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No 899 Monday 27th Dec 2021 - Sunday 2nd Jan 2022

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On behalf of all the staff and advertisers at The Leader Newspaper we wish all our readers a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year


lightly less than a year ago, when, like now, many hotels in the Costa Blanca were closed, because the pandemic had once again confined us to our homes, with the curfew and perimeter closures, the crisis had everyone baffled.

fear of traveling also playing a major part in the situation?

In 2008, after the real estate bubble burst, hoteliers were able to lower their prices a little, a measure that seemed to work, but this crisis is completely different, with the

It seemed that the nightmare was over, the telephones were constantly ringing in the booking centres, holiday websites were on fire, and many hotels even filled


We recently had the green shoots of summer and autumn, when the tourism sector was once again able to look to the future with a measure of belief.

their rooms for Christmas and New Year two months before the scheduled holidays. But then Covid decided to invent a new variant, omicron, and everything was turned on it’s head, at least for the hospitality sector, an industry that directly employs many tens of thousands of people on the Costa Blanca.

Continued on Page 2


Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


637 227 385 PROPERTY

637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

At the beginning of December the phones stopped ringing, and when they did so it was only to notify of cancellations. Once again, everything was filled with uncertainty as infections began to multiply, and despite the fact that hospitals are not at the situation they were 12 months ago people still mix at their peril as the vaccine to eliminate the virus has not yet been found. Just a few days before the start of 2022, the sector is back on the ropes and with it thousands of workers are once again being threatened with a return to ERTE in January. HIGHEST DAILY INCREASE The Valencian Ministry of Health has reported a new increase in infections in the province with Alicante adding 1955 cases of covid, the highest daily increase since last February. In addition, the accumulated incidence in the province also rose. Currently, it stands at 764.2 cases, while last Tuesday - the last data update by Health - it was 645. Cases in the Region of Murcia also continue to grow and have now reached 2,000 positives per day. This was reported by the Ministry of Health in their most recent figures released last Thursday when a total of 1,999

new infected were confirmed. ACCUMULATED INCIDENCE During the period Tuesday to Saturday, nationwide, the accumulated incidence has risen from 611 to 911, an increase of almost 50%, with it expected to peak beyond 1000 when the figures are next released on Tuesday. But it is the figures by age group that really tell the story with the highest incidence rate amongst those aged 2029, currently at 1,429. Within the rest of the age groups the incidence rates are: Aged Aged11 11and andunder under–– 1,074.76 1,074.76(previously (previously957.59) 957.59) 12-19 12-19years years––741.95 741.95(619.31) (619.31) 20-29years years––1,429.85 1,429.85(1,180.11) (1,180.11) 20-29 30-39years years––1,222.10 1,222.10(1,029.34) (1,029.34) 30-39 40-49years years––1,087.63 1,087.63(937.59) (937.59) 40-49 50-59years years––810.40 810.40(699.33) (699.33) 50-59 60-69years years––643.02 643.02(583.03) (583.03) 60-69 70-79years years––278.28 278.28(254.16) (254.16) 70-79 Aged80 80and andover over––235.00 235.00(209.31) (209.31) Aged BOOSTER VACCINE Although Spain has been lauded in recent months for the speed at which it has administered it’s first two doses of the vaccine the same cannot be said of the booster where it lags behind many of it’s EU counterparts. According to the European Centre for Disease Control, of those aged over 12

King Felipe warns against complacency In his Christmas message King Felipe VI has supported the need for all institutions to comply with and respect the law, saying that they need to be "an example of public and moral integrity," this at a time when all eyes are focussed on the possible return to Spain of his father, Don Juan Carlos.


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in Spain, only 11.8% have received a third dose. The average across the whole of the EU is almost 19%. Of the 27 EU states it currently sits in 20th place. The news has come as somewhat of a ‘wake up’ call to Prime Minister Sanchez who has now instructed the Ministry of Health to pick up the pace. The recent changes in the criteria applied by Valencia’s Ministry of Health regarding booster vaccinations for covid-19 were causing each health department to apply different standards in relation to booster doses, a disparity that has created confusion and anger among users and frustration among health personnel who are carrying out the vaccinations, but who have to face hundreds of daily complaints.

requiring a first or second dose of the vaccine will be vaccinated. Once these groups have been vaccinated, Health will then begin to summon people over 50 years of age, and subsequently, people over 40 years of age (as the minimum interval for the booster dose is met) to administer to this population the booster dose. COVID PASSPORT With the requirement to produce a covid passport in restaurants, bars and cafes, despite Health ruling out it’s application outdoors, the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has confirmed that the Generalitat Lawyers Office is studying how to implement the measure on terraces within the Valencian Community.

The Health Authority has now said that in an effort to vaccinate all people over 60 years of age before the end of the year and teaching staff before January 10, individuals will be summoned via SMS or phone call, to be vaccinated at a local vaccination point or health centre.

Asked about the question, Vice President Mónica Oltra has said that the is seeking a judicial endorsement "in case it was necessary at a future date" before Reyes. She said that “Nothing is ruled out, everything is being considered but at the moment it is not on the table.”

At these vaccination points, the groups established in the vaccination strategy will be immunised only by scheduled appointment

However, until January 31, the requirement to produce a covid passport, as well as in bars and restaurants, is extended to the interior of gyms, swimming pools, circuses and cinemas. Also to the interiors of the hospitality industry, regardless of the capacity of the premises.

At the other mobile vaccination points, the ‘drop-in centres’ where members of the public can attend without an appointment, only those people

But there was no direct reference to his 83 year old father, the King Emeritus Juan Carlos I, who went into exile, moving to the United Arab Emirates last year after accusations into his possible financial wrongdoings emerged.

King Felipe VI urged people not to become complacent or to drop their guard

Addressing the nation in a pre-recorded broadcast on Christmas Eve, the monarch said that a successful vaccine rollout has improved the situation from what it was a year ago, but he urged people not to become complacent or to drop their guard. As infections in the country climbed to a yet another record on Friday, the King said that the public should remain cautious as the coronavirus can still inflict widespread damage. The challenges that the pandemic has brought with it pose a "real crossroads" for Spain but also "a historic opportunity" to "update and modernise our country," he said, stressing that institutions have a great "responsibility" in this role. “We all have to do everything possible so that we don’t take backward steps in this health crisis that has caused so much suffering," Felipe said. With the country experiencing a record peak in contagion over the festive period, at a time when families traditionally hold large gatherings, King Felipe warned that we must not lower our guard yet because "the risk has not disappeared." "We must continue to be careful, protect ourselves and act with the greatest individual and collective responsibility," he warned, before remembering all the victims of Covid-19 and recognising the fundamental role that health personnel have played in the health crisis. The king also remembered residents of the

Spanish island of La Palma, where an ongoing volcanic eruption has destroyed houses, infrastructure and crops. “Today our hearts and our thoughts remain with you,” the monarch told islanders. Watching the king's annual appearance on television just before Christmas Eve dinner is an annual ritual in many Spanish households. In recent years, as scandals tied to the royal family have regularly featured in the press, media commentators and politicians scrutinised his speech searching for signs of the monarch's awareness to the mood of his subjects.

A full transcript of King Felipe’s speech is at


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Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022



he head of the coastal department at the Alicante provincial government, Rosa de los Ríos Jimeno, has warned Torrevieja council that the proposed Torres Baraka skyscraper project, which is set to be built in Acequión area, lacks a favourable report from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and does not comply with the Coastal Law. It also underlines that the project would constitute "a clear architectural screen and an accumulation (of volumes) discordant with the environment", on a land, which, although urban, is affected by the Coastal Law and the protection of the terrestrial public domain.

include cutting down large trees, some of which are hundred-yearold specimens. Despite the fact that three presentations have been made to the public, the changes have not heeded the warnings of the Provincial Coastal Service about the deficiencies to be corrected in the scope of the project's effect on the Coastal Law. This body concludes that this new "version of the instrument still remains uncorrected, which prevents the issuance of a favourable report." In the same document, they ask the local council that "before final approval - scheduled for next week - the aforementioned aspects must be corrected and the complete file be sent back to the Provincial Coastal Service." Something that the government team is not planning to comply with.

The local governing body, chaired by the mayor and councillor for Urban Planning, Eduardo Dolón, approved the detailed study of the Baraka Group project that aims to build more than 130 homes and 250 tourist apartments in two buildings on It warns that the new detailed study is identi32,000 square metres of land and of 82 cal to the previous one without "any notable The plans are due to integrate meters high, with 26 floors and three base"usurp" according to the opposition - modification", nor the correction of the defiments. ciencies detected since the project began to the 6,000 square metres of the be processed on June 22, 2016. The next step will be that next week, during emblematic Doña Sinforosa gardens, the last ordinary plenary session of the year, in the commercial interests of the It points out that the promotion on the beachthe local government will give the plan the promoter. front affects an unbuilt urban plot, within the go ahead thanks to the absolute majority of zones of transit and protection easements and Dolón´s ruling Partido Popular in Torrevieja, thus giving the go throughout its surface, in the area of influence of Coastal Law. ahead to the granting of the building licence despite the report from The two towers are joined in the basement by a two-storey underthe provincial body. ground car park, a car park that "would reach the very inner limit One of the Baraka Towers - initially named Torres Sinforosa - is of the protection easement zone," they warn. surrounded by controversy. It is the most advanced in the process The coastal body´s report makes three important objections, includof the four plans that include 18 skyscrapers in different plots of ing the height "would constitute a clear architectural screen and an the coastline and that will modify the urban landscape with buildaccumulation discordant with the environment”. ings that triple in height to the highest of the urban fabric of the The mayor, Eduardo Dolón, city. claims that the report from the It is also due to its plans to integrate - "usurp" according to the coastal department in Alicante "is opposition - and transform the 6,000 square metres of the emblemnot necessary or mandatory, atic Doña Sinforosa gardens, located between the future skyscrapers and the Acequión beach, to the commercial interests of the proalthough it is in the file", because moter. "the management is outside the The plans in this green area, a spatial and historical reference, delimitation zone."



Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


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UNION DENOUNCES LACK OF MEDICAL STAFF The CCOO union, which represents members of the Torrevieja health department, has denounced the "lack" of medical personnel, both in the emergency service and in primary care, as they say, "due to mismanagement" of the Ministry of Health after the reversal to public management of the Health Authority on October 16. Unions blame mismanagement by the Health Authority

The complaint is the latest in a series of problems hounding primary care since the department was reverted to public management

Children to Benefit from Orihuela Museum Visits

Museum passport for children


rihuela´s councillor for culture, Mar Ezcurra, has launched the Pasaporte a los Museos, which her department hopes will encourage children to visit the great cultural and heritage sites of the city. It is a passport that must be stamped in each and every one of Orihuela's museums. When the passport is complete, the child holder will be given a small gift. "We want to encourage the little ones to go with their family to all the museums in Orihuela during these Christmas holidays and get to know the great cultural wealth that we have," Grapes consumed at New Year are grown mainly in Murcia and Alicante

in October. As previously reported in The Leader, the union adds that the Torrevieja hospital's emergency service "has fewer medical staff than it is designed for," a situation that, it explains, it has denounced several times to the department's medical management. CCOO urges the Ministry of Health to intervene as soon as possible and to provide the department "with the medical staff it needs to offer proper healthcare."

Grants awarded for Pilar to hire 15 unemployed

Price of grapes increases 14% prior to New Year

The Employment and Local Development Agency (AEDL), directed by the Employment Councillor, Asunción Sánchez Martínez, has received two grants from the Valencian Employment and Training Service (LABORA), which will allow the council to employ 9 young from the municipality of Pilar de la Horadada and 6 people who are over 30 years of age, who will work for 12 months. The Mayor, José María Pérez Sánchez, and the Councillor for Employment, welcomed the new workers last Friday. The two grants obtained are co-financed by the European Union through the Youth Employment Program and the European Social Fund. The Mayor has highlighted the great employment opportunity that these 15 people have received, congratulating them and wishing them every success during the next 12 months.

The price of grapes has increased by 14.3% in the last month before the arrival of Christmas and the traditional New Year celebrations, according to data from the 'agritech' platform Consentio. In recent days, the average price is close to two euro per kilo, although the cost is highly variable and depends a lot on the variety and quality of the grape. Regarding the origin, 80% of the grapes consumed on New Year's Eve are grown in Spain, mainly in Murcia and Alicante. The president of the Association of Producers - Exporters of Fruits, Table Grapes and Other Agricultural Products (APOEXPA), Joaquín Gómez, has ensured that consumers increasingly demand seedless grapes, which now represents "60% of what is consumed at the end of the year". Gómez explained that this year's harvest has been "normal" and has estimated, at the end of the campaign, to reach "Spanish exports of 200,000 tons and 30,000 tons of domestic market for Murcian grapes."

explained Mar Ezcurra. This children's passport must be stamped at the Miguel Hernández House Museum, at the Museo de la Muralla, at the Museo de la Reconquista and at the Museo del Belén, located in the Holy Sepulcher.

In addition to increasing the price of grapes, the Consentio platform found that in recent months the price of fruits and vegetables in general has been growing, in some cases up to 30%, due to the increase in the price of electricity, of fertilizers and transport.

Once it is complete, its owner can go through the Department of Culture, located in the Casa de la Juventud de Orihuela, in the morning (from 9 a.m. to 1p.m.) and collect their gift.

Aldi Closes the Year with 357 Supermarkets

Passports can be collected in each of the aforementioned museums by asking staff, who will also be in charge of stamping them.

The store in La Fuente, Orihuela Costa


Popular Budget supermarket chain Aldi has closed its expansion plan for this year, reaching 357 supermarkets in Spain and more than 390,000 square metres of commercial space, after having opened a total of 40 new stores throughout the territory during this year that have allowed to increase the commercial surface by 11% compared to 2020. Have you got space for a big one? Who is loving, fun and only 10 months. The this beauty is for you. For more info on Sari, contact 966710047 (leave a message) or email

Aldi has concentrated openings mainly in Andalusia, with 11 new stores, in Madrid and Catalonia, with eight in both cases, and here in the Valencian Community, where six new stores have opened in Novelda, El Verger, Petrer, Alboraia, San Fulgencio and Orihuela Costa.


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Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022



Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


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Chelsea Owner Roman Abramovich Gains EU Citizenship helsea Owner Roman Abramovich has gained EU Citizenship Under Portuguese Law on Jewish Descendants. He now he holds a Portuguese passport.


Abramovich previously applied for a UK visa. However, due to diplomatic tensions between London and Moscow, he withdrew his application in 2018, reports. The news regarding Abramovich’s EU citizenship has been confirmed by his spokesperson, who

said that the billionaire Chelsea owner secured Portuguese citizenship back on April 30. This information has also been supported by official documents published by the Justice Ministry of Portugal. According to the Portuguese newspaper Público, the citizenship case of Abramovich was based on a law of Portugal that offers naturalisation to descendants of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula during the Inquisition. The law to grant Portuguese citizenship passed in 2015, and since then, thousands of Israeli Jews have been able to benefit from such a scheme. It is believed that Abramovich made monetary donations to projects that honour the Portuguese Sephardic Lews legacy in Hamburg. Since Abramovich decided not to pursue a UK visa application due to changes that made it harder for powerful Russians to obtain visas, Abramovich’s plan to build a e500 million stadium for Chelsea was withdrawn, the Guardian revealed. Moreover, the same noted that since the billionaire businessman now holds an EU passport, he would need to meet several requirements if he plans to reside and work in the UK. Except for the Portuguese passport, Abramovich already holds a Russian and Israeli passport, indicating that he already was able to travel back and forth from the

UK without needing a visa. He gained his Israeli citizenship in 2018 just as his UK entrepreneur visa expired. According to data, the fortune of Abramovich, which is estimated to be worth more than e10 billion, is believed to have been made in the oil industry of Russia during the 1990s. Fast forward, in 2003, he bought the Chelsea Football Club. Abramovich returned to the UK in October after three years. During his stay, it is believed that he watched the first Chelsea game at the stadium

since 2019. Previously, the Portuguese government confirmed that several changes would be made to its Golden Visa Program. Starting from January 1, 2022, the country plans to remove Lisbon, Porto, and Algarve from the list of territories where citizens of other countries can purchase houses and apartments. Moreover, in line with the new changes, the capital transfer will be increased from e1 million to e1.5 million.

Portugal offers naturalisation to descendants of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula during the Inquisition.


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Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022




ven criminal masterminds must find life a bit difficult at times. I'm thinking of the 'colossus of crime' Flambeau, in the Father Brown books, who invented a portable pillar box and placed it on streets in quiet suburbs, hoping people would drop postal orders into it.

profits not by trying to attract customers but by seeming to turn them away. They create difficulties so that people feel motivated to overcome them.

A lot of trouble to go to, having to queue in a post office to obtain ten shillings. I'm guessing there were no CCTV cameras in Flambeau's day, but even so the man wasn't even a colossus of roads, far less of crime.

A private club catering only to men over six feet tall? Some upwardly mobile applicants would submit to being stretched on a rack in order to duck through its door. An expensive restaurant open only on Thursday afternoon? The queue would start forming on Thursday morning, and just keep growing, without the need for a rack. Although lamb might be on the menu.

Flambeau was, however, ahead of his time in working out that people perform better when challenged -- a useful attribute, when the world requires new vaccines. Many 'exclusive' commercial enterprises make their

But we are all members of the same club now, whether we like it or not: membership is open to the whole human race. Coronavirus is the Great Leveller, and it is equally likely that a prince and a pauper (or a literary

genius...) will be caught in its fatal embrace. Which is why cuddling has been frowned upon for some time, or almost always, in parts of Scotland. 'Sceptre and crown must tumble down,' wrote the poet James Shirley (who surely must have occasionally said to friends, "Don't call me Shirley") 'there is no armour against fate.'

would have called it "Oh No!"

Will we ever get our lives/economies/hairstyles back to normal? Should you start eating less and give up smoking entirely? (Although smoking can cure dead salmon.) One good piece of advice offered to me by my young niece, which I pass on to you for free: "Never read a pop-up book on giraffes, Uncle David, you might hurt your nose."

Except a double dose of vaccine followed by a booster, he might have added, if he hadn't died of fright in 1666 during the Great Fire of London.

The wisdom of the young. One club to which I no longer belong. And I'm not even six feet tall.

Further challenges now await us with the arrival of the new variant called Omicron, or 'little o'. Personally, I

Perhaps as time passes, I'll start to grow on you, like a hasty haircut. Or Pinocchio's nose.


Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


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Postal Strike Threat The two unions representing postal workers, the CC.OO. and the UGT, have called a general strike at post offices for both 5 and 7 January, and partial work stoppages on 12, as a protest against the "dismantling of the Post's delivery services, the precariousness and downsizing of the workforce." The unions are complaining that postal delivery workers will be required to cover greater distances by having to assume more sections, at a time when they consider that the workforce has been cut, specifically as 7,000 jobs have been lost in two years.

The mayor of Torrevieja with the general director of Educational Infrastructures

New Primary School approved for Torrevieja The mayor of Torrevieja and the general director of Educational Infrastructures have now signed the authorisation for the start of works of the new Primary school, CEIP Amanecer The new school, with an investment of 6 million euros and an completion period of 14 months, will have 6 classrooms for Early Childhood Education, 12 classrooms for Primary Education, a dining room and a gymnasium. The new centre will be built on Avenida de los Nenúfares with work starting in early 2022, The announcement was attended by the director of the Amanecer school, José María Rivallo, the presi-

Los Alcázares investment of e1.7m in bid to stop floods By Andrew Atkinson The regional government has invested e1.7 million into a new rainwater collector in Los Alcázares in a bid to stop flooding during heavy rainfall, being part of a e85m euro budget.

dent of AMPA Amanecer and regional president of COVAPA, Sonia Terrero, as well as representatives from the construction company, ACCIONA CONSTRUCCIÓN SA The mayor said that it was a historic and very important day for the educational community of the town and, especially, for the CEIP Amanecer, which for more than a decade has taught children in temporary cabin accommodation. Dolón thanked the general director of Educational Infrastructures, Víctor García, who, he said, has attended to the needs and demands of the school from the first moment.

The works come after the 2019 DANA storm caused huge damage impact on the area. The 971m structure with a 7.12 sq m water capacity, feeding from Calle Labrador to Calle Telegrafos: Calle Jaen; Calle Orense; Calle Juaquin Blume and Avenida 13 de Octubre. Prefabricated reinforced concrete boxes will be in situ under the

Investment of almost 9 million euros in four schools in the town The mayor also said that next Thursday the four priority actions that are part of the Building Plan will be approved in the Municipal School Council (CEM), with an investment of 8'8 million euros. After its approval by the CEM, it will go through a plenary session for the City Council to request the delegation of powers. The investment will include works to a large part of the IES Las Lagunas, replacement of the roof of the Virgen del Carmen school, repairs and the expansion of the IES Libertas, and the extension of a lecture hall at IES Torrevigía.

roads, along with their relevant manholes, direction changes, drains and collection grids. Antonio Luengo Minister of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, and the environment in the region, who visited the site said: "The works will contribute to reducing both the environmental

According to both unions, the new plan of the company was rejected by 75% of the union representation of Correos on 16 December, which makes "it lack democratic legitimacy to be applied in the largest public company in the country." "This is only the beginning of an aggression that the company wants to culminate on 15 January with the total change of the delivery and distribution service of the Post Office, which cannot be left without a comprehensive mobilising response at the state level," they point out.

damage to the Mar Menor and negative impact on homes and buildings in the municipality. "It is the first of many steps to be taken to protect the Mar Menor, using the 2022 e85m euro budget which is the largest amount ever invested in history."

Meanwhile, Correos announced last week the company's largest public job offer in recent decades, which will see the entry of 5,377 people working with an indefinite contract in its different operational categories, which include the distribution, classification and attention to the client. The postal company will make its own and official contents of the agenda available to the general public in the first half of 2022.

85m euro budget largest amount ever invested.

Likewise, Correos is also currently immersed in another hiring process, for which it has already registered a total of 60,200 people in its job boards to fill the temporary operational positions necessary as of 1 February throughout Spain.


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Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022

Torrevieja Awards Acciona Waste Collection Contract A fter a considerable bout of uncertainty, the waste collection contract for Torrevieja has been awarded to the company who had been operating the service, Acciona. The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by the councillor responsible for urban waste, Carmen Gómez, made the announcement that the Extraordinary Government Board approved the "Service for the collection of waste, transport to landfill, street cleaning and cleaning and maintenance of the coast" to the company Acciona Servicios Urbanos SL for an amount of award of 24,368,664 euro per year (IVA included). The contract is for a period of 15 years, with which the Torrevieja City Council

out with rigor and professionalism," he added. The technical specifications show a series of requirements that the winning contractor must comply with as a design with higher service frequencies, an increase in the extension areas for manual and mechanical cleaning, an increase in the number of staff and a greater endowment of machinery and resources. The mayor highlighted that all these objectives have been met, since the service will have a significant increase in the number of workers over the current service. The contract is for a period of 15 years, and will cost 365,529,960 euro including IVA

will pay the company 365,529,960 euro (IVA included), since it has presented an offer that includes a 6% reduction on the original bid.

The amount represents a total saving of more than 23 million euro in the 15year duration of the contract, that is, a saving of 1,555,466 euro per year, meaning the overall saving of more than 23 million euro is the equivalent to almost a whole year of the annual service for free. The agreement requires the company Acciona SL to present the required documentation and post the corresponding bond so that the service can be definitively awarded, the contract is signed, and the service can be started, in theory in a matter of weeks.

Sacks of presents for 190 children and a massive food bag for Christmas Quote: 'A Christmas free car boot for families had families searching through items, trying to find anything possible for Christmas for their kids - it's ever, ever so sad' By Andrew Atkinson Almost 200 children will have a Happy Christimas this year with sacks of presents and a massive food bag - thanks to a group of volunteers. "We are a food bank that has been up and running for two years - feeding around 300 people," said Quirònsalud nurse Ines Perkins, at the forefront of volunteers. Speaking exclusively to The Leader, Innes said: "We are giving sacks of presents to 190 children and a massive food bag for Christmas week. "Thanks to all the donators and drop-off points everyone has been amazing. "We have also dropped off presents to San Obrero Orphanage and nappies to La Casa Sucina, in Murcia. "Our team comprises of Nikki Lloyd, Head of the food bank; Lynne Park, Margaret Scullion, Lynn Lomax, Pamela Leaman, Tracey Rose, Geoffrey Shrubb, Laura April, Tracey Cork, Katie Snook, Jodie Smith, Mo and Fred and Jane Cloake. "These are our full-time volunteers - every single week - without fail and have been able to make Christmas totally magical for so many families. "We did a Christmas free car boot for families and you should have seen all the families searching through items, trying to find anything possible for Christmas for their kids - it's ever, ever so sad.

"No one actually realises how much the coronovirus pandemic is badly affecting families. "So many are without work. They have no money - and the government are not helping."


The service will have at least 287 in low season and 390 in high season, which the specifications required.

SERVICE AGREED WITH ACCIONA Service will provide the collection of waste, transport to landfill, street cleaning and cleaning and maintenance This service was put out to public tender for an annual fee of 25,924,110.65 euro per year, the overall bid amount being 388,861,659.78 euro. The mayor has declared that it has been a process of just over 18 months since the bidding period was opened,

and that it has not been without difficulties at times. "The officials have worked on the contract with the most important amount in the history of the Torrevieja City Council, in a process that is the result of an exhaustive, precise examination and, above all, carried

Likewise, there is also a considerable increase in the number of machines assigned to collection and street cleaning, which is produced in an increase in the frequencies that we required in the specifications. "Today we fulfil an important objective, a primary objective with which we stand in the elections and which was committed to the city of Torrevieja in the electoral program of the Popular Party," added Dolón.

Bascuñana wants exemption of terrace tax extended to June virus; since last October, when we considered that the pandemic coming to an end, there has been a continuous worsening of the numbers of infections as well as hospitalisations and deaths.

The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, announced on Tuesday that he will propose at the next plenary session that the suspension of table and chair taxes for bars and restaurants in the municipality be extended until June 30, 2022. In this way, “we intend to continue helping the hospitality sector that has suffered the very worst economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic".

Despite the massive vaccinations carried out throughout the year 2021 and which, have had an enormous impact on the number of deaths caused by the

Bascuñana said that he hoped it will not be necessary to extend the suspension beyond June of next year because "that will mean that everything has returned to normal."

Torrevieja’s Young Entrepreneurs Councillor for Employment, Domingo Paredes, and the Deputy Mayor, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, have presented prizes to the winners of the XII Young Entrepreneurs Contest. 1st prize 7,000 euro, awarded to: Alejandro Ramón Plaza Marcos, for the project: The Clothing Plan. Solidarity fashion. 2nd prize 3,500 euro, awarded to: José Cases Gabín, for the project: Level Up Academia. 3rd prize 1,500 euro, awarded to: David Ruiz Molina, for the project: Taller de Arquitectura This initiative has been created by the Department of Employment and the Local Development Agency (ADL) to promote and sup-

port young entrepreneurs. In its twelve years of existence, it has rewarded people with entrepreneurial initiative who have started a new business, providing support and backing for their new activity, serving as a stimulus for the creation of new companies and new jobs. in the field of the economy of the municipality of Torrevieja.


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‘This too shall pass.’

We have to look on the Covid pandemic as a dirty war between a horrible plague and mankind. Like all wars there sadly are casualties, but victory will inevitable be our lot. This war is bearable as long as we all exercise patience and serve our country in the interests of all.


In reality, this war isn’t too bad at all. We have food and shelter. There aren’t any bombs dropping out of the sky, or snipers hiding in the bushes to pick us off if we venture out in the open: In fact, out in the open is our great ally. Medical science and the survival instincts of the population will see us through. Every human life is more important than the economy, monetary possessions or political points-scoring.

man I hadn’t talked to for a while phoned me on Sunday morning. What he called about has no relevance to this story, but near the end of our conversation he passed a judgement on YCBS. ‘Your articles have become very gloomy in recent times’, said Eamon. ‘I used to get many a laugh from what you wrote, but you haven’t made me laugh for a long time. Of late, you seem to be all about doom and gloom.’ Naturally, I was a little taken aback by my friend’s verdict because every hack has an inbuilt insecurity. I looked back on recent columns, and whilst Eamon may feel he has a case, the offerings are still a bit of ‘mixum-gath erum’, like they always have been. This is not to say that Eamon is wrong – and we’ll come back to his point in a moment. We touched on some serious stuff over the past few weeks. The editor, knowing my limitations, allows me to fill this space on any topic that comes to mind. He never stipulates, comments, or changes anything I write. I would be fairly certain that at some time or other he has to defend the newspaper and make it clear that Bernie doesn’t speak for the paper! My first YCBS editor, the great Ronan O’Donoghue, gave me my brief: “Write about anything you like – but have them wondering, “what is he on about this week!’” Nothing has changed since then. But I digress … something I am good at, so let’s rewind back to my friend’s comment on the phone. These are gloomy times we are living through for nearly two years now. Maybe Eamon’s perception had as much to do with his own mood as with mine? I promise to give you a laugh soon,

Eamon, but the papers have to reflect what is going on around us.

scared. But we all have to keep going and do the best we can for ourselves and for each other. We have to believe that everything will be OK and that the Covid curse will come to an end.

We hear criticism of the media for constantly talking about Covid, but that, dear readers, is the news. Reality has to be faced up to and looking the other way can only make things worse. This battle with Covid is a war: A war that mankind cannot afford to lose.

‘This too shall pass’, is a favourite fall-back line of mine when the going gets tough. The line comes from a proverb dating back to 1200 AD.

Take the last great war; the Second World War: Every day for most of the six years of fighting, the daily papers in Britain carried front-page banner headlines of the progress of the war. It was pretty similar here in Ireland – even though we were a neutral country. It would be irresponsible of any serious news outlet to suppress reporting – just because it made unpleasant reading, viewing or hearing. Of course people are fed-up, frustrated and even

The vital certainty to hold onto is that all bad stuff comes to an end. This is ‘the dark before the dawn.’

The ‘young people of Ireland’, have really shown themselves to be a great generation. The restrictions have hit them harder than the rest of us: And yet, the majority have made the necessary sacrifices and shown outstanding compassion and understanding of the situation. None of us were too inclined to be civically compliant in our teens and twenties, but certainly society is in good hands with the youth of today. When this is over, all of us – including the government, must find a way to compensate the young for being so responsible when we needed them. It may sound like a cliché; but we really are all in this together. Please God, we shall all get out of it together in 2022.

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL …. Don’t Forget Time is nature’s way of preventing everything from happening at once.

Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s

Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a

637 227 385 for info.

books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call


GARDEN FELIX Showstopper in Winter Dishes Sage is a hardy evergreen perennial with pretty, grayish green leaves that looks just as good in a perennial border as they do in a vegetable garden. Known as the showstopper in winter dishes, complementing pork and poultry, pairing well with lamb and most memorably used in the Christmas stuffing. It grows between 12 and 30 inches in height with spikes of Spring flowers, in colours of purple, blue, white or pink. Note that not all sage varieties are culinary; but the most popular kitchen sage is called Salvia officinalis. Sage should be planted in full sun, in well draining soil, as it won’t tolerate sitting in wet soil. Mature plants are relatively drought tolerant, even when the soil is bone dry, the plant may begin to wilt, but it will quickly perk up again after a good

Don't over fertilise if you are growing for culinary use, as you may get faster growth, but you will most likely lose intensity in flavour. Every Spring prune the heavier, woody stems to keep the required shape and promote new growth. It’s best to replace the plants every few years so they remain productive. To harvest sage, simply pinch off a few leaves or snip off small sprigs from the plant. Stop harvesting in the Autumn, so that the plant can prepare for winter. Sage’s flavour is best when it's fresh, however, it can be easily stored, frozen or dried. To dry, hang sprigs in a shady, well ventilated area and allow them to air dry, wait until the leaves easily crumble, and store in air tight jars. To freeze, put leaves or stalks on a tray in the freezer, then store the leaves in a container. You can also blend the leaves with oil, then put the ground mixture into ice cube trays and then freeze.

Sage is also believed to have medicinal properties that may be good for improving memory and helping resolve stomach ailments.


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Restrictions on the British raise alarm bells in tourism

The massive closure of hotels and other businesses is already a reality in municipalities such as Benidorm, where hardly a soul can be seen in the "English zone" Just over a month ago, Benidorm City Council, the tourism sector and health officials were leading heated debates about how unfairly the city was being treated and the effect it was beginning to have on the local economy. With a 14-day cumulative incidence (AI) of around 270 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with the remainder of the province hovering around 50, hoteliers shouted about how the figures were being distorted, based on the official population, just over 68,000 people, and not the real one, around 180,000. It was causing an increasing number of cancellations that threatened to seriously damage the viability of many companies and their winter trade.

moments of the pandemic. "We are exactly the same as we were at the very beginning, but with the difference that almost two years have passed and people, particularly those businesses that work with tourists from Great Britain, no longer know what they are going to do to survive," says Karen Maling Cowles, the President of the Association of British Entrepreneurs in Benidorm. She says that more and more of her compatriots residing in the area are coming to her and asking about the procedures they have to take to return to the UK. "If this continues, there will be nobody, no business or organisation that will survive. The situation is deteriorating by the day. She gives as an example her own case: "My family has been in Benidorm for 33 years and right now we have a enough put away to last, at the most, just one more year if things don't improve; otherwise, we too will have no choice but to abandon everything and go back," she adds.

The city celebrated its Patron Saint Festivities in Like Cowles, the Hosbec hotel association has November and, just a day later, the internationalalso warned this week of what lies ahead for one ly famous Fancy Dress Party, an event that of the main economic engines of the province: attracts some 40,000 Britons every With the average fore- "The worst is yet to come, because year, most of who jet in from the casted occupancy less the forecasts are devastating," says United Kingdom or drive down the business group, whose presifrom other parts of Spain to dress than 30% after Christmas it is forecast dent , Toni Mayor goes even furup and to drink. ther: “We are the first to fall on the that several dozen On that occasion, although less front lines of this battle, but few crowded due to the pandemic, the more hotels will close escape: aviation, hospitality; the in the New Year. revellers once again filled the domino effect is already taking streets and premises of the "guiri place. The whole economy is going zone" to the brim. The same streets and premises to be seriously affected.” that now, just a month later, have once again With a cumulative incidence (AI) of 803 cases become the abandoned arteries of a ghost town. per 100,000 inhabitants in Benidorm and a Now, most bars, restaurants and stores are provincial average of 764, without the British closed. and without Imserso, tourism entrepreneurs do The arrival of the omicron variant; the speed at which the virus is progressing; the new restrictions imposed in Spain and in other EU countries on travellers from the United Kingdom, including mandatory PCRs or the requirement of a covid passport for minors between 12 and 17 years of age, the vast majority of whom have only received a single injection. These factors, and the fear of increasing infections just prior to Christmas, have completely emptied streets that, until just a couple of weeks ago were brimming over with swarms of tourists. Once again there are dozens of hotels and businesses that are seriously threatened with bankruptcy and closure in Benidorm, the same situation that has already happened in the worst

not see any sort of reactivation, at least, until next February. The tourist city has half of its hotel establishents completely closed up, with more than 60 hotels closing until things improve dramatically, a total of more than 20,000 hotel beds. The Costa Blanca is currently operating with 60% of it’s capacity. And the forecast indicates that, after Christmas, several dozen more establishments will also close, since the average forecasted occupancy is less than 30%. For now, many businessmen do not dare to give figures on how all this will translate into losses, although the effects of the pandemic on tourism have already caused an economic hole of more than 12 billion euros in the province.




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Govt to allow Three Kings Day parade despite Omicron The Spanish govt is allowing the Reyes or Three Kings Day parade to be held in all autonomous communities this year. With increasing Covid-19 cases and the implementation of new restrictions, Prime Minister Sanchez justified the permission by stating that a majority of the population had been inoculated and that children 'deserved' to enjoy the fiesta. Many municipalities are still, however, yet to decide whether their own parades will be held.

Companies return to working from home as Covid-19 cases increase

Alicante, Elche and Valencia have cancelled all New Year's Eve parties - due to the increase of coronavirus in the Valencian Community. Many other municipalities are now also make decisions and following suit, with restrictions leading to cancellations of a plethora of events on New Year's Eve, that will affect thousands of people in central squares across the main cities of the region. The Generalitat Valenciana does not contemplate the reintroduction of time and capacity limitations, at present. The new Omicron coronavirus increase in cases has put additional pressure on hospitals with an ongoing worrying health situation. All the regional presidents met last Wednesday to analyse the situation deemed as 'share decisions.' The Valencian Community faces Christmas with double the number of active cases of coronavirus that were recorded in 2020. For the second consecutive year, the Plaza del

Ayuntamiento de Valencia will be closed to the public on December 31, a decision undertaken with the aim of preventing members of the public from swarming to the city to drink the grapes. "People should enjoy New Year's Eve - at home or with friends but complying with the rules," said Councillor for Citizen Protection, Aarón Cano. The municipal government, led by Joan Ribó, has also decided to suspend the traditional San Silvestre, although the New Year's Eve for children is scheduled to be held at noon. On January 6, the Three Kings Parade will take place under a decreased format - without seats for the public and fewer participating floats. Alicante City Council has also cancelled their New Year's Eve party due to be staged in the town hall square. There will be a childrens scenography show, with reduced capacity, and in compliance with all the current sanitary measures.

"Prudence and caution - with the responsibility of residens and visitors during Christmas" was the message from the Alicante government. Elche City Council also decided to cancel the San Silvestre Ilicitana and the New Year's Eve events - to avoid the risk of possible contagion in some events scheduled to attract big crowds. Plaça de Baix will remain closed during the night of December 31. According to the latest data published by the Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pública, these three cities all present a cumulative incidence close to the threshold that marks the extreme or very high risk of virus transmission. In the case of Valencia, it stands at 685 positives per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, with Elche recording 566 cases and Alicante 567 cases, up to December 24.

With an increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in Spain, companies are implementing 'work-from-home' for employees. Large companies such as Telefonica, BBVA, Mapfre and Vodafone have provided employees with the option of working from home. Government agencies are following suit: the Tax Agency has now told it’s employees to work from home at least until 10 January

Electricity prices drop by 19% on Christmas Eve The average price of electricity in the wholesale market dropped by 19% on Friday, reducing to €311.02 per Megawatt hour. It is the first time for a while that prices have dipped. Electricity prices will cost the most between 10 AM and 11 AM at € 373.34/MWh. Prices will be the least between 4 AM and 5 AM at € 258/MWh, according to the Iberian Energy Market Operator.

Orihuela Costa Beaches to close on Christmas Day

CELEBRATIONS AT APANEE TORREVIEJA CHRISTMAS PARTY Apanee Torrevieja children benefited to the tune of €4,010 thanks to kind donations for their annual Christmas party presents special evening. "Thanks to Smart Stores and Jumerca helping us so much with the cost, we had €1,115 extra to give to the school for any of the families in need," Casey Shaddock told The Leader. "The Apanee Association celebrated with the visit of Santa Claus to deliver gifts to all the children of this Entity," said Casey, at the forefront of Villamartin Plaza raising funds for children to receive a gift.

By ANDREW ATKINSON "We have the special collaboration of the councillors of the Municipal Corporation of Torrevieja City Council Rosario Martínez Chazarra and Diana Box, together with all the Elves and Santa Claus who shared a lot of love and enthusiasm, on such a magical and special night," said a spokesperson from Apanee. "Apanee thank all the people and entities that have collaborated to make this party possible once again," they added.

Mayor thanks volunteers at Campoverde Library The mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, José María Pérez, visited the Campoverde Library, “Letitia Hirst”, located in Plaza Florida, last week. where he met the volunteers who have been running the centre so successfully in recent months. All of the voluntary staff expressed their satisfaction with the scope and achievements of the centre, which keeps them involved and motivated in the work that they do. The library is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday).

In view of the current covid-19 situation, the councillor for Beaches, Antonio Sánchez, has confirmed that all Orihuela Costa beaches will be closed on Christmas Day to avoid the holding of large concentrations and mass events taking place. “Given the situation in which we find ourselves due to the pandemic and with the number of positive cases on the rise, we must exercise extreme precautions to avoid any situations that might have damaging effects,” said the councillor, who acknowledged that he is very sorry that this type of decision has to be taken, but that “responsibility is required at this time.” Orihuela Costa Beaches, particularly the beach at La Zenia, would usually be expected to host large scale parties on Christmas day, often attracting many thousands of revellers, who attend from early morning, setting up tables, chairs and bbq facilities, as they celebrate the feast day with family and friends. In recent years the events have been supported with entertainment provided by the Orihuela Ayuntamiento and the local Police who help to provide a safe environment for those attending.


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ANSWERS Week 897

ACROSS 1. Counterfeit (4) 3. Sheath (8) 8. Duty list (4) 9. Spring flower (8) 11. Bridal gown (7,5) 13. Accounts book (6) 14. From that place (6) 17. Secret (12) 20. Responded (8) 21. Siamese (4) 22. Glass vessel (4,4) 23. Curved structure (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 12. 15. 16. 18. 19.

Goodbye (8) Insect (7) Alter (6) In advance (10) Assistants (5) Uninteresting (4) Secondary result (4,6) Nearly (4-4) Not one (7) Modifying word (6) Fertile spot (5) Hypocritical talk (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Concentrate; 9 Outlast; 10 Siren; 11 Titan; 12 Concise; 13 Fickle; 15 Accent; 18 Certain; 20 Peril; 22 Train; 23 Outcast; 24 Flexibility. DOWN: 2 Octet; 3 Channel; 4 Notice; 5 Risen; 6 Turbine; 7 Pontificate; 8 Infertility; 14 Curtail; 16 Capital; 17 Entomb; 19 Annex; 21 React. CRYPTIC: CRYPTIC: ACROSS: 1 Switzerland; 9 Origami; 10 Gogol; 11 Disco; 12 Molotov; 13 Passed; 15 Superb; 18 America; 20 Donna; 22 Extol; 23 Asiatic; 24 Persian Gulf. DOWN: 2 Writs; 3 Tea rose; 4 Enigma; 5 Legal; 6 Nightie; 7 Lord's Prayer; 8 Olive branch; 14 Sceptre; 16 Undoing; 17 Panama; 19 Isles; 21 Natal.

ACROSS 1 Badly hurt girl (4) 3. It may be his aim, collectively (8) 8. A side of meat, perhaps (4) 9. Mountain-climbing drink leads to a sort of friendship (8) 11. University entertainment in London (6,6) 13. Money on account causes stress (6) 14. Chess piece to throw at the French (6) 17. Concentrate on a petty nation's trouble (3,9) 20. Horserace you could put a grand on? (8) 21. The French ship carries a smaller amount (4) 22. Killed for returning silver that has decayed (8) 23. Dust all over the farm (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. According to the New York Times World Almanac, what was the estimated population of the world in 1 AD? Plus or minus 25 million 2. Which male first name stems from the Greek word meaning 'crown'? 3. Which popular article of clothing originated in the French city Nimes? 4. Who was the only goalkeeper to win the title European Footballer of the Year? 5. Which country joined the G6 in 1976, thus making it the G7? 6. In which three Hollywood blockbusters from 1998 was New York City laid to waste? 7. What did Oscar Wilde describe as "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable"? 8. All of the following words are from songs in which the song title is a question. Can you name the song? a. No one will be watching us. b. With a burning love that stings like a bee. c. Act one was when we first met, I loved you at first glance. d. I've got flowers and lots of hours to spend with you. e. He says I'm sorry but I'm out of milk and coffee 9. Who co-owned Sex, the 'punk emporium' in the 1970s, with entrepreneur Malcolm McLaren? 10. The following films took place in which cities or towns? a. Rocky, b. Dirty Harry, c. Mystic River, d. Shrek II

DOWN 1. Logical to restrict supply of a number (8) 2. Trade in vehicles (7) 4. Time the backward company got a security device (6) 5. Possibly rate tennis as it provides amusement (10) 6. Back the high-class Indian (5) 7. Religious instruction at church for the wealthy (4) 10. Cause to turn the boat around (5,5) 12. Like a dipsomaniac reindeer (3-5) 15. Three-pronged spear I had found in the river (7) 16. Bombard faster somehow (6) 18. Current peak for a performer (5) 19. Comfortable about weapons (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. In which year was the Republic of China established? Plus or minus 10 years 12. In which films do the following ships play a role? a. Andrea Gail, b. Tomorrow, c. Hispaniola, d. HMS Compass Rose and HMS Saltash Castle 13. In which Led Zeppelin song would you find the words "T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor I met a girl so fair, but Gollum and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her"? 14. Which fearless woman was born in Wimbledon on Feb 14th 1968? 15. A word describing a woman of great stature, strength and courage. 6 letters, last letter 'O'. 16. What was Che Guevara's first name? 17. Forbes magazine has an annual list of the 'Top earning dead celebrities'. Here are a few on the newest list. I'll give you the initials, name the celebrity. a. JL. b. AP. c. BC. d. BM. e. CS. 18. Which two countries have the most dollar billionaires? 19. What causes the unusual hollow glass tubes found in the ground called fulgurites? 20. In song, what is drunk under "mirrors on the ceiling"?


637 227 385 Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022

Contract Awarded for Road Works Across Alicante n 28 October, the tender process was opened for interested companies wishing to apply for the project drafting, environmental licence, construction management and health and safety coordination of the construction project of the new Torrevieja bus station was opened.


However, the period to present candidatures ended without any company registering an interest, resulting in the contracting body declaring the bidding process void and ratified by the Local Government Board. The plot is close to Habaneras

The intention of the council is to build a new bus station at a point where traffic congestion is much less than in the current location, at a site which is also better suited to the needs of bus users. The objective is to avoid the daily queues and the distance that has to be walked to reach the main streets of the city.

The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) has awarded the Castellón-based company Becsa the contract for the repair of roads in the province of Alicante, including several sections of both the A-7 and AP-7 motorways, and the N332, in a contract worth 7,099,480 euro.

The council offered a 41,000 m2 plot located on the outskirts of the city to "improve the fluidity and ease of connecting with the main roads." This plot is located next to the CV-905 access road - known as the Crevillent road - and the roundabout at the entrance and exit to the N-332.

The action consists of the superficial repairs to the road surface of more than 26 kilometres of highway in the surroundings of the city of Alicante, between points 506 and 511 of the Camino de Castilla of the AP-7,

The price set in the tender for the drafting of the project amounted to 208,120 euro and with an execution period of eight months. An extension of four months was also contemplated for the drafting of the pertinent documentation in the event of a negative ruling by another competent administration. The conditions of the specifications stated that once the award was formalised, the company would have two months to present the analysis studies of alternatives that included mobility and planning reports. In the third month it should present the sustainability study and in the fifth, the urban planning and urban management instrument. Phase 3, that of the traffic study, would be incorporated in the sixth month and the entire bus station project in the eighth. Given the facts, neither the conditions nor the budget has motivated the interest of companies in this contract.


and from 511 to 526 corresponding to the Elche-Crevillent section of the A-7, as well as various sections of the N-332. The works will consist of repairing the surface in localised areas of the road, as well as the spreading of a new tread layer throughout the highway and the connecting branches that require it, thereby improving road conditions, infrastructure, security, and durability. The works are part of the network adaptation and improvement projects that the State Land Transport Infrastructure Society (Seitt) plans to execute between 2021 and 2025 for up to 280 million euro, concentrating the bulk of the investments between 2022 and 2025.


1959 - Johnny Cash played a free concert for the inmates of San Quentin Prison, California. One of the audience members was 19 year old Merle Haggard, who was in the middle of a 15 year sentence for grand theft auto & armed robbery. 1961 - Danny Williams was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Moon River', the Oscar winning song was from the film Breakfast At Tiffany's. 1983 - Having made 2 successful dives below a friend’s yacht to find items he’d drunkenly

Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022

thrown off his own boat three years before, ‘The Beach Boys’ Dennis Wilson took one last dive into the Pacific & never returned from the boat moored in Marina Del Rey, California. With the help of President Reagan he was given a burial at sea, normally reserved for Naval personnel. 1986 - Jackie Wilson had the UK Christmas No.1 single with 'Reet Petite' 2 years after his death, following its use in a commercial for Levi's. Written in 1957 by Berry Gordy & Tyran Carlo, the success of the song helped Gordy fund the launch of Motown Records. 1996 - Paul McCartney became a Sir after he was listed in the Queen's New Year's Honours List. 1999 - 3 ferrets named Beckham, Posh Spice & Baby Spice were used to lay power cables for a rock concert being held in Greenwich, London, England. Organizers found that rods could not push the cables through the tiny tunnels.


The ferrets were eased into tiny nylon harnesses with wires which were then attached to a rope, the animals ran into a series of ducts which were under the stage like rabbit runs, leading the cables with them. The New Years Eve concert featured Simply Red, Eurythmics & Bryan Ferry.

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on his private estate 20 miles outside Moscow. George had just finished the British leg of his Twentyfive tour which included a free concert for nurses in London. 2009 - Rick Parfitt & Francis Rossi from Status Quo were both appointed OBEs for services to music & charity.

In the same year George Harrison & his wife Olivia were attacked when an intruder broke into their home in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. Olivia beat off the attacker with a poker & a heavy lamp. George who was stabbed in the chest was admitted to hospital & treated for a collapsed lung & various minor stab wounds. His wife, Olivia, was treated for cuts & bruises she had suffered in the struggle with the intruder. Police later arrested Michael Abram from Liverpool who had nursed an irrational obsession with The Beatles. 2004 - Pete Waterman was awarded an OBE for his services to music. Once part of the Stock, Aitken & Waterman team, he had written & produced more than 200 hit singles in 25 years for acts from Kylie Minogue to Steps. 2006 - George Michael was paid a reported £1.5m for an hour's concert at a Russian billionaire's New Year party. The unnamed businessman paid for Michael to entertain his 300 guests

2015 - American singer, songwriter Natalie Cole died aged 65 due to congestive heart failure. The daughter of Nat 'King' Cole, she had the 1989 UK No.2 single 'Miss You Like Crazy'. In the 1990s, she re-recorded standards by her father, resulting in her biggest success, Unforgettable... with Love, which sold over seven million copies & also won her numerous Grammy Awards.

VISIT TO AFGHANISTAN WAS PRICELESS Quote: 'Stevie made a huge impact on so many people around the world and to see the smiles on Afghan orphans faces was truly priceless' - Kandahar and Kabul based Jen Chalmers By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE Entertainer Stevie Spit BEM was awarded the honour in The Queen's 2019 New Year Honours List - underlined by charity work in Afghanistan to help war-torn children by raising thousands of dollars. Stevie, 50, was awarded the BEM by British Ambassador Hugh Elliott in Orihuela, who said: "At a great risk to himself he took his drag act to Kabul, where he raised thousands of dollars for local causes. "Stevie is a truly inspirational fundraiser, his enthusiasm is such that wherever he organises one of his many impromptu charity fundraisers it is almost guaranteed success, such is his support from the local Costa Blanca community." Nanny McPhee (Eileen Gleave) who has been alongside Stevie during his charity work told The Leader: "I have helped

Stevie raise funds for charities over the years. "With Stevie getting the award he deserves everything - especially working in Afghanistan. "In Afghanistan he sang to the Troops and played cricket with the children. "I have known Stevie for seven years and began to sell raffle tickets - that's how our friendship began."

Priceless childrens smiles

Kandahar and Kabul based Jen Chalmers said of his visit to Afghanistan: "Stevie made a huge impact on so many people around the world and to see the smiles on these Afghan orphans faces was truly priceless. "It’s a day I will never forget as it was a rare happy day in Afghanistan. "Stevie is one of the sweetest, biggest hearted guys I’ve ever known. I’m proud to call him my friend. Enjoy your special day. Love and miss you. "Having finally received your BEM left me in tears. I will never forget all you did for the people of Afghanistan and the risks you took, coming to the country in an everdeteriorating security situation. "I’m proud of you, proud of what you’ve achieved and most of all, I’m proud to call you my friend." Jen, who formerly lived in Spain, who lost her beloved cat Ginji, when blown up by the Taliban at Kabul airport in August 2021, said: "I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there to share your special day. "Many, many congratulations on being recognised for your tireless work."


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PETS IN PEAK FORM If you use herbal remedies yourself, why not try them for your pets too? They're gentle, they're cheap and they're wonderfully effective.

Some of the herbs in your own first aid kit will work just as well for dogs and cats. our garden or kitchen will provide a wealth of wonderful food medicines you can use - parsley, dandelion, nettles and watercress among them. With a handful of safe and simple remedies you can see your pet through a number of health problems.


Of course you'll need to consult your vet if your pet is injured or seriously ill, but even then herbs can help soothe pain, speed up healing and calm nerviness or fear. Healthy pets won't need much doctoring, and healthy means properly fed. 'Ask any holistically minded vet, and they'll tell you: it has been very noticeable that skin, digestive and behavioural problems have all increased dramatically since those complete dry foods became so popular.'

Keep baskets or kennels clean

Give your pet his daily greens! Finely chopped or puréed dandelion leaves, watercress, spinach or parsley are all wonderful food medicines and mineral-rich dietary supplements, to be added in teaspoon-sized doses to your pet's feed. Purée a quantity at a time, fill an ice-cube tray with them and freeze. Defrost a cube or two as needed.

That is Mary Boughton speaking and she should know; her parents founded a British company over fifty years ago making licensed herbal medicines for animals, and she's worked with animals all her life. ' Many of these commercial dried foods contain synthetic colourings and flavourings to make them look more attractive, and they put a huge strain on the kidneys,' she explains. Feed your pets fresh, natural and unprocessed food as far

as possible. If you give your pets only one herb make it garlic. It boosts their resistance to infections by strengthening the immune system, cleanses the whole system and helps repel any kind of parasites. A regular daily dose will help protect them from infections and viruses such as kennel cough. You can buy garlic tablets that are especially formulated for dogs and cats, with dosage-per-size directions which you should observe.


spoonful of slippery elm powder mixed with enough water to make a liquid. Once swallowed, the slippery elm will turn into a soft jelly which calms and heals an irritated gut. If the diarrhoea persists, consult your vet. There's one herbal medicine that dogs always rush to nibble: the tough couchgrass which makes them heave and vomit minutes later. Don't ever stop them: Juliette de Bairacli-Levy calls it 'an admirable intestinal cleansing herb'. It's your dog's very own year-round detox. For a more thoroughgoing one, you can buy special detox pills formulated for dogs, with cleansing peppermint and parsley among their ingredients. They're specially formulated not only to remove toxins from the system, but also to neutralise that antisocial doggy reek that comes from an unhappy gut. Sooner or later the most active pets can slow down and show signs of stiffness or pain in moving. Make sure their diet is super-healthy, complete with the omega-3 essential fatty acids found in freshly ground linseed or cod liver oil. Mary Boughton recommends a daily dose of celery seeds: 'very effective in reducing arthritic and rheumatic pain. Soak them in warm water for a day, she suggests, then add to the feed. By the way, don't experiment: pets are not people. Some of the most effective herbal medicines for humans have never been tested on animals, and may actually harm them. Echinacea, for instance, has been known to damage canine immune systems.

And aspirin is fatal to cats, so don't give them willow or meadowsweet.

Fleas are a perennial irritation (in every sense of the word) for pets and their owners. Careful, regular grooming to remove fleas is vital for successful prevention. Dogs should be washed with a gentle herbal shampoo and Mary suggests one containing pennyroyal, which repels fleas without any risk of irritating a pet's sensitive skin. Before country walks, dust them with powdered neem leaf, specially on those vulnerable hairless bits. Keep baskets or kennels clean, and strew them with herbs whose strong odour will make fleas think twice before moving in. Try dried rosemary, mint, lavender, sage, wormwood, southernwood or pennyroyal. ITCHY SKIN? Suspect an allergic origin; if your pet lives on dry processed food, he could be reacting to additives in it. For immediate relief, there's no better remedy than common or garden nettles. In spring or summer, gather tender young nettle tops, purée them and add to the day's feed, adjusting the dose according to your pet's size - starting with a coffee-spoonful for small pets. Otherwise, sneak a little dried nettle into your pet's feed. Diarrhoea? Fast your pet for a day, and then give him a tea-

NEXT WEEK: The Herbal Spa


Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


637 227 385

or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits

e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising

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PERSONAL Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints

(Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro.

Self Employed Experienced Car Salesman - No employment contract required. An experienced new and used car salesman looking for full or part time work in the costa blanca area. Fully autonomous I can run your showroom or car front or just help out during busy periods or cover holidays with 5 star customer service. Also available for driven vehicle collection and delivery across Europe and the UK. Please call or email for more info: 0034 680 299 927 (3/8)

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The January Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 20 Jan at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur

is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or

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Tel. 604 111 457


Tel. 603 375 215


637 227 385

Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


L/R Fred Rowland, Mark Farmer, Simone, Amanda

Annual Christmas Mixed Pairs Not quite in the same league as the current William Hill World Championships at "Ally Pally", but probably just as enjoyable, was the O.W.S. mixed pairs, at the Thursday league's equivalent to Ally Pally, San Miguels', New Tavern. An eclectic bunch of Santas, Elf's and a selection of decidedly dodgy jumpers, gathered for this regular soiree, a little closer to the 25th than usual. Giving everyone several matches throughout the evening, a " Round Robin " format was chosen, the winners from each of four groups, contesting the spoils. Competition apart, organiser Simone de Lacy, determined extra prizes for high scores, finishes and of course best fancy dress, which begs the question, where on earth does Mark Farmer and Amanda Skinner get their gear from, particularly Amanda. GROUP STAGES Group 1 winners, Yvonne Rouffignac and Ken Skinner, qualified with a creditable 6-1 leg difference, highlights were Lee Maidens 2x100, 120,123,140 and 3 outs, partner Lisa lvill, 83, D3, but losing to the group winners.

nately for him he misread the scoreboard which showed 152. Mark ???? Group 4 qualifiers Freakies Sharon Frain and Alex Nikolov didn't drop a leg on their way to the semis, both contributing their share of the outs, Frain managing a 115.

Semi Finalists

Cheryl McGlynn and John Eyre won 2 matches, eventually succumbing to the qualifiers, Eyrsey hitting top form with a 110 out. LAST FOUR Semi Finals were played simultaneously, on board 2 Amanda Skinner and Farmer faced Frain and Nikolov. Despite a 130 from Frain it was an uphill battle as Farmer took the 1st on 76, the 2nd on D7 plus 140 and the 3rd on D4 inc. 132,140.

R/Up Ken Skinner, Yvonne & Simone

Semi Finalists

On board 4, Rouffignac and Skinner faced Smith and Wills, the 1st leg going to Smith 140. lt was to be their only leg as Skinner took the 2nd on D18, Rouffignac the 3rd and 4th both on D8 plus 2x100.

Rouffignac outing on a 49 and 80 ( T7,19, D20 ), against Linda Davies and Gordon Brindley hitting a 138.

Board 3 hosted the final, refereed by the very loud shirted Fred Rowland and a very good job he did too. Despite a 3-0 scoreline to Amanda Skinner and Farmer, it was a close run final, Rouffignac and Ken Skinner just being out gunned by the powerful scoring from the opposition.

Group 2 winners and also qualifying with a 6-1 score, were Jane Wills and Bob Smith. Simone de Lacy and Paddy Winterbourne a fancied pair, but unable to find any form.

Amanda opened with a D5, Farmer 125 and D8 for the 2nd, Ken Skinner hitting a nice set up 116, but allowing Farmer to close on 56 for the final.

The Scammels, Alison and Trevor, winning 2, but losing to the winners, Trevor however aquitting himself well, with a 121 and a handful of outs.

A well supported raffle meant many went home with unexpected prizes including myself who who won a beautiful Christmas cake courtesy of Master Chef the Hubs, Cheryl McGlynn.

Group 3 winners dropping just the 1 leg, and just the competition favourites Amanda Skinner and Mark Farmer squeezed through, nudging out the strong pairing of Michelle Halliday and Ernie Willis who had earlier notched up a 140, Mitch a 104 and 4 game shots. Best moment in this group, Farmers brilliant 132 out on the bull ( 25, T19, 50 ) unfortu-

Winner Amanda Skinner

High finish John Eyre & Simone

Sharon Frain oversaw the raffle, whilst organiser Simone de Lacy somehow juggled playing with the intricacy's of the competition. My thanks are extended to both girls, contributors, players, not forgetting Bob Smith and the Taverns Elspeth in making the evening a tremendous success.

Fancy dress finalists



Please make sure you have your vaccination certificates (QR code) to hand now until 31st January. Bars and restaurants with an internal capacity of 50+ will require them for entry.


Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


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Incredible year for top jockey Rachael Blackmore By Andrew Atkinson

surpassed anything I could have ever imagined," said Blackmore.

Jockey Rachael Blackmore was the winner of the 2021 World Sport Star category at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards.

Blackmore took the award, beating five rivals including Formula One world champion Max Verstappen, tennis star Novak Djokovic and American football legend Tom Brady.

"It was just an incredible year and far

"The reaction has been brilliant, for me

personally they are such massive things to achieve, but when you can bring a bit of joy to other people it makes them even more special," she said. “To be honest, I got such a kick out of being on that list of nominees," added Blackmore, who also won the 2021

RTE Sport Sportsperson of the Year award. "It's phenomenal," said Blackmore, who made history by becoming the first female jockey to win the leading rider award at the 2021 Cheltenham Festival. Blackmore was also the first female to win the 2021 Aintree Grand National riding Henry de Bromhead trained Minella Times. Blackmore, 32, joined Barry Geraghty (2003) and AP McCoy (2013) as racing's only winners of the national accolade since its inception since 1985. Blackmore, also the 2021 HRI Irish Racing Hero and the Irish Times Sportswoman of the Year, said: "It's incredible. When you see the list of names who have won this award, to be even nominated is fantastic.

Blackmore with her RTE Sportsperson of the Year Award

"You'd be blown away by the year of sport that was and to be recognised like this is phenomenal. It's been an incredible year for women in sport. I'm just a bit overwhelmed. "It's hard to believe that it all happened

this year. The Grand National is such a special race, it's what I thought of as a kid on my pony, my first interest in racing. "To participate in that race is such a big deal and then to win it is something you can't even dream about. "I have snippets of the race that I remember - after it is definitely a bit blurry. I rode in a race afterwards and I can't tell you anything about it. It was an incredible moment. The elation when you cross the line is hard to explain." Blackmore paid tribute to trainer de Bromhead, adding: "Being associated with Henry de Bromhead's stable has taken my career to a whole new level. "Like any relationship, it has its ups and downs but he's a fantastic man to work for. He's extremely good at his job, as his results show. "He had an incredible Cheltenham, winning three championship races, saddling the one-two in the Gold Cup and the one-two in the Grand National. "I think that gets a little bit forgotten sometimes. It's just an incredible feat for a trainer. I'm very lucky to riding on his team of jockeys."

ALFIE’S GOLF SOCIETY at Vistabella –Thursday 16th December 2021 19 members and guests from Alfie’s GS played at Vistabella last Thursday. As usual the course was in first class condition, the greens were true although, in one golfers description “like concrete” the weather played its part in what was at times a blustery cloudy day, however scoring could be good. To be fair the course was in as good a condition as we could expect given the time of year. It was also the third round of “The Eclectic Cup”, and at least 4 players were in with a chance of victory but only one succeeded, name below! This year’s Captain’s Charity is Help at Home (Costa Blanca), and by the end of the night Alfies had raised €1,036.00 towards this fine upstanding charity, helping those less fortunate in our local community. Next year’s Captain Mr Derek Fleet, has chosen Help at Home to support again, in his Captain’s Year. This year’s Champions Dinner was held in Crystal’s Restaurant at La Fuente CC, and can I just say we had food and drink (if we wanted it) in abundance, the fare and the staff were nothing short of excellent.

Longest Drive on the 14th – sponsored by Tony Hall went to, Neil Oliver; Neil won a bottle of Brandy.

rounds of golf at Vistabella.

The winner of the Silver Division was:

President’s Day

Ian Harkness with a score of 35 stableford points. Ian wins a €25.00 Meal Voucher for the Keg ‘N’ Kitchen.

Presidents Day was won by Wayne Stevenson, Wayne wins an Alfies Golf Shirt in scripted with a singular star.

Second place went to:

Captain’s Day

Wayne Stevenson with 32 points. Wayne wins a €15.00 Meal Voucher for the Keg ‘N’ Kitchen.

Captains Day was won by Bob Chambers, Bob also wins an Alfies Golf Shirt in scripted with a singular star.

Our winner of the Gold Division was:

The Dana Connell Champion Golfer of the Year Trophy

Harry Konrad with a score of 32 points. Harry wins a €25.00 Meal Voucher for the Keg ‘N’ Kitchen.

And so on to the Vistabella Match winners: The Blind pairs were won by Chris Udell and Ole Westerback, who donated their winnings back to the charity pot.

So our winner on the day, with 35 points was, Mr Ian Harkness.

Nearest the pin on the 2nd – went to Harry Konrad, Harry won an €10.00 Albatross Golf Voucher.

We then moved on to the annual presentation of various prizes.

Nearest the pin on the 15th - went to Tony Hall, Tony won a €10.00 Albatross Golf Voucher. Nearest the pin in 2 shots on the 12th sponsored by Derek Fleet went to Steve Barlow, Steve won a bottle of Brandy. Nearest the pin in 2 shots on the 17th went to Tony Hall, Tony won a €10.00 Albatross Golf Voucher. Nearest the pin in 3 shots on the 3rd hole was won by Neil Oliver, Neil won a €10.00 Albatross Golf Voucher.

In third place with 144 points was Derek Fleet

Second place went to: Steve Barlow with a score of 27 stableford points. Steve wins a €15.00 Meal Voucher for the Keg ‘N’ Kitchen.

Nearest the Pin on the 7th – went to Amrit Dawidow, Amrit won a €10.00 Albatross Golf Voucher.

And so on to our new prizes for this year, firstly:

Runner Up with 162 points was Wayne Stevenson And for 2021, our No 1 Golfer and winner of the Inaugural Dana Connell Champion Golfer Trophy with 190 points is Mr Gary Armstrong.

Many thanks to our sponsors, mainly The Avenue Bar and Albatross Golf, also a big thank you to Ben, Gary and the gang Hole In One Gary Armstrong Champion Golfer 2021 at The Keg ‘n’ Kitchen for their continWe only had one Hole in One this year ued support throughout the year. And and the prize went to Mike Fitzpatrick for finally thanks to all the members, guests and sponsors for supportholing out in one on the 3rd at La Finca on the 27th May this year, ing Alfie’s Golf Society. well done Mike. Can I just finish off my year as Captain by wishing one person all Most Improved Golfer the luck in the world when she visits Las Vegas in a few days’ time; Most Improved Golfer was Neil Oliver, Neil Improved from 23.5 to Mrs Sandie Hall has been a stalwart for Alfies Golf Society, and 18.1, well Neil another five off this year would be good. deserves all our best wishes when she is gambling all of Tony’s money away. Eclectic Cup Winner The Eclectic Cup was won by Neil Oliver with 51 points over three

Ian Connell


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Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


GABRIELLA THEN WINS LET QUALIFYING SCHOOL England’s Meghan MacLaren, who had led for the whole tournament, finished in a share of fourth place on five-under-par American Gabriella Then produced a blistering final round of 67 (-6) to win the Final Qualifier at LET Q-School by four shots. The 26-year-old has spent two weeks at La Manga Club getting to know the North and South Courses as she came through PreQualifying in a tie for 10th place. The USC graduate had a consistent week in the Final Qualifier with rounds of 70 (-1), 73 (E), 68 (-3) and 71 (-2) to put herself on six-under-par and in a share of third place heading into the final round on the South Course. It was a hot start for the American with three birdies in four holes on her front nine and she continued that form with three more birdies on the back nine to seal the victory. “I was just taking it one shot at a time, so I had no idea where I stood, and I was very surprised,” said the 2011 PING Junior Solheim Cup winner. “I had some really good moments on the front nine. I gave myself a lot of great birdie chances and was keeping it steady, and on the back nine when the wind picked up, I kept playing my shots and giving myself chances.”

“I’m very happy and tired, it’s been two very long weeks,” said the 26-year-old. “I didn’t know what to expect coming in, I’ve never played on the LET so I didn’t know what the competition was going to be like. “After last week I had some expectation on my game. I tried to go out and not look at the leaderboard and take one shot at a time and it worked. I came here with the goal of securing a card so I’m very happy with it, I’m super excited to be playing on the LET next year.” The Top-20 With Their LET Cards For The 2022 Season. France’s Agathe Laisne ended the tournament in third place on seven-under-par having shot a final round of 72 (-1). The two-time LET Access Series winner said: “I’m very happy, it feels like a Christmas gift, I’m very proud of myself as the good work with my team paid off, so I’ll definitely enjoy the holidays.” France’s Manon Gidali and England’s Meghan MacLaren finished in a share of fourth place on five-under-par with Czech amateur Sara Kouskova in sixth.

Then stopped playing golf in August 2019 after failing to make it through the first stage of LPGA Tour Q-Series but decided to pick up a golf club at the start of 2021 and has restarted her professional career.

One shot further back was Sweden’s Linn Grant and Germany’s Sophie Hausmann were T7 with Spaniard Paz Marfa Sans, Wales’ Becky Brewerton and Switzerland’s Anais Maggetti rounding out the top 10.

She continued: “It feels amazing, I can’t believe that this is happening right now! This is my first time playing in Spain and playing in Europe, so I’m excited for next year.”

German amateur Sophie Witt finished 12th alongside Spain’s Marta Sanz Barrio and Finland’s Emily Penttila, with Elena Hualde (Spain), Charlotte Liautier (France), Ines Laklalech (Morocco) and Hazel MacGarvie (Scotland) in T15 on level-par.

ment on one-over-par as did Germany’s Leticia Ras-Anderica, France’s Anne-Charlotte Mora, Sweden’s Josefine Nyqvist and Scotland’s Laura Beveridge.

bership for 2022 while 28 players clinched

Italy’s Virginia Elena Carta ended the tourna-

A total of 23 players secured Category 11 mem-

Sweden’s Lisa Pettersson finished in second place on eight-under-par having shot rounds of 73, 71, 67, 70 and 72 this week.

Mike Probert talks Golf H

ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers. ‘How do Tournament Professionals Drive the ball so far? In 1991 John Daly lead the USPGA driving distance averages with a distance of 288.9 yards and by 2005 the same distance was good enough for 97th place in driving distance and things have continued to develop with some golfer such as Bryson Dechambeau hitting the ball close on 400 yards at times BUT just how do they do this? We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €134 Two Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €84 Two Green Fees & Buggy Altorreal €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €110 Two Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €138 Two Green Fees & Buggy

It was a hot start for the American with three birdies in four holes

Category 15 membership. Final standings at

All top golfers now work out in the gym developing muscles that allow them to swing the club harder and faster but while still maintaining accuracy and control.

are now using drivers with lofts of only 4 or 5 degrees and by changing the ball position slightly forward in the stance they hit the ball on the up and this reduces the amount of spin imparted on the ball and hence greater distance.

Ball and Clubhead Speed

The Future

All top golfer practice endlessly to see how hard they can swing the golf club in such a way that they can dramatically increase clubhead speed and the speed the golf ball leaves the club face but beware because Rory McIlroy crossed this line and with it control of his swing for most of 2021.

I think that most genuine golf enthusiasts have seen golf in recent years turn into a long driving and putting competition with the art of hitting high flying long irons being lost to hitting 150 yard wedges with spin from the rough.

Golf Shaft Length

The answer to return golf back to normality is simple, change the golf ball design, limit shaft length to 45” and establish a minimum loft rule of 9 degrees and the driving distance averages will reduce significantly.

Physical conditioning

The standard driver has a shaft with a length of 45” but some tour professionals are using shafts of up to 48” and longer shafts that can be hit with control will result in longer driving distances. The standard golf club is manufactured with a range of lofts from 8 degrees to 11 degrees but under the current rules there is no minimum club loft specified by the PGA and as a result many tour professionals

The longest hitters will still be longest hitters because of their physical conditioning and ball and clubhead speed BUT these changes will bring the golf course designer back into the play making the courses longer to play with more emphasis on skill rather than distance.

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero

Mar Menor €60 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €82 Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & Buggy Roda €125 Two Green Fees & Buggy Saurines €60 Single Green Fee Villaitana Levante €80 Single Green Fee Villaitana Poniente €58 Single Green Fee Villamartin €156 Two Green Fees & Buggy Vistabella €115 Two Green Fees & Buggy For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

Golf Club Loft

€90 €84 €61 €104 €60 €180 €128 €96 €61 €85 €140 €78 €146

Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy


Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


637 227 385

Celebrities fly in for Mazarron FC Amigos Gala Dinner Celebrities will again be flying in from the United Kingdom in March for one of the most prestigious events on the Costa Calida calendar. The 11th Los Amigos de Mazarron FC Gala Evening and Dinner in support of Mazarron Football Club will be held at the Hotel la Cumbre, Puerto de Mazarron on Tuesday 29th March 2022. The event is sponsored by the Mazarron Entertainments Group (Camposol Club de Golf, the Club House Camposol, Alley Palais, and La Nueva Taberna MCC). The speakers are former Newcastle United, Southampton, Portsmouth and Barnsley defender John Beresford MBE and award-winning comedian Lea Roberts. Gary Marshall will once again be acting as our Master of Ceremonies for the evening and musical entertainment will be provided by Woody.

Other celebrities expected to be in attendance are former England International Tony Currie and former Charlton Athletic midfielder Peter Reeves. The event is always a great success and we are delighted to be organising this again after a two-year absence because of Covid-19. It is an evening for everyone, whether football fans or not with good food, wine, comedy, and music to accompany the football experiences of our guest speaker. In addition there will be a raffle, Key in the Box competition and an auction of sporting memorabilia. The dress code of collar and tie also means that it is a chance for the ladies to dress up in their fabulous dresses for this very special occasion. The Hotel is being completely re-

furbished having been recently taken over. Although the hotel costs have risen we are keeping the ticket price at €50 (€45 for Los Amigos members). This includes a five-course dinner with coffee and local beer, house wine and soft drinks during the serving of dinner. There are a limited number of VIP tickets available at a cost of €60 which includes a pre-dinner drinks reception and photo opportunity with the celebrities. For those wishing to stay overnight at the hotel, the cost of a room is €50 for a double room without breakfast (€25 pp) or €40 for a single room without breakfast. Please call Keith on 634 317 561 or email if you wish to order tickets or call at the weekly Los Amigos meetings at Mariano's Bar & Restaurant, Camposol A (Thursdays 4pm).

Madrid born Gutierrez barely recognisable after 236 punche By Andrew Atkinson Madrid born Miriam Gutierrez was barely recognisable after being hit with 236 punches during her defeat to Amanda Serrano. The Spaniard was a heavy underdog heading into the clash with seven-weight world champion Serrano on the undercard of Jake Paul's rematch against Tyron Woodley in Florida. Gutierrez, 38, suffered a one-sided pummelling throughout the 10 two-minute rounds, with Serrano dominating the bout before securing a unanimous decision - 99-91, 99-90, 100-90. Puerto Rican star Serrano landed 237 punches -

Former Newcastle United, defender John Beresford MBE with M.C. Lea Roberts (right inset)

Spanish boxer Miriam Gutierrez’s face unrecognisable. Photo: Twitter

Office Aces rack up 7-2 win at Brittania A

with Gutierrez facing 37 punches in the first round. Serrano showed her respect for Gutierrez as she praised her toughness: "I want to thank my dance partner Miriam Gutiérrez. She didn’t come to lay down. "I don’t care who is in front of me, I’m not coming to play! She told me she weighed 160lbs. Thank God I worked with my girl Nisa Rodriguez who was at 165lbs. "She’s a tough fighter. She did say she was in better shape this time, than when she fought Katie Taylor because she had a year lay-off."

Dutch cycling great airlifted to hospital in Alicante Track World Champion Amy Pieters has been airlifted to hospital after training crash in Calpe. She was transported via trauma helicopter to hospital in Alicante She has since undergone surgery for a head injury following the training crash on Thursday.

The team said in a press release that the 30 year old had “undergone surgery on her head.”

The SD Worx rider was transported to hospital in Alicante by a trauma helicopter SD Worx shared a brief announcement regarding the crash on the evening of Thursday, December 23, before asking that privacy is respected for all involved. The team says that Pieters was training near Calpe, and lost consciousness following a crash within the national track team, who are on a training camp in Spain. The team said in a press release that

Torrevieja Winter Pool League

Worx is currently thinking of Amy and her family.”

OFFICE Aces racked up a 7-2 away win at Brittania A in the 2021-22 Torrevieja Winter Pool League Division One.

Dutch champion Pieters is entering her sixth year with the team, formerly Boels-Dolmans.

In Division two Mi Sol defeated Murphs 5-4, with Santana B returning a 7-2 away win at Marie's Rendezvous.

Riders and teams have responded to wish Pieters well, with Movistar Team tweeting: “wishing all the best for Amy and thinking of her team-mates, family and friends in these difficult times,” whilst recent retiree and former team mate Jolien D'Hoore simply sent three hearts.

Mickey's gained a 7-2 home win against Reflections in division three; Irish Abbey gained a 5-4 win against The Courtyard B, as did The George against Thirsty Boot.

In 2021, Pieters once again won gold in the Madison at the Track World Championships, alongside Kirsten Wild - the pair have held the title for three consecutive years. the 30 year old had “undergone sur-

about the accident, and we would

gery on her head.”

ask everyone to respect the privacy

SD Worx added: “At the moment, no

of those involved.

further announcements can be made

Of course, everyone within Team SD

On the road, she stormed to victory at stage two of the Women’s Tour, finishing in Walsall, taking the win from a group of 10 riders after a relentless breakaway in poor condi-

Results week 9, Division 1: Britannia A 2 Office Aces 7. Unity Bar 4 Fire Station (bw) 5. Santana A 3 Bar Next Door 6. Terreza v Quiet Man (p). Division 2: Mi Sol 5 Murphs 4. Office Bulls 3 Racing Toast II 6. Fire Station (gw) 6 Bar 6, 3. The Courtyard A 5 Britannia B 4. Marie's Rendezvous 2 Santana B 7. Division 3: Mickey's 7 Reflections 2. Irish Abbey 5 The Courtyard B 4. The George 5 Thirsty Boot 4. Laguna 6 Dejavu 3. Oasis (bye).


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Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


Covid most 'unpleasant’ for Nadal

Former World Cup Star Rachael now drives the No. 185 between Victoria and Lewisham.

World Cup star’s latest stop! Nigerian World Cup goalkeeping star Rachael Aladi Ayegba is now a double decker BUS driver in London after hanging up her gloves in 2016! "You can’t make any mistakes driving a bus," said Rachael. Having represented Nigeria in the 2007 Women's World Cup, she now drives the 185 between Victoria and Lewisham. Rachael, 35, was taken in to become a bus driver after visits to London on holiday and seeing the iconic double-decker buses.

TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. 200 million, 2. Stephan, Steven, Steve. 3. Denim, 4. Lev Yashin 1963, 5. Canada, 6. Armageddon, Deep Impact and Godzilla, 7. Fox Hunting, 8. Five answers: a. Why don't we do it in the road? (Beatles), b. Where did our love go ? (Supremes), c. Are you lonesome tonight? (Elvis), d. What's new pussycat? (Tom Jones), e. Do ya think I'm sexy? (Rod Stewart), 9. Vivienne Westwood, 10. Four answers: a. Philadelphia, b. San Francisco, c. Boston, d. Far Far away, 11. 1912, 12. Four answers: a. The Perfect Storm, b. Children of Men, c. Treasure Island, d. The Cruel Sea, 13. Ramble On, 14. Lara Croft, 15. Virago, 16. Ernesto, 17. a. John Lennon $12 Million, b. Arnold Palmer $27 Million, c. Bing Crosby $33 Million, d. Bob Marley $17 Million, e. Charles Schulz $40 Million, 18. USA 724, China 698, (Spain has a mere 30 while UK has 56 and Ireland 9), 19. Lightning. Fulgur is Latin for thunderbolt. 20. "Pink champagne on ice". From the song 'Hotel California.

“When you are trying to save the ball, you need safe hands. But there are ten others on your side,” said Rachael. "When you drive a bus, you are on your own," she said. “Mentally you have to be 100% ready, if you are a goalkeeper the defenders can help you," she said. Super Falcons showstopper Rachael's club career included 11-years in Finland, having moved to Scandinavia from her homeland in 2005, winning three league titles with PK-35 Vantaa, and two Finnish Women's Cups. After taking her coaching badges, she moved to London in 2018: "I think we just see a bus driver as a nobody. “I see them more like a pilot, if anything goes wrong, it’s on them. "Now I’ve done the training, the people I respect most, after my family, are the drivers.”


Rafael Nadal has suffered 'unpleasant moments' after testing positive for Covid-19 after returning home from the Mubadala World Tennis Championship in Abu Dhabi. "On my return home after playing the Abu Dhabi tournament, I have tested positive for Covid in the PCR test that was performed on me when I arrived in Spain," said Nadal. "Both in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi we passed controls every two days and all were negative. "I am having some unpleasant moments but I hope that I will improve little by little. "I have reported the result to those who have been in

contact with me. "As a consequence of the situation, I have to have total flexibility with my calendar and I will analyse my options depending on my evolution. "I will keep you informed of any decisions about my future tournaments! Thank you all in advance for your support and understanding." Nadal, 35, 20-time Grand Slam champion, was beaten by Britain's Andy Murray in the semi-finals of the exhibition event on December 17. The Spaniard had planned to play in an ATP tournament in Melbourne before competing at the Australian Open, which starts on January 17.

Spain rugby international Kawa Leauma dies in freak accident

He made one unofficial appearance for Spain but was left out of the 52-7 victory in Amsterdam, a World Cup qualifier. "Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Spain international Kawa Leauma," said former England captain and World Rugby chairman Bill Beaumont. "My thoughts are with his teammates and family at this difficult time," added Beaumont.

By Andrew Atkinson Spanish rugby international Kawa Leauma has tragically died following an accidental fall. Lock forward Leauma, 32, is believed to have fallen from a building, suffering severe head injuries. He underwent emergency surgery, but died in hospital following a match against the Netherlands in Amsterdam. "We regret to announce the death of Kawa Leauma," confirmed Spain's Rugby Federation declining to give more information at the express wish of his wife. Leauma played for Samoa's under-20s and a number of Auckland clubs, prior to switching his allegiance to Spain, joining first division club Ordizia.

Full Monte Supporters Club 480 euro Charity Donation Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 football club CD Montesinos 'Full Monte Supporters Club' raised 480 euros for the Los Montesinos Social Services department. Mayor of Los Montesinos José Manuel Butron and Sports Minister Ana Belèn Juarez Pastor were present to receive the 480 euro cheque at the town hall. From the money raised 10 euro vouchers are to be spent in the Vega Baja town's SPAR supermarket, with the Social Services Department distributing them amongst the town's most needy families, registered with the Social Services Department.


Monday 27th December 2021- Sunday 2nd January, 2022


637 227 385

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