8 minute read
DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and noon Friday for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $2 for each publication for the first 25 words and $.08 per word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 341- 2980, X5916 for additional info.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR 1015 Waterwood Parkway "C" University & TOEFL Prep Program ELC Certificate Level 6=TOEFL 500+ ELC Certificate Level 9=TOEFL 550+ $780.00 per 4-week term (includes books & trips) $20 Computer Lab Fee Classes:9:00am-3:00pm (M-F) Call: 348-7602
ENGLISH CLASSES at the Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE TUTORING avail. *PREPARATION for TOEFL
DRUMMER NEEDED to complete a trio doing mostly original songs. No metal, no country. Must have place to play. Call Scott 354-6240.
FREE CAR WASH APRIL 26 11am to 2pm South side of Baptist Student Union To demonstrate God's love!
ATTENTION PARENTS! Do you want more for your children than daycare? Do you need a program for your child while you attend school? Phone Churchill Academy, 341-4314. A Standard of Excellence in Preschool Education.
FAST ACCURATE TYPING. Term papers, familiar with all formats. Laser printer $1.25/pg, title page free. $1/pg after 30 pages. NE of Edmond area. FAX 348-0162 or phone Loretta 348- 1005.
PREGNANT? We offer FREE pregnancy tests Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm & Tue 7-9pm. We can help provide: *Housing *Clothing "Counseling *Classes. EDMOND CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 1216 S Rankin, 341-3139
ADOPTION, A loving choice. We are here to help with the very best care at no cost to you. You select the adoptive parents and prepare your personal adoptive plan. WOMENCARE 1216 S Rankin, Edmond 341-3139
RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Do you need a great resume? Let a pro write and typeset your winning resume! Call Kathy at 330-1941 or 359-1696.
TICKETS? ACCIDENTS? Even if you have a not-so-perfect driving record, I may have a policy for you. Call Tim at 755-9044. Allstate Indemnity Co.
CHERYL'S CUSTOM DOCUMENTSTop quality typing for bottom dollar prices! APA, MLA, ASR formats. Theses, term papers, reports, resumes, etc. Spell check, laser printer, 751-5217. walking distance to UCO. By appt only, 340-2001 or 24-hr pager, 557-9121, Edmond, Moore.
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Grants & scholarships available! Billions of $$$ in private funding. Qualify immediately, 1-800-400-0209.
TAX RETURNS prepared, $25 (includes federal & state), 16 yrs experience. Call Dennis at 525-6886 after 6pm weekdays, 8am-6pm weekends.
SPECIAL OFFER Complete Auto Paint $199 ITG, 908 SE 59th, OKC, OK 73129 Offer Expires APRIL 30 634-5415
More confidence... a BETTER YOU?? For help with anxiety, weight loss, memory, stress, to stop smoking. We can help! Family Practice Hypnosis 330-1160
TOO BUSY TO TYPE? We do it all: Research papers, professional resumes, manuscripts, newsletters, business plans, and much more! Pickup and delivery available! 948-7550.
WILL DO your typing for you. Spellcheck, $1.25/pg, 282-9046. Pick-up and delivery.
SPAGHETTI WAREHOUSE • Hi Volume•Big Benefits • Good People Come join the best team in OKC. All applications accepted Sun-Wed 2-4pm, 101 E Sheridan, Bricktown.
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT-Students needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3000-$6000+ per month. Room & Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No exp necessary. Call (206)971-3510 ext A58063.
FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parents' income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F58063.
Now Hiring for OKC's Newest & Most Unique Experience
+Restaurant +Blackjack
• Roller Hockey + Arcades +Sports Bar +Darts +ShuMe Board +Private Rooms +Golf Simulators
All positions available.
Apply in person; 4/9 - 4/11 or 4/13 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 8371 N. Rockwell SW corner of NW Expressway & Rockwell in the Rockwell Plaza Shopping Center.
TEACH ENGLISH IN EASTERN EUROPE-Conversational English teachers needed in Prague, Budapest or Krakow. No teaching certificate or European languages required. Inexpensive Room & Board + other benefits. For info call: (206)971-3680 ext K58062.
PART TIME help for bridal outlet. Some Saturdays. Call 728-0485 for appt.
NOW HIRING Part time servers and dishwashers. Apply at Teddy's American Restaurant, 520 E Memorial, or call 748-4740.
TROPICAL RESORTS hiring, entry level & career positions available worldwide (Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean, etc.). Waitstaff, housekeepers, SCUBA dive leaders, fitness counselors, and more. Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-971-3600 ext R58052.
CAREER OPPORTUNITY Insignia Management Group has an immediate opening part time for a Leasing Consultant with an out-going personality, excellent customer relation skills, and strong sales ability. Excellent benefits and growth opportunity. EEOC Employer. Please call for an appointment, 755-4395.
HIRING PART TIME hostess, waiters, waitresses. Will train, excellent pay. Apply at The Steak Joint, 7628 N May, anytime.
AIDE NEEDED for 9-yr-old autistic boy, weekends, 359-1696.
BRAUM'S Edmond Locations We have plenty to offer full time students - FULL OR PART TIME JOBS! We can meet your schedule demands and provide you with stable employment, full or partial benefits and room to advance if you choose to do so. Stop by and visit with us - we'd love to meet you! 1001 NE Danforth Rd 2420 S Broadway 3101 E Memorial Rd
CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING. Earn up to $2000+/mo working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & full time employment available. No experience necessary. For more information call 1-206-971-3550 ext C58063.
SUMMER AND/OR FALL part time job. Gymnastics coaches needed. Experience A MUST! For more info call 848-5308.
NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER, 30-35 hrs/wk, OK DL, childcare experience preferred, references checked, some benefits, possible travel opportunity. Non-smoker preferred. Call 751-9632.
CAMP TIMBERLAKE (Ft Worth area) is looking for enthusiastic, energetic individuals who enjoy working with children. Summer staff positions available: Counselors, lifeguards, cook, nurse, and sailing/boating instructors. Contact 1-800-582-7272 or 405-748- 4976.
$CRUISE SHIPS HIRING Students Needed! $$$ + FREE Travel (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii!) Seasonal/Permanent No Experience Necessary Gde. 919-929-4398, Ext C1169
THE FRIDAY NEWSPAPER (a community paper serving The Village and Nichols Hills) is seeking several college interns for newswriting, ad sales and marketing and promotions. Please submit resume to: P 0 Box 20340, OKC, OK 73120.
WHEN IT COMES to telemarketing, we pay better (average $8-$10/hr) and we have fun. Flexible schedule, no experience needed, 843-0735, DIAL AMERICA MKT. UPS DELIVERS EDUCATION UPS is looking for loaders and unloaders to work in its OKC facility. Pay is $8/hr + benefits. Interested applicants should stop by to see our recruiter every Friday 10am-2pm, 1st Floor, University Center.
EDMOND WAL-MART has positions available 3-11 Mon-Fri and anytime weekends. Competitive wages. Pick up applications at Lay Away counter.
KICKINGBIRD THEATRES now accepting applications for evening & weekend employment. After 4pm, MonFri, 1225 E Danforth, Edmond.
DOES YOUR summer work suck? If so, come see US. Summer work, make $444/wk!!! College credit available. For serious inquiries, call campus rep at 360-3904.
ATTENTION BUSINESS, Marketing & Management majors: Summer work available with experience to help with resume and earn college credit. Must be willing to relocate. Make up to $5600+. For more info call Laura at 360-0804.
NEED CERTIFIED lifeguards ASAP. Call Monica at 733-9622.
SMALL DOWNTOWN law firm seeking part time courier to do deliveries and general office work. Must be a nonsmoker and have a neat appearance. Please call Mon-Fri, 1-5pm at 232-8523 and ask for Mindy or Larry.
TIME IS $$$$$$ So stop wasting your time making minimum wage!! Call Visionquest Marketing in Edmond today, and start making the money you deserve!! • Aggressive Commission Plan • Benefits •Paid Vacations • Daycare Benefits •Health Club • Membership Discounts
The time is now... don't delay!! Call 359-7713 for more info!!
WANTED: Certified lifeguards for summer help at Ripper Park Aquatic Center in Bethany, OK. Apply at Bethany City Hall, 6700 NW 36th.
SUMMER JOB We need a bright, enthusiastic student to entertain our daughters, ages 11 & 13 M-Th 11-4, in NE Edmond. Must have reliable transportation, be a good swimmer and love kids! $5/hr beginning May 30 thru Aug 14. Call Karen at 330- 9333. .
COMPUTER USERS wanted, $2000/$4000 monthly at home with a computer. Data entry, word processing, mailing labels, etc. No experience. Easy work. 1-520-505-2333, ext C-113.
1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS, Duplexes & Townhomes, Kennedy Place Apts, 1010 N Kennedy, Edmond (Near UCO), 341-7911. Welcome Students!
**OXFORD OAKS** Great roommate floor plans available.Call 348-2431(other floor plans available also). ROOM FOR FEMALES, private room & bath, near UCO Library. Share living, kitchen. Clean, bills paid, $250/mo at 478-2767.
Move In ay 4/15/96 or Pre-Lease & receive 2 weeks FREE & ZERO Deposit Beat The Rush 341-7987 S WW1 afe 4ftaittasaseds 930 S. Blvd. Edmond
STUDENTS SHARE 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment near UCO Library. Nice, $650/mo, bills paid, 478-2767.
ONE BEDROOM apartment near UCO Library. Nice, $350/mo, bills paid, 478- 2767.
QUIET COUNTRY atmosphere, 1 & 2 bedroom, 3 blocks from UCO. Reserve your apartment before the fall rush. 348-8420 or 341-2332.
up to a $50
value. Rent any unit for 4 months for the price of 3 1/2 months
168 S.E.33rd
44* , ...Wrop too,
Offer good at selected locations only_ Some restrictions apply. J
1985 CHRYSLER LASER, black, auto, radio, am/fm cassette, power windows, locks, mirrors & lumbar adjusted seats, leather seats, spoiler, sunroof, low miles, very nice. Call and place offer. Financing available, 478-3285 or 751-7726.
MOVING SALE Contemporary couch/chaise $200, 5-pc queensize bedroom suite $300, cherry wood end tables w/glass tops $75. Call 748-3864.
1983 BLAZER, full size, clean, 330-8160.
1990 ACURA Legend, 5-sp, red w/tan leather interior, loaded, 60K miles, 330-8160.
1984 HONDA Sabre (motorcycle), 700cc (V-45), clean, garaged, $1500, 330-8160.