No 898 Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December 2021
637 227 385
On behalf of all the staff and advertisers at The Leader Newspaper we wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
ocal residents were aghast on Wednesday when a team of workmen from the Orihuela Ayuntamiento, turned up without any prior notification, and closed the 100 metres of paseo linking Aguamarina with Cabo Roig.
According to a spokesman the paseo was closed following a sentence imposed by the Supreme Courts, ordering the gates closure on behalf of the residents of the
BellaVista Urbanisation. The closure has now reintroduced a 2 kilometre diversion for the many thousands of residents and tourists wishing to walk along one of the most beautiful stretches of the coastline, from Aguamarina to Cabo Roig or beyond, the only section of the paseo, along many miles of shoreline, that is not open to the public. The dispute between the residents of Bella Vista Urbanisation and the
Ayuntamiento, relates to a 35 year battle over the Paseo de Cabo Roig, the 100 metre stretch that runs along the front of the BellaVista Urbanisation. Having initially been declared illegal by both the Administrative Court in Elche and the High Court of Justice, the wall shutting off access was pulled down by municipal staff in March 2015.
Continued on Page 8
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Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Paseo de Cabo Roig
council drawer, with the deadline allowed to pass without anyone in authority being briefed as to the court decision.
As he presided over the demolition, Antonio Zapata, Orihuela Councillor for Planning at the time, declared that opening the paseo was long overdue, but what he didn’t reckon on was the resolve of the Bellavista Residents Association.
Led by Community President Brian Honess, Bellavista then went back to the courts where they proved to the Judge, Mr Salvador Bellmont Lorente, that the walkway directly along the seawall and in front of the urbanisation has always been private land, and they were completely within their rights to section it off from access to the general public. They argued that the original walkway was actually located at the bottom of the cliff face and not along the top of the urbanisation, as stated by Zapata. The judge had no hesitation in finding with the Residents and he immediately ordered that the wall sealing off the paseo be reinstated. Although the Orihuela Council then had 15 days to appeal, it appears that the judgement papers festered in a
José Aix, told the Leader that the original decision by Zapapta to open the Paseo had been a complete ‘Botch Up’
However in a response from the council, the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Urbanism and Planning, José Aix, told the Leader that the original decision by Zapapta to open the Paseo had been a complete ‘Botch Up’, and that the demolition of the wall in 2015 lacked any legal basis. He said that he understood the frustrations of the residents of Orihuela Costa, “who are saddened by the closure of the passage between Aguamarina and Cabo Roig. Those people, who for more than six years have been able to enjoy beautiful
views and direct connections on the front line of the coast are now deprived of “that luxury”, and have the right to be annoyed, to complain and to express their frustration.” Aix continued, “We share with them their demands and anger at having a wall that again prevents them walking along the coastline, but today, justice has been done. As much as we may regret it, the walk along the front of BellaVista was never in the public domain. The judge said it is theirs and
Calle Concordia where Saturday’s murder occurred
The agents immediately went to the home, on Calle Concordia, where they found the lifeless body of the
woman. Although a spokesman confirmed to the local press that the aggressor, a 39-year-old Spanish man, had a record of mistreatment of a previous partner here was no record of aggression with his current partner.
She becomes the fifth woman murdered at the hands of her partner or ex-partner in the Valencian Community and the 41st victim in the whole country where, so far this year sexist violence has orphaned 26 children.
“Nothing to Fear” by David Whitney c2021
All those gone who can't be forgotten Will rejoice with God's blessing and grace
The victim was, a 35-year-old girl who worked as a supermarket clerk in the town. She had a three-year-old daughter with the alleged assailant. At the time of the attack the daughter was apparently at the home of relatives.
This is the second victim in the province this year, following the murder of a woman in September, when a man cut his wife's throat in La Vila Joiosa after which he committed suicide by jumping off a bridge.
For little Star and Arthur and all the other little innocent children who have lost their lives
Those sweet little souls who sat playing While evil looked on with such hate Those still born who never awakened Those starving with their empty plate
EXPROPRIATION A final word from the Councillor for heritage, Rafael Almagro, who states that the path "should be a walkway, for the general benefit." He said that "we are now left with the only option of expropriation." Adding that the process has been resumed and according to his calculations, “It will be resolved and the paseo reopened before the summer.”
Throughout Saturday morning dozens of family and friends went to the home in a climate of intense emotion. There is now an improvised altar where the victim's relatives have left several bouquets of flowers in her memory.
Neighbours say that they heard blows and a lot of noise in the house starting at about 11pm on Friday night and lasting until approximately 1:30 a.m. They even rang the doorbell of the home - a multi-story single-family house - but got no response. Several hours later, at round 6:30 in the morning, the alleged aggressor turned himself in at the Civil Guard barracks in the town.
as such it has been returned to the Bellavista I community of owners.”
At the moment, there are no further details available, pending the issue of the forensic report, once the autopsy has been carried out.
The Torrevieja Civil Guard arrested a man on Saturday for allegedly murdering his partner. Police sources say that the events occurred during the early hours of Saturday following a heated argument between the two.
Those innocent one's who were taken And robbed of their lives will attend All those badly treated and beaten All those who were tried and condemned
Following the closure, Residents Association AVOCA said they had no words to describe the serious damage caused to the residents of Orihuela Costa with this closure. They said that it amounted to nothing more than an act of laziness, incompetence and abandonment by the City Council, which will be suffered by the hundreds of citizens who use this walkway on a daily basis.
A 35 year old woman is the victim of a sexist murder in Torrevieja
There's a big children's party in Heaven A glittering Christmas affair All the children who'll miss out on Christmas Are invited and all will be there
637 227 385
Every child will be welcome whatever The colour of skin on their face The party will get them all smiling So they won't have to think of the past There'll be toys and sweet treats on a table And a mountain of love that will last And Jesus will get them all singing The Angels will join in the song They'll be bluebirds and butterflies flying And the sun will be out all day long Cuddles and kisses will shower them At this Heavenly party this year And all God's little children will flourish As at last they have nothing to fear.
If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Since the Covid pandemic broke out in March 2020, the Costa Blanca has lost 80% of tourists from the United Kingdom, compared to the record-breaking year of 2019. The latest data published by airport operator Aena reveals that between January and November of this year, a total of 1,259,079 British passengers used Alicante-Elche airport, compared to the 5.9 million in the same period of 2019. A figure which is not expected to rise during December, with figures expected to be similar to last year. The data is particularly concerning for the tourism sector, given that the British tourist market represents 40% of the foreign total in the province of Alicante. November was not, however, in general terms, a bad month at the provincial airport, serving 704,527 passengers, seven times more than in the same month of 2020, but 230,000 fewer tourists than in 2019. Experts estimate that air traffic in Europe will not have recovered until 2024, because any negative news about the pandemic returns flights almost to the starting point. In terms of tourist-emitting destinations until November, London has seen 350,000 tourists so far this year, a ridiculous figure compared to the first eleven months of 2019, when three million passengers arrived from Gatwick, Luton, Stansted, and Heathrow. In this sense, the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (Cehat), of which the Hosbec hotel association is part, added new negative data yesterday. The employers showed their dismay at the cancellation of reservations in Spain by the British as a result of the decision of Spain and the EU to require children between 12 and 16 from the United Kingdom to have a complete vaccination schedule, something which the association believe is not possible given that vaccination of minors is relatively recent. Cehat says this measure has led to tens of thousands of booking cancellations by UK citizens. Specifically, reservations have fallen by 60% in two weeks and one of the main British operators has already seen some 60,000 reservations affected by the measure. This week the average hotel occupancy does not exceed 30%, according to Hosbec.
The confederation emphasises that the vaccination of children in the United Kingdom has only started a few weeks ago and there is no time to give two vaccines in that period. The Canary Islands, the Mediterranean coast, and some cities with great family tourism on winter dates will have to cancel many reservations because there will be family members who cannot travel despite presenting negative tests, according to Jorge Marichal, president of the confederation, who only two weeks ago indicated on a visit to Benidorm that he thought the worst of the pandemic had passed. The association says it does not understand why children from other countries of the Schengen area (European Union) with a higher incidence of covid cases than the United Kingdom can enter Spain without being vaccinated and only with an antigen test, while it is not allowed for British children. Marichal warned on Tuesday that the restriction is a "hard blow" for the winter season throughout Spain and that he does not understand why the same protocols are not established for all children and families who wish to travel to Spain this Christmas, Therefore, suggesting a regulation "according to common sense." Hosbec warned that the sixth wave of Corona virus has impacted "strongly" on tourism and has caused hotel occupancy in the Valencian Community to be at a minimum since the lifting of the state of alarm. In a statement, it emphasises that the impact is "much greater" than the previous wave of infections "despite the fact that the levels of severity and hospitalisation are much lower this time while the vaccinated population is at its highest”. Valencian tourist destinations had an average occupancy of around 40% although open establishments vary. In Benidorm and Castellón 50% of hotels are already closed, Valencia "holds" with 90% of hotels open and the Costa Blanca is around 70% on average. However, Hosbec predicts that "the worst is yet to come", given that the forecasts for this week are "devastating": between 25% and 29% in all the areas for which figures are available.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
637 227 385
FRANCO VICTIMS EXHUMED IN ALICANTE One of the skulls found with a bullet hole
Exhumations in the Alicante Municipal Cemetery have found the first remains of victims of Franco's repression. Regional Minister Rosa Pérez Garijo, who is financing the work,
has described the results as “very positive” stating that “ if we continue to exhume the graves we will be able to recover the remains of many more victims for the relatives of those who were murdered
Driver arrested in La Zenia after trying to run over a Local Policeman The Rojales Local Police has arrested a man after he fled after allegedly trying to run over a police officer while carrying out a breathalyser control in the municipality. As the driver sped away the police gave chase pursuing him for more than 20 kilometres, between Ciudad Quesada (Rojales) and La Zenia (Orihuela Costa). The man, about 45 years old, was finally caught outside Petsworld close the Zenia Boulevard following which he was transferred to the Civil Guard in Almoradí barracks. The events ocurred in the Ciudad Quesada macro-urbanization when the agents stopped a vehicle that initially slowed down. As the officer approached the driver, he abruptly accelerated with the intention of running over him. After avoiding the agent, the vehicle's driver fled, and was quickly followed by the Rojales Local Police patrol vehicles. During the escape, the driver col-
while defending our rights and freedoms”.
of individuals in this grave amounts to 25.
The mayor of Aspe, Antonio Puerto, who is also promoting the work, has said that the location of the bodies " opens hope that these remains may correspond to those shot in 1941, many of them from the town of Aspe".
In another grave 20, close by, seven bodies have been found of the 14 thought to be buried. Of those recovered, four show signs of violence, three of them have bullet holes in the skull and another in the sternum. This grave is thought to house the remains of the 14 people who were murdered between June 26 and August 9, 1941, from Aspe, Callosa de Segura, Ibi, La Unión and Madrid.
In grave 36 work took place during the months of October and November with the aim of recovering the remains of 22 people who were murdered between June 26 and July 17 from 1941, mostly from Aspense and nearby towns. Many of the remains show signs of violence with one victim having a bullet hole in the skull. The laboratory study has confirmed that the minimum number
The driver was finally caught close to Zenia Boulevard
lided with several cars and a moped. The pursuit took place along several roads eventually reaching La Zenia in the Orihuela Costa urbanisation where the agents cornered him in a public car park. Civil Guard patrols also took part in the chase. According to a spokesman, during his flight the driver ignored traffic signals and drove recklessly putting the welfare of many other vehicles and their passengers at risk.
Currently there are approximately 400 people from different Alicante towns who have never been traced following their disappearance as victims of Franco's repression, through numerous executions following a summary trial.
Navy Ships laid to rest in the Mediterranean After almost 40 years of service, two Spanish Navy boats built in Cartagena took part in their final mission this week, one which saw them sunk to the depths of the Mediterranean. The two Alpha India class training ships were built at the Cartagena Arsenal in the 1980s, when it had its own shipyard, the Ramo de Casco, located inside the military headquarters. This week, their journey came to an end, when the navy used them for target practice during the LANMIS-ARMEX-BOMBEX exercise which took place all last week across the Med. The two obsolete ships ended their watch close to the Balearic Islands, but not before returning to Cartagena to say goodbye to the city where they were built. They arrived in the port on Saturday on the dock of the amphibious assault ship Castilla, where they remained until Tuesday, when the tugboat La Graña set sail for the Balearics. 17 arrests across Spain
Guardia Civil Detains One of the Most Wanted Drug Traffickers The Guardia Civil, acting out their Operation MVRAND, has dismantled one of the most important criminal organisations in relation to the introduction of narcotics and money laundering in Europe. A total of 17 people have been arrested, 11 of them of Spanish nationality and 6 Moroccan, in the 16 searches that have been carried out in the provinces of Barcelona, Pontevedra and Cádiz. Among the detainees is the leader of this organisation and the main objective of the operation, FAA, a Moroccan citizen who is considered directly responsible in our country for the introduction of 4,300 kilograms of hashish in San Pedro del Pinatar and 1,800 kilograms of cocaine on the Galician coasts, both in 2021, appearing as a target of interest also for the main international anti-drug trafficking agencies. In addition, he is considered responsible for the introduction of 1,004 kilograms of cocaine on the El Jadida coast of Morocco in December 2018, for which two of the detainees in this operation had an International Detention Order in force.
Albergue Animal Shelter, Torrevieja.
Smudge has been returned to his happy owner. In September he escaped in the Herrada area near Almoradi and was taken in by the Shelter some 4 weeks later. In the meantime his mum had to return to England. A volunteer found he had a Microchip but it had not been updated fully. This volunteer posted the story and photo on her FB, which was viewed by a friend of the owner. She duly contacted the Shelter to arrange a foster home for him while she made the necessary arrangements to have him brought to England.
Have you got space for a big one? Who is loving, fun and only 10 months.
He arrived there a few days ago. However, this story goes to prove not only how useful it is to have your animal micro-chipped but to also ensure that you update it.
The this beauty is for you. For more info on Sari, contact 966710047 (leave a message) or email
For further information contact our Facebook page concejalía de protección animal de torrevieja or by email -
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
637 227 385
El Limonar School Christmas concert at Zenia Boulevard fter a blank year when it comes to public musical performances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our students and teachers starred in our annual Christmas concert which brought together hundreds of students, families, residents and a crowd of curious onlookers who were doing their Christmas shopping.
The concert was performed by two bands from the Music@ELIS School of Music, directed by the school teachers themselves and coordinated by the teacher Ana María Campoy.
two other bands of students from the school, led by Karen Blagbrough (Music teacher); a students’ batucada (African and South American percussion) directed by Simon Roberts (school headteacher) and, as a culmination, our recently formed staff choir. The entire educational community has devoted itself to supporting this event, with a total of 18 students represented aged from 8 to 15 years with a variety of nationalities including: Chinese, Russian, Belgian, Spanish, English and Italian. All songs were performed in English, our school main language, with a classic and modern repertoire of Christmas carols, original pieces and songs from different countries. A lighthearted touch was provided by a Christmas version of the Ramones song “I dont wanna fight tonight”, as well as a Christmas batucada. The audience enjoyed 40 minutes of music during which teachers and students demonstrated their skills on a variety of instruments, including ukuleles, pianos, guitars
(electric, bass), drums and percussion. Both teachers and students attended this event after having practiced for weeks in their music lessons; the batucada team, during their breaks after lunch, and teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays after lessons. The school was filled with a cozy atmosphere in the days leading up to the concert, with music everywhere in the air, which has made it easier for the school community to face with a better attitude the stress that usually arises on these exam dates. “For us it is a pleasure to have performed again in Zenia Boulevard in what represents the return of a very important activity for the entire school community, where our students can share their joy and musical knowledge with their families and neighbors, and which reflects the importance that we give to this subject in our school curriculum”, stated Simon Roberts, our school headteacher.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
his is not a good time to be suffering from trypanophobia, and I can tell by the look on your face that you were just about to make some remark to that effect yourself. I must say I admire your grasp of medical terminology. When I was a schoolboy, a needle to me meant a piece of magnetised steel in a compass. Or a stylus following a groove in a record, enabling Olympic high jumper Johnny Mathis to reach the top notes in songs like 'Misty' and 'On a Clear Day You Can See Forever,' which rather cancel each other out. Johnny is 83 now, so probably doesn't jump any more, except at sudden unmelodious noises. For those who fear needles, a pandemic can be a nightmare of terror and indecision, like taking a driving test after a single driving lesson. Who in his right mind would do that? I passed, though. Even Clark Kent should be reluctant to submit to vaccination, because it might reveal his true identity as the Man of Steel. "That's another broken needle! What's going on?" People who suffer from belonephobia -- that's one more new word we both know now -- begin to imagine they see needles everywhere. They read about Captain Ahab planting a harpoon in a white whale, then doing it a second time,
and they tell their therapist, "That whale was doublejabbed!" Moby is an albino mocha whale, the chief mate is called Starbuck, and the third mate is Flask -product placement reminiscent of a James Bond film.
Sherlock Holmes "abhors the dull routine of existence" more than he fears injections, and his preferred method is self-administration. In the absence of stimulating cases to solve, he used morphine or cocaine, the latter in a seven-percent solution. Both drugs were legal and easily obtainable in 19th century England. I believe that's still half true nowadays.
Ignoring her own surname, the Australian serial killer Martha Needle delivered her fatal doses in poisoned food. And you may remember Claus von Bülow, whose American heiress wife often became comatose at Christmas? Just after her insulin injections? Administered by Claus? But apparently Claus was not guilty of attempted murder. And there is a Santa Claus.
ters. If you are a bored consulting detective, to cite just one example, it is probably best to avoid a solution that includes any percentage of cocaine whatsoever.
And I'm starting to feel a bit afraid of needles myself. I hope I'm not coming down with a bad case of aichmophobia. Who would have thought there were so many names for being a reluctant pincushion?
What makes me apprehensive are people who carelessly refuse vaccination and by doing so, put me and others at risk. I listen to their reasoning but there is something vital missing. Like Bogart without Bacall. Rolls minus Royce. Don Quixote on his own. Or like clowns who tumble out of circus cars dressed as firemen, one of them clutching a bugle. It is difficult to take them seriously, not that I do much of that anyway.
But no, needles are our comrades in arms. It is what is put into them -- and by extension, into us -- that mat-
These refuseniks give the rest of us the needle, when they are the ones who really should be getting it.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
637 227 385
Montesinos Launches Online Business Directory The Department of Commerce of Los Montesinos council has launched a new business directory "that will help anyone find the services or products they are looking for in the town," according to the head of the department, Ana Belén Juárez.
Poppy Appeal shows€11k increase on Orihuela Costa The Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion have revealed the total of monies collected locally during their annual Poppy Appeal. At a short ceremony held during the branch monthly meeting last week Poppy Appeal coordinator, Eddie Coleman, announced that the total collected was €32.671. Despite losing over 60 outlets that would normally take part in the collection the branch exceeded the 2020 total by over €11,000, a remarkable achieve-
ment considering the situation with regard to Covid.
who find themselves in need.
This was due in no small way to the support of both the supermarket chain and the local golfing fraternity that accounted for a large proportion of the total.
Further sums were raised locally by the Torrevieja and the Gran Alacant and La Marina Branches which will also provide further support in the District of Spain North.
All of the monies raised will be spent locally providing welfare and support to British and Commonwealth military veterans and their families
More information on the Royal British Legion and local Branches can be found at
among which, 52.8% are women and 47.2% are men. Attacks on the medical community continue to be worrisome, since until December 2021 there have been 21 attacks on doctors.
College of Physicians says lack of Doctors more evident because of Covid The lack of doctors in the Valencian Community has become more evident during 2021 due to the incidence of covid-19, yet despite this deficit that has been dragging on for years, the medical community has continued to work tirelessly, according to the annual report by the College of Physicians of Valencia (ICOMV).
tunities must be taken into account. In 2021 about 30 doctors went to work abroad, mainly to Colombia, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.
"There is a shortage of doctors, and this is aggravated by the increase in aging within the Valencian population. In addition, since March 20 we must add the physical and mental consequences derived from the pandemic and suffered by medical personnel."
Valencian medicine is becoming increasingly feminised, since at present the ICOMV has 16,800 members,
In 2021, some 500 new members have been registered, including young MIR doctors who are starting their professional career and doctors who arrived from abroad to work in Valencia, but about 250 have retired. Furthermore, in the short and medium term, a high percentage of doctors will retire, due to the aging of Valencian medical professionals, sources have indicated, adding that in 2021 53.8% of Valencian doctors are over 50 years of age. In addition to aging, doctors who go abroad in search of better job oppor-
On the other hand, in 2021 some 200 foreign doctors have come to Valencia to work, most of them from Colombia, Argentina and Cuba.
However the sources emphasise that this figure is not real, as the statistics only include the attacks that are reported and, many times, for fear of the consequences, doctors and health personnel do not report the events through the legal channels.
CHRISTMAS CHEER: Guitarist-singer Peter Taylor and drummer Steve entertained visitors to La Taska Los Montesinos during the Christmas festive season under the stage name Taylor Stachini.
"The directory, which can be viewed at, allows filtering by business areas. Furthermore, once registered, companies and professionals can update photos and promotions to make their offer more attractive”, continued Juárez, who highlighted the complexity of the task to carry out this project: “first we obtained a list of the companies and businesses registered in Los Montesinos and then the ETFORMEM students have visited them personally to collect data on them, in order to provide updated information. Subsequently, all this data had to be transferred to an intranet to later give individualised access to the companies themselves so that they have control of their directory pages and can include the images and offers they deem appropriate at all times”, she stated.
Constant long queues at the Orihuela Costa Centro Salud
“The objective of all this work, which has been coordinated by the Los Montesinos Local Development and Employment Agency, has been to value the economic potential that we have in the municipality, both commercially and in services, since on the website we can see that we can buy almost any product or activity without leaving the town. This is what we see when we review the Directory and see the 200 companies or professionals who have decided to be part of it", said Juárez, who has been hopeful that this tool "will serve to reactivate the local economy, which needs support after these very difficult times created by the pandemic”. Along with the launch of the directory, the Department of Commerce is going to launch a publicity campaign on social networks in order to multiply the impact and reach the largest number of people. In addition, Juárez has reported, the directory can also be reached through a link on the municipal website.
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Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Living means forever in Season
February is just around the corner and soon the Earth begins to take notice. Snowdrops and primroses will chance sticking their necks out of the ground. Lambs will go ‘buck-lepping’ around the field and the signs are up that life is starting all over again.
There is something so up-lifting in spring that it invigorates the human heart. The 30 days of April always seem to me to pass in a blur. May, and the early start of summer is such a lovely fresh period of the year. Everywhere is new life and this is all before the weeds decide to take us on, and remind us that nothing in life is absolutely perfect.
My Spanish sojourn in La Zenia gave me 320 days of sunshine in the year. Most expats live in Spain for that same sunshine – and fair play to them. Lying on the beach studying cloud-formation is the ultimate relaxation for a great number of people. Same as there are folks in Canada drawn to the snow-covered regions to enjoy snowmobiling, skiing, skating, hunting and icefishing.
Autumn used always be a time of ‘gathering in’ and maybe the most satisfying season of all. In the long ago, the turf-shed would be filled; turnips and mangolds ‘pitted’ and before there were hay-sheds, the cocks and reeks of hay in the haggard gave total reassurance against whatever the wicked winter might throw up against man and beast.
Man is undoubtedly the most adaptable animal on Planet Earth. Even in my own little world, I have managed to live through 40® below in Canada and 40® above in Spain. Now, this is as good a place as any to insert the line that I don’t want to live anywhere with 40 degrees either way. Nor do I wish to ever be located where hazardous weather extremes are so severe that it seriously endangers life. The deadly tornado which razed parts of Kentucky and half a dozen other US states last week, is one more compelling reminder of how blessed we are to live in a temperate climate in Ireland. One of the things I love most about Ireland are the four seasons and the ever-changing variance of the days that make up our year. Yes, I know we talk about the weather too much: We complain about it, ridicule RTE weather forecasters, and are forever apologising to foreign visitors for being so unlucky to find themselves here on a wet day. STOP IT! …. The facts are that we are privileged to be living in ‘God’s garden!’ Every one of our four seasons has its own unique benefits and pleasures. Even the darkest depths of winter has
silage? Or sheep grazing away, oblivious to the crazy man-made world around them?
here I worked in Northern Canada, the snow came to stay around the third week in October. ‘Break-up’ arrived at the end of March the following year, bringing with it an end to six months of snow-banks and dazzling white landscapes.
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much to offer – so let us start there… This week we welcome the shortest day of the year and you are sure to hear somebody complain that they ‘hate the long nights.’ I don’t; maybe because it is a time to slow down and rest my body. I love the cosiness of the house on a winter’s night. Sure, winter is barren and devoid of life in the great outdoors, but we know it won’t be long before the hibernating flora and fauna will overcome the dark winter landscape.
will it be before someone remarks to you; ‘you won’t find until there is a stretch in the evenings!’ Like I said, I love the changing seasons and I do try to live in the ‘now.’ In my younger days we had the pleasure of seasonal foods, but nowadays, with so much of our fruit and veg imported, eating seasonal fare is not so much a part of what we are. When you live on a farm, the seasons mean far more to us and are more pronounced. Right now, is there anything more therapeutic than just standing there and watching contented cows eating
I am not a 320 days of sunshine man – and maybe that is because I get bored with sameness. The four seasons of my home place constantly bring new sounds, feelings and smells.
It never mattered how bad the winter came, as long as we had sufficient ‘food and fire. ’Now they give us colour warnings to tell us how bad the day is, and every strong breeze has a name. ‘Yellow, Orange or Red’ … we will be Ok, because, thank God, there are no life-threatening tornados here. Even the red alert is nothing worse than what used to be a ‘hoor of a day’!! Don’t Forget The highest values are priceless.
Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s
There is always something to look forward to, but I wonder is the downside of looking forward is that we wish a lot of the present away?
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
As soon as we cross over into January, how long
Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a
637 227 385 for info.
Pomegranate fruit and drink at Christmas time! Pomegranate are attractive to all pollinators, with glossy leaves, red-brown bark, and scarlet red, tubeshaped flowers. Best of all it produces a delicious edible fruit and drink that goes down at treat at Christmas time!
Plant in late Spring after any chance of frost, in well-draining soil. It's not too picky on soil, as its able to thrive in a wide variety from acid loam, preferred to poor quality alkaline types. Fertilise in November and March in the first two years of planting, after which fertiliser is not required, as too much can result in a poor harvest.
Pomegranate is perfect for the sunniest and warmest locations in the garden, getting at least six hours of full sun daily.
It takes around two to three years for a pomegranate tree to produce a proper harvest.
The pomegranate tree is drought tolerant, although irrigation will be required for fruit production. Water deeply every two to four weeks during the dry season.
either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call
However, be careful not to overwater, as excess water can lead to a poor harvest and the fruit will also be more prone to splitting.
The fruits have a red, leathery rind, and the sweet, jewel like seeds are full of antioxidants having many health benefits.
They can range from a dwarf shrub, which will grown up to 3 feet, to a tree of up to 30 feet in height!
books are available at half price, on sale from
The fruits are ready to be picked when the colour has developed, into a matte rather than glossy sheen and change from a round to a more hexagonal shape, making a metallic sound when tapped. Always use a pair of pruning shears to cut the stem above the fruit, instead of pulling it off, to avoid damaging the fruit. Regular pruning of branches, especially in the first
few years, will help to encourage healthy new shoots develop and a more abundant harvest. Once established, simply prune any dead branches.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Cruising fr om Alicante
Alicante will be the port of embarkation for a new MSC Cruise during the 2022 summer season featuring a new 11-day, 10 -night, itinerary through the Western Mediterranean, from June to October. The cruise will be aboard, which has a capacity of 3,223 passengers and approximately 1,300 crew members. The cruise will depart Alicante on 12 occasions and will undoubtedly have a significant economic impact on the local economy during the ship's season. With this announcement, MSC Cruises, the third largest cruise company in the world, and a market leader in Europe, South America and South Africa, in its ongoing commitment to national ports, has also confirmed that MSC Orchestra will use Malaga as its port for boarding this cruise, which will allow more Spaniards to enjoy a safe and quality vacation in the Mediterranean in a comfortable and accessible way. The cruise will include visits to Olbia, Genoa, Marseille, Cádiz, Lisbon, Menorca, and Malaga,
in addition to Alicante and full days at sea. Fernando Pacheco, CEO of MSC Cruises in Spain, said “ We are very happy to announce this new itinerary, which demonstrates the company's commitment to Spanish ports and destinations, and which will offer great opportunities to bring the destinations of southern Spain closer to cruise passengers from all over the world. Both travel agents and clients have been asking us to make Alicante a port of embarkation for a long time and we are happy to be able to do this and also to return to work with our local suppliers”. The president of the Alicante Port Authority, Juan Antonio Gisbert, added that “for the port and the city it is great news that a company, with the prestige of MSC Cruises, will use Alicante as a port of embarkation. It means that the efforts made by the Port Authority and the City Council are bearing fruit, in offering our best image, attractiveness and potential, to the travellers who visit us”.
Alicante rail freight boost with London The service about to depart from Alicante
A month since the launch of the weekly direct freight train service for perishable products from to London, the company operating the service say that it is going very well, so much so, according to their spokesman in the port of Alicante, Jesus Aznar, that, "We hope to open a second weekly frequency." So far there have been five departures to the UK since the beginning of November, all of which have been completely full, while the average occupancy in the opposite direction (from London to Alicante) seems constant at 50%. This line, which was created after the UK left the EU, leaves Alicante every Friday at 11:30 am and arrives at London-Barking station on
Monday at 8 am. The goods, however, are not available for delivery until 11 because of customs procedures, making the total transit time for the 1,700 kilometres journey between Alicante and London just 72 hours. "We hope to reduce the transit time in the coming weeks by delaying the departure until 2:00 pm on Friday, which would allow the fruit and vegetable shippers to load their products that same morning," the TMS manager stated. Aznar also added, "We think that the UK's growing transport problem will help consolidate this service and, very shortly, we'll be able to open a second weekly frequency, which would depart on Tuesdays."
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
637 227 385
Church of England in Torrevieja Looking forward to Christmas The Church of England in Torrevieja is looking forward to a much more “normal” celebration of Christmas this year. “Last year we weren´t able to sing our favourite Christmas carols,” said Father Richard A. Seabrook SSC, “but this year we can and that will be so wonderful!” Last year, because of the restrictions, singing wasn´t possible. “Even though masks still have to be worn,” continued Father Seabrook, “at least we will be able to praise God through song for the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“We´re not having a Midnight Mass this year because we have to deep clean the church after each service and that’s a bit grim at 1am.” Fr Seabrook
Mingle Bells" Rings Out Festive Cheer! Such was the success of "Mingle Bells" again this year that somebody has already asked if they can book for 2022 next year!!!! This popular afternoon at the Marina Bar Calle de las Rosas on the 10th Dec started with a two course Christmas lunch followed by a quiz, spot prizes, raffle and the crowd participating in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas", Organizers David and Lorraine Whitney were once again thrilled with the result, raising 317 Euros for The Stroke Association. The total including a generous donation of 50 Euros from a kind lady called Margaret who had personal reasons for donating to this charity. Rita and Dave and their trusty team of helpers at the bar worked hard to provide bar service and provide a delicious meal, Members of "The Phoenix Band" played Christmas Carols and Ned Fagan coaxed his good friend Santa Claus to pop in and serve the diners with mince pies which were generously provided for the event by Iceland Overseas Supermarket. Now it is time for a short break for David & Lorraine to recharge their batteries ready for new events in 2022 so watch this space. In closing they would like to thank everybody who helped to make this event so memorable. The photo shows Santa serving mince pies at the event.
The Church of England will be holding three special services over the Christmas period at La Siesta Ecumenical Church, Calle Granados, Urbanización La Siesta, Torrevieja. On Monday 20th there is a traditional Nine Lessons and Carols service at 1800. On Christmas Day, Saturday 25th, there is a Mass (celebration of the
Holy Eucharist) in English at 1030 and on Sunday 26th December the Eucharist will be celebrated at 1400.
No Midnight Mass “We´re not having a Midnight Mass this year because we have to deep clean the church after each service and that’s a bit grim at 0100 but I do look forward to welcoming people to the three services we have,” said Father Seabrook, “please do come along and celebrate with us. I will be delighted to see you.” It has been a busy Advent for the Church of England. “We´ve had our annual Advent Carol Service, Advent lunch, Christmas Quiz and Dinner at San Miguel de Salinas, Carols and Tapas at Lago Jardín, a collection of gift filled shoe boxes for local charities, a donation of 300 euros to Reach Out in Torrevieja, a lunch for the Church of England branch of the Mother´s Union and an eightieth birthday celebration for one of our
Curro’s whistling Christmas! By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 footballer Joni Lorente Hurtado, co-proprietor of bar Casa Pepe, Los Montesinos, is happy to have his parrot Curro looking over his shoulder this Christmas. Named after the famous whistler from the theme of the Clint Eastwood film 'The Good The Bad and the Ugly', Curro, who went missing earlier this year, was found by Los Montesinos mayor José Manuel Butron, on his balcony in the Vega Baja town. "Curro enjoys meeting customers in Bar Pepe after his misdemeanour when he went missing in March," CD Montesinos midfielder Joni told The Leader. Parrot Curro in the bar with Joni
Curro (Kurt) Savoy, whose real name is Francisco Rodriguez, born in 1948 in Andujar, Jaen, is one of the most peculiar Spanish artists, who triumphed on the international stage. His fans call him “El rey del silbido” King of Whistling who started his music career in 1959, playing in rock bands and participating in various medial programmes. He became world famous for imitating
retired priests,” commented Father Seabrook. “Now we are looking forward to the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Eucharist (Mass) is at the heart of this.” “In 2022 I am hoping that we will be able to return to having celebrations of the Eucharist at the little church in Lago Jardín and the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Los Balcones. Both are not in use at the moment but as soon as we can we will be back there,” said Father Seabrook. Details of services in English and other information can be found on Facebook by searching for @anglicantorrevieja or by calling 966 840 136. “I wish everyone a very Happy, Peaceful, and Blessed Christmas,” said Father Seabrook.
the whistle of melodies from spaghetti westerns, including 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'. Curro imitates the great Alessandro Alessandroni (1925-2017), whose whistle can be heard in original soundtracks of Sergio Leone’s movies. Parrot Curro takes a ride on the shoulder of Monte talisman Joni when on his electric scooter in Los Montesinos daily! "Customers at Bar Pepe are looking forward to hearing Curro's whistling this Christmas!," said Joni.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Use of Covid Passports may be extended Despite courts in Andalusia throwing out the introduction of Covid Passports the president of Valencia, Ximo Puig has announced that the regional government is studying expanding the type of establishments in which the Covid Passport will be required.
must learn to "live with the pandemic" by getting immunised with the vaccine and using "a mask, social distance, ventilation and common sense" and he called for responsibility during the celebration of the Christmas holidays.
During a speech last week, the president explained that the government currently has three priority objectives: the protection of health, the creation of employment and the expansion of economic resources for the Valencian Community.
During questions after his speech, the Valencian Head insisted that possible new places where it is being considered are yet to be defined. In any case, he stated, the measure would not affect businesses, adding that they would be places where members of the public are in social contact, and where they can remove the mask at some point. It would therefore be leisure and cultural establishments, such as cinemas, but repeating that the decision is only being studied.
Regarding health protection, Puig insisted that we The president of Valencia, Ximo Puig speaking last week
The president highlighted that the vaccinated population in the Valencian Community is currently 93.3%, which he has described as "the greatest collective achievement in many decades", further explaining that the vaccination of children, whose immunisation began last Wednesday, as well as the provision of the booster dose "as a priority to essential and vulnerable personnel", and "as soon as possible" to those over 40 years of age, are all tools within the current armoury. He also announced that the Valencian Vaccine Research Program (ProVaVac) has incorporated a new line of research on Persistent COVID-19, with which it is intended to evaluate the chronic impact in patients who have overcome the acute disease and deploy care strategies that minimise impact on the population.
Torrevieja Los Verdes want management point for Digital Passports
Aware of the large number of families that
orrevieja Greens have proposed that
With such an initiative, Torrevieja would
the council establishes a municipal
join other municipalities in the Valencian
Covid-19 passport management
Community such as El Campello, València
point so that members of the public who
and Elche that already offer this service so
have to upload or print a covid passport, and
that vulnerable people, or those without the
who do not have the necessary expertise or
necessary equipment and knowledge, can
means, such as Internet connection, comput-
download the certificate necessary to enter
er, printer or scanner, can obtain assistance
many establishments and buildings and so
and carry it out at a central facility.
help them to bridge the digital divide.
are in this situation, Los Verdes de Torrevieja propose to provide solutions to families so as to reduce the queues in health centers for those users who require other procedures.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
’ll be bringing you a slightly shorter ‘Musical Memories’ this week as I’d just like to thank you all for reading & enjoying my Blog, Musical Memories & The Red Carpet throughout the year & thanks to everybody who took part in my Questions & Answers also.
1967 - The Bee Gees performed their Christmas special 'live' from Liverpool Cathedral, it was broadcast on UK TV.
A big thank you to Kevin & everyone at The Leader Newspaper for letting me bring them all to you to read & enjoy.
1976 - Johnny Mathis was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'When A Child Is Born', the singers only UK No.1 & the Christmas hit of that year.
The Abbey Road zebra crossing in North London
1974 - Mud were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with the Chinn & Chapman song 'Lonely This Christmas'.
The feedback has been amazing. I’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas in the sun from a slightly cooler Co Wexford, in the sunny south east of Ireland. I hope you have fun times with your family & friends & keep safe. You’ll be able to catch me on the radio over the festive season on both Fresh Radio Spain & also South East Radio in Ireland so make sure to tune in & say hello. I’ll also be singing on the Live Lounge Costa Blanca FB page. The Bee Gees in Liverpool Cathedral
1981 - At a rock & roll memorabilia auction in London, a stage suit worn by John Lennon sold for £2,300, a letter from Paul McCartney to a fan sold for £2,200 & a Perspex sculpture of John & Yoko was bought by singer Kate Bush for £4,200. 1986 - The Housemartins were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with their version of The Isley Brothers 'Caravan Of Love.' It was only the second a cappella song to be a No.1 hit after 'Only You' by the Flying Pickets. 1991 - James Brown launched an unsuccessful lawsuit against the producers of the movie ‘The Commitments’; claiming one of the characters too closely resembled him. Known as the ‘Godfather Of Soul’, he passed away this week back in 2006 aged 73 after being diagnosed with severe pneumonia. 1995 - American singer, actor & TV host Dean
Martin passed away. He had the 1956 UK No.1 single 'Memories Are Made Of This' plus over 15 other UK Top 40 singles including ‘That's Amore’, ‘Everybody Loves Somebody’, ‘Mambo Italiano’.
637 227 385
recognized for its "cultural & historical importance" following advice from English Heritage. 2012 - 'Gangnam Style' by South Korean musician Psy became the first YouTube video to reach a billion views. 2016 - George Michael died at his home aged 53. Thames Valley Police said South Central Ambulance Service attended a property in Goring in Oxfordshire at 13:42 GMT. The singer who launched his career with Wham in the 1980s & later continued his success as a solo performer, was said to have "passed away peacefully at home"
2010 - The Abbey Road zebra crossing in North London, made famous after appearing on a Beatles album cover was given Grade II listed status. The crossing, the first of its kind to be listed, was being
DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE! Quote: 'It's a very, very proud day. I never dreamt he would get the BEM' - Stevie Spit's mother Pearl
was at Butlin's as a child with his grandparents. Singing on stage. "But when he'd finished his song - he got up to sing another - they had to drag him off the stage!".
By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE
Stevie's nephew, Glasgow born Jordan McLeod told The Leader: "I'm really proud of him. It's lovely he's been able to be a big hit in entertainment. "The British Empire Medal is a big honour, not just for him, but for all of the family.
Entertainer Stevie Spit BEM has made his family Clan in Scotland very proud after being awarded his medal by British Ambassador Hugh Elliott in Orihuela Costa. Stevie - Brian Thomas McLeod - was honoured in The Queen's New Year Honours List in 2019 for his services to charities.
"The family are really proud of him in getting the award for all the work he has done down the years.
His mother Pearl and Nephew Jordan both attended a belated private Red carpet ceremony in La Florida on December 9. Aberdeenshire based Pearl, who works in Victim Support, told The Leader: "It's a very, very proud day. I never dreamt he would get this kind of award. "I have always done voluntary work and found it very rewarding. I told him to concentrate on charity work in Spain, but you never think he's listening to you.
"It's not just about the BEM - but it's always nice when you get the recognition.
Pearl and Jordan McLeod. "But on this occasion he was! The family in Aberdeenshire and throughout Scotland are very, very proud of him." Pearl revealed an insight into Stevie's boyhood, when performing at Butlin's: "He
"I'm so glad that my grandma could come over to Spain and be here to see Brian receive his award." Stevie said: "My mum gave me the best advice - to concentrate on my charity work - not the money, a big house and car, it's not all about that. I'm glad I took her advice."
SEALED WITH A KISS: Stevie Spit BEM and mum Pearl. Photos: Helen Atkinson
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
THE GREEN TRAVELLER Travel sickness, sunburn, hangovers, Spanish tummy, mosquito bites, sleepless nights - who needs them on holiday?
Pack a carefully picked herbal first-aid kit, though and with any luck you will have a hassle-free holiday with no trips to the local pharmacy to spoil your fun. or some luckless people, travel itself is the first health hurdle, and motion sickness can turn a car or sea trip into a nightmare. Much the best remedy - and perfectly safe for children - is ginger: take it an hour before the trip starts, and then every two hours or so.
The easiest way to take it is in the form of powdered ginger in capsules, or you can grate two inches of peeled fresh root into 300ml of limeflower tea: use two tea bags and infuse for five minutes, covered, in the boiling water, then drink a cupful before you leave. Take the rest in a thermos flask for occasional swigs during the journey (limeflower tea is also soothing for the nervous stomach). Some people find that chewing crystallised ginger does the trick, and I've even known people swear by straight ginger ale. Try chewing crystallised ginger prior to travelling
When our eighteen-year-old daughter went off to India in her gap year, I gave her a packet of garlic pills and begged her to take one every day. To her (and our) surprise she returned without having suffered a single day of Delhi belly, despite such indiscretions as milk shakes on the beach at Kerala. Garlic is a potent bactericide, working to prevent any infection starting up in your gut - and beefing up your immune defences into the bargain.
If you or your children dread travelling by plane - quite a common problem - pack some of Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy in your hand-baggage: this mix of flower essences is fantastically effective at calming apprehension, panic, terror. On a flight some time ago, I sat next to a woman who before takeoff was shaking and literally white with terror; I gave her some Rescue Remedy, and she calmed down enough to relax for the rest of the flight.
Air travel, incidentally, can leave your skin completely dehydrated so pack a tiny spray bottle filled with your favourite flower water for use on the plane. Rose would be a great choice. Unwashed fruit or salads, contaminated shellfish, dodgy meat, too many chemicals in the cheap local vino, even the local drinking water (and the ice made from it in your gin and tonic): any of these can bring on the cramps, the nausea and the misery of travellers' diarrhoea.
Grated raw apples are a common country cure for diarrhoea: pectin, the soluble fibre in apples, helps soak up toxins and soothe the gut. Drink plenty of water, meanwhile; preferably bottled. If the diarrhoea isn't any better after a couple of days - especially in the case of small children - or if there's blood in your stool, seek medical help. Holiday hell is the whine of bloodthirsty mosquitoes during a hot and sleepless night. If your bedroom isn't mosquitoproofed, you'll need to wear an effective repellent. I dislike deet-based ones and my favourite is a natural, delicious-smelling moisturiser called Alfresco. It contains a range of essential oils formulated by a clever lady who once worked at London's Chelsea Physic Garden and passed rigorous testing at the London School of Tropical Medicine. Numbers of film stars working in bug-ridden locations have sworn by it - including Mel Gibson when filming Braveheart in the midge-ridden moors of Scotland. The essential oil of lavender works both as repellent and bite-soother: a few drops on your pillow, or in a burner beside your bed, will repel the mozzies as well as helping you sleep, and you can apply it neat to bites and stings. (That bottle of lavender oil should be wrapped up tight in cling film before packing, by the way, unless you want your entire holiday wardrobe to smell of lavender.) Hangover? Go back to your favourite bar the morning after, and ask the sympathetic barman for a tot of Ferret Branca, an Italian liquor based on a wide range of digestive herbs, and a tried-and-tested hangover remedy.
I never travel without a herbal remedy based on I never travel without a herbal remedy based on tormentil tormentil, which is a little yellow-flowered weed remarkably high in tannins. These astringent chemicals work to calm diarrhoea by reducing inflammation in your inflamed and irritated gut. Prickly brambles supply another popular old country diarrhoea remedy - the thin bark of blackberry roots is also rich in tannins, and even the fruit has been known to work. There are tannins in common tea, too, but as a diarrhoea remedy, drink it black. Green tea is even better.
NEXT WEEK: Pets in peak form
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
637 227 385
or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits
e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising
new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396
PERSONAL Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints
(Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro.
Self Employed Experienced Car Salesman - No employment contract required. An experienced new and used car salesman looking for full or part time work in the costa blanca area. Fully autonomous I can run your showroom or car front or just help out during busy periods or cover holidays with 5 star customer service. Also available for driven vehicle collection and delivery across Europe and the UK. Please call or email for more info: 0034 680 299 927 (3/8)
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The January Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 20 Jan at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur
is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or
Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 Transvestite Diana, blonde,
Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
CARLA... SO SWEET ARGENTINIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 73 01 29
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
Tel. 603 375 215
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
2 outs, Gordon Cowan, 100,140,134, and Carlos Escansiano, 180 and a 136 out, T20,T20,D8. Paul Chick was the Doms lone leg winner on D4, plus numerous high board visits, Ray Hayes in usual good form. MOTM Escansiano - Chick. HELLRAISERS V TOAD'S TOPPERS This match was won in the 7th leg without reply from the Raisers by Andy Gildea on D8, after 99,100. The hosts managed just the one leg from skipper and Master baker, Cheryl McGlynn in the 11th, on D2 following an excellent 131 set up shot.
FOR 16 DECEMBER - WEEK 11 Tipsy Toad Tiaras Danny's Bar Mind The Gap Hub Hellraisers Ale House Totties El Capitan CC's Flyers Freakie Taverners
9-3 7--5 11-1 1-11 2-10 8-4 5-7 8-4
Pint Depot Queens Boris' Bears Domino's Desperados Tipsy Toad Toppers Ale House Lads Milo's Hub Hyenas Wee Rock Horrors
14/12/2021 Boris' Bears
Domino's Desperados
LEAGUE TABLE 16/12/21 WEEK 11 P Pts Mind The Gap 11 21 Hub Hyenas 11 20 El Capitan 11 19 Ale House Lads 11 18 Tipsy Toad Toppers 11 16 CC's Flyers 11 14 Danny's Bar 11 13 Freakie Taverners 11 13 Milos 11 10 Wee Rock Horrors 11 10 Boris' Bears 11 8 Tipsy Toad Tiaras 11 6 Hub Hellraisers 11 4 Domino's Desperados 11 2 Ale House Totties 11 2 Pint Depot Queens 11 0
HIGHEST CHECK-OUTS: James Brown 154 (T20-T18-D20) Carlos Escanciano 136 (T20-T20-D8) Edmundas Klimonis 103 (T20-11-D16) Amanda Skinner 86 (20-T10-D18)
Legs 114 98 101 85 88 82 81 69 63 63 67 42 34 30 30 25
16/12 16/12 14/12
180's - Carlos Escanciano, Dario Sierra
Welshman Gerwen Price started slowly in the defence of his world title in this years opener at Ally Pally, eventually finding his rhythm to progress to the next round. lt was however two youngsters 25 year old Scot, William Borland and Englands Bradley Brooks, 21, who were talk of the town after their 1st round clash. Exhibition darts, 10 and 11 dart 501's,maximums, plus 3 figure outs, resulted in a 2 set all, 2 leg all 5th leg decider. Both rapid throwers, the leg lasted under 2 minutes, Borland scoring 180,177,144 out for an amazing 9 darter, Brooks only having 2 throws.
Dannys enjoyed their 6th league victory of the season this week at the expense of the Bears. Two early triples wins from Steve Collins D7 and Paul Hudson D2, gave Dannys a healthy advantage, Yvonne Roufignac replying with a 133 and a 3rd triple D4. By taking the first 2 pairs, through Mike Fellows D18 and Barry Shingler D4, Bears found themselves ahead for the 1st and only time. Dannys Ken Gaskin D4, gained the 3rd pair to level at the break. Alan Walker added a 140 to an earlier 3 figure score, taking the 1st single, Bob Smith made it 5-3 with 95,140,D16, Dave Spencer ensuring a point for the hosts on D5. Shingler halted the slide with a very nice 65 out, but to no avail as Steve Lumb got the all important 7th on D4 for the match. Ron Chadwick continued his evenings fine form, winning the 12th with a 65 out. MOTM - Smith - Roufignac. GAP V DOMINOS Having played all the top teams, Doms will find the remaining matches prior to the 2 division split, a little easier. Gaining a single leg in this game is one more than 2nd placed Hyenas could muster a few weeks ago. Gap are a very strong side illustrated by their all round team scoring and clinical finishing. Sam Salt,140,125,100, 2x80+ and D18,D20,D15. Bliss Wright, 140,2x100, 3x80+, James Brown, 2x140,3x100,
Best of the bunch from the Toppers, Lee Maiden, 3x100, D20,D10, Hugh Galloway, 3 game shots, and Paddy Winterbourne,100,140, plus 3 outs. Sue Spiers gave a good account of herself on the 19's, hitting 3x95, 89 and somehow busting 124. Lesley Dolling's 100,114,83 unable to be converted into a win. MOTM - McGlynn - Winterbourne. ALE HOUSE TOTTIES V ALE HOUSE LADS Very few scores of note from the Totties, but two winning doubles from Sharon Williams and Nikki Dean overcoming Eugene Lane in her singles on D8, meriting the MOTM award. Highlight of the match from the Lads point of view, their 1st pair featuring Thomas Harrison and Dario Sierra, the latter helping himself to 140,180, D1 and taking the 7th leg for both points. Creditable performances from Dale McGuiness, 2x100 and a couple of outs, Andre Wing 140, D10 and a 56 out, Sierra nominated MOTM for the Lads, Dean for Totties. C.C.'S FLYERS V HUB HYENAS The hosts certainly got off to a flyer by taking the triples 2-1, with 140's from John McKay,Matt Smith, Suso and Jesus Madrid, the latter including D4, Dougie Adkins D20. Hyenas response, John Eyre 140,100, Alex Nikolov a 60 out.
D6. Now 5-4 up requiring one win for a point, Hub's Dylan Fitzsimmons 100, 100, 99, D20, made it all square. Durrant just squeezed out McKay on D6,D13, for 5-6, leaving the By Paul Durrant spoils down to the 12th leg. Adkins 125,100 were matched by Alan Havelocks 2x100, the Hyena completing his 501 on D8. MOTM Jesus Fitzsimmons. EL CAPITAN V MILOS At 5-4 and three to play the result could have gone either way, to Milos regret it went the way of the hosts. Vycka Bobinnas D18, Ed Klimonis 135,100,83 and a tasty 103 out, followed by 2x140, D8, from Andres Liamazares concluded this high scoring game. At 4-0 down, Milos had hauled themselves back into it with wins via Steve Bailey D4, Rory Byrne 101, D18 and Chelsea Campbell, 99,140 and an excellent T10,D18 out. New signing Alejandro Alcaraz figured with 100,138. Stats - 21 tons, 18 scores of 80+. MOTM - Ed Klimonis - Campbell. FREAKIE TAVERNERS V WEE ROCK HORRORS lt was a bridge too far for Horrors at 4-2 down as the Taverners made sure of the match gaining a further four singles, for an 8-4 result. Ernie Willis 100,D16, Sharon Frain 100 and 56 out, Michelle Halliday D16, Bryan Livesy D4, taking Freakies to half time, Graham Solomans D20 and Mike Tierney replying for Rock, Tony Spiers helping out with 81,81,116. Billy Dolling D20 and Tierney 99,100, D7 Rocks only singles victors, Livesy 100,83, D19 gaining the 7th, victory leg and 2 points for the Taverners. Frain wrapped up the game, enjoying a 62 out on D16. MOTM - Spiers – Frain TIARAS V PINT DEPOT QUEENS
Surprisingly, Hyenas managed all 3 pairs, Eyre 100,D6, Durrant D12, Nikolov D4, Eric Manders throwing a 140. Plenty of tons from Smith, McKay and Jesus wasted.
Some good individual performances this week from both ladies teams, Queen Debbie (MOTM) had the Wright formula78, 79, 82 with D17 out also narrowly succumbing to Wenday Hayward's D19 in her singles.
At 2-4 down, C.C.'s put the pressure on winning the first 3 singles via Smith 20,D20, Jesus 140,D20 and Suso 135,
Elizabeth Cowan (100) gained the accolade for the home team with solid scoring in her 4 appearances.
Military versus Civilians ‘kick about’ in Nairobi, in full referees kit resulted in a phone call inviting him to control a National league match, with a view to further appointments. lt was the equivalent of the English charity Shield and to his horror This weeks subject is none other than the faced an 80,000 crowd in the National Leaders proprietor and editor. Having Nairobi Stadium. He fortunately passed the retired to Spain some 20 years ago from assessment and refereed many more the tailoring business, he recalls many matches during his 3 years in Kenya, with stories, the only printable one, measuring Starting work on this crowds of between 10 and 60,000, for the inside legs of dancer Lionel Blair and week’s edition the princely sum of 50p a game. comedian Arthur Askey (fancy admitting Not forgetting his military past Kevin was to that). Fed up with a 12 golf handicap and suffering from instrumental in setting up the Orihuela branch of the Royal British Legion 12 years ago, so far raising close to half a boredom, he and son Neil, started the newspaper in 2004. million euros. Married to Liz for 50 years they have 3 sons, Neil, born in On a personal note, Kevin says you can't beat an English Leeds, Stewart, in Germany and Denis in Brunei, the reabreakfast, but any Oriental dish for dinner. Although revealson, Kevin was in the military, eventually reaching the rank ing Kenya as a favourite country, the Ryder Cup in USA of Major. would be his preferred sporting event. His responsibilities included training infantry units in the Before returning home his 3 dinner guests would be 1974 Kenyan bush, survival skills and tracking, which included World Cup ref, Jack Taylor, singer Helen Shapiro and Born Rangers from many of the big game parks. Free conservationist George Adamson. Oh and by the way he watches tv darts. Having achieved league status as a football referee, a
Tiara Sharon Crane, their new signing for this season, is gaining in confidence and letting her darts experience shine through finishing both the legs she played in D16 and D20. Pint-sized Vi Turner (86) and Ronnie Bowden (104) brought their highnesses to within spitting distance of a check-out in the pairs but Denise green (112, 84), sporting little more than some snazzy tights beneath a large belt and Lisa (Des O'Connor tan) Ivill's D10 put an end to that. A healthy lead of 5 - 1 to the Tiaras at half time put them in fine spirits to snatch the match. Simone de Lacy accomplished a 3/3 finishing performance despite woeful scoring and Pat Schofield (D3) brought the final Tiara Tally to 9 legs. Lorraine Cox (102) borrowed Debbie's boots to gain height but no advantage in the singles but Queen Marie Dunne had a rapid-fire 19-D8 in hers with young Jade Hockton (D12) grabbing the 3rd and final leg for the Queens. From myself, Simone and the committee a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful Christmas.
VACCINATION CERTIFICATES Please make sure you have your vaccination certificates (QR code) to hand now until 3rd January. Bars and restaurants with an internal capacity of 50+ will require them for entry.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Vistabella Bowls Club
by Brian Zelin
Carol and Gary Thorpe organised last week’s Christmas Fancy Dress match
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MONTE MAR BOWLS & SOCIAL CLUB Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry and Sunrise Builders. ELVIS TRIBUTE ARTIST - After having to been cancelled twice Elvis (Gary Foley) finally appeared at the Alonia restaurant. What a wonderful afternoon enjoyed by all who attended, well waiting for !!!!! Even better Elvis will be back at the Alonia 13th February 2022, there is information on the notice board at the bowls club. RACE AFTERNOON - As the last race afternoon was so successful the social committee decided to oganise another one. Once again it was enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you to Kevin and Tony for organising the races and Dave for his kind donation to the club. TURKEY CHASE - The annual Turkey chase was well supported, everyone wore something relating to Christmas and enjoyed a fun morning. Des Freeman won the ladies turkey and Jack Burrell the mens, the eggs were won by Jean Chamberlain and Paul Saunders. Thank you to Joan and Chris Harding, Jean and Rod Chamberlain who donated the Turkey Crowns, Julia and Ian Hamilton who donated the eggs. The football card was won by Cindy Bedford with Rotherham.
Hi all, Not a lot to report this week as it's Bowls Christmas break, Saturday we held our Christmas fancy dress match, some of the costumes were very good, Mince pie's, Mulled Wine and Cider went down a treat. A big thanks to Carol & Gary Thorpe for all their
hard work for organising the day. At the half way point of the season on Fridays in the C Div the Conquistadors are holding their own, also in the B Div the Picadors are doing well. In the A Div the Lanzadores are top of the League, In the Monday Leagues in the C Div the
Buggies are holding their own, The Drivers in the B Div are doing well, as are the Albatrosses in the A Div. All what is left now is for Sue & Brian to wish all Members of Vistabella Bowls Club a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy & Healthy New Year, and please Stay Safe, and see you all in 2022.
BY STEVE HIBBERD Despite adverse weather conditions, QBCs annual Xmas mufti attracted 18 hardy bowlers. With all 7 rinks in use, static mats, and jacks were in place, with a point for every wood within a yard of the jack, whilst 2 points were on offer for every 'toucher'. Andy Reid top scored on 33 points, so for a true Scotsman, a bottle of brandy was just what the doctor ordered. Sandra Heath in 2nd place took home the wine, whilst bringing up the rear on 7 points, Barry Martyn can now drown his sorrows with a large bottle of beer.
(Members Run Club) by Alan Carr Division (A) The Blues travelled to Quesada for their game against the Swallows, but were unable to secure points on any of the rinks and the game ending 0-10 (Shots 63-87). Division (B) At home the Golds had an afternoon game playing the league leaders Greenland’s Cedars, and the team went into the game hoping to accumulate as many points as possible. The Golds tried hard throughout the match but only won on one to collect two points courtesy of rink winners; Dave Laverick, Wendy & Alan Ralph (21-18). Result 2-8 (Shots 49-86). Division (C) The Silvers home game was postponed against Country Bowls Cubs which will be rearranged. Internal Games
We enjoyed a few drinks in the Rincon followed by a Carol sing along and nibbles. The football card was won by Neil Crawford with Celtic. Thank you Cindy for organising a lovely fun day. PORTICO MAR - On Saturday 11th December bowling and social members enjoyed lunch at the Portico Mar restaurant. After a delicious lunch the Christmas raffle took place the winners of the hampers were, Pat and Bill Winterburn, Sheila and Stuart Swallow, Caryl and John Williams.
FUN COMPETITION AND CAROL SING ALONG - On Wednesday 8th December we played a fun competition of trips over twelve ends. After the competition Cindy presented the winning team Sue, Mick and Jack with a Christmas pudding and brandy well done to all.
Thorton Chocolates and Cava-Rita Towle, Belfry Vouchers, John Freeman and Terry Nafzegar. Christmas cake, Pudding and wineChris Harding. Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to the ladies of the social club for organising such a wonderful afternoon. For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at We are also on Facebook. Carol singing
The Christmas Hamper games came to an end on Thursday after two months of play and congratulations to the winners who were awarded the largest hampers, the team were; Robert Heath, Alan Ralph, Brian Gardiner & Jean Cooper. All of the other teams were given different size hampers depending on their finishing position. Thanks to Wendy & Alan Ralph for all the hard work involved in preparing so many hampers. On Sunday 26th December a Christmas leftovers fun game has been arranged for interested members, festive dress is the order of the day, afterwards drink and food will be available. On Monday 20th December a social day at the tenpin bowling alley has been arranged by Molly, so that the green bowlers can see the difference playing with larger balls on oily lanes, (who will get the first strike!!!). We would like to wish The Leader & members of all the Bowling Clubs a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe & well. Interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club call the President George 865 772 498 or the Captain Wendy 633 068 399 who will give you further information.
Sue, Jack, Mick. Winners of the Fun Day
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
MURCIA ‘the ULTIMATE golf destination’ WE LCOM E TO GOLF I N M U R C IA Geography: Murcia is located in the south eastern corner of Spain covering 11,000 sq km has 45 municipalities with one million inhabitants located between the Valencian region to the north and Andalucian region to the west on the Mediterranean sea and has a saltwater lagoon called the Mar Menor with excellent beaches. Climate: The climate is dry and hot in Summer and mild in winter with temperatures varying from 11 degrees in winter to 40 degrees in summer with an average of 18 degrees and Murcia has 320 days per year of sunshine, the most in Spain. Language: The standard language is Castellon Spanish as taught in UK schools but English is spoken widely in the region.
Standard of living: The cost of living in Murcia is now comparable to that of the UK in many respects but eating out and fresh food are still exceptionally good value in Murcia. Golf Courses: The region of Murcia is blessed with a selection of 16 superb courses suitable for all standards of golfer designed by many of the world’s best golf course designers such as Jack Nicklaus, Dean Putman, Dave Thomas , Seve Ballesteros and Manuel Pinero to name a few and offer a variety of golfing experiences such as the typical resort style with lakes, large bunkers and undulating greens to those based on more of a desert style with rocks and waste areas. The oldest courses in the region are the North, South and West courses on the La Manga Resort under the shadow of the superb 5* Hotel Principe Felipe and host to numerous celebrity and professional golf tournaments for many years. The well documented Jack Nicklaus trail of golf courses including El Valle, Hacienda Riquelme, The Region of Murcia is blessed with a selection of 16 superb golf courses for all standards of golfer.
There is an abundance of excellent quality accomodation available at very reasonable prices is the Jack Nicklaus signature course and located on the outskirts of Murcia city is the beautiful Altorreal golf course which offers in many ways an English style golf experience. Hotels and Accommodation: Murcia is not only a tourist destination but a residential area for many other nationalities that have made this region their home so there are an abundance of apartments and villa’s available for rent in addition to the excellent 4* & 5* hotels such as the Hotel Felipe Principe, Hotel Caleia, Hotel Double Tree Hilton, Hotel 525 and Hotel Puerto Juan Montiel located close to the golf courses in the area and offering golf packages on a stay and play basis. On a similar theme the Residences at Mar Menor, Las Lomas Village at La Manga and the Roda Golf Apartments offer apartment style accommodation for those with a slightly smaller budget or those that prefer a more relaxed style holiday and again offer stay and play packages. Things to do for non-golfers or on rest days:
Getting there: The region is serviced well with two international airports based at Corvera near to Murcia city and Alicante which is a one hour drive. Getting around : The region of Murcia has an excellent network of motorways and main roads linking all the major town and cities and relatively cheap car hire and the highspeed rail links have improved dramatically in recent years and there is a superb bus service to almost everywhere in Spain and taxi’s are readily available.
La Torre and Saurines de La Torre are located close to the RM-19 Autovia de la Mar Menor motorway and offer a mixture of resort and desert style golf. Situated close to the Mar Menor beaches are the superb courses of Roda, which is one of the best manicured courses in Murcia and located close to the Hotel 525 which offers play and stay packages and La Serena which boasts 16 holes with water and just inland the resort style course at Mar Menor located next to the 5* Hotel Caleia. Further to the south of the region are the courses of Lorca, Hacienda del Alamo and Alhama which
For the non-golfers in your group or for your rest days away from the golf course in Murcia and Cartagena the region has cities of great historical significance but also well served by commercial shopping centres such as Thader ,Nueva Condomina, Dos Mares and Espacio Mediterraneo and the beaches on the Mediterranean Sea and Mar Menor are second to none while inland are national parks and mountains where you can find wild boar. Bookings and Reservations: Michael Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services has lived and worked in this region of
Spain since 2004 and is the author of a published book called ‘Golfing Guide to Murcia’ and runs a successful golf agency business and can cater for all your golfing needs here in Murcia.
Enquiries and bookings can be made by visiting the web-site at: or e-mail to or by telephone on (00 34) 966 70 4752 or (00 34) 661 345 931.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
friendly against Lithuania. Fernandez won his first international cap, as Spain won 4-0. He was then part of the Spain squad for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which was delayed, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with Spain winning the silver medal.
Fernandez the 'Bees Knees'
rentford goalkeeper Alvaro Fernandez has stepped-up to fill the gap left by sidelined fellow Spaniard David Raya.
Raya who joined Brentford from Blackburn Rovers in 2019, one of Brentford’s standout performers this season, has been ruled out for up to five months with a knee injury.
end of the 2021-22 season. Thomas Frank, Brentford FC Head Coach, said: “Álvaro is a player with huge potential, and we are very pleased that he has come into our squad and our goalkeeper unit. "This is a signing that makes us stronger as a group and will help push us to a higher level.”
Fernandez, signed from Huesca in the summer, who had only featured in the League Cup, prior to Raya being sidelined, is now set for a lengthy run in the Premier League. “I wish David a good recovery,” said stopper Fernandez, set to be between the sticks for Brentford’s away trip to Brighton on Boxing Day. “We are team-mates but friends as well, we work every day to play," said Fernandez. Fernandez, 23, said: "Now it’s a good opportunity for me, I’m going to try my best and in football you have to be ready always. I’ve worked everyday as hard as possible and I’m ready so let’s go.” Spain International Fernández who played for his country in the Olympic Games this summer, joined The Bees on a one-year loan deal with a Club option to make the move permanent at the
Manu Sotelo, Brentford FC Goalkeeper Coach, said: “Álvaro is a young keeper who has already produced brilliant performances in La Liga, standing out as a shot stopper and with his positioning, especially dealing with through balls and crosses.
His first steps in professional football came with Club Atlético Osasuna. He played for Osasuna B in the third and fourth tiers and made his debut in La Liga at the age of 18. Fernandez moved to AS Monaco in 2017 and played for their reserves during a solitary year in France, before returning to Spain.
"We anticipate the recovery period for Raya to be somewhere between four and five months, which will enable him to be back to his previous high levels well before the end of the season."
When Spain’s national team suffered a Covid-19 outbreak in June, players from the Under-21 group were called in to play an international
Omicron leads to Torrevieja Pool League statement By Andrew Atkinson The new Omicron coronavirus variant has led to the Torrevieja Pool League chairman Alan Boswell releasing a statement following the government introducing Covid-19 double vaccine passports. "With regards to the Covid-19 passports, all bars have been asked to please respect the law, to abide by this ruling, or face big fines. This situation is not going to change, prior to the New Year, and it is something we all will have to deal with," said Boswell. "There is only one game remaining, before the league Christmas break, and we would prefer to keep to the schedule and hope that all problems are sorted for the New Year," said Boswell. Torrevieja Winter Pool League results week 8.
The competitions committee of Camillus, Philip and Terry completed the draw in no time and we all set off for the designated tees. Camillus has our tournaments running like clockwork, well done and keep up the good work.
Division 1: Terreza 3 Unity Bar 6, Office Aces 5 Santana A 4, Quiet Man v Britannia A (p); Fire Station (bw) v Bar Next Door(p) Division 2: Racin Toast 7 Mi Sol 2, Bar 6, 7 Murphs 2; The Courtyard A 7 Office Bulls 2, Santana B 4 Fire Station (gw) 5, Britannia B 7 Marie's Rendezvous 2.
To Jean and his team in the pro-shop who is always professional was ably assisted by Paul and Jose, thank you.
The new greens are both fast and smooth and we have become spoiled by the high standards that we are treated to on a daily basis, muchisi-
Fernandez helped them with promotion to the top flight in his first season and played 22 La Liga games last season. In playing against Lithuania earlier this summer, he became the first Huesca player to earn a Spain cap.
Fernandez arrived at Brentford after a memorable summer, part of the Spain squad that went to the UEFA European Under-21 Championships and played in all five games reaching the last four. They eventually lost to runners-up Portugal.
The temperature was ideal but the windy conditions, coupled with fast greens added to the challenge.
The golf course is in fantastic condition and we really must congratulate our head greenkeeper Miguel and his team.
He spent the 2018-19 season on loan with Extremadura Unión Deportiva in the Spanish second tier, before leaving Monaco permanently and joining Huesca.
"He is comfortable with the ball at his feet, which fits with our model. He is coming here to improve our goalkeeper group.”
The Celts Club de Golf celebrated our final major of the year, our Christams Hamper at La Serena yesterday. 80 players, in pairs took on the course and each other for one of the 12 Hampers on offer.
The restaurant at La Serena provided us with a typical Spanish dinner of 6 courses of the highest quality, with different flavours of the Mediterranean. Enhorabuena Marijose, Gloria and all of the kitchen staff and waitresses for a wonderful meal.
Alvaro Fernandez now has an opportunity to stake his claim as No 1.
The Celts Club de Golf. We had Jackie Whyte and the duet of Cantinna who provided us with the dance tunes that soon had us all dancing into the small hours, many thanks. Congratulations to Jackie, who celebrated her birthday.
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Division 3: Oasis 6 Irish Abbey 3, Reflections 9 The George 0 (wo). Laguna 7 The Courtyard B 2, Thirsty Boot 6 Dejavu 3. Camillus Fitzpatrick, Logan Nayager Captain, Denis McCormack and John O'Brien. mo gracias. The greens are in superb condition and La Serena surley, is now the envy of the region. Congratulations to team La Serena. Our Captain for 2022 Logan Nayager, accepted his captaincy for the year and presented the prizes to all of the winners. The results on the day were as follows. The nearest the pin winners were, Frank and Aideen Considine, Tony Burns and Dave Marriott, Tony and Linda Smithurst, Camillus Fitzpatrick and Philip Mountford and Denis McCormack and John O'Brien (2). The hampers winners were, 5th hamper Mick Reeves and Chris Fyffe 64.5 shots. 4th hamper,
Jim Hayes and Eddie Stapleton with 64.2. 3rd hamper, Dave Marriott and Tony Burns 63.9. The gross winners were Alan Ewing and John Aitchison with 69 shots. Runners-up went to Billy and Holly Thomson with 63 shots. Holly commented that she did not think before they started the day that they had a chance, how misguided we can be, well done. The winners of the first prize went to Denis McCormack and John O'Brien with 61.1 shots. Many thanks to all those who attended on the night and congratulations to all our winners and to all those who competed on the day. One final note, membership of The Celts is now closed.
Carp-R-Us Fishing Round three of the Carp-R-Us Winter/Spring series on the Rio Segura at Eden 2.. This is a strange stretch of water where water levels fluctuate both from day to day and within the duration of a match. The water dropped over a foot during the match. The match was won by Steve Fell with 4.88kg, a mix of carp and mullet caught using pole and bread tactics. Second was the everconsistent Willy Moons who fished method feeder and corn to take 3.30kg form peg 6. Third, using a similar method, was Roy Dainty with 2.14kg from peg 5 and fourth was Jeremy Fardoe who caught two carp late on trotting bread for 1.98kg. The club will be taking a break from matched until the New Year so Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. After the match, a number of the members went to Café Uno in Catral for an excellent meal. Thanks to Alan Smith and Steve Higgins for sorting the food. For more information, visit our website
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
Puzzle Answers
MUSIC OF THE SEASON: Winter Wonderland WORD WHEEL: 9 letter word – beautiful, 6 letter words – albeit, albite, tabuli, tubful, tubule, 5 letter words – beaut, befit, blate, bleat, bluet, built, table, tubal, 4 letter words - abet, abut, bait, bate, beat, belt, beta, bite, blat, tabu, tuba, tube
CD Thader ............3 Carrus Ilicitana ....2
ust when we all thought Thader were dead and buried, they produced a fantastic spirited come back to end all come backs.
Due to the ongoing reseeding of Moi Gomez stadium pitch, Formentera was the venue for this Preferente div group 5 fixture against Elche based Carrus Ilicitana. Quino returned from suspension, partnering Calderon up front, whilst Amine got the nod to stand guard inbetween the sticks. Encouraged from last week's sterling effort at runaway leaders Crevillente, a well overdue morale boosting victory was very much on everyone's mind. Carrus Ilicitana gave early notice of their intentions, when from a well delivered cross from the left, the unmarked Antonio should have done better, but he headed wide of the far post at close range. From the very next attack, the same player shot tamely at Amine when through on goal. Midway through the half, Quino was unceremoniously flattened on the edge of the visitor's box. From the resultant
Sudoku (Easy, medium, hard)
Signs of a comeback looked on the cards when Quino was once again brought down, this time in the penalty area.
For the first 65 mins, one could have been excused for mistaking that the hosts were bottom of the table, but in fact it was the hard-working visitors who held that unwanted accolade.
Thader´s record of successful spot kicks hadn´t been too good this season, but captain Lloyd made no mistake with his straight down the middle screamer. A fine mazy run by the hosts marauding full back Rosquin, resulted in his effort being well saved, then from the rebound, Quino headed over.
Thader staged a fine comeback to snatch victory in the final minutes of the game free kick, Lloyd´s drive was well saved, but from the rebound, Quino made a pig's ear of it.
secutive match, a yellow card was shown in the direction of the managerial team.
On the half hour mark, David shot into the side netting, as Carrus stepped up a gear.
Amine made up for his earlier howler, when on 59 mins, he pulled of a stunning save from Pepe, but it only delayed the inevitable. Such was the lethargic attitude of Raul Mora´s men, that following another warning shot by Antonio, which missed the target by a whisker, goal number 2 arrived on 64 mins.
Disaster stuck on 40 mins, for not only did Amine fail to clear his lines, but a further defensive bloomer allowed Antonio to slide the ball into an empty net. A minute before the interval, Javi delivered a teasing cross, only for his team mates to plead guilty to a charge of being AWOL. Frustration was boiling over in the Thader dug out, and for the 2nd con-
SC Torrevieja earn point at CF Popular Orihuela in race for promotion SC Torrevieja took a point in a 1-1 draw away at CF Popular Orihuela in the race for promotion in
Although David did look offside when he collected a pass, Thader´s defence had no right to imitate statues, enabling the diminutive Carrus winger to slide the ball past Amine.
the Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 on Saturday. Torre sit in second spot on 21 points behind leaders Atletico de Catral CF (27 points) who defeated CD Benijofar away 4-2. CD Cox (20 points) defeated mid-table Sporting Dolores at home 1-0 to go third. CF Atletico Algorfa gained a 2-0 win against CF Sporting San Fulgencio.
When Fran picked up a loose ball some 25 yards from goal, there appeared no danger, but his one touch thunderbolt rocketed into the back of the net, to set up a dramatic final 8 mins. A long ball out of defence on 85 mins fell nicely for sub Berni, who couldn´t have picked a better time to score his first goal for Thader, when he hammered the ball home from 10 yards. Thader start the new year with a match at Rayo Ibense on weekend of 8/9 January. This will complete the first round of matches, with the men from Rojales in a healthy 6th place on 23 points.
In the Valencia 2nd Regional G16 The Burnham Warriors surpassed conceding a century of goals following a 7-1 away loss at second bottom Callosa Deportiva CF who won for the first time this season. The Burnham Warriors remain rock bottom of the league without a win having conceded 105 goals, netting 10. Monovar Atletico A defeated Elche Dream CF B 3-0. Formentera CF defeated Bigastro CF 3-2, CD Horadada Thair A took a point in a 2-2 home draw against CF Inter Santa Pola. Guardamar Soccer CD hit seven in a 7-1 home win against Sporting Saladar to remain top of the table on 34 points going into the Christmas break.
Big Fat Crossword
SC Torrevieja
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th December, 2021
637 227 385