1 minute read


Once again over 30 Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch (RNATB) Shipmates (S/M’s) showered their Valentine’s with affection and made it a day to remember at the Restaurante Rendezvous on the 14th February.


It was another spectacularly successful event and extremely well-orchestrated by Sally Miller, and her team.

All the ladies loved their individually handmade cards, their personal red rose and their own bottle of Cava, along with the heart shaped balloons, lovingly decorated table seating plans and mini red hearts strewn all over the tables; all presented with panache. And of course, the RNATB S/M’s had another magnificent raffle with over 20 prizes, steered by Nicola Louden.

The whole celebration was a ‘steaming success’ and given a BZ (Bravo Zulu, a NATO signal for Well Done) and they now look forward to their up-and-coming events, including their Murder Mystery Dinner, a Cava

Reception & High Tea to celebrate King Charles III Coronation and the Trafalgar Night Dinner.

The Royal Naval Association has a ‘Free Membership’ and is a UK Registered Charity. Although primarily founded for serving and retired Royal Naval personnel with the moto ‘Once Navy Always Navy’, it also welcomes all serving or retired military Veterans and civilians alike.

Torrevieja Branch (RNATB) has a diverse mix of members, a friendly and engaging group. who embrace their ethos of Comradeship, Loyalty, Patriotism & Unity while enjoying a variety of social events. Why not join us?

Contact: Chairman, Tony Jenkins at Chairman.RNATB@mail.com or on Mob: +34 693 866 709, What’s App +44 7576117222. Or just come along and meet us on the first Wednesday of each month at 1700 at Lakeview Bar & Restaurant, Calle Toledo 16, Quesada.

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