The Vista June 29, 2006

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Campus grove created with 'survivor tree' saplings by Tiffany Batdorf Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Rahe Oldham, center, and UCO landscape maintenance employees plant one of the 19 Oklahoma City bombing 'survivor tree' saplings June 20 south of the Business Building. Oldham grew the saplings from the seeds of the elm tree that survived the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

by Divona Phillips Staff Writer

by Jessica Snell

A former UCO student-body president will run for the 2006 Democratic nomination for Oklahoma lieutenant governor in the July 25 primary. Peter Regan served as student-body president his sophomore and junior years in 1991 and 1992 and worked during his senior year for the university administration under then-president George Nigh in 1994. "I was so impressed by his enthusiasm and vitality," Nigh said. "He was the best quickstudy in public service I've ever known." Nigh is now the chairman of Regan's election campaign. He said he recommended Regan for lieutenant governor because he knew he would be perfect for the duties of the position. "UCO has no strong champion in the state capital. It can use his influence," Nigh said. Regan said the lieutenant governor of Oklahoma is the presiding officer in the state senate who casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie. He said the lieutenant governor also serves on constitutional boards like the tourism commission and is ready to take command if anything were to happen to the governor.

see TREES, page 3

Laboratory annex construction continues, nears completion with foundation funds

Former UCOSA president to run for Lt. Gov. Staff Writer

Nineteen saplings, harvested from the "survivor tree" at the Oklahoma City bombing memorial, were planted at UCO June 21 to create the Children's Memorial Grove. The saplings were planted between the Business Administration building and Thatcher Hall. "The 19 trees represent the 19 children that died at the Murrah Federal Building," said Rahe Oldham, owner of Land Mark Trees and donator of the saplings. "I had been looking for a public place that would be open to the public so people could visit the trees," Oldham said. Oldham said he grew the trees from seeds collected from the Oklahoma City bombing site in 1997, before the memorial was built. "I actually collected the seeds April of 1997, and stored them in my freezer," he said. Oldham said that while watching the first anniversary of the bombing held under the survivor tree, he noticed that the tree was in bad shape, neglected and in poor health.

photo provided

Peter Regan Still, there is more time for the lieutenant governor to pursue and support specific causes than the governor, Regan said. "Right now, we have too few college graduates," Regan said. "We need to make sure we utilize our budget surplus to make college affordable." Three other candidates will run for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor: Jari Askins, Cal Hobson and Jim Rogers. Todd Hiett, Scott Pruitt and Nancy Riley will compete in the Republican primary. E.Z. Million will run as an independent. If Regan wins in the primary he will be on the ballot for lieutenant governor in the Nov. 7 elections. "Public service is about people, specifically helping people and not about politics," Regan said. Regan graduated from UCO in 1994 with a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in Public Administration. "He's one of us," Nigh said. "He knows UCO and UCO needs a champion in the state capital." Jessica Snell can be reached at .

UCO plays the 'money game'

See Sports pg. 6

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

UCO received $150,000 of a possible $400,000 grant May 31. The money will be used to complete the construction of six biology labs in the Laboratory Annex Building. The grant came from the Inasmuch Foundation, which has donated to the construction of the annex in the past. Beverly Endicott, development director for the College of Mathematics and Science, said Dr. William Lee Beasley, 1969 alumnus of Central State College, serves as the honorary chair of lab construction. Endicott said he was instrumental in introducing the university to the Inasmuch Foundation and conveyed the great need UCO had for the funds. Endicott said the grant could total $400,000. The first $150,000 was given outright and a $250,000 two-to-one matching grant will be given if UCO can raise $125,000. "It's usually one-to-one, but they offered two-to-one, which is wonderful," Endicott said. The Laboratory Annex Building was built in 1997 to provide lab space for chemistry, physics, engineering and biology classes. Endicott said as construction began, there were funding problems that left 11 labs unfinished. Endicott said the college devised a three-phase campaign to complete the unfinished labs.

Top: An unfinished space in the Laboratory Annex Building and below, a finished laboratory.

see LABS, page 3

INDEX Opinion 2 3 News Classifieds 5 6 Sports

LibertyFest winds u next week

See News pg. 3


OPINION June 29, 2006

THEVISTA Editorial


Brett Deering, Editor in Chief Heather Warlick, Managing Editor Michael Robertson, Copy Editor

Alex Gambill, Photographer

Advertising Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

News Nathan Winfrey, Senior Staff Writer Tiffany Batdorf, Staff Writer Ivaylo Lupov, Staff Writer Divona Phillips, Staff Writer Jessica Snell, Staff Writer

CartoonstIllustrations Cary Stringfield

Secretary Nancy Brown

Spirts Teddy Burch, Sports Editor Matt Caban, Sports Writer Harry Gatewood III, Sports Writer

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy o b t a i n e d


Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

Adviser Mark Zimmerman

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ .

Congress considers the plight of the working poor.

Cartoon by Cary Stringfield

21 years of the good, the bad and the ugly No, Dr. Clark, I'm not miffed at all. Sometimes Ipretend too much. With just four days left at this job, I have a very warm feeling about this university, and am iin many ways sad to leave. CSU and UCO have been very good to me, affording me safety, security and acceptance when I might easily have had none. As for all those meetings that were mentioned, I've avoided most, which probably accounts for my less than average knowledge of some accounting procedures such as reading the budget online and online

requisitions, and oh yes, payroll--and did I mention Banner? Sorry, Marian, I just couldn't grasp some of it. You know the saying about old dogs. f know many faces on this campus, but I know even more voices. My dealings with campus personnel, both staff and faculty, have always been pleasant and productive, and if not, it was because I was having a bad day. There is someone special . to me in every building, but I won t name names for fear of overlookin someone. The sta and faculty of the Department of Mass

Nancy Brown

Communication are certainly special, and will be remembered with great fondness. I've heard there's a custom in Japan, that when you receive a gift from someone, you must give a gift in return. Well, I could never give back in the same measure I have received. My shelves have always been filled with gifts, cards, flowers and mementos from holidays, vacation trips and "just because" days. Thanks to you all. And finally, the students, the staff, the children, the kids--some I wish I could have adopted, others I would

gladly have sent to. a South Pacific island, never to be heard from again. But I always encouraged them to give all they could to The Vista, and in the end, do what was best for their futures, their families, and their careers, and oh, what great careers some of them are having. Finally, Dr. Clark, I leave sadly, and yet full of excitement for all the things I have postponed so long and now will have time to do. I thank you and UCO for 21 very good years. Nancy Brown Secretary, The Vista

If you are a member of a campus organization, if you're a faculty member or if you simply have something to say to the UCO community, The Vista wants to hear from you. If you have an idea for a "My Turn" piece for the editorial page, e-mail it to with your e-mail address and telephone number. You may also e-mail a ready-to-publish "My Turn" submission. Submissions should be between 300-500 words.

CAMPUS QUOTES: Compiled and photographed by Heather Warlick and Alex Gambill

"How do you think you can help prevent global warming?" "By education, mainly. Most people are not educated about what they are doing to the environment." Mary Bowers Microbiology Graduate Student

"Turn the lights off, cut back on energy use, fill your car up at night and recycle." Jason Shirazi Operations Management Senior

"Carpooling and recycling are the two major and easiest things you can do."

"By using less as and trying to make the air more clean by less pollution."

Lance Butler

Sharaya Blackmon

Management Senior

Nursing Incoming Freshman



June 29, 2006

CNN, USAToday rate LibertyFest top ten nationally by No Lupov Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Kathryn Tarr, left, of Oklahoma City, shows her 1956 Ford Thunderbird at the LibertyFest car show June 24 in the UCO south parking lot by Second Street.

Gov. Henry bans video violence by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer

Governor Brad Henry signed House bill 3004 into law June 9, labeling violent video games as harmful to minors and outlawing their sale to underage garners, to take effect Nov. 1. Authored by Rep. Fred Morgan (R) and Sen. Glenn Coffee (R), HB 3004 conflicts with the rating and restriction system already set in place by the Entertainment Software Rating Board, which bans the sale of "Mature" or "Adults Only" rated games to anyone under the age of 17. However, the present system does not bring legal action against those who do not observe the restrictions. Under the new law, any game retailer that sells a "Mature" rated game to an unmarried person under the age of 18 can be fined up to $500 and be charged with a misdemeanor, said Gregory

Treat, Morgan's campaign manager. Treat said retailers are still selling these games to minors, and that was what inspired the new law. "The violence in video games has grown to epic proportions," Henry said in an official press release. "Some video games glorify violence to a degree seldom seen in even the bloodiest movies. While parents have the ultimate responsibility for what their children do and see, this legislation is another tool to ensure that our young people are not saturated in violence. This gives parents power to more closely regulate which games their children play." "Basically, the mature content video games are what this would pertain to," Treat said. "It's setting an agreed upon community standard much like you would on pornography." Heading three, section A of the HB 3004 states "the average person eigh-


teen (18) years of age or older applying contemporary community standards would find that the interactive video game or computer software is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable for minors." In a statement posted on , Doug Lowenstein, president of the Entertainment Software Association, wrote, "The ESA is deeply disappointed by the actions of the Oklahoma Legislature. We believe HB 3004 will restrict the First Amendment rights of Oklahoma's citizens, and intend to file suit in the Oklahoma federal district court shortly, asking that the state's new video game law be overturned." Information posted on entertainment Web site IGN. corn stated that Oklahoma follows several other states, including Illinois, Washington and Michigan, who have tried to legislate the sale of violent video games, nearly all of which have been overruled after legal battles or are still under contest. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at .



from page 1

from page 1

Beasley and his family gave an initial gift of $50,000 in 2004 and the Inasmuch Foundation gave $300,000 in 2005 that completed the three labs of phase one. "The campaign was done in three phases so that we wouldn't be going to people with such large amounts of money that we needed," Endicott said. The $150,000 outright gift will complete the botany lab and herbarium in phase two and the $250,000 matching gift will complete the three biology labs in phase three. There will still be two physics and engineering labs left to complete. Edith Kinney Gaylord started the foundation in 1982. She was the daughter of E.K. Gaylord, the editor and publisher of The Daily Oklahoman and Oklahoma City Times. Ms. Gaylord died in 2001. In her career, Gaylord worked as a reporter and editor for print and radio around the nation. She was most noted for her coverage of women's issues and was a pioneer for women in journalism. The foundation's Web site, www.inasmuchfoundation. org, states that the foundation was created to assist charitable and educational organizations achieve their goals by considering grants to different organizations on a selective basis.

"The survivor tree witnessed one of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil," said Nancy Coggins, director of marketing 'and communications for the Oklahoma City National Memorial. Coggins said that the tree was in jeopardy of being cut down to retrieve evidence from the bombing, but that officials successfully collected the evidence without the tree's removal. 't6 said when survivors, victims' family members, and rescue workers wrote the mission statement for the memorial, they wanted the tree to remain a part of the design. This is Oldham's second mass donation. He donated 40 saplings from the survivor tree to the Bridge Creek addition in Moore after the May 3, 1995 tornadoes. Coggins said that every year on the anniversary, saplings that have been harvested from the survivor tree are handed out to those in attendance. Tiffany Batdorf can be reached at .


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No Lupov can be reached at .

Divona Phillips can be reached at .

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Must be 18, 6-months previous childcare experience and excellent guest service skills.

Edmond's ongoing LibertyFest 2006 will wind up July 4th with the largest fireworks display in the region. CNN and USA Today selected LibertyFest as one of the top 10 Independence Day celebrations this year. The 20 minute-long fireworks display will include approximately 8,000 shots. The grand finale will close with almost 4,000 shots in 35 to 40 seconds, said Levi Clark, Oklahoma director for Premier Pyrotechnics. He said the fireworks will be fired around the Liberal Arts building, and the area will be closed to visitors. LibertyFest has a usual attendance of over 125,000 people with a crew of over 500 volunteers, according to the festival Web site. In the six days left in the festival, two large events will take place on the UCO campus, said Charlie Johnson, UCO News Bureau director. Dr. Ron Howell, professor of music, will conduct the UCO Summer Band for a onehour concert in Mitchell Hall Theatre June 29 at 7:30 p.m. Popular for the past 54, years the concert will include light classics, marches and patriotic music. A rodeo is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. on July 1 and 2 at Round Up Club Arena at 300 N Kelly. The ticket price is $7 for adults and $4 for kids. The events included are bareback riding, barrel racing, bull riding, calf roping, saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling and team roping. On July 2, those who are looking for adventure can take part in the LibertyFest Road Rally. Set up like a scavenger hunt on wheels, the participants will have to drive around town, answering questions. The one with the best time and correct answers will win. The entrance fee is $7 per car. Registration will start at 12 a.m. and the first car will leave at 1 p.m. July 3 at the festival market place, a free drawing contest will give participants a chance to express themselves through art. The LibertyFest parade July 4th in Downtown Edmond will start at 8:45 a.m. with over 50,000 expected spectators lined up in 1.5 mile parade route. The ten-day celebration will end with fireworks on July 4 at 10 p.m. on the UCO campus, provided by Premier Pyrotechnics. LibertyFest officials encourage everyone planning to attend to bring a blanket or a lawn chair. Johnson said that UCO will provide free parking with security handled by campus police and the Edmond Police Department.

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June 29, 2006

'An Inconvenient Truth' slow, but essentially worthwhile by Nathan Winfrey Senior SW]. Wilier Trudging through theaters the past few weeks is "An Inconvenient Truth," a documentary on global warming narrated by former vice president Al Gore, who urges us to wake up and smell the apocalypse. Introducing himself as the man who "used to be the next president of the United States," Gore takes us through an idiot's guide to global warming, the hotly-contested idea that our willy-nilly carbon production is doing more than just blackening the sky over Los Angeles, but may soon lead to the extinction of our species. Almost invisible in the glare of big-budget summer blockbusters like "Cars" and

"Superman Returns," "An Inconvenient Truth" is a glorified college lecture on tape, comprised mainly of Gore's power point presentation of his map to the end of the world, interspersed with shots of hurricanes, melting glaciers and Gore sitting, stern-faced, in front of his laptop with an uncomfortable expression on his face. However, it's unclear whether he's researching important empirical data or playing "Minesweeper." It seems like there's more footage of Gore at the airport, whisking himself off to important places, than anything else. This comes as a welcome relief from all the lecture hall languishing, though his ever-present, droning voiceover gives us nary a break for more than an hour and a half

Despite his stigma as a dull, mortuary runaway, Gore makes this 100 minutes declaration of doom as enjoyable as possible, using funny animated shorts to illustrate some of his more grave points, and providing some humor with his startling statistics that even the most stoic critic would be hardpressed to scoff at. He's almost likeable by the end of the film, with interesting but arguably irrelevant biographical information lending poignant sentimentality to the proceedings. But maybe it's pity disguised as partiality, as those moments when jabs from late night talk show hosts and "Saturday Night Live" parodies seem furthest from mind are marked by footage of incompetent Florida ballot-counting and the time he

almost won the presidential election. Political but not overly partisan, Gore does a good job of stating his case, and rarely does he point fingers too harshly, though there's no doubt as to where he places blame. His passion for his cause is inspiring, but this movie is not. Ultimately a message of hope rather than despair, "An Inconvenient Truth" is not Gore standing on a street corner with a sandwich board scrawled with an inarticulate foretelling of the world's imminent destruction. But perhaps that message would have reached more people. B.

Nathan Winfrey can be reached at .

Al Gore speaks to the media April 25 in Boston before the screening of the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

Save your digits, leave fireworks to the pros

Dancin' Queen

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Female impersonator Chris Cole performs June 25 during the gay pride parade at 36th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Turning the calendar to July reminds Americans of Independence Day festivities, but the National Council on Fireworks Safety urges consumers to put safety first with the holiday's evening highlight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that four people died in 2004 from firework-related accidents, while emergency rooms nationwide treated 9,600 bums, bruises, and cuts, most frequently of the hands, eyes, or head. CDC statistics show that children ages 5-9 have the highest rate of injury, and males account for 76% of victims. Roman candles, firecrackers, fountains, and sparklers are responsible for two-thirds of backyard Fourth of July injuries, said the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Out-of-control fireworks spark an estimated 50,000 fires with more than $20 million in damages each year to properties, homes, and cars, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Fireworks top the NFPA list of products most likely to cause fire death, three times more than cigarettes. Current data, however, does reflect lowered rates throughout the past several decades, due in part to stricter control and legislation. The Consumer Product Safety Commission implemented more specific standards for legal fireworks in 1976, like limiting the explosive charge to 50 milligrams of black powder and establishing fuse-length times. It also made labels mandatory with the manufacturer's name, country of origin, safety

warnings, and usage instructions. Federal laws classify fireworks under the Hazardous Substance Act, which prohibits making or selling homemade explosives. The Oklahoma State Fire Marshal's office has declared bottle rockets, cherry bombs, M-80s, M-100s, and silver salutes illegal, and individual counties have specific

like nylon and other synthetic fabrics that bond to the skin. If you decide to light your own, the NCFS recommends choosing an area free of dry leaves and grass clippings. Read all enclosed manufacturers' instructions, and avoid drinking alcohol on-site and at least four hours before heading outside with fireworks, said Wheeler. Soak supposed "duds"


Callie A. Collins ar regulations that designate fireworks to certain areas, usually outside city limits. Tim Wheeler, Chief of Fire Prevention at the Edmond Fire Department, said both the sale and possession of fireworks is prohibited in Edmond. The public can watch professional pyrotechnics events, but is bared from participation. Local police or fire departments can provide information for your area. The American Pyrotechnic Association posts Oklahoma's legal selling season as June 15July 6. The National Council on Fireworks Safety encourages the public to attend, fireworks displays instead of buying from neighborhood stands. Whether at home or the town show, stand at least 500 feet away and avoid wearing flammable clothing



with all other burned materials that litter surrounding regions, and do not relight defective remnants. Keep a hose connected and a fire extinguisher nearby to prevent fires from spreading. Although Oklahoma state law allows children over 12 to buy fireworks, adults should supervise and accompany them. Use a bamboo punk instead of matches or lighters to avoid open flame, and never ignite them in your hand. For more information about local regulations, call the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal's office at 522-5005, or see more safety tips at

in a bucket of water after 15-20 minutes of cooling time along

Caffie Collins can be reached at .

Visit The Vista online at www.thevistaonline.corn WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. 2006

'II EVIsrADNIne UCO professor's Route 66 mural vandalized

Front Page News Opinion Sports About The Vista Advertising

The "Route 66- mural on the south wall of the W8,01 Tire building at 302 S. Broadway was found vandalized over Memorial Day weekend. The phrase 'fight racism' was spray-painted twice over a black woman in the mural. Edmond Police spokesman Randy Payne said it could be In connection with three recent church vendalisms, but there are no suspects at this time and no detectives have been assigned to the case 'There is .. . read moro

by visa photographer Brett Deereg Chretin Bertotro takes a break horn her pb at Arby's May 22 and look. at the words Tlate racism' eemy-peIntod on a morel at WEN Tre, 902 S. Broadway In Edmond. The vandalism oc coned sore an over the weekeed ci May 2,2,

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CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES & PRIAM DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Thesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Thesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $6/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column bOxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for additional info.

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Education's Office of Postsecondary Education, UCO spent a total of $10,446 for the men and women's tennis programs from August 2004 to July 2005. According to the report, both programs received an equal amount of funding which was $5,223. The same report lists operating expenses per team per player for all UCO sports. According to the report, men's tennis spent $373 per player on its 14 participants while the

women's program spent $871 per player on its 6 participants. The report can be viewed online at . Athletic financial records from about 2,000 American colleges and universities are available at the site.

year-old former champion said after a four-set opening round victory on Centre Court. "It's already given me so much." Agassi won the first of his eight Grand Slam titles at Wimbledon in 1992, surprising the established grass-court order by beating the serve-and-volleyers with his baseline game. Troubled by chronic back problems, Agassi announced last weekend that he will retire from tennis after the U.S. Open in September. Always a crowd favorite at the All England Club, he drew an even longer and louder ovation than usual before and after Tuesday's 2-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-3 win over Boris Pashanski. In a normal year, the first-round victory would barely have

caused a ripple. However, this one took on special meaning for Agassi and the fans. "You expect to be overwhelmed with the whole situation anyhow, regardless of just how warmly you're embraced," he said. me a while to settle down." Agassi appeared to have some trouble with his back late in the fourth set, but didn't want to talk about his health. Getting through several tough matches on grass won't be easy. "I've had years where I have felt better," he said. "Sort of don't want to harp on any of the negatives. This is a challenge for me in more ways than I probably ever communicate about."

Department of

TENNIS from page 6


HelperPainting and lawn maintenance. Close proximity to UCO campus. M-F, 1-5. Positive attitude and willingness to work a MUST. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy, able to work unsupervised. 341-9651.

Farley said the decision to cancel men's tennis was not money related. "It was not budgetary," he said. "Instead, the money for men's tennis will go towards enhancing the women's athletics programs." According to the U.S.

WIMBLEDON from page 6 Abramovic, who was playing in her first Grand Slam match. "It's one of the greatest matches that I've played here," Mauresmo said. "I don't know if also the fact that my opponent was not so good made it easy for me. I am very satisfied about the way I played today, not letting anything, any point down. And also not to spend too much time on the course is another satisfaction for me." Mauresmo's shot of the match came as she closed out the first set with a soft forehand half-volley lob that floated over Abramovic's head for a winner. Martina Hingis, Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin-Hardenne _ who all won in straight sets Tuesday _ were also scheduled for second-round matches. On the men's side, threetime defending champion Roger Federer was due up late in the day against Britain's Tim Henman. Two-time runner-up Andy Roddick and 2002 champion Lleyton Hewitt never got on court Tuesday, and were due back to face Janko Tipsarevic and Filippo Volandri, respectively. Andre Agassi, meanwhile, is trying not to let emotions get the better of him during his 14th and final Wimbledon. "I don't need this championship to give me any more than it's given me," the 36-

The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing.


Crossword 2





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1 7 5 3 6 4 8 9 2

9 4 8 2 5 7 1 3 6

6 2 3 1 9 8 7 5 4

2 8 6 9 4 3 5 7 1

3 1 7 5 2 6 9 4 8

5 9 4 8 7 1 6 2 3

8 3 2 7 1 9 4 6 5

7 6 1 4 3 5 2 8 9

4 5 9 6 2 3 1 7

Puzzle by




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Matt Caban can be reached at

1,4:11 th Venus Williams, loaded down with earrings and a necklace, prepares to return a serve from Bethanie Mattek (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)



June 29, 2006 e_

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49 51 60 64



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1. Elephant tooth. 5. Muslim household's women's apartment. 10. Acronym for Final Safety Analysis Report. 14. Persian money. 15. Banish from homeland. 16. Scratch. 17. Avoiding waste. 19. Window glass section. 20. Ruminant's first stomach. 21. Location. 22. Defendants' formal answer to criminal charges. 23. Established. 25. Sharp, pointed instrument. 27. Osiris' wife. 29. Mix again. 32. Voguish. 35. Hairpiece. 39. Always. 40. Pack to capacity. 41. Eyes open and fixed in wonder. 42. Wooden-framed, single-headed drum covered with goatskin. 43. High mountain. 44. Having a horn. 45. Relating to aeronautics. 46. Money. 48. Become coated with oxide. 50. Military jet fighter. 54. System of moral principles. 58. Parasitic insect. 60. _ Jacoby, producer. 62. High altitude habitat. 63. Ayn _, author. 64. Admit something back into the country. 66. One time only. 67. Person's inner self. 68. Plant's main ascending axis. 69. Fitting recompense. 70. Burdened. 71. Disorderliness.

1. Layers. 2. Not cut. 3. Minute opening. 4. Characterized by motion. 5. Confine. 6. Imaginary line around which an object rotates. 7. Castor bean toxin. 8. make intensely happy. 9. Noisy, riotous fight. 10. Plug in a wind instrument's mouthpiece. 11.Stand off. 12. Pimples. 13. Hestia's mother. 18. Being single entities. 24. Likewise. 26. Liquid sediment. 28. Rise rapidly. 30. Eighth month of the Jewish calendar. 31. Combining form meaning "dry." 32. Study intensely. 33. Circle of light.

34. Lack of strength. 36. Decorative vase. 37. Boat dock. 38. Give quality. 41. Hoax. 45. Denial of God. 47. Filled to capacity. 49. Celestrial object. 51. Reddish yellow. 52. Particular environment. 53. Moderately warm. 55. Enraged. 56. Densely populated urban areas. 57. Appears to exist. 58. Used to specify origin. 59. _ Evans, Illinois representative. 61. Charge with a task. 65. Cecilia _, author.

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UCO athletics is playing the money game because of a special session of the Oklahoma Legislature. "It's the first year that I've been here that they have held a special session," Keely said. Freeman said the state requires the athletic department to earmark its funds

Matt Caban Harry Gatewood III Sports Writers About this time each summer the UCO athletic department prepares for another year of touchdowns, goals and dunks. Before the fall sports can kick off, another game is played: the money game. Newly-appointed Athletic Business Manager Kevin Freeman has joined Athletic Director Bill Farley in organizing and preparing the 2006 athletic department budget. Freeman said he is taking over the budget responsibilities from retiring Associate Athletic Director John Keely. "The athletic department is finalizing the budget for the next fiscal year," he said. Freeman said Farley and the rest of the athletic department staff have not yet made all the provisions for next year's budget. He said they will wait until July 5, when the budget should be completed. Keely said the budget is usually ready by the beginning of June each year so it can

"Every time you make up some ground, the tuition and fees go up so you are behind again." Kevin Freeman

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Athletic Business Manager, Kevin Freeman, is finalizing the athletic budget for 2006-07. be approved by the Oklahoma Board of Regents for Higher

Education. He said the budget process was delayed

to prevent overspending. "You must have the funds before you can spend them," he said. Keely said the UCO athletic department is not fully funded in any sport. "We're at about 75 percent of what other schools in the Lone Star Conference have," he said. "The other 25 percent is what takes you over the top." Keely said UCO and other Oklahoma colleges are behind Texas schools in funding because of their empha-

sis on education funding. "Texas has done a marvelous job of fundraising over the past few years," he said. According to the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education, the most recent figures available for the UCO athletic department cover the period from August 2004 to July 2005. In that time period UCO athletics had total revenues of $1,572,837 and total expenditures of $1,816,530. Freeman said being fully funded is like chasing a moving target. "Every time you make up some ground, the tuition and fees go up so you are behind again," he said. Keely said it is the job of the athletic director to keep UCO athletics financially competitive and fully funded. "It's his job to do fundraising and that's what he's good at," he said. "When we have the money, it's up to the coaches and teams to succeed." Keely said other sources of funding for the athletic department are donations, the university's Education and General Fund, corporate sponsors and gate receipts.

"We have the former athletes who give back to UCO and it helps," he said. Freeman said postseason performance also helps with funding. "When we go to an NCAA postseason event, we get reimbursed," he said. "It varies on a sport-by-sport basis." Keely said the budget process is complex in one way, but not in another. "It's athletics and a numbers game," he said. However, the name of the game for Freeman is "flagship." "Our goal is to be the flagship NCAA Division II school in both funding and performance," Freeman said. The federal office offers an equity in athletics disclosure Web site that shows the reported athletic financial records of about 2,000 American colleges and universities. It can be found online at http://ope. Matt Caban can be reached at Harry Gatewood III can be reached at

Men's tennis program ends Venus wins at Wimbledon by Matt Caban Sports Writer

The uncertainty surrounding the future of the UCO men's tennis program was resolved in a June 22 announcement of the program's termination by the UCO athletic department. According to the announcement, the decision to drop men's tennis as a varsity sport had nothing to do with the retirement of long-time UCO men's and women's tennis head coach Francis Baxter. "The administration's decision to discontinue the men's tennis program was based on the overall improvement of the entire athletic department," Baxter said in the announcement. Athletic Director Bill Farley said the decision was made to balance the number of athletic opportunities between male and female students in accordance with federal Title LX rules that governs gender equality in college sports. "Right now the majority of UCO students are female and there's not an even amount of opportunities for female athletes," he said.

Flynn King, a research analyst in UCO's Institutional Research office said 60 percent of all UCO students in Fall 2005 were female. Farley said UCO currently has about 200 male athletes and 100 female athletes. "We saw men's tennis as an area where we could shave the gap and bring athletics closer to gender equality," he said.


Justin DeBruin, an engineering physics sophomore and UCO men's tennis player, said he is baffled by the decision to drop the program. "I don't understand why the program is being cut," he said. "We finished with a winning record and had a great team. "It was really shocking that they decided to keep the wornen's program, due to the fact

they never had a full team." Farley said the athletic department will honor the scholarships of the returning men's players. DeBruin said his scholarship will be renewed. "They say they are allowing me to keep my scholarship, but I'm not sure whether that is for just the fall semester or for the whole year," he said. Farley said those players who still want to play have the option of transferring to other colleges. He said the team has five players who are eligible to return in the 2006-7 season and each would be immediately eligible if they choose to transfer to another school. DeBruin said he has talked to a few of his teammates about their future plans. "Most of them seem to be staying around UCO, except for one or two that plan to transfer immediately," he said. DeBruin said he will not transfer to another school at this time. "I am not planning on transferring this year because I already enrolled in the classes I would like to have," he said.

See TENNIS, page 5

By Steven Wilson AP Writer The top women were in a big hurry at Wimbledon on Wednesday. Defending champion Venus Williams, former winner Maria Sharapova and top-seeded Amelie Mauresmo all swept their first-round matches in less than an hour, losing only three games among them. Williams crushed 103rdranked American Bethanie Mattek 6-1, 6-0, in 51 minutes on Centre Court; Sharapova took the same amount of time to dispatch Anna Smashnova, 6-2 , 60, and Mauresmo beat Croatian qualifier Ivana Abramovic 6-0, 6-0, in 39 minutes. As defending champion, Williams normally would have opened play on Centre Court on Tuesday, but the match was pushed back because of the rain delays that washed out most of Monday's action. She wasted no time Wednesday, overwhelming the 21-year-old Mattek with power, pace and swinging volleys, 26 winners in all, and few sloppy errors. Williams, Wimbledon cham-

pion in 2000, 2001 and 2005, faced only one break point, which she saved with an ace in the second game of the second set. From there, she won the last 11 points on her serve. Mattek, makin her main

right shoulder, while Mattek wore knee - high socks, shorts, halter top and tube top. Sharapova unleashed 27 winners against Smashnova, handing the 42nd-ranked Israeli her sixth straight first-round

Defending champion Venus Williams returns a shot from Bethanie Mattek of the US, Wednesday June 28, 2006. Williams won the match 6-1, 6-0.(AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus) draw debut at Wimbledon, loss at the All England Club. had only three winners. Mauresmo lost only 17 The match featured some points against the 192nd-ranked unusual fashion displays: Williams sported a stick-on See WIMBLEDON, page 5 tattoo below the front of her


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