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March 1, 1994
Message to lawmakers: stop writing new bills There ought to be a law... A law against the number of bills lawmakers' can file and have placed on their respective agend. The number of bills submitted continually rise from year to year as lawmakers attempt to pass one with their name on it. This attempt is often in vain, thanks to the powers that be, as statistics show only one out of every five bills go on to become law. That's all we need in Oklahoma—more laws. As of Feb. 7, the state's 101 House of Representatives members and 48 Senators had filed 1,625 bills. That's 978 from the House and 647 bills out of the Senate. In a time where the people are pushing for less government and politicians are running on a less-is-more platform, these bills continue to be written, only adding to those that could not be agreed on last session. What bills have our Senators filed hoping for the Governor's signature this session? They include SB 1010 which would outlaw the practice of hair cutting in a salon that is not licensed, and SB 1152 would assure that boats are floated only by a person with an operator's permit. Some of the House bills are just as concerning. HB 1981 would prohibit hunting with dogs in conjunction with certain firearms, and wearing a helmet while you water ski could be a requirement if HB 1869 becomes law. These hills will soon die. Why waste our money and time? A good understanding of what your legislator is proposing to be debated on the House and Senate floors is a start to curbing this mess of wasted time and paperwork. How often do constituents contact their lawmakers and complain about the needless paperwork and wasted time debating a bill that is doomed from its conception? Evidently, not often enough. Legislators do listen to their voters.
ORRECTIONS In the Feb. 22 issue of The Vista, the story on New Plains Review stated the journal was published by the English department when in fact it is published by the Liberal Arts College. In the Feb. 17 issue, the headline about the MPA program stated that the regents denied the program. In fact, an outside team only recommended that the program be denied.
Reader wants world in 'World Wrap' e Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum for and by the students of this university. Articles and anecdotes must also reflect issues that concern students
Editor in chief„Heidemarie Brandes Managing Editor Joe Umbarger Copy Editor Joyce Kirtley Sports Editor Scott Moore Advertising Mgr.. ...... Kristin Wires Ad Sales Sherri Horsechief Ad Sales Brad Jeffries Paste-up Jennifer Palmer Circulation Terri King Public Relations...Jojo Takyi-Micah Writer Roy Howe Writer Michelle Peller
Writer Terri King Writer Janet Runge Writer Jennifer Palmer Writer Dayna Poarch Writer Jimmy Hyde Writer Anthony Tompkins Sports Writer Rachel Schnitzer Chief Photographer Chris Smith Photographer Kenneth Kappen Photographer Mike Simons Photographer David McNeese Cartoonist/Artist Russell Benson Adviser Mark Hanebutt
The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by students in the department of journalism on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the regular school term, except during examinations and holidays, and on Thursdays only during the summer term at the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034. Telephone number (405) 341-2980, Ext. 5914. One-year subscription rate $12. Second-class postage paid at Edmond, Okla. "POSTMASTER:" Send address change to The Vista, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK 73034. Letters
Letters to the editor are not only welcomed, but encouraged. All letters must be signed. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters must also include author's address and phone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit in order to fit space limitations and to comply with libel laws. Every effort will be made to preserve the integrity of the letter. Address letter to: Editor, The Vista, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK 73034 or deliver in person to the editor, Communications Building, Room 107. This publication, printed by the University of Central Oklahoma Print Shop, is issued by the University of Central Oklahoma as authorized by Title 70 OS 1981, Section 3903. 5,000 copies have been prepaired at a cost of $300 (8pp), $400 for 12pp.
new issues of The Vista, hoping that it would provide a greater variety of news, reflecting the rich, cultural diversity the university represents. -
Jimmy Eduljee
UCO Student
Student disagrees with columnist, says schools should allow prayer
Vol. 92, No. 38 (USPS 661-700)
who come from different parts of the world. A cursory analysis of "World Wrap" indicates that the newspaper is yet to outgrow its regional mindset. Many students look forward to
have to disagree with Terri King about her column in the Feb. 17 issue. Prayer should be allowed in school. I went all through high school here in Edmond, and they had prayer.
Now they don't. People should have the right to pray in school if they want to. I prayed in school, and I still do to this day. Prayer should not be banned
from public events either. It's a routine deal for most people. It shouldn't be left out. -V.G. Whaley
UCO Student
Reader poll questions editorial cartoon oncerning the Feb. 24 Beavis and Butthead cartoon: 1) After polling over 25 Vista readers, 23 of these individuals, including some high-ranking faculty members, had no idea what the pointof the cartoon was. They were aware of political correctness, and
the reference to Poles (if you meant persons of Polish descent), but otherwise no clue. Two of the 25 believed it to be a phallic reference. The point? If you were trying to make a statement, it was probably lost on a lot of people. 2) Are you aware that you misspelled Metalica on one of the T-
shirts? It should be Metallica. 3) Do you have copyright permission to use the figures of Beavis and Butthead or their likenesses in the campus newspaper? No offense intended, we're just curious. Thanks. -Linda Winn
UCO Media Center
Editor's Note: We did check into the legality of using Beavis and Butthead in the cartoon. We apologize for misspelling Metallica. And yes, Butthead's "Pole" comment is a phallic inference. He uses inferences such as this a lot in the cartoons. P.S. Our cartoonist has a unique sense of humor.