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continued from page 1 ew strategy ranks courses

Okla. (AP)----Tlie 37,000 sure university and college Courses TAO \V offered are being ranked acc(irding to priority by the state Regents for Higher Education to ensure furicls are spent in prk)gri.uris most necde 1. "We can no longer afford to be everything for everybody at all or cur institutions. Chancellti l Tana lrisch said. "The time is here to seek refirierrierits. Wei:teed to rimke the dollars go as efficiently as pt)ssible. -

Once courses are categorized by the regents, input will be sought from presidents, faculty and snident,s on which categories are most important to their schools.

Some courses could be eliminated, while others may need to seek local funding, Regents Chair George Kaiser said.

Of the 553,47 million coming from tile Legislature, 52936 mil lion w ill go for equipmerit, upgrading library assets and awards or faculty excellence.

Of the S24.1 million in additional recurring funds, B Tisch said S16 million would have to go for fixed increases, such as health insurance.

Briseh recommended that the remaining S8 million be combined with the S10 niiIliort tuition increase money to give faculty raises.

x-president s body exhumed

LOUISVILLE, Ky (AP) The crypt of Zachary Taylor was opened Monday to test an author's theory that the 12th president of the United States was assassinated with poison 141 years ago.

Samples of Taylor's hair and fingernails were taken by Jefferson Count -±- Coroner Richard Greathouse for traces of arsenic in response to author Clara Rising's allegations that poison was put in Taylor's fruit days before his death on July 9, 1850.

Taylor died of gastroenteritis, winch became acute because of malpractice by the attending physicians, said Elbert B. Smith, professor emeritus of the University of Maryland Department of History, who also expressed shock at the possibility of Taylor being poisoned.

Smith said that aster Taylor suffered mild sunstroke, the doctors gave him se - ' eral concoctions and did terrible things to him, say quite flatly in my book d he hadri't had doctors, he would have survived."

History books would have to be rewritten should Taylor s death be confirmed as a hornocide. Abraham Lincoln, the nation's 16th president, is regarded as the first American, leader to be assassinated,

IRS blows whist e on bribe

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)-An lahoma City man pled guilty Wednesday to one count of bribery for attemptt Tng br. ibe are Intemal Revenue Service officer'

Russell . Scrivner, 47, was E accused of offering IRS officer Mona Crawford $1,000 in exchange for her releasing him from a federal tax lien.

Scrivn.er owed $2,500 in back taxes and had not filed a federal income tax return from 1986 through 1989, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Lee Schmidt.

Scrivner wanted the agent to provide him documents to show he

Idn't owe back taxes and didn't need to file income tax returns for the years 1986 through 1989, Schmidt said.

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,4 `eatrne nl m "Sortie . , Y/ ,C- .)-nA e drams appear to protect the cells that are the natural tarp ID ti vats, ayhougli it is too soon to know b riately In.6 2,? ,'- iive longer. ' ow wth -e er i t will ultir an , w

If suecessful, the vac in ll e - -- , ;; 7 .,? , '9-77P/NYi-rePreseilt an entirely new wa ., ..„,, , ., , , „...„. : .....„(xi .. - ..,...,.. .;,.,,,,;. - of

Until now, vacc4-fii,ve1 ,1.)een use d only to hel p l / % i „4,1;1,04,,% up the 1715 ; Ilvil _ti i " 4 4. f '' 06. *1v6 : 1 . , s ' t err'an us i enfs eca v tiao Pee:; . 'ioinspe aet ( ),1 r w ebaaed reyf estc1 s r„ searcher:, Dr: ,sing," said Walter Reed Army Institute ,-, i it 'Itedfield, "particularly in terms of teach- ir.; us liow the human body's immune system controls HIV."

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