The Leader Newspaper 24 May – Edition 868

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No 868 Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May 2021

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

LAS RIOJAS RESIDENTS R E S C U E T H E I R PA R K Just one of many demo`s held over the years, at the centre’s lack of progress


of the municipality, earlier this week they took matters into their own hands and began to decorate an old broken-down fountain with flowers and plants.

As a protest against the lack of attention

By chance, employees of the firm charged with Orihuela Costa’ s park maintenance were passing by and seeing the activities

esidents and Presidents of several urbanisations bordering on Calle Canal de Suez in Las Riojas complained to C.L.A.R.O. of their despair at the deterioration over many years of their park Azadas.

of the residents stopped to see what was happening. When they heard of the desperate attempts to do something about the neglect of their park the maintenance crew offered to help the residents.

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Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021 ADVERTISING HOTLINE Parks and Gardens, who later made an appearance Continued from Page One


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However, the story does not end there. The following day another maintenance crew arrived and began to prune bushes and remove weeds. Of course, that was not enough to remedy the numerous deficiencies from which the park suffers: irrigation system broken, trees and bushes unpruned for years, broken benches, an unsafe child’ s playground and drains emitting contaminated waste. At the request of the residents trying to rescue their park from its state of abandonment, C.L.A.R.O. took up the problem directly with the Councillor for

himself to see the maintenance efforts, bringing with him tools and flowerpots. He listened to the list of complaints and promised to deploy regular maintenance in the future. The story might appear to have a happy ending but C.L.A.R.O. believes it is just one of the many, many examples of the deficient service of park and garden maintenance and the failure of the Orihuela T own Hall to provide a proper service. After 4 years, the present “contract” has not even been formally signed, is therefore illegal and certainly does not ensure sufficient resources, financial, material and human, to maintain even 50% of the more than 115 parks and gardens in Orihuela Costa.

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Ken Cornish (An appreciation)


was behind the bar the first time that I met Ken Cornish, twenty-one years ago. He strolled in with that slow, dignified walk of his, studied the beer pumps, before finally settling for a pint of Smithwicks. It was a sunny afternoon and quiet in ‘Paddy’s Point’, but even so, I had to strain to hear what this soft-spoken Welshman had to say. ‘I am glad to have found a real pub’, were his first words to me.

Ken and Suzanne on their wedding day

From that day until last Saturday, I was proud to have such a kind and generous person for a friend. A piece of paper somewhere will record that Ken Cornish died on Saturday, 15th May 2021. Such certification will not tell anybody that Ken slipped away quietly and without fuss, in the same manner as he had lived his life. There will be no line stating the wonderful human being that he was; or that his passing was in the presence of his beloved Susanne, with whom he had chosen to spend the last twenty years of his life. Two years ago was the last time I saw Ken, when I visited him at the home he shared with Susanne in Cabo Roig. Our conversation kept drifting back to the early days of ‘Paddy’s Point’; the wonderful characters and the great friends we had made over those years. Ken always told it like it was: He had no inhibitions about opening his soul with either the good or the bad. Once again, my friend reiterated how lucky he was to have found ‘Paddy’s Point’ on his arrival in Spain; how lucky he was that I introduced him to Susanne and how lucky he was to have met her.

Ken was a scholar and a gentleman. I never once heard him raise his voice. He had that rare quality whereby both young and old could be his friend. His respectful courtesy was inherent in his personality. His modesty was an endearing trait that made some of his self-effacing stories so entertaining in his lilting Welsh accent. If he had a fault it was that he had no short stories in his repertoire! When the great George Harrison was dying, an old friend came to say goodbye. George opened his eyes briefly and whispered; “Nothing lasts.” Sadly, that is an inescapable fact of life ‘nothing lasts’, Ken. We haven’t seen much of Ken in recent years, and now we won’t see him anymore. I will miss you Ken, but some things do last like memories. Rest in peace, Ken. Bernie Comaskey

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Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021 C o u n c i l l o r D a r re n P a r m e n t e r a n d t h e m a y o r g re e t i n g J o a n C a l a b u i g a n d A n t o n i a M o re n o I m a g e c o u r t e s y S a n F u l g e n c i o Ay t o F B p a g e

SAN FULGENCIO CONFERENCE BREXIT EFFECT ON `FUTURE` BRITISH RESIDENTS San Fulgencio hosts a conference to discuss the effects of Brexit among British citizens. The Regional Secretary for the European Union and External Relations, Joan Calabuig, meets with members of the San Fulgencio Town Hall, and listens to a presentation about the concerns for future British residents.


he Mayor of San Fulgencio, José Sampere, together with the Councilor for International Relations, Darren Parmenter, met with the Regional Secretary for the European Union and External Relations, Joan Calabuig, and the Territorial Director Antonia Moreno, on Friday at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, where they discussed the effects of Brexit for those wishing to come to live in Spain in the future. The purpose of the meeting, which was attended by residents and a number of Resident Associations, was to explain the issues raised by the visa and residency regulations introduced in Spain, and to discuss the negative impact they could have on towns like San Fulgencio, where there is a large British expatriate resident community.

The economic conditions will be even tougher when this visa has to be renewed after one year, with the requirement that "the applicant must have double the original amount that they had in the bank at the time of the first visa application, or continue receiving the minimum monthly income required", said Parmenter. Both the Councilor for International Residents and the mayor have pointed out the negative consequences that these demands could have for San Fulgencio, by causing British citizens to decide to retire in other EU countries with more flexible requirements, such as France or Portugal. In the long term, the mayor estimates that this situation would affect the registration figures, since "it would significantly reduce our number of inhabitants", in addition to also affecting the economy of the municipality, and having a negative impact on real estate sales and local businesses owned and operated by international residents from the UK. For his part, the regional secretary for the European Union and External Relations stated that the Generalitat Valencia has been working for a long time to minimize the effects of the new situation on future British residents. "Before leaving the United Kingdom we already started the meetings and, since then, the contacts have been continuous with the Government, the Embassy and the Consulate."

The mayor introduced the meeting, saying that, “We are a municipality that is open to residents of the European Union, as well as a to a large number of people from the United Kingdom who have chosen the area in which to live, and that is why we want to simplify, as much as possible, any procedures that need to be carried out, which have been introduced as a result of Britain’s decision to leave the EU ”.

Guaranteeing the rights of British residents in the Community and those of Valencians in the United Kingdom, maintaining commercial exchanges and guaranteeing the permanence of tourist exchanges, have been three of the priorities for the Generalitat Valenciana. In fact, next Monday the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, will meet with the British Ambassador, Hugh Elliot, in Madrid.

The Councilor for International Relations, Darren Parmenter, said that the main problem for the British, especially for those who apply for residency after Brexit, and who are not included in the scope of the Withdrawal Agreement "are the financial requirements to be eligible for a non-lucrative visa".

Calabuig explained that "as a result of the effort and responsibility of citizenship" the Valencia Community has the best figures in Spain on the incidence of Coronavirus, so it will continue to insist that the United Kingdom authorise travel, taking into account the regional and not the national figures. "We have been working for a long time to ensure that the Community is given the same consideration as the islands, and we will continue to do so," he said.

Under the new regulations, he explained that, "a very high minimum income is required that, for example, a retired couple, the most common resident profile, cannot offer in most cases." To be able to apply for a non-lucrative visa, a retired couple must have an income of more than 2,800 euros per month, or an equivalent amount, for one year in their bank, raising it to more than 33,800 euros.



Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


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he Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre has seen more than enough cases of neglect and abuse over the years, but as new cases come in, it still shocks co founders Sue and Rod Weeding to the core and pulls at their heart strings. Despite being so strapped for cash currently with the current climate and their charity shops struggling to bring in money for the rescue centre, the couple simply can't say no. Such was the case this week when they had yet another call from the police saying they had found an abandoned donkey. The little creature was in a skeletal condition, covered in sores.

He was tied up with heavy metal chains by the river in Algorfa. Sue said: “He is just skin and bone. I know times are hard financially, we have 122 animals to care for and feed, but if we had said no this poor little creature would still be down the bank of the river tied to the palm tree with no food or water.” The rescue came just weeks after the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre received a call from Spav La Vila Joiosa, a rescue centre in Villajoyosa about a donkey abandoned in a ruin in a small village. They don't have the facilities to deal with a larger animal and called Easy Horse Care for help and assistance.

Sue said the conditions were once again appalling: “We found the poor little guy in this hell hole, alone in his dirty pen. We were told that he was fed bread by the neighbours after the owner had vanished.” He needed urgent attention from their equine vet Dorothea who was worried about his stomach and he continues to be monitored. The Rescue Centre, based in Rojales, continues to be at the forefront of such rescues and are the first point of contact for the authorities when they are dealing with cases of animal abuse and neglect and yet, despite these close ties with the police and town halls, they still receive no funding or financial support.

Everything comes from Rod and Sue's own pockets or through public donations. With two more mouths to feed they need help more than ever. Their van, which is vital to the charity shops to help collect donations of furniture, is currently in the garage. Repairs are expected to cost between 1,000-1,500€ and 5,000€ is still owed to the Alicante horse hospital for previous treatments. “We are so strapped for cash and are struggling but if we say no there is no other option for these animals.” For more information on the work the Rescue Centre does or to make a donation, visit website

PSOE criticises delay in Orihuela tender for animal protection

Volunteering at the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre Volunteering your time is immensely rewarding. You will help give the rescued equines a second chance at life while also having fun, meeting new people, creating new friendships, learning something new and gaining invaluable experience to enhance your resume.

INTERESTED? Check out the website:

Albergue Animal Shelter

The PSOE has said that over two months have passed since the contract to operate the Orihuela Animal Shelter ran out, and that ASOKA EL GRANDE has continued to provide the service so as not to abandon the animals Spokesperson for the PSOE, Patricia Menárguez criticises, what she considers "absolute chaos and lack of interest and work" at the Department of Recruitment managed by Sabina Galindo. “Honestly, we do not understand how the contracting department, being one of the most important elements of the Orihuela City Council, an operate in such confusion and with such a delay. This aspect of the council operation is one of the most important and should be efficient, with pro-

fessional organisation, planning and strategy of the objectives to be achieved in order to operate the service, since the functions of many areas of the City Council depend on them”.

These are some members of La Rosaleda Petanca Club who donated a large tent for the dog area. Thanks to their generosity this now offers protection for the dogs from the sun. They raised the money by holding a number of different events, such as Zumba, coffee mornings and so forth. If you care to know more about the shelter and animals or indeed like to help in any way come visit the Shelter which is based round the corner from the Fire Station (Avenida Los Nénufares).


She said that the contract expired over 2 months ago, and no one can tell her when the new tender will be issued.

Tere came to the kennels with her 3 siblings, like them, she is a happy girl with lots of energy and likes to play with her siblings

Fortunately, she said, despite the inaction of the city council, the current contractor continues to provide the service of the so as not to abandon the numerous animals that are cared for by the centre.

She is about 3 months old, a medium-sized cross breed and is fully vaccinated with a microchip and is treated for fleas and ticks, wormed and on heartworm prevention.

Menárguez added that, “we could remain in this situation of uncertainty all summer".

For more information or for an appointment (appointments only) contact the Dolores shelter directly on 966 710 047 (leave a message) or email :


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Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021



New Vaccination Points There will be 133 vaccination points across Valencia from today, May 24. Specifically, 101 municipal vaccination spaces will open their doors, joining the 32 points that are currently in operation. The Minister of Health stated, “these 133 vaccination points will allow speeding up the vaccination process in the Valencian Community. In fact, with this deployment of healthcare resources it will be possible to administer the vaccine to more than 400 people every three minutes”. Some 46 of the centres will be in the Alicante province.

Elche’s Smoke Free Beaches Elche council has declared all its beaches “smoke-free” in order to protect the environment and human health. Esther Díez, councillor for the environment, stated that “with this action we are making a contribution to the natural space that our beaches make up”.

UK Ambassador meets up with Valencian President The President of the Valencia region, Ximo Puig, has announced a meeting with the British ambassador, Hugh Elliot, at the embassy in Madrid today (Monday) to “find an agreement that allows British tourists to return to the Valencian Community”

Taking a Knee The knee unit of the Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Service of the Torrevieja University Hospital has performed a total of 531 total knee replacement surgeries in the last five years. Doctors Hugo Marquina and Antonio Sánchez are part of this unit and in this period, they have applied and improved a “Fast-Track” protocol for total knee replacement that optimizes and integrates patient care, obtaining an improvement in the quality of the procedure and its recovery and the therapeutic results.

Curfew Changes The Regional Government is set to ask the courts to allow the curfew times to change in the next stage of relaxation of the rules, starting at 01:00, thereby allowing bars to close at 00:30.

Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


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A total of 37 airlines request 'slots' at Alicante-Elche airport this summer The director of the Alicante-Elche airport, Laura Navarro, was at the Fitur Travel Fair in Madrid last week where she announced that a total of 37 companies have requested slots to fly from 131 airports into AlicanteElche, from 27 countries, indicating that the airfield will recover part of its old normality this summer. During the event, she outlined the connectivity strategy of the Alicante terminal in the short term, covering, especially, the summer season. She also explained that the Alicante airport has received the ASQ 2020 accreditation for the implementation

of the best hygiene measures in its facilities. Vueling, one of the four airlines based in Alicante, and whose flight forecast for this summer season exceeds twenty routes to different parts of Spain, as well as Algeria, Holland, Belgium, United Kingdom, Italy, France or Switzerland, is the first low-cost company to carry out a pilot test with the IATA Travel Pass, with an App for mobile devices, that allows you to save and manage Covid-19 test certificates and, in the near future, will also include details of vaccinations.

Director of Alicante Airport, Laura Navarro

Covid passport approved by EU States T he "covid passport" will be a reality from July 1 and will allow European residents to regain their freedom of movement through the Schengen area. This has now been approved by the European Parliament, Commission and Council after two months of harsh denials in which the member States objected to losing sovereignty over their internal borders.

Significantly, it will be called the “EU Digital Covid Certificate”, abandoning the euphemism of Green Digital Certificate, PCR tests will be cheaper in future and antigen tests will also be accepted. The new regulations will guarantee the acceptance by the Council of the "covid passport", which will allow citizens free movement throughout the European Union (EU). A mandatory European law is being introduced for Member States to cede sovereignty and recognise the European competence of a single certificate, accepted by all equally, without additional restrictions or quarantines to enter another EU country. The announcement was made by the Spanish socialist MEP Juan Fernando López Aguilar, who described the ordeal of trialogues - meetings between Parliament, the Commission and the Council - in recent weeks, to force the Council to recognise the competence of the EU over its internal borders. Despite the fact that for months there has been talk of a joint certificate that recognises immunity against covid, through tests or vaccines, States were

already preparing national and even regional certificates, without confirming their acceptance with other EU states. The MEP explained that, "it will be definitively approved in the first plenary session on June 7 and will then enter into force on July 1. I hope this is good news and that it will make a difference in the summer of 2021 after the nightmare we all endured during 2020, "he added.

Resurfacing Torrevieja The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the councillor for works and services, Sandra Sánchez, have visited the resurfacing works on various streets and avenues of the municipality, which began on April 5, and are currently in their last phase of completion. The total resurfacing action in this plan amounts to almost 50,000 square metres and its execution cost is 327,398 euro.

Spain MEP Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar

The councillors have verified in situ the works that are being carried out in the Avenida de la Purísima (Playa del Cura) and adjacent streets. Sandra Sánchez highlighted the improvement in accessibility of the roads that are being resurfaced, whose works have consisted of milling the tread layer of the existing road surface, the resurfacing of the layer with hot bituminous mixture, and horizontal traffic signalling, as well as the elimination of elevated pedestrian crossings.


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Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021

Minister: British Tourists may travel to Spain without PCR Test The Minister of Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has announced that starting next week, UK travellers arriving in Spain will no longer need to present proof of a negative PCR test if they have been vaccinated, or if the incidence of covid is below 60 cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants.

Minister of Tourism at Fitur, Reyes Maroto

The measure affects all British arrivals to the province, regardless of whether they are residents, property owners or holidaymakers. The announcement was made at the Fitur 2021 International Travel Fair in Madrid where it was met, according to the Spanish press, “with hope and satisfaction.” However, many businessmen and hoteliers say that they still remain very cautious as the one thing still missing is for Spain to appear in the UK’s Green Travel List when it is reviewed in a couple of weeks time, which will then negate the requirements for travellers to undergo quarantine on their return to the UK. Despite the excellent data on the incidence of covid, currently

22 cases per one hundred thousand residents in the United Kingdom, 25 in Benidorm and less than 30 in the Valencian Community, many hoteliers say that they still don’t trust the data, nor do they believe in the government’s ability to recover British tourism. But the president of the Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, who is the head of the Costa Blanca delegation at Fitur, insisted that the region is completely safe and that holidaymakers can have every confidence in the Community. He also said that the British Government is also under pres-

sure from its own tourism industry especially from airlines and tour operators, who move millions of tourists around the world, four million in the Costa Blanca.

work very hard in insisting that the restrictions should be territorialised as in the Valencian Community we have less incidence than in many parts of the United Kingdom.”

Nuria Montes, general secretary of the Hosbec hotel management association, also said "At the fair there is optimism and there are signs of recovery but we must be very cautious because Boris Johnson can decide anything he wants, from placing Spain in the green travel list, keeping it at amber or freeing only the Canary and Balearic Islands for British tourists. But we continue to

In a development on Thursday, the UK Transport Secretary Grant Schapps, provided a boost to Spain tourism when he hinted that the 'green list' could be expanded within the next two weeks amid mounting pressure for France, Spain, Italy and Greece to be added. The positive signs came following warnings that the UK travel industry is being left behind as Europe reopens.


SAT ANIMAL RESCUE Freddie is a happy, playful, 9 week old, Mastin cross. For more information on how you can adopt this lovable puppy contact 966 710 047 Leave a message. or email



Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021

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Orihuela promotes high speed train at 2021 Fitur in Madrid ORIHUELA MUNICIPAL CULTURAL ACTIVITIES WEEK COMMENCING 24 MAY Venues in Orihuela and on the Orihuela Costa LITERATURE Exhibition - Through to 27 June “María Zambrano. La aurora del pensamiento”. (The dawn of thought). Exhibition Rooms Miguel Hernández. Rincón Hernandiano. MUSIC AND THEATRE Friday 28 / Saturday 29 May. “La llamada. El Musical”. Teatro Circo Atanasio Die Saturday 29 May At 8pm Nuestra Señora del Remedio "Return". Auditorio de La Lonja Sunday 30 May At 8 pm San Bartolomé Musical Union. "Spring Concert". Auditorio de San Bartolomé. Sunday 30 May at 12 noon and 5pm. “Canta Juego, Te extiendo mi mano”. Children’s Theatre. Teatro Circo Atanasio Die Saturday 5 June 8pm The well-known musical group SIDONIE Friday 11 June, 21.30 “Joaquín Reyes. Festejen la broma”. Comedy Monologue. Saturday 12 June Orihuela’s young singing talent, OTTO. Entrada libre ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN Saturday 29 May, 10am - The `Editorial Fancinera´ workshop. Fanzine lovers will be able to interact using art and culture in the courtyard of the Orihuela Youth House. Thursday, June 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the María Moliner Municipal Library. Carmen Meseguer, an internationally renowned model who is a regular at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, will tell us firsthand about her professional career. Friday, June 4, at the La Lonja auditorium at 7.30 pm. Alejandra Martínez, @ale_mcseven, with more than 127 thousand followers on Instagram, her life as an influencer. She will also offer advice and ideas for your own accounts. Saturday 5 June. 10am Personalise your skateboard by means of screen printing, stencil or drawing, in the courtyard of the Orihuela Youth House and will include all materials. ACTIVITIES FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING CHILDREN ORIHUELA COSTA. Venue: Centro Cívico, Alameda Del Mar Every Saturday morning at 11am. A recreational and cultural program of storytelling and theatre, puppets and music. Tuesday 25 May. Storytelling. UHAMBO, A journey around the world. Lucía Ros González and Miriam Ginés MartínezAbarca Thursday 27 May. 6pm Recycling Workshop Jellyfish in the sea.

The International Tourism Fair, FITUR 2021, aimed at reactivating the Spain Tourism Sector, was held during the last week in Madrid.

we have a magnificent setting, with a recently opened Visitor’s centre” commented the mayor. On Thursday the councillor for tourism, Mariola Rocamora, promoted the International Flower Fair of Shanghai, highlighting it’s determined commitment, especially, of the Tourism and Agriculture sectors, which will represent Spain in this important world event.

As always, the Costa Blanca attended in numbers with contingents representing most municipalities from across the region, all vying for holidaymakers as they announced their offers and security measures for their various destinations. The Fair which brought together more than 5000 participants from five continents, was opened by the King and Queen of Spain last Wednesday.

Environment, Dámaso Aparicio, presented the new images of the Palm Grove to all attendees.

The first day of the event was attended by the Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, who, together with the Councilor for the

Orihuela can now boast the second largest palm grove in Europe “traditionally it has brought Orihuela a lot of wealth and now

Much more to come from “Música en primavera” There have now been six concerts organised in the municipality by the Orihuela Department of Culture, in their programme “Música en primavera”, Music in Spring, the most recent being on the Playa Flamenca Esplanade on Sunday evening, where the Orcelitana Lyrical Union (ULO) played to a packed house. All of the concerts, which are free of charge, have been well supported, and shame on you if you haven’t ventured out to at least one of them. However, although there are six down there are still a further eight to go with, all of which will be held on weekends at 8pm, at one of the following four venues: the Auditorium of La Lonja, the Auditorium of San Bartolomé, Teatro Circo Atanasio Die and the Esplanade of Playa Flamenca in Orihuela Costa. All performances will be free to enter until full capacity is reached and will comply with all pertinent sanitary measures. All of the concerts are listed on the programme below but one of note that you should be aware of is the concert to be held on 5 June

As well as highlighting the attractions of Orihuela, everything from sun and beach, through to mountains, the environment, culture and heritage, the councillor also drew attention to AVE Madrid-Orihuela high-speed train that opens an even greater range of promotional opportunities.

by ACAMDO, the Asociación Cultural de Amigos de la Música y la Danza de Orihuela, entitled "Film music". One again it will be held in the open air on the Playa Flamenca Esplanade starting at 8pm.

Free children's club every Saturday in Orihuela Costa The children’s activities, held in both Spanish and English, continue to take place every Saturday morning in Orihuela, at the La Lonja de Orihuela Cultural Centre, and on the Orihuela Costa in the Alameda Civic Centre del Mar. All activities are free and strictly comply with current sanitary conditions. The program has been running successfully for some weeks and will continue throughout the remainder of May, June and July. The activities include children’s theatre, puppets and storytelling as well as painting and modelling workshops. "It is about offering theatres, puppets, storytelling, concerts ... to the boys and girls of the municipality so that on Saturday mornings they can have a recreational and cultural activity," explained the councillor, Mar Ezcurra. The program to the end of June is shown below, however, more information is available on the website and on the facebook page of the Department of Culture and Youth.


SATURDAY 29, Orihuela Palm Grove 10am to 12 noon. Meet at the El Palmeral Interpretation Centre. SATURDAY 29, Miguel Hernández: His life and work 7:00 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. Meet at the Miguel Hernández museum


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Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021



Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021

Trying to sort the ‘thing’ in the Box …!


was ‘doodling’ the Internet the other evening, or is it ‘browsing’ you call it? Anyway, somewhere between ‘Big Russian lady seeks hardy Westmeath man’ and ‘One tablet a day guaranteed to restore your sense of humour’, I came across three little words that excited me more than a dance with Joanne Cantwell. The three words in question were in bold lettering on the side of a box containing a gadget that is for sale online. The gadget itself is a ‘tennis server’. You set up the machine at one end of the tennis court and throw a bucket of balls into it. The solo player returns to the other end to ‘receive serve’. A red button on a wrist strap is pressed and low and behold, the serve arrives across the net at ‘novice’, improver’, or ‘pro’ standard – depending on your level of expertise and the setting on the machine. Mrs Youcantbeserious almost had to tie me down to stop me ordering this tennis machine – solely on account of the three words. At this point you need to know that I do not have access to a tennis court: In fact, I do not own a tennis racket and the only tennis ball around here is a burst one left by a neighbour’s dog two years ago. Worse still, I have never played a game of tennis in my life. You are entitled to question what in the name of God I would be doing with a ‘tennis ball server’, given my beggary of all things tennis. It’s all down to those three words on the box that are music to my ears, my friends. The three word are. ‘COMES FULLY ASSEMBLED!’ ‘Comes Fully Assembled’ … that is all I need to see on any box and I’ll buy it. I don’t care what it is or what is in the box. The bane of my life are the three opposite words which appear on many boxes coming into Casa Comaskey. Even writing them down now sets off a bit of a panic attack – so let us get it over with: ‘EASY TO ASSEMBLE!!’ ‘Easy to assemble’ has to be the biggest lie in the history of merchandising. This lie is often followed by the second biggest lie in merchandising history, ‘ASSEMBLY TIME APPROXIMATILY 30 MINUTES’. (Breathe deeply .. Bernie … breathe deeply …) It


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might only take 30 minutes to reassemble by the guy who made the thing in the first place - and he can understand the instructions – because he knows how the bleedin’ thing works, but what about poor unfortunate ‘scruts’ like me? I admit that there are some semi-ordinary people out there who can empty a huge cardboard box onto the centre of the kitchen floor and proceed to turn it into whatever it was meant to be turned into. I am not one of those people. As soon as I see the mini mountain of timber pieces, steel plates, plastic knobs, seethrough bags of nuts, bolts, screws and washers on the floor … God forgive me … but all I have to do is glance at it for the fit of cursing and swearing to start. Mrs Youcantbeserious stands there – trying to be helpful and suggesting that I ‘read the instruction book.’ The instruction book is the size of a GAA Annual and this only changes the cursing to a higher pitched tone. There are loose pages with diagrams and the letters A, B, C, D, E and F. Arrows and broken lines direct ‘B’ towards ‘E’ – but I can’t figure out which end of ‘B’ goes into ‘E’ … and then isn’t ‘A’ meant to support ‘C’, on top of the piece joining ‘B’ and ‘E’? Why in the name of all things holy, are the nuts not all the same size? How many different spanners is an ordinary man supposed to own? Those smug handymen (and worse than that ...women!) who are equipped with that inbuilt smart gene enabling the assembly of all these ‘yokes’ - rub it in by bragging of how much more you appreciate furniture that you have assembled yourself!

Back to my assorted pile on the middle of the kitchen floor - and the fit of cursing which shows no sign of abating. My long-suffering wife gives me that ‘this-is not-the-sort-of-a-man-I-thought-Iwas-marrying look and asks if she can do anything. My final words are always the same … ‘Ring Martin Healy!’

Don’t Forget It is extremely embarrassing to come to your senses and find out that you haven’t any.

Personally, I would prefer to sleep on a bag of straw than attempt to make a real bed out of a pile of planks and metal scraps from a box.

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

I have never gone to Ikea and I never shall – unless they change their attitude and put ‘Comes Fully Assembled’ on the box. But I have heard so much talk about Ikea, that when I am driving along the M50 and see the sign I start to snarl like a teased terrier.

Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

GARDEN FELIX ................ The aromatic CATMINT Catmint is an aromatic herb that is commonly grown in the garden, that blooms throughout Summer and Autumn. They can be mass planted in Spring throughout a border, containers or used as an edging plant, with its clusters of beautiful lavender-blue flowers amid mounds of gray-green foliage. It also has many herbal and culinary uses, such as: Leaves and shoot can be added to soups and sauces. Tea made from the leaves and flowers can be used for calming nerves and relieving coughs, congestion and menstrual cramps. As an insect repellent and is especially good,

when planted near your vegetable garden as a deterrent for aphids and beetles.

Dead-head spent blooms, as this will promote additional flowering and can also help prevent re-seeding. In the Autumn cut back the plants to half their size, or following harvesting.

Catmint is an easily grown plant, that is heat and drought tolerant, that simply needs to be planted in well-draining soil in a sunny or partial shade position. They require plenty of growing space, as they are aggressive growers, and should be spaced at least a foot or so apart, as overcrowded plants can lead to powdery mildew or leaf spot, especially in hot, humid climates. Care of catmint is simple, water regularly until they become established and once they are a few inches tall, pinch them back, which will promote a bushier growth.

Tea made from the leaves and flowers can be used as a herbal remedy


637 227 385

Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021

Compulsory facemasks could end soon


ernando Simón, Director of the Centre for Alerts and Health Emergencies (CCAES) has said mandatory wearing of a facemask outdoors will be based on regional Covid figures.

"More importantly, its epidemiological situation. In the coming weeks the Government and regions will be in a position to review the semaphore - measures that the autonomies can apply depending on their epidemiological situation.


he Vatican is currently in the process of appointing the next bishop of the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante after receiving a letter of resignation from Jesús Murgui upon reaching the mandatory retirement age. This is a routine procedure that is followed when bishops turn 75 years of age, the age limit imposed on all prelates according to canon law. It is understood that Murgui sent a letter to Pope

The Basque Country has a rate of 295.

Spain’s Organisation for Consumers and Users (OCU) called on the Spanish government to end laws of wearing facemasks mandatory outside, after the end of state of emergency on May 9.

"There could also be instructions, regarding the use of masks," said Simón.

Alicante-Orihuela Bishop resigns his appointment

Valencia being the lowest with a rate of 29 cases per 100,000.

Leaders in regions with low incidence rates - including Valencia which has seen its rate drop to just under 30 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days - will be looking at relaxed measures being taken in other countries, in terms of wearing facemasks outdoors.

"It is possible that its use will be reduced in a few days, depending on how each region progresses in terms of its vaccination campaign.

On May 17 the national incidence rate over 14 days had fallen to 151, with significant variations between the autonomous regions -

The government has said the decision will depend on regional Covid data. Fernando Simón said that the wearing of masks is soon to be based on Regional figures

Vaccinations in Spain are increasingly up, with data of 7 million plus people fully vaccinated. 32% of Spain's population have now received at least one vaccine dose.

Francis with his resignation some weeks ago, a protocol that is completely normal and which is not related to the controversies in which he has recently been involved, like his coronavirus vaccination before he was due, or his decision to relieve the Diocesan treasurer, Francisco Martínez, who is being investigated for the collection of commission on the sale of Church land, in addition to the latter's denial of the pandemic. Now the usual procedure will be followed, which is to wait until the Vatican accepts the resignation and the Pope appoints a new bishop for the Diocese, which can take months. In fact, Murgui's appointment in 2012 came almost 18 months after the death of Rafael Palmero, former bishop of Orihuela-Alicante.


The Minister for Health, Carolina Darias has not made a comment on the relaxation of COVID-19 protective mask measures - despite calls for a re-think by the Galicia and Catalonia Regions.

By Andrew Atkinson

The Spanish government is looking at a cumulative incidence (IA) of 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, in all 17 regions across Spain.

Schoolchildren discover Elche Fossil Two students from the El Palmeral school in Elche have discovered a fossil dating back several million years. In addition, after the new appointment is confirmed, it usually takes several before the new Bishop is able to take the reins of the diocese.

They were watering the classroom garden when they found an unusual stone and reported it to their teacher.

Until that time, Murgui has no intention of leaving his office, according to the bishopric.

The fossil now remains in the paleontological museum, where it will be examined.


Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021



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Flora and Fauna in Orihuela

over the last few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of questions and answers I kind of thought I should really do a blog and fill you all in on what I’ve been getting up to which in fairness isn’t a lot. I’m still not officially back at work but I do have gigs booked in from the beginning of June so I am excited about them and hopefully the re-opening of the arts & entertainment sector in full here in Ireland. It’s been a long wait, but we’ve gotten this far so what’s another few weeks? I have to admit thought that I do love performing online to the followers and now friends of the Live Lounge Costa Blanca. It’s a different world and I don’t want it to ever end. I love watching everyone else’s shows from around the world as well, it’s a great way to connect and bring people together so as they say something good always comes out of a bad situation. The good news is that all non-essential shops opened last week so it’s a great feeling to be able to walk into a shop, have a browse around & make a purchase or two as opposed to doing everything online. The only fear that you would have for business owners is that people have gotten too comfortable with relying on the internet for shopping that they may continue to do so. Best of all Penneys (Primark) has re-opened.

ity of travelling abroad in August from Ireland, so it’s very unsure times here as to try to book a holiday in the sun. The recommendation is of course a ‘Staycation’ which is great in Ireland if you have the weather with that but to be honest; the price to holiday here in Ireland with kids is just about more expensive than a week in the sun and sure it’s just not the same. You can’t beat filling up your suitcase with suncream, shorts and t-shirts. If you are a performer on the Costa Blanca and you’d like me to feature you in the paper, please get in touch as I’m sure even though many people have seen you perform, a lot wouldn’t know much about you, your past accomplishments or your regular gigs so I’d be delighted to help you with that. I’m also on the beg for suggestions for my radio show on Fresh Radio.

The excitement was unreal. The week before it opened, you had to book an appointment to be able to get into the shop and the appointments were like gold dust, believe it or not people were actually selling them off and making a few pounds out of the whole scenario.

My show is a specialist hour called ‘Julie’s Bit In The Middle’ & I work my show around a category of music, events, past history, everything and anything so if you have any show ideas, feel free to send them on in an e-mail to .

We’ve been told that there might be a possibil-

Have a good week.

The Department of the Environment in Orihuela has published the third edition of the book ‘Flora Silvestre del Termino Municipal de Orihuela’, the work of the Orihuela biologist Gonzalo Escudero Galante, featuring field guides to Cala de La Glea, Monte de San Miguel and Cerro del Agudo, in which the plant richness in these natural areas is collected. 3,000 copies of the field guides have been published, and are available to hikers and mountaineers as is a QR code that will allow them to download the data on mobile phones. These

guides detail each of the flora species with a simple explanation. The purpose of these publications is to provide better awareness of the natural assets that the municipality of Orihuela has since “we are very fortunate to have these jewels of nature from Barbarroja to the coast. These field guides are designed and printed in a format that will facilitate their use ”, said Dámaso Aparicio, Councillor for the Environment.

Corral-Rubio, Lagoons and Flamingo’s On Sunday, May 30, a photographic marathon will take place in Corral-Rubio. What does it consist of? It is a photo contest in which the best three will win prizes worth 40 euros, and the winner will also receive a tasting of beers. Where is Corral-Rubio? This small town is located 120km from Alicante in the province of Albacete and is surrounded by lagoons where we can see species as unique as flamingo. What do you need for the contest? You do not need a professional camera; you can compete by taking photos with your mobile. What do the photos have to be? The main theme is CorralRubio and the photos that are taken must show that they are of the town. The information is at Sign up, we are looking forward to hearing from you! Instagram @ayuntamiento_de_corralrubio

@corral_rubio @corralrubiofc Facebook: Ayuntamiento de Corral-rubio Lagunas de Corral-rubio, Petrola y la higuera


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Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021





Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


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ANSWERS Week 867

ACROSS 4. Strew (7) 8. Jinx (6) 9. Surround (7) 10. Haughty (6) 11. Unequalled (6) 12. Sacrifice (8) 18. Extenuate (8) 20. Impede (6) 21. Ethnic (6) 22. Versus (7) 23. Lunge (6) 24. Offspring (7) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19.

Superficial (7) Appal (7) Chillier (6) Marital (8) Essay (6) OT book (6) Gaol (8) Most (7) Let down (7) Knife (6) Bound (6) Detest (6)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Consolation; 9 Aid; 10 Go to waste; 11 Faint; 13 Lorries; 14 Espied; 16 Assail; 18 Respire; 19 Dress; 20 Etiquette; 21 All; 22 Defenceless. DOWN: 2 Old; 3 Sight; 4 Little; 5 Towards; 6 Obstinate; 7 Half-hearted; 8 Ceaselessly; 12 Impassive; 15 Epicure; 17 Hectic; 19 Dwell; 21 Ass. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Perambulate; 9 Ova; 10 Somewhere; 11 Nears; 13 Seaweed; 14 Reveal; 16 Ashore; 18 Scruple; 19 Tudor; 20 Dietitian; 21 Off; 22 Typewriters. DOWN: 2 Ena; 3 Asses; 4 Bemuse; 5 Low mass; 6 The record; 7 Countryside; 8 Needlecraft; 12 Adversely; 15 Apprise; 17 Senior; 19 Tenet; 21 Oar.

ACROSS 4. More than one vent-peg drips round both ends of the icebag (7) 8. Decorations are or are not different (6) 9. Boar's head brought up to be cooked (7) 10. Official revision of rota in New York (6) 11. Hospital doctor required in sudden bout of illness, we hear (6) 12. Splendid comfort, one hears, for high-ranking Spaniard (8) 18. Toasting an eccentric dancer (8) 20. Father, saint or cleric (6) 21. Watergate is involved with the clue (6) 22. Colonist preceded by young attendant in historical show (7) 23. Describing the intricate pattern of Old Testament law (6) 24. Hide the Earl somehow (7)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What is the name given to the cuisine that stems from the French colonists who left Canada in 1755 and settled in and around the swamps and bayous of Louisiana? 2. An EMP bomb. What do the letters E M P stand for? 3. Who are the only two women to have won the Academy Award for best actress two years in a row? 4.The fastest serve in mens tennis (155 mph or 249.5 km/h) belongs to which man? 5. Which scientific word translated means 'disease producer'? 6.Who wrote the science fiction thrillers 'The Day Of The Triffids', 'The Midwich Cuckoos' and 'The Kraken Wakes'? 7. The Dickin Medal, bearing the words 'We also serve' and 'For Gallantry', is awarded to which members of the armed forces in the UK? 8. Wikus van der Merwe is the reluctant hero in which film? 9. Name the two actresses Frank Sinatra married. 10. The following words are from songs with a musical instrument in the song title. Can you name the song? a.You got a hubcap diamond star halo. b. I don't know how you were inverted. c. Paul is a real estate novelist. d. Histories of ages passed down through all eternity. e. I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to. 11. Ranger, Pioneer, Viking, Galileo and Cassini are some notable examples

DOWN 1. No agent gets the weight wrong (7) 2. As a substitute it could be stained (7) 3. Gazed at a Communist going past the street (6) 5. He is biased in favour of a member of the resistance movement (8) 6. The sort of party incurring a charge (6) 7. Those people absorbing an alternative abstract idea (6) 13. A performer makes it produce rapturous delight (8) 14. Describing the smallest note written by a learner (7) 15. Lengthen a sentence (7) 16. Ruin the state of Virginia in a passionate outburst (6) 17. Treats badly in a state of inertia (2,4) 19. Make quick progress in the opinion poll, by the sound of it (6)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) of what? 12. Based on the number of Major Championships won (Masters, U.S. Open, The Open, PGA), who is the most successful golfer ever from outside the United States? 13. Who was Klara Pölzl? 14. In Japan, what is a gaijin? 15. The events in which monumental work of fiction all take place on 16 June 1904? 16. Belgrano II, Jinnah, Vostok, McMurdo, Great Wall, Arctowski, Davis and Halley are all examples of what? 17. In order, which three wars were responsible for the most battle deaths amongst American soldiers? 18. Which 1960s song was the only number one hit in the UK for each of the following? a. The Moody Blues. b. The Byrds. c. Sonny and Cher. d. The Troggs. e. Thunderclap Newman. f. Zager and Evans 19. Primavera and The Birth Of Venus are two masterpieces from which Renaissance painter? 20. Name the film in which each of the following played a US President? a. Billy Bob Thornton. b. Ben Kingsley. c. Robin Williams. d. Nigel Hawthorne. e. Gene Hackman. f. Danny Glover


637 227 385

Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021



Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021

Here s an idea for you ..........

MAD DOGS AND ENGLISHMEN unburn is the most easily avoided of all human woes, but we still lie, sprawled on tropical beaches in our millions, soaking up the lovely, deadly, mid day sun….


And by nightfall we suddenly realise that our bright pink skin is not just pre-tan: it's a nasty burn. Luckily, there are half a dozen herbal remedies which can bring near-instant relief; just don't go travelling to that sundrenched resort without at least one of them. Top of the list is aloe vera, that fleshy-leaved cactus grown all over the Mediterranean as an ornamental plant. Slice through one of those fat leaves and you'll find a thick gel inside: apply it to a burn, and the relief is almost magical.

Chamomile Is a great healer for sunburn. If there’s nothing else handy on that beach, order plenty of chamomile tea from the beach bar, add Ice cubes to cool It and apply It to the deep pink bits after you’ve showered.


637 227 385

Aloe vera soothes pain, calms inflammation, and speeds the healing process by stimulating the growth of new tissue. You can buy this wonderworking gel in tubes; no first-aid kit or kitchen cupboard should be without it.

In the case of severe burns sunburn or any other kind get professional help urgently to deal with the shock, dehydration and systemic infection that can result. But since it's the heat that's doing the damage, a first priority is to cool the burned area, if possible by immersing it in cold water or by keeping a stream of cool water running over it Another great burns remedy is tincture of marigold. If most of you is sunburnt, soak in a cool bath to which you've added plenty of this - a good splash of it. When you emerge, apply compresses of cold water, to which you've added more marigold, to the worst bits and rest, lying down to keep the compresses in place.

As soon as it had cooled, he laid pieces of linen soaked in the infusion on the sensitive sunburnt skin and within a few minutes the pain was subsiding. By the morning his daughter was perfectly comfortable and the angry red inflammation had completely disappeared. You can use a diluted tincture of nettle in the same way and you can buy a lotion that combines nettles with arnica flowers from a homeopathic range. Don't forget, by the way, that any bum, other than the most minor, can be a severe shock to its victim. Treat that shock with a wonderful combination of flower essences, Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy. The French chemist Robert Gattefosse was one of the founding fathers of aromatherapy - the healing power of essential oils. In the 1920’s he burned his hand badly in a laboratory experiment, looked round for treatment and plunged the hand into a jar of pure lavender oil. The pain was gone in minutes, there were no blisters and no scarring, either.

Throughout history, honey has been revered as a healing remedy for wounds and injuries of every kind. And that includes burns. In a study reported in the British Journal of Surgery some years ago, the efficacy of honey as a treatment was compared with one of the standard medical treatments for minor burns, silver sulphadiazine cream. Most – 87% - of the patients treated with honey were healed within fifteen days, compared to only 10% in the silver sulphadiazine group. The last thing you'd want to apply to a stinging burn, you might think, is anything like a stinging nettle. Not so. according to a British herbalist, the late John Evans, who in a herbal magazine told the story of how he treated his badly sunburnt daughter on holiday, when he had none of his usual tinctures and ointments to hand. By night-time her pain was so severe that she could not bear even a sheet over her. After searching the nearby lane by torchlight, he harvested an armful of nettles and dumped them in a panful of boiling water to make a pale green infusion.

I tried the lavender oil treatment on a neighbour of mine when she picked up a frying-pan by a handle she hadn't realised was red hot. After holding her red and throbbing hand under a running cold tap till it cooled. I gently dried it with sterile lint, then poured a teaspoon of neat lavender oil onto the burned area. The relief astonished us both: a day later there was little sign of the nasty burn.

NEXT WEEK: What your best friend wont tell you!


637 227 385

Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


POETS CORNER people and the Arabs of that time.

Brain Power


ne thing is certain in this living world, all things will pass through only once and getting old is the result of that journey. Lifestyle and thoughts of the individual determine how we handle this ageing process. It is said by experts that the human race only uses about ten percent of the power of the brain, most of which is dealing with day to day living and current events. In all our minds is the knowledge that sooner or later time will pass and we will be looking at a period when we are less able, and it is in those thoughts which will determine how we handle that part of our lives. On a daily basis we are told about care homes and disabled facilities which can influence the way we think. My thoughts, there is an attitude, surely helped by the barrage of information from the media about getting old, everyone is going to develop infirmity and therefore are encouraged to make early plans to cope by changing their lifestyle, downsizing and preparing to become immobile, and sit down and give in with the first twinge of muscle pain. Then there are others who use the power of their mind and look at life in a positive way with the knowledge that movement will become more difficult, but not impossible and the later years can become a joy with new skills to learn and a busy life to lead. The brain, which taught our legs to walk, teeth to grow, twice, and our hands to grasp, with a strong positive attitude, why shouldn’t it be able to overcome the ageing process? There are not too many people getting old in the Middle East. They are too busy killing each other over a conflict which has lasted since the nineteenth century and before, when there were skirmishes between the Jewish

In this brief history, some would say very brief history of this conflict, although nations tried to solve the problem by granting the Israeli State to exist in what was scrub land on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. The Jewish people turned it into a thriving community which was like a red rag to a bull.

by David Whitney (A poem inspired by the tragic passing of nine year old little boy Jordan Banks)

The extreme dislike between the two groups continues, turning to loathing of which the young are taught of the bitterness at an early age and to hate. Which means like the ancestors before them they will be exchanging bombs and rockets between each other, as the warring faction have been doing since nineteen forty eight. Until the leaders put their dislike aside and start promoting peace and to grow their nations then the destruction will continue.

Somewhere there's a special place Where little Angels go It's full of dreams and wonder Where their imaginations grow

The damage caused to the English language in my opinion is worse than exploding shells and missiles. That may be a bit extreme, but it is one of the oldest forms of communication and used around the world. And yet there are a growing number of people whose thoughts are different to the rest of us and would wish to change gentle words into what they are not. A train conductor has come under fire after his bosses apologised over a complaint from a 'non-binary' passenger because he greeted customers by saying 'good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.’ Two people complained at the use of the words, just ‘two’ not a train load. They complained because they say they are 'non-binary' and do not accept there are girls and boys and prefer the words Zie & Zim, my guess is the two words mean exactly the same. I wonder what they call their Mum and Dad? Why the train operator apologised is surprising as the phrase was perfectly acceptable English in a polite form, they were on an English train run by an English company in the United Kingdom. Surely, they should have explained to the passengers the wording was acceptable but instead they told the conductor he was out of order. It was mentioned in the report the complaint stems from, in my opinion the badly worded ‘Equalities Act 2010’ which forbids the use of language referring to somebody something they do not recognise (my phrasing), I am sure that is meant face to face, not an announcement on a trains communications system. It is difficult not to feel sorry for people who have enveloped themselves in the LGBT beliefs in that nature did them a disservice and their upbringing allowed them to think differently. The power of the mind changing natural thought. There is a whisper that the Government is taking steps to ensure free speech will overcome, especially in universities where some of the problems have originated – that will take some brainstorming in certain circles to change mental thought and certainly among the ones who do not consider who they are and believe there are differences in people other than the two sexes. Certainly, history tells about men and women who have in their own way changed the World and one thing is certain when a 'dig' takes place at an ancient monument they only find one of each – male or female skeletons. chattey. Percy Chattey thrilling books are available Worldwide on Amazon and Kindle

La Caixa Foundation donates 32 Tablets to Pilar’s Seniors


he “la Caixa” Foundation and CaixaBank are collaborating with the Pilar de la Horadada City Council in the development of a project presented by councilor Mari Carmen Gracia. The Foundation has contributed 9,000 euro for the purchase of 32 tablets to be used by Senior Citizens. Despite the difficulties caused by the Covid19 pandemic, Senior Citizens have been able to enjoy virtual workshops and have been able to

"A Photo Kissed"

see and communicate with each other as well as their families and grandchildren thanks to the use of the tablets. “The Senior Citizens are very happy and are learning to use the tablets little by little”, says councillor Mari Carmen Gracia, who appreciates the monetary contribution of the “la Caixa” Foundation through the Caixabank office in Pilar de la Horadada. The tablets have an internet connection with a flat rate, and they can be used to

contact whoever they want as well as allowing them to participate in courses and workshops that are organized exclusively for

It's too far for the eye to see It's way beyond the stars A place of childhood fun and games Of skipping ropes and cars A playing field for football fans A swimming pool to swim A fairground roller coaster ride A Zoo Park and a Gym A Heaven just for children Who have left this world too soon Now Angels all together Somewhere far beyond the moon But love can reach them anywhere You only have to wish And your arms will be around them And you'll bless them with a kiss For love is so far reaching And they'll know how much you care And they'll see your tears and dry your eyes As you whisper them a prayer A playground full of Angels All so precious and so missed Each one a jewel ripped from the heart Each one a photo kissed. (My heart goes out to all who have lost their precious children)

If you would like to see your poem featured in this column send to:


Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 18,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind.

Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m.

The next meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 17 June at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Seated aerobics and a free buffet. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Will meet at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis. Details will be announced when it reopens. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for

the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El

637 227 385

Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to ongoing covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment. In normal times we provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony: For Welfare contact Andy on 0034 711 00 86 84. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the

Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708

100% MALE! Active!!! MAX DISCRETION. Excellent treatment with good stamina. Available 24 hours. Torrevieja and surrounds

Call 672 578 992.


637 227 385

Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021

Coronavirus Ignoramuses


ccasionally, Japanese soldiers used to emerge from jungles, still blissfully unaware World War 2 had ended 60 years before.

Blissfully probably isn't the right word in that context, but I keep waiting for similar coronavirus ignoramuses to pop up, or out, elsewhere. In Dinosaur, Colorado, perhaps -- yes, it exists -- or Uncertain, Texas. And how can I resist mentioning Coward in South Carolina, whose population refuses to disclose the origin of its name, despite being constantly assured they have nothing to fear. It seems almost impossible to believe that there is anyone left in the world who isn't aware of, or whose life hasn't been affected in some way by, our 21st century pestilence. "I'll pour this pestilence into his ear," Iago says of Othello. Some might think the Moor of Venice (or Cyprus) got off lightly. "What about the world's most sparsely populated places?" I hear you asking, good question by the way. You're probably thinking of Greenland, with 0.03 people per square kilometre, and even that is crowded compared to Jan Mayen in the north of Norway, which has no permanent population -- but does have a postal code, 8099. No Covid-19, though, nor mobile phone signal. Do all of the 0.03 people in Greenland get separate vaccinations? It is an unfortunate truism that when you introduce a universal rule, at least half of the population then invent a reason to tell themselves (and tell the rest of us) that "it doesn't apply to me." So, for exam-


should the virus take serious advantage of their casual carelessness.

by David Aitken

ple, when told that anyone with half a brain should stay at home, well, you can guess what they would say. I saw a good example of coronavirus-blindness (or short-sightedness, at least) the other day, when I spotted a crowd of young people milling about outside a local ice-cream shop on a stiflingly hot sunny afternoon, we do get them in Scotland every year or so.

I want to say, what can I do to help? Should I mention the town of Last Chance, in Iowa? Before we reach The Bitter End in Tennessee? With our wits so scrambled that we go to live in Zzyzx. (In California, where else?) No less a singer than the great Roy Orbison reminds us that it's always something cruel that laughter drowns, and endings come to us in ways we cannot rearrange. Unless we take precautions in advance. Let's not be like those Japanese soldiers.

The yellow orb seemed to have addled their brains to the detriment of any attempt at social distancing, just the opposite in fact. Rendered mad by shimmering images of vanilla and strawberry and mint choc chip, they were jostling and pushing each other as they approached the door of the oasis. The pandemic rules didn't apply to them, you see, not under subparagraph 1 (Assorted Coneheads.) To be fair, I can remember being young (I'm 74 now) and feeling immortal and that does seem to have worked out reasonably well so far. By which I mean I've had both vaccinations, isn't that how it works? But the insouciance of the unvaccinated is sometimes painful to behold. Not least because my pain would be nothing compared to theirs,

CASA LA PEDRERA UP FOR AUCTION Education invest 3m in expansion of school in Los Montesinos

By Andrew Atkinson Education will invest three million euros in the expansion of the school in the Vega Baja town of Los Montesinos. "It is good news for the entire town and especially for the entire educational community," said Mayor Jose Manuel Butron. General Director of Educational Infrastructures, Victor García (left) and Mayor Jose Butron.

Owners Derek and Jenni Ray

Quote: 'Moving to Spain 17 years ago and building Casa La Pedrera holds fantastic and proud memories' - Jenni Ray By Andrew Atkinson LEADER EXCLUSIVE Situated in the municipality of Orihuela, Casa La Pedrera, famed from C4 TV Grand Designs Abroad is up for Auction in June almost two decades after owners Jenni and Derek Ray moved to Spain with their family.

"Two general directors of education visited Los Montesinos to see first-hand the educational situation of our people, which shows how important education is for this government.

and proud memories.

proud of.

"The Grand Design Abroad TV show was just the beginning. It was a massive change of our life.

"It was to show people you can achieve everything in life. It was a positive experience, to inspire others from around the world. I was happy to do it."

"As politicians and as parents we must stand by and accompany teachers in the education of our children, who have both the human and material means to achieve an excellent education.

There is an Open House for in-person and online viewings on June 1: "We have had pre-Auction offers. Interested parties can get in touch and we will put them in contact with the agents who have all the details," said Jenni.

"We have had a visit from the General Director of Educational Infrastructures of the Generalitat Valenciana, Victor García.

"Many don't realise that it took a year to film the TV show, with the crew coming every two weeks. "It was quite a shock to see a year of my life - encapsulated to 40 minutes TV. "The crew became part of the family. We saw presenter Kevin McCloud four times. He was a lovely guy - on camera firing hard, penetrating questions.

The stunning property that overlooks Lake Pedrera will go under the hammer with Concierge Auctions on June 30, 2021.

"But off camera I got to know him more personally, talking about many things. I'll always remember he said he felt I was 'spunky' during filming.

Speaking exclusively to The Leader, Jenni said: "Moving to Spain 17 years ago and building the Casa La Pedrera holds fantastic

"We are proud to have achieved what we did. It was the whole experience that counted. A snap-shot of life - something I'm

Derek added: "It has been an amazing place to live - but it's time for a new chapter." Casa La Pedrera auction details: *Next week in Part 2 of a LEADER EXCLUSIVE Jenni Ray talks about the Flamenco Shows, Carols By Candlelight, and weddings staged at Casa La Pedrera.

"Education is the main tool to fight inequality and change society.

"This year we finished the EDIFICANT plan with improvements in our school of more than 1,700,000 euros. "The educational community has raised the new needs for the centre. We must continue working for our children."

FLYING VISIT Hundreds of flamingos have arrived in the Torrevieja lagoon and now, hidden from view, are nesting on the central butte of the wetland, just as they did last year for the first time. According to Amigos de los

Humedales del Sur de Alicante (AHSA), the rains this spring and the drop in salinity have allowed an increase in brine shrimp, an arthropod and the basis for feeding birds associated with hypersaline environments.


Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


SAN LU I S BOWLS C LU B with Sheila Cammack

637 227 385

Desert Springs Resort to host ICC T20 World Cup Cricket Qualifiers The Desert Springs Resort, in Almeria, Andalucía, has been selected to host the ICC Europe sub regional T20 World Cup qualifying finals between Wednesday 13th- Friday 22nd October, 2021. Following on from the ICC’s recent announcement to award the Desert Springs cricket ground ODI accreditation, this is a further indication of the significance of Spain as an all year-round cricket destination. Over nine intense days, four top European nations; Jersey, Germany, Denmark and Italy will compete to see which two will qualify for the World Cup T20 qualifiers scheduled for early 2022. From that final round of qualifiers, the top four teams will compete in the ICC T20 World Cup finals in Australia in October 2022. ICC and Cricket España staff and officials will work closely with Desert Springs Resort to ensure that Jersey, Germany, Denmark and Italy benefit from a first-class experience both on and off the field.

Looking forward to welcoming visitors As you have probably heard, a lot of work has been going on at “The Oasis” San Luis to prepare the site ready for opening. In the meantime San Luis Bowls Club is still running, with internal leagues planned for Mondays and different organised bowling activities for members on Fridays. However we are pleased to announce that now the access to the green has been improved, our SATURDAY CHICKEN DRIVE will be OPEN to members from other clubs. All players must be Federated and the usual green fee of 4€ applies to non SL members +1€ entry fee per person. Please arrive by 9:30 for a 10:00 start. If you have any queries please contact Pete Ayres by email at: Just as the weather is heating up, we are starting to think ahead to the winter season 2021/2022. With everyone being very careful about social distancing rules etc. + the fact that the majority of club members have had at least 1 vaccination (& most have now received their 2nd) I think we are all feeling much more positive about being able to bowl again in league matches.

The number of teams each club is planning to enter has to be notified to LLB by mid August so shortly people will have to make decisions about where they intend to bowl for the winter season. Information for anyone who is considering joining us at San Luis: SLBC Membership fees 2021/22


12 months Green fees 1/9/21 - 31/8/22


7 months Green fees 1/10/21 - 30/4/22


For non-resident players, limited to 90 days out of 180, membership is available for 3 CONSECUTIVE months.

Following two days practice on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th October at the Desert Springs Cricket Academy, the teams will then play a double round robin event on the superb Desert Springs Cricket Ground, comprising 6 matches each.

If the 90 days are split, then the 7 months Green fees would apply.

+ FED fees (TBA)

For further information please contact June Jones: 691 903 773 or by email: In the past year we have sadly lost many bowling friends from different clubs, characters who can never be replaced and we have been lucky to have know them. Keeping ourselves safe from Covid has often kept us away from friends. Some of us have been away from bowling for quite a few months, so we’re really looking forward to meeting up with old & new friends on the green.


All teams competed against each other, when eventually the top 3 sides were as fol-

By Andrew Atkinson

Take care, and hope to see you very soon.

Las Salinas Charity Day for DEBRA he weather was hot, as was the competition for the top slot on 14th May, at the Las Salinas league mixed triples tournament. Set amongst the lemon groves at El Bosque Animado restaurant, Guardamar, where 30 teams participated.

Spectators return to racecourses in England

lows. The winners were Franco Belgas, team captain Jean Francois Santiago, 2nd place went to Las Piranas, captain Michel Duanos, and 3rd place to Rocajuna, captain Claude Herrin. Congratulations to all top 3 teams and well done to all other participants.

Las Salinas league chosen charity is DEBRA (Butterfly children), for whom €360 was raised on the day from a raffle and takings from subscriptions! Thank you to all the umpires on the day, and the scorers for maintaining accurate records thereby ensuring everything ran smoothly. Photos: In the red sweaters are Rocajuna 3rd place, Blue Las Piranas 2nd place, the winners 1st place Franco Belgas, dark blue.

May 17 went down in racing fans diaries following the return of spectators for the first time in almost five months amid COVID19 lockdown behind closed doors meetings. Carlisle, Redcar, Ffos Las, Windsor and Leicester staged meetings on May 17, with initial capacity limited to 4,000 or 50% after COVID-19 easing of restrictions. Masks were mandatory indoors, with certain venues notifying attendees that admittance was via ticket only, with cash payment not available to enter. On-course bookmakers were also back on tracks and drinking allowed, while seated at a table. Currently restrictions in England will last until at least June 21. Thereafter the government's scheduled coronavirus programme is to see capacity crowds return. However UK PM Boris Johnson announced the new Indian variant of coronavirus could jeopardise plans. In Scotland a maximum of 500 spectators were able to attend meetings from May 17. Attendance is limited to 250 to attend the first meeting at Musselburgh on May 25. Restrictions have not presently eased to allow spectators to attend meetings in Wales and Ireland.

637 227 385


Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021

LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY This week's venue for the Cavernita Spring Cup was the La Finca Golf Resort.

Celts Golf Society What a fabulous day we had yesterday for the much delayed Presidents’ Prize 2020 played on our home course La Serena Golf. The sun beamed down on us with a sweltering 37 degrees and unusually little or no wind.

A pleasant day and a good turnout by the members made for a great days golfing.

The new greens are progressing nicely and much credit must go to the reduced hard working staff. Given the greens are less than 9 months old enhorabuena a todos.

The evening event was most enjoyable which was hosted by Alex and Julie, owners of the Cavernita Bar and sponsors of the Cavernita Spring Cup.

We really are lucky to have such a fine facility at our disposal.

Alex Leach and our Capt shared the twos pot.

Thanks to Jean, Bruno and Gloria for taking great care of us on the day. On behalf of the Junta may I heartily thank all those who supported the tournament and then attended the meal in El Prado San Miguel. Many thanks to Juan, Pilar and all the staff for a lovely meal and high quality that you are renowned for, muchos gracias.

Our next game will be on June 3rd at Bonalba, those members wishing to play, please contact club secretary, Jeff Wiszniewski.

As is the custom, Camillus and his team, of Philip, Alan and Terry, our competition committee, merit a special thank you and congratulations for their sterling work.

Sapphire Golf Society at Altorreal on 19 May

Bronze Division: 1st - Paul Fairbairn – 34 points

Thanks go to our treasurer Denis, he keeps all our accounts in fine order and can always be called upon in our hour of financial, mathematical need.

2nd – Mick Martin - 29 points

Our secretary Susy, I better not leave her out or I will

In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services

Nearest the Pins – Probert (2), Clarke and Pardoe

For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 23 players visited the established course at Altorreal taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services.

Football Card – George

Alan Janes won the Gold Division with 32 points and the Silver Division was won by Tony Ollier also with 32 points. With the scores tied Tony was declared the winner of the Cavernita Cup on count back. Nearest the pin winners were, Roy Wealleans on hole 3, Tony Ollier on Holes 6

The weather was beautiful and the course in good condition just prior to plans to re-build all 18 greens between now and the 15th September 2021. Gold Division: 1st - Graham Mason - 39 points 2nd – Martin Clarke - 35 points Silver Division: 1st – Morten Kristensen – 37 points, 2nd – Sue Bishop – 31 points

and 16, Captain Geoffery Ettridge on hole 13.


be in the dog house, she works behind the scenes and makes our lives so much easier when dealing with the federation. Thank you one and all, it really is an excellent team. The results on the day were as follows: NTP’s, John O’ Brien, Chris Daw, Alan Beacon and Gary Conroy. Special cat. Holly Thomson 36. Cat IV. 1st Logan Nayager 34. 2nd Jane Knight 33. 3rd Michael Reeves 29. Cat III. 1stAlisdair McLean 38. 2nd Jean Randell 34. 3rd Myra Coull 34. Cat II. 1st Philip Mountford 32. 2ndKarl Di Mascio 31. 3rd Chris Daw 30. Cat I. Terry Fitzgerald 34. 2nd Colin Soones 33. 3rd John =’Brien 32. Best gross went to Gary Conroy 28. 2nd overall to Camillus Fitzpatrick 38. The winner of the Presidents’ prize for 2020 went to Ritchie Heaton 39. Many thanks to all who played in the event and to all those who attended our dinner, you are what make our club, muchos gracias We have a waiting list in operation at the moment for membership at La Serena, however membership of The Celts is always available. If you would like information about joining our club or entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to: or call 615 466 398

After the game we returned to Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties. Our next fixture is the Benidorm Away Trip on the 6th & 7th June 2021 followed by the Captain versus Vice-Captain game at Font Del Llop on the 16th June 2021. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at:

Mike Probert talks Golf ........ In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services


ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.

This act is used in many sports just prior or during a given action to aid concentration before focusing on a target and in effect the breathing process aids visualisation while giving the sense of cleansing or detoxifying the body making it pure and ready for action.

AUTOGENICS In previous articles I have discussed relaxation techniques and these include the old faithful, have a good deep breath and exhale slowly but how does doing this help you in times of stress?

Basically the inhale stage involves you taking in equal amounts of air, each of four counts with the last breath fully filling the lungs and the exhale stage involves you holding your breath for the four counts (approx 4 seconds) then releasing the air for four counts and again the last exhale empties the lungs completely.

The act of taking deep long breaths from the stomach causes a physical change in your body because the heart rate drops and the breathing process depresses the subconscious control.

This technique has been proven to work on all major golf tours BUT appears least effective if the player’s energy levels are totally out of control and therefore you should use this technique as you walk to

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €98 Two Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €98 Two Green Fees & Buggy from 1pm Altorreal €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €158 Two Green Fees & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €90 Two Green Fees + Buggy

A number of years ago in Bulgaria a controlled breathing technique called ‘autogenics’ was developed as a mind calming process and essentially the technique involves a four-count process for counting your breathing in a one second per count.

El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Manga La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas

€98 €59 €123 €100 €214 €73 €90 €60 €48 €114 €59 €145 €164

Two Green Fees + Buggy from 1pm Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees + Buggy Two Green Fees + Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy from 12pm Two Green Fees + Buggy

the tee or the green not wait until you are over the tee shot or a critical putt. The best time to use the autogenics technique is just prior to visualisation of the shot to be undertaken and in conjunction with proper tension control if you are to use your muscles effectively using proper energy levels is vital. For example when putting you should grip the as firmly as possible in the address position for a few seconds and then lighten the pressure to that that you require as this helps to reduce the tension directly in the muscles of action and should be incorporated with the deep breathing process. Hollow Tining Watch 24/05/21 Roda, Hacienda del Alamo and Valle del Este 25/05/21 Lo Romero 31/05/21 Campoamor

Lorca €78 2 Green Fees & Buggy (+ drink & tapa) Lo Romero €65 Single Green Fee Mar Menor €116 Two Green Fees + Buggy New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & Buggy Roda €125 Two Green Fees & Buggy Saurines €100 Two Green Fees + Buggy (Temp closed) Villaitana Levante €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €70 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villamartin €156 Two Green Fees & Buggy Vistabella €123 Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 2pm) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


637 227 385

Victory' alongside Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine and Brazilian football ace Pelè. Mike Summerbee and Esteban in the eighties.

His son Nicky played at Swindon, Manchester City and Sunderland. Esteban, who has performed worldwide, recalled meeting Nicky also at Bredbury Hall: "I met Nicky a few years later and told him his dad was singing New York, New York with me. He told me his father always like singing."

Rojales star Esteban and EnglandMan City ace 'Buzzer' Summerbee By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive Madrid born musician Esteban Fernandez rolled back the years when recalling the time he met Manchester City and former England star Mike Summerbee, nicknamed 'Buzzer' in the eighties. "Mike came into Bredbury Hall Country Hotel in Stockport in the 1980s - on one occasion we sang New York, New York," said Dona Pepa, Rojales based Esteban. Summerbee, 78, capped 8 times, joined City from Swindon in a £35,000 move when signed by Joe

Esteban, married to Manchester born Norma, a former singer/dancer, visited the Etihad Stadium in recent years, where a VIP corporate lounge is named after Summerbee.

Mercer, making over 400 appearances for the Blues during 1965-75, scoring 47 goals. He later played for Burnley, Blackpool and Stockport County, completing 716 career games before hanging up his boots in 1979, having made his debut, aged 16, at Swindon in 1959. Ambassador at Manchester City, Summerbee coowned a menswear business in Manchester with City arch rivals Manchester United star George Best. Summerbee starred in the cult film 'Escape to

Mike (b/r) third left starred in cult film Escape to Victory alongside Sylvester Stallone (goalkeeper) Michael Caine (f/r) third left and Pelè, fourth left.

Las Ramblas Individual Matchplay With the course resembling the Circuit de Catalonia 32 players made it down to trackside on Monday for the start of this year’s Individual Match play Championship. After today’s time checks only 16 would be left on Wednesday’s starting grid. In pole position Lyndsay Forbes was overtaken on the final lap by rookie George Hogg whilst I hit an oil slick and went out to Pat Cassidy 5&3. Mark Western finally saw off Joyce McClusky on their 20th hole. Team Murray (Graham and Petina) both made it through their respective matches and will face each other in the next qualifier. Alas Team Robertson (Ken and Liz) were not the ‘Flying Scots’ on the day and both spun off the course. Yvonne Phipps encountered engine trouble (literally) as she went out to Nigel Price 4&3 whilst Benedicte Kruse was caught in John Shervell’s slip stream and also crashed out 4&3. Paul Brown’s handling of this year’s hot tip Andy Martin on the final

Carp-R-Us The penultimate match of the Carp-R-Us Spring Series was held on the Eden 2 stretch of the Rio Segura. This stretch of water is below the CV91 road bridge and you never know from day to day what the level of the water will be. Today it was quite full and flowing steadily on most pegs, which usually is a promising sign. As it turned out, most people caught although for many it was a strange day, with a number of anglers on the downstream stretch catching a few fish early in the match but then their swims faded, and the rest of the match produced few bites. It is pleasing to report that Willy Moons on peg 11 won his first match with the club with an excellent 13.74kg caught using feeder and pellet tactics. He finished well ahead of Dave Hutchinson who had 8.40kg from peg 2 at the top end of the stretch and Steve Fell on peg 3 who had 7.40kg. Dave and Steve both used the pole with bread and corn or pellets. Fourth was Roy Buttress with 4.34kg caught on feeder and corn from peg 10.

hole brought the crowd to their feet. With the chequered flag getting ever closer John Drakesmith turned on the turbo charger to see off Ron Phipps 6&5 on Wednesday. Not to be out manoeuvred Mike Brentnall also won 6&5, this time over Nigel Price. Mark Western will be hoping to stand on top of the winner’s podium for the second year in a row having beaten George Hogg 4&2. It took Paul Brown 20 laps before saying goodbye to Nora Betts and Graham Murray took the bold (if not unwise) decision to pass wife Petina on the last. Those no longer racing in the Singles played a Stableford and a special mention goes to Andy Martin. Playing off a handicap of 4 he racked up 42 points! (That’s 2 under par, gross). Mark Western had obviously been on the Red Bull on Friday as he kept Graham Murray in the rear view mirror and won 6&5. John Dobson lost to John Drakesmith on the 20th lap whilst Paul Brown continued his winning streak over Team Martin this time beating Andrea 4&3. Mike Brentnall un- expectedly hit the crash barriers after Ellen Drakesmith knocked him out 3&2. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

EL BOSQUE ANIMADO, THE POND COMPETITION RESULTS 15th MAY Once again a full house of 16 anglers turned up for our mid monthly match, we were treated to some really hot weather which seemed to turn on the carp as some really good weights were recorded. Section 1 provided a great tussle between Tony Fe!stead and Alan Smith with both smashing the previous competition record of 23kgs held by Terry Screen.

Tony fished the pole all day with maggots for a fantastic 30.28kgs, whilst Alan started with a bang with maggots on a slow sinking feeder before changing to the pole after lunch weighing in a solid 25.80kgs. Section 2 was won by Russell Davidson with 17.46kgs mostly coming in a good afternoon session. Section 3 winner was Richard Wood who kept up his good venue results with 13.42kgs....the owners sponsor a free day luck peg and unbelievably Richard won this for the 3rd time running. Section 4 proved a runaway victory for Marlene Hutchinson, having not a touch in the morning but a change of bait after lunch resulted in 5 good carp for 9.38kgs. The PAIRS Competition was very close but Alan Smith and Marlene 35.18kgs just pipped Tony and Alan Reid 34.42kgs. These competitions are proving very successful with all matches full, and 3 reserves on call if needed. Our next match is Saturday 29th May

by Jackie Breslin


637 227 385

Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


Gutsy Thader performance as goals rain in Leguis squaring the ball for Jawed to shoot into an empty net. Quino came close to equalising on 9 mins, but his header from Alberto's cross was just off target. Only a brave dive by keeper Nacho at the feet of Quino, denied a certain goal for

CD Thader ......... 3 CD Murada ........ 7

Thader's striker. There seemed no danger on 16 mins when Dani picked up a loose ball on the edge of Thader's box, but Sergio was slow to deal with the clinical strike, resulting in a 2nd goal for the visitors. Alberto and Borja push forward as Thader go in search of goals


oals are normally of a premium in Spanish football, but on a soaking wet Sunday morning inside Moi Gomez stadium, there was a deluge of them. Just before Xmas last year, Thader pulled off a magnificent victory over top of the table Murada, but a double was never really on the cards.

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

Check out CD Thader Rojales facebook page for up-to-date info on this, and much much more.

Quino thought he'd scored on 74 mins, but an offside flag cut short his cele-

Escriba s men defy the odds to secure La Liga survival

But moments later, as news filtered through of the final 0-0 scoreline at Estadio El Alcoraz, the franjiverdes, were finally able to celebrate with their 5,000 fans, as Fran Escribá, the man who just 12 months ago had worked the miracle of promotion, did it all over again, to ensure that Elche will continue in the First Division.

Onwards and upwards as they say, and so Thader go in search of a double over near neighbours Redovan next Sunday morning.

Not for the first time, Thader were victims of highly debatable offside goal, when on 55 mins, a Lewis strike was allowed to stand, despite furious appeals. When Jawed got his hat trick on 65 mins, a score line of 2-6 was far from an accurate reflection on how the match had been going.

No sooner had I found a dry spot under the canteen canopy, I was busily jotting down details of Murada's opening goal. A well worked move, culminated in


An accurate free kick from edge of the box by Thader captain Lloyd on 39 mins was pushed aside for a corner, then it was Dani Lucas turn to bring out a good save from the keeper on 42 mins. On the stroke of half time, Jony converted Murada's 3rd goal against the run of play.

brations. Sub Calderon was only on the pitch for 3 mins, but Thader's utility player got a final touch on Quino's strike on 78 mins, for his sides 3rd goal. Sergio did well to palm away a goal bound effort in the dying minutes, but Lewis was on hand to score his sides 7th goal.

Unbelievably, Thader conceded goal number 4 within 2 mins of the restart, when Jawed grabbed himself a brace. Less than a minute later, Lloyd rose high to firmly head into the back of the net to reduce the deficit.

Once again, conceding early goals was to be the hosts undoing, and along with missed opportunities plus dodgy decisions, a goals feast was always the likely outcome. What was pleasing to see, was a much improved work rate from last weeks dismal showing.

he celebrations in the Martínez Valero stadium began rather prematurely on Saturday afternoon, even before the Huesca match was over, but with 2 added minutes of the Catalans game against Valencia still to unwind, Fran Escriba's men were sure that they had defied the odds once again, and their 2-0 victory over Atletic Bilbao was enough to book their place in LaLiga for another season.

In bizarre fashion, Thader pulled a goal back some 4 mins later. A back pass to the keeper was apprehended by Quino, who then bravely bundled the ball home. Thader's defence went to sleep on 24 mins, allowing Jawed to shoot into the side netting, then poor defending saw Pedro shoot just over 5 mins later.

Elche CF ............ 2 At Bilbao .............0 Elche had done all that it could in defeating Athletic with the Huesca draw against Valencia allowing it to seal it’s permanency It was an afternoon of tension and emotions, but hard work, perseverance and confidence, together with the fact that all the stars seemed aligned in favour of the franjiverdes, have allowed Elche and its long-suffering fans to enjoy yet another season in the League of the Stars.

the fans who encouragd from the stands. On the half hour, one of the ball boys quickly caught a ball that went out of play, handed it to Fidel, the man from Huelva was alive to the situation as he set Pere Milla off at full speed. He surprised the Athletic defense, the Catalan then found himself in the area and squared a pass to Lucas Boyé who stabbed the ball to the back of the net. Peace of mind at 1-0 as the first and most important step had been taken.

Escribá said on Friday that this game was going to be played by the whole city.

The second half was much as the first, everything playing out according to the script and it was necessary to wait until the 72nd minute when Raúl Guti, with a masterful shot from outside the area, hit the back of the net to double the Elche lead.

He was absolutely right. It wasn't just

Elche’s work was done and the centre

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Cajun, 2. Electro Magnetic Pulse, 3. Katharine Hepburn (1967 for 'Guess Who's Coming To Dinner' and 1968 for 'The Lion In Winter') and Luise Rainer (1936 for 'The Great Ziegfeld' and 1937 for 'The Good Earth'). 4. Andy Roddick. 5. Pathogen. 6. John Wyndham. 7. Animals.

Since his return to the club just 3 months ago Fran Escribá has rewritten Elche history

8. District 9. 9. Ava Gardner and Mia Farrow. 10. a. Get it on (Bang a gong) or Bang a gong (Get it on) in the USA (T Rex). b. While my guitar gently weeps (Beatles). c. Piano man (Billy Joel). d. Hurdy Gurdy man (Donavan). e. Mr Tambourine man (Bob Dylan11. Space missions (U.S. Planetary Science Missions). 12. Gary Player. 13. Adolf Hitler's mother. 14. A foreigner. 15. Ulysses

of attention moved to Huesca. There was a disallowed goal from Rafa Mir. But destiny was written. El Alcoraz's scoreboard did not move and the 0-0 draw allowed Elche and

(James Joyce). 16. Antarctic research stations or bases. 17. World War II (292,131), Civil War (214,939), World War I (53,513) Source: U.S. Dept. of Defence. 18. a. Go Now. b. Mr. Tambourine Man. c. I Got You Babe. d. With A Girl Like You. e. Something In The Air. f. In The Year 2525. g. Botticelli. 20. a. Love Actually. b. Dave. c. Night At The Museum. d. Amistad. e. Absolute Power. f. 2012

Escribá to rewrite the history of the Elche club in gold letters. The franjiverdes will illuminate the Martínez Valero again next season in the First Division.

Aspe on verge of promotion By Andrew Atkinson Aspe UD 'A' are on the verge of clinching promotion to the Regional Preferente after defeating CD Benijofar 3-0 in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 play-offs on Saturday. The top seven clubs vying for promotion are Aspe UD 'A', Atletico de Catral CF, CF Rafal, Hondon Nieves CF, CD Cox, CD Benijofar and CD Montesinos.


Monday 24th - Sunday 30th May, 2021


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