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Members of the University UCAB Freshman queen candiReview. She also served as chair Center Activities Board were recdate, and 1989 UniversityFEST of the 1988 Hanging of the Green ognized for outstanding and sigcoordinator. committee. nificant contributions to UCAB at Hines served as 1988 UCAB Flournoy, who is presidentan awards luncheon May 3 in the president during the fall and as elect of UCAB, served as secretUniversity Center President's DiUCAB vice president in the fall of ary of UCAB, as the chair Queen ning Room. 1987. He was also a member of the of Hearts committee, and as a "Outstanding Leadership 1988 UniversityFEST committee. house crew member for the Awards" were presented to Kelly Receiving awards of recogniBronze and Blue Review. Grace, Tabitha Sommerhauser tion were Barbara Shipman, Hughes served as viceand Jerry Hines. Sonya Flournoy, Christine Bierpresident of public relations of

Grace, among other things, man, Gazell Hughes, and FranUCAB and as a member of the served as UCAB president in cisco Alvarez. Hanging of the Green committee, spring 1989, UCAB vice president in the fall 1988, and also served as UniversityFEST coordinator, Freshman Queen committee chair, and Bronze and Blue Review director. Sommerhauser served as Alvarez, of Puerto Cortez, Honduras, served as vice president of public relations for UCAB in the fall of 1988 and as chairman of "Hanging of the Green" committee and as a member of the 1988 UniversityFEST committee. she was also a member of the 1989 Queen of Hearts committee and a member of th 1988 Freshman Queen committee. Shipman served on the 1988 Hanging of the Green committee, 1988 Freshman Queen Committee, the 1988 UniversityFEST UCAB vice president, spring 1989, stage manager of the Bierman served as treasurer of UCAB and as a member of the committee and was a lighting techncian for the Bronze and Blue Bronze and Blue Review, 1988 house crew for Bronze and Blue Review. Emergency dialing tips given

By Bill Kramer Staff Writer

Students, faculty, and staff at Central State University need to be familiar with the correct procedure in accessing the 911 emergency telephone system, said Chief of Campus Security Bob Roberts.

Roberts said students must remember to dial "9" on the campus phone system (those phones other than the ones in the Broncho Apartments and Married Student Housing) to reach an outside line. Therefore, using the campus phones system, the emergency system can be accessed only by dialing "9-911."

The 911 system combines the emergency services of police, fire, and ambulance into one central communications center and should only be used in actual emergency cases, Roberts said.

For non-emergency cases, Roberts said for people to con

tinue using campus police Ext. 2345.

The main reason for having the 911 feature available at CSU is for the safety of students, faculty, and staff, and Roberts added that he wants to properly handle any emergency situation on campus as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Should anyone need additional information regarding the 911 system, Roberts said to call a campus telephone operator.

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UCAB Outstanding Leadership Award recipients Jerry Hines (left), Tabitha Sommerhauser (center) and Kelly Grace (right) pause to display their certificates after the May 3 UCAB luncheon. (Photo by Ann Spondike)

Conference calling available on campus

By Bill Kramer Staff Writer

Conference calling is one of many available features on the ROLM single-line telephone system currently in use on campus.

Harold Elston, telecommunications specialist, said many people, especially students, are unaware of what is available with this system. All campus phones, except pay phones, are connected to the ROLMsystem. "Students may benefit from many handy features including `do not disturb' calling, call forwarding, conference calling, three-way calling, and transfer calling," Elston said.

Sophomore David Chadwell, who said a friend told him about the ROLM system features, thinks the do not disturb command is most helpful. "I frequently use do not disturb and find it is very effective when I don't want any interruptions," Chadwell said.

Activating the do not disturb command will give all calling parties a busy signal until cancelled.

To block the line, the manual instructs the user to press one # and the number 5. To open the line, press two # and one 5.

Another feature, call forwarding, can be accessed by keying in "#" and "9" and the extension number to receive the call. To cancel the command, key in "#" and "9" and hang up.

Elston said conference calling is an "interesting feature." To activate this feature, pick up the receiver, hold the hookswitch down (known as flashing) for one second and listen for a high-pitched dial tone, he said.

After dialing an extension number, or "9" and the outside number, inform the answering party a conference call is being made..

Then, listen for pulse tone and a high-pitched holding tone. Key in *" and "4" to talk to the parties. A total of eight extensions can be added by repeating the steps above, Elston said.

Three-way calling can be accessed only if two parties agree. If a person making a call gets a busy signal, he must wait for eight seconds to allow the three-way system to activate. After eight seconds, the person being called will hear a high-pitched tone informing him of a third party call.

The person making the call will hear music until the party being called presses the flash button (for one full second) and keys in "*" and "1." Keying in "*" and "1" a second time will then reconnect the original party, according to the ROLM Single-Line User Guide.

Once this is done, hitting the flash, "*" and "4" will connect all three parties at one time, making a three-way connection.

Transferring calls is accomplished by pressing the flash, keying in "*" and "7", and the extension number to be reached. Announce the caller and hang up the receiver to make the connection complete.

If a busy signal is reached or nobody answers the attempted transfer, pressing the flash and keying in "*" and "1" will reconnect the original caller, Elston said.

Elston encourages students to use the ROLM system. He said students should inform him of their telephone problems o call by calling him at extension 2548.

The ROLM user guides cost the university 2.50 each and Elston said he cannot give them out. For information regarding other ROLM Single-Line features, students should contact Elston.

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