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Pacific Lutheran WA
by The Vista
Indian issue discussion has poor attendance
The First Americans Student
The history and geography department has five tuitionwaiver scholarships available for the fall 1989 semester.
Interested juniors, seniors and graduate students should submit a letter requesting consideration and a copy of this semester's midterm grades to Dr. Diane Kremm, associate professor of history, in Room 202J of the Liberal Arts Building, said Pam Belote, graduate assistant.
The deadline for applications is April 7.
Undergraduate applicants are required to carry a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average and graduate applicants must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, Belote said. Association held a Panel discussion on Indian issues on March 28. Attendance for the event was less than expected and very disappointing said Dr. James Noley, CSU's Minority Student Services coordinator.
Noley attributed the poor attendance to the timing of the event...immediately following spring break.
The panel discussion was to be a part of Indian Heritage Week, but due to the lack of participation the group decided to cancel it. However, the group decided that steps must be taken to prevent the same thing from happening again next year.
According to Noley, the lack of By Laurel Anquoe Student Writer
The Central State University chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, a national honorary history society, will hold its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. April 12 in the Faculty Lounge of the Liberal Arts building, said Pam Belote, graduate assistant.
Guest speaker for the event will
By Laurel Anquoe Student Writer
Two Central State University students and a third man were arrested in March on various misdemeanor charges, according to Oklahoma County Court records.
Student Greg L. Clubb, 33, is charged with one count of driving under the influence and one count of failure to carry valid security information on his vehicle. A hearing has been set at 9 a.m. student participation has been noticed in other club and organizational functions.
Terry White, president of the First Americans Student Association, agreed with Noley and added that the apathy could be due to the fact that CSU is mainly a commuter school.
Some other events that occurred during the week's celebration included two movies "Windwalker" and "Running Brave" that were shown Monday night. On Wednesday an Indian Cultural Fair was held that including such things Indian Story Telling by Evalu Russell, Plains Dancing by FASA members, and a Choctaw Stickball Game. Thursday's big event was a Princess and Brave
Court official to talk on family problems
Low attendance at a panel group discussion on Indian issues is blamed on the timing of the event. (Photo by The Vista staff photographer, Stan Pollard)
Tuition waivers available
By Laurel Anquoe Student Writer
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Banquet and Fashion Show. be Sid Brown, associate district judge and presiding judge of the Juvenile Justice Center.
Brown's topic of discussion will be: "Abuse from the Bench Perspective: Historical and Sociological Patterns in the Family."
Brown received his undergraduate degree in history from CSU and is a charter
Mon April 10th Movie - "Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise" U.C. Council Rm 4th Floor 8:30 pm Tues April 11th Dance - Video Dance by "It's Showtime" Thatcher Lake 8:00 pm (If Rain U.C. Ballroom) Thus April 13th "We Can Make You Laugh" - A Comedy Game Show Where Contestants Try Not To Laugh For $25 Broncho Fieldhouse 8:30 pm
In attendance at a reception for the families of children attending CSU's child study center, were these three unidentified children, hosted by the home economics department. The event was in conjunction with "Week of the Young Child."
Three charged after arrests
member of Phi Alpha Theta. April 13 in front of Judge James Croy in the Oklahoma County District Court.
Bradrick McDaniel, 19, also a student, is charged with one count of common gambling. As of April 4, a hearing has not been set.
The third man, Gary E. Hogg, 21, is charged with one count of operating a motor vehicle while license is suspended and is scheduled to appear before Croy at 9 a.m. April 27.