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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Sánchez to ask for a 4th extension to the state of alarm Unlike the other requests, this time the Executive is not guaranteed opposition support The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, announced on Saturday that he will request a
fourth extension to the state of alarm from the Congress of Deputies. It will be put to Congress on Wednesday morning, and, if approved, will keep the lockdown in place until May 25. The Council of Ministers, which will officially approve
the request on Tuesday, believes this measure is necessary so that the country can return to the "new normal" as soon as possible. There was encouraging news on Sunday with the lowest number of recorded deaths in a month and a half, since 18
March when the figure declared was 107. The number of new daily cases, just 1,654, was also reassuring as they too are gradually declining from a peak of close to 10,000. Continued on Page 2
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Sánchez to ask for 4th extension to lockdown
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became unemployed and migrated to other countries. The gradual reduction in deaths seems to be fairly consistent with the figures recorded at just over 500 fatalities one week, down to 400 the next, 300 and then 200. However it is too early to say whether this new figure in the 100’s is here to stay or if it is simply a product of the underreporting that usually occurs on weekends.
phase one. As of May 11, the vast majority of provinces will then move to phase one which allows greater mobility although both Madrid and Barcelona, ??the two provinces most affected by the pandemic, might not be included in the move. The Government's will is for each phase to last two weeks with the entire country arriving at stage four by the end of June, until which time there will be no return to the "new normal".
Sánchez said that "the state of alarm is working but that it is still necessary." According to the Prime Minister, "it would be irresponsible to do anything other than maintain it."
Phase 2 will start on 11 May and should see the reopening of many bars and restaurants although, at this stage, they may only serve outdoors on 50% of Unlike the previous requests, how- their terraces. ever, on this occasion there is no guarantee that the government will achieve the necessary opposition support to carry out the extension. Its ERC and PNV partners are not in favour of the extension and the PP, which has supported them all so far, has doubts of its own. The Government welcomes the fact that "the descent of the curve has now been established." According to Sánchez, it is because "we are reaping the fruits of confinement." On Monday, according to the Executive's plans, the de-escalation will begin to introduce its phased de-escalation which, the Prime Minister warns, will be "little by little." Next week the whole country will go to phase zero, with the exception of the islands of El Hierro, La Gomera and La Graciosa (Canary Islands) and Formentera (Balearic Islands) that will go directly to
The Prime Minister went on to announce that the use of face masks on any public transport system will be mandatory from Monday. For this, the State is going to distribute six million masks in all main transport hubs.
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vehicles with up to nine seats to travel with all their seats filled, provided that the occupants live in the same house. The use of masks is recommended. Despite the fact that currently the use of the car is residual, once Phase 1 begins there will be more businesses that are open and the movement of vehicles will increase. In the case of people not living together, only two seats can be occupied for each row, keeping their distances, and each passenger must use masks or other protection equipment. The Government will also allow gatherings of up to 10 people, either at home or outdoors. During these meetings, people should still keep a distance of two metres and always maintain the established hygiene measures. They do not have to be cohabiting at the same address, but may be family, neighbours or friends.
The masks will be mandatory for those who have to take a bus, a train or the Metro. Also over the weekend the Government increased from 30% to 50% the maximum occupation of the terraces of bars and restaurants in the hospitality sector on the introduction of phase 1 of the de-escalation process, scheduled for Monday, May 11. According to government sources, in phase 1, the terraces may be open with a maximum capacity of 50% and not 30%, but provided that people maintain a minimum safety distance of two metres and there are no groups of more than ten people. The move will only be of benefit, however, to those businesses that have large terraces, very much a minority. Also from 11 May, the Government will allow private
Congratulations to Colonel Tom On the eve of his 100th birthday Captain Tom Moore was promoted to the rank of Honorary Colonel by HM Queen Elizabeth, in recognition of his ‘outstanding achievements.’ Having now raised over £30 million for NHS Charities Captain Tom will also be honoured today with a flypast by a Spitfire and a Hurricane over his Bedfordshire home, however the exact time of the flypast has not been revealed so as to avoid large crowds showing up at his home. And as well as being honoured with a Royal Mail postmark, in the last week he became the oldest person to reach Number 1 in the UK charts as well as knocking Dame Vera Lynn off the iTunes top spot.
The centre is in Calle Santa Alodia
Looking forward to seeing you all again once the ‘lockdown’ is lifted. Keep safe!
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Trump ‘punishes’ Sanchez with the loss of a $20 billion U S contract.
A port bow view of the Spanish Navy, F 100 Class Frigate, ALMIRANTE JUAN DE BORBON Sánchez jeopardised the contract when he withdrew the 'Méndez Núñez' from the Gulf. Trump's ultimatum to Sánchez: “That Spain must increase Defence spending is not negotiable.” Despite seeming to be a more appealing offer, US President Donald Trump has punished Spain Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, by cancelling a $20 billion defence contract for the construction of twenty new-generation frigates for the US Navy and awarding it to Italian shipyards. Reports suggest that Trump has penalised Sanchez by removing the contract for two transgressions, first his refusal to increase NATO defence spending, which Trump said is ‘non-negotiable,’ and second his unilateral decision to withdraw the Spanish Navy frigate ' Méndez Núñez ' from the Combat Group of the aircraft carrier 'Abraham Lincoln' which Sanchez did last year at a time of ‘high tension’ between the United States and Iran, a move that is understood to have particularly upset the Donald Trump government, causing concern also amongst Spain’s military leaders. The contract had been awarded to Navantia, a Spanish state-owned shipbuilding company, which offers its services to both military and the civil sector. Navantia is the fifth-largest shipbuilder in Europe, and the ninth-largest in the world, but in a move that has caused
deep embarrassment to the Spanish Prime Minister the contract has now been awarded to Italian shipbuilder Fincatier based in Trieste. In the defence industry sector, the move is seen as a 'punishment' by the Trump Administration to the Pedro Sánchez government for its lack of support and its continued non-compliance with NATO budgets. The United States and NATO require Spain to spend 2% of its GDP on defence, with both the Alliance and Washington considering it to be the 'minimum' for each of the allies. However, national spending does not reach 1% which is the lowest of all NATO countries. It is a decision that caused a deep concern with the board of Navantia: the Spanish shipyard was confident of receiving the juicy multimillion-dollar contract from the United States, but following an official statement from the Pentagon on Friday the contract has now been scuppered. The Spanish offer had the advantage that the design of its frigates had already been successfully tested on the F100 class Aegis combat system-equipped air defence frigates which were jointly developed in the 1990s between Spain and the United States, and are already in service with the Spanish Navy. But despite the technical and economic advantages of the Spanish proposal, Navantia is now left without the contract, which, in the sector they openly associate with “political blunders." Spain's diplomatic relationship with the United States has suffered serious setbacks in the past year and a half. The decision to award the contract to Fincatier is just one more blow in the rapidly deteriorating relationship between Sanchez and Trump. And the situation, far from improving, has worsened over the years. Last December, at the London summit, the United States further snubbed Sanchez by excluding Spain from all peripheral high-level meetings.
e look forward to seeing our loyal customers once again just as soon as the government restrictions imposed because of COVID-19 have been removed. Until then, please keep safe
Paul and Dawn
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
637 227 385
The British Benevolent Fund In Spain has launched an emergency appeal to raise funds to deal with the impact of the coronavavirus
Protective screens using 3D printing for Los Montesinos Municipal personnel
The BBF, which which has been providing financial assistance to those U.K citizens in Spain without resources for nearly 90 years, has seen a dramatic increase both in the number and scope of cases being dealt with. The pandemic and subsequent lockdown has not only created a medical emergency but also an ongoing financial one for individuals and families. Throughout the lockdown the BBF has remained fully operational and has responded to the surge in requests for financial assistance directly, through the British consular network as well as partner charities across Spain. As with all cases, the BBF reacts speedily and with compassion to all applications for help. Sarah-Jane Morris, the British Consul Madrid said, “The British Embassy and the BBF have been working together to support British nationals in Spain for over one hundred years but never as intensively as this moment in time. The BBF is pulling out all the stops to support British nationals in Spain who are struggling as a result of coronavirus lockdown. For those British nationals trying to return to the UK who are struggling financially the BBF is providing grants for travel and subsistence. For those stranded here or who live here but have lost their livelihood at the moment they have been providing temporary grants to help with bills, accommodation and other
By Andrew Atkinson basic necessities”.
Julie Wood who heads the Case Support Committee highlighted the difference that compared to the pre-lockdown grants; “costs are higher for flights and public transport is limited or totally absent,” whilst the
BRITISH CONSUL MADRID For more information & to make a donation: https://britishbenevolentfund.org/support-us/ info@britishbenevolentfund.org
increase in cases coming are “due to an increase in people who are financially desperate”.
Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Butron (centre) and Municipal personnel with the protective screens. Los Montesinos Ayuntamiento have thanked Yasolav Babenko Kuznetsvovs for donating 15 protective screens that he made, using 3D printing. "The protective screens will be used by Municipal personnel who carry out work facing exposure to the public. We thank him very much for his work and contribution during the COVID-19 lockdown," Mayor Jose Manuel Butron told The Leader.
John Scott, O.B.E, Chairman of the BBF said that the Coronavirus Appeal “will help the BBF to deliver much needed financial assistance to people, many of whom have found themselves, through no fault of their own, without income and no place to turn” All funds raised go towards helping people through this period including funding UK repatriations, payments to meet medical expenses, grants to pay for household utilities, rental payments as well as for food. “More than ever the BBF volunteers need donations to help those who are really struggling during this very challenging and uncertain time. I hope you can help in any way you can.”
SEARCH FOR OUR UNSUNG SUPERWOMAN are going the extra mile during these extraordinary times,” said Margaret Hales, President of the European Union of Women. The European Union of Women is a nongovernmental organisation of women with a special purpose, bringing together the people of Europe in peace and prosperity through co-operation and friendship.
Who is your unsung superwoman during this crisis? The European Union of Women Marina Alta is running a competition from Friday May 1 to give a huge shout of appreciation to local women who have gone above and beyond for the community. These women could be working on the front line in hospitals, care homes or supermarkets. They could be cooking, cleaning or shopping for family or neighbours who are at high risk. They could be keeping people’s spirits up,
phoning to check if anyone needs anything, or taking themselves out of their comfort zone to help others. Any woman living in the Marina Alta area is eligible for the EUW Marina Alta Unsung Superwoman award. Nominations can be emailed to euwmarinaalta@gmail.com with the reason why they deserve to win. Further details are available on the European Union of Women Marina Alta Facebook page @euwmarinaalta. “We, at EUW, appreciate, value and thank all the women within our community who
Keep safe and we will see you all again when we have beaten the virus. At the moment we are closed until the end of April
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Better not to open than open just to go bankrupt
Transition, Teresa Ribera, for her statement saying that whoever was not comfortable with the plan set by the government, should not open their establishments.
"FOR RENT". The notice that, on Friday, was hung symbolically on the doors and windows of more than 150 bars, restaurants and coffee shops in Benidorm in protest at the measures to be introduced by central government to deal with de-escalaImage: www.freepik.com tion of the lockdown after more than six weeks.
"There is apathy as well as a lack of consistency and inventiveness in the de-escalation measures," he added, saying "it is not feasible to open with just 30 percent of the capacity when the expenses we have to accept are one hundred percent."
The campaign, promoted by the local association Abreca-Cobreca, joins with those that have already been introduced by businessmen from other cities in the province, including Elche and Alicante, and across Spain. The president of Abreca, Javier del Castillo, explained that with these posters the hospitality sector in Benidorm is saying 'Enough is Enough". "We are suffering continuous abuse, our workers have not yet received any benefits and now the conditions under which we are being told to open are ridiculous," added Del Castillo, who said that bar and restaurant owners "deserve more respect.” The president of Cobreca, Pablo González, said that they have felt " abandoned as a result of the measures imposed on our sector" by the Government, while he has criticised the Minister for Ecological
This is not the only reason for the protest led by the Association of Hospitality Entrepreneurs, as they also call for "the flexibility with regards to ERTEs" in order to "gradually reinstate our staff to meet the real needs of our hospitality establishments”. "This year and 2021 are going to be the most difficult in the history of the hospitality industry, that is why we want the Government to support us with measures that do not lead us to closure," they said. As the days go by this protest, which is the first of its kind in Spain, is gaining momentum as it "moves across the country", with the aim that the Government "change the road map", since "if the de-escalation plan is not modified, a third of all hotel and hospitality establishments in Spain will close", in a sector that generates hundreds of thousands of work contracts and millions in government taxes.
We look forward to seeing all of our loyal customers again, once the state of alarm and restrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. In the meantime keep safe and healthy..
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
637 227 385
FORDproducing face masks and shields for its own employees across Europe Ford is manufacturing face masks in the U.K. and face shields as part of the measures to provide a safe working environment for returning employees during the COVID-19 crisis Production of personal protective equipment in the U.K., Germany and elsewhere in Europe reduces demand for outsourced equipment that is needed by other services and industries The initiative is part of a global effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19 DUNTON, U.K., April 30, 2020 – Ford is producing face masks in the U.K. and face shields at other Ford sites in Europe as part of initiatives to deliver a safe working environment for employees performing essential roles at Ford facilities in Europe during the COVID-19 crisis. Production of personal protective equipment is
already underway at Ford facilities in the U.K., Germany, Spain and Romania. This is designed to ensure that Ford’s intention to restart initial production at most of its main continental European vehicle and engine plants next week does not add to worldwide demand for such personal protective equipment. “We want our production facilities to be prepared and our staff protected – but we are determined to ensure that this has no impact on those tackling the COVID-19 crisis from getting the personal protective equipment they need,” said Rene Wolf, director of manufacturing, Ford of Europe. Watch the video of face mask production at Ford’s Dunton Campus in the U.K. here: https://youtu.be/3WSZmfW8lDw The company plans to increase output to meet the demand for the full resumption of European business, combining with a similar facility in the U.S. to provide global coverage of face masks for Ford
employees worldwide.
Face mask production The company’s Dunton Campus, in the UK, has risen to the challenge by installing two new purpose-built machines that are capable of producing between 60 and 90 general-use, disposable face masks per minute. Three teams of ten will work around the clock to produce the masks. “To get these machines up and running in such a short time, the response from everyone involved has been just amazing,” said Chris White, manager, Dunton Technical Centre, Ford of Europe. “The machines were sourced from China, and a Ford China team worked non-stop to prepare the delivery and ensured we could easily learn how to install and use them. Now, just a few weeks after the project was kicked off, we’ve already got our staff covered.”
Face shield production In Germany, Ford’s Rapid Prototyping Center, in Merkenich, will in future handle the whole region’s volume production of face shields. The team is using in-house injection-moulding machines to produce up to 5,000 face shields per day for use across all Ford facilities in Europe. In Valencia, Spain, Ford is using 3D printing to produce 300 face shields per day, while in Craiova, Romania, around 10,000 face shields have
already been produced for Ford employees and the local dealer network. The initiative to produce face masks and face shields is part of Ford’s Project Apollo, a global effort to produce personal protection equipment, assist with local and national initiatives, and increase the availability of ventilators – all to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Face masks are excluding the deaf and the hard of hearing “Not being able to see the movement of lips will be extremely detrimental to a deaf person’s access to communication”.
Tribute to patients and staff of the Casaverde Care Home in Horadada
Face masks are being used extensively across Spain but please spare a thought for the one section of our population for whom they are only proving to be a hindrance: The deaf and hard of hearing. While surgical masks have been the norm in Asian countries, they’re a new addition to Western society as we attempt to fend off the spread of the deadly disease but the coverings are posing yet another challenge for the deaf and hard of hearing population of more than 450 million globally, or 5% of the world. Plus, there are many older
people who are increasingly suffering from a hearing loss and they’re a group that is at higher risk in battling Covid-19. This new accessory is now affecting everyone in the deaf and hard of hearing community—deaf people who rely on sign language still need facial expressions for a full understanding of what is being communicated. Not only do they make communication during the pandemic hard to understand, they further alienate the deaf population, which can already feel left out. The facial coverings are increasingly worn by essential workers and public service employees, where communication has to be understandable. Since the lockdown, there’s been much discussion about whether we should all
Dubbed “The bus of optimism and solidarity”.
There was a tribute to the patients and the carers who look after them at the gates of the Casaverde Residence Pilar de la Horadada in Thursday. The event consisted of the arrival of "The LAT optimism bus", covered with the slogan "Everything will be fine". The mayor, José Mª Pérez, accompanied by councillors and members of the Civil Guard, Municipal Police and volunteers, attended the event to pay tribute to the residents and the centre staff. The mayor said that he is proud of this well-deserved tribute to our elders and the carers who take care of them, and he gave thanks the Casaverde Group for all the support in carrying the event out. The Casaverde Group organised the visit of the "bus of optimism and solidarity", an initiative of Autobuses LAT, the concessionaire of the Murcia intercity bus service. The bus is touring health centres and nursing homes in the area, carrying on board a series of products representative of the Murcian region, with the support of companies like Hero and El Pozo. The multi-coloured vehicle has a large rainbow drawn on its exterior and a message that reads “Everything will be fine”, which is also the motto of the Casaverde Group, and has become a symbol of strength, that millions of people across the country have hung on their balconies.
Representatives of Autobuses LAT were present, along with residence director Manuel Cascales, the commercial and development director, Arturo Úbeda and the marketing executive, Cristina Rocamora. The Casaverde Group thanked all those who made the event possible, and the trust placed by the families of the residents in the centres together with the team of professionals who are making so much effort. https://www.grupocasaverde.com/
Quironsalud Torrevieja getting back to normal In light of the developments regarding COVID-19, we would like to say that our thoughts are with those affected by the virus in Spain and around globe. At Quironsalud Torrevieja, the well-being and safety of our patients, clients and colleagues is our top priority. We are implementing ongoing measures to ensure the health and safety of our staff, while also maintaining the highest level of healthcare to our patients. We are keeping up with the guidance of the Spanish government, CDC and state and local authorities related to travel, quarantine, meetings and events, and we will continue to adjust our guidance accordingly to these guidelines. On this regard, Hospital Quironsalud Torrevieja has been gradually reactivating its consultations since Monday the 27th of
The Torrevieja hospital Quiron Salud is now operating normally
Quironsalud Torrevieja hospital has a robust technology and a culture of keeping safety in sight that enables our staff to efficiently and effectively perform their work assuring the 1.5 – 2.0 meter distance is held, and security measurements stablished by the Ministry of Health, thus including wearing masks, and hand sanitizer. All of our staff have been screened for covid19, meaning that there are no risks from anybody. Thus, the hospital´s facilities are available for patients needing to make a medical appointment as most of our specialists are also available via telephone, video conference and physical consultation. Instant and consecutive Interpretation/translation is also available in English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, French and Finnish for our
Appointments can be made by phone +34 966 921 313 we want to assure you that we will continue to provide uninterrupted service to you and our partners.
of this strong community that supports each other to accomplish great things. It is the power of this community that will propel us through this to better times.
As we navigate through these challenging times and difficult times, we are often reminded how fortunate we are to be part
If questions remain unanswered, feel free to reach out by calling +34 966 92 13 13 or by email to rembert.duarte@quironsalud.es
637 227 385
be wearing face masks, with no consensus among either doctors or politicians and the one voice that has been noticeably absent from the debate is that of the deaf and hard of hearing, for whom mandatory mask- wearing would, many say, be “disastrous”. Opaque face masks prevent deaf people from being able to communicate. David Miller who lives in La Marina and who is profoundly deaf told The Leader that he is passionately against them becoming mandatory: “Not being able to see the movement of lips will be extremely detrimental to a deaf person’s access to communication and will affect their mental health,” he says. “They will have no understanding of what is being ‘said’ to them, and they will feel totally excluded from conversation.”
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Iglesias and Montero buy an apartment in Benidorm
Courtesy San Fulgencio FB
Markets reopen but only with food and limited capacity Last Thursday in Rafal, the first of the region’s street markets reopened, and despite the restrictions introduced by the local authority it attracted to it a steady stream of consumers. The one thing it didn’t bring to it, however, was the hustle and bustle, the fun inherent, the atmosphere and the inherent language of the street markets which all echoed amongst the stalls with far less intensity than usual. There were no traditional huddles of neighbours catching up on the local gossip. The rationale was simply to go, buy and go home as quickly as possible. And that's probably what will happen in the rest of the markets in the province when they take the decision to reopen in the coming days and weeks. Stall holders selling fruit and veg, food and other basic necessities returned to the streets and showed what the new normality will be after the coronavirus, including access controls to avoid crowds, just the one entry and exit point, lines painted on the road to mark the distance for buyers, police surveillance and widespread use of gloves, masks and disinfecting gels. It is an essential activity sector that supports hundreds of families up and down the coast and has special significance in regions such as Vega Baja, where the province’s agricultural production is centralized. The measures of social confinement have taken markets off the streets for a month and a half with many stallholders having a very hard time. Aid is fine, but only a very few have been able to get it, so although the sales volume in Rafal was much lower than usual, the market was a welcome return for the traders of the municipality and although it will take a while to get back to normal, the people
have shown that they can adapt. In San Fulgencio a Saturday market was held close to Iceland and Lidl where organisers welcomed around 350 customers and the day passed without complaint or incident. There were only a small number of stalls, but everyone – stallholders and customers – perfectly observed the health and safety and the social distancing measures put in place. Everyone was given disposable gloves and hand sanitiser as they entered the market via the solitary entrance and exit point. Following the success for the market the Tuesday market in San Fulgencio Village and the Thursday market in La Marina Urbanisation will also go ahead with the same measures in place. The council said on it0s Facebook page that it would like to thank everyone involved in enabling the first market to be held in the municipality since the start of the State of Alarm.
Yet another scandal has engulfed the general secretary of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, and his partner and spokesperson in Congress, Irene Montero, and the pair having purchased a 400,000 euro front line apartment in Benidorm. Bought from a Swiss couple through a local estate agency, the property is a 140-square-meter penthouse located in the Emperatriz urbanisation, with a communal pool, a private garage, and a front line view over Poniente beach. The two politicians already own a property in the Sierra de Madrid worth more than 600,000 euros, Iglesias was quick to explain that "like all good people from Madrid, we will spend the summer on
the Costa Blanca and as renting is simply throwing money away, we thought that the best thing to do was to buy our own apartment.” Podemas currently forms part of the Spanish coalition government, of which Iglesias is a Vice President. Based on an ideology of austerity and equality, since 1996 the party has included the Spanish Communist Party amongst its membership. When asked if he was aware of the new arrival the Benidorm mayor, Toni Pérez (PP), said that he had already been in touch with Iglesias, telling him that, despite their ideological differences, he was delighted to welcome the family to the town.
‘That Darn Cat’ THIS IS THE TRUE STORY of a cat and two couples who were long-time friends and next door neighbours. Some names may, or may not, have been changed, in order to protect the cat and the four individuals involved – none of whom are innocent! The setting is a large town in England. Westmeath man, Sean, is married to Englishwoman Kathy (this may not be her real name, but she spells it with a “K”). Kathy, like many English people is an avid animal lover. Sean and Kathy’s next door neighbours were (note “were”!) another English couple called Ron and Anne. (This is their real names, as this column has nothing to fear from Ron or Anne) Ron and Anne owned a tom-cat, whose name has not been released to this column – so we shall just call him Tom. Kathy and Tom struck up a beautiful friendship, on account of her English-style hospitality – feeding cats. One evening the door-bell rang and Sean answered the door. It was Ron and Sean was surprised when his friend declined the invitation to come in. Ron had a complaint to make: Both he and Anne were upset because they felt that, as Tom’s owners, their role was being undermined by Kathy feeding Tom: The innuendo being that Kathy was attempting to entice Tom away from his lawful family. Ron asked that the custom be discontinued where Tom was concerned and Sean said he would talk to Kathy. Good neighbourly relations were restored – for the time being! Tom was not in favour of the new arrangement at
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
all, at all. He continued to visit, meowing and pleading with his eyes. After ignoring him for several days, Kathy’s soft heart got the better of her hard head and Tom began to receive the odd tasty morsel, on the sly!
ing which had bloated the cat – Flake was now the proud mother of sextuplets!! Kathy was over the moon!
Then Anne caught Kathy feeding Tom and as they say, ‘all hell broke loose’! The previous six years of warm neighbourly relations just counted for nothing.
Sean wondered what sort of a return he would get on his £200 investment, when the kittens were old enough to go their separate ways. A few weeks later he broached the subject with Kathy, who looked at him the same way that Queen Herod must have looked at her husband when he announced he was going to kill all the innocents! No, Kathy could not bear to part with a single member of her large cat family. ‘This cannot get any worse’, thought Sean to himself. It could and it did!
A week later, Sean could not believe his eyes, when a large ‘FOR SALE” sign went up on the house next door. It ruffled him a bit that the guy who previously couldn’t drive a nail without asking his opinion, now moved house without even waiting for the sale to be completed. Ah well, at least the problem of the cat was solved and he had managed to remain fairly neutral in this tragic love triangle. But the problem was not solved. Kathy missed Tom! 'Happy wife - happy life', thought Sean. Perusing through the local newspaper, Sean settled into “pets” on the classified page. Sure enough, he found what he was looking for. Not only did it list a cat for sale, but there was a photo of the cat – this is how it is in England. Sean called the number and wasted no time in calling to the address given, where he inspected this big friendly feline called ‘Flake’. The asking price of £200 was handed over by the grateful Irishman and a caring husband arrived home to a now happy wife. Soon Flake settled in as if she had always been a part of the family. Now, the story takes yet another twist! Flake was under the wood-pile and wouldn’t come out. By the time Sean came home from work and dismantled the logs, he discovered that it wasn’t over-eat-
Andalusia proposes to install screens around its sunbeds The President of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, has spoken to the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, about the opening of beaches for the summer season with reduced capacity and the installation of security "screens" for sunbeds and umbrellas that will ensure safety distances preventing the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
Through the window, on a Saturday morning, as he enjoyed his bacon and egg, Sean observed the kittens circling playfully around their Mother, in the back garden. But there was something strange going on here. There was robust commotion. Then the bacon stuck in his throat and the egg ran down his chin. There was this hunk of a cat, in the middle of the garden, who was just entering a relationship with Flake. It was Tom!! Tom was back! He had left home, several miles away, to make his own way in the world and was moving in with Flake! This is where the story rests and the moral of the
637 227 385
story is; don’t feed the neighbour’s cat! Don’t Forget. The gift that keeps on giving – a female cat! Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
Moreno said the measures are essential if the beaches are to attract tourism during the summer
The idea was explained by Moreno during an appearance from the Palacio de San Telmo in which he took part electronically in Sánchez's seventh meeting with the regional presidents to update everyone about the coronavirus health crisis, in which he also called for a national rescue plan for the tourist industry.
The head of the Andalusian Executive explained that this proposal was well received by the Prime Minister, who has also promised to study the summer planning on the coasts proposed by Andalusia. Moreno argued that the opening of the beaches this summer is "very important" for the tourism sector, although the coronavirus pandemic poses "difficulties" that will require "everyone's best effort." "Some beaches will have to remain closed but there are others that may be opened by using these screens, marking safety distances between sunbeds and umbrellas", explained Moreno, who also stated that a "limited capacity" will be necessary on each beach which will be maintained by the Local Police and the State Security Forces ». In his opinion, these measures are essential to "if there is to be the real possibility of opening the bea-
ches" this summer and "to be able to have a reasonable tourist season where business can start to regenerate some economic activity and save jobs, employment and companies, but always with guarantees and social discipline that we all have to preserve. Moreno said he was pleased that Sánchez was receptive to his proposal for a national rescue plan for tourism because it is undoubtedly the economic sector "that has been the worst affected" by Covid19 and it is essential "to help businessmen so that they do not have to close their company’s." As he explained, the priority must also include a rescue plan "avoiding further damage to companies and helping to promote national tourism with a financial injection to companies with zero income that are on the verge of collapse”.
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Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
These are measures that have not been agreed with the sector and that will lead to the closure of dozens of establishments
Local Business Associations criticise Plan for De-Escalation Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced his plans for the de-escalation of the ‘lockdown’ last weekend, his intention being achievement of "the new normal" by late June. Split into four distinct phases the two that particularly affect local trade in the Orihuela Costa are phases one and two. In phase one restaurants and bars will be able to open their terraces, up to 30% of their usual capacity, but it is not until phase two that members of the public will be able to enter the inside of bars and restaurants, also to a limit of 30% of capacity. Although yet to be confirmed it is thought that phase one will be implemented on 11 May with phase two following a fortnight later. However, almost in entirety, business groups and associations within the hospitality sector have rejected the proposals with a barrage of complaints, finding the plan to reopen their businesses unfeasible, with many of them now formulating their own timetables, some of which have already been submitted to government. "With these measures, most of us will not be able to work, it is unfeasible under those conditions," said María del Mar Valera, president of the Provincial Hospitality Association (Apeha), which represents a sector that exceeds 6,800 businesses in the province. Vital sectors of the provincial economy warn that the process must be accompanied by labour and fiscal measures or they will lead to the definitive closure of establishments, and that the lack of definition may "be catastrophic."
ON THE ORIHUELA COSTA the two business associations that represent a majority of bars and restaurants, OC Avanza and The Strip Business Association, have issued this statement: Phase 1 and 2 of the proposed deescalation plan presented by President Pedro Sanchez this week is impractical as most of the bar/restaurant terraces are very small, the “plan” as it is will destroy the 90% of the tourism related businesses in Orihuela Costa. We urge the government, in relation to bars and restaurants in this tourist destination to go directly to phase 3 on the 11th or the 18th May. Some businesses may need to opt out of reopening for a further month or more and until after flights from the UK and Ireland are restored to near normal levels. Lockdown has left businesses and the livelihoods of workers in Orihuela Costa in ruins with little or no financial help to date. Most of the businesses are still expected to pay rent with no income. We ask the government to financially support businesses and their workers so as they can reopen in a viable way. Although there are many businesses operated by Spanish Nationals Cabo Roig a large number are also owned by expatriates. As such there are concerns that any direct submission to government would fall on deaf ears. Fortunately for Cabo Roig, however, one organisation that does have a voice is the Chamber of Commerce, through it’s regular video conferences with the
Community President and it will hopefully be via that link that the statement will be shared. Specifically focused on Business and the local economy, the Chamber currently seems to be the only organisation that has any weight with Regional governments so it would seem to be the only viable route that is currently on offer. Business groups in Alicante and Elche have been particularly critical of the government’s plans with both saying that they are completely unworkable
for the hospitality industry. In a letter to the mayor of Elche, Apeha, said “we have no choice but to show our absolute disagreement. These are measures that have not been agreed with the sector and that will lead to the closure of dozens of establishments and the ruin of hundreds of those affected.” “For this reason, and as first-hand specialists, we ask the mayor of Elche, Carlos González, to understand the magnitude of the problem and we ask him to raise his voice to Pedro Sánchez
on behalf of all the people in this industry.” The letter was signed by over 130 bar and restaurant owners. A statement on the Association website said that the measures are “confusing, and would result in the continued closure of establishments, which would be catastrophic,” also adding “we demand the implementation of the aid promised to the sector to overcome the forced closure since 14 March. Not a single specific aid has yet been received and the promised ones still do not materialize.” Graphic courtesy of Assn de Vecinos Cabo Roig y Lomas
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
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ANSWERS Week 812
ACROSS 1. Massacre (9) 8. Vehicle (3) 9. Trustworthy (11) 11. See (7) 12. Drone (5) 13. Kine (6) 15. Pure (6) 17. Collier (5) 18. Visualise (7) 20. Nervy (11) 22. French coin (3) 23. Virago (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 21.
Untruth (3) Orb (5) Tuft (6) Refuse (7) Eternal (11) Mediate (9) Impulsive (11) Rot (9) Biggest (7) Spectator (6) Fragrance (5) Fowl (3)
QUICK ACROSS: 7 Trophy; 8 Polish; 10 Publish; 11 Trick; 12 Fury; 13 Scoff; 17 Vaunt; 18 Yarn; 22 Halve; 23 Rampage; 24 Cavity; 25 Rating. DOWN: 1 Stupefy; 2 Bombard; 3 Chair; 4 Fortify; 5 Vivid; 6 Choke; 9 Chicanery; 14 Majesty; 15 Paladin; 16 Inveigh; 19 Thick; 20 Slave; 21 Smear. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Hearer; 8 Boring; 10 Fall out; 11 Train; 12 Link; 13 About; 17 Seven; 18 Mate; 22 Dross; 23 Outlast; 24 Across; 25 Action. DOWN: 1 Shuffle; 2 Failing; 3 Heron; 4 Contour; 5 Midas; 6 Agent; 9 Stable-boy; 14 Persist; 15 Fanatic; 16 Destiny; 19 Edgar; 20 Court; 21 Stick.
ACROSS 1. Assured of being admitted to the church (9) 8. See 11 Across 9. The sort of hard look that comes from one with spectacles? (6,5) 11 & 8Ac. Trying to get a lot (6,1,3) 12. To behave like a glutton will produce a deep rift (5) 13. Large groups of birds round the top of the dove-cote (6) 15. Says tastes differ (6) 17. A well-watered spot - because of the broken tiles? (5) 18. It's dreadful being at home in ruined house (7) 20. How certain people are convinced! (11) 22. To give way under pressure is not quite wise (3) 23. Those who express the thoughts of the wheelwrights? (9)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Plus or minus 200 days, how many days are there in a millennium? 2. Which Broadway musical was based on T.H. White's novel The Once and Future King? 3. The four Germans, Marlene Dietrich, Albert Einstein, Karl Marx and Karlheinz Stockhausen can all be seen in the same place. Where is that? 4. Which European explorer was the first to discover New Zealand on his voyage of 1642? 5. Miss Rottenmeier is a very strict and pedantic housekeeper in which book or films? 6. English chemist John Dalton published the first scientific paper on which common deficiency in 1798? (Clue: Although seen to some as being a disability, it can be highly advantageous to the armed forces at night) 7. Who fell head over heels in love with Anne Darrow? 8. What is a North African Wadi? 9. Which day of the week is named after the Norse god of single combat? 10. Which modern game was inspired by the North American Indian
DOWN 2. One may be seen from the window-ledge (3) 3. Ben is confused by the playwright (5) 4. His map is spoiled by an accident (6) 5. A dose of medicine for a man on the board (7) 6. Unusually bare food allocations will produce mental lapses (11) 7. Turns one's attention to present-day clothing (9) 10. Intimate receipt of information attached to the account (11) 11. Sewer working automatically (9) 14. Circuitous ways of French excursions (7) 16. Got the native quarter destroyed (6) 19. She appears in a sapphire necklace (5) 21. Fish going back for shelter (3)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) game BAGGATAWAY? 11. Cape Hatteras is located in North Carolina and is America's tallest what? 12. The first double LP was released in 1966 and was titled Freak Out. Name the band. clue, in song, they "were at the best place around" 13. Which famous symbol contains the semaphoric letters N and D? 14. Which giant of a man lends his name to the largest frog in the world? 15. Burj Khalifa is a supertall skyscraper in Dubai and is the tallest manmade structure ever built. Plus or minus 50 metres (or plus or minus 150 feet), how tall is it? 16. What did 80,000 men cut to build Solomon's Temple? 17. What is inside popcorn that makes it pop? 18. What is David Cornwell's pen name? 19. Versailles palace and St Paul's cathedral in London are both examples of which style of architecture? 20. The first Gold single in the USA was in 1958. The artist was Perry Como. Name the song.
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Former Russian MP arrested in Alicante for embezzlement THE CIVIL GUARD has detained a former deputy of the Russian State Parliament. They followed up on an International Detention Order (OID) issued by the Russian authorities through Interpol. The former MP is accused of a crime of embezzlement of public funds following a project that was never completed. The detainee is a former deputy of the State Duma, who also held the position of deputy prime minister of a Russian region, the hometown of a former leader of the Soviet Union (USSR). RUSSIAN ORGANIZED CRIME As a result of the International Detention and Extradition Order issued through Interpol, the Civil Guard began an investigation earlier in the year, to confirm the identity and the whereabouts of the individual. As a result, the
agents found him in a small town in the Alta Marina of Alicante. During the course of the investigation, due to the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19, special deployments were greatly hindered because of the national lockdown. Following his arrest, he was placed at the disposal of the Central Investigating Court where je is currently being held in custody.
The Costa Blanca continues to be one of the favourite destinations for criminal organisations with high purchasing power and also for individuals escaping from justice in their respective countries of origin. The climate and quality of life are an attraction that few countries can offer, together with the characteristics provided by certain isolated geographical areas, of "high stand-
ing" and with a high percentage of foreigners. They often prove to be the ideal setting where such individuals can continue their lives whilst maintaining a "low profile" and avoiding detection.
In this case, the man had selected a small and discreet municipality on the Alicante coast where he resided unnoticed enjoying a high standard of living, making a number of real estate investments. There have been many operations carried out in recent years, specifically in the field of Russian organised crime by the Civil Guard which has resulted in the detection of the presence of these individuals. The operation has been carried out by the Information Group of the Alicante Command and the Information Office of the Civil Guard and was identified as Operation Comparsa.
The man was arrested while out for a walk with his dog
Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99.
Meetings are currently postponed during the current crisis. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. ...currently postponed Royal Air Force Association Costa
Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre helpathomecb@gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits@outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at: oc.communitycare@gmail.com
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15
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am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Linda. Blonde mature lady. Torrevieja. Soft hands. Massage with happy ending. 634 300 074.
Callistemon has a lot of bottle! Callistemon - known as the Bottlebrush plant - gets the name from the spikes of flowers in bloom with the stems-like fireworks, bearing a strong resemblance to a bottle brush. A lemon-scent whence you brush past them - irresistible to nectar-feeding birds and insects - including bees and butterflies, with the honeybees in abundance this time of year. Callistemon are an evergreen plant, which can be grown in a pot, or as a
shrub and tree, rising up to 4m. Most bottlebrush varieties bloom from late spring - all through summer in shades of red or crimson, with one exception being the Callistemon Sieberi, which has light-yellow flower spikes. Bottlebrush plants thrive in a mild climate in a sunny position, with welldrained soil. Once mature it will tolerate drought conditions, making the Callistemon an ideal plant on the Costa Blanca. The flowers come in impressive shades of cream, green, pink, red and mauve with some varieties flowering twice a year. Plants grown in full sun tend to produce better flowers which the nectarfeeding birds and insects find so irresistible. Callistemons tend to become woody and untidy with age so give a trim after flowering to promote a dense growth habit. A low-phosphorous fertiliser can be applied in spring and autumn. Avoid too much nitrogen as this will boost leaf growth at the expense of flowers. Mulch to retain soil moisture and reduce weed growth. GARDEN FELIX Los Montesinos. We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed movement put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, is lifted. Keep safe. Felix, Garden Felix.
The Flowers come in impressive shades of cream, green, pink, red and mauve with some varieties flowering twice a year.
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Lucy eyes global fame - and awards The Voice UK semi-finalist star Lucy Calcines in team Will.i.am talks to Andrew Atkinson in Part 2 of an Exclusive interview about University Graduation, recording, producing and filming; food, behind the scenes of The Voice UK - and global ambitions. "I graduated from Middlesex University in 2018 with a BA in Music Industry and Arts Management," said Lucy, speaking from London.
TRULY BLESSED! 'I have many Equestrian friends, particularly in the Torrevieja region of Spain, who haven't seen their horses in weeks, due to lockdown regulations'. International Equestrian trick rider-equine performer Emma Tytherleigh reflects on Spain and the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, in an exclusive interview from Munich, Germany, with Andrew Atkinson. I'm certainly one of the lucky ones - in this crazy world.” Those are the feelings of Emma Tytherleigh, currently in Munich, Germany, in the wake of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic across the world. Emma, based in the Costa Blanca, prior to going to Munich where she starred in the Horse Theatre show Cavalluna for two years, is famed for her Flamenco shows for over a decade. "I have many Equestrian friends at home, particularly in the Torrevieja region, who haven't seen their horses in weeks, due to lockdown regulations. "Their yards are closed - leaving the stable owners to take good care of the horses," said Emma. "My best friend, Brooke Saxon, who many will remember from our Flamenco shows at Casa La Pedrera, has had a season of shows and events cancelled," said Emma. "Smaller riding schools and family run trekking centres are on 'pause' - like many businesses - the difference being the animals still need feeding and exercising," "If you're planning to go riding in the future, please consider buying a Gift voucher, to help keep small businesses afloat. "They are what most little girls dream of, turned into adults, doing it for passion and the love of horses. "I'm sure many would love an afternoon in the countryside - after being stuck indoors, once coronavirus restrictions are lifted," said Emma. Emma, living in an apartment with four very passionate horsemen and women, said: "Our horses are just a walk down a hill - surrounded by glorious countryside. I am truly blessed. "I have bought a new horse, Ricchi, he's at the beginning of his education, and I can't wait to start showing him off to the world!". As in the rest of Europe, live events are are cancelled in Germany, until the end of August, at present, due to COVID-19 regulations. "Myself and trick riding partner James Denny are currently experimenting with different social media platforms. "We are live on my Instagram channel on Wednesday afternoons, giving our audience a real insight into our trick riding training sessions. "Something that has not been done before - we're receiving amazing, positive feed-back," said Emma. Instagram: @emmatytherleigh
Lucy, who can speak six languages, said: "Graduating was an incredible experience and to that I owe the fact that I am able to manage my own career." Due to the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown, that lead to the postponement of The Voice UK semi-finals and final, Lucy hasn't turned to hobbies. "To be honest I don't really have many hobbies - I am always working on my music, whether it is recording, producing, writing, or filming and editing videos for my YouTube channel," said Lucy. Lucy, in team Will.i.am of Black Eyed Peas fame, has big future ambitions: "I would like to be able to become a globally known artist. "And grow my fanbase - so I can share my music with a lot of people!," said Lucy. Lucy, 18, whose parents are from Havana, Cuba, and reside in the Canary Islands, laughed: "Also it would be cute to win a few Awards." Lucy, who plans to perform in Spain in the future, said: "I really like Madrid and the Canary Islands where I was raised." Top: Hair and makeup. Left: Arriving pre show Above: Performing in the Semi Final.
Asked about her favourite food, Lucy replied: "I honestly can't chose my favourite food - I like everything!". Behind the scenes of The Voice UK, Lucy said: "Meeting the team of The Voice has been the best experience of my life.
"They really look after me, and support me with my visions as an artist. I am incredibly grateful for everything they have done. I love them all so
TORREVIEJA U3A Thinking of you all during this unusual time the Torrevieja U3A is doing it’s best to help all its members stay informed of what is happening out there without relaying false information. Several of its groups are still meeting via zoom and Skype and others via
other methods. The association is here to help with any member struggling through this period and our welfare officer is on email. We have the usual monthly newsletter going out to members as well as our Facebook site. If you want to exercise and stay fit then check out our website for the group “fit for Spain” gentle exercise every day. Line dancing tunes are available. Don’t be on your own, make contact through our groups or committee page. It’s important to keep in touch. Whilst we have had to cancel meetings and events we want you to know that we are still here for you. www.torreviejau3a.org
much!". Photographs: courtesy Lucy Calcines (c).
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
637 227 385
Join the RBL online in commemorating VE Day 75 THERE ARE MANY PARALLELS BETWEEN THE STRUGGLES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR AND WHAT THE WORLD IS GOING THROUGH TODAY, AND LOOKING TO THE SECOND WORLD WAR GENERATION, THEIR RESILIENCE AND DETERMINATION, HELPS INSPIRE TODAY’S GENERATION IN THESE DIFFICULT TIMES. branches and formations have joined in with the commemoration. They are: District Parade Marshal - Jack Kemp Alicante Standard Bearer - Mary Kemp Alicante Deputy Standard Bearer - Jack Kemp Alicante Deputy Standard Bearer - John Pratt Altiplano Standard Bearer - John Watson Gandia Standard Bearer - Mark Walden Royal Navy Association Standard Bearer Torrevieja - Bryan Dalton
The RBL presentation will be hosted by TV presenter Sonali Shah As people are no longer able to attend national and regional VE Day 75 commemorations or events due to the Covid-19 pandemic, The Royal British Legion is playing a central role in the delivery of a range of remote activity for people to participate in from home. This includes a VE Day 75 livestream, national moments of Remembrance and thanksgiving and a learning pack for young people. The Legion is inviting everyone to join together in encouraging people of all generations and communities to take part in the activities on 8th May and pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of the entire Second World War generation. As society faces some of the most challenging times since of the Second World War, it is now more important than ever to unite in recognition of service to the nation, just as communities did 75 years ago. Royal British Legion Schedule (UK timings) 1100-1102 – Two Minute Silence 1115-1200 – The Royal British Legion VE75 Livestream 2000-2110 – VE Day 75: The People’s
Celebration, BBC One 2100 – ‘We’ll Meet Again’ Singalong Two Minute Silence The Legion is calling on people to join in a national moment of reflection and Remembrance at 11am on Friday 8th May and pause for a Two Minute Silence, not only in recognition of the service and sacrifice of the Second World War generation, but also to reflect on the devastating impact Covid19 has had on so many lives across the world. People are invited to take part in the Silence in whatever way they feel appropriate be that standing at their window, stepping outside their home, whilst remaining distanced from others, or taking the opportunity for a quiet moment of reflection. To build momentum towards this important moment, please share this with your communities and encourage everyone to come together in Remembrance at 11am. Spain District North Tribute A Virtual Parade of Standards has been set up so that Branches and Associations can parade together on VE Day on 8th May 2020 and to date seven
Over 300 members have been involved in carrying out the act, video’s and stills from which have been sent to the UK and will be stitched together to be played on National TV on VE Day. Sky News have expressed an interest in the parade and may well be doing something on it on VE Day as will BBC Breakfast. It will also be played on TRBL YouTube Page and hopefully on The People’s Celebration BBC ONE: 20:00 – 21:10
Alicante Deputy Standard Bearer John Pratt
The RBL Virtual Parade 2020 Link https://www.facebook.com/groups/2114 72676838401/
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPopp yLegion.
Legion website https://www.rbl.org.uk/stories/ve-daysingalong
Following the Silence the Legion is hosting a VE Day livestream, sharing stories and memories from those who served and sacrificed during the Second World War. The Legion is inviting people to grab a cup of tea and join us for the livestream as we bring the World War Two generation together with today’s generation to chat about their experiences.
To mark the 75th anniversary of VE day, in these unprecedented times, the BBC in partnership with The Royal British Legion will honour and celebrate the World War Two Generation with an evening of memories and music. Featuring some of those who remember this historic day, together with Britain’s favourite performers who will entertain us with popular songs of the era. In a fitting finale at 9.00 pm we will see the nation unite for a very special rendition of “We’ll Meet Again” as we all give thanks to our veterans and remember our loved ones.
VE Day 75 Learning Pack
Hosted by TV presenter Sonali Shah, the programme will feature contributions from social historian Julie Summers and cook and influencer Melissa Helmsley. The stream will be live from 11.15am on the Legion’s website rbl.org.uk/veday75 and
‘We’ll Meet Again’ Singalong Lyrics available on The Royal British
Designed for 7-14 year olds the learning pack includes first-hand accounts from the Second World War generation, veteran interviews and a range of activities to allow families to explore and commemorate VE Day 75 together. People can follow the activity on social media using #VEDay75 and #VEDay75Live during the livestream. There are many parallels between the struggles of the Second World War and what the world is going through today, and looking to the Second World War generation, their resilience and determination, helps inspire today’s generation in these difficult times.
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Calls to come out of lockdown are too soon to do safely
Yonai and Jesus itching for action with SPORTING SALADAR FFCV Sporting Saladar Regional Group 1 G8 brothers Yonai and Jesus Manuel Culiañez Gil are hoping football will return, amid the Valencia Football League fixtures postponement, due to the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown. ANDREW ATKINSON reports.
Quote: 'The reason scientists didn't want us to move earlier is because once you go into lockdown, the resilience and people's willingness to stay in lockdown and the economic consequences, mean there is only a certain amount of time that you can hold that in place'.
we are, all the way through it and learning."
In a special report ANDREW ATKINSON looks at the controversy of the running of the 2020 Cheltenham Festival which the UK government clarified (April 29) that no official review had been announced or confirmed, as to whether the Festival should have gone ahead.
"The reason that the scientists didn't want us to move earlier is because once you go into lockdown, the resilience and people's willingness to stay in lockdown and the economic consequences, mean there is only a certain amount of time that you can hold that in place.
UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock spoke about the controversial 2020 four day Cheltenham Festival, staged during March 10-13, prior to the coronavirus lockdown. Following research, I found Coronavirus deaths in Gloucestershire was 163, with 1,021 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (April 24 figures).
Asked if there were any suggestions Cheltenham Festival be postponed, Hancock said: "The science at the time was quite clear and the scientific advice that we were getting was quite clear.
"So we had to take that into account as well and that was the basis of the scientific advice we took at the time."
He was Landlord of The Beehive, at Prestbury, near to the racecourse where 250,000 spectators attended the Cheltenham Festival meeting.
Coronavirus deaths in Gloucestershire was 163, with 1,021 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (April 24 figures).
Alexander became ill and died in Cheltenham General Hospital’s intensive care unit, after being in isolation for a fortnight.
Of those who died, 141 were being treated at Gloucestershire Hospitals, while 22 were being cared for through Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
"And I've absolutely no doubt that the sort of review called for will happen and quite rightly because we need to learn - in case there are future pandemics like this." Replying to calls from the public on a Cheltenham radio phone-in, Hancock said: "We followed the scientific advice, we were guided by that science. "I think that broadly we took the right measures, at the right time. We were ahead of many countries in Europe, in terms of when we took the measures. "And that's what you have got to do in these circumstances, acting with imperfect information as
said Yonai, who was once at Hercules CF as a Cadet in the Spanish Autonomous League. "I do my own training - four days a week - with my brother Jesus and we are able to help each other," said Yonai. Goverment strict guidelines in postponement of football, along with all sports, professional or
"And, we are seeing that playing out now, with calls to come out of lockdown, even though it is too soon to do that safely.
Father of three, pub landlord Alexander Grierson, 67, known to thousands of Cheltenham racegoers, died from coronavirus.
Asked if it was a mistake to go-ahead with the Festival, Hancock said: "There will be a time for a review of that won't there?
Brothers Jonai and Jesus
amateur, following the coronavirus outbreak has been praised. "It has been done for the good of all - and assurance that it does not happen again in a big way," said Yonai, who has not returned to work in sales. After a period at Hercules CF, and at Elche CF, Yonai, who returned to Sporting in the FFCV 1st Regional G8, said: "It is necessary to respect the decision of the FFCV. "We miss football - our passion but we know it is important to stay in shape and think about next season." Prior to the postponement of fixtures in FFCV, Sporting were in a period of easing the lower echelons of the table. Journeyman Yonai, who switched to Formentera CF, prior to rejoining Sporting again, said: "It has been a difficult year - the truth - the team were all new players. It was difficult to know each others style of play. "Just when we were well organised - getting to know how each other plays and knew our ideas along came COVID-19."
"That itself is a scientific debate, that no doubt will be discussed for many years to come.
The Jockey Club said they followed public health advice, and introduced additional hygiene measures during the Cheltenham Festival, a week prior to social distancing measures were introduced and two weeks before lockdown in mid-March.
Anecdotal evidence is now recorded that the Cheltenham Festival has turned out to be where people contracted coronovirus.
"Myself, Jesus and our teammates are all well. Let's hope we all continue to remain well," Yonai told The Leader. "We are wishing to be able to roll the ball again - hopefully soon," said goalkeeper Yonai, who began his career at Sporting, at Benjamin level. "I do not want to lose the rhythm of how I ended, before all this happened and in the way I was,"
No return for French football
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust revealed that 281 patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 have now been discharged (April 23 figures).
French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe has announced the cancellation of Division 1 and 2 of the French football league for the coronavirus. He said that football will not be played in the country again this season.
The Prime Minister said that “All events that bring together more than 5,000 participants cannot be held before September. This measure concerns large sporting and cultural events, including festivals, and large professional matches."
In a tribute to Alexander Grierson his family said: “He was the only landlord we know who would buy his punters a pint as soon as they came in the pub.
Paris St-Germain have been awarded the Ligue 1 title after the announcement was made, while Lorient have been crowned Ligue 2 champions on the same principle.
“His generosity was as big as his heart.
They were just one point above Lens when the season was suspended and both teams will be promoted.
Ligues 1 and 2 had planned to conclude the competitions before next August, as agreed with UEFA, but the decision by the Government put an end to the French leagues 1 and 2.
"Boyzie was loved by so many people, especially his family, and will be missed every single day.” An Ordnance Survey data map shows the GL52 postcode, in which Cheltenham racecourse sits, has had most coronavirus hospital admissions in Gloucestershire, followed by GL51 which houses Cheltenham Spa rail station. Andrew Parker Bowles, 80, the Duchess of Cornwall’s former husband, who attended the Cheltenham Festival, contracted coronovirus.
Amiens and Toulouse will be relegated from Ligue 1.
There is now a danger that this could cause a domino effect amongst the rest of the European leagues, which had all been looking at the beginning of May as the date to return to training.
Lyon - who were fifth a week before the last match day, but finished seventh - said they might appeal against the verdict.
Meanwhile in England plans to resume the Premier League season are being stepped up this week in what has been labelled "Project Restart".
Now set to miss out on a place in Europe next season, Lyon say they also "reserve the right to claim damages", which the club say amount to "several tens of millions of euros".
Arsenal, Brighton and West Ham have already opened their training grounds to players for individual work with the league hopeful of a potential 8 June restart.
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
637 227 385
We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed restrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. Keep safe. Vivienne Shepherd Quesada Fitness Gym.
Barry Hearn, Anthony Joshua and Eddie Hearn.
NHS knockout role in coronavirus COVID-19 Montestan’s take ON BOWLS. Positioning of the mat: Whether playing singles, doubles, triples or rinks, when it comes to your turn to bowl the jack, you must place the mat to be able to play, so as simply as possible, I will give a take on how. The mat is placed with its length centred on the rink centre line (nice and straight). Here there are options and limits as to where you can place the mat. Going by the laws you can place the mat at any length at least 2 metres from the ditch “T” and at least 25 metres from the opposite ditch, centred on the centre line. Confused !! Rules 6.1 to 6.51 cover this. Rule 6.1 states : Before the start of play in each end the player to play must place the centre line of the mat length wise along the centre of the rink, with the mat line at least 2 metres from the rear ditch and at least 25 from the front ditch. (Please see the layout diagram of the pitch markings this I think will help). As mentioned before at Vistabella there is a 4 metre “T” on the centre line which is used as a guide and in practise I have observed that most mat placings are from the base “T” up to a maximum of 6 or 8 metres no more. It seems common sense that by moving the mat up you restrict the amount of rink available to bowl. A lot of the time it’s done tactically as in a match and the opposition are found to favour a “long jack” and placing the mat back in the region of the 2 metre “T”. One can move the mat up and deliver a “short jack” when it comes to your turn. You will find out about these tactics as we talk about teams a little later on. Delivery of the Jack and where you should be on the mat: You have put the mat down and this is where and what you will stand on to deliver the jack. Quite simple really! You must have one part of your foot on or over it when you release the jack. Rule 7.1 covers this: Before delivery the player must be standing on the mat with at least all or part of one foot. At the moment of delivery the player must have at least all or part of one foot on or over the mat. If
By Andrew Atkinson Anthony Joshua, WBA, WBO and IBF heavyweight world champion, and WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury are in training for when boxing resumes, amid the coronavirus lockdown. "I hope everyone is staying safe and well. I wish people suffering with coronavirus a speedy recovery," said AJ. "Those who have lost loved ones, keep your head up. Condolences and blessings to you and your family, said AJ, who has lost close friends from COVID-19. Joshua's IBF mandatory fight against Kubrat Pulev in June, cancelled due to coronavirus, has been rescheduled for July: "I'm confident we can see the return of boxing in July," said boxing promoter Eddie Hearn. Tyson Fury is in training at home in Morecambe during lockdown: "I'd be
you are trying to do this whilst looking at this take you should be looking like “Eros”now. I digress! For the moment we will just cover the rudiments and later if you are in a team give, more detail on the rules and play etc. delivery is carried out in the same manner as the bowl and it is assumed you have been taught how. Later perhaps we can do a quick cover on delivery but this is a take not a coaching manual and I am certainly not qualified to carry that out. The aim is to deliver the jack at the distance you wish to or been instructed to. Tell you about that next week ! Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos How about coming and have a go. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins pacadasu@yahoo.com or Charlie Watkins charlieatpathways@yahoo.co.uk.
going round the bend without the motivation," said Fury, who has suffered mental health problems with anxiety, depression and suicidal feelings. Boxing-sporting events promoter Barry Hearn, 71, has thanked the NHS following a heart attack he suffered in April. "I am humbled by the thousands of get well wishes and thank each and everyone," said Barry. "I don’t know what we’d do without the NHS. God bless you all and stay safe," said Barry. Barry said in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic: "Patience people - sport will be back soon. We have a bigger battle to win first. God bless the NHS' ". Family heart problems are hereditary, with Barry's father and grandfather having had heart attacks. "We can’t thank the NHS enough, I want to particularly thank the staff at
Mike Probert talks Golf (In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs) Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
Putting – Great Expectations During the lock down resulting from the Corona Virus (Covid 19) many golfers have had a lot of time to think about their golf and their abilities. Having studied amateur golfers of all standards for in excess of 45 years i can concluded that most try to play shots to a standard above their general level of ability. This is no more evident than on the putting green where because they see tournament professionals holing MILES of putts they expect to constantly hole SIMPLE 10 footers. Let me put some perspective on this if i can because over a 72 hole tournament (according to tour statistics) the average tour professional will only hole 4 putts of 10 feet or more and even the very best will only hole 8 such putts. Based on this why should amateurs get discouraged at missing SIMPLE 10 foot putts because there is no such thing. If amateurs were to concentrate more on the pace of their putts rather than the line or holing them they would reduce the number of three putts and this would save them more shots than holing the occasional tram liner
Corona Virus Update As many of you have no doubt read, the President of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, has announced a 4 step plan to return Spain to a NEW normality by hopefully the end of June 2020 depending on the progress of the Covid-19 virus. As yet no announcement has been made in respect
Broomfield and Basildon hospitals. "After a minor heart attack dad was operated on and has returned home in good spirits," said son Eddie.
of the re-opening of golf courses and we await any official information but many local golf courses are HOPING to open in mid to late May 2020 against as yet unknown guidelines and as soon as anything is announced we will keep you informed. Until the next time stay safe and healthy. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Course
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637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
Stargazer (jockey in red)
Ice Pyramid impressive at Newcastle.
Bought to make a high class Juvenile hurdler for owners Bill Fraser and Adrian Pritchard, Philip secured Ice Pyramid for £30,000 at Goffs Autumn HIT after he had run once for Saeed Bin Suroor, finishing second in a maiden at Redcar. A big upstanding 3 year old, costing £120,000 as a yearling, he needed time with just having the one run for Godolphin. Ice Pyramid made his debut for Kirby, with a promising third at Newcastle, as a warm up to go hurdling. Re-appearing on December 14, almost 346 days later, he was beaten just 1/2 a length in a Novice Stakes, under Ben Curtis.
By Andrew Atkinson
Philip Kirby at Green Oaks Farm stables this week. Photographs: courtesy Philip Kirby
Trainer Philip Kirby has an exciting small team of runners when racing resumes, and a second group being prepared for later in the summer/early Autumn.
Ice Pyramid, at odds of 4-11, finished second in an Amateur race at Lingfield, under a penalty, prior to winning on his final start to date in February, off a mark of 85, at Newcastle under Ben Curtis.
"We have a strong hand in the staying division, not including our Autumn/early season NH horses," said Philip, based at Green Oaks Farm stables, Richmond, North Yorkshire.
Philip and his Owners made the decision to keep him to the flat, given that he is progressive, and will resume his season from a mark of 92.
Philip is in agreement that racing - in lockdown should not return at present, with the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
Racing's Cornelius Lysaght retires
"We can’t wait to see the four 90+ rated horses in action," said Philip.
Ice cool Phil Stargazing for season ahead Here we have focused on Stargazer and Ice Pyramid. STARGAZER Official rating 104 7 year old by Canford Cliffs x Star Ruby Bought by Philip at Tatts HIT sales in October 2017 for £8,000 out of Sir Michael Stoute’s yard, he ran in the Spring of 2018 and made an immediate impression with a neck second in a Class 2 Handicap at Newcastle, over 2 miles. His next run was heartbreaking, having won the £55,000 1m 4f handicap at Newcastle, only to be demoted to second after he was found to have
In January 2020 his first win for Kirby came, off a mark of 75 under Paul Mulrennan, gaining a 5 lengths win.
interfered, mainly due to a loose horse.
at home with regular rider, Sammi in the saddle.
Stargazer had proved his class over a middle distance trip. In the Chester Cup he didn’t break well, and was subsequently found to have injured his pelvis, despite finishing seventh.
"Philip has always thought the world of this horse and we certainly haven’t seen the best of him on turf yet," said his wife Pippa.
Stargazer also finished 3/4 length second at Newcastle in a Class 2 Handicap, off 95, in November and followed up by winning at Newcastle under Robert Winston. He also won his final start to date in April 2019 in Class 2 Handicap at Newcastle, going up to his career high mark of 104. Stargazer has been on the sidelines with injury since, but he’s back and looking in fantastic shape
"Probably most effective at 1m 6f on the turf on a galloping track or 2m on the all-weather, he is still loving his job and we can’t wait to see him back in action for The Hassall family and ourselves," said Pippa. ICE PYRAMID Official rating 92 5 year old gelding by New Approach x Coolnagree
Racing's flag bearer correspondent Cornelius Lysaght has retired after almost 30 years in the 'saddle'. “Since I started in August 1990, the Cheltenham Festival and Royal Ascot have been staged 29 times each. 28 Grand Nationals and 146 Classic races - just in Britain,” said BBC racing correspondent Lysaght. The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) stumped up the stats during Lysaght's career of almost 40,000 fixtures - and approximately 257,000 races. Award winning BBC Radio 5, re-named 5 Live, broadcaster Lysaght deems himself as having been a standard-bearer for horse racing. "I salute extraordinary figures like Desert Orchid and Istabraq, and prolific trainers like Martin Pipe, Mark Johnston and Aidan O’Brien, plus many more regular headlinemakers," said Lysaght.
If I knew you were coming I'd have baked a Cake - The Alex Higgins story
FORMER APPRENTICE JOCKEY ALEX HIGGINS, two-times world snooker champion, died a decade ago on July 24, 2010. Journalist and author friend Andrew Atkinson is writing and publishing his and Higgins' previously
unpublished memoirs, in a tribute to the legendary 'Hurricane'. The book: 'If I knew you were coming I'd have baked a Cake'. Foreword by retired racing trainer Jack Berry MBE.
Exclusive interviews with Alex Higgins himself, world champion Steve Davis, and close friend John Singh, who Higgins lived with for a year, giving a previous unpublished insight on Alex, banned by the WPBSA during his drugs, alcohol and destructive wayward lifestyle. Fellow pro Stuart Pettman, residing in Thailand, recalls beating inebriated Higgins 50, in a qualifying match in Blackpool. Higgins, who died tragically alone in Belfast, from coronary problems and malnutrition, having beaten cancer, is remembered by those who knew him in his home city, right up to his passing. Exclusive interviews and photographs of Alex 'Hurricane'
Higgins in the untold story. Photograph: Alex Higgins with close friend John Singh. Pre-order a limited edition copy: 'If I
knew you were coming I'd have baked a Cake', signed by the author £10 (+P&P) at: lancashiremedia@gmail.com
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
637 227 385
IN THE BUNKER WITH MICK THE GRIP I DECIDED NOT TO SHOW a picture of a glorious golf course this time, you're depressed enough. Instead this is Augusta National before Bobby Jones and Dr. Alister McKenzie got to work on it. A talent for design combined with unlimited dollars can work wonders.
TBONES RESTAURANT IN AUGUSTA VILLAGE HAS HAD TO CANCEL IT’S USUAL MASTERS WEEK ORDER FOR 6,000 POUNDS OF STEAK! radically different. Many of the things you have become accustomed to, such as top-class players’ lounges or courtesy car services will probably assume a different appearance, if indeed they are present at all.”
Founded in 1932 on the 365-acre site of a former nursery called Fruitland. Augusta National Golf Club has hosted the Masters Tournament since 1934.
One thing is certain, trying to cram all the rescheduled events into this year and 2021 is going to give both tour organisers a prodigious headache. Not to mention the Olympics. I said
The chap who can complain will be the owner of the TBones restaurant in Augusta village. He's had to cancel his usual Masters Week order for 6,000 pounds of steak!
The Players Championship alone generated $9.25 million in 2019, most of which benefited local children's charities. Unlike other professional sports organizations, the PGA TOUR relies on more than 100,000 volunteers annually, and most of it's tournaments are structured as non-profit organizations donating 100 percent of net proceeds to charity. Beneficiaries include hospitals and shelters; youth programmes; and groups that support the military and their families.
to be played at St Andrews in 2022. The PGA Championship, scheduled for 14-17 May at Harding Park will now be played 6-9 August.
Bobby Jones in the apple orchard that was to become Augusta National.
The Ryder Cup potentially still scheduled for 2527 September at Whistling Straights, Wisconsin, though not sure how the players are going to qualify. Augusta National has posted 9-15 November as the revised date for the 2020 Masters Tournament. However the Augusta National Women's Amateur has been cancelled. I should sue for discrimination, girls.
The US Open, previously scheduled for 18-21 June at Winged Foot in New York, now 14-20 September.
The PGA Tour has outlined plans to financially assist players and caddies, including an advancedpayment based on projected FedExCup earnings. What a relief for Woods, Mickelson et al. However, Keith Pelley, European Tour CEO, told his players that the European Tour is “simply not in a position to do that.”
The Open, due to be played at Royal St George's from 16-19 July, will now be played in 2021 on the same course, with the 150th Open
Pelley also warned that because of the impact of Coronavirus “The 2021 European Tour schedule and infrastructure of tournaments could look
Here's to Happy Golfing in the not-too-distant future. Look out for end-of-lockdown special offers. Contact Mick for re-gripping and repairs. 638 859 475.
Possible schedule: Open played on Municipal Course, Southampton, Scottish Open played on Bellahouston Pitch and Putt course, Glasgow. Buses laid on for players from the nearest Travelodge. Presentation dinner held at McDonalds. Prizes: Amazon vouchers.
This April the 300 members had it's perfect greens and fairways all to themselves, until last week when the course was pronounced closed until further notice. It always closes from May to October anyway so the members can't complain.
THE CHARITIES WHO BENEFIT from the The PGA Tour will lose out this year. A record $204.3 million was raised in 2019 to bring the all-time total to $3.05 billion.
not to mention the Olympics.
Dates put back by International Golf Federation for Olympic Qualifying Tokyo 2021 THE INTERNATIONAL GOLF FEDERATION AND INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE have announced an adjustment to the qualifying system for the Tokyo2020 Olympic Games to accommodate the new dates of competition in 2021. In light of the one-year delay, athletes now will accumulate Olympic Golf Rankings (OGR) points through a period ending on 21 June 2021 for the men and 28 June 2021 for the women. The field for both men and women will consist of 60 players. The OGR is based on the Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR) for men and the Women’s World Golf Rankings
(WWGR). On March 20, the Governing Boards of the OWGR and WWGR determined the rankings would be suspended due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. An announcement about the resumption of each respective ranking will be made in due course. The IGF’s announcement of the revision followed the IOC’s decision to postpone the Olympic Games and its subsequent release of the revised principles for Olympic qualification on 2 April 2020 that included the relaxation of the maximum two-year period and amendments to the qualification deadlines. The IGF revised the dates within the current qualification system to reflect these new dates and submitted
the revised version to the IOC Qualification taskforce for approval. “Having received from the IOC confirmation of the dates for when the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will be held and the qualification princiJustine Rose took ples, the fairest and Olympic Gold in most equitable way 2016 to determine the qualifying athletes was to align the pre- important area. The IGF will continue to work closely with the IOC and vious qualification system with these Tokyo 2020 to address the other areas new dates,” said Antony Scanlon, IGF Executive Director. “We are pleased that the postponement of the Games that the IOC swiftly approved these affects our sport and our athletes, to changes to provide clarity on this develop the necessary plans to resolve
these. We remain fully committed to providing safe and fair golf competitions and a memorable experience for our athletes when these Olympic Games are held in 2021.”
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020
The journey from Preston North End, via Man City and Liverpool, to Spanish Television Icon Andrew Atkinson looks back on footballer and Spain sports broadcaster Michael Robinson, former Chelsea trialist, who started his career at Preston North End. Affectionately known as Robbo 'Robin' in Spain - he died, aged 61, from cancer on April 28. MICHAEL Robinson would have loved to have returned to my home city club Preston North End - as manager - having kicked-off his star-spangled career at Deepdale in the seventies. Signed by England and Manchester United legend Sir Bobby Charlton, Lilywhites manager during 197375, who personally knocked on the door of the Guest House his parents had in Blackpool. Robinson, scouted by North End, was snapped up on schoolboy forms and went on to learn his trade in the youth team, making his first team debut in the 1975-76 campaign. Teenager Robbo, who played in the old third division 1977-78 promotion season, started to attract interest from a plethora of clubs - with fedora wearing-cigar smoking Manchester City boss Malcolm Allison winning the chase to sign him in 1979, in a £756,000 move from Deepdale. A then club record fee. Reflecting on his time at the Lilywhites, Robbo said: "Chief scout Jimmy Scott and player-manager Bobby Charlton offered my dad a contract to join on schoolboy terms, as an apprentice. "Bobby had a brief managerial career at Deepdale, resigning following the sale of John Bird to Newcastle. "Harry Catterick was appointed manager - I didn’t get on with him he treated me badly." After Catterick was sacked, England 1966 World Cup winner Nobby Stiles stepped up from his role as reserve team manager. "Nobby Stiles was a players’ manager - he got the best out of me and I returned to the Þrst team. "Manchester City came in and I left in a move to Maine Road, aged 19. I earned £6 a week - with a £1 point bonus at Preston, increasing to £8 playing in the Þrst team, earning £30 per week. "At Manchester City I was on £330 a week," said Robbo. Journeyman Robbo left City in a move to Brighton, onto Liverpool and Queens Park Rangers, prior to moving to CA Osasuna, in a career that took in over 300 appearances
Top left and bottom right, Michael at Preston North End. Top right, receiving the ‘Amigo de Honor’ Award last year from the British Hispanic Assn
and over 80 goals. At Liverpool, alongside Sir Kenny Dalglish, Robbo won the League, European Cup and League Cup treble in 1984. Upon joining Spanish club CA Osasuna in 1987, where he hung up his boots in 1989, aged 31, Robbo became fluent in the language and the face and voice of football in Spain. Republic of Ireland international Robbo, capped 24 times, and who made 58 appearances in La Liga, remained in Spain and had recently applied to become a Spanish National. In December 2018, during a broadcast in 'La Ventana', radio programme on Cadena SER, Robbo announced he had a malignant melanoma, found at an advanced stage, which had metastasized. Doctors had told him it had no cure. In a statement Robbo's family said: "With tremendous sadness we inform you of Michael's death. "It leaves us with a great emptiness, but also countless memories, full of the same love that you have shown him. "We will be eternally grateful to you for making this man so happy, he
never walked alone. Thank you." Bobby Charlton, Harry Catterick A statement from Preston North End and Nobby Stiles MBE. read: "Everyone at Preston North Kath Bell, from Preston, told The End is saddened to hear of the passLeader: "What a lovely person ing of our 1979 Player of the Year Michael Robinson was. Michael Robinson at the age of 61, "In 1979 my husband was the manafter a long battle with illness. Our ager of Ingol Belles LFC and had thoughts are with Michael's family asked Michael to present our Player and friends at this sad time". of the Year awards. On Spain, Robbo said people "Michael, who lived in Blackpool, opened their arms and made him was signing for Manchester City feel so happy: "I love them so that night - we thought there was no much," he said. chance he would show up. In an interview published in The "Much to our suprise, Michael Leader in February, Robbo said: "I arrived - apologising for not being came to Spain in January 1987. I able to stop - saying he was en route didn’t know if I was going to be to Manchester. here forever." "Players did not ask for a penny in But it was at Deepdale where those days. Robbo, who made almost 50 Rest In Peace Michael. Thanks for appearances for North End, scoring 15 goals, will always be rememthe memories." bered with love. On behalf of the TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: fans at Deepdale, 1. 365,242.199 days - roughly speaking it's 365,250 days = (365 x 1000) + 1000/4, since a leap year who hold him in occurs every four years but years divisible by 100 upmost deepest are not leap years. 2. Camelot. 3. On the cover of affection, four the Beatles Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band decades on from album. 4. Abel Tasman. 5. Heidi (Heidi's Years of where he started Wandering and Learning). 6. Colour blindness his career, under colour blind individuals are better at penetrating the wings of Sir
camouflages. 7. King Kong. 8. Dried out river bed. 9. Tuesday (the Norse god Tyr). 10. Lacrosse. 11. Lighthouse. 12. Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention. In the song Smoke on the water "Frank Zappa and the mothers were at the best place around" 13. The 1960s peace symbol. N for Nuclear and D for disarmament. 14. Goliath. 15. 828 m (2,717 ft). 16. The cedars of Lebanon. 17. Water. 18. John le Carre. 19. Baroque. 20. Catch a falling star
637 227 385
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May, 2020