5 minute read
New brand personality for UCO with Carnegie colors
Sam Royka Managing Editor
UCO Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs Adrienne Nobles and Dave Emerson, a strategist from higher education marketing company Carnegie, introduced UCO’s new brand personality in Constitution Hall last Tuesday.
The new branding was developed through workshops held at UCO in Fall 2022. The new personality seeks to increase enrollment by increasing familiarity in the surrounding area as a possible solution to the budget crisis. They seek to do this by giving UCO a new face.
“Carnegie is passionate about the science of human connections. As human beings, we tend to humanize things that we come into contact with. Institutions are no different,” Emerson said.
“In fact, most institutions have some sort of personality that they portray. When you think about Nike, they portray that personality of being really resilient, being really determined, being a champion,” Emersons said. “Higher Ed, they don’t tend to live in a personality. In fact, there is a lot of what we call, and I get into this, beige personality, where they’re all telling the same stories. They’re all factual and a lot of just the same types of things.
“Nobody’s differentiating themselves into what their personality actually is as an institution. And so what we do at Carnegie is we help institutions understand what is your personality, what are your traits, what are your faults? What is your reason for being, why do you exist? And then ultimately, this helps you define your personali- ty and how you should live into that in terms of branding,” he said.

The fall workshops attracted 465 internal in-person participants and 1505 external online participants.
“Carnegie has curated and refined nine archetypes or personalities that institutions and, really, people tend to have in their personality. And so
The first, yellow and blue, match up with Broncho colors bronze and blue. However, this was just a coincidence!
“It was just pure chance. In fact, I saw it and I was like that’s literally their school colors,” Emerson said. “We were excited that those were the school colors. But yeah, there was no correlation.” Yellow and blue values were combined to form the phrase “accomplished innovator.”
“Your yellow blue storyline, our innovative collaboration, inspires students to lead the way forward in Oklahoma and beyond,” he said.
The handout explained those two in these words: “Intelligent and influential, driven by inventing the future through innovation. Delivers ingenuity, pride, and strength. Values accomplishment, experimentation, and progress. Causes people to feel confident and inspired.” Purple and orange were the other two colors included for UCO’s new personality.
Purple was summarized by “welcoming supporter.” these are the nine different archetypes that we’ve associated into a name but also a color so I’ll briefly go over these just to give you an idea at Carnegie we love to speak in colors,” Emerson.
The handout explained more in depth about what that meant.
“Supportive and selfless, driven by compassion, warmth, and the desire to care for others. Delivers nurturing, comfort, and protection. Values altruism, commitment, and generosity. Causes people to feel valued and supported,” it read.
This graphic, tweeted by Carnegie HQ, is a simplified version of the one Emerson brought to explain the different color-trait associations.
UCO’s new direction is broken up into three different focus areas based on these colors.

Orange was summed up into “imaginative creator.”
“Creative and imaginative, driven by self-expression and artistry. Delivers something new that encourages creativity. Values originality, ideation, and new concepts. Causes people to feel constructive and expressive,” the handout said. UCO will put the new marketing into place over the next semester.
The upcoming Virgo Full Moon transits your eighth house, bringing up things from your inner depths for review. What mysteries would you like to chase this next month? Now is the time to decide! You might check on the Scorpios in your life, as their ruling planet is Pluto, the same as the eighth house. Wednesday’s Venus-Jupiter conjunction adds extra sparkles to your social interactions that could have lasting effects! Your song for the week is “Self Motivated” by Tamara Bubble.
The Moon is in your sign Wednesday through Friday, creating a few days that make it easier to move forward on your goals. Venus in Aries is a spicy transit that may be stirring up drama, and if so, this is the perfect time to communicate with your loved ones about it. Mercury’s move into Pisces puts everyone in their feels. Your song for the week is “What You’re Thinking” by Luna Li.
Mercury enters your sign on Thursday with the Moon in Cancer. Meanwhile, the upcoming Full Moon transits your seventh house of relationships. This week is an incredibly opportune time for connecting with others on levels perhaps not previously explored, especially Wednesday! Aries energy is sometimes unpredictable, but you have your own flow that can balance it out. Your song for the week is “Cutie” by Coin.
A Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your sign makes Wednesday the day of the year for any social interactions. It’s extremely auspicious especially for you, so pay attention! The Moon will shift into fiery Leo through the weekend before a Full Moon in Virgo next Tuesday. This Full Moon will transit your sixth house of daily habits. Your song for the week is “Bad Energy” by Lilyisthatyou.
Three days with the Moon in nurturing Cancer through mid-week brings your focus to your heart, home, and relationships. Emotional conversations may flow better during this time, especially as Venus in Aries heats things up. The upcoming Full Moon transits your fifth house, drawing your attention to what brings you pleasure in the material realm. Your song for the week is “Made It” by Teyana Taylor.
Sam Royka Managing Editor
The upcoming Full Moon transits your fourth house, bringing attention to your home and family. Note: this can include found family. This might be a good time for check-ins as the Moon slips into emotional Cancer on Wednesday. Communicate your feelings, Gemini! Your song for the week is “Ready or Not” by Shakey Graves and Sierra Ferrell.
The Moon is in your sign over the weekend, so take time to relax when you can! This week waxes the Moon up to Full in Virgo next Tuesday. It will transit your second house, making this an excellent time for money moves. Just make sure you have an Earth sign looking over those plans. Your song for the week is “Vigilante Shit” by Taylor Swift.
Vir Go
August 23- September 22
The Moon is waxing to Full this week, and will end up in your sign. As this transits your first house, it highlights everything that makes you yourself! So you go, Virgo, treat yourself! Next Monday, a sweet Sun-Uranus transit brings the good vibes we all need. Your song for the week is “Feels So Good” by Mase.
The upcoming Virgo Full Moon will transit your twelfth house of subconscious patterns. Watch for what shows up for you over the next week as it may offer keys to better understanding yourself! Journaling may be a good way to record any changes or patterns. Next Monday is a day of positive energy when the Sun meets Uranus. Your song for the week is “Lights Up” - Myd Remix.
When the Moon slips into Cancer on Wednesday, water energy aligns with you. Thursday could bring some emotional conversations to the surface as Mercury moves into another fellow water sign, Pisces. There is also a possibility for spiritual or otherwise transformative communication during this time. The next Full Moon transits your house of networks, highlighting changes that have greater ripples than expected. Your song for the week is “Unfinished” by Noah Cyrus.
Heads up! March 1 is the best date night of the year. Venus in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries creates luck from all directions, so use this time wisely!
22-December 21
The upcoming Virgo Moon next week transits your tenth house, highlighting your career! What money moves are you making, fireheart? As Mercury moves into emotional Pisces, conversations make way for ending harmful patterns and beginning new journeys. Your song for the week is “Not for Sale” by Sudan Archives.

The next Full Moon will transit your ninth house, which may prompt a review of your personal philosophies! What morals guide your movements, and what might need an update? It’s all up to you to decide. After Thursday, Mercury will be in Pisces, strengthening your ability to communicate gently. Your song for the week is “2 Atoms
In A Molecule” by Noah And The Whale.