4 minute read
UCO professor responds to artifical intelligence
Kaleb Gonzalez
Contributing Writer

An English professor at the University of Central Oklahoma is revamping English writing courses this semester to adapt to advancements in artificial intelligence, like Open AI’s ChatGPT.
English professor Laura Dumin is the director of the technical writing program at UCO and works with the compositions and rhetoric master’s program. Dumin is running an Institutional Review Boards study to learn how ChatGPT will affect her students’ learning this semester. Dumin said they are looking at this critically.
“I think it is important that, even if we are going to have students use it or not, we know that they are using it, and we have to help them think critically,” Dumin said.
According to the AI’s own description, ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI.
“I am designed to understand and generate human-like responses to natural language input,” the AI, or its programmer, said.
“It is not actually sentient,” Dumin said. “I think that is where people need to remember that it is not going out and finding the best answers for us, but it is using predictive modeling to put together the answers that it thinks fit.”

AQUARIUS January 21-February 18 PISCES February 19-March 20 ARIES March 21-April 19 TAURUS April 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20
As the innovator of the zodiac, there are two aspects with Mercury in your sign you’ll need to know this week. Tuesday, Mercury squares Uranus, making sure that every single thing that can go wrong will. Not so great. However, Mercury trines Mars the next day, bringing in sweet and clever energy to your communication. Use your powers wisely! Your song for the week is “El Arma Que Te Trajo” by Safety Trance and Arca.
After your New Moon last week, this is a great time for planting the seeds to grow towards your goals. As we get closer to Spring, wildflowers will bloom. You can too. A weekend with three full days under a Taurus moon will provide a chance to ground and reconnect with your own intuitive energy. Your song for the week is “Cologne” by beabadoobee.
The Moon slides into your sign on Wednesday, brightening up the energetic undercurrent to match your pace. Last week’s New Moon in Pisces may still be showing its effects as the Moon continues to wax. This transformative sign’s effects may be catalyzed in your 12th house of the subconscious mind, meaning that your dreams could have extra significance at this time. Your song for the week is “I’m Every Woman” by Chaka Khan.
Make sure to double-check your texts before pressing send on Tuesday as a funky Mercury-Uranus square scrambles our words. After last week’s New Moon, you may notice changes in your social networks. Making new friends doesn’t have to be anxiety-inducing. Following your flow will make all the difference. Your song for the week is “Telegram Sam” by Bauhaus.
After navigating any speedbumps on Tuesday, the week unfolds naturally. The waxing Moon builds on intentions you set last week. Notably, the last New Moon transited your house of career connections. This is the time for updating your LinkedIn profile! Next week starts with the Moon in your sign, making a great time for work-related moves. Your song for the week is “Strange Conversations” by Automatic.
Don’t make important plans on Tuesday, it’s going to work out better another day. Use that time instead to lay low and work carefully. Good news: the Moon stays in Taurus all weekend long, which lends itself perfectly to a nice, long nap. This week builds on last week’s New Moon, so keep an eye on any changes via emotional exploration. Your song for this week is “Waterfalls” by TLC.
SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21
Don’t plan anything important for Tuesday. Wednesday brings out your wild side when the Moon swings into Aries. Try to get into some good trouble! This week’s Moon waxes over the intentions you set at the New Moon. Any goals related to whatever feels like home begin to materialize during this time. Your song for the week is “Peach Fuzz” by Groupthink and Cybertrash.

When was your last at-home spa day? This weekend is all luxurious Taurus energy, so take your time soaking it in. A charcuterie board and a fluffy blanket is an excellent way to spend a night in. Take time this week to build on goals related to any inner healing. Pro tip: rewatching your favorite childhood movies with friends counts as inner child work! Your song for the week is “COZY” by Beyonce.
Vir Go
August 23- September 22
While Tuesday could throw a curveball your way, the rest of this week will bode well for work. Wednesday’s Mercury-Mars trine puts just the right words exactly where you need them! As temperatures rise and the Moon waxes, your thoughts and actions continue to create your physical reality. What changes are you ready to make? Your song for the week is Each Time I Die by Bones & Beeker.
LIBR A September 23-October 2 2
CANCER June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-August 22 SCORPIO October 23-November 21
Wednesday will be fun for you. As the Moon in Aries coincides with a sweet, chatty Mercury-Mars trine, expect sweet interactions all day. This week builds upon your daily habits. The small changes, like removing barriers to exercise or calling an old friend, will turn into big results over time. Your song for the week is “Right On, Frankenstein!” by Death From Above 1979.
Picking up some angst this week? Don’t stress too much, the weekend will make up for it. Whether you have time off or not, three days under a Taurus Moon will create the energy you need to ground within yourself. This is the perfect time to recenter and remember what you did for fun as a kid. Your song for the week is “DON’T STOP” by BAD NERVES.
March is around the corner as the Moon waxes this week, opportune for spring cleaning!
CAPRICORN December 21-January 20
If any instability comes in early in the week, remember you got this! Because of last week’s New Moon in Pisces, this week builds upon how you understand your emotional and material security.
Beginning Friday, three days with the Moon in Taurus will bring you back to center. Your song for the week is “Each Others” by Boyfrndz.