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Study shows economic boost if recreational marijuana bill passes
Jocelyn Schifferdecker Contributing Writer
From the gas station to the grocery store, Oklahomans struggle with increased prices across the state. However, a new study shows that if State Question 820 passes, they may be getting a break.
“We are talking about $821 million to the state of Oklahoma over the next five years,” said SQ 820 campaign director Michelle Tilley.
Tilley said the campaign had the study done because they saw the benefits other states with legalized recreational marijuana had and they wanted concrete evidence to show their findings. The research was done by leading cannabis and corporate law firm Vicente Sederberg LLP.
“Over the first five years of operations from 2024 to 2028, the model projects that Oklahoma will raise more than $434.6 million in new revenue from the 15% excise tax from State Question 820,” said Vicente Sederberg’s director of economics and research, Andrew Livingston.
In addition to the boost in Oklahoma’s revenue, Vicente Sederberg predicts thousands of jobs will be created from sales, packaging, shipping, and more.
“We hear reports from people all the time in the industry. These are good jobs. They are paid high wages, some of them even offer full benefits and retirement plans,” said Tilley.
The money will go directly to the state but it will still help communities across the state per the allocations in the report. The full breakdown of this can be found on page 13. According to the report, 30% will go toward grants to support public schools and develop programs to support students.
“The most important things and priorities that we all see in Oklahoma that need more funding are schools, our education system, healthcare,” said Tilley.
In opposition to this campaign is Protect our Kids: No SQ 820. In response to this study the group said they don’t think you can put a price on the health of Oklahomans and our children.
SQ 820 will be voted on March 7, 2023.
A Sun-Saturn conjunction gives you a boost of productive energy right before the weekend, but make sure to keep your to-do lists realistic! The Pisces New Moon transits your second house, bringing transformative energy to what makes you feel secure. More may be under your control than you currently perceive. Your song for this week is “Every Single Night” by Fiona Apple.
19-March 20
Tenderheart, a sweet Venus-Neptune conjunction turns the sentimentality to a 10 the day after Valentine’s Day. There’s no shame in being in your feelings, and sometimes it’s OK to do a little romanticizing. Let your heart guide you. On Saturday the Sun moves into your sign right before Sunday night’s New Moon in Pisces. That same night, Venus enters Aries. Expect both fireworks and a likely change in perspective. Your song for the week is “Water Leaking, Water Moving” by Jeffery Lewis.
A project may require some teamwork Friday, and the stars align to help you. While Piscesan energy is strong this week, Sunday’s chart brings a sky worthy of healthy endings and new beginnings. Your garden grows when you nurture it and this weekend will feel like a brand new kind of Valentine’s-Part-Two. Venus moves into your sign Sunday night to match Vesta’s move last week. What is worth fighting for, and what needs to go? You’ll know when the time is right. Your song this week is “Blood Red Moon” by The Hives.
When Pallas goes direct, it transits your second house, moving the focus of your intuition to changes in your material reality. The Pisces New Moon coincides with Venus’ move into Aries. This portends new beginnings in terms of friendship and a possible shift towards action in love. The moon itself will transit your eleventh house of friendship and social networks. Your song for the week is “Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)” by Edison Lighthouse.
Are you ready for the next step in your career? This New Moon transits your 10th house. While New Moons can symbolize new beginnings, the 10th house symbolizes your public face and career mindset. What will you create with this new opportunity? An answer may be found in the passions stirred up by Venus’ move into Aries. Your song for the week is “Gotta Work” by Amerie.
Pallas goes direct in your sign on Thursday, strengthening mental stability and bringing the focus of your intuition back to earth. Good news: you’ll feel much more like yourself, so this is a great time to consider how you’re showing up for yourself. This Pisces New Moon transits your house of philosophy and travel, bringing you closer to your dreams. With that in mind, your song this week is “Dreams Tonite” by Alvvays.
With Venus moving into Aries, the romantic energy is huge this week. Remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Loving yourself first makes every part of life a little easier. The New Moon moves through your eighth house, stirring up creative energy and giving you a chance to turn over a new leaf. Your song for the week is “Easy v2” by Baird and Kevin Abstract.
Vir Go
August 23- September 22
The Piscean energy flowing free this week is good for you, as it’s your sister sign. The watery energy will make for a weekend that feels right. Don’t be afraid to stop and smell the roses, don’t take yourself too seriously, and tune into your heart. This New Moon transits your house of relationships, bringing in some sweet energy on Monday. Your song for the week is “Charlemagne” by Blossoms.
The New Moon transits your house of daily habits. This could spell changes in the daily routine, big and small. Think about what habits are adding to your life and which ones need to go. Venus’ move into Aries transits your house of relationships, so expect some added spice! Your song for the week is “Tunnels” by Kill Vargas.
This New Moon transits your fifth house, which rules everything fun and pleasure-related. This time can mark new beginnings, especially when combined with Venus’ move into Aries until mid-March. Is there a new creative project on the horizon? Your song for the week is “Release Identity” by Superhuman Happiness.
Venus’ move into Aries on Feb 20 sets the stage for a month of exciting and surprisingly intense energy.
Venus’ move into Aries this week stirs up your inner fire! Where will you direct this newfound energy? Also, the Pisces New Moon transits your fourth house of home and family. New directions in your family (or found-family) structure could reveal themselves now. Your song for the week is “PINCH ME” by young friend.
This New Moon transits your third house of mind and intellect. You may now feel ready to let go of thought patterns that previously held you back. It can also come through as a burst of productive energy and mental quickness! Journaling may be helpful to refocus on your goals and passions. Your song for the week is “Parallel” by j ember.