The Vista Oct. 22, 2009

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Photo Art by Allison Rathgeber

A Goldenrain tree changes from green to red as fall wears on. Family: Sapindaceae Genus: Koelreuteria (keel-roo-TER-ee-uh) Species: paniculata (pan-ick-yoo-LAY-tuh). These trees can grow to be over 40 ft tall. 7

Students struggle with stress Broncos give back 11141111,1 Tiffany Brown lenefar De Leon PHOTOS ON UCO360.COM

A look around campus

See the changing campus as UCO falls into autumn. Photos by Vista photographers Allison Rathgeber and Byron Koontz. Fall Foliage Tours

Check out a list of foliage tours around Oklahoma, for those interested in watching the leaves change as Fall progresses. COMING UP ON

poverty. Parents gathering their chilStaffiVriter dren to prepare cookie dough to be baked, and the giggles of those For the past 10 years, Christmas children, may not be the typical has come early for many of sounds being made in the kitchen. Edmond's underprivileged chilKay Robinson, director of dren. Campus Activities and Events, Each year, the University of explained how children are chosen Central Oklahoma's President's to participate. Club holds a Christmas Party to "The children are selected by give to children in need. the counselors at their elementary "Every year we have approxi- schools," Robinson explained. mately 350 children participate," "We ask them to focus on kids Katie McConnell, president of they know have a need, based on President's Club, said. their school lunch program or On Dec. 4, the tradition of mak- needs expressed by families. We ing children feel special during the limit it to first-graders and a few holidays will continue. second-graders." "People don't typically associate While the gifts they receive may Edmond with poverty, but unfortu- be more practical, the memories of nately poverty affects families here Christmas being fun are not lost. too," McConnell said. "They receive a toy from their Christmas Trees, holiday lights sponsor [who] they think is Santa: Photo illustration by Byron Koontz and Santa Clause landing his rein- books, mitten [and a] scarf," The American Counseling Associadeer on the roof and squeezing McConnell said. tion states stress is the No. 1 issue down a brick chimney are often college students face see CHRISTMAS , page 6 fabled tales that bypass those in

facebook PIN M. aClitteOlE MOW

The UCO Student Counseling Center is offering a stress reduction series until Oct. 29. The Stress Reduction Clinic, located in the Nigh University Center room 419, provided students with meditation, breathing techniques and also music therapy, which is offered today at the Human Environmental building. Stress is the number one issue college students are struggling with today, reported by the American Counseling Association. Jan Chapel, coordinator of the student counseling center said in a recent press release, "I don't think anybody on campus

see STRESS , page 6

MO releases crime statistics


A look at how the state of the economy has affected Halloween stores around Edmond.

Staff Writer

Caleb McWilliams ( op ) p,/,,„,

UCO Safety and Transportation Services recently released their annual "Security and Fire Safety Reports," available to anyone interested, including prospective students and employees. The report includes information on "general safety and security information, campus policies related to to investigation of incidents, selected crime statistics and other



information of interest to students, faculty, staff, prospective employees and prospective students," the Safety and Transportation Web site says. Sections in the report include information on crime prevention programming, environmental health and safety, access control procedures and law enforcement agency cooperation. Statistics in the report cover crimes from murder and manslaughter, sex offenses, robberies, assaults, burglary, arson, hate crimes and liquor, drug and weapons laws vio-



A car traveling 100 mph would take more than 29 million years to reach the nearest star. The world's largest amphibian is the giant salamander. It can grow up to 5 feet in length. Leaves of some trees such as birches, tulip poplars, redbud and hickory are always yellow in the fall, never red.

lations. In 2008, on all UCO property, there were a total of 15 burglaries, one forcible sex offense, three motor vehicle thefts, 124 liquor law violation referrals, nine drug law violation arrests and 124 referrals, and three weapons law violation referrals according to the report. Including non-UCO property statistics, which are reported to UCO by the Edmond Police Department and other departments and include information regarding students and officially recognized student organi-



High: 56 °

High: 55°

Low: 41°

Low: 40°


Partly Cloudy

zations, the numbers grow to include one more burglary, eight more drug law violation arrests and two more weapons law violation arrests. Also included in the report are fire safety reports, which show no fires in on-campus residences for 2008. The full copy of the report is available on the UCO Web site or can be picked up at the Office of Employment Services, the Office of Prospective Students, Safety and Transportation Services and other campus offices upon request.



Check the blogs

11J1E13360.C011ft "Inside the Lines" with Chris Wescott


PAGE 2 OCTOBER 22, 2009





What is news to you?

405-974-5549 EDITORIAL@UCO360.COM

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and SI for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

Matthew "Africa" Pearce

Chantel Sapp

Senior Psychology

Sophomore Kinesiology

"Ever thought about the fact that the word `news' is in fact just several 'new's? 'New' then 's.' "

"I think news is what's going on around your town, or around your city, or around the world. Information that we wouldn't know just by talking to a friend."

Rachel Parker

Lea May

Sophomore Psychology

Graduate Student Family Life Education

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to


MANAGEMENT Laura Hoffert, Editor-in-Chief Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor


Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon,

Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer


Stacey Sprague

Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried



Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes

Mr. Teddy Burch

"It's kind of sad that Bicycle Bob died. He was a legend. Actually, he was murdered so that makes it even worse. That's not cool."

"News is something that you hear about and that is happening in our ... community."

Rio Ray

Witney Willhite

Freshman Theater

Senior Early Childhood Education

"News is everyday information that you need to know about you're surroundings."

"The divorce rate is actually lowering because people can't afford to get divorced anymore because of the recession."


Creepy conditions consternate copy editor Caleb McWilliams Copy Editor

Once upon a time, there was a creepy church, a terrifying cemetery, mysterious UFOs and a place called Kitchen Lake Bridge. A couple of years ago, some friends of mine and I took interest in various scary places around the metro. Every boring night, we looked to the Internet to show us a new freaky place, and would waste our time and gas to check it out. First, there was a scary church in the northwest part of Oklahoma City that, by itself, was terrifying in its architecture and location. One time, while driving past this church, nestled at the back of a residential street, one of my four passengers and I heard a deep but quiet voice outside the car, muttering something that sounded like "mum mum mum mah," not entirely unlike Lady Gaga's Poker Face. Of course, we thought this voice was nothing more than another passenger trying to scare us, but none of the passengers admitted to making any noises. We laughed it off as a "permanant watchmonk" scaring off us crazy kids. A week or so later, on a whim to visit a friend of a friend, my buddy Andrew and I drove out to Spencer, Okla. on 63rd Street. Andrew, by the way, had been with me to the scary church, and was one of my "watchmonk" voice suspects. None of the scary stuff we saw in Spencer, however, could have been done by a passenger. First, we drove by the terrifying cemetery. This cemetery sits on a major road between Oklahoma City and Spencer, and would be almost unnoticeable if it were not for its two gates. These gates are large, white stone structures that look as though they were built decades ago. As soon as I drove over a hill and saw those gates, I immediately slammed on my brakes and nearly got rear-ended by the driver behind me. Andrew and I could do nothing for a minute but gaze at those gates, trying to go into the cemetery, but we both lost our nerve and drove on. Further down the road, we drove over an abandoned-looking railroad crossing. Though creepy, the crossing was not interesting enough to stop, and we kept going. After driving a little further, we decided to go back to the cemetery and try to check it out. We retraced our turns and returned to the railroad crossing. As soon as it came into sight, Andrew let out a scream. "That car was not there," he said. "I did not see that car there before."

Just north of the crossing, there was an abandoned car that looked as if it had not moved in many months. And just as sure as I was then, I'm sure now that I did not see that car going past the crossing the first time. Because the car was positioned in a way that would be hard to miss going south past the crossing, it seemed and seems unlikely that this was some shared memory relapse or "folie a duex." We both decided that we both saw it and we both were not crazy and we both knew it was freaky. But Andrew said he saw a face in the car, and I didn't believe him. After all, he could have been the "watchmonk." Several months, a humiliating experience with police officer and several "Scary Spencer" tours later, our scary places team mutually decided that "Spencer ghosthunting was lame"and we needed a new haunted place to explore. Almost no time after dumping Spencer, my friends Andrew and Kolt, in two different places along 1-35, saw a colored light, shooting downward towards the ground like an upside-down fireworks display. In a mad search for alien debris, Andrew, Kolt and I looked up the area on the Internet. The downed spacecraft had to be in southeast Oklahoma City somewhere, and we were determined to find it. We stumbled on something different, though. We came across a description of a place called Kitchen Lake Bridge. Immediately, the legend of Kitchen Lake Bridge superseded the search for aliens that the government would hide before we got there anyway. We didn't even need to read the whole description. All we saw was its location and that it was considered by some to be one of the more haunted places in Oklahoma. An hour later, frustrated and lost, we walked into a convenience store to ask for directions. "Hey, do you know where Kitchen Lake Bridge is?" I asked the clerk. The clerk quickly answered that he did not know anything about Kitchen Lake Bridge, and so he couldn't help us. Another customer, a balding, halftoothless man, overheard my question, and popped his head out of the candy bar aisle. "Kitchen Lake Bride? That'c my bridge. I can take you there if ya'll want," he said. A little unnerved, I smiled politely and answered "No, thanks." I turned around to give a wide-eyed look to my friends to say that we could find it on our own. My friends, however, had immediately raced out of the store and cowered in my

Photo Provided

This photo from Google Maps street view shows one of the two white stone gates of the Pilgrim Rest Cemetery in between Oklahoma City and Spencer. Filled with graves no newer than the 1960s, the cemetery should have served as a warning sign to The Vista copy editor of the halloween hauntings that would horrify him.

car. "Caleb, don't you DARE go back in that store," Kolt yelled as I poked my head in the car door. "This is like every scary movie where the dumb teenagers ask 'Hey, where can we go to get killed?"' he shouted. I assured him that I was not planning on following this creepy but probably harmless guy. It was better to just wait for him to go, and then follow him discretely back to what might be Kitchen Lake Bridge. I got back into my car, and we waited for a few minutes to allow the guy to drive away. He eventually left the store, dejectedly got into his old, beat-up Ford truck and drove south. "He wanted to murder us or something!" Andrew said. "Well, hes left, so we're OK," I assured both of them. I pulled out of the convenience store parking lot, and began to nonchalantly drive south, loosely following the truck.

As we were driving south to try again to find Kitchen Lake Bridge, we heard the noise of a car angrily accelerating and saw the same blue truck tearing northward down the road. Assured that we were going to die, I

naturally screamed and swerved off the road. My passengers also both screamed and probably would have swerved off the road too. In my haste to flee this terrifying truck, I turned onto what we commonly called "a road to hell." In the daytime, these roads can look quaint and pastoral, but at night they look like nothing more than a highway to demon land. We'll never know if the guy who raced back towards the convenience store was doing it for some malevolent reason, but we escaped him anyhow. Somehow, after knowing for sure we were about to die, our navigation skills improved and we quickly found our destination. I still wish we wouldn't have found it. Check back next issue for the thrilling, terrifying, terrible and traumatic next part in the story, including five recently dead dogs, ghost mist, demon animals, unearthly silhouettes, barely audible footsteps and beer-tossing headless bears. Vista Copy Editor Caleb McWilliams can be reached at .


PAGE 3 OCTOBER 22, 2009

YWCA and UCO host domestic abuse panel Mellor De Leon

"Abusers don't look like anything," she said. "Most abusers are charming, and Sla_fili riter often don't show those characteristics to the external world. They behave like the The YWCA and the UCO Violence nice guy." Preventative Program hosted a domestic The UCO Violence Preventative Program abuse panel on Oct. 13 at Nigh University has partnered with on and off campus preHeritage Hall. ventative programs such as the YWCA to The panel discussed preventative ways help prevent domestic violence. to help reduce domestic violence and "We work with the UCO police departexplained psychological reasons why vicment, and we work with the Office of tims stay with their abuser. Also a guest Student Conduct to help," UCO VPP coorspeaker gave her experience regarding dinator Kathryn Toahty said. "We keep domestic violence. files confidential, and make sure that whoShontesa Jones spoke about her experiever comes to our office has everything ence of how she escaped her abuser. She, that they need." like many other abused women, stayed Toahty said that they work with the because they thought they couldn't leave students to make sure that they are suptheir husbands or had no place to go. She ported. The goal is to provide resources or said that slowly her ex-husband made her referrals, she said. feel insecure and feel that she couldn't The YWCA and VPP both said that proleave him. viding education is part of that process to "I had a great job. After I got pregnant stop domestic violence. the abuse started," she said. "There was "We have to address the action, not the verbal and emotional abuse. I was afraid to person," Grellner said. leave him because I was pregnant and had "Having presentations like this, and no one else to turn to, but when I caught spreading the resources to get the word him cheating I knew it was time to leave." Photo by Jenefar De Leon out helps," Kremeier said. She said the YWCA helped her leave Shontesa Jones said that talking about her ex-husband, and gave her a place to Vernelia Kilksey, Shontesa Jones, Marisabel Kremeier, Dr. Janelle Grellner, her experience helps her cope with her turn to. past. The YWCA helps women and families and Kathryn Toahty spoke at the YWCA and UCO Violence Preventative "It's a good release mechanism, and escape and recover from domestic abuse, Program panel on domestic abuse. "We want to empower women and eduMarisabel Kremeier, YWCA Preventive cate them so they don't fall into the same relationship all over again," Kreimer good to see other people benefit from it," she said. Educator coordinator, said. She said the said. The VPP will have tables set up in the Nigh University Center Food The VPP will have tables set up in main goal of YWCA is to help empower Court on Oct. 23 to give information to students and anyone else interested in the Nigh University Center Food Court women to escape domestic abuse. finding out more about how to take action against violence. from io a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 23 to give out "We want to empower women and eduinformation to students and anyone else cate them so they don't fall into the same diate help such as educating, counseling UCO psychology professor Dr. Janelle interested in finding out more about how relationship all over again," Kremeier and legal advice. The YWCA has sheltered Grellner said women need to recognize the to take action against violence. said. 1,200 women and children every year. characteristics of an abuser. Grellner said The YWCA provides shelter in the whole The YWCA also helps women of sexual that most abusers will isolate and humili- Vista Writer Jenefar de Leon can be reached Oklahoma area for women of domestic vio- abuse, and works with child advocate pro- ate their victims to prevent them from at lence. They provide emergency and imme- grams throughout the Oklahoma metro. leaving.

Professor/Chair DR. ZHEN ZHU Department of Economics and International Business by Jenefar De Leon, Staff Writer Why did you choose to study economics?



I originally studied business administration back in China. I wanted to study in the United States, but I didn't have the money. That is why I am so grateful to my former professors who helped me get scholarships. They had a major influence on me. Economics has a huge impact everywhere you go.

Cti...._What class do you recommend UCO students take?


Personal Finance. It is amazing to see how much people don't have the basic knowledge about it. I think people in the United States just like to spend and spend.

Why did you come to UCO?


Originally I studied in Michigan, but I was offered a position here and I came to Oklahoma for the job. What do you like best about Oklahoma?

A 0. A

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

It's a very nice place to raise a family. People are so friendly.

%.....,What are your children like?

I have two children, a 10-year old girl and 14-year old son. They are both very intelligent, and both are involved in swimming. How did you feel when your children went back to China?

Q It's important for my children to see live. I want them A tohowknowotherthatpeople we are not all different. I want them to be open-minded. I want them to have the right attitude, and work hard. It's important for my children to do volunteer work and learn from it.

What does your family like to do together?


We love to travel. Last summer we spent time in China. But we love to go to the Colorado Mountains or to the beaches. We like to change it each year.


What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite sport?



I love to play ping-pong. It's my generation's sport. I also watch a little bit of football.

What do you want your students to know about Q.... you? I want them to know that I do care about them. I think that is why I expect so much from my students, because I know they are talented and can do it. I hope they appreciate it. Our professors are very talented, and care for their students to see they do well in school and in life.

A A CUl I was born in China, and love Chinese food. family and I love to eat at A PhungMyKitchen. It can be considered

What advice do you give to CO students?


Take advantage of opportunities when you see them. Don't just let it past you. You have to grab it, and work hard.

I love to watch the Godfather. I don't know why but I am a big fan.

What is your favorite food?

one of my favorite restaurants. I also love to eat Japanese and Italian food. But I like to try everything. I try to be open-minded. Too bad that my son is very picky.




OCTOBER 22, 2009


AP Photo by Sergei Grits

A squirrel reaches for a peanut from the hand of a woman in a park on an autumn day in the Belarusian capital of Minsk, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009.

AP Photo by Aaron Favila

A Filipino man pushes his cart with his son on board through almost month-long floodwaters in Pinagbuhatan, Pasig city, east of Manila, Philippines on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2009.


Photo by Laura Hoffert

Dr. Ralph Morris conducts the UCO Symphony Orchestra as they play Overture to a Midsummer Night's Dream by Felix Mendelssohn Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009 in Mitchell Hall Theater.

AP Photo Provided

A child passenger is rescued after a Goa Express train, unseen, rammed into the stationary Mewar Express train, partially seen, near Agra, about 210 kilometers (130 miles) southeast of New Delhi, India, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2009.

Photo by Laura Hoffert

Rudy, a 10 year old Australian Shepherd performs with trainer Mark Seyfried of Fairchild's Flying Dogs during the Cookout with Pets held Oct. 20, 2009 at Plunkett Park.




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services 17. Brouhaha 1 8 . Unload, as stock 1 9. Pizza topping 20. Incidental remark 23. Pink, as a steak 24. Place to put the feet up 28. At attention 30. Be mistaken 32. Circumvent 33. Shouts to attract attention 36. Head, for short 37. Politicaltentity in Europe 42. "Act your 43. Channel in which a tidaltcurrent runs 44. Change, chemically 47. "C' la vie!" 48. Engagement 52. Extradites 54. Bounce back, in a way 55. Informal term for nakedness


































1. Craze 37
































26. Jewish month 27. "Scream" star Campbell 29. Toni Morrison's Baby" 30. Abounding with elms 31. Open way for travel 34. Auction unit

35. Clinch, with "up" 37. Grueling 38. Arch type 39. Ballet move 40. "Welcome" site 41. Wood heaped for burning deadtbodies as a funeral rite



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45. Spider's work 46. Cattle fair 49. Eyepiece 50. Lift, so to speak 51. Caused to increase in intensity 53. Deuce toppers 56. Works in the garden 57. Dungeonlike

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3 4


2. Map line 3. Provide with new wiring 4. European language 5. Attendee 6. " Lang Syne" 7. Kosher 8. British author of historical novels and ballads 9. King of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmundt II to divide England with him 10. U.S. science fiction writer 11. Even if, briefly 12. Biddy 13. Cousin of -trix 21. Imitable 22. Small crown 25. French Sudan, today










Happy birthday! Happy birthday to pianist/composer Franz Liszt (198), actress Sarah Bernhardt (165), "Stooge" Curly Howard (106), actress Joan Fontaine (92), professor Timothy Leary (89), actor Christopher Lloyd (71), actor Tony Roberts (70), actress Annette Funicello (67), actress Catherine Deneuve (66), speaker Deepak Chopra (63), actor Jeff Goldblum (57), Olympian Brian Boitano (46), singer Shaggy (41) e singer Zac Hanson (24), actor Jonathan Lipnicki (19), and actress Sofia Vassilieva (17). Many happy returns, from your friends at The Vista.

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NEWS CHRISTMAS They also get a stocking with a toothbrush and candy and little toys. They receive items they really need as well as fun presents." The children will also receive something extra this year. "A new addition will be a UCO Bronchos T-shirt for each child, with 'Future Broncho' printed on the back," Robinson said. For some, it may be the only time they receive gifts for the holidays. "Most of these children would not have a Christmas if it wasn't for this event and they are so grateful," McConnell said. Robinsoq explained how they react to the gifts. "You should see their faces," she said. "They are so happy and can't believe the sponsors knew exactly what they wanted. It is great to be in the Santa Room because all you hear is 'cool, awesome, wow' over and over again." However, it is not just the members of the President's Club who make this event work. They are reaching out the to the UCO community in an effort to continue

PAG E 6 OCTOBER 22, 2009

Continued from page 1

the tradition of giving back that was started many years ago. "It is only $io to $20 and it will be the most rewarding $io to $2o you spend this year on Christmas," McConnell said. "You have the opportunity to truly make an impact in a child's life and give them an awesome holiday experience." Children are given the opportunity to experience an environment outside that of poverty. "The event is a great way to get these kids on a college campus, meeting college students," McConnell said. "They get excited about going to college, and hopefully to UCO." Without sponsors, more underprivileged children may have to do without what many experience during the month December. Whether it's the smell of fresh pine trees in the living room, or the sounds of whimsical decorations, all that has become traditional for many families during the Christmas season may not become a part of the holiday experience for many.

"If we don't have enough sponsors sign up, then less children get to come and participate in our event," McConnell said. "It is an opportunity to give back to the Edmond community in a very large-scale way." The President's Club is now accepting applications from those who would like to become sponsors. "Every child must have a sponsor who provides the present and chaperones the child at the event," McConnell said. "Forms are available up in Campus Activities and Events on the fourth floor of the Nigh University Center. Fill out the form, and then you will get your match at the sponsor meeting," she said. Sponsors are then given further instructions about the event. "The paper you get about your child will have their little Christmas wish list," McConnell said. "Buy the present, wrap it up, bring it to us on gift drop-off day and we put it in the child's backpack and take care of the rest. Just show of the day of the party on Dec.

4 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.and come with a great attitude," she said. Sponsor forms are due Monday, Nov. 2, Robinson said. In spite of the recession, UCO's Presidents Club is looking to make the lives of underprivileged children better. Even if it's forjust a short time, the memories of those 7,7ho have the opportunity to attend the Christmas Party may last much longer. "In those two short hours, you really get an overwhelming feeling of success because the kids are all smiles the whole time, leaving behind any worries they may have at home," Robinson said. "We even have some kids rewrap little gifts their sponsors give them to give to their siblings. It breaks your heart, but also reminds us all why we do the party," she said. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at .


Continued from page 1

has ever done a series like this before. several paths. This is something that should be done Labyrinths had been found in several long-term, and with sustained effort and cultures, and can be dated as far as 400o practice in using stress reduction tech- B.C. niques they will learn, students will actuThe event will be Thursday, Oct. 29 from ally see progress." 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nigh University The lessons are free for students, but Center Ballroom C, free for all. they are asked to RS.V.P. with the clin"I believe in this time, we are what I call ic. The last of the series will end with a microwave generation," Rudebock said. a "Walking Labyrinth" workshop led by "We juggle with text messages and e-mails Associated Professor in the Department of that we don't take the time to pause and Kinesiology Dr. Diane Rudebock. focus in our surroundings." Labyrinth paths are used for walking or Rudebock said that after students or moving meditation. The event is supposed faculty walked the labyrinth, they recomto increase inner calmness and reduce mend them to write down their thought as stress. part of the stress reduction process. Dr. Rudebock became certified in For free public labyrinths in the Veriditas Labyrinth in 2003. She experi- Oklahoma area, the Edmond First United enced a labyrinth in 2000, when a friend Methodist church offers an indoor labytold her about this new mediation tech- rinth every third Monday of each month. nique. Rudebock said that this technique "It's beneficial to take some time for a was profound. pause, and have clarity at that moment," "It's a profound experience," Rudebock Rudebock said. said. "It allows you to focus, and sort out your thoughts." Vista Writer Jenefar de Leon can Rudebock said that a labyrinth is one be reached at path to lead you to the center, unlike a , maze, which is supposed to trick you with

Photo by Jenefar De Leon

Dr. Charlene Rudebock, associate professor of Kinesiology and Health Studies walks the labyrinth with Ted Lake, a graduate research assistant of Kinesiology and Health Studies.

UCO joins American Chemical Society Tiffany Brown smip


As different as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, calcium and other scientific elements are, they have several things in common. They are elements on the periodic table that humans need to live, but they are causing people to react uniting them through interaction. University of Central Oklahoma students, faculty and staff are joining the Oklahoma chapter of the American Chemical Society to celebrate National Chemistry Week. "We have participated in NCW since

about 1991," Dr. Cheryl Frech, chairwoman of the chemistry department said. "It's an annual event." Chemistry professors dressed as their favorite chemical element and visited chemistry classrooms on Oct. 19. This has become a tradition at UCO. "The students think it's fun to see their professors dressed up," Frech said. "About half of the faculty participate." Students were then given the opportunity to vote for the professor they belived had the best costume. The Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society organization raised funds during a tie-dye event where students,

faculty and staff could purchase tie-dyed items. Also, SACCS members will be selling $1 tickets for the "Dunk the Professor" event that is scheduled to take place at 1 p.m., on Nov. 6 in Howell Hall. On Oct. 24, UCO students and faculty will have the opportunity to learn from professional chemists in the state. Activities will be held at Quail Springs Mall. UCO's chemistry professor Dr. John Ferguson will conduct several activities. The theme revolves around the periodic table, which according to the ACS, is 14o years old this year. Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table in 1869 with only 63

known elements. Events began on Oct. 18 and will end Oct. 24. The theme being celebrated this year is "Chemistry - It's Elemental!" The chemistry department will conduct other chemistry events in the future. "We will continue to celebrate NCW. 2011 is the International Year of Chemistry, so watch for a series of events throughout the year," Frech said. According the ACS, National Chemistry Week is held to bring awareness to the role of chemistry in people's everyday lives. "Another purpose of NCW is to highlight the importance of chemistry in everyone's life," Frech said.

It •





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OCTOBER 22, 2009

Woes continue for Bronchos volleyball Steve Vidal Sports Hither

A season full of frustration continues for the UCO volleyball team after they lossed a hard fought match to non-conference opponent Newman. UCO won the first two sets 25-23 and 25-18 before Newman rallied to take the final three sets 25-22, 25-16 and 20-18. Zuela Adorn put on a show for the Broncos setting career-high 25 kills and five digs, but it wasn't enough as UCO dropped their sixth five-set match of the season to fall to a record of 11-14. After a Carly LeMay kill in the first set, assisted by Meaghan Wedberg, the Bronchos had a 9-3 lead. Newman fought back to tie it at 15 before UCO was able to pull out the first set. The Bronchos won the second set in easier fashion taking firm control toward the end of the set. UCO scored the last four points of the set, capping it on an Adorn kill. Up 2-0 in the match UCO looked poised for a much needed victory. Newman had other ideas.

again to tie it with a Brianna Witsman kill to tie it at 18. The Jets scored the next two points to take the set and complete the comeback in the Match taking it 3-2. The match nearly took two hours to complete. Along with the efforts from Adom and Wedberg, Wilson continues to shine this season for UCO with 19 kills and 11 digs. Courtney Whitlow put up seven kills and four blocks and Ginger Gowen had 24 digs. Chelsey Potter led a balanced Newman attack with 15 kills and 17 digs. UCO goes back out on the road for two matches starting tonight with a match against Texas A&M Commerce and Saturday afternoon against Texas Woman's University. The team returns home October 27 for a match with East Central at 7 p.m. Photo Services The match is the beginning of four home matches Kristen Wilson sets the ball in their loss against Newman. UCO is now 11-14 this season and in a row to close out the has lost four straight. regular season. UCO looks io put some The win energized UCO has struggled in fifth could not get the next point. wins together and get some The jets pulled out an Newman and turned the sets all season. This time it Wilson scored again to make momentum going in the final looked like they may finally it 18-17. Both kills came stages of the regular season extremely hard fought third momentum in their favor. taste some success but it was off of assists from Wedberg, in advance of next months With the newly found set taking advantage of who recorded a season-high Lone Star Conference numerous Broncho attack momentum, Newman rolled not to be. Tournament. After a Kristen Wilson ill 61 for the match. errors to break a 20 - 20 tie to a fourth set victory setting Newman responded up a winner take all fifth set. the Bronchos led 17-16 but and get the win in the set.

Cross country heads to Canyon, Texas for LSC Championship Steve Vidal Sports- 11'riter

After two weeks off the UCO cross country team is heading to Canyon, Texas. Saturday for the Lone Star Conference Championships, hosted by West Texas A&M this year. The distance in the meet will increase to 6k from the standard 5k run throughout the regular season. The Bronchos expect to have junior standout Alina Istrate back for the meet. Istrate has been the Bronchos top runner all season but has missed the last two meets because of an injury.

Senior Evelyn Berko has been running strong leading UCO the last two meets. The team also has other talented runners, which includes many freshmen that hope to excel on the conference wide stage. UCO placed 5th on Oct. 10 at the Bison Invitational in Shawnee. The Bronchos have struggled with injuries for most of the season. The team is young with only one senior but has been improving steadily all year. The meet starts at 8 a.m. Saturday. Vista Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at svidal@uco360.corn.

UCO Head Coach J.D Martin talks to his team following a meet earlier this semester.


Continued from page 8

Terrence Hill leads the team in tack-

les with 61. Hill also has 4.5 tackles for a loss, one sack and a forced fumble. Tucker Cason and Terry Hardeman are tied for a team high in sacks with 2.5 a piece. Defensive line star Jermelle Cudjo has 38 tackles this season, 6.5 tackles for a loss, 1.5 sacks and three quarterback hurries. The Bronchos' defense will have their work cut out for them this Saturday against some of the Mustang's playmakers. Zack Eskridge is the nation's leader in passing efficiency. Eskridge has completed 73.1 percent of his passes this year. The quarterback phenomenon is 158 of 216

Photo Services

for 2,081 yards, 23 touchdowns and four interceptions. The Mustangs are equally dangerous on the ground. Marcus Mathis is the team's leading rusher. Mathis has netted 480 yards on the ground this year and the offense has scored a total of 13 times on the ground. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in Wichita Falls, Texas this Saturday. If you are not planning on taking the 152 mile, two and a half hour drive to see the game but still want to listen in, you can hear the game in its entirety on Fox Sports Radio 1340 AM.

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PAGE 8 OCTOBER 22, 2009

UCO all smiles after 7-2 start, prepare to take on the Hoosiers The Bronchos look to continue streak against Indiana this weekend Chris Wescott Sports Editor

The Bronchos hockey team is now 7-2 on the season following a three game sweep in their ACHA Showcase appearance. In the Showcase the Bronchos beat two ranked teams, but they remain at the No. 12 spot in the national rankings heading into this weekend's series against the University of Indiana. Indiana comes into this matchup 3-7 on the year following their split series against Davenport University. Indiana also split with the University of Michigan and Depaul University, while being swept by ranked opponents, second ranked Illinois and No. 8 Iowa State. The Hoosiers lost to Photo by Byron Koontz Iowa State by a combined score of 14-3. However, UCO hockey is 7-0 in their last seven times on the ice. The Bronchos swept their three games they bounced back against at the American Collegiate Hockey Association Showcase, beating two ranked opponents. Illinois on their home ice, UCO plays Indiana University twice this weekend. losing just 2-1 in the first match, but getting shut out comes second on the team against average. Abramson second best choice in goal adding five assists. When 3-0 the second night. in goals scored with five. has faced 110 shots this sea- would be Salvatore Calace. paired with a resurgent The Hoosier offense Matt Grainda has four so son and has 88 saves to Calace has played 99 min- Jacob Roadhouse, who has revolves around one play- far this season and KC 22 goals allowed with an utes this season. seven goals and io assists, er: 5'9" 170 pound senior Madock has three goals to 8o-percent save rate. The Bronchos have more the Bronchos have a potent forward Chris Benz. Benz his six assists. The Hoosiers will firepower on offense than scoring attack. Brent Block, is the team's leading scorer In goal, the Hoosiers most likely use Abramson the Hoosiers. Junior for- a junior, is in third on the last season with 34 points have played four goalten- because the final three goal- ward Jonathan Cannizzo team in goals scored. on 14 goals and 20 assists. ders this season. Daniel tenders allow an average has started this season with Honorable mention for This year, he is off to Abramson leads the group of 7.44 goals a game. The a bang, scoring io goals and the Bronchos so far this a fast start with 16 points in time played with on seven goals and nine 351.97 minutes on the assists. Mike Vaughan ice. He sports a 3.75 goals

season is junior Matt Cohn, who is third on the team in points with two goals and a team high ii assists. Shawn Steggles and Derek Szecsodi have eight points a piece through nine games. Most likely to get the call in net against the Hoosiers is senior Justin Sgro. Sgro has played the most so far this year and has three goals against average. Sgro has faced over 160 shots and has an 89-percent save rate. Cory McGlone is second on the team in minutes played in the net, and if he is healthy, he may get to see time in goal. UCO is currently ranked 12 in the nation following the Oct. 9 release. The next official rankings will be released on Oct. 23. Based on the ACHA computer rankings, which ranks teams mathematically using game performances, strength of schedule and goal differentials, the Bronchos are seventh in the nation. The computer rankings, without goal differentials, have UCO at third in the nation. UCO and Indiana face off this Friday and Saturday night in a two-game series. Both games will be held at Arctic Edge Arena in Edmond at 7:30 p.m.

Underdog Bronchos look to shock MSU UCO (2-6) faces No. 17 Midwestern State (6-2) Saturday

Photo services

UCO running back Jason Palmer runs past a SWOSU defender last Saturday night in the 41-23 win.w

Chris Wescott Sports Editor

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The Bronchos travel to Wichita Falls, Texas this Saturday night to face the No. 17 ranked team in the nation. The Mustangs are 6-2 this season. The Bronchos are 2-6 following their offensive show in their 41-23 win over SWOSU last weekend. The Mustangs and Texas A&MKingsville faced off in a battle of the ranked last week and MSU stomped the No. 7 team in the nation 38-7. MSU quarterback Zack Eskridge was 24 of 24 for 245 yards and two touchdowns, and also added another on the ground. Running back Neal Can scored two more touchdowns rushing for the Mustangs. The Mustang defense has been stout this year. They have one shut out this season, and have held opponents to seven points or less five times.

MSU's offense is no pushover either. The Mustangs have lit up the scoreboard for average of 41 points in their six wins this season. The Bronchos will play an upset roll when they square up against the Mustangs. UCO is trying to recover from a disappointing season start in which they came into the season ranked 16th and upset ranked West Texas A&M in week two. Since then, the Bronchos have lost five out of the last six games. Their lone win in that stretch coming last week at Wantland Stadium. UCO has several offensive and defensive playmakers who are trying to keep the season afloat for the Bronchos. Leading the way offensively is quarterback Brandon Noohi, who has completed 198 of 326 passes this season for 2,018 yards and 12 touchdowns. Noohi has also rushed 70 times for 309 yards and six touch-

downs. Jason Palmer leads UCO in rushing this season with 97 attempts and 508 yards with three scores. Ben Birmingham has rushed 87 times for 369 yards and two scores. On the receiving end, Ryan Gallimore leads the way. He has 41 catches for 510 yards and six touchdowns. Daniel Morrell has caught 30 passes for four touchdowns and 428 yards. Redshirt freshman Dolphin Davis leads the team in yards per catch with 17. On defense, Giorgio Durham leads the team with five interceptions. Caleb Prince has four on the year. Prentice Muse has two and Cordarrow Milton, Isaiah Blackshear, Maurice Henry, Freddie Harris and Tucker Cason all have one pick on the season.

see FOOTBALL page 7

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