The Vista April 03, 2008

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April 3, 2008 www.thevistaonline.corn the

Central Ok.


LING PROMOTES NEW PROGRAM by Jordan Richison Staff Writer Internationally-known journalist and TV personality Lisa Ling spoke in front of about 300 students and faculty members Monday at Constitution Hall at the official opening of UCO's Centre for Global Competency. Dr. William Radke, UCO vice president of Academic Affairs, opened up the presentation talking about the faculty getting involved with the program on campus. Oklahoma Lt. Governor Jeri Askins and Dr. Kathryn Gage, vice president of Student Affairs, joined Radke on stage to help unveil the official logo of the Centre for Global Competency. Dr. Dennis Dunham, director of International Services, said UCO's definition of global competency focuses predominately on students' interaction with the community, so that potential employers will be better prepared to receive globally competent students. He said four out of five new jobs are being created in the international arena, but statistics show that 20 percent of Americans who have worked abroad have failed. "Global Competency is not something that you are, it is something you become along the way," Dunham said. Following Dunham's speech, musician Kyle Dillingham performed a couple of songs. Dillingham, who is known as "Oklahoma's music ambassador", has per-

formed for U.S. Congress, House of Representatives and on national television in China, Thailand, and Europe. Dillingham ended his set with a violin performance of "Amazing Grace." Ling was the last to speak at the ceremonies and opened up her speech by joking about the recent tornado activity, which hit the state early Monday morning. Ling said she got her start in broadcast journalism as a reporter for the national high school news show "Channel 1 News." While at "Channel 1," she worked with Anderson Cooper, now the main anchor on CNN, on different national news stories geared towards the teenage perspective. When she was a sophomore at the University of Southern California, Ling went to Afghanistan to cover its civil war, she said. "I was in total shock of what was around me, I saw boys no more than 10 years old carrying weapons bigger then they were," Ling said. She said when she came back to America, she was sur; prised to see that no one really cared about the conditions over in the war torn nation. Ling said students need to take notice and try to engage more into what is going on _around the world. "We have a choice as Americans to either ignore it or engage it in a positive way," Ling said. by Vista photographer Brenda O'Brian She said following her stint on "Channel 1," she was Lisa Ling speaks of her experiences as a journalist during the launch of the Centre

see LING, page 9 for Global Competency on Monday, March 31 in Constitution Hall.

UCO to host induction ceremony The 38th annual Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame will induct nine new members Friday, adding to its total of more than 330 inductees. by No Lupov Managing Editor During its annual induction ceremony the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame will honor nine exceptional journalists for their work in the Sooner state. More than 150 journalists and their families are invited to participate in the 38th annual induction ceremony 11:30 a.m. April 4 in the ballroom at the University Center. Executive Director of the Oklahoma Press Association Mark Thomas will be host the ceremonies. The distinguished journalists this year are "Oklahoma Gazette publisher William Bleakley, OETA anchor Gerry Bonds, The Oklahoman reporter and editor Ann DeFrange, Cameron University journalism professor emeritus Donna Barron Evers, Tulsa World operations managers Bill Harper, Associated

see HOF, page 5

DAW wraps up its activities


by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Students walk by an unusually fashioned statue of Dr. Roscoe Robinson, Central State President from 1939-48, Tuesday morning, April 1, located on the south side of the Administration Building.

Mon. through Thurs. at 5 p.m.

UCO's sixth annual Disability Awareness Week concluded Wednesday with the wheelchair challenge over by Broncho Lake. "The staff and I have been very pleased at the student participation the past three days," said Garret Johnson, Students for Accessible Society president. The event kicked off Monday with free health screenings for different ailments such as diabetes, glaucoma, blood pressure, vision, hearing and bone density. This was followed by the hearing challenge on Tuesday where participants had to wear sound-proof headphones while attempting to complete common tasks such as purchasing a book from the bookstore and getting homework assignments. Johnson said students have been surprised with how hard it is for people with disabilities once they've completed the'obstacle courses. "They don't realize how hard it is until they get the first hand experience," Johnson

"It is better to die on your feet than to lire on your knees!" -Emiliano Zapata

said. Freshman Sarah Smith said the Wheelchair challenge on Wednesday proved to be difficult because of the different challenges in the obstacle course. "It was hard, just getting up and over the differ-

ent obstacles was difficult," Smith said. Sophomore Kristen Collier was another student who found the event difficult to participated in. "It was um, buy it makes

see DAW, page 3

by Vista photographer Chris Albers

Matthew Morales, music theater junior, gets pushed up a ramp in a wheelchair by Kerry West, adaptive technology specialist with Disability Support Services, yesterday at an event for Disability Awareness Week near Broncho Lake.

See Columns Page 7





April 3, 2008






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NORTH toga

Cartoon by Jared Aylor

CAMPUS QUOTES: Compiled and photographed by Brenda O'Brian

"What do you do to help the environment?" "I use an energy saving dishwasher and other energy saving prodticts."

Keynan Diggs Sophomore, Kinesiology

"I use the fluorescent light bulbs, carpool, and use the HOV lot."

Matt Harouff Senior, Geography

"I save electricity by keeping the lights out until the sun comes out."

Staff Editorial:

Kern regrets word choice, little else - It seems these days politicians don't often think before they speak. Hilliary Clinton recently said she misspoke when she said she had to run from sniper fire in Bosnia when she visited the country during her husband's presidency. This instance of YI didn't mean to say that' comes after the notorious comments made by our own state representative. On March 27, the UCO College Republicans provided us the opportunity to hear Sally Kern explain her comments regarding homosexuals and a "homosexual agenda" that she made at an open meeting earlier in the month. "I'm very happy to see that people are open minded and are willing to hear the reason behind what somebody might have said, even if it's not a reason that's being revealed in the media and our news sources," College Republicans Chairman

Chelsea Barnett said after the event. "I think people now see that Sally Kern is not this devil ... that some people might have made her out to be. I think they see that she's a good Christian woman that cares for others and has no ill intentions against any certain group of people for the comments she made." This is very much what Kern said during the question and answer period following her lecture. However, during the lecture Kern said she would explain her personal philosophy to the audience and then provided philosophies from numerous sources, including one of our country's Founding Fathers, John Adams. I'm very glad to know that Rep. Kern is so well read in the philosophies of men that lived more than 200 years ago, yet I still do not know her personal philosophies. After her lecture, Kern

said she could have spoken more clearly. "People can always say things maybe in a better way. To be honest with you, it was about over a week later, when ... my younger son said to me `Mother did you ever stop to think that maybe when you used the word terrorist that people would take that meaning that like we're hunting the terrorists down, that you were implying they should be hunted down.' That never entered my mind because I wasn't thinking that. I'm not a hateful person. I don't believe in doing violence to people," Kern said. "The one thought that I had was just tearing down the moral fiber of this nation. So could it have been said better? Probably. We can always say things better I guess." Indeed, I have to agree. Rep. Kern is entitled to her beliefs and opinions, whatever they may be, and she also is entitled to speak freely.

However, once again, I must say elected public officials need to take extra care when speaking in any public forum, no matter how formal or casual, as their words not only represent their views, but also the views of their constituents. In this case, the citizens of Oklahoma City and residents of Oklahoma were lumped together with Kern and her comments. This is especially true when comparing homosexuality and terrorism when you represent Oklahoma City. It wasn't a homosexual agenda that killed 168 people in the Murrah Building bombing on April 19, 1995. It was two former members of the U.S. military. Kern passed up an opportunity to appease her critics when Film Studies graduate student Troy Steele asked her if she would care to apologize for her comments. There were no apologies that night, at least not from Kern.

I vv 1 1 /i,o-rtscA/m/ Stephanie Dale Sophomore Psychology

"I carpool all the time. I barely ever drive. I help the environment and I didn't even know it!"

Melody Long Senior, Studio Art

"I use energy saving light bulbs and turn off the lights in my house."

Alex Brodt Sophomore, Graphic Design

"I recycle paper and take it to the Kickingbird pet store."

The death of Woody Gaddis was a considerable loss to those of us fortunate enough to know him. He and I shared an office in the Journalism Department for more than 20 years. I was asked to speak at his memorial service and felt honored to do so.

THE VISTA Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5548 • EDITORIAL


Andrew Knittle, Editor in Chief No Lupov, Managing Editor

Chris Albers, Photo Editor Brenda O'Brian



Justin Langston, Senior Staff Writer Nelson Solomon, Stag Writer Jana Davis, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo, Staff Writer Jiii.dan Richison, Staff Writer B arrie Cronk, Staff Writer Megan Lee, Staff Writer Laura Hoffert, Staff Writer Josh Flowers, Staff Writer

Keith Mooney, Ad Director Garrett Johnson



SPORTS Jeff Massie

ADVISER Julie Clanton

Senior, Public Relations

Rest in peace, Woody. Dennie Hall

Tresa Berlemann

Brandi Shoemaker

Here at The Oklahoman, where I now work, many of the photographers were trained by Woody, and they all speak highly of him. The huge crowd at the memorial service was a well-deserved tribute to him.

DESIGN Steven Reckinger

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semiweekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submit ted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73 034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ .

April 3, 2008


Students and Staff encouraged to 'Walk it Out'

DAW from page 1 me understand how difficult it was for them to get around, especially with everyone walking around," Collier said. Disability Week provided food from popular restaurants near campus like Taco Bell, McAlister's, Jimmy Johns and Earl's Rib Palace. They also had live entertainment as the school's radio station set up a remote at Broncho Lake throughout the week. "It was a chance for students to have fun, but more importantly it gave them the opportunity to get the handson experience of being in the shoes of a disabled person," Johnson said.

by Chris Albers

Morales gets wheeled onto wood planks.

by Nelson Solomon Staff Writer UCO is encouraging staff, faculty and students to "Walk it Out" on Wed., April 9 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with headquarters at Broncho Lake. "For several years, UCO has supported the American Heart Association and their annual Heart Walk. We have participated and fundraised for them as well," said Danielle Dill, Assistant Director of Programs and Services for the Wellness Center and a member of the committee for the 2008 Heart Walk. Dill said the committee wanted "to make some changes, including aiming for a higher fundraising goal and also to add a health education component to our efforts." "And that's how we came up with Walk It Out," she said. Dill said its main purpose is a fundraising effort for the American Heart Association with a secondary purpose is to encourage people to get moving, get active and start walking. "Heart disease affects everyone. If not you, then

someone you know has suffered from a heart attack or a stroke. What's interesting is that in the state of Oklahoma, this generation is the first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than our parents," Dill said. Dill said that this generation is dying at younger ages as time goes on. And most of

"What's interesting is that in the state of Oklahoma, this generation is the first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than our parents." Danielle Dill

that is related to our lifestyle choices and our health behaviors, ranging from alcohol use to lack of exercise, she said. According to Dill, heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and in the state of Oklahoma. The 2007 State of the State's Health Report says that Oklahoma's death rates started to climb in the 1990s while the rest of the nation was seeing decreases.

Last year's United Health Foundation ranked the state 50th in health status improvement since 1990. Dill encourages participants to use this event as a push get active with their life and live healthy. "Students, faculty and staff can purchase an official "Walk it Out" t-shirt for $10. All the money goes to the American Heart Association," she said. The t-shirt will serve as a ticket to "walk out of class or work, of course with a supervisor or professor's approval," said Dill. Those wearing the t-shirt can come to the UCO Healthy Campus booth and be put in a drawing for a chance to win a Dell computer or a Nintendo Wii, Dill said. Flatire Burgers will be serving chicken and veggie burgers as healthy choices for interested passersby, Dill said. "People can come out and get lunch, look at our vendor booths, and go for a walk," Dill said. She said several trails have already been mapped out that students can walk around campus. For more information, visit

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April 3, 2008

Random Acts of Art 2008 Photos by Brenda O'Brian

Lexi Piper, a studio art freshman, creates a sidewalk chalk masterpiece outside of the art building.

Above: Dancers perform an improv dance routine with drum accompaniment around Broncho Lake. Below: Dancers pull another student dancer into the routine.

Megan Lynn, a art education senior, pushes an art roller as a part of the Zot Arts demonstration. The art roller can be attached to wheelchairs and used to paint large scale designs onto mural paper.




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April 3, 2008


Obama, Gore could work together Obama vows to include former Vice President Al Gore in his plans to tackle global warming.

Press Oklahoma Chief of Bureau Lindel Hutson, The Oklahoman photographer Paul Southerland, Hennessey Clipper co-publisher Barbara Walter, and Hennessey Clipper co publisher Bill Walter." This year marks the first time when husband and wife journalists will both be inducted during a same year ceremony. "The annual ceremony has become an informal homecoming for distinguished previous honorees. The Hall is a virtual Who's Who of Oklahoma Journalism, and the crowd will be filled with the giants of the profession," said Dr. Terry Clark, chairman of the Mass Communication Department. Currently the Journalism Hall of Fame in UCO has more than 330 distinguished

by AP Writer WALLINGFORD, Pa. (AP) _ Sen. Barack Obama said Wednesday he would give Al Gore, a Nobel prize winner, a major role in an Obama administration to address the problem of global warming. At a town-hall meeting, Obama was asked if he would tap the former vice president for his Cabinet, or an even higher level office, to handle global warming. "I would," Obama said. "Not only will I, but I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem. He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues, but climate change is real. It is something we have to deal with now, not 10 years from now, not 20 years from now." The only position higher than a Cabinet post is vice president. While Obama seemed to dangle that possibility in his answer Wednesday, he has repeatedly said it is far too early to discuss potential vice presidents because the nomination has not been won. It is also not clear that Gore, who had the job for eight years under Bill Clinton, would even want to be a vice president again. Since leaving the White House, Gore has gone on to

"The Hall is a virtual Who's Who of Oklahoma Journalism, and the crowd will be filled .with the giants of the profession." Dr. Terry Clark

members. The hall of fame started in 1971 and honors as many as nine Oklahoma journalists who have more than 10 years of outstanding contributions to local journalism or native journalists who have similar achievements elsewhere, according to its Web site.

Barb Walter

become one of the world's leading voices for combating the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming. His work earned him a share of the Nobel last year. Popular among Democrats, Gore is perhaps the single most coveted endorsement up for grabs in the long-running competition between Obama and rival Hillary Rodham Clinton. The relationship between Gore and the Clintons became strained after Gore limited Bill Clinton's campaigning on his behalf in the 2000 presidential race which elected George W. Bush. Obama said he would use Gore to help forge a capand-trade system for carbon emissions designed to lower pollution. The Illinois senator cautioned that such a system could mean an increase in electricity bills from power companies that rely on coalburning, and that some of the money generated from a capand-trade system may be used in the beginning to help lower income or fixed income customers with those bills. He also called on individuals to do their part to lower energy consumption. "All of us are going to have to change our habits. We are a wasteful culture," he said. Using compact fluorescent light bulbs, energy efficient appliances, and unplugging power chargers when they're not in use are relatively simple solutions, he said. "Those kinds of simple steps, if everybody takes . them, can drastically reduce our energy consumption."

Research suggests premature babies at higher risk of Autism by AP Writer CHICAGO (AP) _A small study of toddlers finds that about one-quarter of babies born very prematurely had signs of autism on an early screening test. The research is preliminary since formal autism testing wasn't done. But the results are provocative, suggesting that tiny preemies may face greater risks of developing autism than previously thought. That suggests autism may be an under-appreciated consequence of medical advances enabling the tiniest of premature babies to survive, said lead author Catherine Limperopoulos, a researcher at McGill University in Montreal and Children's Hospital in Boston. She emphasized that the results don't mean extreme prematurity causes autism, but rather that it might be among contributing factors. The risks associated with being born way too early have mostly been thought of as "neuromuscular, causing damage like cerebral palsy, and cognitive, like mental

retardation," said Dr. Alan Fleischman, medical director at the March of Dimes. "The study says there are also social and behavioral consequences which look like autism," Fleischman said. And he said it underscores a need for early autism screening among youngsters born very prematurely. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends autism screening for all children by age 2. Autism can't be cured but early behavior therapy can help lessen its severity. Experts believe autism results from a combination of genes and outside influences. Some advocates believe those factors include childhood vaccines, but scientific studies have not shown that. Previous research on autism and prematurity has generally looked back at groups of older children to see whether prematurity was more common among those already diagnosed with autism, and results have been inconsistent, said Craig Newschaffer, an autism researcher at Drexel University's School of Public Health.

A.P Photo

Dan Marino, former National Football League quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, throws a pass during a news conference, Wednesday, April 2, 2008, in Tallahassee, Fla. Marino is co-chair of the Governor's task force on autism. His son, Michael, has autism and in 2005 his foundation established the Marino Autism Research Institute. Limperopoulos said her study design was more rigorous. The study, released

Wednesday and published in the April issue of the journal Pediatrics, involved 91 children aged 18 months to


2 years old. On average, they were born 10 weeks early weighing less than 4 pounds. Screening results found sus-




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pected autism in 23 children, or 25 percent. The screening test is a 23item checklist for parents, asking about behavior in very young children. The test is designed to screen youngsters before age 2, which is the more typical age of autism diagnosis. More comprehensive and definitive autism testing at around age 2 is recommended for those with positive screening results. Dr. Edwin Cook, an autism researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago, said using the preliminary screening test in preemies may be misleading because these children typically reach developmental milestones later than their peers but often catch up. The researchers took developmental delays associated with prematurity into account, Limperopoulos said. She said the children in the study will be followed to see how many are subsequently diagnosed with autism. Newschaffer said there's evidence that fewer than half of children the screening test identifies as at risk of autism are later diagnosed with it.

( ) April 3, 2008

'Super Smash Bros. Brawl' is a smashing good time by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer

"Super Smash Bros. Melee" was the ultimate party game: a four-player fighter with a varied cast of characters and a deceptively deep combat engine which kept the game fresh for an entire console generation, a feat that is rarely duplicated. Six years later, Nintendo has finally updated the series with the third iteration, "Super Smash Bros. Brawl." The "Smash Bros." series is a simple one. Take a bunch of beloved Nintendo characters and throw them into a lovingly crafted arena based on the locations in the Nintendo universe and let them beat each other to a pulp. Each of the fighters have moves and powers based on their showings in their respective video games; Mario has his fireballs and powerful jumping ability, Link has the Master Sword and his collection of iconic weapons and Samus has all of her traditional missiles and bombs. What makes "Smash Bros." different from other fighting games is that the game is designed more like a platformer than a traditional fighter. The stages have floating platforms and the entire level is suspended over a bottomless pit, and the idea is not to drain one's opponent of their life, but instead, to knock them into the abyss below. The game requires just as much skill to survive as it does to defeat the opponents. "Brawl" isn't particularly different from its predecessor, which is in many ways a good thing. Nintendo made a point to fix what was broken and made sure what worked continues to work. Fans of the series can easily pick up with their favorite characters and go back to butt kicking as if it was they never left the "Smash Bros." world. The controls are as tight as ever, with some of the issues from the previous games getting cleaned up. It's easier than it's ever been to dodge around the opponents and the characters, even the heavy and slow ones, move with exceptional dexterity. The developers made a point to re-balance the characters of the game too, removing some of the more abusive combos from the previous games and changing up some of the attributes of certain characters. While perfect balance is impossible without complete homogeny, the difference in power level between characters has been lessened, which means the game has a heavier focus on skill rather than powerful characters. Further more, the game works harder to punish players who rely on a single move by making moves do less damage and less effective at killing opponents the more the player uses them. By forcing the players to vary their moves, the game becomes more dynamic and certainly more entertaining to watch, as players have come up with even more spectacular combos and more creative uses of moves, which is impressive for a game that has always been amazing to watch. The game also changes up the "Adventure Mode" from the previous game by giving it a story, incomprehensible as it may be, and some of the coolest cut scenes ever. The level designs are much more complex, and with the addition of bosses, the game feels like an old school, SNESera platformer. It helps that the game is co-operative too, making getting through the game fun for both parties and solitary play sessions. However, the adventure

mode can get frustrating at times, especially near the end and it's extremely long. While it's really the easiest and fastest way to unlock all of the characters, it just takes so much work, it almost feels like it's not worth playing through. It's certainly not worth it to play through more than once, which is a

shame, since this part of the game could have

been so much more. The main problem with the game though is that it really isn't that different from "Melee." It's more of an update pack than a fullblown sequel. Sure, there are nine new characters and a bunch of new levels, but the game plays almost exactly like its predecessor. While that's a good thing, a lot of the extra stuff is taken straight out of the pre-

quel. Truth is, there's nothing really new here. It's good to see they didn't change much with the basic game, since they didn't need to fix what wasn't broken, but the additions and changes don't make this feel like a new game. Sure, the new characters are cool, but they all could have just as easily fit into "Melee." None of them, not even third-party guest characters Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog, add anything new. There are some new items and a few new characters, but that's about it.

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So, maybe the series is starting to get a bit stale. It's fun, and one of the more amazing games available, but it's going to be hard to justify a fourth iteration of the series. Truth be told, this is probably the best version of the game, but it's seems like the series has reached its peak. Let's retire it now, and let it end on a high note instead of milking it for all it's worth. If Nintendo wants to add things to the game, well, that's what downloads and patches are for.


April 3, 2008


jUSTIN LANGSTON Tuesday was my birthday, and I was fortunate to get the entire run of Joss Whedon's "Angel" in a boxed set as a gift from my parents. After revisiting a few of my favorite

episodes from the end of the series ("A Hole in the World" and "Not Fade Away" specifically), it made me think about writing in general. Why did these stories affect me as they do? Why do they resonate on such a specific level for me? This led me to look at my own work to find the answer I was looking for. In my spare time, I enjoy writing fiction. For years, I've been trying to hammer out a fantasy novel, and all I've managed to produce is a series of false starts and a handful of characters. I'd write a handful of pages or a short story to take place somewhere within the stories' continuity, and I stop


and restart. I do this over and over again, creating a vicious cycle of writing, rewriting and revising. For years, I've tried to understand why I can't seem to start the story, even though I've got a good deal of it planned out, and it recently hit me. It isn't honest. Writing, specifically fiction, is speaking directly from the soul, and the best-written stuff of any genre has always been emotionally and intellectually honest. It's easy to claim that writers simply write what they want, but the truth is, they're writing what they see reflected in their souls. Good writers bare themselves for

the audience and they will respond because the writer is being honest. That's not to say that simply being honest will allow a writer to create a great work, simply because they've managed to tap into something fundamental within themselves. Instead, what it means is that writers reach their best when they look inside themselves. It's not to say that the writer can simply vomit oneself onto a page like a diary and hope for the best, either. The writer has to shape and guide what they're trying to create. However, the biggest difficulty in writing is utilizing that honesty. On Tuesday,

a girl in my screenwriting class did a report on Diablo Cody, the woman who wrote the screenplay for the movie "Juno," and the report is another thing that inspired me to think about my own writing. Cody, who spent time as a stripper, said she found that writing left her feeling more vulnerable than stripping ever did. It's hard to know that I'll be held up to criticism and that knowledge leads to indecision and hesitation. When hesitating, I find I rely more on common tropes and easy shortcuts than what I want to say. I fall back on what's easy instead of what's good. It's scary to look into my soul,

and I wonder how others will think of me when they see my very essence transcribed with naked black ink. I look at those stories I like and I know why I love them and why they never get old; even if I can recite my favorite lines along with the actors: the writers bravely faced themselves, mustered all of their courage and put what they wanted to write out on the page. It doesn't mean it's revolutionary or great literature, but it's good and it speaks to something primal and it resonates emotionally. That's what makes good writing.

Recently the Oklahoma State House ofRepresentatives passed HB 2513, which concerns concealed weapons being carried on campus. The measure is now before the state senate. Adding concealed weapons to the campus environment will in no way help to make campuses more secure. As of now the bill would allow current members of the military, veterans who received honorable discharges, and anyone who has completed at least 72 hours of certified firearms training to carry concealed weapons on any state college or university campus. The majority of campuses, including UCO, already have a security or police force in place to assist in maintaining the peace and ensure campus safety. Adding more weapons will only serve to increase

confusion if a shooting were to occur. Also, students might see someone on campus with a weapon in their bag and not know whether the individual is a possible threat to campus safety. That could hinder the campus police in possibly preventing a shooting or at least would affect their ability to keep the number of victims to a minimum. How would this bill ensure that professors feel safe in their work environment? At another local college campus, from which I transferred, there were at least two instances in the past year and a half in which professors were physically threatened by students over course grades. In one instance the student became verbally and physically violent, shouting profanity and threats at the professor and other students. In both instances the students

were escorted off campus by armed security guards. In the other instance however, the area of the campus where the student attended classes had a continuing security presence the remainder of the semester. Had the students in either instance possessed a gun in their possession the outcome could have been quite different. Having concealed weapons on campus won't necessarily deter a shooter either. Obviously they're not mentally stable. Someone who is enraged or mentally ill will most likely not care if someone else has a gun. Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois both had armed police on their campuses, and yet still they had shootings. Entrusting our military members is not necessarily safe either. Recently a mem-

ber of the Air Force who had served in Iraq shot and killed his two children before killing himself In the 1980s a postal employee used firearms and ammunition provided to him by the National Guard to kill his fellow employees at an Edmond post office. And although they didn't use guns in their attack, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols had both served in the military as well. Allowing more people to bring firearms on campus is not going to keep us safer. If anything, it will only add to our confusion and uncertainty, perhaps make some of us feel less safe, and possibly pose a greater threat to our campus safety. I personally do not want to cover a story with a headline "Shooter brought gun to UCO campus legally."




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Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread. alfalfa sprouts, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only peace dude!)






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Bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (The only better BLT is mama's BIT)

* SIDE ITEMS * * Soda Pop $1.19/$1.45 * Giant chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie ... $1.60 * Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle.... $1.09 * Extra load of meat $1.50 * Extra cheese or extra avocado spread $0.15 * Hot Peppers $0.35



Onion, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, Dijon mustard. oil & vinegar, and oregano. v


THE J.J. GARGANTUAV This sandwich was invented by Jimmy John's brother Huey. It's huge enough to feed the hungriest of all humans! Tons of genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone. jammed into one of our homemade French buns then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato, & our homemade Italian dressing.


GIANT CLUB SANDWICHES My club sandwiches have twice the meat and cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 1-grain bread or my famous homemade french bread!


A full 1/4 pound of real applewood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, & real mayo!




Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard. lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Real genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (You hav'ta order hot peppers, just ask!)


A full 1/4 pound of fresh sliced medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce. tomato, & mayo.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, applewood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato. and mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)


Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, sprouts. lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (It's the real deal, and it ain't even California.)


Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is world class!)


Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. An American classic, certainly not invented by J.J. but definitely tweaked and fine-tuned to perfection!


The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Fresh housemade tuna salad, provolone, sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, & tomato.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, bacon. lettuce. tomato, & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)




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Semesters fly by really fast. Spring is finally here and what a start! The season certainly gets notice with all the pomp and fanfare of thunderstorms and weather warnings. Then there are some of us graduating or contemplating life after graduation and this is no small undertaking. Even among the graduates, there's a rippling feeling of fear and excitement coursing down to D-day. Those who don't really know what to do after graduation, like me for instance, we postpone D-day and make a list of 101 things to do before you graduate. My list is still pretty short: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Visit the jazz lab (got this done) Bum a bike Ice-skate (and try not to fall) Paintball Drive to Mt. Scott and watch the sunset (the last time, we tried this, we got lost) See a Pow Wow Run the perimeter of the campus See UCO museums and gallery collections Read the Vista Add more to this list

I've been scratching my head trying to add more to this list. Usually, I write them down on napkins and scrap paper that always get misplaced. But really, there should be a list around for 101 things to do before you graduate so you get the full experience of being in UCO and Oklahoma, especially for us, international students. Another really important experience is running to the storm shelters. I know these are grave matters and could be dangerous but last Sunday, my friend and I ran from the University Center to the library at 2 a.m. when the security told us to go F-A-ST. It was like a mini spontaneous reunion in the middle of the night because there in the shelter were all our friends who lived in and around campus. Perhaps I should add 11. Run to a storm shelter but it doesn't sound right. Maybe, watch lightning during a thunderstorm? I don't know, you tell me.


April 3, 2008 ROSE CREEK GOLF CLUB Seeking F&B servers, Tues. & Thurs. help needed. Other shifts available. Please call Holly, 330-8220.

Deadlines/Pricing DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $6/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 9745549 or 974-5918 for info.

TEACHER Needed immediately for Edmond Daycare. FT/PT. Experience preferred, competitive wages. Apply in person @ 24 NW 146th. Call Camelot C.D.0 @ 749-2262

PHYSICIAN BILLING SPECIALIST FOR CITY OF EDMOND EDMOND PRACTICE Duties include: entering Summer positions @ Pelipatient charges into com- can Bay Aquatic Center: puter system and reception. Asst. Pool Manager, CaKnowledge of all types of shier & Cafe Managers, insurance billilng, good ac- Cafe Staff/Cashiers, Lifecounting skills and attention guard Staff, Water Safety to detail a must. Requires a minimum of 2 years experi- Instructors, Golf Course, ence in clinical billing office. Arcadia Lake, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Qualified applicants please Job Info line 359-4648 call Karen at 370-0278 FULL-TIME NANNY Apply at 100 E. First, NEEDED Room 106 FOR TWO FUN KIDS! Ages 8 & 9. Summer hrs SENIOR SERVICES 8:30 - 3:30. Must have OF OKLAHOMA reliable transportation. Is looking for students to fill 471-3142. May continue part time positions. Several p/t into next school year. 9am - 1 pm and 1:30 pm 5:30pm shifts are available BED & BREAKFAST HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per Part-time, afternoons. Must hour for energetic phone work weekends. 328 E. 1st work educating senior citi(across from UCO.) zens on healthcare issues. Arcadian Inn. No experience is needed 348-6347. we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. EDMOND PRESCHOOL Looking for full-time teacher in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for & part-time teacher aide. Hannah McMahan. Contact 205-4299.

Employment PART-TIME LAWNCARE & RANCH HELP 8-10 Hrs., per week. (24-32 hrs. per week during summer.) Email: MBTownsend@ TUXEDO JUNCTION PT Sales and other duties. 15+ hours per wk. Flexible hours, great for students. Salary plus incentives. Call Matt, 751-1745 for application. NOW HIRING XTREME NUTRITION FT/PT Position available in Penn Sqare Mall. Contact Jerran Huey (405) 843-1800.

SERVER POSITION Available @ Pearl's Lakeside. Apply within. 748-6113.

CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP M-F 4:45AM - 9AM. Occasional weekend shift. Apply in person. Edmond YMCA.

UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Earn up to $150 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail establishments. Experience not required. Call 800-722-4791. SHOGUN'S STEAK HOUSE Hiring for wait staff, bussers, dish washers, host, bartender. Apply in person at Northpark Mall (NW 122nd & N. May) after 5:30pm. 749-0120. PART-TIME POOL MANAGERS & LIFEGUARDS Positions for Summer '08. Good Pay. For info and to apply go online to www.nwpoolmanagement. corn EDMOND LANDSCAPES Is interviewing for full-time landscaping, irrigation and mowing positions. EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 4175660. RIVER OAKS GOLF CLUB Looking for a friendly, energetic person to fill weekday shifts or Saturday & Sunday shifts. Bar & Grill, Cart Barn & Pro Shop. Great pay. Will train. Located 10 minutes from UCO. Call Chris, 7715800 for appt.

Sudoku 2



4 1



6 9


1 6


6 9


5 8






Directions: Complete the grid so that each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

Previous Solutions: 3




7 8



3 2



6 9

5 1

7 3

1 6

4 2

3 8

4 1 5

1,1 1

5 7 9

7 8



8 6 4











8 3

1 6

5 7

9 7

2 5

8 4

1 2 6

3 4 8

6 9 1





2 1

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April 3, 2008 to tell more news stories and left the show to peruse other opportunities, Ling said. National Geographic gave

LING from page 1 approached about joining the popular daytime talk show "The View." While at "The View," she wanted to talk about the different global news, but her producers told her they couldn't do that because "Americans don't care about that kind of stuff" After three and a half years at "The View," she wanted

"Global Competency is not something that you are, it is something you become along the wgy Dr. Dennis Dunham

ing, showing both sides of the global perspective, she said. Following a clip of some of her work from National Geographic, Ling encouraged the students to get involved in the community and experience the world around them. She said her experience helped her get to where she is today. "Having a global perspective has made me smarter, more well rounded and overall a better person," Ling said.

her the ideal chance to tell stories, both real and uplift-

9\rum6er of semesters left before graduation:

Spring '08

Summer `o8

Pair `o8

Summer '09


q■rum6er of semesters

left beere graduation w en you take Correspondence Education

'Drillbit' not Wilson's best by Justin Langston Senior Staff Writer Owen Wilson is a terrible actor who simply plays the same character over and over again, a bland, vacuous persona who's sole reason for existing is to make Ben Stiller look better. "Drillbit Taylor" is the latest in the string of Wilson's irredeemably unfunny "comedies" where Wilson once again plays a manipulative loser who has something vaguely resembling a conscience. It's not hard to figure out how this movie will end up. "Drillbit Taylor" follows three ninth graders, whose archetypes mirror the protagonists of "Superbad" far too much, who get picked on by a delightfully sociopathic bully. To rid themselves of this pox, they put in an ad in Soldier of Fortune magazine, and after a montage of lame "bodyguards" they wind up picking up Owen Wilson, this time a homeless Army "Ranger." From there, the movie plays out like any other movie involving geeky high school kids and evil bullies. While it's not the worst sin the movie commits, the movie is unfailingly formulaic. The movie makes no attempts to deviate from the standard bully movie template; indeed, it nearly drowns in the standard format. Knowing the exact time of the movie, one could easily set their watch to the events that transpire over the course of the movie. The movie tries to be "Superbad" for kids and fails miserably. The movie looks like a low budget sitcom on the Disney Channel, which

makes the foul language and sex seem more out of place than either shocking or effective. Sometimes the little kid saying curse words can be funny and kind of cute, when it's done correctly, but that's the case here. It just comes off as weird. The characters are all poorly executed, with one notable exception. As mentioned previously, all of the three main characters literally mirror the three characters from "Superbad." There's the lead: the lanky awkward kid, his best friend: the immoral, fat Jewish kid and the weird guy: the tiny guy who the fat kid treats like crap because he's annoying and kind of an idiot. Unfortunately, none of these characters are remotely likeable. It's kind of hard to root for the lead when he's about as irritating as the little fat kid. He's Whiny and stupid and has none of the geeky charm that Michael Cera brought to his role in "Superbad." The bully on the other hand is delightfully over the top and ridiculously evil. He looks like a low-rent Eminem

with brown hair and seems to revel in the role as the dreadful bully. He plays the sociopath angle to a T; especially with the way he smiles. He puts on a brilliant smile that reaches his eyes. It's that smile that every bully who could get out of trouble with the principal had. The actor plays it so well; it would be worth rooting for him, if he wasn't such an evil jerk who has no problem beating and torturing random people to get his jollies. The worst part was trying to shoe horn Wilson into this movie. He's completely out of place and his ridiculous, somewhat sexist, romantic subplot was just stupid. Wilson plays his standard "jerk with a heart of gold" as the kid's mentor. His turn around to genuine good guy is completely unbelievable, since it literally comes out of nowhere. The man spent years bereft of conscience, and suddenly these kids turn him around? Yeah right. This is a guy who had no problem ripping the kids off earlier in the movie, and only stayed around because the pawnshop guy wasn't going to pay as much (since he over heard Wilson say he ripped off some kids). The movie finally gets funny in the final fight, which is pretty close to brilliant. It's probably one of the best endings to a bully movie in a while. Unfortunately, the audience has to endure an hour and a half of this train wreck of useless crap in this pathetic train wreck of a movie. It's kind of sad, actually.

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April 3, 2008

FINAL FOUR, CLASH OF TITANS Baseball squad loses to Ouachita by Jordan Richison Staff Writer

per was worn by the No. 10 seed Davidson Wildcats. Davidson was led by babyfaced sharp shooter Stephon Curry, who was the catalyst in the Wildcats' upsets over major powers Gonzaga, Georgetown and Wisconsin. His clutch performance helped Davidson advance to the Elite Eight and made Curry the star of tournament.

ried programs in the history of the game. The first game of the Final Four pits UCLA against Memphis, a game will featuring two of the premiere freshmen in the country in UCLA's Kevin Love and Memphis Derek Rose. UCLA is no stranger to playing in the Final Four as they will be playing in their third straight. This will be their 18th Final Four appearance, the most ever in NCAA history. The Bruins will be looking for a record 12th national title.

will be looking for their second national title in four years and their fifth in school hisThe NCAA Tournament tory. comes to an end this weekKansas will be playing in end at the Final Four in their first Final Four under San Antonio with top seeds Bill Self. The Jayhawks are Memphis, UCLA, North hoping to repeat the success Carolina, and Kansas set to of their assistant coach Danny battle it out for the national Manning, who single handchampionship. edly led the Jayhawks to the This year's Final Four school's last national title 20 marks the first time in the years ago. tournament's 69-year history, The game will also mark that all four number one seeds the first time UNC coach Roy. have advanced to play one Williams, who left Kansas in ' another for the chance at 2003 to take over in Chapel the national title. Hill, will coach against his This year's tournaformer school. ment has featured a little When it is all said and done, something for everyone. UNC and Memphis will play The Underdog was the in the national championship Brent Hodge, junior, takes story of the first weekend game with Memphis cutting as eight lower seeded down the nets Monday night, teams advanced to the by Jeff Massie as their overall the talent and second round. Sports Writer depth will be to much for Western Memphis, North Carolina to overcome. Kentucky's Ty UCO jumped out to a quick who is arguRogers clutch 30 lead against Ouachita Baptist ably the hottest ft. buzzer beater Tuesday afternoon, but the team coming to defeat fifth seed home team was undone and into the Final Drake in the first round fell to the No. 22 Tigers 10But the clock struck Four, is playing in highlighted the upsets of the midnight for the Wildcats, as their first Final Four since 4. first weekend. Rogers shot is they were unable to defeat 1985. The Tigers are hoping SiN • different Bronchos one of the best buzzer beat- top seeded Kansas in the Elite to bring home the school's were used in the rotation. en in recent memory, as it Eight. Relievers Kyle Carpenter, Joe first national title. helped pave the way for the Noyes, Lance Phillips and Zak When it was all said and The second game will feaHilltoppers to advance to the done the cream rose to the ture North Carolina against Kinnison did their part in the --Memphis over UCLA Sweet 16. final five innings. The tandem top and the four best teams in Kansas. UNC, who is led --North C'ttrolina over One of the great things college basketball advanced by player of the year Tyler allowed only two earned runs Kansa; about the NCAA tournament to play for the national cham- Hansbrough, will be particibetween them, but the damis the lower seeded, small pionship. age had already been done pating in their second Final. Natimnil Championship schools making a Cinderella and UCO was unable to manThis year's Final Four will Four in four years and their -Memphis mer North run through the tournament. feature some of the most sto- 17th overall. The Tar heels age any late game offense. (:arolina This year, the glass slipRiding a three-game winning streak the game seemed to be off on the right foot when lead off batter Dean McIntyre lined the ball for triple. Brent Hodge followed and registered his only hit of the day and knocked in McIntyre. Hodge finished 1 for 4. After a scoreless second inning, the Tigres responded. Evening the score at one. Only nine batters stepped up to the plate for visiting Ouachita, they managed 13 hits between them. Of the nine batters seven safely put the ball into play at least once, and an eighth reached twice via walks. With the score tied, UCO was able to add to its score and the Tigers pounced on the opportunity. The visiting team racked up four runs in each of the next two innings to extend the score to 9-1. They would by Vista photographer Chris Albers add one more to their total in the sixth inning. Kasey Adams serves while her teamate Dasha Titkina anticipates the return at Monday afterThe Bronchos added a noon's tournament against OCU at the UCO's Dorris Shofner Courts. The Bronchos defeated single run in the fifth and two Oklahoma Christian 7-2. more in the sixth.

Jordan's Final Four Predictions

J Photo Services

a cut in a UCO loss. The lone run in the fifth was unearned and came off an Ouachita miscue. The following two runs came in the meat of the Broncho lineup. With the bases loaded there are few better to step up to the plate than Breck Draper. His 13 homeruns this season rank second in the Lone Star Conference. He lead the conference last year. The opposing pitcher, realizing the opponent he was facing in such a critical situation ended up walking draper with the bases loaded. The next batter up was equally as potent Tyler Carroll. He's in double digits as well in terms of shots over the fence. His 10 out-ofthe-parkers rank fourth in the conference and his .485 batting average is tops. Carroll delivered and knocked in one runner with a single. After Carroll's shot the score was tied 10-4. There would be no more runs as pitching would dominate the remainder of the game.. The Bronchos managed nine hits during the contest. Six batters were able to safely put the ball into play. Carroll ended up 2 for 5. Always reliable Miguel Moctezuma connected on one of his four plate appearances. Moctezuma has amassed an average of .455 which ranks fourth in conference. Both Draper and Jeff Lamb went 1 for 3 and Byran Covington connected on one of his four plate appearances. The team goes on the road to play a four-game series against rival Southeastern University this weekend. The team's only remaining home games is a four-game set against Tarleton State on Apr. 11-13.

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