15 minute read
Around Campus
A Brief Look Ahead
TIARAS will meet 7 p.m. Nov. 8 in the Senate Room at the University Center. The honor society is collecting donations for its community project, "Citizens Caring for Children." Donations will be collected for newborns to children age 18. Items can be dropped off at The Vista (CB 107) or LA 102. Due date is Nov. 28 at 5 p.m. For more information, call Elizabeth Hew at 348-8478.
UCO Toastmasters will meet at 12:45 p.m. Nov. 9 in the University Center Dining Room. For more information, call Shu-Pei Ang at 341-7546 or Jeff Secrease at 557-0772.
University Center Activities Board will meet at 4 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Senate Room, University Center. For more information, call 341-2980, Ext. 2245.
UCO Student Nurses Association will meet at 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Nov. 10 in Room 104, Coyner Health Building. The meeting will discuss community holiday activities. Lunch and drinks will be sold and the lunch menu will be announced. For more information, call Danielle Deutschendorf at 842-4276.
English Society will meet at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 at Dr. Amy Carrell's house (directions in English department office.) The meeting will center around deciding on guest speakers, choosing club sweatshirts, discussing plans for the Christmas party. For more information, call Dr. Allen Rice at 341-2980, Ext. 5641.
Edmond Lodge No. 37 will have its annual Pancake Breakfast from 6 a.m. to noon Nov. 11 at 1026 N. Boulevard, Edmond. All you can eat for $3 per person. For more information, call 341-3129.
American Business Club (AMBUCS) will meet from 5-6:30 p.m. Nov. 13 in Room 211, Business North. Special guests are: John Taylor, vice president of Commercial Lending Liberty Bank and Susan Urbach, director of Small Business Development Center. The program topic is "Enterpreneurship—Are You Ready: A How-To Seminar." All students are welcomed and refreshments will be served. For more information, call Dr. Robert Epstein at 341-2980, Ext. 5678.
Multicultural Student Services is sponsoring a Study Skills Workshop at 6 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Seminole Room in the University Center. Discussion topics are how to prepare for a test, how to study for a test and how to handle test anxiety. Guest presenter will be Nelda Fister, assistant professor of nursing. For more information, call the Multicultural Student Services at 341- 2980, Ext. 2580.
Alpha Lambda Delta will meet at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at West Hall. For more information, call Julie Yu or Dr. Sandra Mayfield at 341-2980, Ext. 5632.
The Music Department will present two one act operas, Poulenc's La Voix Humaine and Robert Ward's Roman Fever at 8 p.m. Nov. 16, 17 and 18 and 2 p.m. Nov. 19 at Mitchell Hall Theatre. Tickets may be reserved by calling the Box Office at 341-2980, Ext. 3375 from 1:30-5 p.m. Adult tickets are $7, senior citizens $4, and non UCO students and children are $2. UCO staff , faculty and students with validated IDs will be admitted free of charge. For more information, call Melanie Maltsberger at 341-2980, Ext. 5004.
Hearts and Crafts Affair will run from noon-6 p.m. Nov. 10 and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 11 at Capitol Hill Assembly of God Church, 2400 SW 74. Admission is free of charge. For more information, call Karie Hill at 872- 3406 (daytime) or 794-0544 (evening) or Marti Owens at 692-0862.
Association of Computing Machinery will meet at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 21 at Wantland Hall for a ping-pong competition. It is an open competition for all UCO students in singles and doubles matches. For more information, call Yuvette Lairet at 789-6102 or Desmond Daignault at 586-2569 or E-Mail at UCOACM.
Generally Speaking
Christians on Campus will meet every Thursday from 12:30-1:15 p.m. in the Osage Room, University Center. Everyone is welcomed for Bible study and fellowship. For more information, call Nicolle Zettler at 840-9345 or 690-2233.
Circle K International, a special interest organization which emphasizes the advantages of the democratic way of life, will meet at 5 p.m. in Room 9 of Evans Hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month to discuss campus and community service organization in conjunction with Kiwanis. For more information, call Vladimir at 341-2980, Ext. 2390 (work) or 751-3216 (home).
The Catholic Student Center will meet at 7 p.m. every Sunday at the center for dinner, games and movies. Prior to that, the group will meet at 5:15 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church to attend Mass. Call John King at 341-6300 for more information.
The Catholic Student Center will hold Candlelight Mass at 8 p.m. every Thursday at the center. All students, faculty and staff are welcomed. For more information, call John King at 341-6300.
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ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER 1015 Waterwood Parkway "C" 348-7602 LOWER TUITION $780 per 4-wk term (includes books & trips) University & TOEFL Prep Program 6 terms = 500 TOEFL 9 terms = 550+ TOEFL 9:00-3:00p. m.
ENGLISH CLASSES at the Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE TUTORING avail. *PREPARATION for TOEFL
ATTENTION PARENTS! Do you want more for your children than daycare? Do you need a program for your child while you attend school? Phone Churchill Academy, 341-4314. A Standard of Excellence in Preschool Education.
FAST ACCURATE TYPING. Term papers, familiar with all formats. Laser printer $1.25/pg, title page free. $1/pg after 30 pages. NE of Edmond area. FAX 348-0162 or phone Loretta 348-1005.
CHERYL'S CUSTOM DOCUMENTS Top quality typing for bottom dollar prices! APA, MLA, ASR formats. Theses, term papers, reports, resumes, etc. Spell check; laser printer, 751-5217.
PREGNANT? We offer FREE pregnancy tests Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm & Tue 7-9pm. We can help provide: *Housing *Clothing *Counseling *Classes EDMOND CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 1216 S Rankin - 341-3139
ADOPTION, A loving choice. We are here to help with the very best care at no cost to you. You select the adoptive parents and prepare your personal adoptive plan. WOMENCARE 1216 S Rankin - 330-4700
APPLY NOW $$$ COLLEGE MONEY. Private Scholarships & Grants. America's finest. Since 1981. You're guaranteed a minimum of $250 worth of financial aid from sources provided, or we'll refund your fee. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LOCATORS. 1-800-879-7485.
MAINLY STUDENTS 20 yrs exp, 4.0 SNU grad, types 120 wpm, APA, Turabian, etc. Editing/writing assistance, laser printer, competitive rates. Within walking distance to UCO. By appt only, 340-2001 or 24-hr pager, 557- 9121, Edmond, Moore.
RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Do you need a great resume? Let a pro write and typeset your winning resume! Call Kathy at 330-1941 or 359-1696.
FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parents' income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58061. TICKETS? ACCIDENTS? Even if you have a not-so-perfect driving record, I may have a policy for you. Call Tim at 755-9044. Allstate Indemnity Co.
WANT TO FEEL GREAT? You will! Students and faculty, call Gene, a nationally certified male massage therapist, at 755-2637 days or evenings. When calling, mention Vista ad to receive extra 1/2 hr of stress, fatigue and muscle soreness relief FREE!
TYPING Research/term papers, presentations, etc. Familiar with all formats, spell/grammar check, laser printer, $1.25/pg w/free delivery. Call Rose at 642-4152.
MUSIC Any recorded audio onto CD, starting at $20. Q Productions will produce your demo tape and record it onto CD or cassette . For info call (405)642-8955.
TERM PAPER ASSISTANCE. Hire MBA candidate to help research, outline or compose the first draft of your project. GARRISON 945-2921.
SECRETARY (8:30-5:00 M-F). Front office at language school near campus. Must have computer skills and type min 60wpm. Send resume and letter to ELC, Box 1866, Edmond 73083.
GOOD PAY, free carwash! Wash attendant, cashier, lube tech, part and full time positions available. Apply in person. Ask for Marvin, 325 W Memorial, Memorial Xpress Carwash & Lube Center.
HIRING WAITER/waitresses for a fine dining restaurant. Excellent cash money, part time, will train. Work around your school schedule. Apply at the Steak Joint, 7628 N May, OKC.
RESORT JOBS, Students Needed! Earn to $12/hr + tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas + more. Destinations include Florida, Hawaii, Colorado & So. California. Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-632-0150 ext. R58061.
CRUISE SHIPS now hiring-Earn up to $2000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & full time employment available. No experience necessary. For more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C58061.
NATIONAL PARKS HIRING-Seasonal & full time employment available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits + bonuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext. N58061.
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT-Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3000-$6000+/mo. Room & Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206)545- 4155 ext A58061.
HOME AIDE for 8-yr-old autistic boy. Must be available weekends & school breaks, $5/hr, 359-1696.
STUDENT OFFICE JOBS, 4-8pm SunThurs, $6-$10/hr. Perfect for students. Located minutes from UCO, 524-6604.
BILINGUAL international company expanding; needs representatives who speak fluent, foreign language. Will train, 947-1409.
UPS is looking for loaders & unloaders to work in OKC facility. Pay is $8/hr. Interested applicants should sign up for interviews at Career Development & Placement Services in the University Ctr. EOE M/F
NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER, 30 hrs/wk, some mornings & evenings. OK driver license & childcare experience required. Some travel & benefits. References required, 751-9632. taking applications for school bus drivers, full time $45/day and part time substitutes $10/hr. Times are 7-9am and 2:45- 4:45pm. Must have current OK C.D.L. (license) and certification.
DEER CREEK Public Schools is now taking applications for night time cleaning crew members. This job will entail light cleaning and you must be able to work in a crew setting. Hours are 3:30-Midnight. Pay is $6/hr. Serious applicants only!
$$STUDENTS$$ Work on campus or in our training center. Work own hours. $300-$500/wk. Transportation needed. Call for interview, 947-1409.
HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW!! ATTENTION COLLEGE STUDENTS! Your search for the perfect part time job is over! VISIONQUEST MARKETING has great jobs available IMMEDIATELY! Why look anywhere else when Visionquest Mkt gives you SO MUCH MORE including: *Pd training program *Average wages of $6-$13/hr *Employee benefits *Rapid advancemt possible *Convenient Edmond location DON'T MISS OUT on this opportunity! These high paying jobs are in great demand and will not last long! Call 359- 7713 TODAY to schedule an interview!
ATTENTION! VISIONQUEST MKT will be conducting on-campus interviews Nov 6 & 7. Stop by our booth on the first floor of the University Center and find out more about our great job opportunities! ...k..*********
CHRISTMAS WORK Part time now, full time over break, $10.15/hr starting. National company now staffing. Internships and scholarships possible. Excellent resume experience. Call M-W 9-3, 722-5670.

ATTN ENTREPRENEURS: Tulsa multimillionaire looking for hard-working, selfmotivated, out-going people who want to follow in his footsteps. Call your local supervisor, Regina Valuikas, to set up an appointment and see if you can qualify for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 341- 7725, leave message.
GREAT JOB for the right person! Cashier, stocker, etc, 21 yrs or older. Can work into full time position. Experience helpful but not necessary, good appearance A MUST. Apply in person at Smitty's Wine & Spirits, 122nd & MacArthur.
WORK IN MOVIES! AMC Memorial Square 8 Theatre is looking for friendly, dependable staff. Must be available weekends & holidays. Apply at Memorial & Penn.
WANTED!!! Individuals, student organizations and small groups to promote SPRING BREAK `96. Earn MONEY & FREE TRIPS. Call the nation's leader, INTER-CAMPUS PROGRAMS http.//www.icpt.com 1-800-327-6013
NOW HIRING part/full time positions for mornings, evenings. Apply at Hardee's, 1400 E 2nd St, Edmond.
ART GALLERY Part time sales. 842-5024
TEACHERS NEEDED for all ages Sunday mornings and occasional (weekday) evenings. If interested, apply at Metrochurch or call Mykael Story at 348-3000, X133.
FULL TIME PRE-SCHOOL teachers needed. Experience necessary, degree preferred. Apply at Metro Early Learning Center or call 348-0199.
BRAUM'S Edmond Locations We are accepting applications for full and part time employment at our Edmond stores. Flexible scheduling with up to 35 hours for part time employees and starting rates up to $5.25 for part time and $6.15 for full time with merit pay available. ouseverves, College & Moonlighters... 71fffie bevel a variety of Day,
E vening and Weekend • Shifts Available.
wins Means New
Job Opportunities 100 4 ZPositjons must be filled
No experience necessary Paid training 401K plan Opportunity for advancement
1POSITIONS PAY + BONUSES (4. pommissioNs
CALL 359-7444
. gb Sohooi SeNve wecome to '40ply • Mot be 17 yowl; ol ego
Y;." . 0.4.TTED AATI tnfrIONI ALSO **RUM
I've got a good job for youNo experience Necessary we will train you. Waitresses Wanted
We offer part time work and we are flexible in regards to days and hours.
Industry wide the standard pay for a waitress is $2.13 plus tips.
We offer very competitive pay Example:
Base wage $5.00 per hour
Incentive Pay $1.00 per hour *Plus tips $4.00 per hour avg $10.00 Total *While we can not guarantee tipspast history from pay day to pay day, with our past and present employees shows this to be a very fair expectation.
We will also cross train you to bartend- a $750.00 value if you attended bartending school.
Qualifications: Non smoker, moderate drinker, reliable transportation, phone, drug screen required and work references that are verifiable.
Apply in person 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday and Thursday ask for me, Jon!
Now is a great time to earn a little extra money for next semester's tuition, Christmas or even Spring Break! Apply in person, please. We'd love to meet you at 3101 E Memorial Rd or 2420 S Broadway.
Braum's Ice Cream/Dairy Stores EOE
EVENING & WEEKEND service center position. Apply at Edmond Y, 1220 S Rankin, ask for Lynne, 348-9662.
KISS YOUR SEARCH for the Perfect Apt Home "Goodbye"! *Edmond Schools *Limited access gates *Intrusion Alarms "24-hr emergency maintenance *Near Quail Springs Mall *Washer/dryer available *Indoor/outdoor pools *Exercise room*stocked lake *No security deposit *No application fee QUAIL LAKES 14300 N Penn 755-4395
1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS Duplexes & Townhomes Kennedy Place Apts 1010 N Kennedy, Edmond (Near UCO) 341-7911 Welcome Students!
DISCOUNTED SOFTWARE. Microsoft Office $99.95. HP48GX $189.95. Call HAS Collegiate Express 1-800-332-1100 ext 5.
SAVE 20% on collectible card games, role-playing games, war games and Fantasy or Historical Miniatures. Pharoah's Guard, 10109&1/2 N Western, OKC or call 748-GAME.
1984 PONTIAC Grand Prix, good reliable car, recently tuned up, V-8, power everything, am/fm cassette. Good tires, body & interior in good shape. Must sell $1100 OBO, 341-2980, X4561.
486 COMPUTER: 486DX2-50 INTEL CPU, 16 Meg RAM, 1.08 Gig SCSI-II Hard Drive & Adaptec 1542 Controller, 3.5" Floppy Drive, 14" SVGA Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Windows '95, MidTower Case & More. $1295.00 or make offer. Leave message 340-8971 after 6pm M-F.
COMPUTER PRINTERS for salePanasonic Dotmatrix KXP1180 $40; Panasonic color KXP1123 $125, both with extra ribbons, 348-1005.
1966 FORD MUSTANG coupe, 6 cyl, power steering, all original, 96K original mi, all receipts, $3500, 330-6234, ask for Amy.
1991 NISSAN SENTRA SE-R, 50K mi, bright red, grey interior, 5-sp, 2-dr, am/fm cassette, power roof, gd condition, $7000, 348-2462.
1988 HONDA CIVIC hatchback, red, 2-dr, 4-sp, AC, am/fm radio, 67K mi, new brakes, runs great, $3456 OBO. Great student car,. MUST SELL. Please call 405-341-9123.
FAST FUNDRAISER, raise $500 in 5 days. Greeks, Groups, Clubs, Motivated Individuals. Fast, easy, no financial obligation (800)862-1982 Ext 33.
FEMALE seeks financially stable, nonsmoker to share 2 bedroom, 1&1/2 bath duplex w/fireplace, backyard & 2-car garage. $187.50 + 1/2 bills. 359-5765, leave message. LOST AND FOUND