for their continued support, a delicious post-match meal and refreshments. Our next match on Thursday, 30th March 2023 will be held at Saurines Golf resort. We have 36 places available.

If you want to play in our next event, please place your name on the list at the Lucky Lion bar, or for any further info, contact Secretary, Chris Udell at

PAGE 22 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
CK1 Ladybirds Sharon O´Rourke Sue Christie, Sarndra David, Lynn Young, Gina Woods, Angie Mullen and Dons Ralph Wackey Allsorts Chris Greenwood, Kath Blundell, Shirley Stephenson, Jane Barnes and Veronica Hughes Gold Div and o/all Winner – Mike Fitzpatrick


Pinatar Arena was the setting for this year's ladies international football tournament, involving Iceland (16th placing in the world), Scotland (25th), Wales (32nd) and Philippines (53rd).

Based in San Pedro on the Mar Menor, in the province of Murcia, Pinatar Arena has hosted many prestigious footballing events over recent years, with teams from all over the world enjoying its

superb facilities.

For the final day of this tournament, the title was up for grabs, as 3 teams were still in with a shout. This home nations afternoon match, played in glorious sunshine, was followed by Iceland v Philippines later that evening.

A vociferous crowd were assembled along one side of the pitch, in which the Welsh supporters outnumbered their Scottish counterparts by around 3 to 1.

Scotland took an early lead on 8 mins, following Erin Cuthbert's inch perfect cross, which resulted in Sophie Howard's diving header finding the back of the net. The goal was the first Wales had conceded, having previously beaten Philippines 1-0, then drawn 0-0 with Iceland.

How Scotland didn't add to their tally is anyone's guess, for they completely dominated large periods of the first half. Chelsea's Cuthbert was pulling the strings for them, plus they also had Real Madrid star Caroline Weir controlling midfield. But they were punished for numerous missed chances, when Wales levelled against the run of play.

Olivia Clark's clearance was controlled on halfway by Hannah Cain, who was making her Wales debut. The Leicester midfielder found Jess Fishlock, who in turn played a glorious assist to Ceri Holland.

Liverpool's midfielder Holland then flashed a powerful low drive past Scotland's keeper Lee Gibson, to restore parity on 42 mins.

Thirty-six-year-old Fishlock was making a record breaking 139th appearance for Wales, but was involved in a heavy collision with Scotland's striker Fiona Brown, who required extensive treatment, before being wheeled off on a stretcher on the stroke of half time.

handed over for the Dinas Powys FC under 11 girls team.


Wales introduced Rachel Rowe for the 2nd half, impressing all when she produced a

Racing ease relegation worries

RACING San Miguel CF eased relegation worries in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 on Saturday with a 2-0 away win against CF Rafal at the Joaquín Pastor de Rafal, with goals from Peke and Lucas.

Bottom club Racing opened the scoring in the first minute through captain Peke, with an aggressive shot into the back of the net. Racing continued to press, with Lucas netting to lead 2-0 at half-time.


1.Harlow, one extra point for 'Jean' "Her hair is Harlow gold...." 2.Money (That's what I want),

3.c.Cirrus , 4.Vulcans, 5.a.Enrico Caruso, 6. Sleeping Beauty, 7.1968.Dec 24th 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission.8.Los Angeles, 9. Greenland, 10.Antarctic (13,802,000 North America (2,049,000 and Europe (115,000 11.Pumpernickel, 12.Andy Warhol, 13.Ambrosia, 14.Scaramouche ("Scaramouche,Scaramouche will you do the fandango" from Bohemian Rhapsody), 15.a.

The Magnificent Seven, b.The Thomas Crown Affair, c.The Great Escape, d.The Blob.e.The Cincinnati Kid, 16.Mars Attacks, 17.a.

Everybody Loves Somebody, 18.Holding your breath.19.Count Dracula, 20.Bad Finger

In the second half, Racing competed and defended well displaying a good level of combinative play in attack to bag an important three pts as they continue to fight against the drop. Racing move off the bottom on 11 pts, ahead of Sporting Dolores CF A who play on Sunday.

CF Pinoso CF remain top on 48 points (P20) despite a shock 2-1 defeat at seventh placed CF Atletico Algorfa. UE Crevillente FB A sit in second place on 46 points, with SC Torrevieja third (46) who play on Sunday. CD Montesinos defeated CF Cox away 2-1 to maintain their place in the top half of the table.

SC Torrevieja CF B took a point against CD Horadada Thair away in a 1-1 draw in the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 16, with Torry's goal by Jerry. Horadada took the lead after 5 minutes, with Torry equalising to level at 1-1 in a game that saw the visitors dominate midfield. Torry (P20) sit in 13th on 17 points.

Guardamar Soccer CD A (P19) are top of the table on 50 pts, ahead of CF Popular Orihuela on 44 pts (P20) who defeated Atletico Benejuzar CF away 2-0.

1st Regional G8 results: CD Cox 1-2 CD Montesinos; CF Atletico Algorfa 2-1 Pinoso CF A; UD La Coca-Aspense A 0-0 CF de Sporting San Fulgencio; CF Rafal 0-2 Racing San Miguel CF; Elche Dream CF A 1-3 UE Crevillente FB A; CFE IlLicitana Raval 0-1 Aspe UD A.

cross for Wales captain Sophie Ingle to curl an effort just wide.

Up the other end, Wales keeper Olivia Clark pushed a goal bound effort by Weir around the post.

A stunning run by Rowe, saw the Reading player skip past 3 Scotland defenders , before laying the ball off to Cain, but her effort was deflected for a corner. Fishlock spurned glorious chances to score, as it looked odds on that Wales would produce a late winner. They had strong claims for a penalty when substitue Morgan Wynne went down in the box, but ref Lucie Cova was unimpressed. Deep into stoppage time, it was Scotland's turn to feel aggrieved, when Weir was upended by Rhiannon Roberts, but once again, the ref waved play on.

After the match, I was given a signed team sheet by all the Welsh squad, dedicated to Dinas Powys FC under 11 girls team. My granddaughter, Sophie Wellington, plays in midfield for Dinas Powys girls, having chipped in with a fair number of goals this season.

Sophie's been following Wales progress in this tournament, which manager Gemma Grainger has described as very pleasing, adding that her side has gone from strength to strength.

I'm sure that the framed signed team sheet, will have a place of honour inside Dinas Powys FC clubhouse (if it can be prised away from Sophie!).

Iceland went on to beat Philippines 5-0, to lift the impressive Pinatar cup.

San Miguel celebrations after win at Rafal.

2nd Regional G16 results: CD Horadada Thair A 1-1 Sporting Costablanca Torrevieja CF B; CF Formentera 3-1 Sporting Saladar; Atletico Benejuzar A 0-2 CF Popular Orihuela; Santa Pola C.F. B 22 Bigastro CF; CF United Elche A 1-2 CD Benijofar.

*Sunday's results r-up will appear online at

Costa Blanca Independent Pool League

El Raso Mixtures defeated Mixed Spice 7-3 away in division two of the Costa Blanca Independent Pool League to go third in the table.

Andy Flynn, Andy Trefry, Alan Perkins, Ole-J Midttul, Alan Perkins, and Chris Lusty returned wins for El Raso. League leaders The Taverners defeated The Jokers 6-4.

The Excellence continued their success with a 9-1 against Hals Heroes in division one to top the table on 24 points, with a game in hand.

The Pine Nuts defeated The Rancheros 6-4; second place The Young Boys chalked up a 6-5 away win at The Shakers, with John Smyth, Pete Cleaver, Mick Margerum, and Stan West returning victories.

Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Scotland ..............1 Wales ...................1
The Welsh squad signed their team sheet which they 11 year old Sophie
PAGE 24 Monday 27th February - Sunday 5th March 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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