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The student performed

Handicapped student responds to letter placed on her truck

The following was a letter left on a student's vehicle on the UCO campus:

"You don't look very handicapped to me!

If I had known that being a fat - - - was a handicap, then I would have gone to get one of those handicap hanging decals myself'

You have some nerve! I hope someday a truly handicapped person sees you getting out of your truck and really tells you off. You should be ashamed of yourself! But I doubt you are!"

UCO Buddhist Assoc. to hold first meeting

The Buddhist Association at UCO is having its first official club meeting at 7 p.m. March 3 in Room 137 of the Music Building.

The meeting is open to everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. "It is a welcome gathering for all who are interested—they don't have to be Buddhists," said President Kok Leong, Koong.

Membership fees for the year are $1. Here is her response:

This is in response to the note that was left on my truck Thursday, Feb. 16th.

I would like to respond to your quote: "You don't look very handicapped to me!" and where you state, "I hope a truly handicapped person sees you getting out of your truck and really tells you off."

You're right, you did see me getting out of my truck and head off to class, but what you failed to "see" was the prayer I had said prior to getting out of my truck— that the Lord would let me make it to class—two buildings away from where I parked because it was 25 degrees outside and I had already had a major asthma attack that morning.

What you failed to "see" was the breathing treatment I had undergone that morning just to make it to class, or the condition I was in once I did make it to class.

What you also failed to "see" was the medication that it takes just to make it through each day. "Handicapped" decals are not just given out.

They are requested by a licensed medical physician, and obviously my "Health Care Provider" seems to think that I should have a "handicapped" decal for obvious reasons that he is aware of.

There are so many disabling health problems. Being in a wheel chair is not the only reason for needing a handicapped parking space. If I had been carrying an oxygen tank, would that have made it okay with you?

As far as being ashamed of myself, and where I park, you're right. I'm not ashamed.

I don't park in front of the buildings, I leave all that area to those who are confined to a wheelchair or crutches. But as to parking in the handicap parking area two buildings away, I will continue to park there.

Who knows? Maybe they will find a cure for bronchial asthma—then I will gladly give up my "handicapped hanging decal" —Nancy Brewer UCO student

to you.



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