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Surgical Waiting Lists Drop to 79 Day Average Surgical Waiting Lists Drop to 79 Day Average

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The Angling Scene

The Angling Scene

The waiting time for a scheduled operation in a public hospital in the Valencian Community has fallen in the month of May to an average of 79 days, 5 less than in May and 10 days less than last year. There are currently 1,590 active applications on the waiting list less than last month.

The surgical waiting list does not affect urgent, oncological and non-delayable operations, which receive priority treatment.


The waiting time to go through the operating theatre has shortened in all health departments. Specifically, 16 health departments have a waiting time equal to, or less, than the general average (79 days): Vinaròs (71 days on average), Castellón (79), Sagunto (68), Clínico (72), Arnau-Llíria (71), Requena (75), Peset (42), La Ribera (61), Gandia (50), Xàtiva-Ontinyent (74), Vila Joiosa (62), Alicante-San Juan (79), Orihuela (58), Torrevieja (67), Manises (53) and ElxCrevillent (55).

The times to enter the operating room for arthroscopy (-9%), cataract (-2%), cholelithiasis

(-6%), phimosis (-2%), hallux valgus (-10%), inguinal hernia (-11%), benign prostatic hypertrophy (-4%), hip replacement (-22%), knee replacement (16%), carpal tunnel (-5%), and varicose veins (-6%).

The number of pending operations also decreases in practically all pathologies. In May there were 314 fewer pending cataract operations than in April; 217 fewer inguinal or femoral hernias or 128 fewer pending interventions for cholelithiasis (calculi).

Compared to the previous month, the reduction in the number of pending interventions can be seen in practically all health departments and is especially significant in the València-Dr. Peset (432 less pending operations); Arnau-Llíria (-396 active applications); Sagunto (-242) and La Plana (-183).

In addition, active requests decreased or remained stable in percentage terms in all specialties, including Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Ophthalmology, and General Surgery, which are the most frequent.

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