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Let freedom ring

Ail our lives we have been told that America is the best place to live in the entire world. We have been told it is the greatest because it is a free country, but it is not as free as it used to be. More and more people day after day are losing their freedom. The primary reason is the people are allowing even encouraging the restriction of personal freedom by continuing to elect Republican presidents.

For 19 of the last 23 years this country has been governed by Republican presidents. As a result the Supreme Court has been methodically stacked with conservative justices. The personal freedoms so hard won during the 60s and 70s are being repealed, limited and eroded at an alarming rate. The progress toward personal liberty has come to a grinding halt.

The Court has altered the Miranda warning so police no longer are required to inform an arrestee he has the right to council prior to questioning. People arrested for allegedly committing a crime for profit can now have their property confiscated prior to trial. This violates the concept of innocent until proven guilty. Even the appeals process is being limited.

Abortion may be wrong, but there is an advantage to Roe v. Wade. It lets a woman make a choice when faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. It gives a woman the right to choose what she does with her body. Terminating a pregnancy may be morally reprehensible, but it should also be a personal choice.

The Court is continuing to move toward repealing Roe. Just last month they ruled federally funded family planning clinics may no longer advise patients that abortion is an alternative. This mandates that only those people who are educated enough to find an alternative, and can afford it, will be able to obtain an abortion. The court has in fact repealed Roe v. Wade for the poor, who have no choice but to use federally funded family planning clinics.

Abortion is a terrible thing, and few will argue that committing a crime is not wrong, but personal freedom is not about right and wrong. It is about being able to choose, being innocent until proven guilty, and having access to information. In order to live in a free country we must promote liberty, not restrict it.

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41t - PoUlffral SUPREME coutzT

Believina in God throu h lo ic A c Ii the problems of the world an be resolved through logic. So far human civilithe questions,"Who or what is God? Does he really exist?" Please, let me remind you that if tion waves are nothing but various expressions of energy. Thus energy exists everywhere, and we zation has been using emotions, the answer is "yes" then we will be know nothing more about energy. pride, prejudice, selfishness, arroshaking the base of atheism, and if So far, we have found satisfacgance, ignorance, denial and other the answer is "no" then we are tory similarities between the naweak factors of the human characchallenging all the religions of the ture of God and energy. There is a ter in order to solve problems, world. law in physics called the Law of which don't bring permanent soluAccording to most religious beConservation of Energy. The law tions, and thus problems keep on liefs, God is said to be someone or states that energy cannot be emerging throughout our life. something who is universal. Only created or destroyed, it is con

Logic is truth. Even the devil one, no one created him. No one served. It is said that nobody has no escape from the "truth." The only escape from truth is "ignorance," although temporarily. The coming of the computer-age has brought a revolution and further understanding of philosophy and logic. And it is always wise and advisable to avoid doubtful matters until we accumulate enough information to classify the situation into either categories of true and false. Sometimes we might have to work at situations dealing with doubtful matters, in such cases we might use a "conditional" resolution as a last choice.

Perhaps the greatest breakthrough in our logical world is about emember when everyone thought the name of the group KISS stood for "Kings in Satan's Service." I remember being scared to listen to their albums even though "Beth" was a cool song and "Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park" was a riot.

I thought rock 'n' roll had ceased to be Satan's hymns when we all cried when Elvis died, KISS broke up and even preachers realized the photo on the back of "Hotel California" didn't really look like the guy on the Red Devil ham can.

I guess I was wrong.

As soon as the 80s faded in a blur of Rick Astley, Madonna and (what was that band?) the Jets, it was back to the same old story has the power to destroy him; shapeless, exists everywhere, always awake, most powerful. Can create and destroy anything. Now, if we try to combine all the qualities in "one" and look for something similar, that we know of, then we can readily conclude that we are talking about "energy."

It (energy) is the force or power of expression or utterances, or according to physics, the "ability to work." Everything we see around us, including ourselves, is nothing but a mere transformation of energy. Only the "levels of energy" makes all the differences. Light, heat, electricity and radiasame old song and dance. Judas Priest was on trial because supposed subliminal messages on their record caused two teenage fans to commit suicide. I'm sorry, but doesn't that relate to that old saying, "Just because your friends jump off the Brooklyn Bridge does that mean you have to," or did my mother make that up?

I feel this way because I recently attended a church service where the smiling jovial preacher dismissed the service with "Ya'll be here Wednesday when I'll be talking on music; what Christians should and should not do. Does that mean Sunday's sermon will be something like food, "Apricots - Satan's Appetizer," or clothing "Penstripes - Pornography Personified?" created God, and no one can destroy him; he is conserved.

Finally, we could conclude that God is nothing but energy, and therefore, if energy can exist so can God. Although God created everything, but his creations are not God himself, they are just his expressions with limited characteristics. God is one and only. He is our creator, so worship God not his creations. Well, what can I say, religion business is no nonsense; it is atheism which is nonsense.

— Sayed Javed Ahmad

Rock 'n' roll not satan's hymns

former CSU student

God gave me a mind to make choices and ears to hear. If rock music really had the brainwashing quality religious groups have always said it did, wouldn't we all be driving Fords lately?

Do we always have to look for an enemy? Where did all the openmindedness and free love the 60s were supposed to give us go?

How am I supposed to feel, as a child of the 70s, when I see the generation who rocked out to the Stones, back in 66, persecute the 2 Live Crew, while cramming M.C. Hammer down my throat in every Pepsi commercial MTV can run? Is there some sort of message there I'm missing?

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