The Vista Feb. 14, 2008

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14, 2008

www. thevistaonline. corn he Student oice of the L niNersit

Paralympic athletes to speak

of Central Oklahoma Since 1903


by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer

Two UCO resident Paralympic athletes, Lora Webster and Nichole Millage, will speak to students at 2 p.m. on Feb. 15 at Nicoma Park Intermediate School in Choctaw. Webster and Millage will share the message "Real Athletes Show Respect" with the students, according to a press release from University Relations. The athletes' message on respect is the 2008 theme and focuses on topics like valuing diversity, treating others as equals, maintaining a positive attitude and obeying the rules of competition, among others. UCO is one of two designated U.S. Paralympic training sites in the nation, committed to providing those with disabilities the resources necessary to participate in sports and enhance their ability to reach the highest levels of competition. UCO was named a U. S . Olympic Committee Paralympic Training Site in December of 2005, according to the Wellness Center Web site. They will tell personal stories from their sports experiences to help the students understand how respect can lead to success in life, as well as in sports. Webster and Millage are members of the U.S. Women's Sitting Volleyball Team and will compete in the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing, China this summer. Webster Was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 11 and lost her leg to that.

see PARALYMPIC, page 5

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Although Valentine's Day is observed differently around the world, the theme of love and togetherness is universal.

by Jana Davis Staff Writer

February 14 is the designated day to celebrate love. It comes each year with a certain stigma and is highly criticized, but never seems to become extinct. Each year, millions of Americans gather together to participate in the idea that love exists and, with a little help from flowers and

chocolates, can be preserved. A trip to Scotland might bring a festival; a trip to the Dominican Republic might bring together families playing games. But no matter how it is celebrated, experts believe that it stems from the legend of Saint Valentine. While the story is not proven, Saint Valentine remains to be a popular legend that leads to the formation of Valentine's

Day, as we know it. "Some experts say it started when the Roman emperor Claudius II had a difficult time recruiting men into his army," wrote Petrene Soames of the Boomer Café. Claudius believed men were not participating in the army because men wanted to stay home with their wives. In order to recruit more men, Claudius banned marriage

for all young, single men. The Roman priest, however, named Saint Valentine began to wed couples in secret. He was thrown in prison and sentenced to death on February 14, Soames wrote. Not everyone celebrates Valentine's Day the same. Family and friends are just as important, Jordan Lanham, early childhood education junior, said.

"I am babysitting on Valentine's Day so people can have a nice, romantic evening out. One day, I will be able to be the one going out," Lanham said. "I think it's good to celebrate love, but I think it is also good to do unexpected things. I think people go overboard and freak out when

see V-Day, page 7

Get your taxes done for free Speaker reveals new studies by Carrie Cronk

by Jana Davis

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program provides free assistance for tax returns every Tuesdays and Saturdays through April 8. VITA will be available for tax service from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays in the Business building, Room 105, Matthew Renes said, fifth year major in Human Resource Management. All participants need to bring their 1099 forms, W2 and Social Security card for themselves and all dependants, he said. International students need to bring their passports and visas. They will also be required to file an information return, even if they do not have an income. "We are students who have taken Tax 1 and Tax 2 and want more experience," said

Mon. through Thurs. at 5 p.m.

The College of Mathematics and Science presented a lecture on DNA research and the human genome by Brandt Cassidy, director of operations for DNA Solutions, Inc. on Feb. 7. Cassidy covered • new and updated information resulting from numerous research studies on the human genome. Topics covered included by Vista photographer Chris Albers genes identified in certain diseases and in human ethnicity. Senior Wes Gwin sits as accounting students Marlena He also provided data, which Loomis and Jessy Loomis files his taxes Saturday stated humans are less alike than previously thought. This morning at the Business building. information indicates humans are only 99.5 percent identical to everyone rather than Renes. The students provid- but it's good experience," he the 99.9 percent previously ing the assistance are from said. It's not only good expeindicated. UCO's College of Business rience, but it teaches the man"Human genetic variation Administration. "I've only had one shift, see DNA, page 9

see TAXES, page 7

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

by Vista photographer Brenda

Brandt Cassidy, Director of Operations for DNA Solutions Inc. speaks about the human genome Feb. 7.


Opinion Columns Sports Classifieds

2 6 10 8


February 14, 2008

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Cartoon by Jared Aylor



Compiled and photographed by No Lupov and Alex Gambill


"What are your Valentine's Day plans?" "Just kicking it with my girl. I am going to take her out to a diner candle lit bath experience."

Jonathan Bates General Studies

"I'm going to work. I was going to try the speed dating on campus."

Jessica Parsons Speech language pathology

"I am not looking for anything. It is just another day because I do not have a partner."

Hung Nguyen Advertising

"I am going to hang out with my significant other. We are going to attempt cooking sushi."

Although it's not unheard of in politics, even in presidential politics, Sen. Barack Obama simply doesn't want to go head-to-head with Sen. Hillary Clinton in a televised debate — or any other debate for that matter. In fact, the Illinois senator has only agreed to appear in two debates in the coming weeks, one in Texas and one in Ohio. Clinton wants them on a weekly basis. Why, if you want to be President of the United States, would you turn down an opportunity to confront your adversary in a televised public forum? Given Obama's verbal talents and his undeniable charisma, one might think a televised debate would be something his handlers would be lusting after. Apparently not. So, why doesn't Obama want to debate with Clinton on a regular basis? The answer, which may or may not really exist, is that Obama is a performer. He's good at giving speeches, he's good at connecting with his audience and moving them. If you've watched any of his victory addresses during the past few weeks, then you know all about Obama and his million-dollar mouth-

piece. Sit Obama down and ask him about specifics, however, and you'll probably get a performance — not an answer. He simply doesn't have the experience to sit through debate after debate and hold his own with an opponent like Clinton. His people know this and that's why Obama has only agreed to a pair of debates. Why Texas and Ohio? If you guessed it was because the two states have two of the highest delegate counts remaining in the primary season, then you'd be correct. And this is not to say Obama isn't a fine candidate or a man of limitless potential — he ,could very well be the next president. He sim-

THE VISTA Kassie Carroll Undecided

"I am just going to work and study. I do not have anything going on. I am not going to give chocolate to anyone."

Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5548 • EDITORIAL


Andrew Knittle, Editor in Chief No Lupov, Managing Editor Alex Gambill, Copy Editor

Chris Albers, Photo Editor Brenda O'Brian

N EWS Watson Michel Nursing

"Hang out with a bunch of my single guy friends after work. No drinking, because I have class in the morning."

ADVERTISING Keith Mooney, Ad Director Garrett Johnson

Justin Langston, Senior Staff Writer Nelson Solomon, Staff Writer Jana Davis, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo, Staff Writer Jordan Richison, Staff Writer Carrie Cronk, Staff Writer Megan Lee, Staff Writer

Jared Aylor


Tresa Berlemann


Barrett Norton 2D studio art

Steven Reckinger

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should ,


Jeff Massic


ply lacks experience, just like the pundits, columnists and bloggers have been saying all along. It's just starting to show now as evidenced by Obama's refusal to debate in a political arena that pretty much demands doing so. Are Americans the kind of people shallow enough to elect a president based solely on his ability to belt out a moving speech or engage his/her audiende in chanting calisthenics tailored for use on CNN, Fox News or MSNBC? I think we all know the answer to that last question by now (think Ronald Reagan). Maybe that's why Obama and his people are trying to make an issue of Clinton's refusal to release her income

Julie Clanton

tax return, which would include husband Bill's financial data as well, like he has. Maybe he needs a little distraction, something to take the focus of the fact he won't debate on a weekly basis like his opponent has so graciously requested. Whatever the outcome, it's sad Obama won't debate with Clinton in what has turned out to be the most competitive democratic primary season in recent memory. What would be sadder, supposing Obama continues to refuse debates, is if the American people let him get away with it and award him with the nomination.

address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be c-mailed to editorial@ .

February 14, 2008

What is the perfect V-day outing? by Jamie Beth Seay Contributing Writer Some people wonder what is the perfect Valentine's Day date. According to Breck Draper, UCO advertising senior, "dinner at the Boulevard Steakhouse and seeing Wayne Newton in concert are the perfect romantic combination." He also mentioned that sending flowers and a sweet note during the day would set the mood for the evening ahead. He emphasized the importance of making it a day of celebration, instead of just an evening. In the Boulevard Steakhouse a destination where the sound of Frank Sinatra singing Stardust in the warm glow of the candle light with the amazing scent of roses and crisp linens engages you into a wonderful romantic bliss. A selection of over 750 different wines to enjoy guarantees they have

something for everyone. Chef Cally Johnson serves creative dishes highlighted with the finest beef in the country, while the pastry chef leaves you wanting more homemade Chantilly Crème. "Our atmosphere is very friendly as well as romantic," said Anne Schlesselman, manager of the restaurant. "The attention to detail is what sets us apart from other restaurants." If dining out is not on the menu, Kelsi Odell, a junior education major, said that isn't a big deal. "Handmade cards and home cooked dinners are much more important than a fancy restaurant," Odell said. She also expresses that the amount of money spent has no bearing on the effort made by a loved one. "The perfect Valentine's Day should encompass not only creativeness but the meaning of love," she said. How one achieves the perfect Valentine is a question

NBC's The Morning Show tried to answer recently. According to the show, one should start simple by using flowers other than roses. The first flower ever bought or the flowers used in your wedding. An alternative to flowers is a plant that will continue to grow and bloom. This shows your attention to detail and that you care enough to go out of your way just for your special someone. In replacement of a store bought card, break out a piece of paper and write down a funny inside joke or your favorite memory together. This doesn't have to be sappy, just thoughtful. If you are clueless in the kitchen, buy the ingredients and make it part of the date to prepare the meal together — especially if she normally prepares the meals. These small tips will help ensure that you have a perfect Valentine for that perfect person in your life, at least according to MSN and NBC's The Morning Show.

International faculty on the rise by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer The amount of international professors at UCO has seen an increase in the last four years, according to Dr. Brad Morelli, legal counsel for the university. "We've seen a big increase in the number of international hires here on campus in the last four or five years on," he said. There are presently 144 professors at UCO and 22 of them are international, according to Jeanette Patton, director of Employment Services.

DNA from page 1 is the door to a whole host of things," he said. "When I was in graduate school we were going to fix everybody by putting in a good copy of the gene. Well the vectors that they use for introducing new genes have caused more problems than they've solved. Many of the people who've had gene replacement experimentation end up with leukemia and they're not exactly sure why

"There are 16 international faculty members and six adjunct professors," Patton said. "In order to bring in the typical international hire, we have to get them approved for an H1B Visa status, and that's where the university applies to be able to hire this person," Morelli said. "And in the first few years I worked here, we just didn't do it." The university is not required to sponsor international professors, according to Patton. "Of course, once they have

we try to bring in local experts in areas that are related to what our students are studying and the chemistry department invited him." "This whole idea of molecular biology is sort of [a] merger of chemistry and physics; it's ... the basis of everything." She said the department hopes students will be motivated to take classes in molecular biology and cell biology, and added that the college offers a class in molecular chemistry in which students learn techniques similar to those Cassidy spoke of. Cassidy said students

a permanent status within the country, we can't discriminate against that person because of national origin," Morelli added. Morelli said part of the reason for the increase is that "we came to the realization that there were certain departments that were having a hard time hiring full-time faculty members." "At that time, a decision was made to sponsor these international professors who were applying," he said. He added "the idea is that

see FACULTY, page 9

Instructor receives grant by Laura Hoffert Staff Writer UCO ballet instructor Robyn Pasternack recently received a $2,000 grant to continue her class for children with Down Syndrome. She has been at UCO since 2001, but has been teaching ballet for more than 20 years. Pasternack's program is a pre-ballet adaptive dance class for children ages 6-13 with Down syndrome. She uses forms of physical therapy, speech pathology and motor skills development to enhance her students' lives. Her inspiration to begin a program for children with Down syndrome came while she was reading an article in Dance Teacher Magazine about Boston Ballet incorporating an adaptive dance class for students with Down syndrome. The money she was awarded from the Edmond Arts and Humanities Council will be used to fund various aspects of the program and was a relief to Pasternack. "It really was a life saver. I desperately needed more help and the funds to hire assistants and hopefully other teachers. I was not only extremely grateful but very pleased that the community is interested in special populations," Pasternack said. She saw the need for the program when she realized her 8-year-old daughter's passion for dance, yet the local studios were not equipped to properly teach a child with Down syndrome. "I decided to start a class when she was at an appropriate age, and I wanted to make it easier for her to understand, so I researched and came up with props to help

or how. They think ... these vectors are ... inert. They shuttle the decent DNA into the human genome, but then [the DNA is] stuck there or (it causes) some problems when they insert into the genome," He said there could be a sort of "surveillance system" in the DNA chain, which identifies and rejects the foreign genetic material. "The people that are doing the research are working very fast to try and get assays to help people with conditions that are associated with those things though." UCO Department of Chemistry Chair Cheryl Frech said the college invited Cassidy to lecture as part of the college's seminar series. "Each department in the college gets to invite a speaker every couple of weeks, and

would benefit from this area of research. "It always opens up areas of new research ... and gives avenues to them to make new discoveries." He said the industry would hopefully be able to log more assays of human DNA specimens for use in future studies. He said a lot of the things people have been tested on are "somewhat irrelevant because there aren't enough people in the database. We need a huge amount of information and that's what they're going to have to be acquiring in the next 10 years to make it relevant and useful."

AP Photo

UCO ballet instructor Robyn Pasternack receives a $2,000 grant to continue her class for children with Down Syndrome.

with the process," she said. "The article in Dance Teacher Magazine inspired me to start the program right away. I took some of their suggestions and found some other ideas for the class. Most of the props that I use I came up with myself though," Pasternack said. What started at a pilot course for the university in the fall of 2007 has become a highly anticipated and influential program for the corn-

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munity. She hopes to extend the program into a jazz class for older students and increase the amount of times the classes meet per semester. "It is important for people with special needs to have more opportunities in life. I want to be able to spend the time really teaching them how to do the technique," Pasternack said.



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"When I was in graduate school we were going to fix everybody by putting in a good copy of the gene. Well the vectors that they use for introducing new genes have caused more problems than they've solved." -Brandt Cassidy


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February 14, 2008

Imad Mughniyeh killed in car bombing in Syria Department also welcomed ny at the Iranian school in news of his death but stressed Damascus and was killed as it did not have independent he left the function. DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) "This action is yet anothinformation on the reports. Imad Mughniyeh, the sus"The world is a better place er brazen example of orgapected mastermind of drawithout this man in it," said nized state terrorism by the matic attacks on the U.S. State Department spokesman Zionist regime," Iranian Embassy and U.S. Marine Sean McCormack, who added Foreign Ministry spokesman barracks that killed hundreds that "one way or the other, he Mohammad Ali Hosseini of Americans in Lebanon in said, according to the state was brought to justice." the 1980s, has died in a car Israel accused Mughniyeh news agency IRNA. bombing in Syria. Hezbollah, whose top of involvement in the 1992 The Islamic militant group bombing of its embassy in leader Hassan Nasrallah has Hezbollah and its Iranian Buenos Aires, Argentina in been largely in hiding since backers on Wednesday which 29 people were killed. the 2006 war fearing Israeli blamed Israel for the killing Argentine prosecutors assassination, did not immeof Mughniyeh, Hezbollah's alleged that Iranian officials diately threaten revenge. security chief in the 1980s Israel denied involvement orchestrated the 1994 bombwho was one of the world's ing of a Buenos Aires Jewish and said it was looking into most wanted and elusive tercenter that killed 85 people the death. rorists. Israel denied involve"Israel rejects the attempt and entrusted Hezbollah to ment. carry it out. Argentine special by terror groups to attribute Hezbollah did not say prosecutor Alberto Nisman to it any involvement in this how or where Mughniyeh accused Mughniyeh of incident," said a statement was killed. But Iranian state from Prime Minister Ehud involvement. television and the National Tehran denied that Iranians Olmert's office. Organization for Human Israeli lawmaker Danny were involved in that attack Rights in Syria said he died and accused the United States Yatom, a former head of the in a car bombing in the Syrian and Israel of using the case Mossad spy agency, praised capital Damascus on Tuesday as a political weapon against the killing. night. "In the fight against terIran. Hezbollah's announceIranian media reports ror today by the free and ment of the death came a few Wednesday said the bomb democratic world, I think that hours after a late night explothat killed Mughniyeh went the free and democratic world sion in Damascus destroyed off in the Kafar Soussa area today achieved a very, very a vehicle. Witnesses in the of Damascus where an Iranian important goal," Yatom said. Syrian capital said at the time Syria has not commented school and a Syrian intellithat a passerby was killed as on the death. If confirmed that gence office are also located. security forces sealed off the One report said Mughniyeh Syria was hosting Mlighniyeh, area and removed the body. was leaving his house and it would be an embarrassBut authorities there would about to get into his car when ment for the government of not give details. it exploded. Another said President Bashar Assad. Syria "With all pride, we declare he was attending a ceremo- is accused of hosting a number of Palestinian extremist groups and has been accused by the U.S. of sponsoring terrorism. The death could also could further stir up turmoil in deeply divided Lebanon, where a Hezbollah-led opposition is locked in a bitter power struggle with the Western-backed government. Hezbollah called for a massive gathering of its supporters for Mughniyeh's funeral in southern Beirut on Thursday. Mughniyeh was Hezbollah's security chief during a turbulent period in Lebanon's civil war. He has been accused of masterminding the April 1983 car bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut that killed 63 people, including 17 Americans, and the simultaneous truck bombings of the U.S. Marine barracks and French military base in Beirut, killing 58 French soldiers and 241 Marines. He was indicted in the United States for the 1985 TWA hijacking in which Shiite militants seized the 747 and flew it back and forth between Beirut and Algiers demanding the release of Lebanese Shiites captured by Israel. During the hijacking, the body of Navy diver Robert Stethem, a passenger on the plane, was dumped on the tarmac of Beirut airport. During Lebanon's civil war, Mughniyeh was also believed to have directed a string of kidnappings of Americans and other forAP Photo eigners, including Anderson — who was held for six years Firefighters and rescue workers search through the rubble of the Buenos Aires until his release in 1991 — Jewish Community center in this July 18, 1994, file photo after a car bomb rocked and CIA station chief William the building. Imad Mughniyeh, the militant accused of attacks that left hundreds Buckley, who was killed in of Americans and Israelis dead, including a U.S. Navy diver during the infamous 1985. Anderson was the last 1985 hijacking of a TWA jetliner, has been killed, Hezbollah said Wednesday Feb. American hostage freed in a 13, 2008. Mughniyeh is also believed by Isrpel to have been involved in planning complicated deal that involved the 1994 bombing of the Buenos Aires Jewish center that killed 95. Israel's release of Lebanese a great jihadist leader of the Islamic resistance in Lebanon joining the martyrs," said a statement carried on Hezbollah television. "The brother commander hajj Imad Mughinyeh became a martyr at the hands of the Zionist Israelis." Mughniyeh, 45, had been in hiding for years. He was one of the fugitives indicted in the United States for planning and participating in the 1985 hijacking of a TWA airliner in which a U.S. Navy diver was killed. He is on an FBI most wanted list with a $5 million bounty on his head for that indictment. Mughniyeh was believed to have directed a group that held Westerners hostage in Lebanon. Among them was journalist Terry Anderson, a former Associated Press chief Middle East correspondent who was held captive for six years. "I can't say I'm either surprised or sad," Andersen told the AP by phone from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, where he was sailing. "He was not a good man — certainly the primary actor in my kidnapping and many others," he added. "To hear that his career has finally ended is a good thing and it's appropriate that he goes up in a car bomb." In Washington, the State

by AP Writer


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AP Photo

This picture released by Hezbollah media office, shows Imad Mughniyeh, the elusive senior Hezbollah commander who the group said Wednesday Feb. 13, 2008 been killed. Fugitive militant Imad Mughniyeh, a top U.S. target suspected in the killings of hundreds of Americans as well as a series of infamous strikes against U.S., Israeli and Jewish targets, was killed in a car bomb blast in the Syrian capital Damascus, Iranian television and a Syrian human rights group said Wednesday. Hezbollah accused Israel for the assassination.

Little has been known prisoners, Iran's sway with the kidnappers, Syria's influ- about Mughniyeh since the ence and — according to an end of the Lebanese civil war Iranian radio broadcast — and Hezbollah has consispromises by the United States tently refused to talk about and Germany not to retaliate him. The announcement rof his death was the first menagainst the kidnappers. Giandomenico Picco, an tion of him in years. • Al-Manar on Wednesday Italian diplomat working at the time as a special assistant aired a rare picture of to U.N. Secretary General Mughniyeh — showing a Javier Perez de Cuellar, said burly, bespectacled man he was certain but never able with a black beard wearing to absolutely confirm that the a military camouflage and a hooded man he met in the military cap. It did not say slums of Beirut to finalize the when the picture was taken. Mughniyeh has been reported deal was Mughniyeh. On Wednesday after- by the media and intelligence noon, Mughniyeh's body was agencies to have undergone brought to Beirut and laid in plastic surgery to avoid detec- , a refrigerated coffin, wrapped tion as he moved around in in Hezbollah's yellow flag. the 1990s. American intelligence Al-Manar showed four black-clad uniformed guer- officials have described rillas standing at attention on Mughniyeh as Hezbollah's both sides of the coffin in a operations chief who was Hezbollah hall in south Beirut believed to have moved suburb of Roueiss, a strong- between Lebanon, Syria and Iran in disguise. hold of the militant group. Mughniyeh's last public His father, Hezbollah's deputy leader, Sheik Naim appearance was believed to Kassern, and other Hezbollah be at the funeral of his brother officials received condo- Fuad, who was killed on Dec. lences at the hall from allied 12, 1994, when a boobyLebanese politicians and trapped car blew up in the representatives of militant southern suburb of Beirut. In 2006, Mughniyeh was Palestinian factions. Some pro-U.S. politicians includ- reported to have met with ing Lebanese Prime Minister hardline Iranian President Fuad Saniora and parliamen- Mahmoud Ahmadinej ad tary majority leader Saad in Syria. Tehran and the Hariri set aside their deep dif- country's paramilitary ferences and offered written Revolutionary Guards have never publicly disclosed the condolences. Mughinyeh's killing was extent of their links with their the first major attack against protege Hezbollah. a leader of Hezbollah since the 1992 helicopter strike that killed the Hezbollah secretary-general Sheik Abbas Mussawi in southern Lebanon.

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February 14, 2008

PARALYMPIC from page 1

Webster was a member of the 2004 bronze medal team at the Paralympic Games in Athens, Greece, and is now the captain of the 2008 team. She had her surgery in March 1998 and now walks with a prosthetic. "Paralympics is amazing because it gives injured people a chance and a hope to live again after undergoing a serious sickness," Webster said. Millage was injured on her left leg, below her knee, almost 10 years ago in a boating accident. "We'll be talking about how we became disabled and the road to Beijing," she said. Each semester, the U.S. Olympic Committee Education Awareness Program emphasizes a different character trait through their annual outreach program, Real Athletes.

As an official training site, UCO provides training facilities, housing, access to a strength and conditioning coach, a nutritionist, athletic trainers and a sport psychologist to all sports that choose to train at the facility, according to the Wellness Center Web site. Along with men's and women's sitting volleyball, UCO has hosted training camps in Paralympic archery, powerlifting and ambulatory field events. In preparation for Beijing, UCO will host multiple camps, including a training camp and competition with the U.S. women's sit team, the Netherlands, and China, a rowing training camp and a qualifier for archery, according to the Web site. The U.S. Olympic Training Centers in Chula Vista, Calif., and Colorado Springs, Colo., serve as training sites for ambulatory runners, cycling and swimming, according to the team's official Web site. U.S. Paralympics, a division of the U.S. Olympic Committee, is dedicated to


Photo by Alex Gambill

Matt Aldridge leaps onto the bench press at the 2006 U.S. Paralympic Powerlifting National Competition July 24 at UCO's Wellness Center. becoming the world leader in the Paralympic sports movement, promoting excellence in the lives of persons with physical disabilities.

As a U.S. Olympic Committee Community Partner, UCO works with public schools throughout the metro area to provide

Olympic and Paralympic athlete appearances and presentations. For more information on the U.S. Paralympic team,

visit www.usolympicteam. com/paralympics/index.html.

Frigid Five welcomes 620 runners from across nation by Megan


Contributing Writer

The sound of sneakers pounding the pavement filled Mitch Park last Saturday morning as 620 runners of all ages competed in the 13th annual Frigid Five Miler, sponsored by the Edmond Running Club and the City of Edmond. The Edmond chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars lined the race course with 75 American flags, to honor tthose serving at home and -overseas. UCO criminal justice student Emily Fees gave a patriotic rendition of the national anthem. Pre-race jitters were shaken away by the local Jazzercisers, who warmed-up race participants before the starting shot was fired. As runners disappeared down the trail, speakers began pulsating with oldies tunes that were difficult not to sing along with. UCO Journalism Professor Bill Hickman, an avid runner, manned the refreshment table. He was armed with a healthy stock of juices, fruits, bagels and plenty of good old fashioned H2O. Blind runner, Benny Meier, and trainer Ric Williams took part in the race. They got off to a rocky start when Meier took a spill near the beginning, skinning his knee. But he is known by many in the race circuit, and friends quickly got him back on his feet and going again in seconds. Meier credits his amazing ability to compete in these events to his team of trainers—a rotating group of selfless individuals who act as guides, giving Meier verbal commands and terrain warnings. Meier and Williams fmished with a time of 49:09, showing that Meier's early fall was no problem for the seasoned runner. Meier has participated in the Endeavor Games hosted each summer at UCO, and took home four gold med-


by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Edmond running enthusiasts came out to Mitch Park Saturday morning to run the Frigid Five five mile run. -

als in 2007. He will also be competing in his seventh Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon this April. Edmond mayor Dan O'Neil participated in the race for his second time, making light of his last-place finish

last year. "I didn't come in last this year, but I did have a woman stop me and say that I was her inspiration to come do the race and get in shape," said O'Neil. O'Neil kicked off his may-


oral quest last year with his participation in the race, in an effort to focus on bringing a health-conscious attitude to all the residents of Edmond. "The Edmond Running Club and the race coordinators certainly knew what they

were doing. They planned a great event that brought together both fitness and fun for all ages," said O'Neil. In true mayoral fashion, he had plenty of hands to shake when the race was complete. With competitors


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traveling from as far away as Santa Monica, California, and over half from outside the metropolitan area, there were plenty of people to welcome to our town. "I got to meet a lot of great people from all around the state, including the great city of Edmond," said O'Neil. "We were welcomed with beautiful weather—not exactly frigid, but it fit the event very well." "This was a smashing success. It shows us that Edmond is getting healthier," said Lissa Wohltmann, race director and Edmond Running Club member. The grand total of 620 participants is a full 50 percent increase in volume from last year's event, said Wohltmann.


February 14, 2008


ANDRO I DTA I NMENT suits that have been leveled against the telecom companies and now, they look to be exempt from them. In other news, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has threatened to completely cut off oil to the United States if he loses his court case against Exxon Mobil. That's pretty big news, considering we get a lot of oil from Venezuela. No wait, I was wrong, that's not really important. None of it is. Congress needs to talk about Roger Clemens This is absolutely ridicu- because that's the real issue. lous. For the past several They told me so. Potential hours on Wednesday, all the foreign incidents and warrant cable news networks seem less wiretapping are for other to be showing is the Roger people to deal with, because Clemens congressional tes- steroids in baseball is the timony about steroids. I fail most important issue today. This is exactly what to understand why this is big news, unless the networks are Congress needs to work with, trying to show how Congress because this is really the most is wasting our tax money and pressing issue the government their time on completely friv- is dealing with. The possible recession and the war cerolous investigations. The point seems to be dis- tainly aren't important, and tracting from real stories, like they're depressing to boot, so the fact Bush got his spy bill Congress shouldn't deal with passed, along with complete them. They have to fix this immunity for the telecommu- problem with baseball and nication companies. For the steroids. They need to really record, there are 40 civil law- nip it in the bud right now;


otherwise all different types of sports will start using performance-enhancing drugs to get the edge. By God if we don't stop it in baseball now, it's going to move into chess by the end of the year. It's also great the media is spending literally all of its time covering this. How else would we get the information we need about this trying ordeal? Could anyone possibly imagine if they were wasting our time covering the election results from last night? Or maybe they might talk about pressing social concerns, like growing unemployment among college graduates. I mean, that's just so depressing and I certainly don't want to hear about it, I'm about to graduate. We need to get on this right away. Otherwise, who knows, we might actually get angry or depressed about something. We don't want that to happen, since being pissed off and sad is a bad thing. This is today's important issue, and all of the other ones are just going to piss us off.


A8H)1/4 ELI PHOBOO It's like signing your soul to the devil, like you've signed your life away. You can't really get away from it. Once you are in it, you are in it for life. Facebook addiction has become normal today and so is trying to stay away from it. The problem is, you can never leave. You can only temporarily deactivate. If at any time you feel the urge to come back, it's all there; your friends, information, groups and everything else you can't live without are awaiting your


return. I deactivated my Facebook three times already. Every time, I end up signing back in a couple of days. Maybe it's my lack of will power or maybe it's the gravity of Facebook. It's sticky and won't let you off easily. Last semester, a Hispanic friend and I sat calculating the amount of time we spent on Facebook: say a minimal of 20 minutes per day. In week days, that's a 140 minutes and in a month that's 560 minutes! So she deactivated, graduated

from UCO, and reactivated. I, on the other hand, am still battling. Temporary deactivation from Facebook has its pros and cons. You have your information all safe for you, so if you return you do not have to recreate your profile and circle. That would be like losing all your possessions in a house fire, you'd have to start over from scratch. However, how long your information stays on Facebook is a big question. It is a little scary to have your information out there. A smooth way of releasing yourself from Facebook is decline notifications in your email inbox. But the habit of checking your homepage is hard to let go. Also, like I discovered when I first deactivated, I didn't have email addresses or phone numbers of my friends anymore. They were all on Facebook! Perhaps, I'm fighting a losing battle. Perhaps, it'll be one of those things like television turned out to be. We will learn to go on with our lives as it fades into the background of our being until another phenomenon takes over.

What's the point? Mill I= MI MI MEI =I MIMI MN MI

We are created for relationships. Whether it is family, friends or a significant other, we are built for them. Our body, soul and mind yearn for them. Last weekend I attended the 2008 Big Weekend event hosted by Henderson Hills Baptist Church at the UCO

"I don't think I felt incomplete [before Parrott], because I had a close group of friends. With that circle of friends and being at the church, it filled any voids, but I did always find myself looking for a girl," Ward said. "Especially on Valentine's Day," Parrott added. "I always had in the back of my mind, if

age each other in our daily lives. Physically, emotionally and' spiritually, to be better people," Whitney Mitchell, senior General Studies major said. Relationships must be nurtured. It is the cared for relationships that will sustain us through the hardships of life. The point? Maintain deep,

"I think Facebook makes friendships official." -Brian Ward Wellness Center. Each year several different churches bring middle and high school students to celebrate in similar beliefs. Travis Crim, an actor in Los Angeles and partner with DASH ministries, spoke on the importance of relationships. He excited the students and challenged them to grow deeper with each other. "Quit surface level friendships," he said. I began to think about all the friends I have kept on a surface level. Then I thought of Facebook. I like it because I can stay in close contact with old friends of my past. Am I really accomplishing this goal? "I think Facebook makes friendships official," said Brian Ward, a senior broadcast major. Emily Parrott, a senior broadcast major and fiancé to Ward, interjected with a comment about their recent engagement saying Facebook told most people about it. With it being Valentine's Day, Parrott and Ward will be spending a quiet evening at their favorite restaurant. Relationships with each other, whether it be with the opposite sex, family or friends, they shape who we are. Valentine's Day brings mixed emotions. People question whether the day is a Hallmark scam or if people celebrate for the right reasons. Do relationships complete us or enhance who we already are?

I met a guy, I would consider him. I didn't feel incomplete, but I always wanted someone I could feel comfortable with." "My boyfriend compliments who I am. No way does he define me. We are two separate people. We encour-

connected, relationships with the people that encourage your life. Poem writer Elizabeth Foley said, "The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."



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February 14, 2008

UCO Winter Guard and Drumline Contest set for Feb. 17 by Jordan Richison Staff Writer UCO's winter guard group, "Eclectix," will be among more than 20 performing groups from around the state at the "UCO Winter Guard and Drumline Contest" at noon, Feb.16 in Hamilton Field House. Eclectix is a competitive independent ensemble that competes nationwide. They have represented the state in regional competitions and the world championships in Dayton, Ohio. According to their Web Site, Eclectix competes in both the North Texas Color Guard Association (NTCA) circuit and the Winter Guard and Percussion of Oklahoma circuit (WGPOIda). Eclectix is devoted to challenging its members artistically while exposing them to the vast world of winter guard. Winter guard is an indoor color guard activity. Units perform to music of various genres and often incorporate dance, acrobatics and the use of equipment which, which can include flags and rifles in their presentations. "These groups put on a show that you wouldn't believe," said David Hanan, UCO's associate director of bands. Hanan said that these color guard units bring a little bit of everything, mixing music and movement together while they are performing. "It is music and movement combined in the most entertaining way imaginable. The musical group, 'Blast,' is a spin-off of these types of indoor percussion and performing groups, so that's a hint as to the caliber of talent

that people will see." Eclectix consists of members from all over the state of

Photo Provided

UCO's winter guard group Eclectix tunes up Jan. 11 in Wantland Hall. The group will be competing in the UCO Winter Guard and Drumline Contest on Feb. 16, inisde Hamiltion Field House. Oklahoma that have a passion for the "Sport of the Arts." Cast members are selected through an audition process open to any and all interested. Freshman Eclectix member Stephanie McDonough said she is excited to perform because Saturday will be her

first time to perform guard since high school. "I am looking forward to performing again. I never thought once I graduated I would do guard, and some: how I ended up back in the guard world" McDonough said. "I'm really happy about it though, guard gave me an

escape and performing is the best feeling in the world," McDonough said she enjoys being on winter guard because of the lasting friendships, and bond you share with the people you are with. She added that Eclectix has been working really hard going through several audi-

TAXES from page 1 agement side of business as well, Renes said. The VITA program is not just available for UCO students and staff. It is also open to the public, Dr. Mary Sheets, professor of accounting said. "We also have some business that file with us for the past several years," Sheets said. "What we have is students of two types; tax students who

tions filling holes and finding the right people to put in the right spots. "They've worked super hard to get where they are, and I'm excited just to be a part of it," McDonough said. Winners of the contest will go on to compete in the state finals in March at Union High

School in Tulsa. Tickets are $5 at the door and children five and under get in free. For more information contact David Hanan at (405) 974-3428 or visit www.bands.

took TAX 1 and practicum students who file taxes for credit," she said. "They are the leaders, they are helping with most of the functions." President Bush's reaction to the economic decline prompted administrators to come up with a stimulus package that would help Americans during this time. The checks range from $300 for those with little or no taxes and $1,200 for married couples. "The tax payers are going to get a rebate depending on their income level," Sheets stated. She said that this • was

according to the new bill passed by Congress that bases tax return on gross income and individuals. She said last year over 500 students, 150 of which were international students, participated. "The sooner you get your taxes done, the sooner you will find out how much your rebate will be," Sheets said. For quality assurance, professors will be checking students' work on all tax forms. VITA will be closed March 15-22 during Spring break. For more information, contact Dr. Mary Sheets at (405) 974-2834. V DAY -

from page 1

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gamil y Care EDMOND

all they need to do is say, 'I love you,'" Lesley Clark, an advertising alumnus said. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 180 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the secondmost popular greeting-cardgiving occasion. $13.5 billion was spent in 2003 on the shipments for firms producing chocolate and cocoa products. 24.7 pounds is the per capita consumption of candy by Americans in 2004. With flowers, $422 million was the combined wholesale value of domestically produced cut roses in 2004 for all flowerproducing businesses in 36 stages with $100,000 or more in sales. Karla Richards, the owner of Edmond Flower Shop on South Broadway, said business was drastically different than on a regular daily basis. "It's mostly men, but we get both [men and women]. Over half would be men," Richards said. "Red means love. Any color pink means passion, yellow is friendship or joy and white is innocence of purity," said Kaci Sullivan, a designer for A Bloom Above the Rest.



February 14, 2008

Deadlines/Pricing DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $6/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for info.

Services EDMOND LANGUAGE INSTITUTE Conveniently located on the UCO campus, offers English as a second language classes for intern. students/individuals. NOW FEATURING a specially designed program with: Strong emphasis in listening and speaking Highly inter. classes, Comprehensive TOEFL program. Enjoy small classes and the campus facilities. Contact us @ (405) 341-2125 or . INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS! Need to pass the TOEFL, an 1-20 for a friend, or a 12 week cert.? English Language Center can help you! Call (405)3487602, visit our web site www. , or come meet us in person at 1015-C Waterwood Parkway, next to the UCO University Plaza on 2nd Street.

Employment MUST LOVE KIDS Looking for responsible, nonsmoking young lady, able to drive every other week. M-F 2:15-6:15. Some weekends & overnights. Please call 412-7595.

PART-TIME POOL MANAGERS AND LIFEGUARDS Positions for Summer '08. Good Pay. For info and to apply go online to MUST LOVE DOGS! Professional couple near Edmond seeks Part-time House Manager/Dog Sitter to care for family's home and dogs. Duties include exercising dogs, running errands, and general housekeeping. Must be dependable, organized, and honest with references. Flexible weekday afternoon hours (approx. 20 hours/week). Great for college student. Occasional overnights/ weekends required. Salary position - avail. immediately. Please fax resumes to 405-285-7597 or e-mail to CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Local service company needs someone that is self-motivated and prompt. Job description includes marketing, customer relations, excellent verbal/written skills, excellent computer and phone skills for warm and cold calls. If this fits you, call Roger at 405-340-3914. Starting pay is $8.50/hour. EDMOND RESTAURANT With expanding retail division is looking for a personable, motivated seller who wants to help solve our customer's problems. Parttime, hourly plus commission. 900 S. Kelly. Ask for Zac between 2-4PM. 3-STAR CHILD CARE FACILITY Looking for persons wanting to work in a fun atmosphere with children. Flexible scheduling. 282-1746. JJ KELLY BRIDAL Part-time, must work Saturdays. Fashion merchandising internships available. 405-752-0029.

IN-STORE SEAMSTRESS NEEDED Full or part-time. JJ Kelly Bridal. Call for interview. 405-752-0029. ALTERED IMAGES TATTOO Is seeking energetic, general studio help. Duties include greeting people with big smiles, front desk, phone, helping customers and cleaning. Weekends & possibly some evenings. Possible full-time in summer. Only naturally friendly with good cleaning skills need apply. 122nd & N. May...minutes from Edmond. $7.65 per hour. Apply in person 1-10pm seven days. Check us out at you WESTIES SHOES Now hiring outgoing people for sales positions FT-PT hourly plus commission. Flexible scheduling. Apply @ 2150 W. Memorial Rd., by Old Navy. SERVER POSITION Available @ Pearl's Lakeside. Apply within. 748-6113. CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP M-F 4:45AM - 9AM. Occasional weekend shift. Apply in person. Edmond YMCA. MIDWEST CITY YMCA Seeking outgoing, responsible individuals for our Fitness Center. Great opportunity to work with members developing and monitoring fitness programs, including cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility. Early morning, evening and weekend shifts available. We will certify you in CPR and First Aid. Join the YMCA family. Contact: Leigh Ann Hardin, Health & Fitness Director at 733-9622 EXPERIENCED SERVERS Needed at Al's Cafe and Grill. Danforth & Kelly. GREAT hours! 216-9580.

CITY OF EDMOND Summer positions @ Pelican Bay Aquatic Center. Asst. Pool Manager, Cashier & Cafe Managers, Cafe Staff/Cashiers, Lifeguard Staff, Water Safety Instructors. Golf Course, Arcadia Lake, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job Info Line 359-4648 Apply at 100 East First, Room 106

PINNACLE FITNESS Seeking Child Care Associate. Must be experienced, patient & love working w/children. Apply in person, Pinnacle Fitness, N. of Me(nodal on Penn. next to Toys-R-Us.

Rentals/Housing NEW DUPLEXES FOR LEASE 2BD., 2BATH, 2 CAR GARAGE, 1120 SQ. FT. Includes fireplace, range, dishwashers, water and sewer paid. $850 per month. Located in Sterling Pointe on Thatcher. Just west of UCO and Downtown. Call Frank today, 818-4017, for showing and lease application.

LOOKING FOR A JOB That will work around your school schedule? Well look no further. Papa John's is now hiring all positions at NW OKC & Edmond locations. Whether it's the quick fast money of our delivery drivers or your trying to build your resume by working for our management team. PJs has what's right for your college experience. Call or stop by today. 844-7900

NEED STUDENT To run errands, clean vacant apartments & office. Afternoons. Near UCO. Must be trustworthy & do quality work. Call Connie 641-0712.

NEW DUPLEX 2bd, 2ba, w/d hookup, garage. NO PETS! Excellent location, lblk from UCO. 417 N. Blackwelder, $700.00/mo., plus deposit. 641-0712.


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HANDY STUDENT Earn up to $150 per day. Under-

Property maintenance. Near cover shoppers needed to judge UCO. Afternoons 1-5 during se- retail establishments. Experience mester break. Must be self-moti- not required. Call 800-722-4791. vated, trustworthy. 641-0712. SENIOR SERVICES OF OKLA SHOGUN'S STEAK HOUSE Is looking for students to fill part Hiring for wait staff, bussers, time positions. Several 9am - 1 pm dish washers, host, bartend- and 1:30 pm - 5:30pm shifts are er. Apply in person at North- available for Mon-Fri. We pay park Mall (NW 122nd & N. $10 per hour for energetic phone May) after 5:30pm. 749-0120. work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experiTEACHER ence is needed we will train. BusiNeeded immediately for Edmond ness is located at 1417 NW 150th Daycare. FT/PT. Experience pre- St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 ferred, competitive wages. Ap- to set up an interview. Ask for ply in person @ 24 NW 146th. Hannah McMahan. Call Camelot C.D.0 @ 749-2262 FT AND PT POSITIONS FLYER DISTRIBUTORS available at Camp Bow-wow NEEDED PART-TIME Edmond. Will work around school Flexible hours, make great schedule. Must love dogs and pay. Apply at Pinnacle Fitness, cleaning. Apply online at 2137 NW 138th St. 748-4544 or in person at 801 Centennial Blvd. FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST Edmond, OK 73013 Various shifts. People skills are a must. Dependable, honest, hardworking, happy & responsible adults should apply at Pinnacle Fitness, Memorial & Penn between Toys-R-Us & Hobby Lobby.

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Directions: Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.















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1. Fictional town on Picket Fences. 5. Arranges by categories. 10. Declaiming wildly. 14. CNBC news anchor _ Isabelle Burnett. 15. Become hardened to. 16. Again but in a new way. 17. Act of deliberate self-denial. 19. Film directed by Jon Favreau in 2001.

20. Author _ Paul Read. 21. Difficult concern. 22. Growth-regulating chemical sprayed on fruit trees so entire crop can be harvested at one time.












universe and an enemy of Batman. 58. Military cap with a round flat top usually sloping toward the front and a visor. 60. Subject of study. 62. Avoid answering duties. 63. Mixture. 64. Inflammation of a tendon. 66. Acronym for Open Access Rewards System. 67. Showing keen interest. 68. Piece of land on which something is located. 69. Joint in the middle part of the leg. 70. Smell badly. 71. Used to form the superlative.

23. Silver _.


25. Securely in position. 27. Acronym for Assistive Technology Resource Alliance. 29. _ Adams. 32. Basketball player Earl "The _" Manigualt. 35. Deducts from an amount. 39. Acronym for Instruments of Anarchy. 40. Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field. 41. Displaying a lack of maturity. 42. Sheath worn to protect a finger. 43. Primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needlelike teeth. 44. Be present at meetings. 45. Seeks information. 46. Sailing vessel with a single mast set about one third of the boat's length aft of the bow. 48. Hard external covering of certain amoebas, dinoflagellates and sea urchins. 50. Gets off the ground. 54. Fictional character in the DC Comics

I. Obtains a reward. 2. Bony cavity in the skull containing the eyeball. 3. Stingy hoarder of money and possessions. 4. Ask with emotion. 5. God of the moon. 6. On the top of. 7. _-X Files by Kevin J. Anderson. 8. Various game and food fishes of cool, fresh waters smaller than typical salmons. 9. General conscious awareness. 10. Open shelter, often having a domeshaped thatched roof, installed on beaches and picnic grounds. 11. Science of analysis. 12. One of four ancient holy books of the Hindus. 13. Open vessel with a handle and spout for priuring. 18. Cardinal direction. 24. New York band who started playing in 1981. 26. Polygonal recess at the end of a

Christian church opposite the main entry where the altar placed. 28. Contribute as an assistant to the commission of an offense. 30. Fifteen small islands in this South Pacific Ocean country. 31. Pieces of clothing for the head. 32. Humorous anecdotes intended to provoke laughter. 33. Test requiring spoken answers. 34.Sprout at the end of a seed when it begins to germinate. 36. Metric unit of land measure equal to 100 square meters. 37. Quality of a given color that differs slightly from a primary color. 38. Person valued for their wisdom that holds a position of responsibility in a Christian group. 41. M_ori mythology couple Rangi and _, who appear in the creation myth explaining the origin of the world. 45. Reappearance of an earlier characteristic. 47. Serving no useful purpose. 49. Chinese word for an enlightened, immortal person. 51. Local taxes on property. 52. Handle in a particular manner. 53. Monetary unit of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 55. Brand of soda introduced by Pepsi in 1960. 56. Eliminates. 57. Peace Orchestra: _, remix album of Peace Orchestra. 58. Person considered eccentric. 59. Character in the webcomic The Order of the Stick. 61. First president of Somalia _ Abdullah Osman Daar. 65. Vex.

February 14, 2008

FACULTY from page 3 we want the best person for the job, and that means if we have to file H1B for someone, that's what we're going to do." Another way to be hired is through Optional Practical Training, which is for recent graduates who can work for a year in the field of the obtained degree. "So if you had a degree in physics, and you wanted to teach for a year, this program is for you. The school where you graduate does the paperwork for that," Morelli said. He also described another program called Curricular Practical Training. "With this program, while you're working on your degree, if there's a job that would help you with their knowledge of the subject, you can work while waiting on your degree," he said. The H1B is, for a lot of people, "the way you get your first job," Morelli said. There's a time limit on the H1B, so professors must either apply for permanent status or return to their home country, he said. "Usually it's three years, but you can renew it for three more. Then if you haven't applied for your permanent status, you're going to have to make other plans as will we," he said. Patton said there are exceptions, but mostly it is a sixyear situation. The Math and Computer Science department, the Business Administration department, and the College of Liberal Arts have the majority of international professors, according to Morelli "There are more in Math aild Computer Science



because it has been typically hard to find good candidates," Patton said. "They're hiring the best that they can find and some of those are international," she said. "If you have a vacancy in a certain department, the tenured professors in the department would be on a committee that would look at applications," he said. The provost wants those people to have the opportunity to hire whoever is the most qualified, regardless of national origin or any other personal characteristics, Morelli said. "It seems that our hires of international professors tend to be in certain departments, and a lot of that is due to the fact that a lot of applications are received by wordof-mouth from professors," he added. He added tthe number of international professors is probably higher at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University, due to higher salaries and better chances for promotion to bigger schools around the country. "If you were the best there was in your field, you might think there would be more opportunity in working at OU, then you could go to the University of Chicago, then to Yale," he said. "That would be harder to accomplish at a school like UCO," he said. Essentially, it comes down to who applies, according to Morelli. "I don't think our screening committees are trying to keep anybody out or not giving anybody an opportunity. We have our advertising through word-of-mouth, the intemet and newspapers," he said.

YAHOO TALKS PARTNERSHIP by AP Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Yahoo Inc. is discussing a possible partnership with News Corp. in its latest effort to repel Microsoft Corp. or prod its unsolicited suitor into raising its current takeover bid, according to a person familiar with the talks. The specifics of the joint venture still hadn't been worked out, said the person who didn't want to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter. Both The Wall Street Journal and a prominent blog, TechCrunch, reported that News Corp. is interested in folding its popular online social network, MySpace. corn, and other Internet assets into Yahoo — an idea that first came up last year. News AP Photo Corp. owns The Wall Street Journal. A Yahoo worker walks into Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif. in this Jan. 29, News Corp. and a private equity firm also would buy 2008 file photo. Microsoft Corp. has pounced on the slumping Internet icon with an significant stakes in Yahoo unsolicited takeover offer of $44.6 billion in its boldest bid yet to challenge Google in a complex deal designed Inc.'s dominance of the lucrative online search and advertising markets. to boost the Sunnyvale-based company's market value above Microsoft's initial bid out the possibility of a deal analysts believe Microsoft of $44.6 billion, or $31 per involving MySpace. will simply raise its offer share. because it needs the acquisiYahoo rejected Microsoft's A Yahoo spokesman said offer Monday, insisting that Yahoo rdected Microsoft's tion to counteract Google's the company continues to its Internet franchise is worth dominance of the online ad "carefully and thoroughly" more money. Microsoft has offer Monday, insisting market — a battleground that evaluate alternatives that will held firm on its bid so far, that its Internet franchise is rapidly reshaping the techenrich its long-term share- dubbing it "full and fair" nology and media industries. holders. while threatening to launch a is worth more money "Buying Yahoo makes treNews Corp. spokeswoman 'hostile takeover attempt. mendous sense for Microsoft, Teri Everett declined to cornBesides talking with News more sense than any other ment. Corp., Yahoo has explored company in the world," said Although News Corp. an advertising partnership antitrust hurdles because the Ken Marlin, a New York Chairman Rupert Murdoch with its biggest rival, Internet two companies operate the investment banker specializmade it clear in a conference search leader Google Inc. Web's two biggest ad net- ing in media and technology call last week that his New Although Google probably works and eliminating one deals. York-based company had no could help elevate Yahoo's would reduce competition. interest in an outright acquisi- recently drooping profits, the If Yahoo is able to work tion of Yahoo, he didn't rule alliance would likely face out a deal with News Corp.,_ ,


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February 14, 2008

Slated to finish 3rd, baseball team off to perfect start by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer

Photo Services

An outfielder makes a play in the Bronchos' 12-0 victory over Missouri Southern.

The professionals might of outfielders and a couple of wait until April to step up to starting pitchers. Back in action is Allthe plate, but UCO baseball players have already started American and South Central Regional Player of the Year swinging. With long sleeves sneaking Breck Draper. He's also out from their jerseys and vis- earned the distinction of ible breath at every position, being named the conference's the Bronchos have rattled off Preseason Player of the Year. five consecutive wins to start During his junior year last season he led the league in the season. "This team is playing good both home runs and slugbaseball right now," head ging percentage all while batcoach Wendell Simmons ting .353. With one homerun said in a statement io UCO's so far, Draper needs only 13 more to become the UCO Media Relations. It's not a surprising start record holder. While Draper will be heavconsidering UCO is ranked No. 15 in the nation and was ily relied upon in the batting tabbed to finish third in the order, a stable of other playLone Star Conference, behind ers are capable of more than Abilene Christian and Angelo just holding their own. Gone State. Returning from last is Bryce Columbus, 2007's year's squad that went 40-18- batting champ, but back are 1 are three infielders, a pair Dean McIntyre, Michael

The UCO Baseball team hosted Missouri Southern on Tuesday afternoon. Despite the cold weather, getting up over 30 degrees after the sun came out, the Bronchos earned a 12-0 victory over the lions. "I thought for such extremely bad conditions, we did very well," head coach Wendell Simmons said. "It's impressive to get that many runs in that kind of weather." UCO started off with a single run in the bottom of the first when outfielder Tyler Carroll hit a single to bat in pitcher/outfielder Dean McIntyre. The second inning was silent, but the Bronchos exploded with three more runs in the third. As the game wore on, UCO continued to dominate, scoring two more in the sixth and seventh and four more in the eighth.

Pollock and Tyler Carroll; each one batted over .300 last season and Carroll had the second most homers with 12. Another returning contributor is Miguel Moctezuma. Moctezuma was named LSC North Co-Freshman of the Year two years ago, but saw limited action last season. Continuing to impress, he's been hotter than a fat guy on a cruise so far this year, having connected for 11 hits in 15 at bats for a whopping .733 average. Though, to be fair, the season is still quite young. McIntyre was also heavily utilized last year in the pitching rotation, where he went 8-1 with a 3.41 ERA. This Australian has already garnished a pair of saves. Joe Noyes also returns after a 6-3

Defensively, UCO only gave up four hits the entire game. Breck Draper served for five innings, giving up two hits and striking out two of the 17 he faced off against. Joe Noyes served two innings went up against seven batters, allowing a single hit and striking out three. Nolan Maher didn't allow a single hit in his single inning and struck out two batters. Lastly, Ben Gamblin pitched for one inning, allowing, giving up one hit and striking out one. This weekend, the Bronchos will host West Texas A&M in a series of four games at Broncho Field. The first is on Friday at 2 p.m. the second is a double header on Saturday, which begins at 12:30 p.m. Finally, UCO plays West Texas the final time on Sunday afternoon at 1 p.m. The Bronchos have one more home game, Photo Services this Tuesday against Emporia State at 2:30 p.m. All-American Breck Draper, who only pitched once last

year, threw five scoreless innings Feb. 12 in Edmond.

Photo Services

Predicted to finish third in the conference, the UCO Baseball team is off to a 5-0 start. season. A surprising addition was made to the rotation last Tuesday when Draper earned the start against Missouri Southern. Draper only threw two innings last year, but did gain some pitching experience while at OSU. In his

lone start he led the team to its first shutout after he threw five innings, gave up no runs and struck out two. In addition to these three, Tyler Bishop and Clint Straka have each registered a win as well. Straka has impressed in

the two games he's seen action. While tallying up eight innings, he's struck out three and has an ERA of zero. UCO won the North division before falling to Angelo State in the conference tournament. It was an ending that failed to give the team a berth to the national tournament. The conference has abandoned its divisional format in favor of a round-robin season. Now each of conference's 12 teams will play a four-game series against every other team, three games of nine innings and one only seven. The regular season champion will be the team or teams with the best winning percentage and a conference tournament will follow. UCO plays both teams ranked ahead of them on the road, but neither has gotten off to as impressive a start as the Bronchos. Abilene Christian dropped five of its first six games and Angelo State is just slightly better with a 4-3 record. UCO starts conference play this weekend when they host a four-game series against West Texas A&M. Play starts Friday at 2 p.m. Saturday boasts a doubleheader and the final contest of the series is at 1 p.m. on Sunday.

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