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continued from page 1 Contracts limit fun for players

NEW YORK (AP)—Wayne Gretzky can't lift a lacrosse stick. Roger Clemens can't join a jai-alai game. Jose Rijo can't play polo. Will Clark can't crawl in caves.

As baseball athletes' salaries increase, their contracts become more confuting, forbidding as many as 54 activities for one player. Teams don't want their high-priced property getting hurt. "They put in literally anything you can think of said agent Doug Baldwin. If you were to read this literally, you'd come to the conclusion:they don't want these guys doing much of anything in the off-season." "The risk is so much greater," said Boston Red Sox General Manager Lou Gorman, who stopped outfielder Mike Greenwall from driving a race car. When you guarantee that contract for two, three, four years, it's a tremendous risk."

Food leftover from war finds few

WASHINGTON (AP)—The Pentagon is finding few takers after trying to, give away millions of the highly criticized Meals Ready to Eat left over from Operation Desert Storm to starving people across the globe.

Political, religious and bureaucratic snarls have prevented MREs from going to southern Sudan, Kenya and the Horn of Africa, where 15 to 17 million people face starvation.

One million MREs have gone to Ethiopia, which will be given to stranded soldiers left hungry by the fall of the government in May, U.S. officials said.

Even U.N. relief agencies are reluctant to take the food, although transporting it would be free, because they lacked storage or means to distribute the meals, U.S. officials said. "We're really disappointed that the relief agencies won't take the food," said the U.S. Committee for Refugees director. "When you're hungry, you'll eat anything."

"Horror show" image misleading

WASHINGTON (AP)-Displaying oddities such as a Union general's amputated leg, President Lincoln's skull fragments, mummified Siamese twins, a dissected human ear and a gangrenous human foot have given the National Museum of Health and Medicine the image of a freak show.

This reputation has clouded over the museum's 129-year history of breakthroughs in medical research led by doctors on staff at the parent Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

It was here that Walter Reed conquered yellow fever, allowing construction of the Panama Canal, and here that the world's first vaccine against typhoid fever was produced to protect American soldiers in World War I. In 1896, it took one of the first full-body X-rays.

Contained within are 350,000 historical objects, 20,000 specimens and 2.2 million documents and photographs.

Loose ape frightens neighbors

LARGO, Fla. (AP)—A resident's ape escaped and got into a neighbor's house, terrorized the homeowners, ran after their dogs and left the place a mess.

A three-foot Celabese ape escaped Sunday from its cage a few streets away and entered Shirley and Norton Craig's home. "It just blew by me," said Craig. "He was a mean-looking thing. He looked like King Kong in miniature."

By the time police arrived, Roscoe was racing from the mantle to chairtops to behind the TV and to any other place that seemed safe.

Wildlife Rescue Director Vernon Yates corralled the ape behind an aquarium.

Birth control a luxury elsewhere

WASHINGTON (AP)—Condoms, birth-control pills, intrauterine devices and sterilization are priced as a luxury item in much of the world, said a report by the Population Crisis Committee last week.

An average woman in Chad would have to pay nearly threefourths of a year's income for an intrauterine device, and even condoms are priced out of reach for couples in 59 countries, the study said.

Estimating that the average couple needs about 100 condoms a year, the report recommends the cost of birth control not to be more than one percent of the average per capita income. In six countries, it exceeds 25 percent. Fees

continued from page 1

reviewed, the various groups had an opportunity to address the committee. "Each organization had to do a lot of work to justify their request," Land said.

Many of the requests were for travel money, food, scholarships and operating expenses.

There were, however, a number of sizable requests and awards.

The Midwestern Summer Choral Institute, a new campus organization, received about $10,000. "The institute will bring in high school students and give them intense musical training," Land said. "It's also used as a recruiting tool."

The Ebony Choir is receiving a $1,400 increase over last year's budget to cover the cost of drums, cymbals and increased travel expenses.


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Listed, in the UCO 1991-92 budget, under athletics, tickets and events was a $6,500 increase labeled administration. "That additional money will go for various increases," said John Wagnon, athletic director. "We didn't really add anything new."

Those increases include $300 for travel, $500 for office expenses (pencils, paper, etc), $100 for office furniture and $900 for miscellaneous administration expense.

Wagnon said the miscellaneous will cover the cost of officials for the games and campus food service for the athletics.

This year the budget for football went down by more than $13,000.

Wagnon credits the decrease to the team being on the road only three nights this season.

Overall, men's sports received more money than women's. "Traditionally there are always more men participating in sports than women." Wagnon said. MOVING? A-American Movers Free exact estimates 359-1414 Load & unload U-Hauls Student discount BIRTH CONTROL EXAMS FREE PILLS INCLUDED CONFIDENTAL PREGNANCY TESTING ALL MEDICAL SERVICES AVAILABLE CENTRAL WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER 840-2626 BABYSITTING TO GO

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Wagnon also pointed out whenever the men and women travel together, the cost of travel expenses come out of the men's budget.

Listed in the budget under athletic scholarships were increases of over $25,000. "Those increases didn't include any new scholarships," Wagnon said. "All it covers is the increase in room, board and tuition."

Student activity fees also cover interscholastics on the UCO campus in the spring when high school students compete in a scholastic meet. This meet is also used as a recruitment tool.

Not all of the activity fee money is going to the groups, just yet, Mounce said.

"We want to create a bit of a reserve fund for any emergency that might come up," Mounce said. "Sometimes an association will over extend itself, then we'll be

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